HomeMy WebLinkAboutF16-0059_Product Data.pdf telt% ! 4t112 11 111 S O Vail Fire&Emergency Services 11/04/16 11 S 5 INTERIOR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, INC. Fire Protection Specialists Product Data McDonald's Interior Build-Out 2171 N. Frontage Road Vail, CO. 81657 September 26, 2016 ql4(4 164 111 ,71 TABLE OF CONTENTS 0jico]%.055 Vail Fire&Emergency Services 11/04/16 1. FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS Tyco, Model TY-FRB, 1/2" Orifice, 155°, Brass, Quick Response Upright Tyco, Model DS-1, 1/2" Orifice, 200°, Chrome Quick Response Dry Sidewall Tyco, Model DSB-2, Dry Sprinkler Boot 2. PIPE & FITTINGS Bull Moose Tube, Eddythread 40 Sprinkler Pipe Star Pipe Products Cast Iron Threaded Fittings Star Pipe Products Mechanical Tees Victaulic, Snap-Let 3. HANGER MATERIAL Tolco, Figure 200, Adjustable Band Hanger Tolco, Figure 100, All Thread Hanger Rod Hilti, HDI Concrete Anchor 1.4OF get ! kf la a. 15 M. tqco I Fire & Building # Products Vail Fire&Emergen<y Services 11/04/16 Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312/Fax: (800) 791-5500 Series TY-FRB — 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage tained when exposed to corrosive at- General - mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tant coated sprinklers have passed the • Description standard corrosion tests of the appli- — - cable approval agencies,the testing is . The Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and not representative of all possible cor- i 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendent rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it it Sprinklers described in this data sheet is recommended that the end user be M �.a are quick response - standard cover- consulted with respect to the suitability age, decorative 3 mm glass bulb type of these coatings for any given corro- _ spray sprinklers designed for use in sive environment.The effects of ambi- light or ordinary hazard, commercial ent temperature, concentration of40 occupancies such as banks, hotels, chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, -_ shopping malls, etc. should be considered, as a minimum, The recessed version of the Series along with the corrosive nature of the TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler,where ap- chemical to which the sprinklers will be plicable, is intended for use in areas exposed. with a finished ceiling. It uses either a An intermediate level versions of the : ,_: two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinklers 7 Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Es- are detailed in Technical Data Sheet / eei :\• cutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of TFP356, and Sprinkler Guards are de- recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch tailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP780 / (19,1 mm)of total adjustment from the flush pendent position, or a two-piece WARNINGS ± Style 20(1/2 inch NPT)or Style 30(3/4 The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers de- inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with scribed herein must be installed and +- _' , 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjust- maintained in compliance with this - ment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of document, as well as with the applica- total adjustment from the flush pen- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- dent position. The adjustment pro- tection Association, in addition to the vided by the Recessed Escutcheon re- standards of any other authorities hav- Model/Sprinkler duces the accuracy to which the fixed ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may pipe drops to the sprinklers must be impair the performance of these de- Identification cut. vices. Corrosion resistant coatings, where The owner is responsible for maintain- N urn be rs applicable, are utilized to extend the ing their fire protection system and de- life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond vices in proper operating condition. TY1131 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2"NPT that which would otherwise be ob- The installing contractor or sprinkler TY1231 - Pendent 2.8K, 1/2"NPT manufacturer should be contacted TY2131 - Upright 4.2K, 1/2"NPT with any questions. TY2231 - PPnrient 4 2K, 1/2"NPT IMPORTANT TY3131 - Upright 5.6K, 1/2"NPT Always refer to Technical Data TY3231 - Pendent 5.6K, 1/2"NPT Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER TY4131 - Upright 8.0K, 3/4"NPT WARNING" that provides cautions TY4231 - Pendent 8.0K, 3/4"NPT with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 10 APRIL, 2006 TFP171 Page 2 of 10 z� ec r7 Is ir ESCUTCHEON 7/16"(11,1 mm) STYLE 10 or 20 11, 'LATE SEATING 1/2„** NOMINAL RECESSED * -NO Iblj SSU SURFACE NPT MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR / Vail Fir- • Emergen y Services 11/04/ • 6 a- iii - d:�1'T1l�uf�E'}'fG`�'s 7/16" 9fr 5 2-1/4" \ IWI_______ � (11,1 mm) I 4 (57,2 mm) •ii \ '\ I NOMINAL I MAKE-IN w A 2 1-9/16" 4p 2- 6" w re (39,7 mm) NI& WRENCH 3 (5-,6 mm) FLATS 1 e e -• 7 SSP DEFLECTOR* 2-7/8"(73,0 mm)DIA. — 1/2"NPT** PENDENT -ECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 -Frame 3-Sealing 4-Bulb 6-Deflector * Temper. 4 re rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2-Button Assembly 5-Compres 'on 7-Bushing orifice se on frame. Screw **Pip; read connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on spe '.I request. FIGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB U' ' GHT(TY11 )AND PENDENT(TY1231) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FA, OR, 1/ NCH NPT ESCUTCHEON 7/16"(11,1 mm) STY ' 10 o 0 PLATE SEATING ** NOMINAL CESSED SSU* SURFACE 1/2" MAKE-IN . CUTCHEON T DEFLECTOR 6* t -- -.. y r 7/16" fr 5 2-3/16" - Vi (11,1 mm) (55,6 mm) NOMINAL I ; 4 AKE-IN 1-1/2" kl 2-3/16" _w ips 2 (38,1 mm) WRENCH MIR (55,6 mm) FLATS 3 1 ----- ---- 10i.. .. I 11 SSP DEFLECTOR* 2-7/8"(73,0 mm)DIA. 1/2"NPT** PE IENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT ROSS SECTION 1 -Frame -Sealing 4-Bulb 6-Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on de -ctor or adjacent to 2-Button Assembly 5-Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can b: •rovided on special request. FIGURE 2 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT(TY2131)AND PENDENT(TY2231) SPRINKLERS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT tell OF ge TFPI71 z � ec 47 Is ir ESCUTCHEON 7/16"(11,1 mm) STYLE 10 or 20 0 II, PLATE SEATING NOMINAL RECESSED * SURFACE 1/2', MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON SSU NPT DEFLECTOR Vail Fire&Emergency Services 11/04/16 6* 4 1 ' = ,//1"1/7TIPTilreLeil \ i higliF#17 iNre4iiii.7 zs4 1WM1=17/16" Mr5 2-3/16" ..,,, I (11,1 mm) I (55,6 mm) NOMINAL i 4 �� MAKE-IN " li iiil *7; i iF ris 2-3/16" (38,1 1-1/mm) MilWRENCH 2 ® (55,6 mm) 2 FT 111 LATS . ..=' t i3 1 SSP DEFLECTOR* 2-7/8"(73,0 mm)DIA. 1/2"NPT** PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 -Frame 3-Sealing 4-Bulb 6-Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2-Button Assembly 5-Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT(TY3131)AND PENDENT(TY3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT SCUTCHEON 1/2"(12,7 mm) STYLE 30 or 40 PL- SEATING ** NOMINAL RECESSED SSU* SU- ` E NPT MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR ZZ 6* �� ®im�-r1-1- tr ���l g\ 1/2" -9 5 2-5/16" In J----- (1 mm) (58,7 mm) _ I NOMINAL ; 4 ��� MAKE-IN IIVIITI-10 1-9/16" 2 1/4" miP 2 (39,7 mm) 1i. WRENC (57,2 mm) 0 °SW 3 F 1 / SSP DEFLECTOR* - 2-7/8"(73 i m)DIA. 3/4"NPT** PENDENT REC D PENDENT UP' . T CROSS SECTION 1 -Frame 3-Sealing - -Bulb 6-Deflector * Temperature rating ' dicated on deflector or adjacent to 2-Button Assembly 5-Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per • 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 4 0 UICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT(TY4131)AND PENDENT(TY4231) SPRINKLER 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT tellei F1.! Page 4 of 10 tif a. IS Ir SPRINKLER FINISH(See Note 7) Technics 0, # , K TYPE TEMP. BULB NATURAL CHROME WHITE*** LIQUID BRASS PLATED POLYES' R Data Vail Fire&Emergency Services 11/04/16 135°F/57°C Orange Approvals •ENDENT155°F/68°C Red UL and C-UL Listed. ( 1231) 1,2,3,5 FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. ,d 175°F/79°C Yellow (Refer to Table A and B for complete UPRI c T 200°F/93°C Green approval information including corro- 2 8 (TY113 sion resistant status.) 286°F/141°C Blue 1/2" Maximum Working Pressure NPT 5°F/57°C Orange Refer to Table C. RECESSED 15" /68°C Red Discharge Coefficient PENDENT (TY1231)* 175°F °C Yellow K= 2.8 GPM/psi1/2 (40,3 LPM/bar1/2) K=4.2 GPM/psi112 (60,5 LPM/bar1/2) Figure 5 200°F/93' Green 1,2,5 K= 5.6 GPM/psi1/2 (80,6 LPM/bar1/2) 135°F/57°C Orange K=8.0 GPM/psi1/2(115,2 LPM/bar1/2) RECESSED155°F/68°C -ed Temperature Ratings PENDENT Refer to Table A and B (TY1231)** 175°F/79°C Yel. Finishes Figure 6 200°F/93°C Gre' Sprinkler: Refer to Table A and B. 135°F/57°C • ange Recessed Escutcheon:White Coated, PENDENT Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated. (TY2231) 155°F/68°C Red and 175°F/79" Yellow Physical Characteristics UPRIGHT 200°F/' °C Green Frame Bronze 4 2 (TY2131) Button Brass/Copper 286° /141°C Blue 2 Sealing Assembly 1/2" . Beryllium Nickel w/Teflont NPT 5°F/57°C Orange Bulb Glass RECESSED , 155°F/68°C Red Compression Screw Bronze PENDE Deflector Copper/Bronze (TY22 )* 175°F/79°C Yellow Bushing (K=2.8) Bronze Fig e 7 200°F/93°C Green 135°F/57°C Orange O p e ra ti o n ECESSED 155°F/68°C Red PENDENT The glass Bulb contains a fluid which (TY2231)** 175°F/79°C Yellow expands when exposed to heat.When Figure 8 200°F/93°C Green the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to NOTES: 1.Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)as Quick Response Sprinklers. activate and water to flow. 2.Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.for use in Canada(C-UL)as Quick Re- sponse Sprinklers. Design 3.Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation(FM)as Quick Response Sprin- klers. Criteria 5.Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 7.Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed,the sprin- The Series TY FRB Pendent and Up klers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. right Sprinklers are intended for fire * Installed with Style 10(1/2"NPT)or Style 40(3/4"NPT)3/4"Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. protection systems designed in ac- **Installed with Style 20(1/2"NPT)or Style 30(3/4"NPT) 1/2"Total Adjustment cordance with the standard installation Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. rules recognized by the applicable ***Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color(Special Order). Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL N/A: Not Available Listing is based on the requirements of Y NFPA 13, and FM Approval is basedTABLE A @ LABORATORY LISTINGS ND APPROVALS on the requirements of FM's Loss Pre 0 2.8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS vention Data Sheets ). Only the Style 2 10, 20, 30, or 40 Recessed Escutch- eon, as applicable, is to be used for 2 recessed pendent installations. a) C, m CC 0 = 0 1- 14, OF iv 41141 TFP171 � SPRINKLER FINISH(See Note 8) O 11, K TYPE TEMP. BULB NATURAL CHROME WHITE*** LEAD LIQUID BRASS PLATED POLYESTER COATED Vail Fire&Emergency Services 11104/9 C 135°F/57°C Orange PENDENT 155°F/68°C Red (TY3231) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,2,3,5 and 175°F/79°C Yellow UPRIGHT 200°F/93°C Green 5.6 (TY3131) 286°F/141°C Blue 1/2" NPT 135°F/57°C Orange RECESSED 155°F/68°C Red PENDENT 1,2,4,5 N/A (TY3231)* 175°F/79°C Yellow Figure 9 200°F/93°C Green • 135°F/57°C Orange RECESSED 155°F/68°C Red PENDENT 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,4,5 N/A (TY3231)** 175°F/79°C Yellow Figure 10 200°F/93°C Green 135°F/57°C Orange • SENT 155°F/68°C Red (TY42 1 and ° 79°C Yellow 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 UPRIGHT 200°F/93° reen 8.0 (TY4131) 286°F/141°C Blue 3/4" • NPT 135°F/57°C Green RECESSED 155°F/68°C Orange PENDENT ,2,4, N/A (TY4231)* 175°F/79°C Red Figure 11 200°F/93°C Yellow 135°F/57°C •range RECESSED 1 • .8°C Red PENDENT 1,2,3,4,5 N • (TY' ** 175°F/79°C Yellow igure 12 200°F/93°C Green NOTES: 1.Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)as Quick Response Sprinklers. 2.Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.for use in Canada(C-UL)as Quick Response Sprinklers. 3.Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation(FM)as Quick Response Sprinklers. 4.Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board(LPCB Ref. No.007k/04)as Quick Response Sprinklers; however,the LPCB does not rate the thermal sensitivity of recessed sprinklers. 5.Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 6.VdS Approved(For details contact Tyco Fire&Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands,Tel.31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377). 7.Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board(LPCB Ref. No.094a/06)as Quick Response Sprinklers. 8.Where Polyester Coated and Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed,the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers.Where Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved,the sprinklers are FM Approved as a Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. * Installed with Style 10(1/2" NPT)or Style 40(3/4"NPT)3/4"Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon,as applicable. **Installed with Style 20(1/2"NPT)or Style 30(3/4"NPT)1/2"Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon,as applicable. ***Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color(Special Order). N/A: Not Available TABLE B LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 5.6 AND 8.0 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS WA OF iv4 , 44.40 Page 6 of 10 � .171 SPRINKLER FINISH K TYPE NATURAL CHROME WHITE LEAD IQ BRASS PLATED POLYESTER COATED Vail Fire&Emergen Services 11/04/1C PENDENT(TY3231) and 2.8 UP' .. TY3131) 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) /A 1/2 RECESSED PENDE NPT (TY323) PENDENT(TY4231) and 4.2 UPRIGHT(TY4131 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) N/A 3/4" RECE . 