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817681788182818481868188819281948196819882028204 81788178
Lot 10Lot 1Lot 2Lot 815' Side Setback 20' Front Setback15' Rear Setback5' Utility Easement821082
8200818081808190819082004' wide Concrete Pan with2" invert and no snowmelt18" CulvertBeaver Dam RoadProposed PrimaryResidenceProposed SecondaryResidenceLower LevelEntryFFE 8181.5'Main LevelEntryFFE 8193.5'Rec RoomGarageFFE 8181.5'CoveredEntryMasterDeckSecondaryDeckLivingDeckPlanterEl. 85.0'Heated AutoCourtExteriorEntryLower LevelEntryFFE 8194.0'GarageFFE 8193.0'GreatRoomFFE 8206.0'LivingRoomFFE 8206.0'Terrace StoragePlay RoomMaster DeckF i r e P i tSpa80.2'10' @ 8%(79.4')(79.4')80828486889091.44'93.0'25' @ 6.2%Parking9'x19'Parking9'x19'Parking9'x19'10' @ 8%(77.2')(77.2')78.0'7880.18'33.8' @ 4%81.5'93.0'94.5'96.0'98.5'2.5'8080HeatedConcreteDrive92
T.O.W.7.0'5.8'5.5'H.P.6.5'94980204060888.5'Heated AutoCourtT.O.W.7.0'T.O.W.7.0'T.O.W.5.0'T.O.W.95.0'15' Side SetbackSnow StorageArea378 s.f.Snow StorageArea137 s.f.Snow StorageArea107 s.f.97.0'FFE 8194.0'5.5'85.0'82848688
92Raised Planter97.0'94.0'93.0' Planter00 97.2'6.0'04060200949692
91.0'90885.5'97.5'2.0'T.O.W.97.5'PhoneCable ElectricGas Phone Ca
sSpa12' width(typ.)12' width(typ.)4' wide Concrete Pan with2" invert and no snowmeltArea of heated drive to beon a separate zoneArea of heated drive to beon a separate zoneSnow StorageArea506 s.f.Access the electric source from thetransformer on the NorthEast propertycorner of Lot 10, 344 Beaver Dam Road forboth the Primary and Secondary unitsHeatedConcreteDrivePhoneCableGasConnections for Gas, Water, andCable are undetermined: Contractorto verify locations in fieldConnections for Gas, Water, andCable are undetermined: Contractorto verify locations in fieldElectricProvide an 18" dia. culvert below thedrive as shown with boulders at itsend to conceal its openingProvide an 18" dia. culvert below thedrive as shown with boulders at itsend to conceal its opening22' @ 10.9%93.4' @ 12%T.O.W.97.5'Inlet RimEl. 97.5'LevelLevelLevelLevel
LevelSlopingT.O.W.101.5'LevelLevelT.O.W.7.0'100.0'LevelSlopingLevelT.O.W.97.5'MasterBedroomFFE 8194.0'93.5'T.O.W.91.5'Electric Fence for dogsAll existing trees proposed for preservationshall be protected with construction fencing,prior to start of construction. Constructionfencing shall remain in place duringconstruction, and shall not be removed until thesooner of landscaping work beginning, orissuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.Note:No portion of the heated drivewayshall exceed 12% in grade.Front Setback 36' proposed
Setback 15'Setback 15'Setback 15'Setback
Fire PitSetback 7.5'
Spa Wall
Setback 7.5'Symbol Key12.5'(80.5)Existing contourProposed contourLimit of DisturbanceExisting Spot Elevation(see Survey)Proposed Spot ElevationDownhill direction of concentratedsurface drainageExisting Treesto RemainExisting Trees tobe RemovedGrade ChangeGeneral Notes and Specifications1. Location of all trees shall be staked by the Contractor and approved by the Landscape Architectprior to final installation.2. Exact placement and shape of planting beds shall be reviewed by the Landscape Architect priorto installation of irrigation system.3. All plant materials shall be backfilled with one part peatmoss/compost mixture with two partstopsoil.4. All plants shall be "Colorado Grown", "Colorado Fielded" or "Northern Grown".5. Spruce trees to be nursery grown with leader in tact and undamaged.6. All herbaceous planting beds shall be amended with well rotted manure/compost mixture (onecubic yard compost per 350 s.f. one cubic yard sphagnum peatmoss per 250 s.f.) and tilled intorock-free topsoil to a minimum depth of 6".7. All herbaceous beds shall be top dressed with 1" extra fine shredded hardwood bark mulch.8. All shrub beds and tree wells shall receive a minimum of 3" shredded hardwood bark mulch.9. All plant beds shall receive Mira-Fi filter fabric or equal weed barrier.10. Place a variety (species and bloom) of perennials and ground covers in masses (min. 6 plants)where designated on Plan. Plant masses of bulbs in perennials beds.11. All deciduous trees 212" cal. and greater shall be staked with 6' steel "T" stakes and guyed with#14 gauge galvanized wire and 112" wide x 18" green