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A15-0036_NUGGET DATA SHEETS_1431457320.pdf
2200 Ohm N C. ZONE N O l-� Z1 R1 Grey Jiwt'HOUSE EOL 1 T• NEG Ti Brown ni PHONES 2200 �1'' ZONE 1 EL ( iIf - EOLOhm ® N.C. 2 N.O. RING Red \� EOL I`�r2200�'' T ,O Z2 Cross Platform Control ',` Ohm® ZONE N O r� Z3 o TM TIP •�I TELCOLINE Y N.C. EOL 3 T 16 Zones expandable to 208 • 2200 NEG Ohm N C. ZONE N O l Control specifications subject to change without J3\Aux Data Bus EOL T Z4 notice. All circuits are power limited except for , o B ft Battery leads. 0 A for wireless receiver J4 2200 o C i.e.GE-Caddx i - Ohm N C. ZONE N O Z5 0 + NX408E,NX416E, O EOL 5 T or NX448E oo O 2200 0 NEG See Manual oo U Ohm N.C. ZONE N.O.1 Strip Wires to 1/4"Length Strip I vo M EOL 6 T ,0 Z6 — JP2 cs' Select PLC Mode 2200 ce 4-Wire Smoke Detector-Any Zone 8}1 WAY(PL513/PSC04) ' N.C. ZONE rNO Z7 N.O.Alarm Ohm N.O. ,}2 WAY(TW523/PSC05) EOL 7 T Contacts II — To Zone Input — d�,�,Y • NEG t ? To Zone NEG 2200Ohm "'C. ZONE N o 1 2200 Ohm_ ----- +SAUX Serial Port ft EOL 8 T Z8 EOL '� � NEG for Computer/ELKRP See Manual 2200U.L.Listed EOL Supervision Relay,ESL#204A PLC ft Ohm N.C. ZONE N O r� Z9 or equiv. Use 2,200 Ohm EOL resistor,part# Lighting PSCO5 ft EOL 4 9 T ELK-ER2200. Set JP1 to'Normal'. Interface Do Not or NEG Conn. Connect to Equivalent 2200 ZONE 2-Wire Smoke Detector-Zone 16 ONLY Ohm N'C' N.O.l a Phone EOL 10 T Z10 820 �' NEG J5 Lne! 2200 ZONE `� Z11 Ohm w011 ��I NOhm .C. EOL 11 N.O.T EOL �`� Z16 2200 �\ NEG J-16 Programmable Outputs 4R "c ZONE ± To configure Zone 16 as a 2-wire smoke zone, 1 o +12V See Note 1 Ohm 12 N.O. EOL T Z12 set Jumper JP1 to'2WIRE SMOKE'and use 820 • NEG &Note 2 Ohm EOL resistor,part#ELK-ER820 0 OUT 16 2200 N C ZONE N o r� Z13 Use Only Compatible Detectors O OUT 15 EOL 13 T o OUT 14 • NEG Control Compatibility Identifier:M10001 O OUT 13 2200 Ohm N c. ZONE N O l Refer to the Wiring&Hookup Diagram in the O OUT 12 EOL 14 T Z14 Installation Manual#L520 Rev.I 05/07 for the O OUT 11 2-Wire Smoke Detector Compatibility chart. O OUT 10 2200 O\ ZONE r� Z15 0 OUT 9 4R "� 15 Notes oOL0 OUT NOT• NEG 1.Refer to Appendix F located in the Installation O OUT 7 7 2200 ZONE Manual#L520 Rev.I 05/07 for the UL limitations Ohm "� on total continuous'standby'current drain from EOL 16 N.O.. .T Z16 terminals+SAUX,+VAUX,+VKP,and J16. ;O: OUT3 On LED ZONE 16 m 0 2WIRE o ial 0 N/C— Dry Contact Relay NORMALSMOKE 2.OUT 1 tt for speaker(s)ONLY(4 to 8 Ohms). rated 4A @ JP1, If connecting more than 2,use series/parallel 0 0 COM — 12-24VDC ,(:);X TELCO SEIZED wiring to avoid going below a 4 ohm total load. o O See Note 2 ;O: DIALER ACTIVE OUT 2 Connect ONLY 1 UL Listed Bell or 1. N/O— +SAUX — 0 +SAUX Siren(self-contained). Current limited to 1 Amp.+12VDC Switched Program Global Option 26 to Voltage.This N + Smoke Power NEG output supervised. Speaker(s)only permitted j Bell(Supervised) MD 1.1 Amp PTC protected — • for non-UL installations. Series/parallel wire to 0 See Note 2 '` — 0 +VAUX avoid dropping below a 4 ohm total load. OUT 3 NO/NC dry contact relay rated 4A. F + o See Note 1. • NEG OUT 7 through 16 are+12V switched positive D , Voice/Siren t t o +VAUX voltage outputs rated at 50mA max. O See Note 2 +12VDC Auxiliary 0 +VAUX 3.This terminal(formerly earth gnd)not used. Power(3) Do not connect any neg terminals to ground. Audio Network Interface ft 1.25 Amp PTC 0 NEG 4.If AC fails,control will shut down if battery O - I - B A + 1 protected drops below 10.2 Volts.To start the control with a O O O O•O O 0 J7 +VAUX good battery and no AC,short the silver pads UL Listed Transformer, 0 momentarily. Replace Battery every 3-5 years. o Test regularly with ELK-BLT Battery Life Tester. Class 2,16.5VAC,45VA Data Bus Terminating Resistor o. Do not connect to a — • NEG RED 1.25 Amp PTC switched outlet. +VKP _ J( t Not Evaluated by UL protected ELK-TRG1640� AC6.5 V ft Not for use in UL Listed Systems DATA A GREEN I Keypad �/ -0 AC TEST SYSTEM WEEKLY WHITE =E 0 0 gilt ;O; BATTER DATA B ..... Power ON Complies with FCC Part 68: BLACK ..O; +Y Reg.#US:5K6ALO3BELK-M1 REN:0.3B Data Bus Status I/ Use Standard Jack:USOC RJ-31X. NEG• See Note 1 ReverOse '~ // -\ Serial Number located below on base. 0—Not Used-See Note 3 Bat Leads SWI 12V Battery Complies with part 15 of FCC rules. J2 J1 • • NEG ❑Jumper to start with 7 to 18 Ah ELI( PRODUCTS,INC. Keypad& o o DATA B ❑no AC-See Note 4.\ HA008D HILDEBRAN,N.C.,28637,USA 05/07 Data Bus 0 0 DATA A Page 4M l G Installation and Programming Specifications, Features, and Benefits General: Automation&Integration • Large zone capacity: 16 on-board zones expandable to 208 • Create lifestyle enhancing comfort, convenience, and security • Wireless capability t Up to 48 zones • Powerful "Whenever/And/Then" RULES Programming allows • Two Way Listen-in interface t almost any imaginable operation. No need to chain rules • Flash Memory-Allows field updates to firmware electronically together. Any single"Whenever"event can have one or more • RS-232 serial port to interface PCs and peripheral devices ANDs and THENs (conditions and commands). • Time/Date stamped 512 event history log • Rules utilize easy to understand text based references • Menu driven, text keypad programming - no manual required! • Control lighting using RS-232 serial or 2-way Power Line • Voice announcement of alarms, zone descs, status, etc. Control(PLC)ports including On, Off, Dim,All On,All Off - 500+ Word/Phrase Vocabulary commands t - Link up to 6 words/phrases per announcement • Transmit and receive custom serial ASCII strings - 10 custom recordable words/phrases • Read Temperature Sensors - Communicate with Thermostats • 13 On-Board Outputs: 1 voice driver/siren, 1 siren driver/ • Turn on Tasks, Lights, Outputs via Keypad or Telephone voltage, 1 form"C" Relay, and 10 low current(50 mA)voltage Remote outputs • Sunset/Sunrise calculation and activation built-in • Supports 4 wire(any zone)and 2 wire (zone 16)smoke detectors Power Supply • Includes Fire alarm verification routine • Heavy duty- 2.5 Amp power supply • Can be partitioned into 8 areas and account numbers • Dynamic battery test • User Codes: 199 (4 or 6 digit)with assignable authority level • Master power switch and Low battery disconnect • Arm levels:Away,Stay,Stay Instant,Nite,Nite Instant,Vacation • PTC (fuseless) resettable overload protection • Plug-in terminal blocks make service and pre-wires a snap! • Multiple auxiliary power terminals • Hardware "watchdog" and nonvolatile EEPROM memory • Supervised phone line, alarm output, and aux. overcurrent Part Numbers and Accessories: ELK-M1GCB M1G Gold Board Only (No Teminals Blocks) Communications ELK-M1GOLD M1G Gold-Control in 14" metal can • True V.22 bis Modem for fast reliable upload/download ELK-M 1 GK M1G Gold Kit-No Metal Can,for use with • Optional M1XEP Ethernet Interface t for user operation, structured wiring systems alarm reporting, programming, and more ELK-M1SYS4 M1G Gold Kit- 14"metal can, Ctrl, Encl,Xfmr, • Built-in Phone Remote Control makes any phone a keypad KP,12V-8Ah,Spkr,RJset • Integrated Voice Dialer uses vocabulary or custom words ELK-M1 KP Keypad, LCD,16 character x 2 line • Communicator formats: SIA, Contact ID,4 +2, and Pager ELK-M1KP2 Small LCD Keypad, 16 character x 2 line t • Installer telephone (buttset) test feature (no internal temp sensor and 2 less "F" keys) • Elk-RP PC programming software with conflict resolution to ELK-M1 KPAS Keypad Arming Station t easily highlight differences between control and PC ELK-M1XIN 16 Zone (input)expander - Dial-up, ethernet, RS-232 port, or local house phone jack ELK-M1XOVR 16 Output expander, 8 Voltage/8 Relays - Automatic answering machine bypass ELK-M1XOV 16 Output expander,Voltage only ELK-M1 RB Relay board, 8 form "C"relays Keypad ELK-M1 DBH Data bus wiring hub"Passive" t • Backlit, Large Character LCD Display, 16 x 2 lines ELK-M1 DBHR Data bus wiring hub"Active"for Retrofit t • Built-in Temperature Sensor ELK-M1XEP Ethernet Port Exp/Interface t • Optional Plug-in Prox Access reader(26 bit Weigand format) ELK-M1XRF2G Wireless Receiver for GE Crystal Xmtrs t • Menu navigation keys and 6 programmable function keys ELK-M1XSP Lighting, Thermostat Interface&Serial exp. 1- • • Plug-in connector, only 4 wires to the control ELK-M1 PR Mini prox reader for keypad t • 1 Zone input and 1 Output Programmable per Keypad ELK-M1TWI Two Way Listen-in Int.w/3 mic inputs t • Programmable display of time, date, & temperature ELK-M1TWS Speaker&Mic for Two Way Listen-in t • Displays system diagnostics and settings. ELK-M1ZTS Zone Temperature Sensor-50 to 140 F t • Maximum Keypads allowed: 16 ELK-RP PC software - Free upon request with Control Panel purchase ELK-RM Remote "User" Management software NOTE: Use of Two Way Listen-in may be regulated by local or state laws and/or ordinance. It is the responsibility of the Installer to check before using this feature. Highlighted Features of the MIG (Gold) • Automation("Whenever/And/Then")Rules Capacity 528 • Serial(RS232)Port Supported 8 w/expanders • Phone Number Capacity 8 • Number of HVAC Thermostats t Supported 16 • Total Number of Outputs Supported 205 • Advanced Lighting t Options(Pre-set Dim,Extended,Levels,Scenes) Yes • Analog Zone Definitions Supported Yes t Not evaluated by UL tt Not for use in UL Listed Systems M1 G Installation and Programming Page 5 (Left Side Terminals) Wiring & Hookup Diagram 2200 NC ZONE 1 Z1 0 This unit provides Residential fire alarm service when installed according to ANSI/NFPA EOL 1 N.o.T NEG 72.Transmission of the fire alarm signal to a fire alarm headquarters or central station shall 2200 '� be permitted only with the approval of the authority having jurisdiction.The burglar alarm Ohm N.C. ZONE N.O. signal shall not be transmitted to a police emergency number,equipment is to be installed EOL S Z2 in accordance with NFPA(985,55.1.P). 2200 N.C. ZONE / Z3 Reference NFPA70(NEC)&Canadian Electrical Code. EOL 3 N.o. All circuits are current limited except for Battery leads. Refer to Appendix F. 2200 N c ZONE t NEG Ohm4 N.O. EOL Z4 For Installation of Residential Fire Warning Systems reference CAN/ULC-S540 Standard. S 2200 N.C. ZONE N.O/ Z5 0 Testing of this system should be performed regularly with the primary AC power de- 5 N.O. energized. Control panel specifications are subject to change without notice. EOL NEG 2200 N.C. ZONE N.O. Lithium 3V"Clock"battery,Varta#CR2032 located in upper left corner behind cover. 6 Z6 Battery has a life expectancy of approx. 10 years. Replace ONLY with exact model EOL available at most electronics and camera retailers. "CAUTION: Lithium Battery May 2200 N.C. ZONE Z7 Explode If Mistreated.Do Not Recharge,Disassemble,or Dispose Of In Fire." Ohm 7 N.O.I NOTE:M1ZTS Temperature Sensors may only be connected to the first 16 zones. EOL S NEG 2200 OhmN.C. ZONE N.O. p EOL 8 T ZO Red(2) Gray(8) Color Code for 2200 Red(2) Color Code for 820 Red(2) 2200= N.C. ZONE ND. Z9 0 Ohm EOL Resistor Red(2 x 0) Ohm EOL Resistor Brown(1 x 0) Ohm a 9 Part#ELK-ER2200 Gold Part#ELK-ER820 EOL (quality) Gold(quality) 0ONEG Ohm N.C. ZONE N.O./ EOL I Z1� 2200 N.C. ZONE "Di / Z 11 0 2-Wire Smoke Detector Compatibility 11 EOL NEG 0 Name Model Compatibility ID Max# Base 2200 N.C. INE N.O./ System Sensor 2W-B,2WT-B,1151,2100,2100T,2151 A 20 None EOL I !