'ENDENT NPT (TY4231) PENDENT(TY3231) and 250 PSI (17,2 BAR) 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) 5.6 UPRIGHT(TY3131) OR 1/2" RECESSED PENDENT 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) NPT (TY323) (SEE NOTE 1) N/A NDENT(TY4231) . . 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) (12,1 BAR) 8.0 UPRIGHT(TY4131) 3/4" RECESSED PENDENT NPT T N/A NOTES: 1.The maximum working pressure of 250 psi (17,2 bar)only applies to the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL);the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.for use in Canada(C-UL);and ,the Approval by the City of New York. TABLE C, MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE nections. Higher levels of torque may The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pen- In s to Ila tion distort the sprinkler inlet and cause dent Sprinklers must be installed in leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. accordance with the following instruc- The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must tions. be installed in accordance with the fol- Do not attempt to make-up for insuffi- lowing instructions: cient adjustment in the escutcheon Step A. After installing the Style 10. plate by under- or over-tightening the 20, 30,or 40 Mounting Plate,as appli- NOTES sprinkler. Readjust the position of the cable, over the sprinkler threads and Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if sprinkler fitting to suit. with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipthe bulb is cracked or there is a loss of The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- kleei threads nto the spr nkl •erhandig tt• en tthe sprin ing. liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler right Sprinklers must be installed in held horizontally, a small air bubble accordance with the following instruc- Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the should be present. The diameter of the tions. sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. (1,6 mm) for the 135°F/57°C to 3/32 Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to be Figure 14).With reference to Figure 1, inch2,4 mm) for the 286°F/141°C installed in the pendent position, and inch (2,4 sprinklers are to be installed in 2, 3, and 4, the W-Type 7 Recessed temperature ratings. the upright porion. Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinklerjoint the sprinkler wrench flats. should be obtained with a torque of 7 Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- Step C. After the ceiling has been in- to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten stalled or the finish coat has been ap mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. plied, slide on the Style 10, 20, 30, or may be used to install sprinklers with Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the 40 Closure over the Series TY-FRB 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type Sprinkler and push the Closure over inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 13). the Mounting Plate until its flange tained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. With reference to Figures 1, 2, 3, and comes in contact with the ceiling. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A maximum of 30 4,the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm)of torque is to be used be applied to the sprinkler wrench to install sprinklers with 3/4 NPT con- flats. 14,lt:i OF iv 4 f 40.0 TFP171ti .4 IITI� Ir 2-7/8"DIA. 2-7/8"DIA. d 5/8±1/4" (7311, ,0 mm) 3/4"(19,1 mm) 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2" l# ' ,9±6,4 mm) 2.1/4"DIA. 1/4"(6,4 mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4"DIA. 1/4"(6,4 (57,2 mm) -10.- (57,2 mm) Vail F' -&Em-rgen:y Services FA. OF MOUNTING FACE OF Ula, (QIFING SPRIN' R PLATE SPRINKLER opir, PLATE FITTIN FITTING 1/8" 1/8" (3,2 mm) ► ,, (3,2 mm) ll RI 1 ,_ \ q MOUNTING I,lir MOUNTING SURFACEis SURFACE �, 4 I td r CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16"(33,3 mm)\ CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16"(33,3 mm) TY-FRB ' 16"(20,6 mm) TY-FRB 1-1/16"(27,0 mm) FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDE ERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUST 1 T W TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2-7/8"DIA. 2-7/8"DIA. _ 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4"(19,1 mm) 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2"(12,7 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4"DIA. 1/4"(6,4 2,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4"DIA. -- 1/4"(6,4 mm) (57,2 mm) (57,2 mm) FACE OF MO , ING E OF MOUNTING SPRINKLER 'LATE SPRI ER PLATE FITTING FITTIN.. / 1/8" / 1/8" (3,2 mm) , � ® (3,2 mm) ,lam 1 X111 I l 1 \ AOt MOUNTING 4 MOUNTING SURFACE . SURFACE ..N. .. ... CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4"(31,8 mm) CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4"(31,8 mm) TY-FRB 3/4"(19,1 mm) TY-FRB 1"(25,4 mm) FIGURE 7 FIGURE 8 IES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PEND- T WIT, WO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUS ''ENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT Care and objects; otherwise, non-operation in by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. the event of a fire or inadvertent opera- tion may result. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- M a in to n a n c e age to the sprinklers - before, during, Absence of an escutcheon, which is and after installation. Sprinklers dam- The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must used to cover a clearance hole, may aged by dropping, striking, wrench be maintained and serviced in accord- delay the time to sprinkler operation in twist/slippage, or the like, must be re- ance with the following instructions: a fire situation. placed. Also, replace any sprinkler Sprinklers that are found to be leaking that has a cracked bulb or that has lost NOTES or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Before closing a fire protection system must be replaced. Section). main control valve for maintenance Frequent visual inspections are rec- work on the fire protection system that Automatic sprinklers must never be ommended to be initially performed for it controls,permission to shut down the painted, plated, coated or otherwise corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, affected fire protection system must be altered after leaving the factory. Modi after the installation has been corn- obtained from the proper authorities fled sprinklers must be replaced. pleted,to verify the integrity of the cor- and all personnel who maybe affected Sprinklers that have been exposed to rosion resistant coating. Thereafter, by this action must be notified. corrosive products of combustion, but annual inspections per NFPA 25 have not operated,should be replaced shouldsuffi ce; however, instead of in- The owner must assure that the sprin- if they cannot be completely cleaned ss from the floor level,a random klers are not used for hanging of any by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or ' OFir ! Page 8 of 10 z eft r7 ir 2-7/8"DIA. 2-7/8"DIA. _ _ 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4"(19,1 mm) 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2" -1� 011, ,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4"DIA. 1/4"(6,4 mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4"DIA. 1/4"(6,4 (57,2 mm) ~ ~ (57,2 mm) Vail F' -&Em-rgen:y Services FA• OF MOUNTING FACE OF at. 6lNG SPRIN R \ PLATE SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING FITTING 1/8" 1/8" -: r --'1,__.i (3,2 mm) 1 / (3,2 mm) � d Am----..---_wil� ® $-L ®r �I ��� t MOUNTING .�0 MOUNTING SURFACE SURFACE ^ate- ► c - r CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4"(31,8 mm) CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4"(31,8 mm) TY-FRB (19,1 mm) TY-FRB 1"(25,4 mm) FIGURE 9 FIGURE 10 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDE, .ERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUST NT W TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2-7/8"DIA. 2-7/8"DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4"(19,1 mm) 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2"(12,7 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4"DIA. 1/4"(6,4 m 12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4"DIA. 1/4"(6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOU NG E OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER 1 : ATE SPRI .LER L _ PLATE FITTING FITTI 1/8" 1/8" (3,2 mm) (3,2 mm) Al Oa r4\ .-„, _ II, , MOUNTINGIl ki MOUNTING V SURFACE SURFACE 4I r CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16"(33,3 mm) CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16"(33,3 mm) TY-FRB 13/16"(20,6 mm) TY-FRB 1/16"(27,0 mm) FIGURE 11 FIGURE 12 S, IES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PEND' T WIT, WO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUS 'ENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT sampling of close-up visual inspec- 0. WRENCH tions should be made, so as to better »- RECESS determine the exact sprinkler condi- / \ tion and the long term integrity of the / WRENCH RECESS 1,741 corrosion resistant coating, as it may / (END"A"USED FOR be affected by the corrosive conditions 1/2"NPT MODELS) present. ,...d 4110 The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of WRENCH RECESS their fire protection system and de- (END"B"USED FOR PUSH WRENCH vices in compliance with this docu- 3/4"NPT MODELS) IN TO ENSURE ment, as well as with the applicable ENGAGEMENT standards of the National Fire Protec- FIGURE 13 WITH SPRINKLER tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA addition to the standards of any other WRENCH FIGURE 14 authorities having jurisdiction. The in- - - W-TYPE 7 RECESSED stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- SPRINKLER WRENCH facturer should be contacted relative tested, and maintained by a qualified to any questions. Inspection Service in accordance with It is recommended that automatic local requirements and/or national sprinkler systems be inspected, codes. itrO115 P/N 57 - XXX - X - XXX 4:05 Vail r..e&Emergency Services TEMPERI447111#2E MODEL/SIN RATING SPRINKLER 330 2.8K UPRIGHT(1/2"NPT) TY1131 135 135°F/57°C 331 2.8K PENDENT(1/2"NPT) ▪ TY1231 1 NATURAL BRASS 155 155°F/68°C 340 4.2K UPRIGHT(1/2"NPT) ▪ TY2131 4 WHITE POLYESTER 175 175°F/79°C 341 4.2K PENDENT(1/2"NPT) TY2231 3 WHITE(RAL9010)* 200 200°F/93°C 370 5.6K UPRIGHT(1/2"NPT) TY3131 9 CHROME PLATED 286 286°F/141°C 371 5.6K PENDENT(1/2"NPT) TY3231 7 LEAD COATED 390 8.0K UPRIGHT(3/4"NPT) TY4131 391 8.0K PENDENT(3/4"NPT) TY4231 "Eastern Hemisphere sales only. TABLE D PART NUMBER SELECTION SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS charges, regardless of whether TFBP Limited was informed about the possibility of Ordering such damages, and in no event shall Warranty TFBP's liability exceed an amount Procedure equal to the sales price. Products manufactured by Tyco Fire& When placing an order, indicate the Building Products (TFBP) are war- The foregoing warranty is made in lieu full product name. Refer to the Price ranted solely to the original Buyer for of any and all other warranties, ex- List for complete listing of Part Num- ten(10)years against defects in mate- press or implied. including warranties bers. rial and workmanship when paid for of merchantability and fitness for a par and properly installed and maintained ticular purpose. Contact your local distributor for avail- under normal use and service. This This limited warranty sets forth the ex- ability. warranty will expire ten (10) years clusive remedy for claims based on Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT from date of shipment by TFBP. No failure of or defect in products, materi- Thread Connections: warranty is given for products or corn- als or components, whether the claim Specify: (Specify Model/SIN), Quick ponents manufactured by companies is made in contract, tort, strict liability Response, (specify K-factor), (specify not affiliated by ownership with TFBP or any other legal theory. temperature rating), Series TY-FRB or for products and components which have been subject to misuse,improper This warranty will apply to the full ex- (specify Pendent or Upright)Sprinkler installation, corrosion, or which have tent permitted by law.The invalidity, in with (specify type of finish or coating), not been installed, maintained, modi- whole or part, of any portion of this P/N (specify from Table D). fied or repaired in accordance with ap- warranty will not affect the remainder. plicable Standards of the National Fire Recessed Escutcheon: Association, and/or the Specify: Style (10, 20, 30, or 40) Re- Protectionheon: cessed Escutcheon with (specify*)fin standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found ish, P/N (specify ). by TFBP to be defective shall be either *Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770. repaired or replaced, at TFBP's sole option. TFBP neither assumes, nor Sprinkler Wrench: authorizes any person to assume for it, Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, any other obligation in connection with P/N 56-000-6-387. the sale of products or parts of prod- ucts.TFBP shall not be responsible for Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, sprinkler system design errors or inac- P/N 56-850-4-001. curate or incomplete information sup- plied by Buyer or Buyer's repre- sentatives. In no event shall TFBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect,special or consequential dam- ages, including but not limited to labor Wei OF gr- Page 10 of 10 . Vail Fire&Emergency Services 11/04/16 TYCO FIRE&BUILDING PRODUCTS,451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 *VI OF IV "‘"1144 )41tof t CO Fire Suppression & Buildin Products '3 1110' Vail Fire&Emerge y Services 11/04/16 Technical Services 800-381-9312 +1-401-781-8220 www.tyco-fire.com Series DS-1 Dry-Type Sprinklers 5.6K Pendent, Upright, and Horizontal Sidewall Quick Response, Standard Coverage General NOTICE The Series DS-1 Dry-Type Sprinklers Description described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this TYCO Series DS-1 Dry-Type Sprinklers, document, as well as with the applica- 5.6K Pendent, Upright, and Horizontal ble standards of the National Fire Sidewall,Quick Response(3 mm Bulb) Protection Association, in addition to and Standard Coverage, are decora- the standards of any Authorities Having tive glass bulb automatic sprinklers de- Jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair signed for commercial use. Dry-Type the performance of these devices. Sprinklers are typically used where: Owners are responsible for maintaining • pendent sprinklers are required on their fire protection system and devices dry pipe systems that are exposed to in proper operating condition. The in- freezing temperatures; for example, stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- sprinkler drops from unheated por- facturer should be contacted with any tions of buildings. questions. • sprinklers and/or a portion of the con- The Series DS-1 Dry-Type Sprinklers necting piping are exposed to freezing must only be installed in fittings thatENIJ temperatures;for example, sprinkler meet the requirements of the Design drops from wet systems into freezers, Criteria section. sprinkler sprigs from wet systems into unheated attics, or horizontal piping Model/Sprinkler extensions through a wall to protect an unheated areas such as loading docks, Identification overhangs, and building exteriors. • sprinklers are used on systems that are Numbers (SINs) seasonally drained to avoid freezing; 1P� for example,vacation areas. 