HomeMy WebLinkAboutB16-0149_1L0-04_1478906585.pdfC DATE # DESCRIPTION ISSUE DATE: SHEET NUMBER REVIEWED: PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWN: 1 REVISIONS 5431 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B C D E REDEVELOPMENT 2900 MANNS RANCH ROAD VAIL, COLORADO C O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C. F 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PERMIT DOCUMENTS March 25, 2016 DC MA BOOTH CREEK PARK 1309 ELKHORN DRIVE. VAIL, COLORADO. 81657 970.479.2158 DESIGNWORKSHOP W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O M Landscape Architecture x Land Planning Facsimile (970) 920-1387 (970) 925-8354 Aspen, CO 81611 120 E. Main St. GENERAL INFORMATION L0-03 1. PROLAND SURVEY HAS PREPARED THE SURVEY FOR THIS PROJECT. IT HAS BEEN REFORMATTED FOR USE IN AND FOR PREPARATION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN OFFICIALLY SIGNED COPY FROM (ADDRESS) AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH IT, THE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND SITE CONTEXT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION IMMEDIATELY. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ASSOCIATED WITH PREPARATION OR DOCUMENTATION OF SURVEY. 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING MEANS AND METHODS FOR CONSTRUCTION. THESE DRAWINGS MAY INDICATE A LIMIT OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, LIMITS OF SITE DEMOLITION, ETC. FOR DELINEATION OF EXPECTED EXTENTS OF DISTURBANCE. HOWEVER, FINAL IMPACT SHALL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. SHOULD LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE EXCEED BOUNDARIES DEFINED IN DRAWINGS, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION. 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ALL WORK DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION OUTSIDE OF LIMIT LINES DEFINED ON DRAWINGS OR THROUGH HIS/HER MEANS AND METHODS TO A CONDITION BETTER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING A COMPLETE UP-TO-DATE SET OF DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND ENSURING THE DOCUMENTS ARE READILY AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND GOVERNING AGENCY. 5. THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE COMPLEMENTARY TO ONE ANOTHER AND IMPLIED TO CORRESPOND WITH ONE ANOTHER. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION IMMEDIATELY. GENERAL NOTES LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES 1. Refer to Civil Engineer's utility and precise grading plans for utility location and final grading. If actual site conditions vary from what is shown on the plans, contact the Landscape Architect for direction as to how to proceed. 2. Verify locations of pertinent site improvements installed under other sections. If any part of this plan cannot be followed due to site conditions, contact Landscape Architect for direction prior to commencing work. 3. Exact locations of plant materials shall be approved by the Landscape Architect in the field prior to installation. Landscape Architect reserves the right to adjust plants to exact location in field. 4. Verify plant counts and square footages: Quantities are provided as reference information only. If quantities on plant list differ from graphic indications, then graphics shall prevail. Bring all discrepancies to attention of Landscape Architect for clarification. 5. Contact the local underground utility services for utility location and identification prior to construction. 6. Perform excavation in the vicinity of underground utilities with care and if necessary, by hand. The Contractor bears full responsibility for this work and disruption or damage to utilities shall be repaired immediately at no expense to the Owner. 7. Trees shall bear same relation to finished grade as it bore to existing prior to being dug at place of growth. Root flare shall be set a minimum of 1-inch above adjacent proposed finished grade. 8. Trees to be planted a minimum of 10 feet from face of building (and 4 feet from edge of pavement) except as approved by Landscape Architect. 9. Provide matching forms and sizes for plant materials within each specie and size designated on the drawings. 10. Prune newly planted trees only as directed by Landscape Architect. 11. Align and equally space in all directions trees and shrubs if so designated per these notes and Drawings. 12. Finish grades of shrub areas and lawns shall be flush with adjacent paving or header. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS APPROX ARCH AVG B&B BC BLDG BM BOC BR BS BW CAL CB CF CIP CL CLR CM CO CONT CY DEG DEMO DIA DIM DTL DWG E EA EL ENG EQ EST E.W. EXIST EXP FFE FG FL FOC FT FTG GA GEN HORIZ HP HT ID INV IN INCL JT LF LP MAX MH MIN MISC N NIC NO NOM NTS OC OD PC PE PI PL PT PVC QTY R REF REINF REQ'D REV ROW S SAN SD SF SHT SIM SPECS ST SY STA STD SYM T&B TBC TC TF TH TOPO TR TS TW TYP VAR VOL W/ W/O WT WL WWF YD @ APPROXIMATE ARCHITECT AVERAGE BALLED AND BURLAPPED BOTTOM OF CURB BUILDING BENCHMARK BACK OF CURB BOTTOM OF RAMP BOTTOM OF STEP BOTTOM OF WALL CALIPER CATCH BASIN CUBIC FEET CAST IN PLACE CENTER LINE CLEARANCE CENTIMETER CLEAN OUT CONTINUOUS CUBIC YARD DEGREE DEMOLISH, DEMOLITION DIAMETER DIMENSION DETAIL DRAWING EAST EACH ELEVATION ENGINEER EQUAL ESTIMATE EACH WAY