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Gore Creek Residences CO's
r, •�� ;,��� �+ � "``� � � ��"'� � - .- _ �' i� _ F F _\ � j;~. �� " "'=r. .1`''- r -\.J.- y�•. -\�v�-..=� �' , `-�`,�� I�i` _ °- .E' -'-t ..�;. • _ `' � '°.•'`` "I��� � }. � '��ep� �""1�i����-�"+ f �! f� ���, ��y � ��� . ��° - -'FY�K�� . �k�t�- . � . . . � .� ,'-�4�?'� l� a �� - "t�,.'P�' �,, �t'�`� R.. ^ .. � - �� ,:rk - ,�� n f �^�'�t � '1. �7�- "f �-a=-` ^-� ��_'r ,.-� t .,r"` !�„� ! � �•. l�` �� — �'��'r � -'--•;� �`� I� � /f,, ` � � ' ` _� .._.. _— ` "— � �r ----------- — — �._. _------ —--- � ���r�,�ll � �ii�rle�i���g `�r�fe�t�� �Irr���ec�tic��� tic�n�it•r�.s I��z�PSi�tr�� � � ��,,'�`, �+ i�+ ' °'; 4 Cc�rr�rr���rtih,r L�e��eloprr�errt ,Departrfixer�t ' i � " :� �`�y'�ti ��+� ` 7� Sor.�tlr Frcar�fcr�� Rvrzc� + ` f'�+�j �' ',�,�'�, ;�•� -. . � Vrri�, Cularadc� L7SA L�TCSi �l�',�;,� f} Y;r e A lf'� V'� !� ` t�.. f r ��;1`��� ��\�l!t1 �� �,��? , �-��� �ERTIFICA"I'E C]F �}CCUPA�CY' �� , `f�£f f�x t.., !� �:iA I/� ��i��y';�� ;;'!+' f '�s,�'y''� ���ff� ��� � ���f �I �i This certificate is issued pursu�nt tU #�ie xe�uir�z���zits nf ti7e Ir�ternatic�n�l Bualciin���c{e as ad�ptc:ci �iy the'1`��nm of Vail I�,��,�+� certify�in�; tha�, ai the tiu�e af issuanc�e, this structure r4as foun� tr� }�e suk7st�ni-iall;�� in r�nm�lianee with the �arious ±++� ���"._� orciinances of the t+�w�n re�ulatin�;lauilciu�g cor�struct�on nr us� Eor the Following: � 1� v��,.� �� '� , ��;, �,F,�' ,,,, i P � +'�',� fiJam��nd ciescripEiun�f��roject Gnre C'rc�ek Residences !tiTL�UP �lci�;. 1, units�5 8r lb �( �� + J 441�L ;• ;� ��:`,•. .`�'J� :1dc�ress of�aroje�t: S25 Fnrest F'i�aci,�,'ail,Co[ora�{a � �' .f, i���' ' `� ` �, 1� �;d'���++�+'1'`+ '�1 C]titi�t��r name and address: � Vail C�rpc�rakic�n P(�Bax R5�, t���n,Color�do 81620 ---- --- . - f '�1'� �y,� i_ , - ,� ' � , � , y', ( �� ' IBC�c�ition: 2003 IRC Dccupancy�r�uP���� ��� TYPe($)of Canstructior�: �'T3 �fP�1� ,�ti� ��� � � � � �l�° �'��r,•�' Permit I�umUer(s): H(}4-Q233 Clccupant Load: - _ 5prinkler�ysken�l`T Typc�: ��1 +R � /r ����, �l '� ���•�;4�j� �''/t! ;;;;� � � , ' f(� \'(�"':.. 'i�f7e l�uildnig offiCiat n�av � ting. suspend rr rev�k�� c�rtilia:aLe af ot�u�an�y' �ssuec� unt3ez t}re prvvisivns crF this c�cie � ;r,, ' ''� � � ene��e the c�rtifacat� is`-_ �d in error, r oi� L•]ZC basis of incorre�t inf4�rn��ti�n s�€pplirc3, nr wi1��1 it is determtned that the Uuilding �'•'' , r ;' � ar struclu e t r�is in�iolati n cri'arey nrdinancc ar regulati�an of this co�ie- � • ,� '�'!! ., >. �'1 �, 1 + 1�I e 1'-�1 ' � k�y�'� h � �i''� �7r a � '� y Yf�'� 'i t ` �� i4� r� � � �� ����� ��� � � 1.,� �� � ; y� ��i � . I��! ';`�s�' `{'��': ��r�es E. Uavis,C�lzicf F3uilding�ffici�I I7at�` i . ' /1��''J � � • ',—. -- ___---- —- —— r''� ti` � -- - �a � , -- - � „� ';,, q�, �:' - •. '`�i. '��. - � �,.-Y"--`. . � _ �=� � J � � �'=: 1 � .y��- � '� - �",. v� +� 3 �?.�1� 'ti, � � k . .l �„Y� F�� ,_ �� •� �� �g f ;f?� — A. *��' r � __ _ J��. ~ - � -_ `'-'`�` - ,' �° , �' ti•. � !%`�"`�_ i/ .._ �'� �.=: -/ �_'�`�LV _ - � _ �' _ f' ` = l. --``\ �� -�` �,� _ � -'y— ��� � �� �`- \`��� s� -. ,f ``. -�--_ �. .�.�,` �_ , �, - ;y - ``" r� '�. �.- v _ . ,�� ' �. �„'- , _ ,Y..�. _ -�. ^�. _ j . '..... ��- . :� ~ .. �i i ` '� . .. .a'� r . .� ...�` .. � - " �, - ;„,:' " �--Y-..- Y _ , � : 1� . . . ` - '��� . � .'�. j'- .., ��r � �-1 tt' .,: i�, �` � ��� . �i .^ ! I r .. 1 " � �`� �� . � � � . �_ � r _..-- - — - _ •,� --- __. -- —--- ��!l�� I i�' f �lfli�(�11df�a �lP�E'�i� [T ITI5�JC't.�!'i7F2 �('.Y"L%�C`�''i �!�'Itili�}i f� f �1�� y��y��y + �� � Camrri�.�n i�� I���eIopn�re��t D�pr�r�r�nera t � � ,i �y ` ' � � 7� .�c�r r t f r F�r�a r r t r r,�e I:n r r r,� + , l4 : '' ' ���;It��,��� �'�:: �' � � �"'iT:!`, C���+�[?�'t�i��? ��"�!i c`�3�y�?.� �` + ��,��,� ��. �`ti j lJ�LJ� ��1�. , '; � ��,. ., �!� �,`, � ' ` i � 9 ��� I � ���,. ��; ,� ; �` ,,����r: 3��! . . � C E 1�.T I F I �C�+iT E +C�F fl�C+�UPA�►T�''� � , , ,,, 1 r��i� r t. I�y � ���I�i 1'y�i � t ' . . . - I This certificate is issuec] pursua��t ta the r�equir�ments nf the Internationaf B�,'rlding �crde as ade�}ated bV the Tow�n ❑€Vaii � 4 t � cer#�F1�'ing t11at, at th� time oi �ss��nct, this sf�-ucture �al�s faunc� to },e suk�sta��tially in ce.�iatpliante �L�iEh d�e Erarivr.is , '� ,�f�+,,'I k 4',�`,��,�'I nrdi:lances�f th�t��e�n �egulatin�buildirr�construe��n or use fnr the fallovs�in�: ,;"�� ,,' I° x��,,'• ;j,h' �1'r t`,`• `,�'��� Name and descriptic�ri t�f praject Gore Creek It�sidences NL}liP . -- f� �, 1 t f','�1 l �� , +s��; '. , � Ac3dress of prvject: $25 Fnr�st ftoad Building 2 Units 13& I� � � {,�, ; ' �.� 1� ,� ?,' �f�?�;? � C�wner narr�eand�ddress: Vail C�rporaiion,PU �ox�)4�) �vs�n Colorac�o 8162D _ ` F� '�''1'�',,'. +! �, / y ih, ,� y,` � �I�� T13C F�ition: 20@31i�C C3teupant'V Graup�s}: R-3 Type�s)af�nnskruction: 'VS � ,�- ++�I+ , << r *,�,�+ �I,;; ,`;,,,, � . ���,:� � Permit Numbez'{s): Bf7�-fl2�G C)ccupant L�ad, -- 5prinkler Syste�Y N Type. Fi�R � ;` t r t `�1 { /.f "`r�,A. � � , � r� . ' �� � i��[]TE: "I�1z�, bGrilcisng ��Ffici�I n�<iv, in writing, ;susp+�nri c�r reve3ke� certificat� of c�ccu�aancy issu��i tatxier the prc,v'rsiai�s n( t11is cnrie ��,�,�, 4�heri er the certifFCate is i n errar,ar crn the �±asis aF inct�rrc�t informati�+n suppIied, vr svhen it is determined that tYse building � ' � �f�� or slrur �e r partia �-3°enf is in violakinn of any orciir�ant�c�r re�;ulal�c�n nf this cnde. ` � �h V Y !�Pr 1' �% � �� . 1�f�41 ,I���1 � ; ,�, �y�Y�+��� �� tiy'�' � ' 41 l.� �' � µ fi� " ,�; �'1+++ �,`��� '��� / , C � t�s F;. �)a�Tis, Chit�f$uilc�ing C7ffi�ra1 T�a#�' !f! „ _� , � � � � r �, ' —�-� ;�.�— �-- �_. ,;; �•-•,� Y _ �. _�- V .- — ;;�� r !- -.' ` '°' .�J a,�'; �. .�. . � 'f x ,, ti. ---=-�,. —__-. �--,� _ � x- �. — _.�.` -_ �, ,' u, .. -_ � ° �. .�. _ . . °. . ,r .- � _ :; .f - � - .1, �. �>�. - ; � } y s. T �+ a ry- `'�r ,��w '1� ,�n. �-I ^+ 7�''+,„_•- �r . ,� �� � : : ,+ .- �. � �. W�,ti � - ^� ` �.W� '. � . � - . �A �,�� � .r:� ._ n.d�"� - 'r��-- ���:i ' � -���5,'�: ,�.. 4/K��' �'� p --,.Y r' , � � � �r �` '`';-- �'.,, �..- � � ' _Y�� �p-_ _ `�"�?``.�-L_ �, _ ' '�1 '�, _r' _ :/ '�� _ _ _ �= _��.� j� S �` _ Y_ V �. � �. .- , _ , _. _ v_-_ ^ ,, j� .: - `�-�: � " : -�' _ Y_ ,,._ �, �� �--' _-,- ���- ,� ii�'� — _ `;4 �� �� �r �f � `_� �'^ _�� J`' � �� . _ _ � _ � � �� �� �f . �'��'��`Y ���� S _�— �� 'J.�—'+- �" %� ! ..'�.'w. ' .r-E �P :.�J' i � ' _ ^�: - ,y��`� N F '�: 1 �, �� 1�j" i? . ., ._ .: . . y l� -t . _ 7 .. .� �� . � � 7_ � 1t '1 - ? s `�� � d �„�'.'� ��"�-��•�� _ e y .. `� '�' _��, _ / .l�� y �,� ,,` /'f'� � ' ---__ __�. — - --- _ _--- �r _ a_ ����� �: � ���i7c"t���� Srtf�rtz� �Ir�4�accr�rca��� ���'z?i��� L)r���i�aar� � ; ���'�ty^,�'y Y� I �+ 'r� � � Car�rn�t.�t��h� �ez?e2a�r�aerit I7e�rt�t�rraetit _=���' ; � 7,� Sar�tlr Frvn trr e Rar�c� � + ,+ iMf } � la� � I ,4jti;i1�, �} 7,r�•' � t I �1 ''' , � � �TI�T�, [^C7�c3i'[t(�t) '1.�J�f� ����% ' r `i ��� �� �� 4J� 1�6 t �, ��r�`y\ ,, , � ;,� � �,, ,,��lt� ��� �;; �`���_ -����'� �ERT I �'I CA'2'E C��' C3 C�UP�N'CY � � ` 1, E(I;^,r r�� � ����+,',,'��s ++�++ � �� �ti i i � � T��is cert`sficate is rssue�l pursuant tra th�recl��irem�nts s�E t�xe Izzternational Builciiri�Cvde as aci�pt�d by the Tow�n of�`ail t ' i -� lid�i I ��,�+���4� '' 'y ; cer�fyin� tha�. at the timc of issuance, thzs structure was f�unei to bc substantially ii� rnr���li�snce� with the vari�us , �� , +,+I,� � ,. ; � � �., 1 ,',�' ordinanc�s of the kc���rs re�u��rtin�buildin�ronstru�t's:�n �r use fcar tFi�fo�tc��vui�: ' {�'., \�t�.t r�2'vf,. rf� �, .�,`� y;� �� ,�rj�;, x��, °�I` �� I'�T�me and cfescriptinn c�f pr�iject Co��e Creek Rc's'sdences N�C:�P j p�?'� � . � 4 4� � � - ����`�, :�,1 Ac�dress af prc�ject: 82�Fnrest Resad Buiidtn 3 units �� L�r 72 �1 ,:��' f ` � ° ti 3+',"+:. +�J+�+ r,t� !�� � 4v�rner narne an� at�dr�ess. Vail Cos ora�ion PO Box 9�9 �von CoCoradn SZf�2� � ��c,��+ � ��'4�i'' ti,y y�f IBC Edikivn; 2(}03 i1�C C]ccupa.ncy C�rou�(s}: R-3 `1'ype{s) �f Cs�nstrractic�n: �'B I I,� ,r��++r 1`t{Yy 4` .. ` + �,n' Y 9 _�`��� ,` T'er7nit NumE�er�s): �3US-QTt3�) L�ccupank�.ozrd� - S�rinkl�rSvstetn�'JI�.r'I`yp�: h�f�F�A �r'�7 , ,.;R�'•' " ��;, �•' I ``� i�1�7 r 1'��� ✓ � � ��i • I'l�e buil�-��ng offieFaT r�atir. �n �a-zi�ng, suspenei ar r�vnke a certifac�te of qccupancy� issueci sari�er the �.�ravzsi4r�s of this �ode ' `�1, 4+ '�!� ; w�henet x th�cer�Ftcatc i. ' c s error,flr an t�ic�a:�i.s of iricorrect ai�[arrnataon sup}�lied,ar when it is d�teranined thaE the l�uiidia�� �'� ;� �, �l ;�, oz•stru�-t re�r�artiK� ieret�F is i �ir�Iahr�n c�f any orciinanep c7r re�ulatioxi�if this r��de. y ,,,, ,� �1�'� � �°�"�q�,;�, 't°+;( + " 'y'�y� i � � . � �, a� � ',+'+ �'4'y``tl�,�,, '�� � arles � L]a�.ris.C'�ief Buil��ulg Offiei�l L�=7�� j ` f��!%;' s'�y`�'�, ,�e —- ;r l _ _ - --_— 1f}J,�� �� - /J/ ��LS�� . `� /. _ ��- l �„�: o� l�`']1} Il- �� ! .� ,d� . ' -� - 4• 1� , �h .�- _ 1 ���, 1. � � '� ` �Y_ _ ` . � , ' ` r-`��.`+. � .� � °�'�- ��/ � . � ��1 ''`_ . ' :-�- �-�'!� ``�/ � _ `;z _ _ `•,,l-_ !f _� •ti� �;�� � l � � ` � �` t z �- Q9-2�-200T - ._�i1S�]�Ctl�f� �@C�U@�f �� Oi'#I�'#� - P�ge 30 4:'f 7�m-- _ V�iI,���-�i'i Requested Inspect date: Wsdnesday,September Z8,aooT In5pectfan Area: CG Site Address: ��5 FrJREST R�VA[L. 825 W. FC�I�ES7�dAt7 A!P!D fn�nrrna�ion Ae�sv�ily; S05-f71i19 Type: B-BUfLD Sub Ty pe: NDU'P 5tatus: fSSUE� Const Type: 434 Clccr�pancy: 7 l�se: V-B Insp Area: CG Owner. VAI�CORP Contrctc�r. �.A.IUELSC)N 8�ASS�CiA,�'ES,INC Phane: 97a-949-5152 QesCripti[rn: NEW CC�NSTRUGTI(�N QF GC?f�E CREEK F'LACE�i�ILI]W�#3� UNfTS 11 &'I� Re4uested Inspectfantsf Item: 5�i� �L�1+��inal Cf� Requestetl Time: 47;L�fM PNI Requestor: R.A. N�LSDhJ 8 A�St]CIATE�, INC Rhone: 97D-9�9-5752 Comrnents: WfG 471-2891 Assigned Ta: J�AO�DRAGf�N Entered By: .lMC7NDRAGON K Aetion: Time�xp: U � � r Inspection Historv 6tern; 5�2 PW-�to�qh grade i#em: 5fl3 PW-finaTdrrveway qrade item: 10 BL[3G-Faotingsl5teef+UFER grd "'Appr�r�ed" 47I11lQ� Inspeckor: GC�7 Act�trrt: PI PARTIAL INSPECTIQN Comment: �ERlM�7'�f�FTG AS N�7'��l�l�PLA�S. 0811a1Gt5 I�ns�pector: SHAH�1 A�tion: PI PARTIAL INSF'E�Ti�QN Comrneni: FIE�(3 S�"f MARKED ANl]DA'fE� �8r221L15 Insp�ctor: GC� Action: NR NaT RFAf]Y F�}F� II�SPECTI�N �pmrtl�n�: D$123la5 fns�p ectar: �CD Acfion: APCR APPRC?VE�IC�RRECTlON'�EQD Cornm,ent: INTERI{�R PAC]5 STRIP"FOQTINGS ANL�D�MISIMG WA,LL. VERi"S REC�D TC�BE FL�LL HEIGH7, E�O;KY ALL L�RfLLED BARS Q31�3l�fi fns�e ctor: G�L� Action: PA PAR3�IAL APPRUVAL Gomment: 6 DECK PA�S [17118lD� Inspector. G�D Ac�ior�: AP APPROVEa Gom ment: ktem: 2Q BLDG-FaundationlSteel '"Approved'"` 0813'3fC15 Ins ector. GGD Ac[ion: P# PA1�T�AL IIVSPECTI{]IV Cornmerst: EN�RY STEM►NALLS C)h��ECK. 03I173fC5fi Inspector. GCDlSH Ac�an: AP APPFtOWED Comment: P�Rl�A�7'ER�DLJN�ATIt71�VIlALLS SEE IhISPEC�'1C7N DATED 08-10-06 Q31fl8l06 Inspector:. cdavis Act`st�n: AP APPR�VED C�mment: Bl�g 3 Unrt 12 #cc�ncrete column5�t d�rCk p�ds �tem: 3fl BLDG-Frarr�ing ",,qpProved"` 03131lOB Inspector: GCD Action: DN DENIED Comment; FRAMfI�� ILC RECtD Q41D6146 In�sp ect�r: MR�Y�F Actian: CR C(]RRECTfON F�EQUIRED Commenf: QK t�+insula�e tY�e raaf deck anl far both units.l.]Strap nQr�,continuous tap plate at between �edraoms on the,upp�r f��vr.2.��leed to provide cfear apening for�th atfic ac�esses.3.}Q shear `��i kitehen is required on vth s�des and must e�e�d to�utsid�wal#.This type also requires 2°etfge naildng.4.}Engineee to Werafy maxirnum size af opening with4n the shear wails and tMe FLEPT�31 �tun Ia: 71a(l � ��� . � � � ���� y f������. , �x������ �� e . �� _ z � �� . F : ., � , , = , �s� ,���r � �y�%'; � i ����" ¢ �°' ". ` - .�v ���r. 4 �, t F . '�� � . r � .,. �- , . .-. ._ �. . „' v 31 . ` .+�e . .�, . , ;: �� ' r r .�_ , :�`�� ` _ - � - . �' � , , , � � 5 _ . . , .... � ., . . , � .. . . . .. ,<..�... _ . . . . . . . , ..... - �� . # , . .. �� . . �"'�� ���� � � � � � j c�� ,� (A`� _ � � � ���.�f-.�--�� � �� � �,� �� _ , , � -- � � � � �� � � U G--. _ __ �_.=�� �-- --� ,�'" `-�,� �--- _: - ��-� � �� -�- ..�� : � .. �». r _� f� . �`-` f. . � _��- _ -_ . - ��- ---`� f . . �� t. f k4� .�` �:. � �= �` Z. �- � - r - � � ��- .. �,�'��.f _ �x .G' x � � � ,#.. -s�r `.-� 'w-.. -- � � �' _ . ` � . _-�.� ��- ,�, '' �ti�y�, �_;_-• _�, -��.�,� .. ..c ��� .;`J,,. . , �•�� / �c.1, � — - --- -- 1 � . � , _ _��-- -- - - � - - ' i�_.= 1 r�,l;�,� o. ,, � B��tlr�'�i��t� �rtfr�ty �:rt �t�s���c�tic�r�t `��r��iccs �it2isi���i �y � w"s � �''� , y CarrrrP�ic���fy D�z,ela}�rraer7f De�arrrtrrrer�t '� 1� °°'� `� ! 75 Sc7r�tli Frar�trc�e Ror�r{ 4 + � 4'4�4�ti�����4�`�r 4' -- - .�. ��lI11�� �.[7jf77`[t(�L7 �.1��� c�71�)�jTl f 1r+�,� �, �/�y �y, r^�J � � / � t:rf��. ti� i V� hf� I�L r''+��-�� ��1�1 +fR � � ��j �� �] � � �� ;�-;, � , ��. �,, ` �E�TIFI ��►.TE C]F ��C�'��A.NC� � 1��'��� ��, +� I i �y'�4 f�'� I 1� � � y�l�y � Th�s certifieat� is issued pursuan# to th�3 requiren�ents oF the Internati�s�al Building C:ode as ado�ted bY tlte Tfl�'r� of Vail � °,'�,��,4,�, , y ', � certifyrulg that, at th� tin�� o# issuance. t�iis struCture w�as fc�und �c� L�e sul7stan�ially in eanipliance 4vitli t�ti� �rars`ous I �+ �'ii`��`'� � nr�°[inanees ai`tl��e ��iwn regu�ati���'�uild'uig rc�zistructic�n or use��r the fe�lSowing: � �� ��,�� � ` �,�j� �i '��'�'tiyyyItt} Nam�e and descxiptsan aF�rc�ject C��re Creek Resiciences NDETl' � ��� � �I Ilf�' � �� l � .. �\`,�.,'�: � ��� r�c�d��es�nf prfljec#. 82�l�ofest Rvad Buildin �3 usiifs 9 Rz�Q ` /:, ;�.. ,, � �+�1���,y ��r�' �� � } 1+C� ;'++�'I +' x�i� C]wr��r nam�ans�address: Vail Cor ora�ian P+D 8�x 949 A��:�n Coloradt�81G�0 , e� � ' I[�C 1"ditian: 2LlC):�IRC Dccuparrc'r" Grou��{s}: F�-3 TYpe(s)nf Canstcuctivn: V$ t��,; �' i I++�i I+� N 1 �tifti'� � �,"Et�`�• ,,� ���� ti` '�1 f l�ti ' � ���';'� S�.�rinktc�r Syste�N T}xpe: ��- � �� � j�� �'ermit 1rlucall��r�s) 'BU�-011� Qecu ant l�oa� r� `,� . ,;: � � .l �t11 �11 � � � : 1,i�+J ' ` E: fh� bttild�n�; �,Ilicial 3 ,, in v�ritir�g, s;ss��eni{ or r�vc�kc a c,�rhf9c<tte c,f <�c��u�ancy issueci under the prc��iisinns of thi� code �,�, �1� ' '� ii r,/ • t {". ''�• r sh•hen ��er �e cerkificate i` 'sue�i crsor, or nn the�asis of ancc?rrec t m.€orn�ati�n sup�li�d,or cvhen it as det,ern�ined tlt�t th�huilding `�;h`�t ` , or sEnt� re k� n ion t ereof is in violatian af any orc�ir�ai�ce ar r��il�ii�zi nF tl�is�ode. ` �,`, ; y,, r��,� � +� '��'�11 ����r���� '��� ti , s�� � I ` � � � � 1�1�19 �° .1 ! . . . � y. �CLLL �I��+�i++�+� +,,;�,���e�,, �arles �. �7avis.Cl�ief Bu�ildang�ffici�T � , ; �,��' , i ---- _- � � 1 � -- - -- -- ----- -- - — _ - \ /i,Y'F`�` , - - - �� , — ,. ---'''�` �— ! ,, r r r�, '� � �'F=�� � -- �' r_ ,�" -c .1- _ ''p: '�r, �� '�` �i .. �'.. . '.- ' ,� .��� . � � . �. �� � . � ,4 '! � '�' '''�� ��ll �y _��,f �`s.. �l _ � �= �� ` . - =fi '`� �� � `- ��,F'�� - , - 4' � . � , �s-2�-2�07 _Inspection �tequ�s# R�pvrting Page 3� 4�17pm Vail C;�d _ �i�� �f Requested Inspec#Date: Wednesday,Septsmber�B,20#}7 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 825 FC}R�ST RC1 VAIL GURE CR��K PLAC��825 W. FQREST R�A[� AJPII]Infssrrs�ation A�fivity: B�5-Q11(3 Type: B-B�,IILD Sub Type: �DUP Status: ISSlJED Const Type: 43+d (3cct�pancy: 7 Use: V-B fnsp Area: CG Qavner: VAIL CC��P Cantractar: R.A. �IELSO�!8�ASSC]CIATES, Ih�C Phpne: 9Ta-949-5152 Descriptian: h�EW CQIUSTRUCTIDhJ-GORE CREEK PLACE BUkLI�1�IG#4, UNIT5 9 810 Rec�ueste_d Inspectinn��1 Item: �4fl BLI3G-Final C1� Request�d 7ime: 09.3{�AM Requestar� R.A. NEL.5�1N 8 ASSt]CIAT�S, IhIG Phone: 97D-9d9-6152 Camm�r�ts; WIC 471-28�1 ,4ssigned To: .i�+„+dQN�RAGON Enfered�3y: JMC7NDF2�4.UON K Action: Time��: ,� � a Insnection Historv �,. '' f1em: 5(l2 PW-#�ouqh grade 11 J057C75 inspectcrr: Es ActiaR: Q�f dE�JIED Camment: �lnt Read�y �tern: 10 BL[]G-Fac�tingslSteel + l�F�ft qrd' ""APP���'��"" (791{]9l05 �ns ectvr. GCD Act�on: N�'J NC}TIFIE�] Comment: l'H� FflC3TINGS WEFC� Ih�SPECT�L]BY KC7ECNl.INE�h�G. �IMAL REP�]RT IS I��C�D�`O APPR�VE. D9123l75 Inspector; Art Act�c�n: AP APf'RC]VED �ornment: APPRt7VEl7 INTERIDR FOt�TINGS At�p PAL�5 Q3J03l46 Ins�pe�tor. GCD Actic�n: PA PAR7IAL IAPPRQVA�L Comm�nt: fi DECK PA�S Item: 20 6l�G-Faund�tir�nlSteel *'Appraved" b9109fb5 Ins ector: �C� Actian: PA PAR7IAL APP�20VAL Comm�nt: P��iM�T�R�[7UNbATIUN WALLS 'iC111310� I_nspector: G�p Action: A�A1�PROVED Comment: SUIL�4��iTFiY WALLS C]h1�'UNh1EL: 43I�)81�6 Insp�:ctor: cdaVis Aciion: AP APPROVE� C�mment: Bl�g 4 6 cancrete columns at deck pads Item: 3fl B�L�IG-Framring 'f 1!i}i!(}5 Ins ector: G�fl Action: CR C�F2FtECTf�N REQL�IR�C? Cvmment: F��S7 FLOQF� FF�AM1�iG 't.F�€�LQW LPI fEVSTALLATIQN INS�R�ICTIOh�S FC]R: a DOUBLE JC315T CONNECTIOI�. b FILL�R BLQCK FtEQUIREMENTS FDR HAN�GERS. 2.SHEAf�WALL REQD PER PLAk�S, 3.CFiECIt SIMP5O�1 GCJI�E FOR CORRQSidIW RESISTAhFT HANGER AND FASTENER REC�1111��M�tV�'S. Q2I4�i![}�6 Inspector: GCC7 Action; �10 hl{�TkFIE{� Comment: RQC7F SHEATHING IS lVQT A REQ[� I�SP�CTfi4N. a4124106 Inspectar: GC� A�t�an: CR CL]RRECTIDi�R�QUIRED RE�'T131 Run Id c 71�+D � -� �.r ,`` ~J ��� �'�,; - .t'tiy ,r�� `-�' f: : �i\ {.� �..� � � ;'•4.-� - �� ��_ ��`4 . � � '4: � �`�}'�'�� � �"� / F � . y;fL � �,''�4(�.,� ' � 4y � ��� �. .,Y_ X;�� r �. . �'� � �-` � � ,'� � -r�k� Y' 1 f ' r y'7� �..� y�`. - �. .{�l . :i,�„ I ..� - . :C� : .. s't�� 'r` j� 'i���-�• �! • � y x..:. � i ;`. ` � � ".`_�-'.�. �y���;;✓' ;-;��` '�� r� 4 ;�k� �/''' �'= _ �' ,r'7 `�'�� '--.�,-- '•.,. — ._ � l� _ '_ _.__�. . .._ .�-- .-._ - -.- . -_- , . �� � . ' - ' ..�.� _-. ..__� _ . .._.� ._.. �-,•x. � P �.._ . _..-� _... � � `I ;,' �''r .�f i f�r.r�lc�rr�� ����ety �:�Ir�s;���c:tioai Scr-c?�c-�s p�����:�rc�rl '�1', '++f�'��` `�'r'y�y'' Corrrr���cr�iity L7e����c��ara�ier2t De�r�rfr�z�tit i ; � , + 75 Soi�f�r �'�•c�r7tage Pc��d ri ? y�h9� � - ��- � Vra�I, C:alorr�r�c� �.ISA ��1�i.�e ,�r�l+ ,, ;;i` `° j t • i II r'� 1,�;`'•, �,.r;, �,�� !l.�'��� �� , ,�,. ��� � `,, l�� ��� �!Ff�; ,, .,, ';,r ,. �ERT I �" I �A�'1'� C�F �3C:+�:UPA�TCY , , ty��.;�, I�+i+'+� i ��f I h4��y� �� f �d�� I � I = This certificate is issued pursuaslt trr the requirernents nf th�Internatic�n�l �uilding CUCie as �dnp�ed by ttie Tc�tiwn af�f��il ¢. rl �;��, , , S�,`� • c€�rtif yrul�; that, at the tinie n� issuance, ihis stru�t�ere ���s founc� t� t�e substar�tir�lty in camplianc� �with the <<�rinus `. : '�,� ',;;���,'11,,, ;:1, "� ,,�, or�iirtanees c�f the tnwn regul�tin�,l.�ui.ldin�;c�ns#�ruction vr use for the fc�llc�win�;: /.xr :, '. f � / . �ti 5��� r`'�Y °+��,rl I`�.�ame and eFescri�tion of �r�Ject Gnre C'xe�k Resiciences-�'+tI]UP � i, � `p , 1 f r"';'f 1`��'*� f���� � Acidress af�rc�ject:_ t325 Forest I�oa�t �31�ig S units 7&8 _ ' , , � , , �'l�p+i+f ��j�` C'�wiler name and address: Vail Car oratian I'f,��ic�x 9�9 AWOn Cvloracia€31(�20 'r' ���1q'yi',i'; I Y- � IBC�dztion: �[:10�IRC �rcupancy Graup{s}: R-3 Type�s) af Construct�c�n: �r� ++��+ �,�ti�4� ��,i�i� ?,�����[ � ��1+�,' ,1�'`y � `�' � , �•. Permit'�umber{s): B45-Ulll Qc«i}�r�t�i i.o�d: _ _ �lirink3er Sr��ste �r" i^ti T�tpe: J���� � � ; l,-sx ' J ..,;:;i !��i t ���� � �t�� � p , ,I�� �,;t , ,' �1�3 T�: �I-11e 't�ui l ding a f fici�[ rnal�, i n tiv r i t i n�. s u s��c c z�i a r r k����,�:t. a c�r t t k i c•a t� �l a t c G i�+a n c}� i 4 s u e d u n a e r t h e �r r Q V i s i o n s af this �°nc�e ��`�, ' `�' f�•f� ' w3� � r the certificate as assi n'or,or an ihe t�as�s ot iz-irurrect intorma�ivn suF�g?[ied, or w}��°n it is dctermine�i tltat the builclinf; ,�i � %`�:,� stz�u�tu p the af is in vi lak"son pf ar�y arc�inanee or rcgzclatinn of Yhis cncie. k ` "' y,;, ,� � ,,��''r'f �,h'h I1 +��iJ � i �if ,: I � f� � c� i ��, +I� y"��Il�j ' Charles E. L�a�ris,Chief L3�i]ding C�fficit�l Dat� �1,� , �. ' _ � � �� � e�,, i _ ---_ �, t, �.'r �: ,��� '. .�-__4_ . _ .—. . _ _ . . - _ - . ' r`� , ;(� � . . �. . .r . �-,�., �� . ' �t.� �� �' _ I �r}:' •�L' ``� �„ i..�.�� �.'�°�_ � +" _,�' +' f J � . , � , � . � . � — � � � d _ • — r �— ; — � '—;� 1���`� ` � t `,f �� : z - �i _ '� w` ��,� _4� � ,� —.. ;,.. =� _- �.,:, , �. �::.. � _ ;;: .;,r' _ ti�} � _._. �. , ._ ..;�. - '�— — �, —-- — _ _� �• _� —_..-. :� .., --+��- � . - _ � - j' / � _� � ._ • -_ Y _ - � -r` __`*� � . � `� �_�Y � r' �'. 49-�5-2047' Ir�sp�c�ivn Ft�ques# Rep�rt�n� �_�.� p�s� �� �t:17_prry Vail, C�[] - +Citv C)f Reques#ed lnspect bate; Wednesday, September 2B,2�OT Irrsp�ction Arsa: CG 5ite Addres�: 825�OREST RO VAIL GC3RE�REEi{PLACE B131LDIl��5 A1PJD Intvrmati�n Activity: 805-0111 Type: B-BUI1.C� Sub Type: Nf�UP �tatus: ISSUEC? Car�st Type: 434 4]ccu�ancy: 7 Gse: V-8 lnsp Rrea: CG C3wner: V�fL C�RP Architect: 4244 ARCH9T�CTl1RE, INC. Phane: 3{f3-292-3388 Contractar: R.A. �1EL5t]N&ASSOCIATES, IM1iC Phane: 9T0-949-5152 �e��'iption: I�IEW CQNSTRUCTION-�OR�Ct�EEK PLAC�gUILt31NG#5, UNl�S 7&8 Reauested Ins�ecti�on(sl Items �40 BLDC-Final CIC1 Requested Time; 03:D0 P�3 Req�estor. f�.A. �fEL5C7�N &ASSC]CIAT�S,liVC Phone: 97Q-949-51 a2 Camments: WIG 479-2�91 Assignad 7v: JMGNDF�AGfJ�! Entered By: JM[]l�DFtAG+DIV K Action: Time Exp: � � � ` '�- �� �� � 7nsuecti4n Historyr Item; 50� F'W-Rauqh grade Item: 503 PW-Fir�aT dnvew�y[�rade Item: 10 BLDG-Footin�slSteef+I�F�R 9� ~t�PP�oved" 0812�105 Inspector. cdavis Action: �lC7�J(]Ti�6ED Cr�rnment: Cvntrac#c�r cance9Ved inspeCti�n 1Q112105 Inspect4r: GCa Actian: PI PARTIAL PNSPECTION Commgnt: P�RIMETER A�J[�II�TEF�ICIR SPREAD�'OOTINGS. 1 il11lOS Inspector: �CC1 Acti[�n: PA PARTIAL APPR�VAL Cnrnment: A�L IPV�'�RIOR FC7i7TIM1IGS AN�PADS. �i31221QB ins �ctc�r: GC[3 Actian: AP AFP9�DVE� �amment: 6 �EGI�PAaS {33f2414� Inspectar: sh�hn Actian: PI FARTI,4L 1�15��CTIO�C Comrner�t: approved{fi)�oncret�piers bldg#5 e�cteriar an sou�h side. Item: 2Q 6LDC-FvundatiQnlSteel *Approved*' 10I17105 anspector; GCD Action: PA PARTIA�APP�C]VA�. Comment: P�RIM�TER WALLS 1(]l241�5 Ins pector: GCD A�ti+bn: AR APPRC3V�D C�mmenk: ENTRY STEi'ui WALLS aN l]ECK Itsrn; 52� PLAN-ILG 5ite Plan "A�aPresved*' �7J1�IU6 Inspector: Warren Actidn: AP APPRC3VED Comm�ent: Item: 3D BLC7G�Framing **AppraWed** fl7l'�(lf�l6 Inspector: GCC3 Action: DN DENIED �omment: ILC REQ[3 081691{lfi Inspector: NSC Action: PA FARTIAL APPI�4VAL Camment: finish sai�d blackin�vn 6ay windnw in kit in unit 8. spencer stated�e woulci use insulatian�s a draftstbp.adr�ss IVI`s in qreat r�om w'tndow. have eng adress dekail 3 a�S1.52. add cluster of S�]'S on T�4.fallow overhan detail dn truss TCIS and TQ7. I g�v�Parti�l app.on franne. 1. insp+�ctic�n on rovf in both u�t�s is ood,�nd ok ta insulate.2. inspeci�t�n an frame of lower feve! and rnain levei in unit#8 is gc�od s�il1 have#he upsfairs and crawl spa�e#c�inspect.3.s�sll F�ave to insp�ct frame af un3t#7 mir�us the roo#. RSP`I'13]. RL1I1 I+d: 7�.13� � - �� � ,- �. f�' �, ' -- •A,t _.-�-� -� r:= ,;•� .•== / � � � � �..' � ��-.�'_ ''�' !� i: if F,�,�' rs. , t - - K ,s. �-� -` ''s�' �. ! � ,,'; ,>% f�' �.-�s ;-w,,F. — _ �. _ � M r , � - � �� k1Y r.� i ... . �v ._. . � S-z v _s _ f . ,"t'� � � `_R /� �. �_ .'� �'�_� � `..`..,1_.�/_. �. � 7 �� '4-�J ��J �-~! % 1 — -Y t ��4 � � . .�,� .`�.� �� . . �� ' �� � _"�' _ '__-__..._._._._ ... -.�_ .:..._:_..__��..� i _ . _._ .. _._.. _ _ : . . . . . � t` � +,+��� + r � f3t.�tic�r77�7 Srr�i��z,� �°��rasF7ec�f�c>�r 5er-t�iecty �it��sic�rr ; '+,��� �y , � �arr�rrt��rait� I��zFe2�ptrrerrt Ue�rtrfrrrer�� � , 75 Svt�t{� Frotrtra,�� f�o�rd + �� �`+`!,,',�, � � •, � - . l Vrtit, C'c�[nrttc�a �.fSft �g1 t���i + I�;;�',; �� ; /rn � `� � ���� ��u�J` M �r T ``�'`1`� "i� ��;� � )+ � �I �f �f'!1 ��f �� � � C:E�'�`IFI �ATE +JF +C�+G�UP��N'��' � ��; i 1�i/i i��+ Il � � `���y�i�yyy�, +�+I+ �,I'il �hflf . i T'his certificate is issued pursuant tca the re�uirements c�,f Efte Ir�tern�ltic�itial Liuilding�:o�e as a+�o�Eed l�y il�e Tr�wrn n�57ai1 �, ', �ertifyul� flic�t, �-st t�3e time of issu�nte, this st�•ueturc was four�d to �e sul�s#antiaLEy in c�rmpliance w•i�fz �h� varinus ;�,�;�,+ �' � ; ' � ., i I �' ±+ ,�� �,�k. ordinances of the t�ow��n regulating buil�.iing construeti�an ar us�far ilie fr�lEvtivuig: � �';'a � � , � � . � �� , �� x F` ��' �r���``� .�*\y*, �� '����1`� � Name ar�d c�escripkic�n of prujecf Gore Creek Residences c�rLIUP ��I° , �,� '� _..__ _ ���rt;�. ' ''F� :4ciE�ress�f pr�ject:_e 8�5 Farest Rc���ei ��eildu�g,6, ui�its 5&C� � `'''k r�'`'', ' ��"�'�'�` I ���1. � , � , ,,� , �,, �+'+�° ,�� �': ; C7wner nanie anti a�c�ress: Vail Cor�'oratic�r�,�C)}3nx'�49, llvon,C�jarada E�1G20 - ��, ,��1 �,1`,'', +"+I � j � I !f ! �r I� 4�h,ti � �,y� � IBC Editinn; 2�{l3 II�C C7ccupaney Group(s): R-3 T}rpe(s)af Constructiun� V B ��,�� �° I'I i + �:� � I f�y?�t,� f����; � �. Ifr, ,��; l � Permit Number(s}: ��5-4112 Occu�ant Loac�: - Sprinkler 5yste�N 7"ype: F j � r.� 1,``'lr, ���� I r A'�;, ll Y�' ,��� j � � ; I � ��� �:(�T`F. 'The h�ailrlin�; nFfia�ial t77 � an �.�riliil�;, susE�end ar reuoke a ccrtificatc of aczupancti� issued under the provisians �f tlzis c•oci� �� , 1 ,f� ��"� . ir+�,, 1�� ` 'J r vhe ver khe ceriiftcake ' ssued in rmr,�r c�n�he hasis af an��rre4•t infrrrnzali�n su�7�+l�a�,c7r when it is determin�d t�-�at thc build�ng � Y � ;��: r nr stri�� i lio lll�r�eof is isi vi latian of any�ordinance or regulatian of this code. ;,,;;, !+'�,l r l`�.;"r+,i� ��"���'`' ,�+�'iJ 't� I, y 4'y�til ' � - '� � ,,�/�,/�C� �i i - ,+��' , � �',°'�,�yy��,� r+ �rlcjs E. L3a�ris,C�iet�uilain�Clfficia] L�at� I'11i,�f,;+ �'� --- _�_ - - -- - , . I�F�,� .,36 �`. . .. � � ' �^� �\E �.�--�.,� '��-r` ' A'. '��'—.._�.`%�{ s'rr=�`�. _ ., !; `�My`�• + ,. - ,ti.' � �y .���...� �z� � �,.�� .' "r.. {.a „-���, �� s_ —�,� ;� ,� �.., � r ; , '` � .". ' _ �. . ; � � ��,�`��� en � _Y. � _ ��. J ' 1 .. �/ . '��: . . . . � . .� � y� � � �iF_ ' .� t _ —. � : �1. � }�� r �`. '' � ^i''My-�. P � . �q, ar, r � s�` h' � f`�. +�S . �: ` �. � ':Y'*.r �� .. .�� � ti t,�✓-�� -.:i'"--4 `�°�r�1 _ � ��:�i �``�� '��,�� —.�" .'�`� c-�— '�`\`'' �'����`�--_~ �L �i'�`�,, �� ��k � ~ " � � � _ y ; ti. . - p _ ��� ��t� —���'��� �� . � . ��-2�-2Q�7 Inspecti+an Request F�e{�arting Pa�e 36 4:17�m Vail, CQ - Citv Q# R�qu�sted[r�spect L3atte: VNednesday, Sep#em6er 2B,�OOl Inspectivn Rrea: CG Site Address: &25�OREST RD VWL G4�E CREEK PGA�E B�1ILDING B A1PN Infarrn�tian Activity: Sfl5-7'!12 Typ[�: 8-BU1L[3 Su�a Type: N�UP �tatus: ISSUEIJ Canst Type: 434 OccupanCy: 7 Use: V-B Insp Area: CG Ow�er. VAIL CC}RP ArchEtect: �4240 A�CHI'��C3`URE, IN�. Phor�e: 3a3-29�-33�8 Contr�cfar: �,.A. N�LSQN&,ASSUCIATES, i�'C RhQ�e: 97�1-949-515� ❑escriptiora: lVEW CQ�STRUC7IQ�-GORE CREEK F'LA+GE BUILC]IhJG�6, l}NITS 5&6 Re�uasted Inspec#ion[�1 itetia: 544 BLQG-FinaE Ga£� Requ�sted Time: 02:�a F`M Rsquestor. R.A. M1EELSON&AS�C3C�,4T�5, ItVC �'hone: 970-�49-5152 Cc�mments: WiC 471-2891 Assigned To: JM�NDRAGQN Entered Sy: JMONDRA�CIN K Action: Ti�e Earp: � , � ` �� t' �� `� �� . � I�sqec#ion �istorrr Item: 5fl2 PW-Rcauqh grade Item: 5�D3 PW-FinaTdnve►vay+�rade Item: 1f1 BLC7G-�oQtingSlSteef+ UFER grd 10I121Q5 Inspectar. GCD Action: PI PARTIAL Ef�SF�ECTl41� C�mm�nt: P�RIM�7�f�AkVD IN7Ef21C�R SPREAD FUOTINfa'S 12If}�1�p5 Inspector: GCp Actior�: PA PARTIA�APPRC7VAL Comment: INTERIOR�ODTINGS A4V�PAC7S. G#��DUND AF'PEARS FRC)�EN PLACE,HEATI�G C[]I�S IN F4�OTI�G TC3 THAW 04f45106 inspectar: sFaahn Action; PI PARTIAL 1�15PECTIQN C4mment: approved footinqs sout�side bldg#6. remova standing water in�2� f14110I06 Inspect�r: s��Ysn Actic�n: PI PARTIAL INS�E IC?N Ccs�nment� Iraspeete�piers so�uth sid�of buiiding#fi, Item: 21J BLOG-F�rundafivnf5t�el 10f24105 In�pector: GCD Action: PA PARTIAL AF�PROVA� Cvmmen#: Ht�USE FDM WRLLS 1�1�(3J05 Ins e�tor: �CC? Action: PI �ARTIAL I�ISPECTIQ�1 Comment� E�J�RY UVALLS aN TUNNEL Item: �24 I�LAN-II.0 Site Pdan "Approv�d" {�71181(l6 Inspector. Warser� Action; AP APPROVED Ccxmsnent: Item: 30 BLC3G-Framing "APPraved•` 49113106 knspector: GGC� Actian: CR CdRR�C"�1L7N REQUII�ED Camment: UM"f 5 1.CFiEC�4 OV�RFlAh1G�C3� 10'LENG�H 2.TR�SS FG1 L��SI�]E DGWN 3.A"E"TACH QV�RHAI�G 2x12 PEF�D��AIL f3N fi3[3 F(7R TRIJSS�ES�F47,T4$. 4.A SCREW CLUSTER�4S SHDWN C]I�l'RUSS SHQPS S.T2$C�V�RHANG fS SP�GT AS�VL AS BlJILT IS 2x12 fi.H�A��R IN BEQ A SPECT A5 3 2x12 A5 BUILT IS 3 2x1'U 7.2 F'LY LVL A�T BEARING WALL 1S N�T IN�'1'RLLEL]. REgTl31 Rur� Id: 71�a , ,-- . - __ � - " '� � �.� * ,� -� �_ ---�/..;� °-`J-°� �' ,r`= = �-- �``� - ���' °'`� �,�,� ��� �• `��� � _�, � -,_t��,. ,�;. -- =-_._--� '� � `} �_ �� ����` � t � ,�, ;��- _ ,�.�-,�-- �,Y -�,.��� ,��,,.� `� A t�� . , . ' „ .. , , _ '+,., J'., _...ir �,h �- �- ' _:� � ^ ..� ` r. -:�.:. ti . � ,_ . y � . .' .� .. . j , 1 +1� F . �' ��l` � �� . '_ .� �-'��_�! � ����! `� ;•.� . . � 't., '. 1 ,'� ''f,, � - .�� �'��i --f ` ,s__•��,- �,� f;' _ — _ �,_ - - - - _ .__ �_..� ___- --- - _-_ ,_ , ,� %r k�1'', . . ����'',� "x i°a!(I�[i[7"�� ����t'f'� <^�17�5�3E'C'f�I07'� �E]L,�Pt['4 z?1`�>�SiC1�I 1",11�', �if f�+ ' A�I Cc�ra�n�7.e�Tit� I?e�e�a�vrrrenf De�artrrierrt � �'� i h :. �+ �1� �, 75 Sc�ai tl�r F�rr�ri tr��e P c�ar� � +� ',+''`,1, � '��`� - ' 1 �'r�r1r �.CkjC7Yl�G�C7 I.I.�Y,�1 ��"1E�i7 � i1 1 ���� ��` � i ,� r 1�`1 ��� ,�� ,.� , . � } :� .� � ';l f ,. , ,,, ����� ��f�' CEF�TI F I �AT� +C)F C3C�U��1'+�Y' ���` ;, �,�, �1 ��� �� � ;�+'rfi+ . , � eli I '= This certifit�t� is issued pursuant to �h�e requir�rr��ents of the Internat�c�nal f��Eiidiaig�'ad� as adc�p#et� b�the Tc��Fn af '+Iail " � �„ ;', " + � c�rtityin� hhat, at �he �irne af issuanre, thi� struciure sv�s Founci t« l�e subst�n�ia�ly in coni�Iiance witI1 the ��ri�us � �+�; `,�' ` ardz'nanc�s Uf t�te t�c,�n r�g��€arin�l�uitdir�g canstruction or u�e f�r khe faIfowin�: � �i/�- .r rt F r�5' 't 1 �� ._.. .... l ���'� .. � rtii1� �ame and descripti�7n of�rcapect Gor+e Cr�k Resir�en�es �`�;C7UP `'S'`' , � t, ` ,r, ��:;` �'�` �' ,�.�i�r�ss raf proJert: �i25 Fc�rest Rflad Build'u��7 iJnits 3&� � �` ,�; ��11��� �� � '���`'^ �+,�'�l+ �' �„�+�� � C7wner nan��an�I a�idress: Vai��c�rgora�ian�t'�J Box����,Av��1,�Colr�radcs�If�2Q ! �, i 4+1+,�'yty",`�,y � �-��� ,4y � , I�3C Edilian; 2Q[�3 it2C i7ccugancy C�rau��{s}: �-3 '1'�;�pe�s}af Constr�ction: r1 B +�t+'" ,�, � � h ,�� Y �f Jf�,�+ '� , Permit Numher(s}: BD5-(}113 C7riupant Lc�ad: - Sprink[er Syster Yf�T�i`�"Ypt�: !�+� �� �� ;, i��` ,h1,1f1 �fr+1'+�r, � '+� ;�,rC7TE: The k�uild:7a�; d�ffie�al rn � vrifing, suspenci ur revok� a cerfifi�:at� of Qccu�ancu issuec� icncier the �rovisi��ns nl Ilrtis cc�dc �1�1 , ,,I� �,�`�� '���f Evl�cri �er the ce ' icat�as s5 �ed in err r, or on tl3c i�asis of ineorrect znFc�rmaticsn su�}alied, or w�hen it is determine�that the hGtilciis�}; '�' `�k ( na•stnuc r� or n d f is in viol 'c�i1 oi any�rdin�tnce or regulatiran caf this�s�c1e. ti s+�, ''� '��'1 , li ,, ,1 p'��'�,? 1� r i j�{_f �h�y�f � � ���-/� ° �. � � A' ' . I 4'�,�'j�y`'�, ' ;' , � rirles E. I7a��is,CJ�ief Buil�in�; C�fficz�.l Datc1 ; ; l�'j+;'+ �, . , ` ,, • , ,, � ' i -- - _ _ _- _ . , f ,";t t lk " . : J�''a�• ...} � . . . � .^-_ �-l.` "� .1� � �� . . �„4 ��--�_�.� f ff� , \ °,ti `y--�i !�- . _ P., � _ A. -� . � - _ . __ '-. r � :- ^-��,-" , � i * � f J . .. ;jv�' 1.. y. . , �qY ,�,'' -- .�,�`' '�� . `�.�` + . 'r1� - —�' ,� �� e� �%. � .° , .. -��'� � '� �. F r ` . x r� t� +. - ..-t�� -�. - �,'6�'� �� 1 �`` �- � � .: �h���t P " � �_ :f 'i; ro'Sa`L� yf�,'�'--,��. ��", "` '� ,�e, .�l , _ _- , ::.` . 4�-_'. . �.•. y e�. .i4y�� f� �� � _ �+r-„�;���•.°s"�� .''!~� ,-IF= ���-� ��a:'��. ��_ _ �� ���� :�� � ��_�- ,��_'� _ _ -- .. � � r y� '��-��-����` Inspection Request Re arting P�g� �� �:'�� �C11 'IYI��I�i '� - �1t11 �}� Reque�sted Inspec#�late: Wednesday,Septemher 2S,20OT Ins�ection A,rea: CG Site A�ddress: 825 FQREST RD VAIL GC3RE CREEK PLACE BlJIL.DING 7 AIPdt]Information Activi#y: Bp5-f)313 Type: B-BUI�L� Sub Type: hlalJP 5tatus: ISSIJE� ��rsst Ty�e: 434 �ccupancy: 7 �lse: V-B lnsp Area: CG Owner: IIAfL CC3RP Ar�hitect: 424�ARCHiTECTlJF2E, Ih1C. Phon�: 3t73-29�-3388 Contra�tar: R.A, NELS�JN�AS50CIA7ES, ��C Phone; S7[1-94�-5152 [�escription: I�EW C�NSTRUGTI09�-GORE CREEK PLACE SUILDIMG 7, �fNITS 3$�4 Reauested Insqectianfs) �terci: 5�1� BC..pG-Final CID Re�ue�ted 7irne; 04:fl0 RM Req�estvr. R.A. NELSON�A55C7C3A�ES,1�JC P�vne: 974-949-5152 Gomments: VI�IC 4T1-2891 Assignet�1'a: ,fMQN�F7AGf]N �ntered By: JMO�IDRAGON K A�tion: Tir'�e Exp: � � fnspectinn Hi€�tary� Itern: 5a2 PW-Rough grade Itern: 503 PW-Finar dr�aeway rade Itern; 't{} BL�7G-Foot�ngslStee��UF�R qrd �,4ppraved"' �2l221�5 Inspector: S�IAHI� Actic�n: PA PAF�TIAL APPR£IVAL Co+nra'�ent: CATVCEL�E❑BY GONTRACT4R. 1Z!'�31C15 Inspector. , MRC]YER AcEian: PA PARTIAL APPR{}VAL Gamment: E�eri�r stnp f4otings and interior partywafl strip fccrc�tinq 01111146 Inspector. {"aCLI A�i���t: NR NOT REAQY FG�R fNSPECTION Comment: �11261[]fi Inspe�tar: tdunkin Actinn: AP APPRt7VEb Cvmm�nt: bend at cvmers#vr conUnuous reqc�irEmen# Q4{18106 Ins�ector; shahn Acti�rt; P1 PART9AL INSPECTIDN Gamment: inspe�ted(fi�foorings south side. (]41251bfi Inspec#or: C[] Actim�: A�ApPRt?VEa C�+mrrs ent: Item: 24 BLDG-�oundationlSteel *'Approve�i„ 0'�I4�lt]� Inspectvr; G�p Actic3n: PA PARTIAL APPR(7VAL Cflmm�r�t: BUILa 7 FDN WALLS ��1��1[l6 Inspector: edavis Actiora: PI PARTIAL INSPE�TID�1 Gomment: For 81dg 7 upper stem walls per details 1151.71 &8154.T 1 No fielr�insp�ctran occurred. Picture5 were submitt��. ThES pr�ceadure has heen appnoved in this case anly Charike Davis C.B.{]. 5ae file Q4125lb6 Ins�aectar: GCb Action. AP APPROUEE� Cornrnent' 6 PiERS Itam: 520 PLAN-IL�Sit�Pian *`Appro�ed*' 07118IQfi Inspeclor: Warren Ac�ion: A�APPROVEC} Comrr�enf: ltem: 30 BLD�-Framirag U91291U6 Inspec#c�r. M1iS� Act�can: PI PART6AL INSPECTIClEV Camrrr�nt: P�rtial inspection was far mof anly on bvth units far the purpose a�insufa#i�g raaf.waiting e�r� �E�',�'�.�Z. R11I1 It�: �1`��� � J _� � �� � " _ _ f _� �~ � �r �,, .�`J/ � y€-�, �- �r �'' -.r`�{=' ��``-k �,�`"� ! �' �`�, --r,�� � �`,� ` - '•'�- `"'-t, 'R '�� � - {y��?` !h '�' � '""�^'�,H � r; '`�` �,�' -yy�h` S�y�"rw _ �"�u _ -���_. _.��.t. _"-e+`-. 4f��,,�`fd � `. ..� � � . � i � . . � .� � .. jet � J''�, l' f .\ '`�-� _./' __ - � t� , (' ' ----�ft� '�-_.�' �� �� ' L "` ���� 1, �f, _ - �`- � / /',f --— - - -- ---- _. __'r'�� _ _ _ — ,'�.y�; �I /' �L�Ifl�C�11�S��' �?IZ�C'�� �^r 1�7"1S�TE'C�iL?11 .�t'1�'�C'E'5 ��1�'�SdL17� ,^ i �` ��'y r � - � . �'c�rr�r�zi�r�it7� I�ez��Ic���rra�n� i7e��ar�fr�ttrlf � � � r ' ,. 75 Sc�FrtJz Frnazfag� Rarz� �,;,; ,; �„1��,�� �� - _ ' � '4�rrtjr Ctal��r•it��r�� Z1�:^� ��7(�:a? '�� �'i, � � . .� !U'�L1� ��11-l.� � ; `�iti � ���i� I � � 'I'� t� ;+'? I +�V,�41 k : � .j"� � �e�`Y�� . Y'!�! '. ,��� . ����IFICA�E �UF C��CUPA�T�� � �� f������������ �'����� � � � ������'�'����'� i ' ` ��1 I ! This�ertificatE is issue� �ur�u�nk ta #h� r�c�uirem�nts c�f th�Irnternatic�nal Build���vcie as,a�rapt�eii �v lfle'I'�«il c�f 4'aii � �y �� 1�,� certifyu�g tl��t, at the tirnc of 'vssuance, khis strueture was f��ui�cj to E�e subst�ntially ir� r��rnplit�nce svith the �v�ri�u� j , i + ,'+t+��;� ��, . ` c�rdinances af the tc�w•n regt;latr�g k�ui€�iin�c�nstructinn or use for th�fc�lla��irzg: � �z�z',;, ��r ���.�� // ��� •��1� I � t ti �r\�1.,:`. ' �+ N�rne anc�ciesrri�rti�sn nf prc�jcct Gorc Creek Residences�tetUL1I' + � ' \���.� r� � � �� �` ���'�� �'z, Adc#ress of praject: 825 Fnrest IZoad,Bu'rlciin�8. u�sits I &2 ff ���•t� r,+�i��� ,,, p ,� �,��,',, ++p;; + � �`� (�wrler it�sx�e�nd ac�dr�ss: ��ail Corpar�tion. PC.� Box�49, A�+�z�,Cotor�c�n t376�(l '� +,�'ti �il 1i ' iy,ti ,, i� IIiC Editic�n: ?003 IRC Qccup�ney Graup(s): R-�i Type�s� caf iCnnstruc#ion: V B �� ++�,i'' ! , � '; j1 l,�r,,' � :� ` T'ermit�;um�er(s): �05-C1114 C7ecupant L.�ac�: - Sprinkler S_ysker�N Type: Q��'�1� �� _�, ,y��, ;t�'; ; t � � '�^`�• I ,; � , ���� �OT�: "fY�e btFildan�; offi�i�l m�ay. in w•ritin�;, suspcn+� or rek•oke a c�rtiEicate �f occupaney issueci un�Ier tf7e provisirans of ktzis ec�de ��, „ � �'�� �r' w^ �wrer�lze certiFitnke fs issue � or,r�r�n the la��sis�C incorreet in��rrs�ati�n su�plied,vr when it is deterrnined that tl�e huil�iit��; "'` , ;,�� �' c�r slr�zc ,ar Qcte ¢1 ther is in vioi tion oi an� arc�inance ae ra��lation uf t��is rade. `�r�`` ,;����..,,� � �s,,;'�'�'`: ��'r rl� '� i I��'�i}� 1'�'1 f� 'ti'h`��'y��" ' i�� � � i; '� , � �� � � � � � � C� � �' ��� � �`'��y .�t�it � -� r Y li+ � +±� ;,��� 1, � �arT�s E. D��vas.Cl�ieF Li�iilc�����+C>ffici�I Date ,,.;. ,� ,,� t , ,, s 'r �x ,�'' --- -- - ----- --- - -- ,__ s f ' � \ --- :k _��`,r — -.` �.ti '1' � `� - j, �k,\ �C •�. �. � � . �_--� /i�`a-- �\. f,r_ � j��-z L.� .s��� y1 � �Y-, _ � 1 - � � r �- i .. -^�- r•'". r ! - '- • r , 'r r �'� '� �T / -Y . � ; � t,r-. r , .;, �� � _: .-�' a •r { ,- .r. ; _ i �--~`� i� ,'s �.. ��: �.""`d rt ��+�. ,'S�� �� � _ s. r �". �4 � � .r �f k �.� ?�t;� �� x �. .� IY-- . �� �'�' N� Y. ��4 ,.i . � 'f �-�'�`� ��� �� +��� �� ��5'�`�.. "/'r�"`'�`-.`— �°f� - ,�"°;�`� �- �:['�.` �,J � �� /?�n � �..f,x ��� . ` l_ A.., A _ _ � � �4-r..- "` `-``-�f=-_--' _ , ___ ��`� �-_ »•� ��_ti - ��-% — s _ _ _� ''�;r {` �' . �t�9-25-2n07 �nspectic�n Request Re por�ing Page 41 �:17 pm Vai�, CD.C�tv_C]f Itequ�s#ed Inspsct�1ate; Wednesday„Septemher 28,2407 lnsp�ectian Area: CG 5its Address: 8�5�OREST R�VAIL G#�RE CREEK P1AC�B131L�]f�£3 S I�JPII�Inforrnatian Activity: BC15-�]'f 14 Type: B-BU1LC� 5ub T7+pe: NDUP Status: ISSUED Canst Type: 434 C7ccupancy: 7 Use: V-8 Insp Area: C� (7wner: VAIL COF{P Architect: 424p ARCHI�ECTURE, INC. Phone: 3L}3-292-3388 Contractt�r: R.A. �IELSON&ASSC��IAT�S, INC �hane: 970-945-5152 Description; NEW CCJN57FiUC�"IC7N-GC7RE CREEK f'LAC� BUIDLING#8, UN1TS 1 &2 Rectueste�d Insnec3iaM(s1 Etern: s40 BLDG-Fina[Gf� Requasted Time: 16;3[1 AAA �tequeskor: �.A.lV��St]?V&ASSdC�ATES,iIVC Phane: 97(]-949i-5152 Ctsmments; WIC 4�'1-,�891 Assign�d To: JMC]IVDRAGC7hl Entered�y: JM�hIDRAG�JN K A�tion: Tirne Exp: / , +� ; InsoectEon His#ory ` Itern: 5i32 PW-R�uqY�grade It�m: 5fl3 PW-Fir�aT dn�ew�y rade ` Iterr�. 'i 0 �3LI7G-Fvatingsf5fse��UFER grd "ApprcrVed" 021161�1F Ins ector, GCC7 Actian: PI PAF21'IAL fNSPECTl47�3 Comrnent: P��fNFETER AtVC3 PARTY'WAtL FUOTINGS. 031141�16 Inspectar: MRC7YER Action: AP APP'R�VE� Cammer�t: Inter�ar fc�oting s!p ads and inte�rior paured separatic,n wall.OK to pour. 47131!(]6 Inspec#or. GC❑ Aetion: AP APPfiOV��3 Camment: I�ADS AR� R��C�T��E 3"9"Ah3C7�"9"AS NdTE�QN PLANS. CDRF2ECTkQNS MADE L�PON RETURIV SAME �AY. Item: 2D BLDG-Fou�datianfSteel '*Approued'�" C]21a21�6 Inspe�fvr: GCp Acti�n: PI PAR�IAL INSPECTIOlV C�mment: Bt3tLD 8 STE�4 WALLS ON TUh�NEI.. �212�I�B Insp�ctaro MRdYER Actir�n: €�h!D�RII�D Camment: Naf ready. Less t�an 112 camp9ete. fl2123146 tlnspectoc: GCC} Aetion; CR CaRRECTl01V k�EC�UIREIJ �CQmment: THIS PERMIT IS IN THE APPR4VED STATUS AtVD FEES ARE UUE.THE INSPECTIDN WAS PERFt3FtIVIED BUT 15 NDT APPROVEQ L7N�'IL FE�S ARE PAIL]A3VD PL.ANS AR�IM1�YHE FIELD. i�7l31l�6 fr�sp�Gtar: GCD Actian: AP APPR�VEb C�mment: FEES WERE PAIC?QN 02-27-Ofi (38fD41�16 frtspect�tr. GGO Aetion: iw1R NQT R�,A[3Y FOR IIVSF'EC71C}N Comment: �81Q$Ifl6 Ins�pectar. �CC7 Action: AP APPROV�D Corr�ment: 7 P1ERS ItErn: 524 �LAN-ILC Site Plas� "AgRraved''` 47118f06 knspector; Warren Acfion; AP AP6�RC3VED Comment: Item: 3f� BLQG-Framing "Approued*"' 1�I1E106 1ns�a ector: GCL� Action: dN DEhfIEt] Gomrnent: FIR�17EPT, AND FIREPLACE INSP�CTI�3N FtEQQ. RFPT133. RL'lI! Iti: 71{)D �� i--_ ' � - '�� - - �� - _ -- - :., . y°, �,4 ;��-!r'~ -=��•...��� _ ��,,=� - -.��r -�` . ,�, �. � �r--'`�! i ` .,`-f `• ' ~ �.�� - � .� r . `` � r ,� '°,.�, ,�� ��.� ' -� '` r�X '..^ �. �.'�` 5� �-"o sti. �` f � ' f �"�` � ` �, ".":� t; � ��~� -'`'� �,u �� � __ k � e'`'�; T�s� `' st �'�ry ';1r ~ ' �;k . r q�' �"��,'f� y � _ .,�. � �. !{•u..f{t}_ ,p- .,. '�-- ,e ;� t � ��, } � _ ' _ _ . � _ � ' � { �h � . ..� �S. i hi F+r �' �� f' - f '����./ _ f ��� s�' � �� k � / ' �.. 1 . . .I_ — . _ �f _ . .._ _ ...— .___.__ ... _...—_— --__... - . . � �� � � � �r B��ilt�lr�� ;�����f.J �� ,�r�a.��t1��t`ta��r7 �i���t���'t�:� L�i�c�isi��tz � �� � - - Cc�rnrrzzcr�it�� L�e�aelaprrrent L�e�r�r�rrrer�t - 'y��a , , i _ �. 75 Sou�h Fra32Pr�ge Rorad `, +, ;++,, ,� �#,,, Vr�i�, Cnl�rr�r�c� LISA �7 G�7 ��� , `'�1, f}'�I �Jp �r7''` � � �n� , ;�/,� t �� 4f� F1.+,� e� � ��' � 4i� I ;tll,, �1�a1�,� f i� �� � , �ERT I FI CAT� �,7F 4���.T��T��' � �� /+� I . 1 5 �L�'n ��; th�I i�4�'4"�y � J++� lk i , '+�f+, I i T�1is�er�icat€� is issued pursuant ka the requirenlents nf tl�e Tr�t��°nati��nal Buigc�inb Coc�e as �e�c�ptec� by the Tc�wn r�f Vail ' ' ,ti�� c�rtif��in� t�at, at th� time of issuanee, tl�is structure was fe�unci tc� be substanti�lly in com�liancc �^ith thc� varint�� i � �+,� �'�l r '` ' ordinances of the tow�n re�uiatin�building cc�nskruc�icrr7 nr use foy� the f��Ilo�vil��,: , "'Y��` t';'' � � , r� * .���,. � ,r �ti, . ��I I�lame ac�d d�scriptic�n of pr�jeet Gc�re Cree�C l�esidenc�r.s-tunnel& �r� e { ` ��`� - � '�'��� Adelress of project: 825 Fc�aest Rcsac� � : f, ,:��. . 4 l`11 1'y r�'',,I,r�'� "f C�w�ner name and address: Vail Cr�rp�rrati�n I'l�Bpx 459, �4�c�n,C:c�larada 81b2�J _ � ti `� f i y I � IBC�ditaon: 2f)f13 II3C C7rcupat�cy Groai��(s}: S-? 'I'ype(s}c�f C:onstruetioc�: I-B ,�; ++ ti�ti is�y � f � + � �l 1+,•� y� ' Pe�rmit Nuan�er(s�: B(��-C1195 Occu��a�zt Load: - Sprirakler'Syste�Y N Tyge: /��� f� i , ', �'' � �,��� � � � '��°. `� ,1 i 1 �� } , I � +� N{3Tr: Ttif builclin�; c�fficia] n-�ay, �n �vrifing, s�s�end or re�rol�e a cerfiEicate c�f occu�ancy� issued unr�er �ie �s-n�risioiv� af tltis code '' ' e cr the certifjcate �s i�sue rorr nr o�1 the k�a�is nf in�nrret;t infnrrnztian su��rIied,c�r wlien it is cieterminec$ �hat�ae building j J�y��l n�r st-rue e r rit zY lfi �f is in 4�ici1 tican oE any ordiatance nr regulation c�f this�ode. ° , ?'''� ;, + �,,�,��,� ,,;+�r'�� , fr `� f • �'�`^� � � f� � i 41�;�11����� ._��r�es E. C��-�vis, C�a�ef Bui��iin�Jfficia� L7ate , � i , � — �_ : '--`--�, �`:. ` �'1 'F 1 �`'_ --.� �� e--. _ � �� � :.�..� ��`'" - /' "'`: t y�. - � : ` ' �� . , , ._ , ����� �. ' .� ,, �, ,r',�' {r.� � � t � ��. !?:_-� �� ��� '/` .t. �_�'.`-,. - �. ` '� � `ti` --:.�`��. �_� \4 '`� � r%'�=.�4�-�. -� ��� � � _ _ �' . _ - ,. . � �i � . � ���.t � � IRR�VC?CABLE L��R OF �REDiT ��RMAT Lee�al bescrip#ic�n� I n'r ,Block 5ubcivi�ian; 4.��s"� ��Y �d� — -. ,�IC�C�f�SS:_.. 4�, (zJ�Y� I�e�e.rT 1QO�a.� _ _-- — f�eveic�per:_�,-� Cr��.–�— f'+�c�c.e-�G�L'' s / �u�`l�1�n;►'er�„'r�luml��r:_�.� �-t� 1_. ".�'- 3! �� 6Tn�rovement Ce��np�etian�ate., �� � � Letter �af Credit �xpiration Date:��� -� D L}EVELOPER lMPRdVEM�NT A�GREEMENT TH15 AGR�EI�ENT, mad� an� entered into this _,l�--��; day of -���,�.s�.�:., , 2��?? � .� � � , • th� "Deve�r�per"}, �nd the Town of t�y and amc�ng c��:�r;e_ c__rtc�, tj��.�c ���-..�-� . � �the "'Bank")- Vail {the"To�++n"} arsd � C3�.�;���� ���'•7�r�t` WHE��AS, the fl�v�loper, as a �and[tian of appraval r�f t��e Tempc�r�ry Cert�ficate of " Q 7 ;�� (����.s, �ac.-cr r L��'� c`' r��i^:; f'1�.:,r. � ,�'.G.�� Dccupancy f�r�..��__'--- `"� � ' �S�:�� � �t�� - (address, 1ega1 d�scripti�n, and . , ne�mber) wishes to �n�er ir�t� a Develaper lm¢ravemen t Agr�er�ent; anc� �� icient in tt�e WHEf��AS, t �ve� s obli e f� pmvide � a�e��in impr�vements s�t. judg�mer�f �f the To n to ake sfln�ble pr �s fc�r co t� forth in the �ttache �stE #�d id �in accc� a e with the �pgro��d pians and specifications fi�ed in th� office c�fi mmun�iy e��lapment Departme�t�f the T n Vaii; �� WH��El�S, Ehe �Q elo� wi es tc� prc�vide s�curit ;g P���rmance �'f fY�is Agreement, fncfudsng com �ti f ail ` cwemenfs referr� in fhis Ar�re�rn�nt, bY m��ns of �he foll�wing: The �eve���er a�r�es t� est�biish an irr�vocab�e fetter c�f �rec�i##.3t��fi�� the �mc�unt t�f '� ,'"`�' '�S'� .. .� with �=zj,„� �t �',&; �r-:._.t� (nar�e c�f ' ank in �agle C�unty, �olt�ra��� � the evenk�t�e�e�is�a defa�t tund�r�fi�'s�s improvements refe�red to in this Agrcem , � Agreement by th� Dev�laper. . NOW THEREFC�RE, in considerati�n of the foi4awing mutual �ovenants and agreem�nts' the []e�reicaper a�d the Towr� agfee as#ollows: q. The Qev�iaper agre�s, a� its sQie cost and expense, �a iurnish all �c��ipm�nt and materials nec��sary ta perfofm and �om�iefe a�l improved to inrth sr Agrt�Irr�se�nt n���befc�re �he De�r�fop�r �grees tc� comple#��a!I improuemen#s referre � �(����-� , 7he Developer shail compiete, in a good ,? �:�� d ay of � �.,.��:�.��_ , .�.= , warkmar�jike mar�r�er, a l i impr��+e m e r s t s r e f e r r e d i�of ���tComrn�r ty�Deve�opm�t �epartm��t �p�rave�f p lar�s an d s�e c i f i c a t i o n s f i l�d �n t l�e �ff i c e �� th� Tawn af V�i4, �nd to da �l{ wc�r�C inci�ent�l ther�#a a�ccs�rding to and in camp liance w i t h t h e foflc�wing; . F:�cdevtFbRPA51DlA1DfA credit forrr�ak_1120�12.doc F��ge i pf 5 . � � a. All said wark shail t�a dane under th�: inspec�ion of, ar��l �o if�e satisfact�an t�f, the Tawn Planner, the Town �ngineer, th� Town Buildin� flffi�ial, or other afficial frarE-o the T�wn c��Vail, as affected by special disfricts c�r s�r�rice districts, �� their res��ctiv� interest may appear, and shall nat �r� deemed cQmplete urit�l appr�ved ar�d acc�epted as complet�d by the C�mrnunity De�elopm�r�f �e�a�tment and Pubfic W�rks Qe,�artrrrent c�f th� Town c�f Vail. �, 7c� secure and guarar�t�� perfarmance of the ol�lig�tions �s set fnrkh herein, #he aevelrper agrees ta provide sec�ri�y as follows: _ Irrevacabfe letter of credit# -3�P%5'6?l� in ihe amaunt of$ '�s �^.�- �, 3 (125°.Iti of the totaf costs �f t�e a#tac'�ed �stir��Eed bid�s�) with ;�a. �:' :x f .;:,�� _ - �name c+f bank in E�gle County, C�oioraday set to exp�r� on the r� t.� + day of ,�'�'� , .>: ' , 20�' '�� (nat ta �xpire less th�n 3� days after the date s�et forth in Paragraph �1 of this Agreement) as the security for the.compf�tic�n c�f ail improvernent� r�ferred �a i� this A�reemen�, in the e�re�tt there is a default �nder this A�reement by th� I�eveEoper. 3, The DeveEoper rnay at any time substitute the security c�rigin�lly set forth above for another form Qf securiky or cQi6�teral acc�ptable tc� t�e Town ta guarant�� the faithful cvrnpletiQn �f thvse improvement� referr�d to ir� this Agr�ement and the perforrnance of ��re terms c�f �his Agreemer�t. �uch acceptance by the Tawn �f alternat€ve s�curity �r callateral shal[ be at the Tr�w�'s sol� discretiart. 4. T�e Tc�wn shall nc�t, n�r shall any oificer or emplaye� thereof, be liabf� or r�spansiblE for any acc�dent, loss ar damage happening or occurring to �h� work sp�cifi�c� in this Agreement pric�r to the completi�n and acceptance �f the same, nor sf�a[! the Tawn, r�ar any officer 4r employee therevf, be liable #Qr any persor�s or pr�perty in}ured by reas�an af khe nature of said work, �ut al! c�f said liahilities sha�l and �re her�by assur�ed by th� Developer, The [3eveloper h�reby agr��s ta €r�demn�#y arrd hold harm4ess the Towr�, and ar�y Qf 'rks affi�cers, ag�n�s and emplayees against a�y fosses, claims, dama�es, ar liabilities to which #he Towr� or ar�y of its afficers, ag�nts nr empl�y�es nzay i��come subject t�, insofar �s �ny such iosses, claims, damages or ii�biiities (or actions in resp�ct thereof} that arise out af c�r are base� upan any performance by the ��evei�per �ereunder; a�d the Develop�r sh�ll reim�urse the T�wr� for arsy �nd a!I legal c�r cather exp�nses reasonably ineurred by the �c�wn in connection with inv�estigating ar defending an� sucf=a loss, cl�im, d�mag�, liabifity �rt' actican. This ir�derainity provisian shafl be in ad�iiti�n tr►any other liabilifiy which the De�elc�per my have. 5. [t ts mutU�lly �gr�ed tha�the Dev�f�per may apply for and th�Tawn may authc�rize a partiak release of the security pr�avided to the T�wn for each ca#eg�ry af imprav�ment at such time as s�tch impravem�nts ar� c�nstructed in cQm{�liance wath �II pfans and specificati�ris as referenc�d hereund�r ar�d �cce�te�l by the Town. lJnder no �or�dition shall fh� do6�ar amour�k of tne �ecurity ,�ravided to the T�wn be reduc�d t�elow f�e dolCar are�o�nt �recessary ta cornplete ali urtcampCeted improuem�nts ref�rred to in this Agreement. �:lcdevtFf}R[v1S1�]IA',f7EA credit fc�rmat_'I 12002.doc Page 2�f 5 � � 6. If the Tr��uvn det��mines, at it� s�l� discretion, that any af the improvem�nfs ref�rred to in this Agreernent are not cr�nstructed in compliance wifh the approUed plans aaid specificafi�ns fiied in the gffice of th� �omrn�nity Devel�pmen# Departmer�t of the Town �f Vail ar na# acceptec� hy the Town as compPete o� �r �efo�e the date set fnrth in Paragraph1 of this Agreemenf, the Town may, but shal� nai be required to, draw upan the security referred ta in this Agreernent and c�rnpfete t'�� uncampl�ted �mprovemenfs referred ta in this �,greernent. Pu�suant to Section 12-1�-8, Vail Tawr� Code, tl�e Terr�pc���ry Certifi�te af C7ccupancy referrecS to irt this Agreem�M may b� rev�ked �ntil all im�rovements referred to h�r�in are campleied by th� �evelaper or�he Tawn in ac�€�rdance with ff�is Agre�m�nt. ff the c�sts of �ompf�ting t�� �nc�r�p�et�d improWemer�ts referred to in �his Agr�ement exceed lhe dQllar amo�arrf of the seeurity �rovid�d #o f�e Tou�rn, the e�scess, toge#her wit� in��rest at twefve �ercent (12°/'0} p�r ar��um, �f�all be a lien a�ainst t1��; praperty �nd m�y be collecfed by civif suit or may h� certi�ied k� the treasurer of EagCe Cour�ty ta �e collected in th� same �mar�ner as definquent ad valo�em tax�s levied against such propErty. I�the Devefe�per fails or refus�s to cam�9e�e tt�� improuem�nts r�ferred ta �n this Agre�ment, suc� fai�ure ar refusal shall be considered a violation af Ti�fe 12 �Zaning R�g�latior�s�, af�he 11`aii T'�wn Cvd�, and the QevelQper sh�ll be subject ta penaFfEes pursu�nt to S�ctian 12-3-'�0 �Vic�lations: Pen�fties) and Chapf�r 1-4 {General Pen�lry), Vail Yqwr� Cade. � 7. Tt�e Developer sha�l warr�nty the v�rr�r�r and m�te�ials of a�l im�arcavemenfs refe�red to in this Agreem�nt Incated on Town praper�y or within a Tawn right-of-way, pursuant ta Chapter 8-3, c�f #Y�e V�if T�wn Code, for a periocf of iwc� years a�er the Town's acceptance af s�id irnpra�rements. 8. Th� pa�ties h�er�to mutually�gree that t�is Agreement may be amended frarn time to time, pr�vidaci that such amendments be an writing ar�d execu€ed by �Il parties h�:reta. Da�ed the day a�d year �irst above wrifter�. �'-:r c. C;e r 1� {��4�1 C r fP�'C �+� ��':.�)�- r'�y �u�'-�` �4'rn..�R � �; `� - s' /, 1p��rr�►id rK tti�Nc�r���: v� 1 ai1 1��.5!n xJailc��arysriFSr7�� !S}': '- �r. ` � _ DeveE�per �c�:ff (�r�1k..�:�., �.�-�.�.:� , ' �__�- _ ,. V;�lC_ `+�a�nc ,li!L��-�i-�`�i[:�L STATE �F C(]L�RA��Q } s�:,<<: `t_-I.� ri�; � .. a ��- COUI'dTY C3F EAGLE } The foreg�ir�� [� vela��r Impravement Agreem�nt was �cknowl�dged b�fore me t'�is y, �.�� L"�' I �.��' Day of `�_ C r` L � �GO{�l 1 ��1� � s � I�l � � ( 1`'}LCt��£ Z tt.S f��_`'�f� ` �►�� -��,��.k� ��.,.�: Witness my hand and �fficial seal. �. R� �.��F.�'r�tir �'���c� �,p,,,,.....�(,� ��c- . My cc�mmission expir�s �l - � -- �' � �W,•�,;�'CA �'L a:c., '�J-�:r� � : . �. --`��� �'� � : ,o ,_.Y`�.� ��GL �� �r f L C`� ��+.'• ��[;': a k�otary PubCic ���'�B�•`�N� �F �D'�- ��p�pR�il?3��'� F:1�dar�IFflRP�tSl�fAlf�lA�redii formaE_112002.dac Pag�3 04 5 � � - ----.. _ �_ .. - � Wv�� Tawn Planr��r STAT"� C}F GfJL�1RA��] � }ss. CQLfI�TY C�F EAGLE � Th� foreg�in velt�per Impr4vement A�greemertt was ac�Cnowled�sd �ie��re me this "L 20 C,� �3 �-�-� �...��(`�•� �`� ��...-- �r"(�.���..<._ �f]ay o� (�+Yt�.`._��� , ,� y _ y Witness my h�r�d an� afficial seal. My car�mission expir�s: t � 4 �' � ��' ��k�r t�►�s���i f r r�r�,,����f .�`��� �'�N�� c'� j!!�'"i ,� ��a+_. ,��: �� . t,4,��'• �s � '� �`-.'`�-- � j�� '�G�g� -= � •�' ..�C .=' � h3Qtary ubiic l p •.. ..� �- �sff�'���'Q�.C)1�PQ�y�'��w�ti � �����1lllfli4tl►»�,�� �'►�ca�.,�-� � � E�HIB�'Y' A Sco�e of Imprvv�emeants I. Camplete tandsGaping per the appr�ved Building Permit plans. 2. duilc[ing Permi# # - B44-(J195, issued Apri1 ��, 20(35. � � EXHII3IT B Cast of the Work (see a�tach�d) �-�. H�1S�fl � Rs�x:at�s. :r.e, � .-°:-,reair-.nd �-CBt �itr �etai? � �d��G:�nS P85� i , . t;VicL :nvoi�e ^-a�cast! ^cy�4tu� �aee: 42:?i!r�3r• '3C��'1'. T11l:P' 9'��n 3!Q �'-6LNS IJRFh'�: :�.�,ui�k�i..��.� �i:i'?�!R.,4�}� ArilS.�,�[Ki �r•,:Re� Sur:.:uric �pu.nC .7v4 Exe:n �r:,:. �uc7h C�*_ l,mdsnc 4i;�:r�ee 4bncsArc ':�.v.:i°e�rs R.e�aint�� P�i�i Aelerce =v^rrac�: 3kL�t-.1 :.a:ds�aY:�� G ... „-.. `_Rt:�53;s' - ?G'IC•r a^`F� C�;`»'G!( :.s�S�D6;�A'f��S.. _ :i-�d-�7�� »?lLfi SL� �.!��i,"-�?..S�Y .,.'?d.t�:� 319.:��S.tiS 3e6.�437.".^. ?d.ra'iS �Ct :��.i�Z.SG 153.'313.?fr `I-aris;,•.eR��_n�« �r�.vric-+s- '?4b: _:�G3-f�� ?C'� 7fR^ T8.i27..d'3 �.°�?.7-0 .^.s2G_�I3� 9�S]9 ]L-C.'-09 f,:�*:::3�Ai-l: ..h'S!F:,AiP s�l.7;?3.�5 F,?%?..59 ",4„d5�,�'+ 5{p2 31��G.-Gn •�` c�� l4�� 1.59�3.�G i�;99.5J 3d73 3;-,r4-G�+ Ci :..:C:L.£t� 1�?:r1.65 vq-7S .31 C•. .. ..=,W�it'S �':F�.TR� `.:x5 . '� t :x�._ . _ �.:3 a°.� 5i.2A 3�:34. 31-L5 GC ;.J1.1II�SC.�.Pt�: 4J.E:'.:{' A be:`.i} ?4.'�3"?.$5 �...:}G-4�J10 3i-�,C-!a� i,ln�'."�;Eo.N?tae. Sy,S:$.21 y.357.r�s3 ..,21'�._� 3l-Gt-7�"SG :7-?C�� :;�s 1,1,I.5C !,Zi=.�G 1.�?2.54 8u;�r.r sh+sru7rs lnvc�ces: 8.^.d.dII7.So' l�,785.St!" CZ!+.333.3ti• ?6c.467.'.a• ?{,9:.5.?y• �:i�,65's.5'a' �55,��d.26' 7i«p�art ?uca?�a 308,147.y8" iF.'BE,S�U' :"ZG.�33.45�• '64.4�3�.7G' ^:4.'3S.w}' �.4I.FJ5.L.SO• 1�G,AQ4.�4� � � -.�� �� �_v � ; _ � � � � { $ � � � s Page 1 �f`2 � � Gvdy O'Kelly Frvr�n. Mike Cuthbertson [mcu#hbe�son''�„�c�iran�lsan.00rai, Sent: Wednesday, Dece�nber 20,200�9:44 AM T�s: Cndy+�'Kelly;CaEeman V'I�f�se �c: Tadd Go�rkiing Su6ject: RE: Town c�f Vaif�.etter�f Credit Fallow Up Flag: Fvll�w up �ra� stac��: R�a 1lttachments: Scan(lfl1.PaF En�l�sed is tf» ct�py �of their subcont�act�nd a cnst r��ori_ I did nt�# irtclude tYse att�Chm�nts,since i�is several hundred pages lang and i be6ieve irre€e►�ant tQ wrhat you are doing. Le#me knaw if you rreed anything e4�. A summary of their�ontract: C}riginal �ontract $4�8,147.46 Change C7rder�io dat€ $12,786,SU Revised cQntract $42fl,933.95 Wdrk Csampleted $266,487.7Q Ba4anc� nn Contract $154,44fi.2B i h�v�a calf and e-mail intn Tt]V#�go over convertng"fCC)'s i� CO's anci extending TGC►'� iF n�ed be. 1 will k��� yQU in the laop. M�ke Cuthbertson S�n�ar Pr�ject fUlanager Gor��reek Place 97"(�.748.76fi2 Office� 97U.476.7882 Fax 970.471.F444 Ceil nncuthbertson�raneksvtl.��rn � . � R.A. Nelsar7 & Associates, Inc. 51 Ea�le Road #2 1',c3. llr�wer 54U(1 A�an, CO 8152a 9?fl.948.5152 Rlease visit o�r websit+e: wwvu.r�n+elson.com Thds e-mail,Including any ai�achments,is intended saEely tor the person(s}to wharn rt is addres�ed and may co+�tain�onfdent�M infaRnativn �rotet�ted by�aw. kf you have r�ecelved fFfis e-m�fl in error,pl€ase notiTy us immetifatefy by rep�y e-casail and tf�en delete this mes�age fmrr► your system and destrvy all copies. C]�sclasing,copying,distrik�uEing infarmat�on dnc�uded in this message,tir laki�g aciiorr�aseed on this rne�sage by anyane other than ttae intend�d reapient(s}is st�ictly prohibited. UVe appreciate your c:aoperatian. Unl�ss�fated ta t�re vontrary, any apinions ar comments are persanaE ta the w+rrete�r and do nat represent fhe s�f�c�al vi�w af the company. Frc�m: Ga�dy C?'K�Ify [rnaitto:C�Kelly@vailresorL�.eom] Sent: Wedne�ciay, Dec+e�nt�er�0, 2QOfi 8:25 AM 1212112Da6 � � Page 2 4f 2 To: Caleman Wi�; Mike Cu�rbertson Ce: �'odd+G�ulding Su�ect: Tawn o�Va i I Letter af Cred it Ma�celCol�man, 1Ale would like a copy c�f your cc�n�ract with the landscape su�on#ractear, arad an amovnt paid tr� date by Thursc#ay. This gfves us Friday to put tag�ether Qur paperwo�rk and �end ou#p�iar ta#h� hofidays. Mik�-t�ave you seeur�d a�'CO exter�sion for t�e prvject? [ b�lieve this is a procedr�ral i$sue that rae�ds t� be hancil�ed witFrin th�TGU tim� periad. Gody �'I(elly - 1�►ssistan� �'r�oje�ct Manag�r Vail Ft�ssmrts De►i�lop�er�# Gvmpany Gure Creek Place, LLC, Ce11: 97Q.�7 4.45�B Fax: 9T�L},645.2358 U.S. Mxil: PQ S�a9,[nt�rcon�pa�y E3cfx 4E•,Avon,Culorado 81f�2L7 C)�'crni�ht 137 Bcnchmark Rosd,Avnn,+Cnlc�r�ti��1b2[) Visit onc of�ur�+�b sites at �i iv ta �:�i:r�:i��..<.�:<<�i� The in�`ormatioz�contained in this message i�con�dential and intend�d aniy fc�r the t�se c�f the indi�idual ar entity rtameci abov�, and may be pnvile�ed. Any unauthorized r�:�iew, use, discivsure, or disitt�bu�an is pr�izibited. Ifyou �re nat the intencfed recipiertt, please reply to the sender imm�diat�ly, statins�that you have receiv�d the message in err+�r, then pleas�delete this e-mail. Thank yvu. I21211�Q06 � � � � R.�. �EL�+�I`�J � j� � rt �' �.ri� i � ci� c� r � ca�rsfi��c�r�+��v svscorv°r��.c�r AGREEMENT �e��rcr.�� Ttai�A�+eesr�t ma��the'Fi'n�3ay c�i Uct+frfi�r?t1i]5�ef'fe�iv�:the?8i°day t�t'+C}clahes?!l(}4,hy anc�f�et�•een R.�. Nels�at c�.4ssc�ciates,inc.,her�in�ll�d the C�traCkt���an�f Rc`�cky�ti.3ea�t�iriC�aSE�7m Larxi5C�g7c.�t1�er�ln�fter ct►13ec�tk�e Svk�cflnu�a�.��sr.ta pa:rfc�rrn part sst the work cni the f��ilc}wing prs�jec.~t: PRC33�CT: G��re Creek Piaae �25 �4'esi F�csres�i�oad Vail.Cai�rado�E 6:�2 C�WNER: Vail R:sarzs E7evelc�prne�iit Con��anv f 37 f3er�chrr�a�ic Koad As�t��.C°c�lnrar3�,�'s l G�E} C'ONTI2A�TDR; R.A.[Yelscm&A�sscaciatcs,inc. P.C1. l7rawer.��{'] A Von,C'�alc�racic�8 t 52�f 5�13�"Q��C`TC}R: Rtxky:�xtn�x�tain Cr�.stcs�r�l.and5capes FfJ Hcax 367?. Avcsr�,C�81�i2f} ` 97f�-7��-`��fi 1 97[�-7�k�-S��CJ�ax � ARCH['1`�:C-"I': 4J�(}Arcfzizectt�re 1+�2 i i 8`�'Sfreet �uite�{Kl � � Dk.�4•er,�oloradn RQ2{]2 T' ti �I.ice to p�rti�s�i1 t�e�ven at the�ataove�iddrekses. 1 # � E � . s # ► � � !L[2T�I�LE' Z.1 �U13CflNTRACTQ�t'�WC1RK. Tk��Sutres�r��raetcrr agrees tc�turnis� a!1 ne�ssary ma.nagexne.�t, se��e.c���sia�ti, lak�ar, rrs�€t�a'i.ils. tc��s� supplies. �ciuipntiet�4 p��nt. 5err�icc,, sur�sJri�:;. ac�s:�czri�..�. �n�in�ruj�. cesring. andlvr other rict nr th[ng rcqu�r�cf to�liligcntiy ar�c� f�uf�y perFtmra and ctu�piete a!! l�ndxcaping anci irri�atic�n�tiosl�:ES r��c,re��:itic:aily�c�e�tiir�.t in Aitach�ztetti l. I 2.Z CONTRr'#C�' [N)(:�.l:t�'I!k�e`1"S: The wvrk is [� t�e campletecl in u�tif�arznit} wi�h alae Cor�tract Da�t,�xs�tient���hECh itxiude: 4. 'F"his Suhc-nntra�:t r�tgr�c:ment "_, �u.i.�pe�fi�e�r1; 3. Attac�mcnt 2 T�ta��a�#Sp�ci�c-�t:c���.� �. r\t[7�hmcnt 3 C�eneraUS�e�ial F'ravicinns _5. Attachrr�n��5�:i�eeiule of VaCueS �. .�[�8(:{11Y'I�l��t1fS5Cfi1CL1£7il�l�'1£�i1�E 7, Att:���ment Cx OC'[P Manual k�. I?xhihit C?(�CII'F'ro+��isi�ens 9. SuE�c�nirac.�r�r p�E�ti 1�171 C�1�a47�3�1C3Y11�(7CfJV lSlfl�l'a FT(7Ct1 t�CICF11C3`1�Ciifl4filC�a,Tl[�Ci@11�f°flI CdT114.�lilf]F14 iry t�� f��ran a�re�d to by RANA. with rhe dwz�r, are inrr�rpc�reted int� t}tis Agre�tt�ent upo�r it's execs.�tir�n � 2.� C(]N�LIC-`TS: In t�te eaent t�f�uc�n€�i�t heFU�e+�.�this Agr�ement�zxf t1�e C:cu�trsc.�t I�cuEr�rt�..s.[F�e,�xae ir�e�usive de;�c�ri�tivn af the wcaric shaik}�r�r�ail.�xce�t�s s�ificalfy cxatli.neci in t'�ttachmc.-n[ l. ART[CLE 3 SC�:.DllLE 4'�F�V[]I2i� 3,! T�1V� i5 Cl�''1'H.�.��SEi'�'CE: T#a�Su[7cnn[racwr s3�ali be�n Etae work withitt�t�e(5}days af[he Cnnir�ctor`s ee��ucst f�r�u Subc;oratract�r tc�begin work au�c�sha11 contin�e tt�e Wc�rk w7kla suff�cic�€staffsn��a� ���t lo ci�isy tiie pmjeci, Futther,the Subc.�ntracrtor shaEl krave a wm�eter�t fr�rer��a;Y.appm�v�ci hy the C:�ntr.u�t€�r, �i t�e,{nbsite dir�ectist�ehe s�c+rk:�t�1{air��es;s�ta.il eri7�lny'tl�nuni�r of'quali#'i�ic:rripltryc.�re��ra�tca c�r�lete the Wc�rk i��as;wrdanre wRl�t thhe p�'nject schedt�le�zraehed f�ere�+�and madc a p:irt h�ea'ecrf xs rltt�schmer�t 5. NcK ei���tli�yi4�g the rex�aired at esnplt�yees t��rftim�th�Wc��k a�ri�ciay-to-c�yl���is sh�Fl be consid'ered a cc�►�dition i eaz�sin�d�1ay t�t�l'rt�jt:ct�u�ject tc�,�cnr•isic►ns n[�'t�ticle 3.3. �.7 lt'the S�h�c:ontra�:ttyr is�rla}e�l in the,pr�gress of'th�wc�r€c i�y a�y��rt sir r�ec�lett c�f th�C3..��er.:��~hit�ct, ("��rr�tractnr;hy any aet or nc�I�ct t���arty c�loyee c�!`����wner,,�rclaiter,:€.Crxtrrartcx°r�rnth�rSuE►;�w�ta��ctcxs cm the�er�i; c#k�n�� in ihe uvnrk: t�r t�y acf��rse w�th�r cos�itinr�s ttot re�4onably antiesp�tcr�, Lli�al fhe firT�e FC�1' cG7rnpletic�n�,f e�c 1�'t�rk slaal3 t�e excendc�d by an�n�c�unt mus�al�y a�c�d tea in v�ritsn�Ft�ce€we�n f�St�bcixttr�cd+nr actcE�te C"t�rttractnt. r���claim for c�rensisxa uf kim�e z��i�si he masie'rn u�itin�ta ctreCnnt�ac.tr�c v:ithin 24 ha�c�f rh�cii:�c�uuezy of th�cause uf the defay. 3.3 [n ttte e��ent chac t�� Suf�c�ntractor fails to c�rnplete [h� 1"�c�r�C withi� the �ifv�ted time ��r by th� precleterr�czcd date as rcyuircd by Ar�icle 3,�[«ther+yise cau.s�s ad�3iri�*nul dt;l�y tu l�t�Ps u}er�st.hetlu7e�us+� ; of failur�t4+�m���ete the Wtrrk in a tis�Ey fashi�t�.the Suksc[�nu;�tnr cha11 �a�i�e Cc�ntractor,as tiqui�atec� � d�mEtge�.aaxi nnc as�ei�alty,th�sum of�L.SQO p�r c{ay of cBe�ay. The�aRie�ri��s�gnir�e ih:�t it is tfiftic�lt�tnd � irri�r�s:ti�t tc�a.srertatn the exact am�unt[�f dama�e tnl��r�curred i,y the Ccmtrac�ux ar�d t�erefore this:+um i� � expresser!�a�i u��}n,�s t�c cl�ma��.�+��icf�will he�uFferecl l�y the Ccgatrac[c�rand the(`ontractcn�:sha11 h�t�e � �he righ'�tcr dectuct ttais sum fr�m�r�y pay3t�t due c12e Subcc+n�act4r. � # # � 3 � � 3.