nylon tree straps; all trees less than 212" cal.shall be staked by 6' Lodgepole stakes with the same guying and wrapping specifications.12. All deciduous trees shall be provided with a tree well at its base. Wells are to be earthconstructed, having a minimum shallow depth of 4".13. All newly planted trees shall be rootfed at time of installation. Rootfeeding shall consist of aliquid root growth stimulator including vitamin B-2 and al slow release fertilizer composedof14+14+10+2% iron.14. All trees, shrubs, vines and mixed flowers shall receive drip irrigation at a schedule consistentwith their individual needs. All sod areas shall receive spray irrigation with 100% overlap. Alldisturbed areas shall be re-vegetated with native grasses and wildflower grasses and shall receivetemporary irrigation for a minimum of 2 growing seasons; thereafter decrease water applicationgradually.15. Aspen trees shall be field collected with a minimum of three clear trunks unless otherwisespecified.16. Unless otherwise noted on the drawings or technical specifications, all planting beds shall beseparated from sod and revegetation areas by Bend-A-Board edger.17. One application of di-ammonium phosphate fertilizer, 18-46-0 shall be broadcast prior toseeding at a rate of 7-8 lbs per 1,000 s.f.18. All disturbed areas to be re-vegetated with native grasses shall be re-vegetated by sewing thefollowing seed mixture at a rate of 42 lbs. per acre: Seed % mix Sheep Fescue 20 Creeping Red Fescue 20 Canada Bluegrass 20 Canby Bluegrass 20 Rocky Mountain Wildflower Mix 2019. All areas to receive wildflower seeding shall be sewn with the following mix of wildflowerseed: Seed % mix Siberian Wallflower 15.08 Perennial Lupine 13.08 Sweet Williams Pink 12.04 Rocky Mountain Penstemmon 12.04 Perennial Gallardia 12.04 Blue Flax 10.04 Dwarf Cornflower 6.04 Annual Baby's Breath 6.04 Corn Poppy 3.04 California Poppy 3.00 Dame's Rocket 3.00 Shasta Daisy 3.00 Giant Columbine 1.00 White Yarrow .32 Aspen Daisy .2420. All seed, sown and fertilized area are to be lightly raked into the soil.21. Mulch all sown areas with 2-3" straw or hay, free of weeds.22. All straw mulched areas area to be tackified with an appropriate organic tackifier at the rate of120 lbs. per acre.23. All finish grades shall provide for natural runoff of water without low spots or pockets. Setflow lines accurately and provide a minimum 2% and a maximum 33% gradient unless otherwisenoted. Contractor shall be responsible for positive drainage throughout the site with accurately setflow lines. No low spots or ponding of water will be accepted in the final work. Positive drainageshall occur away from all improvements.24. "Specimen" plant material shall be flagged at the holding nursery for approval from theLandscape Architect.25. Plant quantities in the Plant Schedule are for information only. Landscape Contractor isresponsible to do their own quantity take-offs for all plant material on the Plans. In case ofdiscrepancy, the Plans take precedence over the Plant Schedule.26. Contractor shall field verify existing grades, utilities and conditions, and notify the Owner ofany discrepancies before starting work or making modifications. Contractor will be required tocomplete the work of this project according to the proposed drawings, details and specifications.If conflicts arise in the field, contact the Owner or Owner's representative for resolution.27. Verify locations and conditions of existing trees and plant materials prior to beginning work.Contractor shall take appropriate measures to protect them and avoid compaction within theirdrip lines. Avoid cutting of roots over 1" in diameter. Damage to existing plant material by theContractor shall result in the Contractor replacing damaged material at his/her cost.28. It shall be the Landscape Contractor's responsibility to conform to all design criteria as notedon the Drawings or the technical specifications. Any discrepancies, deletions, additions oralterations to the Drawings or specifications shall be presented in writing to the project LandcapeArchitect prior to installation.29. The Landscape Contractor shall submit the Company's written document regarding its policyin plant guarantee and replacement to the Owner. Each guarantee