HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspeciton: Subsoil & Foundation NorthWest Colorado Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical I Environmental Engineering•Materials Testing June 30,2014 Chateaux d'Oex,LLC Adam Bersin 45 Charlou Circle Cherry Hills Village,CO 80111 Job Number: 14-9733 Subject: Subsoil and Foundation Investigation,Chateaux d'Oex, 3816 Lupine Drive,East Vail,Colorado. Dear Adam, This report presents the results of the Subsoil and Foundation Investigation for the proposed Chateaux d'Oex to be constructed at 3816 Lupine Drive in East Vail, Colorado. The legal description of the property is Lot 8, Resubdivision of Lot 8 and 9, Bighorn Subdivision, Second Additions, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. NWCC, Inc. (NWCC) scope of our work included obtaining data from cursory observations made at the site, the logging of two test holes, the sampling of the probable foundation soils, laboratory testing of the samples obtained and a review of the previously completed preliminary geotechnical and geologic hazard reports for the property. This report presents recommendations for economically feasible and safe type foundations, as well as allowable soil pressures and other design and construction considerations that are advisable,but not necessarily routine to quality design and building practices. Proposed Construction: Based on conversations with the client and review of the project plans, NWCC understands a two-story residential log structure with a lower level garage will be constructed in the northern portion of the property. NWCC has assumed the lower level of the structure and garage will be constructed with concrete slab-on-grade floor systems. NWCC also understands that several stacked boulder retaining walls may be constructed uphill and south of the proposed residence. For design purposes, we have assumed that the building loads will be light to moderate typical of this type of residential construction. If loadings or conditions are significantly different from those above, NWCC should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations in this report. Site Conditions: The subject property is a vacant lot situated south of Lupine Drive. Existing residences are located to the east and west of the subject property. The proposed building site is located in the northern end of the property and is vegetated with aspen and pine trees, shrubs, grasses and weeds. A number of large to very large boulders were observed at the ground surface across the property. Topography at the site is variable and generally the proposed building site slopes gently to strongly down to the north-northeast towards Lupine Drive. It appears that an elevation difference of approximately 20 feet (970) 879-7888• Fax(970) 879-7891 2580 Copper Ridge Drive•Steamboat Springs,CO 80487 Subsoil and Foundation Investigation June 30,2014 Chateaux d'Oex Page 2 of 9 Job No.: 14-9733 exists across the portion of the site to be developed. The portion of the property situated south-southwest and uphill of the proposed building site slopes steeply to very steeply down to the building site and that portion of the site is situated within the"High Hazard" Snow or Debris Avalanches zone. A portion of the building site is located within the "Moderate Hazard" Snow or Debris Avalanche zone. Due to the steepness of the upper portions of the property, a majority of the property is situated within the "Rockfall Hazard"area. Subsurface Conditions: To investigate the subsurface conditions at the site,two test holes were advanced on June 2, 2014 with an ATV mounted CME 45 drill rig using 4-inch diameter continuous flight augers. The approximate test hole locations are shown in Figure#1. The subsurface conditions encountered were variable and generally consisted of a relatively thick layer of topsoil and organic materials with boulders overlying a layer of clayey-silty sands. The clayey-silty sands are underlain by colluvial deposited cobbles and boulders in a sand and gravel matrix that extended to the maximum depth investigated, 19 to 23 feet below the existing ground surface (bgs). Graphic logs of the exploratory test holes are presented in Figure #2 and the associated Legend and Notes are presented in Figure#3. The layer of topsoil and boulders ranged from 5 to 6 feet in thickness. A considerably larger amount of boulders were encountered in the topsoil materials in Test Hole 2. It should be noted that Test Hole 2 had to be offset at least 10 times to get through the boulders and into the underlying sands. The topsoil materials were clayey to sandy,low plastic, soft,very moist and black to dark brown in color. Natural sands were encountered below the layer of topsoil and boulders and extended to depths ranging from 10 to 17 feet bgs. The