HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB140563_20150203101721318 (01-30-15 approval)_1423758120.pdf �rtT OF
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TrAres°f° REPLY TO
ATTENTION OF January 30, 2015
Regulatory Division (SPK-2014-01134)
Mr. Keith Edwards
Bearcat Energy, LLC
1225 17th Street, Suite 2420
Denver, Colorado 80202
Dear Mr. Edwards:
We are responding to your request for a Department of the Army permit for the
Residence at 223 Beaver Dam Road. This project involves work, including discharges of
dredged or fill material, in waters of the United States to construct a duplex residence,
resulting in impacts to 0.03 acre of wetlands. The approximately 0.58 acre project is
located adjacent to Gore Creek at Lot 38, Block 7, Vail Village, Filing 1, 223 Beaver Dam
Road within the NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, Sixth
Principal Meridian, Latitude 39.64162°, Longitude -106.38227°, Town of Vail, Eagle
County, Colorado (see enclosed project location map).
Based on the information you provided, the proposed activity, which will result in the
permanent loss of approximately 0.03 acres of non-tidal wetland and temporary impacts
to approximately 0.01 acres of riparian wetland, is authorized by Nationwide Permit
Number (NWP) NWP 29 Residential Developments. You must comply with the general
terms and conditions listed on the NWP information sheet and applicable regional
conditions. Information on the NWP and regional conditions are available on our
website at
http.//www.spk.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/Permitting/NationwidePerm its.aspx.
In addition, you work must comply with the following Special Conditions:
1. Permanent, temporary, and/or indirect impacts to waters of the U.S. shall
not exceed the acreages identified in your December 9, 2014, pre-
construction notification (PCN) form. Furthermore, you shall conduct all
work affecting waters of the U.S. as described in your January 13, 2015,
amended PCN and attachments, and the "Foundation Plan" drain
drawing submitted on January 20, 2015, showing foundation and wall
drain gravity outlets returning intercepted water back into the adjacent
wetlands on the northwest side of the residence at appropriate
elevations, including construction and post-construction monitoring.
Any modification to the project that would incur additional impacts to
waters of the U.S. must be coordinated with, and approved by, the Corps
well in advance of construction.
2. To mitigate for the loss of 0.03 acre of waters of the United States, you
shall purchase 0.03 credits of wetland habitat at the Finger Rock
Preserve Wetland Mitigation Bank. Evidence of this purchase shall be
provided to the Corps prior to initiation of construction activities within
waters of the U.S.
3. You are responsible for all work authorized herein and ensuring that all
contractors and workers are made aware, and adhere to the terms and
conditions, of this permit authorization. You shall ensure that a copy of
the permit authorization and associated drawings are available for quick
reference at the project site until all construction activities are completed.
4. To avoid adverse impacts to the aquatic ecosystem during construction,
you shall clearly identify the limits of disturbance in the field with highly
visible markers (e.g. construction fencing, flagging, silt barriers, etc.)
prior to commencement of construction activities within waters of the
U.S. You shall maintain such identification properly until construction is
completed and the soils have been stabilized. You are prohibited from
any activity (e.g. equipment usage or materials storage) that impacts
waters of the U.S. outside of the authorized wetland impact areas.
5. You must sign the enclosed Compliance Certification and return it to
this office within 30 days after completion of the authorized work. The
Compliance Certification must include post-construction photographs
of the project site showing the work conducted. The camera positions
and view angles of post-construction photographs shall be identified
on a map, aerial photo, or project drawing. Photo locations shall
include all major project features and waters of the U.S.
This verification is valid until March 18, 2017, when the existing NWP's are scheduled
to be modified, reissued, or revoked. Furthermore, if you commence or are under contract
to commence this activity before the date the NWP is modified, reissued, or revoked, you
will have 12 months from the date of the modification, reissuance or revocation of the
NWP to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions. Failure to comply
with the general and regional conditions of this NWP, or the project-specific special
conditions of this authorization, may result in the suspension or revocation of your
Please refer to identification number SPK-2014-01134 in any correspondence
concerning this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at our Colorado
West Regulatory Branch, 400 Rood Avenue, Room 224, Grand Junction, Colorado
81501, by email at Susan.Nall@usace.army.mil, or telephone at 970-243-1199,
extension 16.
For more information regarding our program, please visit our website at
www.spk.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory.aspx. We would appreciate your
feedback. At your earliest convenience, please tell us how we are doing by completing
the customer survey from the link on our website, listed below.
Original Signed
Susan Bachini Nall
Branch Chief, CO West Branch
Regulatory Division
1. Project Location Map
2. Compliance Certification
cc: (w/o encls)
Mr. Jason Deem, Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical Incorporated, Post Office Box 1887,
Silverthorne, Colorado 80498
Mr. Joe Batcheller, Planner, Town of Vail, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado