HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0457 E15-0041 plans approved PROJECt DATA CODE INFORMAtION: OCCUPANGY CsROUP: R-2 TYPE OF CONST�JGTION: V NUM$ER OF STORIES: EXISTINCs BUILPINCs AREA: EXIS71NCs OUNER LORIE GORDON 335 HIGFF STREET PENV�R CO 80218 EMAIL�HLG�ORDON�COMGA8T7�T Afa�G1��f7EGT 9ECsERBER3 MATF�W �A980GIATEB ARGHITEGTS 101 EELCsLE�OAD-BIJILDINCs 6 AVON,CALORADO 816Y0 TEL f910)416-4d33 CONTAGT:Kl1RT SECsE1�El2's/ LESLIE DAVIS EMAIL:KSPGERBERCs�SMARCFIS.COM LDAVI8�3MARCHB.GOM STRIJG?LIRAL ICI:IH GON9UL7ANT8 MG PA.BOX 45�] vAIL,GOLORADO 81658 TEL 19�0)949-9391 GONTAGT�TIM+�IET.B�IIJ"I EMAIL:TIMNGF�'1CON5ULTANTSf•OM �F:, GENERAL CONTRAGTOR ULF�A990CIA?ES,LLC PA.BOX 509 EDWARDS,COLORADO 81632 CELLf9�0)316-6543 GONTAGTs ULF LIND(�TH/ ca�s�Mt� EMAIL:ULF�ULFBUILTGOM GARL�ULFBUILT.C'.OM � '�-z 4 8 3 GORE CREEK DRIVE TEXAS TO�%'VNHOME UNIT 7B SIA�7�IARY oF T4E W�G UA7IGIC TO BE�CONSISTS OF qJRd19NMG ALL LABOR MATERIAL9.EdIIPMENT.DEVICES AND BUPERYISION REGtlIIRED TO COh1PLETE TF�C#I�R41.,1'�CNANIGAL,M1D ELEGTRIG,4L UIOrdC POR RE1hODELMG TNE DCIBTMCs REBIDENCE A8 BFIOUN AV THE DRNLIPYs9 AND NOTED HEREh1 u�aac raar ir rws cornRaer rrr.ir.h coo�uu,tE wirH r�our�R t� NJp ALL ITEMB OR WOIa}G NOT IN hE GONTRAGT,WORK TO OE P£RFOfd"IED BY OTHERS OR BY OLL1�R AND ITET18 WHIGH WILL BE RHZNI9FED OR MSTALLED BEPAR4TE Flml'7 THE CONTRAGt. CODE9.PEI@11T8.FEES.TA�9�PERFOF'd1 ALL UIOI:K TO CQ�FOR�1 WITN ALL <WPLICABLE CADES,ORDINANCES,COVENANTB AND LOCAL INTERPr�TATIONB THERETO. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAM AND PAT FOR RP ALL NECEBSARY F�EB.PEFMITS AND TA�B. G7IALITY A88URANCE: U8E AN ADEQUATE MMDER GF SICILLED WOI�IQ'7EN Wa0,4RE THOIQOUC�FILT TR4INED AND E�ERIENCED M TFE NECE88AR1' GRAF�9 AND Uk�lO AR£GOhIPLETEL7 F?MILIAR WITH TFE BPECIFIED �CiUI�ETITB AND THE h�THODB NEEDED FOR PFmPER PE�'7ANCE OF THE IUOfdC MANpAGTLRER'8 9P£CIFICATICNB AND MDIIBTRY STdNDeRD. p�OpUG'T HANDLING NJD PROTEGTION MlD MBTALLATION OF ALI.MATERIALS, MMAFAGIUR£D ITETIB AND EGiIIPMENT TO BE M BTRICT ACCOI�AANCE WTH MMAFAGTURER'8 OR MDUBTRT'ACaENGY'8 LA1E8T R£CGhP'�NDATIONB AND SPEGIFICATION9. SITE REVIEW, pRIOR TO BUBMITTAL TO 61D,CONIRAGTOR BHALL VISIT 7ig SITE,NJD TOGETHER WI?H TF�OLLNEIi THOIODUGFILY MVEBTKtATE EXIBTMG CONpITIONB,BPEGIAL I�pJI�NTB AND PROCEpl�B TO BE FOLLOLLED. FIELD VERIFY LIMITS GF CONSiRJGTION. PEI�Oq'1 ALL IUORG TFAZOUGFIOIIT?F$ PRO.JECT t�CE99ARY TO LIMIT F'bLWtION AND TO PROTEG?TF�EXISTMG BI�ROlA1DING ENNROMIENT. PROTEGT ALL ExIBtMG&II�ACEB MJD ELEYENTB NOT DEBK�NATED FOR RETIOVAL Ph'OVIDE I�CE68ARY TEYIP�RRARI'COVERINC+,SAFE1'Y CaIiARDS AND 6ARItlEIQ3 AB IQ£GiUIRED. VAIL, COLORADO CONTROI.91TE ACCESS. RET10�E DEBRIS AND LLl49TE MATERIAL A8 TF� UJORK PI�OC�RE88E8. MAMTAM THE PREI'118E8 IN A I�AT,SAFE AND CLEAN CONDITION. EXISThJG IITILITIEB dMD CONDITIONB� LOGATE MID PROTEGT ALL EXISTMG IITILITIEB PRIOR TO OEGRNMG WORK MAMTAM EXIBTMCa BTRiJG11JR£M A 8N�AND LLEATHER-TKaHT CONDITION. FIFI o FpY.INCCOln1.. �pR TO CON$Ti2JGiION,FIELD VERIFi'AL� DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS. EBTABL.IBH AND MAMTAM BENCHN�C3 ANp OTHER MARI�RB TO SET LI1�9 AND LEVELS FOR TFE UIORK NEEDED TO PROPERLY LOGAIE ALL ELEMENTS OF TF�PI�JEGt. CALGLLA7E AND hEABURE REGLIRED DR�ISION9. DEMOLITION. W-EqE EXISTING CONBTRJGTION IS TO BE RENIOVED,BUCH F£T10VAL BNALL BE DONE CARERJLLY,AND ANY DAMAraE TO ADJACENT &JFFACEB-TO-RETIAM BHALL BE PATCNED AND REPAIRED TO MATCH EXIS?RJG. MMCE&JCH EXPLORATIONS M1D PROBES A8 ARE I�CE98ARY TO A9CERTAM CNY R£Ci1JIIFED PROIEGTIVE hEA9URE9 OEFOIQE PROCEEDMG WTH DEFIOLITION. vERIF1'DcIBTING STIBJG'IURAL GONDITIONB PRIOR TO DEMOLRION. REhIOVE ALL NON-9ALVACsE40�LE ITEMS FRG'1 TFE BITE SCFIEDULMG OF DEMOLITION AND NEW UlORK SFIALL BE COORDMATED BY THE CONIRACTOR IIATH THE OU.NER EXISTMG 6YP&T'I BOARD TO BE TE9TED FOR ABBEST03,P£R T1-E TOIW OF vAIL REq11�1T8,PRIOR TO DEMOUTION AND/OR REMOVAL[ABATEhIQ�TJ OF ANY GYP3lM BOARD. EBTABLIBH NJD VERIFY ALL OPENINGB M FOIAJDATION AND MBERTB FOR BALVAC£. p(CEPT FOR EXIBTMG CONSTp1CTION TO BE DEMOLIBHED,AT I'ECHANICla..ELECTRICAL,VENTS,ACCE98 sWD PLU'16MG WITH NO TIME BHALL GONTR.4GTOR A991tE SALVAGE WITHOUT WRIT7EN APPROPI¢IATE TRADEB.DRAWINGB AND.°�IbCONTRAGTORB. P£RM18910N Fi�l'1 THE OW�R SEL7�QBAR1'FACILITIEB� T}E qINER WILL WRJISH TEFIPORARY POLLER r!Fe"!!!