HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB16-0083_C01_0_1478902698.pdf ,,,„ :„, DOUBLETREE by H • ltW 0,, !- ,;,,,,‘ Z ..,.� III III 1,MED [05 if , 'E MZ� , -..,'6°''1;7 VO , HOTEL CONVERSION e. J w zM IIIIIIII IIIIz m3� Q11111111 Socb VAIL, COLORADO owo JUNE 2016 fflzw W . 1 TOWN OF VAIL - GENERAL NOTES .,p W 1, \C7r CIVIL SHEET INDEX 1. Obtain a Public Way permit from the Town of Vail Department of Public Works, (970)479-2158. Obtain all required building permits through the Town VICINITY 1 /I A P of Vail Department of Community Development, 75 S. Frontage Road,Vail, CO, 81657. COVER SHEET C01.0 2. All contractors shall be licensed to perform work within the Town of Vail. Obtain and pay for contractors license at the Town of Vail Department of ' 55). OP41016 Community Development, 75 S. Frontage Road,Vail, CO 81657. asius SITE PLAN CO2.0 4111111 s(S ' J 3. The contractor shall obtain all necessary standards, specifications, permits, bonds, etc.from all applicable agencies prior to commencement of464 �� IP EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS CO2.1 w construction. e # %*' EXISTING PARKING MAP CO2.2 • 4. The public and the Town of Vail will have the ri ht occup the public Ri ht-of-Wa and adjacent facilities durin the entire period of construction.9 Y g Y 1 g �Perform site work operations to minimize conflicts and to facilitate use of the premises and conduct of normal operations. PROPOSED STRIPING PLAN CO2.3 AHOR► Ai-411100f5. All materials, workmanship, and construction of public improvements shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications set forth in the Town of Vail CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CO3.0 Code, Development Standards Handbook, Construction Details and applicable state and federal regulations. Where there is conflict between these ,plans and the specifications, or applicable standards, the most restrictive standard shall apply. All work shall be inspected and approved by the Town of ' AN Vail. 11 /4 . .�• ' 6. All references to any published standards shall refer to the latest revision of said standard, unless specifically stated otherwise. .. ® ralW PROJECT CONTACTS ammo C 7. The engineer who has prepared these plans, by execution and/or seal hereof, does hereby affirm responsibility to the Town of Vail, as beneficiary of osi OWNER (WIDEWATERS) EDWARD SHAGEN (301) 305-1299said engineer's work, for any errors and omissions contained in these plans, and approval of these plans by the Town of Vail Engineer shall not relieve IiI/ the engineer who has prepared these plans of all such responsibility. Further, to the extent permitted by law, the engineer hereby agrees to hold , harmless and indemnify the Town of Vail, and its officers and employees, from and against all liabilities and damages which may arise from any � �� 101110-11 #4161p , 0 ARCHITECT (BASKERVILL) MARK DAVIDSON (804) 343-1010 negligent errors and omissions contained in these plans. //�;�` \>0 4 4410 IF AMIMP 8. All sanitarysewer, storm sewer, and water line construction, as well aspower and other dr utilityinstallations, shall conform to the local utilityentities7----1°°411*:1,6\19:ie • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (ANDERSON ASSOC. DENNIS ANDERSON (970) 390-3745 � Y 0471111 ♦ •�standards and specifications current at the date of approval of the plans by the Town of Vail. 4. ♦� CIVIL ENGINEER ALPINE ENGINEERING KENT KRIEHN 970 926-3373 9. The type, size, location and number of all known underground utilities are approximate when shown on the drawings. It shall be the responsibility of the � � .'/contractor to v rif th xist nc and ocation of a and r round uti iti s a on th rout of th work b for comm ncin n w construction. Th D!r Z e y e e e e I II e g I e I g e e e e e a g e e , �, ' TOWN OF VAIL TOM KASSMEL 970 479-2235contractor shall be res onsible for unknown under round utilities. ter � -- �R ( ) 0 10. These drawin s represent onl the approximate location of utilities and are included onl for the convenience of the contractor. Contractor shall be � Z • • •g Y Y 1res onsible for locatin all utilities, i es and structures. Contact utilit notification center of Colorado 800 -922-1987 to locate under round facilities. O 'II ' ' 11.4*1 O a I- ill Contact Town of Vail for additional locates (970) 479-2158. Contact Eagle River Water and Sanitation District for additional locates(970)-476-7480 ext. O. "%9 (n14 114. Utility locates tobe performed at least 72 hours prior to any construction activity. Contractor shall ensure that work preformed in the proximity tolii .0 Et < I ' I1� � LJJ4 4 utilities shall be according to the requirements of the requirements of these agencies. The contractor shall notify the owner's representative of anyQ- , � ,existin utilities which ma interfere with the ro osed work rior to construction. The contractor shall re air all existin utilities to remain which are ' =OUT �O `g Y p p p p g dama ed construction at no additional cost to the owner. . 5F Ai IL g during �� �•�, W ,� OJ e EK _1_, 11. The contractor shall coordinate and cooperate with the Town of Vail, and all utility companies involved, assuring that the work is accomplished in a , gW > _i_ timely fashion and with a minimum disruption of service. The contractor shall be responsible for contacting, in advance, all parties affected by anyO disruption of any utility service as well as the utility companies. Lr • ,t . WZU1 O 12. A State Construction Dewatering Wastewater Discharge Permit is required if dewatering is required in order to facilitate construction or if any water is , g ��� ..