shall conform to the minumumstandard of replacing all material, including labor, due to the sickness or death of a plant for theperiod of one year following final acceptance.30. The Landscape Architect will have the sole and exclusive right to accept and reject any plantmaterial brought onto the Site which he/she may find unacceptable.31. The Landscape Architect must have a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to a desired site visit.32. Topsoil Depth: all shrub beds shall receive a minimum of 12" topsoil; sod areas to receive 18"topsoil.33. Watering schedule for sod areas: soak newly-installed sod to field capacity; keep moist for twoweeks, adjusting for the weather conditions; gradually reduce the watering to allow for the rootsto stretch and search for water. Once this is established, use a soil tensionmeter to avoidover-moisture of the soil.34. Erosion control blankets are to be used on steep slopes, generally steeper than 3:1, and slopeswhere erosion hazard is high and in sensitive areas such as steams and wetlands and whereplanting is likely to be slow in providing adequate protective cover. Additionally, it shall be usedon slopes where mulch must be anchored and other methods such as crimping or tackifying areneither feasible nor adequate. a. Mats/ Blankets shall be installed vertically. b. The sloped surface shall be free of rocks, clods of dirt, sticks, and grass. Mats/Blankets shall have a good soil contact. c. Apply permanent seeding before placing the mat. d. Lay the Blankets loosely and stake or staple to maintain direct contact with the soil. Do not stretch.35. A rain sensor shall be installed as part of the irrigation system.Drive and Site Calculations:Primary Heated Drive Area: 2,410 s.f.Snow Storage Area: 883 s.f.Storage accommodated: 36%Secondary Heated Drive Area: 1,526 s.f.Snow Storage Area: 244 s.f.Storage accommodated: 16%Secondary Indoor Parking Spaces:2Secondary Outdoor Parking Spaces:2 Total Parking:4Primary Indoor Parking Spaces:3Primary Outdoor Parking Spaces:2 Total Parking:5HardscapeSoftscapeSite Coverage:Building4,501 s.f.Softscape 13,197 s.f.Landscape = 60% site min. =13,590.6 s.f.Softscape (80% landscape): = 10,872.5 s.f.Hardscape 961.5 s.f.20% landscape maximum =2,718.1Patios and Walks(757.6+203.9) =961.5 (35.4% of max.)Driveways (2,312 + 1,503) = 3,815Erosion Control & Site Protection Notes1. Silt Fence and hay bales shall be placed at the Limits of Disturbance as needed to prevent erosion andsedimentation. A Construction Fence shall be placed along the Limits of Disturbance where a Silt Fence andhay bales are not required.2. All trees within the Limits of Disturbance which are noted as to be preserved shall be protected with a snowfence at their drip lines. If a snow fence protection is not feasible due to construction proximity, wrap trunkwith corrugated plastic culvert sections to a height of 6' or to the first major branch. If it is necessary to operatemachinery within the drip line, Contractor shall provide 6" bark mulch or wood chips in a ring from the trunkto the drip line.3. Provide and maintain temporary fencing around tree protection zones before starting site clearing. Removefence when construction is complete. Do not store construction materials, debris, or excavated material withinthe fenced area. Do not permit vehicles, equipment, or foot traffic within the fenced area. Maintain fencedarea free of weeds and trash.4. Do not excavate within the tree protection zone unless otherwise indicated. Where excavation for newconstruction is required within the tree protection zone, hand clear and excavate to minimize damage to roots.For exposed roots:a. cover exposed roots with burlap and water regurlarlyb. temporarily support and protect roots from damage until construction ceasesand roots can be covered with soil.c. coat cut faces of roots 1.5" diameter or greater with an emulsified asphalt or other approved coating formulated for use on damaged plant tissues. d. backfill with soil as soon as possible.5. All disturbed areas not designated as shrub or perennial beds shall be revegetated with the specified seedmixture.6. One application of Biosol All-Purpose fertilizer 7-2-3 shall be broadcast prior to seeding at the rate of 25pounds per 1,000 