HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0252 elevator.pdfNorthwest Colorado Council of Governments ELEVATOR PERMIT APPLICATION Permit# /(.p /{53 Jurisdiction few.,.; 'VAil-Building Official rR. fllopJD.e4Go.0 Total Fee d...J5 •.00 Dat~_,.{v--(~ Receipt# CC Plan Reviewed and Approved by ~H'~ate Issued I j,/¥£6' This section to be completed by NWCCOG Permit Expiration Date r/,.L p,2 I** Permits expire In one year for new Installations and six months for alterations **l * * All the following must be completed by the elevator contractor** Inaccurate, illegible or missing information will cause a delay in the application process. Please complete a separate application per conveyance. Jurisdiction Building Permit# /5 15 -0 ~ f; ~ State of Colorado Conveyance ID# c._.p IS -{) oos>o9 Job Address 1'1? ~----+rT5"'Sunburst Dr Vail. CO 81657 Job Name Vail Golf West Job Malling Address 111i?Fffl Sunburst Dr Vail. CO 81657 Job Phone tt 303-623-7433 Email--------------- Elevator Company Morning Star Elevator State License Number ___ c_c_-1_._1s __ Mailing Address ____ 1_6_1_6_5_C_l_iff_ro_c_k_C_t_C_o_lo_ra_d_o_S_.p_r_in~gs_,_C_0_8_09_2_1 ____________ _ Phone# 719-635 7960 Email richard@msele"atou;ooim~----- Unit# 67192-AD-E __ X_ New Installation-Circle one (HYP -RHYP -Traction -@Dumbwaiter -Other ______ .) ___ Alteration (unit cannot be returned to setvice until Inspected and approved by NWCCOG) Cab modifications require submission of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Describe work Provide and install new lift C C.l'f..JW &/t C /A NOTICE I hereby certify that l have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the prov1s1ons of any othllr te 1-~~a rE19jiating construction or the performanc f c ,itio '~-· ,( 1-- 1 • .. ,. l '.. I -, Signature of contractor or authorized agent Date Signature of owner PAYMENT Check: Make payable to NWCCOG. Date NEW INSTALLATION FEES Passenger or freight elevator, LULA, escalator, moving walk: Up to and including $50,000 of valuation = $375.00 Over $50,000 of valuation = $375.00 plus $7.00 for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof over $50,000.00 Lift, Dumbwaiter or private residence elevator: Lip to and including $20,000 of valuation = $27'>.00 Over $20,000 of valuation = $275.00 plus $4.00 for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof over $20,000.00 MAJOR Ab TERATION FEES: Fees for ma1or alterations shall be as set forth in Table 3-A of the Uniform Administrative Code or Table 1-A -see Current Fee Schedule on NWCCOG.org website Elevator Inspection Program page. VALUATION~~~_;_::~!-~_0_,,.u;.._·_·~~~-.----·-········-····, \\ Conveyance plan review and field inspections will be conducted b 0 y NWCCOG Elevator Inspection Progr~rn 1 Plans will be ~bmi~~ i1~ , ,,·~! · Credit .. ·.Card.: }a. II ta Jnters at 970-468·0295 xll4 to give CC lnfo~i?r ~ w for Credit card ~uthorization. ,, ,,.,'"' <\ ,f I ./"1 , '"-, -"' r ' ' ' '' -/ i 1,L Signature Date NWCCOG for review and approval. Schedule inspections by emailing NWCCOG at Elevator@NWCCOG.org. 1 j ! 0'.1 f~) . ~ ,. t~J!1 L···--. Northwest Colorado Council of Governments ELEVATOR PERMIT APPLICATION Permit# /lo _,{6t{-Jurisdiction To(.,J µ U kl<........-Building Official -:If!._ /v{o IJ [) 124-GoA.J Total Fee ~ 7 5, .00 Date Paid /d., -le,:~ Receipt# __ C_C_;;:;___ __ _ Plan Reviewed and Approved by ~ 4-. ZH'oate Issued~~/ This section to be completed by NWCCOG Permit Expiration Date /;j/.j//.2 r,;;;-;;:-·------·--·-·· ------·-····-----·-----· ··-----·-·--·-*! i"flermlts expire in one year for new installations and six months for alterations ~--~1 **All the following must be completed by the elevator contractor** Inaccurate, Illegible or missing information will cause a delay in the application process. Please complete a separate application per conveyance. Jurisdiction Building_ Permit# f::> }!:;-0 J.S cl-state of Colorado Conveyance ID# C p /5-0()0 f Of Job