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B11-0496 REV24 B16-0066 connections corrections required
TRANSMITTAL FORM Project Street Address: __________ ______________________________ ___________ (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: ________________________________ Building Permits: Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building: $_____________________ Plumbing: $_____________________ Electrical: $_____________________ Mechanical: $_____________________ Total: $_____________________ Description of Transmittal/ List of Changes, Items Attached: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ (use additional sheet if necessary) Application/Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: ( ) Revisions ( ) Response to Correction Letter ____________________________________ __________________________ ___attached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal ____________________________________ __________________________ ( ) Other Use this form when submitting additional information for planning applications or building permits. This form is also used for requesting a revision to building permits. A two hour minimum building review fee of $110 will be charged upon reissuance of the permit. Date Received: Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970.479.2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Received From: Cash _____ ____ Check # __ _ _______ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # exp. date: Authorization # Applicant Information (architect, contractor, owner/owner’s rep) Contact Name: ________________________________________ Address: City _____________________ State: _______ Zip: ____________ Contact Name: _________________________________________ Contact Phone: _________________________________________ Contact E-Mail: _________________________________________ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. X___________________________________________________ Owner/Owner’s Representative Signature (Required) X New Submittal Submittal Cover Sheet 1/26/2015 Project:Strata - Vail OZ Architecture From:PCL Construction Services, Inc. 3003 Larimer Street 953 S Frontage Rd West Denver, CO 80205 Suite 302 Vail, CO 81657 SPECIFICATION SECTION NO. & DESCRIPTION (Cover only one section with each submittal) PRIORITY STATUS CODES 1.4.B B CONTRACTOR REMARKS:A/E REMARKS: CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: NAME AND SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE:NAME AND SIGNATURE OF REVIEWING AUTHORITY:Date: Nick Strunc 7 8 9 10 I certify that the above submitted items have been reviewed in detail, are correct, and in general conformance with the Contract Drawings and Specifications except as otherwise noted. 5 6 Submittal Type c. Action Item a. 1 2 3 4 ACTION TAKEN A - Approved B - Approved as Noted C - Revise and Resubmit D - Not Approved A - Immediate Response B - Respond within 10 days C - Respond within 15 days Submittal No: Previous Submittal No: Date:Resubmittal CONTRACT REF. DOCUMENT Spec Paragraph Number e. Drawing Sheet Number f. 05120 - Structural Steel PCL Construction Services Inc. Contractor Project No: 5001410 05120-21 To: Please see attached PCL Submittal Review Notes Page. Special Connections 7 Description of Item Submitted (Type, size, model number, etc.) b. PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. 953 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST, SUITE 302, VAIL, COLORADO 81652 TELEPHONE: (970) 470-6044 PCL Initial Submittal Review Notes Strata - Vail PCL Project No. 5001410 Subcontractor: Zimmerman Submittal #: 05120-21 Date: 1/26/2015 Revisions: Revision Dates: Specification Section: 05120 – Structural Steel Item Description: Special connections 7 Action: For Approval Variance Request (Y/N): If so, why?: Notes: Reviewed By: Nick Strunc All "failures" in the RISA calculations are acceptable per Martin/Martin's comments and/or hand calculations. Any questions in SQC write-ups have been addressed through Q's from Anatomic Iron. REVIEWED FURNISH AS CORRECTED REJECTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT NOT REVIEWED SUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEMCHECKING IS ONLY FOR GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGNCONCEPT OF THE PEOJECT AND GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THEINFORMATION GIVEN IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ANY ACTIONSHOWN IS SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS. CONTACTOR IS RESPONSIBLEFOR DIMENSIONSWHICH SHALL BE CONFIRMED AND CORRELATED AT THE JOB SITE:FABRICATION PROCESSESAND TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION;COORDINATION OF HIS WORK WITH THAT OF ALL OTHER TRADES;AND THE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF HIS WORK. Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. DATE 02/25/2015 BY: TO: PCL Construction DATE: 01/20/2015 SUBJECT: Submittal #25 ATTN: Chuck Kay ZMI JOB NO.241 - Strata We are forwarding: Enclosed herewith Under separate cover For: Approval Erection File & Distribution Information Request Your Review Field Measurement Resubmit Price & Delivery Return of Approval Revised Other: (void previous releases) Via: Quick Silver 1st Class Mail U.P.S. Fed Ex Email Other: Drawing Number: Special Connection Package 7 12499 West Colfax · P.O. Box 151500 · Lakewood, Colorado 80215 · 303-431-6100 STRATA VAIL SPECIAL CONNECTION DESIGN – GROUP #7 Vail, CO STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS MARTIN/MARTIN Project No. 14.0430.S.01 Table of Contents Design Criteria & Narratives Pages 1-2 SQC-025 Pages 3-31 SQC-027 Page 32-38 SQC-029 Pages 39-106 SQC-031 Pages 107-115 SQC-032 Pages 116-163 SQC-033 Pages 164-224 SQC-034 Pages 225-254 SQC-035 Pages 255-274 SQC-036 Pages 275-306 SQC-037 Pages 307-316 SQC-039 Pages 317-322 SQC-040 Pages 323-329 20 JANUARY 2015 ForApproval Not For Construction JAN 20 2015 12499 West Colfax · P.O. Box 151500 · Lakewood, Colorado 80215 · 303-431-6100 Design Criteria Codes: 2012 International Building Code with TOV Amendments AISC 360-10 Loading: Beam Reactions As indicated in AutoCAD files provided by EOR Transfer beam designs assumed part of EOR scope SQC-006 (balcony re-framing). 250psf total load assumed (service) Moment Connections As indicated on contract documents Braced Frame As indicated on contract documents HSS Wind Girt Frames Material Assumptions: Plates, angles and channels: A36 Sheet Steel: Gr 36 or better Pipe: A53 Gr. B Welds: E70xx High Strength Bolts: A325 Rods: ASTM F1552 Gr. 55 weldable Design Assumptions: Column panel zone shear By EOR Connections at column transfers By EOR Beam over column connections By EOR Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 1 of 329 01/19/2015 Re: Strata Vail Structural connection calculations Martin/Martin Project No: 14.0430.S.01 03 November 2014 Dear Brian: Enclosed are structural calculations prepared by our office for special steel connections used on the Strata Vail project. Calculations consist of the following items: 1. Narratives and design criteria 2. A combination of hand and RISA Connection calculations. Notes: 1. Typically, demand capacity ratios are kept below 100%. For cases where a significant change in connection would be required to get the demand capacity ratio below 100%, we are have accepted 105%. 2. We believe that RISA Connection’s approach to knife plate buckling (and coped beam local web buckling) is conservative. Their approach follows a strict interpretation of the code and requires the use of the elastic section modulus (Snet) in determining the flexural buckling capacity. We believe that if the plate isn’t susceptible to buckling (l < 0.7), then use of the plastic section modulus (Znet) is appropriate and in line with typical flexural limit states. Consequently, we have allowed this limit state to go up to a 150% demand capacity ratio when using RISA Connection. Where limiting, these are noted in the enclosed calculations. 3. When calculating rotational ductility, RISA Connection does not correctly take the empirical exceptions based on bolt diameter. Where limiting, these are noted in the enclosed calculations. 4. When calculating plate flexural rupture, RISA Connection does not use the correct moment. Where limiting, these are noted in the enclosed calculations. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Shane Ewing, P.E. Principal Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 2 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 3 of 329 01/19/2015 REF:S2.06-A SQC-025-A R = 82kips R = 83kips R = 97kips R = 93kips R = 86kips Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 4 of 329 01/19/20154 1/8"1 1/2"2"2"5"2"1 1/2"1'-5"7"1'-8" TYPICAL MODEL SECTION VIEW SQC-025-B W12 BEAM HSS COLUMN PLATE THICKNESS AND GRADE TO MATCH BEAM WEB CJP AT STRIPPED FLANGES G G 5/16 5/16 (7) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS SQC-025 For each of these three beams, please use a 1/2” thick A36 knife plate with 2-sided 5/16” fillet weld to HSS column. Use (6) ¾”Ø A490X bolts. Geometry shown on SQC-025-B is acceptable once extended web plate and knife plate are each made 3” taller for the extra bolt. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 5 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 11/28/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-025 # 01 Web Extension FAIL(UC-0.8)0.8)0.8)0.8) SQC-025 # 01 Web Extension: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-025 # 01 Web Extension: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 6 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Top view ASDSQC-025 # 01 Web Extension: ASD Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 7 of 329 01/19/2015 Results Report Material Properties: Column HSS8X8X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W24X103 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x3.50x20.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 83.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Check Column Slenderness Pass (K1.3) E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength t 0.47 in Column wall thickness B 8.00 in Column face width (B - 3 * t) / t 14.20 Column slenderness ratio for shear ((B - 3 * t) / t)max 35.15 Slender wall limit for shear (Table K1.2A) Check Column Material Pass (K1.3) Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength Fy-max 52.00 ksi Column yield strength limit (Table K1.2A) Check Column Ductility Pass (Table K1.2A) Condition: Fy / Fu<= 0.8 Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength Fu 58.00 ksi Column tensile strength Check Punching Shear Pass (Eqn K1-3) Fyp 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength tp 0.50 in Plate thickness tp-max 0.75 in Maximum allowed plate thickness Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.40 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.40 in Max bolt spacing t 0.50 in Thickness of governing element (Plate) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Column Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.31 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.47 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.31 in Weld size Lmin 20.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Fail t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC See hand calcs Approximates web thickness for extended web plate Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 8 of 329 01/19/2015 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 0.45 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.88 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 20.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 24.53 in Beam depth kdes 1.48 in Beam fillet Lmin 10.79 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 83.00 kips 269.83 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 13.49 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/269.83 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 83.00 kips 144.00 kips 0.580.580.580.58 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 10.00 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/144.00 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 83.00 kips 206.78 kips 0.400.400.400.40 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 10.60 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/206.78 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 83.00 kips 128.32 kips 0.650.650.650.65 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 7.38 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/128.32 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 83.00 kips 229.66 kips 0.360.360.360.36 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 14.04 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 11.40 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.58 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/229.66 kips Block shear strength Plate Block Shear 83.00 kips 115.31 kips 0.720.720.720.72 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 9.25 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 6.84 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.53 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/115.31 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 83.00 kips 1763.62 kips PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 9 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn = 1.500 * = 1.500 * = 1.500 * = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3333) / a2222)= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 83.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2222 + P2222) 83.00 kips Resultant shear force a 2.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 20.00 in Depth of plate Rn/1763.62 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.360.360.360.36 PASS (Vr/Vc)2222 + (Mr/Mc)2222 <= 1<= 1<= 1<= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 83.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 10.00 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 50.00 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 144.00 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.57 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 166.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 1077.84 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.36 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.440.440.440.44 PASS (Vr/Vc)2222 + (Mr/Mc)2222 <= 1<= 1<= 1<= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 83.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 7.38 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 36.61 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 128.32 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.57 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 166.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 1061.76 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.44 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 83.00 kips 263.70 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.24 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 24.47 in3 Section modulus of net section a 2.00 in Design eccentricity Rn/263.70 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 83.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.750.750.750.75 PASS Rn = Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 2.59 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 10 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 64.35 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 111.00 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 83.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.750.750.750.75 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.09 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.59 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 37.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 52.20 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 38.06 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 90.05 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 83.00 kips 102.74 kips 0.810.810.810.81 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.92 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/102.74 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.920.920.920.92 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.92 Coefficient (5.5372 / 6) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row Dx 0.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.40 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -16.22 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Weld at Column 83.00 kips 176.19 kips 0.470.470.470.47 PASS Rn = C1111 * * C * D16161616 * L = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 Double Fillet C1111 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.94 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 3.75 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16161616 5.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 20.00 in Weld length per side Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 11 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn/176.19 kips Weld strength HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 62.76 kips PASS Rn = Fy*t2222 /(1/(1/(1/(1-tp/B)*(2lb/B + 4*Qf* (1(1(1(1-tp/B) = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 (K1-12) Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength t 0.47 in Column wall thickness tp 0.50 in Plate thickness lb 20.00 in Plate length B 8.00 in Column width Qf 1.00 Chord stress interaction parameter Fc 27.60 ksi Available stress (K1.1) Ag 13.46 in2 Column cross-sectional area S 31.15 in3 Column section modulus U 0.19 Utilization ratio (Eqn K1-6) Rn/62.76 kips Transverse plastification HSS Flexural Plastification 166.00 kips-in 1004.13 kips-in PASS Mn = 0.8 * lb * Rn = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 lb 20.00 in Plate length ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.57 in Vertical eccentricity Rn 94.14 kips Transverse plastification capacity Mreq 166.00 kips-in Required flexural plastification = V*ex + P*ey Mn/1004.13 kips-in Flexural plastification SQC-025 # 01 Web Extension: Members Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Column HSS8X8X8 Material Name A500 Gr.B Rect Material name Fy 46.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Member Properties d 8.00 in Depth b 8.00 in Width a 13.46 in2 Area tdes 0.47 in Wall Thickness Beam W24X103 Material Name A992 Material name Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Member Properties bf 9.00 in Flange width d 24.53 in Overall depth tw 0.55 in Web thickness tf 0.98 in Flange thickness a 30.30 in2 Area kdes 1.48 in Kdes kdet 0.00 in Kdet k1111 1.13 in K1 Hole (Beam Web) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 12 of 329 01/19/2015 Hole type Standard Dx 0.81 in Hole width Dy 0.81 in Hole height R 1 Number of rows of holes C 6 Number of holes per row Rs 2.50 in Row Spacing Cs 3.40 in Column Spacing SQC-025 # 01 Web Extension: Components Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Plate P0.50x3.50x20.00 Material Name A36 Material name Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Member Properties d 3.50 in Width t 0.50 in Thickness Hole Hole type Standard Dx 0.81 in Hole width Dy 0.81 in Hole height R 1 Number of rows of holes C 6 Number of holes per row Rs 2.50 in Row Spacing Cs 3.40 in Column Spacing Column Weld E70 Weld Properties Type Double Fillet Fillet Size 0.31 in Beam Bolts 3/4" A490 Bolt Properties Type A490 d 0.75 in Diameter Strength Sx 84.00 ksi Shear strength (X-threads excluded from shear plane) T 113.00 ksi Tensile strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 13 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 11/28/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-025 #03 Web Extension FAIL(UC-0.9) SQC-025 #03 Web Extension: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-025 #03 Web Extension: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 14 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Top view ASDSQC-025 #03 Web Extension: ASD Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 15 of 329 01/19/2015 Results Report Material Properties: Column HSS8X8X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W24X103 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x3.50x21.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 97.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Check Column Slenderness Pass (K1.3) E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength t 0.47 in Column wall thickness B 8.00 in Column face width (B - 3 * t) / t 14.20 Column slenderness ratio for shear ((B - 3 * t) / t)max 35.15 Slender wall limit for shear (Table K1.2A) Check Column Material Pass (K1.3) Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength Fy-max 52.00 ksi Column yield strength limit (Table K1.2A) Check Column Ductility Pass (Table K1.2A) Condition: Fy / Fu<= 0.8 Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength Fu 58.00 ksi Column tensile strength Check Punching Shear Pass (Eqn K1-3) Fyp 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength tp 0.50 in Plate thickness tp-max 0.75 in Maximum allowed plate thickness Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.40 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.40 in Max bolt spacing t 0.50 in Thickness of governing element (Plate) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Column Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.31 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.47 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.31 in Weld size Lmin 21.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Fail t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC Chosen to approximate web extension plate See hand calcs Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 16 of 329 01/19/2015 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 0.41 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.91 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 21.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 24.53 in Beam depth kdes 1.48 in Beam fillet Lmin 10.79 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 97.00 kips 269.83 kips 0.36 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 13.49 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/269.83 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 97.00 kips 151.20 kips 0.64 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 10.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/151.20 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 97.00 kips 206.78 kips 0.47 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 10.60 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/206.78 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 97.00 kips 137.03 kips 0.71 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 7.88 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/137.03 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 97.00 kips 233.78 kips 0.41 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 14.32 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 11.67 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.58 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/233.78 kips Block shear strength Plate Block Shear 97.00 kips 118.01 kips 0.82 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 9.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 7.09 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.53 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/118.01 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 97.00 kips 1851.80 kips 0.05 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 17 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 97.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 97.00 kips Resultant shear force a 2.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 21.00 in Depth of plate Rn/1851.80 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.44 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 97.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 10.50 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 55.13 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 151.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.07 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 194.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 1188.32 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.44 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.53 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 97.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 7.88 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 41.74 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 137.03 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.07 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 194.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 1210.39 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.53 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 97.00 kips 305.08 kips 0.32 PASS Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.25 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 28.30 in3 Section modulus of net section a 2.00 in Design eccentricity Rn/305.08 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 97.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.87 PASS Rn = Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 2.59 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 18 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 64.35 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 111.00 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 97.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.87 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.59 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.59 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 37.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 52.20 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 55.46 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 90.05 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 97.00 kips 102.74 kips 0.94 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.92 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/102.74 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.920.920.920.92 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.92 Coefficient (5.5372 / 6) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row Dx 0.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.40 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -16.22 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Weld at Column 97.00 kips 185.35 kips 0.52 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.94 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 3.76 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 5.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 21.00 in Weld length per side Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 19 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn/185.35 kips Weld strength HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 64.53 kips 0.00 PASS Rn = Fy*t2 /(1-tp/B)*(2lb/B + 4*Qf* (1-tp/B)0.5) = 1.50 (K1-12) Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength t 0.47 in Column wall thickness tp 0.50 in Plate thickness lb 21.00 in Plate length B 8.00 in Column width Qf 1.00 Chord stress interaction parameter Fc 27.60 ksi Available stress (K1.1) Ag 13.46 in2 Column cross-sectional area S 31.15 in3 Column section modulus U 0.19 Utilization ratio (Eqn K1-6) Rn/64.53 kips Transverse plastification HSS Flexural Plastification 194.00 kips-in 1084.05 kips-in 0.18 PASS Mn = 0.8 * lb * Rn = 1.50 lb 21.00 in Plate length ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.07 in Vertical eccentricity Rn 96.79 kips Transverse plastification capacity Mreq 194.00 kips-in Required flexural plastification = V*ex + P*ey Mn/1084.05 kips-in Flexural plastification SQC-025 #03 Web Extension: Members Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Column HSS8X8X8 Material Name A500 Gr.B Rect Material name Fy 46.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Member Properties d 8.00 in Depth b 8.00 in Width a 13.46 in2 Area tdes 0.47 in Wall Thickness Beam W24X103 Material Name A992 Material name Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Member Properties bf 9.00 in Flange width d 24.53 in Overall depth tw 0.55 in Web thickness tf 0.98 in Flange thickness a 30.30 in2 Area kdes 1.48 in Kdes kdet 0.00 in Kdet k1 1.13 in K1 Hole (Beam Web) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 20 of 329 01/19/2015 Hole type Standard Dx 0.81 in Hole width Dy 0.81 in Hole height R 1 Number of rows of holes C 6 Number of holes per row Rs 2.50 in Row Spacing Cs 3.40 in Column Spacing SQC-025 #03 Web Extension: Components Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Plate P0.50x3.50x21.00 Material Name A36 Material name Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Member Properties d 3.50 in Width t 0.50 in Thickness Hole Hole type Standard Dx 0.81 in Hole width Dy 0.81 in Hole height R 1 Number of rows of holes C 6 Number of holes per row Rs 2.50 in Row Spacing Cs 3.40 in Column Spacing Column Weld E70 Weld Properties Type Double Fillet Fillet Size 0.31 in Beam Bolts 3/4" A490 Bolt Properties Type A490 d 0.75 in Diameter Strength Sx 84.00 ksi Shear strength (X-threads excluded from shear plane) T 113.00 ksi Tensile strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 21 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 11/28/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-025 #17 - Web extension FAIL(UC-0.8) SQC-025 #17 - Web extension: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-025 #17 -Web extension: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 22 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Top view ASDSQC-025 #17 -Web extension: ASD Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 23 of 329 01/19/2015 Results Report Material Properties: Column HSS8X8X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W24X55 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x3.50x20.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 86.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Check Column Slenderness Pass (K1.3) E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength t 0.47 in Column wall thickness B 8.00 in Column face width (B - 3 * t) / t 14.20 Column slenderness ratio for shear ((B - 3 * t) / t)max 35.15 Slender wall limit for shear (Table K1.2A) Check Column Material Pass (K1.3) Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength Fy-max 52.00 ksi Column yield strength limit (Table K1.2A) Check Column Ductility Pass (Table K1.2A) Condition: Fy / Fu<= 0.8 Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength Fu 58.00 ksi Column tensile strength Check Punching Shear Pass (Eqn K1-3) Fyp 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength tp 0.50 in Plate thickness tp-max 0.75 in Maximum allowed plate thickness Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.40 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.40 in Max bolt spacing t 0.40 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Column Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.31 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.47 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.31 in Weld size Lmin 20.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Fail t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC Chosen to approximate web extension plate See hand calcs Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 24 of 329 01/19/2015 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 0.45 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.88 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 20.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 23.57 in Beam depth kdes 1.11 in Beam fillet Lmin 10.68 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 86.00 kips 167.25 kips 0.51 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.67 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 9.31 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-3) Rn/167.25 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 86.00 kips 144.00 kips 0.60 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 10.00 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/144.00 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 86.00 kips 141.11 kips 0.61 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 7.24 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/141.11 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 86.00 kips 128.32 kips 0.67 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 7.38 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/128.32 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 86.00 kips 157.83 kips 0.54 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 9.61 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 7.71 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.42 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/157.83 kips Block shear strength Plate Block Shear 86.00 kips 115.31 kips 0.75 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 9.25 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 6.84 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.53 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/115.31 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 86.00 kips 1763.62 kips 0.05 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 25 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 86.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 86.00 kips Resultant shear force a 2.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 20.00 in Depth of plate Rn/1763.62 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.38 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 86.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 10.00 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 50.00 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 144.00 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity ey -0.22 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 172.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 1077.84 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.38 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.48 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 86.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 7.38 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 36.61 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 128.32 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity ey -0.22 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 172.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 1061.76 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.48 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 86.00 kips 263.70 kips 0.33 PASS Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.24 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 24.47 in3 Section modulus of net section a 2.00 in Design eccentricity Rn/263.70 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 86.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.77 PASS Rn = Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 2.59 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 26 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 46.22 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 79.72 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 86.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.77 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.09 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.59 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 37.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 52.20 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 38.06 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 90.05 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 86.00 kips 102.74 kips 0.84 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.92 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/102.74 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.920.920.920.92 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.92 Coefficient (5.5372 / 6) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row Dx 0.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.40 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -16.22 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Weld at Column 86.00 kips 176.19 kips 0.49 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.94 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 3.75 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 5.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 20.00 in Weld length per side Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 27 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn/176.19 kips Weld strength HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 62.76 kips 0.00 PASS Rn = Fy*t2 /(1-tp/B)*(2lb/B + 4*Qf* (1-tp/B)0.5) = 1.50 (K1-12) Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength t 0.47 in Column wall thickness tp 0.50 in Plate thickness lb 20.00 in Plate length B 8.00 in Column width Qf 1.00 Chord stress interaction parameter Fc 27.60 ksi Available stress (K1.1) Ag 13.46 in2 Column cross-sectional area S 31.15 in3 Column section modulus U 0.19 Utilization ratio (Eqn K1-6) Rn/62.76 kips Transverse plastification HSS Flexural Plastification 172.00 kips-in 1004.13 kips-in 0.17 PASS Mn = 0.8 * lb * Rn = 1.50 lb 20.00 in Plate length ex 2.00 in Horizontal eccentricity ey -0.22 in Vertical eccentricity Rn 94.14 kips Transverse plastification capacity Mreq 172.00 kips-in Required flexural plastification = V*ex + P*ey Mn/1004.13 kips-in Flexural plastification SQC-025 #17 - Web extension: Members Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Column HSS8X8X8 Material Name A500 Gr.B Rect Material name Fy 46.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Member Properties d 8.00 in Depth b 8.00 in Width a 13.46 in2 Area tdes 0.47 in Wall Thickness Beam W24X55 Material Name A992 Material name Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Member Properties bf 7.00 in Flange width d 23.57 in Overall depth tw 0.40 in Web thickness tf 0.51 in Flange thickness a 16.20 in2 Area kdes 1.11 in Kdes kdet 0.00 in Kdet k1 1.00 in K1 Hole (Beam Web) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 28 of 329 01/19/2015 Hole type Standard Dx 0.81 in Hole width Dy 0.81 in Hole height R 1 Number of rows of holes C 6 Number of holes per row Rs 3.00 in Row Spacing Cs 3.40 in Column Spacing SQC-025 #17 - Web extension: Components Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Plate P0.50x3.50x20.00 Material Name A36 Material name Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Member Properties d 3.50 in Width t 0.50 in Thickness Hole Hole type Standard Dx 0.81 in Hole width Dy 0.81 in Hole height R 1 Number of rows of holes C 6 Number of holes per row Rs 3.00 in Row Spacing Cs 3.40 in Column Spacing Column Weld E70 Weld Properties Type Double Fillet Fillet Size 0.31 in Beam Bolts 3/4" A490 Bolt Properties Type A490 d 0.75 in Diameter Strength Sx 84.00 ksi Shear strength (X-threads excluded from shear plane) T 113.00 ksi Tensile strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 29 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 30 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 31 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.04-A #8 W12x14 BEAM #9 W12x14 BEAM SQC-027-Rev.1-C Connections are nearly identical. Connection #9 is controlling case due to girder width. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 32 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/10/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-027 #09 - ESP FAIL(UC-1.7) SQC-027 #09 - ESP: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-027 #09 -ESP: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 33 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-027 #09 -ESP: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X65 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x11.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 25.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 2.75 in Max bolt spacing t 0.20 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 34 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.31 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.39 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.31 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.63 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.19 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 1.14 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 11.91 in Beam depth kdes 0.53 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 25.00 kips 34.92 kips 0.72 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.67 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 1.94 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-3) Rn/34.92 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 25.00 kips 81.00 kips 0.31 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 5.63 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/81.00 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 25.00 kips 27.67 kips 0.90 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.42 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/27.67 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 25.00 kips 69.33 kips 0.36 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.98 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/69.33 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 25.00 kips 28.67 kips 0.87 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 1.46 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.02 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.54 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/28.67 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 35 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 25.00 kips 73.29 kips 0.34 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 4.53 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 3.16 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.68 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/73.29 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 25.00 kips 126.54 kips 0.20 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 25.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 25.00 kips Resultant shear force a 7.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.63 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/126.54 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.67 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 25.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 5.63 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 12.66 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 81.00 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 8.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.31 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 206.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 272.83 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.67 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.69 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 25.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.98 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 9.53 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 69.33 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 8.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.31 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 206.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 276.34 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.69 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 25.00 kips 17.18 kips 1.45 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.34 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 36 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 6.58 in3 Section modulus of net section a 8.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/17.18 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 25.00 kips 16.23 kips 1.54 FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 3.15 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 15.31 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.86 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.72 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.11 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/16.23 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 25.00 kips 14.95 kips 1.67 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 792.45 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 3.15 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.20 in Beam web thickness ho 9.72 in Reduced beam depth c 0.81 in Cope length fd 2.74 Adjustment factor Rn/14.95 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 25.00 kips 68.54 kips 0.36 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.39 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.94 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 21.74 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 23.40 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 23.40 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 21.74 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 30.23 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/68.54 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 25.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.22 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Connection occurs in uncoped portion of beam - these checks do not apply. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 37 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.34 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.94 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 37.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 65.25 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 58.45 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 84.28 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 25.00 kips 29.06 kips 0.86 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.26 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/29.06 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.26 Coefficient (1.5663 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 2.75 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 8.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -0.99 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 25.00 kips 31.14 kips 0.80 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 1.00 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.38 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 5.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/31.14 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 38 of 329 01/19/2015 SQC-029 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-029 regarding issues with the capacities of the connections with an excessive cope length. In the email below we received instructions regarding minimal clearances at the beam to beam connections. Thus, several connections on level #7, building “B” need to be revised. Please see attached pages SQC-029-A to D and refer to the below issues: #1 W8x10 beam with 9kips reaction connected to W8x35 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). Top and bottom 4” cope. The capacity of this connection is 11kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 4 ¼”. For a 9kip reaction, increase G to 6.25” so that the W8x10 doesn’t need to be coped. Use (2) columns of (2) 7/8” A325N bolts. Horizontal bolts spacing = 2.5” and vertical bolt spacing = 3”. ½” plate thickness with 2-sided 5/16” fillet welds to girder web. #2 W8x10 beam with 9kips reaction connected to W8x35 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). Top and bottom 4” cope. The capacity of this connection is 11kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 4 ¼”. Same as #1. #3 W12x50 beam with 25kips reaction connected to W12x152 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=6”). Top and bottom 6” cope. The capacity of this connection is 25kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. Proposed connection OK with these modifications: Horizontal bolts spacing = 2.5”. 5/8” plate thickness with 2- sided 3/8” fillet welds to girder web. #4 W8x10 beam with 9kips reaction connected to W8x35 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). Top and bottom 4” cope. The capacity of this connection is 11kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 4 ¼”. Same as #1. #5 W8x10 beam with 9kips reaction connected to W8x35 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). Top and bottom 4” cope. The capacity of this connection is 11kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 4 ¼”. Same as #1. #6 W12x87 beam with 31kips reaction connected to the W12x87 beam using connection per response to SQC-020, item #9 (5/8” knife plate with 3/8” 2-sided fillet welded to girder web. Horizontal spacing = 2.5”. Plate dimension above/below top/bottom bolt of 1.625”). However, in this case 6” long cope causes issue with clearances (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) and we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. Connection confirmed. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 39 of 329 01/19/2015 #7 W12x30 beam with 23kips reaction connected to W12x87 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=6”). Top and bottom 6” cope. The capacity of this connection is 25kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. Confirmed – use 2.5” horizontal spacing. #8 W12x35 beam with 30kips reaction connected to W12x40 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). Top and bottom 4” cope. The capacity of this connection is 33kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 4 ¼”. Confirmed – use 2.5” horizontal spacing. #9 W12x14 beam with 21kips reaction connected to W12x120 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=6”). Top and bottom 6” cope. The capacity of this connection is 25kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. Confirmed – use 2.5” horizontal spacing. #10 W12x14 beam with 19kips reaction connected to W 12x120 beam using the single angle connection where we have issue with the clearances (option #2 – see attached page SQC-029-D). In this case we have replaced the double angle connection with a 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). The capacity of this connection is 25kips and would normally require top and bottom copes of 6”. However, due to the geometry of the connection we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. Same as #9 – use G=6”? #11 W12x26 beam with 25kips reaction connected to W12x120 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=6”). Top and bottom 6” cope. The capacity of this connection is 25kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. Confirmed – use 2.5” horizontal spacing. #12 W12x26 beam with 29kips reaction connected to W 12x45 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). Top and bottom 4” cope. The capacity of this connection is 33kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 4 ¼”. Confirmed – use 2.5” horizontal spacing. #13 W12x35 beam with 33kips reaction connected to W 12x45 beam using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). Top and bottom 4” cope. The capacity of this connection is 33kips. However, due to the clearances issue (option #1 – see attached page SQC-029-C) we need to increase the cope lengths to 4 ¼”. Confirmed – use 2.5” horizontal spacing. #14 W12x30 beam with 29kips reaction connected to W 12x190 beam using the double angle connection where we have issue with the clearances (option #2 – see attached page SQC-029-D). In this case we have replaced the double angle connection with a 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). The capacity of this connection is 33kips and would normally require top and bottom copes of 4”. However, due to the geometry of the connection we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. W12x30 is overstressed with that much cope length. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 40 of 329 01/19/2015 Cope length exceed beam capacity. See attached sketch. #15 W12x35 beam with 31kips reaction connected to W 12x190 beam using the double angle connection where we have issue with the clearances (option #2 – see attached page SQC-029-D). In this case we have replaced the double angle connection with a 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). The capacity of this connection is 33kips and would normally require top and bottom copes of 4”. However, due to the geometry of the connection we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. Use connection from #14. #16 W12x35 beam with 33kips reaction connected to W12x190 beam using the double angle connection where we have issue with the clearances (option #2 – see attached page SQC-029-D). In this case we have replaced the double angle connection with a 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). The capacity of this connection is 33kips and would normally require top and bottom copes of 4”. However, due to the geometry of the connection we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. Use connection from #14. #17 W12x35 beam with 31kips reaction connected to W12x190 beam using the double angle connection where we have issue with the clearances (option #2 – see attached page SQC-029-D). In this case we have replaced the double angle connection with a 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” A325N_TC bolts (G=4”). The capacity of this connection is 33kips and would normally require top and bottom copes of 4”. However, due to the geometry of the connection we need to increase the cope lengths to 6 ¼”. Use connection from #14. Please confirm that the capacities of the connections listed above are sufficient to transfer the reactions after the cope length adjustments. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 41 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.07-BSQC-029-A#1 W8x10 BEAM#2 W8x10 BEAM#3 W12x50 BEAM#4 W8x10 BEAM#5 W8x10 BEAM#6 W12x87 BEAM#7 W12x30 BEAM#8 W12x35 BEAMStrata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 42 of 32901/19/2015 REF: S2.07-BSQC-029-B#9 W12x14 BEAM#10 W12x14 BEAM#11 W12x26 BEAM#12 W12x26 BEAM#13 W12x35 BEAM#14 W12x30 BEAM#15 W12x35 BEAM#16 W12x35 BEAM#17 W12x35 BEAMStrata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 43 of 32901/19/2015 MODEL SECTION VIEW OPTION #1 3/16"3/16" 3/16"3/16" WF BEAM EXTENDED SHEAR PLATE CONNECTION EXTENDED SHEAR PLATE CONNECTION WF BEAM WF BEAM SQC-029-C Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 44 of 329 01/19/2015 MODEL SECTION VIEW OPTION #2 1/8" WF BEAM WF BEAM WF BEAM SINGLE/DOUBLE ANGLE CONNECTION #2 SQC-029-D Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 45 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #01 -knife plate FAIL(UC-1.4) SQC-029 #01 - knife plate: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #01 -knife plate: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 46 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-029 #01 - knife plate: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W8X35 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X10 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x10.25x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 9.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.17 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 47 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.25 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.31 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.25 in Weld size Lmin 6.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 0.88 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.27 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.81 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 6.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 7.89 in Beam depth kdes 0.51 in Beam fillet Lmin 3.44 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 9.00 kips 26.83 kips 0.34 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 1.34 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/26.83 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 9.00 kips 43.20 kips 0.21 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 3.00 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/43.20 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 9.00 kips 19.53 kips 0.46 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/19.53 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 9.00 kips 34.80 kips 0.26 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 2.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/34.80 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 9.00 kips 45.85 kips 0.20 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 2.60 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.34 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.43 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/45.85 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 48 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 9.00 kips 42.42 kips 0.21 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 2.25 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.50 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.25 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/42.42 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 9.00 kips 54.18 kips 0.17 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 9.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 9.00 kips Resultant shear force a 6.25 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 6.00 in Depth of plate Rn/54.18 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.53 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 9.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 3.00 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 4.50 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 43.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 7.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey -0.07 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 67.50 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 97.01 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.53 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.67 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 9.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 2.00 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 3.00 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 34.80 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 7.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey -0.07 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 67.50 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 87.00 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.67 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 9.00 kips 6.39 kips 1.41 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.30 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Lambda > 0.7, won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 49 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 2.22 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.50 in Design eccentricity Rn/6.39 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 9.00 kips 46.41 kips 0.19 PASS Rn = Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 2 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-spacing 23.21 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 23.21 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 27.35 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/46.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 9.00 kips 64.94 kips 0.14 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 2 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.90 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 35.89 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.77 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/64.94 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 9.00 kips 15.48 kips 0.58 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 4 Number of bolts C 0.24 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/15.48 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.24 Coefficient (0.9534 / 4) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 2 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 7.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -0.73 in Center of rotation, X ICy 0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 50 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Strength 9.00 kips 12.42 kips 0.72 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 1.00 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.03 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 4.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 6.00 in Weld length per side Rn/12.42 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 51 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #03 -knife plate with cope FAIL(UC-1.4) SQC-029 #03 -knife plate with cope: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #03 - knife plate with cope: 2D Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 52 of 329 01/19/2015 Views Side view ASDSQC-029 #03 -knife plate with cope: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X152 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X50 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x10.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 25.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.37 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 53 of 329 01/19/2015 Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.50 in Weld size Dmin 0.25 in Min size allowed tmin 0.63 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.50 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.63 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.76 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 1.04 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 12.19 in Beam depth kdes 1.14 in Beam fillet Lmin 4.96 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 25.00 kips 66.97 kips 0.37 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 3.35 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/66.97 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 25.00 kips 81.00 kips 0.31 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 5.63 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/81.00 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 25.00 kips 43.65 kips 0.57 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 2.24 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/43.65 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 25.00 kips 65.25 kips 0.38 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.75 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/65.25 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 25.00 kips 51.11 kips 0.49 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 2.77 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.85 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.92 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 54 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn/51.11 kips Block shear strength Plate Block Shear 25.00 kips 73.28 kips 0.34 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 4.69 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 3.13 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.56 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/73.28 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 25.00 kips 172.23 kips 0.15 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 25.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 25.00 kips Resultant shear force a 6.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.63 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/172.23 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.54 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 25.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 5.63 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 12.66 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 81.00 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.36 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 181.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 272.83 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.54 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.66 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 25.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.75 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 8.75 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 65.25 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.36 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 181.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 253.75 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.66 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 25.00 kips 17.55 kips 1.42 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength Lambda < 0.7, won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 55 of 329 01/19/2015 0.33 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 5.90 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/17.55 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 25.00 kips 26.26 kips 0.95 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 5.05 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.25 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 22.85 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.53 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.05 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.43 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/26.26 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 25.00 kips 24.19 kips 1.03 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 1108.11 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 5.05 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.25 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.37 in Beam web thickness ho 9.05 in Reduced beam depth c 1.75 in Cope length fd 2.27 Adjustment factor Rn/24.19 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 25.00 kips 94.70 kips 0.26 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 29.76 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 50.51 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 29.76 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 59.52 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/94.70 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 25.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.26 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Centroid of bolt group is on uncoped section. This check doesn't apply. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 56 of 329 01/19/2015 Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 76.13 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 44.86 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 89.72 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 25.00 kips 30.10 kips 0.83 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.31 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/30.10 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.310.310.310.31 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.31 Coefficient (1.8539 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.16 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 25.00 kips 41.04 kips 0.61 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.73 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.55 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 8.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/41.04 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 57 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #06 -knife plate FAIL(UC-1.5) SQC-029 #06 - knife plate: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #06 -knife plate: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 58 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-029 #06 - knife plate: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X87 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X87 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x10.25x9.25 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 31.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.52 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 59 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.38 in Weld size Dmin 0.25 in Min size allowed tmin 0.52 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.38 in Weld size Lmin 9.25 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.63 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.32 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.19 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 1.13 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.25 in Connector length (vertical) d 12.53 in Beam depth kdes 1.41 in Beam fillet Lmin 4.85 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 31.00 kips 100.01 kips 0.31 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 5.00 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/100.01 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 31.00 kips 83.25 kips 0.37 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 5.78 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/83.25 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 31.00 kips 71.15 kips 0.44 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.65 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/71.15 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 31.00 kips 72.05 kips 0.43 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 4.14 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/72.05 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 31.00 kips 77.10 kips 0.40 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.93 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.80 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.38 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/77.10 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 60 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 31.00 kips 78.09 kips 0.40 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 4.77 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 3.40 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.84 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/78.09 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 31.00 kips 177.01 kips 0.18 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 31.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 31.00 kips Resultant shear force a 6.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.63 in Thickness of plate L 9.25 in Depth of plate Rn/177.01 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.75 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 31.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 5.78 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 13.37 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 83.25 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.23 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 224.75 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 288.20 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.75 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.79 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 31.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 4.14 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 9.97 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 72.05 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.23 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 224.75 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 289.08 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.79 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 31.00 kips 20.11 kips 1.54 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.33 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 61 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 6.76 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/20.11 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 31.00 kips 41.72 kips 0.74 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 8.09 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 39.29 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.85 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.71 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.00 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/41.72 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 31.00 kips 38.43 kips 0.81 PASS Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 2270.33 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 8.09 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.52 in Beam web thickness ho 9.71 in Reduced beam depth c 1.80 in Cope length fd 2.66 Adjustment factor Rn/38.43 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 31.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.28 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.22 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 37.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.25 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 48.96 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 87.87 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 31.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.28 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 62 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.22 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 37.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 65.25 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 53.02 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 95.16 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 31.00 kips 34.40 kips 0.90 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.31 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/34.40 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.310.310.310.31 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.31 Coefficient (1.8539 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.16 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 31.00 kips 43.23 kips 0.72 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.98 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.59 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 6.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.25 in Weld length per side Rn/43.23 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 63 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #07 -knife plate FAIL(UC-1.6) SQC-029 #07 - knife plate: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #07 -knife plate: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 64 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-029 #07 - knife plate: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X87 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X30 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x10.25x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 23.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.26 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 65 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.38 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.50 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.38 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.32 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.84 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 12.34 in Beam depth kdes 0.74 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 23.00 kips 50.49 kips 0.46 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.52 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/50.49 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 23.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.35 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/64.80 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 23.00 kips 34.02 kips 0.68 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.74 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/34.02 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 23.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.44 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/52.20 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 23.00 kips 35.91 kips 0.64 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 1.95 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.30 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.65 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/35.91 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 66 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 23.00 kips 60.44 kips 0.38 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.50 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.38 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/60.44 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 23.00 kips 88.18 kips 0.26 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 23.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 23.00 kips Resultant shear force a 6.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/88.18 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.71 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 23.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 4.50 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 10.13 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 64.80 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.35 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 166.75 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 218.26 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.71 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.87 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 23.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.00 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 7.00 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 52.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.35 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 166.75 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 203.00 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.87 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 23.00 kips 14.04 kips 1.64 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.41 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. Capacity = 30.1 kips Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 67 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.72 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/14.04 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 23.00 kips 21.06 kips 1.09 FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 4.09 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 19.84 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.85 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.71 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.09 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/21.06 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 23.00 kips 19.40 kips 1.19 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 575.83 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 4.09 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.26 in Beam web thickness ho 9.71 in Reduced beam depth c 1.80 in Cope length fd 2.64 Adjustment factor Rn/19.40 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 23.00 kips 85.86 kips 0.27 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 20.91 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 35.49 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 20.91 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 41.83 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/85.86 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 23.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.24 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Connection centroid occurs in uncoped beam section; these checks don't apply. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 68 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.90 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 35.89 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 23.00 kips 30.10 kips 0.76 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.31 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/30.10 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.310.310.310.31 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.31 Coefficient (1.8539 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.16 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 23.00 kips 32.84 kips 0.70 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.78 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.55 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 6.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/32.84 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 69 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #08 -knife plate FAIL(UC-1.5) SQC-029 #08 - knife plate: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #08 -knife plate: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 70 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-029 #08 - knife plate: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X40 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X35 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x8.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 30.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.30 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 71 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.31 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.29 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.31 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.84 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 12.50 in Beam depth kdes 0.82 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 30.00 kips 59.40 kips 0.51 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.97 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/59.40 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 30.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.46 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/64.80 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 30.00 kips 40.36 kips 0.74 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 2.07 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/40.36 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 30.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.57 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/52.20 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 30.00 kips 43.72 kips 0.69 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 2.37 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.62 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.75 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/43.72 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 72 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 30.00 kips 58.63 kips 0.51 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.50 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.25 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/58.63 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 30.00 kips 198.41 kips 0.15 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 30.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 30.00 kips Resultant shear force a 4.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/198.41 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.74 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 30.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 4.50 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 10.13 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 64.80 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 5.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.06 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 157.50 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 218.26 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.74 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.93 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 30.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.00 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 7.00 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 52.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 5.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.06 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 157.50 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 203.00 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.93 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 30.00 kips 19.39 kips 1.55 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.38 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. Capacity = 41.5 kips Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 73 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.72 in3 Section modulus of net section a 5.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/19.39 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 30.00 kips 36.57 kips 0.82 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 4.90 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 4.36 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 24.26 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.95 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.90 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.28 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/36.57 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 30.00 kips 33.69 kips 0.89 PASS Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 799.47 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 4.90 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 4.36 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.30 in Beam web thickness ho 9.90 in Reduced beam depth c 1.86 in Cope length fd 2.89 Adjustment factor Rn/33.69 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 30.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.31 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.42 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 40.95 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 33.26 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 48.26 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 30.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.31 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 74 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.90 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 35.89 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 30.00 kips 39.36 kips 0.76 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.40 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/39.36 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.400.400.400.40 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.40 Coefficient (2.4244 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 5.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.30 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 30.00 kips 43.11 kips 0.70 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.94 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 2.04 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 5.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/43.11 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 75 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #09 -knife plate FAIL(UC-1.5) SQC-029 #09 - knife plate: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #09 -knife plate: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 76 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-029 #09 - knife plate: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X120 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x10.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 21.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.20 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 77 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.31 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.50 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.31 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.84 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 11.91 in Beam depth kdes 0.53 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 21.00 kips 34.80 kips 0.60 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.67 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 1.94 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-3) Rn/34.80 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 21.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.32 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/64.80 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 21.00 kips 26.07 kips 0.81 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.34 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/26.07 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 21.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.40 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/52.20 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 21.00 kips 27.62 kips 0.76 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 1.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.50 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/27.62 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 78 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 21.00 kips 58.63 kips 0.36 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.50 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.25 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/58.63 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 21.00 kips 88.18 kips 0.24 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 21.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 21.00 kips Resultant shear force a 6.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/88.18 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.59 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 21.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 4.50 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 10.13 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 64.80 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.36 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 152.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 218.26 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.59 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.72 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 21.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.00 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 7.00 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 52.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.36 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 152.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 203.00 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.72 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 21.00 kips 14.04 kips 1.50 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.41 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 79 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.72 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/14.04 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 21.00 kips 16.12 kips 1.30 FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 3.13 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 15.14 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.84 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.68 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.59 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/16.12 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 21.00 kips 14.85 kips 1.41 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 314.00 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 3.13 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.20 in Beam web thickness ho 9.69 in Reduced beam depth c 1.80 in Cope length fd 2.43 Adjustment factor Rn/14.85 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 21.00 kips 70.69 kips 0.30 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 16.09 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 27.30 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 27.30 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 16.09 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 32.18 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/70.69 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 21.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.22 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Connection centroid occurs within uncoped portion of beam; this check doesn't apply. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 80 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.90 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 35.89 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 21.00 kips 30.10 kips 0.70 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.31 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/30.10 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.310.310.310.31 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.31 Coefficient (1.8539 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.16 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 21.00 kips 32.84 kips 0.64 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.94 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.55 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 5.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/32.84 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 81 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #11 -knife plate FAIL(UC-1.8) SQC-029 #11 - knife plate: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #11 -knife plate: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 82 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-029 #11 - knife plate: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X120 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X26 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x10.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 25.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.23 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 83 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.31 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.50 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.31 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.84 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 12.22 in Beam depth kdes 0.68 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 25.00 kips 44.71 kips 0.56 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.24 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/44.71 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 25.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.39 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/64.80 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 25.00 kips 30.14 kips 0.83 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.55 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/30.14 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 25.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.48 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/52.20 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 25.00 kips 31.77 kips 0.79 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 1.72 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.15 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.58 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/31.77 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 84 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 25.00 kips 58.63 kips 0.43 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.50 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.25 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/58.63 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 25.00 kips 88.18 kips 0.28 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 25.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 25.00 kips Resultant shear force a 6.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/88.18 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.84 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 25.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 4.50 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 10.13 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 64.80 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.36 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 181.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 218.26 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.84 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 1.03 FAIL (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 25.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.00 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 7.00 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 52.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.36 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 181.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 203.00 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 1.03 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 25.00 kips 14.04 kips 1.78 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.41 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Max moment corresponds with gross section - OK by inspection. Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. Capacity = 30 kips. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 85 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.72 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/14.04 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 25.00 kips 18.67 kips 1.34 FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 3.62 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 17.60 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.86 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.72 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.45 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/18.67 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 25.00 kips 17.20 kips 1.45 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 418.40 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 3.62 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.23 in Beam web thickness ho 9.72 in Reduced beam depth c 1.80 in Cope length fd 2.46 Adjustment factor Rn/17.20 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 25.00 kips 81.29 kips 0.31 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 18.50 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 31.40 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 31.40 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 18.50 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 37.00 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/81.29 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 25.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.26 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Centroid occurs within uncoped portion of beam - check doesn't apply. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 86 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.90 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 35.89 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 25.00 kips 30.10 kips 0.83 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.31 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/30.10 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.310.310.310.31 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.31 Coefficient (1.8539 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 7.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.16 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 25.00 kips 32.84 kips 0.76 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.94 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.55 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 5.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/32.84 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 87 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #12 -knife plate FAIL(UC-1.3) SQC-029 #12 - knife plate: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #12 -knife plate: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 88 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-029 #12 - knife plate: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X45 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X26 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x8.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 25.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.23 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 89 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.31 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.34 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.31 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.84 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 12.22 in Beam depth kdes 0.68 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 25.00 kips 45.54 kips 0.55 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.28 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/45.54 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 25.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.39 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/64.80 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 25.00 kips 30.95 kips 0.81 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.59 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/30.95 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 25.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.48 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/52.20 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 25.00 kips 32.53 kips 0.77 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 1.76 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.19 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.58 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/32.53 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 90 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 25.00 kips 58.63 kips 0.43 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.50 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.25 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/58.63 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 25.00 kips 198.41 kips 0.13 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 25.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 25.00 kips Resultant shear force a 4.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/198.41 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.51 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 25.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 4.50 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 10.13 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 64.80 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 5.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.28 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 131.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 218.26 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.51 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.65 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 25.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.00 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 7.00 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 52.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 5.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.28 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 131.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 203.00 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.65 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 25.00 kips 19.39 kips 1.29 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.38 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 91 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.72 in3 Section modulus of net section a 5.