sands were clayey to silty, non to low plastic, foe to coarse grained with occasional gravels, cobbles and boulders, loose to medium stiff, moist to wet and brown to dark brown in color. A sample of the sands classified as a SC soil in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. A swell-consolidation test conducted on a sample of the sands indicates the materials tested did not swell when wetted under a constant load. The sands did exhibit a low to moderate degree of consolidation under initial loading and increased loading conditions. The swell-consolidation and classification test results are presented in Figure#4. Colluvial deposited cobbles and boulders in a sand and gravel matrix were encountered below the sands and extended to the maximum depth investigated in each test hole,23 and 19 feet bgs,respectively. It should be noted that practical rig refusal was encountered on boulders in both test holes and that the auger twisted off in Test Hole 2 at a depth of 19 feet. The sand and gravel matrix was clayey with clay and sand interbeds, fine to coarse grained,non to low plastic,medium dense,wet and gray to brown in color. NWCC,Lre. Subsoil and Foundation Investigation June 30,2014 Chateaux d'Oex Page 3 of 9 Job No.: 14-9733 Groundwater was encountered in Test Hole I at a depth of 8 feet bgs and at a depth of 12 feet bgs in Test Hole 2 at the time of drilling. It should be noted that the groundwater conditions at the site can be expected to fluctuate with changes in precipitation and runoff. Foundation Recommendations: Based on the soils encountered in the test holes, the results of the field and laboratory investigations and our understanding of the proposed construction, NWCC believes an economically feasible and safe type of foundation system is spread footings or individual pads with grade beams founded on a minimum of 2 feet of properly compacted structural fill materials placed over the natural sands. Foundation movement should be within tolerable limits if the following design and construction precautions are observed. 1) Footings placed on the structural fill materials placed over the natural sands should be designed using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. • 2) Footings or pad sizes should be computed using the above soil pressures and placed on a minimum of 2 feet of structural fill materials placed over the natural sands. 3) All of the topsoil and organic materials, loose or soft natural soils encountered within the foundation excavations, should be removed prior to structural fill placement. A layer of Tensar triaxial geogrid or equivalent product should be placed over the exposed natural soils prior to structural fill placement. The fill materials placed beneath the footings should be a non-expansive granular soil approved by NWCC before placement. The structural fill materials should be compacted to at least 100% of the maximum standard Proctor density and within +/- 2% of the optimum moisture content determined in accordance with ASTM D-698. The structural fill materials should extend out from the edge of the footings at a minimum of l(horizontal) to 1(vertical)or flatter slope. 4) Foundation walls should be designed and reinforced to span an unsupported distance of 10 feet or the length between pads,whichever is greater. 5) Footings or pads should be placed well enough below final backfill grades to protect them from frost heave. Forty-eight (48) inches is typical for this location considering normal snow cover and other winter factors. 6) Based on experience, NWCC estimates total settlement for footings and pads designed and constructed as discussed in this section will be approximately I inch. Additional bearing capacity values along with the associated settlements are presented in Figure#5. 7) Based on anticipated geologic site conditions, NWCC recommends a Site Class D (IBC, 2003) designation be used in structural design calculations. NWCC,Inc. Subsoil and Foundation Investigation • June 30,2014 Chateaux d'Oex Page 4 of 9 Job No.: 14-9733 8) NWCC recommends the client retain our firm to observe the foundation excavations when they are near completion to identify the bearing soils and confirm the recommendations in this report, as well as test the compaction of the structural fill materials placed beneath the footings. Alternate Foundation Recommendations: Based on the amount and size of the boulders in the topsoil layer and below the natural sands,NWCC does not believe that a helical screw pile foundation system will be feasible for this site. A deep foundation system that would be feasible, but cost prohibitive would be a micro pile foundation system advanced into the cobbles and boulders underlying the natural sands. The micro pile foundation system consists of straight-shaft holes that are drilled using