HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB140424_2011-03-16-Utility Approvals Binder1_1410810600.pdfUTILI3"Y APPROVAL 8~ vERIFICATION ,existin or proposed ut li~ services, and also to veri~/ ....... ~.=*the nrooosed improvemen.ts.wd! ~n°~.|.m.~P~an~Y~n,.nctlog~ with preparing your Utility plan and schedul This form serve.s to vu-,y ..... ~^w construct on and snoulo ~ u=~u ,. ~v jservice avallabdity and Ioca~Joo lu~ .~ ....plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for ap- Ing installations. A site plan, Including grading proval and verification. PLISSE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS ~OR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE ur~l.~l~ COMP,~- at tJmeframe please contact The Town of Vail. to obtain commentS within th ~Parkside Villa NIES. If you are unable ......e #7 ~ Block ~ Subdivmlol~! ~1543 Mattemom ~,zlu~Lot " " Suhje~ property Address:.Beth Levine Prlm~ n.tact J O..~r Representative: -- p~t~Re~epp r es ent at ire S|g 970-926-49~3Phone: -FebruarY 24, 20~ t Plans Dated: comments .468 0672(fax)Samuel Too ey GAS Contact: Rich Sisnems )70.947.5471 (tel) )45.4081 (fax) Diana Golls DISTRICT Fred Haslee F CABLE 1,619,0752 (tel) Tony Hlldreth hlldreth@cable.comcast,com (tel) Dan Roussin i,roussln@dot.state.co,us locations must be obta ned before digging.1. Utillb/ .........,~. oo. ¯mav be required for any improvementS within a street right-of-way, ContaCt the 2. A Revocao e Rign~-u~-vwy ~,mlt , for verification 970.479.2198.Pub _c..Wo~!~_~ ~e.pa~me,n.t Iitv corn any and the applicant to resolve problems Identified above, for 3. It ~s eh~ ~po,slblhtY of the utl _ P’ . . ired to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies h Prl an/Contact/Owner Rep.rese..n.tat.v.e Is_re_.q~u,,~,oa anv waY after the authonzed signature date, _ prOova, r .ver,,catioo,f,hesuom, eop,anso,oo, ..... ,n . _ " ’ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvementS will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verifyd in con’unction with preparing your utilib/pSa~ and sd~edul- ~=~,r~ av., iliW and location for new r..~nstruct .on a~d_ sbe~Jd, baen~Se evation~ shall be submitted to the fo low ng utilities for ap-......... !ab _ _ .....nc .d no arading P an, [~oor v,~-, --- el ,"II~E UI"iI.~I~ COMPA-lng Installations. A s~eprova and verification, pLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENI"S FROM NZES. If you are unab e to obtain semmentS within that tJmeframe please contact The Town of Vail,parkside Villa t 543 Matterhorn Circle #7 Lot7 _ Block subdivision,: Subje~ proper’e/Address: _970-926-4993 Beth Levine Phone: _ ~r~~~e;-la-s Dated. Februar~ 24, 2011Prim .P .._ Comments I ~.~ I Rich Sisneros i ENERGY Diana Golis .262.4024 (tel) Kit Bogert Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.6~.9.0752 (tel) 970.468-2672 (fax) Contact: Tony Hildreth Dan Roussin DanieLroussln@dot,state,co.us NOTES: ’" locations must be obta ned, before diggin.g.:_. ¯ ......~mnrovementS w thin a street right-of-way. Contact the ~’ U/~l~b/evocable Right-of-Way Permit may be requffeu ~. ~.,z ,.,,v .2. Public Works e artment for verification 970,479.2598.D p .........,-. company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 3,It is the responsiDi try or m~ uu,,~y v . uired to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for Pr ma Contact/Owner Represe.nta!~v,e ~s re_~q~t -~ ~. v wav after the authorized signature date, re-approva ~ re-w,,,,~-,.-’’4, The ~ ry -.^-,~:H,~n if the subm tied ptans ~u o~,~, .....an. . Page 1 of 1 Tooley, Samuel ·--------------~--------------------------~--~ From: Sent: To: Beth Levine [beth@bethlevinearchitect.com] Tuesday, March 15,2011 9-.42 AM Tooley, Samuel; dgolis@holycross.com Subject: FW: 1543 Matterhorn Circle #?-Utility approval(2) Attachments: 2011-3-7-Utility Approval & Verification form signed by BLA.pdf; 2011-3-7-TOV submittal binder. pdf 2011-3-15 Bathgate Hello Samuel and Diana, I was reviewing my utility approvals and I do not believe that I have received your response on the utility approval for the Bathgate remodel at 1543 Matterhorn Circle #7. Do you have any questions? Is there anything else you would like me to submit? Please E-mail or call (926-4993) with any questions or comments. Thank you, Beth Beth Levine Architect. Inc. FAx. 'tzo-c:rz_' ~ "2~ q;, -----Original Message----- From: Beth Levine [mailto:beth@bethlevinearchitect.com] Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 5:11PM To: 'samuel.tooley@qwest.com'; 'richard.sisneros@xcelenergy .com'; 'dgolis@holycross.com'; 'kathryn.bogert@xcelenergy.com'; 'fhaslee@erwsd.org'; 'tony_hildreth@cable.comcast.com' Subject: 1543 Matterhorn Circle #7-Utility approval 2011-3-7 Bathgate Hello Samuel, Richard, Diana, Kathryn, Fred, and Tony, Please find attached my Utility Approval and Verification form and my TOV subm~tal drawings for 1543 Matterhorn Circle #7. Please E-mail or call (926-4993) with any questions. Thank you, Beth Beth Levine Architect, Inc. 3/15/2011 ~~ \S-E"l1!- "'ff2', ~M ~6L~ cr7o-q..~ 3;__~l6 0 'Jjt b I I I ·.·.·.c,·.· .. " ... ··.·.,··: .. ·.:; I.ITIUTY APPROVAL & VEIUFICAnON This form serves to verify that the propoSed improvem~n~ will not impact any ex\sting or proposed utility se!Viees, and also to verify service avai.labillty and· k>catiOO for .new (X)llstruct:lon and should be used in cOnjum:tlon with preparing your utility pl.an and schedul- Ing inStallations. A site pian, induding grading pl;m, floot' pllln, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utnitles for ap- proval and ven'f\<;ation. PlEAS~ 1\i.lOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOil: APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTIUTY COMPP..- NIES. If you are uttable ta obtain rommentSwitiJir> tttat time(rame pleaSI! contact The Town of Van. Subj~ Prope-rty Adpress: 1543 Matterhorn Circle #7 Lot_7 __ Bloc:k __ Subdivision: Piukside Villa Ph 97Q-926-4993 one'---,------~~ Plans Dl!ted: .Februal)i 24. 2011 ?a cf'< fl' t1#o ALL a wt$7 ~;-'l U• -mr::< TI-l !>/,%' . ' fS: . t/ 1. utility loca_tions must oo obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of'W<IY Permit may.be reqYired_ for any improvemen1s within a street right-of-way. :COntact the Publi~ WorkS Oepati:m~tfuf verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility ot the utiilty' company and the applicant to resolvt:> problen'l!i identif•ed above. 4. The Primary ContactfOwner ·fl.epre5eotative is teQulred· to submit any revised drawings to 'the above -agendes for re-appi'QVI!I & m-:vel'ificatioalf the submttl:ed plans are altered in any way after the authoriZed Signature date.