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/19.39 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 25.00 kips 25.71 kips 0.97 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 3.76 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 4.75 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 18.60 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.95 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.90 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.08 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/25.71 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 25.00 kips 23.68 kips 1.06 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 380.59 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 3.76 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 4.75 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.23 in Beam web thickness ho 9.90 in Reduced beam depth c 2.25 in Cope length fd 2.84 Adjustment factor Rn/23.68 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 25.00 kips 84.34 kips 0.30 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.20 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 21.55 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 31.40 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 31.40 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 21.55 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 37.00 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/84.34 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 25.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.26 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Won't buckle; use Znet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 92 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.90 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 35.89 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 25.00 kips 39.36 kips 0.64 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.40 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/39.36 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.400.400.400.40 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.40 Coefficient (2.4244 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 5.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.30 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 25.00 kips 43.11 kips 0.58 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.94 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 2.04 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 5.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/43.11 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 93 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #13 -knife plate FAIL(UC-1.7) SQC-029 #13 - knife plate: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #13 -knife plate: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 94 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-029 #13 - knife plate: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X45 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X35 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x8.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 33.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.30 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 95 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.31 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.34 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.31 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.10 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.84 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 12.50 in Beam depth kdes 0.82 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 33.00 kips 59.40 kips 0.56 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.97 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/59.40 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 33.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.51 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/64.80 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 33.00 kips 40.36 kips 0.82 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 2.07 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/40.36 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 33.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.63 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/52.20 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 33.00 kips 42.43 kips 0.78 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 2.30 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.55 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.75 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/42.43 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 96 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 33.00 kips 58.63 kips 0.56 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.50 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.25 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/58.63 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 33.00 kips 198.41 kips 0.17 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 33.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 33.00 kips Resultant shear force a 4.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/198.41 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.89 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 33.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 4.50 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 10.13 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 64.80 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 5.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.28 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 173.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 218.26 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.89 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 1.13 FAIL (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 33.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.00 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 7.00 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 52.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 5.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.28 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 173.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 203.00 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 1.13 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 33.00 kips 19.39 kips 1.70 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.38 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Max moment occurs at gross section - OK by inspection. Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. Capacity = 41.5 kips. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 97 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.72 in3 Section modulus of net section a 5.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/19.39 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 33.00 kips 33.53 kips 0.98 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 4.90 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 4.75 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 24.26 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.95 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.90 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.22 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/33.53 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 33.00 kips 30.89 kips 1.07 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 650.90 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 4.90 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 4.75 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.30 in Beam web thickness ho 9.90 in Reduced beam depth c 2.25 in Cope length fd 2.85 Adjustment factor Rn/30.89 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 33.00 kips 93.05 kips 0.35 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.20 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 28.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 40.95 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 28.11 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 48.26 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/93.05 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 33.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.34 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Won't buckle; use Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 98 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.90 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 35.89 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 33.00 kips 39.36 kips 0.84 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.40 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/39.36 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.400.400.400.40 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.40 Coefficient (2.4244 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 5.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.30 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 33.00 kips 43.11 kips 0.77 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.94 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 2.04 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 5.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/43.11 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 99 of 329 01/19/2015 5/8" KNIFE PL1/4"2 1/2"1 1/2"1 3/4" 2 3/4"2 3/4" 2"3/83/82-SIDES(6)3/4"Ø A490X BOLTSSQC-029 - #146 3/4"1 1/2"Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 100 of 32901/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 12/06/2014 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-029 #14 -knife plate top flange welded FAIL(UC-2.1) SQC-029 #14 -knife plate top flange welded: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-029 #14 - knife plate top flange Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 101 of 329 01/19/2015 welded: 2D Views Side view ASDSQC-029 #14 -knife plate top flange welded: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X190 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X30 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x11.00x9.25 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 29.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 2.75 in Max bolt spacing t 0.26 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 102 of 329 01/19/2015 Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.38 in Weld size Dmin 0.25 in Min size allowed tmin 0.63 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.38 in Weld size Lmin 5.21 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.63 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 2.43 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.12 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 1.16 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.25 in Connector length (vertical) d 12.34 in Beam depth kdes 0.74 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 29.00 kips 44.25 kips 0.66 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.21 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/44.25 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 29.00 kips 83.25 kips 0.35 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 5.78 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/83.25 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 29.00 kips 29.84 kips 0.97 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.53 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/29.84 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 29.00 kips 72.05 kips 0.40 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 4.14 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/72.05 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 29.00 kips 35.27 kips 0.82 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 1.80 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.23 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.70 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 103 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn/35.27 kips Block shear strength Plate Flexural Yield 0.81 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 29.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 5.78 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 13.37 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 83.25 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 8.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.83 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 239.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 288.20 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.81 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.81 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 29.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 4.14 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 10.22 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 72.05 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 8.25 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.83 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 239.25 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 296.50 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.81 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 29.00 kips 18.54 kips 1.56 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.34 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 7.09 in3 Section modulus of net section a 8.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/18.54 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 29.00 kips 15.11 kips 1.92 FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 3.14 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.75 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 13.35 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.25 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 8.51 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.42 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/15.11 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 29.00 kips 13.92 kips 2.08 FAIL Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. Capacity = 34.9 kips. Bolts occur in uncoped portion of beam - these checks don't apply. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 104 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 748.03 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 3.14 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.75 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.26 in Beam web thickness ho 8.51 in Reduced beam depth c 1.25 in Cope length fd 2.08 Adjustment factor Rn/13.92 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 29.00 kips 81.09 kips 0.36 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.00 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.94 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 20.25 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 30.42 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 30.42 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 20.25 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 39.29 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/81.09 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 29.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.26 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.59 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.94 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 37.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 65.25 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 69.33 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 84.28 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 29.00 kips 29.06 kips 1.00 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 105 of 329 01/19/2015 C 0.26 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/29.06 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.26 Coefficient (1.5663 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 2.50 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 2.75 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 8.25 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -0.99 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 29.00 kips 79.71 kips 0.36 PASS Rn = 2 * C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 0.98 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.47 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 6.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.25 in Weld length per side Rn/79.71 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 106 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 107 of 32901/19/2015REF: S2.08-BSQC-031-ASEE PAGE SQC-031-BFOR 3D VIEWConnection #2 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 108 of 329 01/19/2015 3D MODEL VIEW SQC-031-B W16X31 BEAM HSS4X4X1/2 COLUMN (4) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS 3/8" BENT PLATE A A Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 109 of 329 01/19/2015 SECTION A-A SQC-031-C HSS4X4X1/2 COLUMN 3/8" BENT PLATE W16X31 RAFTER1 15 /16" 15/16 3 SIDES 15/16 (4) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS 3" Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 110 of 32901/19/2015REF: S2.08-BPAGE #1SEE PAGE #2 FOR3D VIEWConnection #2 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 111 of 329 01/19/2015 3D MODEL VIEW A A (2) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS 3/8" BENT PLATE W10X12 RAFTER PAGE #2 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 112 of 32901/19/2015SECTION A-AHSS4X4X1/4COLUMNW10X12 RAFTER3/8" BENT PLATE2 11/16"PAGE #35/165/16RET. 5/8" @ TOP(2) 7/8" DIAA325N_TC BOLTS SQC-031 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection #1 Please find attached SQC-031 regarding an issue with the connection between the rafter beam and the HSS column. Structural plan S2.08-B shows a W16x31 rafter beam connected to the HSS4x4x1/2 column (see attached page SQC-031-A). Per directions from the EOR, for the roof beams we should use the shear plate connection with the maximum quantity of bolts. However, due to the fact that the centerline of the beam is aligned with the corner of the column, we are not able to use this solution. We suggest using a 3/8” bent plate welded to the column and bolted to the beam with (4) 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts as shown on attached pages SQC-031-B and C. Please confirm this is acceptable. What will support the metal deck along the ridge? It seems to me like either a filler piece is needed, or the W16x31 needs to extend out some distance. The capacity of the connection you’ve shown is 47 kips. Based on how the EOR has specified the connections for the roof, he’ll need to approve this connection’s capacity. Please do make the following changes/notes to the connection: 1. Remove 15/16” flare-bevel weld entirely 2. Change fillet weld size to 5/16 3. Reduce to top return on fillet weld to 5/8” 4. Please bill the plate with the width dimension vertical. This will mitigate cracking when it’s bent. #2 Structural plan S2.08-B shows a W10x12 rafter connected to the corner of the HSS4x4x1/4 column (see attached page #1). In this case we have used the solution per the below response, but with (2) 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts only (see attached page #2 and #3). Please provide capacity of this connection. The capacity of this connection is 22 kips. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 113 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 114 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 115 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 116 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.05-A #1 W14x68 BEAM #2 W12x14 BEAM #3 W12x14 BEAM SQC-032-A Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 117 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.06-A #4 W12x96 BEAM #5 W12x120 BEAM #6 W12x120 BEAM #7 W12x120 BEAM #8 W14x90 BEAM #9 W14x90 BEAM #10 W8x67 BEAM #11 W8x67 BEAM SQC-032-B Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 118 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.06-A 15 #13 W12x96 BEAM #12 W12x96 BEAM SQC-032-C 2 1/4"1 1/2"3"3"1 1/2"WEB DBLR PL 1 1/2x9 1/2x1'-3 A572 Gr.50 1/2" 7/16 LL4x3 1/2x3/8 W/ (9) 3/4"ØA490X BOLTS SQC-007 #041/2"1 1/2" Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 119 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: SQC-007 ITEM #4 RESPONSE SQC-032-D SQC-032 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-032 regarding beam reactions which are greater than the capacities of the provided connections – Lot #14. This question affects Lot #14. There are several beams with reactions which exceed the capacities of the connections given in the received schedules on lot #14. Please see attached pages SQC-032-A thru C and refer to the suggested solutions below: #1 W14x68 beam with 24 kips reaction. We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (4) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top and bottom 5 ¾” copes with 9 3/4” web height between the copes. Please use standard double angle connection with (3)7/8”Ø A325N bolts for connection of W14x68 to W12x79. Note – it appears that there is a typo in the number of composite studs on the W12x72. #2 W12x14 beam with 44.87kips reaction (per AISC). We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (3) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top and bottom 1 ¾” copes with 10 3/8” web height between the copes. Please use standard double angle connection with (3)7/8”Ø A325N bolts. Capacity is 27 kips – which appears like it will be acceptable to EOR. #3 W12x14 beam connected to the embed plate with 44.87kips reaction (per AISC). We suggest using 5/8” thick shear plate with (3) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the embed plate and the shear plate. Please use a 3/8” plate with (1) column of (3)7/8”Ø A325N bolts and 2-sided 5/16” weld to embed plate. Capacity is 32 kips - which appears like it will be acceptable to EOR. #4 W12x96 beam with 40kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick shear plate with (3) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. Please confirm column size as HSS5x5x½. ½” thick plate with (2) columns of (3)3/4”Ø A490X bolts with 2-sided 5/16” fillet weld to column. Horiz spacing = 2.5”, vertical spacing = 3”. #5 W12x120 beam with 49kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick shear plate with (3) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. Please confirm column size as HSS6x6x½. ½” thick plate with (2) columns of (3)3/4”Ø A490X bolts with 2-sided 5/16” fillet weld to column. Horiz spacing = 2.5”, vertical spacing = 3”. #6 W12x120 beam with 45kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick shear plate with (3) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 120 of 329 01/19/2015 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. Please confirm column size as HSS6x6x½. ½” thick plate with (2) columns of (3)3/4”Ø A490X bolts with 2-sided 5/16” fillet weld to column. Horiz spacing = 2.5”, vertical spacing = 3”. #7 W12x120 beam with 44kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick shear plate with (3) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. Please confirm column size as HSS6x6x½. ½” thick plate with (2) columns of (3)3/4”Ø A490X bolts with 2-sided 5/16” fillet weld to column. Horiz spacing = 2.5”, vertical spacing = 3”. #8 W14x90 beam with 50kips reaction (connection between the stiffener plates – extended shear plate required). We suggest using 1/2” thick extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. G=7 13/16”. See sketch. #9 W14x90 beam with 46kips reaction (connection between the stiffener plates – extended shear plate required). We suggest using 1/2” thick extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. G=5 7/8”. See sketch. #10 W8x67 beam with 15kips reaction. We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (2) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top and bottom 3 ¾” copes with 6” web height between the copes. Please use standard double angle connection with (2)7/8”Ø A325N bolts. #11 W8x67 beam with 26kips reaction. We suggest using single angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (2) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Bottom 2 1/4” cope with 7” web height below the cope and one sided notch at top flange. Please use standard double angle connection with (2)7/8”Ø A325N bolts. Please advise if the capacities of the connections suggested above are sufficient to transfer the beam reactions. There are also two additional issues: #12 W12x96 beam with 57kips reaction. Similar connection was asked in SQC-007 – item #4, however the beam reaction was 74kips (see attached page SQC-032-D). Please advise if we should use this connection or if it should be modified. Please use standard double angle connection with (3)7/8”Ø A325N bolts. #13 W12x96 beam with 35kips reaction. This configuration is also similar to SQC-007 – item #4 (see attached page SQC-032-D). Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 121 of 329 01/19/2015 Please advise if we should use this connection or if it should be modified. Please use standard double angle connection with (3)7/8”Ø A325N bolts. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 122 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #01032 #01032 #01032 #01 PASS(UC-0.8)0.8)0.8)0.8) SQC-032 #01: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-032 #01: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 123 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-032 #01: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 124 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W12X72 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X68 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 24.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 24.00 kips 80.26 kips 0.300.300.300.30 PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 24.00 kips 91.80 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 24.00 kips 53.98 kips 0.440.440.440.44 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 24.00 kips 71.78 kips 0.330.330.330.33 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 24.00 kips 71.78 kips 0.330.330.330.33 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 24.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.300.300.300.30 PASS Beam Block Shear 24.00 kips 52.17 kips 0.460.460.460.46 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 24.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.300.300.300.30 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 24.00 kips 33.34 kips 0.720.720.720.72 PASS Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 24.00 kips 30.71 kips 0.780.780.780.78 PASS Bolt Bearing on Girder 24.00 kips 86.59 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 24.00 kips 78.12 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 24.00 kips 69.78 kips 0.340.340.340.34 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 24.00 kips 78.12 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 24.00 kips 86.59 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 24.00 kips 64.23 kips 0.370.370.370.37 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.740.740.740.74 Bolt Prying PASS Bolt Tension at Girder N/A Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 125 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #02 PASS(UC-1.0) SQC-032 #02: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-032 #02: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 126 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-032 #02: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 127 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W12X14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 27.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 27.00 kips 37.40 kips 0.72 PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 27.00 kips 91.80 kips 0.29 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 27.00 kips 28.90 kips 0.93 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 27.00 kips 71.78 kips 0.38 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 27.00 kips 71.78 kips 0.38 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 27.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.34 PASS Beam Block Shear 27.00 kips 27.33 kips 0.99 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 27.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.34 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 27.00 kips 49.22 kips 0.55 PASS Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 27.00 kips 45.35 kips 0.60 PASS Bolt Bearing on Girder 27.00 kips 81.90 kips 0.33 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 27.00 kips 78.12 kips 0.35 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 27.00 kips 38.00 kips 0.71 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 27.00 kips 78.12 kips 0.35 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 27.00 kips 86.59 kips 0.31 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 27.00 kips 64.23 kips 0.42 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.740.740.740.74 Bolt Prying PASS Bolt Tension at Girder N/A Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 128 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #03 FAIL(UC-1.0) SQC-032 #03: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-032 #03: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 129 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-032 #03: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Column W14X90 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.38x3.50x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 32.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Top Column Dist 20.00 in User Input Top Column Dist Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Story Shear 0.00 kips User Input Story Shear Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Fail t 0.38 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 0.88 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 13th p. 9-13) tmax-bolts 0.33 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 13th p. 10-103) 3/8" plate OK per AISC Table 10-9 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 130 of 329 01/19/2015 tmax-plate 0.63 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 13th p. 9-13) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 11.91 in Beam depth kdes 0.53 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 32.00 kips 42.79 kips 0.75 PASS Plate Shear Yield 32.00 kips 48.60 kips 0.66 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 32.00 kips 34.75 kips 0.92 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 32.00 kips 39.15 kips 0.82 PASS Beam Block Shear 32.00 kips 43.63 kips 0.73 PASS Plate Block Shear 32.00 kips 41.25 kips 0.78 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 32.00 kips 72.84 kips 0.44 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.84 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 32.00 kips 38.17 kips 0.84 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 32.00 kips 40.95 kips 0.78 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 32.00 kips 42.32 kips 0.76 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 32.00 kips 32.11 kips 1.00 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.740.740.740.74 Weld at Column 32.00 kips 54.31 kips 0.59 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 131 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #04032 #04032 #04032 #04 PASS(UC-0.7)0.7)0.7)0.7) SQC-032 #04: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-032 #04: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 132 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Top view ASDSQC-032 #04: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 133 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Column HSS5X5X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W12X96 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x6.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 40.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 40.00 kips 139.81 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 40.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.620.620.620.62 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 40.00 kips 108.16 kips 0.370.370.370.37 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 40.00 kips 55.46 kips 0.720.720.720.72 PASS Beam Block Shear 40.00 kips 206.27 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 40.00 kips 59.98 kips 0.670.670.670.67 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 40.00 kips 98.65 kips 0.410.410.410.41 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.660.660.660.66 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 40.00 kips 53.69 kips 0.740.740.740.74 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 40.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.400.400.400.40 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 40.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.400.400.400.40 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 40.00 kips 73.89 kips 0.540.540.540.54 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.740.740.740.74 Weld at Column 40.00 kips 61.73 kips 0.650.650.650.65 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 54.48 kips PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 60.00 kips-in 392.27 kips-in PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 134 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #05 PASS(UC-1.0) SQC-032 #05: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-032 #05: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 135 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Top view ASDSQC-032 #05: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 136 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Column HSS6X6X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W12X120 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x6.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 49.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 49.00 kips 186.30 kips 0.26 PASS Plate Shear Yield 49.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.76 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 49.00 kips 145.30 kips 0.34 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 49.00 kips 55.46 kips 0.88 PASS Beam Block Shear 49.00 kips 261.59 kips 0.19 PASS Plate Block Shear 49.00 kips 59.98 kips 0.82 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 49.00 kips 92.96 kips 0.53 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.99 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 49.00 kips 53.69 kips 0.91 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 49.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.49 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 49.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.49 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 49.00 kips 73.89 kips 0.66 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.740.740.740.74 Weld at Column 49.00 kips 72.41 kips 0.68 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 49.40 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 147.00 kips-in 355.71 kips-in 0.41 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 137 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #06 PASS(UC-0.8) SQC-032 #06: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-032 #06: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 138 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Top view ASDSQC-032 #06: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 139 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Column HSS6X6X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W12X120 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x6.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 45.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 45.00 kips 186.30 kips 0.24 PASS Plate Shear Yield 45.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.69 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 45.00 kips 145.30 kips 0.31 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 45.00 kips 55.46 kips 0.81 PASS Beam Block Shear 45.00 kips 261.59 kips 0.17 PASS Plate Block Shear 45.00 kips 59.98 kips 0.75 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 45.00 kips 95.67 kips 0.47 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.83 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 45.00 kips 53.69 kips 0.84 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 45.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 45.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 45.00 kips 73.89 kips 0.61 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.740.740.740.74 Weld at Column 45.00 kips 61.73 kips 0.73 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 49.40 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 90.00 kips-in 355.71 kips-in 0.25 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 140 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #07 PASS(UC-0.8) SQC-032 #07: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-032 #07: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 141 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Top view ASDSQC-032 #07: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 142 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Column HSS6X6X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W12X120 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x6.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 44.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 44.00 kips 186.30 kips 0.24 PASS Plate Shear Yield 44.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.68 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 44.00 kips 145.30 kips 0.30 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 44.00 kips 55.46 kips 0.79 PASS Beam Block Shear 44.00 kips 261.59 kips 0.17 PASS Plate Block Shear 44.00 kips 59.98 kips 0.73 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 44.00 kips 96.30 kips 0.46 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.80 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 44.00 kips 53.69 kips 0.82 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 44.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.44 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 44.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.44 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 44.00 kips 73.89 kips 0.60 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.740.740.740.74 Weld at Column 44.00 kips 61.73 kips 0.71 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 49.40 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 88.00 kips-in 355.71 kips-in 0.25 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 143 of 329 01/19/2015 5/8" KNIFE PL2 1/2"2 1/2"1 1/2"1/2"1 1/2"3"3"1 3/4"3/83/83-SIDES(9)3/4"Ø A490X BOLTSSQC-032 - #8T&B6 1/2"1 1/2"2"5"1 1/2"Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 144 of 32901/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #08 FAIL(UC-1.6) SQC-032 #08: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-032 #08: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 145 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-032 #08: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X65 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X90 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x11.50x9.75 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 50.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 50.00 kips 84.57 kips 0.59 PASS Plate Shear Yield 50.00 kips 87.75 kips 0.57 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 50.00 kips 59.93 kips 0.83 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 50.00 kips 77.48 kips 0.65 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 146 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 50.00 kips 79.63 kips 0.63 PASS Plate Block Shear 50.00 kips 92.24 kips 0.54 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 50.00 kips 58.84 kips 0.85 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.98 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 50.00 kips 33.89 kips 1.48 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 13th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.36 Buckling factor (pg 9-9) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (pg 9-9) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 7.86 in3 Section modulus of net section a 5.00 in Design eccentricity Rn/33.89 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 50.00 kips 34.91 kips 1.43 FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 13th p. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 6.77 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 32.54 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.80 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.61 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.90 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/34.91 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 50.00 kips 32.16 kips 1.55 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 13th p. 9-7) Fcr 1135.60 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 6.77 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.44 in Beam web thickness ho 9.61 in Reduced beam depth c 2.81 in Cope length fd 2.80 Adjustment factor Rn/32.16 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 50.00 kips 149.10 kips 0.34 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 50.00 kips 149.10 kips 0.34 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 50.00 kips 68.88 kips 0.73 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.460.460.460.46 Girder Weld Strength 50.00 kips 64.41 kips 0.78 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Znet instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Bolts primarily occur in uncoped portion of beam. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 147 of 329 01/19/2015 5/8" KNIFE PL2 1/2"1 1/2"1/2"1 1/2"3"3"1 3/4"3/83/83-SIDES(6)3/4"Ø A490X BOLTSSQC-032 - #9T&B4 1/2"1 1/2"2"3"1 1/2"Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 148 of 32901/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #09 FAIL(UC-1.0) SQC-032 #09: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-032 #09: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 149 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-032 #09: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X50 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X90 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x7.00x9.75 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 46.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 46.00 kips 84.57 kips 0.54 PASS Plate Shear Yield 46.00 kips 87.75 kips 0.52 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 46.00 kips 59.93 kips 0.77 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 46.00 kips 77.48 kips 0.59 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 150 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 46.00 kips 68.01 kips 0.68 PASS Plate Block Shear 46.00 kips 77.51 kips 0.59 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 46.00 kips 99.44 kips 0.46 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.53 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 46.00 kips 56.49 kips 0.81 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 46.00 kips 48.91 kips 0.94 PASS Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 46.00 kips 45.06 kips 1.02 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 13th p. 9-7) Fcr 1061.79 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 6.77 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 4.50 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.44 in Beam web thickness ho 9.61 in Reduced beam depth c 3.00 in Cope length fd 2.80 Adjustment factor Rn/45.06 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 46.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.46 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 46.00 kips 99.40 kips 0.46 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 46.00 kips 60.11 kips 0.77 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.600.600.600.60 Girder Weld Strength 46.00 kips 87.59 kips 0.53 PASS Won't buckle, OK to use Znet Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 151 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #10032 #10032 #10032 #10 PASS(UC-0.6)0.6)0.6)0.6) SQC-032 #10: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-032 #10: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 152 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-032 #10: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 153 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W8X67 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X67 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 15.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 15.00 kips 68.40 kips PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 15.00 kips 59.40 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 15.00 kips 44.46 kips 0.340.340.340.34 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 15.00 kips 45.67 kips 0.330.330.330.33 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 15.00 kips 45.67 kips 0.330.330.330.33 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 15.00 kips 56.17 kips PASS Beam Block Shear 15.00 kips 49.09 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 15.00 kips 56.17 kips PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 15.00 kips 25.52 kips 0.590.590.590.59 PASS Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 15.00 kips 23.51 kips 0.640.640.640.64 PASS Bolt Bearing on Girder 15.00 kips 57.73 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 15.00 kips 49.25 kips 0.300.300.300.30 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 15.00 kips 46.23 kips 0.320.320.320.32 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 15.00 kips 49.25 kips 0.300.300.300.30 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 15.00 kips 57.73 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 15.00 kips 34.00 kips 0.440.440.440.44 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.590.590.590.59 Bolt Prying PASS Bolt Tension at Girder N/A Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 154 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #11 PASS(UC-0.9) SQC-032 #11: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-032 #11: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 155 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-032 #11: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 156 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X67 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 26.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 26.00 kips 79.86 kips 0.33 PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 26.00 kips 59.40 kips 0.44 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 26.00 kips 55.63 kips 0.47 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 26.00 kips 45.67 kips 0.57 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 26.00 kips 45.67 kips 0.57 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 26.00 kips 56.17 kips 0.46 PASS Beam Block Shear 26.00 kips 73.25 kips 0.35 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 26.00 kips 56.17 kips 0.46 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 26.00 kips 83.67 kips 0.31 PASS Bolt Bearing on Girder 26.00 kips 57.73 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 26.00 kips 49.25 kips 0.53 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 26.00 kips 57.73 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 26.00 kips 49.25 kips 0.53 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 26.00 kips 57.73 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 26.00 kips 29.16 kips 0.89 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.510.510.510.51 Bolt Prying PASS Bolt Tension at Girder 13.86 kips 22.99 kips 0.60 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 157 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #12 PASS(UC-1.0) SQC-032 #12: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-032 #12: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 158 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-032 #12: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 159 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W12X50 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X96 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 57.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 57.00 kips 105.05 kips 0.54 PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 57.00 kips 91.80 kips 0.62 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 57.00 kips 70.25 kips 0.81 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 57.00 kips 71.78 kips 0.79 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 57.00 kips 71.78 kips 0.79 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 57.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.71 PASS Beam Block Shear 57.00 kips 77.76 kips 0.73 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 57.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.71 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 57.00 kips 62.39 kips 0.91 PASS Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 57.00 kips 57.48 kips 0.99 PASS Bolt Bearing on Girder 57.00 kips 86.59 kips 0.66 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 57.00 kips 78.12 kips 0.73 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 57.00 kips 74.48 kips 0.77 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 57.00 kips 78.12 kips 0.73 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 57.00 kips 86.59 kips 0.66 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 57.00 kips 57.06 kips 1.00 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.660.660.660.66 Bolt Prying PASS Bolt Tension at Girder 16.63 kips 17.36 kips 0.96 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 160 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 13th (360-05): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-032 #13 PASS(UC-0.6) SQC-032 #13: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-032 #13: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 161 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-032 #13: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 162 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W12X50 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X96 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 35.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-05 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 35.00 kips 105.05 kips 0.33 PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 35.00 kips 91.80 kips 0.38 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 35.00 kips 70.25 kips 0.50 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 35.00 kips 71.78 kips 0.49 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 35.00 kips 71.78 kips 0.49 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 35.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.43 PASS Beam Block Shear 35.00 kips 77.76 kips 0.45 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 35.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.43 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 35.00 kips 62.39 kips 0.56 PASS Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 35.00 kips 57.48 kips 0.61 PASS Bolt Bearing on Girder 35.00 kips 86.59 kips 0.40 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 35.00 kips 78.12 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 35.00 kips 74.48 kips 0.47 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 35.00 kips 78.12 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 35.00 kips 86.59 kips 0.40 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 35.00 kips 57.06 kips 0.61 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.660.660.660.66 Bolt Prying PASS Bolt Tension at Girder N/A Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 163 of 329 01/19/2015 SQC-033 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-033 regarding the connections for the lowered beams – Lot #14. In the email below we received ZMI comments regarding our suggestions for beam to beam connections at locations where the difference in the beam elevations is significant (6”) (see attached PDF). We have incorporated these comments, please see the attached pages SQC-033-A thru F and refer to the suggestions below: 1) W12x35 with 8kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-033- D) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and ½” extended shear plate (G=3 7/8”, A=4 1/2”). OK as shown with ½” plate. 2) W12x14 with 4kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-033- D) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and ½” extended shear plate (G=7 3/4”, A=5 1/8”). OK as shown with ½” plate. 3) W14x22 with 9kips reaction – We suggest using option #3 (see attached page SQC-033- F) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=5 3/4”). OK as shown with ½” plate. 4) W12x14 with 6kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC-033- E) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=4 1/4”). OK as shown with 1” plate. 5) W14x22 with 7kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC-033- E) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=5 3/4”). OK as shown with 1” plate. 6) W8x10 with 6kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-033- D) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and ½” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=4 7/8”). OK as shown with ½” plate. 7) W8x67 with 15kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC-033- E) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=4 1/8”). Use 1” plate with (2) columns of (2) rows of ¾”Ø A490X bolts. Horizontal and vertical spacing = 3”. Strip beam bottom flange on one side and grind smooth so that plate can extend down with A=6”. 3-sides of 2-sided 5/16” fillet welds are OK. 8) W12x14 with 3kips reaction – We suggest using option #3 (see attached page SQC-033- F) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 164 of 329 01/19/2015 plate (G=5 13/16”, A=4 3/16”). Same as #10 9) W12x22 with 4kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC-033- E) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=5 13/16”, A=4 3/8”). OK as shown with 1” plate. 10) W12x14 with 8kips reaction – We suggest using option #3 (see attached page SQC- 033-F) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=5 13/16”, A=4 3/16”). OK as shown with ½” plate. 11) W14x22 with 6kips reaction – We suggest using option #3 (see attached page SQC- 033-F) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=5 13/16”, A=5 13/16”). OK as shown with ½” plate. 12) W14x22 with 7kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC- 033-E) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=5 3/4”). Same as #13 13) W14x22 with 10kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC- 033-E) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=5 3/4”). OK as shown with 1” plate. 14) W14x22 with 10kips reaction – We suggest using option #3 (see attached page SQC- 033-F) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=6 13/16”, A=6 1/8”). OK as shown with ½” plate. 15) W14x22 with 10kips reaction – We suggest using option #3 (see attached page SQC- 033-F) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=6 13/16”, A=6 1/8”). Same as #14. 16) W14x22 with 10kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC- 033-E) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=7 7/8”, A=5 15/16”). Same as #13. 17) W14x22 with 7kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC- 033-E) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=7 7/8”, A=5 15/16”). Same as #13 18) W8x21 with 6kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-033- D) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and ½” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=4 13/16”). OK as shown with ½” plate. 19) W8x21 with 6kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-033- D) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and ½” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=4 3/4”). Same as #18 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 165 of 329 01/19/2015 20) W8x21 with 6kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-033- D) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and ½” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=4 3/4”). Same as #18 Please confirm that the suggested connections are sufficient to transfer the beam reactions. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 166 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 167 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.05-A SQC-033-A #1 W12x35 BEAM 12.2 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 168 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.06-A SQC-033-B #2 W12x14 BEAM #5 W14x22 BEAM #3 W14x22 BEAM #4 W12x14 BEAM #6 W8x10 BEAM #7 W8x67 BEAM #8 W12x14 BEAM #9 W14x22 BEAM #10 W12x14 BEAM #11 W14x22 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 169 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.06-A #12 W14x22 BEAM #13 W14x22 BEAM #14 W14x22 BEAM #15 W14x22 BEAM #16 W14x22 BEAM #17 W14x22 BEAM #18 W8x21 BEAM SQC-033-C #19 W8x21 BEAM #20 W8x21 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 170 of 329 01/19/2015 MODEL SECTION VIEW - OPTION #1 3/4" DIA A490X BOLTS 1/2" SHEAR PLATE (OR 1") 5/16 5/16 2 SIDES WF BEAM WF BEAM A G 3" TYP. 3" TYP. SQC-033-D Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 171 of 329 01/19/2015MODEL SECTION VIEW - OPTION #2 WF BEAM WF BEAM 1/2" SHEAR PLATE (OR 1") A G 3" TYP. 3" TYP. SQC-033-E 5/16 5/16 3 SIDES 3/4" DIA A490X BOLTS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 172 of 329 01/19/2015 MODEL SECTION VIEW - OPTION #3 WF BEAM WF BEAM G A 3" TYP. 3" TYP. SQC-033-F 5/16 5/16 2 SIDES 1/2" SHEAR PLATE (OR 1") 3/4" DIA A490X BOLTS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 173 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #01033 #01033 #01033 #01 PASS(UC-0.9)0.9)0.9)0.9) SQC-033 #01: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #01: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 174 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #01: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X19 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X35 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x8.38x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 8.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 8.00 kips 68.34 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 8.00 kips 43.20 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 8.00 kips 54.93 kips PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 8.00 kips 34.80 kips PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 175 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 8.00 kips 34.46 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 8.00 kips 46.05 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 8.00 kips 140.94 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.300.300.300.30 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 8.00 kips 8.91 kips 0.900.900.900.90 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 8.00 kips 140.83 kips PASS Coped Beam Local Web Buckling 8.00 kips 129.74 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 8.00 kips 64.94 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 8.00 kips 64.94 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 8.00 kips 21.73 kips 0.370.370.370.37 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.330.330.330.33 Girder Weld Strength 8.00 kips 16.97 kips 0.470.470.470.47 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 176 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #01 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=8 kips; L=2.5 in; A= 4.5 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 12.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 48.600 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=3.556ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.469ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.001; M = 1.67 * M; M = 2783.333; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=7481.814; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.145; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 177 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #02033 #02033 #02033 #02 PASS(UC-0.8)0.8)0.8)0.8) SQC-033 #02: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #02: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 178 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #02: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X96 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x12.25x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 4.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 4.00 kips 42.79 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 4.00 kips 43.20 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 4.00 kips 38.65 kips PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 4.00 kips 34.80 kips PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 179 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 4.00 kips 58.13 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 4.00 kips 46.05 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 4.00 kips 35.24 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield PASS Plate Flexural Rupture PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 4.00 kips 5.18 kips 0.770.770.770.77 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 4.00 kips 54.60 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 4.00 kips 64.94 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 4.00 kips 13.67 kips PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 4.00 kips 10.14 kips 0.390.390.390.39 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 180 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #02 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=4 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 5.0 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 6.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 54.000 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=1.600ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.893ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.002; M = 1.67 * M; M = 3618.333; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=9347.181; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.237; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 181 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #03 PASS(UC-0.8) SQC-033 #03: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #03: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 182 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #03: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X87 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x12.25x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 9.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 9.00 kips 63.20 kips 0.14 PASS Plate Shear Yield 9.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.14 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 9.00 kips 48.17 kips 0.19 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 9.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.17 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 183 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 9.00 kips 92.66 kips 0.10 PASS Plate Block Shear 9.00 kips 62.25 kips 0.14 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 9.00 kips 52.85 kips 0.17 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.16 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.20 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 9.00 kips 11.01 kips 0.82 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 9.00 kips 94.19 kips 0.10 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 9.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.09 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 9.00 kips 25.44 kips 0.35 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 9.00 kips 22.41 kips 0.40 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 184 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #03 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=9 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 5.0 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 13.500 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 54.000 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=3.600ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.456ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.002; M = 1.67 * M; M = 8141.250; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=9233.304; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.237; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 185 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #04 PASS(UC-0.5) SQC-033 #04: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #04: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 186 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #04: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X87 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x12.25x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 6.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 6.00 kips 42.79 kips 0.14 PASS Plate Shear Yield 6.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.09 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 6.00 kips 34.75 kips 0.17 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 6.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.11 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 187 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 6.00 kips 71.63 kips 0.08 PASS Plate Block Shear 6.00 kips 62.25 kips 0.10 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 6.00 kips 52.85 kips 0.11 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.07 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.09 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 6.00 kips 11.01 kips 0.55 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 6.00 kips 81.90 kips 0.07 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 6.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.06 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 6.00 kips 25.44 kips 0.24 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 6.00 kips 22.41 kips 0.27 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 188 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #04 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=6 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 4.25 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 9.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 45.900 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=2.824ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.666ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.001; M = 1.67 * M; M = 5427.500; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=6710.646; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.209; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 189 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #05033 #05033 #05033 #05 PASS(UC-0.6)0.6)0.6)0.6) SQC-033 #05: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #05: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 190 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #05: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X87 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x12.25x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 7.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 7.00 kips 63.20 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 7.00 kips 64.80 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 7.00 kips 48.17 kips PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 7.00 kips 52.20 kips PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 191 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 7.00 kips 92.66 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 7.00 kips 62.25 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 7.00 kips 52.85 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield PASS Plate Flexural Rupture PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 7.00 kips 11.01 kips 0.640.640.640.64 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 7.00 kips 94.19 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 7.00 kips 97.41 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 7.00 kips 25.44 kips PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 7.00 kips 22.41 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 192 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #05 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=7 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 5.75 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 10.500 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 62.100 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=2.435ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.752ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.002; M = 1.67 * M; M = 6332.083; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=12313.074; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.262; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 193 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #06033 #06033 #06033 #06 FAIL(UC-1.2)1.2)1.2)1.2) SQC-033 #06: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #06: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 194 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #06: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X79 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X10 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x12.25x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 6.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 6.00 kips 26.83 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 6.00 kips 43.20 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 6.00 kips 19.53 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 6.00 kips 34.80 kips PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 195 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 6.00 kips 49.35 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 6.00 kips 46.05 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 6.00 kips 35.24 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.350.350.350.35 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.440.440.440.44 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 6.00 kips 5.18 kips FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.31 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 2.22 in3 Section modulus of net section a 9.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/5.18 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 6.00 kips 46.41 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 6.00 kips 64.94 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 6.00 kips 13.67 kips 0.440.440.440.44 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 6.00 kips 10.14 kips 0.590.590.590.59 PASS Lambda < 0.7 - won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 196 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #06 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=6 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 4.75 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 9.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 51.300 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=2.526ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.733ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.002; M = 1.67 * M; M = 5427.500; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=8398.205; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.228; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 197 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #07 FAIL(UC-1.4) SQC-033 #07: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #07: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 198 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #07: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X79 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X67 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P1.00x12.25x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 15.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 15.00 kips 102.60 kips 0.15 PASS Plate Shear Yield 15.00 kips 86.40 kips 0.17 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 15.00 kips 80.58 kips 0.19 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 15.00 kips 73.95 kips 0.20 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 199 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 15.00 kips 205.60 kips 0.07 PASS Plate Block Shear 15.00 kips 94.82 kips 0.16 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 15.00 kips 281.89 kips 0.05 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.54 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.60 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 15.00 kips 10.84 kips 1.38 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.15 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.65 in3 Section modulus of net section a 9.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/10.84 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 15.00 kips 74.22 kips 0.20 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 15.00 kips 74.22 kips 0.20 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 15.00 kips 15.63 kips 0.96 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 15.00 kips 15.22 kips 0.99 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 200 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #07 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=15 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 6.0in; t=1 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 22.500 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 129.600 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=2.500ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.739ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.005; M = 1.67 * M; M = 13568.750; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=26803.976; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.135; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 201 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #09033 #09033 #09033 #09 FAIL(UC-0.6)0.6)0.6)0.6) SQC-033 #09: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #09: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 202 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #09: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W8X67 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x10.38x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 4.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.32 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.38 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 203 of 329 01/19/2015 tmax-plate 0.81 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Fail Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 6.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 13.74 in Beam depth kdes 0.73 in Beam fillet Lmin 6.13 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 4.00 kips 63.20 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 4.00 kips 43.20 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 4.00 kips 52.65 kips PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 4.00 kips 34.80 kips PASS Beam Block Shear 4.00 kips 90.94 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 4.00 kips 46.05 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 4.00 kips 61.32 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield PASS Plate Flexural Rupture PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 4.00 kips 6.50 kips 0.620.620.620.62 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 4.00 kips 62.79 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 4.00 kips 64.94 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 4.00 kips 16.70 kips PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 4.00 kips 14.80 kips PASS Third row of bolts used in actual condition Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 204 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #09 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=4 kips; L=4.5 in; A= 4.25in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 6.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 45.900 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=1.882ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.852ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.001; M = 1.67 * M; M = 2505.000; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=6745.603; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.189; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 205 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #10 FAIL(UC-1.2) SQC-033 #10: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #10: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 206 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #10: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W8X67 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x10.38x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 8.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 8.00 kips 42.79 kips 0.19 PASS Plate Shear Yield 8.00 kips 43.20 kips 0.19 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 8.00 kips 38.65 kips 0.21 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 8.00 kips 34.80 kips 0.23 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 207 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 8.00 kips 70.13 kips 0.11 PASS Plate Block Shear 8.00 kips 46.05 kips 0.17 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 8.00 kips 61.32 kips 0.13 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.40 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.51 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 8.00 kips 6.50 kips 1.23 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.30 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 2.22 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.38 in Design eccentricity Rn/6.50 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 8.00 kips 54.60 kips 0.15 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 8.00 kips 64.94 kips 0.12 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 8.00 kips 16.70 kips 0.48 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 8.00 kips 14.80 kips 0.54 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 208 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #10 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=8 kips; L=4.5 in; A= 4.25in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 12.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 45.900 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=3.765ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.405ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.001; M = 1.67 * M; M = 5010.000; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=6661.400; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.189; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 209 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #11033 #11033 #11033 #11 FAIL(UC-0.6)0.6)0.6)0.6) SQC-033 #11: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #11: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 210 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #11: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W8X67 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x10.38x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 4.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.32 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.38 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 211 of 329 01/19/2015 tmax-plate 0.81 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Fail Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 6.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 13.74 in Beam depth kdes 0.73 in Beam fillet Lmin 6.13 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 4.00 kips 63.20 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 4.00 kips 43.20 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 4.00 kips 52.65 kips PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 4.00 kips 34.80 kips PASS Beam Block Shear 4.00 kips 90.94 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 4.00 kips 46.05 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 4.00 kips 61.32 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield PASS Plate Flexural Rupture PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 4.00 kips 6.50 kips 0.620.620.620.62 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 4.00 kips 62.79 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 4.00 kips 64.94 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 4.00 kips 16.70 kips PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 4.00 kips 14.80 kips PASS Third row of bolts provided in detailed connection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 212 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #11 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=6 kips; L=4.5 in; A= 5.75in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 9.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 62.100 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=2.087ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.818ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.002; M = 1.67 * M; M = 3757.500; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=12335.779; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.226; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 213 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #13033 #13033 #13033 #13 PASS(UC-0.5)0.5)0.5)0.5) SQC-033 #13: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #13: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 214 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #13: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X106 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P1.00x12.38x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 10.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 10.00 kips 63.20 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 10.00 kips 129.60 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 10.00 kips 48.17 kips PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 10.00 kips 104.40 kips PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 215 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 10.00 kips 95.25 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 10.00 kips 124.50 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 10.00 kips 409.51 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield PASS Plate Flexural Rupture PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 10.00 kips 21.72 kips 0.460.460.460.46 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 10.00 kips 94.19 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 10.00 kips 97.41 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 10.00 kips 25.14 kips 0.400.400.400.40 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 10.00 kips 33.20 kips 0.300.300.300.30 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 216 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #14 PASS(UC-0.8) SQC-033 #14: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #14: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 217 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #14: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X58 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x11.38x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 10.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 10.00 kips 63.20 kips 0.16 PASS Plate Shear Yield 10.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.15 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 10.00 kips 48.17 kips 0.21 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 10.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.19 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 218 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 10.00 kips 95.25 kips 0.10 PASS Plate Block Shear 10.00 kips 62.25 kips 0.16 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 10.00 kips 67.16 kips 0.15 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.17 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.21 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 10.00 kips 12.15 kips 0.82 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 10.00 kips 94.19 kips 0.11 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 10.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.10 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 10.00 kips 27.72 kips 0.36 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 10.00 kips 28.82 kips 0.35 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 219 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-033 #14 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=7 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 5.75in; t=1 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 10.500 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 124.200 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=1.217ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.938ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.005; M = 1.67 * M; M = 6332.083; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=24754.304; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.131; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 220 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-033 #18 FAIL(UC-1.2) SQC-033 #18: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-033 #18: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 221 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-033 #18: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X87 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X21 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x12.38x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 6.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 6.00 kips 41.40 kips 0.14 PASS Plate Shear Yield 6.00 kips 43.20 kips 0.14 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 6.00 kips 30.61 kips 0.20 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 6.00 kips 34.80 kips 0.17 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 222 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 6.00 kips 86.81 kips 0.07 PASS Plate Block Shear 6.00 kips 46.05 kips 0.13 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 6.00 kips 34.13 kips 0.18 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.36 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.45 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 6.00 kips 5.11 kips 1.17 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.31 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 2.22 in3 Section modulus of net section a 9.38 in Design eccentricity Rn/5.11 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 6.00 kips 64.94 kips 0.09 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 6.00 kips 64.94 kips 0.09 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 6.00 kips 13.51 kips 0.44 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 6.00 kips 11.75 kips 0.51 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 223 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/7/2015 Job no. 14.0430.S.01 Subject SQC-033 #18 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=6 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 4.75in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 9.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 51.300 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=2.526ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.733ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.002; M = 1.67 * M; M = 5427.500; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=8398.205; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.228; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 224 of 329 01/19/2015 SQC-034 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-034 regarding the connections for the lowered beams on lot #6. In the email below we received ZMI comments regarding our suggestion for the beam to beam connections at locations where the difference in the beam elevations is significant (6”) (see attached PDF). We have incorporated these comments, please see the attached page SQC-034-A and refer to the suggestions below: 1) W12x14 with 1kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-034- B) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=5 1/8”, A=4 3/4”). Please note that this configuration is only slightly different than the one described in SQC-005, item #10. Acceptable by inspection 2) W12x14 with 1kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-034- B) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=7 7/8”, A=4 5/16”). Please note that this configuration is only slightly different than the one described in SQC-005, item #10. Acceptable by inspection 3) W14x22 with 8kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-034- B) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=7 7/8”, A=5 13/16”). Please note that this configuration is only slightly different than the one described in SQC-017, item #2. OK as shown with ½” plate. 4) W14x22 with 8kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-034- B) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=7 7/8”, A=5 13/16”). Please note that this configuration is only slightly different than the one described in SQC-017, item #2. Same as #3 5) W21x101 with 113kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC- 034-C) with (2) columns and (6) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts, and 3/4” extended shear plate (G=9 1/16”). Please note that the model section view shown on SQC -034-C is our standard detail for this type of connection. It does not reflect the suggested quantity of bolts, only the general design intent. We can’t make a reasonable extended single plate work here do to the combination of high load and significant eccentricity. See attached sketch. 6) W12x14 with 8kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC-034- B) with (2) columns and (2) rows of 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=7 7/8”, A=4 5/16”). Please note that this configuration is only slightly differen t than the one described in SQC-017, item #2. OK as shown with 5/8” plate and 3/8” 2-sided fillet welds. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 225 of 329 01/19/2015 Please confirm that the suggested connections are sufficient to transfer the beam reactions. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 226 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.02-A SQC-034-A #1 W12x14 BEAM #2 W12x14 BEAM #3 W14x22 BEAM #4 W14x22 BEAM #5 W21x101 BEAM #6 W12x14 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 227 of 329 01/19/2015 MODEL SECTION VIEW - OPTION #1 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS WF BEAM WF BEAM G A 3" TYP. 3" TYP. SQC-034-B 5/16 5/16 2 SIDES Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 228 of 329 01/19/2015 MODEL SECTION VIEW - OPTION #2 3" TYP. 3" TYP. G 1/2" PLATE, 6" LONG 3/4" SHEAR PLATE WF BEAM WF BEAM 3/4" DIA A490X BOLTS SQC-034-C 5/16 5/16 2 SIDES 5/16 5/16 2 SIDES 3/16 3/16 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 229 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/14/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430.S.01 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-034 #03034 #03034 #03034 #03 PASS(UC-0.7)0.7)0.7)0.7) SQC-034 #03: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-034 #03: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 230 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-034 #03: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W21X101 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x12.50x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 8.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.00 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.23 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) See TEDDS calculations for reduced depth portion of plate Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 231 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.25 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.50 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.25 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 0.88 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.17 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.84 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 13.74 in Beam depth kdes 0.73 in Beam fillet Lmin 6.13 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 8.00 kips 44.39 kips PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.22 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/44.39 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 8.00 kips 64.80 kips PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/64.80 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 8.00 kips 29.83 kips PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.53 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/29.83 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 8.00 kips 52.20 kips PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/52.20 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 8.00 kips 33.64 kips PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 1.73 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.15 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.69 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/33.64 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 232 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 8.00 kips 62.25 kips PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.50 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.50 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/62.25 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 8.00 kips 49.60 kips PASS Rn = 1.500 * = 1.500 * = 1.500 * = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3333) / a2222)= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 8.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2222 + P2222) 8.00 kips Resultant shear force a 8.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/49.60 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield PASS (Vr/Vc)2222 + (Mr/Mc)2222 <= 1<= 1<= 1<= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 8.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 4.50 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 10.13 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 64.80 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 9.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 4.59 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 76.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 218.26 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.14 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture PASS (Vr/Vc)2222 + (Mr/Mc)2222 <= 1<= 1<= 1<= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 8.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.00 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 7.00 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 52.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 9.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 4.59 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 76.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 203.00 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.16 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 8.00 kips 10.72 kips 0.750.750.750.75 PASS Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.43 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 233 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.72 in3 Section modulus of net section a 9.50 in Design eccentricity Rn/10.72 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 8.00 kips 18.13 kips 0.440.440.440.44 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 5.52 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 9.89 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 37.39 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 6.77 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.65 in Overal depth of coped section yc 3.99 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/18.13 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Local Web Buckling 8.00 kips 16.70 kips 0.480.480.480.48 PASS Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-7) Fcr 90.73 ksi Available buckling Fcr=2*E*(tw/ho)2*f*k /(12*(1- v2)) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 5.52 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 9.89 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.23 in Beam web thickness ho 9.65 in Reduced beam depth v 0.30 Poisson's ratio f 0.49 Plate buckling model adjustment factor k 12.33 Plate buckling coefficient Rn/16.70 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 8.00 kips 81.29 kips PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 18.50 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 31.40 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 31.40 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 18.50 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 37.00 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/81.29 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 8.00 kips 97.41 kips PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 234 of 329 01/19/2015 Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.90 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 35.89 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 8.00 kips 24.85 kips 0.320.320.320.32 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.26 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/24.85 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.26 Coefficient (1.5305 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 3.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 9.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.14 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 8.00 kips 21.85 kips 0.370.370.370.37 PASS Rn = C1111 * * C * D16161616 * L = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 Double Fillet C1111 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 1.00 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.21 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16161616 4.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/21.85 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 235 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/13/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-034 #03 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=8 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 5.5 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 12.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 59.400 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=2.909ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.646ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.002; M = 1.67 * M; M = 7236.667; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=11232.089; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.254; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 236 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/14/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430.S.01 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-034 #05 -double angles FAIL(UC-1.9) SQC-034 #05 - double angles: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-034 #05 -double angles: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 237 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-034 #05 -double angles: ASD Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection See hand calculations for doubler plate and welds Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 238 of 329 01/19/2015 Results Report Material Properties: Girder W14X99 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W21X101 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 80.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 2.50 in Max bolt spacing t 0.38 in Thickness of governing element (Angle) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.50 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 2.50 in Max bolt spacing t 0.38 in Thickness of governing element (Angle) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass Condition: t <= 5/8'' t 0.38 in Connector thickness Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 10.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 21.36 in Beam depth kdes 1.30 in Beam fillet Lmin 9.38 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 80.00 kips 114.00 kips 0.70 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 5.70 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/114.00 kips Shear yield strength Clip Angle Shear Yield 80.00 kips 108.00 kips 0.74 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 3.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/108.00 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 80.00 kips 77.03 kips 1.04 FAIL OK by inspection with doubler plates Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 239 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.95 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/77.03 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 80.00 kips 84.83 kips 0.94 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 2.44 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/84.83 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 80.00 kips 84.83 kips 0.94 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 2.44 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/84.83 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 80.00 kips 93.98 kips 0.85 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.28 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.13 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.40 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/93.98 kips Block shear strength Beam Block Shear 80.00 kips 86.89 kips 0.92 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 4.68 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 3.15 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.78 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/86.89 kips Block shear strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 80.00 kips 93.98 kips 0.85 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.28 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.13 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.40 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/93.98 kips Block shear strength Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 80.00 kips 46.68 kips 1.71 FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 10.83 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 7.54 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 61.73 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 5.70 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- OK by inspection with doubler plates Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 240 of 329 01/19/2015 yc ho 11.40 in Overal depth of coped section yc 3.60 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/46.68 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 80.00 kips 43.00 kips 1.86 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 530.58 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 10.83 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 7.54 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.50 in Beam web thickness ho 11.40 in Reduced beam depth c 7.04 in Cope length fd 3.02 Adjustment factor Rn/43.00 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Girder 80.00 kips 148.44 kips 0.54 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 1.69 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 56.74 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 63.84 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/148.44 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 80.00 kips 133.35 kips 0.60 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.84 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.69 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 22.02 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 39.15 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 22.02 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 44.04 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/133.35 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Beam 80.00 kips 116.29 kips 0.69 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter OK by inspection with doubler plates Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 241 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.46 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.69 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 57.09 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 58.50 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 58.50 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 57.09 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 65.81 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 74.22 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=2*Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/116.29 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 80.00 kips 133.35 kips 0.60 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.84 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.69 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 22.02 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 39.15 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 22.02 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 44.04 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/133.35 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Girder 80.00 kips 148.44 kips 0.54 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 4 Number of bolts C 1.00 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/148.44 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Shear at Beam 80.00 kips 104.42 kips 0.77 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 4 Number of bolts C 0.70 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/104.42 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.700.700.700.70 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.70 Coefficient (2.8139 / 4) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row Dx 0.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 2.50 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 242 of 329 01/19/2015 ICx -2.63 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Bolt Prying PASS (AISC 14th p.9-10) Check Angle Leg Thickness:Fail Condition: tmin<=tangle Check Prying Force:Pass tangle 0.38 in Clip angle leg thickness P 0.00 kips User input axial load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material nb 8 Number of bolts Tbolt 11.25 kips Tension Load per bolt due to moment (See 'BoltTension Check') db 0.75 in Bolt diameter dhole 0.81 in Bolt hole diameter b'1.25 in Distance from the inner edge of the bolt hole to the face of the stem, b' = (b - db / 2) p 2.50 in Length of flange tributary to each bolt along the longitudinal axis of the angle T 11.25 kips Total tension force with moment, T = Tbolt + (P/ nb) tmin 0.80 in Minimum thickness required to eliminate prying action, tmin = (* 4 * T * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 a 1.50 in Distance from bolt centerline to the outer edge of the leg b 1.63 in Distance from bolt centerline to the face of the stem a'1.88 in Distance from inner edge of bolt hole to the outer edge of the leg, a' = (a + db / 2) <= (1.25 * b + db / 2) 0.67 Ratio of b' to a', = b' / a' 0.68 Ratio of the net area at the bolt line to the gross area at the face of the stem, = 1 - dhole/ p B 24.96 kips Total tensile capacity per bolt, B = Ab * Fnt / , = 2.0 tc 1.20 in Flange thickness required to develop the available strength of the bolt without prying action, tc = (* 4 * B * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 5.34 Ratio of moment at bolt line to moment at stem line, = max[1/[T/B (tc/t) 2 - 1, 0] q 5.87 kips Factored prying force per bolt, q = B [(t/tc)2] Tu 17.12 kips Total tension on the bolt including the prying force, Tu = T + q Bolt Tension at Girder 17.12 kips 19.00 kips 0.90 PASS Rn = F'nt * Ab = 2.00 (J3-2) Check User Note Limit:frt/(Fnt/) <= 0.3 frt 25.46 ksi Required tensile stress = (Tbolt-P/nb)/Ab Fnt 113.00 ksi Nominal tensile stress, per Table J3.2 Because frt/(Fnt/) > 0.3, the Bolt Tensile Check is required Check Interaction Limit:frv/(Fnv/) <= 0.3 frv 22.64 ksi Required shear stress: frv = (V / nb) / Ab Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress, per Table J3.2 Because frv/(Fnv/) > 0.3, this check shall use the modified F'nt stress F'nt 86.00 ksi Modified nominal tensile stress = min(1.3*Fnt-( *Fnt/Fnv)*frv), Fnt) V 80.00 kips User input shear load P 0.00 kips User input axial load Ab 0.44 in2 Bolt cross sectional area Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 243 of 329 01/19/2015 nb 8 Number of bolts Tbolt 11.25 kips Max tension load per bolt due to eccentricity = 0.5 * (6*Me/(b*d2))*At*k_eff Me 200.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = (V * ex) - (P * ey) ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 0.08 in Vertical eccentricity b 3.50 in Connector width d 10.00 in Connector depth At 8.75 in2 Maximum tributary area per bolt k_eff 0.75 Coefficient correction factor Tu 17.12 kips Required tensile strength including prying (see 'Bolt Prying' check) Rn/19.00 kips Bolt tensile strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 244 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 245 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 246 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/14/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-034 #05 By ERS Sheet 1 of 2 See RISA Connection for Remaining Limit States; Load; P=113 kips; Beam Web; tw=0.5 in; Beam Height; hb=11 in; Plate Thickness; tp = 0.625 in; Plate Height; hp = 11 in; End of Plate Location; L=13 in; End of Beam Location; G=7.75 in; Doubler sides; nd = 2; Plate Material; Fyp = 50 ksi; Load Distribution; Kp = tp * hp3; Kp = 0.040; Kb = tw * hb3; Kb = 0.032; = Kp / (nd * Kp + Kb); = 0.357; Pdp = * P; Pdp = 40.4 kips; Weld Geometry; Ret = L – G; Ret = 5.250 in; A = hp + 2Ret; A = 21.50 in; cgw = Ret2 / A; cgw = 1.282 in; ex = L – cgw; ex = 11.718 in; Elastic Design Approach; Ix = hp3/12 + Ret*hp2/2; Ix = 428.542 in3; Iy = hp*cgw2 + 2*Ret*(Ret/2-cgw)2; Iy = 37.017 in3; Ip = Ix + Iy; Ip = 465.559 in3; C = ((Ret-cgw)2 + hp2/4); C = 6.782 in; Rp = Pdp / A; Rp = 1.877 kips/in; Rm = Pdp*ex*C / Ip; Rm = 6.889 kips/in; Rnweld = 0.928 kips/in; De = (Rp + Rm) / Rnweld; De =9.45; Instantaneous Center Approach; k = Ret / hp; k = 0.477; a = ex / hp; a = 1.065; C1 = 1.51; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 247 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/14/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-034 #05 By ERS Sheet 2 of 2 DIC = 0.002*Pdp/(C1*hp)/12; DIC = 4.86; Plate Capacity; V = 1.67 * Pdp; V = 67.4 kips; M = 1.67 * Pdp * ex; M = 790 kip_in; Vn = 0.6 * Fyp * tp * hp; Vn = 206.3 kips; Mn = Fyp * tp * hp2 /4; Mn = 945 kip_in; Mmax = (1-(V/Vn)2) * Mn; Mmax = 893 kip_in; Lmax = Mmax / V; Lmax = 13.256 in; Plate Buckling; =hp*Fyp/1000) / (120*(tw+tp)*(475+280*(hp/G)2)); =0.214; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 248 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/14/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430.S.01 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-034 #06034 #06034 #06034 #06 PASS(UC-0.7)0.7)0.7)0.7) SQC-034 #06: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-034 #06: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 249 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-034 #06: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W21X101 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x12.50x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 8.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.00 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.20 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) See TEDDS calculations for reduced-depth portion of plate Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 250 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.25 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.50 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.25 in Weld size Lmin 9.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 0.88 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.17 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.84 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 9.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 11.91 in Beam depth kdes 0.53 in Beam fillet Lmin 5.43 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 8.00 kips 33.81 kips PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 1.88 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-3) Rn/33.81 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 8.00 kips 64.80 kips PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/64.80 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 8.00 kips 25.00 kips 0.320.320.320.32 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.28 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/25.00 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 8.00 kips 52.20 kips PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/52.20 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 8.00 kips 29.25 kips PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 1.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.00 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.60 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/29.25 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 251 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 8.00 kips 62.25 kips PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.50 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.50 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/62.25 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 8.00 kips 49.60 kips PASS Rn = 1.500 * = 1.500 * = 1.500 * = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3333) / a2222)= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 8.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2222 + P2222) 8.00 kips Resultant shear force a 8.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.50 in Thickness of plate L 9.00 in Depth of plate Rn/49.60 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield PASS (Vr/Vc)2222 + (Mr/Mc)2222 <= 1<= 1<= 1<= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 8.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 4.50 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 10.13 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 64.80 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 9.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 4.68 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 76.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 218.26 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.14 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture PASS (Vr/Vc)2222 + (Mr/Mc)2222 <= 1<= 1<= 1<= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 8.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 3.00 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 7.00 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 52.20 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 9.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 4.68 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 76.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 203.00 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.16 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 8.00 kips 10.72 kips 0.750.750.750.75 PASS Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.43 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 252 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.72 in3 Section modulus of net section a 9.50 in Design eccentricity Rn/10.72 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 8.00 kips 14.05 kips 0.570.570.570.57 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 4.28 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 9.89 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 26.22 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 6.13 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.41 in Overal depth of coped section yc 2.68 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/14.05 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Local Web Buckling 8.00 kips 12.94 kips 0.620.620.620.62 PASS Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-7) Fcr 79.85 ksi Available buckling Fcr=2*E*(tw/ho)2*f*k /(12*(1- v2)) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 4.28 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 9.89 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.20 in Beam web thickness ho 9.41 in Reduced beam depth v 0.30 Poisson's ratio f 0.57 Plate buckling model adjustment factor k 11.83 Plate buckling coefficient Rn/12.94 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 8.00 kips 70.69 kips PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 16.09 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 27.30 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 27.30 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 16.09 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 32.17 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/70.69 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 8.00 kips 97.41 kips PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 253 of 329 01/19/2015 Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 32.47 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 60.90 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 35.89 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/97.41 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 8.00 kips 24.85 kips 0.320.320.320.32 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 6 Number of bolts C 0.26 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/24.85 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.26 Coefficient (1.5305 / 6) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 3.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 9.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.14 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Girder Weld Strength 8.00 kips 21.85 kips 0.370.370.370.37 PASS Rn = C1111 * * C * D16161616 * L = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 Double Fillet C1111 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 1.00 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 1.21 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16161616 4.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 9.00 in Weld length per side Rn/21.85 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 254 of 329 01/19/2015 SQC-035 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-035 regarding changing the bolts in the moment connection at grids 15.3/A2. At grids 15.3/A2 structural plan S2.02-A shows a moment connection between the W16x100 and W16x26 beams and calls out section 1/S5.4 (see attached page SQC-035- A). According to this section we should use a double angle connection between the W16 beams and the adjacent W12x101 beam (see attached page SQC-035-B). According to the double angle connection schedule we should use at least (3) 7/8” DIA A325 bolts for the W16 beam’s profile. However, due to the cut out in the W16 beams we are not able to accommodate (3) rows of 7/8” DIA bolts. We suggest decreasing the spacing of the bolts from the typical 3” to 2 ¼” and using ¾” DIA A490x bolts instead of 7/8” DIA bolts (see attached page SQC-035-C). Connection is acceptable as described if vertical spacing between bolts of 2.375” is used. This is required to get enough connection length for erection stability. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 255 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 256 of 329 01/19/2015 REF:S2.02-A SQC-035-A AA Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 257 of 329 01/19/2015 REF:1/S5.4 SQC-035-B Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 258 of 329 01/19/2015 SECTION A-A SQC-035-C A2 W16X100 BEAM W16X26 BEAM L4X4X3/8 ANGLE W/ (3) 3/4" DIA A490X BOLTS W12x101 BEAM 1 1/4" 2 1/4" Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 259 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/14/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-035 035 035 035 - Left Beam PASS(UC-0.7)0.7)0.7)0.7) SQC-035 035 035 035 -Right Beam PASS(UC-0.8)0.8)0.8)0.8) SQC-035 035 035 035 - Left Beam: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-035 035 035 035 - Left Beam: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 260 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-035 035 035 035 -Left Beam: ASD Results Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 261 of 329 01/19/2015 Report Material Properties: Girder W21X101 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W16X26 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 16.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.38 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 2.38 in Max bolt spacing t 0.25 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.38 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 2.38 in Max bolt spacing t 0.38 in Thickness of governing element (Angle) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass Condition: t <= 5/8'' t 0.38 in Connector thickness Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 7.25 in Connector length (vertical) d 15.69 in Beam depth kdes 0.75 in Beam fillet Lmin 7.10 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 16.00 kips 37.68 kips 0.420.420.420.42 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.10 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-3) Rn/37.68 kips Shear yield strength Clip Angle Shear Yield 16.00 kips 78.30 kips PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.72 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/78.30 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 16.00 kips 28.10 kips 0.570.570.570.57 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 262 of 329 01/19/2015 Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.44 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/28.10 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 16.00 kips 60.36 kips PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.73 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/60.36 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 16.00 kips 60.36 kips PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.73 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/60.36 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 16.00 kips 71.71 kips PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 2.25 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.43 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.40 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/71.71 kips Block shear strength Beam Block Shear 16.00 kips 31.28 kips 0.510.510.510.51 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 1.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 0.95 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.39 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/31.28 kips Block shear strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 16.00 kips 71.71 kips PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 2.25 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.43 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.40 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/71.71 kips Block shear strength Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 16.00 kips 23.53 kips 0.680.680.680.68 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 4.63 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.39 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 28.05 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 6.06 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 263 of 329 01/19/2015 yc ho 8.39 in Overal depth of coped section yc 5.51 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/23.53 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Local Web Buckling 16.00 kips 21.67 kips 0.740.740.740.74 PASS Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-7) Fcr 68.87 ksi Available buckling Fcr=2*E*(tw/ho)2*f*k /(12*(1- v2)) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 4.63 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.39 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.25 in Beam web thickness ho 8.39 in Reduced beam depth v 0.30 Poisson's ratio f 0.75 Plate buckling model adjustment factor k 3.94 Plate buckling coefficient Rn/21.67 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Girder 16.00 kips 111.33 kips PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 1.56 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 58.50 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 60.94 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 16.00 kips 96.24 kips PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.84 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.56 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 22.02 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 39.15 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 22.02 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 40.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/96.24 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Beam 16.00 kips 37.48 kips 0.430.430.430.43 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 264 of 329 01/19/2015 Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.84 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.56 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 16.45 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 29.25 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 29.25 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 16.45 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 30.47 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 74.22 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=2*Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/37.48 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 16.00 kips 96.24 kips PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.84 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.56 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 22.02 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 39.15 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 22.02 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 40.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/96.24 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Girder 16.00 kips 111.33 kips PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 3 Number of bolts C 1.00 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/111.33 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Shear at Beam 16.00 kips 62.73 kips PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 3 Number of bolts C 0.56 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/62.73 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.560.560.560.56 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.56 Coefficient (1.6903 / 3) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 0.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 2.38 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 265 of 329 01/19/2015 Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -1.11 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Bolt Prying PASS (AISC 14th p.9-10) Check Angle Leg Thickness:Fail Condition: tmin<=tangle Check Prying Force:Pass tangle 0.38 in Clip angle leg thickness P 0.00 kips User input axial load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material nb 6 Number of bolts Tbolt 3.65 kips Tension Load per bolt due to moment (See 'BoltTension Check') db 0.75 in Bolt diameter dhole 0.81 in Bolt hole diameter b'1.25 in Distance from the inner edge of the bolt hole to the face of the stem, b' = (b - db / 2) p 2.38 in Length of flange tributary to each bolt along the longitudinal axis of the angle T 3.65 kips Total tension force with moment, T = Tbolt + (P/ nb) tmin 0.47 in Minimum thickness required to eliminate prying action, tmin = (* 4 * T * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 a 1.50 in Distance from bolt centerline to the outer edge of the leg b 1.63 in Distance from bolt centerline to the face of the stem a'1.87 in Distance from inner edge of bolt hole to the outer edge of the leg, a' = (a + db / 2) <= (1.25 * b + db / 2) 0.67 Ratio of b' to a', = b' / a' 0.66 Ratio of the net area at the bolt line to the gross area at the face of the stem, = 1 - dhole/ p B 24.96 kips Total tensile capacity per bolt, B = Ab * Fnt / , = 2.0 tc 1.23 in Flange thickness required to develop the available strength of the bolt without prying action, tc = (* 4 * B * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 0.87 Ratio of moment at bolt line to moment at stem line, = max[1/[T/B (tc/t) 2 - 1, 0] q 0.88 kips Factored prying force per bolt, q = B [(t/tc)2] Tu 4.53 kips Total tension on the bolt including the prying force, Tu = T + q Bolt Tension at Girder N/A Rn = Fnt * Ab = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-2) Check User Note Limit:frt/(Fnt/) <= 0.3) <= 0.3) <= 0.3) <= 0.3 frt 8.25 ksi Required tensile stress = (Tbolt-P/nb)/Ab Fnt 113.00 ksi Nominal tensile stress, per Table J3.2 Because frt/(Fnt/) <= 0.3, the Bolt Tensile Check is not required V 16.00 kips User input shear load P 0.00 kips User input axial load Ab 0.44 in2 Bolt cross sectional area nb 6 Number of bolts Tbolt 3.65 kips Max tension load per bolt due to eccentricity = 0.5 * (6*Me/(b*d2))*At*k_eff Me 40.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = (V * ex) - (P * ey) ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 266 of 329 01/19/2015 ey 5.75 in Vertical eccentricity b 3.50 in Connector width d 7.25 in Connector depth At 8.53 in2 Maximum tributary area per bolt k_eff 0.66 Coefficient correction factor SQC-035 035 035 035 - Right Beam: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-035 035 035 035 -Right Beam: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Side view Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 267 of 329 01/19/2015 Front view ASDSQC-035 035 035 035 - Right Beam: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 268 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W21X101 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W16X100 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 51.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.38 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 2.38 in Max bolt spacing t 0.38 in Thickness of governing element (Angle) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 2.38 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 2.38 in Max bolt spacing t 0.38 in Thickness of governing element (Angle) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass Condition: t <= 5/8'' t 0.38 in Connector thickness Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 7.25 in Connector length (vertical) d 16.97 in Beam depth kdes 1.69 in Beam fillet Lmin 6.79 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 51.00 kips 113.14 kips 0.450.450.450.45 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 5.66 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/113.14 kips Shear yield strength Clip Angle Shear Yield 51.00 kips 78.30 kips 0.650.650.650.65 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50= 1.50= 1.50= 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 2.72 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/78.30 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 51.00 kips 80.37 kips 0.630.630.630.63 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 269 of 329 01/19/2015 Anv 4.12 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/80.37 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 51.00 kips 60.36 kips 0.840.840.840.84 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.73 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/60.36 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 51.00 kips 60.36 kips 0.840.840.840.84 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0= 2.0= 2.0= 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 1.73 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/60.36 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 51.00 kips 71.71 kips 0.710.710.710.71 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 2.25 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.43 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.40 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/71.71 kips Block shear strength Beam Block Shear 51.00 kips 73.20 kips 0.700.700.700.70 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.51 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.23 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.91 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/73.20 kips Block shear strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 51.00 kips 71.71 kips 0.710.710.710.71 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 2.25 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 1.43 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.40 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/71.71 kips Block shear strength Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 51.00 kips 75.27 kips 0.680.680.680.68 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 14.81 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.39 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 112.23 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 7.58 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.67 in Overal depth of coped section Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 270 of 329 01/19/2015 yc 6.39 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/75.27 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Local Web Buckling 51.00 kips 69.34 kips 0.740.740.740.74 PASS Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-7) Fcr 331.78 ksi Available buckling Fcr=2*E*(tw/ho)2*f*k /(12*(1- v2)) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 14.81 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.39 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.58 in Beam web thickness ho 9.67 in Reduced beam depth v 0.30 Poisson's ratio f 0.69 Plate buckling model adjustment factor k 4.98 Plate buckling coefficient Rn/69.34 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Girder 51.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.460.460.460.46 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 1.56 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 58.50 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 60.94 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/111.33 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 51.00 kips 96.24 kips 0.530.530.530.53 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.84 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.56 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 22.02 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 39.15 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 22.02 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 40.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/96.24 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Beam 51.00 kips 87.70 kips 0.580.580.580.58 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 271 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.84 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.56 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 38.50 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 68.44 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 68.44 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 38.50 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.30 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 74.22 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=2*Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/87.70 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 51.00 kips 96.24 kips 0.530.530.530.53 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)*1)*1)*1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.84 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 1.56 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 22.02 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 39.15 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 22.02 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 40.78 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/96.24 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Girder 51.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.460.460.460.46 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 3 Number of bolts C 1.00 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/111.33 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Shear at Beam 51.00 kips 62.73 kips 0.810.810.810.81 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 3 Number of bolts C 0.56 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/62.73 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.560.560.560.56 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.56 Coefficient (1.6903 / 3) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 3 Number of bolts per row Dx 0.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 2.38 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 272 of 329 01/19/2015 ICx -1.11 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Bolt Prying PASS (AISC 14th p.9-10) Check Angle Leg Thickness:Fail Condition: tmin<=tangle Check Prying Force:Pass tangle 0.38 in Clip angle leg thickness P 0.00 kips User input axial load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material nb 6 Number of bolts Tbolt 11.62 kips Tension Load per bolt due to moment (See 'BoltTension Check') db 0.75 in Bolt diameter dhole 0.81 in Bolt hole diameter b'1.25 in Distance from the inner edge of the bolt hole to the face of the stem, b' = (b - db / 2) p 2.38 in Length of flange tributary to each bolt along the longitudinal axis of the angle T 11.62 kips Total tension force with moment, T = Tbolt + (P/ nb) tmin 0.84 in Minimum thickness required to eliminate prying action, tmin = (* 4 * T * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 a 1.50 in Distance from bolt centerline to the outer edge of the leg b 1.62 in Distance from bolt centerline to the face of the stem a'1.87 in Distance from inner edge of bolt hole to the outer edge of the leg, a' = (a + db / 2) <= (1.25 * b + db / 2) 0.67 Ratio of b' to a', = b' / a' 0.66 Ratio of the net area at the bolt line to the gross area at the face of the stem, = 1 - dhole/ p B 24.96 kips Total tensile capacity per bolt, B = Ab * Fnt / , = 2.0 tc 1.23 in Flange thickness required to develop the available strength of the bolt without prying action, tc = (* 4 * B * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 6.09 Ratio of moment at bolt line to moment at stem line, = max[1/[T/B (tc/t) 2 - 1, 0] q 6.20 kips Factored prying force per bolt, q = B [(t/tc)2] Tu 17.82 kips Total tension on the bolt including the prying force, Tu = T + q Bolt Tension at Girder 17.82 kips 21.01 kips 0.850.850.850.85 PASS Rn = F'nt * Ab = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (J3-2) Check User Note Limit:frt/(Fnt/) <= 0.3) <= 0.3) <= 0.3) <= 0.3 frt 26.31 ksi Required tensile stress = (Tbolt-P/nb)/Ab Fnt 113.00 ksi Nominal tensile stress, per Table J3.2 Because frt/(Fnt/) > 0.3, the Bolt Tensile Check is required Check Interaction Limit:frv/(Fnv/) <= 0.3) <= 0.3) <= 0.3) <= 0.3 frv 19.24 ksi Required shear stress: frv = (V / nb) / Ab Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress, per Table J3.2 Because frv/(Fnv/) > 0.3, this check shall use the modified F'nt stress F'nt 95.14 ksi Modified nominal tensile stress = min(1.3*Fnt-( *Fnt/Fnv)*frv), Fnt) V 51.00 kips User input shear load P 0.00 kips User input axial load Ab 0.44 in2 Bolt cross sectional area Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 273 of 329 01/19/2015 nb 6 Number of bolts Tbolt 11.62 kips Max tension load per bolt due to eccentricity = 0.5 * (6*Me/(b*d2))*At*k_eff Me 127.50 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = (V * ex) - (P * ey) ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 5.75 in Vertical eccentricity b 3.50 in Connector width d 7.25 in Connector depth At 8.53 in2 Maximum tributary area per bolt k_eff 0.66 Coefficient correction factor Tu 17.82 kips Required tensile strength including prying (see 'Bolt Prying' check) Rn/21.01 kips Bolt tensile strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 274 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.02-A SQC-036-A #1 W16x40 BEAM #2 W21x166 BEAM #3 W21x166 BEAM #4 W21x44 BEAM #5 W18x35 BEAM #6 W24x131 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 275 of 329 01/19/2015 SQC-036 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-036 regarding beam reactions which are greater than the capacities of the provided connections – Lot #6. There are several beams with reactions which exceed the capacities of the connections given in the received schedules on lot #6. Please see attached page SQC -036-A: #1 W16x40 beam with 80kips reaction (per item #3B below). We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (4) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top 5 ¾” cope with 14 1/4” web height below the cope. The beam section does not have sufficient shear capacity once you cope it and put even just (2) bolts holes in it. See attached sketch for connection with doubler plate. #2 W21x166 beam with 148kips reaction connected between the stiffener plates for the column above (8 5/8” space between the stiffeners). We suggest using double angle connection (L4x3½x1/2) with (5) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top 5 1/2” cope with 15” web height below the cope. Proposed connection OK; use 1.5” above/below top and bottom bolts. #3 W21x166 beam with 147kips reaction. We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (6) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top 5” cope with 20 1/4” web height between the copes. Use standard double angle connection with 7/8”Ø A325N bolts. #4 W21x44 beam with 105kips reaction (per item #2C below). We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (6) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top 7 1/8” cope with 18 7/8” web height below the cope. The beam section does not have sufficient shear capacity once you cope it and put even just (2) bolts holes in it. Since this is a short beam, does it make sense to upsize it to a W21x68 instead of trying to add a doubler plate? #5 W18x35 beam with 70kips reaction (per item #1C below). We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (5) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top 7 1/8” cope with 16” web height below the cope. Use standard L4x3½x3/8 angles with (4) 7/8”Ø A325N bolts with 4” vertical spacing. Locate top of connection angle 2” from top of W18x35. #6 W24x131 beam with 371kips reaction. We suggest using double angle connection (L8x8x1/2) with (2) columns and (7) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top and bottom 6” copes with 1’-9” web height between the copes. The 371 kip reaction exceeds the capacity of the W24x131 by 32%. We agree with how you read the load path. Please advise if the capacities of the connections suggested above are sufficient to transfer the beam reactions. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 276 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/14/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-036 #01 FAIL(UC-1.4) SQC-036 #01: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-036 #01: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 277 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-036 #01: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 278 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W21X147 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W16X40 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 80.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.00 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.30 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.00 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.38 in Thickness of governing element (Angle) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass Condition: t <= 5/8'' t 0.38 in Connector thickness Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 11.50 in Connector length (vertical) d 16.01 in Beam depth kdes 0.91 in Beam fillet Lmin 7.10 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 80.00 kips 87.60 kips 0.91 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.38 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/87.60 kips Shear yield strength Clip Angle Shear Yield 80.00 kips 124.20 kips 0.64 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.31 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/124.20 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 80.00 kips 61.62 kips 1.30 FAIL Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material OK for 35.6 kip reaction by inspection. For coped section, beam web takes 35.6 kips per TEDDS calculation. Remainder goes to doubler plate. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 279 of 329 01/19/2015 Anv 3.16 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/61.62 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 80.00 kips 97.87 kips 0.82 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 2.81 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/97.87 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 80.00 kips 97.87 kips 0.82 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 2.81 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/97.87 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 80.00 kips 104.77 kips 0.76 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.84 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.53 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.37 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/104.77 kips Block shear strength Beam Block Shear 80.00 kips 56.50 kips 1.42 FAIL Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.20 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.13 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.46 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/56.50 kips Block shear strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 80.00 kips 104.77 kips 0.76 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 3.84 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.53 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.38 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/104.77 kips Block shear strength Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 80.00 kips 83.17 kips 0.96 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 16.36 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.39 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 166.86 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 10.20 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 14.36 in Overal depth of coped section OK for 35.6 kip reaction by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 280 of 329 01/19/2015 yc 3.84 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/83.17 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Local Web Buckling 80.00 kips 76.62 kips 1.04 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-7) Fcr 83.24 ksi Available buckling Fcr=2*E*(tw/ho)2*f*k /(12*(1- v2)) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 16.36 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.39 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.30 in Beam web thickness ho 14.36 in Reduced beam depth v 0.30 Poisson's ratio f 0.74 Plate buckling model adjustment factor k 9.56 Plate buckling coefficient Rn/76.62 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Girder 80.00 kips 129.89 kips 0.62 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 98.28 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 115.83 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/129.89 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 80.00 kips 117.80 kips 0.68 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.78 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 20.39 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 45.68 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 20.39 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 53.83 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/117.80 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Beam 80.00 kips 74.72 kips 1.07 FAIL Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter OK for 35.6 kip reaction by inspection. OK for 35.6 kip reaction by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 281 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.03 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 24.53 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 41.63 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 41.63 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 24.53 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 49.07 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 64.94 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=2*Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/74.72 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 80.00 kips 117.80 kips 0.68 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.78 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 20.39 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 45.68 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 20.39 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 53.83 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/117.80 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Girder 80.00 kips 129.89 kips 0.62 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 4 Number of bolts C 1.00 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/129.89 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Shear at Beam 80.00 kips 99.52 kips 0.80 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 4 Number of bolts C 0.77 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/99.52 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.770.770.770.77 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.77 Coefficient (3.0650 / 4) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row Dx 0.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 282 of 329 01/19/2015 ICx -3.93 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Bolt Prying PASS (AISC 14th p.9-10) Check Angle Leg Thickness:Fail Condition: tmin<=tangle Check Prying Force:Pass tangle 0.38 in Clip angle leg thickness P 0.00 kips User input axial load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material nb 8 Number of bolts Tbolt 9.76 kips Tension Load per bolt due to moment (See 'BoltTension Check') db 0.88 in Bolt diameter dhole 0.94 in Bolt hole diameter b'1.19 in Distance from the inner edge of the bolt hole to the face of the stem, b' = (b - db / 2) p 3.00 in Length of flange tributary to each bolt along the longitudinal axis of the angle T 9.76 kips Total tension force with moment, T = Tbolt + (P/ nb) tmin 0.67 in Minimum thickness required to eliminate prying action, tmin = (* 4 * T * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 a 1.50 in Distance from bolt centerline to the outer edge of the leg b 1.62 in Distance from bolt centerline to the face of the stem a'1.94 in Distance from inner edge of bolt hole to the outer edge of the leg, a' = (a + db / 2) <= (1.25 * b + db / 2) 0.61 Ratio of b' to a', = b' / a' 0.69 Ratio of the net area at the bolt line to the gross area at the face of the stem, = 1 - dhole/ p B 27.06 kips Total tensile capacity per bolt, B = Ab * Fnt / , = 2.0 tc 1.11 in Flange thickness required to develop the available strength of the bolt without prying action, tc = (* 4 * B * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 3.15 Ratio of moment at bolt line to moment at stem line, = max[1/[T/B (tc/t) 2 - 1, 0] q 4.09 kips Factored prying force per bolt, q = B [(t/tc)2] Tu 13.86 kips Total tension on the bolt including the prying force, Tu = T + q Bolt Tension at Girder 13.86 kips 18.51 kips 0.75 PASS Rn = F'nt * Ab = 2.00 (J3-2) Check User Note Limit:frt/(Fnt/) <= 0.3 frt 16.24 ksi Required tensile stress = (Tbolt-P/nb)/Ab Fnt 90.00 ksi Nominal tensile stress, per Table J3.2 Because frt/(Fnt/) > 0.3, the Bolt Tensile Check is required Check Interaction Limit:frv/(Fnv/) <= 0.3 frv 16.63 ksi Required shear stress: frv = (V / nb) / Ab Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress, per Table J3.2 Because frv/(Fnv/) > 0.3, this check shall use the modified F'nt stress F'nt 61.57 ksi Modified nominal tensile stress = min(1.3*Fnt-( *Fnt/Fnv)*frv), Fnt) V 80.00 kips User input shear load P 0.00 kips User input axial load Ab 0.60 in2 Bolt cross sectional area Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 283 of 329 01/19/2015 nb 8 Number of bolts Tbolt 9.76 kips Max tension load per bolt due to eccentricity = 0.5 * (6*Me/(b*d2))*At*k_eff Me 200.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = (V * ex) - (P * ey) ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 3.38 in Vertical eccentricity b 3.50 in Connector width d 11.50 in Connector depth At 9.62 in2 Maximum tributary area per bolt k_eff 0.78 Coefficient correction factor Tu 13.86 kips Required tensile strength including prying (see 'Bolt Prying' check) Rn/18.51 kips Bolt tensile strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 284 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/14/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-036 #01 By ERS Sheet 1 of 2 See RISA Connection for Remaining Limit States; Load; P=80 kips; Beam Web; tw=0.305 in; Beam Height; hb=14.25 in; Plate Thickness; tp = 0.5 in; Plate Height; hp = 13 in; End of Plate Location; L=13 in; End of Beam Location; G=6.5 in; Doubler sides; nd = 1; Plate Material; Fyp = 50 ksi; Load Distribution; Kp = tp * hp3; Kp = 0.053; Kb = tw * hb3; Kb = 0.043; = Kp / (nd * Kp + Kb); = 0.555; Pdp = * P; Pdp = 44.4 kips; Pbm = P – Pdp; Pbm = 35.6 kips; Weld Geometry; Ret = L – G; Ret = 6.500 in; A = hp + 2Ret; A = 26.00 in; cgw = Ret2 / A; cgw = 1.625 in; ex = L – cgw; ex = 11.375 in; Elastic Design Approach; Ix = hp3/12 + Ret*hp2/2; Ix = 732.333 in3; Iy = hp*cgw2 + 2*Ret*(Ret/2-cgw)2; Iy = 68.656 in3; Ip = Ix + Iy; Ip = 800.990 in3; C = ((Ret-cgw)2 + hp2/4); C = 8.125 in; Rp = Pdp / A; Rp = 1.706 kips/in; Rm = Pdp*ex*C / Ip; Rm = 5.118 kips/in; Rnweld = 0.928 kips/in; De = (Rp + Rm) / Rnweld; De =7.35; Instantaneous Center Approach; k = Ret / hp; k = 0.500; a = ex / hp; a = 0.875; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 285 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/14/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-036 #01 By ERS Sheet 2 of 2 C1 = 1.877; DIC = 0.002*Pdp/(C1*hp)/12; DIC = 3.64; Plate Capacity; V = 1.67 * Pdp; V = 74.1 kips; M = 1.67 * Pdp * ex; M = 843 kip_in; Vn = 0.6 * Fyp * tp * hp; Vn = 195.0 kips; Mn = Fyp * tp * hp2 /4; Mn = 1056 kip_in; Mmax = (1-(V/Vn)2) * Mn; Mmax = 977 kip_in; Lmax = Mmax / V; Lmax = 13.189 in; DCRpl = ex / Lmax; DCRpl = 0.862; Plate Buckling; =hp*Fyp/1000) / (120*(tw+tp)*(475+280*(hp/G)2)); =0.286; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Summary; DCRpl = 0.862; DIC = 3.64; =0.286; Pbm = 35.6 kips; Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 286 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 287 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/14/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-036 #02 FAIL(UC-1.2) SQC-036 #02: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-036 #02: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 288 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-036 #02: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 289 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W18X40 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W21X166 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X8 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 148.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.00 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.50 in Thickness of governing element (Angle) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.00 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.32 in Thickness of governing element (Girder) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass Condition: t <= 5/8'' t 0.50 in Connector thickness Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 15.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 22.48 in Beam depth kdes 1.86 in Beam fillet Lmin 9.38 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 148.00 kips 224.75 kips 0.66 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 11.24 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/224.75 kips Shear yield strength Clip Angle Shear Yield 148.00 kips 216.00 kips 0.69 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 7.50 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/216.00 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 148.00 kips 155.14 kips 0.95 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 290 of 329 01/19/2015 Anv 7.96 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/155.14 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 148.00 kips 184.87 kips 0.80 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 5.31 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/184.87 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 148.00 kips 184.87 kips 0.80 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 5.31 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/184.87 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 148.00 kips 176.61 kips 0.84 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 6.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 4.78 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.53 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/176.61 kips Block shear strength Beam Block Shear 148.00 kips 177.94 kips 0.83 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 10.13 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 7.17 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.17 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/177.94 kips Block shear strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 148.00 kips 176.61 kips 0.84 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 6.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 4.78 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.53 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/176.61 kips Block shear strength Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 148.00 kips 152.00 kips 0.97 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 28.06 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.00 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 210.22 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 7.49 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 14.98 in Overal depth of coped section Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 291 of 329 01/19/2015 yc 1.76 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/152.00 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 148.00 kips 140.03 kips 1.06 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 1093.50 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 28.06 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.00 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.75 in Beam web thickness ho 14.98 in Reduced beam depth c 5.50 in Cope length fd 2.84 Adjustment factor Rn/140.03 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Girder 148.00 kips 184.27 kips 0.80 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 5 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 2.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-spacing 36.85 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 36.85 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 53.75 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/184.27 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 148.00 kips 185.55 kips 0.80 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 5 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.09 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 37.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 52.20 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 38.06 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 76.13 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/185.55 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Beam 148.00 kips 180.43 kips 0.82 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 5 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.09 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of Won't buckle. OK to use Znet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 292 of 329 01/19/2015 material Lc-spacing 2.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 63.98 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 74.22 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 87.75 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 63.98 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 127.97 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 74.22 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=2*Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/180.43 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 148.00 kips 185.55 kips 0.80 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 5 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.09 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 37.11 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 52.20 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 38.06 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 76.13 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/185.55 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Girder 148.00 kips 185.55 kips 0.80 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 5 Number of bolts C 1.00 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/185.55 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Shear at Beam 148.00 kips 154.11 kips 0.96 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 5 Number of bolts C 0.83 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/154.11 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.830.830.830.83 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.83 Coefficient (4.1529 / 5) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 5 Number of bolts per row Dx 0.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -6.53 in Center of rotation, X Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 293 of 329 01/19/2015 ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Bolt Prying PASS (AISC 14th p.9-10) Check Angle Leg Thickness:Fail Condition: tmin<=tangle Check Prying Force:Pass tangle 0.50 in Clip angle leg thickness P 0.00 kips User input axial load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material nb 10 Number of bolts Tbolt 11.84 kips Tension Load per bolt due to moment (See 'BoltTension Check') db 0.75 in Bolt diameter dhole 0.81 in Bolt hole diameter b'1.12 in Distance from the inner edge of the bolt hole to the face of the stem, b' = (b - db / 2) p 3.00 in Length of flange tributary to each bolt along the longitudinal axis of the angle T 11.84 kips Total tension force with moment, T = Tbolt + (P/ nb) tmin 0.72 in Minimum thickness required to eliminate prying action, tmin = (* 4 * T * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 a 1.50 in Distance from bolt centerline to the outer edge of the leg b 1.50 in Distance from bolt centerline to the face of the stem a'1.87 in Distance from inner edge of bolt hole to the outer edge of the leg, a' = (a + db / 2) <= (1.25 * b + db / 2) 0.60 Ratio of b' to a', = b' / a' 0.73 Ratio of the net area at the bolt line to the gross area at the face of the stem, = 1 - dhole/ p B 24.96 kips Total tensile capacity per bolt, B = Ab * Fnt / , = 2.0 tc 1.04 in Flange thickness required to develop the available strength of the bolt without prying action, tc = (* 4 * B * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 1.43 Ratio of moment at bolt line to moment at stem line, = max[1/[T/B (tc/t) 2 - 1, 0] q 3.63 kips Factored prying force per bolt, q = B [(t/tc)2] Tu 15.47 kips Total tension on the bolt including the prying force, Tu = T + q Bolt Tension at Girder 15.47 kips 12.54 kips 1.23 FAIL Rn = F'nt * Ab = 2.00 (J3-2) Check User Note Limit:frt/(Fnt/) <= 0.3 frt 26.80 ksi Required tensile stress = (Tbolt-P/nb)/Ab Fnt 113.00 ksi Nominal tensile stress, per Table J3.2 Because frt/(Fnt/) > 0.3, the Bolt Tensile Check is required Check Interaction Limit:frv/(Fnv/) <= 0.3 frv 33.50 ksi Required shear stress: frv = (V / nb) / Ab Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress, per Table J3.2 Because frv/(Fnv/) > 0.3, this check shall use the modified F'nt stress F'nt 56.77 ksi Modified nominal tensile stress = min(1.3*Fnt-( *Fnt/Fnv)*frv), Fnt) V 148.00 kips User input shear load P 0.00 kips User input axial load Ab 0.44 in2 Bolt cross sectional area nb 10 Number of bolts This check does not apply per AISC - eccentricity can be neglected for double angle connections with bolts located at a standard gage. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 294 of 329 01/19/2015 Tbolt 11.84 kips Max tension load per bolt due to eccentricity = 0.5 * (6*Me/(b*d2))*At*k_eff Me 370.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = (V * ex) - (P * ey) ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey -0.54 in Vertical eccentricity b 3.50 in Connector width d 15.00 in Connector depth At 10.50 in2 Maximum tributary area per bolt k_eff 0.80 Coefficient correction factor Tu 15.47 kips Required tensile strength including prying (see 'Bolt Prying' check) Rn/12.54 kips Bolt tensile strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 295 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-036 #03036 #03036 #03036 #03 PASS(UC-1.0)1.0)1.0)1.0) SQC-036 #03: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-036 #03: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 296 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-036 #03: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 297 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W30X90 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W21X166 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 148.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 148.00 kips 299.70 kips 0.490.490.490.49 PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 148.00 kips 189.00 kips 0.780.780.780.78 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 148.00 kips 204.46 kips 0.720.720.720.72 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 148.00 kips 150.07 kips 0.990.990.990.99 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 148.00 kips 150.07 kips 0.990.990.990.99 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 148.00 kips 153.38 kips 0.960.960.960.96 PASS Beam Block Shear 148.00 kips 193.78 kips 0.760.760.760.76 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 148.00 kips 153.38 kips 0.960.960.960.96 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 148.00 kips 470.41 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Coped Beam Local Web Buckling 148.00 kips 433.36 kips 0.340.340.340.34 PASS Bolt Bearing on Girder 148.00 kips 194.83 kips 0.760.760.760.76 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 148.00 kips 182.75 kips 0.810.810.810.81 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 148.00 kips 185.21 kips 0.800.800.800.80 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 148.00 kips 182.75 kips 0.810.810.810.81 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 148.00 kips 194.83 kips 0.760.760.760.76 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 148.00 kips 169.70 kips 0.870.870.870.87 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.870.870.870.87 Bolt Prying PASS Bolt Tension at Girder 11.89 kips 14.62 kips 0.810.810.810.81 PASS Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 298 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/14/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-036 #05 FAIL(UC-1.0) SQC-036 #05: 3D View Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection SQC-036 #05: 2D Views Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 299 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Front view ASDSQC-036 #05: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection 1.7" used in detailing Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 300 of 329 01/19/2015 Material Properties: Girder W30X173 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W18X35 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 70.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 4.00 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.88 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 4.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.30 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 4.00 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 4.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.38 in Thickness of governing element (Angle) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass Condition: t <= 5/8'' t 0.38 in Connector thickness Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 14.50 in Connector length (vertical) d 17.70 in Beam depth kdes 0.83 in Beam fillet Lmin 8.02 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 70.00 kips 95.10 kips 0.74 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 4.75 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/95.10 kips Shear yield strength Clip Angle Shear Yield 70.00 kips 156.60 kips 0.45 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 5.44 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/156.60 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 70.00 kips 69.32 kips 1.01 FAIL Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material OK by inspection once additional 0.15" of web height is accounted for Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 301 of 329 01/19/2015 Anv 3.55 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/69.32 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 70.00 kips 137.02 kips 0.51 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 3.94 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/137.02 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 70.00 kips 143.55 kips 0.49 PASS Rn = 2 * 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 4.13 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/143.55 kips Shear rupture strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 70.00 kips 130.43 kips 0.54 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 4.97 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 3.82 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.40 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/130.43 kips Block shear strength Beam Block Shear 70.00 kips 72.54 kips 0.96 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 4.02 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 2.97 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.45 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/72.54 kips Block shear strength Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 70.00 kips 129.07 kips 0.54 PASS Rn = 2 * [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 4.97 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 3.66 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 1.00 Uniform tension stress factor Ant 0.37 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/129.07 kips Block shear strength Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 70.00 kips 78.55 kips 0.89 PASS Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 18.53 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 7.67 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 195.05 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 10.53 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 15.85 in Overal depth of coped section Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 302 of 329 01/19/2015 yc 3.53 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/78.55 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Local Web Buckling 70.00 kips 72.37 kips 0.97 PASS Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-7) Fcr 61.99 ksi Available buckling Fcr=2*E*(tw/ho)2*f*k /(12*(1- v2)) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 18.53 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 7.67 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.30 in Beam web thickness ho 15.85 in Reduced beam depth v 0.30 Poisson's ratio f 0.81 Plate buckling model adjustment factor k 8.15 Plate buckling coefficient Rn/72.37 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Girder 70.00 kips 148.44 kips 0.47 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 3.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 76.63 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 162.85 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/148.44 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 70.00 kips 133.35 kips 0.52 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.84 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 3.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 22.02 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 37.11 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 39.15 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 22.02 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 83.19 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 37.11 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 84.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/133.35 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Beam 70.00 kips 72.32 kips 0.97 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 303 of 329 01/19/2015 Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.93 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 3.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 21.79 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 40.95 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 40.95 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 21.79 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 71.66 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 64.94 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=2*Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/72.32 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 70.00 kips 117.80 kips 0.59 PASS Rn = 2 * Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row d 0.88 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 0.78 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 3.06 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 20.39 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 32.47 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 45.68 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 20.39 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 79.93 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 32.47 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/117.80 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Girder 70.00 kips 148.44 kips 0.47 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 84.00 ksi Shear stress X type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 4 Number of bolts C 1.00 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/148.44 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Shear at Beam 70.00 kips 109.79 kips 0.64 PASS Rn = 2 * Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.60 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 4 Number of bolts C 0.85 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/109.79 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.850.850.850.85 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.85 Coefficient (3.3812 / 4) Nrows 1 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 4 Number of bolts per row Dx 0.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 4.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 304 of 329 01/19/2015 ICx -7.36 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Bolt Prying PASS (AISC 14th p.9-10) Check Angle Leg Thickness:Fail Condition: tmin<=tangle Check Prying Force:Pass tangle 0.38 in Clip angle leg thickness P 0.00 kips User input axial load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material nb 8 Number of bolts Tbolt 6.72 kips Tension Load per bolt due to moment (See 'BoltTension Check') db 0.75 in Bolt diameter dhole 0.81 in Bolt hole diameter b'1.25 in Distance from the inner edge of the bolt hole to the face of the stem, b' = (b - db / 2) p 4.00 in Length of flange tributary to each bolt along the longitudinal axis of the angle T 6.72 kips Total tension force with moment, T = Tbolt + (P/ nb) tmin 0.49 in Minimum thickness required to eliminate prying action, tmin = (* 4 * T * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 a 1.50 in Distance from bolt centerline to the outer edge of the leg b 1.62 in Distance from bolt centerline to the face of the stem a'1.87 in Distance from inner edge of bolt hole to the outer edge of the leg, a' = (a + db / 2) <= (1.25 * b + db / 2) 0.67 Ratio of b' to a', = b' / a' 0.80 Ratio of the net area at the bolt line to the gross area at the face of the stem, = 1 - dhole/ p B 24.96 kips Total tensile capacity per bolt, B = Ab * Fnt / , = 2.0 tc 0.95 in Flange thickness required to develop the available strength of the bolt without prying action, tc = (* 4 * B * b' / (p * Fu))0.5, =1.67 0.90 Ratio of moment at bolt line to moment at stem line, = max[1/[T/B (tc/t) 2 - 1, 0] q 1.87 kips Factored prying force per bolt, q = B [(t/tc)2] Tu 8.59 kips Total tension on the bolt including the prying force, Tu = T + q Bolt Tension at Girder N/A Rn = F'nt * Ab = 2.00 (J3-2) Check User Note Limit:frt/(Fnt/) <= 0.3 frt 15.20 ksi Required tensile stress = (Tbolt-P/nb)/Ab Fnt 113.00 ksi Nominal tensile stress, per Table J3.2 Because frt/(Fnt/) <= 0.3, the Bolt Tensile Check is not required F'nt 93.61 ksi Modified nominal tensile stress = min(1.3*Fnt-( *Fnt/Fnv)*frv), Fnt) V 70.00 kips User input shear load P 0.00 kips User input axial load Ab 0.44 in2 Bolt cross sectional area nb 8 Number of bolts Tbolt 6.72 kips Max tension load per bolt due to eccentricity = 0.5 * (6*Me/(b*d2))*At*k_eff Me 175.00 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = (V * ex) - (P * ey) ex 2.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 305 of 329 01/19/2015 ey 5.97 in Vertical eccentricity b 3.50 in Connector width d 14.50 in Connector depth At 11.37 in2 Maximum tributary area per bolt k_eff 0.83 Coefficient correction factor Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 306 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.02-A SQC-037-A SEE PAGE SQC-037-B FOR 3D VIEW Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 307 of 329 01/19/2015 3D MODEL VIEW A A W21X101 BEAM HSS6X4X1/4 BLOCKING W16X100 BEAM 1/2" SHEAR PLATE 5/8" PLATE SQC-037-B Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 308 of 329 01/19/2015 SECTION A-A 8 5/8" 5/8" PLATE, 6" LONG1/2" SHEAR PLATE 3" 3"TYP. (12) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS 8 3/8" 5/16 5/16 2 SIDES 5/16 5/16 2 SIDES 3/16 3/16 6 7/8" SQC-037-C 5/8" 2-sided 3/8" fillet welds 2-sided 3/8" fillet welds 2-sided 1/4" fillet welds Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 309 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/14/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-037 PASS(UC-0.9) SQC-037: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-037: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 310 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-037: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W24X55 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W21X101 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x11.50x18.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 55.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Check Min Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smin >= (2+2/3) * dbolt (J3.3) Smin 3.00 in Min bolt spacing dbolt 0.75 in Bolt diameter Check Max Bolt Spacing Pass Condition: Smax<= min(12.00 in, 24*t) (J3.5a) Smax 3.00 in Max bolt spacing t 0.50 in Thickness of governing element (Beam) Check Min Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmin >= EDallow (J3.4) Check Max Edge Distance Pass Condition: EDmax <= min (6.00 in, 12*t) (J3.5) Notch in plate at girder bottom flange OK by inspection. Girder chosen to make geometry work. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 311 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Limitations PASS Weld Max/Min Size, Length (J2.2b) Check Weld Min Size Pass D 0.25 in Weld size Dmin 0.19 in Min size allowed tmin 0.40 in Controlling member thickness Check Weld Min Length Pass Condition: Lmin >= 4*D D 0.25 in Weld size Lmin 18.00 in Min weld segment length Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Check Rotational Ductility Pass t 0.63 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 0.88 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 0.74 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 1.07 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 18.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 21.36 in Beam depth kdes 1.30 in Beam fillet Lmin 9.38 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 55.00 kips 213.60 kips 0.26 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv*Cv = 1.50 (G2-1) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 10.68 in2 Gross area subject to shear Cv 1.00 Web shear coefficient (G2-2) Rn/213.60 kips Shear yield strength Plate Shear Yield 55.00 kips 162.00 kips 0.34 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fy*Agv = 1.50 (J4-3) Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Agv 11.25 in2 Gross area subject to shear Rn/162.00 kips Shear yield strength Beam Shear Rupture 55.00 kips 157.07 kips 0.35 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 8.05 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/157.07 kips Shear rupture strength Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 55.00 kips 138.66 kips 0.40 PASS Rn = 0.6 *Fu*Anv = 2.0 (J4-4) Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Anv 7.97 in2 Net area subject to shear Rn/138.66 kips Shear rupture strength Beam Block Shear 55.00 kips 270.32 kips 0.20 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 16.29 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 13.89 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.59 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/270.32 kips Block shear strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 312 of 329 01/19/2015 Plate Block Shear 55.00 kips 140.26 kips 0.39 PASS Rn = [ min(0.6*Fu*Anv, 0.6*Fy*Agv) + Ubs*Fu*Ant ] = 2.00 (J4-5) Agv 10.31 in2 Gross area subject to shear Anv 7.30 in2 Net area subject to shear Ubs 0.50 Non uniform tension stress factor Ant 1.99 in2 Net area subject to tension Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Rn/140.26 kips Block shear strength Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 55.00 kips 253.07 kips 0.22 PASS Rn = 1.500 * * ( (L * tp 3) / a2)= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq.10-6) V 55.00 kips Applied shear force P 0.00 kips Applied axial force R=(V2 + P2)0.5 55.00 kips Resultant shear force a 7.00 in Distance from the support to the first line of bolts tp 0.63 in Thickness of plate L 18.00 in Depth of plate Rn/253.07 kips Available strength to resist lateral displacement Plate Flexural Yield 0.30 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (AISC 14th Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 55.00 kips User input shear load Fy 36.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Ag 11.25 in2 Gross area of the plate Zpl 50.63 in3 Plastic modulus of the shear plate Vc 162.00 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Yield') ex 8.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 1.10 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 467.50 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 1091.32 kips-in Available moment Mc=1/*(Fy* Z), =1.67 UC 0.30 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.36 PASS (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 (Eq.10-5) Pr 0.00 kips User input axial load Vr 55.00 kips User input shear load Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material An 7.97 in2 Net area of the plate Znet 35.86 in3 Plastic modulus of net section Vc 138.66 kips Available shear strength (see check 'Shear Rupture') ex 8.50 in Horizontal eccentricity ey 1.10 in Vertical eccentricity Mr 467.50 kips-in Moment due to eccentricity = Vr*ex + Pr*ey Mc 1039.92 kips-in Available moment Mc= 1/*(Fu* Znet), =2.00 UC 0.36 Unity check per interaction equation, (Vr/Vc)2 + (Mr/Mc)2 <= 1 Plate Flexural Buckling 55.00 kips 61.26 kips 0.90 PASS Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.51 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 313 of 329 01/19/2015 Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 24.16 in3 Section modulus of net section a 8.50 in Design eccentricity Rn/61.26 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 55.00 kips 143.14 kips 0.38 PASS Rn = Nrows*Ncols*Rn-spacing = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-spacing 2.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-spacing 23.86 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 58.50 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 85.31 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 23.86 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/143.14 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 55.00 kips 143.14 kips 0.38 PASS Rn = Nrows*[Rn-edge+(Ncols -1)* Rn-spacing] = 2.00 (J3-6a) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row d 0.75 in Bolt diameter Fu 58.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Lc-edge 1.09 in Vertical distance from edge of hole to edge of material Lc-spacing 2.19 in Vertical distance from edges of adjacent holes Rn-edge 23.86 kips Strength at edge = min(Rn-edge-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-spacing 23.86 kips Strength at spaces = min(Rn-spacing-tearout, Rn- bearing, Rn-bolt) Rn-bearing 65.25 kips Bearing = 2.4*d*t*Fu Rn-edge-tearout 47.58 kips Tear out at edge = 1.2*Lc-edge*t*Fu Rn-spacing-tearout 95.16 kips Tear out at spaces = 1.2*Lc-spacing*t*Fu Rn-bolt 23.86 kips Bolt shear strength Rn-bolt=Fnv*Abolt Fnv 54.00 ksi Nominal shear stress of bolt Rn/143.14 kips Bolt bearing strength Bolt Shear at Beam 55.00 kips 66.64 kips 0.83 PASS Rn = Fnv*Ab*Nbolt*C = 2.00 (J3-1) Fnv 54.00 ksi Shear stress N type Ab 0.44 in2 Area of bolt Nbolt 12 Number of bolts C 0.47 Eccentricity coefficient Rn/66.64 kips Bolt shear rupture strength Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.470.470.470.47 IC method (AISC 14th p.7-6) C 0.47 Coefficient (5.5869 / 12) Nrows 2 Number of rows of bolts Ncols 6 Number of bolts per row Dx 3.00 in Horizontal bolt spacing Dy 3.00 in Vertical bolt spacing Ex 8.50 in Horizontal eccentricity Ey 0.00 in Vertical eccentricity Ang 90.00 Angle of force in degrees, relative X axis ICx -2.68 in Center of rotation, X ICy -0.00 in Center of rotation, Y Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 314 of 329 01/19/2015 Girder Weld Strength 55.00 kips 86.01 kips 0.64 PASS Rn = C1 * * C * D16 * L = 2.00 Double Fillet C1 1.00 Electrode strength coefficient (AISC 14th table 8-3) 1.00 Base material proration factor (re-arrangement of AISC 14th Eqn 9-2) C 2.39 Eccentricity modification factor (AISC 14th Eqn 8-13) D16 4.00 Weld fillet size in sixteenths of an inch L 18.00 in Weld length per side Rn/86.01 kips Weld strength Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 315 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 316 of 329 01/19/2015 SQC-039-A REF:S2.07-A 12.3 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 317 of 329 01/19/2015 3D MODEL VIEW 12.3 A11 W10X12 BEAM W14X22 BEAM SQC-039-B A A SECTION A-A4 3/8"5/16 5/16 2 SIDES 1/2" SHEAR PLATE W/ (6) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS 3" TYP.3" TYP. 3 7/8"8 3/16"Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 318 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/15/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-039 #01 FAIL(UC-1.5) SQC-039 #01: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-039 #01: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 319 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view ASDSQC-039 #01: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W10X12 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x8.50x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 28.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 28.00 kips 63.20 kips 0.44 PASS Plate Shear Yield 28.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.43 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 28.00 kips 48.17 kips 0.58 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 28.00 kips 52.20 kips 0.54 PASS See TEDDS calculation for reduced plate depth Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 320 of 329 01/19/2015 Beam Block Shear 28.00 kips 84.90 kips 0.33 PASS Plate Block Shear 28.00 kips 62.25 kips 0.45 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 28.00 kips 198.41 kips 0.14 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.68 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.86 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 28.00 kips 18.51 kips 1.51 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.38 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.72 in3 Section modulus of net section a 5.50 in Design eccentricity Rn/18.51 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 28.00 kips 36.94 kips 0.76 PASS Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 28.00 kips 34.03 kips 0.82 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 28.00 kips 94.19 kips 0.30 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 28.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.29 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 28.00 kips 39.13 kips 0.72 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.400.400.400.40 Girder Weld Strength 28.00 kips 35.39 kips 0.79 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. OK to use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 321 of 329 01/19/2015 Title Strata Vail Date 1/15/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-039 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=28 kips; L=2.5 in; A= 8.0 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 42.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 86.400 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=7.0 ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=33.9 ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=8.000 in3; M = 1.67 * M; M = 116.9 kip_in; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn = 271.2 kip_in; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.166; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; OK OK Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 322 of 329 01/19/2015 REF: S2.07-A SQC-040-A A A A A OPP.OPP. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 323 of 329 01/19/2015 SECTION A-A SQC-040-B (8) 3/4" DIA A490X BOLTS2"3" HSS6X6X1/2 COLUMN W16X89 BEAM 1/2" EXTENDED SHEAR PLATE 3" 3" 3" 3" 5/16 5/16 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 324 of 329 01/19/2015 SQC-040 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-040 regarding the connection for the W16x89 beam on level #7. This question affects Lot #15. Structural plan S2.07-A shows a W16x89 beam on grid 14.6/A11-A13 connected at both sides to the HSS6x6x1/2 columns (see attached page SQC-040-A). According to the AISC schedules this beam has 68.55kips reaction at both ends. However, none of the standard connections for this beam is sufficient. We suggest using ½” extended shear plate with (4) rows and (2) columns of ¾” DIA A490X bolts (see attached page SQC-040-B). Please confirm that the capacity of this connection is sufficient. Please use the knife plate connection you have show n on the right side of sheet SQC-040-B with the following changes: · Increase plate height above/below top/bottom bolt to 2”. Total plate height = 13”. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 325 of 329 01/19/2015 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/15/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-040 -Right side FAIL(UC-1.0) SQC-040 - Right side: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-040 -Right side: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 326 of 329 01/19/2015 Side view Top view ASDSQC-040 -Right side: ASD Results Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 327 of 329 01/19/2015 Report Material Properties: Column HSS6X6X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W16X89 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x6.50x13.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 69.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 69.00 kips 175.88 kips 0.39 PASS Plate Shear Yield 69.00 kips 93.60 kips 0.74 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 69.00 kips 135.65 kips 0.51 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 69.00 kips 82.65 kips 0.83 PASS Beam Block Shear 69.00 kips 245.72 kips 0.28 PASS Plate Block Shear 69.00 kips 82.51 kips 0.84 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 69.00 kips 1146.35 kips 0.06 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.82 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.97 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 69.00 kips 67.98 kips 1.02 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.39 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 11.04 in3 Section modulus of net section a 3.50 in Design eccentricity Rn/67.98 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 69.00 kips 148.44 kips 0.46 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 69.00 kips 148.44 kips 0.46 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 69.00 kips 97.31 kips 0.71 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.660.660.660.66 Weld at Column 69.00 kips 84.01 kips 0.82 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 59.05 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 241.50 kips-in 614.11 kips-in 0.39 PASS Lambda less than 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 328 of 329 01/19/2015 Strata Vail 2015-01-20 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 329 of 329 01/19/2015 X New Submittal Submittal Cover Sheet 3/11/2015 Project:Strata - Vail OZ Architecture From:PCL Construction Services, Inc. 3003 Larimer Street 953 S Frontage Rd West Denver, CO 80205 Suite 302 Vail, CO 81657 SPECIFICATION SECTION NO. & DESCRIPTION (Cover only one section with each submittal) PRIORITY STATUS CODES 1.4.B B CONTRACTOR REMARKS:A/E REMARKS: CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: NAME AND SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE:NAME AND SIGNATURE OF REVIEWING AUTHORITY:Date: Nick Strunc Please see attached PCL Submittal Review Notes Page. Special Connections Design 8 Description of Item Submitted (Type, size, model number, etc.) b. A - Immediate Response B - Respond within 10 days C - Respond within 15 days Submittal No: Previous Submittal No: Date:Resubmittal CONTRACT REF. DOCUMENT Spec Paragraph Number e. Drawing Sheet Number f. 05120 - Structural Steel PCL Construction Services Inc. Contractor Project No: 5001410 05120-25 To: ACTION TAKEN A - Approved B - Approved as Noted C - Revise and Resubmit D - Not Approved I certify that the above submitted items have been reviewed in detail, are correct, and in general conformance with the Contract Drawings and Specifications except as otherwise noted. 5 6 Submittal Type c. Action Item a. 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 REVIEWED FURNISH AS CORRECTED REJECTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT NOT REVIEWED SUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEMCHECKING IS ONLY FOR GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGNCONCEPT OF THE PEOJECT AND GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THEINFORMATION GIVEN IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ANY ACTIONSHOWN IS SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS. CONTACTOR IS RESPONSIBLEFOR DIMENSIONSWHICH SHALL BE CONFIRMED AND CORRELATED AT THE JOB SITE:FABRICATION PROCESSESAND TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION;COORDINATION OF HIS WORK WITH THAT OF ALL OTHER TRADES;AND THE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF HIS WORK. Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. DATE 04/01/2015 BY: PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. 953 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST, SUITE 302, VAIL, COLORADO 81652 TELEPHONE: (970) 470-6044 PCL Initial Submittal Review Notes Strata - Vail PCL Project No. 5001410 Subcontractor: Zimmerman Submittal #: 05120-25 Date: 3/11/2015 Revisions: Revision Dates: Specification Section: 05120 – Structural Steel Item Description: Special Connections Design 8 Action: For Approval Variance Request (Y/N): If so, why?: Notes: Reviewed By: Nick Strunc TO: PCL Construction DATE: 03/10/2015 SUBJECT: Submittal #36 ATTN: Nick Strunc ZMI JOB NO.241 - Strata We are forwarding: Enclosed herewith Under separate cover For: Approval Erection File & Distribution Information Request Your Review Field Measurement Resubmit Price & Delivery Return of Approval Revised Other: (void previous releases) Via: Quick Silver 1st Class Mail U.P.S. Fed Ex Email Other: Drawing Number: Special Connection #8 12499 West Colfax P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, Colorado 80215 303-431-6100 STRATA VAIL SPECIAL CONNECTION DESIGN – GROUP #8 Vail, CO STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS MARTIN/MARTIN Project No. 14.0430.S.01 Table of Contents Design Criteria & Narratives Pages 1-2 QC-038 Pages 3-7 QC-039 Page 8-15 SQC-038 Pages 16-27 SQC-041 Pages 28-42 SQC-042 Pages 43-52 SQC-043 Pages 53-65 SQC-044 Pages 66-75 SQC-045 Pages 76-81 SQC-046 Pages 82-89 SQC-047 Pages 90-94 SQC-049 Pages 95-118 SQC-050 Pages 119-132 SQC-051 Pages 133-140 09 MARCH 2015 ForApproval Not For Construction MAR 10 2015 12499 West Colfax · P.O. Box 151500 · Lakewood, Colorado 80215 · 303-431-6100 Design Criteria Codes: 2012 International Building Code with TOV Amendments AISC 360-10 Loading: Beam Reactions As indicated in AutoCAD files provided by EOR Transfer beam designs assumed part of EOR scope SQC-006 (balcony re-framing). 250psf total load assumed (service) Moment Connections As indicated on contract documents Braced Frame As indicated on contract documents HSS Wind Girt Frames Material Assumptions: Plates, angles and channels: A36 Sheet Steel: Gr 36 or better Pipe: A53 Gr. B Welds: E70xx High Strength Bolts: A325 Rods: ASTM F1552 Gr. 55 weldable Design Assumptions: Column panel zone shear By EOR Connections at column transfers By EOR Beam over column connections By EOR Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 1 of 140 03/09/15 Re: Strata Vail Structural connection calculations Martin/Martin Project No: 14.0430.S.01 03 November 2014 Dear Brian: Enclosed are structural calculations prepared by our office for special steel connections used on the Strata Vail project. Calculations consist of the following items: 1. Narratives and design criteria 2. A combination of hand and RISA Connection calculations. Notes: 1. Typically, demand capacity ratios are kept below 100%. For cases where a significant change in connection would be required to get the demand capacity ratio below 100%, we are have accepted 105%. 2. We believe that RISA Connection’s approach to knife plate buckling (and coped beam local web buckling) is conservative. Their approach follows a strict interpretation of the code and requires the use of the elastic section modulus (Snet) in determining the flexural buckling capacity. We believe that if the plate isn’t susceptible to buckling (l < 0.7), then use of the plastic section modulus (Znet) is appropriate and in line with typical flexural limit states. Consequently, we have allowed this limit state to go up to a 150% demand capacity ratio when using RISA Connection. Where limiting, these are noted in the enclosed calculations. 3. When calculating rotational ductility, RISA Connection does not correctly take the empirical exceptions based on bolt diameter. Where limiting, these are noted in the enclosed calculations. 4. When calculating plate flexural rupture, RISA Connection does not use the correct moment. Where limiting, these are noted in the enclosed calculations. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Shane Ewing, P.E. Principal Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 2 of 140 03/09/15 LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W27x84W12x14 H S S 5x5x1/2H S S5x5x1/2 W12x22W12x14 H SS4x4x1/2H S S 4x4x1/2 W12x14 W12x22 H SS4x4x3/8H S S 4x4x3/8 W12x14 W12x22 H SS4x4x3/8H S S 4x4x3/8 W12x14 W12x26 H SS4x4x3/8H S S 4x4x3/8 W12x14 W14x26 HSS4x4x3/8H S S 4 x 4 x 3/8 TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 13" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 12" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 7" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 26" L2 = 3" L3 = 6" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 28" L2 = 7" L3 = 9" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 7" L2 = 17" L3 = 9" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 32" L2 = 4" L3 = 9" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 7" L2 = 9" L3 = 9" LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W30x90 W12x16 H S S 6 x 6 x 1 / 2 HSS6x6x1/2W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/ 2 W12x14 HSS4x4x1/2H S S 4 x 4 x 1 / 2 W10x12 HSS4 x 4 x 1 / 2 HSS4x4x1/2HSS6x6x1/2H S S 6 x 6 x 1/2 TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 7" L2 = 13" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 12" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 12" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 12" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 15" L3 = 9" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 15" L3 = 9" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 17" L2 = 19" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 17" L2 = 19" L3 = 12" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 16" L2 = 19" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 3/4" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 23" L2 = 11" L3 = 12" TOP T1 = 3/4" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 3/8 L1 = 32" L2 = 14" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 1" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 7/16 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 12" L2 = 9" L3 = 14" SC-30 4 SC-30 4 SC-30 4 SC-30 4 LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W12x16 HSS6x6x1/2H S S 6 x 6 x 1/2 W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/ 2 W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/ 2 W12x14 H S S 4 x 4 x 3/ 8 HSS4x4x3/8W12x14 H S S 4 x 4 x 3 / 8 HSS4x4x3/8W10x12 HSS4x4x3/8HSS4 x 4 x 3 / 8 TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 6" L2 = 11" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 6" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 11" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 11" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 12" L2 = 13" L3 = 9" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 12" L2 = 13" L3 = 9" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 16" L2 = 16" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 9" L3 = 12" SC-30 1 SC-30 2 SC-30 3 TYP TYP TYP LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W16x26W12x19 H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 HSS5x5x1/2W14x26 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x 6 x 3 /8 W14x26 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x 6 x 3 /8 W14x22 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x 6 x 3 /8 W12x22 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x6 x3 /8 W16x26 H SS5x5x3/8 H S S 5x5x3/8TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 22" L2 = 6" L3 = 7" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 15" L2 = 4" L3 = 7" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 18" L2 = 6" L3 = 7" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 14" L2 = 6" L3 = 7" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 24" L2 = 9" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 24" L2 = 9" L3 = 13" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 13" L2 = 16" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 10" L2 = 3/8" L3 = 12" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 24" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 5" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 14" L3 = 12" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 10" L2 = 13" L3 = 12" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 16" L2 = 12" L3 = 12" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 10" L2 = 9" L3 = 12" ABBREVIATION LIST AESS Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel BOT Bottom CJP Complete Joint Penetration (Weld) CNTR Center(ed) CONN Connection DCW Demand Critical Weld ENGR Engineer (Steel Connection) EOR Engineer (of Record) ES Each Side FBG Flare Bevel Groove (Weld) FLG Flange FS Far Side GA Gage or Gauge HORIZ Horizontal LFRC Lateral Force Resisting Component LLH Long Leg Horizontal LLV Long Leg Vertical LSLT Long Slotted Hole OH Opposite Hand OVS Oversized PJP Partial Joint Penetration (Weld) RAD Radius RET Return SC Slip Critical SCHED Schedule SSLT Short Slotted Hole STD Standard STIFF Stiffener T&B Top and Bottom VERT Vertical WP Workpoint SHEET TITLE: SHEET NUMBER:DATE PRINTED:PROJECT MANAGER:Martin/Martin, Inc. considers that design data is only in its final form on plotted drawings with original signatures and professional certification being visibly present on the drawings. Data supplied via computer generated format does not contain this approval or certification. The receiver of electronically transmitted drawings is responsible for verifying the information contained within the electronic data against the recorded or approved documents.The use of electronically transmitted drawings is considered to be at your own risk. Martin/Martin, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any claims or damages resulting from your use of this information. Electronic information is provided for the convenience of the recipient only. The recipient of this file agrees that the information may not be transferred to any other party.STEEL CONNECTION DESIGN DRAWINGSPROJECT NO: ISSUE DATE: REVISIONS NO. ISSUE DATE © MARTIN/MARTIN 2014 AISC 14TH EDITION ASD DETAILER:ZIM PROJECT #: 2418/20/2014 10:25:33 PMSC-31 BRACING ELEVATIONSERS 14.0430 08/20/2014STRATA VAILVAIL, COFOR APPROVAL AND DETAILER USE 08/20/2014SC-312BRACE FRAME 2 - LOOKING NORTH SC-313BRACE FRAME 3 - LOOKING WEST SC-311BRACE FRAME 1 - LOOKING EAST SC-314BRACE FRAME 4 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 3 of 140 03/09/15 This beam Attachment of beam is to web of this girder. WP W3 L3 MIN W3 L3 MIN TYP ES OF HSS GUSSET PL T1, CENTER ON TUBES TYP4"T Y P 1 "TYP1"WP 4" MIN BASE PLATE AND ATTACHMENT TO CONCRETE PER EOR DWG S7.0 MIN 1/2" W1 L1 MIN W1 L1 MIN GUSSET PL T1 W3 L3 MIN W3 L3 MIN W2 L2 MIN W2 L2 MIN T Y P 1 " NOTE: WHERE ADJACENT BRACES INTERSECT AT COLUMN CENTERLINE, SPLICE ONE GUSSET PLATE AND WELD USING 2-SIDED 1/2" FILLET WELDS. WP TYP4" MINGUSSET PL T1, TYP W1 L1 W1 L1 TYP W2 L2 MIN W2 L2 MIN TYP W3 L3 W3 L3 TYP SC-30 6 SC-30 5 TYP1"1"EQ EQ 1 1 PL 5/16x3 ES 1/4 1/4 TYP ES WP 3/8" PL W/ (2) ERECTION BOLTS 1/4 (1/4)CONN PL TO COLUMN APPLIES AT W27 & W30 FLOOR BEAMS AND ROOF BEAMS 1/4 BEAM WEB TO COLUMN WP ALIGN W/ EDGE OF GUSSET PL 3/8" PL W/ (2) ERECTION BOLTS 1/4 1/4 BEAM WEB TO COLUMN 1/4 (1/4)CONN PL TO COLUMN APPLIES AT W12-W16 FLOOR BEAMS N O TE 1NO TE 2NOTES: 1. PROVIDE 1/2" ADDITIONAL OVERLAP (BEYOND REQUIRED WELD L3) BETWEEN BRACE AND GUSSET. 2, BEGIN HSS SLOT 1" FROM EDGE OF GUSSET PLATE. ABBREVIATION LIST AESS Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel BOT Bottom CJP Complete Joint Penetration (Weld) CNTR Center(ed) CONN Connection DCW Demand Critical Weld ENGR Engineer (Steel Connection) EOR Engineer (of Record) ES Each Side FBG Flare Bevel Groove (Weld) FLG Flange FS Far Side GA Gage or Gauge HORIZ Horizontal LFRC Lateral Force Resisting Component LLH Long Leg Horizontal LLV Long Leg Vertical LSLT Long Slotted Hole OH Opposite Hand OVS Oversized PJP Partial Joint Penetration (Weld) RAD Radius RET Return SC Slip Critical SCHED Schedule SSLT Short Slotted Hole STD Standard STIFF Stiffener T&B Top and Bottom VERT Vertical WP Workpoint SHEET TITLE: SHEET NUMBER:DATE PRINTED:PROJECT MANAGER:Martin/Martin, Inc. considers that design data is only in its final form on plotted drawings with original signatures and professional certification being visibly present on the drawings. Data supplied via computer generated format does not contain this approval or certification. The receiver of electronically transmitted drawings is responsible for verifying the information contained within the electronic data against the recorded or approved documents.The use of electronically transmitted drawings is considered to be at your own risk. Martin/Martin, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any claims or damages resulting from your use of this information. Electronic information is provided for the convenience of the recipient only. The recipient of this file agrees that the information may not be transferred to any other party.STEEL CONNECTION DESIGN DRAWINGSPROJECT NO: ISSUE DATE: REVISIONS NO. ISSUE DATE © MARTIN/MARTIN 2014 AISC 14TH EDITION ASD DETAILER:ZIM PROJECT #: 2418/20/2014 10:24:10 PMSC-30 TYPICAL BRACING CONNECTIONSERS 14.0430 08/20/2014STRATA VAILVail, COFOR APPROVAL AND DETAILER USE 08/20/2014NO SCALE2 BRACED FRAME INTERSECTION NO SCALE3 BRACED FRAME BASEPLATE - 1 SIDED NO SCALE1 BRACED FRAME TYP CONNECTIONNO SCALE4 TYPICAL BRACE REINFORCEMENT 2 VERT BRACE CONNS 08/20/2014 NO SCALE5 BEAM WEB W/O REINFORCEMENT NO SCALE6 BEAM WEB REINFORCEMENT NO SCALE7 TYPICAL BRACE SLOTS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 4 of 140 03/09/15 This is the detail that applies QC-038 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached QC-038-Rev.1 regarding field welding for the stiffener plate. This question affects lots #6. According to item #1 from QC-038, received in the email below, one of the stiffener plates between the brace connections needs to be field welded to the beam to provide enough space for welding the 3/8” connection plate. This stiffener plate can be welded only on one side. Thus, we have assumed that we should change this stiffener plate to be fit to bear and increase the size of the fillet weld between the stiffener plate and the beam web to 5/16” similar to QC-025 (see attached email) as shown on attached pages QC-038-Rev.1-A and B. Please confirm our assumption is correct. Attached are comments on the detail to make it more of an extended shear plate connection. The weld of the plate to the W30 girder web can be the reinforced PJP welds as shown; or replaced with a CJP weld. Please note that the lion’s share of the load here is due to the braced frames and the seismic design requirements that are mandated by the system the EOR has chosen. That is how we ended up with such a thick plate. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 5 of 140 03/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 6 of 14003/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 7 of 14003/09/15 QC-039 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached QC-039 regarding the beam profiles on brace bays #2 and #4. This question affects lots #6, #9, #10 and #11. During the final checking process we discovered two issues with the profiles of the horizontal beams at brace bays #2 and #4: 1) There are several locations where the beam profiles listed on elevation views 2 & 4/SC31 show profiles smaller than those called out on the plan views (see attached page QC-039-A). Please confirm that these discrepancies do not affect the design of the brace connections. 2) There is one beam shown on elevation view 4/SC-31 at the roof level marked as a W16x26 (see attached page QC-039-A). However, in this location we should use the W12x26 beam marked as “LOW” on plan S2.07-A (see attached page QC-038-B). Due to the fact that this beam is smaller than the one shown on the elevation view we are wondering if the brace connection should be updated. Please advise. Attached is an updated sheet SC-31 with the revised weld dimensions for issue #2. As you indicated, issue #1 doesn’t affect our design. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 8 of 140 03/09/15 LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W27x84W12x14 H S S 5x5x1/2H SS5x5x1/2 W12x22W12x14 H S S4x4x1/2H S S4x4x1/2 W12x14 W12x22 H SS 4x4x3/8HS S4x4x3/8 W12x14 W12x22 H SS 4x4x3/8H S S4x4x3/8 W12x14 W12x26 HS S4x4x3/8H SS4x4x3/8 W12x14 W14x26 HSS4x4x3/8H S S 4x4x3/8 TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 13" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 12" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 7" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 26" L2 = 3" L3 = 6" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 28" L2 = 7" L3 = 9" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 7" L2 = 17" L3 = 9" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 32" L2 = 4" L3 = 9" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 7" L2 = 9" L3 = 9" LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W30x90 W12x16 H S S 6 x 6 x 1/2 HSS6x6x1/2W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 W12x14 HSS4x4x1/2H S S 4 x 4 x 1/2 W10x12 HS S4 x 4 x 1 /2 HSS4x4x1/2HSS6x6x1/2H S S 6 x 6 x 1/2 TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 7" L2 = 13" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 12" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 12" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 12" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 15" L3 = 9" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 15" L3 = 9" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 17" L2 = 19" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 17" L2 = 19" L3 = 12" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 16" L2 = 19" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 3/4" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 23" L2 = 11" L3 = 12" TOP T1 = 3/4" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 3/8 L1 = 32" L2 = 14" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 1" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 7/16 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 12" L2 = 9" L3 = 14" SC-30 4 SC-30 4 SC-30 4 SC-30 4 LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W12x16 HSS6x6x1/2H S S 6 x 6 x 1/2 W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 W12x14 H S S 4 x 4 x 3/8 HSS4x4x3/8W12x14 H S S 4 x 4 x 3/8 HSS4x4x3/8W10x12 HSS4x4x3/8H S S 4 x 4 x 3 / 8 TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 6" L2 = 11" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 6" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 11" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 11" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 12" L2 = 13" L3 = 9" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 12" L2 = 13" L3 = 9" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 16" L2 = 16" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 9" L3 = 12" SC-30 1 SC-30 2 SC-30 3 TYP TYP TYP LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W16x26W12x19 H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 HSS5x5x1/2W14x26 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x 6 x 3 /8 W14x26 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x 6 x 3 /8 W14x22 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x 6 x 3 /8 W12x22 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x6 x 3 /8 W16x26 HSS5x5x3/8 H S S 5x5x3/8TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 22" L2 = 6" L3 = 7" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 15" L2 = 4" L3 = 7" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 18" L2 = 6" L3 = 7" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 14" L2 = 6" L3 = 7" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 24" L2 = 9" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 24" L2 = 9" L3 = 13" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 13" L2 = 16" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 10" L2 = 3/8" L3 = 12" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 24" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 5" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 14" L3 = 12" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 10" L2 = 13" L3 = 12" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 16" L2 = 12" L3 = 12" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 10" L2 = 9" L3 = 12" ABBREVIATION LIST AESS Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel BOT Bottom CJP Complete Joint Penetration (Weld) CNTR Center(ed) CONN Connection DCW Demand Critical Weld ENGR Engineer (Steel Connection) EOR Engineer (of Record) ES Each Side FBG Flare Bevel Groove (Weld) FLG Flange FS Far Side GA Gage or Gauge HORIZ Horizontal LFRC Lateral Force Resisting Component LLH Long Leg Horizontal LLV Long Leg Vertical LSLT Long Slotted Hole OH Opposite Hand OVS Oversized PJP Partial Joint Penetration (Weld) RAD Radius RET Return SC Slip Critical SCHED Schedule SSLT Short Slotted Hole STD Standard STIFF Stiffener T&B Top and Bottom VERT Vertical WP Workpoint SHEET TITLE: SHEET NUMBER:DATE PRINTED:PROJECT MANAGER:Martin/Martin, Inc. considers that design data is only in its final form on plotted drawings with original signatures and professional certification being visibly present on the drawings. Data supplied via computer generated format does not contain this approval or certification. The receiver of electronically transmitted drawings is responsible for verifying the information contained within the electronic data against the recorded or approved documents.The use of electronically transmitted drawings is considered to be at your own risk. Martin/Martin, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any claims or damages resulting from your use of this information. Electronic information is provided for the convenience of the recipient only. The recipient of this file agrees that the information may not be transferred to any other party.STEEL CONNECTION DESIGN DRAWINGSPROJECT NO: ISSUE DATE: REVISIONS NO. ISSUE DATE © MARTIN/MARTIN 2014 AISC 14TH EDITION ASD DETAILER:ZIM PROJECT #: 2418/20/2014 10:25:33 PMSC-31 BRACING ELEVATIONSERS 14.0430 08/20/2014STRATA VAILVAIL, COFOR APPROVAL AND DETAILER USE 08/20/2014SC-312BRACE FRAME 2 - LOOKING NORTH SC-313BRACE FRAME 3 - LOOKING WEST SC-311BRACE FRAME 1 - LOOKING EAST SC-314BRACE FRAME 4 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 9 of 140 03/09/15REF: SC-31 QC-039-A W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W14x26 #1 #1 #1 #1 #2 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 10 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.07-A QC-039-B LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W27x84W12x14 H S S 5x5x1/2H S S5x5x1/2 W12x26W12x14 H SS4x4x1/2H S S 4x4x1/2 W12x14 W12x26 H SS4x4x3/8H S S 4x4x3/8 W12x14 W12x22 H SS4x4x3/8H S S 4x4x3/8 W12x14 W12x26 H SS4x4x3/8H S S 4x4x3/8 W12x14 W14x26 HSS4x4x3/8H S S 4 x 4 x 3/8 TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 13" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 12" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 16" L2 = 8" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 7" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 26" L2 = 3" L3 = 6" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 28" L2 = 7" L3 = 9" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 7" L2 = 17" L3 = 9" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 32" L2 = 4" L3 = 9" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 7" L2 = 9" L3 = 9" LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W30x90 W12x16 H S S 6 x 6 x 1 / 2 HSS6x6x1/2W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/ 2 W12x14 HSS4x4x1/2H S S 4 x 4 x 1 / 2 W10x12 HSS4 x 4 x 1 / 2 HSS4x4x1/2HSS6x6x1/2H S S 6 x 6 x 1/2 TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 7" L2 = 13" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 12" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 12" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 12" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 15" L3 = 9" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 15" L3 = 9" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 17" L2 = 19" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 17" L2 = 19" L3 = 12" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 16" L2 = 19" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 3/4" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 23" L2 = 11" L3 = 12" TOP T1 = 3/4" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 3/8 L1 = 32" L2 = 14" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 1" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 7/16 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 12" L2 = 9" L3 = 14" SC-30 4 SC-30 4 SC-30 4 SC-30 4 LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W12x16 HSS6x6x1/2H S S 6 x 6 x 1/2 W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/ 2 W12x14 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/ 2 W12x14 H S S 4 x 4 x 3/ 8 HSS4x4x3/8W12x14 H S S 4 x 4 x 3 / 8 HSS4x4x3/8W10x12 HSS4x4x3/8HSS4 x 4 x 3 / 8 TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 6" L2 = 11" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 6" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 9" L2 = 9" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 11" L3 = 6" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 11" L3 = 6" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 12" L2 = 13" L3 = 9" BOTTOM T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 12" L2 = 13" L3 = 9" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 16" L2 = 16" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 11" L2 = 9" L3 = 12" SC-30 1 SC-30 2 SC-30 3 TYP TYP TYP LEVEL 1 0" LEVEL 2 11'-7 1/2" WEW.2 LEVEL 3 23'-0 1/2" LEVEL 4 34'-5 1/2" LEVEL 5 45'-10 1/2" LEVEL 6 57'-10 1/2" ROOF 71'-7" W16x26W12x19 H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 HSS5x5x1/2H S S 5 x 5 x 1/2 HSS5x5x1/2W14x26 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x 6 x 3 /8 W14x26 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x 6 x 3 /8 W14x26 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x 6 x 3 /8 W12x26 HSS6x6x3/8 H S S 6 x6 x3 /8 W12x26 H SS5x5x3/8 H S S 5x5x3/8TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 22" L2 = 9" L3 = 7" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 15" L2 = 4" L3 = 7" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 17" L2 = 11" L3 = 7" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 14" L2 = 6" L3 = 7" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 24" L2 = 9" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 25" L2 = 8" L3 = 13" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 24" L2 = 9" L3 = 13" TOP T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 13" L2 = 16" L3 = 12" BOTTOM T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 10" L2 = 3/8" L3 = 12" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 24" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 7" L3 = 13" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 1/4 L1 = 27" L2 = 5" L3 = 13" TOP LEFT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 14" L2 = 14" L3 = 12" BOTTOM LEFT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 10" L2 = 13" L3 = 12" TOP RIGHT T1 = 5/8" W1 = W2 = 1/4 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 16" L2 = 12" L3 = 12" BOTTOM RIGHT T1 = 7/8" W1 = 1/4 W2 = 3/8 W3 = 5/16 L1 = 10" L2 = 9" L3 = 12" ABBREVIATION LIST AESS Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel BOT Bottom CJP Complete Joint Penetration (Weld) CNTR Center(ed) CONN Connection DCW Demand Critical Weld ENGR Engineer (Steel Connection) EOR Engineer (of Record) ES Each Side FBG Flare Bevel Groove (Weld) FLG Flange FS Far Side GA Gage or Gauge HORIZ Horizontal LFRC Lateral Force Resisting Component LLH Long Leg Horizontal LLV Long Leg Vertical LSLT Long Slotted Hole OH Opposite Hand OVS Oversized PJP Partial Joint Penetration (Weld) RAD Radius RET Return SC Slip Critical SCHED Schedule SSLT Short Slotted Hole STD Standard STIFF Stiffener T&B Top and Bottom VERT Vertical WP Workpoint SHEET TITLE: SHEET NUMBER:DATE PRINTED:PROJECT MANAGER:Martin/Martin, Inc. considers that design data is only in its final form on plotted drawings with original signatures and professional certification being visibly present on the drawings. Data supplied via computer generated format does not contain this approval or certification. The receiver of electronically transmitted drawings is responsible for verifying the information contained within the electronic data against the recorded or approved documents.The use of electronically transmitted drawings is considered to be at your own risk. Martin/Martin, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any claims or damages resulting from your use of this information. Electronic information is provided for the convenience of the recipient only. The recipient of this file agrees that the information may not be transferred to any other party.STEEL CONNECTION DESIGN DRAWINGSPROJECT NO: ISSUE DATE: REVISIONS NO. ISSUE DATE © MARTIN/MARTIN 2014 AISC 14TH EDITION ASD DETAILER:ZIM PROJECT #: 2412/11/2015 1:45:34 PMSC-31 BRACING ELEVATIONSERS 14.0430 08/20/2014STRATA VAILVAIL, COFOR APPROVAL AND DETAILER USE 08/20/2014SC-312BRACE FRAME 2 - LOOKING NORTH SC-313BRACE FRAME 3 - LOOKING WEST SC-311BRACE FRAME 1 - LOOKING EAST SC-314BRACE FRAME 4 - LOOKING SOUTH 2 VERT BRACE CONNS 08/20/2014 4 BRACE REV 02/11/2015 4 4 4 4 4 4 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 11 of 140 03/09/15 Title Strata Vail Date Job no. Subject Gusset to Beam and Column By Calculation no.19 Load and Geometric Parameters Load, p 90.7 kip Angle, θ 55.0 Specified Weld Size, w 0.2500 in Specifed Gusset Plate Thickness, tp 0.625 in Beam W12x26 Beam Depth, db 12.20 Beam Web Thickness, tw,b 0.23 Beam Flange Thickness, tf,b 0.38 Beam Distance, k 0.68 Column HSS8x8x.500 Column Area, A 13.5 Column Depth, H 8.0 Column Width, B 8.0 Wall Thickness, tc 0.465 Half Beam Depth, eb 6.10 in Half Column Depth, ec 4.00 in Connection Length to Beam, lb 21.28 in Connection Length to Column, lc 9.00 in Distance to Centroid of Beam Connection, α 11.14 in Distance to Centroid of Column Connection, β 4.50 in Distance from Work Point to Connection Centroid, r 18.5 in Required Forces (Uniform Force Method) Shear Force on Column Connection, Vc 22.1 kip Axial Force on Column Connection, Hc 19.6 kip Axial Force on Beam Connection, Vb 29.9 kip Shear Force on Beam Connection, Hb 54.7 kip Weld Properties Area per Inch of Weld at Column Connection, Ac 18.00 in2/in Area per Inch of Weld at Beam Connection, Ab 42.55 in2/in Column Weld Sizing Tensile Stress on Column Connection, ft,c 1.09 ksi Shear Stress on Column Connection, fv,c 1.23 ksi Resultant Stress on Column Connection, fr,c 1.64 ksi Required Weld Size at Column Connection, wc 0.1106 in Beam Weld Sizing Tensile Stress on Beam Connection, ft,b 0.70 ksi Shear Stress on Beam Connection, fv,b 1.28 ksi Resultant Stress on Beam Connection, fr,b 1.46 ksi Required Weld Size at Beam Connection, wb 0.0987 in Gusset Plate Weld and Thickness Requirements Required Weld Size, wreq 0.1106 in Required Gusset Plate Thickness, tp,req 0.2264 in 2/11/2015 14.043 CJ Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 12 of 140 03/09/15 Title Strata Vail Date Job no. Subject Gusset to Beam and Column By Calculation no.19 2/11/2015 14.043 CJ Beam Web Local Yielding Available Strength, Rn/Ω 176.2 kip Utilization, Vb/(Rn/Ω)0.170 OKAY Beam Web Local Crippling Bearing Length to Beam Depth Ratio, lb/db 1.744 Available Strength, Rn/Ω 68.6 kip Utilization, Vb/(Rn/Ω)0.436 OKAY HSS Punching Shear Maximum Gusset Plate Thickness, tp,max 0.7492 in OKAY HSS Plastification (Assumes U = 0.95) Resultant Force on Column Connection, Pc 29.5 kip Chord-Stress Interaction Parameter, Qf 0.312 Available Strength, Rn/Ω 37.3 kip Utilization, Pc/(Rn/Ω)0.791 OKAY Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 13 of 140 03/09/15 Title Strata Vail Date Job no. Subject Gusset to Beam and Column By Calculation no.19 Load and Geometric Parameters Load, p 90.7 kip Angle, θ 55.0 Specified Weld Size, w 0.2500 in Specifed Gusset Plate Thickness, tp 0.625 in Beam W12x26 Beam Depth, db 12.20 Beam Web Thickness, tw,b 0.23 Beam Flange Thickness, tf,b 0.38 Beam Distance, k 0.68 Column HSS12x8x.625 Column Area, A 21.0 Column Depth, H 16.0 Column Width, B 8.0 Wall Thickness, tc 0.581 Half Beam Depth, eb 6.10 in Half Column Depth, ec 8.00 in Connection Length to Beam, lb 16.13 in Connection Length to Column, lc 11.00 in Distance to Centroid of Beam Connection, α 8.57 in Distance to Centroid of Column Connection, β 5.50 in Distance from Work Point to Connection Centroid, r 20.2 in Required Forces (Uniform Force Method) Shear Force on Column Connection, Vc 24.7 kip Axial Force on Column Connection, Hc 35.9 kip Axial Force on Beam Connection, Vb 27.4 kip Shear Force on Beam Connection, Hb 38.4 kip Weld Properties Area per Inch of Weld at Column Connection, Ac 22.00 in2/in Area per Inch of Weld at Beam Connection, Ab 32.27 in2/in Column Weld Sizing Tensile Stress on Column Connection, ft,c 1.63 ksi Shear Stress on Column Connection, fv,c 1.12 ksi Resultant Stress on Column Connection, fr,c 1.98 ksi Required Weld Size at Column Connection, wc 0.1333 in Beam Weld Sizing Tensile Stress on Beam Connection, ft,b 0.85 ksi Shear Stress on Beam Connection, fv,b 1.19 ksi Resultant Stress on Beam Connection, fr,b 1.46 ksi Required Weld Size at Beam Connection, wb 0.0985 in Gusset Plate Weld and Thickness Requirements Required Weld Size, wreq 0.1333 in Required Gusset Plate Thickness, tp,req 0.2730 in 2/11/2015 14.043 CJ Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 14 of 140 03/09/15 Title Strata Vail Date Job no. Subject Gusset to Beam and Column By Calculation no.19 2/11/2015 14.043 CJ Beam Web Local Yielding Available Strength, Rn/Ω 136.7 kip Utilization, Vb/(Rn/Ω)0.200 OKAY Beam Web Local Crippling Bearing Length to Beam Depth Ratio, lb/db 1.322 Available Strength, Rn/Ω 55.6 kip Utilization, Vb/(Rn/Ω)0.492 OKAY HSS Punching Shear Maximum Gusset Plate Thickness, tp,max 0.9361 in OKAY HSS Plastification (Assumes U = 0.95) Resultant Force on Column Connection, Pc 43.5 kip Chord-Stress Interaction Parameter, Qf 0.312 Available Strength, Rn/Ω 53.8 kip Utilization, Pc/(Rn/Ω)0.809 OKAY Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 15 of 140 03/09/15 SQC-038 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-038 regarding an issue with the beam to skewed beam connection on the roof. There are several locations on the roof a where a skewed beam is connected to a sloping W12x19 beam which is supported by the column (see attached page SQC-038-A for examples). However, if we apply the typical beam to beam connection with a shear plate for these beams, there will be a conflict between the plate and the W12x19 beam to column connection and there will not be enough room to install the bolts (see attached page SQC- 038-B). Please note that this issue may occur for connections with (2) and (3) bolts. For these locations we suggest using a full depth bent plate welded to the W12x19 beam instead of a typical shear plate, typically as shown on the attached pages SQC-038-C and D. Please confirm this is acceptable. If not, please advise how to solve this issue. See attached sketch with capacities. Please note that they may occur simultaneously. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 16 of 140 03/09/15 SQC-038-A 15.3 REF:S2.07-A Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 17 of 140 03/09/15 A12 15.4 MODEL PLAN VIEW #1 PER DESIGN SQC-038-B Extend single plate Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 18 of 140 03/09/15 SQC-038-C MODEL PLAN VIEW #2 PROPOSITION A8 15.4 15.4 W10X12 SKEWED BEAM W12X19 BEAM HSS4X4X1/2 COLUMN 3/8" PLATE (FULL DEPTH) W/ (2) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS A A SECTION A-A 5/16 3/8 5/16 3/8 5/16 5/16 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 19 of 140 03/09/15 A13 15.4 15.4 SQC-038-C MODEL PLAN VIEW #3 PROPOSITION W12X14 SKEWED BEAM W12X19 BEAM HSS4X4X1/2 COLUMN 3/8" PLATE (FULL DEPTH) W/ (3) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS B B SECTION B-B 5/16 3/8 5/16 3/8 5/16 5/16 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 20 of 140 03/09/15 SQC-038 5/8" KNIFE PL W/ (6) 3/4"Ø A490X BOLTS 5/16 5/16 1 1/2"4"1 1/2"1 1/4"1 1/2"3"6" PLAN A B HIP BEAM CONNECTION GIRDER CONNECTION 2"3"3"2"1" 3 "2 "3 "1 1 /2 "B A CJP 1/2" KNIFE PL W/ (4) 3/4"Ø A490X BOLTS 1 1/2" CAPACITY = 12 kips CAPACITY = 24 kips NOTE - CAPACITIES MAY OCCUR SIMULTANEOUSLY Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 21 of 140 03/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 22 of 14003/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/27/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-038 -hip beam to girder FAIL(UC-1.5) SQC-038 - hip beam to girder: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-038 -hip beam to girder: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 23 of 140 03/09/15 Side view ASDSQC-038 - hip beam to girder: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W24X55 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W10X12 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x11.00x7.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 12.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 12.00 kips 37.51 kips 0.32 PASS Plate Shear Yield 12.00 kips 50.40 kips 0.24 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 12.00 kips 30.08 kips 0.40 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 24 of 140 03/09/15 Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 12.00 kips 45.67 kips 0.26 PASS Beam Block Shear 12.00 kips 58.14 kips 0.21 PASS Plate Block Shear 12.00 kips 52.81 kips 0.23 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 12.00 kips 58.44 kips 0.21 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.59 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.64 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 12.00 kips 8.27 kips 1.45 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.35 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 3.07 in3 Section modulus of net section a 8.00 in Design eccentricity Rn/8.27 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 12.00 kips 44.46 kips 0.27 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 12.00 kips 47.71 kips 0.25 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 12.00 kips 13.44 kips 0.89 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 12.00 kips 15.78 kips 0.76 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Znet instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 25 of 140 03/09/15 OK RISAConnection version 4.0.2 03/09/2015 Global Parameters - Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes ASDSQC-038 #01 - 3 bolt conn to col: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Column HSS4X4X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W12X19 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x12.50x10.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 24.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PAS S Column Weld Limitations PAS S Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PAS S Beam Shear Yield 24.00 kips 57.15 kips 0.42 PASS Plate Shear Yield 24.00 kips 90.00 kips 0.27 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 24.00 kips 41.98 kips 0.57 PAS S Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 24.00 kips 76.13 kips 0.32 PAS S Beam Block Shear 24.00 kips 98.47 kips 0.24 PAS S Plate Block Shear 24.00 kips 81.19 kips 0.30 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 24.00 kips 107.64 kips 0.22 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.53 PAS S Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 26 of 140 03/09/15 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.55 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 24.00 kips 18.46 kips 1.30 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.38 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 8.14 in3 Section modulus of net section a 9.50 in Design eccentricity Rn/18.46 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 24.00 kips 96.23 kips 0.25 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 24.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.25 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 24.00 kips 24.85 kips 0.97 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.26 Weld at Column 24.00 kips 26.78 kips 0.90 PAS S HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 68.17 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 228.00 kips-in 545.36 kips-in 0.42 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 27 of 140 03/09/15 OK SQC-041 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-041 regarding beam reactions which are greater than the capacities of the provided connections – Lot #6. This question affects Lot #6. There are several beams with reactions which exceed the capacities of the connections given in the received schedules on lot #6. Please see attached pages SQC-041-A and B: #1 W24x176 beam with 190kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (6) rows of ¾” DIA A490X bolts (G=2”) and 5/16” double sided filled weld between the shear plate and the HSS column. We need to use a thru-plate connection because the thickness of the column limits how thick of a knife plate we can use. #2 W8x10 beam with 8kips reaction. We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (2) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top 7” cope with 6 5/8” web height below the cope. The coped W8x10 doesn’t have sufficient capacity to reach in to the W14x99’s web. An alternative solution is to increase the beam size to W8x13 and use a standard double angle connection. Please advise if the capacities of the connections suggested above are sufficient to transfer the beam reactions. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 28 of 140 03/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 29 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.02-A #1 W24x176 BEAM SQC-041-A Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 30 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.02-A SQC-041-B #2 W8x10 BEAM SQC-041 - #12"3"3"3"3"3"3"2"1/2"1 1/2"2 1/2"1 3/4"3/4" KNIFE PL W/ (14)3/4"ØA490X BOLTS NS, (2) 3/4"ØA490X BOLTS FS7/167/16TYP ES OFCOLTRIM BEAM FLG NS,GRIND FLUSH AS REQD3/4"1 1/4"Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 31 of 14003/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/26/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-041 #01 thru-pl FAIL(UC-1.0) SQC-041 #01 thru-pl: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-041 #01 thru-pl: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 32 of 140 03/09/15 Side view Top view ASDSQC-041 #01 thru-pl: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 33 of 140 03/09/15 Material Properties: Column HSS8X8X6 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W24X176 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.75x14.50x22.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 190.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Limitations PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Fail t 0.75 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 0.74 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 1.01 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 1.34 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 22.00 in Connector length (vertical) d 25.24 in Beam depth kdes 1.84 in Beam fillet Lmin 10.78 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 190.00 kips 378.60 kips 0.50 PASS Plate Shear Yield 190.00 kips 237.60 kips 0.80 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 190.00 kips 279.56 kips 0.68 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 190.00 kips 207.17 kips 0.92 PASS Beam Block Shear 190.00 kips 443.87 kips 0.43 PASS Plate Block Shear 190.00 kips 191.23 kips 0.99 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 190.00 kips 6547.43 kips 0.03 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.74 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.94 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 190.00 kips 301.39 kips 0.63 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 190.00 kips 259.77 kips 0.73 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 190.00 kips 259.77 kips 0.73 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 190.00 kips 219.23 kips 0.87 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.840.840.840.84 Weld at Column(Near)267.19 kips 267.29 kips 1.00 PASS Weld at Column(Far)77.19 kips 267.29 kips 0.29 PASS Close enough - column will likely rotate based on minimal beam reaction far side. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 34 of 140 03/09/15 OK HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 76.62 kips 0.00 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 35 of 140 03/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/26/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-041 #01 thru-pl far end FAIL(UC-0.3)0.3)0.3)0.3) SQC-041 #01 thru-pl far end: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-041 #01 thru-pl far end: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 36 of 140 03/09/15 Side view Top view ASDSQC-041 #01 thru-pl far end: ASD Results Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 37 of 140 03/09/15 Report Material Properties: Column HSS8X8X6 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W8X10 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.75x13.25x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 5.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Limitations PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Beam Shear Yield 5.00 kips 26.83 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 5.00 kips 64.80 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 5.00 kips 20.35 kips PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 5.00 kips 55.46 kips PASS Beam Block Shear 5.00 kips 29.12 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 5.00 kips 59.56 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 5.00 kips 676.23 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield PASS Plate Flexural Rupture PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 5.00 kips 23.13 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 5.00 kips 19.89 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 5.00 kips 37.11 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 5.00 kips 15.27 kips 0.330.330.330.33 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.410.410.410.41 Weld at Column(Near)7.03 kips 72.90 kips PASS Weld at Column(Far)2.03 kips 72.90 kips PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 43.69 kips PASS OK. Far side connection dominates behavior. Moment from the W8 beam would help the connection and column. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 38 of 140 03/09/15 OK SQC-041 - #21/2" GAP1 1/2"3"1 1/2"5/8" KNIFE PL W/(4) 3/4"Ø A490X BOLTS1 1/2"3"1 1/2"3/83/8Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 39 of 14003/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/26/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-042 #2 042 #2 042 #2 042 #2 - ESP FAIL(UC-1.4)1.4)1.4)1.4) SQC-042 #2 042 #2 042 #2 042 #2 - ESP: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-042 #2 042 #2 042 #2 042 #2 -ESP: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 40 of 140 03/09/15 Side view ASDSQC-042 #2 042 #2 042 #2 042 #2 -ESP: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W14X99 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X10 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x14.00x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 8.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 8.00 kips 26.83 kips 0.300.300.300.30 PASS Plate Shear Yield 8.00 kips 54.00 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 8.00 kips 20.35 kips 0.390.390.390.39 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 8.00 kips 46.22 kips PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 41 of 140 03/09/15 Beam Block Shear 8.00 kips 49.94 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.550.550.550.55 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.610.610.610.61 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 8.00 kips 5.70 kips 1.401.401.401.40 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.25 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 2.91 in3 Section modulus of net section a 11.00 in Design eccentricity Rn/5.70 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 8.00 kips 39.78 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 8.00 kips 74.22 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 8.00 kips 13.34 kips 0.600.600.600.60 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 8.00 kips 48.19 kips PASS Lambda < 0.7 ;won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 42 of 140 03/09/15 OK SQC-042 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-042 regarding the design of several beam to HSS column connections. In the response to SQC-027-Rev.1 item #1, we received the design of the connection between the W8x31 beam with 33kips reaction and the HSS8x8x1/2 column (¾” extended shear plate with 2-sided 1/2” fillet weld to column, (2) columns of (2) ¾”ØA490X bolts (G=2”), horizontal spacing = 2.5”, vertical spacing = 3”, 1.5” above/below top/bottom bolt). Please refer to attached page SQC-042-A and confirm that we can use the same connection for: #1 W8x31 beam with 32kips reaction connected to the HSS8x8x3/8 column. See attached sketch. #2 W8x31 beam with 33kips reaction connected to the HSS6x6x1/2 column. Suggestion OK. #3 W8x31 beam with 30kips reaction connected to the HSS6x6x1/2 column. Same as #2 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 43 of 140 03/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 44 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.03-A SQC-042-A #1 W8x31 BEAM #2 W8x31 BEAM #3 W8x31 BEAM SQC-042 - #15/165/16TRIM BEAM FLG NS,GRIND FLUSH1/2"1 1/2"2 1/2"1 1/2"1/2" KNIFE PL W/(4)3/4"Ø A490X BOLTS2 1/2"3"2"Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 45 of 14003/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/22/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-042 #01 FAIL(UC-1.2) SQC-042 #01: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-042 #01: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 46 of 140 03/09/15 Side view Top view ASDSQC-042 #01: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 47 of 140 03/09/15 Material Properties: Column HSS8X8X6 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W8X31 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x6.00x7.50 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 32.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 32.00 kips 45.60 kips 0.70 PASS Plate Shear Yield 32.00 kips 54.00 kips 0.59 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 32.00 kips 34.73 kips 0.92 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 32.00 kips 50.02 kips 0.64 PASS Beam Block Shear 32.00 kips 91.37 kips 0.35 PASS Plate Block Shear 32.00 kips 47.83 kips 0.67 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 32.00 kips 661.36 kips 0.05 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.82 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.80 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 32.00 kips 27.51 kips 1.16 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.30 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 4.15 in3 Section modulus of net section a 3.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/27.51 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 32.00 kips 66.69 kips 0.48 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 32.00 kips 74.22 kips 0.43 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 32.00 kips 34.60 kips 0.92 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.470.470.470.47 Weld at Column 32.00 kips 44.57 kips 0.72 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 22.87 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 104.00 kips-in 137.21 kips-in 0.76 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 48 of 140 03/09/15 OK RISAConnection version 4.0.2 01/22/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-042 #02 FAIL(UC-1.4) SQC-042 #02: 3D View Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-042 #02: 2D Views Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 49 of 140 03/09/15 Side view Top view ASDSQC-042 #02: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 50 of 140 03/09/15 Material Properties: Column HSS6X6X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W8X31 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.75x6.00x6.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 33.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear FAIL Check Column Slenderness Pass (K1.3) E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength t 0.47 in Column wall thickness B 6.00 in Column face width (B - 3 * t) / t 9.90 Column slenderness ratio for shear ((B - 3 * t) / t)max 35.15 Slender wall limit for shear (Table K1.2A) Check Column Material Pass (K1.3) Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength Fy-max 52.00 ksi Column yield strength limit (Table K1.2A) Check Column Ductility Pass (Table K1.2A) Condition: Fy / Fu<= 0.8 Fy 46.00 ksi Column yield strength Fu 58.00 ksi Column tensile strength Check Punching Shear Fail (Eqn K1-3) Fyp 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength tp 0.75 in Plate thickness tp-max 0.75 in Maximum allowed plate thickness Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 33.00 kips 45.60 kips 0.72 PASS Plate Shear Yield 33.00 kips 64.80 kips 0.51 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 33.00 kips 34.73 kips 0.95 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 33.00 kips 55.46 kips 0.59 PASS Beam Block Shear 33.00 kips 88.16 kips 0.37 PASS Plate Block Shear 33.00 kips 65.68 kips 0.50 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 33.00 kips 1785.66 kips 0.02 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.80 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.95 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 33.00 kips 23.13 kips 1.43 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.17 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress OK, rounding triggers "failure" Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 51 of 140 03/09/15 OK OK Snet 3.49 in3 Section modulus of net section a 3.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/23.13 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 33.00 kips 66.69 kips 0.49 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 33.00 kips 74.22 kips 0.44 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 33.00 kips 34.60 kips 0.95 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.470.470.470.47 Weld at Column 33.00 kips 45.72 kips 0.72 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 43.51 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 107.25 kips-in 208.85 kips-in 0.51 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 52 of 140 03/09/15 SQC-043 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-043 regarding beam reactions which are greater than the capacities of the provided connections – Lot #9. This question affects Lot #9. There are several beams with reactions which exceed the capacities of the connections given in the received schedules on lot #9. Please see attached pages SQC-043-A and B: #1 W24x120 beam with 26kips reaction. We suggest using 1/2” extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of ¾” DIA A490X bolts (G=5 3/8”) and 5/16” double sided filled weld between the shear plate and the HSS column. Please confirm – Increase plate thickness to 5/8” and use 2-sided 3/8” fillet welds for attachment to beam. #2 W8x31 beam moment connected to the perpendicular W8x31 beam with 24kips shear reaction. We suggest using 5/8” extended shear plate with (2) rows and (2) columns of ¾” DIA A490X bolts with G=2” and horizontal/vertical spacing = 2 ½”. We would also like to use 3/8” fillet weld both-sides between the beam web and the shear plate. Top and bottom mouse holes with 5 9/16” web height between them. Please note that this is a moment connection and the beam flanges are welded to each other with a CJP weld. Use 12kip demand per EOR. See attached sketch. #3 W8x31 beam moment connected to the perpendicular W8x31 beam with 33kips shear reaction. We suggest using 5/8” extended shear plate with (2) rows and (2) columns of ¾” DIA A490X bolts with G=2” and horizontal/vertical spacing = 2 ½”. We would also like to use 3/8” fillet weld both-sides between the beam web and the shear plate. Top and bottom mouse holes with 5 9/16” web height between them. Please note that this is a moment connection and the beam flanges are welded to each other with a CJP weld. Same as #2 #4 W8x31 beam moment connected to the perpendicular W8x31 beam with 30kips shear reaction. We suggest using 5/8” extended shear plate with (2) rows and (2) columns of ¾” DIA A490X bolts with G=2” and horizontal/vertical spacing = 2 ½”. We would also like to use 3/8” fillet weld both-sides between the beam web and the shear plate. Top and bottom mouse holes with 5 9/16” web height between them. Please note that this is a moment connection and the beam flanges are welded to each other with a CJP weld. Same as #2 #5 W8x28 beam moment connected to the perpendicular W8x28 beam with 25kips shear reaction. We suggest using 5/8” extended shear plate with (2) rows and (2) columns of ¾” DIA A490X bolts with G=2” and horizontal/vertical spacing = 2 ½”. We would also like to use 3/8” fillet weld both-sides between the beam web and the shear plate. Top and bottom mouse holes with 5 9/16” web height between them. Please note that this is a moment Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 53 of 140 03/09/15 connection and the beam flanges are welded to each other with a CJP weld. Same as #2 #6 W8x28 beam moment connected to the perpendicular W8x28 beam with 26kips shear reaction. We suggest using 5/8” extended shear plate with (2) rows and (2) columns of ¾” DIA A490X bolts with G=2” and horizontal/vertical spacing = 2 ½”. We would also like to use 3/8” fillet weld both-sides between the beam web and the shear plate. Top and bottom mouse holes with 5 9/16” web height between them. Please note that this is a moment connection and the beam flanges are welded to each other with a CJP weld. Same as #2 Please advise if the capacities of the connections suggested above are sufficient to transfer the beam reactions.. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 54 of 140 03/09/15 Further communication: Anatomic Iron: For item #3, and the other similar connections, if we were to go with the 1 ½” thick shear tab can you tell us what welds we would need? Martin/Martin Response: If the plate gets welded to the girder web and both T&B flanges, we can justify a ½” PJP weld with 5/16” reinforcing fillet on each side. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 55 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.03-A SQC-043-A #1 W12x10 BEAM #2 W8x31 BEAM #3 W8x31 BEAM #4 W8x31 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 56 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.03-A SQC-043-A #5 W8x28 BEAM #6 W8x28 BEAM RISAConnection version 4.0.2 02/05/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 - ESP bolted FAIL(UC-1.5)1.5)1.5)1.5) SQC-043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 - ESP bolted: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 -ESP bolted: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 57 of 140 03/09/15 Side view ASDSQC-043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 - ESP bolted: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W8X31 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X31 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x9.88x5.75 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 12.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 12.00 kips 45.60 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 12.00 kips 51.75 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 12.00 kips 34.73 kips 0.350.350.350.35 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 58 of 140 03/09/15 Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 12.00 kips 43.50 kips PASS Beam Block Shear 12.00 kips 88.23 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 12.00 kips 53.04 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 12.00 kips 114.77 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.640.640.640.64 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.720.720.720.72 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 12.00 kips 8.17 kips 1.471.471.471.47 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.23 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 2.70 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.13 in Design eccentricity Rn/8.17 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 12.00 kips 66.69 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 12.00 kips 74.22 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 12.00 kips 17.63 kips 0.680.680.680.68 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 12.00 kips 17.60 kips 0.680.680.680.68 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 59 of 140 03/09/15 OK RISAConnection version 4.0.2 03/09/2015 Global Parameters - Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes ASDSQC-043 #01 - ESP: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X120 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x9.88x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 26.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PAS S Beam Shear Yield 26.00 kips 186.30 kips 0.14 PASS Plate Shear Yield 26.00 kips 81.00 kips 0.32 PAS S Beam Shear Rupture 26.00 kips 145.30 kips 0.18 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 26.00 kips 69.33 kips 0.38 PASS Beam Block Shear 26.00 kips 283.93 kips 0.09 PASS Plate Block Shear 26.00 kips 79.51 kips 0.33 PAS S Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 26.00 kips 214.61 kips 0.12 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.53 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.58 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 60 of 140 03/09/15 Plate Flexural Buckling 26.00 kips 19.52 kips 1.33 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.32 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 6.23 in3 Section modulus of net section a 6.88 in Design eccentricity Rn/19.52 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 26.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.23 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 26.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.23 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 26.00 kips 37.38 kips 0.70 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.34 Girder Weld Strength 26.00 kips 29.33 kips 0.89 PASS Won't buckle because lambda < 0.7. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 61 of 140 03/09/15 OK 1/2"1 1/2"2 1/2"1 1/2"1 1/2"2 3/4"1 1/2"PL5/8 WITH (4)3/4"ØA490X BOLTS, TYP3/83/8TYPSQC-043 #2CJP, TYPPER EORPLAN NOTEStrata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 62 of 14003/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 02/05/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 - ESP bolted FAIL(UC-1.5)1.5)1.5)1.5) SQC-043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 - ESP bolted: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 -ESP bolted: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 63 of 140 03/09/15 Side view ASDSQC-043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 043 #02 - ESP bolted: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W8X31 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X31 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x9.88x5.75 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 12.