HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0208_Cooler engineering_1434651720.pdfGENERALWalk-ins shall be constructed of prefab,precision-formed,modular panels designed for accurate,rapid fieldassembly.Walk-ins shall be test assembled at the factory and shall be equal to those manufactured byU.S.Cooler. DRAWINGS AND INSTRUCTIONSEachwalk-in shall have a set of installation instructions and lay-out drawing.All panels shall have panelidentificationcorrespondingwiththelay-out drawing to facilitate rapid and accurate field erection. PANEL CONSTRUCTIONEachpanelshallconsistof inner and outer metal skins,a 4"insulation core,and be equipped with cam-actionlockingdevices.The locking devices shall be operable from inside the walk-in and a hex-shaped wrench shall besupplied.Press-fit plug buttons shall be provided to seal wrench holes after assembly is complete.Construction shallbeasapprovedbytheNationalSanitationFoundationInternationalandshallbeartheNSF®Seal of Approval. All panels shall be connected to one another by placing the tongue of the insulation core of one panel into the grooveofthecoreinsulationoftheadjacentpanel.The resultant tongue and groove joint shall be sealed at both sides bydoublebarreledNSF®approved gaskets.In order to avoid future swelling and mold formation,no wood shall bepermittedinthemanufactureofthetongueandgroovepanelprofile. PARTITIONSWhenspecified,walk-ins shall be divided into compartments by the use of panels that are constructed in accordancewiththespecificationsforallpanels. FLOOR SCREEDSFloorscreedsshall be provided for all floorless walk-ins.The screeds shall be vinyl,and have NSF®approved covebothinsideandout. PANEL FINISHMetalfinishofthe panels shall be as follows.(Specify finish desired,combinations may be used) Interior or exterior walls,ceilings,and exterior floors•26 gauge stucco embossed galvalume•26 gauge bright stucco embossed galvanized steel•26 gauge white stucco embossed galvanized steel•26 gauge tan stucco embossed galvanized steel•24 gauge smooth stainless steel Interior floors (When specified)•22 gauge smooth stainless steel (Extruded Polystyrene)•20 guage smooth galvanized steel (used for use with quarry tile application)•.100 Aluminum (Polyurethane) INSULATIONPanelinsulation shall be Extruded Polystyrene or Faomed In-Place Polyurethane,manufactured in an HFC and CFCfreeprocess.Door insulation may be Polyurethane. Coolers Extruded Polystyrene:All wall and ceiling insulation shall be 4”thick,high quality,rigid extruded polystyrene,1.6 lbdensity.K factor of not more than .139 and an R-factor of not less than 7.2 per inch,initial fresh R-28.8 minimum totalwallRfactor.Vapor transmission shall be less than 1 perm and foam core material must meet:Owens Corning -UL Foam Core 5 flame spread rating with average smoke rating less than 175.(UL 723)Dow –UL Foam Core 15 flame spread rating with average smoke rating less than 165.(UL 723) Specifications 1 Foamed in-place polyurethane:All wall and ceiling insulation shall be 4”thick,high quality,foamed in-placepolyurethane,2.2 lb density.K factor of not less than .141 and an R-factor of not less than 7.1 per inch,initial freshR-28.4 minimum total wall R factor.Vapor transmission shall be less than 1 perm and foam core material must meet:UL Foam Core 25 flame spread rating with average smoke rating less than 450.(ASTM E-84) Freezers Extruded Polystyrene:All wall and ceiling insulation shall be 4"thick,high quality,rigid Extruded Polystyrene,1.6 lb.density.K factor of not more than .125 and an R factor of no less than 8 per inch,initial fresh R-32 minimum totalwallsRfactor.Vapor transmission shall be less than 1 perm and foam core material must meet:Owens Corning -UL Foam Core 5 flame spread rating with average smoke rating less than 175.(UL 723)Dow –UL Foam Core 15 flame spread rating with average smoke rating less than 165.(UL 723) Foamed In-Place Polyurethane:All wall and ceiling insulation shall be 4"thick,high quality foamed in-placepolyurethane,2.2 lb.density.K factor of not more than .125 and an R factor of no less than 8 per inch,initial fresh R-32 minimum total walls R factor.Vapor transmission shall be less than 1 perm and foam core material must meet:ULFoamCore25flamespreadratingwithaveragesmokeratinglessthan450.