HomeMy WebLinkAboutF16-0009 product data.pdf PRODUCT DATA SUBMITTAL PROJECT NAME Eagle Live Work 700 Chambers Avenue Unit #B Lot 2 Eagle, CO CONTRACTOR MERIDIAN INTERMOUNTAIN FIRE AND SAFETY PO Box 3940 Avon, Colorado 80620 Phone (970) 748-8888 Fax (970) 827-9126 DESIGN grVERITAS FIRE ENGINEERING, INC. 12364 West Alameda Parkway Suite 135 Lakewood, CO 80228 VicoWorldwide Fire Protection Contacts www.tyco-fire.com Products RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Sprinklers 4.9 K-factor Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Wet Pipe and Dry Pipe Systems General The Series LFII Residential Sprinklers have been designed with heat sensi- Descri tion tivity and water distribution p charac- teristics proven to help in the control The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series of residential fires and to improve the LFII Residential Flat Plate Concealed chance for occupants to escape or be Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are dec evacuated. " 8/86 orative, fast response, fusible solder The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate sprinklers designed for use in residen- Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are tial occupancies such as homes,apart- shipped with a Disposable Protective ments, dormitories, and hotels. Cap. The Protective Cap protects the The Cover Plate/Retainer Assem sprinkler during ceiling installation or bly conceals the sprinkler operating finish. After ceiling installation is com- components above the ceiling. The plete, the Protective Cap is removed flat profile of the Cover Plate provides and the Cover Plate/Retainer Assem #ISF) the optimum aesthetically appealing bly is installed. Removing the Protec sprinkler design.Additionally,the con- tive Cap is required for proper sprinkler cealed design of the Series LFII Resi- performance. F/A NSF/ANSI s, dential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Dry Pipe System Application NOTICE Sprinklers provides 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate vertical adjustment. This adjustment Concealed Pendent Sprinkler offers The Series LFII Residential Flat- provides a measure of flexibility when a laboratory approved option for Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers cutting fixed sprinkler drops. designing dry pipe residential sprin- (TY2524) described herein must be The Series LFII Residential Flat- kler systems, whereas, most residen- installed and maintained in compli- Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers tial sprinklers are laboratory approved ance with this document and the appli- are intended for use in the following for wet systems only. cable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to systems: Through extensive testing, it has been the standards of any authorities having • wet and dry pipe residential determined that the number of design jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair sprinkler systems for one-and two- sprinklers (hydraulic design area) for the performance of these devices. family dwellings and mobile homes the Series LFII Residential Flat Plate per NFPA 13D Concealed Sprinklers (TY2524) need The owner is responsible for main- not be increased over the number of taining their fire protection system • wet and dry pipe residential design sprinklers (hydraulic design and devices in proper operating con- sprinkler systems for residential area) specified for wet pipe sprinkler dition. Contact the installing contrac- occupancies up to and including systems, as is customary for density/ tor or sprinkler manufacturer with any four stories in height per NFPA 13R area sprinkler systems designed per questions. • wet and dry pipe sprinkler systems NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. for the residential portions of any Consequently, the Series LFII Resi- Sprinkler occupancy per NFPA 13 dential Flat-Plate Concealed Sprin- klers (TY2524) offer the features of non-water filled pipe in addition to Number (SIN) not having to increase the number of design sprinklers (hydraulic design TY2524 IMPORTANT area) for systems designed to NFPA Always refer to Technical Data 13, 13D, or 13R. Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 6 JANUARY 2016 TFP443 TFP443 Page 2 of 6 Technical BODY 1SEALING Data (1/2" NPT) ASSEMBLY Approvals CAP UL and C-UL Listed 1 ® --,:, ;j �1 SPRINKLER Certified to all requirements of WRENCHING AREA NSF/ANSI 61 SADDLE The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent — ly Sprinklers are only listed with the Series SUPPORT Ilyl 5 COMPRESSION LFII Concealed Cover Plates having a CUP WITH 1 SCREW factory-applied finish. ROLL FORMED THREADSN These Cover Plates and their part numbers \P \ , can be found in the Ordering Procedure t \ _ _� LEVER TiB section at the end of this data sheet. )) (Refer to the Design Criteria section for GUIDE details on these approvals.) PIN m m SOLDER LINK Maximum Working Pressure 1 ELEMENT 175 psi(12,1 bar) GUIDE PIN Discharge Coefficient HOUSING K=4.9 GPM/psis(70,6 LPM/bar') DEFLECTOR Temperature Rating �1 I- (OPERATED Sprinkler:160°F(71°C) DEFLECTOR I POSITION) Cover Plate: 139°F(59°C) SPRINKLER/SUPPORT CUP Vertical Adjustment 1 ASSEMBLY 1/2 inch(12,7 mm) THREAD INTO I I RETAINER Finishes SUPPORT 1 WITH THREAD Refer to the Ordering Procedure section CUP UNTIL t DIMPLES Physical Characteristics MOUNTING t O O SURFACE IS Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly: FLUSH WITH Cover Plate Copper CEILING EJECTION Ejection Spring Stainless Steel SPRING Retainer Brass Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly: Body Brass = �� Cap Bronze Saddle Brass SOLDER COVER PLATE/RETAINER COVER Soldered Link Halves Nickel TAB ASSEMBLY PLATE Lever Bronze Compression Screw Brass FIGURE 1 Deflector Bronze RAPID RESPONSE SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL Guide Pin Housing Bronze FLAT-PLATE CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER(TY2524) Guide Pins Bronze Support Cup Steel Sealing Assembly..Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON Design Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP485 g about the use of Residential Sprinklers Operation Criteria in residential dry pipe systems. Ceiling Types When exposed to heat from a fire, the The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series Smooth flat horizontal, or beamed, or Cover Plate,which is normally soldered LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed sloped, in accordance with the 2013 to the Retainer at three points, falls Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are UL Edition of NFPA 13D, 13R or 13 as away to expose the Sprinkler/Support and C-UL Listed for installation in applicable. Cup Assembly.At this point,the Deflec- accordance with this section: tor,supported by the Guide Pins,drops Hydraulic Design Residential Sprinkler Design Guide (NFPA 13D and down to its operated position. 