HomeMy WebLinkAboutB14-0326_Nugget Lot 2 Soils Report_1409667300.pdf 10/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 03 „ w <•a .a LKP f Engineering, Inc. pv' a CIVIL/6k0'feCfflq CAL • • • SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR• PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 2,B1GHORN ESTATES 4288 NUGGET LANE TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO PROJECT NO. 03148 OCTOBER 1,2003. • . 00.,.c3 M1to 4,t 295213 ior) 20) f 4 , • ANnww PREPARED FOR: • MR.MICHAEL BLOOM • MICHAEL BLOOM REALTY COMPANY 3615 BLAKE STREET • DENVER,CO P.O.Box 2837, Edwards,CO 81632, (970)926-9088 Tel, (970)926-9089 Fax 10/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 04 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 SCOPE OF STUDY 2 SITE DESCRIPTION 2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 3 FIELD INVESTIGATION 3 SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION 3 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS 4 SLAB CONSTRUCTION 4 RETAINING WALLS 5 UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM 5 SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE 6 LAWN IRRIGATION 6 LIMITATION 7 FIGURES LOCATION SKETCH DRAWING NO. I SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOGS FIGURE NO's 1.2 SWELL/CONSOLIDATION FIGURE NO 3 PERIMETER DRAIN FIGURE NO. 4 LKP Engineering,Inc. 10/01/2003LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 05 14:02 9709269089 • ' . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed residence should be supported with conventional type spread footings,designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1500 psf.They should construct the footings on the undisturbed silty sand or gravelly sand. See Foundation Recommendations. SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for a proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 2, Bighorn Estates,Town of Vail,Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of the subsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to provide recommendations for the foundation design, grading, and drainage. SITE DESCRIPTION Lot 2 is a 0.5652 acre lot,on the south side of Nugget Lane,off Streamside Circle, in the Town of Vail,Eagle County, Colorado. The topography of the site is moderate. Drainage is to the north and northwest.Vegetation on the lot consisted of grass,weeds and aspen forest. The lot is vacant. LKP Engineering,Inc. 10/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 06 •• 3 • PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We have assumed that the proposed residence will consist of two stories, wood frame construction,with a concrete foundation.We anticipate loads to be light, typical of light residential construction. If the finalized plans differ significantly from the above understanding,they should notify • us to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on September 24,2003,consisted of excavating, logging and sampling two test pits.Excavation of the test pits was done with a Bobcat 341 mini trackhoe.The test pits' locations are shown on Drawing No. 1. We show the soil profile of the test pits on the Subsurface Exploration Logs,Figure No's 1 and 2. Soil samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervals. • SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION The soil profiles encountered in the two test pits were uniform.Both Test Pits had 1 foot of topsoil over 5 feet of brown,silty sand over 2 feet of brown gravelly sand. Ground water was not encountered in either test pit. We sampled the soil in the test pits at random intervals. The soil samples were tested in our laboratory for natural moisture content,natural thy density and swell/consolidation. The test . results are shown on Figure No. 3. LIU Engineering,Inc. 10/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 07 4 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed residence should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for a ntaximtun allowable soil bearing pressure of 1500 psf.The footings should be placed on the undisturbed silty sand or gravelly sand. Based on our field investigation from the two test pits,the silty,gravelly sand was encountered at a depth of 2 feet in both.Test Pita We recommend minimum width of 16 inches for the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads.Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. We recommend a minimum of 48 inches of backfill cover for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The foundation excavation should be observed by the undersigned engineer to ' verify that the soil conditions encountered during construction are as anticipated in this report The foundation excavation should be free from excavation spoils,frost,organics and standing water. We recd t II end proof-rolling of the foundation excavation. Soft spots detected during the proof-rolling,should be removed by overexcavation.Any overexcavation within the . proposed foundation,should be backfilled,in 8 inches loose level lifts and compacted to 100% of the maximum dry density and within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content as determined in a laboratory from a Standard Proctor test(ASTM D-698). A structural fill,placed under footings should be tested by the engineer or her representatives on regular basis. j SLAB CONSTRUCTION • The natural on-site soils,exclusive of topsoil and organics, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade construction.The subgrade for the slab-on-grade construction should be proof compacted to detect and remove soft spots. They should backfill overexcavated soft spots LKP Engineering,Inc. 10/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 08 5 and other underslab fill with the on-site soil,free from topsoil and organics, or other suitable material, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). Suitable material should be free from topsoil,organics and rock fragments greater than 3 inches. The concrete slab should be constructed over a 4-inch layer of clean gravel consisting of- 3/4 inch gravel with at least 50%retained on the No.4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. They should reinforce the concrete slab-on-grade and score control joints according to the American Concrete Institute requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage.The concrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and columns with expansion joints to allow for independent movement without causing damage. RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 60 pcf for an"at-rest"condition. Laterally unrestrained structures,retaining the on-site earth, should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 40 pcf for the"active"case. The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal backfill surface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent structures,weight of temporary stored construction materials and equipment,inclined backfill and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained backfill should be incorporated in the design. They should try to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil, we recommend installation of a foundation perimeter drain(see Figure No.4). The foundation perimeter drain LKP Engineering,Inc. 10/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 09 • 6 should consist of a 4-inch diameter,perforated pipe,sloped to a suitable gravity outlet, or to a sump pump location,at a 1/4 inch per foot lot flexible or at a 1/8 of an inch for rigid pipe. The drain pipe should be covered with a minimum of 6 inches of-3/4-inch free-draining granular material. Geotextile(Mirafi 140N or equivalent)should be used to cover the free-draining gravel to prevent siltation and clogging of the drain. The backfill above the drain should be granular material to within 2 feet of the ground surface to prevent a buildup of hydrostatic pressure. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE • A grading plan was not available for our review.The following recommendations are general.Exterior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at least 95%of the maximum standard Proctor density under pavement,sidewalk and patio areas and to at least 90%of the maximum standard Proctor density under landscaped areas. They should use mechanical methods of compaction.Do not puddle the foundation excavation. The site surrounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions.A minimum of 12 inches in the first 10 feet is recommended in unpaved areas,and three inches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. The top of the granular foundation backfill should be covered with a minimum of 1 foot o 'relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation sub§oils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around and away from it by means of drainage$wales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the backfill. LAWN IRRIGATION • It is not recommended to introduce excess water to the foundation soils by installing sprinkler systems next to the building. The installation of the sprinkler heads should insure that the spray from the heads will not fall within 10 Feet of foundation walls,porches or patio slabs. LISP Engibeering,Inc. 10/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 10 • 7 Lawn irrigation must be controlled. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Geotechnical Engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no • other warranty either expressed or implied. • • The findings and recommendations ot this report are based on field exploration, laboratory testing of samples obtained at the pecifc locations shown on the Location Sketch, Drawing No.1 and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary,which may not become evident until the,foundation excavation is completed. If soil or water conditions seem different from those ddsctibed in this report we should be contacted immediately to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr.Michael Bloom,for the specific application to the proposed residence ion Lot 2,Bighorn Estates,4288 Nugget Lane, Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado. Sincerely, • LI{P ENGINEERING,IN . On REg • ^� 4� F''pENove % • '' Luisa Petrovska,PE �t I iu President F.pS.. L.aG� MAO \Gateway2002\WP IO•LKP\O3148s1Psnd.RPT.wpd • • • LKP Engineering,Inc. 10/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAUL 11 NU���;T zetive Pi? LOT LOT 3 P111 0.5652 ACRES 4288 N \ / / / / / NO7F: TEST PIT LOCATED BY PACING. /OgoA LOCATION SKETCH LKP1 Engineering, .Inc. LOT z BIGHORN ESTATES rRa�CrNO. 031483' 4288 NUGGET LANE someP.O. re 7" MIIMMet Ron 1452 nwn, CO 91020 MIN OF VAO. EAGLE canary COLORADO IMANO tel (070) 928-9080 rex(970) 926•-8002 ' 10/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 12 DATE OBSERVED: September 24, 2003 'test Pit # 1 ELEVATION; S S DEPTH M M DESCRIPAON OF MATERIAL LABOARTORY FEET B P AND SAMPLE LOCATION TEST RESULTS rear 0 L L E topsoil 1s . Brown, silty sand „ 0 DD= 91.3 pct !! MCe 22.7X r x• Brown, gravelly sand 00= 102.2 pm` C MC= 15.5X Bottom of Test Pit B> 8 feet. No Ground Water Encountered — !0 15 --- 20 LEGEND: [I — 2—Inch 0.0. Callfomla Liner Sample • — Bulk Sample OD — Natural Dry Density (pcf) MC — Natural Moisture Content (X) —200 .- Percent Passing No. 200 Steve LL — Liquid Limit PI — Plasticity Index GW — Ground water mutt Nar 03148 LKP ENGINEERING, INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG na.�e Na, 10/01/2003LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 13 14:02 97@9269089 DATE OBSERVED: September 24, 2003 Test Pit # 2 ELEVATION: S DEPTH Al M DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL LABOARTORY FEET B p AND SAMPLE LOCATION TEST RESULTS REMARKS D L L E Topsoil 4 ; I• Brown, silty sand L ^— 9 I(frI 1 •Brown, gravelly sand M•� Bottom of Test Pit ® 8 feet No Ground Water Encountered — 10 — 16 — 20 LEGEND: ❑ — 2—Inch OD. California Liner Sample ■ — Bulk Sample DD — Natural Dry Density (pcf) MC — Natural Moisture Content (Z) —200 — Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve LL — Liquid Limit PI — Plasticity Index OW — Ground water Maley ea: ~ LEP ENGINEERING, INC. ( SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG 03}4B MUM Na. 2 10/01/2003LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 14 14:02 9709269069 0 1- 'g —1 . . ta -2 It -3 I -4 R. -5 ' ' \\\:\\ . -6 01 1.0 10 700 APPLIED PRESSURE - kef • Sample oti Drown, silty sand from: Tent Pit No. 1 ® 6 feet Natural Dry Unit Weight 91.3ct Natural Moisture Content . 22.7 percent r 0 -r 6 • -2 kt -3 - . . N . •. 1 -4 • g. • C3 -5 - .. • -6 0.1 1.0 -_ 10 100 - APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf Sample of Brown, gravelly sand fmm: Test Pit No. 1 0 8 feet Natural Dry Unit Weight a 102.2 pof Natural Moisture Content a 155 percent nmacr nw, JU(P Engineering, Ina.I Sw.Al/Consdldat,on Fest Results inaxcua03148 , 1 1 1LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 15 0/01/2003 14:02 9709269089 • • • • SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING COVER BACKFILL NM ONE ' • •"- .1••- FOOT OF RELATIVELY e; IMPERVIOUS SOIL •" ° •Y.a.e(t:`^,p^.//Y.,(e�r:/.;�'�'pq1�y`I:�:.Ir s:_fr}wt.S.r•:•'':)•• — }'r GRA •• my ..�s;i•.f..ti y.''.'•i•a>:myl.it,;.'�.(°..y• ?.�:r.b I • y,. • ,° aS'ry�.;,. .1.Y.,,l,.,r:SW :"../.s.Ali ..J ' .''y 'I' • $' ,a� '�:•r, '�:".•t:Y�1 w': � ( 4.‘"•!'?1,:11� • • •� .atl 4. .;,,; ;',;%�:.�A•ly•:,,„...If• e?,.;•••t' at TER FABRIC S:. a • : ..I y a;•'.:r.�^.' ,' (M/RAF)' 140N OR .,' ..•: ,.: • :Q.or•Q, EQUIVALENT) • (\ A\ /.\ A\ X\ .\ /. �m• ' \\/ /\\ • PLASTIC LINER, GLUED COARSE GRAVEL, 3/4 INCH DIAM. m THE FOUNDATION WALL, 10TH LESS THAN 5%ANIS 4—INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE SLOPED TO A SUITABLE OUTLET AT 1/4”PER FOOT FOR FLEXLBLE AND AT 1/8" PER FOOT FOR RIGID PIPE • ° t'9. omc/cEoreceNtcAc PRRIMExER DRAIN �' Aaw�cr I` 03148 L.KP `! Engineering,a erin Inc. cora, DNalnRN ESTATES g hCO mxq OF VAIL, water tar COLORADO SCALD NTS 12 P.O.• sox 1452 Awn, CO 81520 FISH Ha: lel (970) 025-9091 lav (970) 025-9050 4