(ASTM E-84) PASSAGE DOORS(Standard door is 34"x76";alternate sizes are available upon request). Cooler DoorsDoorshallbeflush mounted,positioned and hinged per drawings.Doors shall be provided with suitable sweep andmagneticgaskets.Door shall be provided with door closer,one pre-wired vapor proof light fixture,light switch withpilotlight,dial thermometer,manual internal lock override,chrome plated cam lift spring loaded hinges,and chromeplateddoorlatcheswithstrike.Doors on outdoor walk-ins shall have weather protected light switch and door dripcap. Freezer DoorsFreezerdoorsshall be identical to cooler doors,but with the addition of UL approved heater wire on all four sides.Freezer doors shall include a heated pressure relief port in a nearby panel. Door OptionsCustomershall specify requirements for 3 hinges,view windows,locking bars,internal ramps,external ramps,anddiamondtreadplate. Optional DoorsOptionalslidingand overhead doors are available;customer to specify. Specifications (continued) 2 Specifications (continued) Walk-in Cooler/Freezer Exploded View 3 GLASS DOORS (When specified)Glass door openings shall be provided as necessary for the doors being installed.Sill height shall be per customerspecification.Wood framing of the opening shall be required to assist with the installation of the glass doors. RAIN ROOF PACKAGE (When specified)(For use on walk-ins installed outside)(Specify whether walk-in is free standing or which wall is butted) A single-ply membrane roof shall be supplied to provide a water resistant covering of the ceiling panels.Membranematerialshallbeprovidedinonecompleterolldesignedforthesizeofthewalk-in.No welding of seams shall berequiredforinstallation. SLOPED ROOF PACKAGE (When specified)(For use on walk-ins installed outside)(May be required at certain snow loads;consult U.S.Cooler) In order to form a sloped roof profile,suitable quantities of sloped foam shall be provided.The foam shall be cut inamannerthatuponinstallation,a ¼":1'slope is obtained.The membrane roof shall be increased in sizeappropriately,in order to provide the additional material required to properly cover the resultant profile. About Us U.S.Cooler Company,a division of Craig Industries,was founded on August 28,1986 as a family owned businessdedicatedtoprovidingcustomizedsolutionsforcoldstorageapplications.The company’s “customer first”strategicmarketingfocuscoupledwithsoundfiscalmanagementhasresultedinsuccessiveyearsofsalesgrowth. At U.S.Cooler,we manufacture both standard and custom sized walk-in coolers and freezers for many applicationsincludingfoodservice,convenience stores,warehouses,floral,and the list goes on. Customer Service:Your calls are important to us and we want to make sure there is someone available to help you at all time through-out the day.Your calls are always answered with a real person ready to assist your needs;no automated phone sys-tems. From your first call to the finished product,we take the extra step to ensure our products and services surpass yourexpectations. Fast Quotes:Due to our automated systems,we are able to return your quote (with a detailed drawing)within 24 hours. Quality Product:U.S.Cooler strives to have the highest quality product in the industry.U.S.Cooler has the ability tousetwotypesofinsulation,Extruded Polystyrene and Polyurethane.We believe different types of insulation should beusedintheapplicationstheyperformbestin.Our floors,walls and ceilings are manufactured using ExtrudedPolystyreneandourdoorsaremadefromPolyurethane. Before any walk-ins are shipped out of our manufacturing plant,we set-up the unit to make sure it fits togetherproperlytoensureeaseofset-up for our customers in the field. Online Tools:One of our goals here at U.S.Cooler is to make the process of buying and installing a walk-in as easyandconvenientaspossible.There are many tools available to you on our site such as on-line purchasing,job orderstatus,refrigeration estimates,live webcam,and instant real-time drawings. About U.S.Cooler 4 Installation Instructions (continued) General:•Check bill of lading for correct number of skids.•Put on gloves before handling any panels.•Check and report to trucking company and U.S.Cooler any damaged or missing itemsimmediately.•Remove packing list at end of skid and installation pack on door.