13R) When conditions exist that are outside For systems designed to NFPA 13D The Solder Link Element of the Sprin- the scope of the provided criteria, refer or NFPA 13R, the minimum required kler/Support Cup Assembly is corn- to the Residential Sprinkler Design sprinkler flow rate are given in Tables prised of two link halves that are Guide TFP490 for the manufacturer's A and B as a function of tempera- soldered together with a thin layer of recommendations that may be accept- ture rating and the maximum allow- solder. When the rated temperature is able to the authority having jurisdiction. able coverage areas. The sprinkler reached, the solder melts and the two flow rate is the minimum required dis- link halves separate,allowing the sprin- System Type kler to activate and flow water. Per the UL Listing, wet pipe and dry charge from each of the total number pipe systems may be utilized. Per the of "design sprinklers" as specified in C-UL Listing, only wet pipe systems NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R.The number of may be utilized. "design sprinklers" specified in NFPA 13D and 13R for wet pipe systems is to be applied when designing dry pipe systems. TFP443 Page 3 of 6 WET PIPE SYSTEM Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure(b,c) Maximum Maximum Coverage SpacingOrdinary Temp Rating ArealalFt. 160°F(71°C) Ft.x Ft. Deflector to Installation Minimum (m x m) (m) Flow Pressure Ceiling Type Spacing GPM PSI Ft. (L/min) (bar) (m) 12 x 12 12 13 7.0 (3,7 x 3,7) (3,7) (49,2) (0,48) Smooth Ceilings 14 x 14 14 13 7.0 7/8 to 1-1/8 (4,3 x 4,3) (4,3) 49,2) (0,48) inches. Beamed 16 x 16 16 13 7.0 Ceilings per 8 (4,9 x 4,9) (4,9) (49,2) (0,48) NFPA 13D Concealed (2,4) 13R,or 13 18 x 18 18 17 12.0 Installed in beam 8 (5,5 x 5,5) (5,5) (64,3) (0,83) 7 o 1-1/8 inches below bottom 20 x 20 20 20 16.7 of beam (6,1 x 6,1) (6,1) (75,7) (1,15) a. For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated,use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which Hydraulic Design section under the Design Criteria are stated. b. The Minimum Flow requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM(LPM)from each sprinkler.The associated residual pressures are calcu- lated using the nominal K-factor.Refer to"Hydraulic Design"in the Design Criteria section for details. c. For NFPA 13 residential applications,the greater of 0.1 gpm/ft,over the design area or the flow in accordance with the criteria in this table must be used. TABLE A WET PIPE SYSTEM SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL FLAT-PLATE CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER(TY2524) NFPA 13D, 13R,AND 13 HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA DRY PIPE SYSTEM Minimum Flow and Residual Pressurelb) Maximum Maximum Coverage SpacingOrdinary Temp Rating Arealal Ft. 160°F(71°C) Minimum Ft.x Ft. Deflector to Installation Spacing (m x m) (m) Flow Pressure Ceiling Type Ft. GPM PSI (m) (L/min) (bar) 12 x 12 12 15 9.4 (3,7 x 3,7) (3,7) (56,8) (0,65) Smooth Ceilings 14x 14 14 15 9.4 7/8 to 1-1/8 (4,3 x 4,3) (4,3) (56,8) (0,65) inches. Beamed 16 x 16 16 16 10,7 Ceilings per 8 (4,9 x 4,9) (4,9) (60,6) (0,74) NFPA 13D Concealed (2,4) 13R,or 13 18 x 18 18 17 12.0 Installed in beam 8 to (5,5 x 5,5) (5,5) (64,3) (0,83) 7 1-1/8 inches below bottom 20 x 20 20 21 18,4 of beam (6,1 x 6,1) (6,1) (79,5) (1,27) a. For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated,use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which Hydraulic Design section under the Design Criteria are stated. b. The Minimum Flow requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM(LPM)from each sprinkler.The associated residual pressures are calcu- lated using the nominal K-factor.Refer to"Hydraulic Design"in the Design Criteria section for details. c. For NFPA 13 residential applications,the greater of 0.1 gpm/ft,over the design area or the flow in accordance with the criteria in this table must be used. TABLE B DRY PIPE SYSTEM SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL FLAT-PLATE CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER(TY2524) NFPA 13D, 13R,AND 13 HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA TFP443 Page 4 of 6 2-1/2" DIA. SPRINKLER- (63,5 mm) 1/2"(12 7 mm) FACE OF SUPPORT CUP 1/2" THREADED SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY NPT ADJUSTMENT FITTING OPERATED im� _ r SPRINKLER t i 1-7/8"±1/4" --- PLATE --- — (47,6 mm RETAINECOVER R�� = I 1/8"GAP ±6,4 mm) -__ ii (3,21 mm) 1ji--- .A ..-- COVER- SPRINKLER- 1 7/8"(22,2 mm) WI MOUNTING 1-1/8" (28,6 mm) RETAINER SUPPORT CUP 3/16" SURFACE \ IMI ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY (4,8 mm) - - - 3-3/16" DIA. / DISPOSABLE DEFLECTOR IN (81,0 mm) TIP PROTECTIVE CAP OPERATED POSITION FIGURE 2 RAPID RESPONSE SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL FLAT-PLATE(TY2524) INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS/PROTECTIVE CAP/ACTIVATED DEFLECTOR Hydraulic Design than that below. Down drafts through WRENCH (NFPA 13) the Support Cup can delay sprinkler RECESS For systems designed to NFPA 13, the operation in a fire situation. number of design sprinklers is to be the four most hydraulically demanding Sprinkler Spacing jesal, t sprinklers. The minimum required dis- The minimum spacing between sprin- charge from each of the four sprinklers klers is 8 feet (2,4 m). The maximum is to be the greater of the following: spacing between sprinklers cannot 1110 exceed the length of the coverage area • The flow rates given in Tables A (Table A)being hydraulically calculated and B as a function of temperature (e.g.,a maximum of 12 feet for a 12 ft.x PUSH WRENCH rating and the maximum allowable 12 ft. coverage area or 20 feet for a 20 IN TO ENSURE coverage area ft. x 20 ft. coverage area). ENGAGEMENT • A minimum discharge of 0.1 gpm/ - WITH SPRINKLER ft2 over the"design area" comprised nstallation WRENCHING AREA of the four most hydraulically FIGURE 3 demanding sprinklers for the actual The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series W-TYPE 18 coverage areas being protected by LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed SPRINKLER WRENCH the four sprinklers Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with this section: The number of "design sprinklers" Step 2. Remove the Protective Cap. specified in NFPA 13 for wet pipe General Instructions systems is to be applied when design- Damage to the Solder Link Element Step 3. With pipe-thread sealant ing dry pipe systems. during installation can be avoided by applied to the pipe threads, and using handling the sprinkler by the Support the W-Type 18 Wrench (Ref. Figure Dry Pipe System Water Delivery Cup only; that is, do not apply pres- 3), install and tighten the Sprinkler/ When using the Series LFII Residential sure to the Solder Link Element (Ref. Support Cup Assembly into the fitting. Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprin- Figure 1). The W-Type 18 Wrench accepts a 1/2 klers (TY2524) in dry pipe sprinkler inch ratchet drive. systems, the time for water delivery A leak-tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint must not exceed 15 seconds for the should be obtained by applying a min- Step 4. Replace the Protective Cap by most remote operating sprinkler. imum-to-maximum torque of 7 to 14 pushing it upwards until it bottoms out ft. lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). Higher levels against the Support Cup (Ref. Figure Obstruction to Water Distribution of torque can distort the sprinkler inlet 2). The Protective Cap helps prevent Sprinklers are to be located in accor- with consequent leakage or impairment damage to the Deflector and Guide dance with the obstruction rules of of the sprinkler. Pins during ceiling installation and/or NFPA 13D, 13R, and 13 as applicable during application of the finish coating for residential sprinklers as well as with Do not attempt to compensate for of the ceiling. the obstruction criteria described within insufficient adjustment in the Cover the Technical Data Sheet TFP490. Plate/Retainer Assembly by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Re-adjust Operational Sensitivity the position of the sprinkler fitting to Install sprinklers relative to the ceiling suit. mounting surface(Ref. Figure 2). Step 1. Install pendent sprinklers in The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate the pendent position, with the center- Concealed Pendent Sprinklers must line of the sprinkler perpendicular to the not be used in applications where the mounting surface. air pressure above the ceiling is greater TFP443 Page 5 of 6 NOTICE repainting after sprinkler installation, Limited As long as the protective Cap remains exercise care to ensure that the new in place, the system is considered"Out paint does not seal off any of the air Of Service". gap. Failure to do so may impair sprin- Warranty Step 5. After the ceiling has been kler operation. For warranty terms and conditions,visit completed with the 2-1/2 inch (63 Factory painted Cover Plates must not www.tyco-fire.com. mm) diameter hole and in preparation be repainted.They should be replaced, for installing the Cover Plate/Retainer if necessary, by factory painted Ordering Assembly,remove and discard the Pro- units. Non-factory applied paint may tective Cap, and verify that the Deflec- adversely delay or prevent sprinkler Procedure tor moves up and down freely. operation in the event of a fire. If the sprinkler has been damaged and Do not pull the Cover Plate relative to Contact your local distributor for avail- the deflector does not move up and the Retainer.Separation may result. ability.When placing an order, indicate down freely,replace the entire sprinkler the full product description and Part Y p p Sprinklers which are found to be Number(P/N). assembly. Do not attempt to modify or leaking or exhibiting visible signs of repair a damaged sprinkler. corrosion must be replaced. Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly Step 6. Screw on the Cover Plate/ Automatics sprinklers must never be Specify:0,6 , Residential Series LFII (TY2524),CK = led Retainer Assemblyuntil its flange p (70,6), Flat-Plate Concealed 9 painted, plated, coated, or otherwise Pendent Sprinkler without Cover Plate/ contacts the ceiling. Do not continue altered after leaving the factory. Modi- Retainer Assembly, P/N 51-114-1-160 to screw on the Cover Plate/Retainer fied or overheated sprinklers must be Assembly such that it lifts a ceiling replaced. Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly panel out of its normal position. Specify: Series LFII (TY2524), K = 4.9 Care must be exercised to avoid (70,6), Residential Flat-Plate Concealed If the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly damage to the sprinklers - before, Pendent Sprinkler Cover Plate/Retainer cannot be engaged with the Mount- during, and after installation. Sprin- Assembly with (specify) finish, P/N ing Cup or the Cover Plate/Retainer klers damaged by dropping, striking, (specify): Assembly cannot be engaged suffi- wrench twist/slippage,or the like,must ciently to contact the ceiling,the Sprin- be replaced. Ivory(RAL 1015) 56-202-0-135 kler Fitting must be repositioned. Beige(RAL1001) 56-202-2-135 The owner is responsible for the Pure White (RAL 9010) 56-202-3-135 Care and inspection,testing,and maintenance of Signal White(a)(RAL 9003) 56 202-4-135 their fire s stem and devices Grey White(RAL 9002) 56-202-5-135 protectionY Brown(RAL 8028) 56-202-6-135 Maintenance in compliance with this document, as Black(RAL 9005) 56 202-7-135 well as with the applicable standards Brushed Brass 56-202-8-135 The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series of the National Fire Protection Asso- Brushed Chrome 56-202-9-135 LFII Residential Flat Plate Concealed ciation (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to Custom Paint 56-202-X-135 Pendent Sprinkler (TY2524) must be the standards of any other authorities (a)Previously known as Bright White maintained and serviced in accordance having jurisdiction. Contact the install- (b)Eastern Hemisphere sales only with this section: ing contractor or sprinkler manufac- Note: All Custom Cover Plates are turer regarding any questions. painted using Sherwin Williams Interior Before closing a fire protection system Latex Paint. Contact TYCO Customer main control valve for maintenance Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- Service with any questions related to work on the fire protection system ommended to be inspected, tested, custom orders. that it controls, obtain permission to and maintained by a qualified Inspec shut down the affected fire protection tion Service in accordance with local Sprinkler Wrench system from the proper authorities requirements and/or national codes. Specify: W-Type 18 Sprinkler Wrench, and notify all personnel who may be P/N 56-000-1-265 affected by this action. Absence of a Cover Plate may delay the sprinkler operation in a fire situation. The owner must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster; otherwise, non- operation in the event of a fire or inad- vertent operation may result. When properly installed, there is a nominal 1/8 inch (3,2 mm) air gap between the lip of the Cover Plate and the ceiling, as shown in Figure 3. This air gap is necessary for proper opera- tion of the sprinkler by allowing heat flow from a fire to pass below and above the Cover Plate to help assure appropriate release of the Cover Plate in a fire situation. If the ceiling needs TFP443 Page 6 of 6 GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 1 1400 Pennbrook Parkway,Lansdale,PA 19446 I Telephone+1-215-362-0700 Copyright©2016 Tyco Fire Products,LP. All rights reserved. tqco TEFLON is trademark of The DuPont Corporation Fire Protection Products ES-009 For Health Hazard Applications Job Name Contractor Job Location Approval Engineer Contractor's P.O. No. Approval Representative Series 0098._ii Reduced Pressure Zone6 rrb l 8 Assemblies _ .: -. j uif Sizes: 1/4" —2" II t'. "_� 14 Series 009 Reduced Pressure Zone Assemblies are designed M to protect potable water supplies in accordance with national 009QT-S plumbing codes and water authority requirements.This series is designed to protect drinking water supplies from dangerous , cross-connections in accordance with national plumbing codes • and water authority requirements for non-potable service appli- - -- cations such as irrigation, fireline, or industrial processing. i This series features two in-line, independent check valves, cap- • r • o tured springs and replaceable check seats with an intermediate relief valve. Its compact modular design facilitates easy main- -- tenance and assembly access. Sizes 1/4"—1" shutoffs have tee handles. 