HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB150415_DRB150415_1441988280.pdf TOWN OF VAIL,. ' Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail.CO 81657
Application for Design Review
Exterior Alteration
General Information: This application s requireu for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improve-
ments, such as roofing, painting.window additions, landscaping. fences,retaining walls.etc. Applicable Vail Town
Code sections car be found at -w vi corn under Vaii Information-Town Code Ortirte All projects requiring de-
sign review must receive aPProva:prior to submitting a building permit application An application for Design Review
cannot be accepted until all required infomiation is received by the Community Development Department,as outlined in
the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council andlor the Planning and
Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval,unless a building per-
mit is issued and construction commences
Fee: I—Multi-Family/Commercial
S20 Single Family/Duplex
SingleFamily y. Duplex Multi-Family Commercial
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Description of the Request: 1&_0121— ihefkl...._Aelirf.._*.1.11i.LAAL_AMAN‘4l_
eallierfad--1411V ...
Physical Address: _thei0_014_4_144..C.V44+LIMAIti411 _ _ 1044)
Parcel Number: A 1..o 1-"at, p04,.(Contact Eagle Cu.Assessor at 97G-328-8640`or parcel no.
_r\AoisieiAuLti I. h-ri...,L1 j.„
Property Owner:
Mailing Addre .
ss• _4(2.0_0___ Iidiet17—C,T%AV—.
tl. , .l*5 4_ Phone: 34,S —4
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4: Owner's Signature.
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Primary Contacti Owner Representative: elyiSt ILY.M.Q.•
Mailing Address: 0 0• 13•1 /..- o $.44+. 4.0 % 4 SS
frtr- 3_,3_ 72.11.414
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E-Mail:fitifiql fP yive,.(Silnerty,fax:
VA/rria. Orlovi
For Office Use Only:
.„._______. --------.-----i
Cash CC: Visa I MC Last 4 CC if _ Exp.Date:.._ . Auth#_ Check#
-- —— _ •
Fee Paid: Received _From; .__ ________
. — ..
I Meeting Date: . ________ _____
Planner--------- —....
--_—___.---- DRB No.'
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Project No:_ ____—_—__---
Land Use: ._---
Lixation of the p : Lot:._ thyision:,, _______________
ProosalBlock: Suoi
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May 2015
TOWN Of UAlt f
The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties
such as duplex,condominium, and mult-tenant buildings. This form.or similar written correspondence,must be com-
pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's assn corociation niin the
h acase of oa con-
dominium or mutt-tenant building.All completed forms must be submitted with the app
,a joint o ner, or authority of the association.
1, (print name)�.LitLviimst
._ 1A44 Lei `---
/�//,,��� i4 provide this letter as written
of property located at `I'"'�Rwhich have been submitted to the
approval of the plans datedTown of Vail Community Developmepanment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not-
ed above.t understand that the proposed improvements include::41;16,
1A /
ns may be made to the
e of the review
ss to
I understand the othat applicable and regulations, d that over
the solesresponsibility of the applicant to keep the joint
the Town'sappropriate.property owner apprised of any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and app pate. Submittal of an
application results in the applicant agreeing to this statement.
--fl�— fid :f` _.-.. -----Date
` Signature
1kje A1' •.-�l1w —
Print Name
Racq uetClub
August 28, 2014
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Community Development,
The Vail Racquet Club Homeowners Association recently received a request from the Owners
of Building 6 Unit 2 to replace the entry door with a new "same for same" door which is
more energy efficient. The Association has conditionally approved this improvement based
on the owner receiving the proper Town of Vail permits and approval.
If the Town has any questions or desires further information, please let me know.
Steve Loftus
Director of Facilities and Grounds
('- \'.ail Rac.rttr;liui i`rive
\'3a.i:,i++r,i,l. `I657
07.7-476-;:A 7
rairg;aulr cqucrcluh.c.mn