� lf tl�r Ct�r�trac�tor rcasntt��iiy�he6ievrs th�5ubcc�ntract�r is nal c�etiin�the W�?rk in a�aaaras�'d�t f acilitates cc�nr�pletiot�t�f tft�W�rrk w�t�i�the ti�zte as t°�c}ui�d by Articfe 3.Ihc Ccxetra�tor sat�y�reqrair�the Subamt�dctt�rtc� war�orcr�irrre. ir�ciuding Saturciays.Sunduy�.and hcakiday�anr�lt,r to acicl persc�nnci and ec�ui�rr�rnt lc,hrin�the VVork u�r ta�sc-}�+�iuie, r'��i of such measure:�sh�ll he perforrr��a�id re��Iet�by!he 5�ai��nrractar wit�t any a�iditic3nat c�i tc�the�antractcK c�r t�te Prvj�t. 3.5 T�C SLLl)(:+C7[i�C�CtOP 4Ei3�I�}i'►30'3L�C�II S1[��S�A�}�r�aterial ai�ee�uipta�ent in time ta�revent a�ly�ie�ay tQthe �-crn���letinn�rf rhe P'rnjec�t. Clpc,n�emand by zhe Ct�r�tr�tt��>r.Su�ncractar�hal]s�,brrtiit w-r�tt�,n v�.rificatEO���iat h�has,or is v�4r�n� rnatcr�ai asid cyUipment in a tir�{y f��hic��. �e�extcnsivn c�f tirtae fc�r rnntple�i+�rr t�f the Vv't�r�c�}�f��e:�tic�we�.i for failuxe c��the Subcnr�trar��c�r ta pro��xde Fnaeeri�]ancf equiprre�nt an a tiE�c[y batiis. 3.b If ttae 5uh�c>nsr-acecjr Fai�s la c�+�tty cxti ihe Wc�rk in .aix:c�rtixncc s��th t�is Cnniia�.-� or ihis CEi1l'LxBG� i..S �,ern-�ir�at�e�i Fc�r any�r��sn�hy either party,the Ccf��r�cta}r m�y emplo�:'tbCh�yt.�t�-e�laycc�C�r:�ub��,ntr�tt,�tm� ihe C�s��rartc�t exclt�sively�lc�rns�pprc�r�ate cxr nei:essary t«c�c��rap lete t1��Wutic. `��e C'r.o��a~��tc�'�h�all char�th� acfdi#ic�nal c�crsEs�f��c�m�r[etin�ihc Wc�i.4+�the 5u€�c�nira��ta's aecc�unt inclu�iing a�iy�ez�altie�;rncwrc�by the �onts�ctor due tn t�e Su�rc�rn[�ctnr'�,f�i�ure tt��t�rnplc.�te thc Wc�rk as a�nct�u�n. [1'ttic c�a�t of s:�nXpletin�the wcar�c exce:eds kt�is Contra��t f'riae 4�Subecmtra�f�sc a�re�to r�irr�ur�e the4`�nktacEar�aaranv iu��c�ding Lhe C�ntract�'ricc. If tE�e cast r�;c.�fti��1�C iryg the we�rk c�c�nas cxcc:ec�Cttc�t�niras.`t�"riacae,the halau�c.�e ol'r�C,��ntt�c� �ri�r�em�in�r��;�1�i{1 t�e��a�i io l���uk�conitarl�r. If!he C'ontractor is assessed�iamag�s�ry-the�n+�-for taifttrr f��c�mple�e ihc 1wc�rk c�n time a�i if the cf�etay ha��een cau5�d hy��St�hc:€?n�t~acCc�r.the Su�xuntractc�r��ree,s to �aya th��c�ntr�ct�r�aanag�s�aased by c�r�ttriiwt�i t�r s�r+e Suhcuntractc+r°s taif�re�o c.-nrrzplete tt�e'Wnrk cm tirrte, Hs caicul:�ted in Article 3.3. �RT1C�.E�# Cf7t�T�iA[."1'PRi[.'� T�te Ccm[ractor��r�,:;tu pay!o thc�ezbcuntracic�r for t�re satisf'aetnry pz•rforrt�.�lce nf the Su!-�rc�ntractcsr's wnck,the sun�a�f Fca►u Hum#r��!�i,�ht Tho�sasx3 L7ne Hanctrc��ar�y 5eve�i 8�d61 t[1t1 L7o[tars t•`D�(l�.f�#7.�#6) in acco�d�nce with ArticI�e�subjccr tc���iitic�ns ar ci�ciuctions per ArEicle(i. Howcver, if the�ubcontt-a�ctur ds.�ncx�rc►��ci�sueh E}dnd�t sec:�rrity,tl'�e rat�ol'rx.�taitta��e shafi�e E 0�'c. tA�R�ICI,�:5 ` c 5,1 GE;4F:RAL�R(�YtS��NS € s 3.1.i S�H��IUI.E [3F ti�+iI.UE�. '�e S:fi�cc,nlr�sc•ta�r sh�tf use the �ttxched �ci�ule af ��Iues lat?c�eri � Attachs�ent 5 as tFse h�si�:of a!�s��lieatir�ts [4r�a��inenz. r � S.L2 PA�'14�E�►1T C35E 4'�Rl�'1L`A�'I(lTti. Tfi�Cc��trattar�ha11 ftaue thc tight af al1 t�mes tv��ant�c! ihe � s��bcrantractos•t F►�sd su�s�ri's�4 to en�;ure that t�te sazr�e are�ieir��paid by ti�e Sub��ntractc►r for laErar c,r�tax�ri�xs r fumish+rd t�ar use it�{�erf�rr�tin��t��5ubc�ntractc�s w�rk "Ct�e Suhc�nnlra4�tnr shal!�ay al�taxes reiated tp his �; wnrk. � � 5.1.3 PAKTI'�L I,IF�►f WAI��RS hf"�� .:1.��IIIAVITS. '�'hen r�vired hv tf�e C:m&r��tc�r a�c�d ss a prerequisi��tor p�ytt�t,titc 5uba�ntractc�r sha�l proc�itie�'ra a Fc�rrn sata�fastary ta the(7�rner�d t�eCc�ttractor, 3 ' : .: E: � a � � ��t�ti��l C�en�rr claim r�aivers and af'#iilav�rs i�ron7 t17e�uhc`ontractor,nrtd'st�su�.ontra�t�rs arid sugpliers fc�r the cc�re��te�e�i Suk�c:+�ncra�tar s vvc�rk. S�tch waiver� rr�}�t�e marfe c►�ndilicx�a�u�sc,n�►aymcxnt. �.1,4 SL�BCC3f�iTRACT+QR}':�Yh�Et'�'1'F.�ILGRE. tn the cvcnt the CC�ntratt�>r has r•e��nn to belse.��e that lahor,re�t�riai nr�ttaer�Eigativr�s�rurr�#in tlze per�'a�-�n�nc�:z,f tttic Subrt�cmirmx�x'ti�rortc a��c r�4 t!ein�paici,tt�e Cc�r�tracc�rr �lt��lt �i��e wF-ilten nt�tECC c��st�c.�h claim�r iiext tcr i�e Subct�r�Frari��a anc� mav tak�a��y stt�ps d�rr�ed n�.�ss�u�+to inst�rc that anY pr�agr�;s��ymc.rtt shaf�he urili7ed to pay s���obli�atiuns. 1�U�.3U�I[�CC�G1�lf c}t SAI�[3OE1C�,the Su4�cc�ntra�:tc�r r3�c,�nac: a. Su��ziv evidf-�,�tu�he s�tisf�cticrr�ot'the C�ntractor tF�at the rn�rnies awing t�titecl�r�ant t�v�e bcx:n�raid,c+r b. Pvst �Bcrnd incicmniFyi�g the C)wn�r,t3te C�nlrartc�*,t�e Cc3nuactor"s s�reiy; if a�ay,an�thr �rerni5e�;fr[�1r�sl,a�h�claiFn[�T�ien; 7`h�en t�eCc�r►Eracrrrr shaEl hawe the rig�at#o z�tain c►u10�any pa}m�cnts due�r ic�he�.�e due to t�tc Suhcrrntracxc�°, a r��sc�cs:3ble an�aunE to�,rc�tc�.t the C:oniractc+�Frc�m�v anci al!ivss,damage.�,r�x�ense incl�ra�;3tt��rr�ey's f� ar�sing�t t�#'vr r�laiing to any such c�aim ar lien until thc�.laim or li�;�si�u beert sat�sfier�. S.L� FAY���fT J'��,1'T?�C:CF�P'i`AN[:E. f�ymr:c7t to Ehe SuFsccra�€ractor is�pecific-,��ly.�grt��1 n+�i I��C�c►nsCitttte �rr i�t�ly arc.�ptnC�e by t�e Ga�trxactar ar ih�C)w-ner c�F�ny{�ortit�n Ut�1he Subcontract�r's w�rk vr Chang+�Orcfer R�uests. 5.2 PR(][rRES�PAY�'�:lYTS 5.2.� AP'PI.ICAT[+DN� 'T'he 5ulxc�nfi�actar`s�rty��°es�p�yrrient a�aplic:.ttinn far w•otk perlcxrt�inth�;pr�etling �ayn�x;t�eri�d shal! be su�rmit�ed t�the Gvn�ctvr per tF�e terma r�F this di�rtetncrit aruf s}�i#�ically Articl�s 5.I.1, 5.2.�.5,�.3.�n�5.2.�for apprnv�l pf'the�cmfTactcar and Owner_ � I r 5.2.,2 �TAI?'I�A(r�'��'�(;URrT'f�. The raEc,c�f re[aina�;��h�li nut excead tt�e pc�nt�g�retaineci frc�m ih�e C'ontracto�'s p�y�t E�y she(]v��r�er ttar the�u��ctrntraetar's wcrrlt�,ra�ided the Sal�c�ntrac�tnr furni.�tr�a�snr�ai- r�tFter s�c:uritv!c�the satis;fa�.tic�n t�k�the Cc�nira�lnr. i ll'[he�ub�or�[r�c`Ct�r ha.f fumis]te=d;+u�h band�r��urity; its rNnrk �s s�tisfa�tory anci the['anlr��F l�c�un�ents �t'[)vitk ft�r ret�uclicro s�f r�l�t�tla�c:at d sp[-���tec9�Ci'C�tt4ii�;e uf C£at]"q?�t3C�t►.the 5t��ntractc�'���'airu��e sh��l�al�x � l:c:r�'rJ�scecl wltcrr t�.c Sr�bcantraeE�sr'�w�c�r�e has attair�ccl#,�c�ame pe�'certta��c�f cc��rplclioT�anc�the Ccmtractnr's t�iainage#c�r the Subevrurac�tvr's cvnrk has b�n so rec�uc�cat try[he�3wn�r. � � 5.�'.3 TI�1�: C'!� APk'I.ICA�'l()N. �"he Suba:nntractc�r' tilt�ll ,i�b�T�ar ��z°tsgrc:ss payrr�ent applicaticrras to th� Cc��tc�ctr�r ac uutlinc�rc�A�tachntient � fe�r wesrfc perforsnt�c��'in�the�rec�in�pay�'nc�xt F+enoci anci tc�ttac cxienE �iEr7wP�3 une[er Artse[e S.'?.4.maErrials sui�ahiy st�r�l�iur�r��the�re�:�ee�in��a�r�ment per�c�d. � � S.Z,4 ST��LU :�'iAT`�;RIri1LS. Unlc�s a[h��ise.�rcavi�ed i�i ttre�"c�n��et �k?cusnent�, as►�i if a}�pra�r�� acti �cf���zn�:e by Fhe O�xer,;►�'sp�icati�ns f��r gayrraent may��nciu 'd�n�aterials and cquiprr€ent nut �r,��nrateCl in rh� 5ubeos�tractsrr's wcsr�but de�iverecl a�d suita�ly,t�re�l.�t t3t�:aite a�at sorne a�t�r ir�x�ticm�,*reexi u�►c�n in wntiag. A��aroval r�t�aytneE�t ap{�fic:atic�ris far s�ach store�i`stems on c�r c�ff ihc si�e Sh�tf bc��m:ti�iar�ecl up�rt su�smc,sirxa t�y the Suhcontractc�r c�f hitis nf sa�e a�a��alicable insura�a�e�u;surh+�cher�rcpeexii�res saEisF�c[ary tolhe C1wr►e�°arx� � ; � > i L. � � { { 7 � � C'oi�t�actc�r ta extahlish the Owner'�:titic to suc:h materials and�.�quip�ncnt car nTt3erwise pra�ect t��e Clw�ner's title t�� cuctt tr�ate�'�a3s �u�ci equipment �r ntherwise prflie�� the Ow�ter's and �r�ntr�cturs interest tt�reir�, in�EucEin� trar�s;x»�alicm tts the�ite. 5.2.5 TI�rtE (JF Pr#Y€�[�It�"T. �rc�gne�s payrr�nts ta c3t�e 5uhcontra�tor Fsar satis�`ac[nrk',�t1+�rsr�nce�#the Scr��Untt�ct�as's work sha61 be macie;ra iater than�e��n�ay�a#'ter r�ceipt b�tt�e C�ntr�ctt��r}f��y�r�eroc Tr�m the t7wne�t'or such 5u�rc�rnrracF�Xr's wvr�. 5.2,C, PAYD►�F,N"i' a�LAY. lF,f't�r suty reasrm nnt th�fau[t nf the Se��ccmtractc�r,the Sutyc;c�ntr��tc�r does c�ot rc�civ; d ��r�,�rc,ss p�ay7n�nt trclm the Cvntrac[c�r�iit3�i� �ewen{7}d�,ys after th�d�le:�uch �a��ienr ss cfuc, as de�ned in Arcirl� S.��i, tt�e S�bc;ontcac�vr, u�rrsn givin� an ad�iti�l ser�en i7) days writtea� n�xic� t+� tih� Cc,ntractc�r,aruj withi�ui prcaudiec tci ar�c!i�a{ic�itEC�€�tn any c:tlacx l�ga!temedi�s,ixiay si��+�+�yrk until payr�t c�f t1�e f�11 arnr;}unt c�w�n�to the Subcc�ntracc has bec�rec;�ei�r�i. To thc extenl ak�tais�ed hy the�tsr��ractar unsler tf�e Csmtr:�ct Dt�uncnts.tl�Cc�nUrac�Price sha13 bc i�cr�as�ci by r]ie am�tinr r,t t}�e Suhcc���traclr�r's reasonahle cxrst of shutciown,d�lay,al�d starik-up.wfsic•h�half be etie�tec�by�pprc�preate C�tange(�tt�'. If the Srskxonta°as�knr's wnrk f�as t��€.n �t�p�ecl fc�r thirty C3�U)d�ys [:r�cause r.E�e Suhcctnir�ctcjr has nnt�cei�reci grs��re�ss �aymenLS as�r��uir�d �te�ntler, the :�uk�c�ntrar[nr tnt�y termir�ate tltis Agrc�ment upnn �ivir��,t�e Ci�ntractor a�a ac#di[in€aal sev�en 47)�ays wrilten nc�tie�. 5.,3 FtNAI, pAYh�T. +C)nc Ftfutcfnesl �cc;�nt (�{}Q�h) at lhc r�tainage �ayrne:�t �hail bc rrr���� t�a the Siubcrantra�:�or a maxsm�rrt c�f sixty{�iG�}day�:after fir��ace�t:tne�k�y it�C��n�rss�tc�r and�rayzne►it by the[)wrrer, �rc3F•ided �he Subcoxttra�t�t'sha�l have�.°ort�alete��te wc�t�t Io th+� 13t�1 sdtisfaeticsn of ConiractE�r.�Jr��r. and r'4rctaitr�t. Al!�7`1CI.Is b CHANGE�.(;Lr�IMS AN17 nFLAYS �►.1 CH.�1�iGES Wizen the Cor�tr�sctor scr���4�n wririn�,the�ub�n[rac�or.u�ithaut nullifyirig thi3 ,��reetYter3t,shall iiuik+�ac3y a,ac[all ctaart��e i�t[h�w�ns•k.which ar�wsthira the�e�eral scxape nf this A�reerrFeni. :�djust�nts in the Cc�ntr�c,�P�see or E'vr�tr�e:t TiFi�e.i#`ar�y,r�ultirie frosn suc:h`h�r►g� si�all h�set fc�rltt in a suk��:on[ract Change(?rder�ussiaant tv 1h�;Gon[ract Ekx;umer�ls. Nn such aatdiEi�.���al cli{�LiS�lf7f�fll5 ti�1F1�I�lC SF�t��C�O�`���'SUC`��L'J1i2FL�y'�S�kG�i lVIITI[,'[j I7�1 I�SE°��IV+Cf1�'dIi"�c1C`Iilf C{4$t�'Fc'�'4L' rzc,c bec.yn s�ardcred b�nc�+�ontrac�r�r. � : G.z �LAI.�17S REIaATI1�iG T�J UR'V�'V�;R. 'T'�c Subcc�ntr�ct�r agree�to ma�cc a{!t�laims Far wt�ic� �he t}�v�r ir�c�r may�e]ia�►le in t}tc rrtansic��mv�t{,eci in the Cuntract I.7ocus�befjts 3'vr li�CC�:lairns by t[�: Ca�tractor u�rf the Qc��rer. Ne�tiee,c�f su�h clains�ahatl he gid•�hy the Sul�cc�n[rxc.-tr�r't�the Contt-actnr wiihia�c�€�f!'3 w��tc��-sur to€h� �rc�ia�r�ii7g nf ihe S�sb�c�nirartc�r"s w-nrk�r��te evei��t"c�-w�hic:h suc�t ciaim is ce�be m;�ci�.or immediatel}"uPQ� s the 5�b�-ontractor's first knnwE�xf�e c�f the evesat,svhi�hever shali first e7cc:ur nthe�'v��ise.�ui:h eia�ims shaIi be ,. decrn�cl w^aivc�ci. � 5 3 6 � � The�ut�trattor a�ree.�;to�etmit the Subeantracte�r tca p�°t�secu[e 3+�ci cEairtt,i��k�te n��rrte c�f#he Ci7ntra�;trir, [c�r the��+e alul ller�fi[t�f'tli�Sutxvnt�actcx in the ma��r prc�m�idref i�a ltZe Ccmtrnct Dcx:umen45'For]ikE Clartll}by s�e�c�nlr�sc�or�c�n the[livr�es�,. �.3 (iLAI.Nt,S RE�i.A,`A'I;�SG"t�}C01_'VTRA�Tf}It. "1`he S�hct`Fr��r�tctt►r sh�[�,gir�e the Ciacttr-'dclur w�'rtte�� nflt'sce trti a11 cl�itns nc�c incluc6c�'sst Articic ti.? w's�itt ftve{5 j d�ys c�f t�ie begins�inr�at`#he evcqt f+�r u,-hich c.tair�is made;OI}1FYW+Iti�,S#ICEA CEbIlRI�S S}L9�]�t{I2£Y7[H�1�'ii4Vfl'�. All uru�c.tic�lved�f�ims.disgu[e,c and��hcr rnatters in r{uesrian� f�tw�eea�the Cc7nt���:ror�and ti�c Suht�,?ntraetc�r rwt retatirrg to c�aims ireciiuied in�'#rticie(i.2 s�af�!ze re.4nlweci in tJ�e m�nr�er�y�°o��ic�ci rn r��ticl� !{}hcnein. 6.-# D�Lr#Y. ]��t��c��r�.~�s Ui thc 5ubcc�ntrac�trar`� w�or�C is srahst��rttia�ly�le.l�tycd w�thaut thc fault or respcansibikity o€tk�e Su�cn�Cr�cCor,ther�t�e tin�e for th�Svhcvntra��tor's ►��rrrk shall�e.�tencl�ecl by Chan�c Order t�the ext�t�t�btainc�hy tl�e Cc,�ttr7ctE�r urt�-the Cnntr�ct I3ex:urt�er�FS and t�te s��s�dule a!'wcark shni! t+e revisecf acu>rc�ingly. �i'he C:�r�tractnr aha�]�t t�c I�able co r.he Subcantra�,�tt�r for an)'c�xrnag��cx acicliti4�r�a1 c��npen�a�ic�n as a. cnnseq�x.le c�t�edays cau.5cd'by arl�+�rers�n nat a p�ty tt�tf�i�Asrf--�eEnc.�t ur►i�y rhe Concractor has fit�sl re�:uwere�l the�::inte an k?ehalf oF the Subwntractnr trom tiaui per*.,on,it l��.ng und�r,tc�c�d and a�reeci�y�the Suhrnntr�ctc�'4hat,s�art from r�very f'rcafn stt'td person.tttc Sx�aontra�tars soie and exclusive remady fr�r d�lav shaEi�an extensian sn r�O�time��s�esformance raf[he Sulx;ovicrac.tur°s w�r};. 6.S LIQ�.1'IDATED UAt�iAGF.,�i. ff�C�i�tr�c:t�3oc�ame.��ts�ravide 1'ar tiqui�lated or other c�annag�fr>r sle�ay F�eyc�nd Ehe�'nm�let�c��ci�te 5ef FUrth ut 4he C:o�lVa+:�D�;t�me^rlis.anei are�c�asscssc�l.th�the C"cmtr�ctt�'rtray ass�s sarr�c a�*aiu.�t the Su�cnntaractcir in�rc�r�iot�tv the Sulx�vntracrr_x's si��af the rrs�onsi�ilii��tcrr sucta c�elay. iiawev�s�fhe�unt of st�:h�SSessrr�t4 s#�all riut cx�c�l[tte�mow�t•a,ssessed B�difISt EFHC C:Cl�lf1"SCEUF. ' a f r �TY��.�:? .�C[lN'TRACT[DK'S RE.�P(I�ISIB��,�T1�:S � 7.� The Suhcc�ntractor shall dn afi c�f th�;u-�s�€e�lled tor ixt tfae�'lae�s anv 5�e�ificatic�ns and sha36 f�r�ri�h all l�sb��r,ec�uipment,matcriafs a�t�i ozher ncx�.�ary service fc�r thL cx►�ttplete��rfei�r�r�nec ni'ihs:v��vrk ita a�czt�d, ssil�4larriial,anc�►�urkin�nli3:e rrv�nr�cr. Ail m�r':aEs shall f�e n�w. l�iei�her��.cept::r►ce.Qf.nnr pa��mens for th� work ar�ny p�-t theaaof,nfx'r3�t��riial�r e�lire use vr ssaaceu�aancy of th�Frojec:t�ay the(l«•ner shatE rcleasc tlte ti+ukyre��r��rac°tr�r fr�m lt,jbi�it}�nr tpcx;ial w��srrantse�i7f m�t��ia!or ec�uip��c�tt in�tafle�t��r f�ar ►vnrkn7<xr�,f�ip +��laicla�s#aulty.�zsvrs�d imprc�ae�',�r ncrt in ac�rcla�c with the�'far��and 5�►ecciti�atic�ns,a�d the 5u�crrntra��c�r shall.ai his own ex�tse,take c�nnwr�ar�d�t.�Rart:alf such�actic►n.e c�f t�e Presject c1���e b�•tsim � t�r�li:�subcnntr�etr]�'s an[l shall rt:rrudY��ny�efeets dtte t�iereta an+��ay zhe(Jwr�r Cnr anw��rna�e r+e5uftirz� � tl�eref'rom whmh�hali ap�e�r wit}ii�a a y3rrir�c:aal`ra�ne year S'�x�m thc datc of a��{star�r.e t�y the Owtter nf ihe Pri7j�l(urrl�x S}�cit�eakirans;cal#ft�r a�cxtger��raratr�}�cric�ct). � 7.2 'I'fu°5ui?cn�zcracE�r sE�aEl k��I�i,w�frk are;a txrs�orn k:lr<tn�Trs a c�:ii�y 1��.�is. "F`3�e C'c�ntractur,at its east, s�ll prnwic�e a frash€rai�t:r un vitc. Sf�c�uiF!Clte Sui��onlra�.~[�rr n[�!cf�:aR up an a daily h�.4is,zhe C:�rat,rRCtt�r may cle:��ant!ct�ar�e th�ecast rherec�f to ihe Sut►���craetor. Th�r;�€+e�#'c►r thc t:l�t�a�c as�t�lPrswt: L,abvrcr� �28.D(] 5 �: E i i � � Carper�t�rs �a5tl.�(l Se�periru�n[3ents $75.(3('f 7,3 Th�5�:b�:ta�t[ractc�r reccsgsa��x�h�:.rc�pc�n�ihtlity�nd a=rces tc�t�r��ro��.�r�re tct safe�uar�al� bci'rlciin� r�ta[eri.il�1cseF�tccf[sn t3�e premi�+es_ Fetrt.�t4�, ���Subcvfltractc7r a�r+e�to�at �fc�r�Ja�iia�e t«6h�buildin�ant�'vr dte hur�d�fa�;sate h�ause of th�5u�ic�sstnsctcn's�czic�ns c�r inactia���s. 7.3.t"Che Suhcnntra��car a�rees tn have de�i�xL�l}�ro�ect rtiana�er altencf���3cly p�cajrc;t m�etints and he �lv�ilah�c d3sly t�si[e cjr i�y rntrh'sle c�mmtueKatsk}ns_ 7.3.2 Th�5ut�s�r�tractar ck�a3�e re:�}ac-��i,o-�l�.for thc�uns�adis��;+�I ail�uppiy tnkks,a�d s]�e handfing alad ciistri�r��tic�n or r�.�c3i::c�tautic�af aiI.:qurpin�itil ur nt�it��r��terials. "13.3'i�e Suiaccss��ractt7r s�all pmvici�hi�;c�wn t�mrar�rary lighting or�ower extes�sinn,fcrr hi5 wnrk,irc��n sh� tGm�rrr-ary Aar�els prcsvicted hy Cona��ctnr. "1.3.� 'f'he Subc:c�ntract�r sit�l��ro��ici�cutt'rn�ar�}aatching F+nr a�k��arr�w�i€�iR�ihe C�rntract. 7.4 Tlie 5uhccins�nc.tc�r agrees tu mt�ke n��chtangrs in t�e wr,rk csr te�chatgr!or any extr�a lahvr,matc:riais. oa�erhead t�r vtlter it�ms u�€less there exi:�ts a tivritten a�e�ttene entertxl inin�ietw�et�rt[he�uhcnntsZCtor and the C�ntractor sekting f�rt4�t�e sE��e an�3 cr�st Uf it�e cha�e. f�r�her.�;hautd ihere b�e ch�n�es rnaacf�in the s�u�re uf the�vo3�k�tu��r�t tn thi�;Cnrttrac�t,the Suhcnn[r�irt�.�r�ncl the C`anEracinr shall,ita�ocad fsilh. ��egc�tiate a ti?ccxi price ta L�c}�aici tcm t.�te 5€ibccantraciur tcaa�the thang+�s�rins t�t�e cffect{�atinn nf the ch�n�c�. �F. �U'F il�t�+T�85UTl.tk�e Suk�e�skractor�n�i the C'c�ntra�:.t�r f ai!to a�rae u�irn Lhe t'�xcd price tra f�r paiel t+�a the 5ut�cnt�rr��.tpr lizr sucF�c1�3ng�ther�the Cc�nirac�tor rn�y,at fai5��fk;clis�rc#ivir.e9e�ek(i.�C�have the Suhr.��nt��etior tomple�e the change3 c�n a c�t-�I�ati ba5is a�4 ii)ele�;t tcr cc�ciz�l�[��'�e�t�an��'�y t�ny txl�r r�ar►s at tais disp�s:�i. S�ch etsang�s cc��r��,}etcd hy the Cc��atractcrr�t�,�ii nc,c�L�r������i�:t<zy thc 5ubcnntra�lc�r's perft�rma�rtce c�f the wrark. Aa��r para�ra�h�,extra w�c�rf�or ch�n���c�ehe work,half nat he �nnsFruc�Et�include��Enissism crf mint�r detaiis frntn!h��Pta�s c�r Sp�ei!icdtions�require�tJ tu�nav�cic:� e[�n�pteYe i�t�k3lla[i�rr. �urti�ee�xnc�+re ncs exira c)�arg�s wili he allc7weci#c�r fa�ilev�c�P tlt�Si�be«n�r:sct�r to �harcyughly ui�es�i,�ate u�hat iahar and:nate�iaE i�r�c�.�essary f�r a carr€��lete in�tall�tian. E 7.4.1 Nr�csrdef'tc��nsure lhat con.stru�tivr�aetiviEie��jati•e a minim�im im}�r�ct and t�7�rc�vit�e Fs�:k=�c��za�sate ti�orkin�ent�ir�rnmes�i.€hc t�llc��irt�*r�#�anci regul�►tir�:1:�wi�l he im�,leanei�ac�cf��n allstsb si[es. Frti�>rt:em��l Wl��tYl'EI']L'1�'S�.TCfiLCI�'IIIIIV 4)F�Lii+:ll Sll�3C[9ll�i'1[:G�1C i3I1f�C�l�CIC3�7�E3L�Et.4. AII�7i1�I0yCf'S L1iCC CXF]C�TCtI.ff3lilk'1W d}� � re��l�stir�ns a€u16a a�i[ie hy 1hert�. Vic�laEi����iif re::�ilr in sp,�r�priate acti�n h�ing E�ke�.�;opies are ic�Le � �nst►�ar a��l jo�siie,�xnci al!�rscxisiei rnu�t k�e aw:yr,�t�f cihem. �. The u�e c�f dru�s�x{al�hol E4iIl rx�t�e tc}lcratcci. 2. Radicn.t�p�play�ers. E�oc>m hoxe�+,etc. W'ill n�t hsc a�l�>weci r�c�r�es�nittecl�r��juh tiilcs uvit�out t�-►c}xrrs�issiun crf:hs;�'rc��et1 Su��er�ite�tider�t. 3. �m�?kir��wi�l be a�lcrr�ec!only�in�c�si�naieci as'eas ai lhe c�i�c7eti�n nt�r l"rt�j�:i S upccint�:ruie�ii. �. Y�c�laiic�ns will r�tidz uz�4�t�ai nc��t-smakin��-a€icy! If�the S�x�crisi��rt��ent all�w��sm�icii�� � c�n tt�c sit�,it must he cfosle i�s,��s71y c�ne(1�arc:�anr�the apprc��ri:�t��o�t��ti�s'fc,r t�«r[s :r.uvt f bc prc�v�de�! #� 5� r1��►sn�utefy nc�cEo��a��•�wi��s�e.�ny�timc! �i+�t ira c�r�car tict3 t�r_ars� fi- A�i trash�s lc�h�c:�ut in.�ppre��ir'i�te cc�nG�incrs. �`his isx��d�� I�nch a�Snack iterr�s. � atiprc.isil}^sod�c�t�s. A�f pCCSCmroe��ex[�c�eti�t�c1e��n ihi.tr��re;a c�f u^nrk dail��. 7. �,A. �ielsc�n& Asscx=aatt�wsli�mvide fire�xsin��is��,at all job�. � 33. ,�ll c:rnJ�t�aye�e.s ai��3,��k�u�ntrACtcar�;are��rtc�ur��ed ta prnvi�le t�esr l�inc:t�t�s.snaCka,ancf �. �;�tfee. Cat�rir�g sei,'i4'S1:5'W[��T1(]I�1��I�OWi�lIIIIG'SS SO��}F11Y]L'��'9�r'�I1C PTYlJt�CI � � i 5 s r 4 � � Su�eruttenciet�t. 9. ,1l!st+�r��e ar�ti!ay a�u��n asea�mu�t be ke�sc c�rde�iy arxi accesxitslc. 1 il. Atl hack ch�3rge�,wheth��for e�{uipmene.materials,�r�aka�w.fuels,sw��lic�a�r othtt ite:ns. v�i�t be chargad at 1?5�;of'ch�i1u�ctrst tn Cantractor. 7.g WAR�APP��TTY. The 5ubc�ritr;�etsar sva�xua��s its wn�rk mgainst ali cic:fi�irnci�arsd defec#s ir�m3terials an.cV��r workrna�atsi�, Th�Suhc.�ntrictc>r�tgrc�t[�titt�isfy such►�•arr�nty abligaticr�js u�hich a��ear an fhc earli�e of fi)�e �rantce af warr�nty�ricKi�:c�k�iisi�d in tt�e Gc�ntract Dt�cwEt��ts,r�r(�'ri'�two}ears frx�m tlxe ciate(y]c�f Suhstant€al Co�nplctian c��a c'l�signateri�ac3rtian ot'the Subcc�ntrac.-tr�rs u�ork�r acu�tance t�r use by thc C:��rr�3et�K�car Clwner c3f���i�sra��r�ui�rrr��t,withnui cast to�!�►cc�C7wnc�r or th�C�ntrr�utc�r. Thc Subc:Untrar.tr�r sslsc�agrr� tn pay€c�r ar�Y c��ls���Ci�sl cfars��?es ihat res�lt due tc�cirficicrari�s c�r�tefe�ts in ' the rnatcr's�ls ar�cl/ur workman�hip. Tlte SubcU�atracivr fuRher agre�es�n�x�ocut�any�peciai���ra�te��r warranties tta�l�h�fl b�e e�t►irerl fc�r t�e Stat�r:vntrfr4�or's w��rk tsr hy tbe C]wner"s Cnntr�ct�ri�7r La 1��naE payrr+e�t. 7,�r £'L:�CH I.IS'1;. `T`!ie Suheontr:tctor a�;r�.'�es to cc��n}�l�te ail�unch Pi�;Lti,incl�ding hul nc�t�imtscxt t�thcise �r�vide�i hy t!�C]wt�er,U4vrr�r's i�e�?rescynt�tiues,,�rc.hitecE,l�vefe7per�nd C�e��eral�:�nt�dciar. 7.7 FRQ.#�•T�A��TY. 'I'�te Seihcc�ntractc�r agre�;+t�4vr�r��}'�.�iih nl1 C3SHA��R.A. �ieLsrrt��c A.�s�x iates S��ft�y�c�lirie:�,�'rc►cer�rsres,a��Reyu�reme�nts. It is[he resperosil�ility r�f ihc:�u�conkrac[of f+� lmnw,��r�l�r:;�and:�rid t:�i�di4ir err�pluyees cc�nc�ers�in,�the�e�c'iiicies,pr�x;�iures and�uu�ei��er�ts. [n the �r+cr�t ttaat an R.A.�v'elson saFety perlic.-y c�nf�icts wi#lZ ax��}�:NA standard,[t�e r��ce strir��emt shafl prek���il. Ff the Cctintraet[�r iw afis�ss�d fin�es or pe��fties f�r��cts by Lhe SvlxcanErart��«r 4hc�r ea�a�lny�;,the ��bc��ntractor s��i1 h�c helci r�.���nsih�e f4x paYn�nt zc�tlxe Cankr�rtvr. The Subc�,ntr�ctar sha.1C�i�i�r�ate a - cti�rn�etent ca�,�tt�safety ecrordina[c�r�ith trainin�in adminis€raticm of the�:�Cttv��1�►n.��id tlte autitrrr�cy�to rr�furce the safety plar�. Tf t�se Su�ntra�� f�ils ti�h,►we a 4af'ety��rdi�t�atnr c��-site,the Contract�+r wiIl prvvicic,a s��lctr u�rcii�ia[czr_ Lf�tfis�5u�st'�utractar'ss perf�frmis��wc�s3c.w�lti�:lt exp[rses a�y err��sl��y�ee ae' I st�b��nt�ti�cto��tn a fali ha�arc�,they s�E�ll���k�mit a Fafl p�•otection�lan,pra�€of cm�o�g trair:in�i��a]E i prntecc�c�n and a�roje�i spe�if'sc plan�cr{�e�tor-mmai��}f�v�rk�rlclrs..�sirtg[�e�afl ha�mrds. lf a :�u'h�ct�t�taactor f�as erc�ted 5caff'�1�4 eyuipment t}�t k� rint in c�mglian�ce�vit�{)SHA star��rcis�I�►i�s tc) ircune�iatt�ly c�srcct th��caffc�l�3 arxl brin�it iratv eamplianc�,tl�e Ccmt��act€ir v��il!re�ti�lv�tlie prt��lem�u� �har�e th:.�'iubconiracta�r l�or a314't.?�!�is�clirrr_Yf. (i`r}se Sulacc�ntrac[t�r is f�und in�'iQlati�m taf���y safet�r i inFracrt.ion. inciutlir�g c�zr��oitt�t�ini�s�and persunal pt�t��.tiWe e�ui�tn�nt, ct is the C�ntr�ctvr'�chuii�tc� prc��it]e��raa�ty in thr ft�rrra crf.�wriEten warr►in�arYC�3 a�nd persc7nr�1 hnr��e. Ug�nn a t�aird wraEten warn�n�,zhe Sut�t:�arura�cts�r may h�ie tii�c�«nicacx terr��i�a�ed at the discn;tirm oF the ConrracE�►r. i :�RTICLE$ � � s �,�Er�;i�r.ettiTi�tv � i�.l I]LFTY T�.1 xiti�iilEi+viltil�Y,bF�'l:NII ANT3 H[?LI}Hr�R�41[..�t,�`,. `i`c�ihc fu!]c�[�xte�tit pt.'rmit€et�by � }:G�r,5ubccrt�ir�ci�tir:��7�i1 i�3c;r�ttify,def�nd a�a�h�ic�h�rnCc:4x Cvr�tsa�tc�r stnd f)wne�-arul their agerns aiscl ; em��t�yecs fr�m at�!agai:t�R an}a�t�alf cEaimy,ri�utruLs.e�nia�Zes, 1'sat�ilities.ea��e�ses vr a�€orn�y Fc� � [hereinuftex�o14ec.�ti��ely"in�;s,.)irice�sr�d hy Contf�etor anr3ls�r t�wncr xnd arisin�c�ui c3f,c�r in�y way re��t�ci � tca ilte pe['�rarrriance€�f`SuE�►cc�rttr�ctor's wc�zk(c7�-f�iture tc�perlr:cm tiaie� we�rkl inriuding lieit nnt linjitetf E��; (l� � tnss incurred on�cc�tmt t�f x�y brc�ic��,s�r.eile�etl hr�.�ci�.hy Su#�cc�ntf�ctar nt the nhli��.tit�r�s as���xr��cnar�Es rsf this Agrc�cma�t;{�1 k�c:�incurr+�i fvr u�juri�es[v.Qr c�c�ath oF,�Cncxis inci��iin��c+�fraccor's cmp6c,y+�s, Suhcontraelnr's errt�l�ye�s anr�tfie.empic�y�:crf;ar�v��ther s�.itrcc�niractt�s',ct�att�a�czc�r.indc��er►denr ccwr�tr�nr. � prraperty'owncr cyr t�ir 1ess�a>�as�it,m�4.a�td tite.4tei�and��et�anal repre:ier�tattres ut �ur,h persvns:f 3)[as� � i�curcec�ari5ing fr€�rn cfaratage la rea!ar�d!or�er�os�ak propert}�;t�j �c��+s resultrng dire��ly or in�irectly from use by 5ubrx�ntaactc�r�rf any taa��,cyui}�s�r�ttt, l�7cilities, t�atc�ials crr empinye�s rrf Cont�'actor, w�?�thcr with # < � � � ur witt�out C��tra��tor'� know�edg�cx�c:c�stset�t. Sutx�or�tractc�r's c�uty to iTUie.nm'sfy and defend set out hi:rein a�sr�iette3y t►�7ii�ates Sub�cmtx�rrot�tcr�ray c�n he�adf nf Ccxitractr,r�i�i Clw�ic�all tc��s ut su�.�tirn�as Cc�ntraccor and�'t�r U►v��c�•hecorrae i��;aily�ohli�at�d t� �ay sUC�.Li�ss t7��C`t'nunl saf c;$a1T�iti cef:ltYy°I4'LFl+�F7Cing m�i��1�s�,iain5F tlleTn a1'i�sflg F�[n,vr in a�}`«�ay rctat�c!tc� Subcon[rac��r's �erfarznanc���failure.tci prrli,rm u��this A�ecrne�;t�t��r�ciisa�,but n��[dimit�#ta. dam:�ges.�a�cl�tze..�rtt�,sett��ts.�ts,expen.ces axsd�ti�rney i't^��. L3�3f7!!�vCitY�#'{TC�it�St�lf C(�1tfl'dC[L��.SilF1C0IlI!`3t'LCIf 4�13�I�i.fl��lC6 Iis�4'C I�1C L�UIV It)[�CtCTlC��1T1f,�It��T�����+COS[S �rri a:x�aens�;ir�:icl�nial t�any suit,as�h�[ratit�n,mc�ii�[if�n or prcxc�edi�i�aL�inst C�nEractdr�n(�1'��`O�°ner ;�risin�frant,ar i�anv w�y r�la�c�i to,Su�cnnrrt�ctar's�eH'��rm�nee«r tailuri to�rer#'c,rrr+t�nc�cr�his rt�men�.s�3tely at�uhcontrac.ctor's exp�;rs�e withcsut a�y ri�tat c�r�l��m t�,rei�t�hursement frnrn C'nn4raet[�c �n�+'c�r 4�wnet eve�if the allegativns c,�`tlie suit,tu-l�itration,mtxli�tian.�€a'sm t��s p��xeeding�rn4e tc�be �ruau�dEcss,f�sl,4e c�r Frau+�uf�gtt. `t'inis i�xl�nific.aiicr�in ta��c�r ni��nira�cic+r and C]rwner is intcrzctr�d trs pravide Ct�ntr��scyr and Uwner ti��th tf�e fuEl�.�t i>>�#�mnificatioF��aermitte�i hy law Fmm a�y a�c!�zFl ir,n3es what�l�eve�� rclat�d ic�,srsiiflxta�€t+�rtt,c�r aei�ing e`�ut bf thiti A�reerrtet�t, t3.2 "1'liis Corttrat�c tiha11 no[ts�e aw�i�sr�nr f�urthc.-r sutkvntra+:tec!by Eh�Sr�k��tsntrticf�r wisha�t Gh��rirn� u=rsttc���re�rus�inn c�f the Cnntractcx. S.; Efl IF1C f.'VCI3t I��'t3�i11�CIC7ft[5 fRSL1LLlICL�t)�'f�'3II1�1'Q�E!°tc�cnf�rce ihe t�sr�s caf this A�ree�emertt,t.he�ward �;taall inciude�ra awaE�d of reasc�nablc atl�rney's fce�+ €is E�te jrrer�a�ling�rarty. 1'4��/'4'..JTi Y INS[1RANCE 9,1 `Ttic ir���r�r�„e I'nr tEre atycrve refercnce�rs�jec.-� is sahjeti�E tc�an"Qw�r Cs�ntro!}ed ln��san�c Pro�rairt°. (C}C'1�'),w'�ich p�vides�n s�tc i�a�irbt��wich t�.s�� Ec�{Gcncsal Li�bi�i�y,V�lc'rkers' C'nrr�prcnsacic.rr�.an�] L.Imbrell�c�o►��r���, Hc�w�euer,[he S�r�nntraetor sfssilE p�rcha.�c arxi rraaintaiif r�ur�ng the�rri�xl tE°�is Suh�c�ntracfi reYnains in force ftxam a c���ny nr�ntnpanies laurfullr•authc�rix,et!�+�c�ca E�usincs� in the jt�ris�icfi�m in wl�sich the pr43ect i.s lcx�at�.�i�w:h inw►�nce us wi�l�arc�ect the Sui�c:a:�tr�t�r frc�m cls�ims s�t tarih l�c�or�w�i��r�a}�ris�u€�t��t���r r�-�;ult Fr��i�t the Subc�+nttarl�r`s e+ff sitc t►�rerativns u��r the C�ntrtct �c3 liar which t��utx;vi�.ir��ctar may be 1�galiy lia�l�,whethc�t'such t�r�ti[rns he fi} che,�",�tl�ct7tttr�ctc�r nr[�y a Suh-Sut*L�n�crvr vr�y a�yone c�ireciiy�cir rndir�;aly��tr�aoyeti by any nf th�em.�sr�y�nyc�ne i'or wh�ase act��ray t�l'the t�crrt rnay 13e l�alyie. ��1�uhc�ntrart�r's�rc r��q�uired[o�rolf En the L1wa�er Cc+r�trnllecf � [r�surarne�rogxa�({)CCP}cir�ipt�re�fnr th'v5 pr�ject�ref�rc l�re�s�ist�any Wurk on the prvjec#: ' !. Cl�etis u��d�r'�'c�rker'3 Cor�t�r�saEion,idisa�ility I�er�e�i.and czthc.r s'ssrtilar en�}}[oy�c t�;nefi[t�c�s. which ar����licalale tn�ny and al� Yw'a�k tv be pe�tarmetf uff site� ?. C1aim5 for dt�nag�[�us�of h[a[#i�y in�u�y.c�rra�aatic�nal sic�s c�r dis�ase,ar cieath c�f th� St�:�ritra,ctc�r's emplcsyees as�resfali E�f any anc�al!Wc�rk p�rfo�mecl c�4'f site: ;.�. Cl�irris F�t darr�ages be�ausc uf bc�ck'ily in�}urv,o�r�pat�tmal sickne.�;s�,r ciis�a�e_Us�ith c�f dr�y Pe�:'+e�n oE3��ea`than thc Sut�tmtractnr-s errtplc�}�s with r�pecE la Subcc�nlraci�r's�rff site�wF"ori�; �. �lai�n.5#'�r clan��es ir�curreci hy►!���a�Eaersonal �aurY li�bility c�v�rage,wdtich ar�e custa�ned(:F)by a persosa�s a res�lt ot'�c�ffe�s�dirrct�y c�r iitdire,ctly r�fated t��n�plc�y�t��ettt af'such�ersc�r�hy the � S��3ntt�s:t�rr wit���rect to 5u�icc�y�trartrar's vff sitc VI'ark,vr{ii)tsy arzc��hcr�c.�n,whieh cK;i�w�s E E i t � € � � � # ' � � ot'f site; j. Claims f�ar d�maqes,csther�han tc�the Wc�its�{f.t►ecaase�f°irzgw-y[n nr clesixuccicm{af ta�i�ik�le prcr�erty, inrluding lo:+s�#'isse i•�ultin�zherefresrst with ees�e�t ta S�hcvn�racta�r's��t'1'sitc W�rrk: 6. Claims F+.�rr c�amagcs�ecait.se�f�c�iie�injury.d�a�h of a persan c�r pn�pc-r'ty darria�e asising,�ut c�f c�wnership,mainter��na:e c►r u:�e c�f� �r�[cx vc�ic[e:a�ul 7� CtaiYns invc�lving c�ntraciva!liability insus�ance applicable to t�e Sub�cmtru�tc�r':�ui�tigzrlitan under f'araagraph fi.3. �3. Tit�Su�ca�rtractar shal!s+uhrr►i� the ne�essary insurance arid workcx�cam�ensat.ia�n e.ext`:Fivat�c�ric3r t�s j�ab stan, 4.I.1 The Suh4�nErac:tor s��l!purcha5e atxl m:iintain ti�e tnticawiri�5ubt.anlract�sr's l.iability insurance, speci�ralfti tfte Fr�!lnwing rnini�+.u�lii;tils a�l���veru�+e: l. {)'�i S'►te 1�tyrl:er's Corn�enssticrn��€cl Ern�lc��'cr's L,iah�lity: a. Vl�orkcr's+Corripens�livn: Statutary. h. Emplrryer'k L.iahiiiiy Sli?[�,[1fl{3 each Acxi�ent SS�?f}.(If�EJ x7ic�as�.PUI�y E��mit �1[1�Q,0[�Di.tiease.�ach Enn�slayee c;. .4 N'aiueF i,f'�"���r���g�tti�n in Fa�ti�c�r��f tl�s.:C�n€ract�r�h�lj be atta�`heci t.o the�iit-y r��iFta r�pert t�any aff site Wvrk}�er#ns�rte�t hy�lt�su�ccmtr�c[c�r('rntlu�;�c.�py af the �ricictrserT�at wit�t fhe Ire�ur�ce C4�'ti�it�1+�). 2. E]ff Site Ger�er�l I_'ss�hility�(C�ccun�ence Farnz j: a. Ccxmk�in�ri i3�ily l�juuy and f'�-npenty L�ama�e �1,f}(1!},[D[3if}each fJf.:cutrs�rmec ,��.G{}�,00�f'erscxral 8c A�vertisu�R Injur}' $I,(]f�t),[H7(}G���:rn1 AgSce�te `S l.(�3U.U[?(}f's�xdn�t:;ICom�lett�rf()�eration�Ag�regx[e £�. Tl�e contr:�t:tcx must be�as an acia�icianal ir�.,ure�i perlSC�CG2i}!(31 i-F�5�r e�yuawal�at anR1 wi�l�e�rrir��ry�1 nan-c�ncril�iaory�w�ith ae:�pe�ct to��ty�nci�l�c�ff sit�Ws�rk��r�Formad hy th� sutrccmle�ctnr. c. �oEicy Laz�n�t 1�a�e exclusion Fc>r suhsi�ierace or m�r!!i-family cc�:s�Eruc:tic�n. 3_ Autamc�bile�.iahilsiy: a. Combined$o�fily In}�u�+and�'rnpesty D3rnag��1_�(�l,i}f?Ci e,�ci� A�cieient h. 'I'he f�llrswTng ccrver�ge an�sa b�inc;l�tc�ec�; l. (Ju,��ed Ar�tc�mobil� ; 7. IV'17r�-�7w�rx.�.i ar�r�F�"trecl Autc��rtc,bile� � > �. C}���filt,.'�,{17lYSC��]c11�1�'k.'1KC�88Ilfi��?PIITV��.Ci()il.{1t)tl each C�ruz�ettce. � � 9.2 lY(l i.�A'I�T.#�'I`I(}N UP'[lti I IAi3ILZTY In any claim agains�Ccratr��tvr aracflor C3•��er�y any � em�Eoyce nf Suhc���tr��.tc�r,:��yc�a�e c�irr.�.EIV c�r indla'C�:t1y C�mploYeecii hy�uhenntraetnr.ar ae�yone f'or w�«5�: f d 1 V � � � � s � � acts Suk�ccmtr:��:tnr may he fi�ble.LhC tF1d�Et3lrlkFiCittltsn,�tEGy C�1+4ICtC�a�ll�FEC1�(��1a,fit1'l�CS�t�F�Iif�3tldi73 ii7(�11ti .^��en[shall riat tse liini[cxf{I)h;� any lunitatirara e�x�the arsx�ur�t�r Kp�e of e�ama�cs,cn�t�p�ttsaiian t�r �enefits�ayahle tay c�r�'�rr Stvbaontrac-tvr�r�cier wc�r�er's�arnpensatian,rli�a�rrlity��aeEiet'it c�r��th�r c.�iaye� he���e�t aeCs ar re;�ulatiorLS,c�r(23 to the pc�licy listtit�c�F any�snsuran�e cnveeaQ�wh#ch SUhccfEitra��ror �€aisarai�ss c�r is rtx�UU�ta n�air�tasia. A'�TI�C:L� tU ARB�TIt�1Ti�N 10.1 ��GR�;EMEh'T T4 A�iI7'ItriT�. A�1 claii��.w.clispul�.�;.�nd m:stiers in qizc.c�it�n aris�e�sut i-�f,a�r rcl�ting to this�4�m�nl awe[}�e breaeh thee�t,�xcept fc�r c3a�rns �vhicx�91av�taec�n wai��er1 hy che�alti�g nr BCCC�'113RC�I7I }iTiill J"s�}+�I7�llk�ilf�tJl�C�:S1�Tlti(3L'Si:C1�10C�tFl A!°E1C.IC Il�.�! Sh1II I7�[It�'i[ItYI�7L'ar�itr�tion i� ai�.�arclvK�e wiiiY tkt�C:�]t�rtnu�Ei[sr� �r�ustr}.�ArM�tralEOn na9es nf lhe r�rnenc�an�irbidraliuti.A;sc�4'su[itrn th�n in clt�ccE a�x��c�verne�by the 1a«�s o#'the State uf Cc�E+�ra€do unless ihe parti+�s m�tu�l[y a�r�.•e vthe�4�ise, v4-nue:of �y�uth a�z�bitraxa�n sh�Ii b�e E�gle i.os:raEy. Tl�is:��ement ca artrierate s�salf be s��itiGaliy enturc�a��� t�n�er zhe�ere�F�iling�rbitreti�yn l�w�. 111.2 �Y{�TlGE f)��EM:�►ND. ?�c,tic:c�,f the�#emarid�'nr arbitra�tinn�hafi�S�i1.cd in urit�ng with the otk�ec �any ta this A�,�rc�mcnl and with the Am�ric:an Arh�'tratiun Asso�iativn. 'i'he de�t�a�td it�r arhit�a[ic�n s��s:i!he st��sc�e within a rcacanabl� tinx�a!'ter a�-ritten n�tiue nf�he�I�iEts,disp�ute c»uthcr mattcr. 'The lo�ation crf tlxe ar�+itracirsil�rre-x,�iin�s sh:�ll k�e the citv��if'E�e�c�ntrac,�to�'s headqe�arters c�r a5 eietc.rsttinc-d. 14.3 A,41iARI7. Th�award ra�ixierc�i�►y the�rbitrai�an[sx s�11 t':�f�al:u��#rruty he entered�t��n it in a�w�rdance u��it}��,�rplicihle law itt an} �c�rt hu��ir�g jfirisdictinn_ 1(i.4 V4'4ltK.t:Ul'+t°1'�iUAT�O�'�T.�iD PAYl1•�ENT. [�'ntess cstt�erwis�agre�ci ira wriling.thc Subc>ontractc�r sh�ll c-�sr_y�►n the 1��rrk�rECI m�a'r�ntain the Scix,�haf�c�f Wc�r�C per�in�ar}�ilralioal,ar�d if sc�.th�Cvntractr�r sha3M coniinue tn madce p�yinenG�; in ac:c�rclancti wit��this A�r�x�rr�.�t. i l0 5 NQ LIMITA'�I(�►N+@F RI4:�-TF5 Uli It�h+��lllE.S. Nof�ir�g in thi5 Af�iGfe c1�a!! litnit�ny ri�hts�r remeci�e�not expre�sly wa'sve�bq i�c�uhccirafrac[vr,wl�ieh the SuE�c�nlractcrr rna�f�avr urnfer is�c�r �a���rn�er�� hoaxf:�. 1t�.7 E�CEP'!"�(?�iS. Th:s agr�c�nc:�t tcr arh►Fr�re s�rall nc�[:ip�ly tv�c3airn.s: :i. nf ccwntribufinn�ar p�dcmnity�asscrt�d t�y�txae p��y t�lhis Rgreemer�[a�ai�ts[l.k�c�iEtcr�arty ancl:uisin�r�ut nf nr�a�ti�rn l�rau�ht in a stafe cx ftxleral��e��rt or in�rk�itratia�t f�y a�erscm wha is tiuz�r�x�nh}i�aeic�n to ar�ltr�.te the st��je�t ntatt�r c�f such�ctivr� with�ith�-�t�f t�►e �arliea hcxel�s,[�r di�ti nc3t Cc�r�seni ta strch a,��a;r�atitan:or �- ��SCI'tc��J], t}7e SU�C,c7ltf�:1CF�T ii�alll5l�I2�:C.fm[l'3«iCsr€f flte Ci3�]if3CE 3tiMeri!�st�id claem.cither i in wi�c�le c�r�part,a��i�sst the�C3.+,�x a�cf t���;Co�rE�ct beCwe�the�.{mtra.cic�r.ind ih�: C3wrter cicx.���ot prc�vs'd+�fcN[�inc�in,�art+irratian.trr cla�s sv�rovide hut t�t�r,�rr 73�birratic�n pM3ce�din�,s�not cc�.s�Ii��ced.�r the CaanEractur ancf C)wnex have nn ti+�h�e:�iarnt agrf�d ta �ir�itr�tC se3id C1ainY, in�it)te�case uf��htic3�t�e parFtes h�~retc sh311 ic�t��ti�ti`�ac�t oCtoer eit�aer hetc,re vr aftrr clern�tnd far arhiteaiirrr��,�;rr+actr. # �: IfY..�IlH{ILS'FY,UtC flf�l$SfY�iFVC�PFTC i1�}'F7�I.CilE1fJI1 C5�'I�l1S AI����C�C Ld.T,the quc�iions ur arl�itrui�i�ity sha[i h�e�decided � �y tfi�app�-'�rnale c�urt at�d noE iay arbitratiart. lI 's � a � + � � ARTiCI�F, t 1 SP�C'�A�..FRfJVISI+iINS ll.� PRECEI�E:,`VC'F. ic 's�unc�r�tc,aci ti��'4Ur3rI�tc�h�:gerft�rt�d trn�ter this.'��reemcY��. ine°}uc�in�rhG [C'l7115 i17ICI CCki{IELiUI�',d�7C.i&:{Jf. is as�c�:rihec}in :'Inicles t ihr�>i�gh I 1 hc�z�t tc7�cChcr wiih ail�Etachm�,�stas. �w#z�ch arc:►2�t�ded[c�t'�or�glcment san�e. Ho+�ev�, isz tlte 4vent uf'any i=icc�€��i.tcncy,betw•�cn this Suhcc��tr.x:!A��T�ert�nt R�cl t�e:1tra.:�rstx,rtts,ihe.�ttachn�nt5��all govern �RTICLE 1� T�:�.tMINATI[Jw�i 12.i Cc�ntracinr rese3-ves thc ri�ht tc�E��rmina�e�is C��tract,ui�hout c�at c7r laaE�iiity tc�Cur�lraztar. ►f 5uhrceni3r,�clt�z: (al F�3ils[f�cLt[t]tTicnce t�e W€�fk irt a�cc)r[��s�xe��ith the�ru��is'st�ns s�Fthis C�ntr�c�.fb1 t'ait5 f� nrc�sect�t�E�e W��rk 1c�cc�mplctic�n them.►f��cii�i�enl.�ffcient,►�c�r[rinanl'rk�.skillFul and s~r�reFu1 m�nner ar� in ae�:a�r€faztce wi[�r�nv Schc�ule and�e�ruG�isirans t7f tl�is t'rmtrac:i,(c�) fails t�y usc an�dec�uate arf�t�uri� [�r r�ua��ity t7f]sersraittse�car gyuipr�tenE fC�cC►[rxple[c the Ws7rk wslhou[clelay,{r��f�ils�u��y a�ty �s�rmitte�d s�nhcor�ts�acti�rs or supE�iie�:;}�e-c�r2��rtly in accr��nc:e with the Cc�ntrxu:t T3�c'�it�,'senth.(e)failure tu�ay rec}E�ired t�x�.(f}�aii��re tn n�.11111�1ii ff'.C�F.�ff'C�ItltillPt�1'1fiC.�;�fa�ls ra�erfnr�z�any ssf its c�bli�:�cio�as uncler this Contrac�, or c�t3�erti��ise reputlsate.5 er hreaclt�:s any[rf tfte lerrns of�his C;n«ks.�et,inclvdtn�Su�x;rx�fr5ctor's w�•rat�l�es, ar�s��c�flot ccgitec:t suc:�a failure or hreach wiEllin�cvrn(7}c3ays(or sac:h s��c,r�er pc~ri�d saf tinl�ii` Gx��nmercially ri:ast�nahle urrcier tt�c circu��5t�s)afier r�ce�p[vf written rtcstice frczm C'c3ntrar.tc�r spe�ifyin� �ncl�f�iiure ctir brcach, Cc�nleatt�rr�sfeull hawe[h�r�ght after�;iving 5ui�cc�ntractf�r u:veanty�€wv{72)hi�rurs writter:n�►tite therv�f� u�on auch ciefauft uan3inuir��;tc,{i1 tcm�inate this�antra�r.ar�cf��t i�s c}ptiun,4ii}aala�}�crs�es�ic�r�ul ara�ure adl r�e anr��pa€t u!�Suksc�ntrractor's�i3ata�-i.uls,eyu'tprnen�,�u�pi�cs ar�d'ather pnvpe�ry�f u^tifeey kin�f used hy � �ut�c:onlr�tctac in th�perfcmn�:rsce vf tt�e Wcsrk and t�use such prop�rty'"r�t tk�e man�icr i1 ctc�tn�dc5irahfr t�a cvm}�lete rhe�V�ri�'snc:luding�n�a�:in�;rhe servic�of s�th�r partf�ttrere�al`. Ar►y si�c.h act hy Ctsntrar.tor s��all z�c�i hL:dc�mc�a�vaivea-c�f;�iy uther ri�;ht of'remcc3y c�f Cr�ntrac�c�r� �f after cxercitiin��rny su�.h rerr'a�ciy the tcji;t tr�Ccr�t�r�ct�r c��l�e perFoim�t��e c�!`the fa�laj�e of[he l�i�'ork is i�t ercra�,�f thaa�n�ti��n�f Ehe Ct�:isract. i wl$icf�hc�tofore hce.� rx�4�txn paicl t�St�l�t�t�actt�r htir�nder.Sui�contra+�t�r shafi�re li��lc for and,�hai1 � �ir�3��e Conerart[�r fcyr'sisch exc��. �n�evettt:;h�►iF thc:St�hcnnt�rrt�c�r hr�ntit�ed tc��ray �;iVfF1�5 Et I13i5 Cc�ntr.�ct�s i�n�.uiatr� F�rr c:�€�sc. �ol�owin�tFse et€�.�:tiv�da�e of'ternti�alion,C'�,ntractar�hall l�ve r�n further Ilil�i�ll}�4lE]d�e E�1is Ct7t]t[�(:�i�tl3er t�i��i t4�it3�r�s�re�a ica rnattcrs.wkvch ixr�srrcd prioa•tn�z�ci�effcctive�9:i�e, in thc:;��erat[�f'tertttitr�tiurr, rtrc SuL�ca3Ttracior�h:t1!ric�t f�e enritlet�ea ar��acip�ter3 pmfits r�n�n;v Wt!rk not v�t �aerFonr7e�1 c�r ot.her Er�seyi�entiaf sf{�rr�a�cs. � ��1 WI3�'�ESS WN�REl7F the paz�ie�s h�rctr�F�ave�xa�c�tted�his r��reer�aen�,sh�day�rYe�ytar lirst;ai�c��e � uritten. ��r' �?Y: Rt�t�t1��0u[�1d��3 Cu4tUr�!I�iRCfSC��I�, R.,�'1.1'+�ci,c�n~�Its�rx,-i,�tes,lne_ date: _ _� E3ate: ¢ _._.......-- �. �,? � � � # `s � � � � ������ � Drpr�rtment of Cvrrzmunity!`levelaprnent r�J.�out{�,�rantage.1��+� �''ail, Colorado 8I C�7 970-479-�1.38 F.A.Y�7t�-�7�-2�5� www.vailgou corr� August 31, 2U(]7 Bank af America, N.A. A�ttn: B�livar Carrillo �DQ�D W. T�mple Street �`� Flaor, CA�-7�5�U7-[}5 l.os Artgeles, CA 9�012-15'14 I�e: Irr�vacabl� S#andby L�ttee af Credit #308�215 Applicant: �are Creek Plac�, LLG Dear N�r. Carrilfa, Enclvsed i� the original I�tter v#cr�dit#3(18�215 for the ahave r��ntic�ned prc�ject. 7his pre�ject has beer� cornpfeted in regard to the letter of credit. If y�u have any questions pl�as� dc� �vt h��i#ate ta cantac# me �t 9fi�-479-2150. Sie�cerely, �� �� �� 4� Lynn Campbefl OfFic� Manager Enclusure: �ank of Ame�ica, lett�r +�f credit#3��6�15 �i� !��'G7GLEiJPAPER BankafAmerica �,;►� 'i ��� � SA�F�TK Q�' AMERICA ° Ct7AIFIDENT�AL PAGE: � T]A'I'�: J.ANiJARY 17, ,�Cl{7 7 AMP�7DMENT TC+ IRREVUC�IBLE STANT?B�' L�TTER �F �REI7�T N[IMBER: 3 4786215 AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 ISSU�NG BANK BAL�,7j� C3F' AMERZCA, N,A_ 1�[}0 G�7'. TEMPL� STR��T 7TH FLQaR, CA9-705-C37-�}5 Lt7S A�TGEL��, CA 9 0 012--1514 SENEFICIARY APPLICAAfiT `�'HE T(7WN C]F �IAIL, STATE C3F CCJLCIR�.37O G�RE CRE�I� PI�ACE, i,L�: 75 S. FR�NTAGE RDAd W�ST 394 INTERL,UC�EN CRESCEI�T VAIL, CO 81557 SI3I'TE 1(]G+{l �uoc�M�x��� co so��i TI-ZIS AMENDMENT IS TC7 BE CaN�TDERED Pl.N �I�TEGRAi, PAR'T GF THE ASC7VE C1��DZT AND �+'fUST BE ATTACHED THERETO. THE ASD'LTE MEl'�TTt7i'�'E� �REDIT YS AMENDEI7 AS FDLLC7WS : "T°3-�E APPLICANT ' S NAME I5 AM�NDEL) T� READ AS ABDVE. ALL �THER TERMS AND C�NDITICJT+xS REMAIN UNCH�Ll�TGED. IF YOU RE�7UIRE AItiTY ASSTSTANCE +�R H�LVE At�TY QF7ESTI+(�NS REGPRDING THT� r�MENDMENT, F'I.,FASE C'�LL 213-4$l-7 8�0 . . � -�t���-c � .AU'I`HC7R I�"�ED S 3�1'�I.ATURE THZ� �QCL3MEP3T Ci7NSISTS C]F 1 �AG� �S} - �ua��v�����t���� QRIGINTLL Bank aEh¢serice.t�.A."fnde Opeeauons CA9-iu�-p7J}5 kDDQ W.Seniplc 5s.,Lns Angcics,CA 9001?-15k�0 W-35-(i2UlN3B S0.:OB5 B��nk af�Am+�r�ca �'�� �i �ANK dF AMERI+�A, - CONFIDENTIAL PAG�: 1 DATE: JANCTARY 10, 2 0 D 7 IRREVb�ABLE STANDBY LE'FTER C]F' CRELI�'�` NU1vi�3ER. 3�$�i��.S BENEFICIARY APPLTC`RN'I' THE T�WN �Q�" 'VAII,, STA'�'E flF COLQRAi3{] 'THE VAIL CQRF�QRATI(a31 7� S . F"RCNTA�E RCJAL7 WEST 39� INT�RL47CKFN CRESCENT �1"AI�,, CO $1657 SUTTE 1[3flQ BRC]C�MFIELD, C� 80{7�1 AF�IQT]IrTT NC3T EXCEEDTNG US� 193, Q57. 83 NdT E�CE�I]ING C]NE HUI�IDRED NINETY THf�EE THC7USEL�II� FIFTY' SEVEN P,NI7 8 3�1{�fi 'S C75 DC7I,L�1.RS EXPIRATI[7N .AUGUS"I' 3]. , ?0 Q 7 AT �L7'R C(JUNTERS WE HEREB'Y ESTI�BLISH IN YC�U12 F�lV�7Ft OCTR IRREVOCABLE STP,N��iY LE'I'I'ER C?F CREI?IT WI-iICH IS AVAII,A�3LE WIT�-I $ArII{ �F AMER�CA, N.A. SY PAYMEN'I' AGA�NS'T PRESENTATIC7N UF THE ORIGINI�L �F THIS LETTER c7F CRED�T ANI� YCJCTR DRA,F�'S .AT S IGHT DRAWN C7N BA�'TI{ C7F AMERICA, N.A. , ACC4MPARTIED BY TF3E L3OCCiMENT DE'I'ATLED BELQW: BENEF'YCY�Ft'Y' S SIGNEL? STATEIv1ENT STAT�NG 'I'HE FOLLQtV�'ING. Q[3C}TE 1} 'Y'HERE HA� BEEN A DEFAU�,T IN THE CC7MFLETIOI�]' UF Is.ANDSCAP��TG IMPIiC?VEM�h3TS FOR, TH� GURE CRE�� PLA�GE TOWNHC)MES A� REQU�I�EL7 aY THE T�WNT dF VAIL, ST1�T� DF CC]L�P,ALO, PUFtSLT2'1I�T T� THE DEVELC7FER 7NiF1�dVEM�k'3"�' AGREENT�]hTT. �} THE AMOUNT UR�WN IS REASUi�I�B�Y REQIITREU TC1 REMEDY THE D�FA.L3LT_ UNQUOTE FARTTAL I}F�AWINGS I�E FERMTTTED. WE i-iERESY EI4iGAGE WITH �D�7 THAT DRAFT (S) DP.�Ti+Jt�I UNL7EFt ANTJ IN �CC3MPLI;ANCE WITI-I TH� TERMS OF THIS LETTER QF CR.EDIT W�LL B� DULY HONQF��i� U�'�]N PRESENTAT�c7N TJ U5 Afi BANIC OF AMERICA, I�7.A_ , TI�A]-'.�E dFFRATICIt,TS C�NTER, 1C}0� W. TEMPLE S�'REET, MA�L �O]�E: CA9-'1�5--(}7-�5, LDS AIVG�LES, CA. 9�(l Z�-1�14 , AT'I"P+J: S'FAIVDBY LETTER C]F CREI]�T I]EPARTME�T C]N ��t BEF+'JR� T�-�� E�PIRATIC3N DATE �� SPECIFIEI� HEREIN.. THIS �E'T'TEl� C]F CREL3IT IS BUBJECT Td THE �IITTERNA'I"I(7I�AL STANDBY F�.�CTICES 19�$, �CC PUBLTCATTON l�a. 590 . DRIGII�TAL Bank oC.Amcaica,y�.n. Tradc l7perations �A4•7G5-�U7•45 ]P0�W','Fempls Sr..Laz Angelts.CA 9001:•1 i1 a0 06-35•624iNS9 60•:A05 B��k af America ��� �► BANK C3F" ANIERICA - CQN��L)EI'1TIAL PAGE: � THTS :�S AN ��TTE�GRAL PAI�'f' OF LETTE�t C3F CREDIT Ni7MB�I� . 3086215 �F Y�U REQUIRE A�Y ASSIaTANCE �R HAVE �N'Y QUESTIC?i�3;S REC3ARDTNG THIS �r�sACTZO�v, ���A�� c.�� zx�-�si-�s�o . ������ �� LiTHORIZED �IG1r�ATURE , TH�S I](�CUMENT CQ�TSISTS f?F 2 �AGE (S) . B[��iv�r Car�-i�9r� t7RIGINRL E#aak of America.N.A.tra�e C7pexai�ans ens-�ras-a�-ns 1 d9V R',Tem�rlr Sl.,l,us.,qngy]es,GA 4f]I112-IS 140 �-3 S-Ps03�ISf3 10-2995 l� � � i � - _�� _ i ++ � � � ��x . x �;`� �?� FJ �' �` n.� �'f �' Yj � -:i1..� -. ,f+ 'y �r �v �� P..o- ����'"'.` ..3 Jy .S .r "J 4 f� �, fy fyrf�.Y4.] . �� J�f iy� � h ! ' 9 .� �� ,�r�r 7 .. .f .,,�,:._ �,f j��1� � ��'r.j�tu"^� '. �_ �,,.i`` M1_� °'t �� .. �,,v���{� ti �� ��,:�-���� __ �; .�.�., ,� :.l ��n.c ce � �]e� f� � P"� �'� �� � � � ..� �,��t�., �' ;'� �• � n `',� �,r� + � �;• � � � "`47 � �1. .: 1 :.y -�,A`�. � ~��. ��~' 1� M1 :rr r ' � � - Y� 9 �rf�+� ����� .. �`'°4°�t`.f�"'`?� �j �;,►r� 9FEST DAY � <'. � ' �+d'S �sitia-�r r•i�y� �j� � � �y i �; ��..k.,a.{'s ��_s3.,*-�-5��•'�"'��� . ' �� �. �nPr�iA'�1�' � � �� �x ���§� "� `� ti;' �a �r^3'���. �T � t .^li� � . i � ¢ . .. �. '- a'-s �'�' ti6 �r�^�s;�µ `-'^ '1 r-�.1' .s�"' .��,xti �� � Y� y,'���, � �ah,<< 8�„� � °�i�� �f 1����, i�'� � �*°�A � �'��-" �' ,r ,��� '4��'�. �` �r y � Cnx6 � t�n°� �],a �1 � s�`� � � r +, ,� �`'�w ��� ��� . � �,� r �` ,�±� .�}.,; :{Y� ,r � '�'� �' � ; ' �. �j4 f� � � � l,, :x��� s ..��' f ���„� ��������,- ��� • .� � ���4 s ��,���� ��,�,-`-�����— _ - ��� � ° w .�����$t .,,�c x. �.c��.�' ',��'`' ,, ub�-�, a��,�,� ��" 1 � �'"`.�'�#."•a�" � ,•-� ��`� ��� �a �J� �, {K'9� �raCA���. �s"a �.":s�r�.'�,�'"S,�u.c7r�werse-c.:r-;'r�-�' � , . �� �"��r`".��', � � , _. � . ..' �.. . ., ������- �'..'," �1����Ll �l/ ��L 7 a. .i11J��L�� Enviro�r.�en�al Imp�.c� Repc�r� Suk�mi�tal Tc� The 7"c�wn of V°ail �ubmitted. b� VAIL �E��RTS D�vELt7PIV�I�'I' �C7NIPA�Y 5�ptember 2C�C33 • Lic�nshe�.d �re �;�it � i �.�� �_� �-����. ��, �rt--+�� �i�� �_ • ��s� I�ay Lat • `�'enrir� �ou.rt �ite `���-�- ���„��,-..�,��C'�� � L'r-�_ ��' ��`'�`�- • North �►a�Lot _ �, �.��i ( L���I vI� TEAK a SI�fCNT?�N� G�C7��7���� T � �J��.�,"�` +-� �gs' S ?3:58:I 1 P'3 �+���j j�j �s �� � r R�C: ��6.�?a a[]C: g G G�r G��C3 �� �C�?+��C. �u�.� �S tl'�ic�r�'� �[7PFLEMEIIITAL CQNDQMINILiPvI DF.C'L T �A�RATI[]�i� F'4R GC1RE CREF,I� 1�LACE �� ���� ��� `�`J TF � �UPFL�I'�'(LI�J'I'AL CC?ND�QM1Td�tJM I7EC�AR.�1`�'I,Q N �QR ��RE CREEK r ��,�G' PLACE (th�s "5u;�plera7en�at Ueclaratian'') is m�de as nf L7ecember�7, �O�b, iay C+�R� CREEK � �L�CF, LLC, a+Ct�torada limit�d li�bility ce��tl�aany' (`:GGP"). RECTT�LS A. G�F is the "De�lar�nt" t��lder the Condc�nninium D�c�aratinn far Gore Cree�t Place, rec�rded it� tl�e real �rc�pert�� recards of �agl�e �.c�uniy, Calorado �n ,luiy 5, 2�Q6, at Receptiot7 Nc�. 2[10+6I7775, as ai��ettded ar s�zpplernented frt�tx� #izx�e tc� tirne �tkre "Dec9arati�n',). All capit��ized terms us�d in this Suppl�tnet�t�.l D�r.larativn �7iI� ha�+e the nieanings assi�ned t� th�m in tlle�]r�cl�rati�nn, unless �lhe�•���isc pr�r�•id�� �icrein. $. Pursuant to Se�tioi� �.9(a) vf tI�� l�eclaratian, DeclaraF.nt resenred certain I�eW�lapment �ights 1or the I)eclarar�t ]Dev�lapment Period. The D�clarant De�ue�o�rrtent Per�c�d is still in effect. C. The De�rclopment Rigl�ts incIude the �i�iit to add all c�r any pc��tion of th� �.dditiana� La��d to t�t� Pr��ert}� a��d thc ri�ht ta cax�struct and creat�e additional Units arad ��orrlmc�z� Elem�nts. The L�e��e�opmerat Ri�i-�ts apply t� �11 portio��s of tl�e Prs�perty. D. Pursuant t� I7eclarant's De���lo�n�.ent Rights, De��ararrt n�w desires tc� �nnex a1l ofi'the f�,dditional Land intn th� Property. E. Pursuar�t tcr Declarant's De�el�pz-�etit F�i�;h�s, �]eclaran� has cons��ted r�ew Buil�iings c�n t�e Additic�i�at Land c;ommo�l�}r k�nu�n a.s `'Bll1I(�1I1�5 S, 6 7 �u7d �" (flie ::t'�1ew E3uil��i��gs") ancl now� desires to create iJnits ar�d Comn�on Elen�er�ts i�� relation ta tlie Ner.� Buildin�s ar�d �►,dditisanal Land. F. In �c�nnection w�ith and irnmediately fc�llc�vving the recordin� af tl�is Supplemental Declaratifln ii1 the Recc�rds, I�eclaraiat is sitnultaneau�ly c�i�si�ig a Supplemental �rlap, entztled :`Gare Creek P�ace— Plzase II" (tl�� "F���a�e II Su�plenacntal Map"), which reflects tiie annexatic�n �f the !'Ldditic�nal L�nd iarto ti3e Prc�per�ty and creati�r� c���i�w [1Yiits i�� the �Vew $uildin�s, a�id relaced C.flp7�rr�c�n El�znezits, to be recc�rded ix� the Recc�rds. p�CLAR�TIC),�` l. �exation af Additio��al L�.n.nd. Pursuant to Sectian 2.9�(�) of the D�clarati�a�, a1I �af the Additit�z�al Lar�ci, as �lescri�ed in Exhibit B ta the Decla3-ati�n, is here]�y a��nexed 'zntc� the Prv}�ez�t�v. Tlie Aciditio��al I_and is 1�erehv a part nf the Property and subject �o the pr�v�isi�ns c�f t�e I�eclaratio�z. � 2- The Tunnel. T�e tex•m "TunneI" as used in tl�.� �eclaratiQn �s �a�reby° amended tv mcazi the ut�dergrc�un� tu�lil�] i��hieh cantzitzs, arr�c�ng othe�- ihii��s, � drit3� ai�te, parking sp �. .� � T(159iR.2 RCflSf�F �Y",•• : �� U and rnechanic�l roonYS, lc�cated c�n the Pr-op�rty, includi�� #}�e A�fditic�n�� La�ad. That pc�rtion of th� Tunn�el [ocated vn the �dditional L�d i�depicted �n tfie ���p�em�ntal Ma�. 3. Creaiion t��tTnits tu�.d Comm�n Elezt�ents. �he]�,'e��' �U1jC�3I4�5 �1�1�iE}Jir desig�ated as Buitdin�s 5, 6, 1 1Ild �� �,I"� ��CEl }7�T�EE1� {]11.�I��.t�. 1]l�[� t`�Vi3 �JT'l1�S, t� l�e known as fo[Iaws (t}�e :`New�.J�its"j: B�ildxng 5: Unit 8 and Unit 7 Building fi: Unit � as�d L]nzt 5 Buiicfir�� 7: Uni�4 ar�d L'f7it 3 Building 8: LJzlit 2 and IJnit 1 +CQmrr�t�n E��ments are alsc� ��er�hy estabIislzed as depicted ot� tl�e Phas� II Su�plenzen��l N[ap. "�Fte hew' Sllll£�1I1�5 are l�ei•eby� a �ar�: vf` t��c 1'rc�pei-t�; ai�d subject t� the provisions of tlie T)eciaratian. T�e baund�raes af the �'�,1ew iJr�its ar� descrah�.d in tile I�ecl�ratiozl aiid gra���ically depicted on ��1� F'hase II Supple�netita� Ma�. The �'orrunnai �.lern�nts �uithin the Additioi�al I1and, includin� Bui��ings S, �i, 7 and 8, cdmprise ali im�rv�res��ei�ts and �a•eas tl�exein Qther th�n th� Ne�v Linits. 4, Camn�an All�acation. �'ursuant tc� t17e definitinn of "Cc�imm�n Ailaeatifln" irr Secti�n I.1 af the D�eclaracion, the Camn��an Altvcation fe�r eac�a Uni#, iz�el��i��� the I'��w Units, is hereby recalcul�te� �y dividing t�1e �vleasur�c� Axea �f th� Ut1it �y the tc�tal Measurea� r"�rea c�f a11 the Units, 1T1CILi�lI1�T L�1� N�►�,' �,Ihits, as �et fnrth on Fxhibit C attach�rl �iereta and incQrparated hereir� l�y� this reference. �xt�ibit C. t�a the Declaration i� her�by dc�leted i� it� entiret�� and i� its �lace the attachet� Exhibit C is deemed i�tserted in t�ie Declar�tian {as s�p�ntemented h�re6y}. 5. E�c�ptians ta Title. T��e Additic�nal I.and a�zd �th�r applic�.ble portx�ns +of ihe Frr�perty a��e subject to thc�se easements and Picenses set fi�rtl� c+n �xhit�it I)-1 attached here�o and ia�cor��rated �Zerein �y t€7ts re�ere�cc, and alsv a;�y� easements and Iicenses a�ef�renc�d on oz� estahliahed �iy the Phase �I Supplcmental M�p, as wel] �s thnse refc:rer�ced an c�r estat�lESh�d hy the )I�ap and �xhibit.D �o the L7eclaratian. 6. Dc�elopn�ent Ri��ts. PurSUant tr� Se�tion 2.9�a) af' the Declaration, D�clarant's D�ti�ela�sr�ient R��;hts ��ith r�spect tc, a�� pc�t�icrns of the Pro�ertv, includ�ng th�e Addit�cana[ La��d, retnain in fitll fcsrce a��d �efFect. � 7. Fffect. Exce�# a� ex�re�s�v provi�ed in this Sup��lemental I}eclaration, the DecIaratio� renlains wic�i�n�ed and in f'ul! fc�rce and effect. 'THE R.�MAIATDEI� U�'THIS �'A�E IS IN'I'ENTI�`�1ALLY LEFT SLANK.. 7[1i913 2 RCFISH ^1 L � lh�'I�INE�S TH�1�E(]F, D�clarant has exe�uted thi� �u�rplerr�eiita� I7eclaratiQn as af lhe c�aCe farst written abo�e. DECLAZ7;A;y'X'; 'G(7It� CRE�I� PLAaCE, LLG, by Vai1 Resc�rts DeveIapinent Ct�mpanti�, its �an��ing Ni�mber �y: ��$t17G': �l � � Tztle: - � STATE QF C�L(�RADO � } ss: CQUI'�'`I'Y �� EACrLE � Z'he foregoin� S�ppleF��enlal Qec�aratian for Gaz'� Creek Place ��=a� acknowPedged b�f�re !ne this /S�� day of Q ?0{}d, �Y �f �'� � ' as °`�'' V" _ �► _ �- of VazI Rcsvrts �evelc�pnlent +Ccr�pany. a �.al�rado �orpora#'r�,n, M�na�;ii-�g �'vlem6er of Gore Creek P�ace, L.L�,a Cc�loiAadc� liinit�ee.j liabilit�� cam�any. Witness mv hand ar�d afftcial sea�. ��y cnmr�ission ex�sres: � �,� I° � KATHF�YAi M. CAM�RBE'LL `jL+�' ' � �,,G"/' !'� � �'� NCTOF�Y PUBLIC Natar Publ� STA�'E C3F COLQ�RADQ MY Can�missi�n�xpfres 0112T�7 :A��r�tn�•r�l.at t ��1�rq:. CSBCLC � :i�_(aY.�rm 3 � C=_ tiame: __. r�_�� .��':���. � d7�is°• __,__�c���!.�—.[.�U G 3osa ea:xcFrs�a y J EXH�BIT C C'01►v�Ni(�N ALL[�CATIQ�4S � N�[EASLzR.ED AREA �ldg. [�nit �`�r��e NYain Up��� C'omnnon Lev�i L�v�l Level �'ota� � A11n�at�ons � 1 1 i 33 1°�;� $$7 3'��Ci �.37% g 2 I E20 t 8'S0 $3(] 4�(31 7.C15n/a � � � r:�o �zss ���s ���� s.sr�,�n 7 4 1 !32 1�60 979 3370 5.52°/a � �' S �60� �S5� 83t� =�2$7 7.42%0 � fi 1+�4� ]R51 $3[l 4�87 7.Q2°/n � 7 �I ]`� �2�3 884 3247 5.32°fa � $ I ff14 1&51 $2� 42�2 7.01°/a 4 9 1,1.�5 1,259 ],�`?I 3,7�5 fr.f�7% 4 1(l I,bI� 1,85[] 832 4,294 7.Q3'°./Q � _7 1.1 S yV4'"'� 1.0`!'il OJ J Y��LQ� I.VGplO 3 I2 I,6[�0 1,�48 �2� �,27f� 7.00"�� � I3 1,1�3 1,232 88� 3,��1 5.3�% 2 ]4 1,t4� 1,252 882 3,�76 5.37°�4 �. I� 1,I2�1 1,24$ $$7 �,2�i4 5.35% l lE l,�i�J9 I,�:37 84] �,2�7 7.02°/n TOrTA`�L' �I,04fi 1{�0.04% 70S9C8.3 RCF1Si�t �-� E�H"IBIT D-1 OTHER.RECC)RDE�I EAS�M�P�TS AP�+ID �.ICENS�� A,FFEC"Tx1�G THE PR4PERTY �. Terms, �otl�iitic�ns and ��•ovisions �f Trench, Con�fiiz�t ar�d �Tault Agre�znet�t recorded C7ctober 1, 20074, at Receptic�n `�io. ��3(�BCM. 2. Term�, conditi�i�s 3I'iCI �.7I'C?VIS10I'1S nf Trenct�, �onc�uit and Vault Agrc�ment recarded November 4, 2�704, at Recepti�n Nc�. 896�93. �. T�rms, cor�diticans and �rnvisions c�f Caop�erat�an ai�d Ease�n�nt �.greement r�caxded June �4, 2[1(}5 ai Rec�ptinn Nc,. 5�2051�. �. Ten�ns, conditians az�sd �t•a��isfnns of Holy �`rc�ss E�7er�;,�T Ease�nent re�arded August 23, ��}�� �t Receptic�i� No. 24�f]�2;U$�. 5. Terms, ct�r�ditian� and �rc��i�ic�ns c�f Sewer Main Easernent rec�rded ' � , ?(l06 at �.ece�rtian l�f�. _t�-�;`��� 1-�-�l G. Terms, cc�ndrtic�n� and protirisians oC�i�croa�hrnerat �l�recrz�ent recarded 1� � , Z�1�6 at Re�eption �c�- ��:�'�j"��.� rnscisz Rc�s:-r ]��-1 ��a Y �m 3 t g.,� � _' � g k �1. R „ k �C --� "y Y �y� � Y; �� ,g A ���9� � ..��� � �� =�a " ,: ;� „� ?a e „ '� � ` ` C°=' � tW���; ' �`+ ( `[ � � 3 r� �' �i ��4 � r i�}#£ 3 ,�. .W';y 4 ;? `�'Q���� c SI T L � i ' I " I y p � r �", j ',� "� 9� ._` � � 1 � ,a � " �I `` pYa'i8$`�r '� ; � �[i rs,�r ' iVn ; .� �� �.� y� �S �� , . i � .I .+atK, � ;y � � � i., � � � s z _ j P Y � tj' i f� � � � -a b€e Y A� �, .p... � � Y ar �� €x� dE� a �x� sI . �� , ' F: �* l��: T �' y �� ����� \ . �' �- 'I � v .p � �r rki .�ikz��y �. ��� k k �x a i: ; 1 � ��I �' � �� � ! ys ��F~'^g � Y I y^ � 6 � � ;� p " � �bLy i'y 51 �� � ,. $'I y :�; � a �� � �� b =� � k f���g � t� � �� � i �y st c.r gX� S .� h� � AI¢�i A _ t: '.� I +� = qa� �� # ? y �.1 I � � y"� *' ��a �' ,y a �� 3 a `! g _� a ,��{#�.7 �I �Iy `{'�3 � 3�� _ ���� � �i�� � ' �q ;� r a n �..�; � �e y i°`s � �. p :� 'I �b� F t2'53��13 � �� F ,`i��.� r�� � .ti _ . . d a $:e _ _. u ..��.:,!� ., .. .�'�... 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Pfanner: Warren Campbell �RB F+ee Paid: $idb.00 :�l?P�'I,�;��IF.NTAL CO?'�ID�[7N1INiLJ�I D�CI.AI�,�TI(lN FUI� G+QRE CRCEf� PLACE THIS SUC'I'LLM�::�(,i.AL �'(�1�I][)M(t`�IIi7M I�LCL.�,,i��1"1'I�J1�J �'`�JR CiC7I�L CI�L�K PI.:hCF: (tllis "�up�lemc�ntal 17�:clr�r�ita��r�'`� is ����tie �is t�f D�.cen7b�r_, ?4�1�G, l�y' C�f7R1� �C'REEK Pi..�1�T, I.I.t', a Cc}1�5r�ic�o linzit�d lial�ility �c�rtlp�ny {.`CiCP"). 1��,C:1'�'ALS �1. �CP is th� ..�]�:�lararit"' un�er lhi; �C�ondnnriiniutn I��Glaratit�i� fc��- Crc�re �Creek Place. r�cord�d ii� the. re�l �rc���erty� rce.c�rds c�f l�a�lc C'c��iFit�r. C.t�lor�do oe7 .Iul�� 5, ?f�OG. at R�c�:�t���r� �lo, 2�?f1�517775. as amen�ed �,r su}�plen�enteci �r�)n� tin�t tc� tirr�e (the "Dcclarati��n'"). 11ll �api[�ili:�eci t�°m�s usct� i�i t11is ��i�a�ler����ltszl l�ecl3i°atic�n �h'i�l l�ave the n�ca.�lin�s �ssi�*n�d tv theni ir� �l�� D�cl��-ati�n, tan9�ss ��t}�er�,�ise pro4Jidc.�i hvrein. �. Ptarsuani tc� `�ectac��3 ?.9(a} a# I�14 Uc.c13r�Cic}��, Ue�lar�T�� reservea c:ertain De.ti���lcr�,mc��t IZi�hts #`ar ti�e Uecl�raYit a�r�e3opmetYt Period. "l�l�e U�;c��t��nt Ue��el��r��ent I'ericad is sliEl iiz etfect. C. The Dev�:l�pniznt Ri�htS inclucje the right tc� ��Id all c7r �ny� p«rtinn af tlie �lddition�rl 11a�ic� tc� th� I'ro�er�y �nc� th� ri�ht tc� constr«ct a��d cr�.at� �ciditi�ti�I L,'nits �nd C�C311'lI]IC7ii ��t.Tll�[1tS. T�1C TJt���lopxa�ezti Ri�l�ts ��}�I�� t��a all p«rti��rrys c��'the Prnper-t��- D. f'ur-st�a�lt tr� D+:.clarar�t`s DevePc�pr»ent Ri�ltts, I]�.ciar��rit rio�� d�:sir�� to �nrlex a(1 af tl�e rldditi�r�al Land ir�tc� t��e �'rc���rty. C. Aurstianl to I7eclarEizit's Ue�•�1e��rment I�i�11t�. Uecl�trant �as ct�rstitruct�:ci new S��ilcli»�,s �zn tlte ,�"-tc�ditiQnal Laiid C�[17T3t17i1�!s' ki��wn �s ..at�ilciii��;s y. G 7 ar�d �-` {tf�� .:?�ew I3�ildir��s") �rld ncr��� desires t�,� crc�tc L_Rnits 4�nd C�O1711I1E]#7 �l�m�nts in rel�rtic�n tcy the 1'�cv�� Bi�ilc�ii��s anci �cielitic�nr�l Lanr�. F. In c�nrte�tin�� tvizh an�f imi�e:diat�:�}� fcjlla«•i2i� tl�e r�cc�rdi��� of tkti;+ `�u�rplemc�lt�l I]eclzratic�n ir� the Rr:e�rrt�s, I)cclarai�t is sirtlulEat�et�1��1}' c�t�sir�� a Sup�leme�at�:l i�'Iap. entitled .:Gc�re Cre�:� Pla�e - Phase It" (€�i� "Yhas� II �LE�pl�tri�rital �ta�..y. 4�11ich r�ile:cts ih�; a�znexatinn c�f tl�e .�ciditit�nal l�,ai�d init� th�: P'r`c�p�rt�� and cr�:atio�� �f n���� [_►nits it� thL ive�v Rtrilr�iaro�s, and r�la��d C"c�n�r�7c�n �l�ment5, tc� he recn��d�d iel ll�e IZeco�-ds. IICC'LAR�TI()1'� 1. A�inexaiiui� c�t�:'�dciiti�.,��€il Lanci. 1'urstiant Ec� �e�li�n `?.9(a} c�#'tl�c� I)ecltiratic�n. Gaii of the ��ir��tic�naP L��11d. �is descrik�e� iii �xt3i�it l3 ta t�ze I]�:ci�ration, i� herebv annered ii�tc� klle F'rcjperty. "I'he Aciditio�ilP L�nd I5 �lL'I�4t?E� a p�rt c�f the Pro�rcrTti� ans� subjeet to tile �ar��visic�ns c�f th4 Declaratic�n. ?. The T��nnel. Th� terni "Tun€��1" as used in the I�tcltir��tian is ]ler�;l�y- ��inend�� to �t�ean tl�e 1€nc�ergr�unc� t�,rrzn�:i �ti���ich �.Unt�3ins, <jrnc�n� L�ther thin�ti. a drir e ai5l�. �arkin� spaces 7�7:S�i78= R('I�'IS31 anci �i'ecl���rzic��! re�ni�ls_ l��c��t�d crii tt�e: ��1�4�'l�J'I�', IIlCIllL�li1� LI7�L �cir�itic7�l�i1 Land. Tliat pc�rtin�� �f tlae �t�ui�tiel lc�c�ted c��� t��� �-'��ic�itinr�al 1.�e1d is de�i�teti oi� tlle 5tipplc:mer�tal �1-1ap. y. Ci�I�t1Q11 OI L�tl{tS �iriCl C�v(�I11IIlC1I1 �ItI7l�I1tS. I�7�: N��i' [3uilc�in�s [f�ere�iy�lc.si�n<jt�:d as Buildin�s 5. (�, 7 anci �) are eE�ch ht��i:h�� �iw�ided i��tc� t�r��� iJ�lits. to �ie kra�i���n as fc�licz�,��� {�I�e `I've��� L.lnits"'): - �3uilair�� :�: l:'tlit 8 an�f Llnii 7 13��ilc�ii�g f}: ���t]lt �? c113t� �i131! 7 F�►��ic�fr�� 7: C:nit � a�x�l l,'i711 � �3uilding S: �l�'nit ? a�ad is�ait 1 C'[fltlrl7tin f�:ier��r;nts �re �3�so tic,re�y e�t�hlished as clepicte�i ��n t}7e F'hasL II Sup�sl�men�al Map. T�t� Ne��� BEiifdia7�s z�re hc;r��h}� �3 p�rt ��f` l�ie l'a'c}��i-t�� a�zc4 suhje�t tf� ih�; �rr���,�i�ic��s o� tl�e Dlclaratiar�. The hc�u�t��irie� c�l��he Ner��- �;nits are descril��d in thc C�eclar��ic�ii �e�id �r��}�hicall�� t�c�icfed nn the P�7c3S� II SL1�7�I�1]1t31f.r.'�� ���T. T�]C Cc�nirti�rn [�lertlertts rt�ithir� tlie :'�c�c�itianal Larid, it�cl�adin� �3�rild�n�s 5, (�, 7 <inc� f�. �;t�n�}�3-i�c <311 in��src��-erncnts and areti�s th�rr�ir� c�tl�er thtin t13� �tiew Unics. 4. C�mn�c�n t'111�c�tic�n, Pur��ant �� ilt� d�trititicnj ni' ..C:c�mmc�ar� 411�catic�n�' ir� Sccticm 1.1 ��f the Uecl���-�mt�c�n. �hr� C'on7n�c�n �1locatic�n ior �:ac11 L1nit. includin�; the �I���� i�nits, is 114r�b�' reca�culated t��r c�ividin� thc Mc�:�urcc� r"1r�:a c�l°�li� I IIl1t �'1�' [IiL' tc7t�l '��1ea�ured Ar�� c7f {�11 t}�e t.,lnit�, ia�elucl'rr�� the 1�Ie��� l?nit�. ��� s�t i�rtl� c�n E�xhil�it C' at[t��ilcci }ier�tc7 ��nc� in��rpc�rGiie:� h�:rein �iy ihQS relereiic�. I�.xhihit C, cc7 tlle i7ecl�iratic��z is l��rth_y del�ted iri its c;��tirttv and in its place t}i� attaelled I:xliihit +C' i� d�c�7�:c� i��serie�l irz the Ueclt�x�atic�n {as sti�aplen�ent�tl h�r�hv). 5. Cxc� ticros �C} I ]il�. �j-�7� 1�1�C�ltl�lli�� ��I1L� ���c� c,thea• a���lic���lc. �orti�«� �f t�ic �ra�erc�� are s�Di�j�ct tc� tl�c�se easenlents a��d ric�nses s�.t torth c�li E�x��ibit U-1 attach�d It�ret+� arid ietcc-�r�«r�ted ��:r�:in b�� tliis rc�.i4reeic�.. ai7e� also any e�sen��nt5 ailc� fic�nses r�f��-�ilced nn c�r t'Sf�3�1�1:i�LCj �}ti' 1�3L' fj�1�5E lI ��t��ples�ient�l Ma�. �5 L4'C'�� cl� t}ll7ti� ['�f��"�t1C�C� [)1! l7I' �STc1��lS}lt'C� �l�r the Ma}� and �:�;��i�iit D t�a the C)cc larati�n. fi. T]evel��n�ent Rigliis. �'�frsuant tn ��ctic�n `?.9(a't oi� tI�L [)c:claratic�n. IJeclarant's I?ev�lo���l�nt I�i�his with res��ect tc� ai[ �r4�rtia�r�s c�f'th�: �'rc�pert}�, includii�� thc: .ad�itic�na� I.anc{, re�l��in €n full f«rcc:aroc� c:fl'ect. 7. F�#'f�et. E?�ce�t a� ex�ressly� �rtz��i�t� itt this iu��lemcntal 1��c12u'atinn, the �ecl��rz�tion rernains unc}�a�i�Lr� and ir7 luld Ivrt;� �in�� eflect. THE R.EM�►I'.Y1lEIt C}F T[lt5 PA(�E 1:� 1��'F:NTI()iVALLY' LEFT [3Lf1NK. ,��Uis: �c��sti ? [N WITNF.SS TI[F:�[:O�', T7cclarant }y�� executc:d t17i� S�tppl�tZ7c-:��t�l Decla�'ntion as of il�e c�ate first G�r�tteit �krc�v�- I)E;CLAKA:VT. Gt?Ft���; C`RI:I�K PI.ACE. LLC. i�y Vait Resorts D�vcic�p�la�:nl C"c�Et��ai�}r. its �A9ana�irz� Member �4" ''tiI c�CT7 L': j11�'L': STATE C�F C(�I.(�R�,i�� ) ) ss: C�JUNTY C)F E.4GLE ) The tc�r��c�i�a� Su��ltmeiztal L]eci�r��ti�n f'c�r (ior� Cr�e�: 1'�ace was ackno�r�l«i��d Y�efc�re riYe tl�i� c�ar o# . ?[}{1�, �Y —____---- �� -- — i... ��f` V4ii� fZesc�rts I7e��elc3}�«Zent C'r�i�i�aiiy. �a� C+���orac�c� cc�r�orati��n, Mana�ir�� titen�ber c�fCic�r� Crcek Fl�ce, LI.C�, a �Cc�lt�rad�+ lin�it�ci li���ilily cc�m�a�r�r. VVitness mw� h�nd anc3 c�flicial :�eal. My� conlmissic.�n exp�res: Nc�t�ry t'u�rlic �7(tcylu'_=. k(l-0S19 J �:���i��ir c, C'[)M;'��li)11i f�►LL()�[v.�17�1()N4 __ _ MEAS[i�;f�113 Al�l�;�'1 � C�arag�,�.---.._. N9ain ��PP�� Common �31dg, L?nit Level Levcl Lc��el fi�tal Allracatiorts � �' 1 � �Ja ��:�'� ��'�i i�$� �.��]°1`0 a,r_,, _- — - -- _ __—-__ �3 2 !C�`��7 ]�SCf ��U 4���1 7.L]5°lv 7 3 1 �;30 I?�5'4 976 i�Ci� 5.�]°lo 7 4 11;? I'?t��) 97�) 3�7�J ti.�'?°Jo fi 5 � 1 fiU6 1��1 �3{) �2�7 7.�?°io � � —_ _. _--- - b f� 16�1�i 1��1 �?� �2�i7 7.(.1�Ulo , ___ .- - 5 i 7 1 ] 19 12�3 i BR=� 3?�7 5.3?°./'o > 8 16�� _: 1€�51 8?� 42f�? 7.�1 l°10 4 � i,125 i 1,?S� ' 1.i21 3.7C�S _6.0?°fa 4 1G1 i,61? : J.f3�C} �3? ' 4.'�4 7.{�3°io 3 1I !,�(�0 I_���i f�i7 4.?8� ?,�?2% � i 1? 1,6(�Ci I.A4R 8?� �,�?76 7.t?�l%, �. 2 13 l,I?: 1,?3? _$Sfi i ��1 �.31a/n 2 1� 1,1�2 1.?�? 8�? 3,27G 7.i7°/a -- ---- — _ --- -- — ��_ _ — 1 1� t,129 1.?48 ��7 3,2(�� �.35�/U __.._ i 1 l�i l,t�f79 ].�37 - ��l =�.��7 7.[}2"/o I TC�TAL: — - --�i 1,U4f� __1�f7.U(1% 7i1SyIS� �HCI'ISI� �!{ I?:�EI[l3!'i" Cl-1 oT��K ���ircc������:o �:��;r�rr�;TS ��rn LIC:ENSE� AFEFC'CIN[� '1"HE PROPERTY` l. Terms, cc►n�itions and prc�visi��ns ty1' Tr�ns:h, �`ondtait anc� Vaiilt Agreeenent rece�r�ied (7ci{�her l, ?�0=�. at R�ce:ptic7n N�i. fi9�3f18[l. �. 'I�ecr�is, conditic�ns a�id �ravisi�ns at Trench, �o�ldt�it and W`au[t ��;r�en�en€ recorded N����mt�er�, ?�1C►�, ��t Re�e�t�����t I�ta. B�EiG9�3. 3. �'�rrtls. �c�n�litic�axs anr� pn���isions c�l' Coc�peratioi3 and Easc�i��e:nt ;'1�r���tt�=tt rec�r�ed Jt�n� "?4, ?4)()5 �t F�cce�tion Ncr. �7Z(�5]�. �€. Tertns. �on�iitic��l� �n�i �rc�visic�ns c�l� !�c�ly Crcxss C:ner��• F:�ss�ai��:nt reGti>rr��d Au�ust 2i, 2�JUC at F�cc4ptian hc�, ?(}()�i2�()�i=�. �. T4rr�r�s. cc�n�iitic�ns an�l prc���isic���s ��f 4e.«�c:r M4iin T;aSerr�ent r�c;s�rdec� 20�}�j a� F�eceptita�� i�o. G, �I�errns, cc�nd�tions ai�d prati•isinr�s crf`F:neroaclirncr�t A�;reement r�:cr�rded __ 2L1[�G at I�ec�ptiar� N�, 7ii�4�71R.;� fi.['f'k�fl l�l-� . Applic�tion fo� Administra�ive - , � . Subdivisivn Pl�t Re�ri�w ����'�� � Deparkment af Can�munity Develc�prr�eni 75 South Frontage Raad, Vail, �o[�rada �1657 te1; 97�.479.2139 fax: 97�6.479.2452 web: www.vailgav.com G�n�r�i In#orrn�tivt�: It is unlaw�ul fi�r a�ay}�ertic�n,busin�s�,nr eorpnration tca�iolate anr�of the prai�i�ions of Titie 13,�'ail To«•n Cflde, or c�transkir, sell,iease or a�rec:tc�sell or leasc,amr lat,traet,par�.e�,sitz.:��eparate inters:�t{includin�a lease��ld int�rest), int�rest in ccsmn�on,cntadnn�iriium interest,tirt�e4s�iare esta�e, fractional fee,or time-share license,c�r any �ther�ii��ision�a�ithin a�ubdi��i:�ic�n «rithin the Tc�d+�n until 4uch tiubdivision has been approrcd in wri�in�by t�3e /Idr�arnistratar,Planning and �n��iransnental Crammiss'ron and.