3/4-Inch NPT: TY3935 - Pendent TY3735- Horizontal Sidewall 1-Inch NPT: TY3235- Pendent TY3135 Upright TY3335- Horizontal Sidewall IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING"that provides cautions with respect to handling and in- stallation of sprinkler systems and components.Improper handling and installation can permanently dam- age a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 10 MAY 2011 TFP51O 14 OFiv 4%. 511! TFP510 Page 2 of 10 „t 3/4-Inch NPT 'Pr-11201°15 TY3935 Pendent TY3935 Pendent TY3735 Horizontalqw with Top of Defle '- e ge ncy Services with Standard with Standard Escutcheon Distance of 4 to inches Recessed Escutcheon (Figure 3) (100 to 300 mm) (Figure 4) with Deep Escutcheon with Standard Escutcheon (Figure 5) (Figure 8) without Escutcheon with Deep Escutcheon (Figure 6) (Figure 9) without Escutcheon (Figure 10) Finish Temperature Bulb Rating Color Code Natural Chrome White Natural Chrome White Natural Chrome White Brass Plated Polyester Brass Plated Polyester Brass Plated Polyester 135°F(57°C) Orange 155°F(68°C) Red 175°F(79°C) Yellow 1'2 1,2 1*,2* 200°F(93°C) Green 286°F(141°C) Blue N/A Notes 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories,Inc.(maximum order length of 48 inches) 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for use in Canada(maximum order length of 48 inches) * Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies Only N/A-Not Available TABLE A SERIES DS-1 QUICK RESPONSE, STANDARD COVERAGE DRY-TYPE SPRINKLERS — LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS — 1-Inch NPT TY3235 Pendent TY3235 Pendent TY3335 Horizontal Sidewall with Top of Deflector-to-Ceiling with Standard with Standard Escutcheon Distance of 4 to 12 inches Recessed Escutcheon (Figure 3) (100 to 300 mm) (Figure 4) with DeepEscutcheon (Fiure 5) with Standard Escutcheon (Figure 8) without Escutcheon (Figure 6) with Deep Escutcheon (Figure 9) TY3135 Upright without Escutcheon without Escutcheon (Figure 7) (Figure 10) Finish Temperature Bulb Rating Color Code Natural Chrome White Natural Chrome White Natural Chrome White Brass Plated Polyester Brass Plated Polyester Brass Plated Polyester 135°F(57°C) Orange 155°F(68°C) Red 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 175°F(79°C) Yellow 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 1*,2*,3**,4 1*,2*,4 200°F(93°C) Green 286°F(141°C) Blue N/A Notes: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories,Inc.(maximum order length 4. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 352-01-E of 48 inches) 5. The Upright Sprinkler without an Escutcheon(TY3135)is avail- 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for use in Canada(maxi- able in 1-Inch NPT only mum order length of 48 inches) " Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies Only 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation(maximum "" Light Hazard Occupancies Only order length of 48 inches) N/A-Not Available TABLE B 1-INCH NPT AND ISO 7-R1, SERIES DS-1 QUICK RESPONSE, STANDARD COVERAGE DRY-TYPE SPRINKLERS — LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS — iitlei gr4,! IS irrt Technical 0 PLUG WITH , INLET Data i1iL Vail Fire&Emergency Services SEALING 11/04/16 ASSEMBLY �I YOKE Approvals III UL and C-UL Listed I! FM Approved PLUG1. INLET NYC Approved under MEA 352-01-E SPRINGBAND Previous New York City Approval ,�, 4 and MEA certification numbers ap- WATER SPRING ply to product as shown in this data sheet. In accordance with Section TUBE :i I CASING BC 3502 of the Construction Code, current NYC Approvals for use in the City of New York apply to all products GUIDE _�` INSERT that contain UL or FM Approvals and TUBE b' , Listings; therefore, not all products 1-01/. ,,,,,,,._„---- BULB currently Approved for use in the City SEAT of New York will carry an actual MEA FRAME Certification number. PI • 14 3 mm BULB Refer to Tables A and B. VENT HOLE1pii pi Maximum Working Pressure II�c COMPRESSION 175 psi (12,1 bar) DEFLECTOR .r SCREW Inlet Thread Connections 3/4-Inch NPT 1-Inch NPT or ISO 7-R1 FIGURE 1 Discharge Coefficient SERIES DS-1, 3/4-INCH NPT, DRY-TYPE SPRINKLER K=5.6 GPM/psi1/2 — ASSEMBLY— (80,6 LPM/bar1/2) Temperature Ratings Refer to Tables A and B. Finishes PLUG WITH Oral INLET Sprinkler: Natural Brass, Chrome SEALING Plated, White Polyester ASSEMBLY Escutcheon: White Coated, Chrome YOKE Plated, Brass Plated SPRING _ Physical Characteristics INLET 1 Inlet Copper BAND Plug Copper WATER ' ' Yoke Stainless Steel TUBE 1 NI CASING Casing Galvanized Carbon Steel Insert Bronze Bulb Seat Stainless Steel GUIDE ; INSERT Bulb Glass TUBE �En ElCompression Screw Bronze Deflector Bronze 41 BULB Frame Bronze FRAME ir0 r SEAT Guide Tube Stainless Steel Water Tube Stainless Steel i , 3 mm BULB Spring Stainless Steel VENT HOLE i� Plug Spring* Stainless Steel lir �11. Sealing Assembly Beryllium COMPRESSION Nickel w/Teflon** DEFLECTOR .� SCREW Escutcheon Carbon Steel *For 3/4-Inch NPT only "Registered trademark of DuPont FIGURE 2 SERIES DS-1, 1-INCH NPT AND ISO 7-R1 DRY-TYPE SPRINKLER —ASSEMBLY— TFP510 � .0 Page 4 of 10 C 40 OF le ...c..: kir ,Tr ir0. SPRINKLER FITTING SPRINKLER FITTING SPRINKLER FITTI 0 II, (REFER TO DESIGN (REFER TO DESIGN (REFER TO DESIG QOM CRITERIA SECTION) CRITERIA SECTION) CRITERIA SECTION) Vail Fire&Emergency Services FACE OF FACE OF FACE OF 11/04/16 SPRINKLER SPRINKLER SPRINKLER FITTING -M,_ FITTING FITTING VA L \ 1 a ORDER LENGTHS: ORDER LENGTHS: ORDER LENGTHS: 3-1/2" DIA. 2 3/4"to 48" 3-3/4"to 48" 1/2"to 46" x(88,9 mm)y 1 3/4" DIA. (95,3 to 1219,2 mm) (12,7 to 1168,4 mm) I (69,9 to 1219,2 mm) (44,5 mm) IN 1/4" 6,4 mm) 2-1/2" DIA. IN 1/4"(6,4 mm) �_ IN 1/4"(6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. ( (63,5 mm) INCREMENTS INCREMENTS (57,2 mm) INCREMENTS ' =' FACE •OF • • y CEILING . FACE OF 1 FACE OF I 31111Ma CEILING I V CEILING ill . �1: l k# 4-1/4"±1/8" (108,0±3,2 mm) 2-3/16I 3" DIA "" +1/8" . 1-3/8 ±1/8" 2 7/8" DIA. Pi; (55,6±3,2 mm) (76,2 mm) (34,9±3,2 mm) (73,0 mm) FIGURE 4 FIGURE 3 PENDENT TY3235 AND TY3935 FIGURE 5 PENDENT TY3235 AND TY3935 WITH STANDARD RECESSED PENDENT TY3235 AND TY3935 WITH STANDARD ESCUTCHEON ESCUTCHEON WITH DEEP ESCUTCHEON SPRINKLER FITTING 1 / (REFER TO DESIGN 1 I TOP OF CRITERIA SECTION) DEFLECTOR FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING 11 ORDER LENGTHS: 5"to 48" (127,0 to 1219,2 mm) ORDER LENGTHS: IN 1/4"(6,4 mm) 5"to 48" INCREMENTS (127,0 to 1219,2 mm) IN 1/4" (6,4 mm) INCREMENTS FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING MINIMUM I - 1-3/4" (44,5 mm) ( -' DEFLECTOR TO CEILING SPRINKLER FITTING (REFER TO DESIGN f CRITERIA SECTION) FIGURE 7 FIGURE 6 UPRIGHT WITHOUT ESCUTCHEON PENDENT TY3235 AND TY3935 TY3135 WITHOUT ESCUTCHEON — 1-INCH NPT ONLY— Wel IV " F 4,! tif r7 ORDER LENGTHS: Operation 0,13Q o#15 2-3/4"to 48"(69,9 to 1219,2 mm) IN 1/4"(6,4 mm)INCREMENTS When the TYCO Series DS-1 • _ I 4" ±1/8" Sprinkler is in service, Efl+rt894ticv services (101,6±3,2 mm) ed from entering the aSgMnly by the FACE OF FACE OF 1-3/4" DIA. Plug with Sealing Assembly in the Inlet SPRINKLER MOUNTING (44,5 mm) of the Sprinkler. See Figures 1 and 2. FITTING SURFACE The glass Bulb contains a fluid that ex- pands when exposed to heat.When the 1 1 3" DIA. rated temperature is reached, the fluid 1 (76,2 mm) expands sufficiently to shatter the glass _1 / T 135° Bulb, and the Bulb Seat is released. The compressed Spring is then able SPRINKLER FITTING to expand and push the Water Tube as (REFER TO DESIGN CENTERLINE 5/16" well as the Guide Tube outward. This CRITERIA SECTION) OF WATERWAY (7,9 mm) action simultaneously pulls inward on the Yoke, withdrawing the Plug with FIGURE 8 Sealing Assembly from the Inlet and TY3335 AND TY3735 HORIZONAL SIDEWALL allowing the sprinkler to activate and WITH STANDARD ESCUTCHEON flow water. Design ORDER LENGTHS: FACE OF Criteria 1/2"to 45-3/4"(12,7 to 1162,1 mm) MOUNTING IN 1/4"(6,4 mm)INCREMENTS SURFACEI 4-13/16"±1/8" The TYCO Series DS-1 Sprinklers are (122,2±3,2 mm) intended for use in fire sprinkler sys- 2-1/2" DIA. tems designed in accordance with the FACE OF (63,5 mm) standard installation rules recognized SPRINKLER FITTING by the applicable Listing or Approval agency; for example, UL Listing is .�■- + based on NFPA 13 requirements. illi I-r }} 3-1/2" DIA. (88,9 mm) Sprinkler Fittings Epi 3.5° Install the 3/4 or 1-Inch NPT Series SPRINKLER FITTING DS-1 Dry-Type Sprinklers in the 3/4 or 1-Inch NPT outlet or run of the follow- (REFER TO DESIGN CENTERLINE 5/16" ing fittings: CRITERIA SECTION) OF WATERWAY (7,9 mm) • malleable or ductile iron threaded tee fittings that meet the dimensional re- FIGURE 9 quirements of ANSI B16.3(Class 150) TY3335 AND TY3735 HORIZONAL SIDEWALL • cast iron threaded tee fittings that WITH DEEP ESCUTCHEON meet the dimensional requirements of ANSI B16.4(Class 125). Do not install the DS-1 Sprinklers into ORDER LENGTHS: an elbow fittings.The Inlet of the sprin- 5-1/2"to 48"(139,7 to 1219,2 mm) . kler can contact the interior of the el- IN 1/4"(6,4 mm)INCREMENTS MINIMUM bow, potentially damaging the Inlet 2-1/4"(57,2 mm) seal. FACE OF — -DEFLECTOR TO The unused outlet of the threaded tee is SPRINKLER MOUNTING plugged as shown in Figure 13. FITTING SURFACE You can also install the Series DS-1 Dry-Type Sprinklers in the 3/4 or 1-Inch N�� NPT outlet of a .GRINNELL Figure 730 Mechanical Tee. However, the use of the Figure 730 Tee for this arrangement -� 3.5° 5/16" is limited to wet pipe systems. SPRINKLER FITTING (7'9 mm) The configuration shown in Figure 12 (REFER TO DESIGN CENTERLINE is only applicable for wet pipe systems CRITERIA SECTION) OF WATERWAY where the sprinkler fitting and water- filled pipe above the sprinkler fitting are FIGURE 10 not subject to freezing and where the length of the Dry-Type Sprinkler has the TY3335 AND TY3735 HORIZONAL SIDEWALL minimum exposure length depicted in WITHOUT ESCUTCHEON Figure 11. Refer to the Exposure Length section. tellA OF go. TFP51O � Page 6of10 C ec *n For wet pipe system installations of NOTICE exposed barrel length t, -O the 1-Inch NPT Series DS-1 Dry-Type Do not install the Series DS-1 Dry-Type from freezing in the con '3.1g01,1'w Sprinklers connected to CPVC piping, Sprinkler into any other type fitting due to conduction. The ex.- use only the following TYCO CPVC without first consulting the Technical rel length measurementoass k@ - ,-tyservices fittings: Services Department.Failure to use the from the face of the sprtuda)ea fitting to appropriate fittingresult in one of the surface of the structure or insula- • 1"x 1" NPT Female Adapter(P/N 80145) may tion that is exposed to the heated area. the following: example.Refer to Figure11 for an • 1"x 1" x 1" NPT Sprinkler Head Adapter Tee(P/N 80249). •Failure of the sprinkler to operate prop- erly due to formation of ice over the Clearance Space For wet pipe system installations of inlet Plug or binding of the Inlet Plug. In accordance with Section the the 3/4-Inch NPT Series DS-1 of the 2010 edition of NFPA 13, when Sprinklers connected to CPVC pip- •Insufficient engagement of the Inlet ing, use in the 3/4" x 3/4" NPT Female pipe threads with consequent leakage. connecting an area subject to freez Adapter(P/N 80142). ing and an area containing a wet pipe Drainage sprinkler system, the clearance space For dry pipe system installations, use In accordance with the minimum around the sprinkler barrel of Dry Type only the side outlet of maximum 2-1/2- requirements of the National Fire Sprinklers must be sealed. Due to tem- inch reducing tee when locating the Protection Association for dry pipe perature differences between two ar- Series DS-1 Sprinklers directly below sprinkler systems, branch, cross, and eas,the potential for the formation of the branch line.Otherwise, use the con- feed-main piping connected to Dry condensation in the sprinkler and sub- figuration shown in Figure 13 to assure Sprinklers and subject to freezing tem- sequent ice build-up is increased. If complete water drainage from above peratures must be pitched for proper this condensation is not controlled, ice the Series DS-1 Dry-Type Sprinklers drainage. build-up can occur that might damage and the branch line. Failure to do so the dry-type sprinkler and/or prevent may result in pipe freezing and water Exposure Length proper operation in a fire situation. damage. When using Dry Sprinklers in wet pipe Use of the Model DSB-2 Dry Sprinkler sprinkler systems to protect areas sub- Boot, described in technical data sheet ject to freezing temperatures, use Table TFP591 and shown in Figures 14 and C to determine a sprinkler's appropriate 15,can provide the recommended seal. Temperatures for Heated Areata) Ambient Temperature Exposed to Discharge End of 40°F(4°C) 50°F(10°C) 60°F(16°C) Sprinkler Minimum Exposed Barrel Length, Inches(mm)(b) 40°F(4°C) 0 0 0 30°F(-1°C) 0 0 0 20°F(-7°C) 4(100) 0 0 10°F(-12°C) 8(200) 1 (25) 0 0°F(-18°C) 12(305) 3(75) 0 -10°F(-23°C) 14(355) 4(100) 1 (25) -20°F(-29°C) 14(355) 6(150) 3(75) -30°F(-34°C) 16(405) 8(200) 4(100) -40°F(-40°C) 18(455) 8(200) 4(100) -50°F(-46°C) 20(510) 10(255) 6(150) -60°F(-51°C) 20(510) 10(255) 6(150) Notes: (a)For protected area temperatures that occur between values listed above,use the next cooler temperature. (b)These lengths are inclusive of wind velocities up to 30 mph(18,6 kph). TABLE C EXPOSED SPRINKLER BARRELS IN WET PIPE SYSTEMS — MINIMUM RECOMMENDED LENGTHS — i,/tlt:i OF get ..c..."5114. kir IS ir _ ooh 1�#�'�, FACE OF I TO WET SIDE SPRINKLER SYSTEM OUTLET O _� rve,-;---F5-Y ?