HomeMy WebLinkAboutB14-0418_S1B - DETAILS_1416610680.pdf X40 F ■ Is kJ 10 .01 lao) 1 11/21/14 t_ ......-- ..c) -a c:::) N Q v • c J O HQ r.,_ O. • Q O STRUCTURAL ,., � BOULDER "--- I- r.t RETAINING WALL _ EXISTING c I-1-1 O GRADE " J v o� cc APPROXIMATE o v I III-� 79'-0" •• 80'-0"� BEDROCK o I\1-III-I • LAYER Q _ I I =1 I I VI STRUCTURAL iq WALL FACING FOR - BOULDER w =i'=: — X PERMANENT SHORING WALL OR 1- RETAINING WALL 2< ...,. !too-, o CUT BEDROCK BY ri OTHERS. P.17.4.-2-ii. O •` `\s. 7 APPROXIMATE EXISTING \ w ,;..w GRADE z Tits s •A.74'-0"TO 77'-6" BEDROCK 71 ;40:1061 •MLAYER -\��1=1�1 } _�-="- _ - _ =III —1�I II w 1=1�1=-III—ISI-ISI—ISI—� 1\11111\1=-_ _-III1I _ " III-ISI111 � SLOPING 69'-0"$ f` - 1=1 I-,_-__\\\-_-_-_\\\-,-_-p,,A\=1 1 TO 7T-6" `° �l :FL-I\ -=1 I I=1 1= w r:� _ -� - �� —III I\I I`'. ; I _1 1=_ 69'-3" I1I I I ILI. I1=111= - 66'-8"TO 69'-0" NAIVIi -1�1=III" _ II ii•IVEWAY ,• C) 68'-0" I�I�I 1 1111 =1�1=1�1" ,/% /////7/ /////7/ 7; //� ///7 I • b, III, =1II—IIII=111= \/ �/� /�/�/// FOUNDATION V N co 4 ///>/4 /7I A / PER SHEET S2 .0 co \i//� FRAMING PER _ ca t. FIELD COORDINATE PLAN I ' ,o, CUT BEDROCK OR 1= o - 0 rn PERMANENT / Il -' 62'-8"TO 65'0"� a) SHORING WALL ' T-\\\-\= --III______� / I I--— ØIT —I I I-111111—_ o—_111— 111111PERSHEETS2 I Il��li i X11,,\11 N o� o a) I o - I 11111= y+ sZ > III=I / j 11111 III• ✓"` •�� CLEARANCE 1111= t0'AO ,' _ a�j>�� PER PLAN • 111111 I - , k I i 54'-3" I1-- =I I I 1 III=A �4� •.. N. �' � ilk ' -_ -til=1 I =111= r` J 1\1=1\1—II _ 111— ilk 52'-10" \_1_1-_-_-,,,-III l _ _ •- • - `- =111--111111 111111= p N I\ —1 _I 11=1 \-=1�1=t �_1•11=111=1_I I-1 I I • I I\--_-7---__111 =1 11111 I I I 1111=1 11=111 I I I I I I 1111-111=1 I I I I\-1117-_-_---_,11„I =11 I-111 I _ - :' 1=1 I - 1 I I-111=111—= 11=1 11=1 11=111 1 1 1 1 1 1—_ ,.. 111-III -„II—III-111—I_ III= I-111=__III=111=111- =��• pyo``�•�� —III_ Illtii IIII-III 111 ,,,000 (,1 SECTION J / i SECTION S 1 B 1/4"= 1'-0" \S 1 By 1/4" = 1'-0" Q Ce CDC W Q FIELD COORDINATE V ce STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS CUT BEDROCK OR PERMANENT W Cl) w SHORING WALL J Z J I) Foundation design based upon"Subsoil Study for Foundation Design",Job#114 198A as 7) Structural steel shall be ASTM A36 or better except Wide flanges shall be A992 or bet- 17)General Contractor is responsible for all non-specified connections,contact engineer for 71 `. Q prepared by H P GEOTECH dated June 20,2014.Soils engineer to reinspect site for re- ter,pipe columns which shall conform to ASTM A500,Grade B(Fy=42 ksi)or better, details as required. The engineer is to approve all structural substitutions. >- l- 73'-0"TO 56'-6" 411 C24 consideration of equivalent fluid pressure after excavating and exposing bedrock. Instal- tube steel columns which shall be A500 Grade B(Fy=46 ksi)or better,anchor bolts and 18)Floor framing and concrete basement slabs must be complete and in place prior to back- i- lation of perimeter drains and site irrigation to conform with soils report,field test drains bolts shall be A325 or better. All structural steel is to be detailed,fabricated,painted and filling cured foundation walls,unless adequate temporary shoring is in place. w - _ - —L before backfilling. All footings are to bear upon natural undisturbed soil or compacted erected in accordance with AISC STEEL CONSTRUCTION MANUAL,20]]and 19)General Contractor is to coordinate all diaphragm penetrations(i.e.,chimneys,plumbing, p , SLO`'" y _111=1 — — _ nr1 structural fill as approved by the soils engineer. Soils engineer to inspect basement areas CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE. All welding to be performed by a certified welder sewers,etc.)through floors,walls,roofs and foundation walls with appropriate sub- a � TO 5•T--1( 1 =1 -\\\T 0 for radon gas. Install radon gas system beneath concrete