HomeMy WebLinkAboutB16-0375 Window Specs»»»»»»»»»> SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL MANUAL PERFORMANCEAND TESTING DATA CASEMENT AND FIXED WINDOWS DP25-40" Design Pressure Air Infiltration D02$4** * .06 5CFM1FT2 CANICSA A2 B5 C2 A440-00 AAMAIWDMAI Class LGPG40 size Class LC-PG40 size Class LC-PG40 size CSA 10111 5 21 A440-08 tested 40 x 80 tested 40 x 80 tested 40 x 80 I)p2S 4si•• Paned Grade ID FasNed 1:10 Passer! Grade 1G 'Air Infltration rates are the flax of air which passes through fenestration products. These values are obtained through the Hallmark Certification program and tested according to AAMA1W0l`,WCSA 10 111S.21A440.08 or 10111.5.21NAF5-02. The maximum allowable air infiltration is 0.30 cfmlft'. "DPIPG ratings dependent on unit configuration and size. Please refer to Casement Section of this Spec and Tech Manual for details THERMAL September AND SOLAR HEAT GAIN PERFORMANCE 6CASEMENT AND FIXED WINDOWS GAS FI L Air' All 2 P ff ,:km gra 'INTERNA; GRILLES: (FOL) D without with wldiaut Wth r< � without With without,/ with Clear .421.43 .411.41 .511.46 .511.46 r Ped � Glass ti .31 132 .291.29 .281.25 .271.25 '^ High- er Performance .321.33 .291.30 ,171.16 -171.15 Sort Glass AA Performance .31/.32 .281.29 .191.17 .181-17 Smarts it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> t An argon gas blend sealed between the glass to help inhibit the transfer of energy (heat or cold). z Any unit used in high altitude should utilize a capillary breather tube. For such units, the gas fill is regular air. Numbers based on FDL, G9G may vary slightly- lightly September 2012 CONFIDENTIAL Technical Data 8-27 SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL MAI;Ur. PERFORMANCEa DATA CASEMENT AND FIXED WINDOWS, tont. GLASS OPTICAL rri: ii'g'su • aCHARACTERISTICS Clear 186 .4$ 39% CASEMENT AND FIXED WINDOWS Visible Light 1J1tTa'J0!Et (VT') Trarism�l tla rice Cleat .89 .82 .5E "eTM 61% 55° Performa NEW 48 .72 if GLASS TYPE 'PerlUrmance Pk".nee 62 .25 .29 .40 M Sun'Glass'': F1Ko- Perffs�ce 31 65 .05 SmartSun CASEMENT AND FIXED WINDOWS c",af'jlais ;n:;c'af.glas, rri: ii'g'su ri-.ieiofgln Clear 186 .4$ 39% 44' FV;rh Pe+lorin=x 99 .25 61% 55° Glass GLASS TYPE 'High Pk".nee 62 .25 61% 55° Sun Glass F1Ko- PEraw. 56 .24 61% 56' t -Center of glass' val.ies are generally lower than whole unn values, and are useful ONLY for wmparing glass performance, not window performance. Performa xe 30 24 LLM5 6YPE t anoe 32 27 T'" irate 5-28 Techn'.cal Data CONFIDENTIAL September 2012 SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL MANUAL PERFORMANCE AND TESTING DATA DOUBLE -HUNG WINDOW bur davble,hvng vdndmvs meet or ®® ®® exceed these test requirements. Performance DP40" Grade Passed Flat.., Air Inf itrauon DP25" DP25" PG25" 8 15 lbs. Leve. 10 .06 SCFMIFf2 CAW_SA A2 B2C2 Passed Passed A440 -M98 8.151bs. gAN1l1IWDMAI [SA 1fl1/1.5.21 H. R40 11-1125Passed 25 H•R25 level 10 A440-011 10-18 lbs. 