• discharged into a storm sewer, channel, irrigation ditch or any waters of the United States. � O lyO13. The contractor shall submit for approval and comp) with all terms and conditions of the Colorado Permit for Storm Water Dischar e Contact Colorado �� V Y g (Department of Health, Water Quality Control Division, at(303) 692-3590) OR the Town of Vail Storm Water Discharge Permit(Contact 970-479-2333) ,1111 litillto tt/ 0fr whichever is deemed necessary, the Storm Water Management Plan, and the Erosion Control Plan.Alpine Engineering will prepare the Storm Water /, ' W Permit, and SWMP and Erosion Control Plan. tir . Nt1(411011 .►0 _114. Contractor shall provide and maintain approved erosion and sediment control "best management practices"(BMP)for the project duration. Contractor , - `,shall inspect BMP's weekly and after every precipitation event. Contractor shall document inspection and make reports available upon request. , j ,'' W OAccumulated sediment and debris shall be removed from a bmp when the sediment level reaches one half the bmp heights or, at any time that the BMPI `I Qfunctionality is adversely impacted. All necessary maintenance and repair shall be completed within 48 hours of identification, unless otherwise agreed . , U upon. �� 15. The Town of Vail shall not be responsible for the maintenance of storm drainage facilities located on private property. Maintenance of on site drainage OH facilities shall be the responsibility of the private owners. Art I A& mi 16. The Town of Vail shall not be responsible for any damage or injuries sustained as a result of the construction of this project as a result of groundwater SCALE. �� - 400 seepage, whether resulting from groundwater flooding, structural damage or other damage. 17. The contractor shall be responsible for insuring that no mud or debris shall be tracked onto the existing public street system. Mud and debris must be TOWN OF VAIL - GENERAL NOTES CONTINUED GENERAL NOTES 0 removed within 24 hours by an appropriate mechanical method (i.e. machine broom sweep, light duty front-end loader, etc.)or as approved by the Town of Vail construction inspector. 1. The contractor shall conform to all Town of Vail (TOV) rules, regulations and stipulations while 39. The Contractor shall not willfully proceed with construction as designed when it is obvious that accessing the site or working on the site. 18. The contractor shall notify the Town of Vail Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) 72 hours prior to the start of any construction. If work is suspended previously unknown obstructions and/or grade differences exist that may not have been known during for any period of time after initial start-up, the contractor shall notify the Town of Vail of reason for suspension and estimated time of suspension. design. Such conditions shall be immediately brought to the attention of the owners representative 2. The Contractor is warned that conflicts with existing utility services may exist, including shallow a Contractor shall notify the Town of Vail 72 hours prior to restart of construction. for decision. The contractor shall assume full responsibility for all necessary revisions and repairs utilities, culverts, sub-drains, roof drains, irrigation lines,water and sewer lines, electric service lines, due to failure to give such notification at no additional cost to the Owner. etc. Prior to beginning any construction, the Contractor shall contact all appropriate utility companies 19. The contractor shall notify the Town of Vail Environmental Health Inspector(970-479-2333)at least 2 working days prior to the start of any earth for line locations, and Contractor shall then locate all utilities(including depth). Alpine Engineering, disturbing activity, or construction on any and all public improvements. 40. At the end of each working day, the Contractor shall be responsible for connecting the existing storm Inc. assumes no responsibility for utility locations. Any conflicts with the proposed construction shall drainage pipes to the newly installed storm drainage system. All drainage systems within the be brought to the attention of the Engineer so that minor line or grade changes can be made to 20. The Owner shall be responsible for obtaining and submitting to the Town of Vail Construction Inspector material tests in accordance with the applicable construction limits shall be maintained by the Contractor for the entire duration of the construction eliminate any conflicts with these existing utilities. All existing utilities shall be protected from damage standards and specifications for all work within the Public Right-of-Way. If the final soils/pavement design report does not correspond with the results of project. The contractor shall be responsible to maintain all drainage within the construction site and by the Contractor. Utilities that are damaged by the contractor that were properly marked/located the original geotechnical report, the Owner shall be responsible for a re-design of the subject pavement section.All final soils/pavement design reports offsite drainage which is directly affected by construction. shall be repaired by the contractor at no expense to the owner or engineer. shall be prepared by a licensed Professional Engineer. The final report shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Construction Inspector prior to placement of base and asphalt. 41. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the operation of the existing Town street lights within 3. All work shall conform to the Technical Specifications. the project limits. The contractor may provide temporary street lighting approved by Town of Vail, 21. Prior to placement of H.B.P. or concrete within the public Right of Way a mechanical "proof roll"will be required. The entire subgrade and/or base when existing street lights are removed. 4. Contractor shall obtain at his expense all permits and inspections which are necessary to perform the m material shall be rolled with a heavily loaded vehicle having minimum single axle weight of at least 18,000 lbs.Any subgrade/base section exhibiting proposed work. excessive pumping or deformation as determined by the construction inspector shall be reworked, replaced or modified to form a non-yielding surface. 42. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the operation of existing Town irrigation lines within The Town of Vail Construction inspector shall be notified 24 hours prior to a"proof roll". the project limits unless otherwise approved by the Town of Vail. 5. Observations of the work in progress and on-site visits are not to be construed as a guarantee or 22. The contractor shall furnish electronic and hard copy reproducible As-Built record drawings showing horizontal and vertical locations and elevations of warranty by the Engineer of the Contractor's contractual responsibilities. constructed improvements including all utilities, and drainage appurtences prior to acceptance of the project. 43. It is the responsibility of the contractor to protect and preserve all trees, bushes, shrubs and cover in a manner acceptable to the owner. All areas of Town of Vail Right-of-Way disturbed during 6. Safety is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Engineer is not responsible for safety in,on,or 23. The contractor shall video camera (TV) all installed public storm sewer pipe prior to final paving and/or other final surface treatments are completed.A construction shall be well graded to drain, covered with a minimum of 4-inches of top soil,fertilized, about the project site, nor for compliance by the appropriate party with any regulations relating copy of the video taping shall be provided to the Town of Vail for review and approval and record keeping. mulched and re-seeded according to the Town of Vail's standard specifications. thereto. 24. The contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of safety-including, but not limited to, excavation, trenching, shoring, traffic control, and security. 44. Contractor shall maintain access to fire department hydrants and connections shall be maintained 7. The contractor shall take all appropriate precautions to significantly reduce any potential pollution Refer to OSHA Publication 2226, Excavating and Trenching. throughout construction unless otherwise approved by the Town of Vail Fire Department. caused by his activities, including vehicle fueling, storage of fertilizers or chemicals, etc. The contractor shall have identified procedures for handling potential pollutants and have identified spill 25. The contractor shall submit and have approved a Construction Traffic Control Plan, in accordance with the MUTCD (Manual of Uniform Traffic Control prevention and response procedures prior to any activities at the project site. Devices), to the Town of Vail Construction inspector, prior to any construction activities within, or affecting, the Right-of-Way. The contractor shall be responsible for providing any and all traffic control devices as may be required by the construction activities. 8. If any groundwater is encountered, the contractor shall contact Alpine Engineering, Inc. and the Project Geotechnical Engineer immediately. 26. The contractor shall submit to the Town of Vail Construction Inspector and gain approval for a construction staging plan, schedule and phasing plan prior to the start of construction. 9. The contractor shall maintain existing drainage channels, culverts and appurtenances during construction as necessary to protect roads and property. 27. Construction sites and staging areas must be fenced and maintained in a secure condition at all times. Keep fencing and surrounding areas clear of trash and debris. Any construction debris or mud dropped into manholes, pipes, .or tracked onto existing roadways shall be removed immediately by 10. Contractor shall minimize construction disturbance to the satisfaction of the owner. contractor. Contractor shall repair any excavations or pavement failures caused by construction within or in the vicinity of the limits of construction. The contractor shall be responsible for damage due to construction at no additional costs to owner. The contractor shall remove all sediment, mud, and 11. Contractor is to dispose of spoil material off site. construction debris that may accumulate in the flow lines, private property, and public rights of ways of the town as a result of this construction project. Removal shall be conducted within 48 hours. Return all construction staging sites to their original condition upon completion of the construction project. 