009M2QT Features Test Cock No.3 •Single access cover and modular check construction Cock No.4 Ball Type for ease of maintenance Test Cocks •Top entry-all internals immediately accessible Test Cock I I TTest •Captured springs for safe maintenance No.2 E -4, C •Internal relief valve for reduced installation clearances —■� s� —j' Second �^� - - h` �f Check •Replaceable seats for economical repair First Check Ap /. _� Module 1 M► % �', Module •Bronze body construction for durability 1/4"—2" Assembly % ` hjjr Assembly mss' r 1:4 •Ball valve test cocks — screwdriver slotted'/a"—2" 14, l r ,� •Large body passages provides low pressure drop •Compact, space saving designau .16‹. _t R.P.Zone •No special tools required for servicing Water Outlet Relief Valve Assembly Specifications A Reduced Pressure Zone Assembly shall be installed at each potential health hazard location to prevent backflow due to backsiphonage and/or backpressure.The assembly shall Now Available consist of an internal pressure differential relief valve located WattsBox Insulated Enclosures. in a zone between two positive seating check modules with For more information, send for literature ES-WB. captured springs and silicone seat discs. Seats and seat discs shall be replaceable in both check modules and the relief valve. There shall be no threads or screws in the waterway exposed NOTICE to line fluids. Service of all internal components shall be through Inquire with governing authorities for local installation a single access bronze cover secured with stainless steel bolts. requirements The assembly shall also include two resilient seated isolation valves, four resilient seated test cocks and an air gap drain fit- ting.The assembly shall meet the requirements of: USC;ASSE Std. 1013; AWWA Std. C511-92; CSA B64.4. Shall be a Watts Series 009. tDoes not indicate approval status. Refer to Page 2 for approved sizes&models. Watts product tact attficafions in U.S. W customary ueser end mright are eior te and areprovidedutsi for,roucti only.Foriprecise r materials ® please contact Watts Technical Service.Watts reserves the right to change or modify product design,construction,specifications,or materials with- out prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Watts products previously or subsequently sold. Available Models: 1/4" - 2" Pressure/Temperature Suffix: Series 009'/4" -2" Suitable for supply pressure up to 175psi QT - quarter-turn ball valves (12.1 bar). Water temperature: 33°F- 180°F S - bronze strainer (0.5°C-75°C). LF - without shutoff valves Standards AQT - elbow fittings for 360° rotation USC 3/4"-2" only ASSE No. 1013 PC - internal Polymer Coating SH - stainless steel ball valve handles AWWA C511-92 CSA B64.4 HC - 21/2" inlet/outlet fire hydrant fitting (2" valve) IAPMO File No. 1563. Prefix: C clean and check strainer tDoes not indicate approval status. See below for approved models. 3/4"- 1" only U - union connections (see ES-0009) ® 114. 931 Materials: 1/4" -2" � ® Bronze body construction, silicone rubber disc material in the first and second check plus the relief valve. Replaceable poly- Approvals mer check seats for first and second checks. Removable stain- ASSE, AWWA, CSA, IAPMO less steel relief valve seat. Stainless steel cover bolts. Approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Standardly furnished with NPT body connections. For optional Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. bronze union inlet and outlet connections, specify prefix U UL Classified 3/4"-2" (1/2"-2"). Series 009QT furnished with quarter turn, full port, (LF models only except 009M3LF) resilient seated, bronze ball valve shutoffs. Air Gaps and Elbows MODEL DRAIN OUTLET DIMENSIONS WEIGHT A for 909,009 and 993 sizes A B 1•I II in. mm in. mm in. mm lbs. kgs. / �..`I , 909AGA W-'/2"009, /2 13 2% 60 31/879 0.625 0.28 3/"009M2/M3 909AGC 3/4'-1"009/909, 1 25 3% 83 4% 124 1.5 0.68 - B 1"-11/2"009M2 909AGF 1%"-2"009M1, 2 51 4% 111 63/4 171 3.25 1.47 1%"-3"009/909, 2"009M2,4"-6"993 909AGK 4"-6"909, 3 76 6% 162 9% 244 6.25 2.83 IM II 8"-10"909M1 909AGM 8"-10"909 4 102 7% 187 11% 286 15.5 7.03 A 909ELA /4"-'/z"009,3/4"009M2/M3 - - - - - - - - 909ELC 3/4"-1"009/909 - - 2% 60 23 60 0.38 0.17 * 909ELF 1'/a"-2"009M1, - - 3% 92 3% 92 2 0.91 i 1%"-2"009/909, 71 2"009M2,4"-6"993 _- B 909ELH 2%"-3"009/909 - - - - - - - - Vertical I Elm "Epoxy coated Dimensions and Weight: 1/4" -2" 009 ® c IEUMill . N r a i 111/ZilliMEMI N • I ._ D • 1 M A 0091/4" -2" SIZE DIMENSIONS(APPROX.) STRAINER DIMENSIONS WEIGHT A B C D L M N in. in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm lbs. kgs. 1/4 10 250 4% 117 33/8 86 11/4 32 512 140 23/8 60 21/2 64 5 2 3/e 10 250 45/8 117 33/8 86 11/4 32 512 140 2% 60 21/2 64 5 2 1/2 10 250 45/8 117 3% 86 114 32 51/2 140 23/4 70 21/4 57 5 2 3/4 103/4 273 5 127 31/2 89 11/2 38 63/4 171 33/A6 81 23/4 70 6 3 1 1412 368 512 140 3 76 21/2 64 91/2 241 33/4 95 3 76 12 5 11/4 173/8 441 6 150 31/2 89 21/2 64 113/8 289 47/is 113 31/2 89 15 6 11/2 17% 454 6 150 312 89 21/2 64 111/8 283 4'% 124 4 102 16 7 2 21% 543 73/4 197 412 114 31/4 83 13/ 343 515/6 151 5 127 30 13 Suffix HC—Fire Hydrant Fittings dimension 'A'=25" Capacity Performance as established by an independent testing laboratory.*Typical maximum system flow rate(7.5 feet/sec., 2.3 meters/sec.) kPa psi %"009QT kPa psi /1/4"009M2QT 138 20 172 25 117 17 138 20 96 14 76 1 '.00,"" 103 15 55 8 69 10 35 5 35 5 pp 0 .25 .60 .75 1 1.17 gpm 0 0 0 .95 1.9 2.9 3.8 4.5 Ipm pp 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 gpm 0 38 76 114 152 190 228 266 304 Ipm 5 7.5 10 15 fps 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.6 mps kPa psi 3/s"009QT kPa psi 11/2"009M2QT 138 20 207 30 117 17 172 25 96 14 .--�� 138 20 76 11 �� 103 15 55 8 69 10 35 5 35 5 AP 0 .25 .50 .75 1 1.25 1.50 2.5 3.1 gpm 0 0 0 .95 1.9 2.9 3.8 4.8 5.7 9.4 11.8 Ipm pp 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 gpm 0 38 76 114 152 190 228 266 304 342 380 418 456 Ipm 5 7.5 10 15 fps 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.6 mps kPa psi '/z"009QT psi 2"009M2QT * * 172 25 207 30 138 20 --101.... 172 25 138 20 103 15 103 15 69 10 69 10 - 35 5 35 5 AP 0 1 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 gpm 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 gpm 0 3.8 9.5 19 28.5 38 47.5 57 Ipm pP 0 76 152 228 304 380 456 532 608 684 760 Ipm 5 7.5 15 fps 5 7.5 10 15 fps 1.5 2.3 4.6 mps 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.6 mps kPa psi * 3/a"009M3QT 207 30 165 24 / 124 18 83 12 41 6 0 0 0 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 gpm AP 07.6 23 38 53 68 84 99 114 129 144 160 175 Ipm 7.5 15 fps 2.3 4.6 mps kPa psi * 1"009M2QT 207 30 172 25 138 20 103 15 69 10 35 5 0 0 AP 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 gpm 0 19 38 76 114 152 190 228 266 304 Ipm 7.5 15 fps 2.3 4.6 mps s,001L0 C ® n 901-2008 '"'eMSE�` CERT0IFIED A Watts Water Technologies Company USA:Tel:(978)688-1811 •Fax:(978)794-1848•www.watts.com Canada:Tel:(905)332-4090•Fax:(905)332-7068•www.watts.ca ES-009 1318 ©2013 Watts itiAy#,A\47x7ACALya. Schedule-10/Schedule-40 - M-COAT ® Submittal Data Sheet > Fully Listed and FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe Sch-40-M-COAT Specifications NPS Nominal I.D. Wt. Wt.(H20 Filled) CRR When you specify Schedule-10/Schedule-40-M-COAT®sprinkler pipe from Allied Tube In;mm In;mm Lbs/Ft;kg/m Lbs/Ft;kg/m - &Conduit,you get UL listed and FM approved products.Although these products do 1" 1.049 1.680 2.05 1 not require separate approvals,Schedule-10/Schedule-40-M-COAT gives you the extra 25 26.6 2.5 3.05 - quality assurance you demand.Our Sch-10(1-1/4"-8")pipe and Sch-40(1"-2-1/2") 11/4" 1.380 2.270 2.93 1 pipe have passed the same thorough lab testing as our other listed pipe products,and 32 35.1 4.36 4.36 - receive periodic mill inspections from both UL and FM agents to ensure consistent quality. 