•Locate freezer/cooler drawing in installation pack (see figure 1)along with camwrench(large L shaped allen wrench).Tools Required:•Cam-lock wrench (Provided)•Gloves for handling panels•Caulk gun and NSF silicone caulk•Power drill with phillips driver and 1/8”drill bit•1/2”metal drill bit (for side mount refrigeration units)Floor Installation (Floored Units):Locate skid(s)that have panel numbers starting with the letter F.These are floorpanels.Using chalk line,measure out and mark floor for location of box.Lay theF1floorpanelinthelocationdesignatedonthefloorplandrawing(see figure 2).TaketheF2floorpanelandfitmalesideofF1panelintofemalesideofF2panel.Align bothendsuntiltheyareeven(see figure 3).Insert cam wrench into center hole onF1panel.If hook is showing,back cam counter clockwise until you reach a stop,butdonotforcecam.Turn cam wrench clockwise until a solid stop is reached (seefigure4).Again,do not force past stop.Check to see if F1 and F2 floor panels arefirmlyattachedtogether.If not,repeat this step.Otherwise,lock remaining cams andgotonextpanelsuntilallfloorpanelsareassembled.Screeding Installation (Floorless Units):Using chalk line,mark location of box walls according to enclosed plans (see figure 5).Add 1/2”to each side for screeding oversize.Lay two beads of silicon caulk within the4"wall location (see figure 6).Gray screeding can optionally be screwed down withTapconscrewsplaceddirectlyinthecenterofscreeding(see figure 7).Seal top ofscreedingwhereitcontactsmetalskinwithNSFapprovedsiliconecaulk.Wall Panels Installation:Start with corner wall consisting of W1 and the adjacent wall panel that forms thecorner(see figure 8).On floor-less walk-ins,work panels into pre-installed screeding.On floored units,place male bottom of wall panel in female groove of floor panel.Make sure the floor arrow on the wall panel is pointing down.Once corner isassembledcorrectly,install W2 wall panel with W1 panel,male edge will be insertedintofemaleedgeofW2panel.Special care should be given to ensure that top edgesandsidesofwallpanelsareflush(see figure 9).Take cam wrench and insert it intocenterholeofW1panel.Be sure cam lock is set by first turning wrench in a counterclockwisedirectionuntilstopisfelt.Do not force cam.After checking set of cam,turnwrenchinaclockwisedirectionuntilstopisfelt(see figure 10).Again,do not forcecam.Check to see if panels are firmly locked together.If not,repeat this step.If theyare,finish panel installation by locking all wall cams.Do not lock the panels to theflooruntilallwallandceilingpanelshavebeenlockedtogether.Continueinstallingwallpanelsbyalternatingfromthelowestwallnumbertothehighestwallnumber.On combination units,install center wall before continuing into adjacentsection. 1 2 5 6 7 3 4 5 If the floor is uneven,adjustments must be made to ensure wall panels are flush at thetop.When installing door panel,remove door by lifting door in an upwarddirectiononpanelandsetasideuntiltheframeisinstalled.Door Installation:Standard Nominal Units:Doors on quick ship units can be installed in any of the standard full size wall panellocations,while special order units have fixed door locations.A door threshold bar mustbeinstalledinthefloorpanelwherethedoorisgoingtobeinstalled.Place the hooksofthedoorthresholdbar,with the hooks going in the same direction of the cams,in totheslotsonthecams.The hook on the bar should contact the pins in the cams.Gentlytapthethresholdbarinthedirectionofthecamsandhooksuntilitquitsmoving,locking it in place with the cam pins (approx.1½").Continue installation of wall panels.Custom Unit with Floor:Check your drawing to locate where the door will be installed.3 screws are provided toscrewthresholdtofloor.Cooler without Floor:Angle brackets should be installed on exterior door legs using angle brackets and scewsprovided.WARNING:Risk of fire or electrical shock.Connect only to a grounded circuit protectedbyagroundfaultcircuitinterrupter(GFCI).Failure to do so can result in death orseriousinjury.Ceiling Panels Installation:Once wall panels are installed,proceed with C1 ceiling panel by placing it in locationaccordingtodrawing(see figure 11).Align it so it is even on all edges.Many timesunevenfloorsmaycauseceilingtoeitherbeslightlybiggerorsmallerthanwallpanels.If this is the case,split the difference.All panels are made to allow adjustments due tovaryinginstallationconditions.Lock all cams according to previous instruction.AfterlockingC1panel,lift C2 panel into location so male side of C1 fits into female side ofC2.Line up both ends and lock all cams (see figure 12).Continue installing ceilingpanelsfromsmallestnumbertolargestnumber.Door Adjustments:After all panels have been installed,mount door to hinges and close walk-in door.If thedoordoesnotshutcorrectly,verify that the reveal between the door and frame is evenaroundtheperimeter(see figure 13).A reveal that increases or decreases across thetopofthedoorindicatesonelegofthedoorframeislowerthantheotherandwillneedtobeshimmedtocorrectthecondition.The door and frame should be flush around theperimeter.If one corner of the