•ency Services FITTING PLUGGED 7 11104/16 r-5SPRINKLER HEATEDTO DRY FITTING HEATED EXPOSURE AREA SYSTEM (SEE DESIGN AREA LENGTH CRITERIA (SEE DESIGN SECTION) DSB-2 CRITERIA DSB-2 SPRINKLER AREA INTENDED SECTION) INTENDED FITTING SUBJECT DSB-2 FOR FREEZER FOR FREEZER (SEE DESIGN TO INTENDED STRUCTURES STRUCTURES CRITERIA FREEZING AFOR FREEZER SECTION) STRUCTURES ,iL7 4 -1/4 I- li e i _...,. k ill 4. ....... S.-'- FIGURE 12 FIGURE 13 FIGURE 11 SPRINKLER FITTING SPRINKLER FITTING — EXPOSURE LENGTH — — HEATED AREA — — UNHEATED AREA — STRAP TIES 1-3/4" DIA. 1110 4 (ENDS CLEARANCE OPPOSING4,5 mm) INSULATED SIDES OF HOLE FREEZER BOOT) ADHESIVE STRUCTURE DSB-2 BOOT DSB-2 ADHESIVE BOOT 0 1-3/4" DIA. (44,5 mm) II 'I IIIA CLEARANCE i_I HOLE INSULATED FREEZER STRUCTURE STRAP TIES _ (ENDS ON DS-1 DS-1 OPPOSING SHOWN WITH ��� SHOWN WITH STANDARD OSTANDARD SIDES BOOT)F ESCUTCHEON ESCUTCHEON FIGURE 14 FIGURE 15 MODEL DSB-2 SPRINKLER MODEL DSB-2 SPRINKLER BOOT WITH PENDENT SERIES BOOT WITH SIDEWALL SERIES DS-1 DRY SPRINKLER DS-1 DRY SPRINKLER tellei OF Ie., TFP510 "Ms' . Page 8of10 a. C ,Tr ir using sprinkler the Wrench-tighten Exercise care to avoid • Installation 3. either: during, and after insta . '11201,10 The TYCO Series DS-1 Dry-Type • a pipe wrench on the Inlet Band or paint, plate, coat, or othe Sprinklers must be installed in accor- the Casing(Figures 1 and 2) automatic sprinklers ikhe, gAviityservices dance with the following instructions. the factory. 11/04/16 • the W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench on Never repaint factory-painted Cover NOTICE the Wrench Flat(Figure 16). Plates.When necessary, replace cover The Series DS-1 Dry Type Sprinkler Apply the Wrench Recess of the plates with factory-painted units. Non- must only be installed in fittings that W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench to the factory applied paint can adversely de- meet the requirements of the Design Wrench Flat. lay or prevent sprinkler operation in the Criteria section. Refer to the Design Note:If sprinkler removal becomes event of a fire. Criteria section for other important re- necessary, remove the sprinkler Replace sprinklers that: quirements regarding piping design using the same wrenching meth- and sealing of the clearance space od noted above. Sprinkler remov- wrench twisting, wrench slippage, or around the Sprinkler Casing. al is easier when a non-hardening the like. Do not install any bulb type sprinkler sealant was used and torque guide- if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss lines were followed. After removal, • were modified or over-heated. of liquid from the bulb.With the sprin inspect the sprinkler for damage. • have cracked bulbs or have lost liquid kler held horizontally, a small air bubble 4. After installing the ceiling or wall and from the bulbs. Refer to the Installation should be present.The diameter of the applying a celing finish,slide on the Section in this data sheet. air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch outer piece of the Escutcheon until • are leaking or exhibiting visible signs (1,6 mm)for the 135°F(57°C) rating to it comes in contact with the ceiling of corrosion. 1/8 inch (3,2 mm)for the 286°F(141°C) or wall. Do not lift the ceiling panel rating. out of its normal position. Responsibility lies with owners for the f • Obtain a leak-tight 3/4-Inch NPT sprin- When using the Deep Escutcheon, inspection,theirfieprotectionng,andymaintenance s kler joint by applying a minimum-to- hold the outer piece in contact with fire system and devices as maximum torque of 10 to 20 ft. lbs. the mounting surface (ceiling or in compliancethewith this document,standards of (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). wall). Then rotate the inner piece Wel as with FapplicableAssociation of • approximately 1/4 turn with respect the National Fire Protection Association Obtain a leak-tight 1-Inch NPT sprin- to the outer piece,to hold the Deep (for example, NFPA 25), in addition to kler joint by applying a minimum-to- the standards of any other Authorities maximum torque of 20 to 30 ft. lbs. Escutcheon firmly together. Having Jurisdiction.The installing con- (26,8 to 40,2 Nm). tractor or sprinkler manufacturer should Higher levels of torque can distort the Care and be contacted relative to any questions. sprinkler Inlet with consequent leakageAutomatic sprinkler systems are recom- or impairment of the sprinkler. Maintenance mended to be inspected, tested, and Do not attempt to compensate for The TYCO Series DS-1 Dry-Type maica qualeied Inspection re- insufficient adjustment in an Sprinklers must be maintained and ser- Servvtained ice in accc ordance with local Escutcheon Plate by under or over- viced in accordance with the following quirements and/or national codes. tightening the Sprinkler. Re-adjust the instructions. position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. 1. Install pendent sprinklers only in the NOTICE pendent position,and install upright Before closing a fire protection system WRENCH sprinklers only in the upright posi- main control valve for maintenance RECESS tion. The deflector of a pendent or work on the fire protection system that upright sprinkler must be parallel to it controls, obtain permission to shut the ceiling. down the affected fire protection sys- Install horizontal sidewall sprin- tems from the proper authorities and 11110, klers in the horizontal position with notify all personnel who may be affect- WRENCH their centerline of waterway perpen- ed by this action. v dicular to the back wall and paral- Absence of the outer piece of an es- lel to the ceiling. Ensure the word cutcheon, which is used to cover a "TOP" on the Deflector faces the clearance hole, can delay the time to PUSH WRENCH ceiling. sprinkler operation in a fire situation. INTO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT 2. With a non-hardening pipe-thread A Vent Hole is provided in the Bulb Seat WITH SPRINKLER sealant such as Teflonl tape applied (Figures 1 and 2)to indicate if the Dry- WRENCHING AREA to the Inlet threads,hand-tighten the Type Sprinkler is remaining dry. Evi- sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. dence of leakage from the Vent Hole in- FIGURE 16 dicates potential leakage past the Inlet W-TYPE 7 SPRINKLER WRENCH seal and the need to remove the sprin- kler to determine the cause of leakage; for example, an improper installation or an ice plug. Close the fire protec- tion system control valve and drain the system before removing the sprinkler. 1 Registered trademark of DuPont 4"51144. )0110 It5 Limited Ordering 0, � 0 Warranty Procedure Vail Fire&Emergency Services Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Contact your local distributor for avail- 11/04/16 Suppression & Building Products ability. When placing an order, indicate (TFSBP) are warranted solely to the the full product name and Part Number original Buyer for ten(10)years against (P/N). defects in material and workman- ship when paid for and properly in- Dry-Type Sprinklers stalled and maintained under normal Specify this dry-type sprinkler as use and service.This warranty will ex- follows: pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by TFSBP. No warranty is given • Model/SIN from Page 1 for products or components manu- • Quick Response,Standard Coverage, factured by companies not affiliated Dry-Type Sprinkler by ownership with TFSBP or for prod . Deflector Style ucts and components which have been subject to misuse, improper in- • 5.6 K-Factor stallation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, mod i- • Order Length fied or repaired in accordance with ap- plicable Standards of the National Fire upon Order Length as measured per Protection Association, and/or the stan Figures 3 through 10.After taking the dards of any other Authorities Having measurement,round it to the nearest Jurisdiction. Materials found by TFSBP 1/4 inch increment. to be defective shall be either repaired • Inlet Connections or replaced, at TFSBP's sole option. 3/4-Inch NPT, 1-Inch NPT,or ISO 7-R1 TFSBP neither assumes, nor authorizes •Temperature Rating any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of • Sprinkler Finish products or parts of products.TFSBP • Escutcheon Style and Finish, as shall not be responsible for sprinkler applicable system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by • Part Number(P/N)from Table C Buyer or Buyer's representatives. The Upright Sprinkler without an In no event shall TFSBP be liable, in Escutcheon (TY3135) is available in contract, tort, strict liability or under 1-Inch NPT only. any other legal theory, for incidental, Part Numbers are for 3/4-Inch and indirect,special or consequential dam- 1-Inch NPT standard order sprin- ages, including but not limited to labor klers. Orders for all other sprinkler charges, regardless of whether TFSBP assemblies must be accompanied was informed about the possibility of by a complete description. Refer to such damages, and in no event shall the Price List for a complete listing of TFSBP's liability exceed an amount Part Numbers. equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty is made in lieu Sprinkler Wrench of any and all other warranties, express Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, or implied, including warranties of mer- P/N 56-850-4-001. chantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Sprinkler Boot This limited warranty sets forth the ex- Specify: Model DSB-2 Dry Sprinkler clusive remedy for claims based on fail- ure of or defect in products, materials This Part Number includes one Boot, or components, whether the claim is two Strap Ties,and 1/3 oz.of Adhesive. made in contract,tort, strict liability or The quantity of adhesive is sufficient for any other legal theory. installing one Boot. This warranty will apply to the full ex- tent permitted by law.The invalidity, in whole or part,of any portion of thiswar- ranty will not affect the remainder. *VI OF ge TFP510 � Page 10 of 10 a. C dx „t IS Ir P/N* 60 - XXX - X - XXX I Vail Fire&Emergency Services 11/04/16 SPRINKLER ESCUTCHEON MODEL/SIN FINISH FINISH(1) 01 Pendent with Standard TY3935 1 NATURAL BRASS WHITE Escutcheon(3/4"NPT) (Figure 3) 4 WHITE POLYESTER WHITE 02 Pendent with Deep TY3935 Escutcheon(3/4"NPT) (Figure 5) 9 CHROME PLATED CHROME 03 Pendent with Standard Recessed TY3935 0 CHROME PLATED WHITE Escutcheon(3/4"NPT) (Figure 4) 2 NATURAL BRASS BRASS PLATED 04 Pendent without TY3935 Escutcheon(3/4"NPT) (Figure 6) 05 Sidewall with Standard TY3735 Escutcheon(3/4"NPT) (Figure 8) 06 Sidewall with Deep TY3735 TEMPERATURE SAMPLE ORDER Escutcheon(3/4"NPT) (Figure 9) RATINGS(2) LENGTHS(3) 07 Sidewall without TY3735 0 135°F(57°C) Escutcheon(3/4"NPT) (Figure 10) 055 5.50" 1 155°F(68°C) 082 8.25" Pendent with Standard TY3235 2 175°F(79°C) 36Escutcheon(1"NPT) (Figure 3) 180 18.00" 3 200°F(93°C) 187 18.75" 33 Pendent with Deep TY3235 4 286°F(141°C) Escutcheon(1"NPT) (Figure 5) 372 37.25" 37 Pendent with Standard Recessed TY3235 480 48.00" Escutcheon(1"NPT) (Figure 4) 32 Pendent without TY3235 Escutcheon(1"NPT) (Figure 6) Notes " Use Prefix "I" for ISO 7-R1 Connection; for example, 34 Sidewall with Standard TY3335 1-60-010-4-055. Escutcheon(1"NPT) (Figure 8) 1. Escutcheon Finish applies to sprinklers provided with escutcheons. 43 Sidewall with Deep TY3335 2. 286°F(141°C)temperature rating applies to non-recessed Escutcheon(1"NPT) (Figure 9) sprinkler assemblies. 3. Dry-Type Sprinklers are furnished based upon "Order 44 Sidewall without TY3335 Length" as measured per Figures 3 through 10, as appli- Escutcheon(1"NPT) (Figure 10) cable, and for each individual sprinkler where it is to be installed.After the measurement is taken, round it to the nearest 1/4 inch increment. 38 Upright without TY3135 Escutcheon(1"NPT) (Figure 7) TABLE C SERIES DS-1 DRY-TYPE SPRINKLERS — PART NUMBER SELECTION — Copyright©2009,2011 Tyco Fire Suppression&Building Products.All rights reserved. 