HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB150283_A0-1_1438963140.pdf677 s.f. 665 s.f. 1017 s.f. 1017 s.f. 665 s.f. 677 s.f. 716 s.f. 703 s.f. 1054 s.f. 1054 s.f. 703 s.f. 716 s.f. 775 s.f. 767 s.f. 767 s.f. 767 s.f. 767 s.f. 775 s.f. 4,718 s.f. 4,946 s.f. 4,618 s.f. 22'-23 _8" 21'-95 _ 8" 21'-95 _8" 21'-95 _8" 21'-95 _8" 22'-1 1 _ 4"22'-23 _8" 21'-95 _8" 21'-95 _8" 21'-95 _ 8" 21'-95 _8" 22'-1 1 _4"1265 s.f. of foundation wall 0 s.f. of foundation wall buried 01.0 Lower Floor 90' - 6" 1265 s.f. of foundation wall 1013 s.f. of foundation wall buried 01.0 Lower Floor 90' - 6" 8084 1' - 0" 8083 8086 01.0 Lower Floor 90' - 6" 634 s.f. of foundation wall 177 s.f. of foundation wall buried 01.0 Lower Floor 90' - 6" 8077 8086 8074 645 s.f. of foundation wall 305 s.f. of foundation wall buried 8083 8084 8074 970.328.5151 OFFICE PO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631 www.martinmanleyarchitects.com Project number Date REVISIONS 7/7/2015 4:33:16 PM A0.1 Area Plans 1460 CAPSTONE TOWNHOUSES DESIGN REVIEW SET 07.07.15 UNIT #2 PROPOSED RENOVATION 1817 MEADOW RIDGE ROAD VAIL COLORADO No. Description Date 1" = 10'-0" 1 AREA PLANS ZONING INFORMATION Zone District: Low Density Multiple-Family (LDMF) District Existing Permitted use: Multiple Family Residence Lot Area:1.201acres x 43,560 s.f. = 53,577 s.f. Area of 40% grade or greater = 21,415 s.f. Buildable area = 32,162 s.f. or .738 acres Density control: 9 dwellings per acre (1 per 4,840 s.f.) 32,162 buildable s.f. / 4,840 s.f.= 6.645 units allowed Property is already divided into 6 parcels · GRFA Allowed: .44% lot buildable area 32,162 s.f. =14,151.28 s.f. LOWER LEVEL AREA = 4718 s.f. Foundation wall area= 3809 s.f. Foundation wall buried=1495 s.f. (39%) LOWER LEVEL AREA 4718 s.f. x.39 %= 1840 s.f. Garage deduction 300 s.f. x 6 units = -1800 s.f. TOTAL ADJUSTED LOWER LEVEL AREA = 40 s.f. MAIN LEVEL AREA = 4946 s.f. UPPER LEVEL AREA = 4618 s.f. TOTAL GRFA AREA (EXISTING) = 9604 s.f. Total remaining GRFA for complex now = 4,547 s.f. (14,151 allowed - 9604 existing) 14,151 total allowed - 8900 GRFA area remaining before 16X22 additions to units 3 and 4 =5,251s.f. GRFA split before 16X22 additions to units 3 and 4 =5251s.f. /6 = 875.166 s.f. Equal split of GRFA per unit = 875.166 s.f. UNIT #1= Available GRFA = 875.166 s.f. UNIT #2= Available GRFA = 875.166 s.f. UNIT #3= Available GRFA = 875.166 s.f.- 352 s.f. (existing addition)= 523.166 s.f. UNIT #4= Available GRFA = 875.166 s.f.- 352 s.f. (existing addition)= 523.166 s.f. UNIT #5= Available GRFA = 875.166 s.f. UNIT #6= Available GRFA = 875.166 s.f. TOTAL available GRFA for complex = 4,547 s.f. (agrees with calc above) · Site Coverage Allowed (35% of lot area) = 18,751.95 s.f. Existing foot print = 4,887 s.f. · Landscape and Site development minimum (40%) = 21,430.8 s.f. · Height Limitation= 35 feet flat roof and 38' for sloping (as measured from existing grade directly to ridge above) · Setbacks: Front = 20’, Side = 20' (non conforming) 13.5' to existing structure, Rear = 20’ (non conforming) 12.7 feet to existing structure Parking: 3 spaces required for dwelling unit < 4000 s.f. (existing LOWER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL UPPER LEVEL TOTAL LOWER LEVEL FOUNDATION WALL AREA = 3809 s.f. AREA BELOW GRADE= 1495 s.f. (39 % buried) 1" = 10'-0" 2 FRONT ELEVATION 1" = 10'-0" 3 BACK ELEVATION 1" = 10'-0" 4 LEFT ELEVATION 1" = 10'-0" 5 RIGHT ELEVATION GRFA Caculation notes: Buildable area was calculated using the Peak Land Consulatns survey PDF dated 04/13/07 Footprint of building was calculated using the Peak Land Consulatns survey PDF dated 04/13/07 Area of each unit per floor was calculated using a combination of the original drawing for Capstone Townhouses dated April 17, 1978, and the Prager unit #2, permit drawings dated 07.10.12 The addition to units #3, and #4 infomation were calculated using Sheet L1.1 dated 01/20/20 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 DRB APPROVED 8/5/2015 12:00:00 AM