door protrudes from the frame,it indicates that thebottomofonedoorlegisnotalignedwiththeotherleg&the frame has a slight twist.Unlock the cams around the perimeter of the frame and move the door leg in or out tocorrectthecondition,then re-lock the cams.Once box is completely installed and dooralignmentisverified,screw the threshold down to the threshold hold down bar onflooredboxesandtotheflooronfloorlessboxeswiththestainlesssteelscrewsprovided.On floorless units,attach L-shaped hold down bracket to door legs and floor(see figure 14).Caulking Instructions:It is advisable to caulk all joints inside walk-in.This will provide for an even better sealedunit.Use NSF approved silicone type caulking. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 Rain Roof Installation:Install evaporator coil prior to rain roof installation and apply silicone caulking around the carriage bolt heads to avoidperforatingtherainroof.For rain roof installation,place vinyl-roofing material,with flaps underneath,on top ofwalk-in across narrow end.Allow 6”of vinyl to lap over each of the three sides.Carefully unroll vinyl material acrosswalk-in until vinyl flap falls into position.Take a stainless steel screw and square plate and screw through plate andflapinthemiddleofflap.Then screw a plate at each end of flap.Install screw and plate in 1’increments across flap.Continue to roll out vinyl until the end or the next flap,then repeat screwdown process.Once the end is reached,itshouldlapoverendbyatleastsixinches.For units installed up against buildings,lap vinyl 1 foot up the wall,foldvinylbackandruntwobeadsofMastikcaulkalongwalledge3"above walk-in.Then fold vinyl twice so there is4"left to fasten plastic strip to building.Fasten plastic strip over vinyl with stainless steel screws or galvanized nails.Place round piece of vinyl over each corner to protect against vinyl puncture.Place a bead of caulking around topsidesofwalk-in 5"below top of unit.Place plastic strip on top of vinyl so bottom of plastic strip falls 6"from the top.Screw into side of walk-in with stainless steel screws.Fold corners and continue around box on all four sides.Note:If vinyl hangs over more,cut off extra or fold extra under plastic strips.Refrigeration Installation:•Remote System:Install evaporator coil and run the appropriate refrigeration and electric lines.•Saddle mount units:Set refrigeration system over notched wall panel with compressor mounted on outside of walk-in.•Side mount refrigeration:Drill through wall with 1/2’drill bit and bolt unit on with provided bolts.•Top mount self-contained refrigeration system:Place unit in prefabricated hole in top of walk-in with air flowmarkerpointingawayfromwall.Caulk around perimeter of refrigeration unit.With the exception of PRO3 and Apex,all refrigeration units must have a condensation line run to the outside of thewalk-in.When running any utilities,including those for refrigeration,drill into the wall panel (NOT ceiling)of the walk-in.After running any utilities,caulk around drilled holes.Follow all local building and electrical codes duringinstallation.All refrigeration components must be installed by a certified refrigeration contractor,who must be presentatstartup.This may affect your warranty. Troubleshooting:Ceiling overhangs walls:If walls are racked at the top,loosen wall cams andadjustwallssothetopsofthewallslineup.If walls arelevelatthetop,loosen corner wall panel and bump outwallpaneltolineupwithouteredgeofceiling.Lockceilingtowallandrelockcornerseam.Door doesn't shut:Check to make sure door closer is working properlyanditiscatchingthehook.Check to make sure wallsaren't racked.See installation instructions for furtherdooralignmentinformation.Door sags:Check to make sure the floor is level.If not,shim asneededundercorrectdoorleg.Ceiling panels won't pull down to lock into walls:If walls have been locked to walk-in floor,unlock wallsfromthefloor,lock ceiling panels down to walls andrelockwallstofloor. Cam wrench is binding in cam hole:Only insert the wrench far enough to catch themechanism.Make sure you are inserting the taperedendofthewrenchinthehole.Cam lock not engaging (locking):Make sure adjoining wall panels are flush on sides andtop,so cams are lined up properly.Before locking,besuretoresetcambyturningitcounter-clockwise untilitresets.Do not over-reset cam.Then relock cam.Door thermometer reads incorrect temperature:Door thermometer doesn't register propertemperature.Make sure that the temperature probe istowardthecenterofthewalk-in.Door thermometermayneedtobecalibrated.Place