// Z12 Sentrol(GE)t t 429AT,521 BXT,521 B SO9A 20 None i 2200 Ohm N.C. ZONE N.O./ Z 1 3 0 EOL S NEG O 00 mN.0 ZONE ".°.// To configure Zone 16 as a 2-wire smoke zone,set Jumper JP1 to"2 WIRE SMOKE"and use 820 EOL 14I Z14 0 Ohm EOL resistor,part#ELK-ER820. 2200N.C. ZONE Z15 Compatibility Identifier:M10001 2-Wire Smoke Detector Ohm 15 N.O. Maximum Operating Voltage:13.8 VDC EOL Max.wire resistance should not exceed 13 Ohms. 820 r�7,' NEG 2200 N.C. ZONE N 0/ NEG Z 16 Use 18AWG Fire approved wire. Max.wire length=1000 feet. Ohm- a 16 f Do not mix different models on same circuit as proper operation EOL Z16 EOL may be impaired. ZONE 16 2WIRE NORMAL m 0 SMOKE 4-Wire ' 9P1 Smoke Detector covers should be kept free N.O.Alarm Smoke Detector y'< TELCO SEIZED from dust and dirt by use of a dry or damp Contacts (water)cloth as needed. When necessary, 0P' >To Zone Input :�: DIALER ACTIVE clean the detector interior and/or replace 1 k To Zone NEG Switched+12 VDC Output 2200 +SAUX , the optical chamber according to = -L + protected by 1.1A PTC. instructions provided by the Smoke Ohm = i A j NEG Detector Manufacturer. EOL T \._, U.L.Listed EOL Supervision Relay — +VAUX 0 (ESL#204 or Equivalent). NEG M1G"Board only"non-alarm Auxiliary+12VDC Power Outputs protected by 1.25A +VAUX 0 current draw=140mA (.14 Amp) PTC NOTE:Refer to Appendix F for the UL limitations on total continuous 'standby' current drain from NEG terminals+SAUX,+VAUX,+VKP,and J16. +VAUX 16.5VAC,45VA UL Listed Class 2 Transformer-ELK-TRG1640 NEG DO NOT CONNECT TO A SWITCHED OUTLET of it For Canada use cUL Listed Transformer-ATC Frost#FPS-4016 WA AC 0 \. 18AWG Min. 16.5 V LEDS Normal AC Indicators State Descriptions TELCO Phone line is good and house phones are connected. If ON constantly,the phone POWER SEIZED OFF line may be bad. During remote mode this LED will be ON since the house phones IV are then disconnected from the outside line&are being powered from control. STATUS DIALER OFF Dialer/Modem is idle. If ON,Dialer/Modem is in use(communicating). ��, ACTIVE REVERSE Power ON AC Voltage is present and power switch is turned ON. If OFF,check AC power. BAT LEADS 1 blink with equal On and Off times is Normal. 2 fast blinks=Control running on SW 1 Status Regular 1 bootloader only. 4 fast blinks=Control is re-initializing it's EEPROM memory after L JUMPER TO START BATTER sec.Blink a firmware flash. 5 fast blinks=Memory/Operation overflow TIW ITH NO AC Battery OFF Battery is connected correctly. If ON,check battery lead connections. Reversed / Sealed Lead Acid 12V Battery Control requires AC power to start. However,for testing purposes it can 8 to 18Ah be started from battery ONLY by momentarily shorting these two pads. Test battery regularly with ELK-BLT Battery Life Tester. Master Power Switch(SW1),disconnects AC and Battery power from control Replace every 3-5 years Page 6 M1G Installation and Programming RJ31XJACK(ELK-RJSET) Demarksplices (Right Side Terminals) 0 I I R1 -Grey—, - Black /�aHOUSE Compiles with FCC Part 68 T1 -Brown O 0 0 R Yellow I PHONES Reg.Number:US:5K6ALO3BELK-M1 Ti. . TELCO Ringer Equivalence REN:0.3B 0 1 RING -Redd O O 0 © Green •0 LINE Use USOC RJ-31X connector. T1 T Ring Complies with the limits for class B computer 1 TIP -Green) Red • devices in accordance with the specifications of J3 J4 Aux Data Bus(J3)tt Use 26AWG telco wire subpart J of part 15 of FCC rules. o B For wireless receiver. Presently O A 0 works with ITI/Caddx NX408E, i 1 1 O - NEG NX416E,or NX448E. See PC Personal Computer a•• Pin 2<to>2 o ++i2v o Programming Menu 14. • � (Windows Based) • I •• Pin3<to>3 PLC �0 - � j III — �J Pin s<to>5 JP2 Mode M \Serial Port(J4)tt Pinout for Serial Port Cable (9 pin male to 9 pin female) B1-1 WAY u) for Computer/ELKRP Maximum recommended length=50 ft. ❑ }2 WAY 0J IY (This connection not JP2 evaluated by UL) End Select PLC Mode(JP2) / \ \ view 8}1 WAY(PL513/PSC04) Selects single or bi-directional ❑}2 WAY(TW523/PSC05) Yellow Yellow - -_ PLC TransmissionsGreen Green - Lighting tt _,— lack Black _ _- Interface or Lighting Interface Conn. J5 Interface Conn. - g s ( )tt equiv. I'IF Use Std.4 conductor modular telephone Close up view of std.4 conductor modular phone cord. When ii u cable to connect to a powerline Interface viewed as shown(back to back),the pin to pin color coding J5 (PSC05,X-10 PLC or equiv.). does not reverse. Cord for PLC must be similar to above. Do not connect to a live phone line! (This connection not evaluated by UL) Relay Expansion Module(ELK-M1RB) Optional module adds 8 general purpose J16 0 +12V(+VAUX) +VAUX +12V Redrelays.Plugs into J16 connector. O NEG NEG NEG Black *See Auxiliary Current ratings 0 16 OUT 16 White— < O 15 OUT 15 Green O 14 H OUT 14 Brown Programmable Outputs(J16) 0 13 D OUT 13 Blue OUT 7-16 are+12V switched ------- 0 12 0_ OUT 12 Orange O 11 I- OUT11 Yellow positive general purpose 0 O 10 OUT 10 Violet outputs rated at 50mA. -----\_/— o O 9 Q OUT 9 Grey a 0 8 OUT 8 Pink O 7 OUT 7 —Tanoo o ,•_OUT3 LED - M Z N/C M Out 3-Programmable General Purpose Relay 1 0 O COM Rated at 4Amps @ 12-24VDC 0 Q p z N/O (Dry Contacts) ty Out 2-Connect ONLY 1 UL Listed Bell or Siren(self-contained). For residential Fire the indicating 0 I– + -+ device shall be Wheelock 34T-12 or equiv. Current limited to 1 Amp. Program Global Option 26 to Voltage. 0 0 'Bell(Supervised) Speaker(s)are only permitted for non-UL installations and they must be series/parallel wired to avoid dropping below a 4 ohm total load. o Out 2 is supervised. If not used,install a resistor I- + + o Out 1-voice/siren tt (2.2k Ohm) to avoid Output 2 trouble condition. Q Voice/Siren tr o Speaker output only(Interior) ELK-SP35 or equiv. Jumper 00000000 J7 < Audio Network Connection(J7) tt Terminate For Two-Way Listen-in and Future Use! AUDIO NETWORK INTERFACE ELK-M1 KP ELK-M1 KP these two ELK-M 1 XIN RS-485 Data Bus Max.length is 4000 ft. Max. (I Keypad I I (-I Keypad 2 I1 devices. RS-485 DATA BUS D ❑o devices vary by control. +VKP protected with 1.25A PTC o 0 0 0 o 0 = 4(4 0 +VKP -RED ,0000,I 00000000 00000000 0000—,q...... 0 DATA A -GREE 1 .14110♦ )4 ELK-M1 KP ELK-M1XOV �DO NOT Jumper 7 iI Keypad 3 I 0DATA B -WHITE ❑ o o= LTerminate these devices. o O NEG -BLACK 00000000 0 `Q.... 000�-,o o000000e0000000000000000 `Q o 0 0 0 Not Us d DATA BUS TERMINATION IS VERY IMPORTANT!! J2 J1 Diagram shows 2 basic(4-wire)home run cables with daisy chained devices on each.Last device on each cable 0 0 DAG ' MUST have a TerminatingJumper installed. Jumpers are marked JP2 on keypads,JP1 on Expanders. Control O o DATA B p p yp p O o DATA A Hardware pack has two black jumpers for this purpose. Jumpers engage a 120 Ohm resistor across data A&B O 0 +12V lines. NOTE:If there is only 1 data bus cable,install JP3 Jumper on the Control. DATA BUS WARNING! The RS485 Data Bus must NEVER have more that two(2)terminating jumpers installed. NOTE:If you want to home run more than 2 cables,run 6 or 8 conductor cable so that the data lines A&B can have El 1 JP3 a return path to series connect back out to the next device. This is best done with a ELK-M1 DBH Data Bus Hub rwhich accepts Cat5 or Cat6 cable with RJ45 plugs. For more information see diagram in keypad instructions. Terminating Jumper(JP3): See This terminal(formerly earth ground)is no longer used. Do not connect this or any neg.terminals to earth ground. important information about Data Temporary Connection"Plug-in"jacks for RS-485 Data Bus(J1&J2) Bus Termination. Local connection for Data Bus Devices ie:Keypads,etc.for testing purposes only. t Not evaluated by UL tt Not for use in UL Listed Systems M1 G Installation and Programming Page 7 2.5 Keypad Overview Ready Light-ON when all burglar zones are secure and the system is OK to arm. If OFF, one or more zones are violated (not secure). For maximum security, secure all zones before arming the system. If FLASHING, one or more force-armable zones are violated. Force arming temporarily excludes violated zone(s)from the system. If a force armed zone becomes secure while system is armed, it will automatically restore to service. This is handy for a garage door as system may be armed with the door up, but will secure when door closes. Armed Light-ON when the system is armed. The mode of arm will be indicated by the LCD display and the Exit or Stay lighted pushbuttons. This light will be OFF when the system is disarmed. Exit Key-May be programmed for single or double press arming to the AWAY(not occupied) mode. If ON the system is armed and all perimeter sensors and interior motions are active. The Away key may be pressed during the exit delay time t to convert from Away to Away Vacation mode. Vacation mode is primarily for use with the Whenever/And/Then Rules programming of Elk-RP for long term energy savings. Stay Key-May be programmed for single or double press arming to the STAY(occupied) mode. If ON the system is armed and all interior zones are excluded (bypassed). Only perimeter doors and windows are active in the Stay mode. This key may also be programmed to change to other Stay modes such as: Stay Instant, Stay Night, and Stay Night Instant. Since interior zones are automatically excluded once the Stay mode is activated, the M1 allows this key to Stay arm even while one or more interior zones are violated, provided they are pro- grammed for"force arming". The Stay Night mode re-activates any interior night zones. To prevent a false alarm the control will not allow change to the Stay Night mode when a interior night zone is violated unless it is programmed for"Force arm". Available Keypads Styles r f REPD'•r' TI] PPM 1 1�i2..1t k1 1:1 READY TO ARM 0 . • 05'18/05 =:15H1'l GM® am® r5 1 1 2.., 3... .. f—..... ..� ELKcap - __ l �1 m CLO+ ' c co CID 7..., a,.