HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC16-0020 Joint Property Approval.pdfJOINT PROPERTY OWNER
The applicanh~nust submit written joint propertY owner approval for applicat!orts affecting shared ownersl1ip propei'*Jes
such as duplex, condominium, and multhtenarit quildings. This forin. or similar .~witten correspondel)ce, must be cpm-
pleted ~y the adjoining cduplex unit owner or·tlie authorized agent of the home owner's assodalio~ in the case of a con-
.dominium·or nitilti~tenant buHdiilg: .All completed forms must qe submitted i.vith the applicants completed application.
l, (print name) ~IMf /4. ]/VG:;:ft::Jf. . , a joint owner, Or'authorit~ oftM as5oi::iatioh,
of prof!ert}r located .at t../'7 '5"'1 ::J1Jllld'6)2. L.M , provide this letter as Written
approval of the plans dated ____ '?~· -----.,---~~-.:....;.. ___ which have been submitted to the
Town ofVail Community Development Departm~ntforthe ptop~ed improvements to be completed at the, address-not-
ed abav~::.l understand that the propri,sed improvements include:
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Lv.t7J± 7f!GliA. 1 t= rit~J~IJ VE/:) $ 'l 71f.G. *PW.N_ l
I understand tryat rnodific;aticiris in~y oe made tb the plc:ms ov~r the course of tlie review prcicesi; to ensure compliance
with the Town's applicable codes i:md regulations; and that it is the sol!i responsibili6} qftfte applicimf.to.~eep1hejoint
property owner apprised of anychanges.anct ensure thai thetnanges are acceptable anct appropriate. sutimittat ot an
applica\io fesUlts in the appliCant agreeiriQ'tO this statement. ..
PnmName · ·