Address /??o ~Sunburst Dr Vail, CO 81657 Job Name Vail Golf_E_a_s;...t __________________________ _ Job Mailing Address ("llj?'H'i'5 Sunburst Dr Vail, CO 81657 Job Phone# 303-623-7433 Email Elevator Company Malling Address Morning Star Elevator State License Number CC-1-15 16165 Cliffrock Ct Colorado Springs, CO 8092_~--- Phone# 719-635-7960 Email __ __..ri...,ch""a"'"rd"'@mselevatoi:.mm. ... --.. -- Unit# 67193-AD-E ~ New Installation-Circle one (HYP -RHYP -Traction@oumbwaiter -Other _____ _ ___ Alteration (unit cannot be returned to service until inspected and approved by NWCCOG) Cab modifications require submission of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Describe work ___ P_r_ov_i_de_a_n_d_,n_s_ta_l_I n_e_w_lift _____________________ _ NOUCE I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other stat~or.~?}!711r /egu~(ing construction or the performance of an5T~' 1 _ I /;vi/ '? , I X: // -_ • ....-"'..,_, > \, ~ Signature of 'contracto!or authorized agent Date Signature of owner Date PAYMENT Check: Make payable to NWCCOG. Credit Card: call Cora .Wint rs at 970-468-0295 xll 4 to give CC mformatpn. fig(! bjlow r Credit Card Authorization. ·U} ,, :. vl..·i A,0 Signature Date NEW INSTALLATION FEES Passenger or freight elevator, LULA, escalator, moving walk: Up to and mcluding $50,000 of valuation = $375.00 Over $50,000 of valuation = $375.00 plus $7.00 for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof over $50,000.00 Lift, Dumbwaiter or private residence elevator: Up to and including $20,000 of valuation = $275.00 Over $20,000 of valuation = $275.00 plus $4.00 for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof over S20,000.00 MAJOR ALTEBAilON FEES; Fees for major alterations shall be as set forth in Table 3·A of the Uniform Adm1nrstrative Code or Table 1-A -see Current Fee Schedule on NWCCOG.org website Elevator Inspection Program page. r '· Z. VALUATION_~~~.)~~~~~~~ TOTALFEE ____ ·l--~-- > ( I . J. tl \_ --.. I;. L Conveyance plan review and field inspections will be conducted by NWCCOG Elevator Inspection Program. Plans will be submitted tb NWCCOG for review and approval. Schedule Inspections by emailing NWCCOG at Elevator@NWCCOG.org. N~ COUMCIL Of GOVERNMENT,$ To: From: Date: MORNING STAR ELEVATOR 8t TOWN OF VAIL NWCCOG Elevator Inspection Program 970-468-0295 ext. 108 or elevator@nwccog.org 1/13/2017 The following Conveyance was Inspected and tested and a: D TEMPORARY Certificate issued X FINAL Inspection Certificate issued D NO certificate issued Project Name: VAIL GOLF WEST Building Permit: 815-0252 Location: 1778 SUNBURST DR, VAIL NWCCOG Permit Number(s): 16-153 Comments: CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION ELEVATOR PROGRAM NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS This certifies that this lift was inspected on the date below and meets the minimum requirements for operation. ID Number: 67192-AO-E State of Colorado ID #: CPlS-000809 Location Name: VAIL GOLF WEST Date of Inspection: 1/3/2017 Expiration Date: 12/31/2017 Type: Lift Inspector: David Pickett-Heaps Ne"'-·~~ v:o~~~~~ To: From: Date: MORNING STAR ELEVATOR It TOWN OF VAIL NWCCOG Elevator Inspection Program 970-468-0295 ext. 108 or elevator@nwccog.org 1/13/2017 The following Conveyance was inspected and tested and a: D TEMPORARY Certificate issued X FINAL Inspection Certificate issued D NO certificate issued Project Name: VAIL GOLF EAST Building Permit: 815-0252 Location: 1778 SUNBURST DR, VAIL NWCCOG Permit Number(s): 16-154 Comments: CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION ELEVATOR PROGRAM NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS This certifies that this lift was inspected on the date below and meets the minimum requirements for operation. ID Number: 67193-AD-E State of Colorado ID #: CPlS-000808 Location Name: VAIL GOLF EAST Date of Inspection: 12/29/2016 Expiration Date: 12/31/2017 Type: Lift Inspector: David Pickett-Heaps