HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0308_Fireplace Info_1440024840.PDFGetting Started lnstaller Guide A. Typical Appliance System NOTICE: lllustntions and photos rcflecttypicalinstallations and arefordesign purpo,ses only. ttlustntions/diagrams are not dnwn fo sca/e. Actual product may vary ftom picturcs in manual. Note: Dual venting configurations ARE NOT allowed. Appliance MUST be vented EITHER vertically OR horizontally. SIORI' COLLAR (EECnON r0.Hl VENT PIPE PENEINAII! ROOF PMFERAELY wlTI{Ot,T AFECNNG R@F RAFTERE (SECT|ON E.Cl VENT PIPE lEECnOf{E 7 rnd E) Atflc rNsuLAnoN sHrEt-o lNorSHilN' [I'8T BE USED HERE IO IGEP INSULANON AUUAY FROIT VENT PIPE IF ATNC I8 |NS|,IAIED (SECTTON r.Dl FRATINOHEAOER(sEcTrof{ r.Bl FRAMINO HEAOED OFFtf{ cEtLtNo JotETS ISECTTON ect @NONAL U'ALL SVIIITCH TANIELAI{D UANIELI-EG |SECnON 6,Dl suRRoul{o EXTET{StOt{ GAs UNE lgECflON lrl Figure 4.1 fiplcal System HOREONTAL TERITIINATKIN CAP(SECION ro.r.) 16 Heat & Gfo . SL-750TRS-IP|-E, SL-550TRS-IP|-E, SL-350TRS-IP| . 212G901Rev. Y . 3/15 11Gas Information A. Fuel Gonversion . Make sure the appliance is compatible with availa6le gas types. . Conversions must be made by a qualified service technician using Hearth & Home Technologies specified and approved parts. B. Gas Pressure . Optimum appliance performance requires proper input pressures. . Gas line sizing requirements will be determined in ANSI 2223.1 National Fuel Gas Code in the USA and CAN/ CGA 8149 in Canada. . Pressure requirements are: WARNfNGI Rlsk ol Flre or Explosionl High prcssurc willdamage valve. Low pressune may cause explosion. . Verify inlet pressures. Verify minimum pressures when other household gas appliances are operating. . lnstall regulator upstream of valve if line pressure is greater than 1/2 psig. Note: Have the gas supply line installed in accodance with local codes, if any. lf not, follow ANSI 223.1. Installation should be done by a qualified installer approved and/or licensed as required by the locality. (ln the Commonwealth of Massachusetts installation must be performed by a licensed plumber or gas fitter). Note: A listed (and Commonwealth of Massachusetts ap- proved) 'll2 in. (13 mm) T-handle manual shut-off valve and flexible gas connector are connected to the 112in. (13 mm) control valve inlet, . lf subetituting forthese componente, please consult local codee for compliance. C. Gas Connection . Refer to Reference Section 16 for location of gas line access in applianrce. . Gas line may be run through knockout(s) provided. . The gap between supply piping and gas access hole may be caulked with caulk with a minimum of 300oF continuous exposure rating or stuffed with non- combustible, un'faced insulation to prevent cold air infiltration. . Ensure that gas line does not come in contiactwith outer wrap of the appliance. Follow local codes, . Pipe incoming gaLs line into valve compartment. . Connect incoming gas line to the 112 in. (13 mm) connection on manual shutoff valve. WARNINGI Risk of Fire or Explosionl Support control when aftaching pipe to prcvent bending gas line. . A small amount of air will be in the gas supply lines. WARIIINGI Rlsk ot Firc or Explosionl Gas build-up dur- ing line purye could ignite. . Purge should he pertormed by qualified seruice technician.. Ensure adequa,te ventilation.. Ensure thare arc no ignition sou/ces such as sparks or open flanes. Light the appliance. ltwill take a short time for air to purge from lines. \Mren purging is complete the appliance will light and operate normally. WARNINGI Risk of Firc, Explosion or Asphyxiationl Check all fiftings a'nd connections with a non-conosive commercially available leak-check solution. DO lVOf use open flame. Fiftings and connections could have loos- ened duing shipphtg and handling. WAFNINGI Risk of Fircl DO NOT change valve sef0ngs. This valve has been prcsef at the factory. D. High Altitude lnstallations NOTICE: lf the heal'ing value of the gas has been rcduced, fhese ru/es do not apply. Check with your local gas utility