HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0378 plans approved � Dacumentation for the Tenant Improvement r , � � 52C} � Lion's Nead �ir. ARCHITECTURE o�$���o soza9�. Unit �-8 IRIT�RI�R DESIGN 724-57Q-0422 V�i�, C(� 81 ��v7 .C`'.�RAPHIC DESIC'.�N ,�,Nw.studiaatlantis.cc�m General i�afies Architectural A�breviations F�eference �ymbals Applicable Godes CflNTRACT DOCUMENTS 19 CEea�n and pravide maintenance on completed AFF......... Abave Finished Fioor LT ........... Light Room information Symbol gUI�C�IC1C,�: Plumbing: 1 Gontract Qacuments far fhis project are construction as frequen#ly as necessary thraugh ACtJUS ... Accausticai L.VT......... Luxury Vinyl Tile NAME �--- ' ' comprised of the Drawings,the Specifications, canstruction. Adjust and fubricate operabCe ADD........ Addenda,Addendum MFR........ Manufacturer �---- Room Name 12 International Building �ode 12 Internatinal Plumbin� Cc�de and the Project Manual. components to assure new and existing ADJ ......... Adjacent MATL....... Ma#erial with local ar�endments with local amendments �'� �� � equipment will operate ta manufacturer's requirements AGGR..... Aggregate MO,..,....... Masonry Opening 10C1 Roam Number � � � � �'��' � 2 All work under this contrac#shall be in strict accordance at substantial completion. ALT.......,. Alternate MTL......... Metal with applicabfe codes, IacaV ordinances, and public ALUM ...... Aluminum MAX......... Maximum Mechanical: Accessibility (A[�A): agencies having jurisdiction over the work. 20 Supervise construction operatians to assure that APPD...... Approved MECN ...... Mechanical , , , �� � no part of the cons#ruction,campleted or in progress, APPRC.�X. Approxirnate MC ........... Mechanical Contractar Elevation Symbt�l '12 International Mechanical Code '12 Internatiana) Bu�ld�ng Gode � � �. 3 All materials stored on site shalf be properly is subject ta harmful,dangerous,damaging ARCH ...... Architect(ural) MED........ Medic(ine}(al) � stacked and protected ta preu�n#damage and exposure during constructian. ASAP...... As Soon As Possible MIN .......... Minimurn 1 �--------- Elevatior� Number (with local amendment�) 12 IBC and ICC ,� ����� � deterioratian. Failure to protect materia{s may be BBR........ Baseboard Radiation MISC....... Miscellaneous �.? cause for rejectian of the wark. 21 Cantractor shall replace,withaut cast ta the t�wner, BM .......,.. Beam NOM ........ Nominal Addi�ional Elevations �117.1 �p � � � � � . � �.k�'" sr,ow �� u�ed ElectricallEner Conservation: � ire: �� ��''` 4 The Contracfcar shall confine constructian aperatiorrs defectiue work or materials a eann w�thin one BF2G ........ eearin NIC .......... Not In Contract ,,:�� A10 g� ���� �� on site ta areas permitted by these documents. [�]Y�ar after completion of the project. BFF......... Be1ow Finished Floar NA........... Not Applicable � 12 Internafiional Energy �onsrevation 12 Interr�atianal Fire �ode ��`� BET......... Between NTS ......... Not To Scale She�t Number 22 Contractar shall coardinate sampCes and materials g�K......... Block OC ........... On Center ~�-�w� .�i0(�e PRECEDENCE. with Architeet in order that Archit�ct I Interior es�� 5 A Generall s ecifications take recedence over the 9 Y p es in a manner so as ��MT...,.. Basement OPG ........ Opening �, � �y Desi ner ma reuiew sam 1 BTU ......... British Thermal Unit{s) OPP ......... Oppasite twith local amendment�) drawings and large scal�d�tails or plans sha}I gou�rn not to impede the progress af the work. gC7 ........... Baard ORN ....,... Ornimental aver small scale drawings. In the event the BS .......,... Bath Sides QPH ........ Opposite Hand Section �ymbol Contractor discovers discrepancies,or the in#ent �3 Gantractor shall prepare a construction schedule gp ,,,,,,,,,, Battom of OD........... Outside Diameter B u i Id i r�g Data within five[5]days after the established start of g�.pG ...... Buildin PTN ......... Partition of the plans or specifications is nat clear,the g construction. This schedule is to�e caordinated y( ? 1 Drawing Number Con#ractar shall notify tlie prchiteet befare proceeding GAB ...,.... Cabinet d .............. Penn Nails, Ect. with Architect/Interiar�esigner to anticipate with the wark. CL ........... Center Line PERF....... Perforated lead!deliuery times of items provided by Architect CLG ........ Geilin PIAST.,... Plaster Construction Type: �(� 8 All dimensions take precedence aver scale tcr be installed b Contractor. � ��� Sheet Number � CER...,.... Ceramic PLAS....... Plastic ;prinklered of drawings. CLR,....... Clear PL............ Plate 24 Contractor to provide the Architect will all ��p ,,,,,,., Closet P�EX....... Plexiglass C All dimensions are to face of stud unless a#herw+se submitkals and shop drawings and samples in CLD ........ Cloth�s Dry�r P�MB....... Plumbing Detail Symbol nated. accordance with the Contract Documents. ���n/,,,,,,, Clothes Washer PLY .......,.. Plywaod �CCU�}aC1C�1: M {Unchanged} C�L........ Galumn PR4J ....... Praject f D Ceiling height dimensions are from finish floorto 25 Contractor shall provide inspections,tests and other p � Detail Nurnber �ccupan� Load; 770s.f.!�� ��J �CCU�c`�I�1�S Ct7NC ...,. Cancrete PROP ...... Pro ert � face of fnish ceiling sur€ace unless noted atherwise. quality control services specified here and elsewhere �J ........... Constructian Jaint QT........... Quarry Tile in the Contract Documenfis and required by authorities � A� Sheet Number Exits Required: 1 6 The Contractor shall acquire and pay for all permits having jurisdiction over the work.The cos#s far CONT...... Continuous Q'1"Y......... Quanti ins ectians and a rovals connected with the COQRD ... Coordinate R.............. Radius P pp these services are ta be included in the final Exits Provided 1 work as part af the cast of construction. construction sum. GTR......,. Counter RD........... Roc�f Drain C/S ..,....... Counter Sink RM ........... Raom {�� �d Nate � mbol 7 The drawings and specifications shall serve as a guide CF ........... Cubic Feet RS ............ Rough Sawn y �l 26 Coordinate the sequence of activities ta accammodate DP .....,..... Qam roofin RCB......... Resilient Gove Base to the scape of this praject. The Gon#rac#c�r shall . • P 9 required services with a mmimum af delay. Coardina#e C}EPT...... De artment RW........... Retainin Wall Nate Identification pravide all necessary labor,materials,and equipment ackivities to avoid remaving and replacing construction p � F required for a complete project. to accammadate inspections and tests. DTL......... Detail REF ......... Refer DIA..,....... Diameter F2EFR....... Refrigerator 8 The Gantractar shalf do ali eutting,fitting and DIM ......... Dimension REINF ...... Reinfarce(d} 27 Contractor is responsible for scheduling inspectians, g ( } Finish Material �yrnbol patching such that aN par#s fit together properly. DW......... Dishwasher REBAR.... Reinfarcin Bar s tests and similar activities in a timely fashion �utting and patching shall nat endanger any other QN .......... Down RESIL ...... Ftesiiient ����Q�� �����. sa as not ta impede the pragress of the work. q W_1 --°- Finish Identificatian �✓ wprk. All patching,repairing,and replac�ment DR.......... C}rain FtEQD ...... Fte uired af surfaces ar rnaterials damaged during cuiting �g /���yu�rk shall be done by workers ski(led in their DWG....... Drawing R.............. Riser and patching shall be repaired to match surrounding respective trade. All work shall be dane in strict EA........... Each RO ........... Rough Qpening surfaces free from visible differentiation. accardar�ce with manufacturer"s directians EW.......... Each Way SAN ......... Sanitary T�IIS IS a project of limited scope. lNork is to entail: ELECT.... Electrical SECT....... Section Door Number S mbof where appficable.Workmanship that does not camply y 9 The Contractorshafl rovide all necessa blockin , EC .......... Eiectrical Cantractar SEW........ Sewer 1 . Addin one dressir� room P �'Y 9 with the obvious intent of these documen#s shal! , g � backin and#ramin for all store fixtures,all e ui ment EL ........... Elevation SHT......... Sheet 9 9 9 R be replaced at the Contractor's exp�nse.All materials 100 Door Number 2, Remove exi�tin NC�N-F�ATED la Irl C�I�11�1 shelving,electrical devices and equipment, mechanical shall be of the best of the their respective kinds ENGR...... Engineer SVF.......... Sheet Vinyl Flooring � y' � devices and equipment,recessed items and ather �pecified,new and free of defects. �� •••�•���•� �qU�� SEiLV....... Shelv(es}(ing) �, Provided Gyp BD ceiling where indicated items as required,wheather indicated exactly on drawings EXG ........ Existing SIM .......... Similar or not. 29 Brands ar names a#manufacturers specified h�rein EJ ....,...... Expansion Joint SL............ Siiding 1Nindow Number Symbo{ 4. Relocate Lighting and provide new a� indicated reflect a measure of quality ar a standard. If the EXP ........ Expased STC ......... Sound-Transmissian Class 10 Pravide access panels as required by governing codes Contractor desires to use any other brand or EXT......... E�erior SPEC ....... Specification �QQ �--- Window Number �J' . Moue or remave 1 stick of fin tube heating to all concealed spaces,equipment,and dev�ces. manufac#urer, he shal(request appraval fram the FO ........... Face Of SQ ........... Square Verify type required, location, and size wi#h Architect Architectjustifying th�equal substitutian and shall FIN .......... Finish SF............ Square Feet 6. Patch and repair as require� for abave wark prior to installation, submit that infarmation to the Architect far review in FP ........... Fireproof SS ........... Stainiess Steel such a time frame sa as not ta impact#he project �PL......... Fireplace STD......... Standard Revision � mbol 11 Provide smoke detectors in accardance with schedule. FIXT........ Fixture ST�.......... Stee1 y current applicable codes. FLR......... Floor STRUGT.. Structural �� —`—Revisian Number FD.,......... Floar Drain SUB ......... Substitive " „ °_ �"�'_� �. 12 The Genera!Contractor and all Cantrac#ars bidding on �a Contractor shail provide camplete systems ta ensure FT........... Foot, Feet SUPPL..... Supplement ,° ' �° � � �� � � ��'�'� � this project shafl uisi#the job sita ta familiarize them- proper functian so as to comply with the intent of these FTG ........ Footing S4S ......... Surfaced Four Sides �� °`" � �� ` �����`��.� ��' selves with the actual site conditions prior ta building. documents whe#her ap camponents ar parts are FDN .,....,. Foundation SUSP,...... Suspend{ed) � 3 3�� specified or not. FURN ...... Fumish TEL...,....... Telephane Equipm�nt Number �ymbal � '�' � !� 13 Field verify aCl conditions and dimensions with GAL......... Gallon N....,....... Te(evision ° .��?. r�° _���� 100A E ui ment Number � "� � � � �� ���� construction dacuments prior to commencing 31 FINA�ACCEPTANCE: GA.......... Gauge TEMP,...... Tempered �� � � construction ar fabrieatian. 1f any deparkure fram the GALV...... Galvinized THK..........Thick ' - £° rt desi n intent of the contract documents is re uired, Before requesting�nal accep#ance certificatian, ' 9 p GC .,,.,,.... General Cantractor TLT...........Toilet the General Contractor shall nati the Architect complete and pravide the follawing: �° ,�;,':. ., ... . . uti.,K ...