�'or the Coun�it(w�hiche��er ia applicahlel and a plat �lae�eal�recordt;d in thc office Qf the Eag1e Caunty Clerk an�Rece��der. Type of Applicaition anti Fe�e. ❑ []uplex Subdiuision P9a� $1(�0 � Administrative fi'9at Cc�rrectian $lOQ ❑ Single Family Subdivision Plat $1(}� ,,$� Cor�dominium�7awnhQUSe Plat $1{](J [7es+c�riptivn �f #he Request: -- - ---, r C ,�._`—•,_.x;=� C,- , .� ,v � � r < La�Gatian of t�� Proposal; Lat: Bfock: S�bdivisi�n: Physical Address: �' --�.�� �-�-�� �� �- � Parce[ No�; (Contact �ac�le Co. Assess4r at 97�-328-864� far parcel r�a.) Znning: - I'�� "r.L. Name(s)vf Uwner(s}: � �• � {� �.. r.. �, Mailing Address. �-� � w ��. ' � ' _ Phane• �� ,� '' ; ��,. �wner(�) Signature(s); , �_ Nam�of Applirant: ' �... �� 't.�'�--Y�..�'� - �� - "� 1 _ M�iling Ad4dr�ess; � �.� � �� Pho e: E�rnail Address; ` `'� 1 ^ �ax:� ___ � (� � � � � ` '�3���,� For C}ffice Use Only: p J Fee Paid: I�� CheCk Na.; �'� !�' B`y: ' r f t'•r � L'���r��1 Meeting Date: �'��„�"� f�EC Na.: 'Pl�riner: Project iJo ' F:lcdev�IFflRM51F�rmitslPlanning'eAdmiraisirative_Activns',Plat Revievulcvndo_th_pla4.dcsc Page'�a#4 12-6-2005 *�*****���*�***��*�****�**�*�******��*�*��**�*********a*a*s�***�*��***********�****���**�*** To��vrkr��v�zz., ca�c��aoa s«t����� **���*��*�*�**������������*�����*����**��*******���*�**���**««*********�*����*#*���������**� Statemen� Number; RQ60�f72075 Asnaunt: $10a.00 12/�8/2{1Q608:43 ANi gayment Me�hod: Check Init: JS Nata�ion: 7308IB�ILEY & ���r�xsor� Per�nit I'Tc7: ADb'1p6Q421 `I`y�7e: Ac�,ministrat�.v€� �a���� rro: zioi-o�a-��aa-a SitE Address: 825 Fc�REST 1�I7 VATL Lc�cati[]n: Gt}�t'E CEtEEit PLACE Tr�tal Fees: $l0t],D� This �ayment; S1o0.(3o Tatal .ALL Fmts: $16i7.�o Balance: $(].fl0 ����k****�*��k���4�M�M#4*���e#���l�#��s�E��****#*i�*#+*�t**�k�+�**�k*#���+�E�N+�k�k����x*t**��kw**,x�k**9�a�k#** ACCOUN"I.I,I'�I1�1 L�5'T: Accoun� CQde �lescriptian Current Pmts PV t]Q1000033.12500 AdministY�tive Fee 100.fl0 ------......-----------------------..____-----____�.._--------_-----_------_______ p n '. � �4 � �` ° �'o � a - tr^. �� � �� � �� i ��.� • � 6 � ��'� � �''�a '��,� q �� � �Y�����p�� � � ' �� �� � ,�+�,, � � 9� 7 K � ����. � �3� � � � �°� � t � �' W � �'� 1 �� i ��z������; � � � ��� �� y.. � � �� , ��� � � e� I ���=3°'���g� e � ���a �� � � � [L' � �`'� 1 3� It �a�a�'Sy��� i � I � �. �' � � F�;e F �r � ����<3�"`��� ! � L 9�« �� ! $ �� � � �� � � � �' � r � � � 0�� � �� � �� �yG���� �x � � :" k � lY� � � . ��� � E � �Y � � x��5�°� � s � � � � � � ��� a �� � � ��z mF���Y � ��R � � �� ��� 1� Q� �� � ��� � i s F� � s�;��a ���� � �W m u� � ���� i i — �� � �� ����������mq � ��� � ry � i r �►yti �� -I I � � � �� i �zv;rti'��¢�R � n� � �irK'� '$� � � � 0 � � �t�y�x'� ,y ~ � � 5 ` � ",i �x�°v� �y � � � � ���y,. ��� S 4,� w I � � � � ��� R� g � � �����"go��� � � �� � �� I P:�c � ��� � � rg � 1 ! �'dr ,��z$ � M a � � � � I � �#�;� Q � � `" F m � � ��a��33g��� t a � � � � � �a�� I ,`, a � � '� � � ' ���s��� ���� � � � �b ; '�� �!s � ;� ��,15 � a ? 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[y y 1� §�E� �s 3�' `€ '�'� y� 3 0 4 ,,� � ,� , <J = 3i90 ��� /�� 1 ��� � A � �� � �� ..,- I q �.� vi A. ' rv i� I;I ,.,-�� " " -� � � - i a �EL� � � �- ' �� � Desrgn Review B�ard ACTIC]��'rl F�RM . ! Depar'tment of C�mm�nity [�evelopm�nt +��j'�� 1� ' 75 S�uth Frontaye Road, Vail, C��acado 81+657 f l� �+� te�: 9�70,479.�139 �ax: ��a.���.za�z cr..�n+r����x e��e�c�•�,�,r- web: www.vailgov.�t�m Project Mame: G�RE CREEK RL CHANGE DRB Number: DRB0605i]3 Rraject O+�scrip#ion: FINAl.APPRC?VA� FC7R A CHANGE TC3 T�1E AFPRQVED PfANS-AN A�DTTION �F COPPER CAPS �7N SC?EJTH DECKS Participants; dWI�ER u�r� co€�� �a�z�fzooc �Q �axa vArL co s���$ APP�I�'ANT VAIL RESC}RT5 �VAIL C�f�P} 1[]�'�7,l20�}6 P�c�ne; 97(]-845-2354 Tq�]D Gal1LdIN{i P.D. BaX 959 �van� C� 81�6�� Lic�ns�: �.15-R Pr�j�ct Addr�; 825 FQREST RD rfAIL Location: 825 WEST FCIREST RD L+��a{ Descri�tion: Lot. 3 �lock� Subdiwision� WEST I�AY SUBDIVISIQN Parc�l Nwmber: 214�-a72-D70[3-2 Gvmments; See��onditions BCIARD/51'AFF ACTIQN Mntion By: Actinn: STR�FAPR �econd By: Vnte: �aCe of Appra+ua�: 10�'15J2CDOG Gondi�ions: Canc�: 8 {PLAN�: No changes [o these plans may be made without the written canse�t of T�awn of Vail staf�andjor the�ppr�priate review comrr�ittee�s]. Cond: 0 �PEAN): DRB appraval dc�es nok co�stituke a permit far huilding. Please consult with Tov�rn 4f Vai! Buifding qersonrrel pricrr ta Gonstruction actiwities. Cond: �01 aR6 appro�val shall ncst become valid f�r 2�days Followin� t�e date c�f approWal. Cond; Z02 Approval of this pr�rjeet shall lapse and become void one (1)year falivwing tf�e date vf final approva{, unles�a �uilding permit i� iss��d and canstruction is cammenced and fs diiigently pursued toward completic�n. Cvn�: 113 � A!( de�elppmenk appl�cations subrr�itked t�s the Town after th��ffective date af Urdinance�5f Series 2006 shall be subject ta th� pending employee hausirag regulations in whatever farm they are fir�ally a�opte�l; provi�ded, however, thak if th�Town fails tc� �dopt th� pe�ding empl�oyee housing regulati�ns by April 15, 20D�', this Qrdinan�e shall nvt apply to sueh devel�pment a�PEicat#mrr5. Rlanner: Warr�en G�mpbell dR8 Fee Paid: $2C�.Q0 . M�nv�r E�+�ria�r A►Iteratians APpiitatian for D�sig� Review . CJ�partrrtent of C.�mmunity [3evelrsp�nent f 75 Sauth Fr�nkag�Etaad, Vaif, Colnradc� 81657 ��4�N�FV�L ' t�i. �7�.���.z��� +�X: ��c�.a�g,��sz web.wwrov.v�il�o�v.wr� Ge�eral �rtformaCion: API prnjects requirirsg d�sign r�r�iew must receive �ppro�al prior tn submitl�ng a buildi�tg perm�t appl`seatiflr?. Please refer to the subrnittal requirem�nis for the particvlar appraval that is requested. An applEtati�n fc�r Design Rewiew cannc�t be a�epted untii all required information is r,�cei�ed by tt�� Cc�mrnunity be�+el�pm�nt Departme�t. 7he project may also nee� to t�e reViewecf hy tYa� 7own CounciS andJor the Pfan�in� and Environm�ntai Cvmmissiot�. Design r�vie�t approval lapses unfess a builtling permit is isst�ed and oQa��tru�ion cvmmenaes witl��n ane year of the aPProv:�l. Descriptior� of the Request; � .cJ � /'��J �,rlTt� �..�C f7: ��'�.� �'�2s�C �,G� � Lo�eation c�f th+e Pr,�po�[: Le+t:.�.61ock: 5ubdivi�ian: ��f `� Physical Addresst � ,�S r�7�r �� . Parcel No.: �•��� '��� �Con't� a�Re Cr�. Assessvr at 970-328-8�40 fnr p�rcel no.) � Zoningr �+�.�� � �Eame(s) �f�wner(s}; ��''/'�,��z , 3 � �Hailing A�i€Iress: � .�1 ° � ��:_ � ��s C�v+�ner�s}sign�ture(sy: — � Name nf Appticant: D� C � L"r- M�ilin�Address. __ _ - _ _ � Phone• �-mail Address: Fax. Type v€Review�nr� Fee: � Signs $50 P,,,��1.QC1 per square fr,�,t of tntal sign area. C� C+�nceptual Rewiew No Fee G h�ew�4nstru�.tion $65fl Fc�r c+�nstruetic�n of a new building or dernalre�ugld, ❑ Add'ation $��1�] Far an additivn where square fo�tage is �d�ed to any residenti�l or commercial buildir�g (rrscludes 250 add3tians&interior�anverszans�. G7 Minar Alteration $�5fl For rrzinor c�,�nge�to buirdings and site improuement�, sssch as, {mufti-#amily,�cor�m�rcial) re-rqofing, painting, wir�d�w addstipns� lands�aping, fe�ces �nd retaining walls, et�. Cl Minqr Al��rafiion �20 F�r rninor el�anges to buildings and site imprauemen#s, such as� (single-famiiy/d�p�ex� re-raofir�g, �aaEntir�g, window additions, �andscaping, Fe�ces and retadr��ng +wails, e#e, Changes to ApproV+�d Plans �Z� For revisions to pl�ns air�eady a�proved by Planning Staff or the D�sign Review Soard. Separatinn Request fiJo Fee For Offce l�s� Qnly: � Fee Paid: L�� Check N�.: By: _ _ + � Nieeting Date: �"�~ � w�� _ aRB Nca.: � f�ianner: �� Pra'ect�fa.: ''`�` r `-'` `� V �, � � R � s � � -� � k Q�VE: LC]PtN �I'J `F CC� MPANY � E � � �� � �U� T�]: Wa��rer� C�m�be�l FRUM: Todd ��ulc�ing DATE. t7�kc�ber 23, 20t�{� �tE. Gr�re Creek Pl�ce— DI�[i—Change to Ag��roved Pla�s Ac�diti��n c�f C����r C���s tc�Sc�xcth I]�eks T'lze�pprc�v�d nev��el �ost s��si�n nn the Sauth c�ecks ere�te t�he pc�t�ntial far �ra�kin��nc� tite l�e��l fc�r on going maint�nznc�. Th� tops ef t1�e itecvel �asts�1re f�s`rly fl�t ��zici inay r�ot�}�eej the ie� anc� sno4v. This caul� lea� tu s�littin� and rottir��of t�1e E�n5t5. It is aur l�r��e tc�c[a�� tF�e to�.� af eacl3 tzcw�,��.1 pc��t with a cc�}���r�y�rami�. I h7v�e �ttac��ed a pl�toto for y�our r�vieia� and apprc�ucd us�, Tl�ese tvc�ul�i be pla�:ed on every 9"x9" t1�we1 ��st (1€i8}. 'T'he caps�n°i�I b� fastenec� af tl�e�c��tc�in fl�nge il�ith (2} �o���er nails. If yau h�t�e any cluestir�ns Ur�eed �ddikion�l it�fc�rmatir�rt plelse c�c�not hesit�t� tr� cc�ntelct n�� at your�arliest�onweni�n��. C'a�a��r T�ps t1SA - Cc��,per Tc3ps C'op�er Ca��s fcjr ti•c�ur Fence, Deck, !4rbc�rs. Gates��ici mailbaxes� Pa�.e l af . � � y 9 , ^:� _. . .� _ ¢�� ''_ � I� � �������� ��� '� ' � �: .� c s � -0 . a � � _� _�,:�. _ �� . � � � ,. . � .� _ � �.r - .� � � . : � * _. . _ _ � _ _ _ . � _ . _ PRC3�3UCTS BY '�C�PPERZUP'SiJSA.C�IVV� View CQpper �ederal �IQk�es � View Pi�eapples � Vierra �ol�r L�nE�rr�s � 'Jiew Aif Prod��ets f Return to Hpme �����r ?���t CaR Pyrami�d � � 4:,:. _; i:-,. i , , ,,,..� _ � .?� ��, ,�� � .4� �-.. Coppe� Pe�si�aps fit 4 x 4 pe�sts to 8 X 8 posts. d x 4 P�st � X 5 F'ost 6 x 6 Past $ x 8 Pt�st FulllR�u��s Cut 4 x �i Posi Cvpper Taps USA accepts all Maj4r�redil Cartfs � � ������ �ca... Goppe�Taps USP. 8�47-726-1547 IV�)�a9L ;�;C�ir.�l,i i ll`a.�:,l,i � [.ta��. f'r.[;C1,!r T�, Cr.r,t�;"�.( 1 �:�-, Copyrtghl 2p02-2006 Cappertopsusa.com�Srte Map�CJelrvery Terms and I�ei�;in PQwered by Sut�N�twor POliry l�ttp:i�'co�perto�susa.cc�rn,tp��rart�id_pr�sduCts,htrn LUII�)12(�� **���������*��#�*#*#���*�**��*#*##�###*#��*�#������####**#��������*�*���#*�#�##t��**�*t�#44� T�3V4'i^� C?,�VAIE., CC]I_[)RAT3C? Statement *��**�v�������+�***�*�*�a�*�*�*�*����z*�*�����:��*��a��******�a�**���*�t*�����*���***�*�r***���*� Statem€�nt N�aa.mk�er: Rf}60�{�1$25 Amount: $20.0{� �0/27/2fl�fi02:47 Pi+7 Payment ri'fethr�d: Cash IniC: ,IS 1�7ata'tic�n: $/T4AD GC7[JI�L?�NG -----------------------------------°-------------------------__--__—---------- Permit Ne3: DRBp60503 Type: DRS-Chg t�a Appr �lans Par�el P7t�: 214}1-072-Q'7(i0-2 Site Atidre�5: 8�5 FQREST RD �'ATL LvCation: 8�5 WESfi FQREST RD Total F�es: $2q.40 This I'ayment: $24.f�Q Tota1 ALL Pmts: $��.Ofl Balance: $0.c}(7 r«�r***�***+*+*+�*+��r*#*����*�*t*��*�*��r+���***a***w�*�*���r�*����*��*��**�****�*******�*��a� ACCOUNT iT�M Li57: Accaunt Coc7� Descriptian Current L�rrsts DR Qf71b0(3�31122�0 DESIGIW 12EC7IEW F'�ES �Q.OQ D�sig n Rew�ew B�a rd . A�T��fN Ft)�N� i Department of Cort�mun�ty De�reiapment �'����� � �5 5auth Frontage R��d, 11ai1. Colorado 815�7 tel; 974.479.2139 F�x: 517�R.479,�45� ce�rAU�wrr[EVElcwfa�rrr we�}: YYIKW.Vd#I(JOV.iQm Prnject Name: GdRE�REEK ftESIDENCES FIR�PIT DRB Number: DRBOG�4fi5 Projec�De�nption: FIiVAL APPF�QVAL FDR A CHANGE TQ TFiE APF�C}VEL� PL}INS T�0 F�CPAND AN E�IS7ING TERRACE AIVD LQG4TE A FIRE PIT P�rrki€cipants: a1NNER VAIL CC}RP 09J2$/�{1�6 PC? BQ� 7 VAIL CCl 81658 APPLICR�IT C�IRIS lAMMERS Q9f28/�4C�6 Phane: 949-4379 51 EACLE RQ #Z PC3 B�X 540Q ,�vorv ca ei��o Prnject Addr�ss; 825 F(]f�EST'RQ VAIL Loca#��n: G(]RE �CREEi� RESIDEi��ES L�al Descr�ption: �ott 3 Blcfck� Sub+dirrision: W�e�T DRY SUBDIVISI(]N Parcef IVurr�iaer: 2��11-U72-070�[�-2 Comm�nts: See Conditions BQAR�fS�AFF A+CTI(lN Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR s�a�,d By: Yate; Qate of Approval: 10��.$/2406 Conditi+�ns: . Cond; S ��1A�V}: No chang�s t� these plar��may be rraade with�ut tf��writ�en cans�r��af Tawn�f Vail staf�an�/ar the appropriate review�ammittee(s}, Cond; Q (RLAN}: DRB apprQVal dae� not con�titute a perrnit for building. Please cansult w�th Town of Vagl �uilding personne! pri�r ka�4nsfira�ctic�n a�:ti�rit�es.. Cond: �(]1 DRB appra►��d shall r�ok become�alid For�� days faflawiny th��fate of approual. Cor�d: �17� AppraVal of this project shaNl faps�and becQme voici c�ne (1� year fallowing the d�at� vf final appr�vak, �nless a bu�lding �rmit is iss�ed and e�nstruction is commenred �nd Fs diligently pursued toward completion. �ond; CONaa�848� The applicant shall submit elear, camplete cut�heets af the�ire pit in �anjuncfron with the subrniktal of the r�vi�ivn to th� buildin�g p�rrr�it. The fire pit unit shali meet all standards and requiremen�s vf the bui4ding �nd �re c�de�. Planner: W�rren Camp�ll DRB Fe�e Paid. $�[�.�1q I �� � . Cha nges T� The Ap�pr��ved P1a ns AppliCativn f�r oesig�n I�eview • Department oF C�mmurrity Developrnent �` 75 So�th Frryntage Raad,Vail, G41o�ada 81657 �WN�F Y�L t�i: ��a.���.z�zs fax: 97D.475.245Z web: www.vailgov.cam Gen�ral Informatian: All prQjects requiring design review rnust recei^ve apprr�val pr�ar to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the �ubmittai requirements for the pari�cular apprdvai that �s r�quested. An appli�ation for Design Review cannat be accepteel �nti! all required infarmatior� is re�ived by the Cornmunity aevel�apr�ent aepartrnent, The pro�ecC rnay a�sa need to be reviewecf hy the Tvwn C�uncil andlvr the Plane�ing a€�d Environmental Commissivn� �esign re►riew apprarral laps� unl�ss a building �+ermit is issued and construCtion Camm+�nces within one year of the appeor►al, - Desc ' tinn Qf the Request. � �G(1 G,r� � t �� - +h���. G � t� G�, ���- A i f Lnc�tion of the Prvpnsa�: Lot: � Black: SuC�c#ivisEt�r�: '�.���°� -';l � �� �� �,rr� �r ��y����� ►a�d�ess. ��� 1�r�e� � �v� �-7 � Parcel N+�., ,���%��� A������ 4CQnta�t Eagk� Cca. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel na.} � Za�ing: ;�� � _ r+[ame(s] ort+�wner{s]: r.�rr� ��'��l� �i�Si����i�� 5 f � � �� � M�iling Address: � Pf�or�e• [�wner(sy sic�nature{s�: '"�- t�lf-�'�c-��e,� �'r��r - �lame�f App1icant: L�f � P� iling At�+�res�: �,�, � �2 � "� ,� ,�', ,�;K .��l�G'�) _ u�� � ��'C� �l���' �hr�ne; `�t19_ �i s� `I�� - 3��� ,� ._._ _ � E-maii Address: �' r�n.��s d� r~� n�� c�,�-- Fax: �'�f� ° ��7� Typ� of Rer�iew a�rtd Fee; �Chang�s to Approved P6ans $24 Far r�visions to pfans already appraved by Planning Staff or the f7esign Re�iew Boarr�. Subrrs'rt�t�1 R�quirements: 3 5e�s of Plans Addressing Project Chang� Signature af Hvme�w�er(�} or A�saciataan Far aTfice l.1se �7nlys ��+�� y (�, �. ���t � Fe��aid: ��C.�c� Check iV�r.: B : 1� S�n � ���� �. +��� M�ting Date' ��` � �L,� DRS hlo.: '�''�' Pfanner: L L� � Frojeck No.: " ` �" � SEP � ':' �(�D6 F:lcdevl�C3RMS1�emtiCSlPlanninglE7FtBldfi_�ha�ge_i€a_apprav�d_P#�ns_1�age_CIS-1i-2{lO6.doc '�;� ��` �+`t91,. . �'a�e 1 c�f i Warren�amkpk�eil-FW: fre pit appror�al �ram: "Chrss Lammers" <clamme�rs��a ranelson.com� To: "Warren CampF�e3l" �W�;'�mpi�ell�vailgnv.cnrn� Qate: 091251�066 l I�:31 AM Subj��t: F'W� fire pit appraval Warren- Below is cc�rrespandence from urait 12 owner saying t�ey wruld like the fire pit to be cQnstruct�d. I thir�k this is al� the informa3ion needed fpr th� pRB sutamittal. Please cranfirm th�t#hos is subrrritted ta the DRB and you dar�'t need any�thing else fresm rne. Thanks �hr�s Fr+�m: JM�dd19352�aal.carn [rr�aiito:JMiddl9352@a�l.camJ Sent: Thursd�y, 5epternta�r�1, 2�Ob 8:58 PM Tc�: Chr6s L�mm�� Sul�j�cts Re: �re pit appraval Ghris, As the tawn af Vail 'has request�d, k, John Middletart,th�awner af�ore Creek�'lace�rnit�2, wouid�ike th3s�re pit tv be constructecf. Thank yau, John Middlet�n fi1e:11C:IDocuments and S�ttia��;s1.A.dministratarlLoc�1 SettingslTemplGW�Q�3�f�1.HTM il9C2Sl2[lf�d *t�******��*����***�**************�*$*���������*****����*+***�*********��*���*�**�t���****** TOW�i+C�F�iAIL�. CfJLc]RAQfl Staterr,ent *��**�*+�**�a�����**�******************�*��+��x�*�*****�*e�*************�*����*�+rt*���r�s�****�w** Statement Niut�ber: R45o�01564 P,a�aunt: $2(?.DO (39�28/�Q0501._09 PM Paymen�. �+tethc�d: Chec3c Init: JS N4tation: 17`Ct26/RA I3ELSClN Pezmi.t Nv: I3RB06Q455 Type: DRB-Ch.g ta Appr Plans L�arcel RTca. ^�101-072-07f}fl-2 5ite Addrt3ss_ $25 FQREST �ti7 VAIL L,ocatic�n: G�ORE CREEK RESIDENCES Tvtal Fees: $2(I.OD This Pa,yment� $�fl.�0 Tatal ALL Pmts: $24.OU Salance: $c7.00 ��*+k�k**�k******+#++�**asta�*f�tt�f��*********�*�**�t��«t*•***�rw��r��++�����****$**********��h**� ,'�!��C��1'�`7'���.��T: Account Cade FJescx°iptian Current Fmts DR 001(�OU031.1�240 DESIGid REVIEW FEES 20.00 . � . _ �� -� � ;�---��. � ,- - � � `�n . ' ,� � ._..�� 4i. �� � � � � � � � :-� � - �� � � � � � ; � � _ � � � � �� ; � � � ,. � � ,_ �, � � � � `� � � �t � r�' r oa �� � � � � , , }z � __'� ' ; ` `� , . � � �, �- , t. 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'�l S�,U[1� 27'4,{?[]()BTLJ Hc�neyw�tl systems ar� 1�5-V C pc►wered. �.U} � 1 f�,L� � �`�i 1 t; �+,l� •ge��re to nc�te�:hv�ce oCwir�l�ss c�r wire�wall switct�act order if�►at is yc�ur selection. 25" 25S�1S0 with 150,(1Q(] BT[J Systern With nptivr�al F�L24TP L�g 5e! �5" 255S27�1 wit�27Q,4��1'� BT�J Syst�m *Lng sets are availabl�Ncrt iuclud�d in standar� Fire Pit its* � ��'�;� �,�y��.'� { +� � �: � ��V1°,� C.�€� �FA1+-R p�SIG�! REViEV�" STA�'� AI�PR�3VAl, �,,. �` � ���� `'� ,� ����s +, ������ �� 8 -�16 y 5'-33�, 4 2� � 20" Deep x � � II 22" High Woll Note: 4foteriols & style to Fireplt match wall araund hot tub Note: Contractor to verify firepit siZe. Flagstone O ' D Hot Tub a � �Q ° °o� � �l Pony Wall 22"H Note: Moteriols & styie to matth woll nrountl hot tub � ( ' . ( �' UN F�'� ,Ea:i G-� AFF APPROVA'� ,, lD- g-U� ���� �� Middleton f���i�d�4 ° - Gore Greek Townhome �1a ''at�o � '° Yaii, G0 x"`E ,',""' 1 - �� �� ,, -��«, �- -, � . �� � �t �-`'�� . ... --r Y�¢, °�`# `__ ` ,� � �,� �, ; �- • �- � , �ao - . . . ,, , . e°o � = . .. f , �V�J • ..��, ,�k �-h't� � , r �� � — �. V! �.LLJ • - �`a,.r �t Y�° � � •, ` �1 � � � ♦• � � r . . ��P^r' '�� r�1- �� �S=_ • . ` + � � ` - + # �'' � • .✓ � - • ` ' � '� O•I �1 f .. � 'L �• � . . • 4 { ��n ti✓�, . ' - ,_,� "y . r '_ ..`Yk r •I y' �� „�.'4 �� �r f'` � [n� �,�/li' � f , , , i`•� C!I' ! - • "�� ��1 i r. +IL °' - • ��1 � . �J ' . . . ' � � +P i 4 ��, • . � 4 . . � � - ..: f - . . >{,• . _ �� e ,� ^,- `r r - : . - r.��: ` �:; � , -��,� �' � ' � r r . " •F ' ` �OC�- � � '� 1 �/ . ` ' , :� , . _- . ` 4 " .�i °-,. •. 1 3 i f . ..� . �' - tiy(�. ��4`� � .. _ � .{•. .. v ie 4 . �+ ���e {} ; G , r J �� / f � �y .• ' * r4� ��, + i �e • ' ,• . . ' • ., ♦. • � ""` �, '�.� 1 )* • �r . l ! ��. .. i - ��� ... .t.. • � . 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ACTI+O�I� �t)RM � �e�artme�at flF Community t]evelapme�t �"1���� � 75 So�ath Frontage �iaad, Vail, Cc,lorada 81657 j� teL• 97�.4�9.2134 fax: 97'U.479.2�#5� cc�nx,��r,rceu���rrr web: ww'1+l�.vailJvv.com Projett IWame; Gaf:E CR�EEK P�CHANGE D�tB Wurnt�er. �RB�b0393 Projec�t Des�ription: REQUEST`�fl CNANG�A PC7RTIC}N �]�THE APPR4VEE] l_ANDSCAPE PLAhI FRC}M NATURAL GRA55 TE? S(7D.THIS RORTIOI� d5 LOCATE�7 ON TI-3E SUU�#`H SI�E (�F TF�� ST'RUCT�JRES �f2C1M THE PRCIPERTY LINE TC}TH� REAf� OF THE STRUCTURES, ,4T NO PQIhIT WIL�T�1E NATURAL GRRS� BIJF�ER SETV�►EE�J P'articipants: (�UVN�R VAIL Ct3RP 08f2�/2005 � sax 7 VAIL C� 81658 APPLICAM' GC3RE CR�EK PLACE-JAf�E IVY-AS(18,128A20C16 P�pne: 845-2331 P0 Bd?( 10L] Ei]WAR�S �� 81fs3Z Project Address: $Z5 FC3REST Ftb VATL Loc:ativn: C;C3I�E CREEK PLAC�+CC}MMC]N EI.EMENT L�gal D+�scrip#ion: I.ot: 3 Btt�tk: Subdi�ision: UVE�T QAY SUBDIV'�SiflN Parcel I�umber: 214I-�72-0700-� Comments: 5e�e Conditions ��IAR[1 JSTA'FF ACTIC3N Motie�n By: Action: SfAFFAPR Secor�d By: Vote; Date of Apprvval: 09/QfiJ2Llt�5 Conditians.. Cand: 8 (�iAN): No changes�o these plans may he made wit�out the writ�en cvns�r�t of Tow�af Vai1 staff ar�dlor th� apprapriate reuievu Gommittee(sJ. Cpnd: (3 �PI.A�R}: DRB approva#dces not canstitute a permit for building. F'lease consult with Tc�wn of Vai! Buifding persanne! prior to constructior� actiuities. Cond: �01 pRB approval s�all not become vali� fe�r 2D days follcrwing the date of�ppraval. �and: �0� Apprc+val of tk�is proj�shafl lapse and betame vt�id�or�e t1)y+ear followrn� the date �f finai appror�al, unle�s a buildmng permit i� issued �nd cc�r�struction is�ammenced and is di�igently pursued tow�rd camp��kian, Cor�d: CC�N�n�84t�5 THE APPLICANI'SHALL SllRVEY AND STAKE TH� PROPERTY LINE P�2TDR TO I�9STALLI�kG Tk�f� SQ6] TC]VE�iIFY THAT Nfl 50D WILL 6� L�CATED ON THE TOWN STREAM TRACT. TN AQ�ITd41�, IN LQCA7IC7NS WH�RE TFiE BTKE �PATFi IS LC3CATEQ �{EAd�QR �fV THE Gdi�E �R�EK R�SID�NCES RRC�PERTY A MINIMUM i]F FNE F��f d� NATIJRAL GRASS INIL'� REMAIIV TC3 PRC7VIDE A BiJFFER B�TL�lEEN THE PUBLIC USE AR�AS AND THE PRIVATE 11SE AREAS. Planner: Warren Carnpbeil DR6 Fee Paid: �20.fl�D JUL.�i.���� 9�5�AM N4.43� P,ir� �� � Chang�s To 'The Apprvr►ed Plans � � Appl��ativn for Qesign R+ev►�ew _, r�epar�ment oF community oeveinpr�ent +�t�t�.� �t 75 SGUCl1 Fro�str�gE�+'oad,Vd1l�Co14C'dd0 81�i57 llf�l���Y� � t�l:97[1.479,�X28 fax:97a.479.�452 w�b� www,vaUgav.cam General �nformadt�t�: All pr�je�ts �eq�lr�ng d�sign revlew cnu�t rece�ive approval prior tci sutxnitdn� a bu"sldin� permit ap�#ir��ion. �Please refer to the �ubmtitt�l r�quir�r�er�s fnr'�e parkicuf�r appraval that is requ�t�. Ar� �Pplit�tlon far E]e5ign �evlew r�nno'� he aetepted unti[ all t�Ufl'�L1 If��f]��IPfi is recefved by �he Cornmunity Develvpmenfi Qepartmen�. The pr�j�tC may alsa n��d t� be revi�w2� by the Tiown Cou�iCl9 andfor the Plann;llg an� En�imnm�ntal C�ri11�655ion. � Qesir�rt ��view apptnVal la�es unies-s a bwiiding p�rm➢t i�issu�d and cvnstru[tia�t cammenc�s withi� one y���af the approval, . 4� � � _'-�x L. �-. . D�e�cr''iptfion���f the Req�uest; '� "�- �.; �`- ��l � ' t �` ; ,� : ��� �� 4��� , , �° �(":-1 � c��.c C — "��� ��C"[ " �? ��-' � , � � � � � � L�tion of'the Prap�osal: L�t: � B4ac�C: Su�divlsion: ��'L�.�'��� �: •`�f l � Pttiysica3 Add�'ess� ty� ,'� �_ �"���r'''r- � ��'��. �c� ��� � Parcel Nn.: f-��� � C � a� i �'� �'(Gvntae��agfe Co, A�se�r�k 97Q-3�8-56�0�or par�! r�o.} � �I �" . znnirtg. - _ c��C1�r� C'4`�� �I "� �_L—y 1—��;'��~ Nam�(s�af�3r�uner(s}: � ! , Ma91ir� Addre.ss: '��' �'� �� . � �,. �.� � Pt'IUF�sei 4. -�C.' - r 1� �.� o�nrne�[s] Stg�at�ure(�): '°� ��c,,c : :1 '[�i c° `� Nam��f Appiican�: l.V�� �.4'L -_ �`�>(.(_. - l} �1,( �4�Ci C",� � _ Ma[3ir�g Address: '1 ' � . �- > _•�� ��- L���:� � - r_ ���:_ �-w.�� J' - P�o[1e: ;_'�I�:, �3-,�, � I E-mail Address: �t `i �' � t ` w•t i �FaX; `.:�-�`�-'' ? �,�' �- � � Type Q�Rev�ew�nd Fee; � Clta!�ge�fi�Appmv�i Plan� $ZO Fvr r�+ision�ta pl�ans�9re�dy appresved by P9�nning 5taff ar t�� p�sigr� Revi�w�rd. 5uksml'kta�� Re�quEr�nlents; ' 3 Se�of Plans Addressing Pra�ect CYsange5 Sigr�2�ture af Hc�meawne�(s) or AsSO�i��c�n F�r afFiice Use L►nly: � �. F�i'aid:�� - Ck1��dc I+ta.; ��' r� � ,�1 � Mee�ng t]ate: �. �� °�� -- p�l3�fa.� ��� � ; . - ; �� �--c�._�._�— -- --- , _- - �.. ��,���.. � --� ���n���: � ; , ;; i � .�.f , ,r �, 3� �,� ►�u� �� �a�s � �! �; _ �' F:lcdevlFr3RMS1Pe�rs�i#sWlanningl�RE3ldrb_change_ta_approvaci�lens_S�age fl5-11-�Oa�. oc �'�'�f'��'� '[)� '�f,�t(�. 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Pmts c $24.O�J Balance: $�.Op **********�*��***�*������+����+���b�i�ti���**t�******����**�**���*a�*�*��******v�**r****�*�****+**� ACC�C3UNT 1TEM LIST: Acccaunt Cvcie Descrxgtican Current pmts DR UDI�OOD311�2Q� LsE�IGi�T REVIEW F'EES 20.�0 , � �,�"�,d.t�, '�'�f''�- . oes�gn �eview Baard r���..�t ACTIQN FC3RI�I _ �� ;� �]ep�rkment of+C�mm�nity C3�ewelopment �'���� ������� 7S Sauth Frontage Road,Vail, Cslarada 81657 te1:470.479.2139 fax:97Q,479,2452 web: www,�i.wail.cc�.us Project Name; GORE CREEK PLACE SU�. �I�N DRB Number: []R��60336 Prnj��t Descriptivn. GORE C#�EEK '�LACE aEJBDIVISIC}�! E#VTRAN�E SIGN ANb ADC]RESS SIGf�S Parti�ip�n#s; �WNER VAIL COF�P 07/3].J2�06 PC] �C}}C 7 VAIL CQ $16�$ APP�CAh�� MAURIELLO �LANNTNG �RCItJP, L1..�7�3�./24[l�5 Phone: 97Q-748-0920 � �ax �.�z� avo�v �a si�za Lice�s�: Cflqf3a{]1697 Prc�jec.t A�d�iress: 825 FOR�ST R.t7 VAI� Lvcation: GaRE CREEK PLA!CE tegal descri�tinn; Lot: 3 Bloc�C: �ub�c1�►risian: U'VEST DAY SlJBDIVISIO�! Rarcel Numh�er; 21�1-�72-�D70a-2 Camments: See C+onditiQns BD►4[tp�STAFF ACT�ON Mation By: A�.tion: STAFFAPR S�and By: Vote; �]ate vf Appro�al; a8/1b,12aU5 Con�di�rons: CDfI{S: 8 (PLAN}: Na ehanges to these plans may k�made without t€�e written consent of Ta�wn of Vaif staff an�/or the appropciate review cvmmi�t�e(s), Cond� 201 DRB apprvval shaH not�ecome v�lick for 20 day5 fallawing the date o�approval. Cond: 202 Approval of th�s projert sh�ll lapse and becarne vc�id one �1)year Follawing t�e date af�nai approvaE, �r�l+ess a b�ailding permit is issmaed and cc�nstruction is cc�mmenced and i�diiigently pursue� tow�rd ccarnplet�on. Plann�r: Warren Campt�ll �RB Fee Paid: �fiSAa Sign Applic�t�on far aesign Review *' [�partmen�of�ommunity f�evelopment ,�y������ . 75 South �ront���Road,Vail, Color��la 81b57 �� tel: 974.���.2139 fax: 97D.474.2452 iN��: WWW.VaI�CJOV.C4fTl Generaf Infvrneation� AI6 projects requiring design rev�iew must receive appro�vel prior ko subrn�ttir�g a bualding permit appfication. PEease refer ta the subn�ik[a! requirements for �he particular appro�al that is requesked, An appli�ation For �7es'sgn ReView cannflt �e accepted until all required inforrrsation is re�eiVed by the Cvmmunity Devefopment aepartrnent. The prs�je�k may also need to be reuiew� by the Town Cvuncil and�ar the Planna�g and Environrnentai Commission. DeSign review appra►►al lapses unl�ss a tsuilding permit is issu�f and constructian r�ort�menoes within vne year�f the approval. de���k��� 1��1 ��� ��U�Sr: ►J d' 1 r �i C!� + 13s4+� � � �",��1 !i'fA��� )1��L � a.-� � l�-c�dr�� s►�r.� . -- Lacation vf the Proposal; Lot. � �lack: -� Subditni�ion:�,,��" �w1_ �J�iv�S,�rr, �r�ys���atld�5�: ��� F,+11�-1- �r�s�-- I�� _ Parcel Na: �I b _�I �€���'�' (Cvn"�a�k Eagl� ��a, A��ssor at 97�1-328-854C�for parC�l na.� � Zr�ning: �,.� I,� �,� �` , 1��! Name[s)of�wner{s): �����__ ��,. �+�G_. �t�Q �f"a c�� .��-�vld��o� • Mailing Address: T. . �' �� ��n��• Phnne� � � � � awner(s)5igreature[s}: �� . Name of Applica�nt: Y�i i �-��+ �•u�.. Ma7ing Address: �•t��-- �'p,��'SQ. � .��j(��L'� Phone: �3 I— ! �',�Z E-mail Address: 1�r eil�_c���,e.,t3- t.ra;1 Fax: T�y�of Review�nd F�e: LB Signs $5b P,P�$1.fl0 per ss�uare foot of tptal sign area. ��C+�-aD O Cor�ceptual Review Na Fee fl New�Constructi4n $65Q For�vnstruction af a n�w building rar derno/rebuild, ❑ Additidn $300 For �n add'stian where square �ootage is added ta any residential ar comrnercial building{inctudes 250 additlons&�nteriar c�on�ersi�sns). ❑ Minar Alter�tion $��a For minor c�hanges tv buildings and site impravern�nts, sueh as, (ra�uiti-farnilyJCammercial� rer�afin�, painting, window additions, landseapsrrg, fenee�s and retaining walls,etc. ❑ Minvr Alteratiar� $2Q For minor changes tm buildings and site irnpraWemenks, such as, (single-fdmiEy/duplex) reroofing, paintis�g, win�iow additians, landstaping, fe�ces and retaining �valis��tc. 0 Changes ta Appra�ed �lans $Z� For wevisions to �lans aiready appr�ved �y Riann�ng Staff ar the [7esign Review Board. ❑ Separatiar� Request Na Fee For(3ffic��J�flnly: �� ��� FeE: Paid; �v Jt� �h�eek No,:�r�8y, Nl�ting �bate: - `+� c7� DR6 NQ.; Planner: �� _ ProjecC Nv.: *****�**���***�+*�****���*****�***********�*�******a*�***********�*��********�******+��+*��� TC�WN QF VAIL, C(?IvC3�ADC3 5tatement �+����********�**�**��*�*****�******���r�*���***�r���r���******��*�����+***������**r��*�������� Stat�ment Numk�er: R064001118 Amount: $65.00 47I31I�DQ5a3.45 PM �ayment Method: Check znit: JS 13atatian: �.179/MAURIELLO Fi,ANI�i'I1�G GR�UP Permit �IO: pRBp6C}336 Type: DR� - Si�n Application Parcel No: 2101-Q72-07D0-2 Si�e Adr,iare�s: 825 �'OREST RD VATL I,ocatic�n: GORE CREEIC PLACE Tc7Ca1 �ee�: $65_OQ This Pay�tent: �65.�Q Total P�LL Pmts: $65_fl0 Salance: $O.+JO *��********��**w**��*f***��****�****��*+�a�*�+***�*����******��*���*�*�*****�*******�xa�����*��+ AC`C[�[�1T 1`I'E�w�f LISZ'. 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MAIL6�VG AdDR�SS � �=-.--. _ p� LQCATIQN C7F PROPdSAL: STREET AI�C}RESS �C7T�- ��.L�CK SUBDIVIS4�]N�"�,�,_, iLfNG ���i.�'.��.. {�Q,r+ �` � �l ; �u ��C31l�aCt �2iC���'�'+D�SSL-'SS�C.`�i`�u-��a� �� �L.Z�i oa�T� '� �� d(a �. APPLfCATl01� FEE �1i30.(}tl PP�ID � CHE�I� #� F. MA�'�RIALS T�O BE SLI�MITT�a: 1_ i"wa my9ar copies and ane pa�er cc��y of the su4�di�tision plat shall be submitted to the De�as�ment of Camrnun�€y Devel�pment. Th� plat sf��IV include a site rr�a�vwitli ti�e foilowing requiremenks: a. The fina9 plat shall t�e drawn �iy� r�g+stered su+veyor in India ink, or c�t�er subs#anti�l s�6ution, or� a r�prDdt�cibfe mediur�a(pr�f�rat�ly my+lar)w'stl� ciim�nsi�r� r�f twenty-four by thirty-six in�hes and shall be at a sc�ia e�f one h�rndr�ed feet t4 ar�e inch or{arger with m�rgins nf ane �nd nr►e-h��f to!wo inr.��es on th� left an� ane-h�lf ir��h �n all c�ther sides. b. A�c�rate dimensians to t�e nearest ane-h�r�dredth �f-a fovt for a�ll lin�s, �ngi�s and c�rves us€�cl tn d�scribe bo�snclaries, stre�ts. setk��cks, alRey�, easements, struc#ures, are�s ta be res�rved or dedicated far �ublic ar cc�rnmon uses and ather 3mportant featur�s. All c�tnres sh�f! b� cir�ular�res �n�l sk�all b� c�efined by#he ��iius, � ���~�` T � �� ��+�'�G�O C�f� 1 `�--_. **�***����*�*a�*�*********************������*****�*�***************��**����***�����*�*�***+* TpWN ClF VAIL, CCILdRAI)� Statement **����*���a�*���************�********�*����******����***************��*«�***��*�**�*�*******+ SCatemen� Nuunkser: RQ500�D785 Amaunt: $1{?q.oQ 6lb/12/�046Q4 :Q2 Pl+�I Payrnent Methca�: Check Init: JS I�Tc�tation: 7227/�Ar3.EY & PETEFt5Q1+T P�ermEit idv; AIyMC7500T0 Type; ArJtniza�.strative Farce�. �ia: 2�.Q1-{17�-07Q4-� Site Addr��s: 825 F[3RE�T RD VAIL L,c'sC3�iOn: 825 F�REBT RIa '�`otal Fees: $�.04��(] This Payment: $���.�44 'Total ALZ Pmts: $It?+J.40 Balance: $4,ClQ ��**���************�#�*****t***�*�******�rt**+*r�***�***�*s***********#**��*****�+**�+��*��** ,��CC7TJl'�iT I�'EM [_I5'f: Accr�unt Cae3e Description Current Prnts PV �341�OD0311250D A&ninistrative F�e �afl.D[} . €A6LE G4JhTV, �G ����1 f �( .7 � � T�AK J Si�QMT�N ���aS��CJ�� '73 P�s: 9 �2�4a:?:Y� � �E�� �d6.�0 G�C� $ I �I I � � ! , , ,, 1 ' ,� (.: ;,, �_ � �r�r�';�TE PE�IESTRIAN �,+CC�SS EA�E?�i�NT GC3�E CR.EEK �'I..ACE, �.LC, a �oloracio limiteci liaUility can�pany ("Grantoz"), fcar g4od and val�able consieier�tion, in �and paid ar received; hereby ,�rants and eo�7�ey� #o VAIL 5P� C�DIv'DC�IvINTUNi !�SSC�CIt�TI�3�i, a Colora�o rron-prc�fit carparation (`;Granzee"�, ��hose str�et addres5 is Tl0 West Lionshead Circle, V�il, Cc�larado 8IC�57, an eas�ment ([he "�asement°'y for pec�estrian aecess oWer, upon and acrass an imprc�vec� pedestr'san access wa�+ (th� .`.A�c�ss Way`'} ta be cpnstructied ���ithin t'hat c�:rt�in re�l pro�erty d�scri�ed ��r �xhibit rs, attacl�:.d hereto and incor�porated �tereir� by t}iis refLrer�c� (thti "Se��ient Estate"). The �asement sh�l f c�nEy �onfer ri�Y�ts o#� ped�str"san access across the surface of the Access ��'ay, �nd shall �pecifi�.�lly exclud� any rigilt tc� impro�e, maintain, repair, or repIace t�te f�ccess Way �r Serviealt Estai�.. Tli� �asem�:nt sfiall constittite a€� �asen�e€�t apg�artenar�t fc�r the be�iefit of the Grante�e and Grarstee's constituent members as the �a�remin� o�vn�rs' assc�ciatit�n f�r and tsv��n�rs di that certain real property� described orr Extiibit $� at#ached �eretc� ar�cE incorp�r�ted f�er�in �y this referen�e (the "I�ominant Estate"), anc� sha[I run t� the b�nefit of and may be �nja,ec� by €hos� owners and their successors in ini�r�st in the r���•n�rship o€�t1�4 Dan�inant Estate or any p�rtion therc�f, any t�nar�ts or other residents vr o�:cupants Qf t13e �?r�m'snant Estat� clasrning by, dB�rr�u�l� or under any such dwr��rs, and th�s�cial g�t�s4s of any of thern (callectiv�ly, tt�e "Permiltee�"j. "I"�te Easernent shall be non-e:cclusive, and Grantr�r shall ]zave an� retain the right tc� use th� Ser��ient �st�te �or any uses an� p�irpc�ses t�iat are nc�t incansiscent ���itt� the use aard enjoyment oF the �asc:rn�nt, inciudir}g, w�ithout limit�tion, use af� the �en'ienf �state fi�r �ccess p�ir}�oses in con��eciior� ��ith t�ie Frc�ject and Project Site (as both tern�s aie defined �eZow), and gra�ts to oth�r� of acc�ss easetnent rig�ts upoan, o�'er and acra�s the Servient Estate or pc�rtions it�ereof (inciuding, without litr�statian, such ri�hts arising under the "Public Eastin��nt" and t�e ot}t�r Pri�°�te 1'�destrian Access E�sem�nt l�erein�fter feferenced}. Again with4ut limitation an th� gerlerality of the fc�re�oin�, surface dri��eway and rvlat�d c�r anci!lary irnpro��ements an� acce�s tunnel a«d t�ther subterr�ne�r� irn,�rs�vements (incl�ding, wbthput lirnitation, bt!ildin� strui;ture5 �nci �.�t�fities} ���ill or rrra;�� be �onstrucied, maintaic�ed, used �nd enjc�yecl by ar thr��gh Gr�ntcrr within the 5erv�ent Esta�e �n cannection wiih the Proj�ci {col�ecti�vely "kelateci Pra�cct Irnpr��vement�'"); Gran[nr's retai�rc�� ri�lzts w�ilC ��reeifically include ri�hts ta came u}�on t1�� Servieni Estat� as r�e�ess�ry or apprupriatc:, in thc ordinar�� cou��e c�f t}�e use an�i enjoVment t�t the i�r�ject, tn eQn�uct n�aintenance, repairs, r��la�.ement� or othcr �vQr� assaeiat�d �.�ith the Ftelated f'raject [m�rc��e��ents, even t�QU�f� d�mage may res�lt #o t4�e .�ccess Way (prcauic��d that Granior shall be o�aligak�d tm reascarrably restc�re any such d�in�a�e), a��d aiso associaked with tf�e A�cc�ss 1�'a�° itseif. In canciucting any such work, Crrantar may ternpc�rarily barricad� c�r crtt��r���ise prc�lucie a�cess across t�ae afiected ar�as c�f th� r'lccess 4�'ay a.i�'c�r Servient Estate in c�r�i�:r ta Tae�lit�te the w•ar�; and also protect persons and prt��er�,. Grarttor ��r�es that Crrant�r AFltr[ '. �r���n ie ie r lurn 4 Grcry Amold P.CS.BoA 454—UC 3T na]�F�„ RCI�ISy A�•on.00816?U wi�l t�ot otherwis� construct ar pface any abo�e-surf�ce imp�-ovements, batriers or obstacles withrn the Servient E�cate that would obs�ruct c�r rn�:te�ially interfea� with the �raniee's �se and �n�oyment of the Access Way- The "Prc�ject" means the resi�ie�tial kawnh�me projeCt, with related site improvements, �vhich is presently �aeing devel�ged, v��hich subsumes the Servierat Estate, and w'�ic� is �egally described as Lot 3, West C]ay Subdi�isivn, �according ta the plat chereaf recorded Marc� l�, 2�0�5, �t Reception No. �Q876Q, County of�a.gle, Stat� of C4lcrrada� (the "Project Site"), as that prajcc� may be supglemented c�r modifi�d from time tc� time. By their acce�tar►ce Qf the ber�efts of the Easemcnt grant 'hereunder, Grantee and the Permi�tees shall assus�ne the risks assac�aled with the use and enj�yment crf the Easement and the Access W�y, and shall hcrld the Gr�ntoar harm6ess fc,r any claims, liabilitie�, damages ar losses that may i�e suffered �r incurred 6y Gran�ee Qr the Permittee� i� ct�nnectian with such use and enjay�m�nt, uni�ess occasioned by the Grantar'S actians �c�nst�tuting gross negligence or willfu� mi�canduct. In that re�;ard, Grantar 'has and shall have nt� duty to Grante� or t�e Perrssitt�ees to maint�ir� €he Aceess Way in any certain condition, or to provide �ce Qr snow clearance for the Access Way, �xc�pt a� cat'herwise expressly pravided herein. T�is instrument has beer� made in cmnjunc�ion with a "Public P�d�strian Easemeni arjd Emergency �Access Easement" rr�ade c�f even date h�r�e��ith bet�Ween Gra4.ntor a�d the TQwn of Vail, as the grantee (t�e "Public Easemer�t"), ��arsuant i� which certarri aCCess rtght� are pub�icly de�iicatecf over certain �ortions of the Access Way. The Puhlic EasemenE shaEl bc re�ard��i as c�aanulati�e with and shall nat t�e su�ject or subardinate tv or limiie+d by, artd in turn shall not a�t as any �imitatio�x upon, the terms and provisions o�Chis instrument. Isa additian, this instnYment and the E�s�ment ha�re been made as� a non-exclusive basis alang with ano[her PriWate Pec�estrian A�ccess Easement made by Gra�ntor in f�r+ar of The Vail Corpc�ration, dlbla Vail Associates, bnc., and recorded or trr la� recc�rded or� or abvut th� dat� of ihe recording of this instrument. T�is instrument, the Easement and the terms hereof shall tc�uch and cancern and run with the land as a burden and benefit to the Servi�nt Estate, t�e Dominant Estate�, and the Proje�t and Project �ite, as appiscable, and shall be binding upan a.nd ir�ure to t}�e owners thereof, t�eir success�rs in interest fr�m time to time, and any vvvners' asso�iaiion (inc�uding Grantee) forrrted and existing fr�m time t� time that provides gov�rning functions for tf�e applicable prt�perty. Referenc�s herein to "Gr�estor" will 5�?EGl�iC81I�f include successars irs interest tQ Grantor's ownership of the Prajecc and 'Project Site and the "Assflciation" deFitl�CE be�Ow. �GTantor dztd itS success�rs in the awnership to the Servicnt �st�te, �r any �Sarti�n therevf, and the �awners Frc�m timc to time of' the Daminartt Esta�e will h�vc fiability f�r �ny breach af she abligations hereunder af Grantor or Grantee, �s applieable, a�r�ly t4 the extenk the breach pccurs during tY�e �wnership geriad and in relacian to �he ow�ners�ip interests af such party. If any such breach is attributable �� any actions, orniss�ans �r prc�pert�r interests of any awryers associ�tios� established f�r the Proj�ct (the "Associatiar�"), recourse for such breach will be timited t� the Association. T�e Assoeiaiian will enjoy the bene�E� and prot�ctians inUring tfl 1he Grantc�r h�reunder; without limikatian c�n khe f�aregoing, the re�ained ri�ht� and inter�sts of t�e (Jrantar her�under may be exercised t�rough lhe �ssociation, and ��i11 alsa in�re to the bene�t c�f designees of t�e Grant�r asis�a� �r�ssH � c�r s?�ch �ssoCiation, which tnay includ�, wi[�tc�ut limitation, as�y a�ents and coniraCtors �f thase parties, and a,pplicable utiliry suppliers. Any s�bsequent waiver, amendrn�nt c�r m�dificatiar� of any pravision herenf ar any terrninati�n of this instrum�nt (any af r�xhi�h s�all be �nforc�a'ble an�y to the exterat specifically set f�rth in writing) thal is mad� by Grantee �� t�e �s�aciati�n �Fi�I be bindin� upon its cansiituent owners. This instrtam�n! shail be gaverned 'by and c�nstru�ci �n acct�rdance with th� laws o�` the State ot�Calorada, The Casernerst shall becocne effectivc ugran the due and �ralid executian �nd delivery c�f�his ir�strument bv� �Grantar, this ir�strument's recordation in the real praperty recorcis fpr C�gl�: Co�tnti��, �olarado, and ihe com�l�tior� �of the i�itial constructitan of l�e entire Access '�r'ay (r��hich shall not be deemed tc� occur untgl su�h canstructic�n is fully acc�pted ancL'or apprcave� by th� Tow� 4f Vail as a requisite to issUin� a11 c�:rtificates o� occupan�y far dhe Project ugon full t�uifd-out). [Balance c�f page intenti�na�ly 1ef1 blank] 66.7A74?RCF15H � ., tiw° �,�°�TNt:SS 'vu�-[ERF,[7F", Grantos has made this Private Pedestrian Aecess Easement as of tf�e fl�day af �cc � �-_ , �Q06. CiRAA�'NTU R: G[,1RE CREEK FLf'1.CE„ LLC, a Colorado linnited liability c�mgany ,r��µruvcJ aa tn F�urm: , i.ey;sl i}eps�rm�rnt Bv: ��11 �CSfl["i5 D�V�lap£I1�ttt�Q�"Slp3ily> rv„�,�: c: HY AitNO a Golaracic� corporation, s��;„u,�r�: Ivtanaging lwierr�ber ussr: Ly �CJ � ey: a�ne; a.� µ .tle: ' �. rC s T STATE t]F CQL�RAI�Q ) ) ss: C(7Ui��+TY aF �� � �� � The for��aing instrurrtcnt was ackr�o�+led�ed befare m� this o�d�y af u�, Q , 2{�Ob, by yTa-c,�' ,��-,a�v a� S�'. ��`�e r�t �r��. c�f Vail 'f�eso�ts ae�reloprn�r�t Company, a Colc�racia cc�rprsr�tiQn, Mar�a�irtg iv��ernber of Gare Cre�k Fl�ce, LLC, a C�olc�r�ci� Iimited liabilizw con�pany. Witness mv hat�d and �fticial seal. My comrnissian expires: �'� � � �/�� �� � ,.,_, . ���.�`� :�'��'�`'�y{ Natary �'u� ' ������•'. � 'r� � ii. �: }�,J�`�,� �i� �', ,:'�Q�� v���r� U 1 ���F�r `�L,; a�[���. 4Y3974? itl'FISN � E�HIRIT A I.egal Descripti�n of 5ervient Estate (se� the attached) �as��z Rr�s�+ A-1 . LECA1,DESC3tIi'T[U�! A PARCEL OF L.ANLl LOCATED[t�[L(?T 3,1�JE5T DAY SUBDS4"!SI(?N,A5�CORDED l�tA1�CN lQ,2aQ�AT R�CEP`ffC]t�ND.�876i7,IN T3iE fll'FICE OF�'f3[CI.�R.K AND�EC[}RI3ER,�QII)YFY DF FAG�.£.STATE �F CQI,�RAI3Q, BE[ri1G MOftE PAR,7'1CUL�RLY DESCRI9ED AS FOLLG'4�5. Cc7h�S�iE�:CTNG �+T THE 5C3UThiEFt1.Y ANGLE P47tl+JT'[]N THE 1�'ES'�E�tLY LtN£C3F SA1i]LdT 3, '�°H€1�C� 'i�HE W�S�"ERLY Lihi�C}F SAqD LC1T 3 BE�RS N IS°50'27"W A D[STANC�OF 122.$�F�E�` FOFJvfENG'f'HE F3A51S O�BEAI�NG OF T'�-115 DESCRIP"riDl�E: '�'HE?�C'L• N?3°:�1'42"E A Di5'�r1?�1�F Or A32.2S FFET'1'0,4 POIN"C tJIJ�t'HE SUUTH l.lN�€)F 3A[D LUT 3. SAIf7 PCJIl�tT ALSC}f�E1l+iG THE 7R E FOIN7` ��3�:GPM1E3+ITh3G; THENC�DEPARTII+IG SAID 5C}UT}{LINE QF i,4T 3 THE f=OLl.l7'�+1�'[NG EdGFfT'EEhi(18}CC}��C�5E5: l) X7.77 FEE7'ALUNG h t�1C'��!-T:4lJGEIdT CURVE TL'RN�NG TQ 1'Fik RIGI�i�r Pii°+V1NG r1 CETJ7'itAl_ ANCr�E{7F 4Q°25'22'".A FG1DIl,JS OF 25,l9 F��7'.43�D A CHC}RD<L'}-IICH 8£ARS N aS°35'D7"'JV'A DISTAN�E t)r 17.4I FEE'T; �) N ZS°22'?6��W A�ItSTRNC�0�14.50 FE�T TQ A POfril�'�F CU�tVATURE; 3} I4,41 F�Efi ALQ'JG A C[JRVE TUR,.'�TNG T{3 THF I21GNT F[RVfNG A CENTK,S�L AhIGLE aF 37°4[1'34".A R.4DfUS C7F 2l.�fl FEET AitiD A CH[a�:l�WN[CF3 BE,ARS�4b°32'�39"W A DiS'fA]�iCE QF I3.7G FEEI'°P(�A Pfl[NT�1F Ei.C4'ERSE Cl�'RV,�TUFtE; 4) 13.77 FEET ALONC.0.CURV'�'fifRNIN{',Tp T!-lE LEFT F3AViNG A CET+1TfL0.L ANGL�Oi� 45°iT�S°',A RAI}fUS�F 17.4r FEET Ah1D A CHf]RL]4VHlC�f I3EAR5 i� 1U°2V7'45"W A i715�3'A1�10E CJd� 13.d! FEET;. S} N 3z°54'38"W`A D15'fANCE OF 6,37 FEET; 6) N 53°27'!3"E A DISTAi�fC�OF 2,7�F£ET; 7) N 36'32°47"W A D[5�'ANCE Qt�1 I.57 FEE;T; 8) S 69'42't3"W,h DlSTANC�C3�8.4?FG�'�'; 9) N 2Q°17'22'"G4'A�?13�A►+ICF.(7F 16.4�f`E�T t0) 5�i0°IS'64"W A t]IST.4tiCE OF 2.7�FEE7'; 4 I} hl�0'I7„�ti��4�'r1 DISTANC�:OF 36,fl8 F�ET, 12} N 71'�7'DS"E A D[STr�NC�a�z�.a����r�rc��Pr�r�����cUR�v�rtrr�: ��� i7.i s��E-r a��.ar�c�,cu�vE zvRrrrrrc�ro-rf�e�rc���s r�,�virac a,cr:r�T�ai.�r�ct.�o� t7°3Z°34",A RAC�IUS(7F S6A{}FEET"ANI?A CFit7Ri�WflP�ff BE.�RS N 80°23'26"L°A D1STf1NCE OF 17.48 FEE7'; 14) N 89°0�1'47"G• A D1S'fAPJCE(]F 3.49 FF:ET TR7 A P42N7'OF CUftVATL�RE: 15y 14.�4 FEET 4LUNG A CURVE�1F�?VING�'+Q Tf�E 1,1:F"T HAV[NG A CrNTE:Af_ANGLL:OF 3l°49'LY3".�F�AT3PUS S�F 35.74 FEE�I'Ahli]A CilOR.F]WFIdCH BEARS N 73°15'16"'E A!7[STANCF.OF E4.1 I F�ET TD El�(?ST�T 47F REVERS�CURVAT[1RE; I6) !5.83 FECT ALOi�iG A CURV�TURNiNG T(3 l�!-1r RIGH"T HAVtNG A CEfJ1RA�.AP�ICLE dF 16°�8'1$",A RADIUS f�F 55.�5'FEET A,NI)A CH��tD VVHICH BEA1t5�1 b5°3�3'S3"E h blSTAMCE QF 15.77 FG�T; l7} N 71°S8'22"�A I}iSTANCE f3F 2IA5 FFE7 TQ A POCNi'QF CCOI�VA"tURE; [8) 17.9�F�EFT a�LONG,�CURVE TBJRNiNG T43 TH�LEF7'I�IAAVING A CEN"fFtA,�.413GLE OF GQ°32'42",A R�1TlllJS tJF iG.98 FEEl"Ahip A C�IL'RB]WH[CH SEA�tS N 4!°42'Ol'"E 4 I3I5TArdCE(7F 17.32 FEET T4 A PflINT ON T�3�N�ftTH 1,i1�E f]F SAID&.C3'F 3; TNENCE ALUNG SAIp NO�RT�{LIN�t]F LO"C 3 N G'�°42'49"E A DISTANCE C1�47.�$3�E.E�T';�CHENC'E DEPART[1�1G SAfp NGRTli LihlL[]F LQT 3 TFi�FC7I.LOWING TWENTY-T'4VQ(22}CG€JftSFS: t) S 4S"3b'S6'E A�15TANC�.OF�3.33 FCEZ T�3 A YQ(NT OF CURVATURE; 2) I 1.'12 FF�"f AI.C?NG A CURV��RN[i�fG'T'L�TF-[E RiC�NT HAVING A CF•.1�JTR4L ANGtE i�F 18`=�2'4S'",A Rshi)[ll5 QF 35.$T FEt7`AND A CFiORI?WHPCF3 B£ARS 5$5°24'10"W�I C7I5'I'AAtCE +DF I I.�rG TEE7; 3} N BS°14`27"W A I3l5TA�7CE OF b.29�EET Ti 0 A f'OtN`T DF CURVATUf�; 4) 15.Ofi��ET Ai.(7NC A CIJRVE TURNING�'{)°FIiC LEFT f•lAVI]�1G A CENTRIIL ANGLE{?� 44°IS'33'.A I�.RL1[L!S{iF 19.50 FEET ANI3 A CHORD '�'HtCH BEAKS 5 TZ°37"47"W A D[5"FANCE bF I4.G9 FEEf: 5} 5 50°30°0{}"W A I3P5T�4?3CE+QF 13:4?F�ETTQ A FO1N'f�2�CURVATllR.E; P:I11Q�D-31991] 14b.31dacslLega€ -Vai� Sp� Pedes€rian Easinent.doc G] 17.77 T"�f:T hL.C]NG A CUF���TURNI�fG 7"7TFlE I�IGHT[iAV[NG A CEN'CRAL ANGLE�F 11°47'�9".,4 AAQ[U5 C1F 32.U2 F'�ET A1�D A CFtUR17 WfiiCEl BE.qTtS 5 bb°�'s'5�"W A D[5'1 AhiCE QP !7.55 I�E:E7l�C]:h f'41TvT'C1F TLE"�'£R5E CUILVA'['L7FLE; 7) 3Q.24 FEET'.�1.Q1�}G A CL'RV�TL�Rhift+�G TCl7'FiE E,EFT k�.44'Ii�]G A CiiN 1'R.AI,ANG1.G ClF 2a°�Q'Zb",:t FtADCUS OF E5.18 kLL�T ANp A G}idRD W'Fil�'H BE.�RS 5 7.'.°4;',ib"''�'A fJfSTANC� ar 3r,.�s F�.F�i��-p.��t��h�4�'RcvHRSE cuRVAZ-[�r�; 8) 2's,4k FE�T,4I.CJh1G.�C�L`R�+'E'fUR?J17r��Ci`CO THE F.ICiH�'�-!r1l�'�A"G A CENTRAL A?SGLF OF 27°4�'_8",A RADIUS�f'48.47 FC��f Af�1D.A CFlC1W]WI1lClf 6ErtRS 5 75°4",'�6"W A Di5`I'A1�ICE (]F'2's.I$FELT T[�.4 P091VT QF REl+ERSE CURVr�'TL�Rf:; 9) 13.�8 FC�T,4LC1^1�A CC)RVE TtJRN1NG TD TFi�LEFT I-[AVINC,A C�N"fRAL.AtYEGLE pF 18°28'46".A RrIDIUS QF�1.74 F��T ANL].�L CFiDRi7 Wl-RCH B�ARS 5 S�Q'23'Z8"W A DiSTANCE 0k 13.4w FE�1; It7) $71°37"OR"'W'A Q15TAhI�E C7I=16.Ob F�LT; !I} S 20°15'31'"E A DISTAT3C��Jf 2�A7 F�FT; !2} 5 60°I a'[]3"Vr"A Q15TANCE OF 2.37 FEL"'I', 13l 5 Zi]°25'45'"£A DlSTANCE Q� E].G7 F�L"I'; }4} N 69'14'32"F a DiS"f°��Ne:E rJF b.89 FEET; I:] 5 36°32'47"E A l7153.�NC�C?F I G.42 F'�E:�T: 16) N 53°27'13"E A DIST�t�CE�F 2.�8�'1�E`f; 17) 5 32°54"��"F�A QlS`f.aNCt:OF b.'39 FEET"f fD A PCsfi�i`f[�F CLJf�VAT'�RF:; f S) 21.68 F'��T ALf�NC,.1 CLoRVE TURI�IING'I`0 Tfi� RiGHT HAVlNG k C"�N"TRAL A�IGL�DF 45°1�'4fi".A RADIUS OI'�7.�{� I-�rT AN17 r�CFiOAD WHICH BEARS� 10°20'45"E A Q15TAN��CJF 21.12 FE:�:T TO A PO3NT'OF E�EVERSE CURVAI'URE:; 14) ?.�3 Ft��T al.t1NG A CUlt4E TU£t1wfM�i'�C3 TFi�£LE:F"!'HhVING A CE'JTR.4L ANGLE S7F 37°44"34"', A R.4DtU5 OF !k.3dl F1:ET AND A C`HORI)WEit��°3�CARS 5 06°32.{19"E A Df5TANCE{7F 7.30 FE�I'; 2U) S 25°22'2b"E A DkSTAh10E 4lF 14.Sp FEE:T T�A I'�IC�fT a�'CL'RVATL}TtE; 21) 11.88 FE�"C�I.ONG A�CL+RVF TIJRNfNG TCl TIiE LEFT k�[,4VING R CENT[L4L AAIGLE DF +}�°47"I 1",A RAl?11.�5�F 15.l9 f£�'1'A1�17 A C1�URE7 Wi(ICfi f�EARS S�17"�$'02"L°A a15TANCE OF I 1.58 FFF'T TC�A PO1N'�"(}F CURV.hTURE; 22) 7,G?FF.E"f ALUNG A CIJRVE TU�.NING-TQ"I'HL'RtGH�FCAVING?��ENTFLAL A�FGLE C�F !7°37"53"'.A RAI�IL�S[7F 2�t.77 FE�F ANQ A CHL}R�W'HECH SEAk�S 5 5]°ZO'4l"E A Di$TANC£QF 7.59 FEETTC?A P{71NT C�3N SAlL7 SdUTI-!LINE(]F SASD LC37'3; T};Eh7CE Ai_QNG SAED SfJU"TH LR�1E(�F 5A19 l.QT 3 5 65°54'14"W A D15TANC6 OF 12.87 FEETT47TllE TRUE PO[N'i OF�EGITr'Nf�1G. SAIa PARCEL CQ�d"['AIWING Q.477 ACRCS MC7IZ.E DR LE55. BRL•A1T BfGG� PL5#�7598 F+l'3R.4Ni�i�N'�'6i1:Cif;FiA�F C1F P��IK LANd C01�5L�I:1'ANTS.1NC. P:11 lUL3-119�11 ]�d.3l�iracs'+Lega� -Va�l Spa Pedestriar� Easment.dc�c � . � _ . . .. . . ._ �� � � � { t � }��� �. � � �� i � � � � w � � � . �- � �; o � � � � � � � � � � o � `P� €-� >. z Cp � � n o � �. � � �' ~' �' � � � �W�„W�,���� �,� ;. EZ3 � � � � q `r��y-�� h --!.?r�v �C� m in rn� �- W � (�" � C� A � ��no .. M1..nn� r. r OO a m ;n�r.i �'-�n a ra.'v n �i+�n�o r:r°v � '� � 'q � (�' �r] !�a n .��syd.- +� v n 4 v rp+� � ..l"5. n � T b ��1+ 'f3 '�41 I+ iD n M1 Y].^P 4 v LA (i� `� �1� � w y x z z z z z�n cn u��n rn� � u+ c+ cC Q ui ,� / � � "4� J '''� asf .S'Cl J C`7 1° � � gp a n.v c�� n m�a'S�?� y . au,�'ym � � -.� - •, � f � .0 M1 "1 M1 'f !M1 P= 4!'4�rtl M'� ^ µ�. f� (�] w� l`y � r � I r ��z ' ' a �,-'_:�«i' m�r�+°�.�'v u'� 1.3 C.I� L1� �.7 W svrv�a �mm - ��.7 � - �un n 'n � � _. � s0 � uf IaJ � S'1 i ~ � � � H W v (-� �� J � V� � �p V � (*7 n O'n'�rl.¢T�r+'6 r�a�� .v�- � 4�' 90 C7474t (L�.'V d {G,��F {.� � a .�i n v u�i r: -ui ^C���N n. _ W � N +r�1 r,�`5� �l-' T � - ._ •- - - y� W ��\ r' U p•_ •. _ � -- � � . � � .(e,(�'J��� � d 7 �• ' t` I''. Y+ � `4�4 � � � .. .� v.���n d o��+n J����n n��ti Q .���� ��g. � � J � n r,r�u; ' ��a n'r �m i a ^ r'i r � � ,6 � � � �n J +� vs ri n "' N �,'1� n W W W r. �� N�Y�N 4�M� �� U]�r U) [O'�Y�T V'+- � W � Q .Jrs n�."1 7 a ♦ r N � "_ ifi `1 ��� YS C- �� 0]A Y�Y /5 �'V ,� y� N --r�l Y �Y T �0 � Q �i Y.� w"! ��� q d N ��^ 9�n � * � N ~ � n � ! � �.N�+'b � ifi IG M1�.Q�d` rv+'1 4�l7 �B 1'� � [R.°�U U C.i'V�'63 C>V U U V C1{.J C�L)C.7 f..1 �,��W 4J W W W w 4J W�W y�W W W� V/ � �l �3c.. ;u L+ 3 ��w � � �� # � � � w��# 3 3.w +.Ji: �i.i � � � ��i a'�, � ';H p,A �I�,o cp:i .r m,m nv ' m,..o ,} '^„N�,v�'•`° °a'_ m �.,a o a � �� v n M m �i �h n �y 'f5.h. .. �.�r o �O C Y ^a J�'1 '+wr,� �. 4 ;t - e �!1 E 'v J1'" L 9. �°-.T M, u5 .-+']al � a o � 4.� yb w�r'1 �f � N"�uJ O�G D� ^ .n in p �O �T �o 7'+ �O V� � �L K7 n �h � N1 �� I u r`�n O�S1�'] - �6 Jil+•1 rv��p � ,7� � �:7' 2 Z cnI V��''� .� � z " r�P tn 2 Z 2 T T tl1 S NI N�irv.v� Z � L :n !J ? !YA I d ' '���.n -m �N��b,.v. �c � �• �.in iC%+• i-��i. F,r�a�• .u�.m o:- 1,J U ?�, m la �. 6D ni.in N n 9��1'. y 4r^ p W n v �M i0 Y����Rl Z Z ai�' m^ n � 'R f`''.�,gj�r �� ^.���`.�G�R..y �'N y�,^`�m�.v r �o �, "�ti"� . J� � ��� � m h � � aX ti I i � I� Cl^ [V�"Y�+l J'1 V7 1'��T N ^iV M9 V �!1 N iti 12]��.0�� M�+� f'�fi rv�i V Y':�WW A �T e � � '�'W tV CV N[4 iv.N "1 Nl'3 r]/1 J .� - J �'� w W W wi W 1..i W�W�W W W W W w w W W w W w V'• I��� '1 -F . . : i � . 'f` ,r�o"1'"�i : I'� - rl�i i .'"�. .t �:.��ii-•'�i' � EXHIBYT � LegaI Descriptian a#°T�ominant �state VAIL SPA CONDQNIINIUM, Acccrrding to the Conci�minium Declarati�n for Vai� Spa recorded D�cernber 4, 1979, in Book�95 at Pa�e 457, as amended by the Aax►enciment ta Candominium Dcc�aration for Vail Spa recQrded �3ctaber 11, 1988, in ��vk 492 at Pag� 715, and re-rec�rded ,I�e 15, ��89, in �ook 508 a# page 82, and the Ccandomi�2ium Map for V�il Spa recorded Dec�mber �, 1979, in BQOk 295 at Page ��$, C�unty af Eagle, State of Col�ra�4 aq47v 7 P[CF'15}� 17-3 _ EAGLE CfJJtvTY, CG ��r:rP"`� �`]'-7� T'cpK J 5'.M�JNT(]h �}C� r I' . i?3 Pgss ?a ac:aa:a�a';! ��f����CJJ� ` REC� �:et.n�' ;3f1C= � - I I . � , � � , � � YUBLIC PFDESTRX:�� EA�E�vI�NT � ��,U � - , E��tEIZGE�r'C7' a�.CC,�S� E�►Sf:MC'VT GC�R�: CRF��:'� PLA(:E, LLC {"GCP"). a C:o�arad� ]imit�d liabiiity coinpany. a�d THF VAIL GQI�PC�I�,�t�-IC)tti, �iibla V:f1.lL .�SSCI�C:iA"E�CS, I?�I�. �``�f'�.il .Assc�ciates'`}, a CU�c�raci� crarporaFian �s�metimes hereinafter t�geth�r '`Gral�tar(sj"}, far �ood and asalc�abl� consi�eratic�n, in ttanJ pai,� or received, her�br� grant an� ctanwey tv �CGWTi C�F Vp�IL, � rnunicipai corparation riuly arganiE�d an� existin� uncl�r ar��i 6y ti�irtue c�f�h� laws c7f the 5tat�oti Ct�lorad�a (:`GrantPe'.) �,�tlose street adc�ress is 7� Sc�utf3 Fr��ita�e Rc�ad, Vail, �Calor�do 81 b57, the f"qiJ�awir��; ease���ents {col��itively d�e "Easemer�is"�y with r�s�ect tc� the "5erw�ie�at Estdte" ��tin�ci belolv: (i;l an easement in per�etuity fc�r pedestrian access (t�e `"1'edestrian ,r"���:css E:asement"} ���er, u�x�n and uert�s� �n i�prov�;� pcdestrian ac�c;ss ���ay ta be canstructed �.�.itl��r: the S���icnt Estate (th� '`Ace�ss 'Vv'ay„}, ar�� (ii) an easement in perpetuity (ttac "F;merbencti• l�ecess Casemer�t") fc�r t�e �urpose ot� surtace acc:e4s �crc7ss and t�ver th� Arcess W�ay by �m�ulaz��es anci small fre-prot�ction vehici�s in order ta accomrnociate the ardinary �?erfc�rr:�ancc pF th�ir t`unctsc�ras in em�r�e�scy circumstancs�s: pro��i�ic:�, l7�awe�•er, thaR anv vehicl� i��vin� a w��eel l�ac� ar gz�ss �re�,ir:ular ti�iei�ht i�� excess c�f 12.(�C10 pourtr�s is s�+eGitically, pr�hil�ited and may nc-�t �� �in�lnyed in �rny us� af the E.mergeney Ac;tess E�sement. Thc ..�crvient �:slate" s17a11 ?�4 cornprise� e1'(i} thaC cert�in parcel of r�al praperty legally des�rib�d or� �x��ibit .�-t attack-�cci h�.reta (the `=Ci�P G�..s�n��nt �arael"J, and lcacate� ���ithin Lat 3, 'vVest Day 5ub�i�isican, �ccardin; t� the plat therer�f recordcci '�4arch lU, ?00�, at R�.eeption Nt�. 9C�87C+�, Caunty trt` �a�le, fitate af Cal�r�da (..L�t 3"), tivhiGh [.ot 3 anr� G�P Eas�ment �'arcei �re c�`�n��l by C;CP, ancl (iij that c�rtain par�zl at real propescy d�nict�d on Exf�ibit ,4-2 atta�h�d t�eretc� (the `'�'ail ,Associat�s Eas�ment �'arc�1"j anii 1��a[��f uithin I_ot ?, �'est C�ay �LiL�C�I�'15iC}F4r ac�c�rd.in�, to th� glat chzreoi� rec�urc�ed i�1��rch 1C1, `?0�15, at R�c��ti�n �lo. 9f)87�iEi, C�unty' o#3�3�1�, S?�t� ��f�Cai�rada �,.Lc�t Z"j, �vhi�:h Lc�t ? a�d ti'ail Asst�ciates �3semeczt P�rctl are rawncd by Vail r'�ssociat�s, 7h� Easements sl�all be �ovemn�d by and sul�j�c� ta the foltt�ti�'ir.�� t�r�rts anti provisi�ans: 1. �:a�ernent Heneficiari�s. 'I'ile Pedeslriun �ccess �as4mer►t si�all b� fa� ti�� use o1� mc.FZ7h�rs of t17� �cneral pu�lic (t�s� "Pub�ic"), and accardin��y t��e F'edestrian A�c�ss Fasem�nt dnes and sh�ll constitute a pu}�lic dedicatiran. �.�1 memt�ers of the f'ub�tc sl��Il be re��rr��il as invste�] �uests ak� thc Gr�tnt�c for �urpos�s �f' C.�i.�. ,y�� 33-=�l-l{}3; it is nlutuala�v� ir�tendet� b}" (�7C �3�1'lICS I�-�d[ Gi�.ltltf�CS h�sti�e t�c tull ben��t and pr�t��ticrr� of the proti�isions af C_R.S. � 3���1-IQ3 in relati�n to the us� and enjo}••m�nt �,t t��e Ped�strian Access Easem�ni and th� Acc4ss G'�r�y. Gr`ntars speci#=ca�fy a�ree I�:�t n� cY,�r�;e shail b� I�Wied b?� Grantars +:pon and nc� r�v�nt�e shaPl �ie ccwli�cted f�ram any mtrrzl�er �f tl�: Publie tor anti^ er�ir�� into t�e 5ervient �s4atc lc�r il�e �se and en}a��m�ni o#� �h� P���strian :�ee�ss �asemenC. Th� Esn�r�enc}' t�e�css Ease�n�nt sh�kl be tor ch� bzn�fi� �t' Grant�e ar,d bona fi�i� pro��id�rs of'emzr��r�cy arnbt�i�:nee a:Sd tt[e praleCtiOri s�!`vi��S. �nC CC[O[�d�env nE�u�.f[ful-11 Iq; GCfT�f A[t10IlI *,0.,:714�. RCiIS'�: P.�.Fsnx�759_UC 87 Aron,CG S1G26 2. Duration and l�ature. �'�ie Easements shal] bc ir� pergetu'sty. T'h�e I'edestrian Access Easemer�t shaCl, as set farth abc�ve, canstitute a pui�lic dec�ication tt� the Grantee f�r the us� �f the F�ublic; the �mergency Access Easement sha41 cvgistit�,�te an ed�mer�t i� gr�ss fcrr the benefit af Grantee and its c�ther bene�ciaries clesignated abave, and shal� nnt b� trdrzsferab�e (w�ith any purparted transfer to �ender the Emer��ncy A�c�ss E�semer�t nul! and ��oid and of n� fiirtltier farce Qr e��'ect at Gr�antac`s electir�n). �"t�ie Easements shal� c�n1y confer ri��ts �f pec�estrian anci emergency aGCess acrvss the surface c�� tiae Aecess W�y, and shall speci�ic�ily exclude any righas ta impro�e, maintain, repair or re�lace the f�ec�es� W�y or Servient �state. 3. Nf�intenanee �rrsd Revair�; Liabilities. {a} Su�j�ct co the t`ol�al��ing �1'DViSi0i15, and faliawing lnitial Acceptance (�.+s hereinafter defined}, GC�' at its expe��e shal! be obli�at�d �i) to fceep [h� flccess �'�y in �ood cvr�dition and repair frc�m tinte to time, subje�t to c�rdirsary wear and rear that dc�es nat materially interfere with the uti3ity and function of tlze Access Way, and �ii} ta provic�.� �he heat s�urce for the operatior� c�f the srso��me4t syster� and elements tt� eonsticute pari of a�ad be incoaparated int€� the Acces� Way (su�ject to as�y subsequent modifieations tr� the Aecess VJay t�s�t may b� apprav�d by Grant�e in th� exe�cise �f Fts municipal powers). {b} �'he partie� pn�tua4ly acknow��d�e that the portions nf the Access l�Jay with�n th� Vai1 Associ�tes Easemes�t Parcel are or wi11 be cQnst�tuted by an atcess paihlramp (t�se '`Tcrnp�orary R�mp"� which is intendeti to b� temporary and s�ltirr�at�ely re�laced by an access pachlramp �the "Lat 2 �.ar�p") chat wFlk ca�st�lute past of ihe �ite imprt�uemer�t� �'t�r thc �ending development nFLc�t 2 by Vaii �Associates or its success�irs. �Tt�e Tera�pr�rary Ramp is gen�rally dcpa�ted ran ��hibit A-2 �,itached h�reta.) 1`�e Lat � Ramp is to be inte�rated into thc snc�w�rneh system� of t�e l.at 2 c�ev�evprnent as►d maintained by Vail Asse�e't2�tes or its successat's, is to cannect ta the Access Way tivithin tne GCP Eas�ment Parcel, and is tt� be loca4ed in sub�iantialiy the s�m� p��iti4n a� or ta the rvest af th� TempQr�ry l�amp; the Lox 2 R�mp rnay b�e redevef�ped, replaced or modified by Vail Associat�s fram time to tim,e. The �asemer�ts sha{l tenninat� w�ich respect tQ che Tecnporary Rarr�p and the 'Vai� AssQCiates E�seEnent Paree! at such tim.e as th� evnstr�ccion c�f the L�t 2 �amp is ��rm��nce�i (a�nd upc�n demand the Gr�ntee wil� prcranptly execute and deliver a re�orc�able w�ritten instrunzent er�ideneing such terminati�n a�tid made in farrn and substance rea5onably satisfactory t❑ Vail As�ociates}. Prior tc� the �ccanst�-uctic�n of the Lat Z Ramg, the ?�mparar�+ Rarnp will be dr�d remdin inte�rated wiihin the snowmelt systgms of th� GCP Prajeci (as her�irsafter defaned}, and GCI' wi]l provide and pay ihe ct�st af the snaw�melt �etvice5 to the '1`ern�orary Ramp, arsd atherwise #'uurnish maid3tenan�ce, repa'rr� �sr�d replacements f�r th� same as pa.rt of the ,�cces5 l�Vay; tI�ese abligatias�s af �GCI' wifi c�ntinue in effect unless and until GCP is given nQtice fr�ain Grantec that the conscructie�r� of the I��t 2 Ramp h;�s er�r�m�nced (and Grar�tee d�rees tQ �ive such r�otice prorr�pily upor�c�+rnmencernent afthe constructian). If th� Lot ? Ramp is nev�r constructed, such that ilte n�aiiee of the ce�mm�n��ment af iFs cari�tructio�a is ne�°er given, CrCP's �bli�ations with respect to ihe Temparary Ramp will be perpeaual. ]n cQru�ectiDn with the Tempc�r�ry Ramp and Lc�a 2 R�rnp, GCP arsd Vail Associates a�ree as fallvw�: � na,:7r� Rer�si r � (i} For �urpases af the iallo�•ing pr�visi�ns, the "War�ing T'arty„ sha�i mean, as a�plica�le, �A} GC�' ti�henever any wc�r� of maintenance, repa'rrs e�r rep�aGements fc�r t�►e T�mporar�1 Ramp is cc�nductcci within Lat 2 b�°, tEzrru�h or ur�der GCP (`'GCP �amp V+Jor�C"}, and {B) Vail ,A.sse�ciaies wherxever work af construcii�rra c�r mainten�nce, repairs or repiacernents �'c�r the I,o1 2 Ramp is conducted, if a� aIl, ��ithir� LQ€ � by, thaough ar under Vail Associ�te�s {"Vail Assr�ciates �amp Wt�rk"�. Th� CaCP I�amp Work or Vait Associates Ramp Work, w'�iche��er is appticat�le in �he panxcu]aY cc�ntext, �s sometimes reierred tQ hereir: as "Ti�amp Wark''; the property o� the other pariy c�n which th� Wc�rking I'a�ty cQnduets its �amp '�V�yk is sort�etirnes referred to as the `"8urdened Prt�perty"; and GCI' or Vail associates, wl-iichever owns tl�e Burdened Pzaperty, is sQmetim�s referr�d to here�rs�fter as the `Burdened 1'arty," (ii} VaiI Asst�ciates }aerehy grants �°CP an irrekl�cabl� Iicense and right �f entry csver the Vail .�►ss�ciates Fasement Par�el, and areas adjacezzt ther�to within Lat 2 as neeessary or a��rnpria#�, far purpases af ur�d�rtakia� t�e GCP Ramp �Vark from tirne to t�me, this license an� ri�ht af entry bein� an appurtenance benefitin� clae c�wnership of I.ot 3 and coupled with an interest, This ticense anc£ rinht of entry rnay be used and enjayed by GC;P and contractars and a��nts en�aged by, throu�h c�r under GCF. Thas �icer�se ar�d right af entry slla�] remain 'tn eFf�ct until t�e Easemer�ts tern�inate with respect to the Temp�rary Fz.a�np, at whi�.h cisn� this �icense arrd, rig�st of �ntry s��lt alsa terrninate autc�xnatiCally and be of na further fvrce �r e#�ect. Vail Associatcs m�y uni7atera[1y execute and recard an irsstr�arnent evidencing tt�e temis'natiQn of this lice�lse an� right of entry, withouC any je�inder in sueh instr�.iment hy GCP, and a�y suc�t� instrument so made and recarded �y VaiI Assoc�ate� will �e cQnclusive that the license and right af entry has been ternlailated and n€�longer enc�mbers or affects title to Lot 2 in any respect. In conjunction wiCh t3�e teranination of this license and rig1�t of entry, arsd �s part of arad in the ardinary caurse of zhe coristrucfion �f thc Lot 2 Ramp c�r any replacements c�r mc+difications t4�erecrf, �+Jail Assac�ates wi11 talce �ppnapriate measures ta have the Temporary �arnp discc�nnected from the snawmelt systems ot the G�P Proj�ct, remc�ve t�e �I`empc�rary Ranip ar camp�s�ents af 1he Lot? Ramp bei�g rep�aced or retnoved, and restore zhe affected areas of Lot 3. (iii) �C"iCP Yrereby grr�nts �,'aiP AssQCiates an irrev4c�ble iaccr�se an�f right �� entry over Lot 3, as an appurienance benefitit�g th� ownership Df Lc�t Z and coupled with an interest, fc�r purpases c�� undertaking tl�e Vai1 Asso�iates Ftamp Work fraan time ta time. This �icense and right af�entry may be used a�d enjc►yed by Vail Assc�eiates and c�r�traetars �nd a�ents er��;ag�d by, thraugh or under Vai! As$c�ciates, The te�� of this lic�r�se an� right c�f entry sha4] '�e in perpetuiiy, (The li�cerases and rights of entr'Y �rat}ted un[ier this para�rapf� {iii} and paragraph(iz) abave are spmetimes rgferred tt� herein as the "Work Li�enses.'') {iv) The Woricir�g Pany wiIl not catise, pern�it or sut�er any mechanic's li�n claims 4v be made against tt�e B�urdened Pr�perty ar any porlion r.e„�x s ttcnsrr � . thereof csr interest [herein tha� may a�ise frt�rn� or iiti co��nectiaEi vvith as�y Rarnp Vr'ar� wndertak.