'Air infiltration rates are &.01cr ' of air whisk passes through fenestration prrdua These values ate obtained thiioug`I the Ha!!mark Certification program and tested according to ANSYAAMA1WfWDA 10195.2-97 or 101M.5.294AFS 02 The maximum allowable air inFiltration rs 0.30 dmfft'. "DP1PG ratings dependent on un't configuration and size. Please refer to Double'hucg Sectio) of this Spec and Tech Manual for detai!r FULL -FRAME DOUBLE -HUNG WINDOWS 9 USHr GAS HILLAr{ L'Hrarnanre"' Airs IPJ fOfr 2r 'e Blerid t &'cid t gid' 'INTERNALGA1(FDL K, - (POLI � se�Tti witfYOUI Nndt Witiroit Clear .461.46 .441.44 .571.51 .571.51 } Fertorr '6hus tq i5 Pel'w--, ince Sun'Oass Hkjh- I'vionrance SmartSun' .331.34 .301.31 .331.35 .301.31 .311.28 .311.28 191.18 .191.17 .331.34 .291.30 .211.19 .211.19 "INSERT DOUBLE -HUNG WINDOWS 9 +r4rl y1 B�?rd' Blerid t VA(Yt-rwlih yrithWt'w!I WOW W Iwith WIdXM With .461.46 .441.44 .571.5) .571.51 .33135 .301.31 .311.28 .311.28 .341.35 .301.31 .201.18 19117 .331.34 .2913D .211.19 .201-19 t An argon gas Mend sealed between the glass to help inhibit the transfer of energy (heat or cold). Any unit used in high attitude should utilize a capillary breather tube. For such uritis, the gas Fill is regular air. Numbers based an FDL. GBG may vary slightly. • Numbers based on flats may vary slightly for sloped s,;,. September 2012 CONFIDENTIA: Technical Data 8-31 SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL M A N U A L PERFORMANCE RATINGS AND TESTING DATA DOUBLE -HUNG WINDOW, cont. ..WINDOWS ShadingVisiLlc Light ultraviolet Coefficient lscl TransmitIan[c Light {VT) Tran,Tivance Clear .89 ;1 Hgh- .-riterorglass Clear PeriomianceN 48 39% Glass High- GLASSTYPE High - 99 .25 Performance .29 Glass Sun Glass Hi4g'h- GLASSTYPE Perfarrnance 3l ri SmartSun' DOUBLE -BUNG WINDOWS t 'Center of glass- values are generally loner than whole unit values, and are useful ONLY for comparing glass performance, not window performance. ffgh•Performance- 77 23 GLASSTYPE High-Performame 3Q 2 TempereMammate 8-32 Technical Data CONFIDENTIAL September 2012 cenfer n. y d'.5 caper of glass center of Mass .-riterorglass Clear 186 .48 39% 44' High- Peiformauce- 99 .25 61% 55' Glass GLASSTYPE High - Performance 62 .25 61% 54' Sun Grass Firgh- Peiforrnance 66 .24 61% 56' Smar&M t 'Center of glass- values are generally loner than whole unit values, and are useful ONLY for comparing glass performance, not window performance. ffgh•Performance- 77 23 GLASSTYPE High-Performame 3Q 2 TempereMammate 8-32 Technical Data CONFIDENTIAL September 2012 f t Dur picture windows meet or exceed these test requirements S P E C I F I C A T I O N S AND TECH NICAL MANUAL PERFORMANCE RATINGS AND a a PICTURE WINDOW DP60 NdDin� Grade n- DP60 N/A NIA rigs kr fn5m orr• c01 sdmlltt CANICSA F ,x A4A4-k�9B Faxed AN$I(A9MAl N1V15�pi F -R60 F rvv i -mo NJA F; i0]1L5-`.2-97 'Air In(ltration rates are the flaw of air whish passes through fenestration products. These values are obtained through the Hallmark Certificat on program and tested according to ANSVAWAIN'N4NDA 10 111.5.2 97 or 10111.S.21NAFS.02. The maximum allowable air infiltration is 0.30 dmlftr. INSERT PICTURE WINDOWS C,x ` l'kcfpm�rci! FULL -FRAME PICTURE WINDOWS GAS FILL hla pS5a"' Pfrti3 YA air`? r er:� � •INTERNAL GRILLES: {FDLI tiHthoulf.Fwnf] md-4-j-V.