HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0274_M4.1_1460575800.pdf1. Control System a. Control system shall be Tekmar TN4 system with TekmarNet compatible components. Refer to Tekmar wiring diagrams for more information. b. Provide (1) Tekmar 482 Gateway with RS232 serial communication to the Home Automation System (HAS) (Savant installed by others). Savant to provide remote access via the internet with occupied/unoccupied functions. c. Provide (1) Tekmar 423 universal reset module, (X) Tekmar 335 zone managers and (X) Tekmar 325 zone modules. d. Tekmar TN4 system shall control central boiler plant (including water heaters and recirc pump), snowmelt boiler plants, kitchen make-up air, radiant floor, fan coils, outdoor pool heating, outdoor hot tub heating, indoor hot tub heating, indoor cold tub cooling, and snowmelting. e. ,QFOXGHXVHUVZLWFKHVZLWKLQWKH+$6WRFKDQJHVFHQHV3RVVLEOHVFHQHVHWWLQJVDUH+RPHDQG³$ZD\´ 2. Thermostats a. 6HH³7KHUPRVWDW6FKHGXOH´RQVKHHW0WRGHWHUPLQHZKLFKVWDWVSHUIRUPZKLFKIXQFWLRQV7KHUPRVWDWVVKDOOEH7HNPDU communicating type, compatible with TN4, unless noted otherwise. Thermostats will control radiant floors and fan coils. b. Tekmar TN4 thermostats shall be located discreetly within the zone (such as a closet) and shall each have (1) Tekmar 084 flush mounted indoor sensor located in the zone (unless noted otherwise). Savant shall display virtual thermostats on Savant touch screens, including zone name, zone setpoint, and zone temperature. c. Heat rejection supply/ exhaust fans shall have line voltage thermostats provided by mechanical contractor and wired by electrical contractor. 3. B-1, B-2, & B-3 Boilers (Central) a. Tekmar 423 universal reset module shall stage, modulate, and rotate B-1, B-2, & B-3 boilers to maintain heating water setpoint at temperature sensor TS-1. b. +HDWLQJZDWHUWHPSHUDWXUHVKDOOEHUHVHWEDVHGRQRXWGRRUDLUWHPSHUDWXUHVߛƒ)#ƒ)WRƒ)#ƒ)ߜRUDVFDOFXODWHG by indoor feedback from the Tekmar TN4 system. c. +:6VHWSRLQWVKDOOEHUDPSHGXSWRƒ)ߛDGMߜRQDQ\FDOOIRUGRPHVWLFKRWZDWHUKHDWLQJ d. +:6VHWSRLQWVKDOOEHUDPSHGXSWRƒ)ߛDGMߜRQDFDOOIRUNLWFKHQPDNHXSDLU e. +:6VHWSRLQWVKDOOEHUDPSHGXSWRƒ)ߛDGMߜRQDFDOOIRULQGRRUKRWWXEKHDWLQJ f. +:6VHWSRLQWVKDOOEHUDPSHGXSWRƒ)ߛDGMߜRQDFDOOIRURXWGRRUKRWWXEKHDWLQJ g. +:6VHWSRLQWVKDOOEHUDPSHGXSWRƒ)ߛDGMߜRQDFDOOIRURXWGRRUSRROKHDWLQJ h. P-1, P-2, or P-3 boiler pumps shall run whenever associated boiler is called to fire. 4. WH-1, WH-2, & WH-3 Indirect Water Heaters a. Provide (1) Tekmar 336 zone manager and (3) Tekmar 162 setpoint controls. b. Upon a call for heating from temperature sensor TS-2DW:+ߛVHWDWƒ)DGMߜ3ZDWHUKHDWHUSXPSVKDOOVWDUW c. Upon a call for heating from temperature sensor TS-3DW:+ߛVHWDWƒ)DGMߜ3ZDWHUKHDWHUSXPSVKDOOVWDUW d. Upon a call for heating from temperature sensor TS-4DW:+ߛVHWDWƒ)DGMߜ3ZDWHUKHDWHUSXPSVKDOOVWDUW e. Water heaters shall be controlled by Tekmar TN4 system. Water heaters shall be disabled entirely during"Away" mode. f. P-13 domestic hot water recirculation pump shall be controlled by Tekmar 336 zone manager and shall be shut-off automatically during "Away" mode. 5. Radiant Floor Heating a. Tekmar 423 universal reset module shall control the Tekmar 741 actuating motor at MV-1 motorized mixing valve. Valve position shall be modulated via floating action to maintain heating water supply setpoint at temperature sensor TS-6. Setpoint VKDOOEHUHVHWEDVHGRQRXWGRRUDLUWHPSHUDWXUHVߛƒ)#ƒ)WRƒ)#ƒ)ߜRUDVFDOFXODWHGE\LQGRRUIHHGEDFNIURP the Tekmar TN4 control system. b. Upon a call for heating from thermostat, zone valve on heating water return pipe shall open. Heating water pump P-8a/b will already be operating (see "Pumps" sequence for additional information on P-8a&b). c. Radiant floor shall be the first stage of heating, fan coils shall be the second stage. 