rotary methods, pressure grouted, reinforced with steel and designed by a qualified engineer using industry standards. The piles should be designed and installed by a licensed and certified installer. NWCC should be retained by the client to observe the construction of the micro piles. Floor Slabs: NWCC understands the lower levels of the residence and garage will be constructed utilizing concrete slab-on-grade floor systems. NWCC recommends the floor slabs be placed a minimum of 2 feet above the seasonal high groundwater table. The natural soils, with the exception of the topsoil and organic materials, are suitable to support lightly to moderately loaded slab-on-grade construction. The floor slabs should be provided with control joints placed a maximum of 12 feet on center in each direction to help control shrinkage cracking. The location of the joints should be carefully checked to assure that the natural,unavoidable cracking will be controlled. A minimum 6-inch gravel layer must be provided beneath all floor slabs to act as a capillary break and to help distribute pressures. Prior to placing the gravel, excavation should be shaped so that if water does get under the slab, it will flow to the low point of the excavation. Any additional fill materials placed beneath the floor slabs should be a non-expansive granular soil approved by the soil engineer. The fill should be placed in 6 to 8 inch lifts and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density and within 2%of the optimum moisture content. NWCC recommends all topsoil and organics be removed from underneath the floor slabs prior to concrete or fill placement. Perimeter Drainage System: NWCC recommends a perimeter drainage system-be used to enhance site drainage and provide shallow perched groundwater relief around the building structure. If lower levels are placed within 2 feet of groundwater table, a permanent dewatering system may be required. The recommendations provided below are not for a permanent dewatering system. The design of a permanent dewatering system is beyond the scope of work for this report. NWCC recommends the structure be protected by a perimeter drainage system to help reduce problems associated with surface and subsurface drainage during high runoff periods. Localized perched groundwater associated with seasonal or other surface runoff events can infiltrate the lower levels of the structure from the building perimeter at foundation levels. This water can be one of the primary causes of differential foundation and slab movement. Excessive moisture in basement and crawl space areas can lead to rotting and mildewing of wooden structural members and the formation of mold and mold spores. NWCC,Inc. Subsoil and Foundation Investigation June 30,2014 Chateaux d'Oex Page 5 of 9 Job No.: 14-9733 Formation of mold and mold spores could have detrimental effects on the air quality in these areas, which in turn can lead to potential adverse health effects. Drainage systems should be provided around the structure at perimeter foundations. Drainpipe should be placed at least 12 inches below adjacent floor slabs. Drainpipe should consist of 4-inch perforated PVC that meets ASTM 3034/SDR35 requirements to minimize the potential for crushing the pipe during backfill operations and provide good long-term performance. Drainpipe perforations should be oriented down at the 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock positions to promote rapid runoff of the water. Drainpipes should be covered with at least 12 inches of free draining gravel and should be protected from contamination by a filter covering of Mirafi 140N subsurface drainage fabric or an equivalent product. Drainpipes should have a minimum slope of 1 percent and be daylighted at an outfall that is protected from freezing, or be led to a sump from which the water can be pumped. Multiple daylights should be considered for larger and more complex structures. Caution should be taken when backfilling so as not to damage or disturb the installed drain systems. NWCC recommends the drainage system include at least one cleanout, be protected against intrusion by animals at the outfall and be tested prior to backfilling. NWCC should be retained to observe underdrain systems and flow testing prior to backfill in order to verify installation and performance. An impervious membrane should be provided at the foundation wall to enhance perimeter drain performance and inhibit water infiltration under footings and entering underslab or crawl space areas. Barrier should consist of a heavy-duty impervious membrane material approved by NWCC and placed as shown in Figure#6. Foundation Walls and Retaining Structures: Foundation walls and retaining structures, which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a moderate amount of