HomeMy WebLinkAboutE17-0014.pdf Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road West
TOWNCe,....... D,„...
OF VAI! ' Vail,CO 81657
Electrical Permit Submittal Requirements Including Heat Tape Installation
Floor plan/Site plan showing proposed work _Occupancy Group listed on plans
_Load Calculations and one-line diagram when loads or circuits are being added _Building Type
NOTE:For Multi-Family and Commercial buildings—plans and calculations must be prepared by a Colorado Licensed Electrical Engineer
Project Street Address:
1.414 W IxL1- acr Vdt. dC.--1, Project#:
(Number) (Street) (Suite#) Building Permit#:
Building/Complex Name: ONE VAIL QLAGC Cdrtpo Electrical Permit#:
e 1 i _0019-.
Project Information:
Owner Name: <£D CT Ws Lot#: Block#_Subdivision:
Parcel# 2t01 — 0e2 -51.'011
(For Parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at(970)328-8640 or visit Define Scope and Location of Work:
www.eaglecounty.us/patie) n 11'' t
Contractor Information 1�evi.a .� 151-1 n ArAct I i?skk
Business Name: c..1.-Pg. At LIQ £L�GT�C +Lvi h, 0001 2X'2- Uk( 1 N UCH(lO ,s
Business Address: 2io15 MERID SI (A i) t 7 20AMp5 (A r cv1-s
City 1)61IV01 State: C O Zip: 002,U TUB - 1011\ 1►J NU-5
Contact Name: C L N2-V- 1 L L-
Contact Phone: 12° ' 4O3' t109)
Contact E-Mail: C. K(4 GAIL IFIL.. E 'fa,GLbuse additional sheet if necessary) �"'---
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the Includes Temporary Service: 0 Yes `'FdJ No
information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all 777
the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infor-
mation and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, Work Class:
and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision
codes,design review approved,International :uilding and Residential New Addition(Q Remodel Repair( (Q
Code nd o her ord anc� s ofthe�Toill..Ii -ble thereto. Other 0
X _ Type of Building: Single-Famil 0 Duplex 0
Owner/Owner's Representative Signature(Required)
Applicant Information Multi-Family O Commercial Restaurant Q
Applicant Name: ith iCC�n5
Provide BOTH square footage of area of work
Applicant Phone: 110 ' 331 i 41,15.-1S AND Valuation(Labor
rr&Materials) (p'
Applicant E-Mail: A'eA® otmt,vII,LA(oc 0-ht.S, tom Amount of SQ Ft.: b SII t '
Additional Authorized ProjectDox Users
1 �PPE Electrical$: 312n D 00
Full Name:
E-Mail: aWt-l4vim L (9 (,MAIL , C-01--
Date Received:
Full Name:
For Office Use Only:
Fee Paid: r tb 1 7 2017
Received From:
Cash Check#
CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# Auth # Town of Vail