• �, s � � J �e o1 Fl F2 F3 F4 "n n R N 4. ELK-M 1 KPAS Arming Station ELK-M1KP2 LCD Keypad Fits a single gang electrical box. Smaller than M1 KP. Features and/or operational characteristics will vary by keypad style. ELK-M1 KP LCD Keypad Keypad Models and Feature Comparison PART PHYSICAL DOOR ZONE PROG. OPT.26 BIT TEMP FUNCTION BACKLIGHTING MOUNTING NUMBER DIMENSIONS COVER INPUT OUTPUT PROX READER SENSOR KEYS LCD KEYS OPTIONS ELKMIKP 6.87"W x 5.25"H x 1.32"D Yes Yes(1) Yes(1) Yes-Int.or Ext. Yes (6)F1 thru F6 Green Amber Surface Only ELKM1 KP2 4.65"W x 5.5"H x.95"D No Yes(1) Yes(1) Yes-Ext.Only No (4)F1 thru F4 Blue Blue Surface Std. (Flush w/opt.BBK2) ELKMIKPAS 1.3"W x 2.62"H x.3"D No No No No No (6)F then 1-6 N/A Blue Flush Std. (keypad area not incl.elect.plate) Chime Key-Will be lighted when the Chime mose is On. A tone or announcement will be heard when certain zone(s)are opened. If OFF the chime mode is off. There are four different selections:Tone only, Voice,Tone/Voice, and Off. In the programming mode this key also functions as an insert character key for text programming. The key will be lighted when Chime is On. Bypass Key- Pressing this key followed by a zone number and the bypass key again will exclude or bypass the selected zone. This key may also be used to delete a character during text programming. When the Bypass key is lit, one or more zones are bypassed. * Key- Serves as a clear or reset key. If an error is made while entering digits, press this key to clear the error. Master clear is 3 presses. # Key-This key is currently a duplicate of the Bypass key. Numerical Keys - Used for entry of passcodes, programming, etc. Keys 2 - 9 also have an assigned alpha character for entering text. ELK and Arrow Keys - The ELK and arrow keys have powerful functionality for both normal operation and programming. Pressing the ELK key displays relative information according to each application. The arrow keys allow scrolling through all available options. The user can activate or select the displayed option by pressing the right arrow key. Once an option has been selected, the user may be prompted for a passcode. Additional sub-menu options may appear to assist. The user may return to the status screen by pressing the * key. M1 G Installation and Programming Page 15 Appendix F - Regulatory Agency Statements FCC: This control complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules.On the front nameplate of the main control board is a label that contains,among other information,the FCC certification number and ringer equivalence number(REN)for this equipment. If requested,this information must be provided to the telephone company.This equipment uses an RJ31X jack to connect to the telephone network. The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices that may be connected to the telephone line.Excessive REN's on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call.Typically,the sum of REN's should not exceed five (5.0).To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line(as determined by the total RENS)contact the local telephone company. If this equipment should happen to cause harm to the telephone network,the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required.But if advance notice isn't practical,the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible.Also,you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities,equipment,operations,or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens,the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make the necessary modifications in order to maintain uninterrupted service. If trouble is experienced with this equipment,please contact the manufacturer for repair and warranty information. Elk Products,Inc. 3266 Hwy 70 W.Hildebran,NC 28637 828-397-4200 If the trouble is causing harm to the telephone network,the telephone company may request you remove the equipment from the network until the problem is resolved. There are no user serviceable components in this product. All necessary repairs must be made by the manufacturer.Other repair methods may invalidate the FCC registration on this product.This equipment cannot be used on telephone company-provided coin service.Connection to Party Line Service is subject to state tariffs. This equipment is hearing-aid compatible. This control complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation.The FCC requires the following statement for your information: This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly,that is,in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause Interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested.However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: * If using an indoor antenna,have a quality outdoor antenna installed. * Reorient the receiving antenna until interference is induced or eliminated. * Move the receiver away from the security control. * Move the antenna leads away from any wire runs to the security control * Have the security control plugged into a different outlet so that it and the receiver are on different branch circuits. If necessary,the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions.The user or installer may find a booklet titled "Interference Handbook"prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful:This booklet is available from the U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington,DC 20402. The user shall not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless authorized by the Installation Instructions or Users Manual. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Canada IC:[4353A-M1GCB REN 0.3B] This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications. The REN"Ringer Equivalence Number"is an indication of the maximum number of devices allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the RENs of all the devices does not exceed five. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES(UL)INFORMATION/REQUIREMENTS The M1 has been evaluated to the following Standards: UL Standard 985, Household Fire Warning System Units UL Standard 1023, Household Burglar-Alarm System Units UL Standard 1635,Digital Alarm Communicator System Units, UL Standard 1637,Home Health Care Signaling Equipment ULC C1023-74,Canadian Standard for Household Burglar Alarm System Units, ULC S545-02,Canadian Standard for Residential Fire Warning System Control Units. UL Standard 1610, Central-Station Burglar-Alarm Units UL Standard 365, Police Station Connected Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL Standard 609, Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems ULC S303, Canadian Standard for Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems ULC S304,Canadian Standard for Central and Monitoring Station Burglar Alarm Units CSA C22.2 No.205-M1983—Canadian Standard for Signal Equipment MINIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS FOR UL INSTALLATIONS Household Burglary(UL 1023),Household Fire(UL 985),Digital Alarm Communicator(UL 1635)Listed Installations * At least one compatible keypad is needed for all applications. * At least one bell fixture is required for all applications. * Household Burg requires 4 hours of standby power. Limit combined continuous current draw from terminals +SAUX, +VAUX, +VKP, and connector J16 to 1 Amp max.and use one(1)8 Ah battery. * Household Fire/Home Health Care requires 24 hours of standby power. Limit combined continuous current draw from terminals+SAUX, +VAUX, +VKP,and connector J16 to 500 mA and use two(2)8 Ah batteries in parallel. * Force Arming and Auto Arming shall not be enabled * For Household Fire Listed Installations the indicating devices shall be a Wheelock 34T-12 or equivalent. * Initiating and indicating devices must be rated at 11.5 to 12.4 VDC. * For Household applications the minimum alarm cutoff time for the audible devices shall be 5 minutes. * Zone Swinger Shutdown shall not be enabled. * Remote Downloading shall not be used on UL Listed systems. * Communicator Dial Delay time shall be set to"0". * For Household Burg Listed Installations the maximum entry delay time shall be 45 seconds and the max.exit delay time shall be 60 seconds. * 24-hour communicator test transmission is required. * The silent keypad option shall not be enabled. Page 66 M 1 G Installation and Programming Appendix F - Regulatory Agency Statements (cont) Home Health Care(UL 1637)Listed Installations Requirements described under UL985 plus: • A minimum of two (2) keypads are required with one keypad powered from "+VKP" and one keypad powered from "+VAUX". Commercial-Central Station(UL 1610),Police Station Connected(UL 365),Local Burglar Alarm(UL 609)Listed Installations Requirements described under UL1023 plus: • The Alarm Cutoff timer must be set to 00900 sec. (15 min.)or greater. • UL Commercial Burg requires 4 hours of standby power. Limit combined continuous current draw from terminals +SAUX, +VAUX, +VKP, and connector J16 to 450 mA max. and use one(1)8 Ah battery. • An acceptable Commercial enclosure must be used (see Listed Enclosures below) • A UL Listed Tamper Switch(s)must be installed on the enclosure and connected to a 24 hour Burg Tamper defined Zone. • All Keypads need to be installed within the protected area (they have no tamper) • DO NOT USE an A B Attack Cabinet for the external sounder • A Whenever/And/Then rule should be written (using EIkRP software)to enable the Output 2 Siren to'chirp' upon closing ringback. UL Canada Listed Installations(ULC S304 and ULC S303) Requirements described under UL1023, 1610 plus: • Entry Delay must be set to 60 seconds or less. • Exit Delay must be set to 120 seconds or less. • The Alarm Cutoff timer must be set to 00900 sec. (15 min.)or greater. • UL Canada Commercial Burg requires 24 hours of standby power. Limit combined continuous current draw from terminals +SAUX, +VAUX, +VKP, and connector J16 is 450 mA max. and use two(2)8 Ah batteries in parallel. • Zone Expanders must be in an acceptable Commercial enclosure (see Listed Enclosures below) LISTED ENCLOSURES: For Household Burglar or Household Fire Listed Installations one of the following enclosures must be used: • ELK 14"Enclosure model ELK-SWB14 or ELK-UB14 • ELK 28"Enclosure model ELK-SWB28 • OnQ Legrand 14"Enclosure models 363474-01or 363474-11 utilizing the Universal Mounting plate part no. 364453. Not LISTED FOR CANADA • OnQ Legrand 28" Enclosure models 363475-01, 363475-11, 364591-01, 364591-02 or364591-11 utilizing the Universal Mounting plate part no. 364453. Not LISTED FOR CANADA • OnQ Legrand 42" Enclosure models 363476-01,363476-11,364592-01, 364592-02, or 364592-11 utilizing the Universal Mounting plate part no. 364453. Not LISTED FOR CANADA For Commercial Listed Installations one of the following enclosures must be used: • ELK-TB14 Tamper Resistant Enclosure • GE"Caddx"NX003-C with an ELK-61205684 Mounting Adapter Plate(See diagrams below) - --eft 1 a } r-_ • • 'y • r- • GE"Caddx" NX003-C Enclosure GE"Caddx" NX003-C Enclosure with M1 Control GE"Caddx" NX003-C Enclosure shown with ELK-61205684 Adapter Plate Mounted on ELK-61205684 Adapter Plate with M1 Control and M1XIN Zone Expander M1 G Installation and Programming Page 67 Appendix F - Regulatory Agency Statements (cont) • r • • ELK-MI • ELK-MI r I1 • • 1 • 1 1: :I • • •, • ® • • ® •; ELK, -: n • ELK t,, • NOTE:A recent revision to UL985 requires that a minimum 1/4"separation be provided and ' •• ' • maintained between power-limited conductors and non-power-limited conductors. • ••• Because the Battery conductor leads are non-power-limited, we recommend they be •• ' ': routed in the shortest and most direct path from the Control to the Battery itself, regardless • •• • of the enclosure type of brand. For 28"or larger enclosures, a battery shelf(e.g. ELK- • ••• ' • SWS) may be necessary. Under no circumstances should any "power-limited" conductors •• •• •• 1: : I i : :1 be routed within 1/4" of the non-power-limited