HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0417 E15-0029 plans approved �T�U�CT"UF�AL� SI�E�IFICATIt�I��S ...�..���r�M�,'�.��.ry, �--r,w�+��+M I) l.icc buds used f�design- -Root'-BU prf A�tOw. -flon�-�10 pst'tesiden�iat ur 1(1(I p;f,vsembly arca+. -W ind-�mph 13 second gust).L'x�x�nurc t3. -Etuthquakc-Zunc C•IBC. ?) All ct�nstructiort musi Onmply�rith Ih�301?ttl�zry�ntinnal Rullding lbck aa qJoplyd�y thc'I oaT uf Vail(iUilJing lkpartmcnt at�d tht"U�ncra�Conditinns ol Ihe Conlra�K liir Canstruction"lA1A(Ax�umn�tt A'!01 I. All�trostruction mp�t lk cnmpletcd wilhln tM;micrarngs descdUcd in Ijtc"Rcsidentiat C'onsttu�Kinn Pcr- 1'vrmance(iuiadlincY'ns proparcJ by the NA'r10NAL ASSQC'IA'I iO�OF Hc�Mf NUI1.13ERti. 3) All strticturrl q{emlxn arc siwWn in�heir linal p��sit�ionz prorerly braced ancl wp- �irteJ;Junng��nstruetion i1 hwy be qecesn8ry to letpporarilq shmti(mrtiopx ul' ttn stryglure tehik oUitlt portions arc tx�ing consuuctcd. Contact thc rngin�wr fbr consullalion a.r�quirud. 4) (icncml Contnc�or is Rc�mmihlo tix�il non-s�tcifi�d ainnedirnis,contacl engi- necr for Jrtails p�myuU�d. 'fNc rngitteer is tu app�u�'e nll sl�curcn�uututitutiuns. 51 (i�hicra)ConlroCtur ic tn coordinatc ul�diaphrqpJn pcilMretiorls li.c._Chimnoys. plumbir�g,sc�•eh,c�c.l through floors.w�alls,nrofi rnJ 1'oim�Wtion�,al{s wi{h ap- pm�xiatn sub-�on1r�M�1�. (icir�rrl Cf�ntractur is respnns�+la fi�r 1he Iheans.tneth- udx,teclmiyucs.seyuellces.pruttdurgs,w•arkp�anship,scasunal scheduling ynd juMsitt snlery'UsK�ciafeJ u'ilh�his pmjecl. 'ff1C G�n�tal CuntraClor is 1�oe'rHy all Jimcnsinnx and��Ic�'adtsn.a wi�h thc archit�romt@�dra���ingx. Woiify rngincer nfall conllicts:+nd omixsions heh�wn��ari�ius rlcmenls af thc:�urking drawings��nd thc cxislinp copd.tiom prinr lo mmmGpcing u ilh thqt��rtinn af tho pa�jcct. 6> All materials exp�scJ tu cxtorior wu!ur muisturc cu�nfitians sliall b�:tnatcd fi�r ltt�:se conditione ti.c.,clumical tr��lm��nt,hlaining.p�inli�g.dampruu�ing.ittcm- {irttms.tloshin�ctc.�ps rcyuirCCl hy code. A1�maturials ia fip Imaa�cl for tiiv rc- xislance a+rcyuir�d hy tiuic. 9) t�oordi�eic all U1a:tricel•p��lhing,tnechanicpl and relaud sl:rviccs�eith appro- priala s�Ib-cumrnc�ors. All li�isfics tq piaich existinp ss wunlinxtcdµith bpiincss pwncr. 1Sx istiqg x•nll M�'rcn1o�•a!p4r plan Is a�xir1�M.�riqp wal I,al l xtecl Col- umns rel'ernncetl:m the plan are structpral cnlumns tp rcmaiq. 1 TE-M�APF��ARS 1'HAT'(HE�?CISTih�G LOI�T ANp ��iPPOFtTINCC�WALL TO TME ROt,7F W�RE Pi�EVIOUSLY qpDEO, FlEL(7 VEpIFY Tk1AT ALI�RAFi'ERS�ABOV� E,KlSTIh�G WALI AR�CONt.PRII�R TQ REMiqVAI C�F TME W�I�L, f��MOV�AI O�fiNE WALL►iETtJf#NS TH� F}�OF 9TRUC7URE 1'O OF�IGINA�COt�tTI4�JS. THE FiAFTEf�SP£�IES,$►ZE AND Si!�CINQ 1S TN�REFC?RE THE SAME O�ER TN�ENTIRE FIqOF. THIS j�OCU�AENT Ci�ES Wi�T E7�PRES�COM�-�N[E WITH A6JY PA�T, p�RESENT OR�UTU�E BL��LD�NQ COO�S. C� � � � `� C�T � U 2015 ���� ',,�'U TOWN (�F ����_� ___' � . �'��� �° � � � �:.._ _ z Q � Z � �H u d O N � m a0 N x � N � � Z F F � N ii1 x w CLEAR�TORY WINDOW HEADEI�ABOVE TO REMAIN(2 TYPICAL) �- NEW KITCHEN BY O"�HERS� l'iS�a I�IS�� � _„ , — p E�� EXIS'�ING WALLS TO 6�REMOVED �----- -- EXISTiNG�X 8�,16'o.c.RAFTERS TO R�MAfN EXISTIhIG HEADER O FREMAIN —��.— —+T— JOISt6 TO zqlW ----Q.—� � � UPPER, ROOF �RAMIN� PLAN +�—M� � NORTH "�/4"= 1'-O" m Q N � N K C9 Z 2 �X W ' W �o�vr� c�f ,. �E V I�tl����-�:..� �-��..;--� ,_ _. . �OMPL��`� 30� � �ate: 0 _� 1 By� __�. �__._.�...�__���--_-_-- - ��c�e� . _�_��-.. _ . _,.�_ . .._- --�_ r �Gl�t C I �<<�(��.i.�iJ � EQ�E OF EX�45T1NQ RQI�F TCJ REMAtN s'�r ����7 l,�� C �� r O d � � m C) 7 � �� •� �� L °•'�t �_,,. n> �w Z � � O Z � ad � p O _ � O V � J N � > � tr � � � � k� � ' � � w � �1 oF � � � � � 1 v 1 ..... �