HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0199_Geological report_1434050400.pdfoo Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP BAI/Braun Associates, lnc. P.O. Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado E1632 oo Courns & AssctATEs 6eorccrcr em Nln a Rf€ornc CoilgJlrrms P.O. Box 23 - 1116 tAnreore DRrrc Sur, Ca.on^Do 81652 Pxo|{e/Fp< (97O) E76-W bocolerof.nct July 17, 2000 R.obert Selby 4380 N. Campbell Ave. No. 2fl) Tucson, fuizona 95219 _ - RE: .tqr !, Uo{sruDcE SuBDtvrsroN FtuNc No.4 Gentlemen: At Mr. Mauriello's request I have examined the subject property for the purpose of evaluating potential geologic hazards to the tract, and the effects of mitigating such hazards as may exist on a_djacent properties, in accordance with Tovvn ofVail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15. The propertywas the zubject of a previous investigation and report dated December 4, 1990, by Dr. Nicholas Lampiris; it is biing reexamined in light of the proposal to subdMde the parcel into two lots, general$ in accordance with the conceptual site plan provided by Mr. Mauriello. According to this plan, the two lots are located near the northeast end of the parcel, with a driveway extending northeasterly from the. existing culdesac at the end of.Aspen Grove Lane. Lot 8 itself consists of a moderately-steep slope (up to 2fl along the southeast side, a bench area through the center ofvarying widtl with slopes from flatto less than l0o, and bedrock slopes up to the northwest generally between 20o and a maximum of 30". The lower outslope consists of glacial drift composed ofcobbles and boulders ofvarious rocktypes in a matrix of silt and sand. These materials are generally quite sable, although care must be taken to arroid saturating them, especiallywhere disturbed by cuts or excavatiom. The bench itself is the result of resistant ledges of upper Minturn Formation sandstones and limestones. The contact between the Penngilvanian Minturn and the overlying Maroon Formation of Pennsylvanian - Permian age occurs along and near the northwest boundary of the proPerty; theupper slopes consistof'rcd Maroon silstenes, sandsCones.aodshales, with some{imestong-- - - - exposed ledges ofwhich can be seen especially above proposed lot 2. These slopes also appear to be stable. The nrro proposed building envelopes as shown on the conceptual diagram occupythe relatively- level bench toward the northeast end ofthe tract, while tlre driverray dimbs from Aspen Grove lane onto the bench through a surale in the center. The conceptual lot and access locations appears to be the best possible, taking full 3dpntage ofthe existing topography. The building envelopes are located on verygently-sloping to nearly-flat land, while the drivalay will curve up and through a gap in the Minturn Formation ledges, thereby minimizing Potendal rock work. As originally recommended by Dr. lampiris, excavations that are required into hillside slopes should be supported by engineered