6. FC-1 Fan Coil (Belt Drive, Single-Zone) a. Fan coil shall be equipped with belt drive motor. b. COOLING: Upon a call for cooling, fan shall start and on/off zone valve shall open. Chilled water pump P-21 will already be operating (see "Pumps" sequence for additional information on P-21). c. HEATING: Upon a call for second stage heating, fan shall start and P-7 pump shall start and run full speed. d. KITCHEN: FC-1 blower shall be electrically interlocked with kitchen exhaust fan and great room fireplace valve. Normally closed OSA damper shall open (1000 CFM) and normally open RA damper shall partially close (1400 CFM). P-7 make-up air pump shall start to flow coil and B-1, B-2, & B-3 boilers shall be enabled. Pump speed shall be varied by Tekmar 356 PL[LQJFRQWUROWRPDLQWDLQƒ)ߛDGMߜGLVFKDUJHDLUWHPSHUDWXUHDWTS-5 temperature sensor (mounted at FC-1 discharge). P-7 SXPSVKDOOEHGLVDEOHGLI26$WHPSHUDWXUHLVJUHDWHUWKDQƒ)ߛDGMߜ3XPSVKDOOUXQIXOOVSHHGXSRQDFDOOIRUVHFRQGVWDJH heating. e. HUMIDIFICATION: See "Steam Humidifiers" sequence. 7. FC-2 & FC-4 Fan Coils (Belt Drive, Single-Zone) a. Fan coils shall be equipped with belt drive motors. b. COOLING: Upon a call for cooling, fan shall start and on/off zone valve shall open. Chilled water pump P-21 will already be operating (see "Pumps" sequence for additional information on P-21). c. HEATING: Upon a call for second stage heating, fan shall start, associated on/off zone valve shall open, and heating water pump P-9 shall start. d. HUMIDIFICATION: See "Steam Humidifiers" sequence. 8. FC-3 & FC-5 Fan Coils (EC Motor, Single-Zone) a. Fan coils shall be equipped with EC motors and potentiometers for balancing. EC motors shall be programmed with gradual speed changes for start and stop. b. COOLING: Upon a call for cooling, fan shall start and associated on/off zone valve shall open. Chilled water pump P-21 will already be operating (see "Pumps" sequence for additional information on P-21). c. HEATING: Upon a call for second stage heating, fan shall start, associated on/off zone valve shall open, and heating water pump P-9 shall start. d. HUMIDIFICATION: See "Steam Humidifiers" sequence. 9. FC-6 Fan Coil (Wineroom Cooling) a. COOLING: Upon a call for cooling from wall mounted thermostat, fan shall start and CU-2 condensing unit shall be enabled. Condensing unit shall be controlled by integral controls to meet the cooling load. b. HUMIDIFICATION: Upon a call for humidification from wall mounted humidistat, humidifier shall start and fan shall start. 10. FC-7 (AV Equipment) & HP-1 Heat Pump a. Fan coil shall be controlled by a cooling thermostat. b. COOLING: Upon a call for AV equipment cooling, fan shall start and HP-1 heat pump shall be enabled. Heat pump shall cycle as directed by integral controls to meet the cooling demand. 11. PD-1 Pool Dehumidifier a. Unit shall be controlled by Desertaire microprocessor controls and shall be connected to the Savant system as required. Mechanical Contractor to coordinate with HAS contractor to determine what type of communication protocol is required. PD-1 microprocessor controls shall be ordered to be compatible with HAS communication protocol. b. FAN: Fan shall run continuously, to prevent air stratification and stagnation and to ensure accurate sensor readings. Fan shall run on high speed whenever compressor is called to run. Fan shall run on low speed whenever compressor is off. c. DEHUMIDIFICATION: Upon a call for dehumidification, compressor shall run. Discharge air temperature will be DSSUR[LPDWHO\ƒ)ZDUPHUWKDQHQWHULQJDLUWHPSHUDWXUH:DUPGU\GHKXPLGLILHGDLUZLOOEHGLVFKDUJHGLQWRWKHVSDFH d. &22/,1*8SRQDFDOOIRUFRROLQJFRPSUHVVRUVKDOOUXQ'LVFKDUJHDLUWHPSHUDWXUHZLOOEHDSSUR[LPDWHO\ƒ)FRROHUWKDQ entering air temperature. Cool, dry dehumidified air will be discharged into the space. 12. HX-1 Indoor Hot Tub Heat Exchanger a. Provide (1) Tekmar 162 setpoint control. This Tekmar 162 will share the water heater's Tekmar 336 zone manager. b. Upon a call for heating from TS-7 temperature sensor, normally closed control valve shall open, end switch shall signal P-10 pump to start, and B-1, B-2, & B-3 boilers shall be enabled. 