HomeMy WebLinkAboutB17-0015_M1.0_1489608840.pdfSequence of Operation 1. Commercial Kitchen Ventilation A. Provide control panel for Kitchen Exhaust Hoods, mounted at hoods. Panel shall interlock KEF-1, KEF-2, MAU-1, and automatically control Ansul system. In the case of fire, Ansul shall be activated, MAU-1 shall be off, KEF-1&2 shall be on and solenoid valve in gas line to kitchen shall shut-off. B. KEF-1&2 Kitchen Exhaust Fans a. Fans shall be controlled by switch located on control panel. b. Include a temperature sensor interlock to comply with 2015 IMC 507.2.1.1. Exhaust fans shall automatically turn on during cooking operations. C. MAU-1 Gas Direct-fired Make-Up Air Unit a. Fan shall run whenever exhaust fan is on. Normally closed motorized damper integral to MAU-1 shall open when unit is called to operate. b. Integral modulating gas control valve shall modulate to maintain discharge air temperature of ƒ) DGM c. *DV KHDWLQJ VKDOO EH GLVDEOHG ZKHQHYHU 26$ WHPSHUDWXUH LV DERYH ƒ) DGM d. &RROLQJ :KHQ 26$ WHPSHUDWXUH LV DERYH ƒ) ZDWHU VROHQRLG YDOYH VKDOO RSHQ WR IORZ WKH evaporative cooler pad. 2. (E) WH-1 Gas Fired Water Heater and (E) ST-1 Storage Tank a. Upon a call for domestic hot water from integral temperature sensor at (E) WH-1, gas burner VKDOO EH HQDEOHG ,QWHJUDO FRQWUROV VKDOO PRGXODWH EXUQHU WR PDLQWDLQ ƒ) GRPHVWLF KRW ZDWHU setpoint. b. Upon a call for heating from (E) ST-1 temperature sensor, recirculation pump shall start. Tank VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH VHW DSSUR[LPDWH ƒ  ƒ) OHVV WKDQ ZDWHU KHDWHU VHWSRLQW 3. RTU-1 Rooftop Unit a. Provide a 2-stage heat/ 2-stage cool, programmable thermostat with override function and Auto/On fan switch. b. Heating: Upon a call for heat, the burner and fan shall cycle as directed by RTU controls to maintain space temperature. 2-stage gas burner shall be controlled by 2-stage heating thermostat. Normally open damper in supply air duct serving the kitchen hoods shall close whenever RTU is in heating mode. c. Cooling: Upon a call for cooling, the compressor and condenser fan motors shall start and cycle as directed by RTU controls to maintain space temperature. 2-stage cooling shall be controlled by 2-stage cooling thermostat. d. Ventilation: Fan shall run continuously during occupied periods and shall cycle during unoccupied periods. When fan is on, integral OA damper shall open to provide ventilation air. 4. AD-1 Air Door a. Air door heater shall be controlled by a wall mounted thermostat. b. Air door fan shall be controlled by a door interlock switch. c. Whenever the door opens, fan shall start and heater shall be enabled and cycled by thermostat. 5. SD-2 Supply Diffusers (VAV) a. Each diffuser shall be thermally powered to infinitely vary the supply of air into the space, in either heating or cooling mode, by means of regulating a variable aperture damper, know as a control disc, vertically within the diffuser. b. The thermal room sensing element shall be located behind an induction cap in the center of the GLIIXVHU SDQHO DQG VKDOO SURYLGH QR PRUH WKDQ ƒ) WKHUPDO GHDGEDQG EHWZHHQ LQGXFHG temperature and zone temperature. Each diffuser shall be individually adjustable to sense room WHPSHUDWXUH ZLWKLQ WKH VSDFH EHWZHHQ ƒ) DQG ƒ) (DFK GLIIXVHU VKDOO EH LQGLYLGXDOO\ adjustable for minimum airflow from 0 to 30%. c. ,1,7,$/ ',))86(5 6(732,176 ƒ) WHPSHUDWXUH VHWWLQJ DQG  PLQLPXP DLUIORZ VHWWLQJ 6. KEF-3 Kitchen Exhaust Fan (Dishwasher Exhaust) a. KEF-3 shall be controlled by an on/off switch located near the KEH-3 kitchen exhaust hood at the dishwasher. Field coordinate exact switch location with Owner. Utilize integral potentiometer (EC motor) for air balancing. See TAB notes on Sheet M4.0. 1/11/17 03/15/17