retainingwalls, lfhillside excavations are requiredfor sFucnrre foundations, those foundations should be designed accordingly. Eecause of the unconsolidated glacial drift that composes the slope below the envelopes, landscapingshould be limited to the extent possible to native vegetation that does not require supplemental irrigation. All drainage should be designed and constructed in such a manner as to prevent saturation ofthese materials. aO OO Page2 Both conceptual envelopes lie within the medium-severity rockfall zone as shovrn on the Tovm of Vailgeologic hazard maps. The hazard is present in the form ofthe slopes noted above and rock ledges ofthe Minturn and Maroon Formations on these slopes. The beds that make up these ledges dip ge;rallynorth, into the hillside, and bedding is such that fragments that do break odare usually slabi oi blocks,whichdonottendtorollfardowntheslopes. Slopevariationsandvegetationfurtherieducetheactual roctdall hazard, although it is certainly not nonedstenL One or rnore "normal. rocldall mitigationmeasures such as raised and strengthened foundations, timited openings on the uphill side ofstructures, berms or rock walls, landscapegrading, structure orientation, ani to oi.t may be recommended on a site,specificbasis once building ervelopes are established with certainty and conceptual buitding designs areavailable. Extraordinary mitigation requirements are not anticipated. While the site area is not included in arry of the Town ofVail's snow avalanche hazard zones, because oftie moderately-steep slope there is tlre remote possibility of smatl slab-type slides after unusually heany snowfall, and snow-rolls, or "doughnuB," arc also a possibility. Mitigating measures for rocldall tlrat may- '-be requireddependinSonSnal-enrdepe.-loedion€nd{€nceptual stFuchrredesigpshould-also provid! .- adequate protection against either phenomenon. The necessity for proper drainage has been noted. Soil testing should be sufficient to locate near-surface bedrock areas, if any, and foundations and perimder drainage should be engineered accordingly. Vrrhile soils and bedrock materials found in the area do not ordinarily contain radioactive minerals, inhabited structures should as a matter of course be designed to preclude radon gas accumulation. Ukewise, the Vail area is one of many faults, some ofthem of significant displacement, and as a result, although there has been no movement on these structures for thousands of years, inhabited structures should be designed and constructed according to the Uniform Building Code provisions for Seismic Zone l. The site is in an area of modest geological sensitivity, and sitespecific mitigating measures are notanticipated to be significant, The proposed building envelopes and actess road are as wel l-located relative to existingtopography and recognized geologic hazards as possibte. There is nothing to suggest thatthe proposed subdMsion or potential site specific hazard-mitigating measures that might be required will increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, rights-oFway, roads, streets, easements, utilities, or facilities or other properties of any hnd. This report is intended to comply with appropriate portions ofTovvn ofVail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15, and nothing contained herein should be interpreted as suggestingthatthe zubjectproperty is noto(posed tothe mapped hazards. lfyou hwe any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to concrct me. ThitEDo.tcorctmsnaolprw!ttct dEtrt! !nPGdlfrblc s[d in hq!n!.ruEpoortrundaErood. hisht6d.dtoidcdirpot rtialohE6v{blabaz.rftowiicithe tubjcct Ptopcrty it erpot d rrd to tq!!E t nitigrting mc|!Urt. in conglhnct rriti eppllcrbL Egulrtignt. nortnjil thi" ,.pon riould b. conrt{cd orintcrpttcd ar sug3erdog ttrc rbtctlct of,ttE d€(rlH hrzrdr, or tirtdlr rcco||rn.ndcd rrhiptbot wlitt protcct or $rffrct p-p.rty n oot Orc a."cribc{ brr.rdrurd€r dl draurtancer, br! eq! or rfstecd. Noding in tiir rrpgft rhogtd be consEuGd orirttrprttci sugS!rdq;drrt.dditiot.l urjd{tif.d h.zrrds aEnot prri.rrt. h rrr|3t rl.o be dsrtood drrt tnidgzdoo" docr mt ar..n cirt rdE .llointiol ofdrc hrard{s) or prrrtnion oftlc cor5cqurncF ofr h.zrd cr.!mor.!/ttlti' ody thc .dqctior to tlrc altcrn tt|ionrbly porriblc of tic haer. ry rcrc?tirBddr rcport 8n pr€3atlt rod $brequcnt xnier tncrrto alrtc to itdcmDitard_hold br.!rlc..dr€ tEp.Frfor.ry.nd alt daouf* dirEct' idjrlcl or conrcgr.*.1,-incluaing pcrso'nrl il.yuryor lors oilifc, abow rld b"Fjdr";d.;i..;ofthissutdy' caut d_ by oresuhing ftom_erryroccltEoceofit detcdH or odrir h"rart1"1, rl*-dro o" not rir.i d.rn"go, n yElult fion liilur! to idc-rdry i.idhrz'fl'lorl'ortlr|lq!orhadeqEcyo'F!Prdyq8inG.Gd..oftrrfd,rndnrfnimd'!comnend.ddritit'tio8.ThcPrcp.rtrofthir'tPo'tc.t|||otand[ notbcresponsibIeina'!yrayo.drDn.rristsocrqfotticprop.'.ttginecdn&cot|'!Udio0end/o.'|sifc8nceofr.com'[cndcdnitigztioD''otth.l!|.d?qt|r or failul of inptoPert €trgirccli.d, conragtad, ard/or B.itielned ntommcodcd Dfigrtions, o( oitigsdoN tft h r b.cn rltcred in eny vey rduroewriiontiose Econncnded by thc pr€p&!r. Bruce A. t N Dt*ar l'ir'. [1*b i rr*:{:to: i i1i.l\,/ r:j {: otril:j l. {"t(li:l l:i, c1tlr.-r.L $if,i.r: ;-!Jr.ifil-{..j '-.ient i. ilr'1i:rci F! r- o iJ Lt t- {.1 r7 i.jr 'Llr i n l-he -i r':rr^gr hflLrridar',' hg.lttienrr Siec:t r r;i't:j .i. ;iii(i :i1j, fl.Pl.,, rrli.th:i.n 1:: h l* l-'l:i. i-ri-nrn J. ll r-ni r:r..r'ln f :sr.L nr-;rc.jr: " mr0 DEC 1 31990 Rtrnal.d lrl. ltobinet-teRobinelte Architect 1941 Nsrl:lr C,empbet I'i lrgcon AZ ElYj7 Lrl lifl:: Flarar-cl lila]tu,rti. lcholas Lamplris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CARBONDALE. COLORADO 816?3 (3031 6i13600 (24 HOURS) Dec enrb err 4 . :i c/9O {Jt-l *'-- l.-ct fl " l--i. rrti s; ft j. rir.le* Fii } j. no *r+ nrr r:-l htre ;:ltt ri'.,ri'l'fri.= 1s ne:.lr- l lir i:i I ["] o { 1: li {: {:''i. ] r i,: , [:i.;r6.1, e {-: r.lri'|.: t . 'l-h* tnpcrlt-*ipf't1. r;t {i i:: hs: I cit: {r ;,tr i. lrc sl nps *:r:.,,,11r-r.:i.l r+jl*ii u^riir rh i r: ir+t. I r.i:r.l trl, .l .i. i::'lr.l ir i. i. i t;i rlr: i .