11/2" 1.610 2.720 3.61 1 40 40.9 4.0 5.37 - > Galvanized Pipe Schedule-10/Schedule-40-M-COAT product can be 2" 2.067 3.650 5.13 1 "hot-dip"galvanized to meet FM requirements. 50 52.5 5.4 7.63 - 21/2" 2.469 5.790 7.86 1 > Superior Coating Our advanced formula mill coating offers a clean,durable 65 62.7 8.6 11.73 - surface that is also paintready for custom color applications without special preparation. Sch-10-M-COAT Specifications The internal surface of all black Fire Sprinkler pipe up to 4.5000" in diameter shall be NPS Nominal I.D. Wt. Wt.(H20 Filled) CRR coated with Allied Tube&Conduit Antibacterial Formula "M-COAT". In;mm In;mm Lbs/Ft;kg/m Lbs/Ft;kg/m - > American Made Able to meet"Buy American" requirements,and is available 1v24° 36.6 1.8102.73.7 2.525 7.0955 32 36.6 2.7 3.75 through distributors in the USA,Canada, Mexico and Latin America. 11/2" 1.682 2.080 3.04 5.6570 > Specifications & Approvals Schedule-10-M-COAT pipe is in _ 40 41.7 3.1 4.22 - 2" 2.157 2.640 4.22 4.5827 compliance with ASTM A135,Type E Grade A,and NFPA 13.Schedule-40-M-COAT 50 54.8 3.9 6.28 - pipe is in compliance with ASTM A1351A795,Type E Grade A,and NFPA 13. 21/2" 2.635 3.530 5.89 3.5196 Both pipe products have a working pressure rating of 300 psi maximum and also meet 65 66.9 5.3 8.77 the stringent requirement for the following tests:Welded Outlets,Hydrostatic Pressure, 3" 8242.5550 75 82..88 6.4 40 111.8.8 2 _ Side Wall Rupture,Vibration Test. 4" 4.260 5.610 11.78 1.6020 100 108.2 8.3 17.53 - 5" 5.295 7.77 17.33 1.4874 125 134.5 11.56 25.80 - 6" 6.357 9.290 23.03 1.0251 150 161.5 13.8 34.27 - 8" 8.249 16.490 40.15 1.8365 200 209.5 24.5 59.75 - gPPROVEO Project: Sprinkler Contractor: Date: Engineer: Specification Reference: System Type: Locations: Comments: 9®all• Customer Service (800) 882-5543 Fax: (800) 659-7730 www.alliedtube-sprinkler.com ed • 16100 S Lathrop Ave. • 11350 Norcom Rd. •2525 N 27th Ave. •600 Dean Sievers Place TUBE & CONDUIT® Harvey,IL 60426 Philadelphia,PA 19154 Phoenix,AZ 85009 Morrisville,PA 19067 APART OF nB""° 02011 Atkore International,Inc.All Rights Reserved. STP-S5-4M-1111 Ot,®0aquatherm 500 S 500 W Lindon, UT, 84042 aquatherm 801.805.6657 RED PIPE SUBMITTAL SPECIFICATION DATASHEET 1.Product Name Polypropylene-random copolymer(PP-R)pipe and fittings for wet fire suppression system: Aquatherm Red Pipe—3/4"-4" SDR 7.4 fire suppression system. 2.Product Description Basic Use: Aquatherm Red Pipe PP-R pipe and fittings are used in pressure piping systems in residential, commercial, and industrial applications. The pipe and fittings are joined by heat fusion-welding(socket, butt, fusion outlet)and do not require any glues, solvents, solder, flux, or other materials. The resulting bond is a homogenous continuation of the PP-R material between pipe and fitting, creating a joint that is stronger than either the pipe or fitting. The piping system includes a variety of transitions fittings for connection to other piping materials. Composition and Materials: PP-R is a thermoplastic material with exceptional high-temperature and chemical resistance. The PP-R material is listed per ASTM D4101 and meets the long-term strength, pressure-rating, and high-temperature performance requirements of FM 1635. Limitations: The piping system is intended to be used in the systems described above. Other applications should be reviewed with the manufacturer to determine suitability. In general,the PP-R material has exceptional chemical resistance,but specific chemicals, applications, and operating conditions must be reviewed by Aquatherm prior to use. All plastics are susceptible to UV degradation. The piping material includes UV inhibitors which ensure it will not degrade while exposed to UV during construction. However, if the piping is installed in a location subject to UV exposure, it must be protected by use of an appropriate LW-resistant wrap or coating. 3. Technical Data Applicable Standards: FM 1635,ASTM D4101,ASTM E84,CAN/ULC S102.2,FM 1635,NFPA 13, NFPA 13R,NFPA 13D Quality Control,Listings: The Aquatherm PP-R piping systems are listed and inspected by numerous independent third-party agencies globally. In North America,the Red Pipe piping system is listed by Factory Mutual(FM), and Intertek in accordance with the applicable standards and noted in listings per FM 1635,NFPA 13,NFPA 13R,NFPA 13D;and Intertek Aquatherm Advanced®(ASTM E84 and CAN/ULC S 102.2). Construction Codes: PP-R piping is permitted to be used in concealed wet fire protection applications in the following national model codes: International Building Code(IBC),National Fire Protection Association(NFPA) 13,NFPA 13R,and NFPA 13D. 4.Approval PP-R pressure piping shall be Aquatherm,manufactured in accordance with ASTM F2389 and FM 1635, and shall be listed/approved by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory(OSHA NRTL). 0®Op ©2013 Aquatherm NA,L.C.All rights reserved. www.aquatherm.com aquatherm SAMMYS® HORIZONTAL MOUNT SIDEWINDERS® for Wood Installs HORIZONTALLY into the side of wood structures easily and quickly! Not less than 2"nominal width / Product Features 0 (1-1/2")up to 3-1/2"pipe;not less than •No pre-drilling required. • 3"(2-1/2")nominal width 4"&5"pipep g 1—/ Floor Joist •Quick to install using the Sammy Minimum 2-1/2"from bottom for branch lines.Minimum 3"from Nut Driver with an 18V cordless bottom for main lines.Exception:This drill/driver. requirement shall not apply to 2"or ' / thicker nailing strips resting on top of / steel beams. •Saves time from traditional methods. CI/ •Reduces installation cost. f •Made in the U.S.A. 0 I ___=.7 Composite/Truss Consult truss manufacturer for recommended installation point. J—rmi 're-drilling may be required for Model SWG 25-380(tools available on pg 10) Approvals Rod Part Model Screw Ultimate UL Test Box Case Size Number Descriptions Pullout(lbs) Load(lbs) Qty Qty 1/4" 8018957 SWG 100 1/4 x l" 622 (Fir) 25 125 _i 1/4" 8019957 SWG 200 1/4 x 2" 1725 (Fir) 25 125 125 125 3/8" 8020957 SWG 10 1/4 x l" 622 (Fir) 300 25 ®. 3/8" 8021957 SWG 20 1/4 x 2" 1725 (Fir) 1050 25 3/8" 8073925 SWG 20-SS 1/4 x 2" 1725 (Fir) 850 25 125 #14 SW Red £, 3/8" 8022925 SWG 25-380 3/8 x 2-1/2" 2249 (Fir) 1500 25 125 Nut Driver _ 3/8" 8023925 SWG 30 1/4 x 3" 1884 (Fir) 25 125 Part#8114910 VERTICAL HORIZONTAL L: 1.Insert the appropriate nut driver into a 3/8"or 1/2"portable drill. 1.Insert the appropriate nut driver into a 3/8"or 1/2"portable drill. 2.Insert the SAMMYS into the#14(black)nut driver(p/n 8113910).Drill 2.Insert the SAMMYS into the#14SW(red)nut driver(p/n 8114910).With drill should be in a vertical position. unit in a horizontal position and at a right angle to the structural member, begin installation. 3.Push the face of the nut driver tight to the member.When the nut driver spins freely on the SAMMYS,stop drill and remove. 3.When the nut driver spins free on the SAMMYS,stop the drill and remove. 4.The SAMMYS is now ready to receive 1/4"3/8",1/2"or metric all thread rod,bolt stock.(The 1/2"requires the#14SW red nut driver) 4.The unit is now ready to receive 1/4';3/8"or metric all thread rod or bolt stock. Note:When installing DSTR,follow the above instructions, then add retainer nut and torque to 20 foot lbs.for maximum Note:When installing SWDR,follow the above instructions,then add retainer nut pullout in purlin steel. and torque to 20 foot lbs.for maximum pullout in purlin steel. -4 i,vi,_ 7. ,..„„ 1 ,..................., . i ,„Iim !t i * 1 SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM:The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation each time.When the face of the driver comes into contact with the material you are installing into,continue drilling until nut driver spins free.Installation is then complete.Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. 5 To find a distributor near you,call 800-BUILDEX VERTICAL MOUNT SAMMYS® SAMMYS° for Wood Installs VERTICALLY into the bottom of wood structures easily and quickly! 1111. .IIIL JIM Not less than Wood Flooring 2"nominal width Product Features (1 •No pre-drillingrequired. r q Not less than •Quick to install using the Sammy 3"nominal Nut Driver with an 18V cordless thickness(2-1/2") / (depth or side Wood Joist drill/driver. I f vertical member) I® •Saves time from traditional Double Sheetrock T • methods. For vertical use- Ceiling install in center of lower face. •Reduces installation cost. Minimum 2"embedment into base material for NFPA 13 compliance. Composite/Truss •Made in the U.S.A. I Consult truss manufacturer for recommended installation point. *Pre-drilling may be required for GST �� 25-380.Tool available on page 10. o - - E Approvals Rod Part Model Screw Ultimate UL Test FM Test Box Case Size Number Descriptions Pullout(lbs) Load(lbs) Load(lbs) Qty Qty 1/4" 8002957 GST 100 1/4 x 1" 210 (7/16"OSB) 25 125 670 (3/4"Ply) 1/4" 8003957 GST 200 1/4 x 2" 1760 (Fir) 25 125 1/4" 8004957 GST 300 1/4 x 3" 2060 (Fir) 25 125 3/8" 8006957 GST.75 1/4 x 3/4" 564 (3/4"Ply) 25 125 ` " 3/8" 8007957 GST 10 1/4 x 1" 210 (7/16"OSB) 300 25 125 670 (3/4"Ply) _ ii q 0 3/8" 8008957 GST 20 1/4 x 2" 1760 (Fir) 850 1475 25 125 4i 3/8" 8068925 GST 20-SS 1/4 x 2" 1760 (Fir) 850 25 125 Q. 3/8" 8009925 GST 25-380 3/8 x 2-1/2" 2113 (Fir) 1500 25 125 O 3/8" 8010957 GST 30 1/4 x 3" 2060 (Fir) 1500 1475 25 125 #14 Black Nut Driver 3/8" 8069925 GST 30-SS 1/4 x 3" 2060 (Fir) 25 125 Part#8113910 3/8" 8011925 GST 40 1/4 x 4" 2180 (Fir) 25 125 3/8" 8012925 GST 60 1/4 x 6" 2230 (Fir) 25 125 _ 1/2" 8013925 GST 2 1/4 x 2" 1760 (Fir) 25 125 1/2" 8014925 GST 2.5-380 3/8 x 2-1/2" 2113 (Fir) 25 125 i 1/2" 8015925 GST 3 1/4 x 3" 2275 (Fir) 25 125 — 1/2" 8016925 GST 4 1/4 x 4" 2180 (Fir) 25 125 1/2" 8017925 GST 6 1/4 x 6" 2230 (Fir) 25 125 #14 SW Red — Nut Driver Part#8114910 SAMMY Swivel Head°for Wood Product Features •Eliminates distortion of threaded rod. •Saves time from traditional methods. 11:0 •Accommodates up to 3'/2"x 12 pitch roof. •Reduces installation cost. •Allows 17°deflection from vertical. •Made in the U.S.A. Approvals Rod Part Model Screw Ultimate UL Test FM Test Min Box Case . Size Number Descriptions Pullout(lbs) Load(lbs) Load(lbs) Thickness Qty Qty 4"0 3/8" 8139957 SH-GST 20 1/4 x 2" 1257(Fir) 1050 1475 25 125 125 a Q`,Q 3/8" 8141957 SH-GST 30 1/4 x 3" 1720(Fir) 1500 1475 25 125 #14 Black Nut Driver SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM:The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation each time.When the face of the driver comes into Part#8113910 contact with the material you are installing into,continue drilling until nut driver spins free.Installation is then complete.Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. For the most up to date information,visit www.sammysuperscrew.com 4 `pf \77RoHs : MADE IN U.S.A /�QOA14 IIVEKITAS FIRE ENGINEERING, INC. Meridian Intermountain Fire PO Box 3940 Avon, Colorado 80620 (970)827-9126 Job Name : Katos Residence Remote Area 1 Building : FP1 Location : 3235 Katsos Road Vail, CO System : 1 Contract : 16-147 Data File : Katos Residence Remote Area 1.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 1 Katos Residence Remote Area 1 Date 3-9-16 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for Project name: Katsos Residence Remote Area 1 Location: 3235 Katsos Road Vail, CO Drawing no: FP1 Date: 3-9-16 Design Remote area number: 1 Remote area location: Upper Level East Unit Occupancy classification: Residential Density: 0.10 - Gpm/SqFt Area of application: 4 Heads- SqFt Coverage per sprinkler: 97- SqFt Type of sprinklers calculated: TYCO LFII 4.9 K Concealed No. of sprinklers calculated: 4 In-rack demand: 0 - GPM Hose streams: 0- GPM Total water required(including hose streams): 56.97 - GPM @ 148.88- Psi Type of system: Wet Volume of dry or preaction system: - Gal Water supply information Date: 7-28-15 Location: Hydrant#2 Source: Vail Valley Fire Prinkler Corp. Name of contractor: Meridian Intermountain Address: POB 3940 Avon, CO 80620 Phone number: (303)432-8181 Name of designer: Wayne Petts Authority having jurisdiction: Vail Fire Notes: (Include peaking information or gridded systems here.) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 CO co N M Lo�acp r- . MCO CO Q a) a) N in r Cf) O a) - U) as ^E . O i)-a a) C LL O O O C • o O '°EEEEE) co ( 0 0 0 0 co �nn0ng . TTT W U)U) U) T . 1 1 1 1 (' ,-N N OM (p 00000200) ' E - a) 0 co . o co 0 • . o Q o C)) o D . ± Z • E 0 C c o _ Q d- a) 5 0 N CL C.) • . 0 C 0 - 0 i m • co 2 O -0 . O < I C•1 Z T E 0 E ' J a) - LL O L 0 L • Q • O 7 Q Q E . 0 0 • . o 0 No • co C0 0)co N—0)r ' U a) < � � � ) ji (ns_o C O u)CL • c� E :-.(1"TO • m = = • o E c `)in�� U o (n - m UUU L C a00 CO LO 1-M N Q CO V N Q CO CO I' N CO O U 0) CO N- CO CO N N- Y CL CC LU U) U) 0 CC LU N G2oc\ N- 0R CO \ \ SQoc nn a) / $2002 Ef I c \ $=ooQ J % w00& 2 \= CO 00@ 0 R » 00@ CO CO 0 o Jmoo/ _ I L0 2moo\ƒ g> EJ /m2@R E % \ =N- =\2 C _ N- ( / S '§ \ { 2 /\co w� \ / / a3 O m »% @ 5 = _ _ d \ =N- j2/ § \ -5) / C g » L a) f 0 •% .%Q (D ƒ e »� /// o \ c \ \ / Z i -0 mom > " > a) a) -c) / �o \{= / ) \ \\ •r k / CO 0) j = f E% / = m = / momw= / S. \ \ , / f / \ g CO \ _ _ E 4 E ® �o �a � 0 \U) / / \ a - = ƒ _ = m2 E \ ca) C® � 0_� - z aca 40) % � \ 7 E\ \ / \ � g« / 7 $ m0 -E \ %'G « f 2 .—c .—wrE 2 ± DI \ \ f \ E2 \ f = 9 5 ! / § ± \ \ 7 m 2 c (i) to' 2 LI \ cu Jo E e < Qc e� 2 � £ n � E Ef 2\ \g - / \ ' ) 2 % E - E /66i/ _/ \ 2 $ £ 2 ® aLLI = n a \ 2 (D § rI \/ \)§ E n = ® m = ° 3 22 & &20 c£ n = / o » [ _ ° » 3 3 2E- E < 0 m D 2 = o « EE< $ e . . = 7E EI ==I � Em e Eg EE C ) cZ )) 22) / E Df / = 923 _0y \ — _ _ = x = 3 \ ± 5 . / ƒ _c \ ( it7 / \ / � C \ \ ƒ� \k \ 2 g o 2 0 /,_ = \ 5a = k LuO F- N D 5 \ EI zw % 322 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 4 Katos Residence Remote Area 1 Date 3-9-16 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. S1 55.417 4.9 7.0 na 12.96 0.1 97 7.0 S2 55.417 4.9 8.41 na 14.21 0.1 97 7.0 S3 55.417 4.9 8.46 na 14.25 0.1 97 7.0 S4 55.417 4.9 10.06 na 15.54 0.1 97 7.0 101 55.417 8.83 na 102 55.417 10.2 na 103 55.417 11.4 na 104 55.417 14.94 na 105 55.417 17.22 na 106 43.25 40.12 na 114 43.25 52.88 na 107 43.25 76.4 na 108 43.25 85.23 na 109 32.75 91.53 na 110 32.75 98.54 na TOR 32.75 114.81 na BOR 23.0 135.56 na SRC 1.0 148.89 na The maximum velocity is 28.11 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 104 and 105 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams - 2007 Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 5 Katos Residence Remote Area 1 Date 3-9-16 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf *UPPER LEVEL MOST REMOTE 4 HDS S1 55.417 4.90 12.96 1 Rptb 6.3 12.167 150 7.000 to 2Rpel 5.2 11.500 0.0 101 55.417 12.96 0.91 0.0 23.667 0.0772 1.826 Vel = 6.39 0.0 101 12.96 8.826 K Factor= 4.36 S2 55.417 4.90 14.21 1 Rpel 2.6 1.917 150 8.413 to 0.0 2.600 0.0 101 55.417 14.21 0.91 0.0 4.517 0.0914 0.413 Vel = 7.01 0.0 101 14.21 8.826 K Factor= 4.78 S3 55.417 4.90 14.25 1 Rptb 6.3 7.417 150 8.463 to 2Rpel 5.2 11.500 0.0 102 55.417 14.25 0.91 0.0 18.917 0.0920 1.740 Vel = 7.03 0.0 102 14.25 10.203 K Factor= 4.46 S4 55.417 4.90 15.54 1 Rptb 6.3 0.917 150 10.063 to 2Rpel 5.2 11.500 0.0 103 55.417 15.54 0.91 0.0 12.417 0.1079 1.340 Vel = 7.67 0.0 103 15.54 11.403 K Factor= 4.60 *UPPER LEVEL MAINS 101 55.417 27.18 1 Rptb 6.3 13.833 150 8.826 to 0.0 6.300 0.0 104 55.417 27.18 0.91 0.0 20.133 0.3035 6.110 Vel = 13.41 0.0 104 27.18 14.936 K Factor= 7.03 102 55.417 14.25 1 Rptb 6.3 6.750 150 10.203 to 0.0 6.300 0.0 103 55.417 14.25 0.91 0.0 13.050 0.0920 1.200 Vel = 7.03 103 55.417 15.55 1 Rptb 6.3 0.917 150 11.403 to Rpel 2.6 8.900 0.0 104 55.417 29.8 0.91 0.0 9.817 0.3599 3.533 Vel = 14.70 104 55.417 27.18 1 0.0 1.917 150 14.936 to 0.0 0.0 0.0 105 55.417 56.98 0.91 0.0 1.917 1.1935 2.288 Vel = 28.11 0.0 105 56.98 17.224 K Factor= 13.73 *DROP TO MAIN LEVEL 105 55.417 56.98 1 Rpel 2.6 12.167 150 17.224 to 0.0 2.600 5.270 106 43.250 56.98 0.91 0.0 14.767 1.1935 17.625 Vel = 28.11 0.0 106 56.98 40.119 K Factor= 9.00 *MAIN LEVEL PIPING 106 43.250 56.98 1.25 3Rptb 23.7 8.333 150 40.119 to 0.0 23.700 0.0 114 43.250 56.98 1.14 0.0 32.033 0.3984 12.761 Vel = 17.91 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 6 Katos Residence Remote Area 1 Date 3-9-16 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf 114 43.250 0.0 1.25 2Rptb 15.8 33.333 150 52.880 to 3Rpel 9.9 25.700 0.0 107 43.250 56.98 1.14 0.0 59.033 0.3984 23.516 Vel = 17.91 107 43.250 0.0 1.25 Rptb 7.9 1.083 150 76.396 to 4Rpel 13.2 21.100 0.0 108 43.250 56.98 1.14 0.0 22.183 0.3983 8.836 Vel = 17.91 0.0 108 56.98 85.232 K Factor= 6.17 *DROP TO LOWER LEVEL 108 43.250 56.98 1.25 Rpel 3.3 0.0 150 85.232 to 0.0 4.383 4.548 109 32.750 56.98 1.14 0.0 4.383 0.3984 1.746 Vel = 17.91 0.0 109 56.98 91.526 K Factor= 5.96 *LOWER LEVEL MAIN 109 32.750 56.98 1.25 Rptb 7.9 6.417 150 91.526 to Rpel 3.3 11.200 0.0 110 32.750 56.98 1.14 0.0 17.617 0.3984 7.018 Vel = 17.91 110 32.750 0.0 1.25 Rptb 7.9 26.333 150 98.544 to 2Rpel 6.6 14.500 0.0 TOR 32.750 56.98 1.14 0.0 40.833 0.3983 16.265 Vel = 17.91 TOR 32.750 0.0 1.25 Zwb 0.0 9.750 150 114.809 to 0.0 0.0 19.223 * * Fixed Loss = 15 BOR 23 56.98 1.38 0.0 9.750 0.1571 1.532 Vel = 12.22 BOR 23 0.0 2 E 4.065 80.000 150 135.564 to T 8.131 13.009 9.528 SRC 1 56.98 1.82 G 0.813 93.009 0.0408 3.796 Vel = 7.03 0.0 SRC 56.98 148.888 K Factor= 4.67 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 IIVEKITAS FIRE ENGINEERING, INC. Meridian Intermountain Fire PO Box 3940 Avon, Colorado 80620 (970)827-9126 Job Name : Katos Residence Remote Area 2 Building : FP1 Location : 3235 Katsos Road Vail, CO System : 2 Contract : 16-147 Data File : Katos Residence Remote Area 2.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 1 Katos Residence Remote Area 2 Date 3-9-16 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for Project name: Katsos Residence Remote Area 2 Location: 3235 Katsos Road Vail, CO Drawing no: FP1 Date: 3-9-16 Design Remote area number: 2 Remote area location: Upper Level East Unit Occupancy classification: Residential Density: 0.10 - Gpm/SqFt Area of application: 1 Head - SqFt Coverage per sprinkler: 130 - SqFt Type of sprinklers calculated: TYCO LFII 4.9 K Concealed No. of sprinklers calculated: 1 In-rack demand: 0 - GPM Hose streams: 0- GPM Total water required(including hose streams): 20.02 - GPM @ 73.66 - Psi Type of system: Wet Volume of dry or preaction system: - Gal Water supply information Date: 7-28-15 Location: Hydrant#2 Source: Vail Valley Fire Prinkler Corp. Name of contractor: Meridian Intermountain Address: POB 3940 Avon, CO 80620 Phone number: (303)432-8181 Name of designer: Wayne Petts Authority having jurisdiction: Vail Fire Notes: (Include peaking information or gridded systems here.) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 o 6c N O ' N M CO�CO �� Lf)OC'. 0M • M •M Oa) NNI"- NcO ao C6 C6 .. .. .. .. .. .. CL 0 u) as ^E . O -o a) C LL O O O C • o O '° EEEEE) . . . . . co (a a) a) p a) co m>nn0ng . TTT W fn U) fn T . 1 1 1 1 � ,—N N OM co co00020fn ' E - a) 0 r-- co . o co 0 . o Q o C)) o D Z • E 0 c • o _ Q d- a) 5 0 N CL 0 • . 0 C 0 - 0 i m • co 2 O -a . O < _ C•1 Z T AO E 0 E C) - LL O L o_ L Q • O 7 Q Q E . 0 0 • . o 0 N0 • CO CO CS)CO r CD r ' N .. .. - O a) Li: O " O p LL • m >+�TO cB 7 7 • o 7 4' fn fn CNI a E c i_www U I o o ] o 0_ a) a) a) . . . — ° o _ L C N co CO LOf) 1- CO N Q CO V N Q CO CO 1- N > 0 CO CO O U 0) CO N- CO CO N 2 Y 11 CC LU (/) (/) 0 CC LU N G2oc\ N- 0R CO \ \ SQoc nn a) / $2002 Ef I c \ $=ooQ J % w00& 2 \= CO 00@ 0 R » 0o@ CO CO 0 o Jmoo/ _ I L0 2moo\ƒ g> coE /m2@R E % \ =N- =\2 C _ N- ( / S '§ \ co w� {\2 / \ / / II a3 O m »% @ 5 = _ _ d \ =N- j2/ § \ -5) / C g » L a) f 0 •% .%Q (D ƒ e »� /// o \ c \ \ / Z i -0 mom > " > a) a) -c) / �o \{= / ) \ \\ •r k / gg j = f E% / = m = / momw= / / \ \ \ „ / - / \ g CO \ _ _ E 4 E ® �o �a � 0 \U) / / \ a - = ƒ _ = m2 E \ ca) C® � 0_� - z aca 40) % __ \ 7 E\ \ / \ � g« C 7 $ m0 .E \ %'Gf 2 .-c .-wrE 2 ± DI \ \ f \ E2 To al C•1 ! // - \ \ 7 co 2 c 0 F- a) \ cu as E e < Qc e� 2 � £ n � E Ef 2\ \g — / \ ' ) 2 % E - E /66i/ _/ \ 2 $ £ 2 ® aLLI = n a \ 2 (D § rI \/ \)§ E n = ® m = ° 3 22 & &20 c£ n = / o » [ _ ° » 3 3 2E- E < 0 m D 2 = o « EE< $ e . . = 7E EI ==I � Em e Eg EE C ) cZ )) 22) / E � f / = 923 �y \ — _ _ = x = 3 \ ± 5 . / ƒ _c \ ( it7 / \ / � C \ \ ƒ� \k \ 2go2 \ .? ,_ = \ 5a = k LuO F- N D 5 \ EI zw % 322 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 4 Katos Residence Remote Area 2 Date 3-9-16 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. S5 55.417 4.9 16.7 na 20.02 0.1 130 16.7 111 55.417 18.25 na 112 55.417 24.71 na 113 43.25 32.78 na 114 43.25 33.3 na 107 43.25 36.7 na 108 43.25 37.98 na 109 32.75 42.78 na 110 32.75 43.79 na TOR 32.75 46.14 na BOR 23.0 63.59 na SRC 1.0 73.66 na The maximum velocity is 9.88 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes S5 and 111 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams - 2007 Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 5 Katos Residence Remote Area 2 Date 3-9-16 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf *UPPER LEVEL 20 FT X 20 FT S5 55.417 4.90 20.02 1 Rptb 6.3 2.667 150 16.700 to 0.0 6.300 0.0 111 55.417 20.02 0.91 0.0 8.967 0.1724 1.546 Vel = 9.88 111 55.417 0.0 1 2Rptb 12.6 22.250 150 18.246 to Rpel 2.6 15.200 0.0 112 55.417 20.02 0.91 0.0 37.450 0.1725 6.460 Vel = 9.88 0.0 112 20.02 24.706 K Factor= 4.03 *DROP TO MAIN LEVEL 112 55.417 20.02 1 Rpel 2.6 13.667 150 24.706 to 0.0 2.600 5.270 113 43.250 20.02 0.91 0.0 16.267 0.1724 2.805 Vel = 9.88 0.0 113 20.02 32.781 K Factor= 3.50 *MAIN LEVEL PIPING 113 43.250 20.02 1.25 Rptb 7.9 1.167 150 32.781 to 0.0 7.900 0.0 114 43.250 20.02 1.14 0.0 9.067 0.0575 0.521 Vel = 6.29 114 43.250 0.0 1.25 2Rptb 15.8 33.333 150 33.302 to 3Rpel 9.9 25.700 0.0 107 43.250 