HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter: Geologic Hazards Evaluation Lir '✓ 1 X14 ^: ;-4I r te r_ t l_. iJ 4i, r,,_ .-'`1_,,! �r � � _ _ -7" May 22, 2014 Project No. 500808001 Mr.Adam Bersin and Chateau d'Oex, LLC 45 Charlou Circle Cherry Hills Village, Colorado 80111 Town of Vail Community Development Department 1 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Geologic Hazards Evaluation Proposed Bersin Residence 3816 Lupine Drive East Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Bersin: In accordance with your request and authorization, Ninyo & Moore has prepared this geologic hazards evaluation regarding the potential for geologic hazards related to the proposed Bersin Residence located in Lot 8 of the Bighorn Subdivision at 3816 Lupine Drive in East Vail, Colorado(see Figure 1). We understand that the site has been mapped by the Town of Vail within a Geologically Sensitive Area. The purpose of this letter is to address the Town of Vail Hazard Regulations Chapter 21 requirements for geological investigations. This report discusses our findings, methodology, and conclusions in the following sections. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Ninyo & Moore visited the project side on May 7, 2014 to conduct a visual geologic reconnaissance of the site. Photographs taken during our site visit are presented in Appendix A. The approximate location and direction of the photographs are depicted in Figure 2. The subject lot is located in gently to relatively steeply sloping terrain ranging in elevation between roughly 8,360 and 8,530 feet above mean sea level (MSL) at the north and south lot lines, respectively. A moderately to relatively steep slope extends up from the proposed building area toward the south (see Figure 2). The slope continues along the flanks of a ridge upward ,t, =. ., : ,, ,ly, • ,) rJo.,0,xii•r ._.. , • () . ra,04wrt,29:.ohl i ._.'_ ,•._: 1f:'9";r. I P r ''., .,,.. 3=. t°1 r!r.grri h „,.,;r ,.,_..,_ ..rr ,... 3816 Lupine Drive May 22, 2014 East Vail, Colorado Project No. 500808001 toward south from the south lot line to an elevation of approximately 11,000 feet above MSL. This slope is the primary focus of this study. The lower portions of the slope in the proposed building area are inclined at approximately 6:1 (horizontal:vertical), or 17 percent grade (see Photograph Nos. 2, 3, 9, 10, and 24). The upper portions of the slope within the lot become steeper, at inclinations of approximately 40 percent or greater (see Photograph Nos. 5 through 7, 11, 12, 16, and 21). The subject slope is moderately to thickly vegetated with grasses, immature and mature aspen trees, and evergreen trees in the lower portions (see Photograph Nos. 2, 12, and 18) and with moderate vegetation consisting of brush, aspen trees, and evergreens along the upper slopes(see Photograph Nos. 5 through 7, 11, 12, and 21). The lower middle and portions of the site, as well as the neighboring properties to the east and west, contain several large boulders (see Photograph Nos. 15, 16, 19, 20, 25, 26, and 31 through 40). Boulders are visible in the aerial photograph of the site taken in 1969, in the same locations as those observed during our site visit. Based on our review of the site plan by Jake's Drafting Service (2014), we understand that the project includes the construction of a new single-family residence with a building footprint of approximately 2,000 square feet.The building pad will be at an elevation of approximately 8,369 feet above MSL.The front and rear of the building will be constructed approximately 50 feet and 100 feet south of Lupine Drive, respectively. The elevation of the main level of the residence, at the rear, will be approximately 8,379 feet above MSL. METHODOLOGY The scope of our evaluation included a review of the referenced Town of Vail Avalanche, Debris Flow, and Rockfall Hazards Maps; published geologic maps; the site topographic map; a preliminary geotechnical report for site; and aerial photographs. An engineering geologist from Ninyo & Moore performed a site visit on May 7, 2014 to observe and document the condition of the slopes in the vicinity of the proposed improvements. Photographs taken during our site visit are included in Appendix A. Our evaluation consisted of observing the condition of the slopes to the south of, and topographically higher than, the area of the proposed residence structure. We observed the slopes for indications of existing or previous debris flows, avalanche chutes, unstable boulders, rock avalanches, or rockfall hazards. We also reviewed the site topographic 5011808001 R.doc 2 //nip./Nacre 3816 Lupine Drive May 22, 2014 East Vail, Colorado Project No. 500808001 maps and proposed plans to evaluate the distances to the proposed improvements from any potential hazards. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The proposed building area is mapped by the Kennedy et al. (2003) as being underlain by Upper Pleistocene-age Pinedale Till. Based on information for the preliminary soil and foundation investigation by LKP Engineering (2014), the near-surface geologic materials in the proposed building area consist of 4 to 6 feet of topsoil overlying clayey sand with organics and boulders. We understand that a detailed geotechnical study that involves advancement of geotechnical borings to sufficient depths will be performed by others. The slopes on the lot above an elevation of approximately 8,400 feet above MSL are mapped as being underlain by Holocene and Upper Pleistocene-age colluvium. The slopes above the subject property above an elevation of approximately 8,600 feet above MSL are mapped as the Middle Pennsylvanian-age Minturn Formation. The members of the Minturn Formation in order of ascending elevation are the Robinson Limestone Member, the Middle Member, the White Quail Limestone Member, and the Upper Member. CONCLUSIONS AND OPINIONS Based on our review of the referenced hazard maps, geologic and topographic data, proposed development information, and our site observations, it is the opinion of Ninyo & Moore that the proposed improvements are not subject to a significant risk of geologic hazards from debris flows, rockfalls, or debris/snow avalanches. It is our opinion that the debris flow, rockfall, and/or avalanche potential is limited and engineered mitigation measures are not required. Our opinion is based on the following: • The proposed residence will be located at elevations ranging from approximately 8,364 feet above MSL (at the front) to 8,380 feet above MSL (at the rear). The topography in the proposed building area is relatively level. The topographic map of the site by Peak Land Consultants (2013) contains lines depicting "High Hazard" Snow or Debris Avalanches, "Moderate Hazard" Snow or Debris Avalanches, and Maximum Extent of Rockfall Hazard (see Figure 2). According to Peak Land Consultants, the hazard lines 500808001 Rdoc 3 /Vivo./Vinare 3816 Lupine Drive May 22, 2014 East Vail, Colorado Project No. 500808001 were derived from the Town of Vail Hazard Maps (Mears, 2001) and superimposed onto the topographic map by the surveyor. The "High Hazard" Snow or Debris Avalanches line extends to an elevation of approximately 8,400 feet MSL. The "Moderate Hazard" Snow or Debris Avalanche line extends to an elevation of approximately 8,370 feet above MSL. • The "High Hazard" zone for snow and debris avalanches is approximately 75 feet south of the proposed building area. No structures are planned within the "High Hazard"zone. The proposed building area will encroach approximately 50 feet into the "Moderate Hazard" zone. However, the existing slope to the south of the proposed building area within the "Moderate Hazard" zone is relatively level at an inclination of approximately 3:1 (horizontal:vertical). Therefore, the expected runout energy from a snow or debris avalanche will be relatively low. There are no defined topographic chutes, which would provide preferred pathways for avalanches to be directed toward the proposed improvements. There is no evidence that would suggest the subject site has been impacted by debris or snow avalanches in the historic past. It is our opinion that the risk for debris or snow avalanche hazards at the site is low. • The sloping portions of the site are underlain by colluvial soils, which were deposited over time by progressive downslope transfer