HomeMy WebLinkAboutCascade inspection letter.pdfTo: JR Mondragon Acting Chief Building Official Senior Building Inspector Town of Vail Subject: Vail Cascade site inspection comments Date: September 20, 2016 Dear Mr. Mondragon, Below are comments we received on September 7, 2016 via e-mail from JR Mondragon following a site visit on September 6th; 11. Tampered resistant outlet are required 12. No 3rd party inspections 3. Solvent plumbing system engineer please address test method to be used for new plumbing, flow test not permitted, air test? Water test? Can pvc pipe be used for repairs or alterations? 4. Design team shall provide details and methods to address existing conditions and code compliance ( steel not fire protected, no corridor separation, no fire barriers or fire assemblies, 5. Details for all new and existing membrane and thru penetration/ protecti~n methods. 6. Added mech fans as code requires, fire/radiation dampers. Since receiving the above mentioned e-mail, we have had Syska (MEP Engineer of Record) and (BCER FLS Engineer) provide review and comment. Below 1. Tamper resistant outlets a. Will be installed per code, no action required 2. 3rd party inspections a. Not permitted by the Town of Vail b. The contractor will coordinate with the Town of Vail regarding requested inspections 3. Solvent Plumbing System a. Per Syska plumbing engineer, and response to project RFI # 14, plastic pipe is allowed in lieu of the black ABS. (see attached RFI # 14} b. PWl's plumbing contractor George L. Roma has provided a letter and photos concerning system testing. (see attached) 4. Existing Conditions and code compliance a. We understand as a result of the 9/5/16 site visit, concerns have been raised about apparent deficiencies that have been identified as a result of the opening of walls and ceilings but are not created as a direct result of the work being done on this alteration. b. The main portion of the facility was constructed in 1982 and the terrace section in 1990. Several Certificates of Occupancy were issued by the Town of Vail for portions, but not B L A c .~ •. ; .. ~ •• ~ .. ;ljl;lllA4WllM all, of the facility which would indicate the buildings were in compliance at the time of construction and remodel and no deficiencies were noted. c. The current work being conducted in the buildings is an alteration of existing space . There is no change in use, occupancy, aggregation of space, or reconfiguration of egress systems. d. Improvements being performed during currently permitted renovation are: i. Fire sprinkler system improvements to existing system. ii. Fire protection and alarm improvements to existing system. iii. Dedicated fire lane and improved FDC/hydrant location iv. Dedicated fire command center v. Improvements to the parking structure sprinkler system ~ Meeting all current codes where alterations are occurring. e. As ~suit, the overall condition and level of safety ofthe building will be enhanced. f. The owners are committed to providing a high level of safety to guests to a reasonable degree considering the age of the facility and the apparent compliance at some point in its history. g. This work provides a significant improvement to what was previously CO'd and existed. 5. Membrane and penetration details a. See No 4 above 6. Added Mechanical Fans in bathrooms a. Per Syska (electrical engineer) and response to a project RFI # 24, the electrical engineer has confirmed the existing circuits can handle the added load of an additional fan if required. (see attached Syska CFM Code) b. We will install fire dampers if 1. We are required to have a 2nd fan, 2. If the ceiling is considered a rated surface. However, Syska, mechanical engineer of record is saying that a 2nd exhaust fan is not required. i. Syska's interpretation of the 2~hich is referenced by the 2015 /BC, the exhaust requirement for priv~oms I toilet located in a hotel is to / provide a minimum of 50cfm (intermittent) regardless of separation, fixture type / or quantity. c. Per Syska mechanical engineer the existing 6" duct has the capacity to handle 2 exhaust fans if a 2nd exhaust fan is required. c Corporate Office 3903 W. Martin Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89118 702.942.8400 pwiconstruction.com 0 N s T R u c REQUEST FOR INFORMATION PROJECT NAME: Vail Cascades Resort & Spa PROJECT NO.: 16-028 TO: CC: Kathy Armstrong (KA) Todd Goulding (TG) Bud Thompson (BT) Jack Lavelle (JL) Steve Weiss (SW) RE: Proposed Plumbing Piping Material ACTION REQUESTED BY: ISSUED BY: T DATE: 8/31 /2016 R.F.I. # 014 KA /Ryan Taylor Theresa Johnson PWI TITLE OR SECTION OF WORK: Plumbing -22-40-00 DRAWING: SHEET:# WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM: 0 The plumber is staffed up and trying to procure pipe material. He is asking if he can use white PVC vs. the black ABS. 1. plumber and PWI think White PVC is a better product. 2. Suppliers in area do not have quantity of black ABS. 3. JR inspector at TOV is ok with white PVC. The Town of Vail inspector has said he is fine with this but needs approval in writing from plumbing engineer. Response Requested by: 8/31 /2016 SOLUTION: Syska approves the use of PVC piping for the application as you have indicated above. Please contact me should you have any further questions or require additional information. Ryan Taylor Syska Hennessy Group, Inc . N • NATIONWIDE 1 ·800.920·9966 PWI CONSTRUCTION, Inc. GEORGEL.ROMA,LLC Commercial Plumbing September 20th., 2016 RE: Proposed Sanitary Inspection Procedure Vail Cascade Hotel To Whom It May Concern, As it relates to the sanitary system at the Vail Cascade our alterations of the system to comply with the blueprints have been at an extremely minimal. That is to say 90%+ of the re-directed vertical branch arms are less than 5' in determined length, with the majority being less than 3'. Typical industry inspection on this type of work is strictly "visual". We are using PVC/solvent type product (approved by the engineer), fastened to the cast iron with a 'no hub band'. The end product is a sturdy, sound and leak-free code approved system. There has been discussion on filling the entire vertical stack (including the original cast iron) as a means of inspection. A visual inspection of the stacks show that they appear to be in working order. Our concern is that filling the stacks with 4 stories of water/head-pressure could prove to be disastrous. These stacks have been in place for quite some time and according to the Owner and in proper working with no issues. An alternate option is a "flow test" on the branch arms we have installed. This test would entail running water thru the open system while the inspector assesses for leaks. This will be very time consuming for the inspector, and somewhat out ofline due to the length of pipe being tested. The work we've installed in place is under warranty for one year and as with most plumbing systems, if tight at first the system rarely deviates and stays that way. For reference, have included pies of the typical alterations; ~ Lavi arms relocation off existing stack ~ Toilet extension form original location (Off of existing stack) ~ Shower line to new drain, altered from old tub line, from existing stack. Please look these over and consider our request for inspection. Regards, George Roma Operations Mgr. 9559 Lk. Douglas Pl ~ Orlando, FL 32817 Phone: 407-681-4357 ~ George@romaplumbing.com Bud Thompson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Tyler, Darnell, Suzanne <SMDarnell@leoadaly.com> Friday, September 09, 2016 1:20 PM Tyler Aldrich; Grayson, Kathleen; Lee, Kwan; Miller, Pat Todd Goulding; Bud Thompson; David Johanson (djohanson@lauruscorporation.com); Jack Lavelle; Steve Weiss; Russ Thrasher; Theresa Johnson RE: PWI -RFI #24 2996_001.pdf The RFI indicates that the Town of Vail Building Department directed PWI to provide exhaust for both the toilet and shower in a private bathroom. To date, Syska has not received any such plan review comments from the local AHJ stating this requirement. Per Syska's interpretation of the 2015 IMC, which is referenced by the 2015 IBC, the exhaust requirement for private bathrooms/ toilet located in a hotel is to provide a minimum of 50cfm (intermittent) regardless of separation, fixture type or quantity. Whereas for public spaces, the exhaust requirement is based specifically on room type (separate toilet and shower rooms) with exhaust rates based on quantity of shower heads for shower rooms. Before Syska can formally respond, can you furnish a formal plan review document from the local AHJ stating this requirement? They would like the opportunity to contact the official as well to discuss, before we provide direction on how to proceed. Thanks you, Suzanne M. Darnell, AIA, LEED AP Associate, Project Manager 1w----1 The Offices at Mockingbird Station, 5307 E. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 400, Dallas, TX 75206-5117 T 214.526.1144 F 214.526.1411 leoadaly.com SMDarnell@leoadaly.com PLANNING ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING INTERIORS From: Tyler Aldrich [mailto:tyler.aldrich@pwiconstruction.com] Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 1:50 PM To: Darnell, Suzanne; Grayson, Kathleen; Lee, Kwan; Miller, Pat Cc: tgoulding@blacklinegroupllc.com; Bud Thompson; David Johanson (djohanson@lauruscorporation.com); Jack Lavelle; Steve Weiss; Russ Thrasher; Theresa Johnson Subject: PWI -RFI #24 LAD Team, 1 Please find attached for your review and response, PWI Construction's RFI #024 relative to the Room Type for room #384. Thank You Tyler Aldrich Superintendant PWI Construction, Inc. I Natiowide pwiconstruction.com I 702.888.2768 CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVILEGE NOTICE: This email communication, including any and all attachments, (collectively, this "Communication"), is intended solely for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. This Communication may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or proprietary. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this Communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this Communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy any and all copies of this Communication. 2 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION .. ( Hotels, motels, resorts and dormitories -_:) Bathrooms/toilet-private• Bedroom/living room Conference/meeting Dormitory sleeping areas Gambling casinos Lobbies/prefunction Multipurpose assembly Offices Conference rooms Main entry lobbies Office spaces Reception areas Telephone/data entry Private dwellings, single and multiple Garages, common for multiple unitsb Kitchensb .. Living areas" Toilet rooms and bathrooms• 1., Public spaces Corridors Courtrooms Elevator car Legislative chambers Libraries Museums (children's) Museums/galleries Places of religious worship ~ Shower room (per shower head)' Smoking loungesb • f4 Toilet rooms -public' Retall stores, sales floon and showroom floon Dressing rooms Mall common areas Sales Shipping and receiving Smoking loungesb Storage rooms Warehouses (see storage) cop~t1niwnatlcnlic.d."'c0ii~RNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE9 Provided bl' IHS undot bnA -ICC No reproduction or ~ pennlnod wtthoul llcena from IHS TABLE 403.3.1.1-contlnued MINIMUM VENTILATION RATES PEOPLE OUTDOOR OCCUPANT DENSrTV AIRFLOW RATE IN "1000 FT'" BREATHING ZONE, R~CFUJPERSON - 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 s 50 s 10 s s 5 30 s 60 5 -- -- Based upon number ofbedrooms. First 0.35 ACH but not less bedroom, 2; each than 1 S cfm/person additional bedroom, l -- -- 70 5 -- so 5 IO 5 40 7.5 40 7.5 120 5 -- 70 60 -- -- 40 7.5 15 7.5 -- 70 60 -- -- (continued) AREA OUTDOOR AIRFLOW RATE IN BREATHING ZONE, R0 CFMIFT'" - 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.18 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 - - - - 0.06 0.06 - 0.06 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.06 - -. - - 0.06 0.12 0.12 - 0.12 - lJoon&H•Sylka Honn .. oy G~llt5547004, u--GJncan. lolnnril Nol for Reulo, 09/0&'2015 08:37;10 MDT VENTILATION EXHAUST AIRFLOW RATE CfMIFT'• 25/50' - - - - - - - - - - - 0.75 25/100, - 20/SOr - - 1.0 - - - - - 50120{ - 5ono• 0.25 - - - - - - 37