4"51144 a: :Liir la 15 RIX M. tqco Fire & Buildings 05 Products -iino # Vail Fire&Emerge y Services 11/04/16 Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312/ Fax: (800) 791-5500 Model DSB-2 Dry Sprinkler Boot For Use With TFP Dry Type Sprinklers GeneralWARNINGS The Model DSB-2 Dry Sprinkler Boot Description described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this The Tyco° Model DSB-2 Dry Sprin- document, as well as with the applica- kler Boot (Ref. Figure 1) is designed ble standards of the National Fire Proa .,=.... - for use with TFP Dry Type Sprinklers. tection Association, in addition to the When properly installed, it will help standards of any other authorities hav- .q close the air gap created by the clear- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may ance hole through a wall or ceiling impair the performance of these through which the dry type sprinkler devices. has penetrated. The owner is responsible for maintain- The DSB-2 is intended predominately ing their fire protection system and de- fer use with clearance holes through vices in proper operating condition. Series DS-C, Standard Coverage freezer ceiling structures. In these The installing contractor or sprinkler Concealed Pendent TFP515 types of installations, due to the great- manufacturer should be contacted Series DS-ECC, Extended Coverage er temperature difference between the with any questions. Concealed Pendent TFP518 inside and outside of the freezer than Series DS-1, Extended Coverage found with other type installations,the Technical Horizontal Sidewall TFP520 potential for the formation of conden- sation in the sprinkler and subsequent Data Coverage Pendent TFP530 ice build-up is increased. If this con- 9 densation is not controlled, ice build- Approvals Series DS-2, Extended up can occur that might damage the The Tyco° Model DSB-2 Dry Sprinkler Coverage Pendent TFP540 dry type sprinkler and/or prevent Boot does not require laboratory ap- proper operation in a fire situation. proval to be installed in accordance Series DS-3, ECOH with the applicable standards of the Horizontal Sidewall TFP550 The DSB-2 is intended to help stop National Fire Protection Association. the air exchange between the inside The use of the DSB-2 does not alter NOTE and outside of the freezer(or any oth- any of the applicable laboratory ap- Use of the Model DSB-2 Dry Sprinkler er type of similar construction) to help provals for TFP Dry Type Sprinklers. Boot with non-TFP Dry Type Sprinklers prevent transfer of moist air into the will void the warranty. Failure may re- freezer space. The use of the DSB-2 The 2007 edition of NFPA 13, Section suit due to dimensional differences in provides a quick and efficient means requires that dry sprinklers the outside diameter of the barrel. The of closing the air gap created by the connected to wet pipe sprinkler DSB-2 has not been tested with any dry type sprinkler clearance hole. The systems protecting insulated freezer non-TFP Dry Type Sprinklers with re- DSB-2 provides the added feature of structures, the clearance space gard to fit or performance. eliminating the occurrence of crack- around the sprinkler barrel shall be ing of some commonly used sealants, sealed. Physical Characteristics that subsequently allows the passage Dry Type Sprinkler Compatibility The Boot is EPDM, the Strap Ties of moist air. and Technical Data Sheet are nylon, and the Adhesive is ethyl Reference cyanoacrylate based. The adhesive is formulated for instant bonding of Series DS-1, Standard Response the Boot to metal, plastic, or rubber Standard Coverage, surfaces. Pendent, Upright Patents and HSW TFP500 U.S.A. 7,213,319 Series DS-1, Quick Response Standard Coverage, Pendent, Upright and HSW TFP510 Page 1 of 4 DECEMBER, 2007 TFP591 14F ge4,! Page 2 of 4 C a. IS ir tk "ADHESIVE" 3-3/4"DIA. "STRAP TIES" Design 01' (95,3 mm)REF. (ENDS ON OPPOSING Criteria • SIDES OF Vail Fire&Emergency Services BOOT) There are four items'40443g consid- ,� ered: Dry Type Sprinklers, Clearance ° _ Hole, Exposure Length, and Sprinkler 2"(50,8 mm) Fitting. REF. Dry Type Sprinklers. This Techni "BOOT" cal Data section provides a list of all V////// of the compatible dry type sprinklers 7."-- line L 4E1 k 1p and their associated technical data sheets. Refer to the applicable tech- nical data sheet for installation and 1-3/4" DIA. maintenance information for the sprin- kler being utilized. CLEARANCE HOLE NOTE The TFP Dry Type Sprinklers must be installed and maintained in compli- ance with the applicable technical data sheet. Failure to do so may impair INSULATED the performance of these devices. FREEZER ___A STRUCTURE Clearance Hole. The Model DSB- 2 Dry Sprinkler Boot may be used — with a maximum 2-1/2 inch (63,5 mm) diameter clearance hole (i.e., I ' the diameter of the hole in the ceiling TFP or wall being penetrated by the dry DRY TYPE type sprinkler, reference Figure 1 SPRINKLER or 2). Based on the diameter of FIGURE 1 the Dry Type Sprinkler Barrel, the TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF MODEL DSB-2 DRY SPRINKLER BOOT designated maximum clearance hole WITH SERIES DS-1 DRY PENDENT SPRINKLER will compensate for non-centering of the Dry Type Sprinkler Barrel within the clearance hole. Where centering - can be maintained, a clearance hole as large as 3 inches (76,2 mm) in diameter can be accommodated. INSULATED ] MODEL DSB-2 FREEZER CEILING ° DRY SPRINKLER NOTES STRUCTURE BOOT The clearance hole adjacent to the I DSB-2 cannot be larger than 2-1/2 inch (63,5 mm) diameter for a non- concentric installation or 3 inch (76,2 mm) diameter for a concentric instal- lation. Otherwise, the DSB-2 cannot 2-1/2" DIA. perform as intended by closing the air (63,5 mm) gap. CLEARANCE Clearance holes greater than specified HOLE cannot be filled in with foam insula- tion, etc. In order for the DSB-2 to be effective in closing the air gap it must seat and seal against the smooth ma- terial of the ceiling or wall. Exposure Length. When Dry Sprin- klers are to be used in wet pipe sprin- kler systems protecting areas subject limmi l'm' -m-m-w.-M IJ LA i to freezing temperatures (e.g., sprin- kler drops into freezers), consider- ation must be given to the appropriate TFP DS-C OR DS-ECC DRY length of the sprinkler that will prevent PENDENT CONCEALED SPRINKLER freezing of the water in the connect- ing pipes due to conduction. When FIGURE 2 the temperature surrounding the wet TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF MODEL DSB-2 DRY SPRINKLER BOOT pipe sprinkler system is maintained at WITH SERIES DS-C DRY PENDENT CONCEALED SPRINKLER a minimum temperature of 40°F/4°C, tellA OF go. TFP591 a. IS Ir SPRINKLER the following are themDJ # FITTING mended lengths betwee #4201.1 the sprinkler fitting and the o b HEATED face of the protected armE ,Ele gllsIyServices AREA EXPOSURE LENGTH exposed to minimum 1 H ent tern- DSB 2 (SEE DESIGN CRITERIA perature of 40°F/4°C — Ref. Figure 3): SECTION) • 12 inches(300 mm)when the tem- perature within the protected area .i,..._ lipr,_ Ippr,_ Ir__ 1 —r-f-- __,,, z,,___ _y___ �' is-20°F/-29°C • 18 inches(450 mm)when the tern- t_ perature within the protected area is-40°F/-40°C .ii_ _ _ _ _ _ •p4 inches es(600timm)p when the tem- perature within the protected area is-60°F/-51°C FREEZER ��� TFP For protected area temperatures be- DRY TYPE tween those given above, the mini AREA SPRINKLER mum recommended length from the face of the fitting to the outside of the FIGURE 3, EXPOSURE LENGTH protected area may be determined by interpolating between the indicated values. TO WET — — SYSTEM NOTE 1 INCH The temperature within the protected NPT TEE area must be based on the lowest ex- (SEE DESIGN - SIDE petted temperature. CRITERIA OUTLET For example: a freezer may be rated SECTION) PLUGGED at -20°F/-29°C, yet the condenser is emitting-30°F/-35°C.The dry sprinkler length must be calculated based on HEATED DSB 2 the lower temperature of-30°F/-35°C. AREA Sprinkler Fitting.TFP Dry Type Sprin- klers must be installed in the 1 inch NPT outlet or run of a malleable or • cast iron threaded tee as described in .4. 4 AiAliTm vow-- the applicable Technical Data Sheets. With reference to Figure 4 and in con- junction with use in a wet pipe system, the sprinkler drop may be installed as „o shown. The information in Figure 4 FIGURE 4, SPRINKLER FITTING IN HEATED AREA may only be used where the sprinkler fitting and water filled pipe above the sprinkler fitting is not subject to freez- ing.DRY 1 INCH In areas subject to freezing, the SYSTEM NPT TEE pipe connected to the dry type sprin- kler must be configured to allow com- plete drainage as shown in Figure 5. _ / 01_1_ ____ RUN OUTLET Installation PLUGGED The Tyco® Model DSB-2 must be in- stalled in accordance with the follow- AREA ing instructions: SUBJECT TO DSB-2 FREEZING WARNING The Adhesive contains cyanoacry- late ester. Irritation will occur when ralirdi inhaled. This adhesive bonds skin in seconds. Contact through clothing A41114,4 4 Ai' may cause burns.EYE IRRITANT. Always refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for additional adhesive handling recommendations. The FIGURE 5, SPRINKLER FITTING IN UNHEATED AREA Material Safety Data Sheet should 40 OF ge Page 4 of 4iti � lo be obtained from the adhesive man- Step 5. Apply the provided Adhesive manufactured by corn. O , ufacturer via their web site noted on to the building structure in a zig-zag ated by ownership with .j-,112(0 10 the adhesive container label before pattern. Refer to Warning regarding products and components I using the adhesive. the adhesive. been subject to misussoimplapecrdatcy services In case of skin contact, flush with Step 6.Slide the Boot so that it comes stallation, corrosion, bN°Vhich have water, and for eye contact seek in contact with the building structure, not been installed, maintained, modi medical attention. and then press the Boot firmly against fied or repaired in accordance with Provide ade uate ventilation in area the building structure to help ensure applicable Standards of the Nation- q that the Adhesive is fully applied to al Fire Protection Association, and/or of usage. When possible ventilation both surfaces. the standards of any other Authorities should be achieved by the use of Having Jurisdiction. Materials found local exhaust ventilation and good When sliding the Boot over the length by TFBP to be defective shall be either general ventilation. Vapors are of the Dry Sprinkler, sliding is easily repaired or replaced, at TFBP's sole heavier than air, therefore, down- accomplished by slightly squeezing option. TFBP neither assumes, nor ward ventilation should be used. the Boot around the cone area. authorizes any person to assume for When handling cyanoacrylate ad- Step 7. Wait two minutes to allow the it, any other obligation in connection hesives, goggles or safety glasses Adhesive to sufficiently cure and then with the sale of products or parts of should always be worn. Polyethyl- apply the two Strap Ties. The Strap products. TFBP shall not be respon- ene gloves should be used to protect Ties are to be applied to the straight sible for sprinkler system design er- the hands. WARNING:DO NOT USE section of the Boot as shown in Figure rors or inaccurate or incomplete infor- RUBBER OR CLOTH GLOVES.RUB- 1 and so that the ends are on oppos- mation supplied by Buyer or Buyer's BER GLOVES WILL BOND WHEN ing sides of the Boot. representatives. BROUGHT IN CONTACT WITH THE ADHESIVE AND POROUS COTTON The ties are to be pulled sufficient- In no event shall TFBP be liable, in GLOVES WILL ABSORB THEADHE- ly tight to the point that there is no contract, tort, strict liability or under SIVE AND BOND THE GLOVES TO gap between Dry Sprinkler Boot and any other legal theory, for incidental, THE SKIN. the Dry Sprinkler. When properly in- indirect,special or consequential Step 1. Prepare the clearance hole dam- stalled a paper clip or wire of similar ages, including but not limited to labor dimension cannot be slipped between charges, regardless of whether TFBP per the applicable TFP Dry Sprinkler the Dry Sprinkler Boot and the Dry was informed about the possibilityof Technical Data Sheet. Sprinkler. such damages, and in no event shall Step 2. Insert the dry sprinkler TFBP's liability exceed an amount through the clearance hole and slide Care and equal to the sales price. the Boot over threaded inlet of the dry sprinkler. Maintenance The foregoing warranty is made in When installing on Series DS-2 Dry lieu of any and all other warranties, Sprinklers, the Boot will require The owner is responsible for the in- express or implied, including warran- stretching. The use of a grooved cou- spection, testing, and maintenance ties of merchantability and fitness for piing gasket lubricant will ease instal- of their fire protection system and de- a particular purpose. lation. Use only a petroleum free vices in compliance with this docu- This limited warranty sets forth the ex- silicone grooved coupling gasket lu- ment, as well as with the applicable clusive remedy for claims based on bricant to avoid freezing of the Dry standards of the National Fire Protec- failure of or defect in products, materi- Sprinkler Boot to the Dry Sprinkler. tion Association(e.g., NFPA 25), in ad- als or components, whether the claim When sliding the Boot over the length dition to the standards of any other is made in contract, tort, strict liability of the Dry Sprinkler, sliding is easily authorities having jurisdiction. The in- or any other legal theory. accomplished by slightly squeezing stalling contractor or sprinkler manu This warrantywill applyto the full ex- the Boot around the cone area. facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. tent permitted by law. The invalidity, Step 3. Thread the dry sprinkler into in whole or part, of any portion of this the sprinkler fitting per the applica Automatic sprinkler systems should warranty will not affect the remainder. ble TFP Dry Sprinkler Technical Data be inspected, tested, and maintained Sheet. by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements Ordering Refer to the sprinkler technical data and/or national codes. Procedure sheet for tightening torque specifica- tions. The use of higher levels of Limited torque then specified may distort the Model DSB-2: sprinkler inlet with consequent leak Specify: Model DSB-2 Dry Sprinkler age or impairment of the sprinkler. Warranty Boot", P/N 63-000-0-002. Step 4. Clean the contact surfaces Products manufactured by Tyco Fire " Includes one Boot, two Strap Ties, of the Boot and the building (ceiling & Building Products (TFBP) are war- and 1/3 oz. of Adhesive (quantity of or wall) structure with a damp cloth. ranted solely to the original Buyer for adhesive is sufficient for installing one Moist surfaces will aid in a quick ten(10)years against defects in mate- Boot). adhesion. rial and workmanship when paid for Use only a cloth that has been damp- and properly installed and maintained ened with water. The use of other under normal use and service. This cleaning techniques, solvents, etc. warranty will expire ten(10)years from may render the adhesive incapable of date of shipment by TFBP. No warran- sealing. ty is given for products or components ©2007 TYCO FIRE&BUILDING PRODUCTS,451 North Cannon Avenue,Lansdale Pennsylvania 19446 ...