HomeMy WebLinkAboutB17-0093_Asbestos Report._1491509460.pdfOty.Description Cost A &D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R.Peterman ***************** P.O.Box 1230 Cell 970-270-3689 Clifton,CO.81520-1230 Home Phone 970-464-5265 March 23,2017 To:Shaeffer Hyde Construction P.O.Box 373 Vail,Co.81658 Attn:Brett RE:Asbestos inspection and testing at the Gold Peak Lodge 458 Vail Valley Dr.Units 5 &6 Vail,Co. 3 -Bulk Samples (3-5 day turn around)@ $45.00 each $135.00 1 -Days Labor $400.00 I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $535.00 Due and Payable upon Receipt -Thank you for your business 1 P.O.Box 1230 Cell 970-270-3689 Clifton,CO.81520-1230 Home Phone 970-464-5265 A &D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R.Peterman *********** INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: Shaeffer Hyde Construction P.O.Box 373 Vail,Co.81658 LOCATION: Gold Peak Lodge 458 Vail Valley Dr.Units 5 &6 Vail,Co. REPORT PREPARED BY: John R.Peterman Inspector Manager COLORADO Certificate No.6601 COLORADO Registration #ACF-16522 2 , A &D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R.Peterman Asbestos Testing and Consulting INTRODUCTION: On March 16,2017 an inspection/survey was conducted and 3 bulk samples were collected from: Gold Peak Lodge 458 Vail Valley Dr.Units 5 &6 Vail,Co. The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected Asbestos containing materials that might be present in the area of the Units that are planned for selective interior renovation. The inspection was made,and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman,an A.H.E.R.A.and State of Colorado Certified Asbestos Inspector.Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible.It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Wheat Ridge, CO.This laboratory is deemed "Proficient"in the E.P.A.Quality Assurance (QA)program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials,and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered.If during any future demolition or renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed,work should be halted until the material has been tested. 3 A &D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R.Peterman Asbestos Testing and Consulting Gold Peak Lodge 458 Vail Valley Dr.Units 5 &6 Vail,Co. RENOVATION AREA DESCRIPTION: The units are planned for renovation to combine the two units into one unit. The interior walls are covered in sheetrock with a texture.The ceiling is covered with sheetrock like the walls.The floor is covered in carpet. CONCLUSIONS &RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory analysis of the bulk samples indicates that no Asbestos was detected in any of the samples. 4 , Date:March 23,2017 Location:Gold Peak Lodge 458 Vail Valley Dr.Units 5 &6 Vail,Co. SAMPLE LOCATIONS SAMPLE NUMBER AREA SAMPLE REMOVED FROM 5-6-B 5-6-B 5-6-B 001 002 003 #5 Bathroom Closet Wall #5 Bathroom Closet Wall #6 Bathroom Closet Wall DESCRIPTION Composite Sheetrock WlTexture Composite Sheetrock WlTexture Composite Sheetrock WlTexture FRIABLE No No No '_ I Date:March 23,2017 Location:Gold Peak Lodge 458 Vail Valley Dr.Units 5 &6 Vail,Co. SAMPLE RESULTS SAMPLE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ASBESTOS TYPE % 5-6-B 5-6-B 5-6-B 001 Composite Sheetrock WI Texture 002 Composite Sheetrock WI Texture 003 Composite Sheetrock WI Texture No Asbetsos Detected No Asbetsos Detected No Asbetsos Detected ooo '- Date:March 23,2017 Location:Gold Peak Lodge 458 Vail Valley Dr.Units 5 &6 Vail,Co. SUSPECT MATERIAL CONDITION SAMPLE NUMBER TYPE OF SUSPECT MATERIAL OVERALL DAMAGED %TYPE OF CONDITION DAMAGE 5-6-8 001 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A 5-6-8 002 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A 5-6-8 003 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A "_ Date:March 23,2017 Location:Gold Peak Lodge 458 Vail Valley Dr.Units 5 &6 Vail,Co. POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE SAMPLE NUMBER ACCESSABILITY POTENTIAL INFLUENCE BY POTENTIAL PLENUM YES I NO CONTACT VIBRATION AIR EROSION 5-6-B 001 Yes High Low Low No 5-6-B 002 Yes High