= I ,er'qgl y i:lFrrin e.1: var i sr.r:; heir j. r.;ht:t abnvr:.: r-c:::id tcr l:.he ed':.!e n{ rfrc- I ht..ti i t.i:i. ng si. l..rl r."r *ir li. I l+j. 1:tri n i:::r::)n :;:i. g; lt:.i; f:.' -r': .tr fi t,:rt i:1. y f;O'".ti: h ear: i-. i-r il l: i. .irit iti i' iti ii :tiL:: ::; .:i:.:1 :11;;:;, :ft l-: f" itt::l ::: " 1,:;i:i;i:i: il: i..i. ::.i. r.:ii,i. i- i::i 1--l;t,: itr:ir-tl-r., .i ::i t{:r 1::h i;{:".vr..r'.;;r.l nl|L:r:i. npr i-:p".rg"q..*; \,i. ..1i l)i. !-: 1:he l. clL,. I frr::t-r..f is :i ::r,r..tbcl :;. vi::;i lirr {,lt and :r i:!i- i. i.,{ir"i(i y i.1r- ol.i (] =,ercl i. rr 'l- r, ,::-rr:,: { lrs 1r l' g al:irr 'f or tire opeiis nythe tr asel 'l lre cr.r:c:i {:}qy (:l.f: tfrq. ar c.:ti cong j. tgl.:::; i:}i [r,er-;n.;y.1. '.".;11j. i-:,n aq€? plj. n,l:: rr i-tf;cirm;rtit:r rl i:- {:he *.j.te: l+j.ti'i [:'errns;,.: va-.rri.c,-"ll--[].6."jr-n:i..:rr agal Nirt*r:,c]tr Forittalti {:rr: -FLtr-iil'ler LtF j-ha? hil.i.l:j.cje, ihr-': l''ij. it Lurn in L: l-r j.:; t'?:}i:ij.'.:i i-'r ${j*fn j. Irsttll-L Y a (lr-e:v :;,lre.l r iiiri.i +;;fi li gi'a. {:lilr,:f i,\':i. t:i I i ning.'1:: cr:;.. l.;'.,-'1,s1' 1;. l'h,:.-. tltr-ci:rr i.:; ;i irsrn+t:j.tel'-cr',.rnicn{:r:lcl ,r;:i. ). k:;t*ne,$nnds'i:ont; and siherl r;, Etr:{: h t,r..{: Llrsg;e+ .f or mart:i. r:l"rs di.p f:rh oi..rt ;i;:,lc Ll(.) clectrrr,:t-.9 i.t n t:trr= n(:r'1:h. -l'irercl i. i;: a :llrr'{ i. ci. r l. sgvs:ri. ircr n{: 0i. at:i.;r1 cJri{t o-l Olrattlrrrary ,illgJ ;,r'r: i:lr* i:: r-r j..l.c:ii.nqi *,i tt""' rrrh:, c:.lrco|lL.rifl::, ti:iIls, ssrrcif; ! cr')hbl Et!]; si-rrJ hulridg,rr-s., Tlris lot I i rssi ert ther base of a stee:rp hj i. leidsr and iwith:in tfre l"ls'r d j.r-rm S(3verity Ror::l:{.r1. I Zsne a15 ,naFperj T'own of VaiI. The hiIlside dnes not nh{:l.r Eign:i cl{ j. nstabi I i ty nor are ttlere rocklr sl:rr:wn about the slnavertheless, certain precaurtion:; are in r)rrjFr'. Itunderrstandi ng that ttre propn:ied hctmf* wi I I I ie neerr-o{ thtl steep }ri I l. t I r'" ri-.nnnrrrelrrcl ttrat i.'f ttrcl fri. 1, L si.du' is t;cr b$ i3:{{:avated {ot" csrr.gtrlrction o{ t}rt' -FotmcJi\t.i c}n " ia re1:.ai. ni, rrg t^;s11 ber de*;iqrts:d a= part, r.r{ that f nr-rrrcl:rt i nn tr: r'ep} a{:e} the tor,: r{ ttre sl opr': rnmovpd r;rJ thal-. sl op(i i nstabi t i ty j. ri nclt :i, ncreai:ielcl . I dcl nn'l: tal i eve th j. s to be* tl-re cele:e., how+lver " I ,:r1 *-'fJ Fecofftfnnfid tfr.rLt , rergarcil €$is; clf tJhrlre Lft{: home i r: ::i t*:d, the rear y*rd lr tl ber.nierl pr ccinta j. n rEri si:cJ ;.r},;lnl;erE to nct aE A tiLt{'l:{llr tcl l- clc:. l::.i; or- e;.t Lrfilf)s o{ ec]iL or- :;not+ t'rhir:tr rniclht r-Erat::lt the s'ite' I"i f:i o r.-,.i; i. tr1. g t:h q,' h*m1:' ,:;trmt.ri. d l.l s* a,' i. entt*ci 1iiffi thiitt a cl:r'rlfit" nf tftr: l:r::r*re+ f :li':t*ti; trplr:i. i. I . -i frtl lrcl v..i'nt il.t; r:.1 l':nlt]. c! br,' i.:h":1: ql. an*i ni:l Lil. nr'rr; i.:rr'$ flinl- c! .1. j. l':lll. y i:tl*ifl tJit'i:t,:i.: i-r:i 1..e" l-gt nit: riiir-nltil't*:-,ri;rr.l l.: !