battery leads. The best procedure is to ; • • ; avoid the shaded"KEEP OUT"area entirely,as depicted in these diagrams. • •• • •• • •' . •• 0 • t Not evaluated by UL Page 68 M l G Installation and Programming Appendix G - Additional ELK-M1 KP Keypad Information OPTIONAL PROX CARD READER t Prox cards/fobs are enrolled into a User Code location using the same procedures used to add/change User Code PINs. 1. Press the ELK key, then press the 6 key (or scroll up)to display 6 - Change User Codes. Press the RIGHT arrow key to select this menu. A Master user code (PIN) must be entered to gain access to this menu. 2. Enter the three digit number of the desired User Code location (001 to 099) or use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the codes. Then select CHG by pressing the RIGHT arrow key. 3. The keypad will display any existing 4 or 6 digit code that is programmed for this user along with any programmed name. 4. Place a new (not previously enrolled) prox card/fob near the Keypad's right speaker grill below the Stay key. The read range is approximately 1/8"to 3/8". The Keypad should beep 3 times and display the card/fob 12 digit ID. 5. If the card/fob is rejected, a low error tone and Code Not Authorized, Redo will display. Causes for reject include:A. The card/fob has already been enrolled (duplicate codes are not allowed) OR B. The facility code in the card/fob does not match the reader facility code. A prox reader can only read cards/fobs with a matching facility code. 6. Once a prox card/fob is enrolled in a user code location, its capabilities are set by the User Code Options found in Installer Menu 02. The commonly used options are: Arm the Control, Disarm the Control, or Access event. A keypad access event occurs when a valid prox card/fob is read at a keypad. Nothing will happen until this event is utilized in a Whenever/And/Then Rule from the Elk-RP software. An Access event can be used to create virtually any desired reaction. i.e., turn on an output, a light, close/open a relay, etc. The following rule example turns on Output 003 for 10 seconds when a valid prox card/fob (with Access Option enabled) is read at Keypad 01. This could be used to break power to a door strike. WHENEVER Keypad 01 Access is Activated THEN Turn On Output 003 for 10 seconds. M1 KP KEYPAD ON-BOARD TEMPERATURE SENSOR t The ELK-M1KP Keypad has an on-board temperature sensor. (NOTE: The ELK-M1KP2& M1KPAS devices DO NOT HAVE an on-board temp sensor.) The temperature may be displayed and/or used with the Elk-RP Whenever/And/Then Rules to cause an action or control something. i.e., a fan, pump, light, etc. Using a Keypad temperature reading in an ELK-RP Whenever/And/Then Rule to create an action or output The following rule example will turn on Output 3 for 10 minutes when the Keypad temperature reading exceeds 90 degrees. 1. Start RP and open an account. Click the Automation tab and the Rules tab followed by New. 2. Click Trigger, then point to Time Occurrence, then Every X Seconds, and then click to select. ** 3. In the block beside the words Fixed Value, type in 30 and click OK. 4. Click And, follwed by Temperature which is located near the bottom of the drop down list. 5. Highlight the Keypad temperature sensor (by name), click the Greater than button, and change the temperature selection number to 90. Make sure the button beside F is selected, and click OK. 6. Click Then, followed by Turn Output On/Off. Highlight Output 3 (use the scroll down arrow), make sure the button beside Turn on is selected, then select the box labeled For. Highlight the hrs:mins:secs window and enter 00:10:00 (10 min- utes). Click OK. Double check everything and click Done. 1 WHENEVER EVERY 30 SECDNDS Q AND Front Entry(KP 1]ACTUAL TEMPERATURE IS GREATER THAN 90 DEG.F.[32 DEG.C.] THEN TURN Output 003[Out 3]DN FDR 10 MINS Send to I est I Copy Paste I Delete I Edit... New... �Contro) ** Numerous WHENEVERS may be used fora temperature rule,i.e.,time occurence,arming of the system,etc.but NOT a direct temperature change or reading. However,you can use a AND command to compare or"test"a temperature reading against a target value each time the trigger occurs. The target compare options are"Equal to,Not equal to,Less than,and Greater than". The"Equal to"is not recommended as a compare opton because it may be impossible for a temperature reading to be exactly at the target value when the trigger occurs. MIKP Temp Sensor Calibration - It may be necessary to re-calibrate the temp sensor for certain locations. 1. Press and hold the " * " key, followed by the F5 key** . HOLD BOTH keys pressed for 5-10 secs or until the LCD displays Exit when done. F1 Set Addr. (This is Keypad setup mode) **Alternate Method: Hold any key pressed while applying power to the keypad. 2. Press the F2 key and the LCD will display: Temperature Degrees F=XX.X (This is the current temperature) 3. Use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to adjust the temp display until it approximates the desired setting. Each press changes the setting by approximately 3 tenths of a degree (00.3) 4. Press the Exit key twice do return back to the regular operation mode. t Not evaluated by UL M1 G Installation and Programming Page 69 Telephone ; Modem Connection for Programming Caddx Wireless-up Line to 48 Zones Local/Remote Telephone (NX408E, NX416E, Aux Data Control NX448E) Bus (J3) W035A Wiring Harness RS-232 Input Zones> Serial : Direct Connection for 1-16Programming • Connection : Network Connection for (Expandable to 208 Programming using M1XIN Input Expansion Modules) M1XEP Ethernet Interface • : Remote Control using Powerline(X-10) M1 Virtual Keypad Interface (J5) X-10 Pro,APC, PSCO5 or equivalent ELK-M1 Leviton,Smarthome, Cross Platform Control Compose,etc. 10) 1250mA M1 RB-Converts Voltage Outputs Outputs (J16) . > into SPDT Relay Outputs +12VDC Switched (Optional) Smoke Power Output(1) 1A PTC Output 2-Siren or M1TWM Two Way Listen-in \ Protected Voltage Output /1 Microphone Only (Outdoor Siren) , ELK- SP30 or equivalent Outputs — ®e 7,8,&9 M1 TWI Two Way Each zone may +12 VDC Auxiliary Output 1-Voice Listen-In Interface have up to (3) speaker/ Power Outputs Output r , (3 separate zones) microphones 1.25A PTC (Indoor Speaker) • ELK-73 or Protected equivalent o c\ — Audio Network ^ M1TWS Two Way Interface (J7) Speaker/Microphone 16.5 V I M1DBH Data I ,,,,A*..,_ AC I Bus Hub I W.i0 Applications ---_-_ RS-485 I I requiring more than I ELK-TRG1640 Transformer Data Bus I I/ 2 home runs) I (I M1KP H _/ M1XSP Serial Expander M1XIN 16 M1XOV or or Lighting/Thermostat � -0000 Zone Input M1XOVR Interface Test battery regularly with (up to 16) Output u to 7) Battery Life Tester. �2v 8Ah Expander Expander ( p Replace every 3-5 yearsBattery (Max 12) W035A Wiring (Max 12) Harness M1PR Internal Proximity To Serial Device 26 Bit Weigand Reader M1 RB-Converts Voltage Outputs (Thermostat, External Proximity into SPDT Relay Outputs Lighting Controller, Reader or Keypad (Optional) Computer, Etc.) SYSTEM �$ SENSOR Smoke Detectors with Sounder and Relay Option 7 System Sensor ir sounder and relay smoke detectors apply the guiding principles of installation ease, 3 intelligence,and instant inspection in a series of TM specialty conventional devices. Features Installation ease.Throughout the i3 series,installation is simple •85 dB sounder with its installer-friendly base and plug-in design.The base accommodates a broad range of back box and direct mounting •Form C relay options and provides ample space for pre-wiring the device.To Isolated thermal sensor complete the installation,the i3 detector plugs into its base with a • simple Stop-Drop'N Lock action. •Plug-in design(base included) Intelligence.To reduce the likelihood of nuisance alarms,all •In-line terminals i3 detectors are equipped with both drift compensation and •Flexible mounting options smoothing algorithms.These capabilities minimize both short-and •Stop-Drop'N Lock"attachment to the base long-term causes of nuisance alarms,such as RF interference and dust accumulation.When connected to the 2W-MOD2 loop test/ •Removable cover and chamber maintenance module or an i3 Ready' panel,2-wire i3 detectors can generate a remote maintenance signal when in a maintenance or •Remote maintenance signaling freeze trouble condition.To measure the sensitivity of any i3 detector, •Drift compensation and smoothing algorithms the SENS-RDR displays the reading,in terms of percent-per-foot •Simplified sensitivity measurement obscuration,within seconds. •Dual-color LEDs Instant inspection.i3 has red and green LEDs to simplify local status indication during power-up,standby,alarm,maintenance, and freeze trouble conditions.When in alarm,i3 sounder models generate an 85 dB temporal tone.If connected to the RRS-MOD reversing relay/synchronization module,all i3 sounders on the loop will activate when one detector is in alarm.The RRS-MOD also synchronizes i3 sounder output to ensure a clear audible signal. Agency Listings Should the application call for differentiating between a local and a general alarm,the i3 line offers an isolated thermal model,which (13 ® sO MEA MSFMETA initiates a local alarm when smoke is detected,and a general alarm LISTED APPROVED approved approved cC r. us when the thermal sensor is activated. i�11 3015195 7272-1653:164 372-02-E 2133 3180932 �j�Smoke Detector Specifications Electrical Specifications LED Modes Operating Voltage Nominal:12/24V non-polarized LED Mode Green LED Red LED Condition Duration 2-wire:8.5 V to 35 V Power up Blink every Blink every 10 Initial LED 80 seconds 4-wire:10 V to 35 V 10 seconds seconds status Maximum Ripple Voltage 30%of applied voltage(peak to peak) indication Standby Current 2-wire:50 pA maximum average Normal Blink every 5 off 4-wire:50 pA maximum average (standby) seconds Peak Standby Current 2-wire:100 pA Out of off Blink every 5 4-wire:n/a sensitivity seconds Maximum Alarm Current 2-wire:2WTR-B:130 mA limited by control Freeze off Blink every 10 panel trouble seconds 2WTA-B:130 mA** Alarm off Solid 4-wire:4VVTAB,4WTR 6:35 mA Power-Up Sequence for LED Indication 4WTAR-B,4WITAR-B:50 mA **Direct Power(Non-Reverse Polarity):130 Condition Duration mA limited by panel.Reverse Polarity Power: Initial LED 80 seconds 30 mA for the 2WTA-B in alarm;12 mA for all status other 2WTA-B units on the loop.Add 25 mA indication for the RRS-MOD reversing relay alarm current. Architect/Engineer Specifications Alarm Contact Ratings 2-wire:n/a Smoke detector shall be a System Sensor i3 Series model number , 4-wire:0.5 A @ 30 V AC/DC listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 268 for Fire Protection Signaling Form C Contact Ratings 2 A @ 30 V AC/DC Systems.The detector shall be a combination photoelectric/thermal Physical Specifications equipped with a sounder(model 2WTA-B,4WTA-B),a Form C relay(model 2VVTR-B),a combination sounder/relay(model 4WTAR-B),or an isolated Operating Temperature 32°F to 100°F(0°C to 37.8°C) thermal/sounder/relay(model 4WITAR-B).The detector shall include a Range mounting base for mounting to 31/2-inch and 4-inch octagonal,single-gang, Operating Humidity 0 to 95%RH non-condensing and 4-inch square back boxes with a plaster ring,or direct mount to the Range ceiling using drywall anchors.Wiring connections shall be made by means Thermal Sensor 135°F(57.2°C)fixed of SEMS screws.The detector shall allow pre-wiring of the base and the Freeze Trouble 41°F(5°C) head shall be a plug-in type.The detector shall have a nominal sensitivity Sensitivity 2.5%/ft.nominal of 2.5 percent per foot as measured in the UL smoke box.The detector shall be capable of automatically adjusting its sensitivity by means of drift Input Terminals 14-22 AWG compensation and smoothing algorithms.The detector shall provide dual- Dimensions(including 5.3 inches(134 mm)diameter,2.0 inches color LED indication that blinks to indicate power-up,normal standby,out of base) (51 mm)height sensitivity,alarm,and freeze trouble conditions.When used in conjunction Approximate Weight 7.1 oz(200 g) with the 2W-MOD2 module,2-wire models shall include a maintenance Sound Pressure Output 85 dBA(models 2WTA-B,4WTA-B,4WTAR-B, signal to indicate the need for maintenance at the alarm control panel and and 4WITAR-B only) shall provide a loop testing capability to verify the circuit without testing each Mounting 311/z inch octagonal back box,4-inch octagonal detector individually.When used in conjunction with the RRS-MOD module, back box,single gang back box,4-inch square all i3 sounder models on a loop shall sound when one sounder alarms,all shall back box with a plaster ring,direct mount to be synchronized,and all sounders may be silenced from the panel. ceiling Ordering Information Model Thermal Wiring Alarm Current Model Description 2WTA-B Yes 2-wire 130 mA max.limited by RRS-MOD Reversing relay/synchronization module control panel 2W-MOD2 2-wire loop test/maintenance module 2WTR-B Yes 2-wire 130 mA max.limited by SENS-RDR Sensitivity reader control panel RT Removal/replacement tool 4WTA-B Yes 4-wire 35 mA A77-AB2 Retrofit adapter bracket 4WTR-B Yes 4-wire 35 mA 4WTAR-B Yes 4-wire 50 mA 4WITAR-B Yes 4-wire 50 mA *--. SYSTEM 02009 System Sensor. 3825 Ohio Avenue•St.Charles,IL 60174 Product specifications subject to change without notice.Vsit systemsensor.com for �� SENSOR Phone:800-SENSOR2•Fax:630-377-6495 current product information,including the latest version of this data sheet. A05-0348-004.6/09•#2170 SYSTEM SENSOR • i4 Series . . Combination CO/Photoelectric w Smoke Detector • f1 • Best-in-class carbon monoxide(CO)and smoke detection technology in a single, system-connected device. Features Integration:The i4 Series combines CO and smoke detection into one device, requiring less wiring and fewer back boxes than • Single device for CO and smoke detection that uses less wiring two separate devices.The i4 Series is compatible with i3(2WTA-B and fewer junction boxes or 4WTA-B),so an attractive CO monitoring solution can easily be • Compatible with a wide range of control panels with the use of the retrofitted into existing i3 installations.The i4 Series CO cell can be required i4 Interface Module. easily replaced at end-of-life, resulting in a much lower life cost than • Sends distinct smoke and CO signals to the panel having to replace the entire detector. • Sounds Temporal 3 for smoke and Temporal 4 for CO Installation ease:The i4 Series Combination CO/Smoke detector • Built-in 85dB sounder requires less wiring than two separate CO and smoke devices. • LEDs display both CO and smoke status Installers can pre-wire its plug-in base,while its large wire-entry port External IR LED provides extended range sensitivity testing and in-line terminals provide ample room for neatly routing wiring.The • base accommodates several back box options and also direct mounts • Versatile mounting allows for wall or ceiling placement using drywall anchors.The i4 head plugs into the base with a simple • Easily replaceable electrochemical CO cell with 6-year end-of-life Stop-Drop'N LockTM action.When the detector's CO cell reaches end- timer that signals the panel and chirps to alert the homeowner of-life,it can be easily replaced in the field without a tool. • RealTest®enables functional test using canned CO Intelligence:With the help of the module,the i4 Series transmits • Drift compensation and smoothing algorithms provide false distinct CO and smoke signals,allowing appropriate response alarm immunity from the central monitoring station. Intelligent features,such as drift • Compatible with SENS-RDR sensitivity tester compensation and smoothing algorithms, reduce nuisance alarms. • Full agency compliance with UL 268 and UL 2075 Instant inspection:The i4 Series LEDs enable instant inspection of detector status signaling normal/standby condition,alarm condition,maintenance/trouble condition or functional test mode. 2-wire devices allow loop testing via the EZ Walk feature where wiring can easily be verified by checking the LED status at each detector. Smoke sensitivity can be easily measured using the wireless SENS- RDR device.CO cell functionality can also be quickly validated in the field with canned CO per NFPA 720:2009 requirements using the Agency Listings detector's RealTest functionality. ,T U o 4, rt LISTED S268 1653:0227 i4 Series Combination CO/Smoke Detector Specifications Carbon monoxide(CO)/Smoke detector shall be a System Sensor model number COSMO-2W(2-Wire)/COSMO-4W(4-Wire)listed to UL 268 for Fire Protection Signaling Systems and to UL 2075 for Carbon Monoxide Gas Detection.The detector shall be photoelectric smoke sensing and electrochemical CO sensing and equipped with a sounder capable of Temp 3 and Temp 4 audible signals.The detector shall have nominal sensitivity of 2.5 percent per foot as measured in the UL smoke box.The detector shall be capable of automatically adjusting its sensitivity by means of drift compensation and smoothing algorithms.The detector's base shall be able to mount to a single-gang electrical box or direct(surface mount)to the wall or ceiling.Wiring connections shall be made by means of SEMS screws.The detector shall provide LED indication that blinks to indicate normal standby,smoke alarm,smoke maintenance,CO alarm,CO trouble/end-of-life.When the detector is in CO trouble condition,it shall send a trouble signal to the panel.The detector shall provide a means to test CO gas entry into the CO sensing cell.The detector shall provide this with a test mode that accepts CO gas from a test agent and alarms immediately upon sensing CO entry.The 2-wire model shall include a maintenance signal to indicate the need for maintenance at the alarm control panel and shall provide a loop testing capability to verify the circuit without testing each detector individually.The detector shall have a replaceable CO cell that can be replaced at end of cell life. Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage(VDC): Nominal: 12/24;Minimum:8.5;Maximum:35 Maximum Standby Current: 50 pA Maximum Alarm Current: 2-Wire 50mA;4-Wire 40mA Audible Signal: 85 dBA Maximum Reverse Polarity Current: 20 mA Maximum Start-up Current: 200uA Maximum Start-up Capacitance: .10 pF Physical Specifications Dimension: Diameter:5.5 Depth:2.5"(includes base) Weight: 9.2 oz.(261 g) Operating Temperature Range: 0—50°C(32—122°F) Operating Humidity Range: 20-95%RH Storage Temperature Range: -10—70°C(14—158°F) Sensitivity: 2.5%/ft nominal Input Terminals: 14 to 22 AWG Mounting: Back boxes:3.5"and 4"Octagonal;Single-gang;4"Square;2 x 4",3.5"and 4"round ceiling. Direct mount to wall or ceiling. Operation Modes/LED Status Green Red Blue Sounder Alarm Smoke: Off On Off Temp 3 Alarm CO: Off Off On Temp 4 Alarm Smoke&CO: Off On On Temp 3 Power Up: Blink 5 sec. Blink 5 sec Blink 5 sec. Off Standby: Blink 5 sec. Off Off Off RealTest®Mode(CO): Off Off Blink 1 sec. Off After CO is Sprayed: Off Off On Temp 4 Smoke Maintenance: Off Blink 5 sec. Off Off CO Trouble: Off Off Blink 5 sec. Off End-of-Life: Off Off Blink 5 sec. Intermittent i4 Series Interface 11i and Reversing • Y Relay Module • • 4 The i4 Interface Module connects up to 12 detectors to a + wide range of control panels using only 2 to 3 zones. It also interconnects the devices, so when one device alarms, they all sound. Features Integration:The i4 module allows up to 12 i4 Series or compatible • Easily integrates up to 12 compatible detectors to a wide range of i3 Series smoke detector models to be integrated into a fire alarm panel using only 2 to 3 zones:a smoke zone,a CO zone and an control panels optional trouble zone. Detectors sound Temp 3 for smoke and Temp • 2-wire module is compatible with COSMO-2W combination 4 for CO events.The i4 module can be used to alarm all sounders in detectors and 2WTA-B smoke detectors. compatible detectors for smoke and CO events.When one detector • 4-wire module is compatible with COSMO-4W combination detects smoke or CO and goes into alarm,all connected detectors detectors and 4WTA-B smoke detectors. alarm,offering the highest level of warning to the homeowner. • Sends distinct smoke and CO signals from i4 detectors to the panel Installation ease:The i4 Series Interface Module mounts to a • LED indication shows when a detector on the loop requires 411/16-inch square back box for quick and easy installation.Terminal cleaning or maintenance(2-wire detectors only) blocks with durable SEMS screws ensure a reliable connection. It • Initiates the EZ Walk loop test(2-wire detectors only) also has pre-drilled holes for easy mounting inside a metal enclosure • Module interconnects the sounders of all devices connected to it. Intelligence:The i4 Interface Module allows i4 and compatible i3 No RSS-MOD is required.Optional trigger inputs are provided to sound multiple modules. smoke detector models(2WTA-B and 4WTA-B)to communicate with any listed fire alarm control panel capable of utilizing this module. Instant inspection:The i4 Interface Module provides LED status indication for the loop,displaying normal operation,loop wiring fault, smoke events,smoke maintenance(2-wire only),CO events,and CO maintenance/end-of-life. Agency Listings s kRvi LISTED SHI 1653:0228 i4 Series Interface Module Specifications The i4 module shall be a System Sensor i4 Series model number COSMOD2W(2-wire)or COSMOD4W(4-wire)listed to UL 864 and UL 985 for Control Units for Fire Protection Signaling Systems.The module shall include provisions for mounting to 4-inch square back box. Wiring connections shall be made by means of SEMS screws.The module shall provide 4 LED indicators that blink or illuminate to indicate communication status,maintenance alert,alarm or freeze trouble conditions,and EZ Walk loop test mode(2-wire module only).The module shall allow communication to i4 Series and i3 Series detectors with sounders with any UL 864-and UL 985-listed fire alarm control panel capable of utilizing this module.The 2-wire module shall offer provisions for Style D/Class