s.f.7. All seeded areas shall lightly raked 4" below grade and irrigated. Apply seed at specified rates in (2) equalsowings at right angles to each other. Place straw within 24 hours. The soil needs to be worked to a depth of atleast 4", and free of stones greater than 2". Add organic matter as needed and smooth the area to final grade.Once worked, compact the soil so when you step on it you leave an impression of no more than 1/2" deep. Fillin any low areas.8. Mulch all seed sown areas with 1-2" of certified weed-free straw or hay. All straw areas shall be tackified with approved tackifier at therate of 120 pounds per acre, or hydromulched.9. Slopes greater than 2:1 shall be stabilized with biodegradable erosion control matting after seeding and fertilizer application. Trees andshrubs shall be installed into cut away sections of the matting that are no larger than necessary to receive root balls.10. Choose the seed using the descriptions of seed mixes that follow. Make sure to choose a mix to fit your soiland growing conditions. Sow in the seed in opposite directions to assure good coverage at a rate of 2-3 lbs. per1,000 square feet. Rake lightly after seeding. An optimum depth for grass seed is 1/8 to 1/4" deep. A lightdusting of straw can be used to help hold the seed in place. If the slope is greater than 2:1, use erosion controlmaterials, such as an excelsior blanket or straw with netting.Short Grass MixturePerennial Ryegrass 25%Chewings Fescue 30%Kentucky Bluegrass, Limousine 20%Kentucky Bluegrass, Marquis 20%Annual Ryegrass 5%A premium lawn mix for consistently watered and mowed lawns. Similar mix as used in sod.Not recommended for wildflowers.Short Dry Grass MixtureHard Fescue 30%Creeping Red Fescue 30%Sheep Fescue 25%Canada Bluegrass 10%Canby Bluegrass 5%Drought tolerant low growing grass mix that can be mowed or left unmowed. Requires little water onceestablished. Good mix to use with wildflowers when irrigated. Slow to cover.Aggressive Grass Seed MixtureSmooth Bromegrass 15%Crested Wheatgrass 15%Intermediate Wheatgrass 10%Kentucky Bluegrass 10%Orchardgrass 10%Creeping Red Fescue 10%Tall Fescue 10%Perennial Ryegrass 5%Timothy 5%Mt. Broomegrass 5%Annual Ryegrass 5%Quick cover mix that contains tall non-native aggressive grasses. Provides a crop or field look. Use for erosioncontrol & reclamation. For very steep slopes & poor soils. Do not use with wildflowers and not recommendedfor home properties.Summit Hills Grass Seed MixtureSlender Wheatgrass 25%Hard Fescue 20%Sheep Fescue 20%Tall Fescue 15%Alpine Bluegrass 10%Canby Bluegrass 10%Mixture of primarily bunch type grasses to provide a "natural" look. Good Companion for wildflowers.Native High Country Grass Seed MixtureSlender Wheatgrass 30%Canby Bluegrass 15%Alpine Bluegrass 10%Rough Fescue 10%Sheep Fescue 10%Western Wheatgrass 10%Blue Wildrye 5%Rocky Mountain Fescue 5%Tufted Hairgrass 5%This mix meets Summit County and Town of Breckenridge recommendations for reclamation.Sheep Fescue Festuca ovina 100%Canby Bluegrass 15%The best grass to use when seeding wildflowers. A native short bunch-type grass.Clover MixAlsike Clover 50%White Dutch Clover 50%Good for quick revegetaion. Do not use if seeding wildflowers or near garden areas. White and pink flowers.Mountain Meadow Grass Seed MixtureHard Fescue 20%Slender Wheatgrass 15%Creeping Red Fescue 15%Canada Bluegrass 10%Perennial Ryegrass 10%Mountain Bromegrass 10%Tall Fescue 7.5%Streambank Wheatgrass 7.5%Canada Wildrye 5%This mix meets Summit County and Town of Breckenridge recommendationsP.O. Box 1871 Avon Colorado 81620
(970) 390-6550 ric@fieldscape.netcIssueDateSheet:Of: sevenL2Site Plan
The Beaver Dam Residences
Lot 9, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 3, 354 Beaver Dam Road, Vail, ColoradoCopyrightFieldscape IncorporatedAll Rights ReservedThis document, and the ideas anddesigns incorporated herein, as aninstrument of professional service, isthe property of FieldscapeIncorporated and is not to be used,in whole or in part, for any otherproject without the writtenauthorization of Ric FieldsScale: 1"=10'-0"NorthSite PlanT.O.V. ConceptualJune 20, '16ReviewDRB PresentationJuly 20, '16UtilitiesAug. 1, '16T.O.V.Aug. 11, '16T.O.V. Final ReviewAug. 29, '16T.O.V. CommentsSept. 9, '16