�: pU12RJCa PROCaRE89 GF TFE UIOIGI�DO NOT ALLOW AND WATER FOR CONSTIa1GTION PURP09E8. GONTRACTOR MlJ9T EXAMINE ACCId"M1ILATION OF 9CRAP,LLl48TE MATERIAL AND OTHER ITEMS NOT EXIBTMG ELECTRICAL CONDITIONB AND VERIFY 1}{AT HIS U8E OF POLLER R£G:JIRED FOR GON87RI1CTION. AT COhIPLETICN OF THE LLA7RIC RETIOVE WILL M NO W4Y DAM.4CaE TF$ExISTMG SY87EM A tOILET WLL BE ALL BURPLU9 AND WABTE MATERIAL,DIRT,STAINS,8M0.JDGE9 AND MNCE DESICNATED BY TF�OW�ER FOR T1-E LL8E CF WOR�1EN. MMOR REPAIRB AND TOUGH-UP A8 MAY BE rECE99ARY TO MAKE TL� PI20JEGT I�ADY FOR OCCUPANCI'. PROVIDE 1EMPOR?R1'DUBT sWD DEBRIB ENCLOBUREB TO BEAL THE UIOF`1G AREA FlZGI'1 T$RE1'1AMDER OF TNE EXISTMG FACILITY. PROVIDE TEMPORARY ENCL09URE8 OF PLYUIOOD AND PLA9TIC hE?1OR/+rE A8 UlORK PROGRE88E8 TO SEQJRE fWD PROTECT 7HE SURFACEB TO REMAI�1.BUCH A8 JM'169 AND 80FFIT8 OF OPENIIJG AND FMISHED FLOOR 9UI�ACEB. TEMp�Rd2Y&11�PORT9 AND BNORRJG: PROVIDE ALL TETIPORARY BRAGMG,SFIORINCs,Glll'MG OR OTNER F�AN9 TO AVOID EXCE891VE STFZE99E9 AND TO FaOLp�W AND ExISThYs 87Rl1GTJRAL ELEMENTB M PLACE. DEBICN A SYSTEM WHICH WILL 8?FELY AND ADEG7llATELY PREVENT COLLLWBE GF ADJACENT MATERIALB AND WHICH WILL P£RMIT CONBTRIIGTION OF TI$UIO�C TO THE�4N�MENT BFIOUN ON TNE DRfYUNCs9. FMIBF�B� ALL FMIBFEB,FIXIUR£8,HARDIIYIIGE AND EGUIPMIEM TO BE pFl FCTID BY TF�OLL�R MID M9TALLED 6Y TI$CONTRACTOR.IT IS T-E OLLNERS'AND MTERIOR DESKdJER'8 REBPAJSIDILITY TO 81°EGIFY AND COORDINATE s�LL INTERIOR FMI9F�9 WITH TFE GON7RAGTOR pi e�toir��.MCr�wy!^�. TF�CONTRAGiOR SHALL RJIeJIBH ALL t�CESSARY I"ECNANICAL.PLU"BING MID ELEGTRICAL SERVICEB WHICN BHALL BE'DESIGN-BUILD'TO BE REVIEUED FOR GOORDMATION BY SECaEIiB�ER's MAYF�W ARCFIITEGTS l+ND APPF�VED BY TF�OLLNER PUAI6MG FIXTNiEB SNALL BE SELEGTED BY THE OLLNER AND SI-IALL BE PROVIDED AND MBTALLED BY THE CONTRAGiOR INDEX t0 DRAIUINCxS ARGHI'I'EGTURAL ,40 COVER°vHEET SURVEY DATA AND 817E PLAN AI ExISTINCs°.�ECOND LEvEL FLOOR PLAN A2 EXISTINCs ATTIG LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A3 SEGOND LEVEL D�I'10LITION PLAN A4 ATTIC LEVEL DEMOLITION PLAN A5 NEW SEGOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A6 NEW ATTIG LEVEL PLOOR PLAN A7 NEW ROOF PLAN A8 SECOND LEVEL REFLECTED CEILINCs PLAN A9 ATTIG LEVEL I�FLEG7ED GEILING PLAN AI0 SECOND LEVEL SCHEMATIG ELEGTRIGAL PLAN All ATTIG LEVEL SCNEMATIG ELEGTRIGAL PLAN Ex19TINCs ELSVAtION PHOTOS AI2 SOUTH HLEVATION AI3 NORTH ELEVATION AI4 Bl11LDING SEGTION AI5 BUILDINCs°.+�GTION AI6 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS - DININCs AI�A <1GI7GHE1 AI� INTERIOR ELEYATIONS - BATH 2 t BATH 3 AI8 INtERIOR ELEVATIONB -M.SATH �U7ILITY aJ�C��L SI BPECIFICA710NS 1 CsBNER.4L�GiIJIREMEN78 ss u�R F�ooR t�arur��,aN 93 ROOF FRAMING PLAN f �— MI IV�IRi/1 �E�I"II+r��`i� PI SEGOND LEvEL SGHEMATIC PLUMBINCs PLAN MI 9EGOND LEVEL SGNEMATIG MEGHANICAL PLAN M2 ATTIG LEVEL SGHEMATIG 1"I�CNANIGAL PLAN CxENERAL NOTES CNANGES TO WORIG ANY CNANGES TO TNESE DR�IIUMG3 ARE 71-E R£° �SIBILITY GF TF�OLLNER AND SEGERBEIB's M.4YNEW s11�CHITEGTB SHALL NOT BE F�LD ACCOINTABLE FOR ITEMB.CONDITIONS.ETG �iEGTED BY THE CHANGE. ADDItIONAL NOTES: L ALL PIMENSION6 ARE TO 8E FACE GF SiUD WLE69 NOiED OiEElaU16E l.DO NOT 5(:ALE DRMNNCe9. 3.CaNTRAL?OR TO FIELD VERIFI'ALL DIh�N510NS AND CONDITIONS TH.4?iNEY ARE AS BEIqW ON T4g DRAIJANG9,AND M FELA?ION TO EXIBTING CONDITION3. 4.ALL MATEWALS,CONSTRIlGTION,6T6TEM5 AND UlORIC TO GOMPL7 UATH T}� MfERJA?IONAL RESIDEN?IAL CODE,F'�GNANIGAL CODE,E1.ECIRIGAL GODE,ANP N1 Oi1�R GODEB,ORDINANC.EB,COVENANiB,MiEf�rArI0N9,AND LAfEB?EDRION6. 5.FtEPAIR OR REPLACE AN1'Dc19TING MATERIALB OR COWITION9 DAMAGEB BY�U! CONSTRIJGTION. b.DI�TO TFE II10ERfAINTY OF TFE DCISTMCs STFaJC1URl�L COrDI?ION3,FIELD EXAMMATION MID GOOfaflMAT10N IB REC�IJIF£D PRI�GL� . _ ��}F �� �J "� � � ��a7�7 [.�7 �� ,,�� ��� Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS 101 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@sinarchs.com wwwsmarchs.com I � l'�,I�i �s.,� ' % d��5 � � � � � � � q-1�-- � � .;._2�,.� . . � � Q � o � � � � � U � O U ,Ot� +� •,6 v N � m `� � X � � � Job No: 3�m12.mm Drawn By: SMK Ddte: II/16/15 �''JGd�E: Sheet: AO � � f � � � � O 1 � — �� CAC7Y Illhl I �XISTINC� S�CONU LE��L �LOOi� I/4" = 1'_0" �t;C1SD��� �! � f �B-159 �;l �CD AR�`�LA" �_ _,�NORTH / Z -�� -� Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.LA. ARCHITECTORE, PLANNING,INTERIORS 101 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smazchs.com www.smarchs.com �II II II L_JL_Il � � � � � � � � � � � � � '� � Q � � � � � � � U � O U O � •� l3 � } m � � x �r � +--- Job No: 3l(I�12.�m Drawn By: SMK Da te: II/2/15 Scale: 1/4" = I'_(I" s�,e�t: A1 III I I� p�0 DESIC�NATED WALLS AND WINDOUJS I � � I I ____� _ II � l � �———— � _ 1 i I �'�Li � DEMO�IREPLACE I I �AND SLlRROUND I I I � I L�, I � i � i _ � i i --Ja i I I ----�_� II II II f�l�l III � II� � DN 57,41R. _ �xistu� PAR7Y WALL ��� II �� II � I I ���� ��v I I I I II DEMO � ��> I I ��� II �� D�SIGNAtED °�o .�: i i '� BEDROOM �a��5 AND M D�SICsNA7ED �___J L___ ��� II I W,4LLS AND --- --- � I�11—"� LIVINC� pEMO p�SICsNATED WALLS,CABIN�tS AND FIXtURES—E r�----� I � � I I � I I i I I I I I I I I I I �__J I�' r, I I�' (l I F===� I I �{ � r �I /% � � ���� :� I I �� I�il ��� � � /j ���� I I �i� 6'-6" I�II ,, �--„ I I ,, II // � // � � � ���\ ��� � / � � � • // � �\ � -J I I �� 1 �---�L--- �� ------------ �____�--- " - R--------- / II II i ii ii , ii ii ��/ � �� ii C� ii u�� ii C� i� �u �ui �ui �Yi _ � I \\ III I I I �� I �,i � � \ �I � I �� I�I � ��° � I �� I� I � � DEMO DESICsNAtED j�j � `--' J `�,i � � _� WALLS AND DOORS I,I Ir--, - I I �`�=� r�----,, � � � ' BEDROOM �,� I I ) � I I I �L ° J� L J----' � I � I� ' D�MO �I� �_—---, \ I I I I I � � D�SICsNAtED D�M O II KITCNEN ' �� � WALLS, � D� ' ��s� j � \ - DOORS DESICsNA7ED I I �-------� � ° � I I '_�' GABINEtS WALLS AND I I I I I WINDOWS I I R===, I I � \�� � � N ,4ND � I I '^� -- — �IXIURES II I � i I I �—� �� �� � � � � ( ) ii , � �, ii i L--J ! �—� i �_�.��_ � EXISTINCs PAR7Y WA1.L SEGOND LEV�L DE1„�OL I/4" = 1'_m" %-�`� h�� PLAN LE�END 0 oc�srtw coNS�cna+ro r�nnN r-----� DcISTNG car51RJCTIaN to BE 181CrED L_____J � ��„��►, . . PROPERtY LINE ��,,j� \v/ DECK PROPERtY LINE �F C��� 4 '�• KU . p ��. �ER R 1� � ' B-1597 ,� ,4i�1 v " 'FD ARG�\��� ;.� ►oRT� 1 L '"� - Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS 101 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, W 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smarchs.com www.smarchs.com � � � � � � Q � � � � m ) r •� � � � � � � � � O U � � � O � l'1 � m � � x � � � O � � O O U .� } �ob uo: s�mi2.�m Drawn By: SMK Da te: II/2/15 Scale: I/4" = 1'_(I>�� Sheet: A3 � � I � I I I � � I DEMO U1ALL �OR �N�W WINDOW i coNFi�ur�atioN I I I I I I I I I I AtTIC �XISTINCx P�4R7Y WALL I RIDGE ABOVE I � I � � � I D�MO�LOOR t0 ACCOMMODA7E N�W ATTIC � LEvEL L0�4DS. I R�: STRUCTURAL � � WAtER I�EAt�R, GAS BOILER, 70 8� TO BE RELOCAtED RELOCAtED II II II � � DEMO WALL FOR I I � � NEUJ WINDOW I I CONFICxURATION� � � � � � � II II II II II DEMO WALL fi-OR N�W WINDOW� � I II EXI9TINCs PAR71' WALL ,4TTIG L���L D�1„IOL 1/4�� , I�_m�� � * PLAN LECxEND 0 aIBTIJG CONB,R1LilON T��MAN r-----� DcIStNG GON5iR1LTI0N To BE 1810vED L_____J � r�u cor�a�criori PROP�RTY LINE PROPERtY LINE �QF C��O KU � . �GE O � B-1597 * L,QN \��G�.'� PLAN Fp ARCN � ° NORtN � � ^'L: � � ��/ �l� Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS 101 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smarchs.com www.smarchs.com � � � � � � � � � � '� � m ) r � � � � � O U � O � � U O � '� l�3 � } m `a � x �t � � Job No: 3�m12.�m Drawn By: SMK Date: II/2/15 Scale: I/4" = 1'_(d" Sheet: A4 , v' C�� . �, . 6'-6" � � ���SS ��� ��_�y,� SN�ETNOtES PLAN LE�END L I�ffER?O SHEET Am FoR GEI�RAL NotEB. � Exrera�carsTRrcnaa To r�nao+ 2.RB�R To SNEET AIZ fOR WNDOW ANP POOR 5CI$DULES. 3.WINDOWS AF£PR�NSIONED TO CENiERLl1�8,U.ON. �----� Dc�att�caas�cnoN to eE r�hlovE� 4.ALL IN7ERIOR DOOR ROU�aIa OPENMCs RE1Ulal8 70 BE A MM.OF 6'FR01'I � ADJACEN?WAI.L t0 ALLOW FOR WOOD CA9MCs,UAN. ►�u coN6l�ctloN 3'-�" 6'-0" 3�'��� EXIStINCs PARt7 IUALL , - � . PROPERtY LINE_ 0 . �4 ��� _3, S„ 6„ 3�_0�� � e DN �' I M�tAL NANDR4IL I — � CxLASS RAIL � ❑� I �OPEN t0 \ \ �O�t I LIYINCs BELOW� � ❑ \ A16 1 I 3�'.,I/n �Z � - - - - - - - - - - -� RIDCsEA8011�� _ _-J / COUN7ERtOP � / 01IER lU/D I � iO4 � UTILITI' � � / UI ��� I� 101 \ — �� / ,f / CLOS. I�,� '� � — — — � ^� � � �� m� �� � �% � �� ��� � - - . a � l. �� % � • d • � io�iimii� % � . % y.,��,,,,,�n� �m,,.u.,,��„� ■% �; . a�!�:;:� � � �,� • . . � � WATER NEAT�R L CxAS BOILER Bui�r-iN �Jii���— SN�LV 3'-I�" � �� DRESS�R � O � _O __ • - G ��1• , � � %//II///////////////////////////////////////�I / � � /. i � p ��ev��n�w���ar..