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PLAN KEYS AND SYMBOLS 1 S101 1 S101 1 S101 S101 1 REFERENCE XXX' - YY" ELEVATION VIEW 1 = DRAFTING NUMBER S101 = SHEET NUMBER WALL / BUILDING SECTION 1 = DRAFTING NUMBER S101 = SHEET NUMBER SECTION CUT 1 = DRAFTING NUMBER S101 = SHEET NUMBER DETAIL CALL OUT 1 = DRAFTING NUMBER S101 = SHEET NUMBER ADDENDUM NUMBER 00 STEPS AND SLOPES IN DECKS & SLABS YY" = STEP HEIGHT ELEVATION CALLOUT REFERENCE = T/OBJECT OR B/OBJECT XXX'-YY" = OBJECT ELEVATION YY" CX CX BPX xxK DIRECTION OF DECK SPAN OR DIRECTION OF REINFORCING WOOD JOIST HANGER H1 = JOIST HANGER TYPE, RE: SCHEDULE H1 KEYED NOTE K = KEYED NOTE, RE: SCHEDULE K COLUMN TYPE CX = COLUMN TYPE, RE: SCHEDULE BPX = BASE PLATE, RE: SCHEDULE xxK = TRANSFER LOAD WALLS AND COLUMNS CIP CONCRETE WALL ABOVE WOOD FRAMED WALL ABOVE (E) CONSTRUCTION WALL BELOW (ALL MATERIALS) WALL ABOVE W/ WINDOW * WALL ABOVE W/ DOOR * STEEL COLUMN ABOVE WOOD COLUMN ABOVE COLUMNS BELOW (ALL MATERIALS) *CIP CONCRETE SHOWN; GRAPHICS APPLY TO OTHER WALL MATERIALS WOOD FRAMING BEAM / GIRDER JOIST / RAFTER STEEL FRAMING BEAM / GIRDER NOTATION RL = REACTION LEFT (K) SIZE = MEMBER TYPE RR = REACTION RIGHT XX'-YY" = T/STL ELEVATION XX'-YY" RL RR SIZE SECTIONS AND DETAILS CIP CONCRETE (E) CONSTRUCTION *CIP CONCRETE SHOWN; GRAPHICS APPLY TO OTHER WALL MATERIALS PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Project consists of a small addition with one level above grade. Foundations consist of concrete strip footings. Framing above grade is primarily wood framing. Lateral systems are wood shear walls. 2. This description is for general orientation only. The General Contractor is responsible for all scope items described in the drawings and project specifications as well as for all material and labor that can reasonably be inferred there from. GENERAL APPLICATION 1. These drawings must be used in conjunction with the architectural drawings on the project to clearly define all requirements for construction. 2. No Contractor should attempt to bid nor construct any portion of this project without consulting the project architectural, mechanical, and electrical documents. 3. All things which, in the opinion of the Contractor, appear to be deficiencies, omissions, contradictions or ambiguities in the drawings shall be brought to the attention of the Structural Engineer. Corrections or written interpretations shall be issued before affected work may proceed. 4. The Contractor shall inform the Structural Engineer, clearly and explicitly in writing of any deviation or substitution from requirements of the contract documents. Contractor shall not be relieved of any requirement of the contract documents by virtue of the Structural Engineer's review of shop drawings, project data, etc., unless the Contractor has clearly and explicitly informed the Structural Engineer in writing of any deviations or substitutions at time of submission. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION 1. Information on existing construction taken from structural drawings prepared by Monroe Newell Engineers, Dated 01/11/00. 2. All information, dimensions, elevations, etc. shall be considered approximate and shall be field verified by contractor prior to ordering or fabricating material. 3. Report all discrepancies to the General Contractor and Architect/Engineer. 4. In as much as the addition to remodeling, retrofit, renovation or rehabilitation of an existing building requires that certain assumptions be made regarding existing conditions, the contractor must immediately notify the structural engineer if any existing condition deviates from those indicated in the contract documents. 5. Contractor shall verify all existing conditions prior to ordering materials or proceeding with new work in areas affected by existing conditions. Structural Engineer shall be informed in writing of conflicts between existing and proposed new construction. 6. No openings nor any changes or additions shall be made in any existing structural elements without written approval of the Structural Engineer. Where the function of an existing element as structural or non-structural is unclear, the determination of its function will be made solely by the structural engineer. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. The Contractor is solely responsible for all safety regulations, programs and precautions related to all work on this project. 2. The Contractor is solely responsible for the protection of persons and property either on or adjacent to the project and shall protect it against injury, damage, or loss. 3. Means and methods of construction and erection of structural materials are solely the Contractor's responsibility. 4. The structure is designed to function as a unit upon completion of construction of the project and then, only to support the design loads indicated. The contractor is responsible for means, methods and sequence of construction and the adequacy of the structure to support loads occurring during construction of the project. Furnish all temporary bracing, shoring, and/or support as may be required. 5. No openings, nor any change in size, dimension or location shall be made in any structural element without written approval of the Structural Engineer. 6. Openings 1'-4' or less on a side are generally not shown on the structural drawings. Refer to drawings of other consultants for such openings. 7. Openings through floors and/or roofs for passage of utilities are not located nor dimensioned on structural drawings. Contractor shall obtain and coordinate such locations and dimensions with the contractor requiring the opening. 8. Show all openings through structural members on shop drawings and submit for review. Openings not shown on structural drawings are subject to acceptance and shall be specifically indicated for review and acceptance. 9. Do not scale these drawings, use the dimensions shown. In case of conflict, request clarification from architect and structural engineer. 10. No structural modifications, alterations, or repairs shall be made without prior review by Structural Engineer. Submit details and calculations prepared by a professional engineer registered in state where project is located and employed by contractor. Snow Loading 145 PSF Ground Snow Load, Pg 100 PSF Minimum Flat Roof Snow Load, Pf 1.0 Importance Factor, Is B Terrain Category 1.0 Exposure Factor, Ce 1.0 Thermal Factor, Ct Live Loads and Superimposed Dead Loads Foundations 50 PSF/FT At-Rest Equivalent Fluid Pressure 2000 PSF Allowable Bearing Capacity 42 IN Minimum Frost Depth (Notes 2,3,4) (Note 5) Local Jurisdiction: Town of Vail Building Code: 2012 International Building Code Geotechnical Engineer Information: Steven L. Pawlak, PE# 15222 Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 970-945-7988 Date of Report: 08/02/1999 STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA Risk Category: II NOTES: 100'-0"= 8257.5' USGS Referenced Datum 1. The governing building code defines the applicable edition of referenced codes and standards. Where governing building code does not define referenced codes and standards, the latest edition shall be used. 2. Ground snow load is according to Structural Engineers Association of Colorado Survey dated 1996. 3. Minimum flat roof snow load according to the Town of Vail Building Department. 4. All snow loads on the structure for both flat and sloped roofs are calculated in accordance with the 2012 IBC and based on the ground snow load stated above. Roof snow loads consider the following load conditions: partial loading, unbalanced roof snow loads, snow drifting, and sliding snow. 5. Minimum uniform and concentrated live loads as well as partition loads and applicable live load reductions are determined according to Section 1607 of the IBC. (Note 1) 35 PSF Ballast Roof DL QUALITY CONTROL 1. The Contractor is responsible for quality control, including workmanship and materials furnished by subcontractors and suppliers. 2. Inspection or testing by the Owner does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. Workmanship: The Contractor is responsible and shall bear the cost of correcting work which does not conform to the specified requirements. 4. Correct deficient work by means acceptable to the Architect. The cost of extra work incurred by the Architect to approve corrective work shall be borne by the Contractor. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. The Owner's Testing Agency shall perform testing and special inspections required by the structural documents, building code and the local authority. The Testing Agency shall comply with ASTM E329 and upon completion of work, the Testing Agency shall furnish a certificate of compliance, signed by the professional engineer overseeing special inspections and testing. The professional engineer must be registered and licensed in the state where the project is located. 2. The Testing Agencies individual overseeing testing and inspection of soils and foundations shall be a professional engineer practicing the discipline of geotechnical engineering referred to as the Geotechnical Engineer in the structural portion of the construction documents . The Geotechnical Engineer is responsible for testing and inspections of soils, earthwork and foundations for conformance to the foundation design and the geotechnical report. See foundation section of the general notes. 3. See special inspections section of the general notes for required testing and inspection. SPECIAL INSPECTION 1. Special inspection and testing shall be performed as required by the local jurisdiction, the building code and the construction documents. See quality assurance section of the general notes. 2. Coordinate and schedule inspection and testing prior to the start of work requiring inspection and testing while providing special inspection reasonable notice. 3. All deficiencies shall be corrected for acceptance by the testing agency. 4. Inspections performed by the local jurisdiction do not replace inspection or testing required by the owners testing agency. 5. Special inspection and testing is required for the items shown in the special inspections and testing table. SPECIFICATIONS 1. These General Notes are intended to function as the structural portion of project specifications. SUBMITTALS 1. See Material sections of these General Notes for required shop drawings. 2. Submit one (1) copy of the required information (Manufacturers Data, Shop Drawings, etc) via electronic media (PDF or similar). 3. Reproducible copies of contract documents shall not be used. 4. Submittals shall be sent directly to the Architect for review and distribution. 5. Submittals shall be reviewed by Contractor and Subcontractor prior to submission. Drawings shall bear Contractor's approval stamp accepting responsibility for coordination of dimensions shown in the contract documents, quantities and coordination with other trades. 6. Allow 14 calendar days in the Structural Engineer's office for review of submittals. 7. Submittals will be returned to the Architect with Structural Engineer's review comments via electronic media. FOUNDATIONS GENERAL: 1. The foundations have been designed based on the design criteria and the Geotechnical Report referenced in the Structural Design Criteria section. Earthwork and foundation soil preparation shall be performed to provide soil properties meeting the design criteria. 2. The Geotechnical Engineer shall inspect and test soils, earthwork and foundations - see special inspection and quality assurance sections of the general notes. Prior to placing foundations and slabs-on-grade, obtain approval from the Geotechnical Engineer indicting earthwork and soil preparation has been performed adequately to conform to the foundation design criteria. 3. Bottom of exterior footings, grade beams, and walls shall bear below final exterior grade for frost protection - see structural design criteria section of the general notes. 4. Contractor shall provide continuous site drainage by a mechanical method to control surface and underground water as required to maintain a dry working site. 5. Foundation drainage and waterproofing is not shown or specified within the structural portion of the construction documents. Reference other portions of the construction documents for drainage, waterproofing and items associated with other disciplines. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE GENERAL: 1. All concrete work shall conform to ACI318 and ACI 301 and tolerances shall conform to ACI 117 unless noted otherwise. Contractor shall keep a copy of these references on site at all times. 2. Concrete Compressive Strength – See Specified Strength of Concrete table 3. Materials – See Concrete Materials table REINFORCING AND EMBEDDED ITEMS: 1. Unless noted otherwise, provide (2) #5's at each side of openings. Extend 2'-0" beyond edges of opening. 2. Splice bars with class B contact laps per the reinforcing contact lap splice length table, unless noted otherwise. 3. Splice welded wire fabric by lapping one full mesh space plus 2". 4. Unless noted, provide continuous reinforcing around corners and through construction joints, control joints, contraction joints, and joints between all abutting members. 5. Welding of reinforcing is prohibited, unless noted otherwise and shall conform to ASTM 706. PLACING AND FINISHING: 1. Handling, placing, constructing, and curing shall conform to ACI 301 including placement of concrete in wet weather, cold weather, and hot weather. 2. Curing compounds should not be used on surfaces that are to receive additional concrete, paint, tile, or other material requiring a positive bond unless the contractor has demonstrated that the membrane can be satisfactorily removed before subsequent application is made, or the membrane dissipates or can serve satisfactorily as the base for the later application. Element GENERAL CONCRETE MIX NOTES: 1. Strength (f`c) is the 28 day compressive strength at 28 days unless noted otherwise or compressive strength at the specified age. 2. Concrete is normal weight concrete unless noted otherwise. Normal weight concrete (NW) shall have a dry density of 145 ± 5 pcf unless noted otherwise. 3. Mix designs shall be in accordance with ACI 301. 4. Exposure Class indicates the severity of the anticipated exposure of concrete members for each exposure indicated below according to ACI 318/ACI301. Freeze Thaw Exposure noted thus: F0,F1,F2,F3 Water-Soluble Sulfate in Soil Exposure noted thus: S0,S1,S2,S3 Permeability Requirements noted thus: P0,P1 Corrosion Protection of Reinforcement noted thus: C0, C1, C2 Refer to ACI 301/ACI 318 for specific requirements based on the exposure category indicated in the mix design table above 5. Corrosion Protection of Reinforcement requirements (C0,C1,C2): Maximum water-soluble chloride ion (CL-) content in concrete, by % weight of cement Reinforced Concrete: C0 = 1.0 C1 = 0.3 C2 = 0.15 Prestressed Concrete: C0 = 0.06 C1 = 0.06 C2 = 0.06 6. Where concrete is exposed to F3 freeze thaw exposure, restrictions on maximum fly ash and/or other cementitious materials apply. Refer to Table 4.4.2 in ACI 318 for requirements CONCRETE MIX DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Max W/C Max Agg f'c (psi) Slump Exposure Class Air Content Cement Type 1,2 3 Interior Slab-on-Grade (SOG) 3500, NW 0.5 3/4" I/II 3500, NW 0.5 3/4" -I/II - F0,P0 CO,SO F0,P0 CO,SO Footings 3000, NW - 3/4" -I/II F0,P0 CO,SO TABLE FOOTNOTES: 1. Minimum air content equals 5% if concrete is exposed to freezing temperature and moisture regardless of value indicated in table. 2. Tolerance on air content as delivered shall be +/- 1.5% for f'c <= 5000 psi, 1.0% for f'c>5000 psi 3. Slump tolerances as follows (ACI 117) Specified Slump not greater than 4" = +/- 1" Specified Slump more than 4" = +/- 1 1/2" Where Slump is specified as a ranger = No Tolerance See ACI 301 for slump of concrete before addition of plasticizers or high-range water reducing admixtures 4" 4" 4" Foundation Walls Concrete cast against & permanently exposed to earth Assembly Cover (in) 3 REQUIRED CONCRETE COVER FOR NON-FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES Concrete not Exposed to Earth or Weather Walls, slabs #11 and smaller #5 and smaller 1 1/2 Concrete Exposed to Earth or Weather 3/4 Portland Cement Material Standard ASTM C150, Type I or Type II CONCRETE MATERIALS DESIGNATION ASTM C618, Class C or F Fly Ash ASTM C33 Aggregate Potable Water