�r+ '�y, tl�ough or +under the '4�'orking ParYy. lf any stech mechanit's lien claim is I�CflT�P;{�„ then the Warkicl� Party, by �ayznent or hondin�, shall s.ecur� the recc�rd release and dis+charge oF [he lier� elaim wi[hi�t th'trty (3Q) days af�ler its recordat'son. �f the 'V�F[�r�Cin� Party sha�l fail to s�c��re that rei�ase and dischar�c in a time�y n�a�tner (tisne being Qf tf�e esse�7ce wit'h respect tlneret4�, [hen the B��rdened Party, at its eleciian and withot�t c�bli�ation tr� da srr, may secure the r�fease of the lien cla�kn by aily means available, i:iclt�din� bt�n�in� ar s�tt�eu�enl with th�e tie�� claim��it, in which case t�se WoskiE�� F�rty sh�ll, w�chin i`ifteen (d 5}days after r�r�tic� of derrraa�d frnm tarne ta time, reirraburs� the Bti�rd�ned Party fnr the 8urcier+e�d l�arty's casts a��d expenses incurred in sec��ring the lien re�eas�, includin� r�asonable att�rneys' fees. (�+) The Working Party �hall indernnify and defend and save harmtess the Burc�ei�ed �'arty ai}d tf�e Burden�d Party's employees, a�ents, eontractors, Eicei7sees and i�i�itees, i�clta�in�, v�aithput li�mitatioi�, any kei�ai�cs, aecupa�lts, c��b��s�ryess c�r sacial guests �f the Burde�7ed �'r�p�rty (col4�ctiVely che •.Inderr�n�fi�d Pasties"}, �'rcam and agarnst a��y and all fyabiliEies, losscs, d�mages, +claims, h'se��s, deznai}ds, 3Ci10T15 �I7� CS�1S�5 q�3CL3011, irsc6uding, wit�ac�ut limit,�['san, thos� per�ainul� �c� any persc��}al ii1�}ury c�r da�nage tc� praperty, �w�►ich may be ii�}posed ugc�n�ar suffered c�r ft�cu�-red by�ny of the Yndemnified Fart'tes and which a.rise out �f �ar in connectian wit�h any Rainp WQrk e�ndertaken by, �hro�i�'� or w�der 4i�e Workin� P�rty, t4gether with �!1 C4S45 and expen�es, inclucfing reaso�ablc attarr►ey5' fe�s, that may be inc�irred by tk�e In�emt�ified F�rties ar ar�y �f ���m xn �onnection with a��y i�adernnified matter. This indemr7ity shall ilak �pply, hvwe�er, ta aE�y rnaiter oct��rwise indem�tiified to the extent it ar�ses firc�m �he neglige�ee or wilfful misc�rs�duct af the Bur�ened F�rty or any c�lher ]i���mtzi�3ed Party. This indem��ity will specifcafly apply„ withoart l�rnitatinn, ta an�� r�aechanic's fien claims for w'�ich the Worki��g Par�y is responsible p�irsuant tv pacat�raph 3(b)(i��) ab�v�, and the +�bti�at�t�i�s of �'�e Wvrk€n� Par�y unt�er p��rapf� 3Eb)�vi} 'belnw_ The Inde�anified Parties at�er thas� tkse Burdened Party shall be third-party bene�ciaries �f the foregoing�rovisier��s. (�vi) A.�y Workii�g Party wi41 cotiduc� s�r ca�ise tc� be cc�n�ucted any Ramp Work unciertakec� by, �hraugh or titnder i� i�3 a �acad and wnrkma�4ike mar�ner, lo the end �f a�raiding aa miciimi�in� �ny impacts on the Burdened �roperty ar any improVements or facilities ther�in. To ihe extent any such Ramp Work or aciivaties related �hereta :�oE7eth�less ciama�e, disct►rb ar vtherwise adversely a�fect �ny �re�s„ impraveme��ts or f��cilitie� wichii� the B�:rdened Prc�perty, the V�'orkiitg Party wi�l cause �hc�se affecte� �rea�, improvements or facilit'ses t� be res�or�d t� si�bs�tantially the sam� co��diti+an ir� wtsich they were fcaund p�i�r ta the ����dertalcin�of che per�io�er�t Ramp Work. (c) S�ibjec� tv GGF's obligatsons under para�,raphs 3+�a) and 3(k�) above, Grantee co�enants a�id a�.,.,rees cn be�r a�id dischargc at�y cabli�atio9ti� ur liaE�ilities thal may ari�e i�� eoni7e�lio�� wit�t �he �sse �.s�d enjayrr�e�t� of the Easeme��c� or tt�e Ac�ess Way pursua�tt to Zhe ��sem�nts. With��ot limi�ation oi� che ger�crality of the foregaing, �.szzn s Rcrssr� 4 Grantee shall be s41�1y re�pDnsib�e ta repair and reste,re a�ay darnage to the Access Way, GCP Proj�ct or Lot 7 which is caus�d by ernergency vehicles using the Access Way pursuant ta ihe Err�er�ency Ac�ess Easement. G�rantee furth�r ackno�°ledges and agrees, a� i±s �wr� behalf a€�d on !behaif of the Pu�lic and other beneficiarie� caf the E�S�ements, chat Grantee au�d such ben�ficiaries assume the ris�s assaciated u�ith the �:se and �njoyrnent �f the Easements ar�ti the ACC�SS V4��.�", and shalt hold each af the Grant��s harniless fram a�y clair�zs, fiabilities, damages or ��sses that m�y 'be suffered vr incurred �v .��r�tr�tee and �uch i�eneficiar'rvs in ccr�ectit�n with s�ach us� ar�d enjoyment, un4ess �ccasi:on�d by the acti�ns of the �pplieabl� Grarstar constitutin� ��os� negfi�ence c�r willfu! misconduct. 4. 1�1�n-Exclusiv�, The '�aserner�ts and '�'or4c Lacenses shalf � npn-exclusive, ar�d ea�h Grar�tor shall hav�e and retain the ri�ht tc� use the Grantac'S praperty fc�r any uses and purpc�ses that are nat 'snconsist�nt w+th the use and enjayment af the £asements Qr Wc+rk Licer�es, inclu�ir��, without litnitatt�n, the use of the Servien� Estate #i�r a�cess putp�ses in cannectiar� with the GCF �'raj�ct and L�t 3 ar �ny use af Lat 2, as a.pplica'bl�, an�i ti�e making af�rants f� azhers of access e�sement righ�s upan, Qver and acrc�ss the applieah{� poni�ns cf t�se Se�aient Estatc. 1��ilhout limitation on th� foreg�ing, artd purstaatat t�z plans h�re#ofor� or liereafter ap�rar�ed by C`irantee for the GCP Froject, surfa�e dri�eway and �elat�d or an�illary �mprov�rnents and access tunnel �nd oth�r subterr�nean impr+aves���nts (ir�cluding, wiih�ut Iimxtacsc�r�, builc�in� structures and utilities� will �r rnay be construeted, maintaine€i, used and enjoyed �#ithin the GCP Easenjent Pareel in coi�neetion with ti�e �rCP Projecf {calCectively "Re�ated GCP Pr�ject lmpr�v�rnents"}� GCP's retained rtghts wiPl spec�fieaily include rights to ec�me u�on th�e GCI' Easement 3�arcef �.s necessary �r apprapriat�:, in th� Qrd'srsary cs��rse of t�se use and cnjoynient of t)i� ��P Pr�jcct, t€� cc�ndtiGt maintenance, repairs, reptaccrner�ts or ather wark assaciated �s+ith the F�elated GCP Project lmprovemen�s, even thc�u�h d�.mage may resu!! to the A�c�ss Way {proWided th�t GCF shall t�e ablig�ted to �asonably restare any s�rch darna�e), and alsc� 35SQGlc�f�t� with th� E1cce�s Way itse[f In C4Ttdl�Ctlrig �.ny such worl€, GCI' may tcrnpr�rarily ba�ricade or Qthea�rise peecl�de access aeross the aff�e�t�d areas af the Access Way in o�d�er tc� faci�itate the wor� and a.lsa protect p�rsons and property. {The Woslcin�, Patcy �vill have carrespc�n�ir�� ri�hts in canjunction with any E�amp ti'�c�rk.) Grantors a�ree tlzaf Gsarttc�rs wi11 r�ot otherwise cc�nstru�t any abQVe-suriace inrspr�wem�:nts within the Servient Estate that would �bstruct vr materia�ly interfere with 1he use and enj�yinent of the Access Way. The "G�P Projec�" nieans ihe residentia� tawnhom� proj�ct, with related sit� improvements, r�vhich is presently bein� der�e}aped on Lt�t a, �s that project may be su��a4�merated ar rr�oc3iiied lrt�zn tirne 44 11IT1�. 5. Run�in w�ith �he ��a�nd. (a} Th� cdr�enants and obligati�res c�f Ehe Grantee and the ri�hts, interests and t�bli�atic�ns afthe G�'antQrs hereunder shall rt�n ��it� the lanri ar�d inure to the b�n�fit +�f�nd be b�nding �rp�an C�rranCars and th�ir respe�tive succ�ssc�rs �n i�tleresi in and to Rhe ownersh'tp csf the S�ruient Estate, �he GC:P Prajzct, F,vt 3 and '�ot 2 (and seferences rs u r+ u )n wc v, r1 'here'sn t�"Gr�nt�rs or either Grarttor, GCI , �v dil Ass�ci�stes,�' th� "Working Parly or the ``Burdened Partv" will inciude such s+�c�essors in interest, exc�$c ta th�, extent such is�clus��on is precludedyby the other pr���isiQns hereat�, The ahli�at'sons hereunder of each Grantor that are o�ving to th� G�antee s�iali be several, and neither Grantc�r sha14 have any r,s:z7s s �cr•�srr � f liabiEity f�r any breach or default by tlte ather Grantor af any ob[i�ations c�r duties owing t❑ Grantee. (b) Each Grantar �nd its succ�ssors in own�rship w'sfl ha�� liabikity fQr anY bre��h trf suCh p�.�fy's obfi�ations a�d dutses ari�ing hereun�ier t��rly to [he extent t�te breach �ecurs durin�; the �wn�rship pe�'it3d asid in rekati�,n to thc �awnership intere�ts o� suc�s party. lf any such breach is attribut�ble to the actior�s or omissaons of any vwners asstaciatit�n �stabfished for the CiCP Praject vr any devekopmesit on Loc � �ar� :;1�ssnciatian''}, c�r any partres actin� by, thrc�ug� s�r under the Associati�n, ihe Associa[ion shall be iia'b�e for such brcacEi, withaut any recourse by the c4aarmant(s� tc� the Ass�eiatic�n's constituent ow�nerslrr�embers; �f such �reach �s attribut�b4e to th� actions ar �rr�issicans af an} c�wnerlmember in the applicab�e AssQCratiQ�s, vr any par�y actin� by. thsrca��gh or under that owneriniember, then such v��ner/member and the applicable Associasic�n will be }ointty arld severalky �`sable for such brea�h�. 'f�e fact t�tat Vai� Assaciates and CiCP are af�4iates sh�l! nat in aa�y way !im'st the c�bligativns that cacln crwes hercunder ta the Qther �r the other's lndemni�e�i Parties. Each Assaciation wilE enj�y and may exercise the ri�hts, l�ne�ts and prr�tecti�ns inuring her�und�er tc� the t�wasership oi`tt�e properCy which the pertineni Associatic�n is formed ta ��u�rn; w'i�hc�ut limitatian on the f`aregoing, ttse �ights and interests spec�feally retained in f�vr�r af GCP undea paragraph 4 here�f may b�e exerciseci thrcaugh the A�st�ciataon farrr►ed for the GCF Prnject, and will als� inurc to thc bcnefit of desi�nees of GCP �r suzh Assveiatic�n, incfuc�in�, withc�i�t lirnitatie��. agents and cnntrac�ors c�'F thas�e parts'es, an� appEicable utilities supp!'sers. In addit�on, �i)any ,P�ssociaiQtan forn�ed ta �c�vern Lot 3 ar por�ions ther�af wil� be speci�cally obfigated to dis�h�rge GCP's maintenan�e and other du�ies k�nder para�raphs 3(a} and �(b} a'�ove, �ii} auy A�sociation formed tv gc��err� Loc 2 or po�ti4ns thereaf wiEk be speci���fty obli�,ated �� discharge Vaif Assac's�tes' duties un�3er para�raph 3(b} ab�ove, and (iii) the c�nstituent ownerslmembers of thase Assaciati�ns �vill nac t�e individ�ally lia�le �ar those duties. � (c} pro�isions hereof +��hicl� relieve constituent ownerslmembers of ciuties al�ocated to their Aas�ciatson shalE be enl'or�ed anly so Eang as the Associa�ian tIl5C�1�1'Q,yCS t�'1(}SC dUtiCS. �, Arnendrnents. Th'ss instrument may nc�t be terrninated, in whole ar �n part, �r ani�nded ar madi�ed, ncrr may asiy r�ght vr l�r�ca�h of ar�y dbli,�ation arising hereunder be wai�ed, exc�pt pur'snant to a ��ritten instrumerzC si�ned hy the party against whotn �nfarcemcn# crf such terrnination, �mendment, rnc�di�catian ar waiver is sou�ht. Natwithstanding che vari�us third-pasty 'b�a�e�ciaries i�4entst3ed hcrein, the parties hereEo, ar�d their �uc�cessors, w'sfl retain �he pov+�er arid ��th+�rety t�a make any su�h icrminaiivns, amendrn�nts, m�diii�atians nr wai�rers, �r ta take any acti�ns cc�ntemplated by zhe terrns hereo�; ln a�3dit�c�n. a�d notwithst�s�sng any Successivn i�i inierest tQ partic�n5 trf Lot 3, �G�C'� wilk r�taii� the ryght, with the conseni af the T�wn of Vaif as the Grantee hereunder ��nd n� a€her pariy}, tr� mcadify the 5ervient Estate af �ecord with respect to the portion� thereof ar�d of Lat 3 stilE �wned at that time by GC�', and an}' such rnor�i��ativn wi�l be bir�ding upan GCP's successors ir� and tc� Lat 3 �and for purp�ses of the fore�aing, the terrs� '`GCP" does nt�t �nclude any c�f its successors in and to Lot 3, unless G�P express�y cl�signates of r�card any such suCCessor �a l�ald ihis retained rnodifieatian ri��i). Moreo�'�Fr �ny ll.ssm�iatic�n shal! I�ave tlte pow�er and a�tharity, oii behalf of its �c�nstitueni et:'_v�5 RCF75e� � own�rs.'rnembers, ta mak.e any su�h tertninatian, amendment, anadif�cation or wai�rer, or talte �ny such actian, and bind its canstit�ent Qwnersl members thereby. 7. R�m�d�es� A.ttome s' Fees. (a) The �ights of the partie� hereunder may '�e enforced by any remeciies pravided for in th'ss insirument or av�a.ilable 2�t �aw csr e�uity, incl�zdin�. wit��rut limitation, the recr�very afdamages, and injunrti�� or c�ther equitable relrc�to pr�ve�►t the occurrenc�� vF continuanc� t�f ar�y breaeh or def�ult her�under, flr ta �nforce the per�'or.n�nce and abser�ance of the terms of this instrurnenc. �tt remedies sha�l be c�a:mulatiWe with and in addition tv, and n�n-exc�usive of, �n� anot'��r; any and a�l remedi�s rnay be p�rsued either sutt�ess':�aely or c�ncaarrently; and t�se �exercise af any one remedy �haC� nc�t be cQnstrued as or�nst;tute a bar to the exercise of any other rernedy, 4Y�� �n the er�ent any legai pr�ce�eding arises �ut c�f this instr�ment and is prasecuted tc� fina!��d�rnent, the pre�ailing party sha�� be entitled tv recaver from the other party a�l c�f the prevai�ing party's ec�sts and cxpenses incurr�d in carsn�ctian there�rith, ineluding re�sonable a�tomeys' f�es (and any presiding caurt wi�l lae baunc� fa make this arvard�. �i. Miscellanec�us, This instrument shal� be govern�d by and constru�d in accardance with the ldws c�f th� State �f Cvltaradc�. This instrument may be executed in caunter�arts, e��h of which shat� constitut� an origina�, anci v��hich to��ther shail canstitut� ane and the sa�.e agreement. The Easements granted hereunder si�all b�:came effective upon €he dt�e and �alid executian �nd deliWery of this instrument by ia�th Grantors and �rantee, this ir��trum�nt's zec�rdatton in the real p�aperty recards for Ea�le County, Cvlvrado, and the c�tmp�etion �f tt�e initial �e�nstructian �f t�ie entire Ae.cess Way within the Serv�ent EsC�te, together w�th Grantee's appruva! andl�r acce�tance of such constr��ti�n �pursuant tu its ardinary muni�ipal golice gcawers} as a rer�uisite to the issuan�e c�f al! certifieates of a�c�spancy ft�r the GCP Prajeet upnn �ull �u�3d-out {`,Ynitia! Acc�ptance'°). [IIalance 4f page intentia�ally left bCankj �;47i� RCFiSH � ! IN '��I1TNE�S WH;�REC�F, Grantnrs a�d Gra��te� ha�•� e�:e��xted this F'u�lic E'�d��t,�an �;as�m�nt ar�d �rnerger�cy Acczss Easem���# �s of the....e..'�..'��_��y �f , >.... a �U(16. ` Crlt�.hITC�RS: GQ�RF CREEK PLAC:E, LLC, a Cc�l�rado Iimit�d 1►pp�.,�e�as�.}� 4iahility company ts�,�E nep��■� �,,,�: t,� YA�NOt.t� By: Vail l�esarts De�e pment C�rnpany, a ��e,rn�: .� Cc,lorado ar:�t on, Managin�; Mems�ier �1r�e. — �0 �Y� N I71e: +� 7'�i e: _ . �e f s � STA"I�� E�F COL03�a�C? 7 } ss: CC7UN"I'Y C}F �.AGC.E } Th� foregoin� instrument was de'�nca�vled�ed t�efore rr�e this ,��I� day o#' ,�'u..� �. —, ?OOfs, by as . ��`c.e ��,,, � a1� '�,itsil Resorts E�+���ei�p�nent Cc�mpany, a Colc�rada corpvra�son, Mt�na�in� Mem�er �i` G�tre 4"reek �'Iace, �,E,G, d Cc�lc�rad�7 limited tiability com�any. Witness mv h�nd and ofti�i�1 seal. ��,� �RN }+ commission ea�pires: ....� �c�., ..........., (�� '� '��0 TA,�p''-� ��� �•_ # I�Iatarv Public � ,�f ��'�t`,�t�'.��°�• '��'+�L lC �'���'� .�f-¢',7��.............O�,v*r;' ��;_ ox�co�- � '-'L:s�� [Gra��t��rs' s's�n�ture bl��ks �ontinsae �n next �Sage] �S__�Y` 1H4 F4SI# " GR...a.NTC3�5[cc��#. : ��HC �'�II. CC7F�:F'�JIZATIDIv, D:BiA VA1L ,��rave���Rn�or+n: :15SC1CI:"�TES, II`C., � Colaradc� ec3rpc�ratian t.s�a!Fkpartaxns NrnMe; C;� tl'1RN0 p S6 A1tCIFC• - { '�• � B}`- ��y��Yil.` �• '7.AILv . � (}illC: � �`ti�CT1C�'f ' 1 Tt��C:� a `�. �"I�AT� �F CC]LC]RAI)C} } ) �s�. COt:P�"I'Y C�F E.�GLE } "Th� �`oreuQin� i�strument E�°�is �s�;�.n�awle��ed b�tare me tl�is —�--�'��— day at" —�n-_C , 2(}i�6, by �7r� � +� ��a..��z_.rs.��___ as .��.�'��'c�,/���e�cl�t-,.. � o��T��e Vail Car�or�tion, d/bla VaiY ,�ssoci�tes, �nc., a Cafarada cor�a�ratian. . 'vVitness m�� �and and offciti4 seai. ��1y cun�rr3issicjn expires: . C� r�d d .. f�����R�a� �. �'�r���'r�� 't� �' i�Jatary Publi y�� ... .� ! �: ny � �f 4I'r,{,�'lt�.-�` U�L1L..•:�c��� ��'arantee's si�nat�are �lack fo�l�ey�� an next }�a!�ej �?`��p,� 1��.� Vys���, � d8:M1 a RCFtiH � �t,'�;��••�s� •7� *"`� ; �.}u����r��: ��� ; �: `['(.�WN (]F V,4[L, a municipal carpt�ration, duly '�'Ci'' ...•••'* �rgani��d �nd e�ist�ng under an� by Virt.u� c�f tlte ��RA� Iaws c�f the 5tate nf�oCora�o r�TTEST: r-�. �r` j 13v--~� �1,�r�.,�4, .tii' .�.t4—�` �' t �� St�s�- ;�.rrr,I�r, `I'ov,'n M��,�r ,�{� f „J, �� .. .�._�_: ��C �..�.�7 �.�'.3'v'�r'� `� .or�e3ei j �naldson, �'awn Cierl� ST�TE C�F C:C�L�F,.ELD{� ) } ss� COL►N�`Y C3F EAGL� } �r.,�.,,� .��c..�-,�m e�� ":�he fore���in� instrument was acknav�•Ie �e�i �� re me this � C5� day �af , 200�, by . , as Tr�wn ��tal�a� ot` Th� Tr�wn af V�if, � rtu Yi i al ccs orati€�n du�v ar anized and �xistin� s�n�er anc� by vir�ie of'�h� Caws of the State i P FR � . � af t`� c�rada. Witness n^sv hand and vffcial seal. � My com�tissioi� expires: . �� ���`��� .. ��.� � , � , ��'j�,7 �. ,� '---' � � . �km�=�.s �s xr$H i 0 . E�HIBIT A-1 Legal D�scriptiog af GCP EaseYncnt Parcel (See the �ctaehecJ) nt�?rx s Kc�tsn l��'1 � LEG.+.L C!E`*CRIP"['1_QN A PARC�1.C]F�.AND LC)C:A"1ED iN LO'f"3,W�S'�DAl'SLJBtJ1�rt51C'�?v,A5 KECCJRD�f]NIP�RCl� I0,�4D5 AT fi�C£P�!`f�}"J Nf7.�[f67b0�lh�'FHE OFFIC��J�`I'HE CL£'�K AY�JD R.ECDRDEft,CtJI�'.1v`CY 4r FAGt.E.S�'AT£ UF GOLC]iL•',I3C7. N,F1NCi h'I�RF,PARTICiSLARLY�E5CR1�iEA A5 FULI.CIVrS; �EGEN3JING AT THE NCrKTHW�ST CCDRNEi���SAfU LU"C 3,WHENCE T}TE�'ES'CERLY Ll?*1�tJF SREU �C7T 3 B�RS� !5°5U'37" E A D[5�[�RNCI:C11° i2�.80 r�ET FORh�[NG THE BAStS d��IERRiNG C3F TlilS C�ESCEtIf'['l[�N. �'HE�iCE AL(}NG SA1T)�fC)ft"t1�i[_In1E QF LC]T 3 N 74°12"5f,"E h I)1S�F�.NCE Of'64.3�FE£"t:T'1•IENC'E I7ECART[NG Sr4iD Nc7R1'H l.1N�C3F LO'I'3 TFi�1'ULi.�«'l'�G N1*�E fy]C�t]RSCS: 1) �5�.�9 FLET.ALON('r A Nb�7-�'AN,�'aET+fT CURV�Tt3RNSNG T(3`i"H�LC�I"'#-3AWIi�1G A CENTRA�. �NGL�OF 49°15'S9".A�t."+�SllS 0�SO.�D FFLT AhD A GHURD'�1�"HYCH F�EAAS N S1°23'2�"�A D15'f'A1:C'L QF 41.68 FFCT T(7 A POlt+l'T'OF REVE[tSE CLIRVATUkE: 2) Z3.H1 i-'EE`1'ALUNG A CU�t'�E TURN1l�C;TO I�iE st�GH1`HAVINC A CE�"CRIt}�At�GLE OF �3'�2'U3".A tt,i1�71Lr5{7f��.sT FEET'AhED,�Ct3URD Y�'H1C:H SC�_Ak5 AI 73°3d��G�.E A L}15'FANCt dF 2,3.�6 FEE'C: 3) 5 89°a•�'3a"�A DiSTnh:�.£UF 7.d9 F�:E7 TCl A PCJINT�FCURVA'IURC: �] S 5.�0 FCEY A�ANG A Cl1RVC TURMING�l U`fY€E LEFT FIAVING r�C��T3tAL A.Nfit_l-UC ?4°l l'S6",A R,lD[Li5��30:���'EE7'ANfl A C�t)RU G�'1lLCl1[iEAI��l�t 75°-��i"29"E�t�15TANCE UF l5.?�FE�:T�°C!r�POINT C?F RL•VERSf:C.LIRV�TIJEtE; 5} ?U,43 FF�'['ALONG A CLIRVE l'liRNiNG Z'C1'i'HE Rf.�ikCT I1AVIh1G A C'EN'TRAL ANCI.f:�F }3°33'UR".A R�4DlC1S[3F 34.90 F£�k'ANt?A CHOR�W}IIC}9 BE,EtRS h1 38°W"U5"E A C�15'I'.�'�C�C3F 24.14 FEF.T; b} 5 87'43'4�"�h 1}15`C�NCL�� kZ,57 FFL-T'f0 A NU3M'I pF CLlkVt1't�RF: 7} I1.73 FkET ALDNti A C:URV� NFWINGTOT1iE L'EFT Hr�V[1JG A C�M�Ft�'�L ANGLE C1I= 2d°�3'39',A F�.Afi31U5 4�'F?4.59 fEE'I'�1�13 A CHC�R1�W��1Cli QEARS�179°i�'2T"F A D157A�iCE QF i�.63€E£T: 8} N fi7°32'38"E A DIS°I'hi+iC�C1F 3.85 I=EL I"TO A POfNT 0F CURVA'TUR�; y+a l5.(1�r�rT AI.QNG A i:LsRVE 7fJRNI!�i;"I'C�7'NE LE'F'C�{.4VING A CEh7TfU1L ANGE.r C�f 59°�Z'Z2'.A R4D[t15�F I4.50 FE�`3'.hND A C1i0RD WH1CH B£AEt'5 N 37`51'S7"E A U15'I"A�10E OF 14.3b F££T Tfl,3,PQFINT ON THE NQFt'i"�LIN�Ol�5A1D Lp7 3; 'THENLE AL,�7NG SA1l)NOR'1'N l.1NE(7F�.CIT 3 N f,9°4�'��1" �A f�ISTANCE t�F 21.2{1 FE�':TIiEh10E f}1:FAR'f7NG SAf D�QFtT�1.I�tG C3F LC3T 3 THE FD�.L0��11T3G�OUF[ll:�ld(14)�C4UR��.5: 1} 25.71 FE.ET Al_4N.�.^i A NON-TANGENT CLIRVE TUF�,NChSC'i TO 7HE LEFT HAV3fi1G A CENTf�AL AhGLE(}F 7S°32'?3�• A RADlUS�F 14.5�}FE�'T�4.t�i)A CHC3Rl)V4'H1Cw BC•.ARS N 89"3�'[S"E A �r�srn�r��[����.ss r���r; 2j A 5I°#$'2�'°t A f71S'I`ANCE:ClF 8.75 f'�'ET TU A�'DENTdF CURVATURE; 3y 19.3�FEET ALQNCs A C1�RVE TURNING T��THE R1CafI� HAV{N{i I1 C�N"1'RAI.AN�`iLL• bF 18°47'59".A 1�.�I.L11US OF 63.i14 F'EFI',��1n A CHO€tD WHiCi�Ei�AR�3�6D°S2'2�"1;A f}Z�S`f'At+�C�C7F i9.Z�FfiE'T: aa N 59`��i"d�"E A UISTANCE QF a4.l9 FEf�"f TfJ:+1?Rit�Z�iJF CI�RWA�`[.1RE; 5) iG.s�F�k"t"�iLC1t�G a CURVE TL�RNII+�G7`U r3-[L RfGHT HAY[NG A CEitiTRAL�4NGLi:Ur �9°3S'01"�A RRlliUS[�1'43.SZ 1'FET'�1i^+lt7 A CC�IDRD V+'HICH SFAI�S N E(Y°a2'15"E r�i�lS"TATs10E QF 16.25 F�k�"'i"C7 A FC]1h7Z'C}F RCVERS£Ci7RV�TUI2E: b} �4.79 F�.E"C'Al.f}NG A l:[1RVE TiJR'�1NG 7'C}Tt°tE LEF�T HAVING.�+CENTi�t1L�ehlGLE OF JS°Q5'11��.a������rs�aF ►�.sa��.�r a�:�a�t io��w'f�It'H BEAR.S N 68°55'OS"E A a15'6At�C�U� 14.d1 FEE3"IC7 A P€�INT 01�'R�VERSf•_CURVA'�"�JRE; °� �3.48 F£�1`t"tL�NG A CE.°it'Vi;TU RNITJG`FQ Ti-IE RfGHT WlV1E�iG A CLN�R4L Ah1CiLE UF Z�°F7'�4"o A RADSL95 OF SQ.34 FEE'i'ANI7 A C°HC)RL7 W1{1C1i ES��5 h1 60°Ul'IZ"E A f}1STAh'C£CJF z3.75 FrE1'; 8) N 71°3i`US"E A 1)153'ANCE OF 51.$1 '�EET TC7 A PUfN f DF C41RVA�T3EtE: 9l 17.15 FEt[`ALf3NG A CURV�'TL�R1�PffNG T(3'fFll�R]GFiT�IAY[1VG A C'�N'fML ANC�.I:DF i7°32.39�„ ,A RAi31L%5 OF Sb.40 FEET AhiD A CHURL}WH1C4l f3GlIR5 N 8�`23'2$"li A i}lSTANCE OF i7.OB FEET; 3t�1 N 85�°t��'a7"E A l7tS'F'�l+fC'�(1F 3,14 FEE7"ic�A P�INTCIF CL31tY�TlJRE: � 1':�+1!C1Q-! 149:11�3�.31docslL�gal - L�t 3 Pede�crian �Easment.doc i 1) 1�.24 FEET�.L.UNG��CL]RV�'I'UR*![]VG T'i.3 Tl[�LE�'3'�-L4Vi!�fG;1 CFN"1'RAt.AhdCLE{7F 31°49'[}3",A RADIUS C7F 25.;4 F£F7 ANU A C[1UR[7 WHIC'H��ARS�73°t5'1�"�A DfSTANCE U[' 14.1 I 1�ET i{�A PC7!"dT 0�REVEFtSE C�KVATl1RE.; 13} E5_S3�£ET ALC?NG A CURVE'fL'RNS1�G'I�C?7"1•IE�R.l�'sl l'T Fl/1VING:1 t'I:NTFiAI,AhdGLE QF 16°'f�IS".A F 4IltU5 C�F SS.L�S FEET.ATS17 A CliL�RL]'�'t13C:f l B£A�S N(�5'3a'S3"E.'�3)iSTANCE OF l5.;? f�EE"f: 1�} Iti 71°58'�?"�ri DISTANCc C]F?f.(i�r FEE'1'7C}A PU'�h�T t7�+CLRVA-fURE; 1�} 17 95 FEET Al.fjhiG,4 CURVE TL'R3�I;WG'f0'['HE 1.F.F6''HAVI�+iG A CF;ITRAL rS+1fCiL�U� 6D`3?'��".A �AI)3LlS i}f i6.9TS CEET AND A C'HC31�17 WFIICH 13f-�E�S N�l°3�'bI" �A Dl5"fANC�:t]�' Z7.121'�i:'�'+°0 A P{?INT C7�1'f�1E�fCsRT}E LINE 0€=SAID I.07 3: 7'HC!�CF.,+1Lf�N�,SAIi�N(}RTtI LINE UF L(7T 3 N 69°�2'49"F A l�15'fANCE UF 47.8&F'�E7':THE.'NCF DE'PAR.I.iNG SafU NOR"1"ri'I.iNE G��LCsT 3 T1iE FULLUWING EI.EVf:1�{11)CCIURSE'.�': I] 5 U3°3b']b"E A 1]157RNC�i�F l i.33 F£�T: 23 T}iETvCE 13.U7 FE�"I`.�Lt�1*1G A�C1N-TAT�GE�IT t'lJR4'£'fl7R3viNG Ti?`TNE L�.�T HAVING A CEti�I'RAL A?d�iLE[7F 3I'`??��3",�.RrtDil9S f7F�3.83 F'fET AN�A CHURD 41'H1CH I3FARS N 56°46'35"��!DISTr"�,`�1CF CJi� I2.91 FEF7 TC]A gl�INf(7�R£VER'a�CURVA"fUIZE: 3} ?�.�13 FE�T F�LONG A CURV�.'f�..iRh3I1JC TC}THT ft1C;l lT 1-L4V1'�Ci A��,'^�7"�AL ANGL�Ok' 29°-4fi"4'I".A RADIUS OF 47.U4S F�FT,iiti1l]A CHC}RD W3�IICEI BERRS h1 55�f$'3?'"E:1[71STA�7C�:C}F 2�.I3 FE�T: a} h!70°1 Z'U1`E A 131S1`ANCE U��3.15 F��T`°I`(}A P(7IAR'€]F�CUR'VATU(t:; S� 33.84 FEE'!',+1LU!�1G h�UHV�TL1RN9t�lG TCt Tf{E f�IG1iT:tAYSNG A�'Eh3l'R��+L ANGI.F.t�F i 4°gf'24",A RAUIU�[3k��32.U4 Fk.E'P ANl7 A CHt]RD'�F'FIIC1-1 i3�ARS'�7�r°"s?'�3°E A�7iS'TANCf:Qf 33.T4�EET; 61 N$5°03.'y��E A DIS7ANCE C7F 4.�7 FE.�I'`ft]A f C�1'�T[�FCUFtVATUAE: 7) I2.�5 l�tEl AL{]NG A CIURS�E'ItiRhl1NG TO T�1'E LEF`i-IiAVI?�G R C`£N'1 R.SeL AN�GI.E QF 33°5$'3;".A RAl3[US C]F?f,@0��.ET Ah�I]A CF1t;RD V,�'I•11C�!13�ARS N 6E°U4`fG"F:A�l3Sl`�NC�Cl� l2.?7 FEET T�A Pfi31h�T��RE4'Clt5E�LRVATiJRL; R} 31.97 F��4'.'LLUNCi A CURVE 7UR1'vlwG TO Th1E RIGtI�`1 GAV'iN(i A t'ENTRAL Al'�GLE ClF 3ff'31'�iU".A iLADIUS UF 6U.[)Ll F�ETi Ahf�]A CFit3f�Tf WI11C1•[I3EAR5 N 64"2[Y5�5'E A L3lSIA1rC'E C7F� 3I.59 6��T; 9) �I$1°�b'48"E A DISTh�NC E QF#U.7� f[:E�"f'�J�F'C]INT C7F CL1R�'ATIIR E; i(?} 27.6b FEET'�L[3MG,"�CU4tV£�'URN1h�G TfJ TliE LCF7'F�AVINU.t CE�TTL��L ANGLE[)F 90°33'3b". A R11fJlllS OF I7.5D FEET AND A CHURI]1�'H1Cii BF.AAS N 36°Zd'Q(7"� A D15T.�NC'�fTF 24.$7 FE�T; I]1 I�GS°Sf;48"1�'A Di5TAh1C�OF 1.14 F1E�'T TO A Pflf�lTfirN T}i�NURTH Llhr rJF S.�lL7 L{?T 3: 7"!4E�t'E A LL7h[i Stl�i�NCl'R I I�L1NF CtiF Lt1T 3 N 58°3Q'tY4"�A D1STAtJC'E i�F 31.2Y'F�.E I.'1'H�NC� I��iYAI�'ffNG SA1D N�7RT'1i L1t�E UF LC�'f'3'I'H�FC)l.i,Cl�4'IhG f-'+JRT'4'FIVE L�s1 tC7LJRSES• I} TNENCE 5'Z2°3{�'I8"�A pISTANCE:C?F 17.S1 F(�.C'F TO A F'(�I;�RT CJF CLIRVATI)RE: 2l T��-tF:NCE 15.b1 FFF"�'AL[7NG A CLiRVE TUi�NING'CD T}i�LEFT HAVP.�lG A [;fi�TK1'.1.ANGLE (3�87°23'?9".A ftr�UlUS C]F f Q.Z4 FEET AND�t"�C]RD WHEC`N�3EJ1R5 S 66°17'U3"E A D35rAA'{'E t5F 14,i 5 I°�1-T': 3) T}tENCE S 08°Ol'58"E A D15T'A�?vC�;fJF 6.34 FEET; �t) Tk�E*7CE S 52°4U']7°'W'A 17ISTANCE C)F ��.Z3 F�ET TO A PCIIN'f C3F CURVA"i�UftF.; 5} T!lE3JC� Id.S�FEE"f ALf7NG A CURVT i'L]fLNIh�C TC}T]Y'�RiGE lT}U1'VIIvG A�ENT�tAL�NGLE OF�9°42"35",A R.4�}tU5(3F IG.7�i=i=I=.7 ANf2 A C110R.D WHTt f�f BE:1R5 S 77°31'S5"W A D�STr1TJCECbF t�1,Q7 ri:F:r; 6} T?i�t�CE N 79°14'2]"'�'A DISI'ANCE(lF 3.38 i`F,ET T4 A PUih�T�F CURVnTL1RE�: 7} T!°!E.'�:C£ 15.Sb FEET AL�7NG A L'Uf{V�TL�R731TdG T(7 T}iE LEFf I-1f111!?�f(.i A C:'�N'1'1ZAl.ATv[iLE UF 2',°51'i5",r1 R�D1U5 C]�3�.�D FEF:T ANl?A C'1-1ClAI1 Wl IlC3�1 CiEARS S 86°�4'4l"V+'A E31S'�A!�JCF,OF 15.a1 FEET TO A P(71N'I'f?F 1LEVI=3�SF.�'URVATURE: 8l 'rNE::Jf Ii E3.�G FE�7,�LClhit's�i CUftVE'1'llR�tI?*9G T4��i-1�L R1GiIT l�.FIViNG A CEM'Rr�L ANC;1.F, DF 9`2b'S�1",A IiAY]IUS C1F$'�.SI �'E�T.11'dD,1 CHC11tI]Yr`H1Cki S�.AR�S 77`37'!?."t'1'A lai5'TA1tiCE C3���3.�s�-�:�T: 4y 'rH6NC'�S 82°2f1"�1"�'A DIS�ANt'E UF�9,55 FCr7 TCD A P(7�7T Q�CURVA'fURE: iU] 'fH�NC`F' z3.9-4 FC1�T AI..CtNG A CL?RV�7URN11�G�'Q'I'NF I.F.Ff H�,4'ING A C�h1'RAF.AfvGL:� CJr]2°25'?5".A kAD[L}5�[}F�Z.3U FE��-ANll A E'HORD'lVtiICll I3C�4RS 5 b6"Cl7'39"W A tT151'.4�CE[73'23.62 FEET?'U,�?U1N 1'Q�kCV�RSE CL�RVAT�]RE; � P:II 104�-1199111�3�i.31dac�',Le�af -Lot 3 Pedestrian Ea�ment.dac r 13) 'tf-IENCE 2a.?^i f��LT I�LQyG A CUkV'�TL�RNIA3C'f°C7"TFiE R1GHT h1AViNC A�EN"i"RAi.rtN�L�. [�F�5°U8'?4".P,R.hF�f[sS CDF 33:a0�EET AND A CF[URI?W[i1C'ii�?EARS S 67°39'1 I"'�" �4 £�l5"C.�h10E UF 19,9?F�E'1'; i2� TrIC�7CE S 85°Q3.,S"W A UtSTAN�[4�F 9.$7 f•F.E"l'T0.4 NUIN'l C?F CURVA�'URC; i31 THE:�1C"� 2Q,7�FE7`f.4I_UE�G A Cl:ltv�Tt?Rtvl?�{;T�}7'F31:l.�Ff H,4ViNG�C�;vTRAL ANGLE bF ld°5['�4",A kAT3fUS bF S0.[1�0 FL�"�hl'tiD A C'tiC1K!)VdH1C!°!F3E?r.RS S 77°37'43"Vw'Il DiSTAhCE{3F 2(].69 FEF7. 14� �HEhIC'E S 70`[?'41"1V A alST'A�+ft E UF 4�.E5 FE€T TU A ��IIt�T bF CURVA't`�p�tE: i53 'fF1ET�:CE 1$.I9 FEETi ALC7hlCi A Cl.1kVE TLIR1a1r�1Ci TQ TFfF t.�i•T I{A`�'1NG A C'ENTRAf..A;JGt.E OF 29°45'd7'�,rt R4D�LlS C7F�i.00 FGET A"�D A Cf-fC7RD 41'Hft'�l BEAftS 5 SS°1$'37"�A �IS'tPINCE 0�[7.99 FEET T(3 A Pb11�lT DF ftf:V�#�S�CUFtVA7�1��: 14] 7li�NCE ��t.0�FEE"F'Al�O�G A CUftVE�'URMfNG`I'Q 7NE RIGN'C'fiAVING n�N"1"itAL���rL.E CsF 3a��Q�t9R,n RnT�it1S QF 35.87 F£�T n�E��h�'H�Rg wHfCH��.�RS S 67°�5'23"�.A 13i5iA1tiC'€OF32.76 P'EET: t7) 7 HF.NC'E N BS'f�'27"'w1+'A t�i5T�1NCE OF b.39 FEET TU A PQI�tiT C1F CL1R1'A7URE: 18J 3�I-iENC� 65.flb FEET ALONG A CUR1`E T1;Rh'k1+G TCl I'HE LFFT�iAVING A CEN"FRAL A*IG1.E t�F.1�°i5'33".R RAI7iCJS 4�'F 19.5��Ef'T Ahfl]A CwOR[3 1VHICH 9�.ARS S 7�°37•d7"W A I3151'ANCE(]F i�t.&9 FEET; 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F� ��.. h �r\ � �� ��?� _ ��� �. � � � m ,$��� �r � V �1U r}� �J�T p�. � J r�� �.� �,�p n U 1 p..N r a Nl�1� �ry� �+�t�Yl^h i�O�O'" f4/1 x���C n G�C7 N/i MF Yl R �gi�Ce+5 4'1'tn h 4 QM�# �Y/1�r�n •DI I� IL P.ti.rv N rvi N.�h ,N � s �] .rl T Y 4 1A n�!Y Y�'Yl Yl � J�.J.���.f� J J J .J J w J.J.J J-e.J�W.w W�.L!e�W�n W W�'-�.�•��•i W 4.J W 6J W I�A SJ'�W�W'fJ LJ W�J�+�W W W W W k1 W W W � . � • . .� i e . I - n. C ' - . .... EX1-�if31T A-� Ilepicticac� nf 1�"aiE �►ss�r�iates Easement Parcel �See the attach�d} eez��iw x�s�s�t r'�2-1 e�� / i •�, �'�. Q o '� .�'Q ° t �`\ ♦ � �. � � . ,• � ,, s - _ ,� � t � � � � � .. . �, •� � . _ y � � � � � � ,,. . � _ `, . \� � � a �� � p � � . � �' a . �. . • � " � � W �, � ,.� . ,,� � � � (�S�itJC :� % . ° s � U IR�f.� . �•+' •' ���.*�, � } � R � ° - , . �. . � � � .r� � � - . �,, r � � N� —� . ��+ �'`' �. � � �R��`�� �-� ~ , - - : .' `� � . � � � � � f r� ' � �� � � .r . '" �.,} � !� � . ,� � ti ..r�"'^"' �;/ ` .-� � VAII.F[ESUATS ti � 5C> r �, � � �� DEV1EIAl'?�NT _-�_. �� '� GOMPIIP�T1t � 1 1 � aw�t aw�+txa , , l ffAE PJF#fDCI�p1 . � °�"�'`� F i1l1'�(1�UE . � ,, 37f7E YE?EY�1 � � �YRRY�! .F ,,.�- �� �, ,� .��� , .��� _ - �� � � � �� _ ►� ���� a� . ;r -, - f�.-. . ` � � : � .., � k � �J �..��..._ �,�ua . .� � . 3 �:�.� �v.. E.. � 1� +u�riri�+►�°.r�oH w+cr+c -- � � Tr `��' J�� � .r �--�--- -.� � � � . . � ...,.:�.=�� _ , � - _ �, ..� =.�- . � . _ � ,� � - � . � .,r -,�� '+ u.r,, -• - v — ++[�Qa.1'�xE a�.r " � - . �� � �at � ,� - �.,� �a uv�tr: 6�YL � 1 � M . � � w €rc�arvoc. . � 'r � , iL s ac�nnssr nuu. � � . J� . w crasac�nc ausa. +'ASi �',.` n �� � � i]4 �VE��. .. �mrfr: wnea ,ry, , . � . M .��.a ac.icr S{ � . - � � ���-� ' �nuro �..iar � �� c.�nr e+�►�uvs �v,r*� r+�sx�rc � Yrrl7f.iRb�Cal.fXt 9C�IMl�4■.f �Ei�C/PMNO�G dKl�d Tll�/$ l�A7flt � PMN .r a�°�'� ee.a�r� �,�,� Temparary Rarnp (alsc� VaiC Ass�ciates _ � Ea��ement Parce!} •�«wr.xarr—w�- .- - — i+GrF�TIN+i�LL4iFND •..•..••••'••.••�...,�.• ..��.....�.�- �r!eex�[r++� s..t��.srr«iaz ••�"`•..�" - �pp�w�1MI EiOMi LK�?tT iA+i4 Fvd Tw w�4��b,�r wa rr�aw+ . ' �"� L A M�#C A�r E . ���sm sr�ucm �s�.� w�.�ir�.�trr.r . � LAY[��,fT$' PA7H LI[�if� SO r�E H1�. 9Yrvr L1Q't lrLwE b2,✓xl And 9w[1M�f 7,St�r L.31 �� ��f14f1i_� � LI Y 1 � � ouHFJ�rrAT�aF 4l��� weM wr ra adu�m��r hw mr+a� Sw D+rA t r+d 1.. �caaE �s•a` � "�"� L�� as�et d pc14-w CM�INYt'L,12 8r�i.1X �ua�rr .�� c�u-�a�.,as� ��..�m.t.�sr.� �S 5-8 ���� � { , €mGL� �OJNT�� C� �� ,�,{7� ( �( � -_�K .; sin�h;�� �7?�05�200� ,� ���: 9 �z.�4:3e?r . ZEv: 5;5.��". !Q.'lG' $ � I � � � � � , AGREEI��T�NT REC�R.11i'�1G UENSITY ALLQC"�TIC)'V �� '�.`. '� ~ fH�S :��iREE1��ENT REG�ARDING T�EI'�SITY ALLOCATI�7N (thzs ":��reeme�t"} is mad� as of thz ^�G� _� d�y af �ct �, ,� , ?(�0�, by and b�tw�en GGC�RE CREEK FLAGE, LI_C', a Cfl�orad� limite�l liability company ('`C'rCP"�, whose leg�l adclr�ss is cla �ai� Resarts Dev�ltapment Co�np�n��, P,Q� Box 954, l37 Benchr�.i�rk Rc�ad, Au�n, Col��ra�a 8162�, :�.tt:et�tic�n: Jac�. �t�r�n, Ser�ior Vice Pr�sident, �.nd THE V�,IL CQRPUF,_t3►TIDN, G�IBIA VATL AS54�+CI,�TES, ITT�C., a Co�flr�c�u ccrrpc�ration (`:Vail Assc�ciac�s"), w'hose Ie��l address is c��o Vail Resorts I7e�elc��ment Ccarnpany, 1'.C.1. Ba:� ��9, 1�7 Benchn��r�.Rc�ad, Avc�r�, Coloraciu $I 62b, Attentioi�: J�c� Hunrt, Senior Vice Fr�si�ent, R�CITALS: A, C'rCA is the ow-t�er of Lvt 3, Vv'est I]ay 5�ab�ii4��sic�n. �.ccore�if3g ta the plat recc�rded IVlarch 1 Q, 200�, at k,ecc:ption No. 9�Q87f�0, Cc�unty Qf�agle, 5t�te ��C�l�rad� (the "Gcare Cree1� Lc�t"). �'aij Assoeiates is th� ati��ner of cer�ain real prUg�:rty conti�uat�s t� th� Gc�re �r��k I�at an�i ]e��ll}r descri�ed as Lot 2, "�'est Day Subdivision, accvrdin� to the plat reeord�d Nfar�.h I�, 20��, at �eception �ia. 9�J�7�0, Coun�� of�abie, State of Cal�rado (the "�v'�st I�ay L4t"}. The �l�,resaid subr�itiFisini7 plat of �h'esi Da�r �ubdivi�ior� is som�tirr�es re��rred to hereinafter as the "P 1 at." �3. The Pi�t contains a Gen�ral ''�ote l�o. 1Z (the "Plat Note"} which specities that "[t�or puipases crf �anin�, Lots I, 2 and 3 created by the subdiwi�ic�n �re ta b� treatec� as ane de�°elc�pment site. I7evelop�nent startd�rds shall l�e b�s�d upo» the irt�pro��e�nents anc� land area c�f th� co�nbined area Qf Lots 1, ? and 3.>' T�e Pl�t i'1r�te has the ef#ect csf all�catin� permittzd de�zlopment d�:nsitics ur�der �pplicable zanin� in che �g�,re�ate tc� said Lot 1 est�blisl�ed bti� t�� P�at ("Lvt 1"}, Lot� (r.e., the West D�y Lot}, �nd L�t 3 (i.e,, the Gore Creek Lot), �nst�ac� of tl��ere being a apecific cliscrete all�catiot� of zon�d de�vel�aptnent densities ft�r eac12 of T��c�se Lots. The ag�regate pro��rties included v��it�in t�ie Plat are sc�n�etim�s referred to herein coll�:ct'rvefy as th� "Subcii�zsivn Prcaperti�s." C. The parties have mutually det�rmined, in accorlance��vith and s�bj�ct tc� the terms o� tliis :�greemen�, to mo�iify th� effect of tl�� Plat Note by a privat� c:o�enant est�blishing Irmit�tions on the zone�i de��elc�pment densitie� that may be used ana enjayed fc�r th� G4re �'reek L�ot, �,,hich lianit�tio�is are intenci�c� to anc� shall ii�ure i� Ch� �enefit o#`���� own�rship of tl�� '��'est Day Lot and safegua�-d che zvnec� c3�w��lop�r�ent densities that may be used in cc�nn�cti�n therer�ri�h. ?�l'�7�J', THERrFI��E, i�3 considera�gon of the �bo�je �reFnis�s, and fc�r �t�ad and v�luable cc�n�id�ration. the rec�;ipt and s�afficiency of ��•h'r�;h are here�y� acknawledged, GCP and Vail .hs��ciates agree as folla�ws: A i •�rroin lea€r r lu t � Gcm+?+muic� F.O.Bmx 95�i—�C 87 Avoa.C�816^_9 1. Densit�; �imitatiQns Encurnb��in the Gore Creek L�t. (a} GCP, for itself and its successozs in interest in and ta the aw�aea�ship af the Gore Creek Lc�t and the "Units'' �efined k�elow� (cc�l}ectively the `<Gerre Cree�C C�wners"}, does h�ereby irrevo�abIy and fnrever ca�enant and agree that any �e�relopment af xmpra��ernents an 4he Gore Creek Lvt rnay n€�t �se any per�nitted zvncd development den�ities rn exces� of(i� those �vned development densities, det�rmined by refer�n�e t4 G1�FA and site caverage, i�tially empl�yed by GCP fr�r its resid�en�ia.1 develapment of the Gore Creek L�t, vvhich sk�a�.11 c�ntain n�t more than sixt�en �16) residential dweIling units (�e "U�ics"), as th�ase Units and refated int�rests in corr�m+�n �Iements are c�an�reved af recvrd by GCP to its immediate purchasers �the "Initial Densitv"), and {ii} �ncrernensal density in an a�gregate amaunt nat to �xceed �,��10 sqo��re feet of GF�FA and 8�0 square €eet of site cor�erage ("Inc�emen#aI I)ensity"). These limitati�ns c�n the use an�I enjayrnent c�f deUelcapment densities far t�e �vr� Creek Lot are sometimes r��er�ed to hereina.f�er as the "Density Limitations," �nd the Ir�ifiial l7ensiry an�i the Incrementat Density are s�metimes referred ta hereinafter cvllecti��ely as the "Gore Creek I]�ensities." The deuelapment of the Gor�e Cre�k Lot ur�dertaker� frvm �ime to time purs`�ant to the Gare �reek Densities is sar�netimes refer�ed to hereir�after as th� "Gore Cre�k Deveiaprn�z��." As used in this Agreement, the terms i`site eo�rera�e" and "GRFA," whieh �s an acr�nym for "�rrass residentia� kla�r area," shal� �aue the rn�anings given those terrns under the present�y pre�railing pravisions vf the Vail T�w�rt Code, and specifically Sectic�ns 12-2-2 and I�-15-1 et sec�. thexeir,. {b) Cert�in plans and specificatit�ns which fi�av�e been and vvill be adapted and apgroved by the T�wn of Vail �(the "Town") for the Care Creek L3e�relopment and vuhich ha�ve bee� and will be us�d tn develo� ctce Initial D�ezz�ssity (t�ie "Initial I��wel4pment") are identkfaed an Exhibit A a�ttached her�tv and i�carpc�rated herein by this r�ference �the "�lans�'}, but this reference to the Plans is tv serve as an infarmational tc�c�l �nly, a.nd will n+�t linut the X7ensity Licnitation� or the ri�ts c�f GCP's su�cessors to u.se aztd enjoy t�e Initia� Density as emplayed for the irvtia� Develcrprn�nt actually constxucted by GCP. As arEd when the Initial I3e�relt�prnent is fu11y com�leted, GCP, tagethez� with and if required ta dv so by V�.ii Associa�es �t its election, wiil record a supplement to this �greem�nt setting forth tt�e actual zne�ured GRFA as�dlor site coverage used by the �nitial Development (and tl�i� ablig�tion of G�P sha�i rem�in with and be satisfied directly by �i�P, nai��ithsianding any intervening c�nr�ey�nces by GGP vf any Un�ts ar ot�er interests in ths Initial 17evelo�m�nt to aziy vf+G�F's purchasers). That supplement sha11 relace ba�k tt� �md h��e the sarrte pri�rity as t�is Agreement as�ecvrd�d. 2. Allocation of F�ernainin�Avaalable I?ensity. GCP and V'a�1 Assaciates hereby irre►rocabty and forever cavenant �d agree that all g�rrnittet� �evel�pment densities pres�ently or hereaft�r applicabl� ta the �u�di�isian Properties, net of (i)the Gc�re Ca'ee�C I7ensities azrd (ii}thcrse deve�opment densitxes allr�ca�teci Eo Lat l t�nder the "I�ot � A�reement," as her�inafter defined (the `'�et Densities"'}, s�all be allacated to and may be used and enjoyed �xclusively in conjunctie�n with the VVest Day Lot. — �asns.x ac�ESt+ � 3. Sp�cifc Applieati�ns. In canj�nction v��ith and as part �f cl�e Densit� I.imitativns, �nd in relatian to the allacatian of th� Net Dens�ties to the V�'est D�y Lot, GCP and V�ii }"�ssociates sper;ifically �.gree �.s fc�llows: (a) Neither the Density Licnitations, nc�r an� c�ther provisi�n of this Agreement, shall prnhiY�it the Gore Creek Qwners frvm rec�instt�ucting [he Gore Cr�ek L)evelapment in accardance with the Initia� Dertsity in the ev�nt vf any �re or other casualty affecting the Gore Creek Developrr�ent (�ar�vid�d �at any such reconstruction may b� sul�ject ta limitati�ns imp�sed by� the Town independenil}F of this Agreement}. For purposes of th� fc�re�ging, and ot�er purpose� under this A�reement, any Incremental Densit� actual�y used for new impsou�ments from time do �ime shafl becam� an additic�n to and part of the Ini#ial Density and no longer cansidered part �f the Incremental I.�er�sity �and the Ineretr�ental Density shall be reduced accordingly}. (�) The Tncremental Density� shal] constitute an all€�catic�n generally ta the Gore Creek. D�v�lopm�mt, and is not applicable in discrete segments to ir�di4�idua� Units. �ny atic�eatiora aEZd us� of the Ir�cremer�tal Density �or any particular LT�it shall be deterrnined from tirrte tv time by the Gore Creek +�wners acting �o1le�ti�veISF; sco lon� as t�-�e Gflr� Creek Deveiopment is subject to the autharity of an c�wners' assoc�atian (the ``Gare Cr�ek Assoeiaiion°'�, the Gore Creek Assaciation, acting throug� its board a�f dir�ctors �howeVer den�iminated), �rill be charged w�ith the r���ts and respansibilities for allocatin� porticans a�the Incr�mental Density and establishin� any t�rms, �conditions ar requirem�nts applicahle thereto. (c} In the �v�nt the 5ubdivisian Prnperties ar� ever subjected ta a "down- zoning,"' t.e., a rec�uctiQn in the ag�r�gate p�rmitted densiti�s, then such reducxiQn s�all b� applied first to the In�rez�►e�tal I]ensity that rerzzair�s unused at the time af the Tow�n's adoptit�n o#' the d��n-zt�nii�g b�fore ar�y application �f such reduction t�r the :�Iet Densities in favQr af`Vail �ssQ�iates. (d� The Incremental I]e�►sity may be e�nplayed to expan� c�ne ar more af the Units, but nat tv �reate t�r estahli�h add�tianal residential dwellin� units, the nuznber €�#' which esn the Gore Creek Lot may not exceed 16 at any time un�ess given �'zil �ssociates' prior ��ritten conset�� at its sale ele�ction; t� th�is end, and withaut limitation, no �Jnit may be further subdivided s�thcaut Vail Assacaates' pri�r waritten consent. The Gvre Cree�C I3�velopment rnay never c�ntain aryy resid�ntial, aceommodation, cornrnereial condarniniurn �r other units of any form in �xcess of th� I 6 reside�tial L3nits, unless such excess is �iven Vail Associates' priar written Gansent at i#s �ole �election. The �'are�oin� limitat�cans shall be cc�nfis���in� nver any ternns to the cantrary ira any �ondorninium declaration ar other do�uments �o�erning th� c+wncrship, manage�aent, apera�ion, u�e �nd enj c�ym�nt �f the Units, the Gt�rr: Creek Lot and the Gore Cre�k l�e�vela�ment. 4. Runnin �ith the La�nd� 5uccesst�rS in Interest. (a} T�� Dens�ty Lirnitataon� s��ll consti�ute a real coven�t and/or equitable servitude burdening and encuml��rin,� the owmershig of the Gare Creek Lot, ar►d alflng -� d85787?RCF15H � with the oth�r proaisivns of` this A�reerr�ent, shall touch and e�ncern and run with the land as a burdez� to the awnership af the Gore Cre�k Lat, and shall b�e binding �tpon the Gare Cre�k �wner� and any Gare Cre�k As�ociaeion existing �'rc��n trme to time; car�versely, the �enefits nf t.he Density Limitatians, and �e all�cati�an t� the Vi�'est Day Lc�t c�f t�e Net Qensities, shali run with the owner�hip t�f ihe West Day L�t as an appi�r°tenanc� thereto and sha11 inisre ta th� b�nefit of V�il Assv�iates and its successors in intere�t in th� awnership c�f the West I}ay Lat. Hv��e�er, so lang as Vail Ass�ciates c��tinues to I�old any ownershig interest iz� any pprtic�n of the W��t Day Lo�, the 'i�nefits o�'the Uensity Limitativns, unless ot�►erwise elected by "�ail Assa�iat�es, may be enfarc��i anly by Vaal A�svciates, anti will not be enfvrceable by aray vther party succeeding to ather owner�hip in�erests 4f 1�ail As�ociates in the West I�ay Got, ��r purposes of�he fvr�goin�, "Vail Assaeiates" will include any af�liate of Vail Assvci�tes that succeeds to any af Vail Associates' vrr�ership interests in the West I�ay Lot, ar any af their r�:spe�ctive mortgage Ienders #hat may �uc�e�d to such �wnershi�.} Vail As�c�ciates shall r�c�t have any o�iigation to en�'arce the Density Limitatic�ns for the beneft af its successars in interest to th� �wxiership �f the West Day L�t, the West I3ay A�s�aciation {defined bel�w), �r any ather party. (b) At such tim� as any p�anned comrnunity under ��Irrrado �aw is established f�r the West �3ay Lrrt, the bene�iis �f the I)�r�sity Limitations shall b� deerr►ed !o , canstitute � comman eiement inuring t� aIl the awners vvithin that plaa�ned community, �°hich �omra��n elem�nt may be enforc�d, managed arad administered hy the owners' associati�n farn�ed pu�suant to such plann�d cvmrr�unity (the "West Uay Asso�iativn"�, acting throu�h the Vv'est I�ay Assc��iation's board Q�directors, hau�eVer de�o�ninated (but srabject, �.s applicabl�, to Va'rl A�sociates' exclu.sive �rLf�orcernent ng�ts un�ie�r par��raph 4(a) abc�we}. (�} The parties mutually ackna�vledge that der�elapment of I ot 1 is already su6ject tc� that certain "Agreement Regardzn� Density Aliocatic�r�" date� as t�f,�une 24, �005, made l�etween 'Vail r'�ssaekate� and i7iamondro�� Vail Owner, LL,C, recorded in th� real property re�c�rds far Eagie Gotu��y, CaloradQ (ihe "Records"}, on ]►ine 24, 2Q0�, at Receptian No. 92�51 S (the "Lot 1 Agreement"), and es�abtishkng, f�r th� ben�fit Qf the C"rore Creek Lot and ihe Vv'est Day Le�t, certa�n develogm�nt density limi�ations agplicable to the use, �njayment and c�evelopmerct c�f Lot 1 (the "L�ot 1 Der►sity Restri�ti�ns"). G��' covenants and a�re+es that any an�i al! rights under Qr as�a�eiated witt�the Lot 1 Agreem�nt to waiv�e, terminate or mo�dify the Lot � Density klest�ictions, in whale or in parr (ar�d specifically incluc�in�, withvut limit�tioan, thc granting ��`permissiQn as �ontemplated in the Lot 1 Agreeme�t to conu�rt hc�tel accomm+od�tiQn units tfl dwe�Iing units} �hall be re�er4�ed tca a�d vested s�lely in Vail �ssvciates, and GCP 5pecifically agr�es, far it�elf and the Gare Cree� Owners and any �ore Creek �ssc�ciatian, th�t they hawe and shall have no authanity to and shall not make or grant any s�zch waiver, terminatian or modificatian (and any purported waiver,terminatic�n, or modification by GCP c�r the Gore Cre�ek C1w�raers vr any Ciore Creek Assacia�itrn shall at the electian af Vail Associates be nul� anc� vaid and af rrc� further force ar effect). The rights reserv� to� V�il Assaeiates ur�d�.r this paragraph 4 shall constitute a supp�ement to a.rtd part af the benefits of the Density Lxrnitativns� 665788.:RCFiSH � S, No Mer�,er: A�tiliates. (a) Notwithstandin� that �CP and Vail Associates are affi�iat�s of flne anc�ther, an�i not��,•ithstan.din� any othe� carn�mana�i�y caf ownershi� interes�s subs�quer�tiy arising, wh�ther ciirect or indirect, betwee� the Gore Creek Lot and the West I]ay Lot, suck� cammonality of interests sha11 not gi�e ris� to any me���er with the�se ow�nership interests af the L�ensi�y Lirnitati�ns or the other pravisians t�f this Agreement, or any. �xtir��uishrnent of t�e Den�ity° Lirnitatians or such other prcrvisians, it bein� the �nutual contralling and dc�raiinant int�n� af C'rCP and Vail Associates that na such merger or e�€tin�uishr�ent shall occur, and t�iat the Density Lim�tatians and th�e other pro�isions af this A�re�m�nt shal� remain in full fare� an� effect r��ardless of an�� �s�c�t camrric►nality of interests, at�d ��ithc�ut a�y limitat��n ar imp�irmer�t arisin� by virtu� of �uch commc�nality of interests. (b} For purposes of this Agreement, an "�ffi�iate" �f �'ail Associat�s sha41 mean any c�rporation, 11IT11C�CI 13c��]lilX� campanw or a�lher entiry which by �!irtue crf maja�ity avr��nership int�rests, w�,�ther '�eld directly o�' indirectly, is can�rolled by, controls, or is under cQmmc�n cantrol with VaiI Associate�. 6. Remedi�s. GCP �pecifically acknav�°ledges and a�re�es that any breach or violation by �'rCP of t�e Density Liznita#ians vr the other pFarrisic�ns of thi� A�reem�nt m�3r eause Vail Associates irreparable harnr that cannot b� a�equatety �ddressed by the re�avery af damages or c�ther remedies at law, and a�cnrdi�gly Vail Assvciates shall be specificaliy entitled to injuncti�=e relief, b�th �f a prcahibitive or maz�datarv nature, or ather ey�ita6le remec�ies �o preclude or pre�ent �ny such breach ar �ir�latian or to cure or rem�dy such breach ar via�atic�n afiker the saane has occurr�d (incYudin�, without lirnitation, relief cc�mpeiling the removal vf�ny impro��e�nents �nd the r�a�catic�n or revers-al af any ga��earrune:nt�3 d���eloprnent apprc�wats �causing such breach 4r violatian). This right af equit�hlc: �°elief �n favor of V�il Assaci�tes sh�ll be cumralati�ve with and in additic�n iQ, anc� not �xclusiu�e �f, any c�ther r��hts ancf remedies available to the par�ies at �aw or ec�uity for a�y breach c�r default af the pr�a�risions her�eof, including, without iimi#ation, recovery vf damages, and any and all such re�n�di�es may be pursued by the nan-defau]ting �aarty, either succ�essivety or concurrezatly�, as the non-defaulting p�rty may det�ermin�; the exercase of any 4�� remedy shall n4t constit�te an electidn !a the bar�f any ather r4medies. 7. �a Third-Part Beneficia�'ies. This A�;reernent is intended ta canstitute anly an undertakin� between GCP �nd �'ail l�.ssoeiates, and t��ir respective sr�ccessc�rs in and to the (iQre Creek Lr�� and Vv est �a}r Lnt as set f4rth ��rein, �nd no other party sha11 con�titute or be canstrued as a third-party ben��iciary c�f an� of t�e pra�isians hereof. Without l�rr�it�tic�n c�n the g�nerality c�f th� fvregaing, the �ensity Limitations are int�nded to and shall �e c�nl� in ttie nat�ue af a private prQperky interest, azad shall nat constitute any fc�rFn af public lazsd use limitatic�n or regulatic�n or be enforceabie by the Town r�r an�� other puk�lic authorit��. Canversely, tl�,e bindingness and enfareeabil�ty aF the I)ensity Limitations �rill r�ot be limi�ed ar impaired, and the I�ensity LimitatiQns may be full� appl'red and enforced p�ursuant to �his h�reement, in the event that the Densi�y Limit�tians are �ver rnt�re restrictive upan th� develaprnen# and use af th� Gare Creek F,ot than the a�ppl'teable guialic land use limita�tions, or that anyF governmentaJ: autharity� fc�rgoes e�forcement of any such public limit�tians. 855:64� ftLF[SH � $, Attor�e��s' Fees. In t�e event any Iitigatian or le�al pr�ceeding ari�es c�ut of this Agreement and is prasecuted tp ftnal judgme;nt, the pre�rail�ng party sh�ll be enticled tc� reco�er from t�e c�th�r party al1 of the prevailin� party's costs and expenses ineurred in �c�nneetion ther�with, including reasonable att�m�ys' #"ees, and #he presiding cr�cart r�r forum shall be b�und to rnake this a�Ward. 9. Chaice vf La�he. This Agr�ernerct sha11 be� gawerned by and cvnstrued i� acc�rdance v��ith the laws of the State oF CaloradQ. 1{l. Captians fcar Canvee�ienee. A.�l headings and captions used in this A�reement are for cc�nver�ienc� and reference €�nly anci shalI in na w�ay define, limit, +�r prescribe the scope or is�tenc of any� pr�visior�s of this Agreement or har� any eff�ct in the interpr�t�tion t�tereof. I 1. Entire A�reernent. This Agreement, together wit� tlae ez�hibits attached hereta, constitutes the en�ire �nders�,nding and a�rreem�nt c�� the parties �eretv with respect ta the su�ject mat�er hereof, and �ny prior ar extr'trlsic und�rstan�ing ar agreemer�t pertainin� to such sui�ject matter, whe�h�r w-citcen or ar,al, is specific�liy sup�rsede�l F�ereby �d shall har�e nc� fc�r�c�e r�r �ff�ct. 1�. Amendment and Waivers. 'Th�s Agre�rnent znay not be amended or madifi�d exc�pt pursuant ta a w°ritten ins,trument m�atually �xecute+� by the parties and recorded 'an the �t�e�rds. N�i right or vbligation ut�dex this Agreernent, or any breach tYie�eof, may be wa.ived �xc��t puarsuant to a writt�n insttvment signed by the party against whom enfc�r��erneni �#'such w�a�ver is sought, and �en Qnly to the �xtent specifically s�t f+�r�h thcrein. 13. Severabilit�. If any �rovisian {;)� �°1f5 Agreem�nt as applied tc� garticular circumstartces shall be illegal ar�d Ea..nenforceabl�, 5uch illegaPity and ur�eaforceability shall not affect the enfarceab�lity of any ather gro�visions af this A�reement, or the a�fected pravisic�n as agplied tc� cireumstances fr�r which it is enforceabie, it being intended that all provisi�+n� of this Agreement be valid and enforceabl� to tl��e fuSle�t extent Iega�ly permissible. Any prQr�ision sufferin� f�am such ille�ality ar une�tfc�rceability �hall be deem�d replaced with � substitut� pra�isic�n which as elosely as �egally passible refle�#s t�ie s�abstantiwe content and int�n.tied effect af the illegal vr unenfc�rce�ble prouisian. 1�. RecQrdaticsn. This Agreement shall be recard�d in the Recar�s. 1�. Counter�arts, This A�reement may be executed in caunterparts, each �f wlaich shall epnstitute an.flriginal, and �rhich tagether sh�li constitu.te one and the same agreement. �Remainder of page in#enkionall,y Ieft blanl:] W15714 2 RCFFS�! � IN �FIT?�IESS WI-ILREC�r. GGP and Vail As�ocia�es have ��i�c�e ti�is �;re�ment Reg�r�lin� �ler�sitv Allocation �s af'4�e da�°, month and year �irst �ba�re r��rit#en. GfiJRE CItEEK PL?�CE, LLC, a C�lor�dc� lirriitec� liahility con��any By: Vail Resorts De�=�fopn�ent Cort�p�ny, a Colt�rada co�por�.tion, l�'�an��in�; M�mber Apurovr�i ss tu i�{ra•n�: Lr�ral Uepartw+e9�� Na�ssr: {:ti 1�`AiiNC3L � Sl�r�r�Ure: ..G�ilr� I�ute: � a � �V: ��.T]��: 0.G i� {! I�E Pf lil�: IK'• �� STATE 0� �COL�FLr�i�O ) } �s: CC7LJ1�'T4' C3� c r� � � ) TYae fc�re�oin� instrunient wa� ackna��rledg�d befc�r� me this ��' � day -�f ��n �. , 200G, by ��c. ��` �� � as 5r�. ��G{ �i�e�,`c�e.�.. � of Vail Resorts D��e�ogment Cc�mpany, a Colorado corporati�n, Mana�in� Nlemb�r c�� �c�re C:re�k P1��ce, LL�C, a CalaradQ limited 1�abiIi��cam�ar�y. �?Vixnzss my hand and c�ffi�:ial seal. 1�1y c�mrraission exp�res: ��/ � d � � C���R� ��'�'�� ,.. ...,. � , � *�1�F,�9�`•:��� ,' �,. fltary Pu � ,� : ._ ' � �. ��F��U��l,� .:' � � ''��� �(,i�.���.��'P4�' �V�.1� ASS(}C1���5' signature bloc�C appears an n�xt paa�] �.�.w. rsnsa: �er�stt 7 THE VAIL Cfl�P+C)�ATIt7N, DIBIA VAIL A5SO�IATE5, ��., a Colc��•adv c�rporation A�prorrJ as t4 l�urm: Le�ul tleparnrn�f N71TlC:. Is£ Y.�RN+Q� Si�aature: � „;, {t-- Uutr: {v d b ��: � �-+n " +� v+ �3TT1� �7 H G Title;�`� �'. •`�.: �-r 7-" STATE fJF CC3Lt7�ADU � � 5S: cc��-r�r-�� a� 1 e � � The foregc�ing instrument was acknaw'led�ed b fore me this �'j� c�ay af �_�, x , 2�1(}6, �y � !� � ---a r s� e as r• ; �s�� r�f Th� �''aiI Carparatic�n, ditala Vai� Asscrci tes, In�., a Calara�.o cor}�orati�n. VJitne�s my hand and c�fficaal se�.. �1y eornmission expires: �I� � � � !� � r� — / ��p,�{ q�� .r N�t�ry 1'ubl. � .......... �{� ,` ��1 L�tq��;'�•a �r : _•� '. r • �; ��� ����1� ��� � �:��. ,�, �c.o.........r-����,,;�.� �CO�ti �yy5789? RGFi'SH � E�HI�3IT A Plar�s Desi�n de�Felogment drav��ings entitled "Lionshead Ga�e Creek �esidences" on the cover sh�et and irsdex of rira��ings ther�ef�r, appro�ed by the Town's �'la,r�nin� and Envir�t�rnental Cnman'rssi+�n on June 28, 20�74, and by the To�vn's ]�esi�,m Re��iew Board on July 7, �(l{�4, and finalizcd pursuant tc� ti�ose appravals �t3 dated as af Jul� 8, �004, and building perrnit plan sets af constructaan drawin�s and s�aeci�ication� appr€�wed by c�ie `I"o��n pursuant there�o from time to tirne v�rhieh are ernployed for initia] �onstr�ctic�n of the �ore Greek Ue�•�lc�pmer�t anc� the issua�ce Qf ini�ial �ertificates of oc�up�ncy� ther�far. fi85769.: RCFISH e`�'1 , EAGLE COUNTY. CC `��?�,���'��'�� TEflK J Sd'1CWTOti ^� j c +�r� C� �1 ;�3 �gs: ?g a.::aa:a3Pr �f/ �J�G CJ�C] � 4�4 acC ��43 i.rr1R�j'=: 5i . { ��� � � j f y � � ��y' i � � 1 � I 1 i ��er recarclin�, �lea�s� return to: Gore Cs�eek Plac�, LLC �!a Vail Resc�rt� ae��lc�prnent Cc�r�pany 1�7 8�nc�zrnazk Rd., P.[�. Bax 9�� Avc�n, �C:� 51620 Atte�tic�n: Kathryn M. Camgabell ��,-•;�.- a ' , C(7�NI)4JIV�IiriIL:I�T llECLA�AT��IV �(llt GO�E CI�EE� PLAaCE �'u►a c �[}, �4{�6 oi+a+817 axH�l,rs ra�r3ree��s).td�l � [�1�I)L[NE ,"l-•f.-�r !c5, ,�+�J(,+G Rl:'Iaf F.('TS.�1.!_ +�fl.-�.+tiC;L.S' 1��!�tL��`!°Ll.f�k-�l�7",�a'4'C:'l.t;'U�:1) I:b'l�f,'1�C'!-l.-:.SF.,R��+r[7TF.13i7�)�."5 Ahe:r rccc�rdin�, �lea�e �eturn t�a: ��TI�I7, fi.?�3I1$d]il, ��t7�71RSD11, �i`#� C�. �.d�t7�1CT�1, �•�'- �)SU 17th Stre�t, �uite 1£�O�J I�enk�c:r, Ccrlc�racio 802f�? A�tn: ,�n��� K. i Ianser►, Fs�. �� l�� . � �. � � � �� v�� � �Y � 1�'� cv�rnt��Yrr���r�� aF�����T�+�� '�L Fo�z � . c�a�� cR��x PU�c� � � �� , � .2U(iG e14a78 PtF❑ .^�K}{7NS+}h,'t:��rn I i i 3'b1 T�SLE OF GONTEI�'�'� . Articl� 1 QE�'[�Ii"I-I[3'�� ANI3 EXHIB�TS.....................................................a.................... 1 1.1 I�efi�itis���s................................,............................................................................. 1 1.? Exhik�its....................................................................................... ......,. 7 t�['ti�l� ? CREATCCIIti` U� T�C CC3�DQMINIUUf PR�JEC:"I": UNITS At�I) �I.I.L�C'�tTIC�N:�..............•-�-�--........._........,......................_...........,.,.............,,..,..,..7 2.1 �C'rt;dti�r�.....................•----.................,......................,..........,.................�..,....,,......,..? ?.�' F��Iar�e.....................•---........,.....................--•-•-•----�--........,.......................�.....,......,...7 ?.3 Di�isic�n fl�`Pra�erty................................•-..--�-�---�-------.........,,................,...............7 . 2.� D�esi�natit�n c�t�B�undaries...............�.._..,......,......,.........................................,.......8 �a� Uriit�...................................................................................................,....,..8 (t�) Struciur�il E�em�nis.................................................................................... 8 , LitilitvlS�rviG�: EEement�...............�........................,..........,.........,. ....,8 (c} , ........ � � (d) � Ui�if Nl��har�ic�1 Equipari�r�t.....................................................�................8 . , t •. (�) Ir���rar�ernenls in CJn'tt ................................................................................� , � , , , .• . {fl Aen�trations................................................................................................8 ?.5 Unit Subdiwi5ians, Ccannections and Bc�undary �hang�s ......................................S • , . ?.6 `I'i�nr�el anc�Tunnet Easern�nt...........................,.............,...........,.,..,,.._.............,....� ?.7 I.jmited Crammon Elem�nts...................................................................................9 (a). De�k...........................................................................................................9 . .(l�) i'�tia.......................�.........,..............,,... �.....................................................9 (c� lIal T�abs....................................�..............,............,.................................,..9 (d) Do��rs and W'rndnws...................................................................................9 ?.$ Allc�catic�ns.............................................................................................................g {a) C�v�necsliip of C c�mmtin Elements..............................................................9 (�r) I.i��ilitv �ar C`ommc�n Cx�ens�;s.........................�.....,...,....,,.........,......�.,...9 (c� Vot�s in the Assvc;�atic�ca .......................................................................... If} �.9 F�eserwatic�n �f Special I)�elar�nt Ri�;hts............................................................. 1f� �a) I�eve,�c�pm�:nt RE�4�t�...................................................................�---......---. 1[} {b) Impr�over�t�nts .......................................................................................... 1�1 (�) I3��unc��r�� Refc�cati«rt; Suhdi�isii�r�................. ......................................... 10 {+d� I��tarketin�................................................................................................. 11 - i - ���a.�ak�p uc�i,�ws iwrE�roai;arna � `l�#13LE ON C�NTEi'YT.S ��'� �&S�I71�I1Y5 ..............................................................r..........._..................,.. � 1 ��} �}�P«int B�ard and (7fficer�..................................................................... 1 ] (g} A�i�end Decl�ratic�n...............................��............,.........,.......................... 11 ?.i(� �urnh�r c�i`iJnits .................................................................................................. 11 f"1rti�;le: 3 F:r�S�;i�l��ItiTS..,...-�.............................................................................................. 1� i.I F,cf.S�T71�I1tS B�Il��6�S13�, C�14''Il��"S............................................................................. 11 3.? EaS�men[s I�eneiitir�c I�ssoci�tion....................................................................... l2 ;.3 F�asem�:��ts �3enelitin� D�elarattt.......................................................................... 12 �,4 Cc�nnectin� Tunnel Eas�rnents............................................................................. 12 ;.� E��seme�ts tc�r�ner��aehments............................................................................. 12 �.�i C:as�:me�ts to R�pair, ?��l��intair7, F�e�tore�nr� Recc��str��ct................................... la 3.7 �:��er�e�lts fc�r Utilities a�ic� Iblechanical �c�uipm�ent..................................•�........ la 3.8 Ri�;ht ��i'Entry ...............................................................................�..,.--�---.......----s 1� �.9 �n��.r�.Lnc�� P�c�.�s5 I'�serz�c.��t , } y , .............................................................................. ,.l(7 P�c��:stria�t ,+��:ces4 �as�mcnt----�------�................................................................�... 1�# ±.11 E�i�� Path Easement............................................................................................. 14 3.1? Chair Lift F�►sem�nt ..........................................�..........,..............,,.........,.,.......,1�. � �-1.�{clitit�n�l E.asemc;nts .......................................................................................... 1� {a) D��:laraa�t's Ri�ht tc� Grant Ea.S�ments..................................................... 14 (b) :�ssc�ciatinrl's Ri�ht tc'� Cxrai�t Eas�rnents......,,�......................................... 1=� �� �� �;a��;mc:nt:� Ru�t �w'itfi Prc����rt� .............................................................................. i� � 3,i5 (�lher Recc�rcle�i F_:as�ments and [.i��ns�s .�lf#��fin iht Pru �rt .� 1� � �? ��................. � rizii�l� �=# C�V'F'�[,r"��iTS. CC}�DITI�7NS AND I2E�TRIC'['IC7NS.................................... i i �.I �,.dministr�tion...............................�..........,.................--�---�--............---•-----........... [5 �.? Cc�m�lian�;e....................................................................................��------..,...,....... 15 �.i Llatits..................................................................................................................... lS (a) Pern�itted C�s�:�.....................................................................�--................. 15 (b} Prohibited Lrs�es.........................................................................•--.......,..,, t� 4.=� A�s+aciatic���';; �.�nit�.............................................................................................. �S - ii - G1i�74ls'IttU AK#lANS UC+'I�.'Ub 1�.3T f',N 'I'.AB�,E 4F CC)NTE;CtiTS _ =�.� Prol�ibit�� Uses Generallr�� ...................................................................�.....,,.,.,�,,. 15 (a} Insurance R.i�ks..--•-�.......................•---.......................,.............................. 16 �t�} Barb�cue Grills..............................................................�..,.............,...,.... 16 {cj fJverloading. ................,...,...,,..,...................................--�----•---...,............. 16 (c�} hiui�anc�...................................................................................�.,.,........... 16 (�e) V�nlatic�n c�f La��.-�--�................................................................................ lb 4.�i Maruier r�f L]se...........................•-•--------........,...,......,..,.....,.,......,............,...,......... lh (a) P�:ts..............................................�...................---......................,............... ib {b} Lea�es....................................................................................................... �G �(c) Btiildin� E�tr'rior; Decks.......e................................................................. l 7 (d) Si�r�s............................................................................................�............ ]7 (e} Re��is� RemQVa1....�.,.....�.....�.....3.............................................................. I7 (t�j [Jbs[ructzt�n t�ti[:nmman �ler��»ts................ ....,. 17 �.7 F�ules ..........�..............................�....................................,..,.....,...,........,............... 17 =�.� Ind�mnity...........................................•-,...,.....,..................................................... �7 �.9 Pravisians I�un ���ith Prnpertv .............................................................................. l� 4.10 �nforcem�nt.........�,.�............................................................................................ 1� F1rti�ie S C)I'EP.A"I�I�:�+I, 4"u1�1i:^+1TEN?�l'tiCE AND R.EPAIR..................... .......................... 1 5.t Assocaatit�r3's C7uties .................................................................... ...... 