„,„_,..4.,..e. crwit. ..,c .p7. Dyna-Thread® - M-COAT® ..:, ,g._ , ... ti. Oj Submittal Data Sheet ico] - ®Full Line Sch-40 Replacement Dyna-Thread—M-COAT Specifications Dyna-Thread®—M-Coat®sprinkler pipe represents an engineering NPS Nominal I.D. Wt. Wt.(H20 Filled) CRR CRR advancement for the sprinkler pipe industry. It combines the safety In;mm In;mm Lbs/Ft;kg/m Lbs/Ft;kg/m Unthreaded Threaded and longevity of traditional Sch-40 pipe with quality and superior 1" 1.080 1.330 1.75 11.39 1.00 hydraulic advantages. 25 27.4 2.0 2.60 — — 11/4" 1.408 1.870 2.54 9.50 1.00 ® Comparison to Schedule 40 32 35.8 2.8 3.78 — — 1 1/2" 1.639 2.290 3.22 9.14 1.00 Dyna-Thread®—M-Coat®inside diameter is up to 3.6% larger than Sch-40 40 41.6 3.4 4.79 — — giving it superior hydraulics.Also,when used in combination with Dyna- 2" 2.104 3.050 4.57 8.41 1.00 Flow—M-Coat pipe,down sizing often occurs. Dyna-Thread is fully listed and 50 53.4 4.5 6.80 — — approved UL, ULC,and FM for fire sprinkler applications.The life expectancy of Dyna-Thread—M-Coat and Sch-40 are equal based on the calculated wall 0 c® 44,01, thicknesses per UL.The consistent quality of steel used to make Dyna-Thread— 4P,ROYED M-Coat facilitates smooth threading and lower maintenance costs.The exterior of Dyna-Thread—M-Coat is protected by a clean,durable mill coating for ® American Made extended shelf life and easy paint application.With its increased strength Manufactured at one of 3 U.S. Facilities and is available and lighter weight, Dyna-Thread—M-Coat reduces installation fatigue and through distributors in the USA,Canada, Mexico,and is ideal for retro-fit applications. Corrosion Resistance Ratio(CRR) is a UL Latin America. (Underwriters Laboratory)term for the estimated life expectancy of a pipe joint. This is based on the calculated wall thickness at the base of the first exposed O Specifications & Approvals thread,assumed to be the weakest point of the pipe length. Dyna-Thread— M-Coat and Sch-40 have the same calculated wall thicknesses at this point Dyna-Thread—M-Coat pipe is manufactured to meet:ASTM A and are both assigned the same CRR of 1.00. 135,Type E Grade A,and is in compliance with NFPA-13.All sizes of Dyna-Thread—M-Coat are rated at 300 psi working ® Comparison to L.W.T. Pipe pressure. Dyna-Thread—M-Coat is UL and ULC Listed for wet, More wall thickness at the thread(CRR=1.00)gives Dyna-Thread—M-Coat dry and pre action sprinkler systems and FM Approved for better life expectancy than lightwall threadable pipe joints. Dyna-Thread— use in wet systems. Dyna Thread—M-Coat is approved for all M-Coat is approved for standard hanger spacing(15 ft.O.C.),can be used as threaded couplings and welded outlets and is suitable for all earthquake sway bracing,and is safe to use as drops. Dyna-Thread—M-Coat roll-grooved,and plain-end fittings.(See listing information). is safer to weld on than many zinc coated lightwall threadable pipe products. Dyna-Thread—M-Coat is more widely accepted than lightwall threadable where Sch-40 is specified. Project: Sprinkler Contractor: Date: Engineer: Specification Reference: System Type: Locations: Comments: 9®cIIIecJ Customer Service: (800)882-5543 Fax: (800)659-7730 www.alliedtube-sprinkler.com • 16100 S Lathrop Ave • 11350 Norcom Rd. • 2525 N 27th Ave. TUBE&CONDUIT Harvey,IL 60426 Philadelphia, PA 19154 Phoenix,AZ 85009 A PART 0F atkore ©2013 Atkore International,Inc.All Rights Reserved.STP-S3-4M-1301 (4 OFk4 C.I. THREADEDF0 � STAR"PIPE PRODUCTS0,c) U +1 7ri� LISTED Oj LISTED A' For fire protection services regaatatFiteihruitialleafices 11/04/16 Cast iron threaded fittings are UL, ULC listed and factory mutual approved for 300 psi service.Gray iron per ASTM A126 class B. Dimensions conform to ANSI B16.4 class 125 except plugs conform toASME B16.14.Threads are NPT per ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. • LI I .. 1 '• . / • i f r CAST IRON STRAIGHT TEE CAST IRON 90 DEGREE ELBOW NOMINAL ITEM MAX. 'DIMENSIONS' WEIGHT NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A B PIECE (INCH) # P.S.I. A B PIECE 1 CT333 300 1.50 1.50 1.21 1 CB90033 300 1.50 1.50 0.95 11/4 CT444 300 1.75 1.75 1.87 11/4 CB90044 300 1.75 1.75 1.34 11/2 CT555 300 1.94 1.94 2.51 11/2 CB90055 300 1.94 1.94 1.80 2 CT666 300 2.25 2.25 3.96 2 CB90066 300 2.25 2.25 2.90 1 21/2 CT777 300 2.70 2.70 6.45 21/2 CB90077 300 2.70 2.70 4.75 I i ) ,. ‘ d Ait 1 1 Al CAST RON RED. COUPLING r NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSION WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH CAST IRON 45 DEGREE ELBOW (INCH) # P.S.I. A PIECE NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT 1X1/2 CRC031 300 1.70 0.62 SIZE CODE WORKING EACH 1X3/4 CRC032 300 1.70 0.80 (INCH) # P.S.I. A B PIECE 1 CB45033 300 1.12 1.12 0.84_ 1 1/4 CB45044 300 1.29 1.29 1.40 1 1/2 CB45055 300 1.43 1.43 1.80 •• 2 CB45066 300 1.68 1.68 2.79 CAST IRON RED. 90 DEG. ELBOW NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH • (INCH) # P.S.I. A B PIECE 5$ 2 1X1/2 CB90031 300 _ 1.26 1.36 0.64 1X3/4 CB90032 300 1.37 1.45 0.87 CAST IRON PLUGS 1 1/4X1/2 CB90041 300 1.34 1.53 0.96 NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSION WEIGHT 1 1/4X3/4 CB90042 300 1.45 1.62 1.13 1 1/4X1 CB90043 300 1.58 1.67 1.16 SIZE CODE WORKING EACH 1 1/2x1 1/2 CB90051 300 1.41 1.66 1.17 (INCH) # P.S.I. A PIECE 1 1/2x3/4 CB90052 300 1.52 1.75 1.28 1/2 CPL001 300 0.94 0.10 1 1/2X1 CB90053 300 1.65 1.80 1.51 3/4 CPL002 300 1.07 0.17 1 1/2X1 1/4 CB90054 300 1.82 1.88 1.62 1 CPL003 300 1.25 0.28 2X1/2 CB90061 300 1.49 1.88 2.00 11/4 CPL004 300 1.36 0.44 2X3/4 CB90062 300 1.60 1.97 2.05 11/2 CPL005 300 1.45 0.62 2X1 CB90063 300 1.73 2.02 2.10 2 CPL006 300 1.56 0.91 2X1 1/4 CB90064 300 1.90 2.10 2.30 2X1 1/2 CB90065 300 2.02 2.16 2.60 Page 19 (4 CIF 1$4 C.I. THREADED FITT 0 � STAR®PIPE PRODUCTS U 9) CLI o L , koro LISTED LISTED APPROVED For fire protection services request submNA rnergency Services - - CAST IRON CROSS _� ;L NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT r, SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A B PIECE 1 CX033 300 1.50 1.50 1.54 _ 11/4 CX044 300 1.75 1.75 2.40 L. 11/2 CX055 300 1.94 1.94 3.10 2 CX066 300 2.25 2.25 4.00 1 1/4X1 CX043 300 1.58 1.67 2.05 1 1/2X1 CX053 300 1.65 1.80 2.40 2X1 CX063 300 1.73 2.02 2.75 CAST IRON REDUCING TEE . ,_ _- - NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A B C PIECE -" 1X1X1/2 CT331 300 1.26 1.26 1.36 0.95 1X1X3/4 CT332 300 1.37 1.37 1.45 1.10 • 1X1/2X1 CT313 300 1.50 1.36 1.50 1.08 1X3/4X1 CT323 300 1.50 1.45 1.50 1.18 1X1X1 1/4 CT334 300 1.67 1.67 1.58 1.52 1X1X1 1/2 CT335 300 1.80 1.80 1.65 1.73 1 1/4X1 X1/2 CT431 300 1.34 1.26 1.53 1.17 1 1/4X1 X3/4 CT432 300 1.45 1.37 1.62 1.38 1 1/4X1 X1 CT433 300 1.58 1.50 1.57 1.47 1 1/4X1 X1 1/4 CT434 300 1.75 1.67 1.75 1.80 1 1/4X1X1 1/2 CT435 300 1.88 1.80 1.82 2.05 1 1/4X1 1/4X1/2 CT441 300 1.34 1.34 1.53 1.37 1 1/4X1 1/4X3/4 CT442 300 1.45 1.45 1.62 1.54 1 1/4X1 1/4X1 CT443 300 1.58 1.58 1.67 1.65 1 1/4X1 1/4X1 1/2 CT445 300 1.88 1.88 1.82 2.21 1 1/4X1 1/4X2 CT446 300 2.10 2.10 1.90 2.55 1 1/2X1X1/2 CT531 300 1.41 1.34 1.66 1.41 1 1/2X1 X3/4 CT532 300 1.52 1.37 1.75 1.65 1 1/2X1 X1 CT533 300 1.65 1.50 1.80 1.65 1 1/2X1X1 1/4 CT534 300 1.82 1.67 1.88 2.00 1 1/2X1X1 1/2 CT535 300 1.94 1.80 1.94 2.30 1 1/2X1 1/4X1/2 CT541 300 1.41 1.34 1.66 1.58 1 1/2X1 1/4X3/4 CT542 300 1.52 1.45 1.75 1.72 1 1/2X1 1/4X1 CT543 300 1.65 1.58 1.80 1.85 1 1/2x1 1/4x1 1/4 CT544 300 1.82 1.75 1.88 2.22 1 1/2x1 1/4x1 1/2 CT545 300 1.94 1.88 1.94 2.45 1 1/2X1 1/4X2 CT546 300 2.16 2.10 2.02 2.80 1 1/2X1 1/2X1/2 CT551 300 1.41 1.41 1.66 1.76 1 1/2X1 1/2X3/4 CT552_ 300 1.52 1.52 1.75 1.87 1 1/2X1 1/2X1 CT553 300 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.94 1 1/2X1 1/2X1 1/4 CT554 300 1.82 1.82 1.88 2.29 1 1/2X1 1/2X2 CT556 300 2.16 2.16 2.02 3.28 _ 2X1X2 CT636 300 2.25 2.02 2.25 3.40 2X1 1/4X2 CT646 300 2.25 2.10 2.25 2.80 2X1 1/2X1/2 CT651 _ 300 1.49 1.41 1.88 2.09 2X1 1/2X3/4 CT652 300 1.60 1.52 1.97 2.40- 2X1 1/2X1 .402X11/2X1 CT653 300 1.73 1.65 2.02 2.54 2X1 1/2X1 1/4 CT654 300 1.90 1.82 2.10 2.85 2X1 1/2X1 1/2 CT655 300 1.49 1.41 1.88 2.24 2X1 1/2X2 CT656 300 2.25 2.16 2.25 3.75 2X2X1/2 CT661 300 1.49 1.49 1.88 2.60 2X2X3/4 CT662 300 1.60 1.60 1.97 2.71 2X2X1 CT663 300 1.73 1.73 2.02 2.97 2X2X1 1/4 CT664 300 1.90 1.90 2.10 3.32 2X2X1 1/2 CT665 300 2.02 2.02 2.16 3.72 2x2x2 1/2 CT667 300 2.60 2.60 2.39 5.10 Page 20 (4 °F I/4 GROOVED FITTI ,_ f., � 0. STAR®PIPE PRODUCTS MECHANICAL 0,--g) LISTED .11 PR yQ Aro -Poj sib LISTED APPROVED Alin%I:1 For fire protection services request submNA fir.` rgency Services - €iof - Fw' • • prim•Ii... i .. t to E -•C 40 E - I nil N - 1 N -2 N -3 N-4 GxMPT GxB GxG GxH i • N-1 N-2 N-3 N-4 ADAPTER NIPPLES HOSE NIPPLE a CO E NOMINAL END APPROX. NOMINAL END APPROX. SIZE to WEIGHT SIZE to WEIGHT IN. END EACH IN. END EACH (mm) IN.(mm) Lbs.(Kg) _ (mm) IN.(mm) Lbs.(Kg) X-1 1 3.00 0.40 1 3.25 0.40 CROSS(SW) 25 76 0.1 '5 83 x.18 11/4 4.00 0.80 11/4 3.62 0,70 NOMINAL END APPROX. 32 102 0.32 92 0.32 SIZE to WEIGHT IN. END EACH 11/2 4.00 0.90 11/4 4.00 0.80 40 102 0.4 0 102 036 (mm) IN.(mm) Lbs.(K0) 2 4.00 1.20 2 4.62 1.3 11/4 3.75 2.0 50 102 0.5 50 117 0.59 32 95 0.9 21/2 4.00 1.90 21/2 5.50 2.1 11/2 3.75 2.2 65 102 0.6 65 140 0.95 40 95 1.0 3 4.00 2.50 3 6.00 3.3 2 3.75 3.0 50 95 1.4 80 102 1.1 80 152 1.50 4 6.00 5.50 4 7.25 5.5 21/2 3.75 5.0 100 152 2.4' 100 184 2.49 65 95 2.3 5 6.00 7.40 5 9.75 8.1 3 4.25 7.1 152 3.3125 248 3.67 108 3.2 6 6.00 9.50 6 11.00 13.2 4 5.00 11.9 127 5.4 150 152 4.3 _ 150 279 5.99 _ 5.25 17.1 8 6.00 14.20 8 12.50 24.0 51337.8 200 152 6.4- 200 318 10.8 10 8.00 27.00 10 14.00 29.00 6 6.50 27.5 250 203 12.2 250 356 13.1' 150 165 12 8.00 33.00 12 16.00 46.00 8 7.75 47.0 300 203 14.9 300 406 20.8) _ 200 197 21.3 SW=Segmentaly welded steel 100 9 229 0.0 .8 (d)=Ductile iron 12 10.00 107.0 Model MT-3&MT-9 Mechanical tee serves the same function as MT-1 &MT-8 but 300 254 48.5 uses a steel electro plated u-bolt to save space and for easier installation in tight places. It is ideal for direct connections with sprinkler heads and drop nipples. HOUSING: Ductile iron ASTM A536 grade 65-45-12. C E COATING: Zinc electroplated U-BOLT: Carbon steel SAE grade 2,zinc plated. -, NUT: Carbon steel ASTM A194,zinc plated. y1.1 _ GASKET: EPDM(-30...F to+230...F) Ia11 = 11 LII THREADS: MT-3 NPT per ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 •_/ 'put y� A MT-9 British standard parallel(BSP)per BS21 �- /410,4.- B MT-3 & MT-9 MECANICAL TEES I NOMINAL MAX. HOLE DIMENSIONS-Inch/mm APPROX. N SIZE WORKING SIZE WEIGHT IN. P.S id IN. A B c 0 E EACH `._JD im7 (kPa) loll Li:M.0(0 1 1/4 x 1/2 300 1.19 2.14 1.64 3.50 1.21 2.25 0.83 2,165 3,1 5-0 C S9 0.4 1 1/4 x 3/4 300 1.19 2.14 1.64 3.50 1.21 2.25 0.87 2065 60 - R 04 11/4x1 300 1.19 2.27 1.61 3.50 1.21 2.25 1.06 �_. ,.. 11/2x1/2 300 11,9 2.26 1.76 3.50 1.33 2.25 0.83 1 1/2 x 3/4 300 1.19 2.26 1.76 3.50 1.33 2.25 0.87 40 x 19 2065 1 1/2 x1 300 1.19 2.39 1.73 3.50 1.33 2.25 1.06 40x25 2065 00 - 2 x 1/2 300 1.19 2.51 2.01 3.75 1.56 2.25 0.87 2065 95 2 x 3/4 300 1.19 2.51 2.01 3.75 1.56 2.25 0.94 j 50 19 2065 95 2 x 1 300 1.19 2.64 1.98 3.75 1.56 2.25 1.09 2 1/2 x 1/2 300 1.19 2.76 2.26 4.25 1.81 2.25 0.89 2 1/2 x 3/4 300 1.19 2.76 2.26 4.25 1.81 2.25 0.98 65519 7,. 72 - In} ,- 21/2 x 1 300 1.19 2.88 2.22 4.25 1.81 2.25 1.14 65 x 25 2065 , II. 451) • 30.D.xl/2 300 1.19 2.82 2.32 4.25 1.88 2.25 0.89 1 26. .x3 toss 20 n_ .3 lab .88 <„ u9 �� 3 O.D.x3/4 300 1.19 2.82 2.32 4.25 1.88 2.25 0.98 zo65 2,1 v2 59 las -, n.4 3 0.D.x1 300 1.19 2.95 2.29 4.25 1.88 2.25 1.14 2065 10 75 58 106 _.. 0._ Page 12 '44(4 CIF 1/4/ e. MECHANIC ' STAR"PIPEPRODUCTStilU itcL '{ '} LISTED LISTED 1:1.-:"" For fire protection services request P.iat rattsF§eRs j t vices 11/04/16 Mechanical branch connections for reducing branch outlets without welding. The MT-1 is a bolted saddle type fitting with NPT female threaded outlets. Design assures superior sealing,full pipe support,excellent stability and easy installation C tr -a t t A } f4 1 0 .. el 1 } MT-1 THREADED MECHANICAL BRANCH TEE NOMINAL UL or FM MAX. HOLE NUTS/BOLTS DIMENSIONS-Inch/ APPROX. SIZE WORKING DIA. (INCH) WE IGH T IN. P.S.I./* +.125/-0.0 QT Y. SIZE A B C D E EACH (mm) (kP a) IN.(mm) LbS.(Kg) 2x1 300 1.50 2 3/8x2 2.62 1.58 4.62 2.47 1.96 1.70 50x25 '065 38 67 40 117 63 5 2.8 2x1 1/4 300 1.75 2 3/8x2 2.62 1.58 4.62 2.47 1.94 1.70 50x3. 2065 44 67 40 117 63 49 0.8 2x1 1/2 300 1.75 2 3/8x2 2.62 1.58 4.62 2.86 1.94 1.70 50x40 '065 44 67 40 117 73 4 0.8 2 1/2x1 300 1.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.12 1.83 5.56 3.38 2.46 3.60 65x25 '065 38 79 46 141 86 62 1.6 2 1/2x1 1/4 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.12 1.83 5.56 3.38 2.44 3.60 65x32 1065 51 79 46 141 86 62 1.6 2 1/2x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.12 1.83 5.56 3.38 2.44 3.60 65x40 2065 51 _ 79 46 141 86 62 1.6 3x1 300 1.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 2.78 3.80 80x25 2065 38 87 55 159 99 71 1.7 3x1 1/4 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 2.76 3.80 80x32 2065 51 87 55 159 99 70 I 7 3x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 2.76 3.80 80x41 2065 51 87 55 159 99 70 1.7 3x2 300 2.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 2.74 4.40 80x5( 2065 64 87 55 159 99 70 2.0 3 1/2x2 300 2.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.88 2.46 6.62 3.92 3.18 4.60 90x5( 2065 64 99 62 168 99 81 2.1 4x1 300 1.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 3.83 3.34 4.60 100x2 '.065 38 102 67 184 97 85 2.1 4x1 1/4 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 3.83 3.32 4.60 100x3 2065 51 102 67 184 97 84 2.1 4x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 3.83 3.32 4.60 100x4 '065 51 102 67 184 97 84 2.1 4x2 300 2.