HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB150561 email Carolyn Godfrey
From: Michael Slevin <slevin@bhhscoloradoproperties.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Brian Garner
Subject: FW: Town of Vail - Proposed Berkshire Hathaway Window Signs @ 228 Wall Street, Ste
200 Vail
Attachments: east.windows.v1.jpg; east.windows.v2.1 jpg; east.windows.v2.2.jpg; north.windows jpg
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Hi Brian,
Per your email I have addressed the 4 items you asked with regard to our office signage in Vail Village. Your
email is included in this chain,however,here are the questions/answers:
Additional Information Needed from Applicant:
1. We need to see the mullion dimensions in order to properly calculate the "window area" (see E. 2. Below) Mull
The north and east facing window (12 windows and 9 windows respectfully)—the vertical and horizontal
mulls are 3 3/4".
The northern-most set of 4 windows facing east are 3 3/4"vertical and 3 3/8" horizontal. The east
facing window to the south is 3 3/4" vertical and 3 3/" horizontal.
2. Based on outcome of mullion dimensions the "window area" needs to be shown in sq. ft. and then the
proposed signage as a ratio of that "window area" shown in sq.ft. and then expressed as a %to determine if
compliant with the 15% maximum requirement.All windows have been shown in the attached documents
relative to their size and percent of coverage.
3. It appears there is a door logo as well—not sure if that is existing or proposed, but the same information as
above will be needed for that graphic if part of this application. This is a logo for an internal door—not part of
the application— my apologies.
4. Please confirm the proposed lettering is white vinyl and if there is a background to the lettering or not.The
lettering is white vinyl.
Thank you, please let me know if you have further questions.
From:Angelo Veraldi [mailto:angelo@igsvail.com]
Sent:Tuesday,January 05, 2016 11:22 AM
To: Michael Slevin <slevin@bhhscoloradoproperties.com>
Subject: RE:Town of Vail - Proposed Berkshire Hathaway Window Signs @ 228 Wall Street, Ste 200 Vail
Here isthe updated info forthe window graphics...
Angeio Veraldr
Impact Graphics& 9gns
970.926.9449 � 970.331.3526 � PO Bo x 2574 � 5 M u rra y Rd. C-1 � Ed w a rd s, C O, 81632
From: Brian Garner<BGarner@vail�ov.com>
Date: December 30, 2015 at 11:41:13 AM MST
To: "'slevin@vail.net"' <slevin@vail.net>
Cc: Chris Neubecker<CNeubecker@vail�ov.com>
Subject:Town of Vail- Proposed Berkshire Hathaway Window Signs @ 228 Wall Street, Ste 200 Vail
Hi Michael,
I'm in receipt of your application for Desi�n Review Si�n Application submitted last week.The code is
very specific about window signs and tells us what is needed to review and approve an application and
I've distilled the relevant info below to help better outline what precisely is needed for us to review.
Before we can move forward, I will need a little more information from Impact Graphics and Signs to
determine if it will be compliant with Vail's sign code.
Additional Information Needed from Applicant:
1. We need to see the mullion dimensions in order to properly calculate the "window area" (see E.
2. Below)
2. Based on outcome of mullion dimensions the "window area" needs to be shown in sq. ft. and
then the proposed signage as a ratio of that "window area" shown in sq. ft. and then expressed
as a %to determine if compliant with the 15% maximum requirement.
3. It appears there is a door logo as well—not sure if that is existing or proposed, but the same
information as above will be needed for that graphic if part of this application.
4. Please confirm the proposed lettering is white vinyl and if there is a background to the lettering
or not
Berkshire Hathaway Signs Analysis
228 Wall St. Ste 200
Zoned: CC1 =Sign District 1
Applicable sign code criteria:
1. Business identification signs in sign district 1 (SD 1):
a. Number: Each business shall be allowed one business identification sign per public entrance.
b.Area:The allowable area of each business identification sign shall be up to six (6) square feet. At the
discretion of the design review board, a business identification sign for a bowling alley or movie theater
may be up to fifteen (15) square feet in area, subject to the applicant demonstrating that the sign area is
harmonious with the scale and architectural character of the subject business and the building in which
it is located.
c. Height: Projecting and awning signs shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet (8') above
pedestrian ways and a minimum clearance of fifteen feet (15') above vehicular ways. No part of any
business identification sign shall extend more than twenty five feet (25') above existing grade.
d. Location: Business identification signs shall be located on the business frontage.
e.Type Of Sign: Business identification signs shall not be freestanding.
f. Businesses Not On The First Floor Or Street Level: Businesses not located on the first floor or street
level shall be allowed only one projecting sign with a maximum area of four(4) square feet; location
shall be subject to design review.
E. Window Signs (SD 1 And SD 2):
1. Number:The number of window signs is not regulated as long as area requirements are met.
2.Area:The area of any window sign shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the area of the window in
which it is placed,with a maximum size per window sign of six (6) square feet. Mullions that are more
than twelve inches (12")wide shall be considered window separators,thereby signifying a separate
"window area". Sale signs, business operation signs, promotional event posters and open/closed signs
do not count toward window sign area calculations.
3. Height:The top of any window sign shall not extend more than twenty five feet (25') above existing
4. Special Provisions: Signs placed inside of a business, within three feet (3') of a window and visible
from the outside, including, but not limited to, sale signs, business operation signs, and open/closed
signs, shall be counted toward total window sign area.
Definition of"Mullion:"A slender vertical member that forms a division between units of a window,
door, or screen or is used decoratively.
Feel welcome to get back to me with any questions.
Brian Garner
Town of Vail