19 .................. (a} 1��laintenG�nce of Cornmon Elerne�ts......................................,,.....,....,...,.. i 9 (b) �,le�:�ican to Perfc�rm �wners' D�uties........................................................ ]9 5.2 C1a�ners' Uuties................................................................................................�9� :5.3 Mainten��nce Stsindard.......�------------------��-------...--�------------�---...-•--�--.....--�-�---.....�--� Z� ��«�� b TH� a�s�c�cl��r�c�� �tv� ec��r�.� .�a....,...E..,.....�,.,.,..,.�.b......�.........................�o c5.1 �c�rm�ttit�n E�f`th� r'lssc.�ci�itic�n; M�:�i�b�rshap ..............................................�.........2� 6.? �'ow�rs..................................................................................................................20 +�.3 1��d�et.............................................................................................................?�?,�: �a� Pre�arati«r� c,f Bu��et .........................................................................�-1-� �b} Ra�i�icatic7n of 13udgct.............................................................................. �2 Artic�� 7 CC)?`�ST�UCTI(3N UL�EC�"'S. QIS�'L]T�S, �I�'�LiTE R.ES(�LLITIC3�`�1 ANC� LIT�IC;ATI(7N....................�---......_.,.-----�--..................,......................,.........�? - iii - veaaa��Q nkii��r�s orri_*ru�� �3 r�� � �r.n��F �r �c��TC�v�s 7.1 Te:;tin�.� fi�r Ct�iYStructis�n l�efc:cts.........................................................................77 7.? C'c�ny�nsus t�r /I�sc�ciatit,n Liti�,atic-�n.............................................................�� 7.�i Alt�:r«ati�°e tVi�th��d f�r R�sc�l�w•in�; Disputes �. 7.� Claims...........................�-----.,............,...........................,...,.....,.,........................,.2� 7.5 �Isndatar}' Pracedures....................................................................................?�� . (�) �I�ti��......................................•-----............................---..............,......,.?�2� {b� Ne�c�tiatic�n anci '��fedi�tion ......................................................................2S {c) Fina� aEld I3inciitZ� Arl�itrati��n..................................................�........,,?��. (d) :LLllacation r.�#`C'osts+�f i�escalvin� Claims.................................................2b (�} Limit�tinn c�n �la�r�a�es.......................................................................?�27 (f� ivlulti�il� �'arfiy Dris�ui�s...........................�.,,....,....,................................,.?7 ��) LI1fOT`CE;tTl�ilt Df R�SO�LItI(lil......................................................................27 7.b Legal Prc�c��:dim�s................................................................................................?7 7.7 Lnf�rcement i�f D�claratic3n, �3vl�ti�°s. an� Rule�............................................?��$ (a} Sanc:titrns �n�i Self-E�e1�......................................................................?�� (.�) I�c� 1�"r�air���r..............................................................•-•---•-.•-•.•-.......,.....,.....?8 :�rl'1Clc � �1(�lLD LISC.�..,C�S[_,1R.�:. c� '�'�iAIVE:R...................................................................?$ Articl� � ASSES�i1�IENTS..,......,.�.......................................�...................,..............,...........?9 y.I Gen�ral i°'1ss���me��ts ...........................................................................................?9 (a� F;ui��ct and P�y�mcnt...........................................................................?� �El ��1� .����]LiStTF'tt4ilL..........................».... ......................................................�� (�} Ftecc�ncili�atic�r�............................•---�---�--.............,........................,......,.....�U 9.� S�a�Lial ,��s�ss�laerlts .............�----........................,............,.......,.....,.�.,.,....,,..........i(l (a) Ciet�er�� i3�n�ti� �,x�����ses...................................................................�A�1 �(�} Lrrni�e:d Beslefit T�.xp�r�s�s.......................................................�----.......�-Fl� {c) Rei�7��ursabl� �xp���seti.........a.................................................................i I �d} IZ�st€�r��tic�n U�eficil...................�..�,..,.,...�..,................,..............................a 1 �e) ��'alur�t�rr�° Capital E:�p�n�cs..........................................•----.................��� �)..� VVorki�z� Ca�ital E�ur►ci..........................................................................................3? {).� I'�vrn�nt c�l'El�se�smer�ts: i'�olic��nrl �'�cG�f�r�trt�n.............................................32 9.5 �nk«rc�errrent o3".'�ssessial�:i�ts.............................................. ................. 3�" - iv - 61.1�1.�8 kEl} AKt�6;�NS !1fJ1_rlH+�li]�M TA,BLE �flF CQNTE�iTS _ (�} Suit....................................t.........,........,........................................,.....3� � (b) Li�:n anc� Fc�recic�sure................... A� ..................................................,..,.......�.� 9.G '�i�p�ates and R�:c�r�s...................................................................-----�---...............�3 9,7 C)wner5 nc�t Exempt frcam [liahility.............................. ,,.,.,.....33 9.� L7ec[arant's RL�ponsihility fc�r�ssessm�:nts .�� 4rticle 1(} �-1L"1°Ef�"I'I(�3NS.............................................................................................� 3� I�.1 I'�rmitted U�it Alt�ratians........................................... ...................................�� 1D.? 13��undary� [��Ic�eatian ................................................•---.......................................3� 1U.3 C«nnecti«n a�f;'1dj�ining Units....�................ .......................................................35 1 Q.� L��Iit C}isci�nn�:ctinn ..............................................................................................3�i 1�.5 Cranstructian.........................................................................................................37 1{7.G Alteration Ui'C'c�r�mc�r� El�rnerits .........................................................................3'� 1�7.7 ��.lteratic�ns L�y Declarartt.................................................................................�,��3 Articlel 1 INSL�Rr�N�C�..................................................................................................���? 1 l.l Associati+�n'� Insuranc�.,.,�..�.,�.........................�.,,.,........................,...............�3� ��} Frt��ierty Insurance...........................................................•----•---...............i9 (b� Lia�i�iky Ir�sur�.nce ..............................................................................?�� ��c} Worker's�omgensatic�n �td Emplv�°er's Liabitity.................................�(� (d) .�lutDmabil� Insuranee..............................................................................�0 f e) Dir�ctc�r�' and dfficers' Insurance................................................�.........,40 {t�} i"iciel'rty Ir�surarice.....................................................................................40 {�j Qth�r [ir�urance........,..,.....,...,,..........................�,.,�............................,�#�1 (h) Lic�nseci I�surer�................................................................................�l�.1 I 1,L (���ners' Insur�nce ............... ..................................�-�-�----._-----....,.,....,..,.,............. l (a) Prop�.rty ins�arar�ce...................................................................................41 (b� Li�b'rlity� Ins��rance .......,............................................,..............................4I (c) f�ther �nsuranc�.......-�.............................................�----...........----.........�3� (d� �Lssi�n��nt af�Prc�c�eds......................................................................4�-3.� 1 l.s Certificates �?F Insuran�e; Nc�tic�s�at t,`��avail�bility...........................................•42 11.� VI�'aiver of Ciaims.................................................................................................�2 i1.� Pr��ct.�d�..............•-•-•--.......,............................................................-----•---�•---........42 - v - 4V4d48.RET1 ,�FC1�IAi`5 G[wl?nkh I 37P�1 � T 4BLE +[)F �C'UNTE�ifiS Artie[� �? C:�SUt"tL"f'Y...................................................................................................4?=3� 12.t I2.est�ratic�n Utcisi���.,....�,..,.�..........................................................................��� 1?,? I)isp�sitic7n of In�;uranct Prc�c�edy..........................�....................--.---_.--_.----...�=14 i 2.3 itrlanntr c�t�F��stc�racian .........................................................................................44 �a) Plai�S.........................................................................................................�=� (b) I�ec�tsir�ni�nts...........................................................................................4� �cj C:nor�iinatic,n by :!1�ssocraii�n......................................................��----�--`�'�� 12.4 �Ic� Abatement........................................................................................�---...-•-•--.4� .�r-tici� 1� C�UNI3��I�'ATIC�N.............................................................................................�:� l�.1 'Takin�c�t�C'c�ncic�nliniums ........................................................,-----,.....................45 13.� 'I'a�:in� �f�anrma�i �l�ments..............................................................................�5 A.rticle l� "I'E;i��r1lI��1.`l'trJlti...............................a,,..,,.....�.,,...,....,..,...................,_..................46 I=�.1 �I�errninat3on !A�re��i�i�t.......................................................................................�6 14.2 S�lc t�f C-c�t�dcratliniutt� Proj�:�t..............................................................................46 1=�.3 Procec:�s..........................................................................................................�i 47 ,�Lr�icle I� r�.MEI�lD�rIENT....................................................�--.............................................=#7 ��.� �('C�l.kll"L'Cj `v'�[)�L'5......................•••••.........,........................,......................,................�� 15.? �►rntndin� D+�cum�nts ................................................................... ....�8 �a) �F�f�r��rtid '4�'ritirly, ...........�$ (b� C�rtitz�ate by A��c�ciati�n...................�..,...........,...,.,.....,............-�--------•--�� �C� �Z�CDCt�1C1�T......................................................,.........•,•••,•........-•.••••••........,�� (t�) �'resu���pt'rc��7 r�#Vali�iity...........................................................................�� �rticl� 16 U'�'N�It`5 �-�,CKNU��LE�[_iMEN7'�' ��iD �t�'�',.I'�T�R5..............................��9 1�i.l I��.vner's ��cl:�ic����le���ments............................................................................�;3r�__9_ (a) ,�vlc�unt�iin �hctir�itic:� ............................................................................:�-8 �39 . . . . [ ) Cvnstrtsc[ic�n r'�cttv�taes ..........................�.....................---......................... (c) C'omm�;rciai ,�.cyti��ities.............................................................................�� (c�} Vw'�iver�i�d R�:l�as�:..................................................................................54 1 b.2 I.i#t Tickets ant� [3ther I�ees............................... 16.a I�iSGlai€n�.r ................................ ...............................................�9�1 IG.4 No Vi��ti Ea��:�t�eni ...................................................�.,.,...,...,......,...�,...,.........� 5t _ yi _ ni4.taK Ilk.l7 A3i9�iA!!$ Ut+11:+iu,1 �Tf'�i l'��3L� �F CC3;�TE�ITS 96.5 +G�c�lv�ical�y Sensilive A�rea� ................................................................................Sl 1�.6 Securitr;�................ . ..................................•�---..............................................,..,.......,�1 1 b.7 Inspectic�n by Uther�; 1sv"aiv�r�f F'QSt Inspectic�n i_..iability...................................�1 1�a.8 L7rainage and S�i�� Co�:�lfti�n.,....F................................�-----......................---........5? taj 1�,ckno�ti��l�d�m�rtt................................................... ...,,..5? (�) Vv'ai��er of Liabiiit� of Ueelar�nt........................... ? ...................................5... 1'lrtiele 17 C[3i�VF.Y;�'�ICI�i�G ,4i�I7 ENCUMI�R4tti+C�IG ..........................................�?53 I7.1 �tnitti.-•---•....................................................�---•-•---�--.....................................,..�� 17.2 C.ommc�n El�m�nis..........................................................................................�-3�� 17.3 '1'r�nsie�ee Liat�ilitv ............................................................................................. �3 (.a) General..................................................................................................... S+ {b� First Mor��a�e E=r�reclosure..................................................................�,,. 53 {c) R�aEloca€ian...........................................................�--........................,......53 17.� Cslc��pelC:�rtitscat�s...................................�---�---.-.....,.....,......,......,...,............�.�--"� � ���ti�:l� 18 CEl'��'RAL P�(�VI�i(}1'�5 ..................................................................................a� l�.1 Ti�e Aci, SGVet•abiiit�i...........................................................................................54 1�.? Intc:rprett�tion �?d�I�ecfarati�n..................................�.....,,......................,.........�.....54 �8.3 '�Jr�tiees .............•-•-----...............................--•--.........,...............,..............,......,...�� 9$.4 Partiti�n...........................................................................................................�� 1�.� :�s�ignm�nt c�f 5pecial I]�clarant R.i�hts .............................................................5� 1�.+6 "I'a�ation c�f Uni�s ..........................................................o.....,.......,......,.................�5 EXHiE�6T A T�-IE PROP�I�`I�Y ..................................................................................... - ............�1 ���-�I13[T Q A,I?DITI�I�dAL LA�11_7..........................................................................................� ��C�-iIBIT C C�NI�r1(�T�T ALLf�CATI(]N5 ..........................................o........---......,......,......,....�1 �'�HIBIT D �THF:� RLCl7I2DE� E4SEMlENTS �ltip LI�Et�SES AFf'��CTIi�G THE Pf�.�)PCRTY.....................................................................�.................................� E�HiBIT E ARa["1'R��TI�I� Ri�1LES ..................................................................................... � - �uii - 61.Sd1R[f�D AIiHa\,*�Pti QAil,�,f�1y y 37 NA4 �t}:�UD;II�Ii�fIC1�Vl DECLAR:'�TIiIN 1�(3�t G(3�Y�L C'RCEI�C PLAC�; `C�-IIS C(��VD(]f�'[I-E'JI[�h� [�F.�CI1t�I�ATIC}'�1 FC]R Gf�I�.G CRE�,K 1'Ll1C�, (tl�i� `:a�cl�rati�n") �� macit a� c�i' ?nt�' •T���:�;.� r�r3n ur�ra h�,rr�h? ., r-�,,�,,.•.3��,-. �.�z....t.,-�:-�;��,_ ��,� . 2[lll�i bt' Cxf�I�E C'REEI� PLACE. LLC'. � C'ol��r�s.lu iimitec� li��yriit�r_com��i.nr�. R�CITALS This D�clar�tior� is �nacie with rGSpect tc� �h�. t«llc7w�in� iacts: A. "L}eclaraEit'' i� the c��vner c�f` the "Pr[y��;rty"` [as tl�a5e tern�s are defi���d in s��t;��n 1-1)- B. Ir� accc�rcl�7nc� r�°ith !he �ruvi5ic?ns c�f�lz�. r�cc fas ���nGC� in S�:�tic7n l.l), Decl�rant d�sire� to estGi�lish the Pr��p�:rtr� �s � cc�nc�c�rrainiurn �rr�ject eonsistin� of` c:ondc�nzinium units �LSi�n�tc;d for separ�te csE��r�er���i� ��ni� ct�trrmc�n elem�r�t� dc:si�n�ttec� fc�r ravy�n�rshi� in ccsmr��un by t��e �tivi�ers ot'the�s� �o��do�izinii�m units. ll���CLARA'I'IQ� N�'}Vv. THF.�FF[�Rr, Decla�-ant d�rlar�s as foilows: 4rticle � 1?rFINITI(lN� A1�'I} CXHiBITS 1.1 r)�firaitit���, Th4 fe�lln4vin� i�litially-capitaliz�d, ��:ftneti terrrts have th�: rGSp��tirjc nieanin�s s4t forth b�E��v: `•Aet" meanti t}lc Cc�lc�ra��� Cai�ir3tc��Y �i�Eerist (}wz�ersh�p 11�ci, C.R.S. ,��' 38-33.3-1�1, er s��c�., as aniendtd f�on� tii�a�: tc+ tir�zc. "Ad�litic�n.�l �.€inr�" rn�:�ns th�. r�al p�-c�periy le��lly d4:�cril�ed ii7 the attach�d �;il�i�it I�, ���hicfl L�eclar�nt ��lay acicJ tc� t17e Prt��erty ��irsuE�nt tn tgi� ex�rcise c�t'I��ve�c�pm�:nt Ri�hts under Section 7.�Ia). ",�►lter�ttion" ts ci��inetl in 5�iti�n 1U.5. "Asses�ments" is d�:tincc� in S�:ctian 9.4 "Asso�iarie�n" means Gt�r� C.d•�ek �'lac�e I�Ic�m�c�wner� .�1ssc�ciaii«n, lnc., a r�c�n�aro�it Golaradc� cc�rpc�ration, fqm7eci or tc� be t��rn���i purs��nt tE� Seetion E�.I. �S1�aaaR f{tf�.XKWktkS OC�p:.'isn I 3:i'11 "I3ike �'ath" m�ans th� bic�=cle; zind �GC�estrian path d�picted on the Ma� and labeled `.I3ike Yach.'. "Bike P'ath Easerr�ent" is ��:fin�d in Sectic�n 3.1 !. �`L��ard" tneanw �hc I3c�arci of�ir�ct+�rs of cE�� :4ssc�ciatiu�i. "I3ou�rdary Relaeatior�" means: (i) the cnmb�nation caf twc� ar mvre ad�oinirt� C1'nits intc� a sin�f� Unit; c�r (ii) the alteratit�rs uF t}le hE�ttndar!�' ar �SC�undari�s s�prir�tin� Ewn rar rrac�t`e �c�jr�inin�� Urtgts. "Builaing'° rne�ns each of'ihe rLsidetitial b�tildin�s locate�i r�n th� Pr�a�erty°, �s �ie�icted on thc Map. "gvla►v�" tneans th� F1rti+:Ics of IncnrJ�nrat�nr� and tlle F3ylati�s c�t the t'1ss�ciatifln. "C�suKlty," i� e�efirae�! in :�ectic�n 12.1. `•C'entral i�'[echanical Et�uip�ar�er�t" nlean5 �.11 water lin�s �t�i re[at�d Lquip�n�.nt irt th� +�c�n�icsniini��m Pr�ject, wl�erew�er lc�c��tecf. and any� subm�ter� in�t�illec� by th� :l�sc+ciation �s neeei�:ci to allc,cate ��ater usa�e by' �ach Unit pi�rs�ant ta SectiQn '�.➢(b j. the fire snrinkler ��°�t�m and firk alarm sy°s��em�nci r�lat�� lin�s ��tcl euuin�nent. 4vherev�r l�catec� in the +Condor��iniun�r Frc�ieet. "Cl�aims" is defin�d irt S�ctfon 7.3. °`Ca�nmercial Acti�•ititw" is defi��ed in Seccion 16.1(c). "�ammnn Alloc�tir�n" rrteans, r�r�tl► r�spect tc� eact� L:init, the ��rcenta�e al[ocatec� tc� the lJnit �s set fcarch �n ��hibit �", �'he C"ornrn.c�n Allocation fc�r �:��h Uni� has t�een d�t�:rn��n�ci by di�ridin� the Vle�ssurr:� �rea �f t��: Un�t �y che cocal Mea�ur�d Area vf all th� L�nits. As adciiEic�nsi U�lits are crc�tec� �aurs�ant to I7ecl�rant's �xercise of D��r�lop��i�nt �i�;l�ts in acc�rd�nc�: v+Fith Se�tir�n ?.�(a}, the Cc�mn�c�n Allc�catic�n tc�r ���ch iJnit slzall, u}��n cre�kic�n of suci� aciclitic�n:�l [7nits. be rec�tilculat�ci by diw�ic�in� t�e M4asureci �1rea nt t��4 ilnit �iy� t�tal �vlea�ured ,Ar�a t�f all lhe L�rnits. in�lur�ing [h� netir-ly adct�d Uni��. i4�omn�on Alt�ratrony' is de#in�r� in Seck�.c�n iU.G(b}. "C�rnmon Elcrr�ent�'aking" is d+ctined in Sr;ctiurn 13.2. "�:ommvn Clerrr��ts" R1�7i15 c�II �3f3��1UI'15 U� c1I1C� e�t�i,l� kVlkkiln 1�14 �L7i1�L1['I11I11i11I7 PFC7�Jf;�.L that ar� not part af'th� [inits. Limit�d C�rtlrnc�n I:l�rt��nts �,�z�i G�neral Cc�tnirir�n Elements ar� hs�t�1 part oi'ihe Com�l�� Elem�nts. A pc�rti�-►n �f'ih� C��mmc�n Ele�n�rtts n�ay la� ref�:rred t� �.s a `'C'�mmc�n �le�zent.•. n l�t�-4X H6I3 41if l.4hf'a i.Y�,rl J��b!3'PM � "C�m�iun �x�rir�s�s" m�ans, �xce:�t f��r �l�c7s� cc�rsts arzc� expel�ses �x�r�s�4�� e�clu�icci [�Llc���, all cc�sts, ex�,�rises a��ci �inaiicill liabiliti4s it7eurred h�• the t1s��aciati�n �t�r���ant tc� thi� U�c1a�rE��i�m t�r the F3y1<���s incl��c�in�, E'v'lY�liJliL Il�tlilatic�n: all cc�sts ineurrec� by the r�►ssociation p�r��iani t� th�: Tur�n�.l �asement, all c+�sts t�f �.���:r�tin�, rt�:�r�a�in�. �.dmi�iisterin�, seciirin�, �r�i�ctit��, in:�trrin�, v°�ntilatin�, li�htin�, c�e�oe�t��l�, cle�inin�„ maintain.in�, re�airin�, renev�ri�g, r�.�l�cin� c�r rc;st�riii�, (to the cxtei7t iiot ca�.°er�c� by itisi�ranc� or �:�nder�natic�n prt�c�edsj, the C:c�mrn�an [:Icments. incluiiin� the C:�:ntr�l i�lec:l7anic.al L�Liiprtt�:i�t: ali cc�sts r�f' �ra��idit�g ��ater, scwer. ��aste r�i5�os�l, telec��mmunicaticans, eleciricity, natural ��}s Einc� «tk�er ser}�ic�s, en�r�v arid �ztilitii:s t�, tl�e �c�mr�7�n E[�:ments and tht t'1sti�ciatis�n'S �?ersc�rnal pr�perty aiid eyui�rt��nt lc,�.ated in, c�r usGd is� cc�nnectinr� w'sth th� c����r�tic�n c�r maintei�anc� c}t; cl�e C.c�rnmon �leme�zts; al� c:osts o1' �rr���idin� wal�r sc�rvicc; to the Units tU tl�e cxtent rtot ��iar��d �lireetly t� th�: ��nit (]wn�:rs �urs�aett t�� . . , Scctic�n 9.1[b ; ta?ces t�n any prc�p�riy' o�vned by tht Assc�ciati�n; anc� fuii€�in� �t tivc7r�iir�� capital a�t� r�;asz�r�al�1�; res�rves fc�r C.�mmc�n �.rp�nses. Exce�t tc� tl�e exterrt �ri�vided in ��etic�ns 4)s? anti [7.3(c), C:c�nryri�c?� E�penses wiil nc�t include Liniitr;d T3�netit �.xgenses, f�.einxl�ursak�le Expen�es, the ec�sts �at' an�r Rc.stnr�tion I�e#ieit, V�.�luntary Capital Cxpenscs c�r any �att��r ct�st c�r �x�ense w��i�h, ���rstit3nt tca this Decl��r�itic.�n, n�a�� b� separately asse�sed (:i.c�., i�l a�ditian tp (�ct�e:ral !�ssc:ssn7en�s f��r Cc,mmnn C��S�n��s) a�ainst an�� Cc�ndc�sminium�[y�. "[voaici��rrtinium" mear�s a [1nit, to�ether v��it�► ih� unt�ivi[i�d i[ttere�t i�l ttte �nmmo�3 Eiem�nts and all Easen�enis, ri�;hts, licenses an� a�purtenai7c�s al�c�catc:d c�r rnadt app��rtena�at tc� the C_�nit��irsu��«t t�� ihi� De�lar�itie�n. "C:ondi3minaurn �"rerject°' n�ean5 the enn�+��minium, �s tle�irxed in c.�._«;.�„ �Q ��: ry �n���c��. �ecti�a� 1U3f91 c�� the Act, r:reatec� by thi� D�.claratic�n and �t)[151St1ri� Qf t�lZ Pr��erty and all im�sroventents lr�eated tt�er��n. *`Cnnnectin�;Tu�nel" is d�eti�l�d in 5ectic�n ?.G. "C'onstrracti�rn Ac.tir'ities°° �s detir�e�i in S�cti«n 16.1(ka). "I)eck" is dzf nc:d in S�ctic�n '?_7�a). "De�f�trant" r��ea�1s . . , G�re �C'reek Pla�e._LL['_ � Cnic�rar��� ��ra�F�� �imited listbilit�7 tEym�.�nk, c�r s�ny �'er�tm desi�rscit�d as a suc:ces��r t�.� D�clara�lt's ri�tits a���i c�k�li�!t�ti��a�s uncler 4��is DeclUiration in a d��rittLti ixt:�trument si�rt�ri by L�eclaran� recc�rded in tl�t R�cords. �I�t�•it�asta�ic�iib� tl�� f�r��ain�, �peci�i Lleclarant Ri�hts ma�� be. transferre� onlv in accc�rda�lc� ruith Secric» }04 nt'th� A�:t. "Declarant C:an#rol 1'eriac�" rrtean� t�lc peric�ci l���innii�� ��n tl�� date tl�e �ssociatic�n is #c�rn�ed an�i �rl�ir�g �n th� first ta �ecur of�i) f�f} d��vs a��,r 7�°�'u c�i't11e tc�tal nurs�ber of tlnits that may he cre�t�cl p�ir;��x��r�C tu "iec:tsu« 2��0 $�ave b�:�n Ganvcyec� t� {)rnrn�rs n€g1�r tllan Ueclar�nt; (�i) two y�ears at`ter the last cumfc:yance af a Unit bv Deularant in the «rafinary cc�ur5e nt busir�e:�s; (iii) tr�fa 4�e�prs afl�r anv ri�ht tc� cr-cak4 n�tiv units pur��v;:�nt [c� tk1�s I��.�laratio�� u��as last e��rcisec�; ar 4iv°� th� date nn ��}�ich Q�clarant, in its sc�l�: Y�15�t'�tlClil, vt�4itntaril�' t4rt�i�lat�s t��e I7�cl�rant , A14.43FtF.I7 :lKF{.;4�4 iyh.'I_Ifi61�t7P44 .} Cc�ntr��l Perit�d �ursuant t4 a Rec;crrde� st��tc:n�ent Qf terrninati�n execute�4 �y D�clar�nt, If D�clar�nt ti:r���inatcs the [�ecl<�rant �`cmtrca! Aermo� p��rsu�nt to ihe precec�ir�g clause (i�}, I)ec��r�t�t rr�ay r�q��ir� that, Fc�r tt�e �r,�lanc� of` w�hat ��c�uld have h�en the Dc;claran[ +Cvntro! P�ri�-�d had DecE��ranE not ter0nin�C�d it, certai�l actiuns of th�e �lssaeiation �r the ac�ar�, �s c�escribec� in the Recc�rded st�.temznt c,f t�rminatit�n, t�e a�pro�Fed by I]ecl�rant �efnre they becc�rt�t eff�.�.tiv�;. F'I�e�l.rr.int D�Y�I4]'?[7i�[lt Perioci" mt:ans th� period beginnin� �n the date �his Deci��ration is E�ec:c�rc[ed ar�� en�iin� c�n the ter�th anni���r�ary �f ti�e c�ate an which this I)eclaration �ti���s Recc�rded. i4p���nc�ucn�y Costs" is �ic;tir�cd i� Secti�an 4,4. "llevelc�pm�nt Rights" a� d�fined in Section ?.9(a�. •`Ea�e�me�nts" me�s all eas�ments t�CErt b�irc�en vr b�nefit the Condc�rnini�m Project ar a �,r�rtio�l of°it, inGluding (i) e�sem4nts �stai�lishe�i ��r�rante:c� unci�r this Decfaration; (ii} ease�nents which first hurd�n�d c�r �enefited t11e Fc�perty }�efcare the I�.tc�rdin� c�f this Declaratit�n; and (iii) eas�nienta v�'hich lirst �rurclen t�r bene#st th�Prop�rty� a#'ter ih�� Qec€aratic�n is recc�rd�.d. "Emergency �ceess :�rea" m�ans ihe �mer�;cncy ac:cess are:a depicted 4r� the 1'vlap afld labe�ed "Emer�ency Acce�s Area." "Fmer�ency Access Easernent" �s r��fined in �ection i,�, "�'irst MnrC�a�e" ra3��ns a �Vl��rt�a�e tha� is ftecc�rcie�i and has �rzority a�r�cord over all c�t}�er R�cc�rc��d li�en� e�cept 1h�se liracs rnad� su��ri�r bw statut� (c.g., �;�:neral ac� �•ala��m tax liens and �pecial �ssessrnents and n��Ghar�ics' liens j. 4�F'irst :WIort�a�ee" means the hc�lc��r> t°r�m time t�o time, nf`�t F'ir�t Mc�rt���e c�n art�� L7nit or Units as shown by� th� F��carci�, 1f tkt�:re is mc�r� than �n�; hc�ld�r c�f a First Nl�rtgage, the l�old�rs ��ill t�� trc;��ec� as, anr� ��t as, ane �irst M�rt�a�ee for all p�rpases und�r t�ris Iaec�laratic�n anci th�: $;�•latiti.�. "Fiscut Year" means tk�e tiscal accountii�� a�id r���rtin� p�riad af thc Assaciatir�n s�i�cted b�� tl�� B��arc� frorn tier�e to t�me. "�Gara�e" nieans a par-'tic�n E�#' the Tunnel which is �artitic�n�d �if and c��nraecte� !a th� lc�v��st ie��el c�f' a [:?rYit. Eacll �'iar<i�e is a Limited Cpmnnon [:l�:m�nt allacated ta the Unit ta whicll it is c�nnecle�i. 6G ',�� s4 _ �• �c� ific�t'on ' 'r ;,. L', • . �r• cl t cl w V ` �il i � �nartmcnt as Pr+��c�.� 'Vc�. n��9?9 ., und d�itecl 1'b'[�v 10�. 2UU� �nc� Julv I. 2I)0�. �t�ic� moc��fie�i the Tc►wn'� hA�itdir� �u�l+e fr�r th�t'�,nd�miniurn i'rc�je�t. eia.wa�r•.n:�s:t�i,a�s,�nrtJCw i 3�p!+a '� ��,GQ11E�'aI �►SSC9�iTi1C[1�S'�' is�ic;finec� ir� 5ectit�n 9.1� `��eneral B�rttxfit �x�ens�e" is d�:tiy�e�i ia� 5�:�:tian 9.2(�}, •`�[;ener.3l C'or�Ymc�n Elem�nts" n�ea�s al'f Co�lrnc�r�t �len�ents that are not I.ii�ited C��nmc�n F3�►��er�ts. T'c�r �xamp[�., the "['unn�l, ll�e T�inn�l Fasectlzt�t, all landscaping at the C.nndomini��m I'r�jec;i 4�nci the im�ro���rtlents iiz t�ze ,�mcr�,�ncy �c�.ess Area are C,'ei�eral C��-tmc��► Llements. r� pc�rtie�n of tl�� Cienera! Cc�nzmc�n Ll�r�a�rlts n�ap b� reFerreci tc� a� a '`GLritCc�I 'COlI7Itlail �:I�'I71�'ill�� �<in�i lti�eleci c�n th�. f�1a��s `'{_rC.E"J. L6HUt Tuk�" is.detin�d rs� c���-.-?-.�z,� � inn 2.7fc1. "Indemnih� �Claims" is dclir�e� i�� Scctic�t� =�.�. :'Lirrsitecl �3c�neft Fx�atrises" i:, detineci in Se�tac�n 9.2�1�). "L,imit�c� Common Elcni€nts" m�G�n� the �n�tion:s c+f the Cc�rnrrzt�n Elc;r�ter�ts allocated tc� thc: �xc�usi��e u5e �1�Ui�t ur marc:, �ut fe�ver t31an �11, of the Units. F'nr exasiaple, all partio�ts �rf th� �:xterior c�#'��tcfY f3uil+�in�.� is a Eimit�d Cc�n�a�«n E�l�rnent a[���at�d to trie [.�nits lQUated in sitch �3�.�ilci�n�, �nd �ny' Deck c��nn�c�ing to a Unit i:� � I�imit�.d C:c�t��mc�n Elernent allc�cated to such i.piiit. A p�rtifln of tlzc [,ir3�itc;c� Comn�an �1em�nts rn�y bL referreci to as a "Lir�-iitec� Cc�mmon F:l�m�:nt." St�m� �t�th� Limit�d Cama��un Eleiii�nts are c�esi�tlt�tec� €n this L]ecl�r-ati�n anci c�n the li�lap �nc� id�t�titied by thz it�it'r�fs "I..C'l�" t«Il�a���eci L�v tl��: r�«�nher r�f t��e Llr�it t� wl-�icl� t$i� �.ir��ic��� Cflrr�mc�n Ealen��nts 4ire �-�11��;€3tcd. F�r� exs�fi��il�, a Limited C�mmcsn El�ment allocated unlr�� it-� tile use �l�Un�t � mav l�e identiiieci as "LC.l�-7." ��Ma�„ mzans the Cc�ndazniniurr� �'I��p ar7c� f'fat li�r Cs�re C:reek Place, which r�ras �.cct�rdcti c�n the same cl�t� as t�iis �7eclar��tiun �snri is r��ade a �art aF thi� I)tclarati«n, �s s�ich C'c�ntle�mir�iur� '��1ap anei P��it r�la�! be amGr�d�.d in n�cc�r�iai�ee ��,�ith t�is I�eclaratiorY. "1�1ea�ureti Area" m�ar�s f�r�a�h Llnit tl�e ttrea in s�uare teet of all t]o�r space in�Iud�d ii� th� [Jn'rt rn��si�r�d frc�n� the �rcrEical hc�undaries ot`tttt Urtii {�s de:�crihed in 5eeficrn?.4). "Mnld" is ciefined in Article 8. "Mort�<��e" m�ans an �dn�ais� c�r c�u�stai�cliei� mr�rt�a�e, dzed of trust, d�ed tc� s�.cur� cicbt ar�7ntA �tl��r f�rm r�t sec�riiy inter�tit encurn�erirl� a Gnit. "iViountain Aetivrties" is c��tii7ed in Sec:tic�n 1�.1 f a). "MUUntain Recreational �rens" is defined in Sc:�€ion 1�i.l[a). ",iJ►ti�r�er" rn�:ans a Per�a� ��r 1'�rsc�i�s, ii7c.ludin� Uec�larant, owrlin� f�� simple titl� l� a LJnit frc7�n ti�ne to time. "I�lie term Oti�ner incl�rc�es �i contr��ct vendee und�r �n installrn�nt [and contract. �ut ��c�es n�at include the vendor unc�ee �uch a ��»�tract or a 5c.�:��ri��� Hol�ler (ur�less and until a ��curity� �-l��d�r b�:camus �n c��,a��er in fe� sinipl� �l�a Unit). �Id�l16Rf:U .�,KHANS flln'l:ltln� 17PA2 � "Patio" is ciefined in Sectic�n ?.7{b). "['e�lestr��r� Acccss Casemcnt" is c{efin�d in Sectic�n �.10. "Permittecl Unit Alteratic�n" is defined in Se�ticrr� 10.t. <`Pcrmi##�e'" mear�s a Fersc�n, ozh�r t}�an an C3wntr, ri�l�tfully pr�sent c�n nr in ri�;ht#ut passessi�n nt�a Unit f�r Ccarn�rt€�n Eic:rn�nt, c�r � pc�rtion c�l'a Unit c�r Con�mor� Elerttent; �ncludinC, w�itl�c�ut litnita#ic�r1, (i} a t�i�ant of an Orvner c�r the ?�.s�nciatirart rar (ii) an ti�ent, em}alc�rfee. eustc�n�er, contract€�r, licens4e. �ue�t c�r invitee; �f'�n [��rner, the AssQCiatian, rrr a tenant of e�ther . nf kl�eczz. "P�rsnn" mear7s a natural p�rsc�n, corpora�ioa�, pa.rtnershF�, Iin�ited liability company, tr�ESt c�r t�ch�r�ntity, c�r an;�� cornbination s�f�th�n�. "Pr��erty" �ntart:� t�ie real prc►pe�rtr� desc�•ib�d c�r1 Exhit�it A anc� c�n ��°hich the Cancfc�rniniuc�l Prc�j�ect is [ocated and the TunTZel Ea�emcn#. "l�e�cords" m���ns th� r�.a� property recc�r�is maint�ineci by the Cl�rk and Recc�rder o� ���1� Count}�, C'ol��radu: tv '`Rec�rd" c�r '`Recc�rdin�" means tr� til�; r�r taiin� for recordin� in �he Rec:or�fs; and `'r�t P�:�or�i" or'`�eGr�rd�c1„ means recoraed in t}�� R�cords. "lteirnbursable E:�per�ses" 15 CI�:fI�1t,:Ej 111 SC:�t10I1 GJ.Z�C�. ``Reserve Fund" is�efined in S�ecti�n fi.3. "I�estnratic�n I�eficit" is defn�d in S�ctiran '�,?(�d). "Iiules" n-�r;aras the r► 'c`��. nrocetlures. rules anci re�ulatior�s� that the �1,s��ciatic,r� adapts fr�rm time tc� time. �`Serurit►r' t'or an (ll�li�:�#inn" mean� th� v�ndc�r'S �nterest in an installmeE�t land ct�ntract. t�ie mt�rtga�ee's inter�st in a mc�rt�a�;e, thc b�:neficiary's intere�t in a c�eed ��f trusl, th� purchas�r's in�erest und�r a sl�eriff'� cer-tificat� c�f s�le durin� tEze peric�d af r�cl��nptic�n, ❑r xhe hc�ld�;r's c�r k��:ntticiarv`S 8I1Ct;['1:51. lkl 4� lien. "S�euri�° �-i�Ir�er" nz���ns ��ni� Person r��+��nin� �xr �c�lc�i�� �� Scc�irity tor an [jbti��tion encumberin�, a C=:c��3dorni�li��m, inc.iuclin� any= First ;4�ort���,ee. ••Share°c� �rea" is c�efincc� iri S�cticifi 1�.�(a}. "Spcci.�1 �ss�:�sm�nts" is dafined in Sec:tio�z �.?. {�:��ecial [}e�cl�rant Ri�hts" me�ns the ri�hts re5trv�cl by l��clartutt in Seetion 2.9. nlS�3N H,F[3 ;YKFIAVti�h.`1^_�irlti i f7I'A�f V "Sup��ferncnt�,l Tleclara#ion" rt�eans an amen�ltnent t�� this I�ec�aration prepar�d and Itecnrded �rti' l�ecl4tr�ai�t a� necessarv to e�ercis� Der��el�pm�nl Ri�l�t5 pur��aztt [o Seclic�n 2.9(a). °'Su��lement�l 1��1a�„ m�ans an a�r�endr�j�nt ta the VI4�� pr���red and F��cor�ied b�� Dec�arant as n�:cessarv t�� ex�rei�e De��elnpm�nt Eti�hts p��rsuant ti� Sec�i�n ?.�?(a). "Tal:ing" is d�tineci i� 5ectic�« 13,1. "Tcrrninatic�n A�r�ement" is ci�:fincd in Stctiort 14.1. "Termi��tivn ;#lloeation" i� c��tin�c:� in Sectirm i�.3_ "To►v�n" r�i�ans t�e 1'c���r�t cpl�Vail, �nic�rad�. "'1'r�n�feree" is detiticd i� Sectian �7.3{aj. `.Tunne!" ni�aiYS tl�t�; und�i�raunc� tunncl �hicl� �:ontains. amon� other tli'rnbs, a c�irive aisl�, ��rkin� �pac:�:s an�i mcclt�r�ical c•c7r��las. "I�he �C'un�i�l is c�c:�icteci on the h��ia� and, excz�t fur t��e CJar���es, which are I.irn`rt�d C'aiY�n�+�n Elen�cnl�, is a C;�;n�ral �c�mmc�r� F�l�rtlent. "l�tl� TtinT�el 3nd ttt�. �'c��7nectir�� "1'unnel arG �:c�nnect�c� ta ur7e �rnc7tl�er and part ��f tl�e s��n� �tructural s4�stem. ""�'unncl Ea�ement" means tt�at Easer�Lnt r'��re�rr�ent dateci , 2[?[}�, an� I��t�c-deci a� l�ec�pii��n ':`�Ec�. `•L��nit" �eans a pc�rtion of'the Ct�ttd�tninium Prc�ject des��natcc{ fc�r separate ow`t7zrs�lip, Ea.cli Utai� is c�esi�nate.d tE�r separat� aw-i��rsl�i�a an tt�i5 Decl��'ati�n, and its hc�ut7d�.ri�:� are dclinc��[er� �ln t��e Map ai��l r�esc;rihcrl in S�ctiot7 2.�. `I'I�e d�fsnitintl of "L'nit" ex�;E���es �II ConlEn�r� i:��rnents, in�cludin�, withcytrE 1'rrnita�i��n, (a) any Lirnitec� G��rnm��n Elem�nts all��cat�;c�, exclusively c�r ath�rwise, t4� tl�c [?r�it, anc� (b) any C'r�nuz-�on Glei���nts pass��t� thrc�u�h nr z�i�ti��� partly c�r ���hnllr� ir�sicie the bc�undaa-ics c�f� thc� Unit (e.�., �ny d�«ts. pipes t7ues, chases c�r equip�}eilt stirving pr�rtiuns of the C:candc.�minium Projcci c�tller than the L;�ic). "Ur�it Conncetion" is defines� in Sc�.ti��n 1 f�.��a)• "Llr�it Disc�nne4ti+�n'° is d�tined in S�ciic�n 1fJ.4(a), "L1nit Pvieeh�inical Ec�uip�nent" rnean� the meehanical �c�ui�t7l�e�� lacated ►:�,�ithin t�nd ser4•in� �xcl1►siv=ely � s�n�le i�iczit, as �v�ll a� I��V��C' ��� othe�� nzech.�nical c��iii�m�nt 1t�cated c�utside a Uaiit, but exclusiir�l}� servii�� tlie t;�it, s�ictz as tCrte n�c:ct�ani�al �c��iipn��zlt l�cat�� in the cr����l s�acc �mi��e�iat�lv ben��jth �a i_Init that exclusi���ly scrw�es suel� l�nit. [Inic '�lechar�i�:a] Lq��i}�m�nl is a part ��f th� iJsiit i« ti�-hich it i� Ec�cGitec� or tll�: ils��t �w�hi�:� iz c�xclusi���:iy ser��es� In rsc� cv�nt shall Llt7it i��t�:chwinical �c�«ipm�n� b� d�ti�lec� tca i�iclude anwr C�mZtral I�lechanical Ec�uip�i�ent �r�lI3Y UCI�itV�'S�r�ic� Cler�e�fs. `•Utility/�ervie:� Elements" is �efin�d in S�cti�n ?.�{cj. 61Mi�38 REU AKHAhS�R:`t76 f B'I'Prt � "Voluntar�• Capit.Yl rx��nses" i_s �iefin�s� in S�cti�n �.2(e), `•ti'�"or�in� Ca�it:�l Fun�" i� d�tisl�t� iit S�ctinrl �,3. 1.� f�,?i�ll�}i1.5. �rl�; EY111hItS IISC�'�. �1�It?4�L' ar� atta�lted to and incar�Qrat�d in t1�is Decl��ration; Exhihit f"y.-Th�. Pro�c:rty F;xl�ihit Q -.�c�ciitic��al L�tnci ��hibit �' - C'c}mmc�n l�ilncatic�rYs �x�ai�it I� - ()tiier Recc�rdeci E�serri�rtts an� License;s 4ffecting che Froperty �x}ji'�it E - t�r�itratian Rules �rticle 2 C'[2EA7'iUN ��"TI��I� C:C3'VI)fl!1�11NIiT�v1 PRfIJrC.'7'; l�lYfT� .�?'wf[) :�l.,L�CATIC�I��s ?.l C'reati�r�. De:clarant c��:clares tl�al, u}�c}n t#�e I�ee�rdin� o� this I�eclaratian e�c�cuted �SUrsuant tc� t��� Act, fh� �'rc�perty tir��ill E�e a "�ond,Qminium'. �y.ithin �he m�,anin� ��f� � ,..-����s- �� �`�`�; �ection 1��c�f tl�e Act �nci, thus, cor�stitutes tl�e Candomini��n Pr�j�ct. ?.? ?�iatne. �rhe r�am�c�f`th� C�ndQminiu�n �roject is "Gt��•e Cree� Plac�.." 2.3 I�i��iwicrn ot�P�°c���rl�y'. IJeclarant. pursuant kt� thu Act, h�:reby diVides the Pro�serty into th� , Units {idencitiec� �ay ntiinzber an ��hibit C and d�picted e�n the I�1ap) and t�te Cc�rr`�mc�n ��cmLnts aryd ri�:si�nat�s the Uni�s tr�r separate c�r�r�•n�rship atta the �C=�mm�sn Ele�tients Fc�r caamm�n awttership solely by' the: (�wn�'z�. ?.� Uesi�n��tac�n �f Bt�un��ries. �a) [�nits. Th� u�rtical anci l�c�riz�ntal ht�undaria:� of e�ch af t�c, Ur�its are d�:sc�ribed belnE�� and �re graphic�ill�! d�:pict�.d nr� the l�ap. (i) Hc�ri��ait�� Buundaries. The upper ho�rizan�al �iourtdarW� of eaeh L1nit is the �ii7�ierside of th� �oist in ihe �a�lfirlish�d ceilin� af tile tc�p [�vel c�r�tained in sueh �:nit. The. io�+�°er har�zcantal bc�un�ar�� of eae[i Lrr�it is the un�ni5hed surface of the t�p af tlie ftc�+nr sl�tb or sts�f�oc��r imrnec�iatelt� ber��:ath th� lor�r�st leL'el ct�ntained �� sueh iJnit. rith5tan�att� an �thin� •�nt:�in�d in this C}c�l�rat�nn ar c�n the l�i:�n to th� �* �«trar-�' ` C�rvner. �v� takiU�tg � e t� a fiJnit, acknow�ledees and a�rees #ha# the � ttic ,u�+ce ahavc a,nc� tki�.era��+°I snace 1�c1�►v the C�r�it are nc�t in�lude wi��irt the C1nit rs. .____ -�--- --- {iij 1?ertic�l �3c�t�nr���ries. -�}1z v�rtrc�l hnundaries al�e�ch Unit are ��ncrally tlle uniinishet� int�ric�r �u�-tEice o1� th�: u���illht�arri �r p[�st�r�crard fc�rmir�� a part �f ihe perirtyet�r ����ls a�' the C!r�it �5 r�e��cc�d on kl�� Map. Withc��t li�nitin� tl�e gen�rality of S�ctic�r� l�l.ta(�}. n�� (�ia�ner m��y' re:rnc���e, �a�netr�ice �r d�� anvthin� !;� �therwiss: impair the: �I�s:&RF.13 AKkin.Nti.�hvl�Di i 3".f'M Q tire-se�arati�n 4ap�ehilit�f t�r- z�cc3ustic;�1 s�:paratior� c:a�a�ility oF �tny perin�et�:r 4VZ11 fE�Fmin�thc� �°erti�:a� �ottnc�a�r a�'an�� Unit. {b) Struc#ural Eteme:nts. AI1 stru�tural ele�ti�nts a�eae}3 I3lli�t�li7�;, fI1L'IlI�fII�rT�, w��ithc�u� Simit�tiE�n, l���rin�; watls, bearin�ct��urr�ns, str�«tura� slai�s anc� dccks tc�r fl�c�rs, ceilin�s or rootsa structur�l girci�;r�, bc;<ims an�l _Fc�ists, and faunclatic�ns ancl fi��tii��s, ar� Car�in�an Elenz�nts, re���rcilcs� c�l���'kleth�r they ar� lc�cai�:d �vhc�lly c�r ��rtially �r�ithin tl�e hc�undarics of any [.7nit. (cy [ltilitv1`��r��ic� El�rnt.nCs. ."�n�,� sh�fts, chutes, f7ues, du�t5, vents. cl�ases, �ipes, w�ire�, cc�n�iuits ��r utility liat�s (cc�lle:ct�w�ely, ':L?tilitylS�rvice Elemcnts"} that ixcl�«ia�el;�� �err�� a r r„�+ s-.,,. .4,..t d .� .. i �'�1 �1_ T t + r - �t3� r• ��- ,�. st�,v,�ti, , rrE7{—�H€.$'EE'�-°c'-n-ri-cti-'-c4' �5�rtt1'��--tttC�--c R-Fc--�F�°�i-r"�m'TCC��c:rm i-rc'rt�--rarc n'rc�°cc� "t��,i`��"�"{tt�EE���=,~ r�`:,T*�..^�r"�" ���T r�: . r� �, >i .,� _ ,i , ��x��� � �ammo�� l�lement are 3 p�r� al'the �`c�mmt3n Ll�:���tntti. t"lnr{ I_JiiIitylServ�ce E[em�r�t� that scrve t��'iJ Ot' Itl(.lI'� �ut d'er�-er than all L�nits are Linziteci Cn�n�non �l�m�nts 311c��:at��i t� the Ur�its tl�ey serve. 11.nw� Utilittir�'Scr��'sce E:l�n�eelts th�t scr��e �Ii c�f the Units ar� �ie�ieral (�c�Fttmeari I?l�ine�lts. �c�) LTnit Mzchaniral rc�uipment. �ac�� U�it includes its Unit fvl�chanical t�yui�m�nt. ��rht;r�.��t�r 1����t�c1. {e} lm�rc�vert�e:nts ir� [1nit. 5ut�je�cx tc� Sectic�ns ?.�14��. 2.�{c} and 2.�(�}. ab��v�, al1 s�ace�, i��ttrit�r �rartiti�ns ar�cl +�th4r tixtuce:s aild im�rc����nz4nts ti��ithin tl��: t�ounci�tries af anv Unit arc a part c�f't13� LJnit. (f� Penctratic�ns. 1���fier� a l:nit t�c�un�la�ry is �ree��trated ��� an c��enin� 4c'•�-, a flu�, chase, winc��,w, doo�- or �,ara�e: ciac�r), th�. bou�id�rv at such �cnetratior� 's� thz sizrfacc which r��a��lci resuCt fr��«a t��� e�tension sat the nearest a�ij��ent suri'�ac� ct7ti��risin� the b�trndary tl�at is �en�etrat�d by t�c; �penin�;, ?.S Unit Subdi�=isic�n�:. �`E3t�rtettior�5 a��r� Bounci4trv Chan{Jes. Nu Unit may bc s�il�di��id�:d intn twc� c�r m�re L;nits e�ce.pt byr D�clara�jt pursEi��nt tc} Sect�on ?.4)(c�; �t•c�°��icic�cl, �iv�ue��c�r, that n� U�it mav b� s�dt}�i��id�d intca rtlt�r� tl��n ane L.1ni[ its as a r�.s�i�E c.�f'ttte �ubdi4�isi�r�, th�.r� w�c�uld '�iu mc�r� than 3(l [lalit� in the CQ�ic�c�rninit�nl !'r�aject, Suhj�ct c�� th�:� Scct��n ?.5. a Bounciary R��lc�catic�n rt��y b� ma�le by 17eclarant �urs�i�nc ic� Section 2.�}(c) ar �y �7wners p�r��zar�t tn �ic��tic�n 1 C�.?; a [?r�it Cc�nneciiun ma�� he �t7ac�� pursuEint tc� Sectin�l l(1.3; �nd � LJnit ❑isc�nnec:tic�sl may �e rti�d� �E�rsu�nt tc� S�ccic�n 1 a.�. ?.G 7unnel arzd -�'unnc:E Et��em�nt. Vzhicular ac�c�ss ts� t�e F'ra�ject i� praw�ide� frc�� �'c�r451 R�ac� thrc�u�h an ur�aer�rc�uncl t�inn�1 r�n a psir�el €�I're:al prc���:rty ��djac;ent t� th� PE'O��T'�V (the "C�lrtnectin� 'l��innel.'}. "flae C'e�n��ectin� Tunnel is cc�nnectc� t�-r :�nd a part af'the same: strta�tural systcri� a� the Tunn�l ant� is l��cale�l �n tl�� Aclditi���t�1 Las��i. I'�zrs��nt ic:f the Tu�inel �as�:t�tte�Zt, each ()wnc:r ha� the e•i�ht to use the �c�nncctin� `Turtnel, ��ld tl�e AsSUCiatic�n i� r�s�onsibl� f�r �c:rtain cost� �t�sc�ciates� with t�tc �'r_ynaas�ctin� Tunncl. C93^�4$.Rk;[I .L.'KH�4S iW�'I:RC_�d 1 1?P!.S � ?.7 L.imite�i Common EC�ments. "I'he Limit�:ti C'e�mia�on E��mei�ts cc�nsist of th�s� �iesi�;nated ir� t�7c: r'Ict, tl�nse desi�r�atec� iia 5ect'ron 2.�#(c), th+�s�. [�c;Si�ri�t�d l�y the Board �ur��ant to Secti�n i�?.3, #hose d�si�n��t�t� `'LC�." c�r trtll�:r�vi5e E�Ilca�:��te� �n the Ma�, and th� fo�lc�win�: (�) L�eck. Each ar�:a entit�ed "Deck" c�n th� Map is an ext�ridr deck are� (a "Deck"). 7he �ir spac� ahov� each Deck, f�ram ats �inish�e� kloar s�irfac� to tlie lc�w�r �f 1Q ie�t abc�i•� its finish�;d fluc�r suar#Eicc, or the undersicie i�f an�� snttit �r c�ther Fo�tic+n af tl�e exterivr af the I3uiir�in� th�� prc�jects ov�:r thc I7eck, eE�n�tilults � [.imit�ei C�mrr��on Ltem�nt allc�cated fQr the �:xclus'r�se use of the Unit tfl ��hieh the �?c;ck is �lloc;at�d, �.� s�7nwt� c�n the Map {��.g., the Dec� desi�n�ted on thi �"��p as"LC"E-7" is alit���tc�i ��� th4 LxclusiVe use aFUnit 7j. {k�) �'�tia. �acl� ar�a entitl�.d "�'<itio" c�n the Map is a� exterior ��tio area (a "F'atia"). Th� air �pace above �ac}7 �'atic�, fmm its tini�fie�3 17oc�r surtace ta the Pt�wer c�t 1 Q feet abo�re its fitiisfie.d tloor surfacc c�r th� ur�dtrside af �riy� si�€fi[ c�r othcr pt�rti�m ��f the exterior e�f the 'Buitifi�� th�t �rc�jects c�Wer tl�� �'atir�, constitutes � Limited C.ommQn Cl�m�ent allac�te� �'c�r the ex�12��ive �se c�f the �.►nit to v�-hie�� th� �'aticr is allc�cat�:d, as shc����n an ihe �41ap {c3.�,T., th� �atic� ciesi�n��t�:�i an thc; i1��.� as "LCF-T' is allc�cated to the �xclusive use ot[Jnit 7�. (c) �Iot Tubs. Each area enti[led "�-i�[ "t'ub,., if ar�y, r�n t}�e 1�1ap i� a ��c�� tub and rc.kat�:d ia�lpro��err��nts (each a '`Hc�t "rub"}. Each H�t Tub is � Lim�ted !Con3tna�n �;�em�r�t �llc�cate�d fc3r �he ��.clr�sic'� L15� QF ��lz �'nit tu ��fiic:� ttYe H�ot "I'uh is allc��ated, a� 5hawn pn the Map (c.�r.. ���� I I�t `I'ub design�teci �n the Ma� �.� "I�C�-7" is alloc:ate�i to t��� ex�liisi�e �i�� c�f L�nit 7). (d) L7oors anc� 1�'�'indaw�s, �Il c�uc�rs, �ara�;e: doors an� winciv4��s in tlte boundary walls of a L)nit are T.,ixt�ited �c�mn�Qn �lc,m�;nts altt�c.��tteci tt� thc: Unit. Th�: �lazin�, sash�s, frame�, s�lls, thr�shc�lds, k�asct���are, fl�i�hin� and c�tt7�r campor�ents c�f thc�:�e �fn��rs, �ara�e d��rs anci w�indows are �4�rts c�f't�e d��c�rs ai�d ��ind�,�vs ana are aE#�catLC� pursuant t� this Sectian 2.�'{d). ?.�i .All�catifln5. (a) �'4�'RL'i'SI31�7 u�� Co���Enan E�ements. �ac:h Unit is allocated a percentage of undi��id�d int�rest �n thc: Cc7mmczn Elc�ments �qu�l tc3 its Camrn�n Flflocatic�n. (Fa) Liability� f:c�r �'c,Enm�n E:�cpen��s. Eac� C7nit is all��at��. �nd the Q��ner c�f ti�e I�;nif is liabl� tt�r, a �ere�nta�e of��all C`c�mmE�n F��e�€s�:� erEual fu the LJnit's C'onirnfln A��ac�.ti�n. All �rtl3er costs an� �x�e�7ses oF tl�e Associatic�n ar�: allocat�d �mang the Units a.� o�h�r�w�se provicicc� �n this D�;cl�ratian (suc�� as the allc�czcic�sl af Limit�d E3ene�it E:cp�ns�s sc� tc�rtl� in Sec;ti�n �).2(a), th� allc�c:ati��n c�f' Reir��bursaE�le Ex�aen�e5 �et torth i�1 �ectinn 9.?{c), an�i th�: allc�c�tian caf�'��lur��ar�� Capit�l E�penac:s set �"�sth in S��tio� 9.2(�)). �c) Vt�res in tE�� :'LStin�ir�tic�t�. 1n all mattirs cc�inii��? b�fc�re th� Assnciatir�r� �:or +��hic� a r�/ute E�f�h� (h���ers is r�:y��ire�, �ach L�n�t is �llo�at�c! �ia�. vc�te. Natwithst�r�din� thr� fc�re�c�in�;, the Assaci�tion is n�t entitiec� tc� an�� ��ot4� tUr s�ny Llnit{�j it ��vns. 4��;.�aa.kf:D A0..!-�.arvs n.0�z�mr��3�f=ni l� ?.�) [��.�e:rvati��sr� n�` 5 e;ci�l Decls�rant !�i�hts. I)�.elar�int reserv�,s the fc�llc�z��in� S��cial I7c;clarant Ri�hts: {a� Ur.vzic+�r��ent Fti�}�ts. I��iri�i� the: C}��las°ant L]eve�c�pmLnt Period, Declar��.nt rna�� buc i� nat oi�li��:ti�;c� te3 {;i) car�struet �nd cre�tc �c�ditic�naY L:nits and C.omr�c�n �:lements, {ii) c�n.�c;rt iinits intc� C'ornm�an Elem�t�ts, (iii} �„vitl}dr�z4� r�:al estat� Fr�7m the Frop�rty; (i�F) add all �r a��y p�rtic�n t�t ttle �dciiti«��t�l I.anci to th+� F'rc��ser�y; t�r �v) ac�� any �?ther real estate tc� tt�e �'tt��crty t� tlie exiez�l allc�ti�'�d unci�r the r�ct. ii�el��clin�, �'ith���t limitaiaaan, . �',., �—_ ��.eti�� �2 (thc "IJe�relc��ment Rii.�l�ts"). Th�: Der:�el�,�ment �t'r�l�ts appl;�� tv ��srtinns nf� the Pr�����rty, inciuc�ir�g an�° Ac��iitic�na� Land irielu�lecl ir1 the PrQp�rry pursuant �o this 5ectis�r7 �.�[�), b�tt ar�: sub�ect t� tt�c l`smitaticji�s �1� Sc�tir�r�. 2.1(7, L)ecl�ran[ sl3all ex�rcise any D�4�ela}�rs��nt Ri�i3t bv pr����rin�, ��ec��tin� arzc� I�c�ccardin� a �uppBen��nt��l Uecl�ratic�n as n�;c�e:�sGir�� t� e-['tc��tu�it� ttie exercis� c�� such L3���eFc�prn�nt F�i�hi, ���liicf� 5t�ppl�i��e��tal i3eclar�ztxc�n sl�afl be accc��ai�tinier� h�� a Supple�ilent�l N1a}�. as r�:c�t�irer� t�y t��e EIcC. It I7�clatant, b�' +�xercisit�� ��nv Dc:t�ela�pt7�ei�t Ri�ht, creates an�� ne:w C:crr��nian EIl:3l1c:81iS, then t}�� St�pplem�:ntal Dec{�iratic�n sl�all c{�:scrihe suz�l i�e�vly s:r��ted C�ummc7n I:l�mcnts. If Decltir�t, by� �xercisin� any Dc:velc��meru ��.i�l�c, creat�� ari�� neu� [_�itit5, ���c:h Su�+plerne�ta6 f�ecl�ra�tion �hall incl�gde a revisc:d Erhi�it C, ��hic�t sh�ll sllQti� klte ra4�ti' C�}tt�mun AIE��sttit�ns i:�r�11 4�f tEi� Units, calculated in a�carcian�;� ���itl3 1)a� Fnrrr�ui� incluciec� in t��►c: tie.ftt�itiun c�t���mmc�n =411acation in S��tit�rl I.1. �xcept a� expressly provici�;d tc� tli� c.r�ntr�;ry ir� tl�is C��cl�ratic�n, G�:clarari�'� �;xerLise c�t any Dc:velapanenl Ri�ht slz��! �c�t reyt�ire t��e �:csi�s�n� e�f any ather(��vt�er. �b) It�� rn�r���ents. I�urin� t�e U�clarant D�.r��clopment �'eric�d, Declar�nt may, �iut is rst�t xe��riire� Ec.�, contpl�t�; any onc: c�r EY��re e�t`ttie ic�ll«t�•in� im�srt�ven�ents c�r altecatic�iis t�t th� s�ale c�ast ��nd e;�p�n�e c�3� I��clar�int: {i) cc�nstructin� any ir����-ovements indic�ete� on t13e ?I�i�;�; �iij re�c��9tlin�,, refirrbi�hin�; or im}�r�vin� a»y ane ur r�lc�i�e c�t' the C:otnrnc�n Ele��tl�nts; £iii) r����od�€i�g c�r refurk�ishin� �ny� i.��lit c���'�►tt� �y I�ecl�r•ant; (iv j rema��in� �r�c1 r�installing c�r r�ft�eatin� �he C:�ndc��iiniurn Frc�ject's niailbo�e5; (v� iiastal�in4.� securit�� equipment, suc�l as tameras, n�c�nitcars ar1r� ��ideo recc�r�i�;r4, c�n or �t�c��rt th� 1'�-c��crty.., (r�xij insC��llRn� u�ility lin�;s, runniny.� �hrouth e�cistin�c�r ne��,�ly" Grc�tca cl�as�s in tl�e C`e�mn��n Llenlents �r it� at1y� ar al! c�f�the 1Jtiits, as m��y l�e r�eces��r�' or dcsiz'ahl�; to prc�vid� additi�nal utility� sertiric�s in sotne or �ll of t��e «���ts; (�-ii) constructin� �r instal4ii��; li�fltin� irt c�r c�n �ny c�i� thc C'c�n�mcrr} Elem�nt�; and (�iii} cQnstr�scting nr insta�lin� si�sYn�€: relatiit� �o the C'�anci€}miniurn I'rnject. (c) Bc�ui�c�zr�� Rel+��c��tic7n; Sut�divisic�n. D��rin� the I7eclarant Der��Llc��r�l�nt Peria�, Dt:CI`d!"i#Elt Illr.�ti' t�om time tn tinie rt�ak�. [3c�uni���ry �tc:lc����ti�rt� atl'fcctin� a�zy Lnit(s} th�n nwne�i by ll4clarattt or ll3ti�� su��ii�°��le c1ll� ��Cllt t}1�t� a�vn�d b}= I��clarr�nt intr� t�a��€� or rnc�re Ur�its, subject tc� SeG1i��r� ?.5. '�'o el'iect a Bounc��r;�• Relc�catic�n �r 5uhdivisitm �3urin�; the t�c�cl�rant D�;rrelc7�,rn�iit I'eri��. I7eclarant shtill execute. ac�lc���lid�e z��ci R�c�rd an am�n�r��E�t ta t�is I��:c:laratic�n (inc�udin� the tirl��s) sl�o«,�in�; thc: affLCtec� i��iits. tl�ear ner�� �aunclaries ar�d �ir��ec�sie�ias and �z��� ehan��s ta t�ieir i�e»til��in� ntxrr�t��r5, ancl re�isia�� E�cl�i�it C: tc� shc�v�� an`� �hzin�es in Cc�n�i�n ��llucati«ns rc:s�iltin� frc�nn the f3uun�iary FF�cic�cati�n or s��hdivisic�et. Th� r���itied Cc�mmori .41lc�cations r�.sulirn� ft'Un7 ar�y B��un�iar�• R�lc7catian or �ubdir,'isie�n tna�le by ��:c�arant n7ust b� b�s�c� c�n tfle fc�r¢t���l�i ��l (��r�h in t11� �cfinition� c�f�``Cc�nirt�on �.11�catic7n" �u�ci �14a4R R�O AIitIANS ��"IJQti 1.37 PA�1 � � ..3��Ieasurcd t1r�a"' as sc� lrar�h �n S�ctic�n 1.I, Nc�thin� in this StctFC��12.9(e} �r��hi�it:� Declaranl, �s an C]���.�ner, frc�m mEil:ing a Bo�dndar;� [��;Ic�ca4ic�n pursuat�t to S�cti�n 1(},�. (d� l���ark�tin�. Durin� t�te I7eclarar�t Develc:fpment Peric�c�, Declar�it may mairita:in s��les c�fi ice�, mana�;e:nenz offices and mc�cic;� Uni�4 s) in ar�ti� I_?nit(s) ��wnc:c� by L3eclarant ar in the Con�rn�r� F.lerri�nt, taut I)eclarant's L�s�: c�f` a Commc�n El�me�-�t n�ay nnt �rccl�dc: ac;ce�� t� any. [Jnit not o���n�d �w� fleclaranl. �3eclar�nt maw cnari�� th� lc�catic�ns c�f thc offices and mc�acie] Unit(s) �Ir'c�in tirtle tc� t€m�; durin� tl�� 17�:cl�rant l�L��elc�p«eni �'eri��l. F���rin� the I�ecl�r�tZt I}�.�w�elo�men� P�ri�d, I]eclarant may maintain si�ns an ag�y C't�mtt�on El�m�nts a�ti°ertysi��� th� L�iiits tc�r s�l� �nc� t�ire:ctin� pr�sgec:tik�c �urchasr:rs ��a the affic�s c�r mod�l llnrt(��. [Tpc�n the �errrtsn��ti�n af t�� D+�clarant I]er°�lc�{�n�e��t �'eriod. I3eclarant has a peri�� �t 3� c�a45 to ren�QVe an�A prc�perty �sf I]ectarant �ocate�i c�n ��nw° �,�rtiori af` the Camrn�n f�;lem�ents usGC� for otfiee Qr mc�del pu:rp��ses- (e) Ea�ern�nds. �c:c��rant tt�ay use thc; Fascnt�nts d��c:rit��� in Seciian 3.3 for s�.� lan� as thase Easenzents rernain in cff`ect. (f7 Aq�aaint IIoard azid CZf�ic:ers. S�ik�ject to th� provisions of the Iiylaw�s, during tt�e [�eclara��t Contrc�! Y�ric�d U�clarant may` appc�int anc� remo���: 1he m�mb�r� �f the a�aard arzd t��e c�ffic�r� c�f th�: Assc�ciatic�n. (�} Am,�a�d I�eclaratic�n. In �zci�ilian tc� the a�endr�ents to this I]rclaratiQn wh€�h llecl;�r��nt r���v �.xpr�ssly rriaE�� pu�-stiant tr�� lhe prc7r��isicans of t1�i� ll�cPrlrati�n, I3ect�.rant may durin� tl�� i3ec:l�rant Deve:lc�pm�.nt I'eric�� am�r�€� ttli� I7�e�arati�n (inclr��iin� the MG�pj in any, manner authorized �y the Ac�. �,I�l Numhtr �af Units. Initialg4�, the C�n�i�rniniurn Projecfi cc�n�ists c�F �#� ' i s. T'he maximum nuanL�r:r of`[lnits tt�at i��ay he �r�ate.d, by s��h�iivision vr otlierwise, er��als '�(]. Articie? EASE�v'IC:'dTS 3.1 ��s�m�nts �3�n�:tilin� (_7�4�•n4rs. �ach �wn���. ani� its Permitt��:�, has a nUn-exclusive F,as�r���nt cs��er �id thra��gh the Con�mc�r� E(Lrnents fi�r in�ress anci et,re�s €� �tach C]w�s��r's [�nit. Each U�vner �ta� a ��e�n-e�:cl��si��e Easerr����t it� u5e t��e �C'c�mrZtr�ra E1e�ncnts, suhj�ct tc� the rerms and ct��lditi�ns a1� tklis I3�claq�atie�r� �anc� tt�e Rl�l��. 'I'v tl�c: �xtent tl�at an4i L?:�it is aldotatec� the e�clusi�e u�e c�f'a �rartic�ilz3r LimiteGi �'�a�nmc�n I:lcmcr�t pur5uant tc3 ttlis D��;larntion 7nc1:'c�r the Map, (suc:h as, fc�r e:�ar��p�e, a Creck) the Ow�i�er �f that U�lit has ar� �asement #`or th� exclusive us� anci e�i}c�4rtl�ex�t aFtlltiE Limite� Cc�rt�mc�n EE�rn�;nt. In ttY��se iases wh�r� a Z,imiteci C`�?mm�n Elemcnt i� aIlc�cat��i to mc�re t�zan one lanat pur�u��nt to tl�is Declar�itican, th� Clw�r3�rs oft}ie Units io ��-hiih tha� I.it-ni�ea Cumnlc�n F.lert7�nt i:s �llc�c�tt;t1 }��ve a notl�,:�t;�usive Fasement for th� use an�i enjc��'CZY�[lt r�f tl�a� Lin�itcc� C'�rnrnon E�4TT1tCll. NClC6ViT�1S3.:;lI"lt.�lI]� any pro4�isi�n +�f this U�e[ar��tion tt� t3�e ec�ntrarv, ���henever ��n C�tivner h�ls ��n Easenlent �o use 3ny Lin�it�d Cornrnon E:�c.m�nt �ursuanf tc� thi:� Declaration. and r��arr�l�s� �f w�heth�r the Eas�ment is de�.med �xcli4si4�e c�r n�7Ele;�clu,ive �r �4�heth�;r it concerns a De�k c�r �anc>tl��r Liinited Cammc�n �1�ment, �[a.aa�.ieEta Ak+t,�:v5 ;sn��:,+x,�.y:r�ar 1� �ti� ri�l�t ut the C����r3�r and its Pe.rrz�itt�;�s to use th�tt Limit�ci Cc7m��os� El�i��ent is s�ibject tu th� �'a54r�t�.nts dess:ribe�.l in 5�:ctic�ns ;.2 th�-augh 3.7, inclusive. at�c� `��ctic�ns 3.9 thr«u�h i.1 l, lI1CILI�FV�. j.? T��Seii"�L'.TltS �t&��tCt311Q', t"'��SO(;I�I1()I7. T�lt t"�SSUCl�IIIt)il �1�15 1117C1c'„l'CiLl5l4'� �.�S�ITI��llS OV�Y c�Ilf� �11:I'(355 Cl1t� �.l]I1�EIlC?R �l�m�c�ts. r'l[lC� UV�r �}Eli� c7�S'[34ti [)(]l��' �7Q1'[1U17S U� 1�1�: �i�1l�ti}I77111E11Z17 Prc�ject ta �ain ac��ss it� Che C:�.�mmc�t� Elerti�nts, as reasc�t7�bly� neces:��arti• �r ctanu�enienti 1�3r the :^��sc�c:iatic�n. ac�in� thr��ti�h its Pr:rmitt�:�s, tc-� �xercise it� ri�i�ts ar�d peric�rn3 its c��ali��iti�n5 under tl�is i7ecEaratic�n, i��c.lurli�i�, tivith�7ut litnit�tic�n, its ri�hts aan�l cabli���tic�ns to eo�tnrec: this Decl<irt�ti�n and tlic E�.ules at�d tc� aper��te, m�eiage �nd ec�ntr��l the C'�rt�mart� C[en��t�ts. W'iths�uE liinitin� the ��n�ral�ty of [h� �r�r�°ic�us s�ntcnc�, t'{�e Assouiati43i3 has ar� Easemcnt ta ent�r each [�'r�it tt� t�se exttrit reasat�t��i1y r�yuired ta o�erate, rn��ta�e a€ic� �t�r�ir�l anv C orr�rnc�n Ele:�n�nts wit}ii�3 tl�e be�Lindarie� c�f th� L!nit or �s re�Y�c�n��ly n�czss�a•y' t� �c;rfc�rrsi c�ther mai�it�:nzi�ee and repair cl4�tie� im�a�s�c� on the �ssc�c�atic�n ��� t��is I�ec,lar�itiog�. Exc�:pt ir, t��c; case c�t�n��r�r�rtc`� situaiic�ns cortc���nin� t1�reatenec� injurti� c7r �an���e to perstm5 csr �.}r�p�er�y. E1�L �ssaciat�on sh�ll n�� er�t�;r intc� a»�= LTnit pd�rstiani in thc: E�.s�m�;n� c;stak�lisk��.ci un�er t47is S�.ction 3.2 without �i�ic�g rcasc�nabie a�v-a�ace nc�tic� tu th� occupant thea•eof: 3.� E��Sernents �3en�:fitin� I}�clart3nt. L)ecl�.raa�t reserves E:asements c�v�.r �n�i acrc�ss the C'omm�un �.lements as rea�onably nc,ce�s�ry l�r th�: pzzr�c�ses of�c����t��l�tin� tl�c: c:�nsEructi�n o� tf�� C'c�ndartYiniEim I'ro�9ect. in�ludin� �iny imprc��•em�nt:� c�r altwrati«ns describcd an S�etic�n �.�(k�), and tc�r tft� p�►r�c}s�: �f exer�isi«� arty Dr:v�:lopn�znt I�.i�hts ��rsu,int tc� Secti��n 2.z)(a): �c�nsz�uckini� a��� i�ist�llin� any shatts. ehtiles, #lucs, ciu�:t5, ���:r3ts, �,hZSes, pip�s, ��•�res, conr�i:iis c3r utilit�r lines nec�.ssar_y' to serk�4 thc�se imprcaveitzents Ur alt�rations; stc�ring cc�nstruetic�n tnateri��15 rel�tin� ta thr�se im�r�n�-�nients ar�c� �It�rati�ns anc� tlleir s�r�ric� ele�r��nts; si���t�i�-►� ��nit� ancl Cc�nx�nc�n F:(er��:nts tc� pre�s��cti�r� purchase�s; cii�p�ayin� sr�ns; and p�rforr-nin� any c�t D�clarant"s r�b�i�atic�i�4 und�r thi� I)eclaratic�n. [�eci��rant"5 Ea��n�ent� ��-E11 exist as [c�n� as reas�nabl�� rlec�sst�ry tor thc�se p�RrpoS�.�. �,1�iti�«ut litnitin� the �er�erality ��f th� pr�4•is�«� tw��� sentes�c�s, if� l]ecl�rar�t el�cts tn instaf4 t�tility lic��s tc� pru��icie adclitional �itilit_v servi�es in son�e c�r 4�11 �af the L_lnits, I3�:+���rant ��ili have Fa:��.mez�t� t�� iea�tall t�e util�t�r lin�� an�i chase� h€�usiti� thern ��1, or��er, t�ncier, a�:rc��s anti thr«��tj tl�e 1Tl�i:,I'141` ti7C exteric�r �C:«rnmaai �l�rnents. 3.� Cc�nneetin� Tuitnel Easements. T�here is k��rs:by an �;asemtnt c�v�r an�i acrass the 'I'unnel t�or l�t�ral arrd stntcit�ral sup���rt �}1` th� C��n���ctinb Turtnel. �r��� o���rr�r c�� i�l� C{3IlI1�CiIII�,T Tun�}�1, f�r it�elt'ar�d it5 a�ents, �:��l�lc�yee�, [�:n��nts, c;u�t�mer�, c��ntra�:cc�rs, lic�er�sees, �uests and in��iti:es, is herehy �rant�:�i an �as��nent fc�r pe�lestrian anci �r�liici�l�r acc�ss thrc�����h an� ��ver the ��'rannel a��ci t��r �arl:in� �n ai�v parkisi� s�?���:es that �r� Ic��:ateil in the 'T�rnnel, but�nc�t within �xr�y Gara�e, as reas��ns��i�y n�eessarti in cc�nnec�ion `vith �eve�u�n��.nt c�f�ti�e s�.�rlac�; E7f th� pr�perty lc��aE��, abav�: t��� Connectin� 'Tuntlel. i.� Eas�m�:nts t��r Encresachrt��r�is. I�. as � res���t ��f tl�e ccrostr�rctioai, rucc�nstructiQBl, �hi(i�n�, s�ttl�:ment, reslur�itian, rehal�ilit��ic�n, aiter�tiun �r iznpr�v�rnenY ��f tt�� Concic�rn'sniunt Pr�rj��:t crr anv �c�rtion c�t it, 3ny� C'�7mmt3n Ll�mer�t encri�a�f»� up�n any p�rt caf any� [Jnit, c�r�ny �art dt any 116�t49.EtECI r'�KII,�.hS (16i12fG61.3?Ph! I.� Unit encrc�aches ►x�rcar� any Cnmmc�n E1emel�t �or upc�n any� �aarrt c�f an�rth�:r Unit, an Easement exists fur the �vntinued �:�cistcnce anc� maintena�ce c�f thc encrc�aclunent. The Eas�ment will cc�ntint�� fur so fon� as tlze �aacroaclti.ment �:�:ists aricj will hurd�:n thc: [!nit �r C�r�amUn �Iem�nt �;rtcrc�ach�d u�ar1 and ben�i�it tlie encrQachin� Unit or �.ammon Element. No Eas�n�ent exi5t� Fcar ariy �;ncrc�ack�rn�nt that €s m�ceaialty c�etrirt�ental c� t�r int�rfer�s with the rea�c�n�h14 us4 anc� enjay'tI7f:I7� C1t '��1� CCl1�1CT1{7tl F,I�1T1�E11.(5� C3P UC�tL�S� �]UT'C��ileC� L3L' th� encraachment. a.fi r:��sea7l�nts t�a Rc,�rair, Maint�xin. �2.e�t�?r� �nci Iteconscruct, W�th resp�ct ta any� pra��isiaa7 ��i` this U�:claraticar� ar th� Ac1 tl��zt at���orizes c�r rec.luir�s any Person (incl��ding, ��rthc�ut l'rn�it�ttic�n, t}a� Assaciatic�n} cc� rePair, t�aintain, r�stc}r� c�r r�:ct�nsin�ci all or any park c�f anv Unit c�r C�r�Ymc-�r� El�mcn�. Easerr�ents e;�ist as necessar}� or con��enn�nt tc� gain aceess �rsd ��rfc�rrrt the aut�ic�rizec{ �r r�quir�:d �v�rk tr� tl�s: p��rtic�rts of� tl�c Cc�ncic�minitrm �'roject r�quirin� r��air, mainten�n�e, reslueaiic��� c�r reconstru�ti�ii, r+1�'ltll pi:T`S(�I3S, niateria3� and equipment t� the: �xt�nt anci tar tl�e periocfy reasonablw� r�c:cessary ic� en�Yl�1� the Person t� perl�rm the authorized �r r�c��iirec� ���c�rk. Vw'ith�7ut limitir�� t��e gea�erality �f t�1� }�r���ic�us 5entence, the Associatio� has �u� E;a:�ement ta enter eac�i Unit to th� �XIL'17C reas�nal�ly rs�c�uirec� ta repair anci n�air�tain any C�amn��n E1�mc:nts lr�cated in the [J'nit. 'I"he I:asen�et�ts created under this Secti��� 3.� b��rcl�n th�s� pc�rtions �f th� C:�n�ominitim Prc�ject �l�rc�u�h `�•�Zich they run and ��neft the F'er:;on� authvrize�i c�r require� tc� pLrta�rm, ar�d th��s� E�c�rtians o�thc: �on�ominium Prc�je�;t rec�uirin�. the rep�i�', maintenance, restc�r�.tion r�r rccanstructic�n. Exe�pt ii� th� �a�e� of �rner��ency si���atiuns can�c�rriit�� t€�reaten�d d�na�e tra p�rsc�ns �fr property. na PerSC�n �ha9� �nt�er is�to at�y llnit p��rsu�nt iu th� �as�:m�nt est�hlishec� unc��.r this S��tion 3.fi withn�t gi�ing reas�nable: adv�ance notice tcr the «ccu�ant thers�nf. Pric�r tt� �x�r�isittg its riL�t�tts u�td�r this �ectic�ta 3.�, each (�wner rn�.�st notify th� Assc7ci�ti�an s� that th� AsSCrciatic�n n�ay� cc��rdina[� the; rc.yuired �cc��s throtagh and.�'�r �+�ork tc� the Cc�nlm�n Elerrtents or o#her L�nits ���th the in7pacted Uwn�rs. Such �wner's ac�ess anc� +��or�. may prfl�eeri only at th� times �nd in �ccorciance rh�ith the arr�n�;emen€� a�sprc�a'�� by the Associ�€tic�n. 3.7 Eas�mLnts k�r Eltiliti�s and 1i��cl��nical f:: ui rr�ei�t. An Case�i�nt exists far the b�nefi€ of�ach Llt7it ��d Cc�tr�nic»� �:lenl�nt f�r th� us� �f all UtilityiSer��ice �l�nlen�s and the C�ntral i�I�chae7ic�l E�uipm�:nt �hat s�rve the [.Tnit c�r C'�mmc�n �lemer�t anci run tFrra�ag$� any ath�r CJnit��) �r C'c�nzmc�n E:l�rnent(s). Th� other Unit(�) or Camn�an �l�naent(s) �re hurdenc�� hy t}ic �.asement. In �.dc�iti��n. an Easernenl exist� f�r tf1� �ien�fit ��f��ac}Z [_?nit for th�existence�i'any c�f i�s Unii Mec:h�tical I"c�ui��n3ent tl���t i� lacatGd �°ithin th� C-�an�n�c�n E.�en����t�. 3.8 F�i�ht at�n�rv. I�c:clarant rLs�ru�s for t�lz �^�ssc�ciritir�n a�i �:asenycnt fc�r the ri�ht, ts��t not the c�hli�atis�n, tc� ent�r u�c�r� a�tt_y� Ilnit: (i) fiaa� i�aa�er�ency. stcurity and safety reasc�ns: and (ii) tc� i�lspeet �ny� i�nit for th� ,�urpc�5e of en�urir��. ec�rT7�+l i�ncc ��'rtt� tliis Decl�traiic�n, the d�}�law�s and the Ru�es. S�ich ri�l�t n�ay� tae ���:rcise�i k�y� any ri�e�rl�aer nf thc Ba�rd anci the Associaiiat�'s cafTicers, a�ents, em�t��ye�:� aEad sn��7a�ers ���d, fUr emer�ency, �ecurity and s�tety pur�rc�ses, �ll police, tire ar�d a�rs�«lanc.� p�rsc�t�nel �nd other simil�3r emer�;�;�cy pe���nnel in the perfarn�anc� of t�eir duti�s. T��i:� ri�;ht c�f�ntrv siiall inc[ude� the rigl�� o[� ttte Associatir�n t�� enter u�orl any LJnit ta� �:ure anw� cc�nc�ition that n-��ty increase the p�7ssit�ilit}� af'a Iire or c�th�r tzaz�rd in the ��.��nt an [����n�r fails ��r reii�ses tr� cur� su�h ca�ditic�s�� ti��ithiri a reasc�nable time after rec�ue�ted by the �i+�asa�n ,+,�;ttoi���x;r,<���n� ;�r4� 1`} _ r�sst�ciati��n, hut shall not airth�rize e�1try intc� th� r�si�en�e locat�d on +��r cc��lstitt�tin� �enwr Unil withoui p�rr7lissio�� r�f the c�cc�ip�nt, �xc�.}�t �y �;n3�r��;ncy p�rs����nel actin� pn their officia� capaciti�;s. 3.� Etner =�nl � r`�cc�55 l;�scment. P�irsuant tt� i��e Map, a�� ::F;n�er�enc_y :'lcces� C�s�;�ient`. has b4�n �r3ntc;c� tU the `�'car���n az�d al1 ap�lic��hl�. �:mc�t•gcncy� ser4�i4�: pro��ici�:rs. Tf�e Emer�ency Acccss E�Sen��nt is a rac�n-c�xcl��si��c surta�e easi:ment i:c�r eit7er���lcy' ticcc:�:; U��cr thi Emer�;ency ��CCtSS 4CL�, �Llt ltl i3�3 �V�llf. 117CI13C�iI��, lil� Tu.nnel t�r any area k��lo«- C�le pa��ed r�r leiridsca��d surf�ce ot the �1ner�ency' Ac�cess;�r�a, as m�re �artic����u�lv d�scrib�ci c�n tl�e I�'[ap. 3.It] P�destrian :�ccess E�s�rn�nt. �urs��ant t�� t��` 1��Iap a `'Pect�.stri�r� �ccess L�rsen3�nt" t�as h���;n �r��nt�ci ko t�ie Tc��vn. 1'hc: P4c�estrian �.c�ess ��seme�t� is a n�n-ex��u�i���: easc:rr�Lnt fc�r pc�l�.striarz �cces�, c���r �c7rticatls �f thr; '�Tn�;r��ne;�� !�c�:e:s:; Area, I��bt lIl I1O e4r�.rtt incltsc�ing tt�c� Tu��n�1 c�r any ��C;�l �7ilf}lV €�7� p"civeci c�r 1�anclsc;��ec1 s�irtaee nf t�l+� I�.n�erg�:mey ?�,�;c�s� Are�� and €�tl7er pcarti��r�s c�F t��� �'ruperl,Y", �s rnore particularl�� desc:ri��.d on tl1e. l��a�. �.l 1 8ik� Path E��ement, Pursuant t� tlYC ��t�}�, a �`Bike Path �asement" has been �ranted t� the Tc�r�y�n. Thz I3ike Path Lase�n�nt is a ncyn-e:�cli�si`c c.��enle��t tar l�icyel�, pLCii;�triG��, sn�`��nlc�bife and oth�r non-�nc���ri��� rccreatac�na) ac�ess o��er the �ike P�th, as m�re �artictilarly ��scribr:� �n t}ie P�•���. 3.9? Ch�ir�Lift Fa�+em�n�ursuft��i�i t 11fT�r�, a "C:hair Lift C:asernen#„ has '�een �;r:�nt��i � 1'��clarant n��cr a narti�n a�f the �'r�r�ert�• fnr f€�c�ttiE�n, one �tion �r�d m�iinteri��c i 'f . �r lift �yncl�r � � t�er simii.tr int'r�i�truc#ur�e +�r f�tciliti : h ur s f tr� n� ta��n to �t�c� fror� the '4'��I �ki 1��ounwt: in • � a • " u • dcscr�ih� on th�: !17a� 3�1� Adci�tivn��1 E���ements. (a} I)�clarar�t's F.i�ht tr, Grant �:�s�n3enks. T�e��arant re.s�rves th� tic�n-exclusit�e ri�ht ancl }�o�+er tc� �rant, tiurin� ihe IJr;cl�r�int I�e�-el�pment P��-ic��, suci� ad�ition�l ��c;cific easement� c��rr:r an�� par�ian of`tt�e f'sc���:rt�r o�lii�:cl b;r I3eciarant and the Coanmc�n EILrnents a� rsiay 1��; nccessary, irt tl�� sc�lc di�c.r�tion o�I3�claraa�t. to t�ie c�rc�r�rly de�r�lo�meiit of�ny pc�rtic�n of'tlz� Property, (b) ,r'1,ssc��ia�it�n's Ri�,hE tc-� �rt�nt E25ements. Nc�twithst�rtc�irl� ar�ythin�; tc� the �antrary ir� �I�as I�cclar��tic�n, tlle. Ass�eiatiar�, actii�� tElrc�tf�� t�iL I3ti�ard anc� ���itt�E�lit t��e apprc���l of the (3�Jners, m;ey �rsznt �,as�:rnc�its c�v�er tBle C'c�iz�mon �lc�ncnt� icfr installa�ion and nnaint�n�nre e�f utiliti�s, draieia�,e facilities rir�c� rc�ac�s an.�l tic�r oth�r piieps�s�s that ben��it t�ze (�tim�ners. � � E�asen�ents �Zun witt� Prc�}�crt�. E:xu���t for ttl� �:�as�nnents c��5crihc�l in Section 3.3, all Las�:m�:�nts �xi�tit�� �ursuant t� this t�rticl� � are apptiirtenant tt7 1r�d i•un �vitl� tize Prc���rty anc� bia-sas�e[�n :�EeHnns nr��;�o����t�hr �� r�rill �e perpe��iall� in f'ull fi�rce anci ef`tect sc� Ic�c�� �s th� Ccan�d�i��i��iu�zz Prc�j��t cxisi� a�c� ir�ure tc� the 1���t�:fit ote and ar�: l�inding upc�n L�cclararat, the A�saeiatie�n, [7��ners, P�ertnitt��s, Seeurity. Haldet's anc� any c7tlier P�rsnr�s ha��in� any. irtt�:rtst ir�t tl�e Candomitiiurn f'rnject or any �ari t�#"i�. T�t� Units ���ill k�e con�;��yed ��n� encumE��r�ci suhject to all E��ser��ents set fc�rtl� in t}�is Articl� �, �°helh�r or not speci[tcally� m�n[ic�r��d in t�,e ec��2veyancL+�r encumbran�.�. � � Qth�er Re��rd�ti �,asen�ents anc3 [.ic�:nse5 :-l�fectin� th� Prc��r�r�v. The recc�rded eas�n�ent� �nd �icenses iclentilier� c�rt Ex��ihat I�, ���hi€,h 4�cre creat�d pr's�r tc� tl3e date caf`tlYis D�:clara[ion, and the �ascrnents created by the M��p �ticct th+� Pr�peetti- :�,rticle �t +C:QVI�I'�iA1�T5, C(.)�Il'1[TI(�I�IS AND I�C'�TRIC'TIL'1�NS 4.I �1.c�rr�inistr�tic�r�. "Che Condun�inium Prc�.je�.[ w�ill 6�: ��irninist�:re�i irs accordance with t�1e �r��isi��n5 c�F the Act, this Declar�tic�n and �he I�y l4�ws. E111 Cpr�imon I�lem�nts ar� sul�j�ct t�a tfle r�as�nabl� ��Fe��i�i�an, c�peratio�r, rt3anage�l�ent and contrc�l of thz Assnciation. �.2 C`om�aii�nc�. EaLh t)tivner, P�rrnittee anct Security HcaEc�er anci all p�u-ties cl��rt�ing unc�er th�:m ���ill take and '�old th�ir ri�ht, title �:�nd interesl in ��ny [Jnii �ubj4�t t« al� of the cvvcr�ants ai�c� conditians raf the r'�ct. thi5 �]eclaratic�r�, �zn� th� �ti�la��s. Eac1� Ovvner. F'errni���,e an�, Sec�rit�� Hc�lc��r 4��i➢] comply ��ith all appl��;�b��: prt�visic�ns of tt�i:� T3�elaratic�n, the F3ylaw�, ar�a a��� Ru[�:s, a.5 th�s� dc�cuai��nts m�y be arnend�d tronz tirne to time. �:ach C1�rr►er, �ern�ittee and Security Hr�lder wii� comply with ��� a�p[►ct�ble pra��is�t�ns of th� f1ct. �.3 �Jnits. �a) Permitte�i i�ses. Exc�pt as othcrwise prr�vided in €his Szctian 4.3(a) and S�:ctic�n �,�, �;ach Ur�it n�ay be c�ccupied and used anl�� fc�r: (i) r�si�ential uses a��c� uses incid�ni,al to thert�: (ii} rznta�s c�t th� �ntir� Unit fi�r residential p��r�c�ses; an� (iii} lic�m� c}cc��p�tior�s �err�litt�d t�y ap�li�ahl4 zoni��� lawy:�, sc� l�n� as sucl� ��se is i�z�ic�ental ta r�sider�tial t►s� n# tt�� LFnif, c�c��5 nc�t invo[ve us� of the �nit �y any emplay�e or it�►t�ep�nd�nt cantra�;tc�r 4other tta.an the Q���ner c�l�the Unitj. dc�es �aot involve regular cc�mrr��reial cieliweries ta c�r trotn t��e C;niL oihe�' tflan sntall pack��c� shipped �yr at� �xprc:ss cc�ura�r servic�, dc��::� nat it��°c�l��e re�ular �'isits tc� the �Init by any �u:�ic�mers €�r prospectiv�e crist�n�ers. daes ��ot mat�ri�lly increase t�ie t�se of an}r C+��mm�n F.lements, ai�ci is n�t ac���crtis�cl c�r ide«tified by si�;na�e �n any dir�:�tory in th� Condomini�im �rc�jecc. Duri�Y� the I3�clar�nt L�evcic�p�lcnt �'�rioc#. Declar�nt may als€� use an� c�r rtyt�r� i_Tnits own�d by �1ecf�.rant t�ar sa��.s c�r rr���r�a�:errl�nt oftices ar F�sr m�del Units. �b) I'rohibited Use�. Exc�.pt as �:x�r�:�sly ps-ca�-ided ii� Sectican �.3(a), no L]nit rr�a�� �i� u�ed f'c�r any cc�n��n�rcial, prc�Fessinnal, ir�d��stri��i c�r ��i�nufact�r�n� purposes. Iii addition, no ilnit may be uw�� tt�r �1�� creatiun �f��ny� '`tin�e sk��rL c�tace"' as �i��in�c� in C.I�..�. � �8-3�i-11(� c�r a��y �tl}er tin�e sh��re. 'r�t�:rval awr�ershi�. �ac�ittc�ia �lir�, or sin�ilar estate ar int�rest in the [1nit, no �att�n c����° t��::�c:rihtd c�t• classifi�:�t, ��� ►�4'�11C}l i3 �7LE1"C}3r.`�5r,'Cr rr�s°�stc�r, tenant �r l�c�r�se� �btains m i s-+as ke� .��n,us uh���uc,�?�v+.� 1� the ri�ht tn e�clusive use r�f the Llnit un a recurr�ri� l�asis f�c�r a certisi�i� ��:rit7� c�l'time or ha� the ri��it. as a member c�f a ti�acatic�n c�r si�nilar c�ub c�r c�r�ani��t��n, ta tTiak� 0�e5�r��atio��s t� use tl-�e [:s�il, �5 a r�sult c�t me�nbers�ip in st�c:h Wacati�n ciuY� ��r sii�lilar or�anization. �.� Asso+ciation`s Llnits. The r'�s��}ciatic�n may� use any [��nid it c�w�ns tc�r �ny la���tis� �urpas� r�latin� tc� t��e perl:orm�nc� 4f its c�k�lii;atiot�s �inder this DLclaratics�l c�r c-�th�n.v-ise 6en�titii�g tlze� t����ner�. �.5 I'rc�hil�itec� L1s�:s �enerajl . Lls�s oihe� than perrtsittt.d uses list�ti irt t�i� r'lrtic�e � �tre prc�hibit4�f unl�ss th� T3c�ard is �:�pressl!�� empc����:re� tca. and �c�es, apprc�ve a ��u-tied�l�rr prc�}ubitcd t�s�. '��'l�c:r� th� l3oarc� is empU��•cr�c� tc� a��rc�r�e a particular r:rse ��r actic�n, th� E3oar�i rnay i«zp�se xvsisc�nat�l� �:t�w�c�iti��ns upott th4 use c�� aczic�n �is it ii��i��s r�ece�sart� tc� �rc�tect tll� i�lt��rity ot�the �C'c�ncic�ininitrit� Proj��;t stnd tf�e ri�,hts c�f' s�th�r C)wners. In ar�ditic��a ta� other ttses ps�t�k�►ibit�� b}r this .�lrticl� 4, thc: t�llowing us�s ar� ,�o-���Zibit�d: (�) In�ucanc� I�iS�:s. Nc7 �:nil may� �e us�d f�r any L�s�: w}aic�11 ti�����►�d constitute an us��isii�il �ire h�zarcl. �rc�ulci result in j�o�at-�iizin� ��ny° instrrance maintained c�n �ny part ot� the Conc�c�a�lirliurn l�rnj�ct �r tii�ot�l�l re�tzlt in any isicr�ase in tl�c pr�miur� �ar that ir��ur�3n�;�; �+�rnvu.led, 1���it�c���er, tl�s:Yt thc I3c��rd itza�� appri�vc: the t9se il'a�ecyua[� sate�r�arc�s arL unaert�a�ct� at tlic ()ti��ner's �rpznse and any i�cr�:ase in ins�ir�n�� premic�ms is �ll�cat�d to, anc� paid by�, t�i� {)wwner p�rr�uznt tc� Sec�tie�n �7.?�.cj(i}. (�i) ���.rbecu� Cirills. f)n1�� natur��! �as barbe�.ue �;rills nlay be use�i �n Deeks r��' F'atios, �,�cept to tht; �:�tr;nt ��ttts:r��u�ise �llot��c�cf b�� tEl� R.�ilcs irc��n [i�nL to titt-►e. {c} C}�erlc�adii��- No Unit r�r C�rnmc�n E1�n7�:nt ir�ay be u�ec� for any use b�yc�nd th� naaxirnum loads t�le #l+oc�rs �f�t�l�: i�nit c�r C'c�rnm��n Element �a`� desis;nec� tc� �arry. ru�'ther, tt�7 iJnit or C�mrrbc�n Eleanent may k�e used Er�r nny «se which t4��u[�i plac� aizy e:�tr�E�rciinar}• burden nn any' C'om3ttcan F��nZ�nt, �lnless tl�L E3o:ard �iv�s its pri<3r w�-rittGa� cJc�rtserlt. (d} ?�Cuisa�l�;e. N� LJ��it or C vmnnni� Ele�tle��t tnt�v b� use�i 1`c�r aray use �i} �.onstitutitl� a �izl�lic c�r pri4°ate nuisanc�; �;iiy�.c�n�istin� s�t` t�e m�i�i�itatt�ire of �u1y prc�duct; or {iii) 4r=hi�l� eauses undu� odor, noise, �ri�ratic�n c�r �lare, ii�cluditlg, �4ith�jut lir�iit��ti+�n, the us� c�f` any eyui�z��en[ c3t` machine. Ns� a��c�ic� s}�stetn it� a Linii rnati� be t�p�r�teci in a rnanrs�:r illat is a��di��e �Pc?tTl wV1C�lit7�lt7y' 4t1it�T �rill. (L) Vic�[atita� raf La���. N« portic�n of'il�� C'c�n�l��artinium I'rc�ject nlay 6e useti Fc�r an�� use ��hich �ic�late� �ny 1���. st��tux4. or�iinance, rul�e. r��,tal��ti�7n c�r orc��r c�f any gc�G��rnmcnt�l authc�ri�_y havi���j«risdietiot� c�v�r ihe C-c.�i��i�mini�ina Prc�ject, incl��din�. witfzc.,��t liR�itaki��n, any of tl�em that r��ulate ar �c��cern�ia��rc�ous ar tc�xie weiste, s�k�sk�nces �r �na�erial5. ti134ti8 R�17 11EiFiAN5 OG�IJUG l d'!'M 1� 4.6 �vlanr�er�f LJse. 'rhe �,ccu�ati�n a�lci use �F the Cc�ndaminiun� F'roject h�t� eaeh L�wn�r, the ?►ssociatian �nt� ihc�ir respect�r�•e P�:rrnitt�e� aa�� s�bj�ct tr� ck�te tc�llow�irt�, rL�:iri�tic�ns: ��a) Puts. T�Ica animals, livestock. insects, roder�is, p�cs��ltr;��, re�til�s, 6ircis or c�th�r pets may be ke�i in ��y C��ic excep€ usual a�id �r�idnar�:� dome�iic h�us�hc�[d pets ��.�., dc��s, cats, small hirds �epi in ca�es, �nd sirnilar sn�all p�ts}, "[�he �3oard may �d«pt Rul�:s frc�m tim�e to time re�u�atin� p�;ts witlain the Con�c�minium Prc�ject. �o p�t ma�� he k�pt. bred nr rn�intained fc�r ��y c��r�rnercial �ur�os�. �b� L��s�s. Stahjc�ct tc� S�ction�.3, eaclz C}r�ner �rss_y 3�a,��: the (]wner's Unif if the le�e i� in ti��riti�l� �rsd �s ��pres�ly n�Eic�e 5u�iject t�7 thi� D�clar�atic�n, Any lcase will protiide that c�Ily t�rc:acl� c�f this Dec��cati�n by tiae ter�an� r�Fill als� be a breach of t�i� l�ase. As ta each, leas�, the O��ner w�ill, witf�in a reascmabl�, time af�er c:xecutic�n t�F�uch lc:ase, prrrvi�#e the B�ar� witl� �i} a cnpy �f t}�e i�lly e:��:�:uted le�se, it r�qu�st�d �r�� t4�e Board; {ii} th� current �dciress and tele�llone numb�r af tl�e (��4n��; anci (iii) a stacement by the O�n�n�r that the tenant has receiv�d a c��s;�� c�t' this ��clar�rtion, any rnat�riai amendrt��.nts t� thi� Declarati�n, thL C3��la��s and the curr�i�t C��ale�, and chat thc t�:n��t !».� heen advised that he ar she may have obli�;ati�ns undc:r thc��e �o�:�xme�ts �s a Permitt�e. �I�he Br��rd m�y n�ak� rcasonable Rules rc�arcfing the le�sin� e�f Units, (c) f3uilciin� E�ct�ri�r; _Uecks. LJn1�.ss appra�rr�d by tl�e F3t�arci, r��}thin�; niay� be insta�[ed, �ttt���i�.�i or �ther��rist af'fixed ta or �n tl�� �xt�rior �f any I��il�i��g, c�r t17� i•aiting an any Dec'� car T'atic�. (d) S�i�ns. No si�ns may� l� displayed to the pubiic vi�w f`rorzi a�iy Unii �r the �csmmnn El�ments, exe4pt � � c'� rnaint�ined and u�e� hy I�e�larant in connecti4n with its initial a�7c� nn�oin� rc�ntal �r sales a�tivities: ancl [ii1 si�ns ncrmikted nursua�t ta ��tion 1()b.� �f tF�e t�►ct. (�) Refuse R�me�val. All rs�hhish, ��rha�� �nd de�iris wii[ t�e re�ularly remczve� frt�rn and w:ll r�c�t be al�c�wud t�� accurnt�late�n th� Cc�nciomini�am Pr�7jec:t. F�il tr;�sh, �arba�e and other del�r�s �enerat�c� c�n and aw��itin� r�mc�v�i fram the Condaminium Project wil! be kept in sanitarv cdntainers in ��c�ra�an�e ��+ith tl�e I�ules ai'the 14s�c�ciatir�n. (f� f)bsiructic�n oC C:c�r�zmt��� F1e:rl�er�ts. I�'c�thin� ma;.� �Se st�red in err c�n tl�e Corr�mon FC�rn�ent5, except in d�5i�nate� stc�rit�e ar�:a�, with���t the G�ard's prior written canse�t; �rc�vicl��c�, ��cati��ever, that ��:clarant rr�ay� st�re cr�nstrueti�ai� matertads us�c� it� connect�on �,+it�� tlie constrti��ti�� a�.�i��ities describe� ii� �ectian �.t7"(b} in c�r on ihe Lc�mm4n Elcmen�s. Nothia�� rnay c�hs�ruct �r �ther�risc impair a�.cess tr� the Coinmon Elements �xcepc as prc��i�feci in �ection ?.�1{ci). 4.7 I�u�es. In addit'rar� ta th� restriclicros, cc�n�iitic�ns and �c��•tnant� in thi� Article � cancerrYi�l�; the us� ot the C`oncic�rr�ir�iuiT� F'r��ect, �ze 6�ard trom #irt�ee to time may pranlulgate and at�le�id r�:asur�4tbl� R��l�s nc�t in con�ict ��ith the �-'L�t, thss C]ec�la�ation c�r ihe I�y�a��s. a #he },� � 'V �. l ,1 �i', e�aa��x[:a nxrinrs ��e�i?ao t�,r4i �� �if + i '�e � 9 'i the A r ti a • ti nt f n�� ule. the liaard must �."L'� written nt�tice ��•eaeh ��r'ner c�nt��inin€�#he nran+►5e� Ru1e ��r �mendrn�n� t� a �t�l� anc� th� ()�'ner�; n�u�t be allr�f+���l � reatias�� t�le r�nncartun��to be l�earti �t the I�t�ard tn��tin� r��►arr�ian� �uch nronose� ntw r�r �rnrr�S����+� �.8 In�feannitv. ���L�jeet to S�ction l 1,=�, each {�l��rner wvi�l be 1i�ib1� t� an�i �w�ill p�•otect, det�i�d, inciera�nitv ar�d hnici httrmI�ss tEie Ass�ciat�c�n and the othc:r (]�v�n�rs f`ram anc� a�{�in�t any and ail c�aRZa�i:s, claimti, �i�riY�nds, li�ns (incl�scjin�, '�'��ith«ut li�j�itaEiun. tnecl�a�tics' ar�c� mat�ria�inen's liens ��ncE cl�im;;}. fnsse�, t;e�sts and �xpi:�3ses (incluc�in�, 4vithc}t�t lin�itatic�n, re:ase�nalrlc attc�rne}�s' Iees, c��ur� co:�t� aiid o�t��.r e;��cnses ��1�liti�;atinn} and �iGE�ilitic:� ot 1i�y� kit�i� c�r n<it:��r� ���hattic�ever (cr�Clecti�°eiy` rcterre� to a� "Ii�de��nity �'lairns") su�fered c�r inc:urrc�i bti•, c�r thr�aten�.d or as�ertcd ��ain�t, �}�e E�ssociati��� c�r ar�y otEltr t����ner ;�:� a resull c�F or ii� cc�nn�:ction ti��ith (��} the ���illful rr�i�tc�a��iuct, rze�li�;�n�ce or �+r��ich r�1*��e �ct, lfiis �ecl�r�it�c}n, tt�� Eiylaws c�r t4�� F�ules Y�y the itici�n�t�ifyi�l� C}��•ner��r its I'ern�ittee�; (�} �r�y rcp��€r, r�s�c�r�itic���. rc:��ac�m�nt. alt�ratio�� or c�thc:r ��rn�truction, d�.n�Uliti�an, installatic�ri c�r r�n�ar����l ��'c�rk on c�r ab�ut tlz� C'onci��ninium Prc�jeGt cuntracted for. ��r ��rfcarm�d by, tt�e indir�nifvin� ()�w���a• c�r its Per�nitte�s; ar {c) ti�e: op�ra�ic���, u��, n��'rl��'S�lip ai' ilZaint�n�nti;e [�t�t}l� ind�mi�ityin� �wnc:r's LJnit by th4 inc�ernniF4�ir�� O��•il�:r or its �'ermittees. The irzde�nnifyi�l�, C�i�rncr ti�sd4 pa�� far E�ll l��ciemnity° Cl�ims s�ift�r�c! ar inc«rr�d �y the �'-tssc�ciatir.�n Fr�r ���f�ic}i th� indcn�niFyir�� (�w�ric:r is respc�nsible �re�r�iptl}�° upc�n re�eipt �f� r�emand f�r p�yil7t�11� �x()IIl ��1L ASSC7C1�i1r�I7. I�1L �n��tant �f tf��; I€aciLrnnity Claims wr�ill c�r��titute 5p��;ial As:�zs�ments a�,ainst the indemnitr�ing ()wn�r's Ur�it. If th� i��iem�lilifin� {�tir�ner fails ta rst��k�. suc�z �ayti��izi ��itl�in 3(] da}'s aft�r r�ceipt of tl�c Ass�ci�iti+an'S demanci I��r it, the ASSOCi�tion ir�aye take wh�tever l�ti�.�tul action it r�een�s nec�ssary� tc� coIl�:ct the �ayment incl�sciin�, r�it}7aut liitlit�tic�n, f�recic�si�`� it5 li�n ur institu�in�.� art a�tit�n at 1ar�v c�r in eyuity. �Jc�t�lirl�; in ttzis L)eclarati��rj reli�vc,s any Pern3iite� trt�rtt li�ibilitv fc�r its c��°ri �c:ts nr oi�lis5i�n5. R�thin� cc�ntair��;d in thi5 S�ctic�n �.3 k��il� b�: �c3���true� to prc3vic�e t��r any inciemr�iticatiorl wwliic]� ��ic�lates applica�rle 1aw���, vc�ids an�• c�r all of the prc3���isic7�ls ��1� tl�is Sectic��� �.8 or �ze�at�s, ahric£��:�. �li�tliiiates t�r c�thcn��isc� r��l��ees any c�th�:r 111C��I31111t1Cii.TkC1f7 �r ri�ht `��hicl� tl�.e Asso�iatic�n c�r the ()wn�rs ti�rve by law. �.y Prc}��isi��n5 Run w�it1� Prc��e��v�. Li1GIl C'c�ncinmi«ium, O�vner, Permittee anci Security Nc�1d�r are subj�ct ti� all prc�tiisiun:� �7f t}tis Declar��tic�n ar�d th�ye prc���isions �re �:.or��ena�lts r��nnin� �,rith tl�� land c>r es:luit;:�L�l�: serti°it�ici�s. Gts ih� c�s€ r��ay he, and bittd �very f'�rson ha��in�; arY�� ir�terest in the: Candc�minium I'rc�j�:ct �nd inurc tc� tli� E��n�etit c,f�e���r�� �wner. 4.1 f} Cn�or�:��z�ent. (�j �I'his Declar�ii�y� �and t17c; Iir.rlas�•s cc�nstitute a <.�cneral sch�:n-�c benc�tin� e�zcti l fni� ancl th�: Pr�perty as a �y�hi71�; a��d ina�� he entc�rced by Dt�clarant, the Assnciz�tic�n �r a�t �g�rie�ed t]�vn�r. A vic�lacic�n e�f�tr��� �nt`th� prr��Fisions c�f t�ti� Qeclara�ian cauwc5 irr���ara�I� d�rnr��;e tc� the �'r��perty�, Thi.ret�re, s�i�?�cc� tU the t�rms an�1 canc�itic�ns �if this Section �.l(� �r�c� ��cept as oth�r��ri�i cxpressly pr���-iaed else��-here in this I)e�l�z�•�tior�. De:cl�rar�t, tk�� A�s+aciatic�n anc! any a��ri���z�i []��ner rrf�v �r��sGC�Et� a �rt��eedii�� �it la��' c�r �t� e�uit1' a�ait�st an�r P�.rscsr� ��i�latin� or att�����rtit�� [+� vic�late the: prc���isie�ns of thi� I�c:clar�ti�n �r ttie f3}-Iti����. inc�udiel�„ �v'rthc�t�t nl33+9R RCU ,YttHn�F4�1fi11e'/�I 3i PA�I 1� i'imitatir�n, a�� action Cc�r �a ls:rrti�t�r�ry restrainin� �rc�4r, �rc;lintinar;�� itz�unctiun �nd perr���f��nt irtjurt�tic�rt. (b} -,-:,° ^._r��:�•:�� � �,.�� � Pers�n �t-i�-e� attempt�n� t� T-i�;-�t�-��-€n-4�=,� c�nfe�r��e the nrav_���nn� of this D�clarati�n ar tl�e E3yla��s, i��fi��iina. - t� a t -- a r ►w� suit is init�t�ted m�v reec�ver reas�n�ble �tturnt'ys' f�es an�f Qtl�er lc�t�al costs incurre�i �y-� �= in �uccc�sfull�� �r�lur�in� the pro��isinn�n �:.� ��; * __ _�.r;�s�� tn ttte s r'eie rr �_ �: �"m ��i � � c in l2� f th � ct - r� r w e w e� n cl�im r��i5e� �_,�.ainst it i:� aly� cntitl+�d to res�s+�nablc att�neti' fe�s anc� other [e�a!_C05t5 1t � f�� ' V� !R � �i. It the P�r�r�z� is �n (�wn�r, th�: an7r�unE of tl�e f�es :�nd ���t� �c�t�stitute a lien a�ainst the C)ti�-ner's Unit which m��y l�� fc�recic�seci in accc�rdance ��ith ��c:ti�n 9.�. In additi�n, iF any, �r�n�.r fails to ccrfnplv ��ith tlli� U�claratian, th� Byl�ws or tl3e F��il�s, the Asst�ciaiion may (i) tetnpor�rily suspcnc� the C]�ner's ri�ht t« use ar �nfn�� any af t�e C:c�mmon Elernents, fii) irnpose n�c�netary� ��nalti�s, an�i �iii) imp«se c�iher ���rc��riate measures; �rovid�c� ho��>�ver, ihat h�t��re iinpc�sing an}� c�i thc�s�: m�as�.r�.s (c�ther than late �har��s, inter�est and reasanal�le cr�9[�ctic�n cc�sts r�lati�ig tc� delin�u�nt paymLr�ts), th� �A.��a .c,� .,rAn,�,_�..��," ,,.��.,,..,,. +n . . . . . . . . .� _ , . . . . , , , . . � o � � 4�,� �vc°�3er �s �ruvic�et��rior n�tice c�f t}�r� �lairr��ed def�.a�lt anc� an ��}�r��rtunity ta be h�:�r€� hy� th� Bc�ard �rior to t��e i��lpc�sition of tlat tiisc:iplinar4� n�ea���are in �+��ordane� with th� nrQVisiun� of�'hc Bv�laws. � rrs,� an ag�;eie���:d U���ner mn�� pr«secut� any� prn�eediti� at lar��� r,�r in e�r�ity enforcin� th� prc��isies�s �f this ae�larat�nn ar :�c:��in� otP�er re�ief r�Iating to a ��ic��ation c,r atten�►pted v�c�latir�n ��F the �ra�risir�ns c�f t13is Declarakic�n, the (�'��ner w�ill �r�t �ive writtc�n notic� tc� th� 8�ard sp�cif��in�; tl�e �;�iolation t�r atteanpte� vica�ati«n �� the prc��visions �f this De�lc�rativn, the facts and circum�t�n�e:s �urr�un€�in� the Wialation, �nd th�: n�me a#`the Persc�n all��;ed ta ha�Fe vic�late�f or attempted �c� ti•iolate th� pr��srisic�ns af'this Declaratic�n. Th� Bc�ar�l may init€at�e a proceeding at law +�r in e�ui[y to �ntorce t�e pr�visi�ns of ti�is l�ccl�ratic�n, ta prevent a violati�n or t�� c��tain d�amages f�r c�a�rna�e ta tl�c; Cc�mmun Llem�nts reseiltin� frort� the ��iolation, ur may c�th�rwi5� �rat��rc� th� pro�•iseons c�f`this D��faraEic�n. Th� a�grier��c� CJwner may exercase an4� v�its ri�hts t�n�er �ecti�n�.1D(�t) if(i) ths� vic�lation ar atte�npted r�ic�tatic�rs result� ar woul�i result in direc.t and i���ni�cii�ite physival ciama�� tt� t��e �wrie.r'� Ur�it, crr (ii) tl�e Assc�ciatinn f�ils to enfc�rc� c�r cause e�fnr�e�ii�nt c�f th� ��iollt�r� prc�visic�n� �f this �ecl�ua�ic�n dvitl3in GO days after the Qoard rec�i�'es ih�: �Jwa�tr's n��tic�. Article 5 UI'EN.A"�"IO�N �'IA�iNTC�Ai�iCE AN[[l� Fk�PAIR 5.d Ass�ciation's Dtrties. Subjec:t tc� t}�� �ro�-isic�ns �rf Article 12 an�f Arti�:le 13, the f'1s�c7ciatiait 17�s tlz� tollc���-sng ri�hts 4ind r�spi3nsibiliti�s �nFith respect to tt1� oper�tion, ntiai�3t���an�ce and r�pair c�k th�: +�c�ndominiurn Prc�jc;et: �14•t�l7f kLU:7K)irV'�!+ �in;l?+Gt,l 37 E'S4 �lJ' (a) Mair�t�rlar��;e �f Cc���i�naai Etemenis. Ex��:pt to ti�e e�ten� c�ther��ise pra��id�d in Se�tian 7.?, the .As�c�ciatic»� tivill �iaai�lt�in. r�pair, r�place anc� rLstc�r� th� C:��st�r���n ����r7c.t3ts, islcludizl�> e�itl�o��t lin�itatic�n, �he Centr4�I M�chanic:al Equi�m�nt, �tll I]�ck�, Patic;s an� Hc�t `T`u�s. !he e�teriar arad rt���f"�f e�cf� B�iil�iin� anci all �vindc����s, ��tr��e dcaors. �nd e�cferiur r�oors �+�ithi�� tlae �'rc�je�t, �ind tl�e cc�sts t� r�c� :�c� wi[1 i�e in�lucied iaz Ce.�n����n�t Er�enSes, �xcept ta tl�e exte��t p�ici �y ins�ir<xnce or c+an�era�riateor� procee�s c�r by� +C�wnc:rs pursijant tfl �i�ctic�r�s �.�, �).�{�3'�_ '�.�(�3}, UC).?(C'�, (h) �lccti«n to �erfc�rnt f�r��ners' �t�ti�s. The A;�so�:ifiti«e1 may elcct t« TIl�illt�lfl, rcpair, replace t�r restc�re a��r L_Init c�r Li�i�iteci C`ur��mun E�emei�t, oi•�c�rtic�n c�f�ither of them, that an �ti��n�r i5 ret�ttired to rn�i�ltain, regair, rcpl�c4 ar restor� �rus•�u��zt t�� Sectic�n �i.2 if: {i) the tJti�-nLr has f�iled, f�r rl�c�r� tl�ttn 3{� e�<j��s atter n���iL` irc��n ttz� ��sc��intic���, tc� nl�iintain, repair, r�:pl�c� c�r restore ils Unii ��r C.in�itec� C�c�i-r�rnc�n Elettient as r�:r��.ri�•ed ut�der this L3e�laratic�t�c; anci [ii) th�: failt�re ac��'ersel�� afF�cts tk�e a�p�arance c�t t�� [.)r�it c�r Li�tiitec� C:c�rn�mc�n i�.Ientent w°heti vie:4�•eti tr�m a�nti� e�rea �ucsi�ie the llnit c�r Limite�f ��rtlr��c�n rle€ne:nt, car in�p��ir� l�e str�ict�ir�31 inl�:�rit�x c�r huil�iing sy4t�ms c�f din}� ��rrtic�n c�t'th4 Prt��ae�-ty', or htt� atl ad`�t�rse el��GCt t7ii th� usc of anc�t�ler Unit c�r C�n�m�� Elc�t�:«t �i�r its �aer�nitte� anr� ira�tn{le� �ise. [f, hc,s�veti��r, the rec�uir�.ti maint�nan��. r��ai�•, re��acen�es�t c�r r�stort�i�un cannc�t he �:ur�d t��cau��: �af its nature nr �ca�� �within tl�c ��U-ciay Feric��i, the As�c�ci�rti�n m�iy ncat pr:rf�arn� thc: r�:pait•, m�i��Cet�ance, r�p1��cement �}r restc�ratic��i sa le�n� ��5 s�ich �}«,��er c;c�m�nences ��rt�rr��ance �af' its ��bli�;ati��ns wit}�i�x il�e i(�- daw p�rit}d anci �lili�ently cc����l�ic:s it. Th� f)��+ner u�ill pay al1 cc��ts iricurrec� E�_y� tt�� Asyc�ciat�on �n acc��rd�nce ��iEh this Si>ction �.i�h} ����t7 r�;4ti�,�inry the Asscaci�t's�n's cic:rriarid for E�ay��7e��c. �i` the (7�v�ler tails tc� n����:� the p�►yrnent within 3tJ ciays �f recei�rin� a d�n7and tc�r it, th�e �ssnciaticsn tnay takc: whatever l�.i�v(`��� a4E�e�n it cieert�s rjet�ssary ta colleci t�74 payr��tr�t ir�clu�in�,, ��itt���ut Iomitakic�n, f'�r�cI�sin� [ts [i�n ar i»�titutin� aex �ictiun at Ia� c�r in �c�uity. 5,? Uti��ner�' LJ@lT1L'ti, SLl}'1��CE i4 C�l� I3['fJti'LS1C]ll� t3���'�tticle i 2 an� t�rticle 13, e�.ch ()ti�n�:r wi11 at its r:?���nse (i) n���i3ltain �[ ai� zimes in �i74?L� �Y«d clean ct�nc�itican, an�i perfc�rrr� all r��uir�d re�sair•�, replace�t�eiits c�r r�st�r<�tic7n� �f' it� �Jnit, tl�� i.;nrt Meclit���ic��l �.c�uip��nt, �inc[ any i�tiliz;�IS�:rvic� Eler��ents allc��ate�i �xclusi�Fe6y tu the U��n�r'� l�nit as a �imiteci C�mn-�an F.lei��ent; (ii� clean ai�ci l�ec� in �� sanitary' cc�ax�iitton d�ny C)eck an�ilc�r Pa€in a�il��cated to its Unit; (iii) �erfr:frrn ils re;��crnsi�iliti�:s sn a iila�Yn�:r l}�al r�t�e� nt�t u�lreas�t�a�alv c{isturk� c�th�r (����n�rs c�r �hc°ir P�°rmittc�s; anr� {iv) prc�mptly re,�e�rt tc� th� t''�s�c�ciatir�n an4° �cl�ct or �l�ed fc�r repairs fc�r which th�: r"+.sst�ciatic�n i� r�spc,e�sihle. Exee�t �s �;w:�re�sly prc��riciccl �ibc�y°e, no C?�vn�:r r��a4� �tter, rep�ir, r��rlace, ��r n�aintasrt an,r�� �a�-t ot t�7�: cxt�a`it�r c�f ara}� S�ialdirt�- 5.3 I�taint�nancc St�,nclarrl. Fc�r th� l�ec1�l dt c���all ((��t��ers, �ach Cl4�n�:r and thc 14s�ncEati�st w�ill }��rtnri�l tt�eir r��}�e�ti��� mairlten��nc� ��nd rr���ir c��li�ati���7s Lu`��er ��cti�tis 5.1 and �,2 in tt nlann�;r c�nsislent witll � fir5t-cl�.ss r�siei�nti�1 prc�jert loc:uter� i�t Ca�,l� Cc�unty, Cc�lcjr�i�kU. At-tielc� fi T�-�E ,4:�:�[l�'1.-�►TION �rNU B+l7AR�7 fi.l t=�rrrtaki�n �7f th�: Assc��i��ti��rj; E�1tit7h�rshi�. �I"11�; :�ssc��.�acic�n ����`rIi �e fc�rmes� n�� l�ter than th�: date tl�� fir�t [Init is co���:rcy�:d tc� aa� [���•n�.r c�lh4r ch;�n D�;clarant. �:acfY C}��n�r is a member h 1.+138 H.EU r1.K1I�1h5 G4r l'_,'Ut�l.3'FA4 �1 �� th� ,•15s�ciE3tiun as s�on ���ci f«r �U i�����; ��� ic i� ai� t�w��ner. I°vllowin� a teraninat�c�n �a� th� +Cc�ndc�n�,inium Projec�, th� s�emk�ers of th� r'1ssc�ciatic��7 �.��ill cc�ns�st c7f' al1 t�wners intit�LC� tc� �har� in tlz�: d�strshutit��� ot' �ro�eea� af a sale of the F'��pL�ty. Mernb�;r�l�ip in the A�saciatian �utamtatirlllw' ternli��at�.s ti��h�n ;a Persn�� ceases lo be an ()wner, whether thr�u�h sal�, intestate successi�n. testarnent�r�F d���rt�sition, 4�recl«�;ur� t�r oth�ny�ise, and the ne�F C)w��er auteamatical�y. suc�eeds to thai mem'�ershi� 'sn the Assaciation. Th� Assc�ciaiic�n vvill recc��;nizc; a �zeti�f mccnb�r ��pc�r� pr�sent�tic�n by a ner�� E���-ner �f satis�act�-�rtif c:�ic�ence of' the sal�e. trar�sfer, succ��sic�n, dispc�sitic�n, #'��r4c[��sure ��r other trznster �f a Unit. M�m�erst�ip ir� the Associatic��i rnar�� r��at be tr�nsferreti, pleci��d c�t' aliet3at�e� in �iy vvay, exc;�.�t to �he n�4�� (��.v��r upon �canv�y�nc:e �3f � �1nit. .'1ny �rc7}�i�ait��i tr�ii�sicr i� v�rid anc� r�vill nc�l be r��.u�ni�t� �iy tk�e .�1s�c�ciatic�n. 6.� I'E�w�rs. Tl�r: t�sst�ciati€�n tia'i11 sc;rv� as th+� �;ovcrnin� bc�dy tor the �oi��iocni:�iun� Prnject and has the respc�nsihilities set farth ia-� this laec�ara[ian and th� �ylaw•s. The Association enay, l��t s�iall not h� abli�a�ed t�7: (a) adopt a��c� am�;n� th� E34�laws ar�d Rul��, �rr�w�c��d tliat th� Byl�ws �nd R��les �vi�i not be incc�nsi5tent w�ith this �7e�claration c�r the Act: �b) a�iv�t anci ar�rlei�d bud�.ets fvr r�ven�ies, e:�penr�itures anc� reserves and assess and �.atf�ct an�r As��ssmen�� anci €�n� c�ther arnc�unt� du� frocrs [)w�ners crr c�th�rs t�7 tS1� Assc�ciatic�n; (c) h�re and l+erminate n�ana�in� a��nt� an�4 other rmpi€�ye4�, a�ents an�i incie��nde�t cantractors; (cl) irastituc�:, dcf�nc� ar int�rven� in liti�atia�n c�r adminisirati��e proceedin�s in its awn narr�e c�n �Sel�a3t'of it��lt�rar tw�� c�r mc�ra (}wners r,n matt�rs at#ectin� th� C�ndor�ic�iusn ['raj�ct; {�} tnakc� conlr�t;ts ar�d in�ur lia�ilitre�; �t) �v�rcr�v tunsi� tn cover Associatzc�n c.x��s�ditur�s �nd pied�� Associativn as�ets a� ��curity iheref'rar. �rr�uiclec� that C�rr�mc�n �l�n��t�ts Er1�y b� siibj�cte� tc� a security ir7t�rest �anly pursuant tc� Sectic�n l 7.2; {�y re�utate the usc. �naintett�tn��, repair, replacer�ient and n�.��i#icati�n af the �Cc�mrnon Elements; (h) �cause ad�iitional impr«��ernents t« he made as a �art �f` �h� �nm�i�on Elerr�er�ts includin�, wilhout limitatinn, snc�r��mt�t syst��ii5; (i) a�:quire, holci, e:ncun�ber and coiz��ey in it� ��tn name any� rigilt, titl� r�r intc;rest ta real �nr p�rsanal �ro�erty (i��cludin�. with���� limstatic�n, c�nr �r ma�re Ct�nc�om'sniums}, pr�r�vic�'c�c! t�t�.t Cnmm�n Llen�t�:nts may� he �on�•eyed or ��ib�}ect�:d tr� a s�c�uri�y inter�:st only pursu�nt tp Se�tion l7.?: alraa�REp :1Kf1,4NS tx�IJtw i 37Phn �� (j) �,i•ant �asemex�ts, leases, lic������, t��3� ccx��ct5sic���s tfirau�h �r c����:r th� Cnm��c,n �:leme��ts: �k) itnpc�s� and recei��c any �aym�nts, fees or rhar�es fc�r n�1y� ser�ric�s prv��i��d t� C���»ers; �l) impc�se char��:s tor l��[e �aym�nt r�f Ass�ssm4nts, eecc�ver rea��nab�e att�arney�' f�es anci �ther legal c�sts far cn�lectic��� ot Assessmcnts :�nd otf�er actia��� to enforce the gU�n�er c�! ti�e ."1ssc�ciation, r��arc�less of ���lzi�th�r c�r nat ��it �-•as ii�iti�t�t�, an�l. ��Lter not�ce anci an o��c�r�ui-�ity� ta be h�s�rtl, 1c;v�� rL�S��rtak7l� fin�s t�r vic�l�tit�ns c�f tkii� I]ecl��ratiun or th�; Bw�la��•s �rr R��les; (m} impas� seasonable char�e� fc�r thr: preparatiaaa :�,ZCi Rtcorci�n� �rt`amcrtc�ments tn this �]ec�artitrcm c�r slat�en�ents c�f��n{�aicl :Ass�:S:��t��t�ts ptirsuaa�t t� Seetic�n 17.�; (n) �re�r•�icle ft�r �I�� iric��rz�nifi�ati��n c�f its ut�ticer� a�xd mernhc:rs ��f �l�e Bc�ar+� �t��i maintain c�irec�ors� 'aiT1f.� lilttlfd4'CS' liability insurance; (r�} �.�si�n its ri��lt k� �ut��r� income, 7nclurlin� t�le ri�I�t t[� r�ceive �s�essn�ettts so la�n� as lhe Assc�cs��tic�n ��itl �:E�r�tir�u� tc� ha���: stit�Gcient r�4��nue t� rneet its n�aintertanc:e �bli�ctti�ns under tl�is DeclarE�tion: (P) e�er�:is�. an}� a�t�ter�ci�F�rs Lc�nk�rr�a �+y tl�is ��'f:Cl�ll'i3tlUll C73�I�14' Pi4'I�wVS, (clj �xercise al! o[�1er p��wers t�t�t �r�ay� be e�:ercise;ci in th� 5tate c�f C'��lc�r��io b�� le���l entities c�t�the sanie type as t}�e �-'�ss��:i�ition; an�i �r) exerciss: anv c�tl��r powers n�cess�ry an�i �a'���er ti�r the �overn�nce an�1 c��erati�n c�f th�: ,�1,ssc�cia;tic��7. �I��tis I)�claratic�t� rx�<iv nt�t in�pc�sc at�}' {ita�itaticros G�n thc �c�wers c�f'th� Ass«ciaticai� tc� deal w°ith T)�cl�rant tir��i�ich ar� mflr� r�striet�ve ikZati th� limit��ic�n� in1��e3�e:d an tl�e pert�fer af th� .�ssc�ciation tc� v�;al ��ith anw caltler I'erson. 6.3 F3u�, {�) Prepar�tion r��� �3�i�i��. Tl�� Bc�arc� will catise a prc��c�scc� b«a��t tor t4�e As���iatic�n tc� b� �r�p�ued aan� f��ic��t4d ar�nuall��. n4t l�ss thirn �[] �l�iy�s pric�r t� the bc�;innin� c�f �.��:I� N'sscal Y�:ar t�f the As�c�ci�tican t.��ecpt th��t, i:��r t}�e tii•st �iscal Year o�the Ass�cit�tian, tY�e Li�ard may adopt the eslimatecl hi�d�rk �r�p��reci by L)ecl�rant). `1'h�e prcapus�t� bu�ir.;�t wi11 inclutie �Il �f th� fc�PIr�win�;: {i) tl�� e�tii���.ted r�ver�u� and ex��r�s�s (ineludin�. �vithc�ut lirnitatic�n, �:c���mon C:x�ense5) c7!=t1z�: r"�s5tjc:iatiail i��r the s��bj�et l�isc��l Y�ar, in reast�r�ahlL ci�ta€1 a.s tc� th4 varici�is �cate�,c�ri�:s Qf re4��ntic anci �x��nse; a�i�t.i�st3REL4 ASiI•iNNS L+rrl?,`[M 4 371+Ai 7� . (ii) the eurrent cash b�lance in the Ass�ciacic�n"� re;serve fund for the majrar re�a3r ar replacenlei�t c�F C��rr�mc�n Eleatlent5, ttie .A�51�C1�1:1(7C1's �qui��r�enc, �LtT[li�Ul'� �Tlii flthe�r perst�nal prc�p�rty° �t�d toi' �antin�encies (incltidin4.�, �vithc�ul limitatic�n, the am�unt c�F the dedu�tible uncier the Associatir�n's praperty ins��r6�rs�e p�lic�}, ti�•hich �u�Yd e��ill be est��blis���c� an�i �tiaintained L�y� the Br�ard{the '`R�s�;r���. Fund"}; {iii) � estin�ate c�l' the atnt�unt r�.ql�ir��i tc� b�' sp�nt durin� the subje�.t Fiscal Y�ar frani th�: Reser4�e Cund fc�e �l�e maje�i� repair ar repl�cen�Lr�t ot�Cr�nirnc�n Clen��:nts or th� �'15sociatic�n'� equip�ilent. fi�miture c�r c�the� p�rsanal prapert�F; and (EV) a s€a'�erne�►t c�f the amo��nt r�c�uire� tcr kr� ztddec� to the �eserve F�nc� durin�; t17� suk�ject Fi�ca� '�'�ar t� c���er antici}�a�.�d rr��itli�raw•als and adequately aci�ir�ss cc�n�in�er►cies ai�d anticipati:� needs in tuture Fisczil �'ear�. (i�) R�titication raf Buc���t. l'�'itllin 9(} days aft�r tsle Board a�opts any pro�pc+sed [�ud��t tar the Ass�ciatic�n, the IIoar� ���ill mail, �y r�r�lin��rt� first-class mail, Ur c�thertivise cieli��er a sumn�ary c��the pro��std bur��et tc� all (�wners art�i will set a dat� far a m�etin� at the O��ners tc� cr�n4id�r ratiircatic�n ot� the pr•oposec� b��ci�ei. 5uch mee�in� w•i1i oceur �vit�in a re�tic�nab[c: t�me €ifter nrailiil� �r c�t1-�er c1eli��er}� c7f the :��imanar��. �'he Ba�rd w��ill �i;�� reatice to thc U���ners c�f' such nze�t�n� as �r�ovidc.ci ft�r in t11e Bylaw�s. The �uci�*ct pr�pc�s�:c� L�y t�c Bc��rc� d��� n�t requir� appri���al �1"the ���r���� �d L����� r� a����:a �������ed 1��� t�e C�wners in the ah�ence c-�F a �eto at such nc�tic�ci mt�tin� af Clwntrs r�preser�ting $G�'o of all t1�e L�nits, «-h�t��er car nc�t a �uarum ts present. [n the eve.nt that the prc�pos�d b�ci�et is v�tae�, fhe peri�dic burlget last pct�pc�se�t �y t��e Board an� rac�t wa�t��c� by tl�e (?wners w-ill cantinue in eff�ct untal su4h time �s a su�s�q��ent bud��t prc�pt�s�d by th� Btaar�i is r��t t�ct�ned h!�� the t�wns:rs. F4r t�l� tirst Fis�cal Y�ar af the :�ssociation. ch� Bu�rc� Etiay acfc�pt D�clarant'� estimate�i b�a���t �c�r �h+� �.ssoci��tic�n and ass�ss Gen�ral l�ss��srner�ts �ussuant tc� Sectinn 9.2(�,) o#� ihis DeclaratiosZ bas�d c�n it i� the I3o�rci s��br�its su�l� buci��t tc� th� +�r�cfners far ratificatic�n in �ccordar�cc: with this Seitior� 6.�3(b� w�itliin b�da;'s atter adopting it.. Article 7 CC)NSTI�L�CTI()�1 LIF�?FEC"TS, DISP�;TE�, DI�P��T�. RE�+i7Ll'TI()i+I .A,ltit} Li�[`Tf�AT'1�N 7.l T�esti��� fc�r Coclstructic�€� U�t�cts. {a} 'T€ze AssQ�iativn sha[1 r�ot t�nd�rta�e czr ;authc�ri�€: �ny c�stin�, �nclu�in�, witl�out lsmitatic�n. in�Fcsti�ative testin�, destructi�°� testin� ar invasiv°e t�stin� of any� kin�i Fc�r �iefects in c��str�rc:ti�3�� caf any L1nit crr C=�n�mon Elem�r�t tiv'itht�ut ��rst detern�ining, based �r}���� the presence �f snr�ze r�:aciily c�bs�r4•able �ti�idence �r c�ei�ici�n, that � d�feet rr�av e�cist. in n�akin� such � determinati�n tli�; 8r��u�i shall reC�� nn the c�pini��ns aaa�l�sr th� cc�ncl�sie�n5 of a e�uaiitie�i �xpert (c'.�.. � �lrtictural en�ineer); r:��e.n in th�: �ve��t tiL1C�1 �4�i�lence «r c�n�iti�ns exisl, �he Assc3ciatican shall not bt abli�atec� to aulhc�r'rz� ar und�rtake such testin�,. rald4i&.RLD AKI1�Nti(hti:'I.��)e��+�YM �`F � (bj In c��termir�itl� tir��lether tc� a��t��rize �uch te5ting, the L��aard sl�al� be gc,verned by the tc}llc�+a��ing c�n�icl�.ratic�ns: �ij ���het}�c:r the flssc�c�i�tion's pc�sitic�n is stron�; endugh tt�justit�� ta�ing any c�ther r�r further acti�3i�; (ii) ��h�ther, altl�c�ti�l� a tc:cl�nical vit��atioi� n�a;�� c:xist c�r mtiy have accur�e�i, it is c�f su�ch a rnat�ria� natur� a� t� b� «hjecti«nabEu t�� a r�;asoi��ble �'�ers�n or tc� ju�tify e�p�nciin� lhe t�ss��ci�tia�n's resc�urce4; and (iii� �rht�t�lcr it is in th� ��SC7ciation°s hest int�resi�, basec� u�on h�rdshi�, �:xpense. pncu�ivet�i�nc� or ath�:r rGasot��►k�l� criteria. tc� �aursu� t�i� n�at�er furth�r. {c) F�vtwith�tanr�in� �he tt�r����in�. �inc�er nc� G1t'CLfITl5l�1"I�tS sha[! the Ass�cititic�n �tati�o�i�e s�icl� testin�; as is cc��uempl�tt�d unc�er!I�`rs :�ectian 7.1 unIess the t��tut•� c�l the� susp�:�:ted e��fec;t is s�ch tk7at: �i) it ��>>es a si�nfficant ri�k tc� lifL, Ilealtki, saf�ty ur persr�nal �rc�perly; and (ii] it tl�reat�ns or affects tht: str�.rctural int��rity. F�nctic�ziality, or per�ar�y��nce at'the Prc��erty (c�r a pc�rt�o� ther�c�t} fc�r its inteni�c� �«e. fd) In the event tl�e Ba�irci underta�cr:s ��r ai�th�ari�es ti�:sti��i� f�r cot�stntct�Un cief�ct5. then pric7r to any� testin� taki��� �E::ice, Declttr�tni and �therti respottsibl� tor thc cnnstructi��n s�czll tse ent'€kleci to �a�t'tce ��f the alle�eci �cfect. t�c;c��s to the are� c�f tl�� alle��.ci �iefect, a�td an c�ppartunity tn ir�s�ect tl�e area tinci z-cpair any d�f�ct th�t i� fi�uci�E t�� �:xist. L�eclarant ancl c�thers r�spc�nsibl�: it�r el�nstru�uticn �hall alst� l�z enzitled to be pt•�:�L�t durin���ny- tesiin� and ma�� r�cord (��ia ��idet�tape. a�idio ta�e, scill pl�c�to�;raphs, or �ti1�� c►ther r�cc�r�sn� n�etkind) al[ test�ng conducte�i ancl ail alle�;ed cieF�.ct� fauq��. {�) In tl�e event lhal t�.stin� disctc}5�s any �LfLCCS, D�c�arant �nrJ oth�:rs res�aat�sihle f(�r ccrostructi�n shall be �;�ven a r�as��na�l� �imot�nt caf time, basec� r�n tlxc n;�t�rze ana e�tent c�f�the ciefect, tu repair or correct the con�lition. I��17eclar�rtt or c�thcr� rtsp�nsik�l�; tcar eonstructie7n fail to r��air or cn�-rect the c���elition. tFae doard shall l�a�°w the ri�ht, hrut nc�t t}�e a}ali�ation, to pr�t.eeci ��-i�h a Claim p��rsu<<nt tu tllis Ar[i�le 7 of t§iis L)c�l�rati�n. In �ieterrr�inin� �r�h�th�r t� �r�3eee�l r���it�l such a C;lairn, the 13ua�•d ��l�ill he �;��r��err��cl E�y� the �ame star�dards �s s�t fc�rth in SecticsT� 7.� belc�w�. 7.`? C'c�nsensus for �'lssoeiatic�n L:�ti�ati�n. ���c��t as �src�videci in this Sect�vn 7.?, 4he r��sc�ciatii�n �h��1 �oi �omr�e�ce a ju�i�ial iyr a�mini�lratiti�e proceedin�, inc�u�iEl� with�«t lin�it��tie�n any �roce�din� rec�uirecJ uncl�r �ecti�r► 7.,� b��aw•, �•ittic�ut: (a) the �tppro��al c�t'at least ��7°�0 �t the C)��ners; and (b� the ai9tirr��ati�� t���te �f Deel��ranc 5c� lnn� as Decl��rant awns a�Ir- i�+nit. "I"his Se�:tir�r� 7.2 stiall n�t ���1y, hc�we�f�r, t�s: �i) ���:zions t�rt���ght �tiR t�ie .�ss�ciatic�fl to �nfc�rc� th� tern�s c�f tl�is Dc-:cl�ratic�n, th� f3y�laws c�r tk3� Rults (incl��d'rng, writh�ut �imitatic�n, t]�e �`�areclosure c�l� [i�:ns); �ii) tfz� ii��pc�sition ��n� LC7IIL'C�10[1 0(� �ssissrnents; (it`r) prc�ceec��n�s c�aaa�uE�t� ,�K�i�vs �'uk�i�rq�ts�P!.a L7 � in4��[vin� chall���rs to aci v�alarem tax�.ti�n; c�r (iv� �o�int�rclait�s f�r��u�h1 k�� the Assaciatioti in procceeii���� instit�iteci a�ainst it. This S�ctf��r� 7.2 shall nc�t b�: amc:nd�:d t���less �uch �n3et�dment is a�p�ol-�ci t�� t}3e �ercenta�e +oi vc�tes, anci pursutint €c� tlle sarn� pr«ce�lur�s, necessary t4 snstitu��: �rc�ceetiia���, a� �rc�vic�ed 1�r lter�in_ Pri�r ti7 the rl,ssaeiati�n c�r anv t"�wner's ���mrr��ncin� any= judicial c7r administrat€ve �r�7c�edirzg ti�hich �trises out of�n alle�ed d�tects of any C'oa�arndix Element c�r L�nit, L3eclar�nt anci c�ther� respo�nsible fnr t�l� con��ructi�n sh�ll �zar��e t1�� ri�,lat co b� tieard by t�G CJwners and ter acces�, ir�sp��t, c�rrec:t tl�se, cc�ntlitic�n c��, e►r red�si�n any �ort��an ��f!he C.���lrnc�r� F?lemer�ts r�r the Ur�itti. incl�din� an�,° ir�tprov�m�nt as #cr t�'hicl� a de#�ect rs allec�d. In additirsn, th� �I.ssoci�tion c�r the Uwner shaf� noti�y thc t��ii�c��r wl�ca c��nstruc��d the �ubj�:ct impruvemcnt pri�r to ret�inin� any �th�r c:x��ert as ar� exp4r� ��itness�r fc�r rather li�i��tion �urpases. 7.a ?.ltert�atr�,� Methc�d for ��sc�lvin4a Di� utes. In accordance with ar►d urfh����ce o �ection 124 at' the Ac#. Declar�nt; th� Assaciatic,n, its c�ftic�r;;, c�irectc�rs, �nd can�nlittee m�rr�bers; any C�wner; a�i �'�rs��ns s�ct�j�.ct t+� this L}�cl��ratic�n; ��nd �ny �'erst�n nc�t c�therv��ise subj�ct !o Chqs Declaratir�n w�ho a�;rees t�o se�br��it to tl�i� Se�tion 7.3 4.�aeh suc:h �ntity b�in� refi:rreci to a, �. "I3ouncf Party,.} a�.re� tc� e�icoi�ra�� the �tFtlECik�7�� C�Sfllli#1Qtl Q� tjiS�']L[1.�5, Wii}1CllYC t41e �n-�c�tic�nal anc� f�n�nciG�l c�sts of liti�ati�n. Accardin�ly, �ach l�c�t�nc� F�trty� c�v€;nants and a�rces to s��bmit thc�s� claims, gri�w��nces ar disputes d�scrih�d in S�ctian 7.� �f tf�is ]]r�claration �collec�iv�e[y, `'�'laims"'}, t� th� proc�d�ares set tort� i�� Seeti��n 7.� +�f this D�claration, 7.� Ciait-ns. [Jnl�:ss speci�ically ex�rnpted belo��, all C'.iair�is arisinb c�ut c�t'or relatin�; to the interprr;tatic,n, �ppli�ntian [�r enForcement o�this I�eclaratinn. ()�'t�3t f1��ltS, obiigations an� duties �t'�rly T3c�und Part�' ut�d�:r tl�is D�claratian, c�r rel4ii`sn�, to the c�esi�,tl or cot�st�t�#ion of t�te iJnits ar the Cc�n��non E�em�:nt� shal� he su�ij�ct tc� the prc�E�iSi�n�of�ectian 7.5 ��f�this l��:clGuatian. Nc�t�y�ithstandan� the a�Q��e, unl��s ail parti�;s thcret�� c�therwise a�r�.c;, t�� following shall nc�t be Claims an� shall r�c�� be subj�ct t� the �ravision�of Sectio�i 7.� ca#�thts I�eclarati��n:. {a} any sui� t�y thc Assc�c"razion ��ainst ac7�� ��rin� '�arty� tv er�fnrc� th�. prc�vi�i�ns af Art.icle � o#'tf�is Declaration {A�sessments); {b} astY 5uit by� tl�e A�so�i�3tic��a �r L7�claran! t�� c�Utadn 4i temporar}� restrainin�, c�rd�er or 1TI,E11lCt1�I1 �OI �C]Llll�'c�I�ilt �I3l�.F'��TSC�' ey�aila�al�: rc[ic�1.} a�td 5tach c�th�r anci�lary relief��ts th� cc�ur# may� d�c;m n�ce5sary in ��rder tc� c�laint��ir� tt�e sta�us c��ia and presi:rtiJ� t�7e �ssoci�ttion'� a�ility t+� act unc�er anc� en��rce th� pr�7�°isio�i:� af Articl� 4 (Cov�n�nts, �onddtiut�s �id Restrictic�ns); {c) �.tty suit �etw�een ar am�n�; Ow�r��.rs, ta tlt� ��ter�t such suit a�serts a �:l�i�i wPhich ����uCd c.c�izstittite ;:a cause +��'a�:tion indep�ndent��f4 this ��elar�tir r�; {cl} any suiC it� w�hicl� any inc�i�gensable g�trty is��t d Baunc! Party; arid {e� any� s��it �s tc� ��h�ct� any applic�tbl�; st�itut�: aF I�mitatians, ha� �x�ired �r wotald �expire w'ithin 1�it� day� ��f�ivin� tl�e Nralic� rcc}uirec� b}F stthsectio�l 7.5(aj af this I�eci�r��liun. ntaaaY,ItLtl AS.HnivS..r;W�?,'[x.,�I?PM ��� 1h�ith tl�e cc�r��ent of al] parties ther�ta, a��y o1� th� al������ may �� sub�iitea k�� thL alt�.rnatir�e dispi�te reesc�lutic�n prc�cedures set fc�r€}z in S�ctio�� 7.>. 7.5 h�landatnrv Aroc�d��re�. (a) l`�c�tice. Anrr S���r�a Part}- h���in� a Cleiim {"C.laimant") a�tYinst az�y c�t�ur Bc�urld 1'arty ("l��.sp«nc��:nt''} (tfit C1ait�t�ai�t �n�i d�i� Resp���ider�t ar� h�reinaft�r r�ferr�c3 to indf��ic�ually, as a "P�rt��,,, �r. �.�llecti�e�y, as tl�e `�F'artie�"j shall notity c�a�:h R�:s,�c�ndent in writing (th� "Nc�ti�e„). statin� plainlv� a��d ec�nci,c�lrr 4i) th� nat�ire c�f the C1aim, ir��:lL:�in�; the Persons involve�i anc! Respc�ndent's ro1� in 11�e C'I�im; 4.ii) tlle Ie�al �itisi� c�f the C.le`1IlIl �l.F:., ihr: s�r�:�iii� ��ithc�rity �rut af which the C9ai€n ari4c��}: (iii) the �ar��e�sed r�rr�edy; and I.i�) the fact tl�at �laitnant w2ll meet v�+iti� R���cand�:nt tc� dise���� in �c�<}d ti�itt� w�y� tn resalv�e the Claim. (b3 �v'e-���tiatic�n and Me�ieition. (i) Tl�e P�rti�s shal! make ��i�ry re�5c�nat,�� �:�tc�rt to mer:! ir� �ersc�ii ar�c� cc�nfcr �c}r �t�e �urp�se af res«lvin� tfle Cl�itn k�y �ac��i �aitlz ne�otiatit�n. If reyu�ste� 'rn �wrritin�, acc:c�m�aai�ieci by a capy c�f th� Nc�tic�, tl��e Saarci ma�I apgaoint a represent�tive t�,� assast ti�e F�rties in n��c�tiatir���. (ii} If tl�� Parties d� �ZC�t rescslr��e the C:l�in� tivithin 3� �ays �fter the date UF the N�tice (t�r withici s�tch other pericad as rrtay b� g��r�tC� L1�C311 �1�r the i'arties� (``T�rrizir�atic�i� c�f '•_V��c�tiatic�ns..). �l�im�.nt slzall hav� 3� ac�ditional c�ays tu subn�it the C'l�irn to n��:cliatic�i� under tl�� a�isl�ie�.s c3[� an indc:penc�cnt mediaiic?n �ervi�e desi�nated �y� the Associatiun r�r, if t��e F'•�irties ot�crw�i�e ��;re�°, tc� ar� inc�cpenc�znt a�ency provic�ing d�spute r�so�utinn s�rvic�e� in che ���;le Cc�unt�,�,Colc�racin, area.. (i��) If`Claimant �c�es ncft sui�rnit t��e C'laim tc� mediatic�n ���ithin such time. dr ciaes not �ip�e�ar fc7r ti��e ��i��iation, Cl{iirnarat sha�I be c�e�;n�e� t� haw•e ��air�rect th� Claim, artid Res}�c�nder�t shf�il be relea���i an� c�ischar��;d trc�m ��ny� �i�c� atl {i�bility t� C'17imant c�n acc�unt a[� suc�� Claim; �Ji'(JL�ic�ecl. nc�tl�it�� h�.r�.in shall release ot' c�isch�r�e Respr�nd�nt frorr� anti' j1�3F11{1Ly� t� an4� Persc�n ot�ttr th��n €he C'l�irnant. {lV} At1;�� settlert�ent �!' t'�c C'lairr7 tl�a'�u�h mediation sl�all b� dc�currtentcd in w•riti�,� �y t4i� �c�liatc�r at�d si�n�ci �y the Parties. If ih�: Paa-ti�s do not settle clle Claim ���ith�r� 3() davs after suhnlis�i��n c�f�th�: �z�atier �0 1h�: r�atdiati��n, c�r within such utt�zr iin�� �s d�t�rmined hy� tlie rnec�i�itc�r �r a�rc�c� t« by� the I'arti�s. tllc: n��c�iator �ha�i issue a n«tice �t terrni�atic�n r�f th� meci�aticjn �7CC1[:Lt'.�141�?5 �`.!`Lrrninatiu� «f It�l�diati�n'�). 1`hc� T�rEnii��tic�n c�!'Me�ii�tit�n n��ti�� sftall ��:t #'c7rt1� ihat t��� I'arti�s are at ai� in�p��ss� and th� ciate tltat r�iediatian �.r��s terminate�_ (v} �Iltflil3 five day� r�f` t4i�: "1'er�rrination t�f Cvte�iiatincl, thL L'lainl�nt sh�l� make a tinal ��r�•itt�:�� �ettlern�:nc �.c�t���nd (`��ettl�r���nt 17�;r�lan�i") tc� the ReSpondent, �nd th� Respr�nr��:r�t s13a11 rttat�� a fina� ti��rittei� settltn�ent c.�k��i:r {."Settlen»nt UL'fer�'} tc3 tf�c; C{�ima��t. !f tlle C:laimant i�xi[s tc� n�a�e a Settl�me�it T�cinanc:l, C'4aiman['s�ri�i�i��l �Iatice 9'4448 R�=E3 AKH.AN,S UNI:1t1G�i;PM i` sh�tll eot�siitute tt�e Sett[ernent D�rnarlci, If tl�e R�spc�ndznt �ails tt� m��:�, a Settle€�t�.nt [Jtter, Kesp�nd�nt si�all he �l�:4t�tc:d t�� h���e mac��: a "zerc�" ar `'tak�; nt�t4�in,�" Settien�ent {�7f#�.r. {c�l [�inaf and Bi�iciin� ArY�itratic�n, (i) if th� �anies c�c� r:c�t a�rze in writing �o a scttl�m�;nt c�F tl�c CPairn w°ithin 15 ciays «f t1�e T�CITIIri�il(7ri Of �'��(�I�tfQl�, the �;laimant shal� ha��e l� ar��iitiuna� �iays �c� sut�mit t��� C'�ai�n to art�itrati��n in accr�rdance ��ith the ��cles c�i�:"�rbitration coizta�ned in E;chibit � crr suc11 rules as may be rec�uireci �►y �he 4�gc:ncy proa•idin�; th� arbitrator. If n�t tirr�ely suk�mitted ta ar�itratic�n or if th� +Claiinant #ai�s tc? appe�r ft�r the ar�aitratic�n prc�ce.�din�, th�: Claim s}�al[ l�e deem�d aaanc��a�t�c�. �Zd Res�c�ndent shaCl k�e rel�ased anti ciisch��r��c:i frr�rn anv and all Ii�k�ility to Clain�ant arisitl� vt�t of su�h C:lairn; ��'�vicicc�', nat�lir�g herein sh�ll release r�r �iis�:}iarg� I�LS�c3rtdtnt fr��in �ny liahility tr� Persr�ns c�ther than C'lairnant. tii) '[:.his subsection 7.��c� is �� agreemcnt t� ari�iCrat� and is speeifi�ally. ei�farc�ahl� u�c��r the a�plicaE�le arbitrataon lar���5 Of t1lE St�l�� of Color�do. The art�itrati�n a���ard (the "Award'') shall bc tinal an� binc�in� urith nc� ri�;1�t ic� appea�, anc� ju�i�me:nt may be erat�red u�on it in any� cc��ari �f t�r��►ge;tcnt jurisdaction to the fullest erteni p�rnlitEed unti�r thc; laws of the State�3#C=nlflrad�. [�) All�catic�n aF C"c�st� �af R�sc�l��in�_Cl�intis. {i) Eac:li Party, in�luclan�, w�ithc3ui lin-►itatian, �r�y �7w�n�r and t�l� Assc�ci��it�n, �h�ll st��re �yually all ���ar�;�s r�n�l�:r�ci b�� tlic mec�iat�r(s} anc� alf �ling fe�:s and �«st� af conductin� th� arhitratic�r� �ruceec�in� ("Po�t lb!I�diation C:a�ts"j. Under no circumsta���ces shall eiztic:r Pa.rty� be e�lt�tle� Ec� r�Gc��er its Pc�st h�ediation f'c�sts, inc[uciing ar�y attorne��s' fc:es {.��cept aa:� s��citrcall�� pr�T�iri�d ur�cier �_.,,'�.�� ^F `'-� � '''� �eeti�n f 23 c7t the �,ct), fr��n� th� ath�r par�y. B�' TAKINti "I°I`I�I.E `I��7 A [.`I�fl'1':AI'�IJ .�►� � I�'I�:MI3L� (�I= THL A�S[�C'I,a�'I{7N» �AC'H 4'V�'i*�rI� ACKN�V�iLEDC'�ES �N� AGRE:F.S TI-I�.T �UCti (�V�'NE�.�t .��`�fD `�'�-CE ASSQGY�'I'I{J�I �-�.AVE W AIV�L7 A?VD S�-��Li. BE I7��1���L3 T'� �1t�VE ��Jf�1VE°D TF�I� RICrH.I. .I'U �1.NY �'tiWARD C]1' �1TTURl'�iFY�±' 1��'CS (EX�EP� �S SP�C.IFiC:F�,LLY' E'[�()'JIU�1� UNGER ��'r�-rrn�r :� �� � ��? 5E=�' IQI�i 123 �� `I`f-fE E1,C:Tj IN C(�N'�1EC'I°I(J�N WITH THE ART�ITRATit�l�i �F' A Di�PUTE UNDCR 'I'�6IS SE�TI�]I�i 7.'�(�ij. (€i) Anv �.w�ard which is equal to or mor� favflrable to Clain7ant th� C3ain�ant's S�ttlement D�;mand �hall a�ld Claim�nt's �'cast Mediation ���ts t� tt7t P�ward, suct� �.asT� ta be born� equall�� by all I�.e��c�ndents. l�ny �4,w�rci w�hich is eq�Eal to or less f��resr�.b�e [� C laim�nt than �I1W R�S�7[}HlC�I'.Ilr's �ettlernent []f�fer �hall ar��arc� t� sur�h Ri;spc�nc�ent its P��st 1"v1�di�tion �osi�. ��"ilh res�ect ic� �n�' AWi�IfC� W�1C�l lti �455 �3VC7C3;hIC tc� +Claimank th��s� Cl�3imant's Settleizie�lt U�n�and y�e�t rr�r�r� fa�:•c�rable to C'.laimant tharc I��S�C7ClCIt[1��� Se�cl�;ra,�nc[3r"fer, eac:h pG�rty shall �ear its c���n Pc�st i�v'Eed`ratic�n CostS. nf�i3-iftRf:�:tli,elANti �6/!'ulfp I.f"HM y" (�y L�rnit��ti�m c�n C?ama�t5. Nc� parly, inclLic�izi�. ��ithoi�t lii�itation. G�ny [�wner �nd tht; A�sn�istiran, sl7ali be entitle�i tc� r�:��:i�c �e��tr aw�r� af dasna�e� ir� connectic�n with tlz�: arbitrat�an vi'a ais}�uc� �lher tf�ar� suefl �ark�•'s actual riar�ia�;es, and Declarant, t}i� �ssociation �nc{ any �u�r�er �hall lae ��en�ed tc� h�iti^� ti�+�irx�d tl�eir� ri��it tc7 receiv� any darrta��s in a L}i�pute crth�r than �tctt�a� dama�es, includi«�;, 4�ith�ut l�ry�itatintt, ��tt�xt��ys' Fee� (�:�cc�st � speci�ic�zlly pror��icleri un�er �..�•;�.. �4 ��.`' ��� �eecic3n 12? ir4' the �c:t), speciai dama�es, cc�nsequenti6il dama�es, ar�c� ptsniti��e c�r ex�rnplary� dama�e�. �3Y' T:!�KII�1[:T "I'I"]-i��: TC� A �.TNiT �1i�9L3 :'!5 1'�► �v1F�II3�I� [}F "IHE ASS(�CIA"I'I[�D'�.I, Fy�.C'1( �)4��1�FE� �N(7VG'II`tiC1LY �1�rL7 W[L.L,INGLY r�C'ItiI*�f{�WLEI.]�.�ES �1ND A[sR�:I:'� "I�Ii:h"I' SL�Ci-( (7'V�INf�:� ANll 1�HE l�,�SC�'�IATI()N �IAV'E W'.�1[VI�f� AN[� S�-if'1LL I�E; I3�F,1�1FI? 'i�0 fir�VE 1�L'l1IV]�T). Il�i �C�l'J-'V�C"I��(�N 1�,'I`I'H THE ES.I��I�'F�;�TI()N C7�F ANY C]IS�'[�iTE LTNI7ER SLCT'I+[JI� 7.�[e:}. T[�I: R3C1I-I`f� "I-O �Nl�' ,���lAI� C]F C'C�NSEQ[J�T�TIAI., II'tiaII�I:C'��, SPE�'ir'll., I'UNITI'dF, «C:II)�I�dTAL, C?R C7�'1-IEI� '�1C)N-COi1�3f'�NS�ITURY D.h!�Fi:'�C�1::� �)[� SIMIL��R D�1Mr'1�1�:�, INCI.UDIN� ALL �:'�1��9�.G�� F(�fL EM�TIQIVA�. I)[S"T[�CSS, VVHF:�['I-I�l� F�RESLE�IBL.0 Q!� LiNi=UR�:SE�;�'1�3LC AN17 RE,���.Rl]LES;S (]F' �hrHrTHI�Ii �UCI-I L7r'�?I.IAC_'►�S :�RE B?�.SEI] QN (13L��� N[��I' LIi�3ITF�� `�'C�� CI.�"�IMS .'���I�I'�G �LiT (�F BIt��C'�-I (�R FAILU�F (3I° �?�1'I�1�SS �7It INIPLI[-.;I) W'ARf�11N'l�Y 4�I� CU�II)I'1'I(71��. BR�:�CII [�� C(_lNTF��ICT, ti'I�LA�1�[[JI� ��' B[_JIL[�ING C()DE5 (L(JCt'1L, ST.�-L�: ()1� FED�;Et:"ti,}. +C'+DN�STRt1C"rlf.)N ��1`�CTS, I�-�i�RF:�'RE:5�:�1"I'ATIUN C�1� �L•`C;LIG[;f�CI� (�� �THCRWI�L. {i� M�rltipFe Pai�tv Di��tfk�es. '��lulti�le �cir[y ciisC��tkcs nr �:lai��3s ncat cons�lidatr:c� ar a�iniinist�i-GCi as � cl;�s� actir�n purs�z��lt t�? tl�� fc�Clc�wiQ�� wc:�iten�.e r,vill bi �uL�je�t ir�, and ws�l �S� ar�sitrat�d indi��idually, ()nly- ��ith th�: t��ritt�n rec���est ai�a�l parties in�rc�lved, bi�t nr�t atherz��is�, th� `.Elrbitratar' (as detir�ed in L�hib�t E attached herF:to) n��y: (i) c�n�+�lir��t� irt a sir��le arbitr�tic�n �rrac�:cdit��; an�;� m�slti�ale �a�rty claims th�ii �rrc �ubst�tntiall;,� ic��ntic�l, and [:ii) ar�itrate €nulti�le cl�iims as a class actioi7 in acc��rdan��: r��iih tl�e rule� ���d procedures at��?pi�cl la}� �an�truc.tic7n Arbitratic�n S�r►,�ic�.�, [nc. (..C��S"). (�} Eciforeernent c�f R�sc>lut'rc�n. If' the Aarties ��ree tc� � r�s�ilutinn �F any �laini thrc�u�h ��e�c�ti��tio�� or n�ec�iatic�n ira �ecord�ince wi�h Sl:Gt4D17 1�.��I�� �bave and �ny C'arty, thtrc�z�ter �aiis ta abid� bY the tem�s c�f S�GCh a�re��nent, or if��iI7V P�C[Y" ��31IS t(3 C[]Ft'1�3IY �'�lth an A��=ar�, th�;n anv c�thur P�riy �tlay til� sl�it or iniiiatc ac�s�i�rYis[�°�.ti�re �ro�:�edin�� ta �nforce such a��-�:�me�Yt ar :���°ard withc�ut th� ne�;�i tc� a��in co�n�ly wi[h the �ra�cedur�s slt farth isi this �ec�ion 7.5. [n such event, thc: I'�.riy ra�in� atti�n tc� �:nfc�r�� tt�� ���r�em�nt «r Award sh�ll be �;ntit�ec� ic� r�eav�r trc��n tl�e nc�n-s:c�n��luinL.� Par�y- (r�r i�` rn��re �lza�l a�e r�c�n-�on�plyi�� Party, fi'c�rn �ill such Parties pro rat�z} aIl �c�si� inc�arred ii7 �nfoi-cin� su�h a�;e�em�n[ c�r Aw��rd, in�:tu�in�, Lvith�t�t limitati�itt, 1ttc�rner�•�' �ee� an�i �c�uri �:c�sts ko the extent specitical[y p�-o��ided u�7cler � �,: �� "�.= '� Se�ti+�n 1�3 c�t�the Act. ?.f� Lt��l Prc�c�.ediFt�?s. 5ub�ec:t to ihc prc�w�isic��ts r�i' Sections 7.1 thr�u�h 7.5 c�f tl�i� I��clarati�n, the :�s5c�ciatic�n shall ha��� th� ri�ht. but �tc�t the €�bli�ati�7n, tc� institut� le�al pr�aceeciin�s tc� �r��«rc�. all rs�lits tir�der tliis I7�clar•ati�n, t1�e 13y1aw5 �►n� the Rul�s. 'I'h� dccisi�n t� insiit�:t�: �L���1 pr�c�e�iin�s I�y scel�i�i� the ap�aro�•al c�f at {�ast �i�°� of the (���~ner� pursuant tu S�ctic�n 7.l of tlYiS D�claratic�n, shall k�c in t�� se��� discreti�an uf c�e Boarci and sf��ll be ga�•ern�ci 5��aaxHLD AKHANS 4t�'I:iOti s 37phi �� h�,r th� c�nsic��r4itBar�S cietaii�;d iri ��:etic�o-�s 7.1, if ap�li�eable, Fail�ire tc� cor��n7ence such 1e�a1 proce�din�s sl�all r�crt c�n5titrate � e�faiver o#' an�� such ri�ht�. r�.NY LIt'v�IT.f��['��1�IS �N Df1.M�z"��E�i .�N13 r'1L1_ UVr�.IVF.�.[�S [7F LI�"�E3ILIT`sr :�`�II7 RICrHTS T[) �Vv'AR[7S C1F I]A11�1.�1CiG� SLT I�[_)�i�I��i I1�I�A.i`�Y �FGT�C7V [�I� �THIS I3CCLARA.TIt7N 1T�i�TH RFSF'F.�T T'�1 C1�h'NI�.E��, tNC'�.11DI�I�1G, WITI�(�U`I Lll"W'II`I�A"I'C(�N. �LG"��IUiriS 7.5(c), 7.5(e) Al`�fU 7.�(t�. �f�.'�LI_ :'1PP�.� Vv'I�E-I E:t:�U.�L F(�RC'E �IND EFFEGT �v'1`Ft-i RESP£CT TO TI�E E�SSC}(."I�TI()I`v FI�i t-1NY �,EUAI. PR(�C'EEI�IititGS INSZ�tT�iTED B`t� T'i-IE AS�[7CIA'TI[�T'�I L;I�I�I:1� `Tt-ti�i S�CTIC}N 7.G.. 7,7 F.�Fcsrcement �f C��claratic�n. B��I�wss_anci T�ules. (a� Sanctic�ns anci S�1t=�-I�[p. t'�fter nc�ti�:e anc� an Qp�c�r�unify tc� be hearcE as pravid�d i�i ch� Byl�iw�, the �ssoeia#ion. actin�; throu�,h t��e �3c�ard �r �tt�� authc�ri;c.�d a�ent, may: (i) impc��e �anct��ns ��nclu�in�, without timitatian, rcason�ble mon�.tary� fines) far violatic�ns of t�i� I)eclaraii�n, t}t� Byla��,�s. �r th�: Rul�es; (ii) �xer�ise sell=l�elp ir� cur� ar�y uic�latic�ns �f this D��:laratic��t. the �y�laws c�r the R�les that a�r C3u�ner of f'er��littee fail� or refuses lo cure; ar�d (i€i} su�p�n�i any ser�%icc� it pr���lides ta any ��=ner whe� is r�aare than 15 �ays delinc���ent in p�yin� any t�ssessnrent c�r r��ther c�iar�,e ciu� tc� th� Asscaciatic�n. �11 of the remedi�s set fe��h in this Declar��ic�n and tfY� By�l�ws sha19 he cumulati��� c�f �:ach �th�r an� ant' ��thcr rem��iies availa�l�; ai la��• or i� �c�irity, df`the �►ssaci�tic�n pre��ails in aa��� a�tic�n tc� �ni��ru� the pr�uisians ot`t1�i� Dtcl�ratit�+n, the �}fl���fs, or the ��il�s, it st�;:�Il bL entitlet� t� reGC�4�c�r all ��sts. inuluc�an�, r��ithotii iin�itatic�n, attc�rney's" fees ane� �c�urt costs t�r tf�e �rt�nt spee'sticalky �ru�•i�.led L�ild�r c:�����., �� �� ' ,�= �_ #ion 1� c�f the �1,ct), re�sc�n�hly incurrcc� by it in such actiun. (k�) i'�a W��i�°er. In r�o e��r�t s��ll the �.s�vci<iti�r�'� failure t� enfvrce any cv���nant, restrictior� ar nite pr��Fidc�d f�ar in this C►eClar�tie�n, t}�� Btilaws, E�r[he Ruies c�nnst'stut+� � wvair�er of the �1,ss�ciatior�'s r�s�ht to lat�r ent:orc� such �rc���isior� c�r any ather coven�nt, re�triction or r�le. Ar�iele S M+[}LI] D[SCI.i?�l.'RE � WA1'4'1��� Mc�ld, milci��r�, tun�;i, �+��ct�ri� �rad micr�bi��lc��i�: c�r�;�nisrrss (c�ll�cti�,=ely, "Mol�") �r� pr�setlt in sc�il, ziir ;an�i else«�fiere in the en��kronr�ler�t. �told can praliterate in �various �n��irunrzZents, inc[udin�, anit�n� oz��ers, t�atj�p areas �uch as t�attirooms and w•ithin tival�s an�i partitio�s. Certain par�ies hati'� t::{[}IL'.SS�� C[7I1C4'CTtti `cl�}[)L[I k�1C �]17551�7�C at�L'��5� �t��C�S ilYl �1L11T1�I1 health tr«m e�:posure ta Mo3d. I]u� tc} 4��}riaus reasr�tzs, inclu�ir�� t}ac: uary�ir�� sc.n�iti��ities oE' d�fferent incii��i�ivals t�� �rariaus typrs c��' Mold anr� ath�r c:�nt:�tnii�ant�, as of th� dat� vf ihis Dc�claratic�r�. ,no st�itt or �'ede�al st�ndar�s r�,�;ardiTt� acce�tahle l�vels o#��xpnsure tfl Mold exi�t. ,�ccc�rdir��; t� ihe C'a�sumer Prc��iuct SafL�y' Cc�rnrrzis5ic�n aszd the An��ric�t Lun� Ass�ci�tic�n, sorr�e diseasc4 c�r illnesses have �e�n lirfked tiWith '�ic��o�,ical pallutants in the inc�c�or envirUnment, irrcluding sc�me fc��rms r�f�lalcl. Ifc�«�ever, it is t�elie�rec� tllat n�an� c�f these canditic�ns n�ay also h�we cau5es uEyr�latc;d to the in�ic�e�r�nvirc�nn3ent. 't'h�r�tc�re. a:� c�i'th� c�at� at t�i� �]e.�laratic�n, it i5 unl��cati�-n hc�w many p�ntential h�<ilth prc►�rl�.m:� re�at� �rirr���rilg� or e��:I«sivel�� t� incic�c�r �iir quaCity c�r iVfol�. Each {D�vn�r, by [aking tit14 �c� a [lslit, is actr�ised tl��t I�eclaracit and t��e ASSOCiatian ar� not qr�alifiec� an� �ia��e i�ot €inderta4ccn t� �v�l���te all asp�cEs c�t thi� v�ery , oi-isas 4tLU ,tkfRtN4;xefi�,M o a��!AS J� complex iss���,. F,acf1 4)���n�r. l�y tukit�� ti�le to ri Unii, ackn��wt�:c��is tfiaG D�:�:larant an�lcar the A�SC�ciati�,tl ha4��: r3t�t purl`arn�esl ����y� lestanr� c�r �wrEiluati€�n ot, and rt�ak� nc� repres�tztatit�n� c�r «•arranties. expr�ss �ar in1��i�:d. �t�ncertiin�, [l�e p�zst, curr�nt �r Futurc pre��nce c�r a�sence c�f N�a�c1 in Ehe «r�it, any I�imited �'c�mm�an T�l�rn�:.nts �ell�c�ie�i te� the Un�t, r�r tiin�� c�thcr Ccratimon Ele�i�elts or in E1ie ��ici�nity ol�t��e l.lnit. any° Limit�:� Cotninon Ll4mcnts allc�c�t�� tc� the: Llnit, c�r any e�tl��:r �"c�mnic�n I�;l���i�ncs. �r withirl the vicinit�r of the Prc�per�L�, D�clara�t and the t�s�nciatic�n re.con�mc:n€� th�t �ach [)tivtl�r, at th�: ���'ner's expensi, cc�nciuci its r�tirn iii��esti�,ati��n �n� cnn:�ult r���ith suc;li e:�pe;�-�� as the ()wn�r c�e�n�s a�?,�rc�prizite r��ar�lin� the �ccu�°re�ee atid e�fects c�t M��id, tha: �c�te��tia� s�nsit���ity c�r src:cizl risk tl�c �ti��ner. hi� or her �'ar�ti ly mcrnk�crs, and nthers indi�fidual� ��:�h� u�il! ��.cti�y c�r usc� Ch� L fnit €�r any i,irnitec� C'c�rnmon Eletizcnts �ilc�c��tecl ��a che Unit, rna�� have witl7 �es���ct tt� �'[olci, and r�let4�c�ds tta rcc�uc� i�r lirriit l�i�ld ��ithin tl�� C�rzit e�r�ny Lirnitcd �::c�mi���t� Elemer�ts �llc�cat��to the t_:nit. 't�'lien ��e�s:�iti°� moist�ire or wat�r �icri►rliul�tes incic��3rs, Mcild grc����th can ��c� ��'ill acctir, partic�ilar�y i�t�lc; mc�i�tur�: �rc�hler�a renzains un<a�idr�ssu�. The�-e is no �r��ctic�tl w�y tc� elirniriat�: �tll ;1�1c�1�i in �n �nd«or �nvirc�nmcn[. The k�:�� tc� c�7s�trnlli�l� itadac.�r Mc71�1 �rc�a���t�i is tQ 4atltrt�{ mc�ist�rrt. Eaeh C.�44-�t�r, t��F t�kiti� kill� to a iinii, a�r4e;� to maintain th�: L�t�ii anc� any [�icnited C c�rn�n�}n F:l�i��ents ��ll��:atecl �o ttie U��it in sucE1 �� manner as ta rcc�ur�� tht �c7t�ntit�[ fc�r increas�:ci 1�7��1�i fc�rn�atic�r� c�r r�ruc�-th, ineltrdins�, 4vi�}xc�tit lir��itatiran. k�e�ir�Q dr�rc:r �€n� c�thc:r vc;nis and,�or �an� cl�ar anc� tunctir�nin�. anc� prev�ntin� ��1� r�-���irin4 plusnbir��;, u�inc�t�w a.nd other l�.�ks �nd souxces af mraisture, F:�efi (��iner, �y� takisz� titli; to a llni#., a�rees ta ma�:� peric3ciic ins�aec�ic�ns of tli� [_:nit an�i �E�y Lin�itzci C'�rnrnc�n Elcrnet�ts allt�c�ted t�� ihe Ut�at t�ar t��e �rresi:nc� �t�h��«]r� vr co«ditirans tir�hich n�ay increasc t�e. �i�ilii'v' ��t 11�fo1c1 t❑ prn�a��te �ritl�in t�1� t_1i�it c�r anv Lin-�ited �c�nlm�n E:;lcnien[� allocat�ci t� the U�Yii, axt�i t� n�onitar th4 [.]slgt aiid an�� Limite� C.or�ir��c}n Elen�cnts atic�cat�� to tfie trn�t c�n � ce�tztinual basis f�ar �xcessik'e m�isiure, er�ater or Ms�l�� �L'CLtIZ1L]I�sti��n. 1F��`�t�C OI° 131Q1S�L1�C; l�a L�I5G:ClVt'I'Ll� 117 �JC�lIC1L1I1f.I E�l� LJllll Clf �Ily I,itttite�i Cc�mmc�n Elen3��lts �tPIUCal�:4� tla t�1i L)tlli, tft� Cl���nGr, by takin� title tc�a CJ�tit, �.�re�:s ta in�n-ie:cliately seek to eliminat� tk�e snurce of the ��ater c�r �IOititure. �'ailure t�� �lirninat� thc: sc�urce of n�rai�ttirc �an resuli in adr�ition�il d�ma�e and the �rdw��tll c�f :�lulci. l�ec[arai�t r��ill r�c�t be respons�ble fr�r ciama�;ts, ai�c� c:acl� (��+�ner, bv takin� titic� tcr a i���it, k�ereb�� �+��ai4��s aYl ei�hts t� tf�tT��.�es �rid subrc��ati��� of�dar�ia��s. Eac:h �J���n�r, Y�y takinb title tc, a [_�nit. agrces tc� inc��mr�if�� D�eclarGent and t�ae ����ciati�7n a��d I�olci llcclarant ancl the A�s��:it�tic�n 1za�°n�l��s tronx c�an�di�es, incl�t�ir��; in s1l c�ses pers«nGtl injury c�r �rop�rty d;���a��:. �ause� ��r tl�� presc:nce af E�1c�Ed ancilr�r �rater c�r n�oisture in t�� i�nit or �th�r p��rti��ns nF the Prt�perty tu th� extent that the dama�+�s ��re c�:used lay'= f i)th� (7wner"s ¢��:��iy�er�c� or t�.i�ur� lo �rc��erly n�aintair� anci r1�r��litc�r the U�it nr any Linlit�:ci C'f�t��mon I�;ler���:nt al�ucatec� t�i th� Unit; c�r (ii� lki�: C������:r's f'nilur� t�7 prc�r�lptly t:�ke appro�ari��te cc�rrccti4�e �ne�5�sr�� anci minirni7� an;�� �lam4��e causecj by �v�zter nr r��oi�ture (incluc�irz�, withc�ut lin�ittiti�n, faii�sr� tc� �ran��tly ncstify and en�a�we t���: he1� a� {��prr�p�ie�te protc:ssi�nal:� csr�:xperts}. 5l�i�i4R.RF[] AKHAhS UW1=,'r�!3'1'M4 -�` Articl�e �) AS4[�5�4"v�i�1V"I'S 9.1 Gener�l Assessment�. Each �Tnit is �ubj�ct kc� ass�ssrrtents fnr the Unit's Cc�mmc�n t�,�lc�cation c�f a�8 C�mm�n Ex�a�:nses (th� "�rin�:ra1 Assessrnc;��ts"). GGn�ral r�s��ssments ti��ill c��-nnzenee n�t later ttlan G(1 ciay�s altcr the cQn��ey�r�ct c��the: first Candor��iniur�t tc� an ()wn�r other than Declarant. Genc:ral t�ss�ssrnents wit[ f��: �:alculat��, paid, acijust�� �u�c� reconciled in accardanc� with t��: f�llowin� proti�isions; {a} Bud�et ajici ,�avme�t. '�ht E�c�ard w�ill as�css G�r��cr�f Assessinc:nts again5t �ach tlnit laas�ci t�n the bud�;tt adca���d by th� �3c��trd an�i ratili��� by t�e C�a+��raers pursuant to ��Ltic�n b.3. E�e}� (Jv�+�ner is c�hligRted to p{�y t8�e: Asst�ciati��n the ��;neca[ Elssessn7ents ma�ie a�ainsc such U�ti•ncr's LJnit, a�id t��e paym�nt r��ii1 be drae i�� eqtial �nc�€�tl�l}r inst�llrncnts on c�r t�c;[ore the first ci�y o� eacl� r����ith uf �ach Fiscal Y�ar c�r in anc�the:s reasc�nablc: mann�r c��sir�nate�i by th� Boarcl. `I��e f3oard's f'ailure tc� fix the Crenera[ Asses��7�ents �ri�,r to the cc�m�rne«cement af ar�y �'iscal 'Year w�ill not b�: cicem�d z wai���r or rnc��iiiication vf a�y of th� �ar�visi�ns ��thi� Declar�tion or a rele;�se t�f any 'C�4y'ner frc�m its ��ligat��n ta pay th� (ienera� Asg�s�ments �br �ny in��allinent �f thern tc�r t��at Fiscal Year, bt�t the C►en�r�il fi.ssessanents fixed fc�r the �recedin� E=iscal Yeau-4i€ll cantinue until the F3o;�rc1 tixes the new Cic;n�ral A�sesSr��c:nts. {b) f�c�j�strn�nt. It ciuring anv Fisc�l Year, tlae Board detec-�rrin�s that th� estimated expen�c:s nr r��£er�.ue� �F th� A4so�:iati�n, a� set l�rth ir� tE�e b�.sr��et upc�n ���hich the General Ass�s�n�ents ►w��:re b�.sed, are i� crrUr ic�r any rease�rs �(inclt��fi��, vaith�r�t Cimi[ation, nc�ng�_yment by �ny ��w�ner of its C3en�ral A�sessnients), then, te� xh�. ex[�nt the B�arc� estitr7�t�s ihat �a�yrttertts ot General ASSesssnents c4urin� the b�lan�ce t�f the Fiscal Y�ar w�ill be inadeq�iate �r mc�rc. th�n re��uirec� t� mect the As�ociatic�n's obCi�atkor�s inteelded tc� �e ec���ei•ed by� sticii Gen�ral �.ssessm�:nts, the I3a�rd may �mcnd t11e �i����et and iflcrcase ar c�ccrc:tesc t��: Ge�eral Asse�sm�nt� for the �a�an�.e c�f s�.�ch �'iscai Year �y �i��in� nut less tha�� 3[l d�}35' pri�r n��tice tc� all [7��vners. T`�+i��tw�itlYStandEn� tkte previc�us s�ntence, hor.�e��er, ii�any amendm�enis inci��°ic�uallr�� c�r in �z��re�ate ��°ith a�l pre�°ic�us an»nclrazer�ts in a�y �'iscai Y�ar i��txld incr�ase the tot,al C�c:neral Asse�smenc� ti�r a �=i5ca1 Yeac bv more thEtn 1fl°�'o �f It7e .�'i�n�ral Ass�Ss�nGnts callcci fc�r by t'�e bud��t pr�vioiislp� ratifieri 1��� th� +�ti��ner� pursu�nt tc� Sccti�n fa_3, then th� Buard ti��'rll submit the arnei�drYlent �c�r ratiticatiun k��• t1�e O��ners p�;rsuant tc� Se�ticm b.3 '��f�re in�,reasin� th� G�neral Assessmer�ts ��seci c�n th� ��rne«�irn�nt. �v'itha��t limitir�� the g�nerality c�� th� tc�re���in�, the 8c�ard mav, in its sole: ciiscretic�n, in�tall st�hr�et�rs a.5 �art c�E�the Central Mecl3ac1ieal Equipm�nt � to m�asure th4 �mt�unt c�t wtiter e�nsume� in each L?nit etn�1 r�a�� �h��r�c� each Unit an amaunt ec�u�l tc� its �arc�poriic�nate shar� c�f��ater ec�sts incu�-red ht� the .�-"kssc��,i�itiat� b�sr�d u�aon r�adirl�s of the submc:tcr�. (el ��ccjnciliati�,n. f1�s soon �s r�as�,nat�l�� possible a�C�r the �nci af�ac:h �'isr:al Yc�r, th� Bc�ard «ill �-ecc�ncile tizt actual �:ost� and e:��aczlse� inct�rred lay� the Ass�ciati�n durin� th�t l�i�cal �'4��r a�airz�t tl�e �[ienera[ Atisessn�en�s tllai che E1ssc�ci�iic�c� rec�iv�;d �nc� ittt�:r�ded tc7 �c���er €h� �cc��es and expens�s. ��c� th� Lxtent that as�y� C)wrl�.r l�as g�aid mc�re than its �rop�r sl�are vf tl�� costs anc� eY�r:n�es, th� Bc�ard rnay� eitl3er (i} rc:fiinr� �he �w�erpa<<�llnt tn th� ��yner; (ii) eredit t�e 61�dtl REU�LICFIA.tV�i�'1:104 i 3;NRi �7 c�v�rp�yxa�ent against the C}tivncr's Gcr�eral l�ssussments tor the n�;xt 1'iscal Year, c�r (iii) deposit the o�°erp�yn�int intcr th�: i�e��r��� f-���r�c� if c�v�rpati'171i:I1f5 ��rere C4L�3W'4d �1'41T1 all (�wners in proparkion tc� eaeia [)wvna;r's C.c�ixiilion nllt�catic�n. T�k ttt� extcnt <inti� C3w�er has �inderpaid its s13ar� of`the crast� �n� e�;pcnse�, ttle Bc��rc� ma�r' eithtr(tl} derr�and in ��iritin� that th�: (}�viier pay the anzt�urit c�t't��� u��derpay�m�:nt t�[�Gen�rtil AssLSSnients to the AsS�ciation v��itl��n e� ►im� perica�i specifi�d btir th�; F3c�ard, b��t s�at less thai� 3f� ciays �.fter#l7� I3o��rd �i��es its �iem��i �o th� Q����i1c�r,: r�r(F3) includr; th� riil�erFsa���r��nt in th� (�v��ner's Cien4ral E�s�issrn�rac� for the ne�ct f�isi�l Ye�r. 9? 5�secial �ss�ssm�nis. Th�. Assc,ciatir��Y n�ay' l�v�F frcim tirne ta tin�� Qt�� or m�are spcci�l ass�ssms:nts �:`Sp�ciaC �,�s�ss��t�tnt�") �i�r thc �i��•�c�se of°def'ria}�in� in ��-hc�l� �r in part the c��st of any cc�r��tr��cti�n, rc:5tnratiuri, ui7�xp�ct�.d re�air or re�lac�n��;��t c�f`a ca�it�l iii��rc���emei}i �r for �a�ryici�; c�ut tl�t ott��r respcansi�ilities E�f the ��ss�ci�tinn i�3 acec�r�i��nce dr�ith this neelarati��n. �ach `�pecial E�ss��srn�nt ��ill 6L �Ilc�catcd �C7lt}17� T.II� UIlIZ� 117 �kCCC7Lt�3ilC��: Nfl[I3 lll� ]7YUV1SIURS 5�cti��ns '�.2(a) thrc�u�� 9,2(��- �a�h (�wt�ur ���il[ pati� aS� S�S�cia� ,L1ss�s�rr��nts asses5�:�i �4;ainst the {�w��t�r's [_Init. Sp�;cial A�5�.55menis v��ill be �Sai� at th� tini��s) �u1� in the mani��r (fi�r 4:�ca�n�at�, by li�nr� sum payn��:nt c�r i�i ic7stal�i�zc.nts) rt�ist�n�t�iy �et�rmine:d ��� tl�e F�nard. The �4�lC�L{ I11ii�' IC:i{U1Xt'. Cfl�t S���Gic�I_:�4�S�5SZt1E.f11.5 �7(: [3�I(:I t?�fi7C� ill� SL��7�i;L't SCCVicr:s c�r materia6s ar� provic�eti, (a) �ien�rGXl B�n�;f�t �xpens�s. If` the llssc.ici�ti�,n ine�urs ��ny ca�t$ or c�pens�s that �cj��[it all L1nit� (s1PC�i as. fc�r exampl�, tlte eosts t�f r��airin�; Glatna�e tc� the Tttnn�l) ( `Ge�er�il E3er�etit E:iper75€:s"}, tl-��:n the �3c�iircl, in iis �liseretiot7. ���'s�l as�e�5 thc. G�neral i3ei�etit Expc:n�es as a ���ci�1 f"Is�essnz�:nt a�ainst eac.}i Unit iz� Gir�iU�mt ��ua] tc� tt�e Ci����:ral f3e;nelii �x}��r�se tim�s sucl� L?��i['s C=c�mznU€i All�acati��ri. Th� �3c��r� m��y assc-:�s S��:cial Assessmer�ts for General L�enefic Lxpenses v�rith�ut tlac apprsaval csl�the (]4��ners. (�a) L.imite� ��iz��it Expen�es. If ►4i�: Elssnciatic�n itic�trs any cost� ar exper�s�:s that sol��y� t�enef:�t ane +�r n�e-�r� Ur�its but l�s� thaY� ali tJnits (s�ich a:�, fc�r exae��ple, the ec�sts ot re�ai�-�n� a utilit�r lir�c or l_in�it�:�. �'on�rn�n �,lemend th;�t serr���:s only ane c}r twc� Lnits �ut nt� others) �`'I.,i��iit�d i3en��t �xpenses,.), then the £�c�ard, in its reasc�n��ble: Eiiscretic�n. will assess th� Limi�e�i Benelit f;x�cn4�s as a 5�eciai .�s�essn�ent a�ains� the �nik c�r i.�c�its ben�:i�ited by such Lirnit�cl Bet��fit ��p�ns�:s �ts �i��ln�r�s: any Lin�it�ci E3cn�fit �x��t7sts ins:��rse� Fc�r th� benefit 4f cyniy ��n� L1nit ���I1 he a�;sess�.c� sczl�:ly tE� t��at LJnit: ancl any L�n�itec� I3crte��t l:a��ns�s in�:tarreci f�r tt��; �tti�lit c�f cu°u ��r �7c�r� L�inits l��ill, unlc�5 t}Ze ()���tiers vf a�l �Gnekit�:c� lJr�its c�tl�er���is�agree t�a � ditf`er�nt prc�po�tis�n, be as5essc:ci ��aitis# e�:ch bcnL#itec� L��ait in prc�pc�rtic�n tc� the ratic� c�t tl�e Llnit's Cc�mmon Allc�catic�Et €t� the s��rn U1� t�le C��rnrn��r� rlllucatic���:� c�i`all laen�fited Unit�E Tl�e I3oar'd may° assess �g��ial Assessrzl�i7ts tc�r [,inzitc:�l F3eri�fit E:�p�tls�s wit�t�aut the a��srt�r�r�l c�f�the �«�ners. (cj Ftean�bursahlc �� tn�e�. i#� thc A��c}ciati«n incurs a»y cc�sts or expenses as a riSUlt c7f l71` 1[1 Ct7t117LCti(}31 4V1I�1 (1) �►n incrcase iia any ins�zranct� prerr7ir�m far whic� �ira C����ne,r is respc�nsiblt pursuarit tc� ��ctic�n �.�(a) ��r t l.l(a); (iij s�ik��e�:� tc� Sccti�n 11.�, t��i; �.r•illfztl rnisc�»s1uc1 r�r ne�Ii�e��ce c�r vic�l��ti�n ol�aaly 1i141�', ihis i�cclaf�ati��,n, tl�� Syls►r�•s c:ar t1i� t�ul�s by �r3 Clwtt�r ar its �''errnittecs; c�r (iii y suhject tc� 5�ctic�ns�l.ld) �n�l 7.1(b7, �rin�ing ar� nu��a�er �r tile C IaYSx xti3 :�lCllhvs Uc��2+i.w I 37 P4t .7 J C)r��•ner's Unit into cc�mpli�knce wit�t th� prc�r��isiorls c�E' tl�is DeLlarati�7n (incluc�ira�, withc�ut Iimitation. ��ctians �.8 and �.`�) ar any c�th�r cic�cuTnent �o���.man� thc: Cor�cio���iniun� �'r�ject; th�a�, in each s��ch event. the Bt�ard will a�sess th� u«��� ar�d Gxpens�s �.`Reimbursab�e �xp�nses"} a.s � Sp�:cial Assessm�nt a�ainsf tl�e �w�ner's [Jnil. The Boarci may �ssess Speei�l !�sse�sments fc�r�.s:imb�rsable �xpens�� r�ritho�it the apgroval of the C7wners. (c!y Restoration _Qeticit. If f'�allc���in� any dama�e. de�tr�ECtion or Takin� r�f the �:c�mmc�n Elements. or any �r��rtic�n af them, th� tQt�l c�sts of perfarrnita� any r�stt�r�li�rn +af the C�mrn+an Elert�ents rec�uirGd by this D�cl��ratic�r� c�r th� E1.ct exct�.s�s t�e amount af t11e insuranc�: �rc�ceeds, cr,ndemnatior� �tw4°ard �r t�ther Funds availat�le t�r the cc�st of��estorat�c�n (st�ch as fu�tds in t�c: Itcseri�e Func�}, tl��n tl�� I3u�irc{ rnay a5s�ss Spe:�ia[ �ssessments tt� cc�v�r the dc.ticit �a :�Restoratior� I]eficit"j. Th� Bc��rd �•ill <xs�ess ��;ain5t each Unit �t� C:ominc�n All�catic�n of th� Spe�:ial �,,ssess�nents far a [te�tvratic�n CJetieit. T}�e I3c�ar� n�av a�s�ss :���,cial Assessm�nts for � Res#c�r<itic�� 1��:licit wi€ht��it tl�� ap�rt�vz� ofthe Qw�ncr�. tL� V�rluntar�:�ital Exp�.nses. Prr���id�:c� th� re�uisite rtumt�er c�f (�wners pc:tition t}�e I�oa�d as prti�ti•i�let� be[�w, ��i� t3o�rcf nYay make Specia8 �lssessn�ents �or tl�e purpnse c�t paE�in� Vc�lur�tary C'��'s�al �xp�nse5. `'�aluntary �Ca�ital Expenszs" rmay� in�6udc any c��sts and �xpe�se� +af a�1y �apital im}�r��ve�n�nt to the C'.c�mmqn EleTi��rtts, includi��� �11 de�i�rt, c�nstructic�n and a�socia�ec� 1=�nancin� cr�st�, G}C4S'.�ll �C�lf (i} cosis ineurrec� in r�r�ier tc� reduc� Ct�n�mcz�� Expenses (which �t��ts 4vi11 b� includec� it� GQ�n��jc►n Experasesj; (ii} �c��t� rcc��.�ir�d to he inc�irred ic� caus�: th� Gc�rid�n�inium Pr�jeet tc� c�mp[�� with agplic��sle law (which costs ��i�� be inclucic:c� in Cc�n�mo�a E�c�enses); and (ii�} cosis that ccanstituce �ll car any part a�f a IZestc�eatinr� I�eficit. �.ny petit��n t�efr�re the �ss�ciation (+�r ()���ne�s) t�� n�alte a S�ecia� Assessm4nt far Valunt�ry° +�apizal F.xpe�ises mu�t include prc�visic�ns dc:scribin� in c�etail �he proposed impr�avcn��nts tc� l�� n�.aci�; and �s��l��;tlter �il c�f"the [Jiiits, c�r c�ne c�r tnar� but Izss than all QF the Llnrts, 4��i11 b�. sG�b�eLt te� the S�ecial A��c:ssmcnt. I[� l�ss �ttan all c�f t�e L]nits wilC b� subject to SUC�7 S�JL'Clt'll AS5�45[�7�11C, the prc�pa�a1 r��i11 alsc� inc�ude pro�i�ivns d�:scribin� �vhich Units ���iIl be sub�ect tc� such Special �ssessment ar�d the tnanner i� �v�lich the [c�t��l �un�uilt of th� `��ecial .�►ss�:ssment ���i31 b�. all�.�c�t�d �ma�n� the [7nits sub�ect t�a it. In car�er tc� �pprc�ve arty` S��ci�l Ass��sme�t fvr Vc�l�s�itary C.apital �xp�nses, the Bc�arci rnus! l�c: prc;sc:nt�eci with a petitioa� si�ned bti� c�wners r�pre5ent�n� (A) C�7�/o c�f the Exotc:s in the Asso�;iatican if`all of the Units ��ill be s��bj�ct t� [�� Special .�ssessment; or {43� 1�3D% c�F the �•�t�s in the Associatic�n that ar� all��cat�� t�.� th� �Jnit� il�ai will he �ul�j�:�t t[� th� Spe�:ial ���essm�:n� il'le;�s th�in ��I1 �f'the Units w�Il be s�ibj�:c.t to the ;��S�cial �sses�r��ent. I1'ti�� �etitic3n �areseritec� to the I�oard cantair�s the requisite nun�ber of 5i,�natures, the �aard w�ill (:suk�ject to any apprt��al ri�ht it has c�ver the cies��;n �i`such prc�pa��;c� EI17�1I'UVemtnts �ursuant [u this Dec3arat's�an} ass�ss t�i� total �rnount of'a Sp�cial Asse:�sn�er�k fc�r Vol�at�t�uy C�pital �xptns�s a�.G�inst (�) �lt c�f� t11e [1r►its, it all �a#' ill� UrZits �r�. �uk�je�:t t�� t}�� S�ecial Assessr�ient pursuant t�a ttle �p�ravet� prt�p�s�Fl, by� a€iucati�t� t�r ea�h Unit i!� C:r�nirrtvn AI[oc:titic�n c�f'tf�� tc�t�l ama�tnt; c�r �2j th�: �Inits :subj�ct tc� tf�e Spe�cial Asses�ment (if'less �h�n al1) p�rsu�tit tc� tfle ap�irovec� ��titior�, �ay allacatie�� tr� �:aeh th�: pvrtir�n o#�the �pc.��al Asses�men� specif�eci in �h� �g�pro�sed petiti�n. ,. 614A.S81tES] A1tri,�NS I1h+IL"+ln I i7 hAi .� 9.3 Wt�rkir�� C�a it�p I Fund. Tc� �rcjti�i�l� t1�e .�'��s�acx�tbc��� v��ith sufCcieni workin� ca}�it�l t� �aw�er the �:c��t ��f�unit�r�seert e��e�dit��r�s c}r �� pur��j�is� e�I7�� z��ditirazla] �ytYipn�ent c�r �erw�ic��, an initia� "�ar�:in�, C�}�itak 1���na'' ���ill h� esaal�lisl�ccf iri �n aitic�i�clt ec�ua! lc� ��,t�{�Q per 5,�17 sc�tkaa-e f�ot Llnit ar�d '��,L}(?{� �er �,=#;�} �c�ti��sc fc��.�t [Jni�. iw'c�r �:ach �Init, the eo�ltri���ti�n to t�u ��f�rki��� Ca�itaZ E�und is ciue cm tl3e c{«siit� �f tiZL��jl� 01'the Unit E� ��� ()���ner �ther that� I)eclar�nt. Sucl� �:r�ntributi{�ns ���iiE lac sz����; l�t� t��e �7u�ner t�tat �SUrch�t��:s t�it Linit �ro¢n I7e�iar�nt at thc clasin�;of tlic� Ur.��i�er's ���rchase c�i' it� Unit. x'1nic�unts ct��7trih�rt4c,� to t�ro�; 'J�'c-�rkin� C�pi[ral Funci �i� nc�t c�onstitute ac�r�•�nce p4�ti�m�nt:� c�i'Ci�a��ral Asses��s�nts. �J.4 E'a�'m��tt c�f :^�ss�ti��t�er3�s: Nc�ti�e_�nr� ;'�c�el�ratinn. E<�ch Utivtier r�vil) �ay �Il G�:�aertil �ss�:ssrs��nts ��id S��LcRa1 As�ess�T3��ts (cQllec:tive,y, "Asse:s:�a�Yents"} a�sessc:d ��ainst such Clwtier's [init by zhe I3�3ar�l in �c�cc�rtlatice ��ith t11e t4rn�s nl'this �ecl�ratiozl, �,ach Asti�:s�m�nt i� a s�:paratc, distra�c� arad p�rscmal �ebt anii c�b�i�:�4i��r� �f� tlte ����r�cr a�ai�lst �'hosc Unst the .'lssessnt�nt i� �issess�d. �►ll r'lsses5ms�alt:� �trc. paya�lc: in full va�itl�i�tit ���i's�t fc�r an;� reas�n �w'h�its�e��ec. Eacii [�tivn�:r's �hli�atic��i to Fny' ,�s��:s�mcnt� is er�tire�y inr�epen�ertt o� any €��Sligaticm af t}�� �ss�ci�ti��n tc� tl�� ()�wner c�r c�f D��lar�int r}r 4�ny otl�er ()�,�ner tc� illat Uti���ter. .4rt�s �.ssessrt�cnk c�r installm�nt of<i�i .�.s��ssmc:nt ��c�t p�i�i ��-ith�n 1� s��ys ��1:tcr it becc�m�:s �ta� is d�linq€a�nt. �t��Fn �'�ss�ssrtle��t c�r i���t�lln�ent ai�an As�essrl��nt is c�elin�uc:nt, tl�e Associatic�rt r��ay. recaver all c�f tile ft�lluwitY� (collecti���l}��, tl�e `'Deli�q�ienLy' C�?sts'"}: {a} inl�re�� fraen the date due at t13c rate estahlished frc�m tirnc: to tittle by� th� Qc�}�rc� (l,�t m��t t�� cx�eed ?1"r"n p�r ��ear}; (b} late ch��r�;�:s an� ��ther m��nc.tary penaltie� inlpr�seci by tt�c �1ssUCiaii�n pursuant tc� this l��:cl�rf�ti+�i1 anci tl�e :1�t: anci (c) a[I �:oll�ciiui7 �a�id �nliarcen�ent c���ts, i«cluc�in� r�:asc�nable attorney�' fees, in��srr��l hy th�r'�ss��iaticm, 9,� �:nfc�rcement of.n►55�:55111i�31t5. T�7t amc��ir�t of an}' Ci�lli]�Ll�lZt t"155�SSII7ZT1tS {lI]CILE(.i1�1� 3Cly instGtllmrnts wh��s�. due ciates �re; a�celerat�d by thc E3c�ard p�irs4�ant to Sc:Ct1Cs13 �.�} and assnc�a��;�i I3�linc��ieney Co�t� n�4�y be; e�#i�rc4d �t��in�t the {����n�r liabl� �'or ths:rn i�� either or bc,tll �f the F�lloti�•in� wa��s (tc� tf�e e:�tent pLm�itted hy la«,� or r��ulatic�nj, at the o�tic�n �f the $€�arc�: ��� �lllt. TIl� fL�SIlCI�1Elf}Il Rl�l}� �JCl1l.�,' 3 Sl.�lt �1` SLBl�ti ;lt ��1'�V XO �I1��FCf: ��iL' ❑l�'�"!�X`�S f7�7�l�;ilt][)il Lt} �?�V � �eil[ll{L1L'I71 :�:�S�SSFtltfll (111C1tiCitl1k: 313�� insiElllnlents k4'�1475� [�.L�E: ij�L4S r�Ce acc.el�r��t�:c� by the I3c�ar� �i���st�ant to S�:ctit�n t}.�) aqid �tssoc iat�� 13�:liny�ien�.y Ct�sts. E.ach ac�ia�l ��ill lac: �ro�i�l�t ira thc n�-�ri�e caf�the r1�so�:iat�a�i. Any juci��,a�ier7t r�nc�erec� in th� actic7�� in ta��t�r s�F ih� r-�sscaciation c��i11 ir�clt�cie a sutl} fi7r r�ascyn�hi� actc�rn�ys' Ic�:� and casts incurr��i t�y tl�e As�ocia�i�n in bri�lgi���tli� ��ccit7r� a�;ainyt tlie del�uLtin�; Q����ri�r. t]pc�n tull sati�facti�r� �['t�e jud��nent. tl�� �1ssc7ciati�>n, by r�i1e. �t its cak'lic:er�, will execute �cnd deli��er to the jur��mz»t �ebt��r an appro�ri�l� satist�ctio�� Qf tl�c jur��ment. (h) I...ien a:nci I�nr�cic�s�Erc:. AtiSl:45IT3CTlt5 �111i�IllCilI1� arty ittistallm�nis w�hose du� dates ar� ��ce�erat�d i�y th� I�c��zrd pursuant to S�ctic3n 9.�1} and �tssc�ciated I]�linqu�ea�cy Cc�rsts ccanstitute a lic:n oai tl�e �.���it:: a�air�st ��'t�icls t�z��� ar� �s��s�4ri 1`rt�nt the �ia�te �luc. �I�he lic:n is �;uhj��t tc� th� prt��isi«ns c-�f��- �4 `': '_:'� S"�cti�n 31[� «t the f��t. It �tn ;'1ss�5smc:y�t is ���—=�-��- cielinqucqit, if� t1�4 �ssoci<alion �ives � n«tice c�€ac:�€-rzir�� thi: cielinqucney t�l;�t suhstantiall.�� ,- h14sJ8[t61]AK]lA�!t'y�161i1i�6 l:iT 4�h) J'� campli�� �iCh t�te prc�l�isinrts c�t�e�:tion 9.�, anc� i�'[lae �i�linqu�:nt �1.sse�sment i� n�[ paici ira fiill �5�;� t}�e due d�t� 5pecifi�d in th� n�atic�e, t}t�.n t}�e ��so�iatic�n may fc�r�:clnse che li�n securin� lhe A�sessit��t�t. �ny instaf{ments ���ho�� due �ates ar�: a�celeratec3 by tlj� f��ard p�4rsuant t� Sectic�n 9.4, and ar►y �sscaciat�.ci Delin���ecicy �`�sts in acec�rdai�ce with th� la�rs c7�'t��� Sta�� �f Colorado, subject, howei�er, t� 2�1� F1COtt;Clldfl �ff�rci�c� First �4'iortgagees prirsuant to Sectian I 7.�(b j. 9.h f�is�qutes antl R�ct�rds. Any Cl�r�ner or ar� aDrnrner's auihoriz�:ci rc:�sresentat9ve may inspect the bc�+�ks an� recorc�� at`th� �-'1s�;ociatiun d�arita� �usin�ss }���urs u�c�n rea�ona�l�: priar natice. If an ��,��n�r c�is�ut�s tl�� amoui�� ��f����` Assussnier�t a�;ainst 'rts Cr°nit anci is unabl�: to r�sa��°e the iss��e thrc�u�}� an inspecti�n ot tlt�: E�ssc�eiati«n'.� bc�c�ks and recc�rd:�, t�te Ut��ner will pa�� in a timel�� �n�.nner the fu3� arnc�unt c�f th� disp�etec� ttssessn��nt ��ratil, if eW�er. ie is tina��y cic;t4e�ir��d that the 3ma�unt is itt�Urr�;ct (it� w°hich case the Ass�uiatiQn will �r�ni�t[y re:fun� �n�� o��erpaynaer�:t}. if the C�i�•ner fails to pay thc �is�a�teci AsS+:ssmerit w-hile tlie ��s�au#e is p�nc�in�, the flssc�eiatian r��ay� imr�n�.c�iatz[v ptrrsue any� c�l� its re.nleciie� fc�r Eh� failure �incluc�in�;, withu��t lin�atatic�n, sL�it a�ainst the tJ«•r�er an��'c�� �orr:cl+�5ur� c�f it�, i.1�it) and the ��nd�ncy o#'th� di5�uta: eese�kutiun �rc�ce�din� is not a bar c�r d�f�n:�e tc� any actic�ns t�y tf7� AssQCiatian. 9�7 ()wn�rs �at E:�ern�t trc�m Liabilitv. Nc� �7wn�:r i� txumpt frc�m lia�+ility for p��ymerrt sa� As��ssm�nts �y° �°at��er c�f the: usG or enjo�°�nes�t nt any c�f th� Comrn�« E1ein�nts, by aband�n���c,�it c�f'rts �Jni�. �r otherwise. 9.$ L7�clarant's R�S�7{JI]Sl�?1I11V �or As�essm��ts. Until tl�e As�ocialion 1�:��ies E1�se�sments, Ur;clara�it ^�vill p��� the Associ��ic�n's cc�sts �►d �xpenses. .4t"ter �ssessmer�ts corr�m�erlce as prpvid�d in Sectic�n 9.l Deilaraa�t`� �bli�ati�ns for As�essnaents mau �i� satis�ecl in the f+�rm c�f �ash or ��� ``in kir�d" cc�nt�ibutic�n5 af s�rvices c�r mat�riats tn th� �1ss�ci:�tian, c�r �y �ny c;c�rnbin�tinn of[hes�.. Articte 10 ALT�I�,TI4'�:S lU.[ I'ermitt�d �.�niz :�lttratic�izs, t�n �Clw�n�r rr�ay, sukaje�t to t�ie� t�r�r�s and ��c��°isicans of this .Article 1�), cc�n�truct an al��:r�ti+�n c�r impre�v�;rnc:nt t� its L�nit (a "Permitted linit Alteratic�r�"} tl�ai: (a) �oes n«t, eith�r during �c�nstrueti��ti c�r a�:�r cc�mpletinrY, im�a�lir tFle stru�tur�l stai�ility. ��r t�iaildin�; systems c�f: incl�adin�, G��itl�c��rt liinit:�tion, any �cp�i�tic�l se��rati�n ass�.mhlies c�r c�th�:r �.c��ti�on�nts desi�nat�.� t�j miti�,at� ihe transmissir�r� of�sc�tinc� chrou�li w��lls an�i utkl�:r p�7ysicai sep4tr�t�ic�ns, c�r dirriinish kh� su��ort a�f a�ty ���rtion c�F t��� C[)IlCIE?i1�1TT111T11 Prc�jecf; (h) cloes n�t, ciuri�a� ccrnstr€icti�n. suk��t<intially and u�treasc�nahly irt�pair the use c�f any C�nainan El�n�cnt E�y any �Jwner c�r Permitte��ntitl�d ta us�: that C:ominar� Cl�rraer�t; y a�aasdlxeP .nkH:d�s crnit:+ttw�)7P3�t ,l�} �c} dc��.s nc�t, dueing constructicar�. cl�an�� t�.i. ap�Larai3c� of or athcrwise �adv'ersely ai`fect t�i� Common E1en1enE5; (r�) dcr�s not. �tter cc�mplc;ti�n, cl��rt�e th� aggcarance af or c�therwi�� ac�v�rsel}� aftect th�: Cr�ni�-nn�1 Elements; �n�i (e) d�es nc�t, atc�r c��rr�pl�;ti��rl, aft�ct ths: a���ar��nce o� [kae Ct�a�c�nrnirii��rn �'roj�ct, when vie���e� tr��m any° ��rea c�Lit�idc thc �ltered Unit. �'1t �east 3C) clays �rior ta the c«rtlrn�a��:zt��ent of" cc��structic�r�, an U��n�r intendin� in ��rform a Perr�zitteci llnit �It�ratsc�n �vill prc,3��ide �ltins ��ncl ��c:eitieatiar�s f«r the I'ermitt�ci Unit f'�lts:ratiun ta the �t3�rd. �ny ch�i���e, acit�itie�i�, alter�zti�n c�r imprc�arer�ient vE' �ny �lrait tlzat do�� not cc�iistitute a f'e�rnitt�:ci �..7xiit .41ter��tiaE� is pr�hihiRe.d {iiiiless c�ih�rw•ise permitt�c� pursuant ta ihis .�lrtic;9� I Q� artid r�l�y be enjoir�ed by t}a� ��s;�c�ciatic�n ��r any �.L��ricve�l 04�rn�r, suhject ta the �,rc��`1SIC?11S O� S"4'Cf1U[7 �.1 O. I[1 I70 L"'4'�I7t 5�7ifII �113}� O1�i�']1�I' OI' �C�[; ASSC]Cla[t()11 �f14IdS�: UI Cr�ltiS4' Tt) �C t;l1C�[]tit;� :iny �c`C�:. 1[�.? I3ou��c�ary� ltelc7ctiti�n. i��c�ept as prc�vi�ie�i in S�:4tic�« 2.5, thc: �wn�r(s} c�F r�ne c�r m«re adj�irri�� L�ni�(�} ma�F rnak� a I3c�ui�d��r}� Relucatic�r� atfe�ti�l� th� Linit{s) ��uned by the C�w�r��r(s� in acc��r�ie�r�ce 4vitl� this Se�:tic�n IC�.2. T��� �tivner�s} c�f the l�nit(s) c�irc�tly a���cted by �iny. pe�pt��cci L�c�un�4ary R�lc�c�tic�t� will mrik:e �n a�plicatF«n ka the �o�rd far ihc-: 8c�unc�ary. ReLt�Ca�i�n, 5i+rtl�d t�t' tha5e �Ot��i��;r(s), ��hich in�lude� ii�i; �c��loti�•en{f: (a) pl�ais a�d s�e�itieatzc►ns fc}r khs� pro�os�:d Boul�ci�ry R�le�catis�n i�i th�: lcvei c�f detail rec�l�ir�d h4° th� E�c�ard sh����in� all ��s:lls, doc�rs anc� otl�er impravernent� that ��ril[ br. t��Il?b1Y5�1�{� C7P GL]Iltil��.ii:1.k'c.� �lf �C]��; {k�1 e�=3+���ic� sul'ticienl tc� iPl� I3narc� (whicl� c�vici�nce may incl��r�e. if a�plicahle, repc�rts c�f licens�:�l �rc}aite�ts c��• skrt�cttlral c�r ���c}�aciic�l enz�in�ers) t�tat th� rr��posec� Bounciaz-y �telt7eatiun r�'L�� C(J137p�y' LL'l�Ft I�1� IeL�C11��:S�1l:il�S t7t �J�CXff7T1� �C�.I�7� [�1C(3L1�I1 IO.I��):. (c} �vicienc� suf'ficie��t tcr dest�c�nstc•�ite ta th�. 13c��r�! t�iat tlae prc�pc�sed 8c�undary Relr�cati�t7 will carnply w�it� afl ��apli�.abi4 lawvs (inclu�iin�, w��ith�ut lirtaitat�o��, �unin�. sial�di��isic�n an�j huils�in� cc���s}, ��ncl c:ith�:r ttlat tt�� proposcci T3c�ur�d�r}� I�el�cati��n �+�•ill nc�t uic�lat� tl�c: tr;n��s ot'any� S�curatv� for an ()k��i�atic�n enciiiiiberin� the af'f�ctee� C1nit(s) c�r th�t tl�e rc::��ecti��e Sc:.c�rit�� �-[c�Cd4r(sj h�i4��: a�s�rc»�e� thc p�rop�as��i I�t�un�ary� Rtlacation: (ci,l th� prc�pc�seri reaI�s�cati�n caf inter�esis, if an�,�. sucli as reall�catic�n t�f Cor��mc�n A[lc�c4�tin�is, �r an�� otlncr ri�hts crr r�s�rc�nsibili�i€:s allc�catec� a€r��r�� ih� [�nit5 pursuant t� tk�is I�eciaratic,n {whicli r�alla��ti�n m�ist �S� b�se� or� th�, s���n� fc�r�r��ilas as s�C [�rth �n t�is []�c�ar�ti��n tc�r t'��allc7c�tiuns t�c.in� chG�n�e�i�; {e} � Fc�i-�n «f}�r��cr:�er� �mel�s�ment t�� tliis D�cI�iT�lt10C1 �1fl�:ILl�i11� t�7� II�'Idp) 5L1t�Cl�`ilt tca� sl�o�� the alrer�cl houn�l�ries of`#he affc:ctt� LJnit(s}, t�aeir dime.n�ic�ajs and id�ntityin� num�icrs and the rta�foc�tin�� �at interests. iI`an}r, �rc��?�s�d p�ars����nt ta Section I[).?(;d); �i I d�4iR'dt�:l) r11U l�1Na ��+1:�+;�h 1?7 f'31 -�7 (1'� a depc��it ��ainst attc7rneys" fecs anc� cc�sts r,v�tich the Bc�arc� ma}� incur i�t areview;rn��rid �ffectuatin� tl�c a�pli�:ati��ri, ii7 att an�oi��it r��s�nably e�ti�T�at�d hy t�1e I3��ard; and (�) «th�.r infi7rrn�ti�n a� th� B�ard may reaac�na4�ly r�c{ti�st. V�'��e� t�1e PJQard ci�t�;rt�rtir��s that ihe :�ubnYitte�i a�plicati��j sa€i�t�es the re�uirements of SeGti�.�n� I0.2(a) thr�u�h 11�.2{�). `rt will ccansic��r the prvpc�s�d a�aplicat'ran and vc�te w•�icth�r to apprc���e it. If t�ae pr4p����i Qc�t�n�aryr Rela�catican and rLlated �trr�encim�nt are appr�r��ec� hy� the af�firmati��+� ���te: �f a� least t��cy-thircis �f ihe mc:ml�crs �f' �hL Bs��rd. tEle �3c�ard wiU cause thc: �tnendin�nt tc� he si�ned by tl�� �resicient e�r anc�thLr authc��ir�c� c�1'rcer af tl�e Assnciatic�n, ack��aw�led�ed anc[ F�.ec:orc��:�i. The [)�r��ner(�j� requestii�� � 8aun�ary Rel��catian �,rill ��y� �11 cc�sts and cxperases incurred by the [3t�►ard c�r the Assc�ciati��n in ccann�ctic�n �.��ith th� Bc�undary R�lc��.atian. 10.3 Cor�neet€c�n c�!'tl�djninin�Units. (a) T��To tac�_j�inin�; LJn'rts may b� cosin�ct�d ��it���au� cot�baning those Linits intc� a single t:init, sc� tl,�t eaclZ conncct�:ci L?r+it will reta�n its scp�r-ate �denticy, identifyis�� numl�er, �n� Co�n�tic�n Allacatior� (�� "L1nit Conn��tic�r�"j, if th� 8c�ard apprc�v�5 the Unit C;c�t�ncctic�n in a�cc�rda.3lc� w�i4l� tht fpllca�r��in� �roG'1S30175. T�1� 'C�41+°n�;r c�f"the Units tQ be cc�nnea;tecl pursuant tca ti propa�ed L!nit C'c�nnection w•ill ct��tkc an �t��licatit�n to che F3c�ard fc�r the Llnit C��nnectic�n, si�ned l�y t�le ()4����er, which {i) identil��� th� L.�nil� t� �a� ct�nnect�;d; (ii} spc:ci�ic��, in s��ch dc;tail a� rec�uire�l by' t�1� aoard, �eI4 cttmc�litic�n �r consttvctimn neces�ary t� cre�ate the cr�r�nectii�� c�p�nin�{sj in th� wall �et�+�•��n the [lnits tc� bc connectcci (the "5harer� l�re��"); anc� (iii) includes any� �thcr �clfc7E`�natian reasonably requ�sted by t�ie Bc���r�. (b) T'hr: IiQarc� 4uill a�pr�r�re �Cl �}]]�IEC��it7t] f�r a Unit Cor�nectian if a�l of the fr�[lawing cor�ditio�s ac-r salistl�d: (i) the Llnits ta b� cannect�ci by a propc�s�d Unit C.annectian ar� o�i�nc� by the sarn� (l�rn�:r; (ii) �uf�fici�nt t�=idcntie i� �resented to t:he Qaard that th�� pr�apc�se�i [�nit C.c�nnc�.[ic�n (�1) will cc�mply �r�ith all �pplicab�e iaw•s {inc�udin�, ��ith4ut �i�nitati��n, zanin�; anc� �ui�c�in�; coci�s); and (13} eich�r ���ill n�t v�ic�iat� the terms of at�y Security fc�r ��n E��Sligacic�n eneumberin� the LJnit[s) �r has b��n a�pre���d hy� th� re�p�ctive Securit�r Hc�lder�s}; (iii) the creati«n of' the Sharec� Ar�� w�ii1 �tt�t iin�air r�r adversely aff�ct tA) th�= structur�l st�ibilit�� ar bu�idir�� sy�st�;rns c�F the Buildirj� c�r t�� C.c�r�a�minium Pr�ject; (Bj any° Easentent ar ri�ht �rante+� pur5iiant tc� t}�is Dec:laratic�n; or (C:}any Cc�inr���n i:lemeni ather t�an t}ie vv�llts} �li��i�iin� tlie Units tc� be t�c�e�nect�ci vvhich is c�r ar�: 40 lae demoliyhe:�i tc� cre�t� the �har�ci Are�; �nd fiv} the Ov��n�r {�f tt1�e Units tc, be conn�ctect a�recs to such ather conditions inipc�s��i �+y` the F3c��rt� (v�+jhi:ch m�y intlude, ��ith��ut lirtlit�tit�n, a rec�uie�m�nt thttt cc�nsiructit7n �nd dci7tnlitic�n �vt�rk relatiz�� tc� tkle p�capaslci L1«i� +�'c�nr��:ctic��7 l�e. cr�mm�nted ai�d ��n�pl�ted w�ithin a rca5csnabt� trr���}. (c} If the Ei��ard a��}�ro���s ara applicatit�n for a [.Tnit C':c�nnecti�ri, t�en it w�viii con�:urrentiv redesi��nate ihe Shared Are� fr�rt� a Cien�ral C'c��nn-ton Element to a L�mited �ommc�n Eler��nt. L Ug�cri� redesi�natic,n, tf�� Sl�are�l Ar�a wiEl b� allr�cater� tc� the twQ [Jnits canne�;led �ur�u�r�,t to t13e Unit Can�tectic�n. Llpaii ti�ap�-a���l e�Ca tJnit �'u��nection, Cfie B��arcI w�i1l , Qo�a�nR�:{l q]iC.fi+7�+1K phal:�rx,I�i7 pM .J alsc� cause a staterrrei�t e�ce�utc;d by� t�e presi��ent e�r anc�th�:r authsrri�ec� ntfieer of the Associ�t'ron to �� Recc7r�i�ci th�t (i� id�ntities t�te t���e� L1r�its connected bu t1�� Ll�it C�nn+�eti«�; �ii} �i��ts rtc�tice tt1�t those LJnit� ar�; tl�e subj�ct c�f� an 4lpprc�vc�c1 I_Ir�it C'��r�a��ctit�+n ��rrsuant tc� this I�eclaratir�7n; (fii) �i��es nc�rticc: th�lt t1�c�s�: i_�nits n��i�� n�i be conw��yed ���art frc�in i�ne attuther Liritil th� f3+�ard ��ppr��v�s a t:�tit [Jis�t�i�ztectic�n (�s r��.ti��ed L��I€���� i�� Sc:eiicfn if}.�(wi)} r�:��trding tlZC�se [1nit�. anc� (;iv) spc;cities anrr conr�itiUns ini�a:�ed k�y the I3oarc� �ursuarlt tc� S�ctioj3 1�}.3�}�}. Frortt ar�d aft�.r ttte Rec;��rdirs� uf th� st;itina�tik, the tinits aescri�,ec� i�t it ��ia�� nc�t b� co►i���_y�ed a}�ar� from c�ne at�othir atid any att�:n��it tc� du sc� is �ui� �€ts� c�f nc� torce �r ef�ect ueital t�e E3oard ap�rn��e� a CJnit Dis�c�nn��tion res�arding thos� Uniks. The E����ner �•��luesti�i�. � L�nit CoF�ncctic�n �,�ilf pay� all cosis and cx�ens�s ir�eurr��i b�� th� B�ard t�r th�: �1ss��iation in c�nn�cti�n ���it�1 tl�� iJnit C'orl���c:tic�r�. 10.4 t�'nit Qis�c�nnc�tion� �a} Subj�:ct to the pravi�ic�ns �f� this Sc;cti��n IQ.4. t�ie: Bo�rd tiaay� discanrrect Lltiits ccmncctc�l �urs�aat�t t�� a [lnit Conne+�ti�n (a "Unit I���cc�nn�:c�4ican"} it' �i) the (}�t�n��` of' tht coniiecte�l Units ma�:es an <�p�?Iic��ticar� req�iesiin� that tla� c���tnec�ecl Linit� he �liy�:oztnecteci �nd s�tisfies any c��nc�iti��ns irn��c�s�;d by t��� 13c.��ird ce�,ar�lin�, lhr �rc��ased Uiiit I�is�:.t�nnection; or tii) tt�� �w�n�r of tl�� cunnecte� Llnits f�iils to satisfy tl�e �c�nr�iti�ns ii��pose:ti k�y t��e �c�arc� �ursuant tn �eetic�n 1(l.3(Y��. f'l�� appli�.atPOn m�cie pur�tlt�nt tc� clause �i) �.hove �vill t�e si�,ned h�f t1�e 0��,°��,r; id�i�tify the Units t�.s k��; cli�cr�nnectecl; s}��.cil'y. an s�ic�� c�etai! �s rtc�l�ire�i by° th� �3�arc�, all ��:rr�ulitit�r� c�r �oi�strt�ctic��n n�ci�ssary tc� re�lacc tl�e ��,�till divieiin� the �iTlltti t(7 174' C�15Ci717I1C:CtCCj tl�at exist�c� bet4ve�:n the U��its �ef��r� t�le creatic�n af the Sl��ar�tl ;'lrea; an�i incluc�c any other i�ifonnatic�n reas�nal�ly rec�u�st��i l�y the 13�ard. (�i) The �3�ard will a.�aprove �ti� applic4ttic�n tor a ilnit 17iscc��anec;tie�n iF a�l c�f thc: ft�llcnvin� cc�nditir�ns are satistie�: �i) suffici�r7t �.vicienc� r� pre.scnt�cl i�� the 8�.7arcl that the �rc�pos�d Unit I�is�:oru��ctic�n will �.c7n�plw� witl3 aIl a�aplica��e I�l��s (includin�, wat�ic��it Iimitati���, conin� and �uil�iirt� tc�d�s}; (ii} suf�icient evac�ez�c� is presente:d t� the T3�rarrI �ikl�er that Eh�. �rnp��:�d i�nit I�isc�nzieciiae� ��ill not s�iolate the t�rm� �f� any� Se�urity for ar� �l�li�,��ti�n enc��m�erin� the L�nit(s} c�c that t'�e res�?ecti��� Securily �-ic�l�lcr(�} h�,5 �ar lta�Fe appro���c� th� �rap�sed Lfnit Uisconnecti��n; {iii) i�t� r��?14�c�:��l�nt cjf the �,vall �tt thc S�7<ir�ci hr��� will not in��air �r �d�•�rsely at�t�et {A,) tlic: str��ctur�l �t��failitv c�r �ui��in� sysXc;ms of tkl� C:c�i��ia�m�nium I'roje�t, (I3) any� �`ase��lent c�r ri�i�t �rGint�:�i pursuant tc� this Decl€arati�7n. c�r {C') ��ny Gc�m��lc�rl �leme��t otlacr tha�i th� wa�l �i4�ir�in� tfie [_Jn�tS tc3 he c�i�cc�r»t�.ct�d uhicl� is ��r ar� tc7 h� construc:t�:d; ai3d (iv}an�� cunditic�n� imp�s�:ci ��� ths �oard c�n��rrjin�th� prc���c�5�d l.lnit Di�cvnr�e�ti€�n. (�) if`the I3�uard a��prc����s a C,nit I]iscc�nnccti�m, it ��ill �:tan4urr�.r��ly r�d�si�nat� ��1� Sk�3rcd Area c�l" tl�e �;c�nn�ctecj CJ;�its frc�m a Limit�cl �'uinmc�n F;1�n��r�t tc> a Cieneral C�mn2sin E;lert�ent <ind c��isc: �+ staten�e��t exe�.�it��� hv t�lc �residcnt c�r �����xkler authorized c�fti�er c�F' th� Assn�iatic�n t�7 be Rec��rc��d tl��t �i) ic�entiti�� th� [_,nii5 ta bL i�isec�«n�c�ed Fay tfle U��it Disconr�ecti��rt; (ii) �€ves nc�ticG t��z:e tho:�e i.;nils a�•e nc� lran�er t1�e s���+ject �f a L�nit Cann�.c.tic�n (and. t��er�tt7�-e, nza�� th�r�.att�r t�e cc�r�t��r��ed ��paratcl��); anci (iiiy specifies any c�nditic�t�s �n�gc}sed by th�:. F3oard pur��iant tc� ��cti4�r� 1 fl.�}�h} that �3iu�t h� satisf ic�! �iefor� the fJ�iit � dlxaKFCAEP AF:HANS Oh+l?l66 tl iTPM .a� C:anne:ctiun i� effec�ti�'e. Vk`ithin the tiin�: �cric�d s}��c;i�ie�i 1��� t�e �3t�ar� +(r�v�hi4h time peri�d wiil nc�t exce�c� b() �iays fr�r�i the �i�it� �f�E3c��rd �pprc�w�al c�f a LJnit [�i�connz�ti�n}. thG �1wn�r �f the iJnits t�► be disc�nnected ��°ili re��a�e ��t it� c:t��t anti e�cpens� the r�r��ali that �xisted �aetween t�e �nits h�.�r�re the creati�n of fhe Shar�d Area. Th� ta�vner v��i11 pay all �ct�st,� anc� �xp�nses sncurrea �y tl�� I3o�rci c�r th� Ass��iation r�l�tin�, ta the Un4t �3iscc�nnectian. ��}.� C�c�nstrtiictiort. Any 47��y�ner{s� �er�'ormin�, an�� constrttctinn c�r �lemnlitic7n �rc�rk relaiin� to a Pet�-ritti�ci [.Jnit Alteration, a I3aun�iar�� Re�c�c�ti��n, � tlnit Cannec€ic�n �r � Unit 17gsc€�nnection (arry nf� �r��lich is ref�rr�d ic� in t��is Se�ti�n 1 D.5 as an "�1lttrati�n"} ��ill cc�mp�y rvith th� tollc�w�in�adciitic�na� �Srn�-'i�i�ns: �a} such (J«�n�r{s) ���ill ohtain a[t i�eces�ar�� pern�its a��ci �overn.��leartal autl�orizatitrr►s tor the Alt�erat��n; (b) s��ch +�wner�s� kv'rti cornply ti��itl� the Itules wh�:n cc�ristructin� thc: �.l�er�Eion, �c) the Alteration anc� thc. cr3rsstructior� caf it �rill c�a�nplti� ti��itt� �11 ap�licak�l� zaning ar�d �urldin� eur�es �nti c�t}t�r G��s�?9icable laws. c�rc�i€�arice;s ai�d restrictive c�venants. inclu�in�, �rv�itho�t limitation #h� [rC'P l�i�ildin� C��e 'Vlodi�c�tio�: (d) grir�r tn cora�r�len�in� ar�y cnnstr�aciion, 5u�:11 ()WfleT�s� 4vi1� pC�Jt�'ic�t tfje F3O�rd wi#�'1 er��ic��nce sESff G�ent t�c� derncanstrat�. th�t �h� insuranee rc:c�uiric! t4 be: maintaine� F�w� ��ich dwner{s} ptarsuant !� Sectican 11.? is in full fc�rce: and eE°f`ect ar�d t�at th� cnr�tra�;fior �erf'nrr��ii�� the we�rk r��isntaiiis worker's CUbT7�c;1�Siltil�Tl ins�rran�:e in the arn��int re.yuired byr law� anci e:ontractc�r's liability� in�urat�ce vw�itl� the limits th� �c�a,�d reasc�naf�ly re�}uires; (�) sue'� Clw�ner(s} ��i11 cause th� r'�1ter�ti�nn te� be eons�ruc���i and cos�pl�ted �Eili�ent[��, in � �ac�d an� �v�rkmacilike nia��n�:r, �n�i free and clear of a11 mechani�:s' anc� rt�at�rialon�i�'� liens anci oth�.r claims c�r Ipens; {f} ciurin�; the cc�nSEructic�a prc�c��s, :�u�h C74vn�r(�} w°ill, to the extenc cartsisteri# �,�ith �;oc�d cocistruction praccic<� keep the area at��cteci i�n �saf�, neat an� clearr conc[itic�n; (�;) such Ov��n�r(s) r��ill minirniz� amy irnpact from the cc�nstructian prc�cess crn �tkier Units c�r C'c�mnzun ElemeiYts; (h) such �Jwner{�} w�ii1 �erfcarra7 tE�e Alt�;ratic,r� wc�i�k. +�r e�us� the work to be per�orn�ed. in a manner t}Zat inain�ain� harmo�ic�us �ahc�r r�.latic�ns an� d�aes nat i�terfere �nreason<�h�}� ti�'ith or �elay th� wUrk aF any ntl�er contraccars tl�en wc�rk�n� any�where c�n th� CUI�C�Clfl71111L117� N�OJi:��; (i] sa��h C)w��ner{s] will reimburse th� As�c�ciatian ft�r all cc�s�s ir�c��rrc;ci by the As�c�ci�tion in cc�nnectic��t r��ri�l� t1��: A�teratian, suctl as 1.}�e increase in casts.�of trash rer�cor�•aI du� to� th� perfE�rrnan�e c�i�th� Alt�;ratie7n ����rk: ar�� ISI#4i8�RED r�l�ii�Ati f�'I'?141h 4 i7 E�Rt �� �j} s�rch �Du�n�r{s) �viIl pay c�r c��u�� to l�e ��id �11 c�sts af'�i�5i�n and cc�n5tructia�i7 ��f the Fllttr�tioi�. 1 Q_G �^�lt�;rt�tic�n c��Comrnc�n ]�aemc:r�ts. �a} �x�e�t tn tl�e extent p�rn�ittc.c�l ]!1 L'QI3[l�CIS017 tvith an approti;ed B�t�nciary. Rcl+.��ation. i f�it Canx�ectic�n �rr �Jnit I)iscc��a���ctic�r�, an� exc�pt as othenr-i�e grc���ir�e�i in �ccta�.an i.`?, nc� C7���n�r c�r (��uner's 1'cr€1�itker. r�ia}� ct�n�truct �inythin�; Li�on, r�:nYOVt anti>tl�it�� fram, c�r a�ter any �f���� Coit�m�n E:t�;�z�entti, �is �,aint, decc�ratc c�r [��ncise��e any ���rti��n ot the C.a�n�nc�r� El�ments� Nc�twitk�standi��� the prececlin� sent�ncc:, ii� �}ci�i�ic�� to thc }��rn�itte� �'41[eraticrt�s c�eStri�ed it1 th�: preccc�in� senter�ce, an [)��-ner n�a�° mak� an alterat�o�i to a Lirnited Cc�n�ma�l �:lerraent a[lucatecl tc� th� C���raer's iinit up�r�� tlae prit�r ���ritten appro�Fal c�f th� As�c,�i��ti��n. whie}� a��aru��al m�a�� be ,rante�d or �w�itl�heiii in tl�c; sole ar�d at�5olute di�cretic�r� of th� :�,s���iati�3n. If die :hssc�ci�tior�, in its r�:asr�r�t�b�e �Iis4retic�n ���r����t�t t� th�: �?rec�dan� ��ntcnce, p�rmits an {)4vrrer to m�i�;e an �[t�ratic�tl to a Lin�itecl C's�fmmor� El�i��ent allc}catcr� t4r th� ()w�14E•'s l.init, the Or��n�r s�tall �ez'fc�r��� ���c;h �vurk accc7rdin�; tc} tl�� �t���darcis prescri��ci for an :�lt�ratic�r� i�1 S�tti�fi 1().? anci su�ject ls� any ntlz�r con�iiti�E�s cl�� ASSO��atit�n, in i�s r�asc�na�l�: c�iscretic�n. nz�ty ir�pc�se. [n an�y er��tr�t, nu t7wne:r c�r dwFier's I'�;rrnittee n����r do any°t)�i��� 4v�Yich in�pair� �r n���tively �1�f'ects �i) €hc struc�ur�.11 stabi�ity� c�r �auilc�i�i� syst��7i� af the Cc�nd��rnini�sn� Pr��jc:ct: tii) �ny Eas�me��t car ri�ht �ranEc:�i �urs�tatlt to tfzts L]�claratit�n; �r [iii) any� Cc�mmcan Element. {h) Th� Assc�ciatic�i� tn�y� �onstru�:� an alt�:ratian �r itnpro��c;ment to � Co�r�«�on F�emerit {a "�c�a��mon Alieraci{7r�,,} if(i;) tl�e �'c�mmon r�l�era�ic,n da�s nc�t E7ern�anentl�� ini,�aar th� �trt�cluraf �tahilitti� ar b�iil�in� s��si�:m� s�l` or les:�en the �up�`�rt of any purti�n c�f th� C�ndominium Prc�ject ��rcn�icic�t, hc��,•ever, that any i�rrpairm�r�t v��ill nc�t h�: �ieemc:d �?zr�tanent it it i� susceptih�e oi� bein�, curr;�i atl�i a��ill lae cured by the prn�ac�seci Cc?mmon ;'�lterat€«n); (ii} ih� C���imc��z rl,lieratic�n ci�e� nc�t 1����� a m��terit�llti' ad��:r�e effect, eithcr d�irin� cc�nstructic�n or up�n c�fn�l�:tio�, upc�n th�: use ��i` any� t,nit ar Lita�itcct Ct�mmc�n �Ienient 1'c��° it� �crmitted purpos�s {unlcss th� (��ner at the al'[`ectGCl Uni� cons�.nts in v�rriEin�; tc, ih� �'.o�7Yi�ican 141t�:rati��n j; arad (iii} t�u cc�st uI� the Cc�r�imori �"�lterati�}ra cc�n5titutes a �.c�mm��n E;�c�cnse ai�c� a budgct that inclu�ies s�ch cc�st is r�tif�e�i t�w• ttic �«7ner� pur:�uant tc� S�:ctia�� G.3, c�r t�e Lc��t t�f th� C�on�ni.on ,�lk�r�ttic��� �(]11SC3CL1��5 a Vcalu�t�iry �'apit�l Ex�et7�� ailci � 5p�cial Assessment is ��r�rro�red pur��€Eir�e it� Sccti��r� 9.�(e). "I�h�: .hs�c��:iatii�n ��ill ct��rlply �w'il�� t��� p�•c�v�sians af 5ectic�n iQ.� {�;xc:c�rt St�tion �tl.��i}} in c�nstrurtin� any C;c�r��zi��n rlltcr�tic�i�, as i�ttje �ssc�ciation 4�'er�: ar� [3tir°��er. �0.7 Alt�ratic���s b�� �eclarant. Natl�iil� in thi� llrtic�e l 0 rc:stricts �r �rohibiis L3ecl�rar�t from n1�.kin�, �nE� a4t�ratiun or iinpro��en��nt tlla� Lec;larant lias re:ser�.��e�i tk�e ri�.�tit tc� n�a�:e pur5��ant t�-� '�ectiUn �.9{�,) or 2,�)(c). 'I`he prc�visions c7f t�i� !�,rticl� 1U �� n�l applr� tca an}• �lteration c�r irti��rc�vem�nt mac��: by C)ec1��a«t ��sr�u��iat �c� Sectic�� 2.9th:) t��•?,�)(c;}, ti144d8 IkEI? Alik[ANS r5o'12«76 4!�PM `�1 A rtic�e 11 I 1�4�!IL�►l��=E 1 l.l �1.ssr��iatic+n's (nsuran4e. The Assaciatio� i�as i1�L foilow=ing respc�nsibilities with re�peut tt� i�suran�e and, �xc�pt �s oth�.n�is� ex�ressly �r�ivid�d in t}ais I�eclaratic�n, the cost af all insur�xnce naaintain�d bsa tfie A,sscaciatic�n �inc{�r this Sect�a� 11,1 wwill be includ�d in �c�mmon Ex�er��es. (a) Prcapert�� InSUra�ce. '1'he Assaciatic�n will obtain and m�.intain property insurance ��1 arr��un4�, ��ainst risks, anr� ita�taining �rc�`-�isic�r�s a.�; th� I3��arci r�asc�nably c�et�mlin�s feom time to tirne;, At a minimum, 1�1�. �assaeiaiic�n's in�tuar��:e will 191SL1CC c���ll7Si c1I� I'1Sk:5 Ll� C�lI'�CI phy�sical lass for l C1C}°,�v c�!'the Faell r�plac:ern�nt +���st �at th� tirne th� insurance i� purchased an� at the r��ae�'al �iate) �F (1� the Cc�rmna��n �leni�.nts and all tixtures, im�re�v�m�nts an� alteratic�ns situ�zt�d �rn cyr canstitu�ir�� � part c.��tEi� Cc�rnm��n �;len�ents; and (�} �ny p�r�onal propert�� af tl�e A�SC)C1�,�1C1[7 S1ILl�t�d qIl CI7� C'c�mmc�t� �lzmer�ts or used in th�' operatian r�r rn�tir�t�na�ce e►f the Com�t��n Elein�ents. `�'h�: �:;so�:iaticrn's insurance n�ay� �xcltadz l�nd. exc�vati�rls, four�dati���s an�i csth�r ittms normally� excl�rr�e�i fram prc�p�rt�° �oli�i4s and may prc�vid� fcrr a c�eciuctibl� in ��rr► amount nc�t t� �xceed rt rea�c�nabl� ar�a �ru�ent amaunt as deterrr�ined by th� Bc�ard. The Assoeiati�n's praperty� €ns�arar�ce v��'€tl he maintaaned in the name af the Assaciation, fc�r th� us� �d b�rlefit c,t all (3ti�rne;r�. rr}�c� sl�all be named as �dditi�nal en5iir�ds, and 5�curitY I-�olders, w�ho may b� n�m�d �.s additional ins��rec�s, as their inter�;sts m�•r a�p�ar. To th� extent �r��ailahle such prc�p�rty� insur��nce als� will {i) ccs�ita�n no pr+avisiorts by which th�: insure� may impase a sa- called "cc�-insurance" penalcy; (ii? permit � w�►a��er c�i'c�G�ims by tk��e Assc�ciati��n, �nd �r�avi�e for a waiv�r ot s�ibro���tion rb�t�t� �y th� insure�- as to claims, a�air�si each D���ner and th� mern���rs c�t� tl�te +C.7��raer'� klr.�uset�c�lc�; (iii) bt written as a prinaary policti�, nc,t cnn�sihutin� with and nnt suppl��i�rital t« �.I74� cc7vc:r�ge tti�tt any� (��.�ner carries; {iv) pror�ide that, notw�ithst�ndin� ar�v �rovisit�a� tl�at �i�•es the insur�er azi ��ti�r� to restoce tiam��e in lieu of mak�n� � cash sett�ement, the optic�n may r��t �c �xercised iF th4 pr��per party(i�s� ele�t(s} nc�t �r� re�tvrc the dan�a�e in ���arcianc�e w�•ith ch� prol�isivns c�t�t}�is Dec�arf�iiun or t1�� �c:t; (v) Prc���ide th�t nc� act ar nr��i��ian �y any U�vr��r, un�ess actir�� w�ithin the sc�pe of the Owr►�.r's autlinrQty c�r� behal�' nf the .Ass�ciatic�n, ti�c�i�s the pulicy- r�r is � c�an�iti�n tc� reca�rLry ur►c�e;r the �c�licyF; (vi} prv�i�e that 'rt m�y nr�t be c�ncele�i, n�r rrrtas� �tpve�ra�e be r�.duced. wikh�ut ��days prior natice t� the Ass�3ciatic�n anci all a�lditic�n�il insured� name� ir� tF�� pc>licy; ac�d (viij include: so-callcd "in#��tic�n giiard," ..braildin��ardinan��:c�r lE3t�°" `:�t�am hc�iler a�id macllinery c�vera��"ei�€i�rsem�:i�t�. If, as a result c�i any im�r���e�i�ent5 or �lt�.r�tiran� n���cl� to c�r evncernin� a C.fnit by it� �w�nec, t�e pr�mium #t�r the Ass�aciaticrn'� grc�p�rty insur��t�lce pc�lic�� is ir�creased to an art�aunt �xce�ding w�t�tt the pr�miurn �vc�ul� ��zls�'� b�en �f lhc (�rhfner l�ad nr�t mac�� tf�e Ym�r��ements c�r altt�ratic�ns, th� $«ard m�y assess th� arr��unt c�f the �n�:re�se in �remiut3� a�,ainst i3�e 43wner's �C:t�ndo�ninium as a I�.�imb��rsabl� Expe�se }�ursuant to :�r�ctit�n �).?(c j� (h) Liabilitv In�xir�ince. T�h� E1s�r�Giatic3n �vzil obtain and maintain �C�amprehensi�•e �.ia�ility In;�urai�ee for l�ociily injury ar�d pra��rty dtuna�e for the bene��t of the Assa�caatinn and it� offi�;ers, c�irc�.t�rrs, ��ents �nd er�ipl+�}�ees in an3��unts anc� wi�h co��era�� as determined frc�m tim� tp tir�e h�� th� B�arc�. �'�11 +�wner� r;hall �r�: na�ne�i as ad�itianal insur�ds f�r ei�iims anc� l�ldS�JY R1�.5 �'4h:1�{:\N5 [ih�k.'.+�Yb l,i•'PM �? li��bilitic;� ari5in� in c€���n�ctic�n ���ith tf�� ����ne�slii�, use c�r rnana�c:r7�ent nf tf�e C��rrtn�on Elc:ments. Si�ch li<i�s�ity insur�Ync� ��iiI have �i c��m�ined sin�lc: �c:c�arrcnc� ��mit ni r�r�t 9�ss ttian $S.f�t�U.O[]0 �nd, t47 the ea:t�nt avail��b[e ��n r�:asrrr�a�le tena�s, will {i;l h� c�r� a c��mn3ercial �,ener�! li�bility f�,m1; �ii} cc�ntair� a "s�vzra�iil���r ��i' inte:rest" c�r "crc�ss-ii�ibilitW�', enct�rsem�nt ���1}ic}i prcel�rcies th� in�urer from cicnyins� th� C:�c�li'I� o� any n<irn�d c�r ac��litinr��l ins�sre�i ��ue tc� th� n��li�enk acts, �r�`nrs t71' Q[I]155t�7t1S v�` �ny t�llzer nam�cl or a�lc�iticails3l ins�ired; {iii} coni�tin a w�a;r��er ot�subrcz�;atic�n hy E}tt iilsiri`�r as to claims a�ai�st th� :�..�soci��irc�n, its c�irecic�rs, of'iscer�, en�plt��J��� aald ���ents. Clw•al�;rs ai�ci meml�ers ��f`tk7�:ir lw��sehc�ldti, t�nd De�l�u��►1t; 4i��) I�� �rritten a� a print�ry ��licy', �1�t c<�ntril?utin� �vitlz {Znc1 not s�ip�le«�e��tal tcti az�y cc�vL�-��� tliat any (�w�nr:r rn���' carrv; (v) �ravid� tl��it nc� �ict �r c�mis5it�n hy� an`� �Jw•n�r, urtless ��tin� r�,�•itlii�� tti� scop� of sLacl� Utiv�er's a�tli��ritr�� c�� b�hr�lf �t khe t1,��c�ci�ticT�t. vc�ic�s tllc pc�l�cr c�r is a cnr�c�itic�►a to rec+�vcry ��n�i�r t���: pc��licy; {�i) insl�r�e all vf t17e na���cd �n�{ a���.�ifi�snal snsiire�l partie5 ��ainst liat�ilily� fc�r n��li�cnce res�tltir��; in d�:ath. �iE��ily injL�ry� c�r prop�:rty dam�.�� arisin� c���t r�#c�r ir� cc�nnectic�n rw�ith il�� op�rati�3r�, u5e, ��r��r��:rsi�ip ��r maint�iaance c�C tl��: C`«mr��c�n Cler���;n��: and (��ii) �rc�viae that it r��ar° nc�t be c��nce;lcd, n��r may coti�exa��; b� reduc:ed_ �w�ithc�i�t �i days" �ric�r nc�tice t� tih� �1ssc�ci��tit�n �n�l all a�idicit�nal insurec�s r�amc:ci in t�t� pc�lic;y. `I�h� li4i'��Iity insurane� rcc�uir�r� tc� �e �7laint�ined ��ndcr iP�iS :�ecEi�.�n 11.1(��} r.�ill n��t izl�l�id� cov�ra�e tcsr rxny li�hili�;� aris�n� ouR vf th� c�g�:r��ti�sn. use. c3��E��r�hig� t�r n��ir�t�rjanc� �f any l.Jnit. {�.) Work�r's C:��m t:nsati4��� a�t� I:m lc� �er'� Lia�ilit��. The Assa�.i�tio� w�il1 c��tain and n�aia�tc�in �vr.�rkcr'S a:c�mp�nsatian ab�d ezn}aloy'er's li�bili#y Enazir��n�e as t#eiermi�le�i tr�m tin�e tr� lint� ��� �kze L�aar�i. �1,E a mirtirttum, the Assc�ciatic�n 4��i11 �naintain sucl� insurance u� a�t�t��tnts anci wittj cc���era�es reqi�ir�d by� 4iPplic.�tble la�,F. (d) :�uic�inat�ile Insur�r�c�. �i� llt�: A�sc�ciatie��z opera�es uw�n�r�, hired nr ��an-�wned r���l�i�les. the .�'L�soGiativ�i ti�-ill c,h�ain and n�a�rlta�n cc�r�lpr�h�nsive autain��ail'� �iahili�y` in�urance at a limic �f liahility of�n�t less thtin $5�7()_f�Cl(l tczr cc�Enbine� l�c��iil�r ia�jury �nd prc��ert�r ti�smti��. (e} Dire:ctc�rs' ar�d (3�`ficees' insur�nce. Th� Ass�ciataon r�,�ill r��itazn and m�}intair� dir�;ctnrs' �,nd c}I'tice;rs' li��h�lity c:�r�°erage. iti the an�ount it cietermin�s fro�� tim� tc� tirrie. ��} Fidelit,y Er�surdince. T1ze ,�,��c�ci��iti0[7 LVI�� OlJlain and mair�tain ficielity ins�arance cotireri�� Ic�ss�s resultir�� t'rc�m dishc�nlst c�r iraE»lulent acts cornet�ittc�i k�y the r^�ssnci<�cit3n's �iircctvrs, of�iczrs. ��iiu�a�in� �r;,e.nt5, truste�s, tsilplc,y�e�s c�r VOltll�ft,�q'S whc� mana�.� tt�� f'ut�ds ccallect�r� ax�c� h�l� fc�r the h�ra�:fit oi thc Assc�ciatinn. �[�he pc�licy ��ili narne th� Associ��tic��z �s t�� irtsureci, (c�r c�bli�;�:�) inclu�e: � �r��°isinn requirin�; at l�ast 30 �lE�r s' writt�r7 nr�tice t� th� rSs�c�ci�ti�n hefr�re anr� �e�.�n��ll�ti�n c�i; c�r material mc�clificatic�n iql, the pc�licy�, anci prc�vicie cca���r�t�,e in a�� ar�uunt equal tt� at l�:asl thr�:� o�l���ths` Cieneral A�tiessm�i�ts against aIP L?nits, ba4�ci on tf�e General Assessi��erlts n7s�s� r�ucntly a�a�rc�ved by ihc I3c�<ird. [� tt�e Assc7ci��tian �:n�;a��� a nta��a�i�lg �i�4ni tl�:it hand�cs F�is7c�s c��� tl�e .�'�sso�iatic7n, tf�� �nana�in� a�cnt will alsc� maintain ti�telity i��5�.ir•ai7ce sati�f��ii�t�r !h� 1"�re���ir1� rc.yuirenlcnt:� c�t`tltis 5ection 1 �.l(f1 �:a��l the r'1ci and pr�n��ide �r•id�nc� aF ci�e ec�vera�� tn ��ie Bc��r�l. (�) +�th�r Insurance. `I�l�e ,�ssoc�E�tic�n n�a�= �F�tain �nd rnaintairz rstl�er insuranee �s the E3c�arci, tFC�m tirtie to titr��, d�:e���s ap�ri�priat� tE� �r�teet the l�.ssc��iatic�« c�r t�i�e (]wner�. n�yaax��n .��:NnNS ow�t2ma t��Ntit '�� ��j �,iccns�:ci �nsur_ers, A1➢ ��lieies af ir�su�aric� re�uired tc� b� maincaincc� bti: the ,�1��c�ciation �,ill �e �laceri ���ith in_�ure:rs 1ic�nsed in the State oT C�l�r�dn. `I'��e carric.r �ha11 �� required to prr�vid� tc� the F3t�ard at the i��ce�tion Qf th� �+c�li�:ies a�1d �n each aflniversary d�te, a surninar}fr t�7at includes a c�esc�iptic�n c�f�he ty�e of�r�lic:Y', che c�W°era�e and linzits c�f cor�era�e, the ami�unt of annual pr�nli��m a��d th� pc�li�:y r�ncwal �ates. If oi�tainabl� witl�aut ac�dition,a[ expe;�se. th� lic�.ns�:c� insur�nce �rc�ker ar ��r�nt sl-��ll certi#'�� td�at t}i� polic�� cf�mplie:s wi�i and satis#ies th� r�q«irem�nts of the s�.c.tic�n. ll.? [)w�-ne�' Insurance. Each f�w�n�r tia� ���e fn[lawin� r�:spc�n�ibilities with respect ta insur�nce: {a) Prc�perty Inst�ran�:e, Eaeh �J��°n�r 4��i11 m�intain at r'ts �;xp�r�se ��r �v�Ii cause its Permitt�;c tc� m�intain at rts ex}?eris�� prc�perty� insurc�nce u�on t}�� Own�r's LJnit an� all p4rsonai praperty G�nr� li�tiures r�ithin the: +[�wvncr's iJnit or iil an4� I.ianited Cc�mmnr� �lerner�t allt��.at��i tc� thG (�w�rer"s Unit, in such a�noutlts, a�ainsk �ueh ris�s, and containi�ig such �t�o��i�ic�t�� a� T�e �J+a+i�er may reasc+nably cieterm�nG fr►�m time t� �it13i. :�uch �roperEy inst�r��r��e will �i} permit a tivaivt�r c��,�:laims bv th� [�wner. a��d pro��i�e fc�r �i 4�rai�r�r c�f �u�Oro�atic�n right� by the insurer as tc� clairn5, a�,ainst the .hssacialic�n. its dire�:tc�rs, c,t�#i4ers, �:rrtploy'ec:s and a��nts, the Uther C�wners antl tize m�;rnh�:�s of su+�l3 ()t�rner�' hous��z�31d; (ii) be ti�Frittei�as a prin�ary p�licy, nc�t cantril�utin� with arad nc�t su��f�i�7�nla1 tc� an}� c��•�:ra�;e that tl�c: r'�s�c�ciatiran c.arri�4; ailiC� �llt� j]F�L�'1C�� �Ilc1�, n«tv�-ithstandir�� arl�,� �ro��isic�n tl��t� �ir��es the insurer a� c�ptian to restar�. ��n��ge in liLU of making a cash settl�:nl�nt, the Q�ticr�� n�ay r�cat �i. �:��rcis��d if the prap�r party(i�s) el��t not tn r�store th� dama�� in acc+�r�i�inc�: witi� the �ro4fisic�ns c�f thi� 17e;clarati�n c�r the ��t. All insuranc� earri�d ur�der �his S�:ctic�n I 1.?(a) w'ill prc�vie�e that it may nvt b� cancelc�, nor may, c��rerag� b�: rec�t�c�.ci. ��itllou� 3(� c�ays' pri�r ��tice tt� the Ass��.iation and, n�twith4t�.r�c�ir�� that each C�wner rnay sel�ct ili� an���ui�t anci ty�c: c�t` such in�uratice, fc�r pttrpases c��' th� v��ai�Fer �f c€aims sei tc�rth in S�:cti��n [ 1,�. eacEi (�r����►�r is d��m�d tc� hav�e ele�:t�d to obtain such insuran�.e on a I[�f�"°io r��al�.cement cost basi�. (b;) I.i�bilit�- ln�urance. F�►�h �7r,�•n�r ���ilI naai�3tairl ai its ex��ns� bodily� injury an� praperty' dama�c li�bi3aty in5uranL�. fc�r t}t� bene�it c�t� t1��; Oe�vner ai�d �3ny ad�fitionai insur�d it ntielles, ir� ar����r6�ts and �.��itiz cmv�ra�,� a� are frc�m time �cj time custc�marily mair�tain�d by �rtident oti��n�r� of �imi�ar g�rr��?erty; f�a•ovritec� tl�at sue}� liability� rn�ltrance 4vill (i) ha�r�: a caEnbir�ed si��le c�cc�arrct��� limit e�i` n«t l�ss tflarl $Sf}[l,f}()f}; (ii) b� ��rittua� as a primary° paliey, not contri�utir�� u��ith and s�ap�CerrtentaC �c� any� �i���s�r��c lhat �he Assc�ciatian c�r ant�ther fJwner carries; (iii) insure all c�f�the rtai�eci a�i� additional insur�d partie� a��zinst liability f�r ne�li�ence resultir�g in c�z�th, bc�c�ily 'rnjur;�� or prt�pert�� d�m�,��; c�Cl�i71� t)Ul C7I� L�£ in s;c�nnection ��-ith the �peration, use, c�w�r�crsliip c�r n�aintenanc� �t' th� C?�ti�r��r's L�nit; ��[7c� (i�r} cc�nt��ir� a ti�°as�.�er of subrs��atiotl hy� tlie sn�tirer �is tc� cl�4irns aY��ir7�t the 4sst�ciatia�n, its direcEc�rs, c��ficers, e�ip[�v�es and a�ents, c�r���n�rs atid men�ber5 �yf EE�eir f���u�elis�lc�s, ar�c! ❑�clara��t. ��) (�ttter Ins�rarice. Each �J�r�ner rnay obtain additic�nal is�su�-anc�, at its c��°tt expensc, a�ti�rdin� ��rs�anal prop�:r�y, cc�nc��n�iniun� assessmer�t, lc��s c�f� r�nt5, pLrs�n�l liai�ilily. anr� any ath�:r c:avera�e nhtair�a'�lr:, tc� �h� �,xtent �n�f i�i t�te am�unt th� C3i�r�er de�ms necessary o i�.:o�,.a Rr U .tKl I,��.S ntv i':rM�3��F�M �'�Y tea protect ics inttr�sts. Any suci� ins�sr•ar�ce wvill cc?i�raic� waitiFer� p�irsusint tc� Sc:c:tic�n 11.� anr� ��,rill prc�ti�ide tl�at i� is ��•ith�ut ccar�trib�ili�n as a�ainst f�e insurar�c�, �na�ntain�d by th� �Ls�o�iatit�n. {d) A�;tii ��in�ent c��T Pa-�scee��s. If a �:asualty l��ss is sustain�d �t�d there is a r�cit�ction iFi tl��: an�c�urit��f'�aroce��s tt�at 4��o�tla at�Zerwis� l�c� pay�able LLnc�er an4' �t�lic)� c�[`irtsuratice car�i�ci €�y t1�e Assr�ciati�.�fz r�u� tc� th� �Kiste�ce �7f any intiura�lct carra�d by ��n C}��iler c�r 1'crmitte�. tllat (]4��ner or the C?�+�ner c��' tk1�: Permitter:'� [_Init is liabla: t� the assc�ciatit}EZ t� the e�tent o#� the rcductic�n and «•ill �ia}F tl�e anio�taat c��tl�� reduct��n tc� the ,��sc�ciaEiara «���n demand; s��ch �}wner also hereby a�si�n� the pruc�:�d� c�f its in�urar�ce, tc� the extent of such riduciit�n, ta the .�,ssc�eiation. 1 I.3 C-erti[icatzs c�i� �nsurance; Nc�tic�s c}f llna����ilt�hililv. E��:� t�31��ner ���i11 �Sr����ic�e tn tt�e ,�s�otiati��r� at tl�e cic�4i�3� c}f �17e pzprcl�E�Se c�i� its �Init an� r�r� less thati 1() c�a��s �i�h�ec�u�nt to expiraEion c�i� any c:c�vera�;G, �:cr�.iticatc((s) nf i�SSUra�ic+� et�icjrn�:in�; t11e ins�irikn�:e r�yi3irc:cl tc� be �carri�d €�nc��r S�:ctic��x5 ] l.?{�} ar�ci 1 �.2(b�. �[�h�: !lss�7�iatic��t ��a�ill pre�vide �:�tch E]wner�erti#icates of insirrance �vir�er�cin�; th� insurar�te rec���ircd to h�: c�rrie�l hyr thc; Assaciatiot3 tttli�er Sectic�ns l l.l(a) ana l ].1(t�) ar�d n�tr��irl� �a�l� Oi��t�er as arl ��c�c�itic:���4�P it�:sured unti�:r such policies. lf tk��:. i�lst�ra��ce describec� in SeG:ticros 1 l.t(a� ar�d ] 1.l{:l�} is nr�t rc�sr�nab!}� av�il�i�fL, ar il anv pc�lic:y �l�such intiurance i5 canccle� c�r not r�ne�i�ed at�cJ th� f'1swe�c�atit��t �i��::� ntit obtair� �re�la�em���t pc�li�y for it. th� Associ�iti�n �rc�n�ptly will �i��� nntic� �f�tl�e f��ct tr� �11 C}��n�r�. Il.� ti'�'ai��er nt C�laims. '1'��e Ass�Giatic�n �w�ill nza�Cr: r�ia clair�� a���in�t a��y Otiv�ner rar the anemt�ers c�f th� C�r��n�r's h��is�hnlr�, t�r any l�s�, daarr«:�;e. fnjr�ry csr liability. �10 ()�lner Gvill :Y�ake �ny ct�irn a���in�t Ehe .�ssc�ciaiicj�, ils ciircct��rs, c�['�ic�rs, �tt��lc�y��s t�r a���ts, �s aray �thcr (����r��;r c�r rn�rnt��r cat:�u�}� ()wner's hc�usehc�ld t�r any� �roper�t�,J li�:�s nr d��r�3ag�. �n �rc�perty, �nd all such �lain�5 are h�rek�y ��rai���d_ tc� th� exteilt that t��e lc�ss, darria;,.;�, injury ta�• �iability i� c�r w��ilc� be �:��•ere�i by tiny� ins�aranc� �?c�li�y that is required i�ncier this l��tlar4itiUn (�J tr� be maintained by or f6r thc �ien��it c�f the Wii1V1[l� Frrtic�n (assui�li�1� in th� case ��f �rt��erty ie�sur:�nce pc�li�ir�s th�[ sueh in�urance pc�lic4' is maii�l��i�ae�3 c�n a 1�I)°�t� rc:�fa�c�m�nt ca5t ��sis), ��zc� {b} to prc�ki�c; Cr�r a wai^��r:r ��f s����rc��,atinn ri�hts by ���� instire�, f�t�r ptirp�7se� c�f th�s S�cti+�►1 1 I.�. ti��. �ic:diicti�l�: c�r selt=inSLereci retenti��n arr�c�ur�t �ir���r an)� ��rcz}��rtr�' iris�rai�ce p�olicy. rec���ir��i ts� ��:, «r in facT, rr�aintaitz�d by a 4w�aivin� �'ersc�ta i� cic:4me:�i to �� cc�wered t�y thc: po�icy so tl���i, i�� �e�c�itic�il tc� ���aiv�in� �.lt�ims fur azr���unt� i��� �xeess aF tE�e cfeclu�tit�ie ar s���t=in�lired �-etenti��n (u� tr� th�: cc3verL�! l'r�l�its> ��r de�i��eci c�ti•er�ci 1im�ts, c�t the p«li���?, tl�� waiti'izl� ['�rs�n ►�y��i�•es �1! cl�tin-�s ��ar Eimounts witl�in tf}�: t�zt�uctib9� c�r sc:l�-ii���rr�s] r�:t�:ntic�n. l l.5 Proceeds. Exc.e�at as proWici�d in S�ciican l l.`?(�}, th� 4ssoci:itic7r� li��s n� 4�aim tc� ana eaclY C�tivn�r m�y recei��e �I� �r�7ce�cls �f�ny insurc�nce �c�lic�� �riair�tain�:d k��° such (.���n�r. 'i�he F�c�t€rd is sc�lt�y rc:����nsi��t ft►r adptistmc:nt of aily �cas��:� ui�r��r instrra�c�: p�licie:� maintair�ed t�}� ttle :�sscyci�tiun a�ic� is her�by irre��c��;���1`r ap�v'snte;cl ���� a��:rlt czt alC U�.�i��rs, ��curity H�1d�.�s dnci c�tl�cr P�rs�yns ��a��in� �.r� ifYter�st in the Cc���ci4�min��►tn F'r��ject tt�r ���r���es nt�dju�tin� all c�aims arisin� und�r in��ir;i�ce policie� m�xirrtair�e�l by the �lss���ati��n an�i executir�� arid d�.li��r�rin�, r�.le�ts�s 4ti•}��,n cl�ir�is a�� paid. '1"kie .�1s�t�ciaiia7n stiall re�:�ive all �t'oceet�� c�f any, 51i»d3 E!E[},1KHAi�ti �8+1?17:!n 1�37PM7 �J in:�uran�:� �o[i�y r�taintained by tl�e Assc��iati�t�, c:xce:�[ �ther insured �Eu-ties �nder liability ir�surance �nlic.ies will b� �ntitEed tn �i�'cac�e�s arisin� nut af' tlj�ir i�isur�:d losses. Th� ��sc�ci�ticm ���i�� IL�Id auiy pr�ce�cis c�f any prcjp�.rty� ins�ranc�: it mair�tains in trtist fvr the for the C�wners anci Sccuritv f-Iul�i�:rs. Th�. Board w�ill dis��Grse th� praceeds of'a�iy �ar��erty insurancc relatin�t�� dar�la��e t€� aily� Unit or C`�mmc�n �le:rr�ent in acc�rc�4�nce ���ith S�;ctia�n 12.�. :�.rticle 1� �:'.15t!:tLTY 12.I Ke:�tc�ratic�n Decision. If any [.�r��t c�r C�imm�an hiem4nt i� �i�ma�ed c�r �estroy�d by fire c�r �iher casiralty ��a .`C�sualiy''). tt�e �ro�:isions c�f this Article l2 apply. F'rc�Eriptl�• �fts:r any Casualty� oc�:ur�. the I3c�7rd w�ill abt�iin �st l�ast twt� bit15 �'r��m [ic�nscc� cc}r�tract�rrs f�r the i��lY ant� lawtul repair anc� re�tc�ratic�n ot all �ia�7���,ed Unics anci Corr►man El�ments. U��n reLei��in� tt�e �i�s and after sufti�iettit diset�ssir�i7s ��ich th�; a�iju;;t�,r ti�r thc Assc�ciatic�n's in�urer, the F3c�art[ �r�ill notify� the C]��ners c�F th� �nc��ints of th� Y�ic�s, tit� prc�ba�ale �maunt of insuranee praeeecis and ott��r fursds (s«ch a� fu��c�s in tt�e F�e�en�� Accc�ti�nt) that �� availabl� far restoration, and 4��}��tfl�r_ [�aseci c�n that irtf`c�rittat�on, tl�e f3oarci belre4�e� a Resi�ratic�n DeCeit R��'tl4 resl�lt i� tl�e ��n�:a`s elect ta fiilly r�;�tc�rc all d�r��a�ed 1lnits aiic� Cammon ���ments, In the n�tic�, the Board ���il! al�c� call d meetin�� �i' tht (3��ners t« ��e�te nn the c�uestit�n ��' 4vhether tc� fu(ly� restc�re al� darna�ed i.�nits anc� Cc�mmon Et�m�n[�. The r'1ss�ticiatic�n will full�r restr�re il�e d�nZa�eci L?n�ts �nd ('on�mon �lemc:nts to their cand;tic�n �rir�r tt� th�: Casu�Ity and as rer�uire�i �w� la��, and tli� I3c�axc� w��i11 prc�inptly° c:i�tLr intc� c��nstructioi� car►tracts and �aroceec� ���ith t�� r�storatian w•ark, unl�ss at �he rrze�tin�: �aj "l�he C'c�ndUminiurtl Prcaject is tcrmint�ted pEirsuai�t t� r^�rti�le 14; c�r �b} At least 67%� oF all C�wner�, in�iu�in� thc C}ti��ne:r nf artiyr Unit ti�hose �r�und�ri�:s wi�l �� c�an�eci c�r th� use c�r enjc�yei�ei�t of w�his:11 (ineludin� its a[located Limiteci C.�mmQn �.l�ment�} will h4 �revznt�d e�r m��teriall�� impa�reci �.� � result of n�i fukly restflrin� a�! darna��d CJr�iis a.n� C:c�mnzt�n El�:ments, vote (i) nc�� ta f�rlly restor� all d�zmzz�ed �Inits anci Common Element5 ��n�i ns�t tc� tc:rr��i�late tE�e Condon�inicrm Prr���ct; {iia to appratre p�ans an� specificati�ns fc�r � lirnited restor�ti+�n that wv"rll restnr� the c�ama�ee� �rea to a cc�n�iitiun ec�mpati�ile ti��ith the r��7�ainc{er caf' th� C'c�ndac��inium �`r�.�ject ��d that tna�r inctude, w�itliout Iin�itatidn, demalition, rc�t�-�ratic�n ��r alterativn ��f dll c�r part uf` any dam��ged [�Tnit c�r CQi��rnon ElemGnt; and {ii�) to adapt, if a�plica�ale, �n 31I1CI]C�Ct1�:11L tc� t��is Dsclar�tic��i (ir�c9t��in� the Ma�} to retlect the cc3n��ersic�r� cai�;��! c�r ��rt t�f'�n� or mc�re �iatz�aged L1�iit(�) t�� C'c�n}r�aan Elem�:nts or of e�ll �r part of c�z�e c�r mare dari�a�ed Cumm�n Tlet���nt{s} tc� �rt� ar mc�r� �1nit(s} and t�e e�rr�sportding reallc��:.�tic��l caf' th�: [.:car�lr7ic�r1 ACI+�catic.T��� <�ll��c��tec[ tc� tl�e L�nits �ursuant �c� thi� Declaratinn (��°hich reallc�c�ti�r► s��ill b�: �as�:d on tt�e �afi�e fc�rrt��cla set fUrEh in this L�eclaration for det�r�ninin�; t}�e: C����ncr�flt3 All�c�tis�ns�. It Fh�: �Cr�n�omii�i�it7�t Pr�j4G1 i� t�rm�nat�d, t}�e Assf�ciation ��ill per�'urm i�rtlite� res€oration c�f the LJnits and C`�mm��n I���iT1�Iil*�' a� n�Gessary tc� ret�grsl them ta a safe, lawful a�d sa�ea�ate c«nditian. If t��e: E�wn�rs �rot� not t€� fi�i�y� r�stcsre ai'i �ian�a�e�i I.Jrirts arad C��n�anc�n F:l�ments an�l nc�t ta terrr�inat�. tlze C'c�ncic�rninii�m f'rc�ject, tk�e �ssuciaci�n will pert�arm the 6imited restoratian n��.��5 R�� ��,���� �,��T<<�� 1����� =�6 , ��rtc� C�ecord tt�� aa�lend�7zent tc� tflis C��ciaratic�n, it �ny�. ��p,�rcav�:r� by t�le r�r�uisit�e n�t�nk��;r af C}wn�rs pursuant tr� Sectit�n ]2.1(b;1. Ii: hc�titi�c;v�r, the [�wvncrs c:leet t� fullv restc�r� all dE�ana�e�l i�nits arY� C:c�i��rnon t�len�e�tts, th� �3���r� will asscss a S�,e�i�l Ass�ssn�ent purs��ant tc� �e�li�.�n '�.'?f c�.) to t1�e extent necess�-y' t� cu�er anv Rest�rati�an I)�li�it. 1`'.? I]is c��itia« oF lns�ir�nr.� F'rc��eeds. �All �rc�ceea5 c�1� �?rc��erty insu�•ar�ce r��;e�ved by° c�r dish��rsed t�3 th�. r3ss�ciGtiiuti in a�nne�:ticm �vith a CasuaIty ���il! be a��lie;ci first tc� the [ull c�r lianic�d rGStara�i�n c�t' thc d�irna���d Llnits anci C'c�m�nc�n E�lements, r�s prc���icie�i in Sectic�n l?.1, anc� t���n, it� �tn�� ir�suran�� procee�is remain after tl�re k'uIl c�r liinitr;� 3°�stpr'atis�tl, tl�� �xcess �rc�c��cls w�i Il b�: p�ici tn t11�: (]«��crs, su�ject tc� th� ri�hts c�l�th�:ir Seturit_y° �Iolders. �s �ollc�ws: (a) if th� C�wrzcrs elect riot t� tufly restor� ��Il �am�.�e� L�ni4s �i�d C'��n�tm�n T;len�ent:� �r�d to tc;rn�inace kl�e Ci��ld�}minium �'z�t�jelt �urs�iani kc7 r'lriicle 1�, t���.el �a�h [�wner w�ifl k��; paid its L?rri�'� TGrniixl�itic��Y .�111c�catiat� c�f t��c: �xce.�s �r��4eed� �rirsuant tn S�cti��n 1'�.3; (kr) f�t�lC �)4�rii'l',CS �;I�Ct I1[7l LC] �i�lly r�stare �ll ci�ir��a�ed [1ni�s �ilc� C'um.mon Eiem�;r�ts anc� t�c7t tc� t�rr7�in�te tl�e C't���d��mieliu�n �'rc�ject, tl��:t1 �nt� cyl'such e�r�ss prc�ceeds atiribittable tc� an�� darnas�;�ci UrZits th��t ��r� �ot rtst«r�c� t�r t�a �n�� (`Qm2n��n Clem�:r�t� th�it are i�c�t rL�t��r�:� and v4re;r� `Zec�ssarv l��r tl�c �rs� ��id enj�;�r�t�ettt c�f any U�its nr Lir�lited C'c����mc�n EleaneEits that are nc�t itill� resir�r�d will bL �air� tc� the �h��n�rs c�l�tl�es� C;nits c�r tli� C1ti�'t1�LS 4��th� L:nits tc� wl�ich thosc Limitetl Cc�r�arnc�F� 1=dc�inents art �ill«catcc� tt� the exte�lt c�f cl�e ii�s��ran�t cc����r��,e allc�e��ed to th�ns� [����its c�r C`c�mn�►�n �l�rt��t7ts. �nc� eacli [7��vr�cr ���ill be paiel its Ui�it��C'c?z��m�n Alli�ctttic�n at'the rem�tin��.r of thc L��ess pr€�cteds, if�any; «r {c) if the �«'r�crs el�ct tc� i'ull_y r�stc�r� at1 dama�ed [�rYit� and C�-�inn��an �:lernents, then�:ach ()u,�ner �4�i41 h� paid its Unit'� C�n�m�n�� r'lllc�c�tfic�t� ot'the c;x�ess �rc�cceci�. 1?.'} £��1:�tan�r c�f' R�:stc>r4itiE�rt. Th� r�storatio�i c�f any' 1.1r�it or C:r�n�izYi�n El�mc:nt EIIlCIL'C l�iis F�rti�le 1? is s«��i;et tc� th4 it�ll�.�r���irt�, rey�zirr.rnerlts: (a} F'lans. Except �n t�i� c�s� of � limit�:�i r�;st�ralic�n ir� �ccardan�.e v��ith 5ectit�n Z?.ltl�), tl�c: restc�ration will �re c��mpi�:te�l ir� acc�rd�r�c�; t�'itl� tf�e �i�-h��i1t plans ar�ci specitications c�i`the L,flll t�t C[7ITlfT7ll11 E:1�t11i'11L 1171il14(�1ilt�'il� �rror tca t�e d<<ma�e. (b) Re�uirenb��it�. �I�h4 t�.s�G�ciatic�n tiv�tl: {i) uhtain all n��c��sar}� p�rmils �nci �,L7VLt'IlE]3�:t3x�tl �lUtI1C1�'1L'ciI1QiY5 tt�r the C�Stf7 C{12l Dll; (ii) �:c�m�l�� �vitt7 ;�11 a��E�iice�bl� zc��in� �z�� �uildir}� cc�des znc� c�ther applieabie la���s, c�rc�inances ar�c� restrictiti�c cc�v�enan�ti; (iii� per!'orm the r�stnr�itinn in a c�iligcnt, �t���d and ��•c�rl�n�anlik�: rnan�e:r, free c71'tC� ���'�3f'(lt �II pTl�C}]f3111GS' antl inat�rialnler�'s L's�ns anc{ ��th�:r clair�as; 6i6a,1g.kE[f.�KHrLiS uC�'12,Mit,d �7P�i Y� • (iv) dt�ri�g ihe cunstnacti�rn �araci;s:�, tc� the extc:nt rcquir�;d by �t�c�d c�nstrG�ction practic;es, keep tf��: area af�ecteci tl}r;r��hy in a saf�, n�at anri clzan cc��cliti�n; (v} minii��ize any itnpac:t frc�rtY the �onstrueticm pr�e��s «rs ti�ther Units or C��i�iEiii��1 Eleni�nts or oth�r p�rtions ot t�c C��z��c�miniu�a� P�-c�jec;c: and (�+i} perf�rm ar��� restorati<�n �s• c�t�sc�•ut�ir��l «�rk. or cause such w>>nrk to b� perfc�rn�ed, in a n�a�iner tl��t maintains lzarzilc�nio�is tabc7r relatic�ns and �oes not intc:rfere unr�a�r�nably v�Fith c�r d�l�y� Ct3e rvcark r�t any c�ther cc�ntract�rs tfien �vcarkin� an�F���h�re vr� thc� Canc�c�cniniucT� �raje�t. (c} Cc�ordinat�c�n �v Associatic�n. The �ssoeiatic�n has t�all authr�rit�r a�ci respor�s€b%lity^ tc� �:�aorc�inat� the n�anner af�:c��m�l�tion and seh�c��fin� c�f �ny restaration uncier ihis .�.rticli: 12 to ensGirt the cc�n��lutir�n €�f th+� r�stc�ratir�r� in �n ef�izi�nt rr�ann�r. Each E)tivner will couperate an�i caus� i�s co�sta-a�:tc�rs ant� a�ent� to c��c�perate i�� ti�e A,ss��i�lion'S co�rdir�ati«n Qt ar��° reste�r�.t�c�n. As used ir� this :�z�ic�e I2, a ''r�:storatic�n"' u�ill lI]iL'�L1f�C: c'1,I71r repa�r, repiac:em�nt, resCC�ration, rect�nstr�ict�on, c.c�n�tructic�n ��r ciemalitir�� r�q��ired as � result of any dama�e �r ciestruc:tinn. l?.