20.02 1.14 0.0 59.033 0.0576 3.398 Vel = 6.29 107 43.250 0.0 1.25 Rptb 7.9 1.083 150 36.700 to 4Rpel 13.2 21.100 0.0 108 43.250 20.02 1.14 0.0 22.183 0.0576 1.277 Vel = 6.29 0.0 108 20.02 37.977 K Factor= 3.25 *DROP TO LOWER LEVEL 108 43.250 20.02 1.25 Rpel 3.3 0.0 150 37.977 to 0.0 4.383 4.548 109 32.750 20.02 1.14 0.0 4.383 0.0575 0.252 Vel = 6.29 0.0 109 20.02 42.777 K Factor= 3.06 *LOWER LEVEL MAIN 109 32.750 20.02 1.25 Rptb 7.9 6.417 150 42.777 to Rpel 3.3 11.200 0.0 110 32.750 20.02 1.14 0.0 17.617 0.0576 1.014 Vel = 6.29 110 32.750 0.0 1.25 Rptb 7.9 26.333 150 43.791 to 2Rpel 6.6 14.500 0.0 TOR 32.750 20.02 1.14 0.0 40.833 0.0576 2.350 Vel = 6.29 TOR 32.750 0.0 1.25 Zwb 0.0 9.750 150 46.141 to 0.0 0.0 17.223 * * Fixed Loss = 13 BOR 23 20.02 1.38 0.0 9.750 0.0228 0.222 Vel = 4.29 BOR 23 0.0 2 E 4.065 80.000 150 63.586 to T 8.131 13.009 9.528 SRC 1 20.02 1.82 G 0.813 93.009 0.0059 0.548 Vel = 2.47 0.0 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 6 Katos Residence Remote Area 2 Date 3-9-16 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf SRC 20.02 73.662 K Factor= 2.33 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 IIVEKITAS FIRE ENGINEERING, INC. Meridian Intermountain Fire PO Box 3940 Avon, Colorado 80620 (970)827-9126 Job Name : Katos Residence Remote Area 3 Building : FP1 Location : 3235 Katsos Road Vail, CO System : 3 Contract : 16-147 Data File : Katos Residence Remote Area 3.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 1 Katos Residence Remote Area 3 Date 3-9-16 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for Project name: Katsos Residence Remote Area 3 Location: 3235 Katsos Road Vail, CO Drawing no: FP1 Date: 3-9-16 Design Remote area number: 3 Remote area location: Main Level West Unit Occupancy classification: Residential Density: 0.10 - Gpm/SqFt Area of application: 4 Heads- SqFt Coverage per sprinkler: 185 - SqFt Type of sprinklers calculated: TYCO LFII 4.9 K Concealed No. of sprinklers calculated: 4 In-rack demand: 0 - GPM Hose streams: 0- GPM Total water required(including hose streams): 75.96 - GPM @ 172.39- Psi Type of system: Wet Volume of dry or preaction system: - Gal Water supply information Date: 7-28-15 Location: Hydrant#2 Source: Vail Valley Fire Prinkler Corp. Name of contractor: Meridian Intermountain Address: POB 3940 Avon, CO 80620 Phone number: (303)432-8181 Name of designer: Wayne Petts Authority having jurisdiction: Vail Fire Notes: (Include peaking information or gridded systems here.) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 0 N M coc. I-N lf)� •M �N • N a) =U)� LUN . aa) r•-•r( ` ri O a) U)• co E . O -• o a) C LL 0_ O O C • o O '°EEEEE) co coa) a) 0a) co �nn0ng . TTT W U)U) U) T . 1 1 1 1 � ,-N N OM (p 0000020( ) ' E - a) 0 co . o co 0 • . o Q o CO CO D . ± • Z • E 0 C c o _ Q d- a) 0 N CL U • . 0 C 0 - 0 m • co 2 o . O < 2 CV Z T E 0 E ' J C) - LL O L o_ L • Q • O 7 Q Q E . 0 0 • - o 0 000• co ao—co r r ' CO .. .. (6 i) U 1:12Q 2 � 3 —• CO ) Li= O s_ O p LL 2 .� E �+�TO To U � �' QO77 7 4' fn fn (� T 6. E C CL w w w 0 - 0 o 0. � a) 1 1 1 • • • • • • 2 ,_ , 1 , . N U) m X0.-00 a,...� L 0 CO CO CO CO L 1- N ,- CO 1- o CC N CO d' o O U N O CO N- IC) N N- Y Cl_ CC W CO CO 0 CC W 2 G2oc\ N- 0R CO \ \ SQoc nn a) / $2002 Ef I c \ $=ooQ J % w00& 2 \= CO 00@ 0 R » 0o@ CO CO 0 o Jmoo/ _ I LO 2moo\ƒ g> EJ 4 /m2@R E % \ =N- =\2 C _ N- ( / S '§ \ co w� {\2 / \ / / 12 a3 O m »% @ 5 = _ _ d \ =N- j2/ § \ -5) / C g » L a) f 0 •% .%Q w (D ƒ e »� /// o \ c \ \ / Z i -0 mom > " > a) ® -o -5 � / �o \{= / ) \ \\ •r k / gg j = f E% / = m = / momw= / / \ \ \ , / _ / \ g CO \ _ _ E 4 E ® �o �a � 0 \U) / / \ a - = ƒ _ = m2 E \ ca) c® � 0_� - z aca .1- a) % __ \ 7 E\ \ / \ � g« / 7 $ m0 -E \ %'Gf 2 .-c .-wrE 2 ± DI \ \ f \ E2 To ca CO ! // - \ \ 7 co 2 c (i) to' 2 LI \ cu as E e < Qc e� 2 � £ n � E Ef 2\ \g - / \ ' ) 2 % E - E /66i/ _/ \ 2 $ £ 2 ® aLLI = n a \ 2 (D § rI \/ \)§ E n = ® m = ° 3 22 & &20 c£ n = / o » [ _ ° » 3 3 2E- E < 0 m D 2 = o « EE< $ e . . = 7E EI ==I � Em e Eg EE C ) cZ )) 22) / E Df / = 923 �y \ — _ _ = x = 3 \ ± 5 . / ƒ _c \ ( it7 / \ / � C \ \ ƒ� \k \ 2go2 \ .? ,_ = (_) � 5a : < LuO F- N D 5 \ EI zw % 322 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 4 Katos Residence Remote Area 3 Date 3-9-16 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. S6 42.917 4.9 9.96 na 15.46 0.1 105 7.0 S7 42.25 4.9 10.7 na 16.03 0.1 46 7.0 S8 42.25 4.9 14.25 na 18.5 0.1 185 12.0 S9 42.25 4.9 28.11 na 25.98 0.1 185 12.0 201 43.25 11.53 na 202 43.25 16.17 na 203 43.25 32.06 na 204 43.25 63.53 na 205 43.25 68.61 na 206 32.75 82.52 na 207 32.75 91.47 na 208 32.75 114.34 na TOR 32.75 139.05 na BOR 23.0 162.4 na SRC2 15.5 172.39 na The maximum velocity is 37.48 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 203 and 204 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams - 2007 Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 5 Katos Residence Remote Area 3 Date 3-9-16 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf *MAIN LEVEL 4 REMOTE HEADS S6 42.917 4.90 15.46 1 2Rpel 5.2 10.833 150 9.959 to 0.0 5.200 -0.144 201 43.250 15.46 0.91 0.0 16.033 0.1069 1.714 Vel = 7.63 0.0 201 15.46 11.529 K Factor= 4.55 S7 42.250 4.90 16.03 1 Rptb 6.3 2.167 150 10.698 to Rpel 2.6 8.900 -0.433 201 43.250 16.03 0.91 0.0 11.067 0.1142 1.264 Vel = 7.91 0.0 201 16.03 11.529 K Factor= 4.72 S8 42.250 4.90 18.50 1 Rptb 6.3 6.833 150 14.254 to Rpel 2.6 8.900 -0.433 202 43.250 18.5 0.91 0.0 15.733 0.1490 2.344 Vel = 9.13 0.0 202 18.50 16.165 K Factor= 4.60 S9 42.250 4.90 25.98 1 Rptb 6.3 6.833 150 28.106 to Rpel 2.6 8.900 -0.433 203 43.250 25.98 0.91 0.0 15.733 0.2792 4.392 Vel = 12.82 0.0 203 25.98 32.065 K Factor= 4.59 *MAIN LEVEL MAINS 201 43.250 31.49 1 Rptb 6.3 5.333 150 11.529 to 0.0 6.300 0.0 202 43.250 31.49 0.91 0.0 11.633 0.3985 4.636 Vel = 15.53 202 43.250 18.50 1 Rptb 6.3 10.667 150 16.165 to 0.0 6.300 0.0 203 43.250 49.99 0.91 0.0 16.967 0.9371 15.900 Vel = 24.66 203 43.250 25.98 1 Rptb 6.3 6.583 150 32.065 to Rpel 2.6 8.900 0.0 204 43.250 75.97 0.91 0.0 15.483 2.0323 31.466 Vel = 37.48 204 43.250 0.0 1 0.0 2.500 150 63.531 to 0.0 0.0 0.0 205 43.250 75.97 0.91 0.0 2.500 2.0324 5.081 Vel = 37.48 0.0 205 75.97 68.612 K Factor= 9.17 *DROP TO LOWER LEVEL 205 43.250 75.97 1.25 Rpel 3.3 10.500 150 68.612 to 0.0 3.300 4.548 206 32.750 75.97 1.14 0.0 13.800 0.6783 9.360 Vel = 23.88 0.0 206 75.97 82.520 K Factor= 8.36 *MAIN LEVEL PIPING 206 32.750 75.97 1.25 Rptb 7.9 2.000 150 82.520 to Rpel 3.3 11.200 0.0 207 32.750 75.97 1.14 0.0 13.200 0.6783 8.953 Vel = 23.88 207 32.750 0.0 1.25 2Rptb 15.8 17.917 150 91.473 to 0.0 15.800 0.0 208 32.750 75.97 1.14 0.0 33.717 0.6783 22.869 Vel = 23.88 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams Meridian Intermountain Fire Page 6 Katos Residence Remote Area 3 Date 3-9-16 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf 208 32.750 0.0 1.25 2Rptb 15.8 17.333 150 114.342 to Rpel 3.3 19.100 0.0 TOR 32.750 75.97 1.14 0.0 36.433 0.6783 24.712 Vel = 23.88 TOR 32.750 0.0 1.25 E 4.533 9.750 150 139.054 to Zwb 0.0 4.533 19.523 * * Fixed Loss = 15.3 BOR 23 75.97 1.38 0.0 14.283 0.2675 3.820 Vel = 16.30 BOR 23 0.0 2 2E 8.131 80.000 150 162.397 to G 0.813 17.075 3.248 SRC2 15.500 75.97 1.82 T 8.131 97.075 0.0695 6.747 Vel = 9.37 0.0 SRC2 75.97 172.392 K Factor= 5.79 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087