A wiring on IDC loops and shall provide a loop testing capability(EZ Walk)to verify the initiating loop wiring. Electrical Specifications Module Operating Voltage(VDC): Nom.: 12/24;Min.:8.5(2-wire), 10(4-wire,power limited);Max.:35 VDC(power limited) Standby Current: 2-Wire:61mA(max.),45mA(12V In),26mA(24V In); 4-Wire:52mA'(max.),37mA'(12V In),22mA'(24V In) Alarm Current2: 2-Wire: 181 mA(max.), 121 mA(12V In),64mA(24V In); 4-Wire:78mA'(max.),57mA'(12V In),34mA'(24V In) Maximum Ripple Voltage: 30%of applied power Maximum Alarm Threshold: 9.2 Volts DC Alarm and Maintenance Contact Rating: 100 mA I@ 36 Volts DC,resistive,25 ohms Maximum Loop Wiring Resistance: 2-Wire 50 Ohms;4-Wire 300 Ohms Trigger inputs: Min On Voltage: 1.5V;Max.:Vin Does not include current draw from attached detectors or EOL relay.2 Does not include reverse polarity current draw from attached detectors. Physical Specifications Module Dimension: Height:6.04 Width:6.04 Depth: 1.00" Weight: 9.6 oz.272(g) Operating Temperature Range: 0—50°C(32—122°F) Operating Humidity Range: 5-95%RH Storage Temperature Range: -20—70°C(-4—158°F) Input Terminals: 14 to 22 AWG Mounting: 411/16"square back box or inside a metal enclosure Operation Modes/LED Status Green Yellow Red Blue Alarm Smoke: Blink 1 sec. Off On Off Alarm CO: Blink 1 sec. Off Off On Alarm Smoke&CO: Blink 1 sec. Off On On No power/No communication: Off Off Off Off Loop wiring fault: Blink 1 sec. On Off Off EZ Walk Test Mode(2-wire only): Blink 1 sec. Blink 5 sec. Off Off Smoke Maintenance(2-wire only): Blink 1 sec. Off Blink 5 sec. Off Smoke Freeze Trouble(P 2WTA-B only): Blink 1 sec. Off Blink 10 sec. Off CO Trouble: Blink 1 sec. Off Off Blink 5 sec. Module Power-Up Sequence/LED Status Condition Duration Maintenance/Freeze trouble LED indication 6 minutes EZ Walk test available 6 minutes after power up or panel reset Ordering Information Part No. Description COSMO-2W 12/24 volt,2-wire,system-connected,combination carbon monoxide/smoke detector with RealTest technology COSMO-4W 12/24 volt,4-wire,system-connected,combination carbon monoxide/smoke detector with RealTest technology COSMOD2W 2-wire interface module(required to use with COSMO-2W models) COSMOD4W 4-wire interface module(required to use with COSMO-4W models) CO-REPL Replacement CO cell for COSMO-2W and COSMO-4W models SENS-RDR Sensitivity reader EOLR-1 End-of-line relay(required with 4-wire systems) *Th_ SYSTEM 3825 Ohio Avenue•St.Charles, IL 60174 ©2013 System Sensor. Phone:800-SENSOR2•Fax 630-377-6495 Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit systemsensor.com SEw SO� for current product information,including the latest version of this data sheet. ,vJ www.systemsensor.com CODS30302•11/13 SYSTEM �$ SENSOR r P Selectable Output •I Y� Horns, Strobes, and Horn Strobes SpectrAlert®Advance selectable-output horns,strobes, and horn strobes are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits. SPECTF',4N�ert A N Features The SpectrAlert Advance series offers the most versatile and •Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box easy-to-use line of horns,strobes,and horn strobes in the industry. With white and red plastic housings,wall and ceiling mounting •Tamper-resistant construction options,and plain and FIRE-printed devices,SpectrAlert Advance can •Automatic selection of 12-or 24-volt operation at 15 and 15/75 meet virtually any application requirement. candela •Field-selectable candela settings on wall and ceiling units:15,15/75, Like the entire SpectrAlert Advance product line,horns,strobes, 30,75,95,110,115,135,150,177,and 185 and horn strobes include a variety of features that increase their •Horn rated at 88+dBA at 16 volts application versatility while simplifying installation.All devices •Rotary switch for horn tone and three volume selections feature plug-in designs with minimal intrusion into the back box,which make installations fast and foolproof while virtually •Universal mounting plate for wall and ceiling units eliminating costly and time-consuming ground faults.Furthermore, •Mounting plate shorting spring checks wiring continuity before a universal mounting plate with an onboard shorting spring tests device installation wiring continuity before the device is installed,protecting devices •Electrically compatible with existing SpectrAlert products from damage. •Compatible with MDL sync module In addition,field-selectable candela settings,automatic selection of 12-or 24-volt operation,and a rotary switch for horn tones with three volume selections enables installers to easily adapt devices to suit a wide range of application requirements. Agency Listings SIGNALING O 41i> MEA roved (indstrobes) LISTED APPROVED approved 7125-16531887125-1653:186(hornoor strobes, 54011(chimes,horn strobes,horns) 3023572 MEA452-05-E chime strobes) S5512(strobes) 7135-1653:189(horns,chimes) SpectrAlert Advance Specifications Architect/Engineer Specifications General SpectrAlert Advance horns,strobes,and horn strobes shall mount to a standard 4 x 4 x 11/2-inch back box,4-inch octagon back box,or double-gang back box.Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang 2 x 4 x 17/8-inch back box.A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products.The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate.Also,SpectrAlert Advance products,when used with the Sync-Circuit-Module accessory,shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync-Circuit Module,12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 9 and 17.5 volts;24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 17 and 33 volts.Indoor SpectrAlert Advance products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply.Strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15,15/75,30, 75,95,110,115,135,150,177,and 185. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service.The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances,flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range.The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service.The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances,flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range.The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system.The horn shall have three audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three-pattern and a non-temporal(continuous)pattern.These options are set by a multiple position switch.On four-wire products,the strobe shall be powered independently of the sounder.The horn on horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync-Circuit model MDL listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service.The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal three.Also,while operating the strobes,the module shall silence the horns on horn strobe models over a single pair of wires.The module shall mount to a 411/16x 411/16 x 21/a-inch back box.The module shall also control two Style Y(class B)circuits or one Style Z (class A)circuit.The module shall synchronize multiple zones.Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control.The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Physical/Electrical Specifications Standard Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93%non-condensing Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage Regulated 12 DC/FWR or regulated 24 DC/FWR' Operating Voltage Rangez 8 to 17.5 V(12 V nominal)or 16 to 33 V(24 V nominal) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Ceiling-Mount Dimensions(including lens) 6.8"diameter x 2.5"high(173 mm diameter x 64 mm high) Wall-Mount Dimensions(including lens) 5.6"L x 4.7"W x 2.5"D(142 mm L x 119 mm W x 64 mm D) Horn Dimensions 5.6"L x 4.7"W x 1.3"D(142 mm Lx 119 mm W x 33 mm D) Wall-Mount Back Box Skirt Dimensions(BBS-2,BBSW-2) 5.9"L x 5.0"W x 2.2"D(151 mm L x 128 mm W x 56 mm D) Ceiling-Mount Back Box Skirt Dimensions(BBSC-2,BBSCW-2) 7.1"diameter x 2.2"high(180 mm diameter x 57 mm high) Wall-Mount Trim Ring Dimensions(sold as a 5 pack)(TR-HS,TRW-HS) 5.7"L x 4.8"W x 0.35"D(145 mm L x 122 mm W x 9 mm D) Ceiling-Mount Trim Ring Dimensions(sold as a 5 pack)(TRC-HS,TRCW-HS) 6.9"diameter x 0.35"high(175 mm diameter x 9 mm high) Notes: 1.Full Wave Rectified(FWR)voltage is a non-regulated,time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. 2.P,S,PC,and SC products will operate at 12V nominal only for 15 and 15/75 cd. A05-0395-007 UL Current Draw Data UL Max.Strobe Current Draw(mA RMS) UL Max.Horn Current Draw(mA RMS) 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts Candela DC FWR DC FWR Sound Pattern dB DC FWR DC FWR Standard 15 123 128 66 71 Temporal High 57 55 69 75 Candela Range 15/75 142 148 77 81 Temporal Medium 44 49 58 69 30 NA NA 94 96 Temporal Low 38 44 44 48 75 NA NA 158 153 Non-temporal High 57 56 69 75 95 NA NA 181 176 Non-temporal Medium 42 50 60 69 110 NA NA 202 195 Non-temporal Low 41 44 50 50 115 NA NA 210 205 Coded High 57 55 69 75 High 135 NA NA 228 207 Coded Medium 44 51 56 69 Candela Range 150 NA NA 246 220 Coded Low 40 46 52 50 177 NA NA 281 251 185 NA NA 286 258 UL Max.Current Draw(mA RMS),2-Wire Horn Strobe,Standard Candela Range(15-115 cd) 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts DC Input 15 15/75 15 15/75 30 75 95 110 115 Temporal High 137 147 79 90 107 176 194 212 218 Temporal Medium 132 144 69 80 97 157 182 201 210 Temporal Low 132 143 66 77 93 154 179 198 207 Non Temporal High 141 152 91 100 116 176 201 221 229 Non Temporal Medium 133 145 75 85 102 163 187 207 216 Non Temporal Low 131 144 68 79 96 156 182 201 210 FWR Input Temporal High 136 155 88 97 112 168 190 210 218 Temporal Medium 129 152 78 88 103 160 184 202 206 Temporal Low 129 151 76 86 101 160 184 194 201 Non Temporal High 142 161 103 112 126 181 203 221 229 Non-Temporal Medium 134 155 85 95 110 166 189 208 216 Non-Temporal Low 132 154 80 90 105 161 184 202 211 UL Max.Current Draw(mA RMS),2-Wire Horn Strobe,High Candela Range(135-185 cd) 16-33 Volts 16-33 Volts DC Input 135 150 177 185 FWR Input 135 150 177 185 Temporal High 245 259 290 297 Temporal High 215 231 258 265 Temporal Medium 235 253 288 297 Temporal Medium 209 224 250 258 Temporal Low 232 251 282 292 Temporal Low 207 221 248 256 Non Temporal High 255 270 303 309 Non Temporal High 233 248 275 281 Non Temporal Medium 242 259 293 299 Non Temporal Medium 219 232 262 267 Non-Temporal Low 238 254 291 295 Non Temporal Low 214 229 256 262 Horn Tones and Sound Output Data Horn and Horn Strobe Output(dBA) 8-17.5 16-33 24-Volt Nominal Switch Volts Volts Reverberant Anechoic Position Sound Pattern dB DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR 1 Temporal High 78 78 84 84 88 88 99 98 2 Temporal Medium 74 74 80 80 86 86 96 96 3 Temporal Low 71 73 76 76 83 80 94 89 4 Non Temporal High 82 82 88 88 93 92 100 100 5 Non-Temporal Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 98 98 6 Non-Temporal Low 75 75 81 81 88 84 96 92 7t Coded High 82 82 88 88 93 92 101 101 8t Coded Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 97 98 9t Coded