� l�"�c� Abatemcnt. l�ach Unit 4vi�l �:c�ntinu� to be �ubject tc� Assessme�ts t�llowir�g �ny �arr�a�� tn �r destructi�ta c��' �ny� gc��lican �f the: C�ndr�minium Pr«j�c�, ��'ithc�ut �that�m�nt ar mc�dificati��� as� result �rl�the ciama��or c�estructi�n. A�rticle 13 C:(�NI�I:1�tIV ATI[)N 13.1 1���in= c�f Condnrtiiniu�ns. If�11 c�r a part c�f an�� Unit c�r the e��t e�t:, �ut nc�t tit[e tc�, an,v I.itt3iter� Cort�mun �lem�nt �tllt�c��ie�i to the �_Init, i:� lak�n by the exerci�e c�f th� ,�c�wer of e�a�i��ent dcarnGtin or is cc�r�v+�y�d in li�tt af s�icl� �;xercise (cc�llectiv�ly, '`T�lcin�"j. t���: Ow�ner c�f th� [in}t is sc�le:ly res�c�nsible fUr ne�c�tiatin� �a�ith the ec�nd�riar�i�� autttority c>c�r�c�rnin� th� awar� f�r th� `'faki�� ��d snay rec�i�re the a���rd after the liens of�all 5�:c��rity� Holcier� �an tl�� aftect�ed LJnit �r pc�rtir�n c�i'it arc: satisfied or c�theru�i��: ciischar�eci. I��nl�� part «f a Unit is a�:�uirec� by a Taking, the Otir•n�r of th� G�nit i� r�:spc�nsiblc; fnr restc�rin�, the Unit �is necess�ry tc� relurn the tlnit �c� a safe anc� ]��fi�l cn«ditic�n t�lat does nc�t advers�ltif at�e�;t the use c�r c:n���y�rr�ent c�f the c?tf�er �?nits c�r Cc�mrnc�rt El�ments or d�~tract �'rc�rtl �he �eneral ehar�aeter c�r a�pearance ofi the Condumsni�i�� I'roj�cc. T�c° plans and s�?�cit�cations �nr the r�st�raticrn are s�bject to the Bc�ard's pric�r apprc�ral. ��he restr�racic�n wvifl k�� cc�tY�pleted in accc�rc�anee �vith th� �pprovec� pl�ns �nd s�e��ficatit�s�s �tnc� tt��: prr�vision� c�F `��etic�n 12.;�b), a� if" t��c �v4-ni:r c�(�t}�� U�it te� be restoreci wer� t�le .�l��c�cialic�n. I f' a cc�n�eennir�� �utlaority actluires by �� `f'<��.ing all �r � part of one c�r marc [Jnits i� sucll a m�u��Z�:r that sus;�t l.lnit(s) is c�r are r�c� 1c�n�er�ub�ect 10 this UecCar�ttion, t�aen t�ie Assaci�tic>n ���il� cc>nsi�ir:r a.r1d p�ass, �ursuant tc� Arti�le 15, a�� amendr��c:nt tc� this I7�:cl�ratitrn. rew�isin� tl�e C��n�n1�n :'�llc�catiorr o�'c;�ich t�f thc r�mainin� [_�nits, and, if n�:ce�s�ry, th�; alCac;atic�n c�f a�y I_i���ite�i Cc�mr��c�n Elemcnt previou�ly� allc�cat�d t� tl�e t�i�it(s) that is c�r �re no lon�er su���ect tc� t�,i� Dec:laraticri�. 5�1�tH RES) hKH,LVS 0511LtM 1-7�i�M �� 13? "I�a�in� �3t Comm�ar� Fl�na�ent�. � "C'c�rnm��n rl�merat Ta�:ir��" znea�ls any �I�aking bw, ���hic� � cc�r�d��nnin� a�iiltu�-it}� ��cc�tiair�s title tca aray Camz�a�s3 I�le:m�n[. 1,h� Bc�ard is sc�lel�° responsi�ile t�r n4�;�atiatin�, ancl tnay ne�otiate ��=ith ttle condtn�nin� a�Fthc�rity c7n t��ha4 f of aI! Ow�n�rs c�7ncernfn�. th� ��ri�o�mt a�f'the award tijj' any �onlf�lc�n ��:lcrtt�stt Tal:itl�. �t�tj the Q�ar�i's ��cceptancc c��' ��n a�.�°ar� is �Sinciin� �n all �3���n�:rs. If a Commc�x� 1:1c�m�Fit "���kin� ��ccurs, th4 ��sociaTic�n is resgc�nsible lc�r rtstus'it�� the rem.ai�nin� C'��tatrnc�n F'Ia����cnts as nes:�ss�ir�• tc� ret�zm tti�m tt� a sate and la��f�il c�n��i�ii�n tt��t cic��s not a�i��ersel�� a�#�ct the �tse ar enjt�ti�ment of th� �Jr�its nr c�t1�4r Cornn�t?n l�len�ei�ts c�r r�etrtrct t'rox�t tl�c gener��l �:.haracter or �p��ar�ince o�' the. C«nclominiun� Pr�,jcet. If t�Zc; net aw�arcl (i.c., net of c�sts c�f' cc}]l�;ctior�3 receiv�� hy t}�e Assc�ciation frum anw' C(1131[77(lil Ele���ent 1,aki3t� �xceeds tl�e r�rtl��r.snt ��:tualIy incurre�i b;�� it in ccar�r��ctic�n �fith any r�c�uire�i re�t��ratiorl of ti�� C�`«nim�n Cl�tt�ents, thL Ass�a�iatiot� �vill pa}r or �reiiit ��ich E]�vn�r tivit}� ifis LJnit's Tcr��i��a�ic�n :'�llt�catic�n c�4�lh� �xcess c�}nt��:tilt�atic�n ati����rd, afi si�the a��•ard res�l��ci frc��n a �zt� c�fthe C'c�nc�c}mit�itirn Pi•�ject }��Yrsi���nt tcs ��.�tit�n 1=�.2; ��rr���iclz�l 1����,�����.y�-, that ths: �•alt�ation d��te uscd tc� �etcrmine t��c: fair mar�ef �-alu�: r�I�t.ach [�►eiit p��rsESant t� S4ctian 1�.3 I'c>r pur���5e4 of delern��nin� ktic� IR:fI171Ii�3tSt311 A1tc�cativns ���ili bc th� date in���ie�'sate€y prtceciia�� �}�c: tarli�.�• nt�tt�e d�tte tt�at titie or the ��itc-: ct�at �?��ss�:ssic�n is trai��t�:rrc�i �c� the c��n�ie;�i�ni�1� tYUtl�ority in cc�i�nectFCm ti�-it}� tkl� Cc�nan�c�n Elen��;nt "I"akin�. [l�ih� ��Lt am�unt of the a�,�ar� �c� receive� is ins�rffi�:ie�lt tc� et`i:�:ct �u�h rest�r�tiian, tEt� �3oard na�}� �ss�:ss G� Sp�cial t'�S5L'SS1�li:Rl lt] L'[74fer tE�� �estur�tti��i1 C7eticit in �iccordanc�: ���ith Si:�:tic�t� '�.?�c1}, �tr�icle l� TEi�.�rtt:'+f."�T1�`+� 1�.l �1`�rtninati�,�n f�#�reem�:nl. rhe Condon�inium �rcajc;ct may �� ��rra�ia�ate�.j c��ily' pursu�nR t� a L��ritten a�reem�nt tt� terrt7i���t4 ex�cute�i and a�:�noti�rlLcl�ed (ar r�t`ttir,� atad aeknc�4��ledl�ic� in. ���riti�l�) b�� the (���ners c�t� �.?i�il5 tU cvhic�� 67% c�f t�c: ��otes in the ,�s�caciatic�n �tr�: �rllo�at�d (a `.T�rn�i��atian r1,�reen��nt"). �A "I'ermin�ti�n f'1�reement is effcctir��� wh�i� {�t) the �rec`ui�ite nun�L��r c�f Uwn�rs ha�,�e �x�cute�i and ackn��wl�d�,�ci it ��r a ratitic��ic�n caf it, �nc3 (b) thc Terrr�ie�aticri� A�rc:.cm�;nt �intC all ratit�ctitio��s, if aray, �re E�ecorcieci. �!4 T�rt�tieiatior� 1-l�r�cmcn� �ill st4�t�: a ciate r3Fter w��hicii it is �utumati�a�lr• vc��ic� un1�:s� ii is el'I�cti�.�� hy ttzat clati:. ,�1. Termi�3ati��n ��reen��nt «�if9 ��lsc:� st4ii�; that, �vt�en it bec��le� et#�ctiv�. the Cc�ndor�liriiu�t� 'Prc�ject is de�n�c�i ter�-tinatt� and t1i� �ss���i�ttiG�n ���ill sell tlie C.c�nci���nini�km �'roj�:ct, iE�cluciing all [.:r�its �r�d C'f�rnrt�c�n �:lenient�, o�� k�ehalf ot all C)���ntrs, u�on tLr�T�� and �t�nditi�ns c�f sale apprc�4•ed b�.� tt��e E3ca��ri�.�r-c�E�rcic�c!that thc7se t�:r��ts ���i11 �e at lea�t aa� ��i���:prak�le ��� tl�e nzinimtim i�rms s�:t ft�rtl� in t�i� "I'�:rrni��atit�n A�re�:m�rtt. 14.2 :��1e nf`C��Zdonlin's�a�i� �'rcaj��t. VwThen �� T�rrs�inatic�ri �1�.re�;��nt h�crrmcs eftectiu�, tt�e Condr�mirtitux� I'rt�,ject iti ��:�m�i� �r:i-r7�ia�4�te�, the Assucia[ion �:��ill s�:ll th� ��ttit'e C:oncit�minii�m. Praject (r'.c�., all lii�its and �11 C'���7rnot� L��.n�enis) for the h�nefit c�#t�c: f3��ners, and the rc:sultin� s��cs �rc��:�eds �vill �e allcaca�ed in �:tc:c���d�nc4 a��ith :��:ctic?�i I4.3. U�ckza ap�ro�v��zD ot �t 'd'zrn�i����tian �'1�ri�ment, (a} �a�l� (.����n�:r (i��cl�sc�ir�� cii:�seniin� (7wner�) is d�.vtlied tn �rant t}�e �ssociatio��, a�.tin�= thrc�u�.;� iis utticer4 «n�itr tl-►e: atith��s�it�' c��tht 13«�trcl, an irr�:��c�e�ble p���•c.r c�t� ��itc�rrle}�. e��t��led ��=itt� an �nt�:r�;st, tn s�ll t�te Cundsatn�nit�m Pr��,ject ft�r th� b4nelii s�f t�l� [lGVn�rs, and �l�} a�4c�r�in�l�•. tlie Assc�ciatisan l�as ttill anc� �:cyr7l���ct� a��thcarity, rik;ht �u�c� po�+��:r t�� make, ��,iaaa�,[n a.s:i�.aris���ui�n�i:�r�r �� exe�ute and i�c�liv�r any cc��ztr{�c:t, dc;e�l c�r �ather iaistrument n�cess�r�' a��d a��rc�priate tc� ac�c�nt�lish th�at �rurpc�5�. I"+�ot�4•itlastaa�ciin� the t�rn�i��aiiaf� ai' t�l� C:�n�i��minium Pr�je�t, the Assa��iatic�n (�nd its crl'ficers an�i the B��ardj will c��t�tintze tc� c:xi5t anci h�ld of`ti�e, respecti�elyr, witlz all c�f�its and their po���ers specitied in thi;� Ueclaration aelc� the Byf�ws (inc:lur�ir€�=, witl��ut 1irr�itatic�n, th�: �ourer to irn�c�se �ssessments) until tl�� Condc�minium Project is solci �in�i a12 prr�ceeds (l.�.> s�lzs pr�cc;ecis �nd, ii"a�plieaE�[e. insurance �r�ceec�s Qr �:onder�Znati�n �rrac��ds) arc; clistril�uted, [1n��ss e,the�r.��ise speciti�ci in the Tern�ir�ati�n A�reement or c�thers�°ise pr�cl��de� by° l�tw�, dintil a �ale c�!' the �`c�nciomini��m Prc�je�:t is cc�n�lE�c��d, each (3wner i��.� �n excS���i��e ri�ht t�-� c�cci�py its fc�rnier Unit and re.rnain� liahle For all �.ss�ssm�nts and c�ther c�hli�atscjns im��sed �n the Ow��r purs�iant E�o this ���;laratio��. 1�.J Proce�ds, The A.ssoci�tic�n will �►ay tt� caeh (3wner its Unit's TeTmination Alloc�tion of thc ne:t pro�eeds c�f th� sale of the C a�ciomini��m Pre�ject f�ll�wi�i� 1�I'II7lIYc`1IiQt1 c�f the Conc�oetii�7ivan Proj�et (tQ�ether ��it�Y any in�urance proc�:�ds c�r ce�ndemnatioc� pr�ceeds}- Hot��ever, nc� payment wipl �e mac�e t�� �n CJw-ner �iniTl all liR:ns em �t� C't�ndcrminiurn �re pai� �aut nt' th� C7���r1er"s s�lare c�i' th�: proee�:ds. i�l th� �rt��:r af pric�rity �� su�h [ien�. r'� Unit's "Ter���ination :�llt�catic�i�" n��ans the perc�nt���e c�btain�d bv cfivac�i���, the f�ir��t��rket value f�f th� �:.ancic�m�niitm �f w�l-►ic11 th�: �inits is a part by th� tc�tal 1�air market �ralues c�f all c��` the C't�n�uminium5, Tt�e �;°al�ati�n cfate Las��i in det�r�nining t�1e fair market vaiu� ��f e��!h C�anc�caminiurn is th� datc. immediately pric�r �� th� eiatc� the T�:rmination A�reer��nt becc�rnes eff�ctitife (Qr, it,4he terminatic��� is attributable t� a Castialty wh�ri tf�e C��4�n�r� �l�ci tu lerminate Ehe Cancic�minium f'rojeci pursuanf t�7 SwcP:ie�n 12.1(a), tli�. �°aluati��n �ate ss the �i��te imn7ediat�[y pri�r tc� tl�e c�at� an wlii�h tlie c�suatty� �cc�rrred). T�e �'air mark�t r��alu� r�f each C;ando�ninium. a� �f tlle ap}�ropriate ��alu�Ytic�n ciatc Evi ll t�c� dztern�iried h� one or c��or� i��[e�endent appr��i�ers s�le�:te.ci bv 4h�: dc�ard. Tlze �ssaciation u��ill distribute to the {J�nrners the valu�s deter�t�ined by f�"1� 1C1���7C11Cji:[7t t���1ii�15L'F5. TFlUS� ��alu�s ar� tin�il 3ilC{ I7tT1��I7� Qfk aI] CJ44�ners far purpc�ses �3�' establishin� the "�"�rmrnatian ,�'�llocati�r�s unless v►��itE�in 30 day°s �fter distrib�itie�� they �re di�a��rc��rec� in w�r�tin� t��� the ()wn�ers of Units t� �4hfch at least 25% of the vvtes in th� Asst�ciati�an ar�alic�cated. Arti�le� 15 A�:�'�EIV1)�'ICNT t�,1 Ftequir�c� �'c�tes. (a} Decla��ant. 4vithc�ut tl�� �c�t� or cr,nsent c�f t}�e F���rd rar the +�7r�Fners, �na;,� a�t�end this I�c:clarati�an or the M4tp t�a ct�rr�:�t�lcricai, ty�c��ra�hiLaf c�r technical errcars. {�} T�c:clarant, 4r��itt�c�ut tl�e ��otc ar c:on�e:n� �+f the ��ard e�r tfle (�w«ers, may arr�end tht I7�cl�r�tia�i� t� c�€nply, ,���th the reyuir�em���ts, s�anc�arc�s c�r �uic�elii�es c�f reco�niz�d secc�nci�xry mc�ri�a�t markr.ts, the 1�.5. D�e�.�rtnt�nt r�l� Housin� �n�� Urb;� De��elc�prnerat, the �'c.d�ral ff�using :1,dministratinn. t}i� Vet�ran's Adii�inistratioFZ, tl�� F�d�ral H�me Lo�n hr'[c�rt��l�'f: CiIT�{li`�.�1(lEl, ��Ze Gc�vemn�enl Natianal '��t�r�t�Gi�� Assa�.iati�n or th� Feder<�1 National Mor��a�� A�SS��:ia�i��r�, uI (c) Amenc�ments lt� thi;� IJlt;�it['�.Lli)11 LC)[1C4'IZ1�7�c�LlCI L71.� S�:ctic�n� 1I7.? anr3 13.1 tnay h� mar��: �av the B�ard c�n t�eh�zll�of t�1c AsSt�ciativn <incl dc� n«t r�c���ire th�: apprc�val of t.h4 C7E��ners. flrnencim�:nts tv thi� I�eclaratic�t� cur�tei��E�laied by �cclic�ns ?.9(a}, 2.�3�cj, and 2.�(g) �n�ti• b� tnade b�� Declar��nt an�i c�o n�`�! r4r�tiiru ll�c a��rc�val c�fth� ()t��n�.r�. (�f;) F�ccG�t as ��tt��rs��ise ex�ressly pernzitteci �incicr tl�is Dec:l�.r�ti��l ��d the �ct, an_y� r1Itl�[]C�i21ti:I1� tcr this I)ecl�trt�la,L�n th��t increa�e.� t�iw S��cial 1_]�c�:l�ra�it Ri�lit�, i��creases ihc n�aximt�n� nurnbLr c�f U��it�, ar cha�t�es kFsG bc�uo�d�iries c�#��tn}- Llilit c�r the all��catcd inte:r�:st� cp� an;�� [�nit. r�quires lric �c�tc r�r aL,re��tteni c�f t�ie Uw�tiers c�l` i_Jnits tc� r.��t�ict� aC l�ast 67°./� c#`the votes in tlz�; Assc�ci��cic}i� are allc�+c.ate�i. inclu�{i�l�; b7�'/� c�f the vates alk���t�d t�� [.�nits nut c����n�d by L}ccsarant. c��) Exce�t as c�thcr�vi�c ex�r�ssly p�.rinitt�d uc��ler ch4 Act, �ny� amendment t� this I.�e:clar��tit�n t�tat ettan�es ttar: u�es ta ��tlich any L�ni� is restrict�c:i r�;c1uir�s ihe ��ote �}r as�rc.emer�t c�f-t��e U��ner:s oi�i►ilits i�7 w°17ich at l�ast E�7°.��c�f th�; vat�s in tl�e fLssuciatior� arc �➢located. (�) A�zy �nz�ncimertt tc� thiti C�ecl�r�tic�si tttat c��an�e� a spe�i�ic clau�e +�r �r�s��isic�n pr4��ri�irY� a ccrtair� percenta�e of affi�•n�atis�r� vt��es or rvritte�� cnnsents lar �,ciiczn tc� �� taken under clYat cl���se or pra��isic��, rec�uirGS tl�� �I'fir��3ti�F� vate c�r �vriiten c���s�.��t c�t th�se O���ner:� �t'[]nit� t� whictt �tt �r.�st tl��i percenta�,�: (as prescrihed iri that clz�us� t�r prc�Visian) c�f`thc: vcaies in the �lssociatia� are allc�cated. (�.) ,�ny art3er�cic�ent to this Llccl�ration ntt��:l�: c�uri��� the I]�clar�.nt C.c�ntrc�f Pc;ri�c3. af���#in� a ri�ht th��t L]eclarant ma�� ex�c�i�� durin� ti��t peric7d e�r ar3y amendn�ent tr� this Decl�ratic�n made �ux-iri4� the [7LC[arant TJe�•elopr�tet7T P�.ric�c� ai"lectin�; � ri:�r�zt �hat I7e�cl�rarlt m�.y exercise tiurin� that period re�uires thL ��-rittes� apprc�w��tll c�f I�eclarant in �acl� c��e. (h� E�c��+t as pro��i�ie�i in Sectican; 1�.L(a) tl�r�u�fl ��ction k 5.1(�). tl�is ��claration (ir�cludiri� t�7� Pvia��) m���� t�L �m�ncl4d hy t174 af'fireY�atit�e va[c or tin�ritt�n �e�nsent caf tl�� Or���ners nl` L;nits tc� ���lzich nans�e th�i� 5(�"�,+�t t17� ���.�t�a in tt-�e :'1�svciatitrn �zrc a�1E�c�ted. 15.2 �'�m�r�din� L?ocuni�nts. Exce:�t f�r any arfi�endmet�t that by° tklt t�.rzn� o��thi� D�c�art�tic�n m�y� i�c and is �iultir execu�c:d. acka�c�wl�r��ed t��1ci Rcc«rc�ec! ��� I:lecltrrar�t c�r by� �7r an l���ia�f nf thc E3uard, a�� amenc�m�nt tc� t}�is I7uc�aratic�r� is �1`[`��tivc c�rll�° r�l�en all oF the foll�win� event� c»e�ir: �;�j �.��ro��e� ���t'itii��,. 'rk1r: zli»Lntiti��i�t i:� re�ltice�l to a �eitiil�, th�ak is a�rprc�r:�c:d (f�y af�fit'm�ii��e �'at� or �vritt�n ccm5�nt1 h�� thL. [}�y��l�rs f�f' �L�nits to w�13ic�z �tt le.ast tl��: applic�bl� rec�zLired percentag� ofv�tes in t1��: r��s�c:�atii3n �r� alic�c�lt�r�. (h} Certi�icat�: h � .h�s��ci�.tie�n. A �r��itt�.n cer•tific:f�tc, ��c�cuted �rid ackn��3�led��� br�� tlie p�•�sident t�r �ny athtr a��thraric��£ czf'(icer �3f� the !Lssc�ci��tic�n, is att��cher� tc., the ���ritten aenenr�me;nt which �tates tf�at tii� ��zreri�lstlent v�u� E�pprc}vec3 t�y ti�e a�aplicable r�cluired pc�rcenta�e of f�w•ners pursta�n� tc� Sectic�n �5.1. olaa��E'REll nKHAti4 a41dJ��c+,�;hM1i �1 (c} f�eGC�rdin�. !['h� �p�rc�vc:� r.vritten amendmcnt �ies�ril�ed in �ectic�n 1�.2(a� and the cer-tificat�: ��scribecl in S��tic�n 15.?{F�j ar� C��corc4L�i. (d) Presurn�tion c�f Validitv. A[ter a.n arnen�iment ta tl�is D�claratic�r� is Ftecorded, a presumgtic�n �:xists th�t �11 vfltes an�.�l apprc���als r�:�;ar�iin� the ament�mcnt were du��° c�btained and satisfy the r�quireme:nts c7f` ttyis D�cl�rtitic�n. The �resurnpt�on n�ay L�e rebutt�d by �n �ctinn Ctl�ll[tltll�G�d ti��itl�in on� yy�ar frc�m th� dat�: ��1�' c�i�7�I1C�lTleElt is I�ecc�rd�:�d; in �h�; abs�nce c�f an actic�i3 �a�mmenc.eci �vithin th� tjne-ye�r period, thc presun���tic�n is deem�:d conclusi�r�. 4rticle 1fi U1�4`NF.R'S ACKN(��'L�llG�4'IFNT:� A1�'I? `i�':�►tYEI�S 16.1 (�ti�•ner's Ae1���w1er14,�ment�. (a) 14�tc�untai�t A�tivitic:�, �I�he Car�ciorninium Pr�ject is fcacated adj�ce�t tc� :�kii�z� f�cilities and recreatic�nal arc�a5 (the "I�Z(flEtlt�ill ��crc:atii�r��l �-'�r�as"�. �'he Mt�dintain ��creati�ns�l Area� arc �:X�ected tc� generate an ungre�iict�bl� �mo�ant of visibl�, audibl� ar�€i ��inrc�us irn�acts a�d d�st��rb�nces f°rc�m actiti�iti�s relatin� t�� tEl� c�rnstructic�r�, ���ration, use and rt�ait7E�izance af thc: iv'[c,Y�ntain �tecre�tic�nal r"�reas (the :`i�,iuua�t�in �c€i��iti�es"}. T�ie �V1�untain Ac�itir�ti�s inelude, witt��,�t liniitatic-�ti: {i) t��ovement anci c�peratic�n nf p�sser��er ve}Zicl�� (includin�, ��-itl��ut i�mitatir3n, buses, r�a�►s and �tl�er �rehic'les tra�spor4in� p�sseng�rs fl��er �c�jacent streets arld aver_ araun� �nd threugh t11� M�untain �t�cr�atic3na� �A�rc:a�), c�mm�rci�l ��e]�icies, aiid cc��structic�n �ret�ic��s au�d ec��`rprr��nt; (ii) �ctivities refatie�g to the c�nstru�;tic�n, operatian and rraai€�ten��nce �f ri�ads, trails, ski tr�xils, s�iways �nd oth�r tacilities relatir�� to the Ms�unt��in Recr�ationat Areas (inclu�iir��, withc�ut lirtiitatic�n, trer: cutting anci c1�.arin�, �ra�in�; ar�d earth ma�in� an� ather c�nstru�ticm aetiviiies, �onstructic�n, oper�ti�n and maintenan�e c�f ��eess r�ads, sncaw-makin� e�uipmcnt, �.hairlihs. �c�sncfc�las, busses �r c+ttler transpcart�ti+�r� sy°st�ms, operation af E��hicles �3n�i equipr�l�r�t rel�tin� tc� tr�sh re�nc��°�1. �nc�w rer�����a�l, sr��tiv �?Cfl4I71117,�, i�i1,Cj ()V�I'-l�l�-Stlflti'�' DI C)'VtC-L�l[;-X:�CC71t1 il'�135�[7ttSC![393 �3LiC�}OSt,S, anri ��}�eratiar� ��fs�fetw� anri super��ision vehicles); (iii) ��ti��iti�:� relatin� tr� tl�� u�e �f th� M�ounta�n ��creatiQnal Areas (inccludin�, with��ut lirnitatiao�, skiing. �nc�w-t�c�ar�fin�, ski-�aatrc�l acti��iti�s, anc� a�h�r �ver-the- snow acti�-itie�, hikin�, t�c�rse�acf� �-icli���, hicyclir�� artcJ c��l�er r�:creatic�nal dctivit�cs); (iw•) ski racin�, anci ar�anize� events ancl �oazip�ti[ir�ns r�:latin� t� the ta�tivities ��scril��.ci in cla�as� {iii) abc��•e; {��} cnzjces�s, tir�:�r•orks ci�s�+faw�s, anci c�t��r ;�erfurn-�ai�ces a�zd sp�cial 4��4nts; {vi) r�staur�iats, clubs, re�trc�tsn�� ant� r�ih�r peihlic �ise ta�ilitie�; (w•�i) pu}�lic ticcess ts� adjacent U.S. H'orest Se�ie:e lan��; (��iii) g�ublic �arkin�, tia�.ilitie:� arid tlic; trat't`rc rel�ted th�retc�; (ix} �uhlsc r�crr.�tinna! use c�f th� Ciik� Pat�i; (�;) public p�:�icstri:in u��; ol� the: �mc�r�c;ncy flcc�ss .�rta; �xi) en�er��enc:�� use a#t�ze �m�:r�ency Access E4r�;a; �r1c� �xir} r�ther �c�ivEt'r�s ��rrrtitted hy� 1aw. Th� �I�unt��in .f�ctiuities rr�ay nc�ur ducin�r�aytirYY� an�1 r�i��t:tti�ti�. �b) C�nstr�etic�r� ��lctrvitie�. The CQf1C�i}CE1Pl1111131 I'rc�ject is �r�catec� 'rn an ar�a tl�at is suhjeet tr� c�r ncar oi��c�iFl� can5trt�c;ti�.�n aeti4�itiGS r�l�tin� tcs thw d�v�l+��ament �,f ��j�c�:s1t pr�per�iLS and th� N�c��ir�t�in Recreatic�nal .4r�,as (th� "�:onsiru�tian Acti�;ities"}. rI'h� Constructivn Ilcti�°iti4s are exp�ctec� tc� ��nerat�: ar� ur��r��iictakale am�urjt nt��isilale, a�d�k�le anc� udcarc�tis in�p�cts anc� distur�►�nce4. TB�e Cc�ns�ruct�c�rs Acti�•�ties rn:�y inc:ludt, witl�out li�nitatic�n: ai-4aa�;ti�U a�ciiar.4 tu�,°:_�ca a:�N^�� J� (ij ccar�structi«n tr�ft��. (inelu�ii��g, withc�ut lintitaticrn, cunstrt�et3�rn ti�i�4aFC1es, equipment anci �•etiicles 115GC� c�r ownec� �+w' l�c:clarar�t, adja����E ianduti�ners. ��nd th� em�al€�ye�s, �igents �uid �c�ntra�t«r� c�f' eittl�.r c�t' ti��n�; artd {ii) �:ur�5truction activities (inc:l�di��, withnut lirtlitatic�n. �radit��,, �;xc�ivatic�n, clearin�, sitc: w�rk ti»ci cc�ns�ruc�ion c��� im�rav�r��ents} relatin� tc� the C�n�€c»�iniutn �'rojeci, nearby� �rr���:rties, or t��e [Vfou�ntain Recr�:�itic'nzil Area�. (�) Cumrs�er�:ial �c�ti4°ities. A r�°ariety af cc�mz�crcial �.eti��ities are �nd ���ill be �c�nduct�d n�arhy �nci �cl���cent tc� t�e C:r�ndominium Prraj�.ct (khe "Commerciai :4c�is�i�ies"). The . C.omri�ercial �,�:tit•itic;� arc ex�ectec� t� �,enerate �tn t�n�rec�i�t���l� ai�3f��int af visik�l�:, auciihlc� and a�r��rr��is ir7�pacts �nd disturb�ances. Th�: C,c�mm�rcial :�cli�iti�s ri��y ir�cl��d�, withou# lin�itaticatl: (i} c���rati�n Qt full-str<<i�e l��t�.!{;s) ftnci h�altl� s�:�(s) 4��it1� associ��te�i s���iz��min� pc�c�1(s� an� ��tl��:�• ��utdc�or rccre�tion�l f�ici[ities; (iij �n�etir��s, conferenc�w, ���n��ue:ts an� ntla�.r �rau� cvents; N;iii� salcs and rer}tals nt` clotliin�, ski�. sk:i-re�atc�c� ('C]Lll}"JII1�It�., otk7cr nv�r-t}te-snc�w eyui}�meni, bic}'cl�:s. t�ntf c�ther re.cr�eatinnal �y�ii}�rneni; (ir��} �alcs c�f- tick�:ts� fc�r ch�3lP�fI-IS, �cyri�����ts, �t}3er [rar�spt�rtatio:i s�•stenls, an� otl�er �.ctivitit.ti a�z� ��e�ts cs�ncita�t��l e�n th� Nloi�rltain R�creatic�nal �r�;as; (r��} ind�aE• �aa�d outcio��r restat�rar�t and l�ar oper�tians (inclt��iin�, �4itt�«�et lin�itatic�n. the salc: ot �oc�d ao�c� alct7hc��ic and n��n-alcc�3�olic b�ver<i�e� ii�r �c�nsfirnptian c���r and imrnediately a�ijaccnt tc� �tt� P�•�iperty and �it c�th�;r lc�cati�}ns} and �are:�aar�ition uf l��t a�ld cold �o�d (thr�u�h �he us� c�f btirbret�e �riif�, (ir� �its and ot�1�r sme��.�: an�lc�r c�dc��• pra�iucin� me�n�} anc� �e�=4rages �.t incit�crr �nd ��ut�i���r facilities c»� ��nd im�n��liat��y a�ii�a�erlt t�a tl�e I'rc��erty; �Vl� S���S �C}f SL:CV1Cf'S r�latin� to ��iin�;, c�ihc:r �����:r-tl�e�s�x�4�,� �cti��ilics, anci �ather recr�atic����� acti�°ities �inclu�iin�. w°ith�j�it linvtaticin, tunir-��, �va�in�,, ��Lpairiti�, mc���ntirx� c�t� bic�ciiEggs c�n, rentinj, storita� ant� trans�urt�n� skis, sn+�ul�?c�ard� anc� siri�ilt�r ec���ipnlent, ski scl�of�ls and othcr form� af in�i��idual and grc��ap les�r�ns, t��urs and excu��sic����): (viiJ puhlic �rse e�f` the 1'ra�ert}� !'t�r access tc� the Mc�usltai�t IZ�cr4atic�n<�l :�reas, ��el�icic p�,sse€�ger c�rc3�r-c�ff anti pick-tip, Iockcr rc�c�rn, chan�in� r�ac�ni, rest r+,ao� �tnd lrrr�n�e �ur�rfses irs d��i�r��t�:d are�s, ttt��i shc�rl-�e;rm s:ln[iiin� �t�td e�ttipmetlt :�t�}r�€�,�e; (r��iii) �aar�:irt� ��.ctivities (in�luciin�, e�ithc�ttt lirt7itatioe�. acti��itius rclatin� t�a val�t parkin� ��r �s�trkiri� r�latit�� ta f;djt��enl prc�perti�.s}; �i�} tl�e installatinn. o�a�r�ti�n and rn�int�narice caf illuminated a�ti nc�n-illur��in�.ieci �i�n���s (xy cc�ne�rts ar�d ot�er outd���r ac�d ir7d�c�r ent�rtaieln�enk, performai�cc5 an�i special �vents; fYi) c�pLratic�n ��f'c�ne c�r ���Ure tr�atmei�k f�icilities by� Ea�,lc �v'�ill�y �'��ter an�i �anitati�n lJistricl; anc� (Yii} �.n_y� c�tlaer ��5�� or acfi��itics perr3litted Y�y law. "I�l�e Comnl�:rcial Activities rr��y oGCUr duri�z� �iaytimc arld ��i�l�ttime. (dj �'ai�er �nd l��le<YSe. �ach �7�•ner, hy takin� titl�: tc� a l.Init, ac�nowiedg�s tl��t th� I�-1t�untain Acti�rities_ L:otistr�scti4�n �'1cti4�ities and �csr�ln�er�ial t'leiivitie5, a►i�i [It� intpacts a�td disturi���nces �c:n�:rat�d �y tfte�i�, it��ty occur in anr� arc���a�ci t�le Cc�ttc$c�n�i��iunz 1'rtsject. �I�� {����er n��ry as�ert ar�:���im �n}� a°iE�latic�t� of this D�c1�F•G�ti�n ksasL�[ c�r7 tli� e�ci�te�ice c���cc�irren�e of the Nlc�untair� .�ctivitaes. Constructian r'�ctivities and C'�ri����er�i<�l r�.c[ivit��s, or iial}�acts and c�istttrh��nce� gen�:ratcc� k�v then7. ����1� (}���n�r, 6y �akin� titl�: tcs a LJnit, far��rer d�•aive� and r�lea:�es anv act�ca�as r�r cia�n�s the ()GV�1�r anc� it� successors and a��i��is may hawe a�ai�st D�clarant, th� c�peratnr(sj ot t17e 1��1�unt�in Recreatiem .!�reas, anc� thear suc�:�s�ars and a,5si�ns �vhic�t in <�ny way aris� c�i�t nt� tl�� ir7��acts anci c�isl�ir��nc�s ��n�;r���ed fron� the M��int�in .1cti��ities, Cr�nstru�tioiY :�ctisritie.s �r �'c�mm�:r�inl ;"1c:tivities exce�rt an}�� s�ich actrvities, impacts ��r• disturbances �i�at are, c�r rest��t trocn. i�z �y�hol�. c�r in part, a vi�latio�� �f a�p�ic<�ble Sau�� �r th� tii�141B.R1-:D :�KkiA45 WfE.".rlW 1��71'M �..� �ru�s ne��i��nce or �•illt'�il misec�ndi�Lt of t�e c�peratc�rs of`t��� M�i�nt�in R�creati��n ,hrea car their s+�ccessc�rs �r as�i�ns. 1 E�.2 C,ift Ti�k�t� a��3 [�ther I�ees. F3y ta�in�; title t�� � �lnit, e�el� �w�-r�er acknr�wled�e� thz3:t no ri��tlt i� ereated c�r arises frnm avarnership aFa �lilit nr merzt�c.rship i�t thc: Assc�ciatic�i�, either (a) to 4ise the Mc�untair� Reereational Areas (in�:it�d'rn�, �vit�at�! limit�tic�n, the Vail M�untair� ski �rea�, or{b} tc� any� �+�•aiv�:r or s�i5caunt oFth� prrces el�r�r��:� l�ar lil�t tic�:ets c�r ocli�r f�es ehar�ed [o u5ers of the M��untain Re�re�tic�nal �Areas. r-�ny ri�;'�d that any {.����ner acquires ta us� the '���unt�in �ecreali�n�f ��re�s m�y he creai�d +�r �rise, if at alI, onl�� thrr�t��;h a sept�rate a�reem�rat ���ith or licensr, �ranted by the �r�+ners or c���ratar� of the Mo�untain �tecr�atior�al �"�reas �nd is rzrat cierir���;ci in an�r ���ay t��r�u�?h o�,nc:rship c�f a Unit nr men�b�rs�aip in the Ass��iaticm. 1�.3 �]isclai�z�er. Di:c�arant m��ke5 nc� rep�re�er�tati��s, cc�r�renarrts c�r warranties tc� anti� Uwner cc�nc�rr�in�, tl�� nature, scnpe, scher���1� Qr ct�ntin�iatic�n c�lith� C'�tzamerci�zl P�ititiriti�s or acti��ities a��rat�d c�r cc�nducted in c�r r�:latin�; to ��t� �'f��urtc�in �ecr�ati�n�l !�re�s (in�l�ddin�, w�ithaut li:nitati�n, ti��, V�il ski are�a}. By t�kin�; title tc� a L]nit, each (�avner a�.k.r�owlec4��s that (a} t4ie a��ivi�i�� mati� be disc�u:ttin�:�c� trc�m time ts, i�m� c�r p�rr3�anentls� attex tl�e dat� ��t this Decltueit��n; (.�) the a�[iM•iti�s m�y not �e E�perated o�` conduct�d durin� th� s�r�le ltour�, d�ys vr mvnth� as ariy sc4�ec�ule in �fFect c�r co�tet�p�ated on tl�e dat� af tl�is Dh�clar�tion; (c) the acti�rici�:s n�ay be conducted c��rin� more hc���rs (;durin� �c�th daytime an� ni�httirr�e}, da}rst and n�c�ritlts tha�l �ny� sche���ie in ei'f�ct ar �c3nternplacecl ��i the date of tiiis Dec:laratic�n; and (d) more �ctic�it��s niay be ape;raier� c�r c�nduet�r� in the M�c�ntain ���cre�itic�nat AF�as t�i�n c�ccur c�r ar� c�nt�rrtplat�ci �n the date af ttiis De�12�-ati�►n. fl fi.� I�ll�, View Easen�ent. Nat��rithstandin� ��nyth�n� cc�nt<�ineci �n thi5 Ueclaratior� tc� th� ��ntrary, each U���ner, �y� takin� title trr a L1nit, acknawled�es �iad a�r�es tll�t C�1�C� is no easement 4r c�th�r ri�tit. express or impfied, far the henetit at�any (�ti�`n4r c�r its Llnit f+�r li�ht, v;���vr air in�;lu�i�:c� in ur created �y tllis Declarati4n t�r as a rc:sult of o��n�rship crf'the L]nil. l b.� +C►��lc�i�;icallr� Sensiti4•e l�,rea. l�ach �wn�:r, hy t�I:in� titlt tE� a Unit, ack,�ov�•lec���� and a�r�es that its L1niE ar�a the Prnject are focated in a �ea[c���ically �erasitiv�area that ma}' IJf: SUE1�G'iCI Cp CtlG� S�1C�eS. 46.b �ecuril �. NCITIICR "1�1-I�: .�:�SC3CIATIC?'r1, I7i=.CLAI�.ANT. (7f� IT'� AFFIL.IATES ����.�,� �v E^��� v�Fa� i��: cc�r��slr��:��t� r°�rsr�R�r�� c�� �r_a.�,�t,a�z�c��z�, c�F s�c�J�tlrr� 4'�'ITHIN Z�III� C[3NT�(]�1a�CTIii.�M Pi�t3J�C�[', �.NI� Nl;i"I�HI:.E� '1'[-1f� ASSUC[A°l�lt:�i�, I`+IJk �LC:I_,ARANT C3I� 1"1'� rAFFIi�I�'�+T�.�, SH�L[. 13£: 1lL:Lf�] l�I11�1�� �'()1� r'1NY L{JS;i �3�t L?�.Nl��►�i�. BY RCAS[)N (7�' Fr^�ti,iJRE T� P�+L�VIDE �1D�C�LI��TE S�rC'�1R��'Y, II�IFF�l��1C"1'IVEi'+�ESS C3I� STiC'i;It["I�Y' k�A�EASi.,�l�£5 [.�i'�1DER"I-l�kE�J, (]R ACT� [�F THIRD ['r�I�`l`��:5. A[_.I. ()��'NEI�S, �I`�;�I:"�NT�. CiUE:�STS, f1NI3 Il�'V["I.I f�:5 t)1= ANY [C)Vv'NLiZ, AS AP�'I.IC':�1�L�, :hC`Klti[3'��'I CU(�h TH,�1T �fil-dE �1�SC1C'1:'�Tif�i�. IT'� BaAR.I� �F D�II��:CTC�R`�. T��C:LAILAN�T, I"i�� raFi'II,Ir=�"I��S, r��Il� C.�.?�v1MI'['�fELS E`�'T:AI3LISI-t�C) �3Y ANY [)I� 'f�l-IE F(�Ft _F,C�(�T`51+�1 LP�i�I�I'l'1�5, ,^�R�, i'�1C�T �1��51�,-�EI�S AN� TI-IAT EAC�I �7�Jv°�IFR, TEN,'-11\T, CiGi�S�I�, A1"+f Q ZI�VI`l'EE ASSL►:�v1E5 :�.l.l. IZ[5K C)�'" Lf�SS O� �A11�1f�.t:��, �I`U �EF�.SO�1S. T(.) i1i�:[T'S. .A]�1D T+C� TI-IT Cnl� l-I�,N�E'� ()I{ C1i�3I1��, r�.�i� �"�JI�"�'�-�ER aiaa-i&.RE[) AK}i�\hS unll�y�t:w t.;71'41 .lY .r"�C'[�'�lt}'V4'LLi)Gf= T�I�f�T' I]ECLAI�t�?�i�. ["I�S �FE'II.I.�I,TES. �3[3t�RD (�T' �3IRf�CT�)f�4, A1�:L7 C(71�7�vI[TTC�� fl:�,VEi NTf�D� �I{� i��PFt�:��1�Tt"�TZ[Jlti� {]I� W��'��[�Atv'TIES. Nf3i� I�:�S Al.*�1`�' C}WNT�. TEN:��1T. CiiJES1", [)'�Z IN1l`1'�I-I"� f�LI.I��I) UI'(�I�1 r1l�+TY R�I'R�SFNT�4TIf)NS JR. �����1F�Rt"��`I'11:5, E?��'�ES�T:� [)�t Iiv�PLI�L). [i�1CLUDIN[1 ��I��' l�v'�ItE�rh,t�'I'4' GF 1'viL:Et+C'IIAN�I�r^��31f_,lT�` �JF� F�1"l'1°�E55 F(:�R AN4' 1'��E�'I"IC`[_'LAR P�:RP[)SE. ��LL,�1"C�VF T� �i��' S��'URITY M�,r��l.f�ES RrC'[1�41N1L�JL}Lll (�R U�iL�CR`C�Kr:N. Ifi.7 Ir�s��ctic��z bv �Jtl��rs- G�F�u��er nf� i'ost Ins�ectie�n Liab�fit��. It i�; hereMy expr�ssly ue�c�zrsto�d �inci ���reec� �y I)�:cic�rant �in�i l�y any ()��•n�r upor� takin�, tiil� t�� a Unit th�t C]e�(ara«t r�;lit;s �ipc�n �?nti�ernn�enlal iris�ect�r� �anci ut9�er yualikieci subc�r�trticturs and trac��;smen ICl li1S��C:i lhc: �c�c�5truc�ia�1 of tfxe ��ni�s and t�i� Cat�in�E,z1 Elements in c�raer t�� ��c:raf�r co�i�liane� ����th ca���tr�actic�n �IanS and ��°ith {in�� �rid ail k�crilc�ir���� cc�ei� re����irer�7ents ���.��?iieaka�e to �esidential c�nstructic�n. �J�elarant an�[ e��ch ()wn�:�- further ex�res�ly u:nti�erst�n� ��nd a�pree tl�at. �r�ith rc:sp�c� to t�i�: L.�ni�s anci the C'.��r1��nc�n �1�m�:nts, c�pc�n con�}�lianL� 4��itl� thi inspc:ctic}ns r���uxr�.� by� th� lac;al ruil�lin�; d�parfrr�er�t a:icl th� is�uar�ce t�Fa�crtilic�:���c�l�oc�tv�anGy Y�y� th� �-e���msihl�. �ov��;rn��ent��l ��;�ncy. '��clar��nt s�1��11 �e c[�;em�.d tc� ha4�e us�ci its b�:sl e1�IUCLS t�l CC7F1SIf'LICS 5L1CI1 �?niss and Cc�riYmc�n Ll�:r�l�nts �n c:c�z�i�liar��:e ��•it�� ti7e cai�struciit3rl �La�is ar�d all ap�li��tl�le buil�iiti� cods: r�:y�tirem�nts. �;!1�'�i +��h'NF:I�, T3�` '1��►KI`JG TiTL� �I"� f-� ��i�IIT, �IERF:�3Y KN()WINC�L� f�l'4D �,�►%II:I,INGI�Y 1��'E"�I�JES t�,S ;'�C�:A�I�S'lA L��C't,:'II�:"1NT a1'�ID ITS :�fi�'(LI.hT�:S� A�1Y .'1:�(ll ���..1� DL1��A1�1�5, CL�I!+�'15, :^�C�1'1()3�J5 ,t�N� CA[�SrS C?� .!1C"[ I()I�f. �I�1� :�1LI.. LIra1F31I,1'!`lr', LOS`�L:�, I7�'11���.��(iES, C(�STS f)[t I?:��'L�'3C� TI-�<�1�.T F�:�.���-; ����r a�. r���� E�r� �wcuRr�Fn �:v ��s�c�czf���c�h Tiir:��:��xi�r�H. rnrc��_��nzr�ci, W'1"I�li(.)l_I"I` I.INIITATIC��I. :31"I�()I�[�L-:4'�' FELS �4�C7 EX�:h�1PLAF�Y UE�.I�tAGE�, G°�'1-�ICH r'�Et1�� 1�R.()��f ()R r�f�E It�.L�.�TED "['C} A;`�b4' t�f[)RC[�MPI.[A�]C� [7�= TI�#F [��(ITS C)I�. 7'[iE CflM�1�1UN L:l_I'411"�TS 4'�'I�3�k-i �.[?N�'�[�I�.�1C`CIUN i'I_:'I:�JS UI� L3LIiL.L][I`�1C C'[�[]E Rl;{�)L�11tE��viE[�1"['S, W�-IIC.�-I N(?NC'C7MPI.f.AI�CE I� UISCf�1�'[�:I���:U �1.FTI�R THE iSS[_1�1NC'�. �)E° � CEt�.Tt�IC�T� +[7E� �){'C�.11'A�+C�r F'(_)��, F�ESP�CTtI�'�I:'Y', SUC.:f l UNITS pR C.(}:�'1VIUN �ELI:�-iC��TS: r-,NI] :'�N'`�'' SIIC{� VUNC'[)�TF'LC,4�iC� ��lf1LL �3� I�f:E:hRI"i� LiNIR"TE�i"I,IU�1A�1. �'�'IT�-I RI:SI'I�CT `��J I�F:C[_,.4R�-yi�J l'. EAC�� C�V4"�ER �{��EB�� ACCLPTS, �NL7 A'iSU�rIES �`HE RISK L�ti' ANY .hiVI3 ALL I3�Mr1�G1� (3R I�}�F'L:�"1�5 UF �FZ. 1,4) L:�C'�I 4JF T1-I�, l�`R["f'S AN f� �'I-IE C�:}h�M(�h C:LE:i�'[-L'ti"[°�, `i�f-II� DC;�GiJVCRY' (��� Vv'IIEC'fC PS Mftil7�; �'1i?"1'�'I� TEi�: IS'�L�AI'�IC'L ()Ia .�� C:ERTI�=fC'.4TE ()�� UC'C'L1F'r'1�1CY FI�R, RF51'F:C"I�I�,'�L�'. SL�C-H t�l�l-�'S C)R "ai)Cl-1 CC7i��NIt)N EL�I�iCN�TS, I:��:EI'�1' T[) �"HE. T��1���:J�1� .T'1-[r'�T S[1�H C7��I��l� Mf"��r` !-i��.VC A CL�1[Pvl "['ECF:�EF'i)R �C�:�I�+IST r�h� P,�.RT�.' C�"L�II�:��.'I�H��tti 17�;Cf.E�I�A1'�iT {,1�� I`�'S hFF1i:f,�,'I-�S. 16.8 Draina�e anr� Se�ils C�nnditic�n. (a) 4cknc�v��lcti�rne�Yt. TI i�= �[)ILS 1�k�ITH1�I COI�(�E2�'1U� C'(7�I�I5T C3� �()TH ��E'ANSIVE .�`s��1..� .��lU Lt}`�'-T�ENSI"I�`r' SC�1LS '4'v`HIC`I-I €��T�.�' �[:�V�E�.S.CL`� r'�TsFL[�:7- '1"I-1�: II�"TF:�RI"1'Y {�F E�1 UNI�� ()I� 1'1 C'��14�i��()N ELENI�:N'�' II° ��IC1I Ui*;1'1' C?R C'()f��IMt(�N FIIF:MCI'�"1` I� NOT f'RC�PERt,S' N1AI'�I"T�-'iIN�D, E�P.�'�14I'v'E S{�[I.S C�t�IT�,IN CL.A.Y N1�NCRAT.S WTr�[C'H Hf�VE 'I�HE C'�-�:'1RA�"1'E�RISTIC (�F C'II�NCiIt�IG `�'(?L[,T�'[I=. Vw'IT�I 6143J6.Rk:I] Akf-6:4;'VS 47G1i?1V5B.�7p!�7 �� THE AD[�ITIt�N [)R SU�3"i�Z.�C'"t'ION 4i' �c�ISTLRE, TH:E�.EBY I�ESULTIt�G IN S4�v'�LI_IitiCs �.T�'Il1C)R S�iRIi�IkING ��ILS. TI-i£ r�DD�T�O�N t)F I�'�[�IST[�R£ Z"[� L()VV- DENSITY SUIL°.�' C."�USES !1. RL-Ai_ICi�I�Ir1CI'�iT �r �DIL GC�I�i`�'. `I'1-i�KEB1r RESUL'I`I�IG IN CCC�NS(3L[D.�."I'l()N �tiND1t�R C'ULLl1l'SE Ul�"1'�IE ��]I_.S. (�) Wai�r�� �F Liabilitv ��f I��cl�Yratic. �iY T�ICINCr TITL,E TGl A Ul�['�', EALH [74�'1'+i`�,Ft 1tiC'I�:�()1A�'I_F=rJ(:r�.�`i A�1D AGREL'S T�iAT SCICI-I +f�'174TIER Ha1S ��'t1iV�L) AI�D �I�Ir�I;I. I3I-, aL�:.ML:U '1`� f-I:�.�v'C Vv°:�IV�Q '�`I�L RIGI-I�' "r{? �1NY A�VA[�Il f)F DAM.4C�E� AC1AIi�S"1� DE�'LAR�`N�', ITS N1A�IAG�=;I�S, �l�tl:ivtI3�:RS, Eh�IF�I.OYC�S ClR ��G�I�JTS r'C7�R �A.?�`�' Lc]SS (7R DAM:�C�F "I�t� ,A:�JY PORTIC)N f�f= �I�HC LrNI�I' JR TI-�i; C'�MM[��1 Ea1�MLNT5 �C�USED B�'. RE:��II."I`INCJ ��IZ[)1��1 [�E� I�f �ttiY 1�'.4Y C{�1�1�E�"TED '4'�ITH S�IL CO�iL3ITI�INS ()�I ()[2. U�'JLE�t r'�NY C"a:vlNif�N ELEMd�N'I`S. INCLUI�I�G 5���:IFIC.ALLY �'�IE F'f2ESI�N+CI: �F EXPANSIVE S�3�LS Ah1Q RAI3f�N �AS, �rtic�e 17 {C'+()'.�i4'T,�'":Al'+IC1�G AN1} F�.�'�LINII3[Z�'VC�`Ii�G 17_l iJi�its. Anv cvnti�s:vanc� c�i° a L�Eiit inclrici�:s an undir��i��d iratere�t in t�a� Gomm�n Eleme�Yts al[c�catec�~ it� the L]�ait ut�der this r]eclaratic�n, re�arcil�:ss of 4�;•i�ether tl�e undivideci intere:st is speci�ic�lly d�scribec� in tl�4 ��nvevan�:�. A r[escripEic3r� c�f any� L)nit t�at sets torth (a} the ider��i�y in� numh�r �f tlae CJnit, (b� the napne r�f th� C:ondaminiuni �'roj��t, �c) the ciate c�f recardi��� ai�d the r�c��•dir��, data c?1�this I7ec[�ratian in thc: Recc�rc�s, and (�) t1�� cc�ua�t�� i� w•hi�h, thE Cc�n�f��minivari �'rnject is locat�d is, it'in�l���e� in an ot}icrwise pr�per instr«ar�e��t, sr�ff�cient fflT ��I �7L13"�J05�5 fC7 ���1, e.o���ey, traEisfer, encum�er �r �tl�+�rwise aff��.t nc�[ ,�nl�.� th� Unit I�ut also the �ntir� Cc�n�is�raiinium. t'� Persc��� �vlZO becc�mes an[34ri��r will pratnptly n�tify ti�e Asst�cfatio� �f its c��vnershi� af' a L1nit. An t7w°ner ni�yr encur��b�r it� Unit as it sees �it, subj�ect tc� #he pro��isic�rYS of' this Declartiti��n. �ny cc��n���:yanc�, zncumbrance, judici�l sale c�r uther transier, a�oltintE�rti' �r invaluntary', c�f'an �ndi��i�iuz�l interest in thc; Cc�mm�n Elc;ments will l�c� w�oid unless the 1.1a�it tc� w�hich that inier�st is allocater� is aZ:�a transFerr�d. 17.2 Con�mQn Elem�nt�. Exce}?t as €�ther�°ise prav�ded in A.rticie l4 wsth r�s�a�ct t« the terrnin�tli+�n a� the C"crr�dc�mir�ium I'r�j��:t, ��e C€��1�r�lc��� �lem���is �r �tfrtinns af ti�em may be c:anv�4ed or suhj�cted tca a tien c�r s�curit� interest by th� E1ss�ciatis�n i�� aceordanc� with c,.....:..� '4 ^� ^ ^-" ;�e�etion � 2 a#` tlze :"�ct, ���ith the �r�ritts�n �i��rar��a1 of� Uwn�;rs of [.?nits t�a w'h3ch are �tllocatec� �7'?•n c�t"11��: �•c�t�:s ii1 t}�� ."1s5aeiatic�n, includiii� (i7°,r�, of tl�� ��ntes allncated tc� Lfnits not ow���e� by i7�cl�r�int. Th� ec�nv�ya���e nr �:ncumbr�ncc does «c�t af�'e�ct the pric�rity +�r ��alidit�� nf �re-existin�, ����us��hr��ilces. Aiay net prace��ls c�l� th� sal� aF a Can�mon El�tr�ent �ur�u��lt t� tfiis S�:ction 17.? �vill ht� �istri�ut�;d tc� t�i� [�wn�rs in accordarzce witl-� Articl� 13; as if the prr��L�ec�s are an a���rci pa�c� as a re�st�lt o#`lhc: rc-�ndernn�tinn at�the C:nntt�c�n Flerttant. 17,3 `I�rar�sf�ree Li�it�ililY. (a� C�c:n�ral. If'any Uni1 is vc�luniarily ��r in���luntartl� transfGrred tc� any I'ers�n, ihe tr�nsferee c�Fth�: Unit (the "Trans��re�:"} is �iable f:or a91 As�essrnent� c�r �1,s�essnaent in�t�llments a�ain:�t the L?n�t b��iaini�7� as c�f tlze tirrae of iransfc:r;�ar•r���icfcrci that the Tran�#e�ree's interest in the el-la-iSRFU AKFi.ANS t?h�l_�!Jf:i A7�+h7 -�� I.Jaait is su�j�:ct tt� tl�� Ass��ci�itsc�n'� lien tt�r �in�� un�raid :4�sLSStzletlts as c�i'[he d��te �f�hc tran�fer pursuant t[a t�lis I�ec�aratian. (b) First 1�1c�rt �z3 Te �car�clostr.r�. Anv 1"irst :"Vl�ac-t�a��: is stiil�ject t� tl�e Assc�ciatinn"s lien, and ar�y First �vtr�rt�a��� acc�t�irin�; title tt� a (:ondc�n�initrm thrc��i€;�i tc�r�cic�st�re �f� �irst Mort�,a�e is liable, fc�r any ur��aid a.ss��sia��nts {i) tiv��i�h arL cleli�iyu�;nt at th� time thc: First Mort�,�t�e �s Recprcj�d, nr ('ri) ���hicl� hect�me due after the Fi�•st �1/Ie.�rtga�e is I�.e�ord�.d tc� th� ext�nt c7��Zn �bnn�int ec�ual tu r"1ss�ssnicnts hastd E�ix z t���d�et ��i���?teci hy the Board and rntitied l�y th� +l'�ti��t�ers purs�i�cit tu ��ction G.� th�E ���t�u4d ltar�� be�c�ta�e ci«� clurar�� Che �ix-rrannth p�ricjcJ imm�:diat�ly �eiorc thc I1ssc�ciatic�n c�r atty� ['ers�n h�lc�in� a ti�n senic�r tt� any parl oF tlie �ssc�ciai�i�n's lien �uc�rnsn�r�ces an actic�n c�r a n�►iju�i�:ial Fc�recic�surL �ither t� e�tfnrce car extin�uish t�ie lieai. (c) Reall��c��tic�n. 1��itt�+�xit rel��tsir�� tl�� k�an�lerc�r Frc�a�z �iny� liability� fvr �.n4� ti��paid. ;'lsscssr��erlt�, ai�y ui�pair� p�rtion �y[' an flss�s:�ment tia�iie}� is i�i�t a li�.n by �pert�ti�3n �t� Sectic�n 17.3(�i) is �ar� of' thc� C.c�mm«n C�xp��zgzs �n�l collectibl� frc��n all 0�°ners liahle Fcrr Comman �rpens�s, includin� a Tr�nSf�r�:L ��r a Firs� I�Tc�rtga��:e: acc��iirin� titl� to a L�i�it tk�rot��h farecC�rsur� �k'a First �tiart�a�e. 17.4 Estc��s�el Certitic:ates. 'V►�'ithin 1� dav� �ftcr r�ceivin�, a tir��ritl�n re����est trc��a� any' C�S4T1G'ry Security �-ic�ldtr ar a ���iti�rne� c�f�ither Qf`them, d�liv�r�d per�c�neilly c�r by uer�ifiecl mail, tiryt- c3as� pc�Sta�L ;�r��?aid, rctu�-n r�ctipt rey«est�;ci. to l9zc �"IsSOCiaiic�t�'s �'e��ister�rl :.�gent, the: .�,ssc�ci�tie�r7 will ttsr-ni�l� ti7 th� r�:�uesti»�, ��arty', by� p�rs�nal ��:li��ery �ar l�y c�:rtified n�ail, tirst- c:la5s �c,st�tge pi`e,�ai��. ���:ttarn re��ipt re.c�ue�te�l, an �;st+�pp�:! cc;rtitic:ate ��ectrt�d �y an c3fti�4r c��` tl�e �'1�saciatior� and ad�t•essec� tc� th� rec��i�:stin�. party, statin� anw' thcf� ur��aid A�sessments dttc fresrn t�7e r�e�uesting C)wna�r ar tl�t C��ti-n�t` t�f th� �,nit enc:urn�c:c•ed l?y' t13e rcc��eGStin� ��curity Hod��r's Securit4� far ��n C�'�li�atiun, or 5tatin;,; ti�at t�i�:rc ar� nu un�aial A�s��sments duc frc�m such U�r�r�zr, as tl�e cas� ntay he. ?�n estt��p�k certifi��te turr�is�i��# tay tl�t Ass�7ciati�n pur�uant to this Secticrn 17.4 is binciir�� �n tl�e E�SSC�ciatia�n, the �3o<ard anci �.�ery U�wn�r. Su�:h (3a�rntr�s L!niE �httll nc�t be subj�ct t�� a li�n fc�r�inti� unp�iic3 f'15�t�sz��ti�ts a��in5t the �.�nit tG� th�: exte��t t1�at �a) tlte 1�er1 arises beiore th� tiatc o#' t4�� c�rtiticat4 �nc� tliv arnc�unt nf' tl�e lie�� exceed�s �n�� cinpaad �Pnal�nts stateci i�1 tl�e c�:rtificatc, c�r {;h) if'th� Assc��s�ttio�7 c�o�s n��t f'urnish �in esiopp�:l c�;rtificate p��rsisac�t tc� t��i5 S�etio�l l 7.=�. t11�: �znpaici AsSes�m�.nts ar� c�l��e ��s ul-tl�e c3�t� c�t�tlze requ�:st. Tl1e �"1ss��ciatic��i may� �:har€;e the ()4��ner �}� 4�nv Lrnit f��r ���l�iclz ��l�;h �in est�rp,�el c�rtitrcat� is fa�rnisl���i, 4��d t�ie iJ��:�ner �vill �:�y�, a re�s�iia�ie fe� fc�r the Freparatios� ��f t�le �:stt�p�sel c�rtitic:at�. in an amcauni dtt�rminec� �y thc E3atird firc�ni kime �o tim�.. Artiele T�i {GE1�L;RAI, �'Rf)4'IS[f3�+i� 1�.1 T�e Act: S�v�,T3�]lltiV. T�1� C.£1E]L�flllltl71l1I17 E�i°�l��:Cl �lllC� tI]1S D�C�aratican �vill �«t '�c. suhject to th�: �ro4�isir�n� c,f anti� aaY��.nc�ment ta c,r re�lacemer�t c�f tl�e r"�ct «�hach bee��mes �ffecti�•e aft�;r tl�� r�<�t� c�l�Re:c��rd'an� ��t�thi� I��cl�rati�,n. unli;s� thc pro�isi��t�s o1�t��� am�ncimeilt nr replacem�.nt are er.pr'essl�r n�ade bia��li�i� upc�n e_xistin�; cr�nd��R�ini�sms. 1-I��w�.��er. #lie Associ�:etic�n may �:le:ct ta s���ijc:cC the C.�an�c�mi��i�iri� �'rajec�� tc� <�ny �m�rid�t�ent or r�p��c�:m�n� bv tk�e affirr�z��ti��e vate c�f e;��:�aw Rr-.n nxe3.e:vs��i:�o�i;�N�,d �`7 all Orvn4rs w�hc� ��c��ild h� r�yuir�d tc� apprc�rr�. at� amLndment !c� Ehis Dec�aration pursuan# t� S�ctinn 1;.1 car�c�rr�i�lg the s�abj�ct rnattc:r c�nntaintd in th� a.n��.n�iment t� c�r r`�lacem�nt aF Ehe Act. If any af �h� t�rrns, c�nditic�n�, pro��isivns, ��ct��ns or clauses af�this Dec�arati�n cont�ict r��ith any pr€���ision c�f tha t'1ct, the pre�viaions c�f th� .�ct ec�ntroi unless ihz r'�ct permits thi� C�ccl�ratican tc� c�verri�ie the �►ct, in ���hich event t1�is I��r.laratiaiz cflntrc�ls. ?h� invali�iitw� of anv co�•enar�t, re:strietic�n, eonditiQrt, limitatic7r� «r provisi�.�n e�f't�i� De��aratiE�n c�r ti�e applicatian of an;�' c�t`t��en� io any° pc:rsc�n c�r circumstaslce will n�t imp�ir c�r affe�:t in ��i�y' mann�r the ��ali�liiy, entvrcc�;bilit_y Qr etf�ct of the re�t r�f t�lis I7ec[arati��f�, or t�te applitatic�n of ar�y cc�venal�t, re5triction, cc�n�itic�n, limit�tin�3 c�r pravisir�n l�� any �ther pers«n c�r circumst�nc�s. 1 S.? Intc; retat�on of Declar�tiar�. The provi�ions c�F [lais Declaratir�n �w�ill b�: liher�.tlly c�n�trui:� tc� �ffect its purpose of creaiin� a urzi�'c�r�n plan #�7r the ���mzrshEp and a�er�tic�n ��t a tirst-ctass C:c�ndc�minium �'rt�j�ct. Ill�'}�enever apprc3priatc. �in�;ul��r ter�ns may� b� r�cad as ��kiral, pl��ral ierrns may 6e r�ac� �s Sin��lar, anc� the neuter ��n�ier may be r�aci as the temznir�e vr rr�a�culine gender. Th� titl��, h�;�din�s and c:��ti�ns used thr�ug[laut this Declaratie�n are far cc�nveniens;�, c�r�ly an� may not be «seci tc� cc�nstru� th�s L]�claratinn �r any p�rt nf it. 1�.3 ?�Ic�tic�e�. Except t�r t�c�tices conccm�n� rnGetir��s �t`the As�c�ciati��n or the F3c7ard, r��.�hich ���ill �Se �iven in th�, manner �ru��idec� in the Bw�law�, any natir�:s r�.c��ircd c�r ��nnitt�:d under t�is U�el�iratic�n or the I�}rlaws cc� �e �,i�°cr� t� any Dwn�r, tl�e �sso�iatic�n, tl�e Soa.r.rd ar a.aiy �ecurit}° I tc�id�r �r-ilt be se:nt b}' C�fi1�1�t� 133c71I. �IISI-L:��SS �1l)S[c��� pre:pai�l, ret�,r�i re�e;ipt r�:quc.ste�l, io th� intend�c� rer�ipit�t �t, ir� the case of��c�tiic�s tc� an O��ner, t$�� acidr��s «t�ucl7 C�wner at its C1nit; in t��e case of �oti�:es tt� the As4c�ciatian ar tli� F3c�ard, the a�i�lr�ss c�f the Assc7�iatic��n's re�ister�:c� a�eni: nr in th� ias� of r�c�tices to a Security �-I�lcicr, the aci�ir�5s m�st rccentlyt �i��en t� zhe ,Assc�ciatscan by notice frc�m s�ar�r P�PSi3i1. �I1 not'rces are d�Emed �ivec� ancl recei��d three L,��sine�s dae's after rnail�� as pruvic�ed i� the previt�us �entenc:e. :Any� fi]�r��r ��►r :�ecurity H�lci�r may eh�n�e its ad�ress tor p�irpo�e� �sf nc�tic� hy nc��ice tn the� ,4ss��ciat�nn in tic:cc�rd�nc� with this Seeti�n 1�3.3. T'h�. Itssc�ciatinn �r the B�ar� may �han�,e its acir�r�:�s fur pur��s�:s of nntic.e by nc�tict la� all �r�•n�.rs in acc�rdanee with t��is Sectidn 1�.3. Anv Su�h cha€n�e ot address is �f�cctr�� ti4•� dz�ys af�4r th� r��uired notice is �iven. i'�.� �'artition. Thc Comi�7r�n �1�mLnts are nt�t subj�cl to par[icic}n. Any pur-pc�rt�d cc�nv�y���nce, esicutr��irar�ee_ ,judicial sale or oth�r �oluntary c�r invs�luntary transf`er c�f an �r�divic�ec� interest in the Ccsm�7aon Elemer�cw ma�� separ�tefy tir�n� th� L�nit ta w�hicll that i�aterest is all�cat�.�i is k•r�ici. '�othin� in this Sec.tic�n 18:� pr�t�ents the Sal� c�r encumbranc� c�f all c�r � portic�n r�f tli� Cc�n�mon �lcm�nts in acc�rcl�Lncc: uFith S�ctic�n I T,2. 18.5 Assi{*nm�.C,int ��t Special l��;t��ai�aa�t Ri�;lit�. Dcclarar�t «3a�� �ss��,rz any ar �11 of th� Special 1�t41ar�int �'s�kits icz ac�:Ur�iGince with '�"^,;�� �'4 "=' `' `'�`^ �€ctEC)n 3U� [3� t�14 t�.ct. 1�i.G 'i`axa[ic�n c�f Units. Llpc�t� Rec:c�rc��n�; ttt�s Ileclaratioz�. L���laraz�t �=i!1 d�li�ee- a c�py �t it to the asscs�tar c�f�a�le �o�inly� in �ccc��das}c� �,�ith �....+;,,,� �a �: �z 1 fs�r'�ti S �ti,�� c�n 1115(2� c�f ths� .ALt. l:acl� Lp�l�t, t�7�eth�r ���iti� i[s C�rnmon r"111c��at`rc�j1 nf tl�� Comnion L-:ttments, can:�titutes a se}�ar�t�, parce� tc�r purpose.s c�f r�;�i estate assessmcnt :��r� ta:�ation. The C�nu�nc�n ���ments t�ill �nldaift Rl:U :�kfi,lu5 ��'s:.A�wy.t �';FM. �� br; assesse�� ��air�st e��lY �nit i� acc��r�an�e ��itl� th� Unii`s Gurr��tt�n Al�c�cation aE�d ma1� not l?e separat�ly as��sse� s�r tr�xed. [Balance r�f`°.,h.. •-�+^�«.,.°��';° P:��e int�ntiur�a�l�� Lef# �31��n�:J 61as.i8.RCU AK}1A�+F5 flCu'I?�1161;7PN �� IPv W'I`�`ItiESS W'�I�RF�UF, l�ecl�irant has�xecuter� this I�eclarati��n. DECL 4�i�A,NT: ,�I_'_�[-�--�T t f�rlU t]!�►I? n�'i.�-h�', +[��URE C�I�,rI� �'LA�C,LLC, a Ccalnrac��� �� limited i�a�ili�� �omnanr• i3v: Na�n�: �['itle: ST1lTE (�F C(�LQR4DC7 ) ' } ss: C(�UNT'�'' C�I' FAC�LE ) Th� fc�re�,ain� ��.c9araii�n t��as aeknc3wl�d�ed �e�or� �t�� this day° c�f . ?()(1�., t�y �s ot , f:f)��� ItFFK �'LA LC � Calc�radQ �� timited liabilitr- C4i11pS11�;. W'itness iny� hanc� and c�fticial s�al. My' comn�i��ion �:xpires�: Nc�tarti� Pubkic _ Gi�u.+s r�z� nf:a�nNS un�i���+,�a�rni bf i EXF��I3IT' :� TIiE I'itL.?['EE�TY n�aa�ti xEn AI;.f�a,.tv5 cu,i�2.'nt�I 3'.PM f�-1 s �tS.illil�.� i3 AI�D['�'1�I�A�J i�ANU bl-l�i-s8 RFI3 AKM.0.NS C]NI;J414 t}'.pti{ B'1 , r.k1II�1T C' Cfl���10iV t�I�L(�CAT[ON� ME�►�i�1I�1�❑ A�,C�� ` rta�n n�t I�It[�3 !i i "ar• e ��1 � T.�.�1 ,�.�l��carion � 9 .�.,�� 1.2��) �� :�i.7[li . °a� �1 lIl 1.(il? � $;�? �.24-� 14.i)?"/� � I1.. €i[1U � � � 4� 3.z1 I9"/fl � 12 �f� 1�.� $� � 'i_•1 9�% _ � .� � 1,123 :1� $� � ,10 �8"/0 � � �� 1� �2 3.276 1 .70°_ � � � � �$7 � 2C� �:��a. � �i � ��� vY� � �,�f Er T�C?TAL,. . �[1 C�Z IQfl°f4 G1�Y+W$R�fl �l�.t-IANS IX�1'i0n 1 3?�'h1 l.�"� . . T;���Iil3IT 1) OTHF,F� [�,I�,C(3r�DE1) r�S�1�i�1tiTS AND LlCE�1�LS 1'�FFI{.(;T[\(� 'T��ii: PR()['EIiTY 6 i��a xEQ nn:H:v,s ow i a�ot,i n ra+ I�-I s T;�li1F31T E A4tBITl�:�'TI(�1'+�I RLiLL� C'�zimant sh�ll subtnit � ��aitt� to arbit�atic�n under tf��.sc �r�iCrG�tir�7n Ru1es �y �;iving writt�n nc,tice tr� aPl crther f'artses �tatin�; �lai€ll�,r and cc�r�cise��� the n�itur� ot t�e Clai�tt, the rett�4d�• sou�ht at�d C4aimant's :�r.�brt�issi�n �rfthc C'lairn t�� arbitratic�n ("�,r�ritraticrii I�Iotict"}. l. �n� arbitratic�n ctin�lcict��1 unti�;r llzcse Rir1�:s t�tic� in eon�scti«n with any. C1�im arising c�Lit of c�r reiatin� tc� t�� ir�l�r�ret�ttia��, �p�licatic�n, �r enforcen�e�it vf the 17GClarati�[�. c�r r�,latin� to tY��: �esi�n or tc7nstriz�tior� of the �t3mrnc�n �:.lerne�ts, ��al� co«ft�rna ��•it}Z anci hL subjett t�� the rit��5 ar�d gr����c�iir�.� ac�o��tLC� a�1d reat�tinely applk�� hy C'�it��tr��tion !1rbi�ratic��� Ser��ic�s, �nc. (`.C,1�w"). '?. 'I'he f'ariic� s31a11 szlect {� pane] a� �r�itratc�rs fthe `.P�in�;l"} E�s f�ll��r��s ("Part�� A��aint�.d fLr�i#r-atc�rs"): all c�f the Cl��imant4 sl�all a�ree u�►c�n c�n� Party� fl}��r�intL+� �arb'strator, an�i ��I1 tf�e Respc�nci�ents shzll a�.�ree t�pe�n c}rae Party A�J�c�intet�l A��bitrator. `I'he I'zrt;�� r`�ppaii�t�d �►rl�itrat�rs sl�a�ll, bti� a�,r�ert�et�t, sel��t c�n� Aciclitio�i�xl arhitraC�r {'`r'�d�itic�a��ll")- 3. If th� �'an�l is nc3t s�lect�a tindc�- R�il�: ] w��itlzin 4� da��s fI'l?Ill I�7G {�Ztt� O� t}z� Arbitratian 1'+fr��ice., an�� narty n����� r7�ti f'y tl�� �lea�•�st ehapter c�f�T�he C'�r�ittaL;nit�' :"1�sc��:iatic�ns Instit��te, tor anti� disp�ate arisin� u�z�er thc Uecl�iratit�n, tf�e Bvla���, c�� tl�e I�ul�s, nr- C:!�.S [c�r aray disp�ite re4atin� tca the de�i�tt or c�»sstrucTion �1'in��r{�i��rn�nt� �zn t11e C'c�n�mc�n �lei��eitts, �vhich sh�ll ti�pc�i�it cane �1�iclit�anal (`;��pc�i�lted c"4�iciitit�nal") anci �hall notify t�» A�pc�int�c4 :'lclditior��l nnd �11 I'artics it1 t��riCiii� a#��t�ch appc�intt���nt. T`he App��int�.d Acicfiti�na� shall tl�ereattc:r �e the scale arhitrati3r ai�d an}- I'�irty r�}��c�it�teci Arbitr�itc�rs �r thcir d�si�nee:s shall l�a��e na fiar��►er c�uties in��olw�in�th4 arhitt`atinn prc�cL�c�in�,s. 4. No �'erson ���tv servc a� �� A�dcii�ic�n��l in any �.rhitr�tic�n in which that Per�c�n h�s ��i�� tinai�ci��l c�r �e�`snt�a� itYt�r�:�t in t��e re�t�it o� th� arhitrati�n. �'�ny Perse�n dc:si���ated � a t"L�l�.itional t�r �*����int�d .=tddizi�t�a1 shall �n�ra�ediately clyscic�s� ir7 r�°ritit�� tc� �!l �artses any cir�t�nz�tane�: l��:ely tc, at�Fect impizrtiafity, incl�i�iing any l�i�.� or tin��nc�al c�r p�:rsc�n�6 int�rest in the outc�rt�� of tl�z arbitratian �..�i�as I)i5�:1c�5�ir�"�. It'�sny P�rty c�hjects to the �er��ice nf an�' �c�ditic�nal c�r .�p�t�int4c� �'�ci�iiti���l�l aft�r recGipt c�f� t��at �ciciitrc�nal's Bias I]iscl���ure, suct� Aciciitic�i�tal c�r Ap�aii�ted Additic�i�al shall I�e repla�ed iii the sazne m�nncr i r� uJhic�i that Adciitz�na[ c�r A�}�o'rr�,�ed A�ic�itic��ial ��a;� s�:�ected. 5, The �.p}�c�ir�tec� .�d�litit��t�tl c�c Aeiciiti�anal, as tllt case m�y �e ("Arbitratc�r"j �hall tiY the daT�, tin�c anci placc; for t[�e hearir��. T't��: ���acc uf' the h��rin� �hail t�e at � �lac:e n��atualty a��re�d to by the partic�. In �lxin�� th� c�tiite �� tl��. he�irin�, c�r iEl coiY�i�luir�� � h�ar.in�, t1��; Arbitrata�r s��all t�.�e iitta cansid�r4�ti��n the ar�iount c�f'[rma: re�t�c�rsablv required ta detern�ia�e +�lairnant`s darna�es ��c�:t�rateiy. 6. �►ny' 1'arty rr�ay` bL re�resc.nt4d by an attc�rneti� or c�ther aut�c�r'rz�d re�are��ntatiti�e thr�t�gl�out th� arl�itr�tir�n prac��r�ir��s. In the �.�°�nt t}�e ��spun�lent tai�� ta l+��t•�as RFU :�r.]fAfas adr��Vt,�3:AM �"� , , � � T p�trticipate ir� lhe arbitrati��n �r�+c��:�iin�. the �lrhitratcar ma�,� �c�t enter �n .�14�•arc� by ci�fault, but sh�l� h�ar C`laimant's case and ci�eide accordin�l�•. �i, t�li P�rsc�ns w-�o, in the jud�;�T�et�t c�f t}i� Ar�'rtrator, haW�e a �iirect intere�t i� the arbitrativn are entitl4�i tc� attend l��arinr��. 'I'lle 4rbitratar shal� d�t�rn3ia�e any relev�zit le�al isslEes, incl€s�fin� w�h�tli�r aiC inc��s�en�a�le �rarties are E3ouncl ['arties ar��he�h�r the claitn is barred k�y t�te �tatute of Iirnitatic�n�. S. "I'he h�arin� shall 1�� ee�r3dueted i� what�ver n�anner ��i11, in t1�e Ar�itrat�r's jud�rnenk, mosi Eai�•1e�° anci ex�reciilic�u5[y permit the full pr�esentati�n �f the +�vid�.nce an€i ar�umGrrts nr th� �arti�5. Th�: Art�itr�tc�r r��ay issue s�cl� ord�rs as it deecns necessary tr� sa#��uard ri�l�ts of`the Parties in th� �i�sp�it� without �rejucii4e tc� th� ri�;hts �f the F�rti�es vr the finai deter�inatic�� c�f the dispute. �. i�lratw�•ithstandin�; the fore�ain�, m�ltiple party� di�putes or clairns rlcat cor�so[idatc� c.-►r adrninistered as a cl:�s ��tion pursuaiat tc� the fc�11o`��ing sentence r�°iil be suhj�ct tc�. and ���i44 �e ar�ritrate:cl indi�ic��alltir. (J�lti� w�ith th� written r�r�uest af all parties invcrl���d, hut t�flt Qtl�er�vise, the �1�'1��traCC�r n�ay�: {i) e;�mst�lidate in a sin�l� arbitration p�-ace�c�in�; any ir►ultiple part.y clain�:� that are s�ibst{��1tit��[y EdeEltical, and �ii) ar��tr��tc n�u�tip�� cl�ims as a class �cti�n i�� acct�r��r�ce l�ith the rule� and pr��c�dures ac�.c�;�ted by� C�1S. �Q, It tli� ArE�itra��rr ��c:id�s t�at it has insufficient �:�perti�e tc� r�etermine a re[�;4�ant issue rai4�ci ci���in� �rhitr�ti��i, t4ic. �lrbitrator mav r�tai� the serui�es c�f'an inciepend�:nt �xpert �i�l�c� �vi�t a�5sist tl�r; ,�rbitratc�r in makin� tt�e necessary deteri�liclation. Ttl� scop� c�f such �rc7fessicrnal's a5sistancG sh�ll be deterrtti�ed �y� th�. ,�rhitratc?r in the r�rbitratur's discre�is�n, Su�h indep�rtdent prQtes�ional must i�Qt ha��e ��ny� bias nr tinanc�al �r ��;rs��r�al interest in the autcame of thc arbitratic�n, �nd shafl irnrr�e�iately r�c�tify� the P�rties c,f any such k�ias or interest by delivcrin� a I3ias DiSCEc�Sr�re; �� the Partii:5. If �ny Part�: c�bje�t� tc� ih� ��:rvi�� of a�ty prc�fessi�nal after receipt af' a �3ias Disil�sure, si�c13 pro�ess�a�tal s�iall be r�p4accd by anat�ter independ�3it licc:nse� prr�ies�ic�r�al sel��ted ���th� Arhitrator. 1 l. No fc�rmaC discnvery s���ll be conductc�� im the a�sen�:e �F orc�e:e c�t the Ar�aitratt�r c�r ex�ress tia�r�tten a�r�ement amort,� all th�; I'�rti�:s, "�'he only evidence to be pres�ntcd at tl-�e hearin� sh::�ll be it�at �°hicl� �s dcsclns�:ci to all F'arties at l�.asi 3� day°s priar tc� the h�arin�,; prr��.�idc�c: huyc��►��a�, nc� Part�' �hall deli�rtrat�:[�� ���itllhcrl�i nr r�fL�se to discic>s� any evici�ni� r��hi�h is relevant and mat�rial t� the Clait3�. and is n+at c�therr�vise privil�:�c:d. The ]'arti�:s rnay t�ffer such e4�i��nc� as is r�:le�-ant and i�lateria� tc� the Cl��icn, and shall prorluce sucl� additpc�nal ew°eclence as th� Arb�tratc�r may de�rr� n�ces�arv tc� an u�d�rst��nc�in� tlnci det�rm�t�ati�n c�f the Clairn. -[�he Arbi�r�kt�r shG�ll k�e tiz� sole jticl�e c��'tf�� rel�:�r�zrl�e anei n�aterialit;�� e�f'�ny ��i�i�nt:�: �fi"�r�r�, and cc�nfc�rmity to the lc��al rt�4es c�F ��idence shall r�c�t h4 n�=c�ssary. "I�h� 4rhitrator sh�ll be �.uthorizecl, but nc�t rec�uieec�, ic� acitt�ini�t�r c�aths tc� ���itnes�es, l2. The �lrbitrator sl��ll decl�re th� h�.arin�s �lo��.c� wh�r� satisfi�d the r�ecc�rd is�onnp��t�. h1�1-�38 REC] 1KHe4Y5 Utu`I'J�)ti!'�]P�f �—? r e w, • 1�. 'I"11ere ��ilI �S� nc� ���st l�earin�br�r:f�. 1�. Tlze hwar�l sllall 1,4 ren�[ered iinmediately fc�llc����irt,r t�e cls�s� af th� l�4a�•in�;, if po5sible, �nci nr� l�ter tlian ]�} �{��ys �'rc�m tt�� cl�xse �f` thc klearir��, unle:5s oili�ny�ise a�r��;ci by the Parties_ Th� :��.r��ar� 5ha11 b� in ���ritir3�, til��ll h� si`�n�.d by the. r'1r�itrat�r an�i ac�nc�w��c�i��d t�zfc�re a nc�i�try p�iblic. Iti th� .^�rhilr��ior l7elie�es an �a�ii�ian i� n�cc�ss�ry, it sh�ll l�e in s��r�rn�ry�` #r�rril. l5. Lxcept �«�it1� re:s��:�t t� a�vards of attamey�s' f�e �ii}{-1 �xpenses rmly tc, tl�e ext�nt specitic�illy pro�=id�d ur�dcr ���,T,��n =�.'}-'� �i�n l?� ot�t}te �ct, r�a �arty s��al! be entitiea t�:� r��eiw-e �tn�� a��'arcl ��� ci�ama�;es in ec7�inection r�itlt t��4 Gir1i'rtratiUn �tf a [Jis��.ite. tat��er t�1�7 su�.h part�''s �ctual datna�t.s. All ;�ariGes t�� ars �rbitratic}n c�n�i��ct�d uiider tt�esc R��Ies shail bc: �c:�r���d tr� ha��e ti���iv�ci tti�ir ri�ht �� recci��e anr! ciani<i��s c�th�.r than aetual darna�es, incl���ii��g, witl�out li��itatic�i�, s�cci�l d�zi���es, cc�r��eG�ir�rttiai cian����s, and �LSiliti�� ar ekempI�r�• ci��n����e�, Each I'arty a�ree� tc� accc,pt �is I�:�a� c��li��ery� c}f t�ie t'1y��ir�1 thc d��osit c�f�'s� IILIL' Cflr?4' in the n�izil ad�lresseci tc� tlzat Part�� r�r its attc�r���y at the ac�c�ress com�nunicated tc� the r-�rhitratc�r at th� hearin�. h�saaR Ri:U •�kilA�S '�6/f7ioe�i7 Ph1 I:'3 , ,G�•�-�T.� ����� '. 1�` De�ign R��view Bo�ard . A►+CTI�� �`C�RM - # Depa�tment af Co�murrity [}eve9apme�t �V��� T� # 75 S�vt'h Frontage Road, Vail, Coiorad� BI657 te1: 9�70.479.2339 f�x: 970.479.245� c�a�uHe-rr�v��e�v►a�t,7 web: ww�r.vatlgav.com Praject Name: G�re Gre�k Res. Changes Access DR8 Numt�r. DRS(76Q107 Pr�je�t Descriptinn: �INAL APPROVAL FdR A CHANGE Tt�`i�lE AC�P�tOVED P�ANS-CHAN�E�Ta EMERG�NCY PATH AT WES7 END A�E� 80TT�}M �F MAR�.IL7TT DRIV�. INCLUC3ES SOME CHANG�S 7Q T}iE CAMDSCAPTIVG PLAN. MCIST INiFt�RTA6VTLY A DELAY IIV THE INSTALLATION ClF TH� LANQ�CAPING I!V THE VICNLTY OF Pd�IC!'��1��5: �W�I�R VAIL CCIRP (34J17{ZOa6 P� BC}� 7 1lAIL CQ 81658 ARCHIT�Ci` 4240 AFtCHITECTL�RE, INC, �D4,�17{2[}06 Phane: 3{J3-292-33$8 1621 18TH STRE�T SUITE 204 DENVER C� $42�12 License: CCl(}Dfl01$6� A�PLiCAh#T VAT� RES[]RTS I�kVELC)PM�NT INC04f17�`��06 Phc�ne: 97D-$45-2547 T(JDQ GC]ULDING P.a, BD� �59 AVQI� CC} 81520 �ice�se: COOD001633 Fraject Address: 825 FaREST RD VAIL Lveativn; GaRE�REEK PLAC� Legal Descriptian: Lot: 3 B�ock: Subdir►ision: WESl"DAY SU6DIVISI�N #�arcet Number: 21(�1-t]7Z-07a0-Z Commenks; See Conditions B4ARfl/STaFF ACTION Mt►tivr� By: AttROn: STAFFAPR �COttd 6�y: Vote: �ate of.�#pproval: 05/17f20(l6 �anciitions: Conc�: 8 (PLA�): No chranges ta t�ese plans �nay be mad� without th�written �onsent of T�own a� Vai! sta�F and/or the apprc�pri�ate review cc�mmitteQ(s). Cand: (� ' {P�AN}: pR6 a�proval da�s nat constitc�te a pe�it for builr�ing. Please�onsult with � Town of Vail �uilding �ersann�! prior ta construction activities. ��d: zo� DRB appraval shail not become va'�id for 2(� days fal�owir�� th� date vf approval. Cand: 202 Approval oF t�is proj�.t shal� laps�and becr�me vr�id one (1} year fcallawing the date +�f fwnal �ppre�val, unless a b�rilding pemnit is iss�aed and constructivn is cvmmeneed and is diligently pursued towar� completian. Planner: Warren CampbeCl DRB Fee Paid: �20.QQ � { I�fi�n�or Exterivr Afterativns � ' App�lication fo�r aesign Revi+��uv . Department af Cc�rnmuc�ity Develc�pre�ent � 7� 5auth �rontage Rc�ad,Vail, CQlnrada $�.657 �WN�FYAFL ' ��i: 97a.���.zi�s fax: 970�a7�.z4s� web: www.,ra9�gov,com General Ynfs�rmatic�n. All pro}ects requiring de�ign review must receive approva! prior to subr�}tdng a b�ilding pe�rniY a�plication. Please refer to the submittal re�utirem�nts for tf�e parti�ular appraval that is requested- An a�pliC'dtion fesr design Fieview cannsat be accepted unt�l a!1 r�quir�d informativ�s ss recerved tay 'the Community Developmerst Departm�nt. The project m�y �Iso need to fa�e re�riewed t�y the Ta�wr� Cauncil andJar the Pl�nning anti En�rironmental Cor�rs�lssion. - Dessgn r'eView appr8�ra! laps�s unles5 a �uilding p�r�nit is is5��d and wnstruc�an �arnnaen�c�e.s within one ye�r af�he apprvva[. Description nf the R+equest: '�'/�%���"'-��.+�" '�'� /.1"��?�-�`�� •��r�'`�'� . �,s��C}�'��S � �n?�—.:c w � �/ ,� �-�='�� �r.� � . r�'se-r r— /'��7� ��"�r t .� _ Location af"��e Propn�al: Lot: Sl4ck: SubdivisiQn: �+�■�• � Physical Address: _ ��`� C`..�� �-��;���f ��� _ Parcel Mo�c���"� b�•� ��'��- {Cc�r�t�ct Eagl�Co. Assessor at 97�-328-8�640 for p�arce! nv.) zvning; � ��� � �ame(s}of Qwner{s): ���: �-° .�. � G �� � . Ma�i�ng Address; ._r'�� c��� ,. ,.��`�r)�P [°r� ne. � dwner(s) Signature{s�: _ ` �'`' s Name �f Applicant: �� � �;-- Mailirtg Addre�s �" �hane: , � E-�ai�Address. Fax: Type of Revi�w ar�d Fee: � [� Sig�ts �50 Plus$1.OU per square foa�t of tok�l sign are�. C7 Cc�nceptual Review �!a �ee C] New Ce�nstruction $65{� For cans�r'ucksan af� new�u'slding or dema/rebuild. ❑ Additian $30Q Far an additi4n where square footage i� added t� �ny resider�tial �c cornmercial building (incl�des 250 addit'sons&interivr c�nwersions), ❑ Minor Afterakcon $Z5(1 Far minnr Cha�ges to buildings and 5ite impravements, such�s, {mult[°familyJc�mrnerc�ai) re-rpn�n9, Paintsng, windaw additic�ns, {andscaping, fences and r�tainir�g walls, etc. ❑ Mincar Altet�tion $�� For minar changes to buildings and Site icnprc�ver►�ents, such as, (single-fami�y/duplex) re-rc�ofing, �ainting, windaw additivns, landscaping, fenc�s an� retair�ing watiEs,�tc. �Chang�s ta Approved Plans $20 For revision5 to plans already approved by Planning Staff flr the l�esagn Review 8oard. fl Separatifln Request No F�ee For Office��Qnt�: ,�, -�.--�'��� �'�'�' .a„ Fee Paid: �hecic No.: "� By; r°�,. � Me2ting Q�te: ..=�'� � � �� - '�°�� [7RB No.. � ��� �� f,�-� I �� � �� Planner:_._. "�'' . Proj�ct No.: ##�#***�**��*$#�*��**#####*#t####*#*�#*���###�*����#**##*#***�*���*����**�*���*���*�*i*�����* `I�}1�'�'N f]F b'AIC, CGL47R.�1,I]� 5tatement ����r*****��**s��r�*��*�*�****#�s******r*��*�ss��:�***«***�����*��*��x*****�******���******�*�� Statement Number: R464bf1�392 Punount: $20.Q0 04/17�2046QI:4Q PM Payment Met��ad: Cash Init: JS Notatior�: $/TCYDD GflLTLpING Permit Na: DRB0501D7 Type: DRB-Chg to 1�ppr f'lans Pax'Ce1 Nv: 2YQ1-072-0700-2 Site I�ddress: 8�5 F�REST' RY] VAIL Locatian: GORE �REEK P3�A�E Total F'ees: $20.OU TiE�is Payment: $2U.4[7 Total ALL Pmts: $20.Q6 Bal�nce: $C3,C30 r�b��►***�**�r******+*t*+**�***r�h************+****+*�k��*****#*�*���***�**t��**�x*s*�x**a�*��*�*� ACC.C?LTNT ITE�'f LIST: Account Code Aeseriptic�n. Current Pmts L�R 0f11i�Qqa3I12200 DESIGN FtEVIEW FEES �Q.[�Q • w � Gare �reek �lace l.andsc�pe Re�v�si�ans Issue A5I-Q82, Dated 4-14-Ob Sheet L-1, Layout and l�iater�als, East, �ldgs. 1-4 l. �:ha�ge pedestrian wa�kway �rortl t�c�rilz Qf�31dgs, 3 a�d 4 due to new ve�ucular �ccess. 5li�ht adjustz-ner�ts tv �ddress n�axkers and ��heze fl��stc�ne walk� meet pedes�rian path tn buildin�s 4,5,6,7 as�d suk�sEantial change ta l�uilc�ing $ area. Sli�ht ad}ustrnetit ta wall adjacent to pedestrian 1 anibulance path in trc�nt Qf�31dg. 3 2. �xt�nd f�agstone pa��ing frorn top c�f central �arage stairs south to meet pedestrian 1 ambulance path which shifted to tt�e Sr�uth ir�this are�. Mc��c a li�;ht bollard to lhis 1c�catia�s, previously loc�Eed [1 of 3}at 4' v�,ralk frUm the 14'I�rri[�tt. 3_ Mc�ve �'ath Li�ht Bollards tn relate to reali�nrnent or 4' walk frt�in Marriott. Sheet L�-2, Layaut an�i Materials, West, Bldgs. 5-S 4. ;'�,d�d 4 recessed step lights ta the new stairs at Fc�r�st Raad. S. �t�ma�r�e stand alane Mail [3�x unit lacated north of tlie pedestriart!ai�l}�ulance path near FQr�st R�ad. Rc:�alace with build in Mail �ax unit �oca�ed in south w�ll at �arage daor, �er�LSI-17. f�. Shi�t the l�cati�ons �f the P�th L'r�,ht F��ollards at tl����+est+end a�th�pedestrian lambul��c:e path and at th�battom of the new steps at Fvrest Raad. 7. R�anc�ve access b�llard [ts� matc:h timber TC)V b�llards) at 4vest end nf gedestri�an I amhulance pat9z at F�rest Road and re[acate tc�end of hanl�erhead in �`re,nt of Bidg. 7. 8. R+�rna�ve railin� c�n cop of wall �t nor#�tur�e! entran�e, norih of�Id�; �. 9. I�evise top of�r-a11 ele�ations f�r th�addres�markers��d w�lls tiort�l of�31dgs. 6, 7 & 8 �t�i adjac�n#to t�7e re�vised �edest�-ian!ambulance patl�based c�n revised civil el�vatiot7s. Sheet LL-�4, Pian#ing P�an -- East, �Idgs, 1-4 l 0. Shift plaa�t materials east c�f netiv�•�hYCUI�u access from Marnott. Chan�e s�d to n�utch b�r� betw�en ner���at}� and�ece�s pawing. ] 1. Shift plant materials a�ong pedestrian 1 ambulance �ath due t�r re�li�,nment. �heet L-5, Plan#ing F�an —�Ve�t, Bldgs. �5-S I2. Shi�.�xisting p9ant m�terial�dc� ta reali�nmer�t af pedestrian!ambuIance path with no chan��s to quantities or spe�i�s. l 3. At west enci of pedestrian 1 arnhulance path, north af Blci�. $ a�td 1 1 �-112" Caliper qspen, � �pruce (2-1�Q', 2-1�'), 1�b Snawb�rry, l 3 Red Tv��ig I]c�gwcrod, , 7 �JVac�ds Rc�se. LandsGape F�evisioa�s far: Issue A�1-Q82, pated 4-t4-06 Page l of 1 �. __ __. � �� _—°.°— ,--_— — — —_ — — ; - _ �_ _ _ — — —� �. — � �. ,� __ _ .— — , C � 7 � � x x � � Q T � �- I� up�solo�'j�c�} iP s � ��; , ►�#� _ �� � � �a� ° � Y � ' � _ _ � i � � _, � � ' J.Q'�.,';�Q.�..J�1��Q��.�11V0�� � I 'T. h �� � � :: r � „ A� � � k, 'y� ���� � � Q r� _ �� � Q '� , 5����Q���� ����� I � ,� , ' s ?� y�� ��� :�� , — '` ' � ' � -. 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