�� � NEUJ ,4TTIC LEV�L' � va�� _ ,,_0�� 4 —_� � ` � 1� _0 � � � � m ,!� ��'.-----���-�- - �� � � � � ,, ��� �..:\� ���~�� 0 B-1597 * ���4 � �, ��CG ;� r PLAN NOR71-I ) � �V � � �J '� I �gerberg Mayhew & ssociates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS l01 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 o@smarchs.com wwwsmarchs.com � � O � � � � � O � � m n � � � � O U � O U O � •� '� � } m `a � x � � � �ob uo: 3�miz.r�m Drawn By: SMK Date: Il/2/15 Scale: 1/4" = 1'_(d�� Sheet: A6 ?='��� IZ --� 1 - �S Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS 101 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smarchs.cmn wwwsmarchs.cont ��� X �� ��u Il k� � � � � � � � � � � LJ..I r � � � � O � � � O � � � x Q) � O � � O O U ,� } Job No: 3�m12.�m Drawn By: 5MK Da te: I I/2/15 Sca le: I/4" = 1'_D" Sheet: A8 � I IL yING \ \ I \ � I � I � I � I � � / to aeov� NE TRl' r --———tl- STAIR � � � � I lU 3P. I � � II I � I IP � iDW� � ( � �— � �D NINCs : � KItCN N�� € ---� �� � AIR GAP SUATCH � fDIQiPOSAL) _ FIOOD UU INTECaRi1L � LKaHT 1 FAN I ———— � -C�"�. -� i� -WDER GABII�T LKaFITB s?OR TO ABOVE ❑ � ❑ � � � � � � � �DROOM 2 � �, �J E� � .-.. SECOND LEY�L SC�-�I�1"f,4TfC �LEC I/4" = I'-0" pECK �L�G7RICAL LEC��ND srrreo�. �sa�vPriorr � �oc carav��aurtEr �4 QIY�DIaFLDc CONvENIENCE OUILET 4P�i °�'Dc�or,vea�oim.�- C�ROWD FALI.T M1Efd1PT � DUPLDC CGNVENIENCE OItILET- '`� h1011JIED ABOVE COINiER � fi00R MTD.Dll'lEX COMVEN�NCE OUTIET � 2UATCFI $3 3-W4T SIUiCH �4 4-ILL4T°.AIATCH Q�l SIUiCH N DO�R JM'B Q F�CE69ED DOUN LKeHT FXMZE � ������ LK�FIT FI)c11JF2E � MMI RECE6BED DOIW LK�Hi. LOW YoLTAGE(LV) H WDER CABIt�T LIGFITB � &FFACE hI01MED R.UOIiEECBR 6TRIP �r,�rt ruwt nowte�•q.oeEra, 4r, 1ELEVIBION 011TLET 4p DATA ARLET �,� t��uorE oun�T �!} FIMIC:PJG PE�dDANT OR CFIMDELIER Qap 81'101�DEiECiOR r�'��dl CI C/'_7"QI/`�1 WATCA. L TFIESE DR4WINGS ARE SGHEMATIG AND SHpU INTENT ONLT.ALL ELEGTRICAL SYStEM9 t0 BE pE51GN/BUILp. CONTRAGTOR REQUI�D TO PROVIDE ANT ADDITIONAL DRAWING9,WD ————— IrEORMATION I�QUIRED S7 6TATE AND LOCAL OFFIGIALS. �=_= 2. GONTRACTOR TO COORDMATE AND ��� PROVIDE POU�R FOR ALL MEGHANICAL SYSTETI9,ELEGTRIGAL DEVICES,APPLIdNCEB,ETG. 3. TNE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE � I FOR ALL APPIANCE OUTLET9, DISPOSALB ADN POU�R FOR SYSTEMS � � I NOT SHOIIN ON THESE PLANS. �\ _% 4. MTERIOR DE8IGNER IS TO SUPPLT ,\ arx�iar�ce PA,cK.ac�roR e�ectieica��aui�ts. 5. AUDIONIDEO CONTRACTOR IS TO � SUPPLY ALL POWER REQUI�NIEM3 ; FOR ALL AN EQUIPMENT. � CONTRACTOR 18 RE3PONSIBLE FOR I h�ETING ALL APPLIACABLE COpEB l+ND GFI REGAJIREI'IENTS. i6. ALL CONVENIENGE OUTLET9 MIOINTED AT i5"AFF t0 C UAN. I �. COORDINATE WITH ARCF�ITECT AND i OIINER FOR ALL DEVICE LOCATIONS. B. CsANG SIUITCF�B TOUETHER WHENEVER POSSIBLE ANp LOGATE AS DIREGtEp �Y OWNER °�GNEPULE WALK-THROIYaH WITFI OILNER PRIOR TO ROUCaH-IN. 9. M ADDITION TO WALL OUTLETS SHOIW, PROVIDE GFI Prd'�TEGTION PER CODE TFIIZOIXaHOUT REMODEL. 10. COORDINATE 3WITCN M DOOR JAMBS TO AGTIVATE WITH DOOR LEAF WHERE MpICA1'�D. IL ALL ABOVE COINTER RECEPTACLES TO BE GFI. �', � CO�O 12 CENTER LINE OF TYPIGAL SWITCH AND WALL$OX DR'MER 6WITGHEB TO BE AT L �, 'AFF.CQ�ITERLINE GF T7PICAL �j"�. TROL STSTEM iGE7PAp9 TO BE AT �` � 4'AFF.lExCEPT At BEDRDOPI f^ Q ADBOARD LOGATIONS,ABOVE �+J U COINTERS AND ANY OTF�ER ���(((��� NON-T7PIGAL KE7PAD LOCATIONB- �� G I VERIFT WITN INTERIOR DE6IGNER AND �. � � B-1597 � ,� � ,;.`.�� DqR ., (z' _�� _ � Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS l01 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smarchs.com wwwsmarchs.com �I� I' II �IL � � �--�--Il � � � �-N� � � � r � � O � � � � i � O � U � � � � } � X � � Job No: 31�12.�m Drawn By: SMK Da te: Il/2/15 Scale: 1/4" = 1'_(l" Sheet: A10 � ��� ���G7RICA� L�C��ND s7r�o� �acwpr�ar � ouPLEx coMVEHIB�E amEt �4 O14DRFLDc CONVENIENCE OUTLET ou�oc ca+ve+ie+cE am�r- �c�� c,�aou+�r-au e+�w�r � �uPLEx corava�E our�Er- � h1oIMED ABOvE CoIMER � 9UAiCN ¢3 3-UL47 bIUTGH -- SWiCN M DOOR JAh� ����� ��� :,x„� :CE59ED DOIW LK�FIT, xr.a�,E r�v� sn� E MGNIED RJl01iEtCBlf 81RIP u4LL hlolMm�CLOeEt51 BION OItiLEt OUILET FIOPE q1fLET Ys PETmANT OR CFL4NDEI.IER iDE1EG?OR 7N P70MOXIDE DElEG?OR :/'_7QIP�1 AI/]7�1L. IGS ARE 9CHEMATIC AND )NLT.ALL ELEctRIGAL �E PESIGNBLLILD. REQlJ112ED TO PROVIDE IAL DR4WING5 AND �GriJIRED BT STATE FFICIALS. TO GOORDMATE AND ER FOR ALL 31'STEMS,PLEGTRIGAL 'LIANCES,ETC. TOR IS RESPONSIBLE IANCE OUTLETS, �N POLLER FOR BTSTEhtB �THESE T'l..eNB. IGNER IS TO 3UPPLY 4dCACsE FOR 2EQUI�hIENTB. CONTRACTOR IS TO 'dl�R f�QUI�MENt9 EQUIPMENT. 19 RESPONSIBLE FOR APPLIAGABLE CODES UREMENTS. cNCE OUTLETS MOLNTED a u.oN. wirN a,�cuirecr.ar� LL AEYICE LOCATION9. ES TOCaETF�R UINENEV£R �LOGATE AS DIREGTED :NEDULE WALK-TNROUGH RIOR TO IZOUGH-IN. O WALL OUTLET9 91-IOLLAV, PIb�TEGTION PER GODE iF]'IODEL. 9WITGH IN DOOR JAMIBS WITH DOOR LE.aF WHE� :OWTER RECEPTAGLEB OF 71'PICAL SWITCH AFID M�R SWITGHES TO BE AT 'ERLRJE GF 1'TPIGAL iTEM KE7PAD8 TO SE AT :EPT AT BEDROd'I LOGATIONS,ABOVE D ANT OTHER KE7PAD LOGATIONS- VTERIOR DESICl�R AND ery��` ( � U/ ' � Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.LA. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS 101 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smazclis.com wwwsmarchs.com �II II II ll�Jl-Il � � �II 1 � �� n n UY= � � � � �u� V � 1— � � � � � � � � � 0 I-- N � X � � � � � Q � U .� } Job No: 3�(d12.fdm Drawn By: SMK Da te: 11/2/15 Scale: I/4" = 1'_m" C'Jil�.°�,°t: All . � � DOOR SCI-IEDULE �t�wc t.oc�tioN s�au x w wMOrwa ►�otw Meln Levsl � ENTI�' r�o��N � DMMG-BTOR�GE 7'-D'z6'-8" I�W PA9BACaE � BEDROOM Y E�'icleT�►r, �Ul PRIVACY � BATH Z 2'-4•xb'-8' NEW PRIVACY � BEDROGM 3 Z'-6"x6'-8' h�W PRIVACY � BATN 9 Y'-4'z6'-8' I�IU PRIVAC7 Atele Lsvel m� �rriurr z�-im•�w�-a�� r�w Passa.c,E � uriurr c�oser r-b•��-e� r�w Passa� � MIECI-6ANICAL i'-10•z6'-8° NEUI PA56AGE � MASTER BEDROA'1 4'-6•xb'-B• I�IU PRIYAGY � HASTER CLOSET Z'-6"x6'-B' NEW POOKET � M,asr�eAtN r-s^��-a• r�w r�va,cr � MA6TER BATH-W.G. Y'-4•x6'-8' I�W PRIVAC7 DOOR SGI-IEDULE NOtES: L ALL DOORB 70 BE 8TAtr1FD MD BEALED,P92 QIlER'S Af'I'RO'vN-.Uo►1 toP�Bo1TGM ALBO. 7. ALL GLAZMY�RI DOOR MD BIDELK�FITS i0 BE 7H'1PERED 3. ALL DOOR6 i0 BE CABED 80?H BIDE6 4. N1 rk7U DOORS i0 MAiCH Dc18T91G DOORB B. ALL rEIU DOOR Fl4RDUlAIaE i0 NA7CN DtIS?t-Y� wiNOOw sc���u�� IUINDOIU SGI-IEDULE NOTE: L ALL UNIT MA'IBER9 tY1E FOR PE1LA MANFACTURER U FAGtOR�30!1'ER MANIFACIURER BP£GIFICAtION9) Y. RE�ELEVATIONS FOR WMDOW 1$AD I-EKaHTB 3. PROYIDE�D GLA89 W�ERE REQUIRED BY CODE 4. DIR£CTION OF OPER4TION BF�OUdJ ON ELEVATIONB. MEl'AL FLASH ING N�W DORi'1ER NEIU IUfNDOUJS— 6x8 U100D 6EAM ATTIC LEvEL NEW SLIDINCs PAtlO DOORS — PLANtERS— METAL RAIL� �IREPLAC� VENT SEGOND FLOOR FIREPLaC� VENt FIRSt�LOOR SYNTN�tIC .r7�iQ��J� O ■I � ��� � � � � � � SOU�� �LEY�4TION ,� „ ,� „ �� �� ,� „ ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� /0 � * < B-1597 ,� i��� l���U� ���5'eo �RG� � �� L -`�� '��. ) Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS l01 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smarchs.com wwwsmarchs.com � Q � � � � � � � � Job No: Drawn By: �— Date: Sca le: Sheet: � m ) r n � � � � � � � U � U 0 � '� l� � } ('� � � X � � f--- 3�m12.mm SMK 11/2/15 I/4" = 1'_(d�� Al2 j L -v � -�( ;� Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS 101 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smarchs.com www.smarchs.com �II II II �_JL_Il � � � q.l�— � � � � � � � � � � Q) � �..i � � � O � l� � m � � x �t � � � � 0 0 U .� } Job No: 3�m12.mfI� Drawn By: SMK Da te: II/2/15 Scale: 1/4" = I'_(d�� Sheet: A13 � � � v� -rt � Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS 101 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smarchs.com wwwsmarchs.com �tl II II W II 11 Y.� � � � � � � � � � � ) r n � � � � o U � O U O � •� l� � } m `� � x -�r- v.� �- Job No: 3�m12.ID�d Drawn By: SMK �a te: 11/2/15 Scale: I/4" = 1'_0�� Sheet: A15 fNT. EL��.-UTILT�' � 3/S" = i'-0" INT. �L�u.-1"f. P,4TI--E 1 3�8" = 1'-m�� � � � � i i i i ,, fNT. �L�1�.-1"i. 8�4T+-I ` � % 3/8�� , ��_��� �/ iNr. ����.-r�. ���� � 3/S" = I'-0�� INT. �L 3/8" = 1'-m'\ � � _r /�� � ARCN���- l 2 -Ul -��^ Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C.-A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING,INTERIORS 101 Eagle Road Building 6 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.476.4433 info@smarchs.com www.smarchs.com � � � � � .�L�. � � � � � � � � ) r � � � � � `6 � � U � U O � •,� l'3 �, } m � � x �t � +-- �ob uo: s�mi2.r�m Drawn By: SMIG Date: II/2/15 Scale: 3/g" = 1'_m�� sheet: A18 DESIGN CRITERIA• GORDON REMODEL JOB #: 1510-07 Roof Live Load (Snow) -------------------------------- 80/100 psf Roof Dead Load ------------------------------------ 15 psf Floor Live Load ------------------------------------- 40 psf Floor Dead Load ------------------------------------ 15 psf �nd (3 Second Gust) -------------------------------- 90 mph (Exp. 8) Seismic Design Category ------------------------------- PER IBC 3404.4 IBC/IRC Edition ------------------------------------ 2009 STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING: a. Except where noted otherwise, all 2" nominal lumber, except studs, shall be Douglas Fir—Larch #2 and better, and all solid timber beams and posts 3" nominal and wider shall be Douglas Fir—Larch #2. b. Studs shall be Stud grade and better pouglas Fir—Larch or Hem Fir. c. Built—up posts shall consist of Douglas Fir—Larch or Hem Fir #2 or better 2x4 or 2x6 studs per plan and shall be nailed together with 2 rows of 16d nails � 6" on center along each stud. d. Built—up beams consisting of multiple 2x members shall be nailed together with two rows of 16d nails spaced e. f. 9• h. J• k. � m n. � -, -:,�vn �f i/ai6 . ��i!'�° � _.�. -z ;� ���' l � � r 11/06/2015 at 12" on center, or with two rows of 1/2" diameter thru—bolts spaced at 24" on center. E. Provide 1/2" thick gypsum wallboard at interior face of exterior walls. Block all horizontal joints and Top and bottom plates shall be Douglas Fir—Larch or Hem Fir #2 and better. Plates placed directly on nail panels with #6 X 1Ya" drywall screws at 4" maximum spacing along panel edges and at 16" concrete walls or slabs shall be pressure—treated Hem Fir #2. maximum spacing along intermediate supports. Ledgers attached to concrete walls shall be treated Hem Fir #2, or if LVL material is used, shall have a 2, Floor Construction: continuous waterproof inembrane between the concrete and the wood. A. Provide 3/4" thick APA rated Sturdifloor rated at 24" o.c., tongue and groove, exposure 1. Glue and Except as noted otherwise, minimum nailing shall be provided as specified in the "Fastening Schedule" on the nail panels to all supports with 8d nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along drawings (2009 IBC Table 2304.9.1). intermediate supports. Install sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to joists and end joints Bolts used for wood framing connections shall be installed with standard washers and nuts. staggered. Unless noted otherwise, steel connectors such as those manufactured by the Simpson Company shall be used B. Provide solid blocking between floor joists at all bearing locations. Blocking material shall match the to join rafters, joists or beams to other beams at flush—framed conditions. Use all specified nails. Connector floor joist material. conditions not otherwise noted shall utilize Type U or Type HU hangers of a size specifically designed for the 3. Roof Construction: member supported, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer for details as A. Provide 5/S° thick APA plywood sheathing rated 40/20, exposure 1. Install sheathing with long required. dimension perpendicular to rafters or trusses and end joints staggered. Nail with 8d nails spaced at Wood nailer plates installed on steel beams or concrete walls for top—flange hangers shall be ripped to match 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. the width of the wall or beam flange. Nailer plates supporting top flange hangers from one side only shall be B. Plywood sheathing shall be applied continuously over the primary roof inembers (rafters or trusses) installed flush with the face of wall or beam flange at the hanger locations. below overframed areas to provide adequate lateral stability. Manufactured joists shall be from an approved manufacturer and shall be equivalent in load carrying capacity and deflection criteria to BCI 6000 series joists in the depths and spacings indicated on plan. Provide blocking, C. Provide wind/seismic anchors at supports for all roof joists and trussed rafters. See nailing bracing, web stiffeners and other accessories as required by the manufacturer. schedule. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) shall be 1�'4� wide and have the following minimum properties: D. Provide solid blocking between roof rafters, trusses and lookouts at all bearing locations. Blocking 1. Flexural stress --------------------------- 2600 psi material shall match rafter, truss chord, or lookout material. 2. Modulus of elasticity ----------------------- 1,900,000 psi 4. �nd Bracing: 3. Tension parallel to grain --------------------- 1850 psi A. Walls over 4 feet long which are sheathed with gypsum wallboard on both faces and are indicated as 4. Compression parallel to grain ----------------- 2310 psi shear walls on plan have been designed to resist wind forces in accordance with Table 2306.7 of the zoos iec. 5. Compression perpendicular to grain (parallel to glue line) 750 psi �� 6. Horizontal shear ------------------------- 285 psi B. At shear walls, screw 1/2" gypsum wallboard with #6 x 1Ya drywall screws at 8" max. spacing along 7. Connection of multiple—member beams: wall edges and at 12" max. spacing along intermediate supports at both sides of wall, unless A. Top—loaded beams otherwise noted. i) For members 12" deep or less, nail each member to the next with 2 rows of 16d nails at 12° C. Exterior plywood or OSB wall sheathing is required unless specifically deleted by engineer. o.c. GENERAL REOUIREMENTS: ii) For members greater than 12" deep, nail each member to the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12�� °•�• a. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in B. Side—loaded beams „ their final positions, properly supported and braced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, shall provide i) For two or three member beams, nail each member to the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12 shoring and bracing as may be required during construction to achieve the final completed structure. Contact o.c. structural engineer for consultation (not in contract) as required. ii) For four member beams, bolt through with 2 rows of 1/2�� diameter bolts at 12" o.c. b. Dimensions: Check all dimensions against architectural drawings prior to construction. Do not scale drawings. iii) For members consisting of more than four members, contact structural engineer. c. Construction practices: General contractor is responsible for means, methods, techniques, sequences and All lumber used in construction shall have a maximum moisture content of 19�. procedures for construction of this project. Notify structural engineer of omissions or conflicts between the Drive pins specified on plan shall be powder actuated fasteners by Ramset, Powers, Hilti, or approved equivalent. working drawings and existing conditions. Coordinate requirements for mechanical/electrical/plumbing Fastener and load size shall be determined according to manufacturers recommendations for materials being penetrations through structural elements with structural engineer. Jobsite safety is the sole responsibility of the attached. contractor. All methods used for construction shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the IBC/IRC. Framing Notes: d. Details not specifically shown on the drawings shall be constructed in a manner similar to the details that are 1. Exterior walls: , „ „ shown for like conditions. These items shall be brought to the attention of the structural engineer as soon as A. All exterior walls are 2x6 studs � 16" o.c. to a maximum height of 12—6 , 2x6 studs � 12 o.c. to passible for approval. Approval shall be obtained prior to installation. a maximum height of 14'-6", and (2)-2x6 studs � 16" to a maximum height of 17'-4" unless e. All waterproofing and flashing is the responsibility of the architect and contractor. otherwise noted. Walls taller than 17�-4" shall be framed with manufactured laminated studs. f. It is the responsibility of the contractor to contact the structural engineer at the appropriate time to perform Contact engineer for spacing requirements, if not indicated on plan. Cap with a double top plate site observation visits. Observation visits to the jobsite by the engineer are for determination of general installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not conformance with the construction documents and shall not be construed as inspection. possible, strap top plates with metal strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). g. Though every effort is made to provide a complete and clear set of construction