13. HX-2 Outdoor Hot Tub Heat Exchanger a. Provide (1) Tekmar 162 setpoint control. This Tekmar 162 will share the water heater's Tekmar 336 zone manager. b. Upon a call for heating from TS-8 temperature sensor, normally closed control valve shall open, end switch shall signal P-11 pump to start, and B-1, B-2, & B-3 boilers shall be enabled. 14. HX-2 Outdoor Pool Heat Exchanger a. Provide (1) Tekmar 162 setpoint control. This Tekmar 162 will share the water heater's Tekmar 336 zone manager. b. Upon a call for heating from TS-9 temperature sensor, P-12 pump shall start and B-1, B-2, & B-3 boilers shall be enabled. 15. B-4 & B-5 Boilers (Snowmelt) a. Integral Lochinvar controls shall stage, modulate, and rotate B-3 & B-4 boilers to maintain snowmelt water supply setpoint at temperature sensor TS-10. b. 606VHWSRLQWVKDOOEHVHWDWƒ)ߛDGMߜ c. Provide (2) Tekmar 091/094 snow/ice sensors and sockets, one for each snowmelt zone. Refer to M0.1 for locations. d. Provide (2) Tekmar 654 snowmelt controls, one for each snowmelt zone. e. Upon a call for snowmelting from snow/ice sensor, B-3 & B-4 boilers shall be enabled and associated snowmelt pump shall start. f. 3URYLGHDQ³$8722))7,0('21´VRIWZDUHVZLWFKIRUHDFKVQRZPHOW]RQHZLWKLQWKH+$6³$XWR´PRGHPHDQV DXWRPDWLFDOO\FRQWUROOHGE\7HNPDUV\VWHPWRUXQZKHQVQRZLVVHQVHGDWWKHVQRZLFHVHQVRU³2II´PHDQVVQRZPHOWLVRII entirely. "Timed-On" means snowmelt shall turn on for a timed snowmelt operation period of 6 hours (adj). Upon completion of "Timed-On" cycle, switch shall default back to previous position. g. 7HNPDUV\VWHPVKDOOEHVHWXSIRU::6'ߛZDUPZHDWKHUVKXWGRZQߜDWDSSUR[LPDWHO\ƒ)ߛDGMߜ6\VWHPVKDOOQRWRSHUDWHLI outdoor temperature is above this setting. h. Tekmar control shall be setup for CWCO (cold weather cut off) at approximately 10 F (adj). System shall not operate if outdoor temperature is below this setting. 16. CH-1, CH-2, & CH-3 Chillers a. Chillers shall be controlled by integral staging controls to maintain chilled water supply temperature at temperature sensor TS-11RIƒ)XSRQDFDOOIRUFRROLQJ b. P-18, P-19, or P-20 chiller pumps shall operate whenever associated chiller is running. 17. Fans a. EF-1 bath exhaust fans shall each be controlled by an on/off wall switch. b. EF-2 pool room exhaust fan shall run continuously. c. EF-3 garage exhaust fan shall be energized via a motion sensor in the garage ceiling. Once energized, fan shall run for 30 minutes (adj) as set by adjustable timer. Any trigger of the motion sensor during the timed run period shall reset the timer. Also, provide a wall mounted 2 hour timer switch for manual operation. d. EF-4 inline garage exhaust fan shall be energized via a motion sensor in the garage ceiling. Once energized, fan shall run for 30 minutes (adj) as set by adjustable timer. Any trigger of the motion sensor during the timed run period shall reset the timer. Also, provide a wall mounted 2 hour timer switch for manual operation. e. EF-5 pool mechanical room exhaust fan shall be controlled by a line voltage cooling thermostat and a dehumidistat wired in series. f. EF-6 exercise exhaust fan shall be controlled by an on/off wall switch. f. SF-1 mechanical room supply fan shall be controlled by a line voltage cooling thermostat and a timer switch wired in parallel. &RROLQJWKHUPRVWDWVKDOOEHVHWDWƒ)ߛDGMߜ 18. ERV-1 & ERV-2 Energy Recovery Ventilators a. Energy recovery ventilators shall each be controlled by a master control (Renewaire PT Percent Timer Control) which shall control percent of unit operation per hour (adjustable from 0 to 100%). Refer to M0.1 for locations. b. Units shall also be controlled by multiple local push button controls (Renewaire PB-L Push Button Point-of-use Control Lighted). These controls shall all be wired in parallel with each other and with the PT-L control. Press button once for 20 minutes of timed ventilation operation, twice for 40 minutes and three times for 60 minutes. Press and hold button for about five seconds and ventilation cycle is canceled. Refer to M0.1 for locations. c. ERV's tied into a fan coil do not require any interlocks. Fan coils do not need to run for ERV's to be fully effective. 19. EDH-1 & EDH-2 Electric Duct Heaters a. Units shall each be located at ERV fresh air supply duct. b. 8QLWVVKDOOHDFKEHFRQWUROOHGE\DVLQJOHSKDVH6&5FRQWURO6&5FRQWUROVKDOOPRGXODWHWRPDLQWDLQƒ)ߛDGMߜGLVFKDUJHDLU temperature at associated ERV. 20. Steam Humidifiers a. Provide (1) Nortec outdoor temperature sensor and (1) Nortec digital humidistat controller with remote transducer for each humidifier. b. Upon a call for humidification from room mounted humidity transducer, associated fan shall start and once airflow is proven by air proving switch, humidifier shall start. Humidifier shall modulate to maintain humidity setpoint. c. Include a high limit duct humidistat located in the supply air duct, downstream of the steam absorption zone to disable humidifier if levels are too high. d. Digital humidistat controller shall automatically reset the humidity setpoint based on outdoor temperature. Outdoor reset curve shall be adjustable. e. Humidification shall be disabled during calls for cooling and make-up air. f. Integral controls shall automatically temper hot drain water by mixing cold domestic water to comply with code. 21. Steam Generators a. Steam generators shall be controlled by Mr. Steam controls. 22. Pumps a. P-1 B-1 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire. b. P-2 B-2 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire. c. P-3 B-3 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire. d. P-4 WH-1 water heater pump: on upon a call for DHW heating from TS-2 temperature sensor. e. P-5 WH-2 water heater pump: on upon a call for DHW heating from TS-3 temperature sensor. f. P-6 WH-3 water heater pump: on upon a call for DHW heating from TS-4 temperature sensor. g. P-7 FC-1 fan coil pump: on during a call for make-up air and when not shutdown by WWSD (warm weather shut down). Pump is to be controlled for variable speed pumping via Tekmar 356 mixing control. Pump shall run full speed (bypass Tekmar 356 control) upon a call for second stage heating. h. P-8a&b radiant floor heating pumps: pumps shall be staged by the Grundfos Genie Bus controls. Only one pump is required to run at a time. The second pump is for standby operation for the case that the other pump fails. Pumps shall be rotated for equal run times. Pumps shall run constantly when Tekmar Control system is NOT in WWSD (warm weather shut-down). Grundfos Magna pump is equipped with an integrated variable frequency converter to automatically vary pump speed based RQIORZGHPDQG6HWSXPSWR³3URSRUWLRQDO3UHVVXUH´PRGH3XPSZLOOUXQHYHQZKHQWKHUHDUHQR]RQHYDOYHVFDOOLQJ7KLV is OK because the pump will slow down to a very slow speed and very little electrical energy will be used. i. P-9 forced air heating pump: on upon a call for forced air heating. j. P-10 HX-1 heat exchanger pump: on upon a call for indoor hot tub heating from TS-7 temperature sensor. k. P-11 HX-2 heat exchanger pump: on upon a call for outdoor hot tub heating from TS-8 temperature sensor. l. P-12 HX-3 heat exchanger pump: on upon a call for outdoor pool heating from TS-9 temperature sensor. m. P-13 domestic hot water recirculation pump: controlled by TN4 system. On during "Normal" mode. Off during "Away" mode. n. P-14 B-4 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire. o. P-15 B-5 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire. p. P-16 snowmelt pump: on whenever there is a call for snowmelting from SZ-1. q. P-17 snowmelt pump: on whenever there is a call for snowmelting from SZ-2. r. P-18 CH-1 chiller pump: on whenever chiller is called to run. s. P-19 CH-2 chiller pump: on whenever chiller is called to run. t. P-20 CH-3 chiller pump: on whenever chiller is called to run. u. 3FKLOOHGZDWHUSXPS6HWSXPSWR³3URSRUWLRQDO3UHVVXUH´PRGH3XPSZLOOUXQHYHQZKHQWKHUHDUHQR]RQHYDOYHV calling. This is OK because the pump will slow down to a very slow speed and very little electrical energy will be used. Sequence of Operation 7/27/15 04/13/16