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B15-0443 plans approved
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V`rr Q- d C��,� �'R.�Svu� R�C�, f�i� c�� �I�TR� �I� NTlt�f ���c� ��ru� r�° u� �r� t��� u.� r�,ar��� � e�-� �n � G-�PR-1 (�) �3, �3-1, UJN-3 � �) �P����N���r r�i�� C��°V���i� 3�1�3 ���r�s���,�r��+�, ��ila. i����r a �u�r�.�r, � !G�C,� � � � �� � �'"''� � � 1'�-4�h'l"1�51'AtIC �.� ��rr r►�r�,����u t��r� �"�' ��d� ��.€ ���+ u���-�► � ��r��ra�. Qr�,k.. �r�+�t��M�rt��z, 1`MV'-1 �� ��r � r� �s� �a��p �r��� tz�r� c�rt�r��. �c� �� -t�� t� � `�' � u.r MIX�NC� V�4�.� �-�3��� ���Y�, ���� ��i-r, ��2 ir����-s � t�z �ur�.�-r �T� � t� �� � � . . . . � � � � l�r��cha�a��a1 Sp�ec�i�ica�.o�s Sequence of CJpera�.on �� -� � � Generai itemodel�Demolitian&Unforeseen Canditions 3�. ����I�1��s -Z,��ric��e��r����ralve �?5 l�. �J.�.�. irc��:scre�v��i c�r�anged. 1. B-1 Boi�er � � Z �' �� � �. ,,.:� a. Boiler shall be contralled by integral boiler controls ta maintain HWS setpoint at TS-1 temperature sensor. HWS "- �q 1. I rn m e d i a t e l y n o t i f y t h e E n g i n e e r o f a n y d i s c r e p a n c i e s. 1 S. V i s i t s i t e p r i o r t a b i d a n d v e r i f y t h e e o n d i t i o n s. I n c l u d e i n t h e b i d,c o s t s z°e�u z r e c;i�a�n����v c�������t 3 4. C;�s���r�z�e V a 1��;� a��� �p�c i�l t��s: s e t p o i n t s h a l l b e 1 3 0°F(a d j). � � � A! a x i s t i n g c o n d i t i o n s,w h e t h e r i n d i c a t e d a r n a t. ������I v�s: �r c�z�z�,�'l��s �2 5, 2�� I b. �T•t)•t 3. b. P-1 b o i l e r p u m p s h a l l r u n w h e n e v e r b o i l�r i s f u r i n g. �� � � Q 2. It shall be assumed that all subcantractors are experienced and thoroughly knowledgeable in their ���������s: �������> ����� ���9 �����. '�'.�.�. c. Boiler sh�ll be er�abled whenever there is a call for snowmeltin g or gara ge heatin g. � � � respective areas af the construetion industry and sha1�per£orm in a responsible manner in an appropriate 19. Provide meehanieal demoli�on required. Visit site prior to bid to det�z°r�zn���t��t��'�.vc�r�c �z�vc�I�rec�. ��a�c��al�f��: �rc�r���, �1�ss l 2�, 2fl01b. �I.�.C�. �� " � f— constaruction sequenc�. Provide labor and materials as required ta maintain and/or restoz-�cantiz��zi�y of s�rv��°e t� ��ci��i��� I��l�r�i��;�J��v�s: 12S �si��.,�. fc�r��0�'servicw t��1�t sha.it-o�`f �IlinQis dual-purpose, 2. Building A Garage Heat � �j ra g, systems. b�����,in�/���t-off va1�e, �c�fftr�ar�, Sarcc�,car eq�ivatent. a. Upon a call for heat from existing garage thermostat(s),P-2 pump shall start and B-1 bailex shall be enabled, � � w � 3. T�o not scale drawittgs.Verify d'unensions in field pric�r to cammencement of work. � � 24. In as much as design for remodel,renovation and/or rehabilitatioz�rec�uir�s tl�a�c�r�a�� �ssu��p�it��s I�� ��. �a���c�rt�ip��ri��rc�d��� �,��vs�c�r e'�r�zps. i����pe���e al�o��d. 3. Existing Hydronic Snowmelt � Z� w 4. It is the intent af these drawings and specifications to establish a standard of quality.The Engineer mada regarding existing conditions and because some of these assumptions can�c��i���verii��d vrith�ut a. Existing snawmelt shall be controlled by existing Tekmar control. � iu ct> reserves t�e right to take exceptions to approve methods and materials not reflectecl herein. des�roying otherwise adequate or serviceable portians of the buitd'rnb,the En�ine�r ca�ax�at a�sa�r�the 3�. �r€��-ide�xp�n�ic��a,jc�irzt�c�r t+�c�ps c��alI h��tin��rat��•pipi��ra�ns in�x�ess of SO'. b. Upon a ca11 for snowmelting,P-3 pump shall start and B-1 bailer shall be enabled. � � � Qwner or the Contractox that the