HomeMy WebLinkAboutB14-0269 Flue Sentinel Manual F I R-.... [
Low Profile
WARNING: Installation and service must be performed by a qualified
installer, service agency or the gas supplier. Improper installation,
adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property
damage, personal injury or loss of life. Read these instructions
carefully and completely before proceeding with the installation.
Warning: Do not install this damper on a chimney burning solid fuel
such as wood.
Warning: Do not install this damper on a chimney used for venting
central heating or water heating appliances.
The Flue Sentinel Electronic Fireplace
Damper is designed to increase the
and energy efficiencycomfort of residential homesSI IjY`4 ,`. _I i
with gas-fired fireplaces. Consisting of a
stainless steel pipe/blade assembly and
solid-state controller housed in a weather-
proof enclosure, the damper is installed 44;11111 I on the top of the chimney of a
gas-fired fireplace. The damper f •
automaticallyopens the flue outlet when the " ' '` °`
. . r
fireplace is turned on and automatically s
closes off the flue outlet when the fireplace rc •
is turned off. By closing off the flue outlet
the fireplace is not in use, the damper
prevents drafts and conserves energy by FLUE SENTINEL
preventing heat in the home from escaping
through an open flue.
The Flue Sentinel is design certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) to
CSA Requirement NO. 2.03-US for Automatic Vent Dampers Devices for Use
Outdoors on Fireplaces Chimneys and covered by U.S. Patent No. 6,915,799.
Table 1. Operating Specifications
Voltage (range) 24 VAC (Max. 27.6, Min. 20.4 VAC)
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Current (running) 80 mA
Maximum current rating for output 5 A
Operating temperature range Controller: (-40) - 140°F
Pipe: (-40) - 650°F
Timing 7 seconds to open
30-40 seconds to close (incl. time delay)
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Table 2. Dimensions and Clearance Needed
PART NO. DIM.A DIM. B DIM. C DIM. D T. (Ib) Damper Blade
Clearance Required
FSE-L6 5.9 6.0 14.5 11.8 4.02 .25
FSE-L8 7.9 6.0 16.5 13.8 4.25 1.25
FSE-L10 9.9 6.0 18.5 15.8 5.25 2.25
FSE-L11 10.9 6.0 19.5 16.8 5.81 2.75
FSE-L12 11.9 6.0 21.5 17.8 6.36 3.25
FSE-L13 12.9 6.0 22.5 18.8 6.55 3.75
FSE-L14 13.9 6.0 23.5 19.8 7.07 4.25
FSE-L16 15.9 6.0 25.5 21.8 8.25 5.25
FSE-L18 17.9 6.0 27.5 23.8 9.80 6.25
FSE-L20 19.9 6.0 29.5 25.8 11.25 7.25
FSE-L22 21.9 6.0 31.5 27.8 12.35 8.25
FSE-L24 23.9 6.0 33.5 29.8 13.75 9.25
*AII dimensions are in inches.
Warning: Do not install this damper on a Warning: Do not install this damper on a
chimney burning solid fuel such as wood. chimney used for venting central heating or
water heating appliances.
The Flue Sentinel has been designed to fit Installation steps:
a variety of chimney types including
masonry and manufactured chimneys. It 1. Set the damper in the opening of the
features a mounting collar that seals the chimney flue to check the fit. The
chimney, adjustable legs for means of damper's mounting collar should rest
attachment and a crimped outlet for evenly on the top edge of the flue. Also
mounting the chimney top. Figurel is an check the orientation of the damper
example of a typical installation control housing and mounting legs to
ensure the proper attachment and
Installation of the Flue Sentinel must routing of the wiring harness.
comply with the following requirements:
2. Remove the damper and apply a bead
• The Flue Sentinel must be installed of high temperature sealant on the top
only on a factory built chimney or vent edge of the flue.
complying with a recognized standard,
or a masonry or concrete chimney 3. Center the damper in the opening of
acceptable to the authority having the chimney flue.
4. Adjust mounting legs to rest flush with
• The Flue Sentinel must be located on a the exterior of the chimney before
chimney so that it serves only the attaching to flue with worm gear clamps
single fireplace appliance for which it is or screws no longer than 1/4 inch.
installed. Tighten the mounting leg bolts at the
collar brackets.
