HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB150036_GSA REPORT_1423774320.pdfNicholas Lampiris, Ph.D.
P.O. BOX 2
srLT. coLoRADO 81652
(303) 876-5400 (24 HOURS)
April 3O' LS?6
Tom Breun
PO Box 776
["ll nturn EO
REI Addition, Lot 16t Big Horn Bubdiviaionr Ea6t Unlt
Daar Tomr
I viElted the above referenced lot ln Vail recently lor PUPPo$tgof a geologlc hazard evaluatlonr as lt pertaine to rock {all and
avalanche potential . Ae you know theEe haeerdg are shown by the
Town o{ Vai,t'E mapr a* affecting this propertyg Debr{e Flow
haznrde are mapped only to the ttream. A houee end gtraqe sre
already on alter and tt ltl propoeed to add anothtr ganage eaet
o{ the preeent one end to anlarge the preeent one.
Roek fetl to thtE stte ie lnfrequent due to the intenvenlng
Etreaftr but rocks can reach the hqne, The garage iE b€yond the
rock fall hazard at thie Eite. l'litigation 1e not in order 1n
thls eituetlon.
Tha Art Mears report produced prevlouely for thiE lot be{ore the
duplex wae butlt ehowE Floderate Hezard avalancheE tran rsach the
duplex, with a powder blast going {urther lnto the lot. Thegarage eddition le larEeLy pnotectecl by the home but the easternwall call be dealt a glancing blott by a blaet. For thlr reasontI recornmend el ther ncl windowg on thts aider or ePectel 1y
conntructed ones to resi6t tyFical blaat {oncee.
The property doer lle 1n e geologlcally sensitlve aFclg I but
development wiIl not increase the haeard to othen FroFtrtyr or
structuresp or to public rights-o{-wayr roadae streetat
esaementet utilitie6 or faciLlti.ea or other propenttes of anyktnd. If there are further queetion6r pleaEF contact ine.
$inEerply, -,tfrfz:fi
Nlcholas LdmpirisConeulttng Baologlet