Low 75 75 81 81 88 85 96 92 tSettings 7,8,and 9 are not available on 2-wire horn strobe. A05-0395-007 SpectrAlert Advance Dimensions 1156111 dH Wall-mount horn strobes Ceiling-mount horn strobes 7.1" r-2.251 5.05"� �—2.231 \ Dia. 0 1 I I 70 0 o 0 a\\ r 00000 I, 5.98" ! r I0 a , o l :0 00 ¢ \o o di/ c o ��� o t Wall back box skirt Ceiling back box skirt SpectrAlert Advance Ordering Information Model Description Model Description Wall Horn Strobes Ceiling Strobes P2R*t 2-Wire Horn Strobe,Standard cd$,Red SCR Strobe,Standard cd,Red P2RH* 2-Wire Horn Strobe,High cd,Red SCRH Strobe,High cd,Red P2W* 2-Wire Horn Strobe,Standard cd,White SCW* Strobe,Standard cd,White P2WH* 2-Wire Horn Strobe,High cd,White SCWH Strobe,High cd,White P4R* 4-Wire Horn Strobe,Standard cd,Red Horns P4RH 4-Wire Horn Strobe,High cd,Red HR Horn,Red P4W 4-Wire Horn Strobe,Standard cd,White HW Horn,White Wall Strobes Accessories SR*t Strobe,Standard cd,Red BBS-2 Back Box Skirt,Wall,Red SRH*t Strobe,High cd,Red BBSW-2 Back Box Skirt,Wall,White SW* Strobe,Standard cd,White BBSC-2 Back Box Skirt,Ceiling,Red SWH* Strobe,High cd,White BBSCW-2 Back Box Skirt,Ceiling,White Ceiling Horn Strobes TR-HS Trim Ring,Wall,Red PC2R* 2-Wire Horn Strobe,Standard cd,Red TRW-HS Trim Ring,Wall White PC2RH 2-Wire Horn Strobe,High cd,Red TRC-HS Trim Ring,Ceiling,Red PC2W*t 2-Wire Horn Strobe,Standard cd,White TRCW-HS Trim Ring,Ceiling,White PC2WH* 2-Wire Horn Strobe,High cd,White PC4R 4-Wire Horn Strobe,Standard cd,Red PC4RH 4-Wire Horn Strobe,High cd,Red PC4W 4-Wire Horn Strobe,Standard cd,White Notes: *Add"-P"to model number for plain housing(no"FIRE"marking on cover),e.g.,P2R-P. t Add"-SP"to model number for"FUEGO"marking on cover,e.g.,P2R-SR. t"Standard cd"refers to strobes that include 15,15/75,30,75,95,110,and 115 candela settings."High cd"refers to strobes that include 135,150,177,and 185 candela settings. *--. SYSTEM m2009 System Sensor. 3825 Ohio Avenue•St.Charles,IL 60174 Product specifications subject to change without notice.Vsit systemsensoccom for �� SENSOR Phone:800-SENSOR2•Fax:630-377-6495 current product information,including the latest version of this data sheet. A05-0395-007.4/09•#2132 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SYSTEM 0, w 00 .4 SENSOR® Series Interface Module 3825 Ohio Avenue,St.Charles,Illinois 60174 COSMOD2W and COSMOD4W 1-800-SENSOR2,FAX:630-377-6583 *For use with COSMO-2W and COSMO-4W detectors www.systemsensor.com SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Specifications Power Supply Voltage: Resettable power;2-Wire:Min.8.5 Volts DC(Power limited);Max.35 Volts DC(Power limited); 4-Wire:Min.10 Volts DC(Power limited);Max.35Volts DC(Power limited) Device Power-up Time: 200 milliseconds Max.Standby Current: 2-Wire:62mA;4-Wire:52mA(Does not include current draw from attached detectors or EOL relay) Max.Alarm Current: 2-Wire: 174mA;4-Wire:75mA(Does not include reverse polarity current draw from attached detectors) Nom.Standby Current: 2-Wire:45mA@12V,27mA@24V;4-Wire:36mA@12V,21mA@24V (Does not include current draw from attached detectors or EOL relay) Alarm Contact Rating: 100 mA @ 36 Volts DC,resistive,25 ohms Maintenance Contact Rating: 100 mA @ 36 Volts DC,resistive,25 ohms Max.IDC Loop Wiring Resistance: 2-Wire:50 Ohms;4-Wire:300 Ohms Trigger Inputs: Min.On Voltage: 1.5V;Max.On Voltage=Vin Aux Power Out: Same Voltage as Input Power(Unregulated,limited to 250mA) Min.Reset Time: 300 milliseconds Initial Communication Cycle: 6 minutes EZ Walk Test Availability: 6 minutes after power up or panel reset Physical Specifications Operating Temperature Range: 0-50°C(32-122°F) Operating Humidity Range: 5-95% RH Storage Temperature Range: -20-70°C(-4-158°F) Height: 6.04 inches Width: 6.04 inches Depth: 1.16 inches Shipping Weight: 0.6 lbs Wire Gauge Acceptance: Min:22 AWG;Max: 14 AWG 2-wire Compatibility Requirements Min.Loop Voltage: 12.9 Volts DC Max.Loop Voltage: 14.5 Volts DC Max.Loop Resistance: 50 Ohms Max.Loop Ripple: 240 mVpp Max.Loading Capacitance: 0.01 mF Max.Alarm Current: 46 mA Max.Reset Voltage: 0.30 Volts DC Alarm Delay: n/a Min.Alarm Reset Time: 0.3 seconds Max.Normal Load Current: 2.4 mA Zone Type: Standard EOL Device: 3.9k Ohms(+-5%) Loop Style: B and D Compatibility Zone Identifier: A Detector Zone Identifier: A Max.Detectors Per Zone: (12)2-wire i4 series model#COSMO-2W and/or i3 series model#2WTA-B detectors BEFORE INSTALLATION The i4 COSMOD2W, 2-wire interface module, offers additional functionality This information is included as a quick reference installation guide. Refer to including: the control panel installation manual for detailed system information. If the module will be installed in an existing operational system,inform the operator • Ability to query for a "need for maintenance" condition from 2-wire i4 and local authority that the system will be temporarily out of service.Discon- series model COSMO-2W and i3 series model 2WTA-B smoke detectors nect power to the control panel before installing the module. • One relay is available to indicate a multitude of maintenance conditions Notice: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment. at the control panel This product is intended for use in ordinary indoor locations. • All conditions are displayed at the module and at the detector GENERAL DESCRIPTION The i4 series module is designed to interface between compatible i4 series • EZ Walk test mode allows the installer to easily verify that all detectors combination CO/smoke detectors (Model COSMO-2W and COSMO-4W) and on a loop are operational compatible security/fire panels. It can also be used to retrofit compatible i4 • Allows 2-wire smoke detectors to be used on any compatible 4-wire series detectors into an existing loop of i3 smoke detector models 2WTA-B or control panel and provides Style D wiring on the detector loop 4WTA-B,without adding wires.The module interprets signals and translates FEATURES them into a separate smoke zone and a separate CO zone, each with alarm • Compatible with System Sensor i4 series combination CO/smoke detectors and trouble signals.When signaled by the panel,a module will synchronize and System Sensor i3 Series smoke detectors models 2WTA-B or 4WTA B. connected detector sounders in either Temporal 3 or Temporal 4 pattern.Local status indication is provided by 4 LED's and a 3 position DIP switch enables • Allows up to 12 compatible devices including the i4 series combination user configuration. CO/smoke detector to be integrated with a panel SS-500-004 1 156-3871-001 • Allows sounder activation of all detectors on loop in either Temporal 3 A CO alarm is self-clearing.Once a CO alarm has been signaled,the blue LED or Temporal 4 pattern will illuminate. Once the initiating device ceases to signal the CO event,the VISIBLE ANNUNCIATON blue LED will turn off. If a CO alarm is signaled, and not cleared,prior to a The i4 series interface module has four visible LED's:The green LED is a su smoke alarm condition, the module will keep both the blue and red LED's pervisory LED;it blinks during power on,reset,and during normal operation. illuminated.If a smoke alarm is signaled first,the module will not be able to The yellow LED is used to indicate a loop wiring fault and will blink when it receive notification of a CO alarm condition and will not be able to report it is in EZ Walk test mode.The red LED signals smoke events;it blinks during to the panel. smoke maintenance events and lights constantly during smoke alarm events. MAINTENANCE The blue LED signals CO events;it blinks during CO trouble or CO end-of-life, This condition means one or more detectors on the loop have a smoke main- and lights constantly during CO alarm. tenance issue.See"Smoke Maintenance Inquiry"section for further details. FIGURE 1:MODULE FRONT VIEW FREEZE TROUBLE \ This condition means one or more detectors on the loop are measuring the ambient temperature is near the freezing point.See"Freeze Trouble Inquiry" O section for further details. CO TROUBLE Green LED ► p .,,,ca,.,,,tecomax The module can be notified of a detector with a CO trouble condition.All CO Yellow LED ► p r wm Xi .x100F trouble conditions will be reported on the CO zone and displayed with a blink- Red LED ► ©"""Q, '•""""' ing blue LED. The module is not able to determine the number of detectors °X'"101¢"`""' that have a CO trouble condition or which trouble condition exists. Blue LED O.Q X1XXt23 EZ Walk Test Switch MIBeroXFZwAutlsT INSTALLATION (2-wire only) ► CR � rtDITICIDOUBLE MOUNTING 4JKIlANISTA1W' I O CAUTION The module can be mounted to a 4-"/16 inch back box or inside a listed,dedi- DEENmGI UNIT enclosure.When mounting inside an enclosure with pre-stamped holes, PRIOR TO SERVIGNB it may be easier to align the bottom screw hole first.It is not necessary to use the module cover when mounting inside an enclosure. S0331-00 TABLE 1:OPERATION MODES FIGURE 2:MOUNTING OPERATION GREEN YELLOW HOLE FOR MOUNTING TO VISTA ENCLOSURE MODE LED LED RED LED BLUE LED (No.6x3/4 Type AB) Normal(standby) Blink 5 Sec. OFF OFF OFF e' No power/ 11 16; CO Ilq OFF OFF OFF OFF Non-operational \I i� aaa o v Loop wiring fault Blink 5 Sec. ON OFF OFF � --- � I � O EZ Walk Test Mode Blink 5 Sec. Blink 5 Sec. OFF OFF O [ � (2-wire only) iI A mi Alarm Smoke Blink 5 Sec. OFF ON OFF al O i am Alarm CO Blink 5 Sec. OFF OFF ON f O iI Alarm Smoke&CO Blink 5 Sec. OFF ON ON 611 I I- © I�N1 i u� Maintenance Blink 5 Sec. OFF Blink 5 Sec. OFF � (2-wire only) 8 NC' 0 Freeze Trouble(2- Blink 5 Sec. OFF Blink 10 Sec. OFF 1 wire only) CO Trouble Blink 5 Sec. OFF OFF Blink 5 Sec. SLOTS FOR MOUNTING SLOT FOR MOUNTING TO VISTA ENCLOSURE TO 4-11/16 JUNCTION BOX 0331-00 NORMAL(STANDBY) (No.6x5/16Type AB or Type F) The module is powered and detectors on the loop are operating normally. WIRING GUIDELINES NO POWER/NON-OPERATIONAL All wiring must be installed in compliance with the NFPA 70 standards,Na- Power is not applied to the module or communication between the module tional Electrical Code, applicable state and local codes, and any special re- and the detectors on the loop is unsuccessful. quirements at the local Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). LOOP WIRING FAULT The screw terminals in the mounting base will accept 14-22 gauge wire.Wire If an open circuit occurs on the loop,the module will indicate the condition connections are made by stripping approximately 1/a" of insulation from the by illuminating the yellow LED.2-wire units will then power the style-D ter- end of the feed wire,inserting it into the proper base terminal,and tightening minals.When the wiring issue on the loop has been resolved,the module will the screw to secure the wire in place. Do not put wires more than 2 gauge turn the yellow LED off. apart under the same clamping plate. EZ WALK TEST MODE Note: The module must be installed in the same room and within 20 feet of This indicates the module and detectors are in EZ Walk Test Mode.See"EZ Walk the panel and enclosed within conduit or equivalently protected against me- Test"section for instructions on how to initiate and perform the EZ Walk test. chanical injury. ALARM SMOKE/ALARM CO/ALARM SMOKE&CO A smoke alarm will be indicated by the red LED.A CO alarm will be indicated AWARNING by the blue LED. Remove power from alarm control unit or initiating device circuits before in- A smoke alarm is not self-restoring. Once a smoke alarm has been signaled, stalling detectors. the red LED will illuminate until the module is reset by removal of power. Note:On some panels,resetting a smoke alarm may require additional steps at the keypad to clear the trouble conditions on CO and smoke mainte- nance zones due to power loss to the module. SS-500-004 2 156-3871-001 FIGURE 3:COSMOD2W WIRING DIAGRAM ALL CIRCUITS ARE SUPERVISED Note:See Table 3 for dip (EXCEPT TRIGGERS)AND MUST switch configurations SMOKE 0 BE POWER LI MITER AUXPOWER O O (resettable) 1 C °° i�� Opp9����� 1®10 � [_I r� �5 �o SMOKE O �r_1 © , 1 L1 Panel �/ ®� 0 [ 71 Resistors A ZONE O [:.I F o �i ® 14)J �o ' i 3.9k �� r� EI )I RESISTOR I I (IB 1- O LSF I I ea7 /O o I (suppled Ic0 I +� , ® with module) CO Q I + IQ ® 'ZONE 0 I (.,;, /-6`—'4, --.