EXISTING EXPANSION, EXPOSED FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FINISHED GRADE FLOW LINE FACE OF CURB FOOT (FEET) FOOTING GAUGE GENERAL HORIZONTAL HIGH POINT HEIGHT INSIDE DIAMETER INVERT ELEVATION INCH(ES) INCLUDE(D) JOINT LINEAR FEET LOW POINT MAXIMUM MANHOLE MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS NORTH NOT IN CONTRACT NUMBER NOMINAL NOT TO SCALE ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAMETER POINT OF CURVATURE POLYURETHANE POINT OF INTERSECTION PROPERTY LINE POINT, POINT OF TANGENCY POLYVINYL CHLORIDE QUANTITY RADIUS REFERENCE REINFORCE(D) REQUIRED REVISION, REVISED RIGHT OF WAY SOUTH SANITARY STORM DRAIN SQUARE FOOT (FEET) SHEET SIMILAR SPECIFICATIONS STORM SEWER SQUARE YARD STATION STANDARD SYMMETRICAL TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OF BACK CURB TOP OF CURB TOP OF FOOTING THICK TOPOGRAPHY TOP OF RAMP TOP OF STEP TOP OF WALL TYPICAL VARIES VOLUME WITH WITHOUT WEIGHT WATER LEVEL WELDED WIRE FABRIC YARD AT GR GRADE ELEVATION SITE DETAIL KEYNOTES: 1.0 PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS 1.1 x/ Lx-01 STONE PAVING TYPE 1 - Sand Set w/ Planting Joints SPEC. SECTION(S) 321400 RELATED DETAIL(S) KEYNOTE HEADING (PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM) KEYNOTE CALL-OUT KEYNOTE (SYSTEM) ITEM AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION PRIMARY KEYNOTE DETAIL REFERENCE (NUMBER AND SHEET) SPECIFICATION REFERENCE (CSI SECTION NUMBER MASTER FORMAT 2004 OR OTHER JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENT) NOTE: MULTIPLE SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE REFERENCED THE FOLLOWING LIST OF KEYNOTE HEADINGS (PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS) HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED WITHIN THIS DRAWING SET: 1.0 PAVEMENT, RAMPS, AND CURBS 2.0 JOINTING 3.0 STEPS 4.0 SITE WALLS/EMBANKMENTS 5.0 SITE FURNITURE 6.0 RAILINGS, BARRIERS, AND FENCING 7.0 SITE LIGHTING 8.0 DRAINAGE 9.0 PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE 10.0 MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS 11.0 PLANT PROTECTION NOTE: IF A KEYNOTE HEADING IS NOT INCORPORATED IN PROJECT, A "NOT USED AT THIS TIME" REFERENCE HAS BEEN PROVIDED. 3.2 TYP. SAMPLE KEYNOTE DRAWING CALLOUT: DETAIL/ SHEET x/ Lx-0x, x/ Lx-0x, x/ Lx-0x ADDITIONAL DETAIL REFERENCES (COMPOSITE SECTIONS/ELEVATIONS, OTHER SECTIONS, ELEVATIONS OR 3D DRAWINGS, AND/OR TRANSITION OR CONNECTION DETAILS) NOTE: MULTIPLE DETAILS MAY BE REFERENCED PLANT IDENTIFICATION KEY (3) CSI-5 PLANT SIZE (i.e. CALIPER, HEIGHT OR CONTAINER SIZE) PLANT ABBREVIATION (2-3 LETTERS, TYPICALLY FIRST LETTER FROM PLANT'S BOTANICAL FIRST AND LAST NAME) QUANTITY NOTE: PLANT ABBREVIATION ON PLANT IDENTIFICATION KEY SHOULD CORRESPOND WITH ABBREVIATION ON PLANT LIST (i.e. CSI-5 SHOULD REFER TO A CORNUS SERICEA 'ISANTI', 5 GALLON CONTAINER) "x" REFERENCE NOTES 1 Final Location of Path to be Determined in Field Under Direction of Landscape Architect NOTE CALL-OUT SERIES SPECIFIC REFERENCE NOTE (SUPPLEMENTAL TO KEYNOTES. TYPICALLY DESCRIBES ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. MAY REFERENCE A DETAIL OR SPECIFICATION OR BOTH.) SAMPLE REFERENCE NOTE DRAWING CALLOUT: 5 TYP. NOTE: "x" Refers to Drawing Series (i.e. SITE DEMOLITION REFERENCE NOTES). THERE SHOULD BE SPECIFIC REFERENCE NOTES FOR EACH DRAWING SERIES. HOWEVER, SOME NOTES MAY APPEAR ON MULTIPLE SERIES. SITE SOILS NOTES 1. Contractor shall coordinate with Owner's Representative for location of stockpile areas for stripped topsoil and planting soil products. Contractor shall ensure area is protected and contamination or disturbance of stored products is not allowed. 2. Contractor shall ensure subgrade is scarified prior to installing planting soil and blend with initial lift or placement of proposed planting soil. 3. No rock, cobble or debris larger than 2-inch diameter shall be removed from site. 4. Coordinate placement of planting soil with other work, especially utilities. Placement should occur after installation of all hardscape improvements, irrigation system, utilities, etc. and before installation of plants. ENGINEERED FIBER BOULDER COBBLE CONCRETE PAVING TYPE 1 CONCRETE PAVING TYPE 2: TENNIS COURT MATERIALS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOURS EXISTING CONTOURS TREE PROTECTION FENCE PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE TYPE LEGEND PLANT PROTECTION AND REMOVAL NOTES 1. Plant symbols as indicated on Drawings do not represent actual driplines. Contractor shall verify in field prior to construction. Proposed plant protection fencing shall be placed outside of edge of actual dripline or as directed by Landscape Architect in the field. 2. Protection fencing shall be maintained throughout construction unless otherwise directed by Landscape Architect. Contractor shall obtain permission to enter from Landscape Architect prior to conducting work within plant protection zones. 3. Coordinate with Town Landscape Architect prior to conducting any tree removal or pruning. 4. Trees indicated to be removed shall also include complete removal of stump and roots and filling in depression with suitable soil fill. 5. If excavation is needed within existing driplines, Contractor shall not conduct excavation with machinery. Hand excavation only. 05/23/16