pro�essio�al cansulting s�rvices herein�nco�p�ss aI�ca��zti��r���zc€e�. � 5. Failure to order,ar release arder,for materials and/or equipment vvzll not be accepted as a reasan to Field coardination during constnzction is imperative. Contractors biddin�tl�is�,vor�m�s�r�a�� 37. I��e��c�r��U�io��- �`�z��is�a ��d i��t�IZ�d'zel�ctz°i�u�ir�n at a1?c�rznec�io�s w�ere non-ferrous material is 4. Future Hydronic Snawmelt w � substitute alternate materials,equipment,or installation methads. reasonable allowances for unseen conditions and should include associated a�lo�vances in t�ci�•bid� izi�c�rz�act avi�la f��rr�us�z�tcr�al �nd fluid 'zs r�ot�r��;�c;teci wi��c;orr�sion ix�hi�itors. a. provzde{1) snowliee sensor and socket(Tekmar 091/094). R.efer to M2A for Iocatian in SA-2. � � � nated as such. b. Provide(1)Tekmar 6S4 snawmelt control. � � � 6. Work shall be perf'ormed in a warkmianlike manner to tlae satisfaction af tlae Aschitect&the Engineer. 38. �ra�e an� valve�11 }�:ati�z�;v�r�ter�ipz�-a��.vith�f�"�����nd vatves tc�p�rrnit drainage of the system. c. Upon a call far snawmelting from snawlice sensor,P-4 snowmelt purnp sh�ll start and B-1 bailer shall be enabted. tt� _ 21. Be xes onsible to field veri existin e ui ment or ductwoxk remainin to be reco�n�cted to�e�v or �I���aIl�:i�� o�n�s i� e ��i naez�t rc�c�z��s�s nec�ssa wiGh�aztornaLic aix vents i ed to convenient drain. ��� �-' P �Y` � �1 P � � � � �? �Y 1�1� d. Pravide an AUTtJJOFF switch for the snowmelt pump in the mechanical room for manual override. 7. La�or,materials,and equipment shall conform ta the latest applicable editians af local, State of existing systems.Pravide ductwork,piping, controls,diffusers,etc.,as required to restare cc�ntinuity t� .�dl hig�Z pcsi�ts ir�systc.rn c��tszd�of tiqaazpm�nt rc��ams with rzzzarzuat ais vents as required to relieve air in e. Tekmar system shall be setup for WWSD(warm weather shut dow�) at approxamately 4S°P(adj). System shall nat u�1 +�— Golorado,and NatioAal Godes and ardinances. If canflict between those publications ex.ists,the most system(s). th��ysterr�. operate if outdoor temperature is abave this setting• Isau�d �or � w string�nt requirement shall��ply. � I}� 22, Ail new ductwark,piping, equipment,etc. is shawn with dark lineweight.All existing ductwork,pipin�, ��i���°������°��������1��� ��r���s��zs�r�a�•�i�aiz�� 5. Water Heatang Nca. L7ate Gomment tzt.t �Q' 8. Pravide record tirawi�gs to architect.Drawings shall include all addendum ztems,chan:ge orders, equipment,etc. is shown with light lineweight. a. (E)WH-1 &2 Electric Water Heaters 1 8/3111� C��Rp(t�ATlC�M � � atterations,re-routings,etc. 39. I�lue pi�in�shait be a pal�pr�py��ne ventin�system, listed in accordance with ULC-5636,and rated far a,a. (E}WH-i &2 electric water heaters shall be cantrolled by integral contrals, Elec�ric water heaters sefipoint shall 2 9II8115 Ct�NSTRUC'tl�i�l +— � 23. All remoued piping,ductwork,equzpment,etc. are to be disposed of'by Contractar unless nated �ue gas�=enting systerrss. Flue shall be�entrotherm Innaflue ar APPROVED equal. be 120°F(adj). � 3 it�13;7�115 R.�Yf51C3N 1 � �-�- 9. The drawings show the interat of the mechanicai systems but do nat show a11 details required.It is the otherwise. b. WH-3 &4 Gas-Fixed Water Heater � � xesponsibiiity of the Coutractars to install camplete&operable systems,which confarm to tlie 40. Combustic�n air piping sha11 be�'VC, complying with ASTM D 1785. b.a. WH-3 &4 gas-f�ured water heaters shall be modulated, staged and rotated by integral Lochinvar water heater � !p manufacturers'installations instructions&industry standards. 