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 4.52 3.30 4.80 100x5 2065 64 02 67 184 115 8 2.2 4x2 1/2 300 2.75 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 4.52 3.07 5.40 100x6 '065 70 102 67 184 115 7 2.4 5x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 5/8x4 4.75 3.18 8.30 3.83 4.07 6.93 125x4 2065 51 121 81 211 97 103 3.1 5x2 300 2.50 2 5/8x4 4.75 3.18 8.30 3.83 4.05 7.48 125x50 2065 64 121 81 211 97 103 3.4 5x2 1/2 300 2.75 2 5/8x4 4.75 3.18 8.30 3.83 3.82 7.61 125x65 2065 70 121 81 211 97 97 3.5 6x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.71 9.38 3.86 4.44 7.50 150x40 2065 51 130 94 238 98 113 3.4 6x2 300 2.50 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.71 9.38 4.42 4.42 8.00 150x50 2065 64 130 94 238 112 112 3.6 6x2 1/2 300 2.75 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.71 9.38 4.42 4.19 8.00 150x65 2065 70 130 _ 94 238 112 106 3.6 8x2 300 2.50 2 3/4x4 1/4 6.25 4.83 12.32 4.48 5.55 11.60 200x50 2065 64 159 123 313 123 141 5.3 All sizes may be used as mechanical crosses. Threads are NPT per ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 *Contact Star Pipe Products for actual listings on specific pipes Page 13 MECHANICAL r � STAR®PIPEPRODUCTS c U13- " 5 '` °� LISTED LISTED APPROVED AM]1111:1 For fire protection services request submittal aim i#n3ergency services 11/04/16 Mechanical branch connections for reducing branch outlets without welding. The MT-2 is a bolted saddle type fitting with grooved outlets.Desi.n assures superior sealing,full ipe support,excellent stability and easy installation 4Tôô. A IL. 0 Ok °5 . • 11r; 1 Gip .;- 1 : MT-2 GROOVED MECHANICAL BRANCH TEE NOMINAL UL or FM MAX. HOLE NUT SIBOLTS DIMENSIONS-Inch/mm AP PR OX. SIZE WORKING DIA. (INCH) WEIGHT IN. P.S.I./* +.125/-0.0 QT Y. SIZE A B C D EACH (mm) (kPa) IN.(mm) Lbs.11 3 0.D.x1 1/4 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.18 1.89 5.69 3.38 3.60 76, 1x32 2065 51 81 8 145 86 1.6 3 0.D.x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.18 1.89 5.69 3.38 3.60 76,1x40 2065 51 81 8 145 86 1.6 3x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 3.80 80x40 2065 51 87 55 159 99 2.8 3x2 300 2.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 4.40 80x50 2065 64 87 55 159 99 2.0 • 4x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.64 7.25 3.83 4.60 100x40 2065 51 102 67 184 97 2.1 4x2 300 2.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 4.52 4.80 100x50 2065 64 102 67 184 115 2.2 4x2 1/2 300 2.75 2 1/2x2 3/ 4.00 2.65 7.25 4.52 5.40 100x65 2065 70 102 67 184 115 2.4 4x3 O.D. 300 2.75 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 4.52 7.60 100x76, . 2065 70 102 67 184 115 3.4 4x3 300 3.50 2 1/2x3 1/4 4.13 2.65 7.25 5.12 7.60 100x80 2065 89 105 67 184 130 3.4 5x2 300 2.50 2 5/8x4 4.75 3.18 8.30 4.52 7.19 125x50 2065 64 121 81 211 115 3.3 5x2 1/2 300 2.75 2 5/8x4 4.75 3.18 8.30 4.52 7.19 125x65 2065 70 121 81 211 115 3.3 5x3 300 3.50 2 5/8x4 5.00 3.18 8.30 5.12 7.90 125x80 2065 89 12- 81 211 130 3.6 6x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.71 9.38 3.86 7.50 150x40 2065 51 13i 94 238 98 3.4 6x2 300 2.50 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.71 9.38 4.42 8.00 150x50 2065 64 13( 94 231 112 3.6 6x2 1/2 300 2.75 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.71 9.38 4.42 8.00 150x65 2065 70 130 94 238 112 3.6 6x3 O.D. 300 2.75 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.71 9.38 4.42 9.70 150x76,1 2065 _ 70 130 94 238 112 4.4 6x3 300 3.50 2 5/8x4 5.25 3.71 9.38 5.62 9.70 150x80 2065 89 133 94 238 143 4.4 6x4 300 4.50 2 5/8x4 5.38 3.71 9.38 6.50 13.60 150x100 2065 114 137 94 238 165 6.2 6.5 0.D.x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.65 9.25 3.86 7.50 165,1x40 2065 51 130 93 235 98 3.4 6.5 0.D.x2 300 2.50 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.65 9.25 4.42 8.00 165,1x50 2065 64 130 93 235 112 3.6 6.5 O.D.x3 O.D. 300 2.75 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.65 9.25 4.42 8.00 165,1x76.1 2065 70 130 93 235 112 3.6 6.5 0.D.x3 300 3.50 2 5/8x4 5.25 3.65 9.25 5.62 9.70 165,1x80 2065 89 133 93 235 143 4.4 6.5 0.D.x4 300 4.50 2 5/8x4 5.38 3.65 9.38 6.50 13.60 165,1x100 2065 114 137 93 238 165 6.2 8x2 1/2 300 2.75 2 3/4x4 1/4 6.25 4.83 12.32 4.48 11.60 200x65 2065 70 159 123 313 114 5.3 8x3 300 3.50 2 3/4x4 1/4 6.50 4.83 12.32 5.68 12.60 200x80 2065 89 165 123 313 144 5.7 8x4 300 4.50 2 3/4x4 1/4 6.38 4.83 12.32 6.59 15.30 200x100 2065 114 162 I 313 167 All sizes may be used as mechanical crosses. Outlet branch is machined per standard cut groove specification *Contact Star Pipe Products for actual listings on specific pipes Page 14 '44° CIF 1/4/! MECHANIC ' STAR"PIPEPRODUCTS t.7. tilU itc LISTED LISTED A*1713 For fire protection services request P.iat rattsF§eRs j tavices 11/04/16 -I C, r ■ c r iii Mechanical branch connections for reducing branch outlets without welding.The MT-8 is a I A 4 A bolted saddle type fitting with BSP femaleE -- E threaded outlets. Design assures superior .E, i- f• sealing,full pipe support,excellent stability and " f easy installation. V tile'. MT-8 BSP THREADED MECHANICAL BRANCH TEE NOMINAL UL orFMMAX. HOLE NUTS/BOLTS DIMENSIONS-Inch/mm APPROX. SIZE WORKING DIA. (INCH) WEIGHT IN. P.S.I./* +.125/-0.0 QT Y. SIZE A B C D E EACH 1nm) (kP a) IN,(mm) Lbs.((;,. 2x1 300 1.50 2 3/8x2 2.62 1.58 4.62 2.47 1.96 1.70 50x2 2065 38 67 40 11 63 50 2.8 2x1 1/4 300 1.75 2 3/8x2 2.62 1.58 4.62 2.47 1.94 1.70 50x3. 2065 44 67 40 11 63 49 0.8 2x1 1/2 300 1.75 2 3/8x2 2.62 1.58 4.62 2.86 1.94 1.70 50x4( , 2065 44 67 40 11 _ 73 _ 49 0.8 3 0.D.x1 300 1.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.18 1.89 5.69 3.38 2.46 3.60 76,1x25 2065 38 81 48 14 _ 86 _ 62 1.6 3 0.D.x1 1/4 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.18 1.89 5.69 3.38 2.44 3.60 76,1x32 2065 51 81 48 14. 86 62 1.6 3 0.D.x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.18 1.89 5.69 3.38 2.44 3.60 76,1x40 2065 51 81 48 145 86 62 1.6 3x1 300 1.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 2.78 3.80 _ 80x25 2065 38 87 55 159 99 71 1.7 3x1 1/4 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 2.76 3.80 0x32 2065 51 87 55 15 99 70 1.7 3x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 2.76 3.80 Ox4' 2065 51 87 55 15 99 70 1.7 3x2 300 2.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 3.44 2.15 6.25 3.91 2.74 4.40 80x5' 2065 64 87 55 15 99 70 2.0 4x1 300 1.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 3.83 3.34 4.60 100x25 2065 38 102 67 18 97 85 2.1 4x1 1/4 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 3.83 3.32 4.60 100x32 2065 51 102 67 18 _ 97 84 2.1 4x1 1/2 300 2.00 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 3.83 3.32 4.60 100x40 2065 51 102 67 18 _ 97 84 2.1 4x2 300 2.50 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 4.52 3.30 4.80 100x50 2065 64 102 67 184 115 84 2.2 4x3 O.D. 300 2.75 2 1/2x2 3/4 4.00 2.65 7.25 4.52 3.07 5.40 100x76,1 2065 70 102 67 184 115 78 2.4 6 0.D.x 11/2 300 2.00 2 5/8x4 5.06 3.65 9.25 3.86 4.32 7.50 165,1x40 _ 2065 51 129 93 _ 235 98 _ 110 3.4 _ 6 0.D.x 2 300 2.50 2 5/8x4 5.06 3.65 9.25 4.42 4.32 8.00 165,1x50 2065 64 129 93 _ 235 _ 112 110 3.6 _ 6 0.D.x3 O.D. 300 2.75 2 5/8x4 5.12 3.65 9.25 4.42 4.19 8.00 165,1x76,1 2065 70 130 93 235 112 106 3.6 All Sizes may be used as mechanical crosses. Threads are British standard paralled jointing per BS 21. *Contact Star Pipe Products for actual listings on specific pipes Page 15 IPS CARBON STEEL PIPE HOLE CUT PRODUCTS ta�ulIC® i, icip- ATI .z. 4. An®9001 certified company Snap-Le °Jig.7 'i Vail Fire&Emergency Services PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 11/04/16 The Style 925 Snap-Let® are UL Listed and FM Let outlet is rated to 175 PSI outlet provides a conve- Approved for"arm-over" (1200 kPa)for fire protection nient method of incorporat- configurations, as well as and 300 PSI(2065 kPa)for .. ing 1/2,3/4 and 1" (15, 20 and for branch connections on commercial piping sys- - r 25 mm)outlets for directly wet and dry systems. tems using standard,light- ii ,tl connecting sprinkler heads, wall, Schedule 5 and other drop nipples, sprigs, The locating collar specialty pipes*. Style 925 gauges, drains, and other engages into the hole pre is supplied with black paint pared in the pipe. When outlet products.Available and is available with a zinc U 11/4" 1 tightened,the assembly L ® for (32 mm)to 2/z" (65 electroplated housing for ® compresses the gasket onto mm)piping systems, Style the O.D. of the pipe. Snap- special hazards service. 925 with 1" (25 mm)outlets *Consult Section 10.01 for specific listings/approvals. 11.04-113 DIMENSIONS Nominal Size Hole t Dimensions Approx. Inches/ Diameter Inches/millimeters Wgt. Branch In.+1/,s-0 Each y �g� z Run 5 FPT mm+1.6-0 S T V X Y Z Lbs./kg 1- � 1�/a 5 1/z 1.00 1.57 1.48 1.98 2.97 - 2.00 3.60 0.80 ......„ 32 5 15 25.4 40 38 50 75 51 92 0.4 X -11110„-_,, 5 202001 4�71621 5682.97 2.0051 360080 0.4 I( I 5 15.4 1.001.571.532.1975 1 5 25 25.4 40 39 56 81 51 92 0.4 11/2 5 1 1.00 1.57 1.61 2.11 3.22 2.00 3.62 0.80 40 5 15 25.4 40 41 54 82 51 92 0.4 5 3/4 1.00 1.57 1.55 2.11 3.22 2.00 3.62 0.80 5 20 25.4 40 39 54 82 51 92 0.4 5 1 1.00 1.57 1.62 2.31 3.42 2.00 3.62 0.80 5 25 25.4 40 41 59 87 51 92 0.4 2 5 '/2 1.25 1.77 1.79 2.32 3.67 2.25 4.01 0.90 50 5 15 31.8 45 45 59 93 57 102 0.4 5 3/a 1.25 1.77 1.77 2.33 3.68 2.25 4.01 0.90 5 20 31.8 45 45 59 94 57 102 0.4 5 1 1.25 1.77 1.84 2.53 3.88 2.25 4.01 0.90 5 25 31.8 45 47 64 99 57 102 0.4 21/2 5 1/2 1.25 1.97 2.07 2.57 4.17 2.25 4.45 0.90 65 5 15 31.8 50 53 65 106 57 113 0.4 5 3/4 1.25 1.97 2.03 2.59 4.19 2.25 4.45 0.90 5 20 31.8 50 52 66 106 57 113 0.4 5 1 1.25 1.97 2.06 2.75 4.35 2.25 4.45 0.90 5 25 31.8 50 52 70 111 57 113 0.4 t Victaulic female threaded products are designed to accommodate standard ANSI male pipe threads only.Use of male threaded prod- ucts employing special features such as,probes,dry pendant sprinkler heads,etc.,should be checked with the Victaulic product with which they are to be used to verify that they are,in fact,suitable.Failure to verify suitability in advance may result in difficulties in as- sembly or leakage. Victaulic Company of America•P.O.Box 31,Easton,PA 18044-0031 •4901 Kesslersville Rd.,Easton,PA 18040•610/559-3300•FAX:610/250-8817•www.victaulic.com 1542 Rev.B 8/97 ®Registered Trademark Victaulic Company of America ©Copyright 1997 Victaulic Company of America Printed in U.S.A. ..r"4„Pe i li,i 1 0 1 o PERFORMANCE IP b 11.04-2A 0 tea'} Nominal Size Equivalent Pipe 'NM Inches Feet millimeters meters Vail Fire&Emergency Services 11/4 5 1 16.53 11/04/16 32 5 25 5.0 11/2 5 1 17.57 40 5 25 5.4 2 5 1 3.43 50 5 25 1.1 21/2 5 1 2.76 65 5 25 0.8 U MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 11&11& 0 Housing:Ductile iron conform accordance with ANSI/NSF *Services listed are General Ser - 61 to ASTM A 536 Gr.65-45-12 61 for cold+86°F(+30°C)and vice Recommendations only.It hot+180°F(+82°C)potable should be noted that there are Strap:Zinc electroplated steelconforming to ASTM A-764 water service.NOT RECOM- services for which these gaskets ! Gasket* MENDED FOR PETROLEUM are not recommended.Refer- r�1 o Grade"E"EPDM SERVICES. ence should always be made to 0 EPDM(Green color code). o Grade"L"Silicone the latest Victaulic Gasket Temperature range—30°F to Silicone(Red gasket).Tern- Selection Guide for specific gas- +230°F(-34°C to+110°C). perature range—30°F to ket service recommendations © Recommended for cold and +350°F( 34°C to+176°C). and for a listing of services © hot water service within the Recommended for fire protec- which are not recommended. specified temperature range tion dry systems;all sys- Hex Washer Head Screw: 1. Outlet Housing plus a variety of dilute acids, tems operating below 0°F Zinc plated SAE Grade 8 per IFI- 2. Strap oil-free air and many chemi- (-20°C)plus dry heat and air 111 3. Gasket cal services.UL classified in without hydrocarbons. 4. Hex Washer Head Screw This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic Company.All products shall be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications,designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. 11.04 - 2 ® TDLCO® i,„ ,, anof NIBCO IiiMbi it. 47 IS ir aliWtt Fig. 200 - "Trimline" Adjustable Band HangerQco liP- Fig. 200R (Import) - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger 11104/1e�Emergency Services w/Retainer Ring . e Size Range — 1/2" thru 8" pipe p Material — Carbon Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G90 441.3. specifications ',..-.-#70 - Function — For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. 44 " Features — - ' • (1/2" thru 2") Flared edges ease installation for B B all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured design keeps adjusting „, ( , , ,,,, ft ---' /„/„ nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is eas- A ��. ily installed around pipe. . __ A • (21/2" thru 8") Spring tension on nut holds it '. securely in hanger before installation. Adjusting nut is easily removed. Fig.200 1"-2" Fig.200 21/2"-8" Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories listed (1/2" thru 8") in the USA(UL) and Canada(cUL) '( '� for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual 'V Engineering Approved (3/4" thru 8"). Conforms to ,/ «>;<:<;; . Federal Specifications WW-H-171 E, Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, Type ,Q 10. B Maximum Temperature — 650°F , B Finish — Mil. Galvanized. Stainless Steel materials will i be supplied with (2) hex nuts in place of a knurl nub. �, Order By — Figure number and pipe size ,/,' Note — Figure 200R (import) with retainer ring and A non-captured knurl nut. ---______-- Fig.200R 21/2"-8" Fig.200R 1/2"-2" Dimensions •Weights Pipe Rod Size Max. Rec. Approx. Size Inch Metric A B Load Lbs. Wt./100 1/2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 31/8 25/8 400 11 3/4 3/8 8mm or 10mm 31/2 21/2 400 11 1 3/8 8mm or 10mm 33/8 25/8 400 12 11/4 3/8 8mm or 10mm 33/4 21/2 400 13 11/2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 37/8 21/8 400 14 2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 41/2 3 400 15 21/2 3/8 10mm 55/8 41/2 600 27 3 3/8 10mm 57/8 4 600 29 31/2 3/8 10mm 73/8 51/4 600 34 4 3/8 10mm 73/8 5 1000 35 5 1/2 12mm 91/8 61/4 1250 66 6 1/2 12mm 101/8 63/4 1250 73 8 1/2 12mm 131/8 83/4 1250 136 OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY•1375 SAMPSON AVE.