• The Flue Sentinel shall be installed in
accordance with local codes, or in the
absence of local codes, in accordance Warning: Before installing a cap other
with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI than one offered by Flue Sentinel, insure
Z223.1. that the clearance inside the cap meets the
clearance noted in Table 2 for the size of
• If the Flue Sentinel is to be installed on the unit that is being installed. Failure to do
an air-cooled chimney, it must be so will damage the unit and will void the
installed with the appropriate Flue warranty.
Sentinel Mounting Kit per the kit
instructions. 5. Install the warning tag on the damper
If you have any questions regarding the wiring harness near gas valve. To identify
the requirement that the Flue Sentinel
proper installation of the Flue Sentinel, device before converting to wood burning.
contact Technical Service at 586-739-4373
(8:30am-5:OOpm EST).
Chimney Top
1— Flue Sentinel
i— – 7--- Mounting Leg
*4-Wire Cable
x 4"Framing
,- 1/2"Drywall or Sheetrock
(See Local Code)
*Typically 18/4. Run in
conduit if required or if
installed on exterior of Manufactured Chimney
masonry chimney.
**The Flue Sentinel is
electrically interlocked ;
with the main burner
valve/controls of the
gas log set.See Basic
Wring Diagram on pg. Minimum Clearance to
8. Combustibles Per Chimney
Ignition / GSLOSt
Module not
shown. __ —
-..-, -I -fl I:I I:I-
**Gas Valve / –Gas Line
Figure 1
Warning: This damper device must be Warning: Do not negate the action of any
interlocked with all automatic gas valves existing safety or operational control.
on the fireplace appliance.
The following requirements must be met to • The wiring connecting the damper
ensure safe and proper operation: controller to the gas valve must be a
minimum of 18 AWG and must be run
• The Flue Sentinel Electronic Fireplace in conduit if installed on the exterior of
Damper must be electrically connected the chimney or required by code.
to the fireplace appliance using the
chimney upon which the damper is
installed. • Figure 2 is a wiring connection diagram
for a typical installation with an
intermittent ignition system.
• The damper must be installed in
accordance with the NEC NFPA 70
(most recent edition) and/or local The damper control wiring must
codes. always be connected as follows:
• The damper must be installed using the Brown - 24 VAC Hot
wiring harness supplied with it. This Orange - Signal In
harness has a mated connector which Yellow - Signal Out
plugs into the damper controller. Black - 24 VAC Common
• The damper's wiring harness must If you have any questions regarding the
terminate at the gas valve. proper wiring of the Flue Sentinel, contact
Technical Service at 586-739-4373
(8:30am-5:OOpm EST).
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120 VAC 24 VAC
L2 - -•
Figure 2
4.0 Final Inspection
3.0 Sequence of Operation
Warning: If a damper was installed prior to
When the fireplace is turned on, a 24V intalling the Flue Sentinel, this damper
signal is sent by the fireplace control to the must be blocked completely open or
damper controller. The damper controller removed.
motor then rotates the damper blade,
which is indexed to a cam, to the open
position to allow products of combustion to Caution: Do not turn damper by hand.
pass through the flue outlet. The cam Manually rotating the Flue Sentinel damper
proves the damper is in the open position will damage the motor and void the
and switches 24V from the motor to the warranty.
main gas valve or ignition system, which
fires the main burner.
Turn on the gas and electrical supplies to
When the fireplace is turned off, the the appliance. Check the operation of the
fireplace control removes the 24V signal to Flue Sentinel by cycling the appliance at
the damper controller, shutting off the main least three times as follows:
burner. After a 30-40 second delay, the
damper controller motor then rotates the 1. Switch the fireplace control to turn on
damper blade to the closed position and the fireplace.
resets itself for the next time the fireplace
is turned on.
2. The damper will open and fire the main
burner. The damper must be in the
open position when appliance main
burner is operating.