24. All exisfiing support rods and straps now supporting ducts,pipes,air tubing,electr�cal c�nduit, ete. that controls to maintain DHW setpoint at TS-4 temperature sensar. Refer to M3A/D for Iacatian of TS-4. � � are removed to allow room for instaliation of new equipment sha11 be relocated and reinstalled,or Aa�tifreeze�ol��ions b.b. DHW setpaint shall be 140°F(adj). � � X0. Systems shall be tested far proper aperation.If tests show worl�is defective,Contractor shall znake replaced if damaged. b.c. P-5 ar P-6 punnp shall run whenever associated water heater is firing. � � corrections necessary at no cost to 4wner. 41. T3ILI7TIC��I WATER QUI-�L�TY: Con�ractor shall be responsible for testing the water and submitting a c. TMV-1 thermastatic mixing valve shall be set for 12Q°F(adj}. `�[ Qt 25. New hot and cold water branches to be routed from nearest hot water and cold water of ti�e size equal tc� repo���c������rner�Z�r��ineer,pric�r t�system fi1L "Hard"water shall nr,t be used. The wafier used to Z � 11. It is the Contractozs'and mauufacturers'res�onsibility to assure themselves that the code autb.orities wiil or greater than new branch-typicaL c€zlute tl��cc��ceratrat�d "z�hibit�d��yc�I-baseci heat transfer�luid must be either distilled, deionized, or 6. Fans � � approve any product to be installed an the praject. �ont�in iess�ha�25 p�s�n Q�'c��lorid�,25 pp�n of sulfate, 50 ppm of catcium, and 50 ppm af rnagnesium, a. EF-1 mechanical room e�cYzaust fan shall be cantrolled by a line voltage cooling thezmostat maunted in the mechanical `�r � Insulation �rit� a tc�t��h�rd��es� n�t tc���c��d 10(}ppm, If�oad quality water is unavailable,the manufacturer of room. � � 12. Systezns sha11 be professionatly labeled.Pipin�shall be lab�led with color coded eornm�rciat gcade � t����,��c�I pro€�u�t�vi�I presvide tl��h�at tran�fer tluid and water ta meet the speci�cations of the system. � —t labels indicatizzg piping service aud flow direction.Equipznent,fans,pumps,valves, switches and 26. Insulate all new snowm�lt, domestic cold water,domestic hat water,and domestic hc�� a�rater 7, Pumps � � �conixols shall be labeled witlY engraved plastic az metal tags and an equipmentivalve schedule sha11 be recirculatian with U.L. approved,white,all service,glass fiber, snap-on,pip�insulatic���. 1-112"�bicl�c�� 42. Fi11 sr�awm�lt water sy�s�cz����h 5�°lo propy�ez�e glycol 150°lo water solutian,by volume,for freeze a. P-1 B-1 Boiler:pump shall run whenever B-1 Boiler is called to f�re. '�' c� � provided and maunted an the mechanical rQam wall.Equzpment labels shall follow the same piping�I.S"in diameter and 2"thick on piping>1.5". Insulate fittings with giass fiber blanket prc�tectic�n ta -2�°F and�urst prc�tection to-6Q°F. Izxclude corrosion in.hibitars. b. P-2 Garage Heating:purnp shall run wheuever there is a call for garage heat. � C� nomenclature as the mechanical clrawings. insulation and premolded PVC covers. a P-3 Existing Snowmelt:pump shall run whenever there is a call far snowmelting from existing Tekzzaar control. Z � ����r��� d. P-4 Future Snowmelt: pump shall run whenever there is a call for snowznelting frc�m future Tekmar cantrol. � � 13. C1£f'se#piping,ductwork, etc. as necessary to accammodate structure,beams,columns,and existing 27. Insulation for all types af piping shall be carried full size through pipe hangers or pipes shall be e. P-5 WH-3 Water Heatex:pump shall run whenever WH-3 tNater Heater is called to fire. �- � e ui ment. su orted with vibration clam s. 43. Install er�er enc �as shutcsff�witch znsid��neehanical rooms c�ntainin boilers& as-fired water 