-) n B lI I \$ ' __,. /.0\ r/ I MAI NT. O COSMOD2W I LOOP STYLED WIRING I ZONE O EOL I COSMO 2W BELL [ 5f. Resistor , OR F —I SMOKE I TRIGGER OUT43 50329-00 CO TRIGGER , OUT FIGURE 4:COSMOD4W WIRING DIAGRAM ALL CIRCUITS ARE SUPERVISED SMOKE Q (EXCEPT TRIGGERS)AND MUST BE POWER LIMITED POWER O (resettable) Q °o Ela I vol) p �Panel oil ET SMOKE , �� EOL _ P oQ o * oo ZONE oflel © - 111 N 3.9k CO 0 _ __�I,VI © 1 — _ — /��� ���; RESISTOR f "I— �� �," (supplied ZONE Q e e with module) COSMOD4W COSMO-4W I , BELL 10, I OR : I SMOKELI J I 50330-00 I TRIGGER OUT I CO TRIGGER OUT L a / + `\ FIGURE 5:MODULE TERMINALS l OO 0 %In LJ \POWER IN + Na P ®I , •SMOKE ZONE EOL RESISTOR POWER IN— , a © j (VALUE DEFINED BY PANEL) SMOKE ALARM CONTACT © ICI, CO ZONE EOL RESISTOR t3•-,l ISI (VALUE DEFINED BY PANEL) MAINTENANCE TROUBLE RELAY CONTACT O O- 1 IDC+ (COSMOD2W ONLY) �+� II IDC— CO ALARM CONTACT I 14I O Sle — STYLE D+(4-WIRE DETECTOR POWER+) vI © IC I� STYLE D—(4-WIRE DETECTOR POWER—) CO TRIGGER I SMOKE TRIGGER/BELL IN i O � � O ~ ® O 50334-00 SS-500-004 3 I56-3871-001 WIRING DIAGRAMS FREEZE TROUBLE INQUIRY Install module wiring in accordance with appropriate wiring diagrams. The module sends a freeze trouble inquiry to the detectors every four hours. (Figure 3 and Figure 4) (Compatible i3 Series 2-wire smoke detectors only) If a response indicating a The module relays have a maximum ON resistance of 25 ohms. This resis- freeze problem is received,the red LED on the module will blink once every tance plus the wiring resistance to the panel must be less than the maximum 10 seconds and a smoke maintenance condition will be indicated to the panel. zone wiring resistance stated in the panel manual. TESTING INPUT TRIGGERS/SOUNDER ACTIVATION Modules must be tested after installation and following periodic maintenance. Many panels can be programmed with triggers which are auxiliary relays that Testing should be performed at least once per year. activate upon an alarm condition. Two inputs are used to signal the module NOTE:Before testing,notify the proper authorities that the system will be tem- to activate device sounders.The first is configurable by DIP switch to one of porarily out of service. Disable the zone or system to prevent any unwanted two modes;bell in or smoke trigger.When in the bell mode,the module will alarms. follow a valid coded signal from a Bell Out/NAC circuit consisting of high to EZ WALK TEST low,then low to high for less than 1.9 seconds each. In smoke trigger mode, The communication loop between the 2-wire modules and detectors can be while the input is held high,the module will synchronize the detectors in a manually tested by putting the module and detectors into EZ Walk test mode. Temporal 3 pattern. This feature is for use with System Sensor detectors(i4 series model COSMO-2W The second input is for a CO trigger;the CO trigger input allows a single mod- and i3 series model 2WTA-B)installed with the model COSMOD2W module. ule to have CO silence/hush capability and allows multiple module installa- The EZ Walk loop test verifies the initiating loop wiring and provides visual tions to have all sounders activated in Temporal 4 in the event of a CO alarm. status indication at each detector: While the CO trigger is held high,the module will synchronize the detectors in a Temporal 4 pattern.After 30 minutes in Temporal 4 alarm,the time period 1. Ensure proper wiring and power is applied. Wait approximately 5 min- between the Temporal 4 pulse will change from 5 seconds to 60 seconds. utes from power-up before performing the EZ Walk test.The green LED on the module must be blinking indicating the module is in ready/ Note: CO trigger may not be used with UL 864 panels.All detectors will sound standby mode to start the EZ Walk mode. with no triggers connected,however,hush capability is not enabled. TABLE 2:DIP SWITCH CONFIGURATIONS 2. Locate the EZ Walk recessed test switch located behind the module cover (See Figure 1).Depress the test switch with a small screwdriver. The yel- DIP SWITCH#1 DIP SWITCH#2 DIP SWITCH#3 low LED will blink showing that the module and detectors are in EZ Walk Smoke Maint on mode for 5 minutes. ON Bell In Smoke Trouble and Unused 3. Observe the LEDs at each detector to make sure the green LED is double (DEFAULT) Form-B Maint Relay blinking every 5 seconds as listed in Table 3. (COSMOD2W only) 4. At the end of the five minute period,the module will terminate EZ Walk Smoke Maint on and the yellow LED will stop blinking. The EZ Walk test period can be Form-B Smoke main- extended bypressingthe test switch multiple times.Each press will add OFF Smoke Trigger Unused P tenance Relay only 5 minutes of additional time. (COSMOD2W only) If a module or detector fails the test, its wiring should be checked. If the POWER UP AND COMMUNICATIONS module still fails,it should be replaced.Notify the proper authorities when all COMMUNICATIONS CHECK(2-WIRE ONLY) testing has been completed. Upon power up,the module will send a request for communication check.All compatible detectors on the loop that understand the communication protocol NOTE:The EZ Walk loop test should not be used in lieu of functional testing will respond.If all detectors respond correctly,the green LED will blink once (alarm,trouble and other functional tests)of the system. every 5 seconds. If the module does not get a response, it will turn off the TABLE 3:EZ WALK TEST DETECTOR MODES green LED and continue to try every 2 minutes until a response is received. DETECTOR DETECTOR SMOKE MAINTENANCE INQUIRY GREEN LED RED LED The module sends a smoke maintenance inquiry to the detectors every 24 PROPER OPERATION Double Blink 5 Seconds OFF hours. (Compatible 2-wire detectors only) If a response indicating a mainte- nance problem is received,the red LED on the module will blink once every 5 OUT OF SENSITIVIY OFF Double Blink 5 Seconds seconds and a smoke maintenance condition will be indicated to the panel.It is likely that the detector needs to be cleaned or replaced,refer to the detector FREEZE CONDITION OFF Double Blink 10 Seconds instruction manual for maintenance instructions. FCC STATEMENT This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause harmful interference,and(2)this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installa- tion.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. THREE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY System Sensor warrants its enclosed product to be free from defects in materials and # ,3825 Ohio Avenue,St.Charles,IL 60174.Please include a note describing workmanship under normal use and service for a period of three years from date of the malfunction and suspected cause of failure.The Company shall not be obligated to manufacture.System Sensor makes no other express warranty for the enclosed product. replace units which are found to be defective because of damage, unreasonable use, No agent,representative,dealer,or employee of the Company has the authority to in- modifications,or alterations occurring after the date of manufacture.In no case shall the crease or alter the obligations or limitations of this Warranty.The Company's obligation Company be liable for any consequential or incidental damages for breach of this or any of this Warranty shall be limited to the replacement of any part of the product which other Warranty,expressed or implied whatsoever,even if the loss or damage is caused by is found to be defective in materials or workmanship under normal use and service the Company's negligence or fault.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of during the three year period commencing with the date of manufacture.After phoning incidental or consequential damages,so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply System Sensor's toll free number 800-SENSOR2 (736-7672) for a Return Authorization to you.This Warranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rights number,send defective units postage prepaid to:System Sensor,Returns Department,RA which vary from state to state. SS-500-004 4 I56-3871-001 ©2012 System Sensor i4 Series Combination Carbon Monoxide(CO)/Photoelectric Smoke Detector it4 COSMO 4W (4 wire) Wiring Diagram PANEL (4-wi re) SMOKE 0- i4 MODULE* i4 DETECTOR POWER O r N _ (resettable) , D- 923 �I lIi 0 —®llc___ l Panel Eo SMOKE EOL ol RELAV ZONE I SII l Resistors / \ 4wlR: \ . FOLK-, 0 as I { cra -011 6 �l O El III7H 3.9k CO - (�I © Imo, 9/ RESISTOR - - 0 r - - -+(• ! [®JI - , ` I (supplied I `ZONE 0 with module) 0 71 1 `� � � I COSMOD4W � COSMO-4W I BELL 0- -i I OR I I I i4 MODULE TERMINALS F -I J SMOKE TRIGGER OUT //i 144,1_ J I I � � O1:11 QI POWER IN+ MiIG}Il1 1�IM� CO ■-II«'�7 �"�� SMOKE ZONE EOL RESISTOR TRIGGER r J POWER IN- 151 © I-. �-■ (VALUE DEFINED BY PANEL) ■�Il� I-■ CO ZONE EOL RESISTOR QST** J SMOKE ALARM CONTACT i ■ (VALUE DEFINED BY PANEL) MAINTENANCE TROUBLE RELAY CONTACT i O IDC+ ■-III-■DIP SWITCH CONFIGURATIONS (COSMOD2W ONLY) iIDC■ Wili }.-I STYLE D/CLASS A+(4-WIRE DETECTOR POWER+) DIP SWITCH#1 DIP SWITCH#2 DIP SWITCH#3 CO ALARM CONTACT ■ iji1 ■ l OSTYLED/CLASSA–(4-WIRE DETECTOR POWER–) ONSmoke Maint on Smoke Trouble CO TRIGGER lii] lSMOKE TRIGGER/BELL IN (DEFAULT) Bell In and Form-B Maint Relay Unused -' (COSMOD2W only) I 8Ick— O 7c9 171 I Smoke Maint on Form-B OFF Smoke Trigger Smoke maintenance Relay only Unused ° � 0 `� J (COSMOD2W only) COSMOD4W �� SYSTEM Module is also compatible withSmoke Detector **Triggers are optional and can bee used used to interconnect multiple modules with a bell output or positive voltage from the panel. �� SENSOR' Please consult panel manufacturer for programming outputs advanced ideas.advanced solutions° ***Up to 12 detectors per module;models COSMO-4W or 4WTA-B only. Module interconnects sounders of both devices(RSS-MOD not needed). ©lois System sensor.coFL8lo2•7/13