Low Low No 5-6-8 003 Yes High Low Low No '- ~J?,,9.NM-lAIQM1QlttC 12421 W,49TH AVENUE.UNIT lUi WHEAT RIDGE.CO 80033 (301)463-8270 BULK ASBESTOS TEST REPORT PAGE 1OF2 CLIENT:ANALYSIS DATE: REPORTING DATE: RECEIPT DATE: CLIENT JOB NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DCMSL PROJECT: 3-22-17 3-22-17 3-17-17 GOLD PEAK CONDO VAIL VALLEY DR.UNITS 5 &6,VAIL.CO ADAT 1106 A&D ASBESTOS TESTING AND CONSULTING P.O.BOX 1230 CLIFTON.CO 81520-1230 PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VISUAL ESTIMATE DCMSL CLIENT SAMPLE SAMPLE NUMBER NUMBER PERCENT OF SAMPLE TOTAL ASBESTOS ASBESTOS OTHER FffiROUS TYPE RANGE %IN SAMPLE CONSTlTUENTS SAMPLE DATE DESCRlPTION NON-FffiROUS CONSTlTUENTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDENTIFIED MATERIALS -I 5-6-B-OOI 3-16-17 A WHITE PAINT 2.0%NO 0.0 100,0 100.0 B.BROWN FffiROUS 10.0%NO 100.0 0.0 100,0 C.WHITE TEXTURE 15.0%NO 0.0 100.0 100.0 D.WHITE DRYWALL 73.0%NO 1.0 99.0 100.0 NO -2 5-6-B-002 3-16-17 A.WHITE PAINT 2.0%NO 0.0 100.0 100.0 B.BROWN FffiROUS 8.0%NO 100.0 0.0 100.0 C.WHITE TEXTURE 10.0%NO 0.0 100.0 100.0 D.WHITE DRYWALL 80,0010 NO 1.0 99.0 100.0 NO -3 5-6-B-003 3-16-17 A WlflTEPAINT 2.0%NO 0.0 100.0 100.0 B.BROWN FffiROUS 8,0%NO 100.0 0,0 100.0 C,WlflTE TEXTURE 10.0%NO 0,0 100.0 100.0 D.WHITE DRYWALL 80.0%NO l.0 99.0 100.0 NO FOR CALCULATION PURPOSES,TRACE (TR)(S ASSUMED TO BE 0.5%. (I)-INSEPARABLE LAYERS NO -NONE DETECTED THE SAMPLES WERE RECEIVED IN ACCEPTABLE CONDITION.THIS TEST REPORT RELATES ONLY TO THE ITEMS TESTED.THIS REPORT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OFTHE LABORATORY. ._ 12421 W.49th Avenue,Unit #6 Wheat Ridge,CO 80033 OCM Project No.:ADAT 1106 Client Job No.:GOLD PEAK CONDO Bulk Sample Analysis Page ·~f_?-.. BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: DCM Science Laboratory,Inc.analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the McCrone Research Institute and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA..oOO/M4-82-020,1982 and EPA-600/R-93/116,July,1993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a contamination-free environment.The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM)at 100X. When the sample consists of more than one layer,each layer is prepared and analyzed separately.Fiber and matrix materials are identified by the characterization of optical properties including color and pleochroism, form,cleavage,relief,birefringence,extinction,orientation,twinning,interference figure and other distinguishing features.Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification.All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtained from analyses using the stereo and PLM microscopes.In-house and NIST standards as well as a chart prepared by R.D,Terry and G.v.Chilinger for "The Journal of Sedimentary Petrology",(Volume 24,pp.229-234,1955)provide a guide for estimating percentages.All samples are archived for six months unless other arrangements are made by the client. ACCREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by NVLAP (since April 1,1989).Our NVLAP Lab Code is 101258-0.DCMSL complies with NVLAP requirements unless otherwise noted. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S.Govemment. The analysis was performed by : Ron Schott,AnalystJohnSilverman.Analyst Jason Bames,Analyst Date [}fJ\{l~£~ NVlAP Lab Code 101258-0 Ron Schott Laboratory Director ,#, A «0 ASBESTOS TESTING ANP CONSULTING PO BOX 1230 .CLIFTON,.CO 81520-1230 ..(970)270-3689 CELL --(970)464-5265 HOME f OWNER ..BUILDING (J-z1/D /?elf '';("¢'"Voe).DATE ~-ic-o. ~DDRESS Vt\~~U"'l~bit.~R..,.~S"~<.:.CITY,SIATE J(I J');1 ,~ SAMPLE f#AREA SAMPLE REMOVED FROM.DESCIUPfION PlUABLE PHOTO If S""-'-.-a.-a--'t:t.-5'A..,.,}t..Il~'""'-c(.,.«.••.f-v.,{""1I 'TJl.<.~\ 'C:I:o.~.i-k.51",\..."d..I,....a..j!"R ...~~~ ".II'"I'eaa LI 1\.,I.,"I,I "I,...',"'00:1.!:f'f...l(.-..,..(....~" J I I J I /I ./7 /./ I .//II/I II.//JI//JI.//I 7 /I /LI//I //I //I // I // I /./I // I /7 J /7 .. I I 7 b~I // I //I./r/l'.:/-,/ //7 ( V /II truRN AROUND 'J'IME""'3.1-0 s'()~ .._--CHAIN OF CUSTODY:f.It£2..IZ ~Q "~~~K.\CM_4 3/11 /\1.gAl -;b 0 :p> --l<;.:s.-._ 0 \)s-~ ~