12. The Contractor shall protect and preserve all trees, bushes, shrubs and ground cover, not designated for removal, in a manner acceptable to the Owner. Contractor is to repair and/or replace any 28. Dimensions for layout and construction are not to be scaled from any drawing. If pertinent dimensions are not shown, contact the Designer for landscaping damaged as a result of construction to a condition equal to or better than existing. clarification, and annotate the dimension on the as-built record drawings. 13. Existing survey information was provided to AEI by others. co 1- 1- 29. The contractor shall have, onsite at all times, one (1) signed copy of the approved plans, one(1)copy of the appropriate standards and specifications, w w and a copy of any permits and extension agreements needed for the job. 14. Off-site roads shall be kept clean to the satisfaction of the owner and TOV. 2 2 co 30. If, during the construction process, conditions are encountered which could indicate a situation that is not identified in the plans or specifications, the 15. The Contractor shall provide all lights, signs, barricades,flagmen, or other devices necessary to 0 0 O contractor shall contact the Owner, the Design Engineer and the Town of Vail Construction Inspector immediately. provide for public safety in accordance with the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. u) z z 5 w O O 31. The Designer shall provide, in this location on the plan, the location and description of the nearest survey benchmarks for the project as well as the 16. The Contractor is responsible to install and maintain sediment control measures to insure that rY ~ 1- basis basis of bearings. The information shall be as follows: sediment-laden water does not leave the site. Certain sediment control measures have been shown Benchmarks - Basis of Elevation, ERWSD Sewer Asbuilts. these plans. These measures may not be all that is necessary to provide adequate sediment and cfl co Town of Vail Survey Control Point: erosion control. Contractor shall provide ongoing inspection and maintenance of all sediment control wN N Description: features. Q Co 6 0 32. Locate, protect, and maintain bench marks, monuments, control points and project engineering reference points. Reestablish disturbed or destroyed 17. All inlet frames/grates, manhole and vault lids, valve box covers and irrigation boxes shall be set to 0 0 items at Contractor's expense. match the adjacent finished grades and slopes. 33. The contractor shall be responsible for replacement of any existing materials that are damaged during construction within the limits of construction or in 18. Any water valve box or sewer manhole adjustments shall conform to Eagle River Water and Oz ,- (Ni the vicinity of the limits of construction, at no additional cost to the Owner. Sanitation District's standards and specifications. All materials and workmanship shall be subject to inspection by the districts and/or their representatives. The District reserves the right to accept or 34. When an existing asphalt street must be cut, the street must be restored to a condition equal to or better than its original condition. Patching shall be reject any such materials and workmanship that do not conform to district standards or specifications. done in accordance with the Town of Vail Street Repair Standards. The seams of the asphalt patches shall be infrared unless otherwise instructed by co the Town of Vail Engineer. 19. The Contractor shall repair and/or replace any existing underdrains, culverts or existing utilities o disturbed by construction, and that are intended to remain, to the satisfaction of the Engineer andhe aCO 35. Upon completion of construction, the site shall be cleaned and restored to a condition equal to, or better than, that which existed before construction, or respective utility company of the damaged utility. Q Q Y Mo to the grades and condition as required by these plans. 0 0 Y co o 0 36. Standard Handicap ramps are to be constructed at all curb returns as identified on these plans. The construction of these handicap ramps shall be in Lu Lu accordance to ADA current standards. 0 o Oz w M I 0° <I- 1-1] 37. After acceptance by the Town of Vail, public improvements depicted in these plans shall be guaranteed to be free from material and workmanship 0 0 0 - 0 defects for a minimum period of two years from the date of acceptance. 38. The Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for the conditions at and adjacent to the job site, including safety of persons and property during performance of the work. The contractor shall provide lights, signs, barricades,flagmen, or other devices necessary to provide for public safety, pedestrian and vehicular access as needed. This requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. PRELIMINARY PLANFOR BURIED UTIUTY INFORMATION THRESHEET E (3) BUSINESS DAYS JUNE 10, 2016 811 BEFORE YOU DIG CALL 811 C0' 0 FOR AGENCY REVIEW ���� (a,-800422-,9M 1 MT( DENIER OF COLORADO(MCC) ■rruncc.arg O:\Vail\Holiday Inn West Vail-8948-2016\DWG\Master\Cover sheet.dwg,6/10/2016 4:43:46 PM,Adobe PDF.pc3