deflection,may be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 45 pcf for imported, free draining granular backfill and 55 pcf for the on-site soils. Cantilevered retaining structures on the site can be expected to deflect sufficiently to mobilize the full active earth pressure condition. Therefore, cantilevered structures may be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 35 pcf for imported and 45 pcf for the on-site soils. Foundation walls and retaining structures should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures such as adjacent buildings, traffic and construction materials. An upward sloping backfill and/or natural slope will also significantly increase the earth pressures on foundation walls and retaining structures and the structural engineer should carefully evaluate these additional lateral loads when designing the foundation and retaining walls. Lateral resistance of retaining wall foundations placed on undisturbed natural soils at the site will be a combination of the sliding resistance of the footings on the foundation materials and the passive pressure against the sides of the footings. Sliding friction can be taken as 0.4 times the vertical dead load. Passive pressure against the sides of the footing can be calculated using an equivalent fluid pressure of 250 pcf. Fill NWCC,Inc. Subsoil and Foundation Investigation June 30,2014 Chateaux d'Oex Page 6 of 9 lob No.: 14-9733 placed against the sides of the footings to resist lateral loads should be compacted to at least 100% of the maximum standard Proctor density and near the optimum moisture content. NWCC recommends imported granular soils for backfilling foundation walls and retaining structures because their use results in lower lateral earth pressures. Imported granular materials should be placed to within 2 to 3 feet of the ground surface, be free draining and have less than 7 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Granular soils behind foundation and retaining walls should be sloped from the base of the wall at an angle of at least 45 degrees from the vertical. Upper 2 to 3 feet of fill should be a relatively impervious soil or pavement structure to prevent surface water infiltration into the backfill. Wall backfill should be carefully placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density and near the optimum moisture content. Care should be taken not to overcompact the backfill since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the walls. Some settlement of deep foundation wall backfill materials will occur even if the material is placed correctly. Surface Drainage: Proper surface drainage at this site is of paramount importance for minimizing the infiltration of surface drainage into the wall backfill and bearing soils, which could result in increased wall pressures, differential foundation and slab movement. The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and at all times after the structure has been completed: 1) Ground surface surrounding the structure should be sloped(minimum of 1.0 inch per foot)to drain away from the structure in all directions to a minimum of 10 feet. Ponding must be avoided. If necessary,raising the top of foundation walls to achieve a better surface grade is advisable. 2) Non-structural backfill placed around the structure should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density at or near the optimum moisture content in order to minimize • future settlement of the fill. The backfill should be placed immediately after the braced foundation walls are able to structurally support the fill. Puddling or sluicing must be avoided. 3) Top 2 to 3 feet of soil placed within 10 feet of the foundation should be impervious in nature to • minimize infiltration of surface water into the wall backfill. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. Roof overhangs, which project two to three feet beyond the foundation, should be considered if gutters are not used. 5) Landscaping, which requires excessive watering and lawn sprinkler heads, should be located a minimum of 10 feet from the foundation walls of the structure. 6) Plastic membranes should not be used to cover the ground surface adjacent to foundation walls. Site Grading: The slopes on which the proposed building structure is proposed could become unstable as a result of the proposed construction. Design and construction considerations must be addressed to avoid NWCC,Inc. Subsoil and Foundation Investigation June 30,2014 Chateaux d'Oex Page 7 of 9 Job No.: 14-9733 and/or limit the potential for slope instability at the site. Although a detailed slope stability analysis is beyond the scope of this report, some general guidelines are provided below for initial planning and design. Our office should review the construction plans as they are being prepared so that we can verify that our recommendations are being properly incorporated into the plans. Additional recommendations and/or investigations may be warranted at that time. I) Slopes greater than 25 percent should be avoided whenever possible for construction of permanent roads and structures. 