of material, as opposed to short-duration events such as a debris flow. We did not observe indications of active or previously existing debris flow or rock avalanche deposits along the slopes in the vicinity of the proposed improvements. We did not observe scarps, talus cones, loose boulders, or recent rockslide debris at the base of the slopes to the south of the proposed building area. It is our opinion that the risk for debris flow hazards at the site is low. • The subject lot contains a number of large boulders composed of similar geologic material to that mapped further up the slope by Kennedy et al. (2003). These boulders likely originated from the outcrops of sandstone and limestone exposed in the slopes above the lot, and were transported to their present locations by past rockfall or debris transport events. Evidence suggests that these boulders have been in-place in their present locations for decades to hundreds (or potentially thousands) of years. Evidence for their 500808001 R.doc 4 /`/fiyo /More 3816 Lupine Drive May 22, 2014 East Vail, Colorado Project No. 500808001 age include their existence on the 1969 aerial photograph; lichens of significant size growing in numerous locations on the boulders (see Photograph Nos. 26, 27, and 29); in- place weathering and fracturing of the boulders (see Photograph Nos. 28, 31, and 32); boulders embedded in the underlying and surrounding topsoil (see Photograph Nos. 34 through 40); and mature aspen trees having grown around in-place boulders (see Photograph Nos. 38 and 39). No talus cones, rock chutes, or high-angle outcrops exist on the property. Based on this evidence, it is our opinion that rockfall events have not occurred at the site in the historic past. The topography in the proposed building location is relatively level and there is a large amount of vegetation on the slope. Thus, the energy of any rolling rock would tend to dissipate prior to the rock entering the building area, should a rockfall occur. It is our opinion that the risk for rockfall hazards at the site is low. • The subject lot is situated between three developed lots containing existing residences (see photograph Nos. 2, 3, and 9). The majority of the subdivision has been built-out.The proposed building area is located downslope from several of the neighboring properties on slopes that are significantly less steep than the neighboring residences (especially 3828 Lupine Drive [Lot 10], see photograph Nos. 2, 8, 14, 15, and 17 through 19). The proposed residence is located in an area that would be less hazardous than the neighboring residences, and the proposed development would not pose an increased risk of geologic hazards to neighboring properties. Furthermore,the following is our opinion: • The site can be developed for the specific structure or use proposed without corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations. • The site is a geologically sensitive area but development will not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, rights of way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind. 5OOKO8O0 I R doc 5 *ago./Noone 3816 Lupine Drive May 22, 2014 East Vail, Colorado Project No. 500808001 DISCUSSION The property Owner and the design team may want to consider implementing strategies during site grading, landscaping, and development that would decrease the risk of hazards originating in the slopes above the property. Such hazards could include shallow sloughing and slope failures, shallow snow slides, drainage problems from snowmelt runoff water or precipitation events, etc. Mitigation strategies could include re-planting the bare portions of the slopes above the site with non-fire hazard vegetation to decrease erosion potential; creating a rock wall, berm, or catchment area upslope from the building area to deflect material or runoff away from the proposed structure. While we do not consider these measures to be mandatory, good development practice suggests that these relatively inexpensive measures would improve the long-term performance of the proposed improvements. Based on our review of the proposed site plan, the landscape architect has planned a large rock waste area located approximately 25 feet south of the rear of the residence, at an elevation of approximately 8,388 feet above MSL. This large rock waste area would act as a buffer between the slope and the development area and would meet the intent of the mitigation strategies discussed above. LIMITATIONS The field observations and geologic evaluation presented in this report have been conducted in general accordance with current practice and the standard of care exercised by geologic and geotechnical consultants performing similar tasks in the project area. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the conclusions, recommendations, and opinions presented in this report. There is no evaluation detailed enough to reveal every geologic hazard condition. Variations may exist and conditions not observed or described in this report may be encountered during construction. Uncertainties relative to subsurface conditions can be reduced through additional subsurface exploration. Please also note that our evaluation was limited to assessment of the geologic aspects of the project, and did not include evaluation of geotechnical design parameters, geotechnical global slope stability analysis, retaining wall design, environmental concerns,or the presence of hazardous materials. 5(X)80800I R.doc 6 /`/nya ti/wore 3816 Lupine Drive May 22, 2014 East.Vail, Colorado Project No. 500808001 This document is intended to be used only in its entirety. No portion of the document, by itself, is designed to completely represent any aspect of the project described herein. Ninyo& Moore should be contacted if the reader requires additional information or has questions regarding the content, interpretations presented, or completeness of this document. Our conclusions, recommendations, and opinions are based on an analysis of the observed site conditions. If geologic or geotechnical conditions different from those described in this report are encountered, our office should be notified and additional recommendations, if warranted, will be provided upon request. It should be understood that the conditions of a site could change with time as a result of natural processes or the activities of man at the subject site or nearby sites. In addition, changes to the applicable laws, regulations, codes, and standards of practice may occur due to government action or the broadening of knowledge. The findings of this report may, therefore, be invalidated over time, in part or in whole, by changes over which Ninyo & Moore has no control. This report is intended exclusively for use by the client, Mr. Adam Bersin, Chateau d'Oex, LLC, and the Town of Vail. Any use or reuse of the findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations of this report by parties other than the client is undertaken at said parties' sole risk. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact the undersigned at the Ninyo & Moore office. Respectfully submitted, „'Q,�P, 0 R .c�sIII e. ;;� SS • .i 0 MN 0 & MOORE ��0,,• , 6.0 i• i or$ 41E tit' a Nathan A.Ash, PG, CEG Serkan Sengul, PE Principal Geologist Principal Engineer NAA/SS/ceb Attachments: Figure 1 -Site Location Figure 2•- Site Survey and Photo Location Map Appendix A-Photographic Documentation Distribution: (1) Addressee (via email) Soososom R doe 7 /yinyo.ti,,Moore 3816 Lupine Drive May 22,2014 East Vail, Colorado Project No. 500808001 REFERENCES Colorado Geological Survey, 2008, Geologic Map of the Larkspur Quadrangle, Douglas and El Paso Counties, Colorado, CGS Open-File Report 08-17. Fabre Engineering, 2011, Overall Grading and Drainage Plan, 15235 Furrow Road, Ponderosa Retreat and Conference Center, USR Site Improvement Plan, US2010-021, dated February 18. Jake's Drafting Service, 2014, Site Plan for Chateau-D'Oex, 3816 Lupine Drive, Vail, CO 81657, Job# 14.01B, dated May 19. LKP Engineering, 2014, Preliminary Soil and Foundation Investigation for a Proposed Residence, Lot 8, Bighorn Subdivision, 3816 Lupine Drive, East Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, Project No. 14-2930, dated May 5. Peak Land Consultants, 2013, Partial Topographic Map, Lot 8, a Resubdivision of Lot 8 and 9, Bighorn Subdivision Second Additions, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, PLC Joh# 1010.2, dated December 27. Town of Vail, 2014, Official Avalanche Hazard Map,Town of Vail, Colorado, dated March 5. Town of Vail, 2000, Official Debris Flow Hazard Map, Town of Vail, Colorado, dated October 17. Town of Vail,2010, Official Rockfall Hazard Map,Town of Vail, Colorado, dated October 17. Tweto, Ogden, 1979, Geologic Map of Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey Map. Kellogg, K.S., Bryant, B., and Redsteer, M.H., 2003, Geologic Map of the East Vail Quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2375. 