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DRB160041_Color Scheme_1455918180.pdf
( vAtUtAivIA in (,fl(o✓ �nOlP�vc�id2 �� f� ► Mountain �-i au s Color Study-August 2008 j ai A ww•m1ell Ire fag. ivy �d 1 ,. _ v. r' r�1i� _ 1 . i IiiiScheme A-Perspective ...-' in'oPlf0 ' lilt 2A1LZ'% I' i'-'"' .� �Pr'31 0 1 04 OW 006.411101 It . II i H Balconies SWI "Cocoon" 6173 . tit � .*. Vertical Sidin at 6 FloorSW/ -I-at-�'. . 7-� fcwA t,:1114000fr � �,� j ;` r . - �� ;: �,1 'di *A.. $0* _i. Balconies at 6t" Floor SW/ GG Mtx>,,, ziA V4 '''''' - -; "'II liii _iape-r_-.,. ....000.,,..---- tstrike_. ril imilew �` i �• . = 4. Wood window Trim SW/ "Andiron" 6174 ly- i' _. ` '�i . i -i -411,slati % ." 5. Horizontal siding Below Wins. SW/ ` A ` 74 �.a--� � -w41- w� g v-;," „ ait' 0.or ; V1 x Li; 6. Fascia SW/ "Andiron" 6174.. at .y• 0--qt. 03 ,. , ili�tj " l7. Underside of Balconies SW/ V�""''�`� , , Al �� �, blit4.. ,, �.. , 'ti „ 8. Soffit SWI Roy. Bronze Green" 2846 i� i IN .+1-i + 4 y x',111 01 i a**+ 4 f ...711.11°16 _ .. .I '�. �a '10111 4 4 .► 243-C2 �SW 7030 NII -±� �� `' `'�""■ r >f, �r :I,; -'�, Anew Gray itiwir " — •;T•j� 111.0014-111W4 •,115 "" ( � 'mu . - 247 T 255-05 .,..".....---"" i ., • 1 1 ' e i "hirli C5 247-Cy SW 7634 i - i., ,. Pb _ .... 4 . . - 7640 ill * �� T � � *� ,+ SW 7743 Pediment ..,� � . ., � � - r � '.�- __, ,.L., 10. • to. wn Brindle Mountain Road 1114 it `^ 10 " 1 . • "j2tML � i d''''. . \\\ � - 44 • ref.?v5C004 0:40,-� P attotAN.6, Ic h W e b b 110 WEST 11011511EAD CIRCLE, SUITE A VAIl COLORADO 81651 910.411.1990 010.47,1.2965(f) www.khwebb.com a r c h 1 t e c t s . p c I A'.fAIDER Of 101 AAifRICAR I5151I1Uff Of ARC11I11115