2) Temporary cuts for foundation construction should meet OSHA standards for temporary excavations. Permanent, unretained cuts for driveways or building sites should be kept as shallow as possible and should not exceed a 3(Horizontal) to I(Vertical) configuration for the topsoil and organic materials and natural sands. The risk of slope instability will be significantly increased if groundwater seepage is encountered in the cuts. This office should be notified immediately to evaluate the site, if seepage is encountered or deeper cuts are planned and determine if additional investigations and/or stabilization measures are warranted. 3) Excavating during periods of low runoff at the site can reduce potential slope instability during excavation. Excavations should not be attempted during the spring or early summer when seasonal runoff and groundwater levels are typically high. 5) Fills up to 15 feet in height can be constructed at the site and should be constructed to a 2(Horizontal) to l(Vertical) or flatter configuration. The fill areas should be prepared by removing all topsoil and organic materials, scarification and compaction to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density and within 2% of optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D698. The fills should be properly benched/keyed into the natural hillsides after the topsoil and organic materials have been removed. 6) Proper surface drainage features should be provided around all permanent cuts and fills and steep natural slopes to direct surface runoff away from these areas. Cuts, fills and other stripped areas should be protected against erosion by revegetation or other methods. Areas of concentrated drainage should be avoided and may require the use of riprap for erosion control. 7) A qualified engineer experienced in this area should prepare site grading and drainage plans. The contractor must provide a construction sequencing plan for excavation, wall construction and bracing and backfilling for the steeper and more sensitive portions of the site prior to starting the excavations or construction. Stacked Boulder Retaining Wall Recommendations: Based on our experience with the design and construction of similar walls and the subsurface conditions encountered in this area, NWCC has developed the following recommendations for the design and construction of stacked boulder retaining walls at this site. We recommend the walls be constructed with boulders having a minimum diameter of 2 to 3 feet and that the boulders consist of a hard, durable granite, gneiss or limestone material and be constructed to a NWCC,Inc. Subsoil and Foundation Investigation June 30,2014 Chateaux d'Oex Page 8 of 9 Job No.: 14-9733 maximum height of 10 feet, above the finished grade. The existing on-site boulders are suitable for construction of the walls. Boulders should be placed in a stable configuration at a 0.5 (horizontal) to I (vertical)or flatter slope. A contractor having experience in building these types of walls should be used to construct the walls. The base of the walls should be at least half as wide as the total wall height and the base layer of boulders should be keyed into the natural,undisturbed soils a minimum of 2 feet. A horizontal distance of at least 5 feet or the height of the lower wall, whichever is greater, must separate the top of the lower wall and the base of the upper wall for terraced walls. The base of the walls should be drained by the placement of a 4-inch diameter perforated PVC pipe covered with a layer of free draining gravel. The drain should be located behind the wall and at the base of the excavation. The drain should be uniformly graded to a daylighted outfall with at least a 1 percent slope. Proper surface drainage should be provided around all of the finished slopes to direct surface and subsurface runoff away from the walls. We recommend the construction of shallow cutoff ditches above the finished walls to direct surface runoff away from the walls. A typical stacked boulder retaining wall cross section is presented in Figure#7. NWCC believes the stacked boulder retaining walls, if properly constructed and drained, should adequately retain the cut slopes at the site. The client must retain NWCC to observe the construction of the boulder wall as it is being installed to verify the subsurface conditions at the base of the wall and in the cut slope, as well as to verify that the recommendations outlined above are being properly followed. The risk of