documents, discrepancies or B. Gable—end walls shall be balloon—framed to the bottom of rafters or end—wall trusses unless omissions may occur. Release of these drawings anticipates cooperation and continued communication between approved by engineer. the contractor, architect and engineer to provide the best possible structure. Th�N drawlnq� haw bNn C. Floor or roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath. pr�par+sd f� !h� us� of a qudiMd ccnhnctor �wd in ths conshuction t�chnTqup arld systNns dpiCtad. D. Provide 7/16" thick APA rated sheathing (plywood or OSB) rated 32/16, exposure 1, at exterior face h. Existing structures: Contractor shall be responsible for verifying dimensions, elevations, framing, foundation and of exterior walls. Block all horizontal joints and nail panels with Sd x 1�" nails at 6" maximum anything else that may affect the work shown on the drawings. Underpinning, shoring and bracing of existing spacing along panel edges and at 12° maximum spacing along intermediate supports. structures shall be the responsibility of the contractor. ; �n •• � fl° ?v p^ q ; gb F a �� �� J] � N • � QC U • �J� �3 �o a u �$ Y� 4� � � w � A �" pzo � wwa � � O � z U � a AE � � 0 � � W F ��py 1DH tram by •pM m�a ny Mn� w�� P�Mir »�os/is .n..t S� 1 JOB 1510-07 y , � �---- �----- �----- �------ I'`/lA1TA/'`T CAI(_D Ill IDIAIC IlCA1ll Cl1D ('`(ll I I i I L1------------------- ---- J I �------- , �----------------------------—--------------� UPPER �LOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE:___� i4�� _ � �-o�� PLAN NOTES FOR NEW FRAMING: 1. NEW POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: EXISTING POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: � 2. ALL NEW FLOOR JOISTS ARE RIPPED 1�'a'�x8" LVL�s OR 2x10's � 16° O.C., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION (E) IS INDICATED THUS ( - ), NEW CONSTRUCTION (N) IS INDICATED THUS ( ). PLAN NORTH --- , --------� s � 11/06/2015 � � _�� � � �_ p �n a � Z° gg 0 � v� <s €� J] � NZ • c O p � U � � o �q � x$ Y� a� � � w � QE � � � � wWo � xo Zz � � �-a AE � CJ] Q � � H ���yy TDH tram by �M a�a ny MTM � PERMIT 11/06/15 �� S�2 JOB 1510-07 . . � ----- ------------------------------------------ �---------- � �--�----------- — L-1----------------------------------------- � � � � _ _ _ - _ - _ ___ ___ -_ , CONTACT ENGR. FOR ' � CONN.'s IF ROOF BEAMS � __ _ ARE FLUSH w RAFTERS __i i i i - �— -- - - - �- � - -- — __ - -� � � � r- - ---------------------------------------� �----------------------------——------------- �CONTACT ENGR. DURING DEMO. FOR COL. ----------� -�IZES CONNECTIONS, TYP. � MASONRY WALL�---- -- � ---- --�-�--- --- -- ---- -- - - - -- __ _ .._ _ ___ _ �--. _- — - - - _ _ h �_ ,,. .�, ..,, , .,, . , � . , � I , CANT. LVL�s �----- — � r----------------------------------------------- ------- ------------� i i ROOF �RAMING PLAN PLAN NOTES FOR NEW FRAMING: SCALE: 1 /4" = 1 '-0" 1. NEW POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: EXISTING POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: � 2. ALL NEW ROOF RAFTERS ARE: 2x12's � 24'�, TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION (E) IS INDICATED THUS ( - - - --- ), NEW CONSTRUCTION (N) IS INDICATED THUS ( SIMPSON U14 INVERTED 13/4x11Y4 LVL STRUCTURAL SUB-FASCIA TO BE CONTINUOUS WHERE INDICATED, TYP. � � L _vl - r� PLAN / NORTH .� � � �n P 1 � S �v a za og 0 ?,��° �.� J � U p O � � �°` s� � �sV 3 a� � � W � A �' � pzo � wwa � � o Zz �' � a AE � � o � � E d��yy TDH dram by ,DM diedced by M1N �« PERMIT 11/OB/15 .n.h S�3 JOB 1510-07 . �. , ^ 'sAS METER iA5 MEtEi2 3/4" LINE �J�C�ND L�Y�L �J .C'iI=I�1�'I,4T�C �L.UI�f��NC� �L,4N ����� _ ��-m,� � ll�ll � � � � '�i i�i Ili' ��� l � m > •L � p � o � � � � o U � O � � U O � �,6 lr3 �, } m `� � x �t � � Job No: Drawn By: SMK Da te: 11/2/15 Sca le: sr,��t: P1 �,� ��CONp l����1� SCN�1�f�4TIC M����4NfC,4L PL,4N 1/4" = I'—m" Jl � � � � "� '�i I�1 ���/ '�i 1 � m ) r i � Q � � Y.l � U � � � O +� � � cYl `� � X 'd- � � � � � 0 O U .� } Job No: Drawn By: SMK Da te: 11/16/15 Sca le: Sheet: M1 z , r .� ��rr�c L���� �c+��M,��r�c ��c�+,�N�c,��. �L,�� 1/4" = 1'-m" ��I II II U-�I-JI p--_11 � � � � '�i 1�1 Ili� '�� 1 Q) � 0 � � � U � O � m � <r � � � � � � � O � � � O � N � x � � O � �-a O O U ,� } Job No: Drawn By: SMK Da te: Il/16/15 Sca le: sr,��t: M2