-t,:r'i:l t't.rr:;: 1..'f: i:r.i. i ;.1.: i:!-ti',1 ::i. l:: i:,' :i *, ptrl**i,i.bi ct h;t-t i: r-in'l .1.:i. 1.,:*1. y, rJuttl t$ thli: l:'/pci i:rTl ri lrr r.*ir1.:,'ti::i c:r t::{ '-l't"" t"tt.tl t r- c'tt l''; lrh*.ut: *rrr:j l:he q(tiltir".:r.i !:-ni:ni-:;i';r'i.t.fi','..1:i::.''el l:i-ic tl;i1..'::' i cla ttr:1" h sir] i (',1r,r..r thi:tt tl-r*: i;',.yicl I.if ff. i:.i. 1ii:rt.:i. t:ll hif'l:i. t::fl :l 11AVt l-r:c Eimmt'l-rtl' '' l^li.1].trclcj..l'i.i.ve}',i..-'i:]:.l:l{:::l:'i:l.ciitlrIii'irl;.1pt-i::,i.:,i.:t.,!:i...'ll",'i.|.rc'..13i'1:.i..]':i'..j'] gcirglt:qi. l::,:l il .!..,, t;$r't$i f. j.r"r1,' ,r.1 1,11, i:,:! i: ll.if:r\/:":Ii::;;iiiit,tti r';:t J I tr t :i. rtt::rgl,ll;*:l {:it1t tt,t;rt'itr;l i: i::t ,.li:fi'!li'- 1:lt-llLllt,:t- i::7 r:.t t :;'l:r'l.t'-'t:l-lIr'5, i:: t- f i:t lt''rl,rJ.j't:::i:it..l:ij'r,jirtl.':,:'..;jt.]|iitl-.i)i''.Ji'.11l.r.c..'.'lr:i!',.:;1;:!,.llr'l.|:.]i r-ii: i I i i:i. l-.i t,.r rt:r' {.:lLt:.::r i. :i. i..:. r::l; i::;i tl:i-'llrli r.': I i::1.:l:r'i:: til:i, l-'li ;ifi!' ili riiJ " i i' t: he i..r'',,t..:ri i:t l.:: e,. n(] :i. nr::r'r:;,rgS ct{, h.*:i+'-.:i t: (:1 i.--hri.'| ..:t.: n.il:r .i :i r,i{::tt:il i {:lllv-(::r'''r*fllt:lr} !-.:; " |..',+rir:i*t:,.il1li'rtt.'l;.t-r,i''tr-.r:!llrl:|tr:iriitl.:i'nr::'l.l,,ijj.rtrJ 1:l.r i:: l-l ,:i\ 13 ttl tl:i.t {lcl1- '-11.1i-lr.irc Ll r,'l+tilt' r+I-iiLrrld tl'r* i: t::i.:l-li:i*t:: r:rli a r:;n:i l.* t}rrqir:s.rr'r'i nql r'e.rFnt-i;- r^ri.i. 1 ltg' iie l::t,.ri:,t,:;ri- y i:. e:; :l 'lstlrl-[:' [Jri-,|:)u!'.[r:nncJ":ti n rJr:si{iir) i{n(J 1:,- r,"-r- j *-i+1:*i- i]ir.,-r j []ai I i:.r. v e.'f'l i'.l-t t:]l..l l:ift Lltt'l{,ii:l '-;ni l.:::; i:.y- (:r eflncii-el.1 \' t;ii-lj'L.t' '.: t..t j. l:.;:Ll .1.;':l -F r:.!1" ,: {.)1 irtcl.':r'i::i i:}ltl;" 1t i i:' t"" ri 1..{r-f f,f+|- t-ifttJ*:rl:ll:artcl i. rrl; lfr':rl c-}li{lurllii9i , rlonr::i'L i !: 9l:t.€l- ', ilfld l' jii1i i:ii: i..i :i l;i:.inl;il,l l::'l,tl'.l:t*n* .":Lr il: niL.t.t"i c:i.;:.+1 i. y Ft-fivl.ds';:i . lrl:rr-:r,1|r r!.:qci .::1r.'.-ru-r'rll at, i.u)nti i-rai,v i:l i- ,:r r:: r* :-i f: .l y b f* i:r:l; nl Ell ari i. t:r':'m t:'f lli: II - c c.1r'r c {iir- ri , LJn i' ur t l.tn.l l. +:tt.[ y. j.t- j.s: ri :l i-i j.r::t.t.l. i:: 1.n 1:rr" l'l"rj:1. {;:t]l +:lt:j t; p:g!.:{ent i. nl p:r'5.L'r t- ct c::*rislt-itnt..icrnl l--.irE-li-tll':r-tlr, il: itrey bcr ;ldt'i l:'.i,'.tr1** t:r: cJrl*i. gn 1. oi,,'clr I el Vi.r i. $ t':rir f hs: gii-n;.:c:rleri l-r c:rriie+ l'"t:L ti I r.r cl r..c.luL,-r t: e vt:rtti l.ltion Lfi []f-t?clt-rcle tlrt" pili::c-n'cial icti- .:rccumulaLion. I trel ieve thtrt tfri:r it; an s.cc.F*llt.;r.l:L e eit.c' 'f c:rt- drilvr,:1 crpmtrn t i{ ury pr'(J(:eclinq r'{:contsrenti*tt i onsi .xrf3 f ol l tlN(:cl . I-i thnre ar€i {Lt}-tfter cllte*ti $ns r pl ens;$ do rlnt t'}E+Ei ta'r"e tn frOntact mF. !i:i rrrrlr e 1. y,,4 ",1 t ,-7 >- AJ,..A. cLvMt-!.' ra-' // $11 E: l i:) l. 3g; L. r'.:: fl4IJ l. l'- I 1:i llnr: gt".rl t i rrg lierrl. o!tr i. ti'i: