HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0238_S0_1438098840.pdf STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________ DESIGN LOADS: 2012 International Residential Code (IRC), except as noted Roof Snow: 80 psf - ROOF PITCH GREATER THAN 4:12 Wind: 90 mph, exp B, 3 second gust Live Loads: Floor 40 psf Covered Decks Occupancy Servered _____________________________________________________________________________________________ FOUNDATION DESIGN: Foundations are designed without an engineer's soil investigation. The design criteria is assumed for purposes of foundation design and should be confirmed by a licensed geotechnical engineer prior to concrete placement. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ FOOTINGS: Design of footings is based on maximum allowable bearing pressure 2000 psf Bear on the natural undisturbed soil or compacted structural fill. Exterior footings shall bear below frost depth; minimum frost depth shall be 42" below exterior grade. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ REINFORCED CONCRETE: Design is based on ACI 318-05 "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete" and ACI 332-04 Requirements for Residential Concrete Construction. Concrete work shall conform to ACI 301-05 Standard Specifications for Structural Concrete. Structural concrete shall have the following properties: | | Max | | Slump, | Entrained | | | |f'c, psi| W/C | Maximum | inches |Air, percent|Cement|Admixtures,| Intended Use | 28 day | Ratio | Aggregate |(+/- 1")| (+/- 1.5%)| Type | Comments | Footings | 3,000 | 0.52 | 3/4" Stone | 5 | 2 | I/II | | Walls | 3,000 | 0.45 | 3/4" Stone | 4 | 3 | I/II | | Detailing, fabrication, and placement of reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with ACI 315-05 Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement. Reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM A615-04a, Grade 60, except ties or bars shown to be field-bent, which shall be Grade 40. Bars to be welded shall conform to ASTM 706-04a. Unless noted otherwise on the Structural Drawings, lap bars 50 diameters (minimum). At corners and intersections, make horizontal bars continuous or provide matching corner bars for each layer of reinforcement. Trim openings in walls and slabs with 2-#5 for each layer of reinforcement, fully developed by extension or hook. Except as noted on the drawings, concrete protection for reinforcement in cast-in-place concrete shall be as follows: Cast against and permanently exposed to earth: 3 Exposed to earth or weather: #5 bar, W31 or D31 wire, and smaller 1-1/2 Not exposed to weather or in contact with ground: Slabs, walls, joists: #11 bars and smaller 3/4 Fiber admixture shall be 100% virgin polypropylene, fibrillated fibers, type 111 4.1.3, performance level one, per ASTM C1116-02. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STRUCTURAL STEEL: Structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated, and erected in accordance with the Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 360-05) and the Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges (AISC 303-05) by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). Structural steel wide flange beams shall conform to ASTM A992-04a, 50 ksi yield. Other rolled shapes, including plates, channels, WTs, and angles shall conform to ASTM A36-04. Hollow structural section (HSS) rectangular shapes shall conform to ASTM A500-03a, Grade B, 46 ksi yield. Anchor rods shall conform to ASTM F1554-99, Grade 36 as noted on the Structural Drawings with weldability supplement S1. Welding shall be done by a certified welder in accordance with the AISC documents listed above, the American Welding Society (AWS) D1.1: 2006 Structural Welding Code, and the recommendations for use of weld E70 electrodes. Where not specifically noted, minimum weld shall be 3/16 fillet by length of contact edge. All post-installed anchors shall have current International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) reports and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. Expansion anchors shall be approved wedge type unless specifically noted to be sleeve type as noted on the Structural Drawings. Chemical anchors shall be approved epoxy or similar adhesive type as appropriate for installation in solid and non-solid base materials. Glue wood nailer plates to steel beams and attach with either 1/2" diameter bolts at 32 o.c., staggered or 0.145 diameter powder actuated drive pins at 16 o.c., staggered. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STRUCTURAL WOOD & TIMBER: Design is based on ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2005 National Design Specification for Wood Construction with Supplement: Design Values for Wood Construction and ANSI/AF&PA SDPWS-2005 Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic. 2x framing shall be S4S Hem-Fir No. 2 and better unless noted otherwise. All lumber shall be 19% maximum moisture content, unless noted otherwise. Solid timber beams and posts shall be Douglas Fir-Larch No. 1. Studs shall be Hem-Fir Stud grade and better. Top and bottom plates shall be Hem-Fir No. 2 and better. Fasteners for use with treated wood shall comply with IRC Section R317.3 Wood in contact with concrete shall be pressure-treated Douglas Fir-Larch or Southern Yellow Pine. Preservative treated wood shall be treated in accordance with AWPA U1 and AEPA M4. Conventional light framing shall comply with IRC Sections R502, R602, and R802. Minimum nailing shall be provided as specified in IRC Table R602.3(1) Fastener Schedule for Structural Members. Metal framing anchors shown or required, shall be Simpson Strong-Tie or equal Code approved connectors and installed with the number and type of nails recommended by the manufacturer to develop the maximum rated capacity. Note that heavy-duty hangers and skewed hangers may not be stocked locally and require special order from the factory. Lead holes for lag screws shall be 40%-70% of the shank diameter at the threaded section and equal to the shank diameter at the unthreaded section per NDS section 11.1.3. Connector bolts and Lag Screws shall conform to ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 and ASTM SAE J429 Grade 1. Nails and Spikes shall conform to ASTM F1667. Wood Screws shall conform to ANSI/ASME B18.6.1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ WOOD FRAMING NOTES: Provide solid blocking between joists under jamb studs of openings. Columns must have a continuous load path to foundation. Unless noted otherwise, install two lengths of solid blocking x joist depth x 12 inches long in floor framing under column loads. All beams and trusses shall be braced against rotation at points of bearing. Unless noted otherwise, lower chord of gable end trusses shall be anchored to wall plate with framing anchors at 4'-0 spacing and laterally braced to roof framing at 8'-0 spacing. Provide continuous wall studs each side of openings equal to one-half or greater the number of studs interupted by opening unless noted otherwise. All wall studs shall be continuous from floor to floor or from floor to roof. Provide solid blocking or rim joists at all joist supports and joist ends. Sole plate at all perimeter walls and at designated shear walls shall be nailed with (3) 16d box nails (coated or deformed shank) at 16 . 12d nails are not acceptable. All roof rafters, joists, trusses, beams shall be anchored to supports with metal framing anchors. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ WOOD SHEATHING: Plywood and oriented strand board (OSB) floor and roof sheathing shall be APA rated with stamp including APA trademark and panel span rating. Minimum Floor Sheathing: 23/32" APA Sturd-i-floor rated 24 inch o.c. tongue & groove, glued and nailed. Minimum Roof Sheathing: 19/32" OSB or CDX Plywood, APA 40/20, nailed. Minimum Wall Sheathing: 7/16" OSB or CDX Plywood, APA 24/16, blocked and nailed. Nail wall sheathing with minimum 8d common or 10d box at 6" at panel edges, and 12 at intermediate framing except as noted. Block and nail all edges between studs. Minimum (3) 8d nails per stud. Nail all plates using edge nail spacing indicted. Sheathe all exterior walls. Sheathe interior walls as designated on the drawings. Sheathing shall be continuous from bottom plate to top plate. Cut in "L" and "T" shapes around openings. Lap sheathing over rim joists a minimum 4 at all floors to tie upper and lower stud walls together. Minimum height of sheathing panels shall be 16 to ensure that plates are tied to studs. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STRUCTURAL GLUED LAMINATED TIMBER: Materials, manufacture, and quality control shall be in conformance with ANSI/AITC A 190.1-02 "Structural Glued Laminated Timber" and AITC 117-2004 "Standard Specifications for Structural Glued Laminated Timber of Softwood Species, Design and Manufacturing Requirements." Simple span beams shall be Douglas Fir Combination Symbol 24F-V4. Continuous and cantilevered members shall be Douglas Fir Combination Symbol 24F-V8. Columns shall be Combination #2 or better. All glued laminated timber shall have less than 16% moisture content, unless noted otherwise.DA Adhesives shall meet the requirements for wet conditions of service. Seal cut edges and ends exposed to weathering. The fabricator shall furnish all items of connection steel and hardware for joining timber members to each other and to their supports; exclusive of anchorage embedded in masonry, setting plates, and items field-welded to structural steel. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SHOP DRAWINGS: The Structural Drawings are copyrighted and shall not be copied for use as erection plans or shop details. Use of JVA's electronic files as the basis for shop drawings requires prior approval by JVA, a signed release of liability by the General Contractor and/or his subcontractors, and deletion of JVA's name and logo from all sheets so used. The General Contractor shall submit in writing any requests to modify the Structural Drawings or Project Specifications. All shop and erection drawings shall be checked and stamped (after having been checked) by the General Contractor prior to submission for Structural Engineer's review; shop drawing submittals not checked by the General Contractor prior to submission to the Structural Engineer will be returned without review. Furnish two (2) prints of shop and erection drawings to the Structural Engineer for review prior to fabrication for plant fabricated wood joists, pre-engineered wood trusses. Submit in a timely manner to permit 10 working days for review by the Structural Engineer. Shop drawings submitted for review do not constitute request for change in writing" unless specific suggested changes are clearly marked. In any event, changes made by means of the shop drawing submittal process become the responsibility of the one initiating the change. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ FIELD VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS: The General Contractor shall thoroughly inspect and survey the existing structure to verify conditions that affect the work shown on the drawings. The General Contractor shall report any variations or discrepancies to the Architect and Structural Engineer before proceeding. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STRUCTURAL ERECTION AND BRACING REQUIREMENTS: The Structural Drawings illustrate and describe the completed structure with elements in their final positions, properly supported, connected, and/or braced. The Structural Drawings illustrate typical and representative details to assist the General Contractor. Details shown apply at all similar conditions unless otherwise indicated. Although due diligence has been applied to make the drawings as complete as possible, not every detail is illustrated and not every exceptional condition is addressed. All proprietary connections and elements shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. All work shall be accomplished in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with the applicable codes and local ordinances. The General Contractor is responsible for coordination of all work, including layout and dimension verification, materials coordination, shop drawing review, and the work of subcontractors. Any discrepancies or omissions discovered in the course of the work shall be immediately reported to the Architect and Structural Engineer for resolution. Continuation of work without notification of discrepancies relieves the Architect and Structural Engineer from all consequences. Unless otherwise specifically indicated, the Structural Drawings do not describe methods of construction. The General Contractor, in the proper sequence, shall perform or supervise all work necessary to achieve the final completed structure, and to protect the structure, workmen, and others during construction. Such work shall include, but not be limited to temporary bracing, shoring for construction equipment, shoring for excavation, formwork, scaffolding, safety devices and programs of all kinds, support and bracing for cranes and other erection equipment. Do not backfill against basement or retaining walls until supporting slabs and floor framing are in place and securely anchored, unless adequate temporary bracing is provided. Temporary bracing shall remain in place until all floors, walls, roofs and any other supporting elements are in place. The Architect and Structural Engineer bear no responsibility for the above items, and observation visits to the site do not in any way include inspections of these items. These plans have been engineered for construction at one specific building site. Builder assumes ALL responsibility for use of these plans at ANY OTHER building site. Plans shall not be used for construction at any other building site without specific review by the engineer. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PRECAUTIONARY NOTES ON STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOR: Interior architectural finish detailing must accommodate the relative differential movements of supporting structural elements. Where the roof framing element spans are long, applied loading will naturally cause substantial deflection. Interior elements hung from the roof structure will deflect with the roof. The floor is a floating concrete slab-on-grade and may experience movements independent of the structural foundations. Interior elements supported on the slab-on-grade floor will move with the floor. Interior elements supported on foundations and columns will not experience similar or measurable movements. Exterior/perimeter wall assemblies hung from the edge of the building structure will be directly affected (to some degree) by changes in external temperature and floor deflection. Exterior/perimeter and interior architectural finish details should allow for relative movements between elements with different support conditions. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MACH Machine Deformed Anchor Bar DAB (generic term) (Trus-joist brand LVL) LSL Laminated Strand (Control Joint) (Management) WP Work Point WWF Welded Wire Fabric WT Weight WA Wedge Anchor VERT Vertical VIF Verify in Field UNO Unless Noted Otherwise ULT Ultimate TYP Typical TRANS Transverse TL Total Load TPG Topping TW Top of Wall TJ Top of Joist TD Top of Deck TC Top of Concrete TB Top of Beam T&B Top and Bottom T&G Tongue and Groove THD Thread THK Thick, -ness SYM Symmetrical SUPT Support STRUCT Structure, -al STIFF Stiffener STL Steel STD Standard SY Square Yard SF Square Feet SQ Square SPEC Specifications SP Spaces ST Snug Tight SC Slip Critical SOG Slab on Grade SIM Similar SLV Short Leg Vertical SLH Short Leg Horizontal SHT Sheet SHTG Sheathing SDST Self Drilling Self Tapping SECT Section SCH Schedule RO Rough Opening RMO Rough Masonry Opening RM Room RET Retaining REQMT Requirement REQ Required REINF Reinforce, -ed, -ing RE Reference (refer to) RECT Rectangle R Radius QTY Quantity PL Property Line PS Prestressed PC Precast PSI Pounds per Square Foot PSF Pounds per Square Inch PLF Pounds per Linear Foot PCF Pounds Per Cubic Foot PT (1) Post Tensioned PWD Plywood PERP Perpendicular PEN Penetration PTN Partition PSL Parallel Strand Lumber PP Panel Point PNL Panel OF Outside Face OD Outside Diameter OH Opposite Hand OPP Opposite OPNG Opening NTS Not to Scale NIC Not In Contract N-S North to South NS Near Side NF Near Face MIN Minimum ML Microllam MEZZ Mezzanine MTL Metal MECH Mechanical MAX Maximum MATL Material MO Masonry Opening MASY Masonry MFR Manufacture, -er, -ed MB Machine bolt LLV Long Leg Vertical LLH Long Leg Horizontal LD Load LL Live Load LT Light Lumber (generic term) K Kip (1,000 lbs.) JB Joist Bearing JST Joist JT Joint INT Interior (Intermediate) IF Inside Face ID Inside Diameter HORIZ Horizontal HT Height HAS Headed Anchor Stud GYP BD Gypsum Board GND Ground GR Grade GL Glue laminated (Glulam) GC General Contractor GEN General GALV Galvanized GA Gage (Gauge) FP Full Penetration FDN Foundation FTG Footing FL Flush FLR Floor FLG Flange FIG Figure FS Footing Step, Far Side FF Finished Floor, Far Face F-F Face to Face FO Face of XS Extra Strong EXT Exterior EJ Expansion Joint EXP Expansion EXC Excavate EST Estimate EQUIV Equivalent EQUIP Equipment EQ Equal ENGR Engineer E-E End to End EL Elevation ELEC Electric (Electrical) ECC Eccentric E-W East to West ES Each Side EF Each Face EA Each DP Drilled Pier DWG Drawing DN Down DWL Dowel XXS Double Extra Strong DIM Dimension DIAG Diagonal DEV Develop DET Detail DL Dead Load CY Cubic Yard CF Cubic Foot XSECT Cross-section CS Countersink CB Counterbore CONT Continue (Continuous) CM Construction Manager CJ Construction Joint CONN Connection CMU Concrete Masonry Unit CONC Concrete COM Common COMB Combination COL Column CLR Clear CG Center of Gravity CTR Center CLG Ceiling CIP Cast in Place BL Brick Ledge BW Bottom of Wall BC Bottom of Concrete BOT Bottom BLKG Blocking BLK Block BRG Bearing BM Beam AVG Average ARCH Architect, -ural APPROX Approximate ANCH Anchor, Anchorage AB Anchor Rod (Bolt) AMT Amount ALT Alternate ATR All Thread Rod ADDL Additional AFF Above Finished Floor AESS Architectural Exposed Structural Steel DT Double Tee COORD Coordinate, -tion Pressure Treated PT (2) OSB Oriented Strand Board PAF Powder Actuated Fast'nr OCJ OSHA Column Joist GT Girder Truss LOC Location ADJ Adjustable Laminated Veneer Lumber (generic term) LVL HP High Point LGS Light Gage Steel HDG Hot Dipped Galvanized LP Low Point ABBREVIATIONS KEY (2) PLY (3 1/2") (3) PLY (5 1/4") (3) ROWS OF 12d GUN NAILS @ 12" TYPICAL MULTI-MEMBER CONNECTIONS FOR BUILT-UP BEAMS 4-PLY (7") (2) ROWS OF 6" SDS SCREWS @ 6" EA SIDE, STAGGER SCREWS ON OPP SIDES (4) 3" SDS SCREWS EACH SIDE OF SUPPORTED MEMBER LVL SUPPORT MEMBER NAILS OR SCREWS, SEE BELOW CARRIED BEAM (3) ROWS OF 12d GUN NAILS @ 12" EACH SIDE 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 8" 2" 2" EQUAL EQUAL 50 BAR DIA LAP CORNER BAR STD HOOK TYPICAL CONCRETE WALL INTERSECTIONS SINGLE CURTAIN Location of bend in bent beam Top of pier elevation Top of concrete wall elevation Joist Concrete Earth Slope Wood joist or beam supported Wood joist continuous over intermediate support Wood joist bearing on top of support Header Top of sub-floor or slab elevation Wood bearing wall FRAMING SYMBOLS FOUNDATION SYMBOLS GENERAL SYMBOLS Holdown Step in elevation Beam Column or other element below by metal hanger Floor drain XX SYMBOLS KEY ( XX'-XX" ) ELEV XX FD XX'-XX" Step T/O Wall SHEET No. Date Checked by Designed by Job # Issue S0 GRAND TRAVERSE-UNIT B 6/30/15 CMK ETV 17599 CONSTRUCTION LOT 25 LIONSRIDGE FILING NO. 3 1854 GLACIER COURT VAIL, CO 81657 0 6" 1' 2' 3' 3/4" 3/4" = 1'-0" S0 SECTION 3 0 6" 1' 2' 3' 3/4" 3/4" = 1'-0" S0 SECTION 2 0 6" 1' 2' 3' 3/4" 3/4" = 1'-0" S0 SECTION 1 SHEET SCHEDULE SHEET NUMBER SHEET NAME S0 COVER SHEET S1 FOUNDATION AND MAIN LEVEL FRAMING PLAN S2 UPPER LEVEL FLOOR AND ROOF FRAMING PLAN S3 SECTIONS S4 SECTIONS 06/30/15 No. Date Issued by Revision Description 07/28/15