��������,,,.am fY GL ........... Glass,Glazed T&G ...,......Tongue&Groove Wali Type/�onstru�tion �ymbal and Owner before entering into a contract with the A Submit specific warranties,workmanship barrds, GR.......... Grade T&B .......... Top And Battom Owner. Failure to pravide Architect and�wner with maintenance agreements,f118I C8t'�i�Cc�tIQ115, GYP........ Gypsum TO............ Top Of the aforementioned notificafion$hall result in the and similar documents. GWB....... Gypsum Wallboard T...............Tread E Wall Type Call 4ut specific Cantractor being held responsib(e for all HDW....... Hardware TYP.......... Typical work required t�meet the design intent of the B Maintain a clean set af blue line print$of HD ........... Head UG ........... Underground contract documents with no additional construction construcfion documents,shop drawings and HVAC...... Heating„Venting&Air Conditioning UNGL....... Unglazed costs incurred by the Qwner, specifications. Mark these documents with HC?RIZ..... Norizontal lJNFIN ...... Unfinished locatians af"as-built"assemblies. HP.,......,.. Morse Pawer U,N.O. ...... Unless Noted Qtherwise Norfih Arrow �ymbo( I��UES IRE'VISIC�NS � 14 The Gontractar shali not commence with the work HWH ....... Mat Water Heater UBC......... Uniform Building Cade C Change over permanent locks and transmik HGT.......... Hei ht VIF .....,..... Veri �n Field until actual conditions are ve�ified ta be as set forth 9 �Y� in the drawin s.The Contractor, by startin the wark, keys to Owner and Facility Manager. Advise INCL ........ Include(d)(ing} VERT....... Vertical # �c'��� D�scription � � (� �-Direction afi Praject N�rth Owner and Architect of key!security change. INF4....... Infarmatian VCT...,..... Vin I Com osition 7ile will be deemed to have accep#ed th�existing conditions. y p It wil(then be the Contractor`s responsibili#y ta make INSP ....... Inspector, Inspection V.............. Volt 1 (�9lQ9/15 Permit Issue �� the necessary carrections, repairs and adjustments � �ample#e start-up and tesfing af systems. �p ,,,__,,,,,,, Inside Diameter WN .....,..... Water Heater to make the praject complete without additional 32 FINAI.CLEANING: INSUL..... lnsulatian WG ........... Water Claset � compensation, INT.......... Interior WP ........... Waferpraof ��' � 1n addition to periadic clsan up,the contractor JT............ Jaint WT........... Weighf 15 The installer af each maaor campanent shall at#he cam�aletian of the project shall thoraughfy JGT......... Junction WWF ....... Welded Wire Fabric inspect both substrate and eonditians under which ����►�all areas of the work. Wash alI windaws KWN ....... Kilowatt Hour WDW....... Window � �� work is ta be performed. Do not proceed until frames and mirrors. Clean all fnished floors, LAB ,....... �aboratory W/............ With unsatisfac#ory conditions have been corrected wash all fixtures and tiled surfaces,remove LAM ........ Laminate W/4......... Without C��� in a satisfactory manner. any spills ar spatters from finished surfaces. LAV.�....... Lauatary W�.......... WQOd .�, � ��,� ���_ � � µ Touch up and atherwise repair and restore marred, WKG ........ Working 16 �ontractor to schedule construction operations in the expased finishes. sequence required to obtain the best resufts where installation of one part afi the W�rk depends on installation of other components be#ore or after its own installation, Nlake provisions to aceommodate items scheduled far[ater installation. � � 17 Coordinate installation of differenf components to � ,������� assure maximum accessibility for required mainfenance,service and repair. '18 Clean and protect construction in progress and � adjoining materials in place during handling and instaflation. Apply protective covering to existing � materials and assemblies when being saued and M where required to assure pratection from damage ar �i deterioration priar ta substantial campfetion. .- ��V�r ��1��� � � r O N � � � N � C 'i Q EXISTING STC�RE FF20NT DOOR TO REMAlN � � NOTES: � ; � -AL�RETAfL FIXTURES BY TENANT -EXISTING FLOORING TO REMAIN -PROTECT ALL EXIST[NG WALI.S. FINiSHES _ TO REMAIN. �,����'�,.,,/�4��� 1.�V I � 618 E Kentucky Ave, D�nver, CtJ 8�209 EXISTING CLOSED RND SEALED DOC?R, NOT AN EXiT ��Q-�7O-Q4�� I BOOT FITTING BENCH BY TENANT WORK C4Ut�TER, DIMENSION 1N WWW.studic�atlantis.Ct7171 FIE�D TO 1NSURE PRQPER FIT '� � 4f I�i NEW WA�LS:5!$"GYP BD ___.__...__... (BQTH SIDES)(JN 3 5l8"25 GA METAL STUd. pRESSING RM NEW ADA BENCH, 18"A�F �'��� �� �� WALLS TQ BE$'-3°AFF(UP Tt� - "� HEIGHT 4F SQFFIT}. _ ��_p�� °, EXISTI�JG COLUMN � `` AI.IGN WALL.Wi CO�UMN �� � � H 1�1 ,� / POS C4UNTER � e ,�,. aa��� � MOVE C3R REMOVE EXISTIN� � 3'-1 1/2° !� *,�''�+� F1N TUBE HEATING AS REG2,FC?R NEW 3040 FLUSH PANEL c�'�� �,��� NEW CONSTRUGTION DRESSING RC)t}M DOOR ca � 5"ADA TURNING RADIUS � ADA COUNTER,36"AFF SKI REi�TAL.EQUIPMENT � Fioor Plan 1/4" = 1'-0" AL�QWED WATTAGE F'L(?OR FIX7URE i�ote: Alternate ceiling in this area to �LI ENT I I�FCJ 4-WAY 48 48 16 22.4 a f� be Suspended GYP BD on 20 GA 3 � ' Si8"Mtl Studs. Wire tie ta deck every ���� ���'�� 4'-0"O.G. 4-WAY 48 48 16 22.� GONDQLA 24 69 �1.a 16.1 L� wA�����u�� _ PR{�JECT WALL FIXTURE �'-�" "'!`°'°^°�"°° CLOTHING 24 594 99 '13�.6 DROP TRACK LiGHT1NG _ L_2 BELOW STRUCTUF2E ������ OTHER Q 0 0 0 - �� N(?TES: ��� 'I.REMqVE EXISTlNG NC)N-RATED LAY-IN ��,,,��(�(�(�� ��V�,� ��,�� TOTA�S C�EAN AND PREP CEI�ING 7FtUSS STRUCTURE 2. PRO7ECT AND REPAIR AS REQ.A�L Total exceptians{additianal watts ailowed, has ta be switched separately) 185.85 ANQ CEILiNG TC> �--"� �--2 EXISTfNG FIRE RATED FLOQRtCEI�ING RECEIVE PAINT ASSEMSLIES. � 520 E LiQn s H�ad Cir. Code allawed watts{1.5W x 764SF) �146 - Unit C-8 T4TA�WATTSALLOWED: ��s�.$�w � ;,���,��� �� ������ V�il CC� 81657 PROPCISED WATTAGE: 9'-7 1/2" � �� . ��` �, �������''°" , EXISTING F#RE : , �,`"t '. � ��� � �`� �` � �` RATEDASSEMBLY, �-1 �� �P���`�k.�,��'������-��', {10: L-1}4'-Q"TRAGK AT 20 WATfSI�F 8Q0 W � PREP FOFt PAINT r'__� -.-�` r'� GURRENT LfMiTED � L-1 ������ C� �.���.�°�. (7: �-2)RECESSED GAN AT 13 WATTS 91 W �� ~° . ��`�`,� ���,�� (4: L-3}PENDANT AT 50W 200 W AUGN SQFFIT {3: L-4)2X2 LED TRQFFER 60 W HI ���IC�n �n��'I�lt ��.�.�,�.�. , W/WALL �� ��: .�. ,_._��_ .�,m� .�.,w,,.,.�.ti �.,n�. ���.���� _�_,_ �,.� .�_,�.�..�_. , TOTAL PRC�FOSED WATFAGE: 1151 W 9`-7 1/2" w� t--1 ��6 ✓y�� THIS DRAWING IS PROPERTY OF 11'-6 314 �TUD(OATlANT1S. IT!S NQT TO BE EXISTiNG FIRE � 9'-7 1f2" (` E5{iSTING FIRE RATED C�F'IED IN WHQLE�3R IN PART. IT RATED ASSEMBLY, �, GEILING TO F2EMAIN lS NUT 74 BE USED QN RNY C}TNER PREP FdR PAINT NEW DRY WALL � I a PRt�JECT AND IS T�BE RETURNED O CEILING.5I8"GYP BD �-��'��w � L-1 on 25 GA Mti Studs UPQN REQUEST. Dd NUT SCALE Llg�ltlCl� FIXtUt'e SCllf;dlll� L-1 THIS DRAWING AS NORMAL � � REPRC?DUCTION MAY ALTER THE Type Mark Wattage Model �_s �} �--� accu�ac�r. � COPYR�GHT STUdIOATlAN71S,ING 2415 L-2 L-1 �3 W REU�E EX(STING CAN WI NEW LED BULB 8'-3 1/2�� �.-� � I��(„)E� /R�VISIC�N� � L_�; ? NEW DRY WALL Q` SOFFIT.5!8"GYP BD L-2 8 W EXISTING 4' TRACK W/ NEW �ED BIILB on Z5 GA Mtl Studs �_� # Date Description �-2: 10 �-4 1 091n9/15 Permit Issue L-3 50 W DEC{?RTIVE PENDANT BY TENENT �-s — � l.-3: 4 L-4 �0 W 2X2 LED REGESSED TR4FFER L-4: � **ADD CURRENT LIMITfNG DEVICE ON ALL TRAGK AT 20 WATTS 1 LF � C81�fT1 R�2t1 1l4" = 1'-0,� � °� Flcaar P1ans Q � � � P � � � � � � � � '� Q. b