slabs when required by the soils and conform to AISC and AWS STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE,2000,all electrodes contractors. General Contractor is responsible for the means,methods,techniques,se- --IT-F--111-_/ engineer. Submit copy of report to engineer. to be EE-7OXX. Grout beneath all base plates and beam bearing plates shall be non- quences,procedures,workmanship,seasonal scheduling and job-site safety associated I I_III 69'-3" 2) All foundation around perimeter of structure shall have minimum frost protection of 48" shrink epoxy with minimum 28 day compressive strength of 5000 psi. Al]Trubolt with this project. The General Contractor is to verify all dimensions and elevations with / - ---11-_-:----111-,-7- =111-1 11= to bottom of footing. All foundation walls and columns to be centered on concrete foot- Wedge Anchors and Epoxy Anchors to be installed according to manufacturer's specify- the architectural drawings. Notify engineer of all conflicts and omissions between vari- I __ I ----� .1 �I I I-III-- ings unless shown otherwise on plans. cations and details ous elements of the working drawings and the.existing conditions prior to commencing a � • -111=1 I ° 3) All cast in place concrete must be made with Portland cement and attain minimum com- 8) Versalams(2.0E)are as manufactured by BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION;see shop with that portion of the project. 11=1 pressive strength of 3000 psi after 28 days(minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi drawings and manufacturers standard details. All built-up Versatam beams must be 20)All materials exposed to exterior and or moisture conditions shall be treated for these -- PROJECT : 103 ROCK after 28 days for concrete used in slabs). Design based upon BU1 LD[NG CODE RE- glued with PL400 and nailed with 2 rows of 16d spikes @ 9"oc. Versalams deeper than conditions(i.e.,chemical treatment,staining,painting,datnproofing,membranes,flash QUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE(ACI 318),2011. Concrete place- 11 7/8"must be bolted together with 2 rows of 5/8"diameter bolts spaced @ 48"oc stag- ing,etc.)as required by code. All materials to be treated for fire resistance as required by DRAWN B Y . CGM ment to conform with"Construction Requirements"as defined in ACI 318, All concrete gered. Metal X-bracing required at 8'-0"oc in all diaphragms. All alternates to be re- code. • STEPS 65'-3" I ii1 '-r1I1= 1 + -y DATE : 10 OCTOBER 2014 slabs on grade must be provided control(scored or cut)in accordance with soils report. viewed and approved by the engineer. 21)Furnish ane set of shop and erection drawings for reinforcing steel,structural steel and =1 I-- -111 111== TO 50'-4" All exposed edges of concrete shall have/2 chamfer. Concrete work shall not have any 9) Sheath floors of Levels] thru 4 with 1 1/8"T and G plywood with minimum span rating glued-lam mated timber to the engineer for review and approval,prior to fabrication, /i1\=111�_111=111=111=111 horizontal cold joints unless authorized by the engineer. Field coordinate all vertical cold of 48/24 or better and glue with PL400. Nail plywood with 16d @ 6"oc to all joists, when shop drawings are prepared by the appropriate subcontractor. �I=111 i i11—_111=111-111 tt joints with structural engineer,use continuous vertical water stop at all cold joints. field coordinate screw option. Levels 5 and 6 can be sheathed with'/"plywood with 22)Special inspection to be completed by building official approved inspection agency for I I I—I III—III-111— REVISIONS : 4) Reinforcing steel is ASTM Grade 40 for#4 or#5 bars,#6 and greater to be Grade 60. minimum span rating of 40/20 or better glued with PL400 and nailed with 10d Gla 6"oc to soil stabilization,structural steel construction,epoxy glued dowels and soils information. �I-III1I I I I_I 1=111=111 �_I I I--111 I I I I—III—III- . Al]welded wire fabric must conform to ASTM A185. Reinforcement placement shall all joists,field coordinate screw option. inspection reports to be prepared in accordance with IBC Chapter 17 on approved forms, I I— / II—III _tTI=111=' conform to MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE,2001 as prepared by CRSI. All lap 10)Sheath roofs with 3/4"plywood with minimum span rating of 48/24 or better. Nail ply- verifying compliance with construction documents and be submitted to the building oil- " splices to be minimum 36 bar diameters,all horizontal reinforcement to be continuous wood with 10d @ 6"oc at pane]edges and 6"oc at intermediate members. cial for review and approval,copying the owner,general contractor and engineer. Coor- around corners and at wall intersections. Minimum reinforcement protection- 11)Sheath all exterior walls with 1/2"plywood with minimum span rating of 24/0 or better. dinate inspections with general contractor so that special inspections can be periodic / FOUNDATION -concrete poured against earth 3" Nail with 8d @ 6"oc to all studs. rather than continuous. / PER SHEET S2 -concrete poured in fon-ns 2" 12)Live loads used for design- j -concrete slabs 1" -Roof-100 psf snow(up to 4:12),250 psf snow at butterfly roof. FIELD COORDINATE 5) All lumber shall be Doug-Fir#2 S4S or better,all wolmanized lumber shall be Hem-Fir -Floor-50 psf residential. CUT BEDROCK OR #2 S45 or better(all lumber within 18"of finish grade must be wolmanized). Contras- -Deck-100 psf. PERMANENT tor's option to substitute TIMBERSTRAND or other approved option for Doug-Fir lum- -Wind-90 mph(3 second gust),Exposure B. ,- SHORING WALL her. Provide solid blocking at 8'-O"on center in all diaphragms. All columns to be con- -Earthquake-Zone C-IBC. tinuous bearing to foundation. Columns specified on plans are trimmers,provide one 13)All construction must comply with the 2012 International Building Code as adopted by king stud for openings to 6'-0"and 2 king studs for openings over 6'-0". the Town of Vail Building Department and the"General Conditions of the Contract forCLEARANCE 6) Glulam materials,manufacture and quality control shall conform to STANDARD Construction"(AIA Document A201). Al]construction must be completed within the PER PLAN SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL GLUED LAMINATED TIMBER OF SOFT- tolerances described in the"Residential Construction Performance Guidelines"as pre- - lill-/ / • 54'-3" 1111111111111111111111111111111111 WOOD SPECIES,AITC 117-2004 and TIMBER CONSTRUCTION MANUAL(5'h edi- pared by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS. - I I III/ _=_-_44_,_\_ tion)as prepared by A ITC. Simple span beams shall he Combination Symbol 24F-V4 14)Construct wall as follows 1I I-111-� o 52'-10'_I I 1 I-� - with no camber. Continuous or cantilevered beams shall be Combination symbol 24F-V8 -Exterior-2x6 @ 1G'oc,see plans for 2x8 @ 16"oc walls. .(- " ` 1 a 1 \ with no camber. Glulam columns shall be Combination Symbol 3. Adhesives shall con- -Interior-2x4 I6"oc,unless noted as 2x6 16"oc otherwise. I I-111`11- '-111 11-111-t t 111 III-I Y @ C 111— _ III-_III—III—= 111 111- 111- form to the requirements for wet conditions of service. 15)All beams,joists,and rafters are to bear upon walls or beams,or be hung with SIMPSON I-111 I.LI I I I-11I11111,111\\X11111111111111111Strong-Tie hangers or approve equals. — - 1111111111111 16)All structural members are shown in their final positions properly braced and supported; - II-1 I I=111i IIII during construction it may be necessary to temporarily shore portions of the structure while other portions are being constructed. Contact the engineer for consultation as re- H SECTION H quired. S 1 B 1/4" = 1'-0" SIB0F2