HomeMy WebLinkAboutB17-0039_COMcheck_1489525080.pdf Generated by COMcheck-Web Software ,,,,, Envelope Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project Information Energy Code:2009 IECC Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Project Type:Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Des ignerlContractor: 62 East Meadow Drive-Talisman Unit#370 David Birnbaum Lori Mowder Vail,Colorado 81657 501 Forest Street CHC Mountain Structures Denver,Colorado 80220 PO Box 3026 Eagle.Colorado 81631 Building Location(for weather data): Vail,Colorado Climate Zone: 6b Vertical Glazing/Wall Area Pct.: 10% Ruilding Use:Activity Type(s) Floor Area 1-2 Story Condo condo(Multifamily):Nonresidential 2070 Section 2: Envelope Assemblies and Requirements Checklist Envelope PASSES Envelope Assemblies: R-Value Proposed Max.Allowed Post-Alteration Assembly Cavity Cont. U-Factor SHGC U-Factor SHGC Ext.Wall:Wood-Framed, 16in.o.c.,[Bldg. Use 1 -2 Story Condo 28.0 28.0 0.020 --- 0.051 --- condo] Window:Wood Frame,Clear,[Bldg.Use 1 -2 Story Condo condo] --- --- 0.290 0.250 0.350 0.400 Door:,Non-Entrance Door,Non-Entrance Door,[Bldg.Use 1 -2 --- --- 0.290 0.350 0.350 0.400 Story Condo condo] Roof:Attic Roof,Wood Joists,[Bldg.Use 1 -2 Story Condo 49.0 49.0 0.010 --- 0.027 -- condo] (a)Fenestration product performance must be certified in accordance with NFRC and requires supporting documentation. Air Leakage, Component Certification, and Vapor Retarder Requirements: ❑ 1. All joints and penetrations are caulked,gasketed or covered with a moisture vapor-permeable wrapping material installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. ❑ 2. Windows,doors,and skylights certified as meeting leakage requirements. ❑ 3. Component R-values&U-factors labeled as certified. ❑ 4. No roof insulation is installed on a suspended ceiling with removable ceiling panels. ❑ 5. 'Other'components have supporting documentation for proposed U-Factors. ❑ 6. Insulation installed according to manufacturer's instructions,in substantial contact with the surface being insulated,and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value without compressing the insulation. ❑ 7. Stair,elevator shaft vents,and other outdoor air intake and exhaust openings in the building envelope are equipped with motorized dampers. ❑ 8. Cargo doors and loading dock doors are weather sealed. Li 9. Recessed lighting fixtures installed in the building envelope are Type IC rated as meeting ASTM E283,are sealed with gasket or caulk. ❑ 10.Building entrance doors have a vestibule equipped with self-closing devices. Exceptions: ❑ Building entrances with revolving doors. ❑ Doors not intended to be used as a building entrance. ❑ Doors that open directly from a space less than 3000 sq.ft.in area. Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Report date:03/10/17 Data filename: Page 1 of 7 ❑ Doors used primarily to facilitate vehicular movement or materials handling and adjacent personnel doors. ❑ Doors opening directly from a sleeping/dwelling unit. ❑ Alteration projects that replace an existing door,provided,however,that existing vestibules(i.e.,pre-alteration)are not removed. Section 3: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed envelope alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed envelope alteration project has been designed to meet the 2009 IECC requirements in COMcheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. Name-Title Signature Date Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Report date:03/10/17 Data filename: Page 2 of 7 ri, Generated by COMcheck-Web Software Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project Information Energy Code:2009 IECC Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Project Type:Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 62 East Meadow Drive-Talisman Unit#370 David Birnbaum Lori Mowder Vail,Colorado 81657 501 Forest Street CHC Mountain Structures Denver,Colorado 80220 PO Box 3026 Eagle,Colorado 81631 Section 2: Interior Lighting and Power Calculation A B C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts/ft2 (B x C) 2 Story Condo condo(Multifamily) 2070 0.7 1449 Total Allowed Watts= 1449 Section 3: Interior Lighting Fixture Schedule A B C D E Fixture ID:Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. 2 Story Condo condo(Multifamily,2070 sq.ft.) LED:27:3"LED Cans:LED PAR 13W: 1 27 13 351 Halogen: 13:Wall Sconce:MR-11 20W: 1 13 20 260 Linear Fluorescent:3:Closet Light:48'T8 25W(Super T8):Premium efficiency: 1 3 25 75 LED: 14:Kable Light MR16:LED MR 10W: 1 14 70 Exempt Exemption:Food Preparation Equipment LED:9: LED Under Cab Light:LED Undercabinet Unit 4W: 1 9 12 Exempt Exemption:Food Preparation Equipment LED:8:Kable Light MR16:LED MR 2W: 1 8 50 400 LED:LED Tape Lighting:LED Linear 8W: 1 90 2.2 198.0 Total Proposed Watts= 1284 Section 4: Requirements Checklist Interior Lighting PASSES Lighting Wattage: ❑ 1. Total proposed watts must be fess than or equal to total allowed watts. Allowed Watts Proposed Watts Complies 1449 1284 Passes Controls, Switching, and Wiring: ❑ 2. Daylight zones under skylights more than 15 feet from the perimeter have lighting controls separate from daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration. ❑ 3. Daylight zones have individual lighting controls independent from that of the general area lighting. Exceptions: J Contiguous daylight zones spanning no more than two orientations are allowed to be controlled by a single controlling device. Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Report date:03/10/17 Data filename: Page 3 of 7 ❑ Daylight spaces enclosed by wails or ceiling height partitions and containing two or fewer light fixtures are not required to have a separate switch for general area lighting. ❑ 4. Independent controls for each space(switch/occupancy sensor). Exceptions: ❑ Areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously illuminated. ❑ Lighting in stairways or corridors that are elements of the means of egress. ❑ 5. Master switch at entry to hotel/motel guest room. ❑ 6. Individual dwelling units separately metered. ❑ 7. Medical task lighting or art/history display lighting claimed to be exempt from compliance has a control device independent of the control of the nonexempt lighting. ❑ 8. Each space required to have a manual control also allows for reducing the connected lighting load by at least 50 percent by either controlling all luminaires,dual switching of alternate rows of luminaires,alternate luminaires,or alternate lamps,switching the middle lamp luminaires independently of other lamps,or switching each luminaire or each lamp. Exceptions: • Only one luminaire in space. ❑ An occupant-sensing device controls the area. ❑ The area is a corridor,storeroom, restroom,public lobby or sleeping unit. ❑ Areas that use less than 0.6 Wattslsq.ft. ❑ 9. Automatic lighting shutoff control in buildings larger than 5,000 sq.ft. Exceptions: ❑ Sleeping units,patient care areas;and spaces where automatic shutoff would endanger safety or security. ❑ 10.Photocelllastronomical time switch on exterior lights. Exceptions: ❑ Lighting intended for 24 hour use. ▪ 11.Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted luminaires(No single-lamp ballasts). Exceptions: ❑ Electronic high-frequency ballasts;Luminaires on emergency circuits or with no available pair. Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed lighting alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed lighting alteration project has been designed to meet the 2009 IECC,Chapter 8,requirements in COMcheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. Name-Title Signature Date Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Report date:03/10/17 Data filename: Page 4 of 7 1 i, GExteriorenerated by COMcheckLighting-Web Software Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project Information Energy Code:2009 IECC Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Project Type:Alteration Exterior Lighting Zone: 2(Residential mixed use area) Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 62 East Meadow Drive-Talisman Unit#370 David Birnbaum Lori Mowder Vail,Colorado 81657 501 Forest Street CHC Mountain Structures Denver,Colorado 80220 PO Box 3026 Eagle,Colorado 81631 Section 2: Exterior Lighting Area/Surface Power Calculation A B C D E F Exterior Area/Surface Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Proposed Watts Wattage Watts Watts /Unit (BxC) Exterior Rear Deck(Other door(not main entry)) 16 ft of door width 20 Yes 320 70 Total Tradable Watts'= 320 70 Total Allowed Watts= 320 Total Allowed Supplemental Watts**= 600 "Wattage tradeoffs are only allowed between tradable areas/surfaces. "A supplemental allowance equal to 600 watts may be applied toward compliance of both non-tradable and tradable areas/surfaces. Section 3: Exterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A B C D E Fixture ID: Description/Lamp 1 Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X 0) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Exterior Rear Deck(Other door(not main entry), 16 ft of door width):Tradable Wattage Halogen. 1:Wall Sconce:Halogen 70W: 1 1 70 70 Total Tradable Proposed Watts= 70 Section 4: Requirements Checklist Lighting Wattage: ❑ 1. Within each non-tradable area/surface,total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts.Across all tradable areas/surfaces,total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Compliance:Passes. Controls, Switching, and Wiring: ❑ 2. All exemption claims are associated with fixtures that have a control device independent of the control of the nonexempt lighting. ❑ 3. Lighting not designated for dusk-to-dawn operation is controlled by either a a photosensor(with time switch),or an astronomical time switch. ❑ 4. Lighting designated for dusk-to-dawn operation is controlled by an astronomical time switch or photosensor. ❑ 5. All time switches are capable of retaining programming and the time setting during loss of power for a period of at least 10 hours. Exterior Lighting Efficacy: ❑ 6. All exterior building grounds luminaires that operate at greater than 100W have minimum efficacy of 60 lumen/watt. Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Report date: 03/10/17 Data filename: Page 5 of 7 Exceptions: ❑ Lighting that has been claimed as exempt and is identified as such in Section 3 table above. ❑ Lighting that is specifically designated as required by a health or life safety statue,ordinance,or regulation. ❑ Emergency lighting that is automatically off during normal building operation. ❑ Lighting that is controlled by motion sensor. Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed exterior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2009 IECC requirements in COMcheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. Name-Title Signature Date Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Report date:03/10117 Data filename: Page 6 of 7 Generated byCGMcheck-Web Software (Pi/ Mechanical Compliance Certificate Section 1 : Project Information Energy Code:2009 IECC Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Project Type:Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 62 East Meadow Drive-Talisman Unit#370 David Birnbaum Lori Mowder Vail,Colorado 81657 501 Forest Street CHC Mountain Structures Denver,Colorado 80220 PO Box 3026 Eagle,Colorado 81631 Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Vail,Colorado Climate Zone: 6b Section 3: Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type&Description Section 4: Requirements Checklist Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed mechanical alteration project has been designed to meet the 2009 IECC,Chapter 8,requirements in CGMcheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. Name-Title Signature Date Section 6: Post Construction Compliance Statement u HVAC record drawings of the actual installation,system capacities,calibration information,and performance data for each equipment provided to the owner. ❑ HVAC O&M documents for all mechanical equipment and system provided to the owner by the mechanical contractor. u Written HVAC balancing and operations report provided to the owner. The above post construction requirements have been completed. Principal Mechanical Designer-Name Signature Date Project Title: Birnbaum Remodel Report date: 03/10/17 Data filename: Page 7 of 7