or authorities having juisdiction. \Mten installing above 2000 feet elevation: . f n the USA: Reduce burner orifice 4o/o lor each 1 000 feet above 2000 feet. . f n CANADA: Reduce burner orifice 10o/o Jor elevations between 2000 feet and 4500 feet. Above 4500 feet. consult local gas utility. Gas Prcgsure Natural Gas Propane Minimum inlet oressure 5.0 in. w.c.11.0 in. w.c. Maximum inlet pressure 10.0 in. w.c.13.0 in. w.c. Manifold pressure 3.5 in. w.c.10.0 in. w.c. A WARNING Fire Risk. Explosion Hazard. High pressure willdamage valve. . Disconnect gas supply piping BEFORE pressure testing gas line at test pressures above 1/2 psig. . Close the manual shutoff valve BEFORE pressure testing gas line at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig. Heat&Glo . SL-750TRS-IP|-E, SL-550TR$|P|-E, SL-350TRS-|P| . 2120-901Rev.Y . 3/15 49 gl/e.A^eut06{ztz.tdFsul098-'1s'3-ldt-su1099--ls'3ldt-sul09t-'ts.o|e?leeH 9e wz'zl 'u 0t unulxElll tlr 90'€'u 0r unurluln A oz'z ern0!J UOO]J :rcvld3uH rN3A I33U|O'uonqneul clqoanquoluou rsF l3o. 'qlup Jlr plo. equrlulur ol 'uoBDlntul .nDa1xllrroc-uou rllla l3m 'ru.Jp Jl3 plo:, e4utlulut o.l TN3AISAUE AfNntHc 9NtrstrS AfNntHc 0Nltstx3 3dtd rNSA UIV I31NI lldtd IN!|A utvllt'lNl -3dtd rNeA UlVISNVHX3 ASNyUH9 9NUS|XS A 'edd y€^ lsneqx€ u! spueq po^e to €zlwtutw 'ecueudde p ecuB.tuo!-ted wnwqdo €^elqce o!:ZC4ON ' Oulpeqteao n'uollcurytew tottd '6utloos 'ecueteedde eweg nod u1 yns-et fiew s!.tt 1p EOAAO-XN1I pue nldepe 1C9-UAO91-AO eqt qUfi Oupuen ueqa rcl-crJrse, eng lue osn lgry OO ryOUqVJ dV3 NOIIVNIJIU3I+F dvc No[vNtnu3l IN3N dOI INIIA UVSU urur 019 a4 wz'zl 'u 0t unulxq,u ujrx 0 'u0 ur 90'E 'u 0t,unurlullil H A 'ecueildde s!.ltJot w€ls(s luet e;aredes es4 .'sp,s'lno fi1cu1p ecueudde s!.11//Uet . enry eql ol peloauuoc secueudde J€tllo Jo ecuelQde slq p uollaedo eges tedu fiey11 . 'eoueldde 6u1wnq seb Jo pry Hps ela,edas e 6wues eng tbuwlttrc e o1 ecueqdde sBD slrrl lceuuoc ION oO popepcftqdsv ro uolsoldx3 'a4g Jo toru I9MNAU A '61'2 ernQ3 pue L alqel aag '6uruedo aoepe4 aq1lo dog eq uo4 uelBl s! lueurernspeur slql 'aoe;dalr; [.ruosetu 6ugs;xa olu! pesssoeJ eq lsnu rc1depe1Ce-Vn6gtsn6 eql 'uo[elnsul looivr lcol.ro sselOleqg pecEun elqqsnquoo-uou r.{16^ Ieuurqc eql eplsu! redulep eql ge slu?A xeu a$ punoJe lees 'sue.rp JrB plo9 ezlu.tlutul oI . 'sasrcs bulddel-fies ae.rql qilm reldepe -lCe-VnOgtsAG eql lo do1 uo relpo lelur sql ol edrd lua^ alqrxolllo uoqces euo qce$V . 's/nercs 6u;ddel-1ps serql qI^ JeldBpB1Cg-VnggFnO eql lo dol uo lelloo lsneqxs aq1 o1 edrd lue^ elqlxeB lo uo[ces euo qce$v . {euulqc 6u4sxe sr.ll u/rlop edrd luen eplxa[ lo suogces o/rl] eql Uesul . reldepe'1CO-V OgF O eql of EgCAO-yNt'l eqt Eugceuuog ' gg' 1 arn6gg ees'sru\ercs 6u gddeygas' ul Zl r-g'.llyr^ ISZ-dnO o1 rc1depe 1ge-VnOgFnO ernces .pt ISZ-dno qu^ pepnpu|suollcnJlsuI uo[ellelsu|^ olloj '/noqp peuoilsod {pecrpen aql ol Jeldepe TSZ-dnO eql tceuuoC'peddrnbe J uo[elnsul pue dec lees .teeJ eql elouteu . lue^ JBsu '97'4 ernfi3 oes 'sir\ercs Ouddeyles 'ur z/!-g qili,\ rel1oc ourpels acuerldde eql ol reldepe lce-VnOghnO aql qce$V,,'dn1eg ecuerlddy,, 'tt uogoas aeg 'peddrnbe 1 uotlelnsul pue dec leas do1 enouleg . lue^ dol ecue;pdy o1 reldepy 1Ce-VnqgtsAq eq1 6u;1ceuuo9 Top Vent - Vertical Termination - (continued) Two 90o Elbows Note: Use SLP Series components only.Note: There MUST be a 250lo reduction in total H when using flex vent except when using the simple up and out installation (see Figure 7.3). V, Mlnlmum H. tlaxlmum H. Maximum vn V. + V, Mlnlmum SL35OTRS-IPI SL-ssOTRS-E, SL-7sOTRS-E 90o Elbow 1-1t2ft.457 mm 1ft 305 mm 1t2ft.152 mm 2ft 610 mm 2ft.610 mm 1ft.305 mm 2-1t2ft.762 mm 2-1t2ft.762mm 2ft 610 mm 4ft.1.2m 4ft.1.2m 3ft.914 m 6ft.1.8 m 6ft.1.8 m 4ft.1.2 m 8ft.2.4m 8ft.2.4m 5ft.1.5 m 15 ft.4.6 m 15ft 4.6 m H' Maximum= 15 ft. (a.6 m) v, * % + Hr Maximum = 40 ft. (12.2m)*No specific restrictions on this value EXCEPT V., * V, + Hl CANNOT exceed 40 ft. (12.2 m) Flgure 7.9 Heat & Glo . SL-750TRS-IP|-E, SL-550TR$|P|-E, SL-35oTRS-|P| . 2120-901 Rev. Y . 3/15 29