slope instability will be significantly increased if groundwater seepage is encountered in the excavations. Therefore, if groundwater seepage is encountered in the excavations,a more detailed drainage system may be required to adequately dewater these areas. In addition, a slope stability evaluation may be needed to determine if additional measures will have to be taken to reduce the risk of slope failure. We strongly recommend that the walls not be constructed during the spring runoff season. Additionally, even with proper design and construction, there is still a risk of isolated rock falls occurring with this type of wall. Due to the nature of this type of construction, if the boulders are undermined due to excessive runoff or disturbed, there is a risk of rock fall resulting in damage to the down slope areas. Therefore, a qualified engineer should periodically inspect the walls after completion to verify the condition of the walls. Any indications of wall movement or groundwater seepage should be immediately brought to the attention of a qualified engineer. Limitations: The recommendations given in this report are based on the soils encountered at this site and NWCC's understanding of the proposed construction. We believe that this information gives a high degree of reliability for anticipating the behavior of the proposed structure; however, our recommendations are professional opinions and cannot control nature, nor can they assure the soils profiles beneath those or adjacent to those observed. No warranties expressed or implied are given on the content of this report. This report is based on the investigation at the described site and on the specific anticipated construction as stated herein. If either of these conditions is changed, the results would also most likely change. Therefore, NWCC,Lie. Subsoil and Foundation Investigation June 30,2014 Chateaux d'Oex Page 9 of 9 Job No.: 14-9733 NWCC strongly recommends that our firm be contacted prior to finalizing the construction plans so that we can verify that our recommendations are being properly incorporated into the construction plans. Man- made or natural changes in the conditions of a property can also occur over a period of time. In addition, changes in requirements due to state of the art knowledge and/or legislation do from time to time occur. As a result, the findings of this report may become invalid due to these changes. Therefore, this report is subject to review and not considered valid after a period of 3 years or if conditions as stated above are altered. It is the responsibility of the owner or their representative to insure the information in this report is incorporated into the plans and/or specifications and construction of the project. It is advisable that a contractor familiar with construction details typically used to dealing with the local subsoils and climatic conditions be retained to build the structure. If you have any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely; 1 NWCC,ltic. ,`•� k� F�u'� �1 , �°� i, �' °00,50 ll , s ne Brian D.Len,P s c t r- a tf Principal Engin • 0 o i • °.o0..0.�pYr ILi/f1 Reviewed by Timothy Senior Project Engineer cc: Jake's Drafting NWCC,]ne. 4 N LlAiERR/ 5 \ 4 SHUT- \ \ 1 ' \ (NOT—TO—SCALE) `_VE o Ir ` >,:,\- M \ C,\\ MAXIMUM EXTENT OF - n ROCKFALL HAZARD EXISTING / Le + �`. FENCE i41% \ \1 ',, , i . 666]5 efee � i \\, \ +1. 4 � �� /i , A; E%ISTNA SPLI'[R . +���N aZv -!FENCE 9 RE!, 5J6c�A, "1.1DOERATE HAZARD' SNOV! t 4 .Milt i it \OR DEBRIS AVALANCHES e , 44,..".,..;c / !� � \\ ,\ 1.4 '7 fes , vi iJif':.\ i Iii is 9i 1, k < \ \ BSO /, I \.l. --J:7 \ _,-,.- {�c �b'\ S `if Nip4 — '\[�jj�'4� a: 1 8J642 -Il\ I ` ., veer) .T°, V 0 PCCAL)BOULDER \` isi , Art '1/4s TN * , a,ot4- (_ _ pp��� S40°13152"W \ V,\ �� !� \ \ 136.76' \\ \.. ___= _= LOT 9 \ ,', FOUND No. 5 REBAR __ �Vtl TH ALUlAINUTA CAP '� = \� :'\\ -T L LS No. 27598 Title: Date: SITE PLAN — TEST HOLE LOCATIONS 6/12/14 1a ,�!'®® ..." —i40 c1 QST Job Name: Chateaux d'Oex Job No. �,E ,�,,.,E .. .,,.,. ,°n 14-9733 074mmn.a prJ,,rn„, 23500.R.63.Dat Location' 3816 Lupine Drive, East Vail, Colorado Figure #1 3,°,_a>,SiM.Dar"'497 Test Hole 1 Test Hole 2 Depth (ft) 77± (E) 0 0 5 y/ ye 5/12 5 nyy 10 ©^ 211 1© ® 10 d :Z;;' , 2:77±. ye Aln 15 15 2zLy 20 ®/1® [ 20 [ 25 25 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST HOLES • 6/12/14 , �;��� Job Name: Chateaux %oex Job No.14-9733 imA\ 3816 Lupine Drive, East Vail, C««ado Figure A LEGEND: e TOPSOIL AND BOULDERS: Clayey to sandy, low plastic, soft, very moist and black to dark brown in color. t i,. SANDS: Clayey to silty, non to low plastic, fine to coarse grained with occasional gravels, ..—. cobbles and boulders, loose to medium stiff, moist to wet and brown to dark brown in color. Jx. COBBLES AND BOULDERS: Colluvial deposited in sand and gravel matrix, clayey with >T clay and sand interbeds, fine to coarse grained, non to low plastic, medium dense, wet and gray to brown in color. hDrive Sample, 2—inch California Liner Sampler. Drive Sample, 1 5/13—inch Split Spoon Sampler. 5/12 Drive Sample Blow Count, indicates that 5 blows of a 140-1b. hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive the sampler 12 inches. Indicates depth of practical rig refusal on boulders. —° Indicates depth to groundwater seepage at time of drilling. NOTES: 1) Test holes were drilled on June 2, 2014 with an ATV mounted CItE 45 drill rig using 4—inch diameter augers. 2) Locations of the test holes were determined in the field by pacing from property corners. 3) Elevations of the test holes were not determined and logs are drawn to depth investigated. 4) The lines between materials shown on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 5) The water level readings shown on the logs were made at the time of drilling. Fluctuations in the water levels will probably occur with time. Title: Date: _iii . am LEGEND AND NOTES 6/12/14 G ,t Job Name: ' Job No. Chateaux dOex 14-9733 (?id3721ER3-ia.Wli)ilma 2`%I tem,Raj,0,3 '°°a"°"` 3816 Lupine Drive, East Vail, Colorado Figure #3 s~rz<ar;55,c°,,b6,;, SOIL DESCRIPTION: Clayey Sand (SC) SAMPLE LOCATION: Test Hole 1 ® 9 Feet LIQUID LIMIT = 26 PLASTICITY INDEX = 9 PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE = 24 3 NATURAL DRY UNIT WEIGHT = 99.6 pcf NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT = 17.0 2 0 0 //��NO MOVEMENT UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE UPON ADDING MOISTURE 0 1 F 0 0 2 z z U U 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 1.0 10 20 APPLIED PRESSURE (ksf) Title: Date: MU&HISS SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS 6/12/14 ihvi Colorado ,a <i Job Name: Chateaux d'Oex Job No. 1111 „•..,. 14-9733 pkgmuA ivpl)3T9d31 . nmw:rze:mm in°ati°"' 3816 Lupine Drive, East Vail, Colorado Fig°te #4CO'80 Mel 4000 w / 7) / R. 3000 / ,r-4 U c6 / (0-1 / cC / 2000 tan / / i-i / c3 / (1) / GG / 1000 // c6 / // O d' 0 0 0.5 L0 1.5 2.0 Estimated Settlement (inches) Note: These values are based on footing widths of 1 to 4 feet. If the footing width is to be greater than 4 feet in width, then we should be notified to re—evaluate these recommendations. Title: Date: flan?" n,una BEARING CAPACITY CHART 6/12/14 Job Name: Job No. Chateaux d'Oex 14-9733 (9/3}87351C4x RUa0,fa Figure wann,Cy,� Location: 3816 Lupine Drive, East Vail, Colorado #5 s".,ro°�sf�,• tE" Structural Floor Foundation Wall Slope 12(H):1(V)or steeper by' °e e 0 e• Waterproof Foundation 0a 6. Crawlspace Area ° 0ae• Compacted Clay Backfill . ° Area Crawlspace 0 e• Impervious Membrane > Impervious Membrane e Compacted Clay 0e• Footing eV . ,. she Mirafi 140N • 1 _III or Equivalent ...fie. 1 ° e e 1111 1— Filter Fabric I° e,p •0a a.0a 1 =III=11 lbcoCW3glcfa; �•s ,0 ;.0 s• 1=1111-1I o omo '•• _ 11=1 11=1 I o ° .E I-11 I-1111-1111-111=111=111=1 1=I I I=111=11 ' 11 =III=III—III=III=111=111-111- 1E111 1 111 11=1 11=1 I I 111.7=1111±111:1=_111---=-111:-_=_111-511 =111-E-111-7_1111111 11 1=-1111 1-III-III II-III11III 1-III-III-11 III-fII 111- 4"dia.Perforated PVC Pipe. Slope Min. 1/8°per ft.to Daylight. Undisturbed Soil Surround with Free-draining Gravels. Foundation Wall e 0° • • Slope 12(H):1(V)or steeper 0, 1 °•e 0 e• 11-1 Compacted Clay Backfill —111 °.e Waterproof Foundation 0a 1• —111-1 111 h„,ea• -111 Impervious Membrane —111-11 ° II—III— Footing ,. —)I -111 • • Floor Slab I1=I I II I Mirafi 140N ° e Basement Level with —III III Equialent °� e• Q Floor Slab 11=111=111111I 11 1 Forilter Fabric �J e 11=111 111= !°3000 00 y • P. Granular Fill -111 111=111 :3133:7`80°°0-' ' " t 11-111-111 111 • go6P • III III III—III � ��°�° 1 v I 1=1 LEI I 'o � E I I III I I1-1 I I III III=111= III III III—III—I II •,.I=111—III-111_111_111-111_1 11=111=111-111=111 = I1==111=111=111=111—I I I-111-111- ;111-111-11Ii1,111 „ 11-III-III;III;III-III;III-III=III-III=1 4"dia. Perforated PVC Pipe. Undisturbed Soil Slope Min. 1/8"per ft.to Daylight. Surround with Free-draining Gravels. Title: Date: PERIMETER/UNDERDRAIN DETAIL 6/12/14 va • mc) Job Name: , Job No. ""'�"E - Chateaux d Oex 14-9733 i?N9flvlOS-Fu @77>1}9T133 Location: Figure sr,,.. 2ISL+sx m„,mrxsr 3816 Lupine Drive, East Vail, Colorado #6 ao mwsnes<ea. 0.5(H):1(V) or Flatter Slope Min. 2' to 3' diameter boulders H < 10' 01 OP Natural Soils FFilter Fabric �41 Free Draining 2' min. Gravel 21-6- -oat 4" dia. Perforated H/2 _ PVC Pipe sloped 1% to daylight Natural Soils (topsoil excluded) Title: Date: Stacked Boulder Wall Detail 6/12/14 ® oin, Job Name: Chateaux d'oex Job No. ,� _.,•.- ..u..a„„„ 14-9733 enyrarw Fak p.,'ro-rui 25430,c±i RO!Me Location: 3816 Lupine Drive, East Vail, Colorado Figure #.7 5"""'S"o"°sS6di