-F- r ..' th 4 its .641.57 .641.57 .311.33 .271.29 .341.31 .341.31 t[far .441.45 .421.43 .611.55 .301.32 r• - .231.21 .231.21 .611.55 311.32 .211.28 d 1'erformarrce'Glass .331.29 .321.29 Perfanra +: .31/33 .211.29 .201.18 un lass 5' .201.18 . k � »»»»> »» .301.32 .261.28 .221.20 .221.20 SIMAM- »»»»»»> INSERT PICTURE WINDOWS C,x ` l'kcfpm�rci! fur ? AM- MRM YA .451.46 .431.44 .641.57 .641.57 .311.33 .271.29 .341.31 .341.31 .31133 .281.29 .211.19 .201.19 .301.32 .27/.28 .231.21 .231.21 t An argon gas blend sealed between the glass to help irbibit the transfer of ene,gy (heat or cold). Any unit used m high altitude should uti 12e a capiftary breathes tube. For such units, the gas Cl is regu'ar air. ' Numbers based on FDL. GBG may vary s ightly September 2012 CONFIDENTIAL Technical Data 8-35 SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL LIAN :AL PERFORMANCEAND TESTING DATA PICTURE WINDOW, tont. GLASS OPTICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS PICTURE WINDOWS Visible Light Ultra'."Iulm Shading t ivl) Transmittance ,clear .89 .fit `5 i f�igrl- fM�GomoFnce^' 48 .72 1c 110' GLASS TYPE 62 ,25 61% 54' �N nr gp .29 40 Sun Glass t 'Center of glass' values are genera y Ivnrer than whole unit va'ues, and are useful ONLY for comparing glass performance, not window performance. Peq�na .: .31 .65 Smart54n, _ PICTURE WINDOWS CISar ::. 186 .48 39% 44' Rr'.Yrry� 99 .25 61% 55' .Glass GLA55TYPE 110' Ped ke ;Sur,- Gss� 62 ,25 61% 54' F�� Per�prmance 66 .24 61% 56, t 'Center of glass' values are genera y Ivnrer than whole unit va'ues, and are useful ONLY for comparing glass performance, not window performance. Ifah•PedornarKe^' 30 24 GLASS TYPE 32 29 Temperei,' amnate 8-36 Technical Data CONFIDENTIAL September 2012 SPECIFICATIONSAND TECHNICAL MANUAL PERFORMANCERATINGS AND TESTING DATA GLIDING, GLIDING -STATIONARY, GLIDING -PICTURE WINDOW PERFORMANCE DP40" Performance Grade DP35 (DP25)' 1 DP35 (DP25)" 1 PG15 35" 8 15 Ihs. Level 10 Ratings Ao-e,ntiom(rwl' [DP151tt IDP151ts 07 sdmlft' CANICSA A2 62 LCI Passed L -T] L A440•M98 8-15 lbs. ANSVA,AMA/ HS -C35 H5 C35 NWWDA H5 -C401 (H5-LC25)t (H5-LC25)' 8.15Ibs. Level 10 10111.5.2.97 IHS-LC401 [1-15-11151t1 [H5-11151111 Air Infiltration rates are the flour of air which passes through fenestration products. These values are obtained through the Hallmark Certification program and tested according to ANSVA. MAINWWDA 10111.5.2-97 or 101n.S.21NAF5-02. The maximum allowable air infiltration is 0.30 cfmlft'. " DP1PG ratings dependent on unit conFguration and site. Please refer to G ding Window Section of this Spec and Tech Manual for details. 1 Performance ratings in parentheses apply to gliding and gliding-stationarywindows taller than 60' or wider than 72% and gliding -picture windows taller than 110' or wider than 84' (ONE dimension in extended maximum range). t t Performance ratings in brackets apply to gliding -picture vfindows taller than 60' AND wider than 84` (BOTH dimers ors in extended maximum range) FULL -FRAME GLIDING WINDOWS Uni:;,vor of J. qF JAI GAS FILL At, Perfo gceTM ' Air3 Wdrin,ance BI �lerd r 'INTERNAL GRILLES (FDL) wthoirtlwith without / with vndrout with without � with � . Clear 41147 .451.45 .591.53 .591.53 INSERT GLIDING WINDOWS JAI Airy Pr ,v:e Air'' Frrraryeiriw 11lfa 1 (1 li1j withW/with wrtivta 1,w1; without with wnhuutIwith -411 47 .451.45 .591-53 .591.53 `nc.341.35 .30131 .321.29 .321-28 Periwmwnce Glass � .34135 .301.31 .321.29 a 3♦- dt,e .341.3s .301.32 .201.1 B .191.18 3. Glass 341.35 .301.32 .201.18 P rWwnce .331.34 -291 314.-, .211.19 .211.19 331.34 .291.31 .21 1.19 »»»»» > »>T��+„ »»»»»»»> t A, argon gas blend sealed between the glass to he:p iWbit the transfer of energy (heat or coldl. 2 Any unit used in high altitude should utilize a capillary breather tube. For such units, the gas fill is regular air. ' Numbers based on FDL, GBG may vary slightly. .311.28 September 2012 CONFIDENTIAL Technical Data 8-33 SPEC IFI CATIONS AND TECHNICAL MANUAL PERFORMANCE' DATA GLIDING, GLIDING -STATIONARY, GLIDING -PICTURE WINDOW, cant. GLIDING OWS Shading Visib!^ Light Ultra_:❑iNt Cocffitivl (Sc) 7ra:;srnittante tight (VT) 7ransr,ttance Cleat Ham. GLASS TYPE :1 0 _ nce~ , .48 ,1G Pei! artce .29 i 6 Sun Glass h.31 GLIDING WINDOWS r �tUC# *v}. cdn'ter,oglass �,7y artet?aigz, ceiltcrPdt ss' C ar 186 .48 39% 44° _j*- ~ 99 .25 61°h 55° GLASSTYPE 62 .25 61% 54° Sari Glass Pi .µ}tin .24 61% 56° t rwdun t 'Center a1 glass" flues are generally lower than 4,ole unit values, and are useful ONLY for comparing glass performance, not window performance. 8-34 Techiircal Data CONFIDENTIAL k!gh'?e�ontar{rTM 30 24 GLASS TYPE T•, 32 29 September 2012 SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL MANUAL PERFORMANCE a AND TESTING DATA AWNING WINDOW Our arming window meet or exceed these test requirements, »»»»»»»»»> Desrgn Pressure DP40 DP40 DP40 P 0.D Paks=d Grade 10 CANiCSA A3 82 C2 AnSCd Fli] A440 A440 00 A.A! CSAIOVI.5.2r Class LC-PG40 size Class LC-PG40 size Class LC-PG40 size A440 -DB tested 60 x 48 tested 60 x 48 tested 60 x 48 Passed F 1-M 'Aar Wttration rates are the flow of air which passes through fenestration products. These values are obtained through the Ha;lmark Certification program and tested according to ANSVAANIAINWWDA 101!1.5-2.97 or IDin.5.27NAF5.02. The maximum al owable air infiltration is 0 30 dmlttr September 2012 CONFIDENTIAL Technical Data 8-29 AWNING WINDOWS GAS FIL'- Aire Pei! ,,max: Air- hFf�rin+mr Eleiid's r 'I47ENNAL GNI'. ES FDL) without mdr wttfautrrh wthouwith witfrautIwitlr Clear .431,43 .411.41 .511.46 .511.46 H. °° } Ferrurranca Glass .311.32 r .281.29 .281.25 .271.25 Kjh- u Performance .321.33 .291.30 .171.16 .171.15 Sun Glass High- Perforinarxe .311.32 .281.29 .191.17 .181,17 5martSun' »»»»»»»»> I An argon gas bend sealed between the g'ass to help mh ba the transfer of energy (beat or cold). z Any unit used in high altitude should uti ae a cap"ary breather tube. For such units, the gas fill 6 regular au. Numbers are based o^ FDt, G3G may vary s ighCy. September 2012 CONFIDENTIAL Technical Data 8-29 SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL M AN L1 At PERFORMANCE Ra a ■ AWNING WINDOW, cont. AWNING WINDOWS AWNING WINDOWS Visible Light ullravialcl Clear 82 .58 Higb. Clear Perimr2irrTM +t .16 Glass 44' GLASSTYPE Hight Performance [I .16 Sun Glass Peiforrunce, Higf� .25 Pesinnriarxe .£� .05 SmartSun`"' AWNING WINDOWS t 'Center of glass' values are generally lower than whole unit values, and are useful ONLY for comparing glass performance, not window performance. High-PerforwKe' 30 24 GLASS TYPE Teooyaeuaace 32 27 8-30 Technical Data CONFIDENTIAL September 2012 LPntef Cl j,3;s Center. fl,1ti%s3 . peri erJ glass center0 9a:s .r Clear 186 .43 39% 44' tgh- Peiforrunce, 99 .25 6t% 55• Glass GLASS TYPE Pe �rrKe 62 .25 61% 55° Sun Glass High- Perfotrtrarrce 66 .24 61% 564 Smk un t 'Center of glass' values are generally lower than whole unit values, and are useful ONLY for comparing glass performance, not window performance. High-PerforwKe' 30 24 GLASS TYPE Teooyaeuaace 32 27 8-30 Technical Data CONFIDENTIAL September 2012