3. Switch the fireplace control to turn off
the fireplace. The main burner will
immediately shut off and, after
approximately 30-40 seconds, the
damper will rotate to the closed
If the Flue Sentinel Electronic Fireplace
Damper and/or fireplace appliance does
not operate as described above, consult
the Troubleshooting Chart on Page 10 for
the proper course of action to resolve the
Troubleshooting Chart
Problem Possible Causes Action
Damper won't open No power or insufficient power at Check for opens in the power supply
damper circuit and correct.
No signal into damper Check for opens in fireplace
control/circuit and correct.
Obstruction preventing damper Check for protruding screws or
blade from rotating binding in pipe/blade assembly
and correct.
Defective damper controller Replace controller.
Damper opens but Defective gas valve or ignition Check for power at gas valve and/or
appliance main control on appliance ignition control. If present, replace
burner(s) does not defective part.
Defective damper controller If not present, check for power at
controller, yellow wire should be
energized. If not, replace
Damper rotates Defective damper controller Replace controller.
Damper won't close, No power or insufficient power at . Check for power at controller, only
main burner off damper black and brown wires should be
energized. If not, check wiring
Obstruction preventing damper Check for protruding screws or
blade from rotating binding in pipe/blade assembly
and correct.
Defective damper controller Replace controller.
Damper won't close, Fireplace control still sending Check for shorts in fireplace control/
main burner on signal to damper to open circuit and correct.
5.0 Maintenance
Caution: Label all wires prior to
disconnection when servicing
controls. Wiring errors can cause
improper and dangerous operation.
The Flue Sentinel has been
designed to provide years of
maintenance free service. However,
for continued safe operation, the
Flue Sentinel, chimney and fireplace
appliance should be examined once
a year by a qualified service agency.
It is also recommended that the
homeowner examine these
components at least every (6)
months, with particular attention
given to deterioration from corrosion
or other source.
Flue Sentinel LLC 51147 Simone Industrial Drive
Shelby Township, MI 48316 USA
Voice: 586-739-4373 Fax: 586-739-4364 www.fluesentinel.com
P/N 0100-00 Rev.D 04/08
Low Profile
WARNING: Installation and service must be performed by a qualified
installer, service agency or the gas supplier. Improper installation,
adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property
damage, personal injury or loss of life. Read these instructions
carefully and completely before proceeding with the installation.
Warning: Do not install this damper on a chimney burning solid fuel
such as wood.
Warning: Do not install this damper on a chimney used for venting
central heating or water heating appliances.
1 0247-01
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Table 2. Dimensions and Clearance Needed
PART NO. DIM.A DIM. B DIM. C DIM. D WT. (Ib) Damper Blade
Clearance Required
FSM-L6 5.9 6.0 14.5 11.8 4.02 .25 '
FSM-L8 7.9 6.0 16.5 13.8 4.25 1.25
FSM-L10 9.9 6.0 18.5 15.8 5.25 2.25
FSM-L11 10.9 6.0 19.5 16.8 5.81 2.75
FSM-L12 11.9 6.0 21.5 17.8 6.36 3.25
FSM-L13 12.9 6.0 22.5 18.8 6.55 3.75
FSM-L14 13.9 6.0 23.5 19.8 7.07 4.25
FSM-L16 15.9 6.0 25.5 21.8 8.25 5.25
FSM-L18 17.9 6.0 27.5 23.8 9.80 6.25
FSM-L20 19.9 6.0 29.5 25.8 11.25 7.25
FSM-L22 21.9 6.0 31.5 27.8 12.35 8.25
FSM-L24 23.9 6.0 33.5 29.8 13.75 9.25
*All dimensions are in inches.
3 0247-01
The Flue Sentinel Millivolt (FSM) Fireplace
Damper is designed to operate with
millivolt, standing pilot gas log fireplaces.
The FSM consists of a stainless steel
pipe/blade assembly with mounting ring, a ' Vii_:t.
solid-state battery-powered controller in a
weather-proof enclosure and a jacketed `' `
cable wiring harness. The FSM is installed
outdoors on top of the chimney of a gas- 111
fired fireplace and is electrically 0 "'14,—^ '�" {-1 ~ y
interlocked with the appliance's safety • -
control. The damper automatically opens
ensNP ,:
the flue outlet when the fireplace is turned
on and automatically closes off the flue
outlet when the fireplace is turned off. By
closing off the flue outlet when the
fireplace is not in use, the damper FLUE SENTINEL
prevents drafts and conserves energy by
preventing heat in the building from
escaping through an open flue.