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 12.00 kips 45.60 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 12.00 kips 51.75 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 12.00 kips 34.73 kips 0.350.350.350.35 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 64 of 140 03/09/15 Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 12.00 kips 43.50 kips PASS Beam Block Shear 12.00 kips 88.23 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 12.00 kips 53.04 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 12.00 kips 114.77 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.640.640.640.64 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.720.720.720.72 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 12.00 kips 8.17 kips 1.471.471.471.47 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.23 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 2.70 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.13 in Design eccentricity Rn/8.17 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 12.00 kips 66.69 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 12.00 kips 74.22 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 12.00 kips 17.63 kips 0.680.680.680.68 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 12.00 kips 17.60 kips 0.680.680.680.68 PASS Lambda < 0.7; won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 65 of 140 03/09/15 OK SQC-044 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-044 related to the W24x131 to W24x176 beam connections (item #6 in the original Q-036 below). This question affects Lot #6. Based on the Q-352 response from the EOR we strengthened the W24x131 profile by adding a 7/8” thick plate at the web and ½” overlapping plates welded to the top and bottom flanges (see attached page SQC-044-A). However, we are not sure if the ‘beam to beam’ connection we detailed is sufficient to meet the beam’s reaction. In order to connect the strengthened beam we have used a double angle connection with 2 rows of (6)-3/4” DIA A490X-TC bolts (see attached pages SQC-044-B and C). Please advise if this connection is correct as shown. Attached is the end plate connection looking towards the W24x176 girder. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 66 of 140 03/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 67 of 140 03/09/15 REF: Q-352 RESPONSE SQC-044-A Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 68 of 140 03/09/15 3-D MODEL VIEW PROPOSITION SQC-044-B W24x131 BEAM W24x176 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 69 of 140 03/09/15 SECTION A-A SQC-044-C (2)L8x8x1/2 ANGLES W/(12)-3/4"_DIA A490X-TC BOLTS W24x131 BEAM W24x176 BEAM 1'-5 1/2" 1/2" PLATE (TOP & BOT) 7/8" PLATE 21" SQC-044(5/16)20½"(5/16)20½"DBLR TOEND PLBEAM DOUBLERPLATES PER EOREND PL3/4x18x1'-8½.CENTER ON BEAM(24)3/4"ØA490X BOLTS2 3/4"3"3"3"3"3"2 3/4"2 1/2"3"7"3"2 1/2"(5/16)20½"WEB TOEND PL5/16Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 70 of 14003/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 02/16/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-044 - End Plate FAIL(UC-1.0) SQC-044 - End Plate: 3D View Girder/Beam End-Plate Shear Connection SQC-044 -End Plate: 2D Views Girder/Beam End-Plate Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 71 of 140 03/09/15 Side view Front view ASDSQC-044 -End Plate: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam End-Plate Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 72 of 140 03/09/15 Material Properties: Girder W24X176 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W24X306 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.75x18.00x20.50 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 371.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Beam Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Fail Condition: t <= 5/8'' t 0.75 in Connector thickness Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 20.50 in Connector length (vertical) d 27.13 in Beam depth kdes 2.78 in Beam fillet Lmin 10.78 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 371.00 kips 519.62 kips 0.71 PASS Plate Shear Yield 371.00 kips 442.80 kips 0.84 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 371.00 kips 506.63 kips 0.73 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Girder 371.00 kips 398.02 kips 0.93 PASS Plate Block Shear at Girder 371.00 kips 373.19 kips 0.99 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 371.00 kips 417.84 kips 0.89 PASS Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 371.00 kips 384.93 kips 0.96 PASS Bolt Bearing on Girder 371.00 kips 445.32 kips 0.83 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Girder 371.00 kips 445.32 kips 0.83 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 371.00 kips 445.32 kips 0.83 PASS Bolt Prying PASS Bolt Tension at Girder N/A Beam Weld Strength 371.00 kips 390.46 kips 0.95 PASS Size approximates doubler plates This is acceptable because we are supporting a WF edge beam. The edge beam does not have significant torsional capacity, so this connection will not act as a moment connection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 73 of 140 03/09/15 OK OK Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 74 of 14003/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 75 of 14003/09/15 SQC-045 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-045 regarding the design of the splice connection at the location where the beams are at different elevations. This question affects Lot #10. Structural plan S2.05-A shows a W12x16 and W8x15 beam connected to the HSS column on grid A4/12.2 (see attached page SQC-045-A). According to ZMI RFI-052 (see attached) we can run the W12x16 beam over the column and connect it to the W8x15 beam using the beam splice detail. Detail 8/SC-10 shows the design of the beam splice (see attached page SQC-045-B). However, in this case the W8x15 beam is lower by 6”, therefore we need to adjust the angle locations and strip the bottom flange of the W12x16 beam and the top flange of the W8x15 beam flush to the webs (see attached pages SQC-045-C and D). Based on the reaction plans, the W8x15 beam has 18kips reaction. Please confirm that the connection shown on pages SQC-045-C and D is sufficient to transfer the loads. The connection you have shown works. One possible tweak would be to replace the right side double angles with an end plate. This would eliminate the need to strip the bottom flange of the W12x16. Please let me know if this is preferred, and I can generate a detail. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 76 of 140 03/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 77 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.05-A SQC-045-A SEE PAGE SQC-045-C FOR 3D VIEW 2)6,0,/$5%($070,1%$6('217)25$1*/(6,=( '(7$,/6((0$; )25&$3$&,7< 6(( '28%/($1*/( $ $ 6& 6& 126&$/(7<3%($0'%/$1*/(63/,&( Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 78 of 140 03/09/15REF: 8/SC-10 SQC-045-B Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 79 of 140 03/09/15 3D MODEL VIEW A A W8X15 BEAM W12X16 BEAM HSS6X6X3/8 COLUMN HSS8X8X1/2 COLUMN (2) L4X3 1/2X3/8 ANGLES (2) L4X3 1/2X3/8 ANGLES (2) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS (2) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS (2) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS (2) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS SQC-045-C Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 80 of 140 03/09/15 SECTION A-A HSS8X8X1/2 COLUMN HSS6X6X3/8 COLUMN (2) L4X3 1/2X3/8 ANGLES (2) L4X3 1/2X3/8 ANGLES (2) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS (2) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS W12X16 BEAM W8X15 BEAM (4) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS 5 3/4" 3" 6" 2 3/4" 3" 3" 1 1/4" SQC-045-D 1'-1"0'-3 1/4"0'-2 1/4" Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 81 of 14003/09/15 SQC-046 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-046 regarding the capacity of the shear connection at the moment connection shown on detail 1/S5.4. This question affects Lot #10. Structural plan S2.05-A shows (2) locations where the W14x22 beams are connected to the W12x65 girder with a moment connection and there is a reference to detail 1/S5.4 (see attached page SQC-046-A). This detail shows the design of the moment connection and the incoming W14 beams connected to the W12 beam web with a shear connection (see attached page SQC-046-B). The reaction on the longer W14 beam is 11kips. However, the minimum quantity of bolts at the shear plate connection for the W14x22 beams is 3 and in this case, due to the significant elevation difference, we are able to use only (2) rows of bolts. Additionally, the cope is deeper than half of the W14x22 beam depth, thus we cannot maintain the requirement shown on detail 5/SC-10 (see attached page SQC-046-C). As a result, we are not able to determine the capacity of this connection. Please provide the capacity of the shear connection shown on attached page SQC-046-D. The connection you have detailed can support an 11 kip shear load. As you indicated, the depth of the connection doesn’t meet AISC’s recommended height of T/2 for erection stability. I suggest extending the knife plate up to the underside of the W12’s top flange and noting for the erector to install the bolts to the bottom flange plate immediately. See attached sketch. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 82 of 140 03/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 83 of 140 03/09/15REF: S2.05-A SQC-046-A AA AA Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 84 of 140 03/09/15 REF: 1/S5.4 SQC-046-B G723 %27720&23( 723&23(21/<7<3G0,1&23(/(1*7+6((6&+('G6((6&+(' &23(/(1*7+G0,17<3GZ:(%(;73/127( 7+(*(20(75<6+2:1,67+(%$6,6)25 &$/&8/$7,2162)/,0,767$7(6,192/9,1* &23('%($06$//('*(',67$1&( ',0(16,2166+2:1$5(0,1,0806N5$',86 7<3&23( %27720&23(21/<G0,17<3N86( 723&23(' 9$/8(6,17$%/( 6 ((6 &+('&2 3 (/(1 *7 + 6 ((6 &+('&2 3 (/(1 *7 + 6 ((6 &+('&2 3 (/(1 *7 + 6 ((6 &+('&2 3 (/(1 *7 +'(37+723&23('(37+%27720&23('(37+723&23('(37+%27720&23(723 %27720&23(6/23(' $//+2/(6,1 %($06$5( 67$1'$5' +2/(6 $//+2/(6,1 %($06$5( 67$1'$5'+2/(6 $//+2/(6,1 %($06$5( 67$1'$5'+2/(6 6((6&+(' &23(/(1*7+ 6& 126&$/(7<3%($0&23(*(20(75< Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 85 of 140 03/09/15 SQC-046-C REF: 5/SC-10 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 86 of 140 03/09/15 7" 6 3/4" 5 3/4" (2) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS 3/8" SHEAR PLATE 1 3/4" 2 1/2" W12X65 BEAM SECTION A-A SQC-046-D W14x22 BEAM W14x22 BEAM RISAConnection version 4.0.2 02/10/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-046 FAIL(UC-0.8) SQC-046: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-046: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 87 of 140 03/09/15 Side view ASDSQC-046: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X65 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W14X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.38x3.50x6.25 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 11.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Fail t 0.38 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 1.44 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 0.31 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) 3/8" plate OK for 7/8" bolts per AISC Table 10-9 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 88 of 140 03/09/15 OK tmax-plate 0.65 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 6.25 in Connector length (vertical) d 13.74 in Beam depth kdes 0.73 in Beam fillet Lmin 6.13 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 11.00 kips 31.60 kips 0.35 PASS Plate Shear Yield 11.00 kips 33.75 kips 0.33 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 11.00 kips 21.84 kips 0.50 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 11.00 kips 27.73 kips 0.40 PASS Beam Block Shear 11.00 kips 20.86 kips 0.53 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.18 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.24 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 11.00 kips 20.97 kips 0.52 PASS Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 11.00 kips 14.93 kips 0.74 PASS Coped Beam Local Web Buckling 11.00 kips 13.76 kips 0.80 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 11.00 kips 27.06 kips 0.41 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 11.00 kips 32.47 kips 0.34 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 11.00 kips 18.05 kips 0.61 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.560.560.560.56 Girder Weld Strength 11.00 kips 57.12 kips 0.19 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 89 of 140 03/09/15 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-047 regarding the design of the connections for (2) WF beams on lot #10 taken from the SQC-020 response. This question affects Lot #10. Structural plan S2.06-A shows a W12x65 beam and a W12x26 beam connected to the W12x50 girder near grid A2.4-A3/14 (see attached page SQC-047-A). According to the reaction plan, both of these beams have 26kips reaction. However, none of the standard connections is sufficient to transfer this load. We suggest using the connection design received in the response to SQC-020, item #14 for the W12x26 beam connection with 29kips reaction. Please note that at both beams the G distance will be 5 7/8”. Please confirm this is acceptable. The connection from SQC-020 #14 is acceptable. You may decrease the plate thickness to 5/8”, the welds to 2-sided 3/8” fillets and the vertical spacing to 3”. SQC-047 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 90 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.06-ASQC-047-AStrata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 91 of 14003/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 02/12/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-047047047047 FAIL(UC-1.4)1.4)1.4)1.4) SQC-047: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-047: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection See comments herein Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 92 of 140 03/09/15 Side view ASDSQC-047: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X50 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12x26 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x10.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 26.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 26.00 kips 56.12 kips 0.460.460.460.46 PASS Plate Shear Yield 26.00 kips 81.00 kips 0.320.320.320.32 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 26.00 kips 42.94 kips 0.610.610.610.61 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 26.00 kips 69.33 kips 0.380.380.380.38 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 93 of 140 03/09/15 Beam Block Shear 26.00 kips 86.69 kips 0.300.300.300.30 PASS Plate Block Shear 26.00 kips 74.98 kips 0.350.350.350.35 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 26.00 kips 172.23 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.580.580.580.58 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.630.630.630.63 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 26.00 kips 18.51 kips 1.401.401.401.40 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.33 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 6.23 in3 Section modulus of net section a 7.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/18.51 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 26.00 kips 80.73 kips 0.320.320.320.32 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 26.00 kips 111.33 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 26.00 kips 34.40 kips 0.760.760.760.76 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.310.310.310.31 Girder Weld Strength 26.00 kips 34.99 kips 0.740.740.740.74 PASS Won't buckle. Use Zgross instead of Snet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 94 of 140 03/09/15 OK Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-049 regarding beam reactions which are greater than the capacities of the provided connections – Lot #10. This question affects Lot #10. There are several beams with reactions which exceed the capacities of the connections given in the received schedules on lot #10. Please see attached pages SQC -049-A thru D and refer to the suggested solutions below: #1 W8x15 beam with 18kips reaction (connection between the stiffener plates - 4 ¾” of clearance – extended shear plate required). We suggest using 5/8” thick extended shear plate with (2) columns and (2) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both - sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. G=7 13/16”. See attached sketch. #2 W12x26 beam with 38kips reaction (connection between the stiffener plates - 6” of clearance – extended shear plate required). We suggest using 5/8” thick extended shear plate with (2) columns and (3) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both- sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. G=5”. There is also 1 ¼”x1 ¼” bottom cope at W12x26 beam. See attached sketch. #3 W8x24 beam with 28kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick shear plate with (2) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. Same as #4 #4 W8x24 beam with 29kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick shear plate with (2) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. Please use a 5/8” thick knife plate with (2) columns of (2)3/4”Ø A490X bolts. Vertical spacing = 3”, horizontal spacing = 2.5”. Plate height = 6.25”. 2-sided 3/8” fillet welds to column. #5 W8x15 beam with 18kips reaction (connection between the stiffener plates - 4 ¾” of clearance – extended shear plate required). We suggest using 5/8” thick extended shear plate with (2) columns and (2) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both - sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. G=7 13/16”. Same as #1 #6 W8x24 beam with 28kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick shear plate with (2) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. Same as #4 #7 W8x24 beam with 28kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick shear plate with (2) 3/4” SQC-049 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 95 of 140 03/09/15 DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. Same as #4 #8 W10x77 beam with 28kips reaction. We suggest using 1/2” thick shear plate with (2) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both -sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. OK with vertical bolt spacing = 5”. Plate height = 7.5”. #9 W12x22 beams with 22kips reaction. We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (3) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top and bottom 5 ¾” copes with 9 3/4” web height between the copes. OK with standard double angles. As -detailed also acceptable. #10 W12x79 beam with 36kips reaction. We suggest using double angle connection (L4x4x1/2) with (3) 3/4” DIA A490X bolts. Top and bottom 5 ¾” copes with 9 1/8” web height between the copes. OK with standard double angles and either ¾”Ø A490X or 7/8”Ø A325N bolts. As -detailed also acceptable. #11 W12x106 beam with 44 kips reaction. We suggest using double angle connection (L4X4X3/8) with (3) 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts. Top and bottom 5 ¾” copes with 9 5/8” web height between the copes. Similar connection was applied for W12x106 beam with 51kips reaction asked in SQC-020, item #2. OK with standard double angles and either ¾”Ø A490X or 7/8”Ø A325N bolts. As -detailed also acceptable. #12 W16x26 beam with 61kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick extended shear plate with (2) columns and (4) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both -sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. G=2”. Please clarify/confirm the framing here? It looks like the W16x77 is continuous. If it’s a W16x77, then the same connection as #14 applies. #13 W16x89 beam with 61kips reaction. We suggest using 1/2” thick extended shear plate with (2) columns and (4) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. G=2”. Same as #14 #14 W16x100 beam with 62kips reaction. We suggest using 5/8” thick extended shear plate with (2) columns and (4) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts and a 5/16” fillet weld both-sides between the supporting member and the shear plate. G=2”. Please use a ½” plate with (1) column of (4) ¾”Ø A490X bolts. Vert spacing = 3.25”. 2-sided 5/16” fillet weld to HSS column. Please advise if the capacities of the connections suggested above are sufficient to transfer the beam reactions. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 96 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.05-A SQC-049-A #1 W8x15 BEAM #2 W12x26 BEAM #3 W8x24 BEAM #4 W8x24 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 97 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.05-A SQC-049-B #5 W8x15 BEAM #6 W8x24 BEAM #7 W8x24 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 98 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.06-A SQC-049-C #8 W10x77 BEAM #9 W12x22 BEAM #10 W12x79 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 99 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.06-A SQC-049-D #11 W12x106 BEAM #12 W12x26 BEAM #13 W16x89 BEAM #14 W16x100 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 100 of 140 03/09/15 RISAConnection version 5.0.0 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Full Shear Eccentricity Considered?No Plastic Panel-Zone Shear Deformation Considered?No ASDSQC-049 #01: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X87 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W8X15 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x12.38x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 18.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 18.00 kips 36.73 kips 0.490.490.490.49 PASS Plate Shear Yield 18.00 kips 81.00 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 18.00 kips 27.45 kips 0.660.660.660.66 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 18.00 kips 78.84 kips PASS Beam Block Shear 18.00 kips 35.88 kips 0.500.500.500.50 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.430.430.430.43 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.360.360.360.36 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 18.00 kips 16.44 kips FAIL Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 101 of 140 03/09/15 Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.35 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 7.15 in3 Section modulus of net section a 9.38 in Design eccentricity Rn/16.44 kips Plate flexural buckling Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 18.00 kips 8.76 kips FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 3.47 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 12.88 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 17.90 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 5.16 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 7.49 in Overal depth of coped section yc 1.72 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/8.76 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Bolt Bearing on Beam 18.00 kips 57.33 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 18.00 kips 74.22 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 18.00 kips 18.17 kips 0.990.990.990.99 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 18.00 kips 46.40 kips 0.390.390.390.39 PASS Won't buckle, use Znet. OK by inspection. Section is blocked; not coped. See hand calculations. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 102 of 140 03/09/15 OK OK Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 103 of 14003/09/15 Title Date 2/18/2015 Job no. Subject By E Sheet 1 of 1 y x u u v v CALCULATION OF SECTION PROPERTIES Tedds calculation version 2.0.04 Area A = 3.77 in2 2nd moment of area Iuu = 36.8 in4 Ivv = 2.22 in4 Ixx = 36.6 in4 Iyy = 2.46 in4 Radius of gyration ruu = 3.12 in rvv = 0.77 in rxx = 3.11 in ryy = 0.81 in Plastic section modulus (only shapes with all rectangles at 90 degs) Zxx = 10.6 in3 Zyy = 2.01 in3 Distance to combined centroid Xe = 0.17 in Ye = 0.61 in Distance to equal axis area (only shapes with all rectangles at 90 degs) Xp = 0.04 in Yp = 1.21 in Elastic section modulus Sxx = 7.83 in3 Syy = 1.13 in3 ; Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 104 of 140 03/09/15 RISAConnection version 5.0.0 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Full Shear Eccentricity Considered?No Plastic Panel-Zone Shear Deformation Considered?No ASDSQC-049 #02: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X16 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X26 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x9.50x10.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 38.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 38.00 kips 56.21 kips 0.680.680.680.68 PASS Plate Shear Yield 38.00 kips 90.00 kips 0.420.420.420.42 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 38.00 kips 43.03 kips 0.880.880.880.88 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 38.00 kips 80.20 kips 0.470.470.470.47 PASS Beam Block Shear 38.00 kips 94.26 kips 0.400.400.400.40 PASS Plate Block Shear 38.00 kips 82.89 kips 0.460.460.460.46 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 38.00 kips 275.57 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.720.720.720.72 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 105 of 140 03/09/15 Plate Flexural Rupture 0.710.710.710.71 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 38.00 kips 27.95 kips 1.361.361.361.36 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.34 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 8.43 in3 Section modulus of net section a 6.50 in Design eccentricity Rn/27.95 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 38.00 kips 80.73 kips 0.470.470.470.47 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 38.00 kips 111.33 kips 0.340.340.340.34 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 38.00 kips 39.14 kips 0.970.970.970.97 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.350.350.350.35 Girder Weld Strength 38.00 kips 43.27 kips 0.880.880.880.88 PASS Won't buckle, use Znet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 106 of 140 03/09/15 OK RISAConnection version 5.0.0 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Full Shear Eccentricity Considered?No Plastic Panel-Zone Shear Deformation Considered?No ASDSQC-049 #04: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Column HSS6X6X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W8X24 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x6.00x6.25 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 29.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 29.00 kips 38.86 kips 0.75 PASS Plate Shear Yield 29.00 kips 56.25 kips 0.52 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 29.00 kips 29.52 kips 0.98 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 29.00 kips 48.94 kips 0.59 PASS Beam Block Shear 29.00 kips 79.37 kips 0.37 PASS Plate Block Shear 29.00 kips 55.57 kips 0.52 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 29.00 kips 1076.43 kips 0.03 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 107 of 140 03/09/15 Plate Flexural Yield 0.78 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.88 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 29.00 kips 21.62 kips 1.34 FAIL Rn = Fcr * Snet / a = 1.67 (AISC 14th Edition) Fy 36.00 ksi Plate yield strength 0.21 Buckling factor (eqn 9-18) Q 1.00 Buckling factor (9-17) Fcr 36.00 ksi Critical stress Snet 3.26 in3 Section modulus of net section a 3.25 in Design eccentricity Rn/21.62 kips Plate flexural buckling Bolt Bearing on Beam 29.00 kips 57.33 kips 0.51 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 29.00 kips 74.22 kips 0.39 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 29.00 kips 34.60 kips 0.84 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.470.470.470.47 Weld at Column 29.00 kips 34.83 kips 0.83 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 43.44 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 94.25 kips-in 167.58 kips-in 0.56 PASS Won't buckle, use Znet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 108 of 140 03/09/15 OK RISAConnection version 5.0.0 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Full Shear Eccentricity Considered?No Plastic Panel-Zone Shear Deformation Considered?No ASDSQC-049 #08: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Column HSS6X6X8 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W10X77 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x3.50x7.50 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 28.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 28.00 kips 112.36 kips 0.25 PASS Plate Shear Yield 28.00 kips 54.00 kips 0.52 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 28.00 kips 91.46 kips 0.31 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 28.00 kips 50.02 kips 0.56 PASS Beam Block Shear 28.00 kips 123.04 kips 0.23 PASS Plate Block Shear 28.00 kips 49.16 kips 0.57 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 28.00 kips 661.36 kips 0.04 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 109 of 140 03/09/15 Plate Flexural Yield 0.41 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.47 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 28.00 kips 34.64 kips 0.81 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 28.00 kips 37.11 kips 0.75 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 28.00 kips 33.24 kips 0.84 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 28.00 kips 28.45 kips 0.98 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.770.770.770.77 Weld at Column 28.00 kips 48.51 kips 0.58 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 45.79 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 56.00 kips-in 203.45 kips-in 0.28 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 110 of 140 03/09/15 RISAConnection version 5.0.0 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Full Shear Eccentricity Considered?No Plastic Panel-Zone Shear Deformation Considered?No ASDSQC-049 #09: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X120 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X22 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 22.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 22.00 kips 50.54 kips 0.440.440.440.44 PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 22.00 kips 91.80 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 22.00 kips 34.07 kips 0.650.650.650.65 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 22.00 kips 71.77 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 22.00 kips 71.77 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 22.00 kips 80.47 kips PASS Beam Block Shear 22.00 kips 36.76 kips 0.600.600.600.60 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 22.00 kips 80.47 kips PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 111 of 140 03/09/15 Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 22.00 kips 21.10 kips FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 4.09 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 19.90 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.86 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.72 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.40 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/21.10 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 22.00 kips 19.44 kips FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 166.76 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 4.09 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.26 in Beam web thickness ho 9.72 in Reduced beam depth c 5.80 in Cope length fd 2.46 Adjustment factor Rn/19.44 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Girder 22.00 kips 97.41 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 22.00 kips 85.33 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 22.00 kips 43.41 kips 0.510.510.510.51 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 22.00 kips 85.33 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 22.00 kips 97.41 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 22.00 kips 97.41 kips PASS Bolt Prying Prying Bolt Tension at Girder N/A Close enough - especially since Snet is being used when the section won't buckle per limit state below Fcr >> Fy so it won't buckle. Can use Znet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 112 of 140 03/09/15 OK OK RISAConnection version 5.0.0 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Full Shear Eccentricity Considered?No Plastic Panel-Zone Shear Deformation Considered?No ASDSQC-049 #10: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X120 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X79 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 36.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 36.00 kips 87.89 kips 0.410.410.410.41 PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 36.00 kips 91.80 kips 0.390.390.390.39 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 36.00 kips 58.20 kips 0.620.620.620.62 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 36.00 kips 71.77 kips 0.500.500.500.50 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 36.00 kips 71.77 kips 0.500.500.500.50 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 36.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.450.450.450.45 PASS Beam Block Shear 36.00 kips 66.45 kips 0.540.540.540.54 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 36.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.450.450.450.45 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 113 of 140 03/09/15 Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 36.00 kips 35.30 kips FAIL Rn = Fu*Snet/e = 2.00= 2.00= 2.00= 2.00 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-6) Fu 65.00 ksi Minimum tensile stress of material Snet 6.85 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection In 32.01 in4 Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis Ymax 4.68 in Maximum distance from the neutral plane = ho- yc ho 9.35 in Overal depth of coped section yc 0.19 in Position of the neutral plane Rn/35.30 kips Coped beam flexural rupture Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 36.00 kips 32.52 kips FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67= 1.67= 1.67= 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 567.86 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 6.85 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.47 in Beam web thickness ho 9.35 in Reduced beam depth c 5.80 in Cope length fd 2.47 Adjustment factor Rn/32.52 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Girder 36.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.370.370.370.37 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 36.00 kips 85.33 kips 0.420.420.420.42 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 36.00 kips 78.48 kips 0.460.460.460.46 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 36.00 kips 85.33 kips 0.420.420.420.42 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 36.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.370.370.370.37 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 36.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.370.370.370.37 PASS Bolt Prying Prying Bolt Tension at Girder N/A Close enough - especially since Snet is being used when the section won't buckle per limit state below Fcr >> Fy so it won't buckle. Can use Znet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 114 of 140 03/09/15 OK OK RISAConnection version 5.0.0 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Full Shear Eccentricity Considered?No Plastic Panel-Zone Shear Deformation Considered?No ASDSQC-049 #11: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Clip Angle Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X136 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X106 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Angle L4X3.5X6 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 44.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Geometry Restrictions at Girder PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 44.00 kips 115.29 kips 0.38 PASS Clip Angle Shear Yield 44.00 kips 91.80 kips 0.48 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 44.00 kips 76.72 kips 0.57 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Beam 44.00 kips 71.77 kips 0.61 PASS Clip Angle Shear Rupture at Girder 44.00 kips 71.77 kips 0.61 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Girder 44.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.55 PASS Beam Block Shear 44.00 kips 86.24 kips 0.51 PASS Clip Angle Block Shear at Beam 44.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.55 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 115 of 140 03/09/15 Coped Beam Flexural Rupture 44.00 kips 46.80 kips 0.94 PASS Coped Beam Lateral Torsional Buckling 44.00 kips 43.11 kips 1.02 FAIL Rn = min(Fcr, Fy) * Snet/e = 1.67 (AISC 14th Eq. 9-12) Fcr 928.59 ksi Available buckling Fcr = 0.62**E*tw 2*fd /(c*ho) Fy 50.00 ksi Minimum yield stress of material Snet 9.08 in3 Snet=In/Ymax elastic section modulus of the cross section e 6.30 in Distance from the face of the cope to the point of inflection E 29000.00 ksi Modulus of elasticity of steel tw 0.61 in Beam web thickness ho 9.45 in Reduced beam depth c 5.80 in Cope length fd 2.42 Adjustment factor Rn/43.11 kips Coped beam local web buckling Bolt Bearing on Girder 44.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Girder 44.00 kips 85.33 kips 0.52 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 44.00 kips 83.53 kips 0.53 PASS Bolt Bearing on Clip Angle at Beam 44.00 kips 85.33 kips 0.52 PASS Bolt Shear at Girder 44.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 44.00 kips 97.41 kips 0.45 PASS Bolt Prying Prying Bolt Tension at Girder 12.41 kips 22.96 kips 0.54 PASS Fcr >> Fy so it won't buckle. Can use Znet. OK by inspection. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 116 of 140 03/09/15 OK RISAConnection version 5.0.0 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Full Shear Eccentricity Considered?No Plastic Panel-Zone Shear Deformation Considered?No ASDSQC-049 #14: ASD Results Report Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Column HSS6X6X6 A500 Gr.B Rect Fy = 46.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Beam W16X100 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x3.50x12.75 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 62.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Column Force 50.00 kips User Input Column Force Column Moment 48.00 kips-in User Input Column Moment Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result HSS Punching Shear PASS Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Column Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability FAIL Check Rotational Ductility Fail t 0.50 in Plate thickness tmax-weld 0.88 in Max. plate thickness to avoid weld failure (AISC 14th p. 9-14) tmax-bolts 0.48 in Max. plate thickness to avoid bolt failure (AISC 14th Eq. 10-3) tmax-plate 0.87 in Max. plate thickness to avoid plate rupture (AISC 14th p. 9-14) Check Erection Stability Pass Condition: Ly >= (d - 2* kdes)/2 Ly 12.75 in Connector length (vertical) d 16.97 in Beam depth Close enough Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 117 of 140 03/09/15 OK kdes 1.69 in Beam fillet Lmin 6.79 in Min connector length Beam Shear Yield 62.00 kips 198.55 kips 0.31 PASS Plate Shear Yield 62.00 kips 91.80 kips 0.68 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 62.00 kips 153.66 kips 0.40 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 62.00 kips 80.47 kips 0.77 PASS Beam Block Shear 62.00 kips 180.79 kips 0.34 PASS Plate Block Shear 62.00 kips 76.16 kips 0.81 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 62.00 kips 1124.31 kips 0.06 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.54 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.68 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 62.00 kips 106.76 kips 0.58 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 62.00 kips 74.22 kips 0.84 PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 62.00 kips 74.22 kips 0.84 PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 62.00 kips 63.00 kips 0.98 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.850.850.850.85 Weld at Column 62.00 kips 93.41 kips 0.66 PASS HSS Transverse Plastification 0.00 kips 32.88 kips 0.00 PASS HSS Flexural Plastification 124.00 kips-in 236.65 kips-in 0.52 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 118 of 140 03/09/15 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-050 regarding the connections for the lower beams – Lot #10. In the email below we received ZMI comments regarding our suggestion for beam to beam connections at locations where the difference in the beam elevations is significant (6”) (see attached PDF). There are several locations where we have applied this kind of connection on Lot #10, please see the attached pages SQC-050-A and B and refer to the suggestions below: #1 W12x87 with 30kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC- 050-C) with (2) columns and (3) rows of ¾” DIA A490X bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”). The additional 6” long plate is 3/4” thick. Same as #2 #2 W12x106 with 30kips reaction – We suggest using option #1 (see attached page SQC- 050-C) with (2) columns and (3) rows of ¾” DIA A490X bolts, and 1/2” extended shear plate (G=7 3/4”). The additional 6” long plate is 7/8” thick. See attached sketch. #3 W16x26 with 9kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC- 050-D) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=7 5/8”). Same as #4 #4 W16x26 with 9kips reaction – We suggest using option #2 (see attached page SQC- 050-D) with (2) columns and (3) rows of 3/4” DIA A490X bolts, and 1” extended shear plate (G=7 13/16”, A=7 5/8”). Please use detail as described, except with ½” plate and 2- sided 5/16” fillet welds to girder web. Note – the 1” plate thickness you recommended seems to be coming from EOR detail 3/S5.1. The columns above are HSS8x8x3/8 and the girders are quite heavy. I would be surprised if ½” wasn’t acceptable. An alternative might be to use the 5/8” thickness from the standard column splice detail. Please confirm that the suggested connections are sufficient to transfer the beam reactions. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 119 of 140 03/09/15 SQC-050 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 120 of 14003/09/15REF: S2.05-A#1 W12x87BEAMSQC-050-A#2 W12x106BEAM Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 121 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.06-A SQC-050-B #3 W16x26 BEAM #4 W16x26 BEAM Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 122 of 140 03/09/15MODEL SECTION VIEW - OPTION #1 2 1/2" TYP. 3" TYP. G 6" LONG PLATE 1/2" SHEAR PLATE WF BEAM WF BEAM 3/4" DIA A490X BOLTS SQC-050-C 5/16 5/16 2 SIDES 5/16 5/16 2 SIDES 5/16 5/16 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 123 of 140 03/09/15MODEL SECTION VIEW - OPTION #2 WF BEAM WF BEAM 3/4" DIA A490X BOLTS 1" SHEAR PLATE A G 3" TYP. 3" TYP. SQC-050-D 5/16 5/16 3 SIDES SQC-050 #021/2"1 1/2"3 1/4"3 1/4"1 1/2"2 1/2"1 1/2"PL 1/2" W/ (6)3/4"ØA490X BOLTSSTRIP & GRINDSMOOTH NS FLANGE5/165/163-SIDES2"1/2"Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 124 of 14003/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-050 #02050 #02050 #02050 #02 PASS(UC-1.0)1.0)1.0)1.0) SQC-050 #02: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-050 #02: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 125 of 140 03/09/15 Side view ASDSQC-050 #02: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W16X77 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12X106 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x11.75x13.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 30.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 30.00 kips 157.26 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 30.00 kips 93.60 kips 0.320.320.320.32 PASS Beam Shear Rupture 30.00 kips 122.10 kips PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 30.00 kips 90.26 kips 0.330.330.330.33 PASS See TEDDS calculations for trimmed plate. Actual plate height is more Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 126 of 140 03/09/15 OK OK Beam Block Shear 30.00 kips 249.20 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 30.00 kips 72.13 kips 0.420.420.420.42 PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 30.00 kips 76.34 kips 0.390.390.390.39 PASS Plate Flexural Yield 0.450.450.450.45 PASS Plate Flexural Rupture 0.370.370.370.37 PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 30.00 kips 30.30 kips 0.990.990.990.99 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 30.00 kips 111.33 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 30.00 kips 111.33 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 30.00 kips 30.07 kips PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 30.00 kips 54.10 kips 0.550.550.550.55 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 127 of 140 03/09/15 Title Strata Vail Date 2/18/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-050 #02 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=30 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 10.75 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 45.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 116.100 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=5.581 ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=34.68 ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.008; M = 1.67 * M; M = 325.7 kip_in; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=500.9 kip_in; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.366; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 128 of 140 03/09/15 RISAConnection version 4.0.2 02/18/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Project Explorer Summary: SQC-050 #04050 #04050 #04050 #04 PASS(UC-0.8)0.8)0.8)0.8) SQC-050 #04: 3D View Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection SQC-050 #04: 2D Views Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 129 of 140 03/09/15 Side view ASDSQC-050 #04: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12X106 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W16X26 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.50x12.00x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 9.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 9.00 kips 70.46 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 9.00 kips 64.80 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 9.00 kips 63.69 kips PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 9.00 kips 55.46 kips PASS See TEDDS calculations for trimmed plate Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 130 of 140 03/09/15 Beam Block Shear 9.00 kips 86.82 kips PASS Plate Block Shear 9.00 kips 60.89 kips PASS Lateral Stability / Stabilizer Plates 9.00 kips 51.19 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield PASS Plate Flexural Rupture PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 9.00 kips 11.77 kips 0.760.760.760.76 PASS Bolt Bearing on Beam 9.00 kips 87.75 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 9.00 kips 111.33 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 9.00 kips 28.13 kips 0.320.320.320.32 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity Girder Weld Strength 9.00 kips 22.70 kips 0.400.400.400.40 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 131 of 140 03/09/15 Title Strata Vail Date 2/17/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-050 #04 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=9 kips; L=6.5 in; A= 7.5 in; t=0.5 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 13.500 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 81.000 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=2.400 ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.76 ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.004; M = 1.67 * M; M = 97.7 kip_in; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=251.4 kip_in; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.309; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 132 of 140 03/09/15 SQC-051 Green = completed connection Red = failed connection Please find attached SQC-051 regarding the connection for the lower beam with a significant reaction on level #6. This question affects Lot #10. Structural plan S2.06-A shows (2) W12x14 beams connected to another, lower W12x14 beam (see attached page SQC-051-A). According to the response to item #5 from Q-399 received in the email below, the minimum capacity of the connection is 12kips. Previously we used a connection from SQC-033, item #10 with ½” shear plate and (6) 7/8” DIA A325N_TC bolts which has 8 kips capacity. We suggest increasing the shear plate to be ¾” thick and increasing the weld between the shear plate and the supporting beam to be a 3/8” fillet weld as shown on attached pages SQC-051-B and C. Please confirm that the capacity of the suggested connection is sufficient to transfer the 12kips beam reaction. If not, we can cope the bottom flange of the supported beam and extend the length of the shear plate to the bottom flange of the supporting beam. The connection you have detailed works for a 12 kip reaction if you reduce the plate thickness to 5/8”. Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 133 of 140 03/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 134 of 140 03/09/15 REF: S2.06-A SQC-051-A Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 135 of 140 03/09/153D MODEL VIEW SQC-051-B A A W12X14 BEAM W12X14 BEAM HSS6X6X3/8 COLUMN 1" STIFFENER PLATE (6) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS 3/4" SHEAR PLATE Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 136 of 140 03/09/15 SECTION A-A SQC-051-C 3/4" SHEAR PLATE (6) 7/8" DIA A325N_TC BOLTS 1" STIFFENER PLATE HSS6X6X3/8 COLUMN W12X14 BEAM W12X14 BEAM 3 7/8"3" 6" 4 7/8" 3/8 3/8 2 SIDES0'-4 7/16"0'-1 3/8" RISAConnection version 5.0.0 02/19/2015 Global Parameters -Description: Project Title Strata Vail Company Martin/Martin Designer ERS Job Number 14.0430 Notes Global Parameters - Solution: Design Method AISC 14th (360-10): ASD Bolt Group Analysis Method Center of Rotation Weld Analysis Method Center of Rotation Consider Bolt Hole Deformation?Yes Check Weld Filler Material Matching?Yes Check Rotational Ductility?Yes Full Shear Eccentricity Considered?No Plastic Panel-Zone Shear Deformation Considered?No ASDSQC-051 #01: ASD Results Report Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear Connection Material Properties: Girder W12x14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Beam W12x14 A992 Fy = 50.00 ksi Fu = 65.00 ksi Plate P0.63x8.50x9.00 A36 Fy = 36.00 ksi Fu = 58.00 ksi Input Data: Shear Load 12.00 kips User Input Shear Load Axial Load 0.00 kips User Input Axial Force Note: Unless specified, all code references are from AISC 360-10 Governing LC: N/A Limit State Required Available Unity Check Result Geometry Restrictions at Beam PASS Girder Weld Limitations PASS Rotational Ductility, Erection Stability PASS Beam Shear Yield 12.00 kips 42.75 kips PASS Plate Shear Yield 12.00 kips 81.00 kips PASS Beam Shear Rupture 12.00 kips 34.71 kips 0.350.350.350.35 PASS Plate Shear Rupture at Beam 12.00 kips 65.25 kips PASS Beam Block Shear 12.00 kips 66.30 kips PASS Plate Flexural Yield PASS Plate Flexural Rupture PASS Plate Flexural Buckling 12.00 kips 23.14 kips 0.520.520.520.52 PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 137 of 140 03/09/15 See TEDDS for trimmed plate calculations Bolt Bearing on Beam 12.00 kips 81.90 kips PASS Bolt Bearing on Plate at Beam 12.00 kips 97.41 kips PASS Bolt Shear at Beam 12.00 kips 39.13 kips 0.310.310.310.31 PASS Bolt Group Eccentricity 0.400.400.400.40 Girder Weld Strength 12.00 kips 44.84 kips PASS Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 138 of 140 03/09/15 Title Strata Vail Date 2/19/2015 Job no. 14.0430 Subject SQC-051 By ERS Sheet 1 of 1 See RISA Connection for Limit States on Full Plate Height; P=12 kips; L=2.5 in; A= 4.5 in; t=0.625 in; Fy = 36 ksi; Shear Yielding; V = 1.5 * P; V = 18.000 kips; Vn = 0.6 * Fy * t * A; Vn = 60.750 kips; Plate Flexure with von-Mises shear reduction; fv = P / t / A; fv=4.267ksi; Fcr = (Fy2-3*fv2); Fcr=35.233ksi; M=P*L; Z=0.25*t*A2; Z=0.002; M = 1.67 * M; M = 4175.000; Mn= Fcr * Z; Mn=9290.035; Plate Buckling; =A*Fy/1000) / (120*t*(475+280*(A/L)2)); =0.116; less than 0.7, therefore won’t buckle; Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdf Page 139 of 140 03/09/15 Strata Vail 2015-03-09 (Special conn calcs).pdfPage 140 of 14003/09/15