1�''r�C�-{,A�1�kIG,4r... �G��D���� tt1 �1 P PP P � �'� � g f. P-6 WH-4 Water Heater: pump shall run whenever Wf-I-4 Water Heater is called to�re. c� � heaters. Swi�ch plate shall be red in col�r and labeled"GAS BURNER.EMERGENCY S�ITCH". g, p-7 Aomestic Hot Water Recirculation;pusnp sh�ll be con�colled by integral timer. r'�"�'��{�����C���''�', � � tL� � Electrical Pi in Swzt�h shall be camplia�t wath Section I006.8 of�he 2412 IMC. ���l��h�G� �� � � � 14. Contractor must carefull veri electxical servzce volta e and hase available before orderin an 2$. Llomestic�-Iot,Cold&Recir:,ulation Pi in and Snowmelt Pi in mside huildin I°+Tnn-buried lines, 44. See Se u�nce afQ �ration�'or additional cont�•ol information. ����'�'`���� � � z Y �Y � P g Y P �� P � � �- � 1� ¢-' >- t�. equipment. type'L'copper water tube,wrought copper fittings and no lead solder. u- —t ui �atancix�#; Z � Z 1S. The�allowin�are ta be furnishec�by MC and wired by EC:equipment mators,magnetic starters, line 29. All buried snowmelt piping shall be Pre-insulated PEX piping,Urecon or approved equal. Bury p # � � � valtag�thearnaostats,factory disconnect swifiches(if specified as part�f factory wired equipment) miuun�n 4'deep and surround with 4"of clean sa,nd. 4S. Wat�r flo�vs tnust be�alanc�d, and�umps adjusted as required. Submit a written balance report. � `� ��` '` �~' a�� ;, , �4 � tu resistance�eaters,fire and smoke detectors. I�alanc�ng prc�cedures shall t�e in�ccc�rdance with NEBB or t'�ABC guidelines fpr prapartional balance. ' w ' ���� �� § �� �F��� �§` }� tt� � 30. PEX piping shall be supported by continuaus cradles supplied by the manufactzzrer. Submit report oi�star�d�rd 1���� fc� s. r, t ° � ���';�,�,�,m p (j p 16. The fc�llowin�are to be fiunished and wired by EC: discor�neGt switahes,thermal overload switches, � � �� � P r c�,j e c t N o. �c a l e; � � � naanual operating switches and contactars, 31. Candensing Boiler Condensate shall be neutralized via a neutralizatian baszn before discharge into 46. �-Iydre��i�measurements shall include circui�setters, all matc�r amperage,voltage readings,motor 12P1VI, ._ � �'m'��. '-Y�� ., �'3 �- � � ��. . ...�.�. � � � � 15�58,�� Ntr4 � : build'zng drainage system, Conden.sate piping shall be PVC or other approved materiai suit�ble for p�S pump IV�,pu�p C�F'M as calcz�iatec.I�am the puz�p�urve, inlet and outlet pressures at pumps, and � : _,..., ¢_ . .-� re, _�-�, G>ra�un By: Ch�ck,�c� �3y; a � � t7. The followin�are ta be furnished and wized by MC: low vc�lta.ge thermostats,control transformers, levels of 3, �emp�rat�re and pressure dre��at all coils. s�; � __ _ n... � � � . _.�,��_.�. contr�l relays,control panels,matarized valves,motorized dampers,pilot lights,multi-speed switches ���' ,-. ._. . ...� _. __..._ �J,4 �� � � � and interlacks. 32. Gas Piping-Sehedule 40 black steel pipe, 150 lb.malleable iran screwed fittings an above�ro��rad pi�e, 47. �ubrni�threc c�pi�s of�ll subrnit�ls in addition to any rec�uired by the Contractflr. Th�se capies shall be � t'� � welded fittings witlz all piping coated and wrapped an buried pipe.Weided gas pipa�zg shall be pressux�e re�ai�se�by t�e C)w���,�4nti•�c�crr and Engineer. � � � tested at a nninimum of 60 psi per Town of Vail amendment to the 2009 IFGC, sectian 40t5.4.�. �SST ���� � � � � �, pipe is permitted for final connections only. � � � �„} � �� _� � .. Y ;__ +Y ; . / (� A16 U�IIT A1 � :�. � .��� %� _� � � v �.E. �.C. E. ELECTRICA� i,%�_� lJ�lIT A9 � ,� L. _ G. C.E. � cv � AND MECHANICA� � � � � � G.C. E. '� � � � ��� � � � � ��.� Uf�IT A9 � � � � �. 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