The Flue Sentinel is design certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) to
CSA Requirement NO. 2.03-US for Automatic Vent Dampers Devices for Use Outdoors
on Fireplace Chimneys and covered by U.S. Patent NO. 6,915,799.
Table 1. Operating Specifications
Controller Voltage 3.6 VDC
Switching Voltage 100 —750 mVDC
Battery Life 10 yrs.*
Operating temperature range Controller: (-40) - 140°F
Pipe: (-40) - 650°F
Timing 7 seconds to open
30 seconds to close @ 450mV
*Based on normal usage as presented by HPBA Market Survey findings.
2 0247-01
Warning: Do not install this damper on a Warning: Do not install this damper on a
chimney burning solid fuel such as wood. chimney used for venting central heating or
water heating appliances.
The Flue Sentinel has been designed to fit Installation Steps:
a variety of chimney types including
masonry and manufactured chimneys. It 1. Set the damper in the opening of the
features a mounting collar that seals the chimney flue to check the fit. The
chimney, adjustable legs for means of damper's mounting collar should rest
attachment and a crimped outlet for evenly on the top edge of the flue. Also
mounting the chimney top. Figure 2.1 is check the orientation of the damper
an example of a typical installation control housing and mounting legs to
ensure the proper attachment and
Installation of the Flue Sentinel must routing of the wiring harness.
comply with the following requirements:
2. Remove the damper and apply a bead
• The Flue Sentinel must be installed of high temperature sealant on the top
only on a factory built chimney or vent edge of the flue. Center the damper in
complying with a recognized standard, the opening of the chimney flue.
or a masonry or concrete chimney
acceptable to the authority having 3. Adjust mounting legs to rest flush with
jurisdiction. the exterior of the chimney before
attaching to flue with worm gear clamps
• The Flue Sentinel must be located on a or screws no longer than '/4 inch.
chimney so that it serves only the Tighten the mounting leg bolts at the
single appliance for which it is installed. collar brackets.
• The Flue Sentinel shall be installed in
accordance with local codes, or in the Warning: Before installing a cap other
absence of local codes, in accordance than one offered by Flue Sentinel, insure
with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI that the clearance inside the cap meets the
Z223.1. clearance noted in Table 2 for the size of
the unit that is being installed. Failure to do
• If the Flue Sentinel is to be installed on so will damage the unit and will void the
an air-cooled chimney, it must be warranty.
installed with the appropriate Flue
Sentinel Mounting Kit per the kit
instructions. 4. Install the warning tag on the damper
wiring harness near gas valve. To
If you have any questions regarding the identify the requirement that the Flue
proper installation of the Flue Sentinel, sentinel device be removed before
contact Technical Service at 586-739-4373 converting to wood burning.
(8:30 am-5:OOpm EST).
4 0247-01
Chimney Top
Damper Control
Flue Sentinel
Housing _ I---------
`` 7 �_--- Mounting Leg
I _ _
*3-Wire Harness Facade
included w/ FSM —� 2" x 4" Framing
1/2" Drywall or Sheetrock
(See Local Code)
*Run in conduit if Manufactured Chimney
required or if installed f
on exterior of masonry �--
**The Flue Sentinel is ! ..---'
electrically interlocked
with the main burner
valve of the gas log set.
See Basic Wiring
Diagram on pg. 7. Minimum Clearance to
Combustibles Per Chimney
/ Manufacturer
On/Off Switch Gas Log Set
e I _
: I
Gas Line /Millivolt Gas Valve
Figure 2.1
5 0247-01
Warning: This damper device must be Warning: Do not negate the action of any
interlocked with the automatic gas valve on existing safety or operational control.
the fireplace appliance.
The following requirements must be met to • Figure 2.2 is the Basic Wiring Diagram
ensure safe and proper operation: for a FSM with a millivolt gas valve
typically used with gas log sets and
• Do NOT use this damper with a 24V or must be wired as follows:
greater system as it will damage the
controls. This damper has been FSM Harness
designed to operate with millivolt (.75V
or less) systems only. Orange - On/Off Switch
Yellow -TH
• The Flue Sentinel Electronic Fireplace Black - TP
Damper must be electrically connected
to the fireplace appliance using the Thermopile Leads
chimney upon which the damper is Red (Positive) —TH/TP
White (Negative) - TP
• The damper must be installed using the
50 foot wiring harness and wire Note: If you have a gas valve or thermopile
terminals supplied with it. The harness with connection callouts different from
should be cut to remove any excess those pictured here, contact Flue Sentinel
length. for assistance.
Figure 2.2
6 0247-01
3.0 Sequence of Operation 4.0 Final Inspection
When the fireplace is turned on, a millivolt Warning: If a damper was installed prior to
signal is sent by the fireplace control to the intalling the Flue Sentinel, this damper
damper controller. The damper controller must be blocked completely open or
motor then rotates the damper blade, removed.
which is indexed to a cam, to the open
position to allow products of combustion to
pass through the flue outlet. The cam Caution: Do not turn damper by hand.
proves the damper is in the open position Manually rotating the Flue Sentinel damper
and sends the millivolt signal to the main will damage the motor and void the
gas valve, which fires the main burner. warranty.
When the fireplace is turned off, the
fireplace control removes the millivolt Turn on the gas to the appliance and light
signal to the damper controller, shutting off the pilot. Check the operation of the Flue
the main burner. The damper controller Sentinel by cycling the appliance at least
then waits 30 seconds* then rotates the three times as follows:
damper blade to the closed position and
resets itself for the next time the fireplace 1. Switch the fireplace control to turn on
is turned on. the fireplace.
2. The damper will open and fire the main
*Average time delay at 450mV. Time delay burner. The damper must be in the
ranges from 10 to 50 seconds and will be open position when appliance main
longer at a higher voltage, shorter at a burner is operating.
lower voltage.
3. Switch the fireplace control to turn off
the fireplace. The main burner will
immediately shut off and, depending on
the system voltage, the damper will
rotate to the closed position after
approximately 10 - 50 seconds,
If the Flue Sentinel Electronic Fireplace
Damper and/or fireplace appliance does
not operate as described above, consult
the Troubleshooting Chart on Page 9 for
the proper course of action to resolve the
problem. If you have any questions
regarding the proper operation of the Flue
Sentinel, contact Technical Service at 586-
739-4373 (8:30am-5:OOpm EST).
7 0247-01
5.0 Maintenance
However, for continued safe
Caution: Label all wires prior to operation, the Flue Sentinel, chimney
disconnection when servicing controls. and fireplace appliance should be
Wiring errors can cause improper and examined once a year by a qualified
dangerous operation. service agency. It is also recommended
that the homeowner examine these
components at least every (6) months, with
The Flue Sentinel has been designed to particular attention given to deterioration
provide years of maintenance free service. from corrosion or other sources.
Troubleshooting Chart
Problem Possible Causes Action
Damper won't open. Signal voltage at Orange wire Check connections, adjust pilot, and/
less than 100 mV. or replace thermopile.
Obstruction in damper. Remove obstruction.
No power or insufficient power at Check damper battery & replace if less
damper. than 2.8V.
Defective damper controller. Replace controller.
Damper opens but Signal voltage at Yellow wire less Check connections, adjust pilot, and/
appliance main than 100 mV. or replace thermopile.
burner(s) does not Signal voltage at Yellow wire Make sure valve knob is On, if so
fire. greater than 100 mV. replace valve operator.
Damper rotates Defective damper controller. Replace controller.
Damper won't close, Signal voltage at Orange wire. Check on/off switch.
main burner off. Thermopile polarity reversed. Re-connect thermopile leads per
Figure 2.2
Obstruction in damper. Remove obstruction.
No power or insufficient power at Check damper battery & replace if less
damper. than 2.8V.
Defective damper controller. Replace controller.
Damper won't close, Fireplace control still sending Check for shorts in fireplace control/
main burner on. signal to damper to open. circuit and correct.
Flue Sentinel, LLC. 51147 Simone Industrial Drive,
Shelby Township, MI 48316 USA
Voice: 586-739-4373 Fax: 586-739-4364 www.fluesentinel.corn
8 0247-01