ASTM C494, Type A or Type D Water Reducing Admixture High Range Water Reducing Admixture Accelerator Admixture ASTM C260 Air Entraining Admixture ASTM C309, Type I, Class A Curing Compound ASTM A615-grade 60 (Specified Yield Strength = 60ksi) Reinforcing Bars ASTM 706-grade 60 (Specified Yield Strength = 60ksi) Welded Reinforcing Bars ASTM A185 Welded Wire Fabric ASTM E1745-Class B Vapor Retarder below Slab-on-Grade ASTM C494, Type F or Type G ASTM C494, Type C or Type E NOTES: 1. Type III Portland cement may be used if acceptable to the Architect. Bar Size CONCRETE REINFORCING TENSION CONTACT SPLICE LENGTHS FOR CONCRETE COMPRESSION STRENGTH 4000 PSI CASE 1 Lap Class Top Bars Other Bars #3 A B 19" 24" 14" 19" A B A B A B A B A B #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 25" 32" 19" 25" 24" 31" 29" 37" 42" 54" 48" 62" 31" 40" 37" 48" 54" 70" 62" 80" NOTES: 1. The table above is for concrete compression strength of 4000psi and Case#1 reinforcement. 2. The table above is for Case #1 reinforcement with clear spacing greater than 2*db AND cover greater than or equal to db. 3. Top bars are horizontal reinforcement placed such that more than 12 inches of fresh concrete is cast below the development length or splice. All tension splices shall be class B splices unless noted otherwise. 4. Other bars are reinforcement other than Top bars. STRUCTURAL STEEL GENERAL: 1. All structural steel work shall conform to AISC 360 and tolerances shall conform to AISC 303 unless noted otherwise. Contractor shall keep a copy of these references on site at all times. 2. Materials – See Steel Materials Table 3. Qualifications - Fabricator and Erector shall be experienced in fabrication and erection of projects of similar size and complexity. SUBMITTALS: 1. Submittals shall conform to AISC 360. 2. Submittals for structural steel shall include erection drawings and shop drawings. 3. Erection drawings shall include plan drawings at 1/8"=1'-0” minimum scale complete with sections, elevations, and details as required to properly erect the structural steel frame. 4. Shop drawings shall include piece drawings which indicate cuts, connections, camber, holes, welds and dimensions as required for fabrication of the members. Part drawings are not required to be submitted unless specifically requested. WELDS: 1. Fillet Welds: Size as indicated, but not less than AISC minimum size. 2. Groove Welds: Full penetration unless noted otherwise. 3. Welds are continuous unless noted otherwise. ERECTION: 1. No final bolting or welding shall be performed until as much of the structure which will be stiffened thereby has been properly aligned. 2. Field correction of fabrication or other errors will be permitted only when approved by the EOR. Finish gas-cut sections in accordance with AWS D1.1. W Sections Material Standard ASTM A992 (50 ksi) or ASTM A572 Gr. 50 (50 ksi) STEEL MATERIALS DESIGNATION ASTM A500 Gr. B (46 ksi) Rectangular HSS Plates, Bars, and threaded rod - typical - when noted as 50ksi ASTM A36 (36 ksi) ASTM A325 or ASTM F1852 ASTM A490 or ASTM F2280 ASTM A307 Gr. A Bolts - typical (Group A) - where noted as Group B - where indicated as A307 ASTM A563, Heavy Hex Nuts ASTM A36 (36 ksi) ASTM A572 Gr. 50 (50 ksi) ASTM F436, except plate washers to be ASTM A36 Washers ASTM F959 Direct-Tension-Indicator Washers E70, 70 ksi Weld Electrodes Anchor Rods SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Class Category/Material X 5 4 3 2 1 Component/Work Footing Soil Bearing Material Soils and Foundations X Slab-on-Grade Subgrade Material X X X Compaction NOTES: 1. Special inspection and testing are to conform to chapter 17 of the IBC and the local building department. 2. Unless noted as continuous inspection, all inspections are periodic. Periodic inspection is defined as part-time or intermittent inspection of the work. It is the Special Inspector's responsibility to determine and coordinate the frequency and duration of the inspection relative to the Contractor's schedule and sequencing of the work in order to meet the inspection and reporting requirements. 3. Class 1: Inspection verification of size, location, quantity, and tolerance. 4. Class 2: Inspection and testing verification of strength, grade, classification, quality, density, proportions, and manufacturers certified test reports. 5. Class 3: Continuous inspection and verification of operations and conditions. 6. Class 4: Audit and inspection of fabrication facility's quality control program, and collection of facilities records during the course of fabrication for Class 2 and 3 inspections and testing. 7. Class 5: Verification of certifications No special inspection required Cast-in-Place Concrete Golden ● Loveland ● Roaring Fork ● Buffalo, WY KLA, Inc. & Structural Engineers and Builders 215 North 12th Street, Unit E Carbondale, Colorado 81623 P: (970) 927 5174 0 DATE: DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: PROJECT NUMBER: ISSUE: HISTORY: SCALE: © 2015 KL&A, INC 4' 8' 2' THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SEAL ON THIS DRAWING INDICATES THAT THE INFORMATION SHOWN AND THE CALCULATIONS PERTAINING TO THAT INFORMATION HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY QUALIFIED PEOPLE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER-OF-RECORD. THE SEAL DOES NOT IMPLY RESPONSIBILITY FOR INFORMATION PREPARED BY OTHERS NOR FOR ANY INFORMATION NOT SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AND SUCH RESPONSIBILITY IS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. ON PHASED PROJECTS, DRAWINGS THAT ARE ISSUED BUT NOT SEALED SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE PRELIMINARY IN NATURE AND ARE ISSUED FOR INFORMATION ONLY. THESE DRAWINGS ARE TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS ON THE PROJECT TO CLEARLY DEFINE ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. WHERE CONFLICTS OCCUR CONTACT ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION. As indicated NLD B0361 GENERAL NOTES S-1.1 BILLINGSLEY REMODEL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DECEMBER 02, 2015 1170 PTARMAGIN RD., VAIL COLORADO DPD ABBREVIATIONS L length LAT lateral LBS pounds LLH long leg horizontal LLV long leg vertical LONG longitudinal LSL laminated strand lumber LVL laminated veneer lumber LW, LWT lightweight MAS masonry MAX maximum MECH mechanical MFR manufacturer MIN minimum (N) new construction No Number NOM nominal NS near side NW, NWT normal weight OC on center OF outside face OH opposite hand OPNG opening PAF powder acutuated fastener PERP perpendicular PJP partial joint penetration PL, C plate PLF pounds per lineal foot PSL parallel strand lumber PT pressure treated RE: reference REINF reinforcement REQ'D required RET retaining SC slip critical SCHED schedule SCL structural composite lumber SOG slab on grade SPA spacing STFNR stiffener STL steel SUBFLR subfloor T/, TOx top of (S=slab, C=conc, etc) THK thickness TL transfer load TRAN transverse TYP typical UNO unless noted otherwise VERT vertical VIF verify in field W width WWF welded wire fabric ABBREVIATIONS AB anchor bolt ADDNL additional AFF above finish floor ALT alternate ARCH architectural BLDG building BM beam BOT, B/, BOx bottom of (S=slab, C=conc, etc) BRG bearing BS both sides BTWN between CIP cast-in-place CJ construction / control joint CJP complete joint penetration CLR clear CMU concrete masonry unit COL column CONC concrete CONN connection CONST construction CONT continuous D depth DIA, F diameter DIM dimension DTL detail DWGS drawings DWL dowel (E) existing construction EA each EF each face EJ expansion joint ELEV elevation EOx edge of (S=slab, C=conc, etc) EW each way EXP expansion EXT exterior FDN foundation FLR floor FOx face of (S=slab, C=conc, etc) FS far side FTG footing GA gage GC general contractor GEN general GLB glulam HAS headed anchor stud HDR header HORIZ horizontal IF inside face INT interior JST joist JT joint KIP, K 1000 pounds KLF 1000 pounds per lineal foot NEW SHEET = ñ REVISED DRAWING = ò NO MODIFICATIONS = ó SHEET DELETED = ô SHEET NO. SHEET NAME ISSUE DATE AND TITLE 12/02/15 CONST DOCS S-1.1 GENERAL NOTES ñ S-1.2 GENERAL NOTES & TYPICAL DETAILS ñ S-1.3 TYPICAL DETAILS ñ S-2.1 PLANS & DETAILS ñ ISSUE DATE ISSUED 12/04/2015 01/06/16