500!`_:r..:.rtt:1G':lr,.,,;D u`ve.Suite 195 • kite-,:,:UnJ Vi;: :jE -J'aa3WiI I I • Pho 1-20i 629-5000 • rax i303J 6294001 ar. )rs)c • .;N4 • lo,;rinSr'n� • Y irxl 4, - I • .. fr;�^�_,� % "�*` , "•. .-.., I i d� 1 ff I ` i, aE f n i 1t f t• }yam " I' ' , ' - ' . , .- 1, 1 ., . .! .-f-i , ..: .: : c \ ‘, ., c-...., , ,.: . t f , t e i r. ir.. r / � � •`.y` r"",. ` ":�, ;' 1 w �� �. , r , f i t � �, � 1 _ �:"1�` 'I - f ri" r` �.. s X. • t z„,,:„,••,,, _-------,_1---;,--:.•‘-1.1 `^, �-- "+qtr n72' •r '- .,„ "" 'd t�� `` _ kms„"`----" ! r F v t� /✓r ti:' j r,/,-., l'\! ...„--,..\\...:-„:_„„...:/_______- ��. 4 ty.--_,--\\,,,,,. : °-.:. 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Photograph Location and Direction --ii. .., FOUND No.5 DEBAR WIN ALUMINUM CAP LS.No.27598 1 i 1 GRAIII ill' :::CIAI.Ii: FIGURE 4(1 nfl PHOTOGRAPH LOCATIONS ).75/9&44oure g PROJECT NO: DATE 3816 LUPINE DRIVE 2 g 500808001 5/14 EAST VAIL,COLORADO 3816 Lupine Drive May 22, 2014 East Vail, Colorado Project No. 500808001 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION 5OO8OR(X)I R.doc /`/Ry0&*oure Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 14 yY" iy ^ se 1 Itzi ,. . r • r • Photo 1 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Lot Address 11111ililliHreirim'. ...mss - gill • + ii- .4 a # .- 4 1r 4 r • I w Gw_ -4r +F •+ y . ,, 111, r • Illk 41 yR # y' k 1/ AFF . ! 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Photo 3 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Proposed Buildig Area, Looking Northwest __ p Hl; ...;e�,1 �t ,•'%T^ C `gy .`�. a - W.,., n. .. . — .isilimmfb'sra..F.1- 4nNx w 'ti V - N� • -", ." , rn .. ,f '', ' +ha r ' 4'4,1„Y' ' "°'alk%lil'C'",,,\ i‘i.,Vin . , '`.., „4:0‘' 1 ,, „,...1 ,,,r, Photo 4 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date: 05/07/2014 View of Upper Lot Slope Looking East 'Irn.7o&•►'fi 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 2 of 21 g Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 1f '*' . ■ ' } iiry '' .• F .5 F f • I{ 5 F li y •4lim q • ' �,L F � � MIL 1' � k 111��^ f * ' 4411441r ?pi ` 4 � , if?ivi iitto. + .. #- 4 + ..z - _ 1 Photo 5 Location: 3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Upper Lot Slope Looking South at Topography Above '4--,,„4-- _-' � � I�hIR � r ulllllp�pIlIlIVlhl �:If', .� 1, R��� 1111.' k ¢ ,�y, ..c.7-2‘,*:;„,i ku1"I 4w 1'''� °'I'l x �rc Iti• 1/4 • ,,1 A... s.,•••0 1•.-,',.. qq* 1\,,...,710. -5.1,s )IN • ' 'E' " ,1,4N t o Y'' ',.4,1•i,,,,,•140, • • • 1 le q , , ✓k,,• nrs }1 :1 Idw5 aar j I.,, x 1E y..7 �'4.' 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'• -r / ,.. 4 + tet * ..itiiii } Photo 10 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Proposed Building Area,Looking North from South Property Line 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 5 of 21 upme Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 V � t n r�I .",:1,•,,-5::‘,,,,.17:1•4 ^r+ M l'1,4' c „10„„, 0 , .{ �. . n� t t , R � 164 .1I lII 5 5�1f § 1 ' u' t17 r+ f I � ,c, ,',,. .-,i � 1 /y ,, Y III j} t� rt \`'1,,,,, t ,-",1) .” , F 111 „ , t Y.. ` .: t,, -• � �. e r r f } f , a:'yi •i i f.„ ..\ - • y ri 'v 11 I FI. "1 k J t‘'-‘, @f.,y 4 :, ,;,N MYA' M ' f`Ft I V 4 jj'{ �'�� w� �� k \ �yy r r`. 1 „ ..= r f I �/,!ter / P�p•I M � y '. ' �1 .. 7 1 .1 li.� ., \'‘ '. f 1 r rt 1 ti t , t ytr 1� 1 Ott I f fa *: ;/ 1' s tiepi .. Photo 11 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Topography and Vegetation Up Slope From Lot, Looking South From South Lot Line it �' 1.1,11't• f 7„w §, .«�,I ,' ' $ ( f hi✓tet t y i J, a 1 -s ,,, t I 1 . , P, r,,. 