•CORONA,CA 92879•PH: 951.737.5599•FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE•800.786.5266 91 www.tolco.com st TOLCO ti,„,,, OF go.4WWV a brand of NIBCOI ' � iiMpit. *n Is ir OP'Component of State o + # tt Fig. • 8 - Rod Stiffener CaliforniaOSHPDApprove. � Seismic Restraints System Size Range Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" hanger rod Vail Fi &Emergency Services 11/.• 16 Material — Carb. Steel �,� Function —Secures •annel to hanger rod for vertical seismic bracing. '�' Approvals— Underwriter aboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Included in ou eismic Restraints Catalog approved C--_,' - the State of California Office of atewide Health Planning and `, r-" Development (OSHPD). For additiona .ad s•acin. and slacement ..14 �-' information relatin. to OSHPD •ro'ects .1-: e refer to the TOLCO % r Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines Finish — Electro Galvanized Ii411 Note —Available in HDG finish or Stainless Steel mate '-Is. --✓ Order By— Figure number Fig. 99 - All Thread Rod C o Length Size Range — Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" r•. in Dimensions • Weights 1" increments r Rod Max. Rec. Load Lbs. Material — Carbon Steel r� Size For Service Temps Maximum Temperature 50°F `C � 650°F 750°F Finish — Plain 3/8 610 540 t(((� 1/2 130 1010 Note —Availabl- Electro-Galvanized and 5/8 1: i 1610 HDG finish o tainless Steel materials. (((( ���� 3/4 2710 2420 Order B — Figure number, rod diameter, rod ` ((� 7/8 3770 3360 len. and finish Fig. 100 - All Thread Rod Full Lengths Size Range— Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" rod in 10' lengths Material — Carbon Steel • Maximum Temperature— 750°F Finish — Plain Note —Available in Electro-Galvanized and �� • HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By— Figure number, rod diameter and finish Dimensions • Weights ..{( . Max Rec. Load Lbs. .. Rod For Service Temps Approx. Size 650°F 750°F Wt./100 1/4 240 215 12 3/8 610 540 29 1/2 1130 1010 53 5/8 1810 1610 84 3/4 2710 2420 123 7/8 3770 3360 169 1 4960 4420 222 11/4 8000 7140 360 112 11630 10370 510 OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY• 1375 SAMPSON AVE.•CORONA,CA 92879•PH: 951.737.5599•FAX: 951.737.0330 66 CUSTOMER SERVICE•800.786.5266 www.tolco.com OF IV iiir illi Mechanical IS IMF HDI and HDI-L Drop-in Anc , 3 Product Description Product Description -41" - # Material Specific@p&e&Emergency Services The Hilti HDI/HDI-L Drop-in anchor is • Intelligent expansion section 11/04/16 an internally threaded,flush mounted adapts to the base material and Technical Data expansion anchor for use in concrete. reduces number of hammer blows Installation Instructions up to 50% (HDI-L) Product Features Ordering Information Guide Specifications HDI Expansion Anchor Expansion anchors • Anchor,setting tool and Hilti drill shall be flush or shell type and zinc bit form a matched tolerance sys- plated in accordance with ASTM B633, tern to provide reliable fastenings SC 1,Type III. Anchors shall be Hilti y r • Allows shallow embedment without HDI/HDI-L anchors as supplied by Hilti. sacrificing performance `s %, • Lip provides flush installation, Installation Install shell or flush type consistent anchor depth,and easy anchors in holes drilled with Hilti carbide rod alignment(HDI-L) tipped drill bits. Install anchors as per • Lip allows accurate flush manufacturer's recommendations. surface setting,independent of hole depth(HDI-L) • Ideal for repetitive fastenings with threaded rods of equal length Material Specifications HDI/HDI-L, 1/4",3/8", 1/2",and HDI 5/8"and 3/4"are manufactured from mild carbon steel which is plated with a zinc finish for corrosion protection in Listings/Approvals accordance with ASTM B633,SC 1,Type III FM(Factory Mutual) HDI Stainless Steel material meets the requirements of AISI 303 Pipe Hanger Components for Automatic Sprinkler Systems(3/8"-3/4") (HDI and HDI-L) UL(Underwriters Laboratories) Technical Data UL 203 Pipe Hanger Equipment for Fire Table 1 -HDI/HDI-L Specification Table Protection Services(3/8" 3/4") Anchor Size HDI/HDI-L HDI Details in. 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 G " (mm) (6.4) (9.5) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1) APPROVED LISTED dut nominal bit diameter in. 3/8 1/2 5/8 27/32 1 h std.depth of embedment in. 1 1-9/16 2 2-9/16 3-3/16 from anchor length h1 hole depth (mm) (25) (40) (51) (65) (81) in. 7/16 5/8 11/16 7/8 1-3/8 ith useable thread length (mm) (11) (15) (17) (22) (34) threads per inch 20 16 13 11 10 in. 3 3-1/8 4 5-1/8 6-3/8 h min.base material thickness (mm) (76) (79) (102) (130) (162) ft-lb 4 11 22 37 80 Test installation torque (Nm) (5.4) (14.9) (29.8) (50.2) (108.5) Combined Shear and Tension Loading Nd \5/3 / Vd \513 + — <_ 1.0 (Ref.Section Nrec/ \ Vrec/ F Hilti,Inc.(US)1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hiiti.com I en esparto'1-800-879-5000 I Hilti(Canada)Corp.1-800-363-4458 I www.hitti.ca I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide 2011 327 4 . tatitli OF lit "es.14114. 44'*10 Mechanical Anchoring Systems 14'F 3.3.9 HDI and HDI-L Drop-in Anchor3 ' Table 2-Carbon Steel HDI Allowable Loads in Concrete' -TOO # Anchor 2000 psi(13.8 MPa) 4000 psi(27.6 MPa) 6000 psi(41.4 MPa'ail Fire&Emergency Services size Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) Tension lb(kN) Shear 11iu 1kN) in.(mm) HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L 1/4 (6.4) 500 (2.2) 500 (2.2) 450 (8.0) 450 (8.0) 570 (2.5) 570 (2.5) 625 (2.8) 625 (2.8)_ 790 (3.5) 790 (3.5) 700 (3.1) 700 (3.1) 3/8 (9.5) 890 (4.0). 890 (4.0) 965 (4.3) 965 (4.3) 1115 (5.0) 1115 (5.0) 1250 (5.6) 1250 (5.6) 1360 (6.0) 1360 (6.0) 1500 (6.7) 1500 (6.7) 1/2 (12.7)2 1120 (5.0) 1120 (5.0) 1500 (6.7) 1500 (6.7) 1785 (7.9) 1785 (7.9) 2125 (9.5) 1940 (8.6) 2345 (10.4) 2345 (10.4) 2500 (11.1) 2500 (11.1) 5/8 (15.9) 1875 (8.3) - 2500 (11.1) - 2920 (13.0) - 3250 (14.5) - 3715 (16.5) - 3750 (16.7) - 3/4 (19.1) 2500 (11.1) - 3875 (17.2) - 4065 (18.1) - 5000 (22.2) - 5565 (24.8) - 5500 (24.5) - 1 The ultimate shear and allowable shear values are based on the use of SAE Grade 5 bolts,(f =85 ksi,f"n=120 ksi)with the exception of the 1/4"HDI/HDI-L in f'c=6000 psi concrete which is based upon the use of a SAE Grade 8 boll(fy=120 ksi,f"it=150 ksi). 2 Allowable and Ultimate tension loads for the HDI 1/2 are applicable to the HDI-S 1/2. Table 3-Carbon Steel HDI Ultimate Loads in Concrete' Anchor 2000 psi(13.8 MPa) 4000 psi(27.6 MPa) 6000 psi(41.4 MPa) size Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) in.(mm) HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L HDI HDI-L 1/4 (6.4) 1995 (8.9) 1995 (8.9) 1800 (8.0) 1800 (8.0) 2270 (10.1)_2270 (10.1) 2500 (11.1) 2500 (11.1) 3150 (14.0) 3150 (14.0) 2800 (12.5) 2800 (12.5) 3/8 (9.5) 3555 (15.8) 3555 (15.8) 3850 (17.1)_3850 (17.1) 4460 (19.8) 4460 (19.8) 5000 (22.2) 5000 (22.2) 5430 (24.2) 5430 (24.2) 6000 (26.7) 6000 (26.7) 1/2 (12.7)2 4470 (19.9) 4470 (19.9) 6000 (26.7) 6000 (26.7) 7140 (31.8) 7140 (31.8) 8500 (37.8) 7750 (34.4) 9375 (41.7) 9375 (41.7)10000(44.5)10000(44.5) 5/8 (15.9) 7500 (33.4) - 10000(44.5) - 11685(52.0) - 13000(57.8) - 14865(66.1) - 15000(66.7) - 3/4 (19.1) 10000(44.5) - 15500(69.0) - 16260(72.3) - 20000(89.0) - 22250(99.0) - 22000(97.9) - 1 The ultimate shear and allowable shear values are based on the use of SAE Grade 5 bolts,(f =85 ksi,f"it=120 ksi)with the exception of the 1/4"HDI/HDI-L in I.=6000 psi concrete which is based upon the use of a SAE Grade 8 bolt(f 3=120 ksi,fwt=150 ksi). 2 Allowable and Ultimate tension loads for the HDI 1/2 are applicable to the HDI-S 1/2. Table 4-Carbon Steel HDI Allowable Loads in Lightweight Concrete and Lightweight Concrete over Metal Deck1'2 Anchor Installed Anchor Installed Anchor Installed Anchor in 3000 psi(20.7 MPa) Through Steel Deck Upper Flute Through Steel Deck Lower Flute size Lt.Wt.Concrete3 Into 3000 psi(20.7 MPa) Into 3000 psi(20.7 MPa) in.(mm) Lt.Wt.Concrete' Lt.Wt.Concrete' Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) 1/4 (6.4) 465 (2.1) 340 (1.5) 530 (2.4) 335 (1.5) 375 (1.7) 250 (1.1) 3/8 (9.5) 755 (3.4) 940 (4.2) 880 (3.9) 1010 (4.5) 500 (2.2) 500 (2.2) 1/2 (12.7) 1135 (5.0) 1700 (7.6) 1105 (4.9) 1755 (7.8) _ 625 (2.8) 750 (3.3) 5/8 (15.9) 1465 (6.5) 2835 (12.6) - - 875 (3.9) 875 (3.9) 3/4 (19.1) 2075 (9.2) 3680 (16.4) - - 1250 (5.5) 1000 (4.4) 1 The allowable values are based on the use of SAE Grade 2 bolts installed in the anchors. 2 Based on using a safety factor of 4.0. 3 The tabulated shear and tensile values are for anchors installed in structural lightweight concrete having the designated ultimate compressive strength at the time of installation.The concrete must comply with ASTM C 330-05. 4 The tabulated shear and tensile values are for anchors installed through 20 gauge intermediate decking into structural lightweight concrete having the designated ultimate strength at the time of installation.The concrete must comply with ASTM C 330-05. Table 5-Stainless Steel HDI Allowable Loads in Concrete Anchor 4000 psi(27.6 MPa) 6000 psi(41.4 MPa) size in.(mm) Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) SS HDI-1/4 (6.4) 480 (2.1) 600 (2.7) 740 (3.3) 600 (2.7) SS HDI-3/8 (9.5) 1040 (4.6) 1230 (5.5) 1460 (6.5) 1230 (5.5) SS HDI-1/2 (12.7) 1840 (8.2) 2760 (12.4) 2410 (10.7) 2760 (12.3) SS HDI-5/8 (15.9) 2630 (11.7) 4510 (20.1) 3770 (16.8) 4510 (20.1) SS HDI-3/4 (19.1) 3830 (17.0) 5580 (24.8) 5030 (22.4) 5580 (24.8) Note:The ultimate and allowable shear values are based on the use of Type 18-8 bolts. Table 6-Stainless Steel HDI Ultimate Loads in Concrete Anchor 4000 psi(27.6 MPa) 6000 psi(41.4 MPa) Size in.(mm) Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) Tension lb(kN) Shear lb(kN) SS HDI-1/4 (6.4) 1930) (8.6 2400 (10.7) 2950 (13.1) 2400 (10.7) SS HDI-3/8 (9.5) 4170 (18.5) 4920 4 (21.9) 5850 (26.0) 4920 . (21.9) SS HDI-1/2 (12.7) 7350 (32.7) 11040 " (49.1) 9630 (42.8) 11040 (49.1) SS HDI-5/8 (15.9) 10540 (46.9) 18040 (80.2) 15100 (67.2) 18040 (80.2) SS HDI-3/4 (19.1) 15340 (68.2) 22320 (99.3) 20130 (89.5) 22320 (99.3) 328 Hilti,Inc.(US)1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en espanol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti(Canada)Corp.1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide 2011 4411 OF 1'4 Mechanica 14F Is HDI and HDI-L Drop-in Anc' 1F Anchor Spacing and Edge Distance Guidelines (See Anchoring Technology Secti• (10 Vail Fire&Emergency Services N 11/04/16 Anchor Spacing Adjustment Factors Edge Distance Adjustment Factors s = Actual Spacing c = Actual edge distance ;; smin = 2.0 hnom cmin = 2.0 hnom V - 41% Scr = 3.5 hnom Cor = 3.0 boom -_ - Scr _ 3.0- Shear& Ccr Tension 3.0- _ _ Shear I Influence of Anchor Spacing Smin _ Tension f 2.0- 2 0_ Cmin and Edge Distance f A, a S _ C - hnom hoom - Anchor Size hnom - _ 1.0- 1.0- I in. (mm) in. (mm) - - 1/4 (6.4) 1 (25) - - 3/8 (9.5) 1-9/16 (40) 0 0 1 I I r I I I I I 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1/2 (12.7) 2 (51) 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Edge Distance AdjustmentFactor 5/8 (15.8) 2-9/16 (65) Anchor Spacing Adjustment Factor (fRV,fRN) 3/4 (19.1) 3-3/16 (81) (IA) hnom=standard embedment depth Load Adjustment Factors(Anchor Spacing)fA I Load Adjustment Factors(Edge Disdtance)f Tension/Shear Loads Tension f i Shear f Rv Spacing s Anchor Diameter Edge Distance c Anchor Diameter Anchor Diameter in. (mm) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5 8 3 4 , in. 3/4 - / / (mm) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 � 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 2 ( 51) .50 2 ( 51) .80 1 .65 2-1/2 ( 64) .67 2-1/2 ( 64) .90 '.' .83 3 ( 76) .83 .50 j 3 ( 76) 1.0 .80 1.0 .65 3-1/2 ( 89) 1.0 .58 j 3-1/2 ( 89) .85 .73 4 (102) .69 .50 i 4 (102) .91 .80 .85 .65 4-1/2 (114) .79 .58 ` 4-1/2 (114) .98 .85 .96 .74 5 (127) .90 .67 .50 i 5 (127) 1.0 .90 .80 1.0 .83 .65 5-1/2 (140) 1.0 .75 .55 ' 5-1/2 (140) _ .95 .83 .91 .70 6 (152) .83 .61 .50 6 (152) 1.0 _ .87 1.0 .77 7 (178) 1.0 .74 .57 i 6-1/2 (165) _ .91 .80 _ .84 .65 8 (203) .87 .67 1 7 (178) .95 _ .84 1 .91 .72 9 (229) 1.0 .77 ' 8 _ (203) 1.0 .90 1.0 .83 10 (254) .88 9 (229) .96 .94 11 (279) .98 I 10 (254) 1.0 1 1.0 12 (305) 1.0 sm,n = 2.0 hnom50r=3.5hnom i cmin nom=2.0h Ccr=3.0hnom Cr„. = 2.0 hnom Cor=3.0 hnom fA= 0.33 hs - 0.17 fRN = 0.2 hC + 0.4 fRV = 0.35 - - 0.05 nom nom nun for sor>s>sm. I for cAr>c>C . for cc,>c>c nr mm or mm Hilti,Inc.(US)1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en espanol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti(Canada)Corp.1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide 2011 329 o of k,4! Mechanical Anchoring Systems • 17 3.3.9 HDI and HDI-L Drop-in Anchor Installation Instructions -.1(11# Vail Firc&Emergency Services 11/04/16 .11 • (--(6w • ji 4.... 1.Adjust depth gauge so 2.Hammer drill hole. 3.Clean hole. 4.Install anchor using proper that anchor will be flush setting tool.Setting tool with the concrete surface to be driven into anchor when installed. until setting tool shoulder meets top of anchor. Ordering Information HDI Anchors Carbon Steel Anchor Thread Size Description Description Description Box Qty. 1/4" HDI 1/4 HDI-L 1/4 100 3/8" HDI 3/8 HDI-L 3/8 50 1/2" HDI 1/2 HDI-L 1/2 HDI-S 1/2 50 5/8" HDI 5/8 - 25 3/4" HDI 3/4 - 25 HDI Anchors Stainless Steel Anchor Thread Size Description Box Qty. 1/4" HDI 1/4(SS 303) 100 3/8" HDI 3/8(SS 303) 50 1/2" HDI 1/2(SS 303) 50 5/8" HDI 5/8(SS 303) 25 3/4" HDI 3/4(SS 303) 25 Setting Tools for HDI,HDI-L and HDI-S Anchor Thread Size Description 1/4" HST 1/4 Setting Tool 3/8" HST 3/8 Setting Tool 1/2" HST 1/2 Setting Tool 5/8" HST 5/8 Setting Tool 3/4" HST 3/4 Setting Tool Anchor Thread Size Description 3/8" HSD-MM 3/8"(TE-C-24SD10 3/8"Setting tool) 1/2" HSD-MM 1/2"(TE-C-24SD12 1/2"Setting tool) 1 Use automatic setting tools with TE-C style(SDS plus)hammer drills. 330 Hilti,Inc.(US)1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en espanol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti(Canada)Corp.1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide 2011