HomeMy WebLinkAboutaction_form_drb_07-13-2016_5786aa8404335-0.pdfACTION FORM
Planning & Environmental Commission (PEC)
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
Tel: 970-479-2139
Project Name:Red Lion Building 2016 Application Number:PEC160008
Application Type:Major Exterior Alteration of a
Multi-Family Building Date Applied:02/15/2016
Project Description:
Contact Type:Property Owner
Address:4720 BOW MAR DR R-3 BOW MAR, CO 80123-1445 Phone:None
Contact Type:Property Owner
Full Name:TANG, OSCAR L.
Address:551 5TH AVE FL 33 R-1 NEW YORK, NY 10176-3399 Phone:None
Contact Type:Property Owner
Full Name:TANG, OSCAR L.
Address:551 5TH AVE FL 33 R-2 NEW YORK, NY 10176-3399 Phone:None
Contact Type:Applicant
Full Name:Vag, Inc. Architects & Planners
Address:PO BOX 1734 VAIL, CO 81658-1734 Phone:970-949-7034
Project Address:304 BRIDGE ST R2 (210108253008)|304 BRIDGE ST R1 (210108253007)|304
BRIDGE ST R3 (210108253009)
Job Site Location:R3
Legal Description:Subdivision:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Lot:E - H Block:5A
Parcel Number:210108253009
Motion By:Hansen Action:Approved
Second By:Lockman
Vote:6-0-0 Date of Approval:04/11/2016
Approval of this major exterior alteration or modification is contingent upon the applicant obtaining Town of
Vail design review approval for this proposal.
Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless
a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.
No changes to these plans maybe made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the
appropriate review committee(s).
Planning and Environmental Commission approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of
approval pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code.
The applicant shall mitigate the employee housing impact created by the new net square footage in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-24, Inclusionary Zoning, Vail Town Code and the applicant
shall make the required fee in lieu payment to the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of any building permit.
The applicant shall specify the design and location of the chimney and shall investigate the potential for
making the restaurant exhaust chimney smaller and as much to the south as possible.
Planner: Brian Garner