11 r 1 j ,t r §, �� r1 1. '"11 �rl h ,� � 1�y'�L1'�' � �r�tf µr r 1 7 <0,4,! lYM y'.. lu rl rl & buy � ' � 1y 4} r r t 'I r� @ „ y1 y 1 d 7 „1:‘,,, 4...,'f5 y „ ,rn ', 1 "i „ia I. 1 I- (.. �aR a 4'„ MIs ,,i,' It #-# .- k ...e ,'''''''':',,,,,t, , , r'a' ,.t r3?,.i..',,,„1„ l 1W, w : , y 11 i,M r y y Photo 12 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Topography and Vegetation Up Slope From Lot, Looking Southwest 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 6 of 21 /(/A/D.,,,Nk4Rr2 No.: 500808001 Name: 3816 Lupine DrveI,# +iI.4� oject l � ;rung',II,t VI 0rA3�j i 1 '4 errj. ', ,,,,,,c,7411\)`'rd� wok u k ��� � it w�" -44,4j,,, � i .1", •�� '4 f �"� .-,:,.1.,1,:: � L �'�� .f yYJ., 1 '" , '.= '' T� Y. i 1 T 1; of. 4 + '*r, S {fi . /f Iia w�� , y3 k Photo 13 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05107/2014 Survey Stakes Denoting Southwest Lot Corner Y Y'"� ! yp v ," L y ,wt ' 4 14 IsTh" rY" 1 �'I ' ^ e Rpl „ I I�IhII11%'''', ,0, YY " ^I, ''t imp" " 4• 9111 o- �sl� Ir w ," ,V 1 I 1 rI�'�", �µ'�III,. �pq�: + 'L" ,".� � ... VV•,�� .{r' • ,!1' r i. �d''I1^r, K 44MWIIK" .., II 1 I , V -ysn. ._waS4. In.n Ir Itl Vq� „*,I'`M �. a .,�'y -� I:- VV � �'1 u 6 fo #k ,. 1, y Photo 14 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:0510712014 View of Neighboring Residences Looking East from Mid Slope �'I`Te' 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 7 of 21 Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 Ilyh i . �r ISI 1,,..-*,,,,.2."1'..- Fa0- may 7'-- ��I 2 24, '- ,i,..1;-,give tt-i t' LK AY`tl M +^ III'11//11. 4 x1P� V�,"yq � '•^,IwV;� .` x r x 14�� #r 4'III. n�.. �, 4 ,n .✓- �l a�,y y,g'xgm,a�, s. _-7,4rl , t �.. , ,,rf rr , r f"" ';F.,„0----- --._-,.. --- °IdPrrv„ v+,. .,,41:1111 {.}w•. n ^ i. Photo 15 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Slope Above 3828 Lupine Drive Looking Northeast with Boulder in Foreground 1,1 uh ' 1h,� s ;, III111i 11,11 jiiII Il ' tz pl mHlill : ' �'i i; ' � � IIII I �¢''4��itiINN 7d pIN� I� `rya, ` B� ! Iw ilr-:Y urs .III, MV" III,' I k,r E 'i. 1 .,-,i4 1 y ;A � �y � ,x 1 w ' ? '9 ;� ` - 41+x"' ` .. `t > '', Photo 16 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Slope Above Subject Lot Looking Southeast 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 8 of 21 /�/Iayoe/t4l�twre Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 .m xi .. z",' , .115 u st`1 , ...,_,.. .. ...._.--�.,.�.�. �, .:,,��,,�r I mm I„mi"`�'7' "' IIIVlllnlll n �"y rr, Kp ' f b - Photo 17 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Drainage Swale Above 3828 Lupine Drive Looking East 'N,, 115111r,� ! 14/11 ',111111 1 r t °� hm R 1�i 4E � "� 4 ° a ,,,,,,...4,14 �. w +A 1" O't'",: te `fi 1 f .. 'Rli ,a, y,43tp . :+cS F. ri ,....^ . , ,...^...:•31,21,f$„:1^!„7'. „.-‘ -'.--%''- '„ '''''': - -411.4, ' . " a , ,-- ..-„,..,,, , ,:-,i,i,ilYst, , ‘'.,,,,•4.t,-,!. .p.,:.-0„--_ 41-i. ..,:,,,,, lii.,„. '4',',•'°k-e,,,y,,,,';it,,,s,.;° At C Photo 18 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of 3828 Lupine Drive Looking East f 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 9 of 21 0� 4�0 Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 t -- s} s, a "' , 1;y fa ; 1' t'.___s''- —_.c.- - ! i A k ..,t-4,. ..t,.4.—.,, � - ~ =r'+i fid Z�aL t Kw' h r t +4 1 _ ..,4 j` 'uy.-r.'+�f^ g* 1/ yt..:, ,fi j•.-'''44"s-'' E Photo 19 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of 3828 Lupine Drive Looking East with Boulders and Vegetation in Foreground mow..7:7:: ""'"'''r�X �. 4 www _. &.' .,..m.�.." •a" ,.+ 7;--:.—'--=',.--';',7*-":,:. a 4071* n ,,• a '�6 � ��r, a '''4er , - .. : , .. ,-4.-,,,.. --. 4""..-'..• _,...'pP.,.** ,x, a 4 Photo 20 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date: 05/07/2014 View of 3826 Lupine Drive Looking East with Boulders in Foreground N''y°$`�'_ Q 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 10 of 21 Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 ' i 1 4 i ilti 6 . i p IIA '.' Pi S., II. , % . 1 . ' M N. ••. v. NI 11" . ` X ,,"• 'dli4 • , 9111.P. " '14 libIr41 .'