index finger on wideendofpointer.Insert screwdriver in pointer's slot andturneitherclockwise(lowering temperature)orcounter-clockwise for raising temperature 7 Installation Instructions U.S.Cooler Ten Year Limited WarrantyU.S.Cooler Company,Inc.warrants to the original purchaser that the walk-in panels manufactured bythecompanyarefreefromanydefectinmaterialorworkmanshipunderconditionsofnormaluseandservice.The obligation of the manufacturer under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacingattheiroptionFOBfactory,panels of said walk-in which proves defective within ten years from the dateofpurchase.All hardware carries a standard one-year warranty. Refrigeration equipment carries a standard one-year factory warranty for compressor and accessories.TheobligationofthemanufacturerunderthiswarrantyshallbelimitedtorepairingorreplacingattheiroptionFOBfactory,any part of said refrigeration system which proves defective within one year from the date ofpurchase.An extended four-year compressor warranty and a 1st day through 5th year labor warranty arealsoavailableasanoption. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and does not apply to equipment whichhasbeensubjecttoanyaccident,alteration,abuse,misuse or improper installation.U.S.CoolerCompany,Inc.expressly disclaims all other warranties expressed or implied.The standard warranty doesnotincludeanylaborchargesforreplacementorrepairofdefectiveparts.In no event shall U.S.CoolerCompany,Inc.be liable for any special,direct or indirect,incidental or consequential damages or for anylostproduct,lost profits or revenues or other losses or damages caused by lost product or lost profits orrevenues,whether for breach of warranty or otherwise.U.S.Cooler’s warranty does not cover any prod-ucts installed outside of the continental United States. For warranty work on your U.S.Cooler walk-in cooler or freezer,call our Customer Service Departmentimmediately.You will then be advised of the proper procedure to follow.NO warranty work is to be performedwithoutanauthorizationnumber,which will be provided by the Customer Service Manager.U.S.Cooler assumes noresponsibilityforworkperformedwithoutanauthorizationnumber. Customer Service Contact Information:U.S.Cooler Company401DelawareQuincy,IL 62301TollFree:800.521.2665Phone:217.228.2421Fax:217.228.2424Email:customerservice@uscooler.comCompanyWebsite:www.uscooler.com 8 Warranty Door Drawings 9 Door Drawings 10 Ceiling and Footing Drawings 11 Refrigeration Drawings 12 Refrigeration Drawings 13 Electrical Drawing 14 Dealer Name Job Ref Contact Phone Address Fax City State Zip Cooler Indoor Rain Protected Roof Overall Size Length Freezer Outdoor Width Combo Height Dimensions:Length Width Height Ext Int 4"Extruded Strip CurtainGalvanized4"Ext.w/Reinforce.Interior Kick Plate Galvalume Tread Plate Exterior Kick Plate White Galv.Inside Ramps Outside Ramps #of Standard Doors (34"x 76")#of Glass Doors US Cooler to Supply #of Other Doors -List size(s)below Brand Size Size Size Opening Remote Single 404A 208/220 Indoor Side Three 22 115 Outdoor Top Semi Herm. Pre-assembled Hermetic 35 Copeland Ext.4 Yr.Comp WarrantyRussellLaborWarranty Bohn Winter Controls Compressor Cover Freezer Dimensions:Length Width Height Ext Int 4"Extruded 4"Extruded Strip CurtainGalvanized4"Ext.w/Reinforce.Interior Kick Plate Galvalume Tread Plate Exterior Kick PlateWhiteGalv.Inside RampsOutsideRamps #of Standard Doors (34"x 76")#of Glass Doors US Cooler to Supply #of Other Doors -List size(s)below Brand Size Size Size Opening Type Phase Refrigerant Voltage Compressor Remote Single 404A 208/220 Indoor Side Three OutdoorTopSemiHerm. Pre-assembled Hermetic 0 Copeland Ext.4 Yr.Comp Warranty -10 Russell Labor Warranty Bohn Winter Controls Compressor Cover Notes:Freight To: Truck Line: US COOLER QUOTE FORM FREEZER DETAILS FREEZER REFRIGERATION DETAILS COOLER DETAILS Metal Type Insulation Floor Insulation Other Options Floor Insulation COOLER REFRIGERATION DETAILS Product Temp Product Information Type Phase Refrigerant Voltage Compressor Product Temp Incoming Product Incoming Product Accessories Accessories Other Options Door Specifications Door Specifications Product Information BrandHoldingTemp. Holding Temp.Brand Metal Type Insulation 401 Delaware Quincy,IL 62301 800-521-2665 217-228-2424 fax www.uscooler.com Butted 4"Extruded No Floor No Floor 115 on ________wall Tan Smooth Galvanized Stainless Steel 460 Smooth GalvanizedTanStainlessSteel 460 (Stand.) (Stand.) (Stand.) (Stand.) (Stand.) (Stand.) 4"FIP Urethane 4"FIP Urethane