- ... • '11, •s. f' y r 'yy TM r Photo 21 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View Looking South from Mid Slope „II, >. r , `- rf. ' air ,f ',.':4`, a � I r , 7t / Photo 22 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Survey Stake Denoting East Property Line 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 11 of 21 4I/V0.•f'—ar$ Project Name:3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 II w JF41,4 yr *y 144 ' 1:- 74 r • `. T F � s , rry r - r ....14lbN. IMP 1 7 + Je4 • A' qi. k b 41,,,r:I .s 'f .. ' like Photo 23 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View Looking West From Building Area Toward Lot 7 rr . 41 ,( i 1 a 11 1 I 1 r 4" . 1, . r - 11 Ii: 111 r : lb. il I to. _ . : . i 1i 0- . '..I i a ," il r ili• ..F *,x + a i 1 # ' ,1t' \.r # - ` s ry y a 1 ir . . t Ala .4.11. •4.•'ilitt t. Photo 24 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Proposed Building Area,Looking North 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 12 of 21 u///i/Os/ Core Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 0 w t '4d, . sem.,, 4 , 1 :� 1 � + } � Vi 41dl�ll N " $147'111'11:';i A i6NkJ 4,111 IV0i � tNv�� vpll� np4 a,1 _ l : , 8,, L ' ."+j X k, ,4411 I,` "_.ill a41,41,- i- ' 't‘1'* : lurt 1 11 I It' HIillt, t4u � v liuh fi�Iy ry I 1100tl II 'y I,1,s{ . l 4 , J I ' .II Maj'�4pll'' ' --)4-7,..4'°',1::'°'''''11.11.''f':';:°`.;',,..., ,' tOS'''.t1,4.4.', ,'";:`;'''')Till y...' : .�l r r h;. r ^ 'iu''. n Wl fipl� M Photo 25 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05107/2014 View Looking Southwest From Building Area Toward Lot 7 with Boulders in Foreground I tit '.'- * I,1 ...'' -. 1; ''e ' - . • tr. . f is, ' i,4.4-'- •'I 1:144 j, , ' x. y • M a # .r r 1.1111.• IA,. • % „tpu.„... 4061$r 1" 1.• • 414., - 1 1)p I F F "14#,* I T r *F +Om,. + 43 it' Photo 26 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Boulder in Subject Lot Near West Property Line 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 13 of 21 `fisc og'I' ere Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 to -n Ft i X •',�+ y r--, .'',`e ` k' v yr '* ,. *,, II + _� C "' ^ .yI���� i 1;4, bdB f M , d -, II ' -�J�,p '"� ,.,?its.t - ,, , . ,.3'... ''„, ' .,' „ „A:1,,,,, ,,34 -,:os, F VH q { ''d '�r[. ,�.p�t Photo 27 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Closeup of Lichen Growth on Boulder Shown in Photo 26 Mme.. s44,Pte. . ^,i0P044,1r 4 j',,,,,' 0 e T'4 r t'- �' r '> Y _3_ _i' `oet f ,, y •, , - + r �� ,� ) rix,,. , :a amt Photo 28 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 In-Place Weathering on Top of Boulder Shown inPhoto 26 `/ 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 14 of 21 .7o&'I'ilg Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 n "t, ., • i e •,....,•,4W'- I , alp' i • ,- : ‘,.,,,:.• ,:f,/;.4:'',., f,74.4.1., • • ' . / .=' 3411 41%V • MI r '.• + . PtYI • • Photo 29 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Closeup of Lichen Growth on Boulder Shown in Photo 26 .. . ,.7,-.Effk,...-wir 4tiii,a0, 114:. '''' V '. . a Y 1111 -w. y .ha 01 A 811 kli t . iStic i' et ' r t r { It t ili • Photo 30 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View Up Slope of Lot 7, Looking Southwest 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 15 of 21 ivirwo&Not 1YYe Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 sr< v . r /..'''t y�f ._.{ n c- aYW • 4 L III I " X K Y • '���,� ���I� M. IVII4* I • � t. . ". -. t Rum 4 ,. •a'w alt r `?r ..",",is. y f---- -,`,..:;••.xf. ' ,� ,"04::e., �s f n tf. t, .max „„,,,,l''' fY i ot i • ` yam \:‘, ” ..' c ` G , Lxw ; �� j . I Photo 31 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 In Place Weathering and Fracturing of Boulder Along West Property Line •o 1 klw•- s "y`fF� ,`'�eR�"iiiioot l$' ,�\ .�3 [‘''`°+':ta� Yi'v♦ �.. ...,-2,11..""•.:44; •.• 9y s' • - - (<�;. -4,,-,„„A..,,,,'4, t ':.. ,;,„.,.� ,yFY ✓ - ..�y :1-14,:;.:,,'•'',1,4,-:"•,--7!:•••!0", -I4 �` " . - w .r ,;,jf std n ;Id. /t }z 4 . �,•� 5r-i -.-,, 1 -t. : y""' a °a Ri '� \ r k } .. --; L�7 43,r'9"�, _4 y NO r y r *' su4 . . < �,^ r „-, .:',3f:74.,, Ya'i /x.r/(,(y T / ',t-'''I.'..'!�Y� -���': c --' as `.:- ;' ^L4: �-,r4�17 ..; y, ( ., „,, %......,;17-, .' .t, .• ^"tr u,d*'•II. {1 11 • "ipc").',I Nit 1 Ill J., 4 ik :f fr l Jy w ' !s SII ¢s y ,p •. ,. m "” ' ""4 �ar iy + 1, ..., 40'. j! !t>_ / o' � F1 w or Photo 32 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 In Place Weathering and Fracturing of Boulder Along West Property •Line 500808001 Photo Template.xis Page 16 of 21 -y/lnyam ware Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 .4 . w- imp ti I. i. 1 ■ • w `til + — JP 4111Irki...401.. t -JP. . _ r iv, - ., W1..� h • b afie .j, .. f Photo 33 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View Up Slope of Subject Lot, Looking Southwest r", y I 11�1j s. k 11� �+1, ? �I I 1 f,� I{ '. y� ltlltli..l hl 1 ', a : z,,,:-Y4 r,-' , II h "°'�kr' ifi,1px i"' 4°'� '' r I W I4 ,. 11 i , i 111.y,.x i N1I1�� .i ,}""iYuRF4"n..'it l 4 V M r II1yf xwl� 1 i 14r.,, 1 r`'" ilk4, _4441 - 1 , p., i o,4 ^4^0^-', gi,,, '.,„, Pfv• 4. Ifs n r ' v. 4 yr k"'� #4 It G.i4tkk', „w,' 6 M 4M u.. ' �" +C1 yu, ;:',7041--'*:"�+q'M✓'.- i. 'cY� rt. ^..if�lY� Y `r� M C °""'' x. 'x)1' ,k.c',,l,r'''' - f Photo 34 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Large Boulder in Proposed Building Area,Note that Boulder is Embedded in Underlying Topsoil and Surrounded by Mature Trees fioffistya.lyi Q 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 17 of 21 Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 #1 . { - • . lir \ , | . • , , � } . | ,• . . . � . ' 1 7,10q) . ■ , Ii �j.| 10.10 • •\ � � � , �� Ill • $ a | k | _ - a I i . r-i 6.--. i P 1 m .`- K . _ ' , ' J « _ I. _ , _ .. , . ara -- 2 _ —, Igialiv" ,ir - - - \ . . . alMila - % - ! 1 ~.4 ~ . , Photo 35 Location:3816 Lupine Drive 0507214 Large Bouldem in Proposed Building Area, Loo@q South tm Lupine Drive . » 7%1k 1,/ / �4 4 J , . or k' . , , ■. ...I.e.'. i - o -, .. • . r u 44 lo Al , �, \. 9 ® .- 41 r # , Ill II • li; , , . - . ., . | � , Ii. • \ \ : - II 1 • .2 - • id , . , . ir• ... I� I , . dbu RP 10 ' ��� | -. . _ t - �1. ,•. ' mid '• , Pi . -p. , , P 'le: - . .. . e , ...- - Igo_ . * F ill,. -. _ • � ~ - 4, k . «/14 4- ' - � ' - -1-__ = a Photo 36 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05072014 View of Proposed Building Area,Loom South. Ground DsrbanceFrom Geotechnical Test Pit Locations 500808001Pho Photo Template.xls Pageey 21 Nitoro.4fieure Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 tom: n l'1' r 41 V4! `,, %.,,,1:"1111" V'p i' �'.e t 1 i i' iii, h, # 8 , 1,1 !, m t� ,,..-,, /. ,,i1,-, br !�; a ' } ', i. 1 # 11:;-ii."-:7) $ is { � ' s ^, *i „I nx' 1' l4 t.1;", I t.,..,,,,, „ , i .., , 1e„:„.4.1, ,,.... , 11,,.'.,11,-,....,,.,,,, =giwl \io , _ '. 11 ,'war "*.+, M pr { r +,0 /}I 14 d`Ali,4'`. liw n� '� � � -4 w SM, d :. 0. -..Y. Ve.. :I1�r�rN + . Nn ,".`. w} 'dam 4^as*` Mtn. 1�, I ^ Photo 37 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Large Boulders in Proposed Building Area, Looking South from Lupine Drive .„y _It g. "r` f11Ggo1 vf ' '� 'p✓ie'ti pi '',.'1,; m yi` ` !' ,1h t a a f ' r s k 1r ' %,,,i,17'. r' �q + '1'4" ;", r ,,� � �1� r.l , I� 'ii ,77''''. l P t , ! . ra ' il � IM , ,la t t ” !iry ' 4 i e 1. +js si r, Iwo . tl••..- ', ' "� air y; w 4r , C. t j, �. Photo 38 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Large Boulder in Proposed Building Area,Note that Boulder is Embedded in Underlying Topsoil and Surrounded by Mature Trees 4finD4M4C 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 19 of 21 Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 :1 II I r '-M i19{III k ry 11,1' or- 1 III . it 0 ' C' 44•' Photo 39 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Mature Aspen Tree Growing Around Boulder in Proposed Building Area mm Lei C,,/!`t 4 • 14, • • z <, ,uY a r• MVI ... Photo 40 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 Large Boulder in Proposed Building Area, Note that Boulder is Embedded in Underlying Topsoil and Surrounded by Mature Trees 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 20 of 21 / 1n1go�Fftru r Project Name: 3816 Lupine Drive Project No.: 500808001 ..j.I. 4.0) -• iii ;151: 4 giiiiiii tw • : . '• AP' .';: ill VP With r •%Wit ,tili Zan xI ill PI • ;; •s 4. * i • ' * .4 ' # R t f .11.. . ESLAII.1111:.liket:11,4 . II Photo 41 Location:3816 Lupine Drive Date:05/07/2014 View of Proposed Building Area Looking North 500808001 Photo Template.xls Page 21 of 21 •1ZgO&Nt Ie