HomeMy WebLinkAboutB17-0227_5185 Main Gore Drive-Heating System Summary_1497223320.PDFHeating System Summary Project #:5185 Main Gore Drive Project Information June 01, 2017 Project #: Name: Location: Gordon Mason Residence 5185 Main Gore Drive Vail, CO Notes: Project Summary Note that this project has rooms that may require a supplemental heat supply to meet the design load. Load Calculation Method:Manual J8 Design Location:(User Specified) Vail, Colorado Outdoor Temperature:-20.0 °F Floorplans / Levels: Garage Level 1,064 ft² Entry Level 1,328 ft² Second Level 2,378 ft² Upper Level 2,656 ft² Total Area:7,426 ft² Total Circuit Lengths: Barrier PEX 1/2"8,850 ft Total RH Circuits:45 Total Manifolds:12 Total Zones:12 Fluid Type:30% Propylene Glycol Total Tubing Volume:81.47 USG Glycol Volume (30%):24.44 USG Component Losses:128,002 Btu/hr Infiltration/Ventilation:45,474 Btu/hr Radiant Back Losses:13,237 Btu/hr Total Heating Load:186,713 Btu/hr Radiant Heating:134,657 Btu/hr Radiant Back Losses:13,237 Btu/hr Other:38,819 Btu/hr Total Heating Load:186,713 Btu/hr Zone Heating Summary Zone #Gross Area Construction Heating Types RH¹ Circuits Total Tubing Manifolds Flowrate Head Loss (Circuit Only) RH Load²Supplemental Zone Load³ Zone 101 1,064 Embedded Slab RH,FC 5 820 1 2.17 2.2 24,862 184 25,046 Zone 201 555 Embedded Slab RH,FC 3 517 1 1.22 2.1 12,812 3,809 16,621 Zone 202 773 Embedded Slab RH 4 752 1 0.93 0.9 11,068 0 11,068 Zone 301 499 Concrete Thin Slab RH,FC 4 856 1 1.17 1.7 10,831 5,012 15,842 Zone 302 124 Concrete Thin Slab RH 1 96 1 0.10 0.2 614 0 614 Zone 303 691 Concrete Thin Slab RH,FC 2 448 1 0.78 3.2 9,332 7,454 16,786 Zone 304 556 Concrete Thin Slab RH,FC 3 514 1 0.67 1.0 8,125 554 8,679 Zone 305 509 Concrete Thin Slab RH,FC 3 567 1 1.02 1.8 10,988 3,965 14,952 Zone 401 596 Concrete Thin Slab RH,FC 6 1,031 1 1.41 0.8 13,377 7,589 20,966 Zone 402 345 Concrete Thin Slab RH 2 291 1 0.37 0.8 4,250 0 4,250 Created Using LoopCAD 2016 (6/7/2017) Version:16.0.0080 Length = ft Area = ft² Temperature = °F Flowrate = USGPM Heat Loss = Btu/hr Unit Heat Loss = Btu/hr·ft² Rv = hr·ft²·°F/btu Head Loss = ft water RH = Radiant Floor Heating BB = Baseboard FA = Forced Air OTH = Other Heating SM = Snowmelt N = Not Heated See end of report for important Notes and Disclaimers.Page 1 of 4 Zone 403 765 Concrete Thin Slab RH,FC 6 1,387 1 1.76 1.4 20,547 5,591 26,137 Zone 404 950 Concrete Thin Slab RH,FC 6 1,571 1 1.97 2.3 24,919 4,663 29,582 (1) Complete circuits assigned to this zone. (2) Total Radiant heating load for rooms in zone, including all panel backloss. (3) Total load for zone including all panel backloss. Does not account for reclaimed loss within building envalope.(1) Complete circuits assigned to this zone. (2) Total Radiant heating load for rooms in zone, including all panel backloss. (3) Total load for zone including all panel backloss. Does not account for reclaimed loss within building envalope. Room Heating Summary (By Construction Type) Embedded Slab Zone #Room Name Heating Type Floor Area Heated Area Manifold # Tube Size RH Circuits¹ Tube Spacing Tubing In Room Floor Cover RV Required Temp. Unit RH Load RH Load²Supplemental Total Load³ Zone 101 3 Car Garage RH 861 860 Manifold 1 1/2"4 15 700 0.0 120 25.7 22,133 0 22,133 Zone 101 Garage Level Hall RH, FC 146 111 Manifold 1 1/2"1 14 95 0.7 130 24.5 2,729 184 2,912 Zone 201 Coat Closet RH, FC 132 130 Manifold 3 1/2"1 9 179 1.2 139 30.8 3,992 623 4,615 Zone 201 Entry / Mud Room RH, FC 339 222 Manifold 3 1/2"2 10 268 0.7 135 35.1 7,786 3,114 10,900 Zone 201 Entry Level Powder RH, FC 44 30 Manifold 3 1/2"1 13 27 0.7 135 34.3 1,035 71 1,106 Zone 202 Sitting/Music, Wine, Yoga Areas RH 739 733 Manifold 2 1/2"4 12 733 0.7 108 15.1 11,068 0 11,068 (1) Circuits assigned to this room. Leaders from other rooms may not be counted. (2) Includes panel backloss. (3) Total load including panel backloss. Does not account for reclaimed loss within building envalope.(1) Circuits assigned to this room. Leaders from other rooms may not be counted. (2) Includes panel backloss. (3) Total load including panel backloss. Does not account for reclaimed loss within building envalope. Name:Gordon Mason Residence Project #:5185 Main Gore Drive Heating System Summary June 01, 2017 Created Using LoopCAD 2016 (6/7/2017) Version:16.0.0080 Length = ft Area = ft² Temperature = °F Flowrate = USGPM Heat Loss = Btu/hr Unit Heat Loss = Btu/hr·ft² Rv = hr·ft²·°F/btu Head Loss = ft water RH = Radiant Floor Heating BB = Baseboard FA = Forced Air OTH = Other Heating SM = Snowmelt N = Not Heated See end of report for important Notes and Disclaimers.Page 2 of 4 Concrete Thin Slab Zone #Room Name Heating Type Floor Area Heated Area Manifold # Tube Size RH Circuits¹ Tube Spacing Tubing In Room Floor Cover RV Required Temp. Unit RH Load RH Load²Supplemental Total Load³ Zone 301 Bedroom / Closet 1 RH, FC 464 452 Manifold 4 1/2"4 6 838 1.2 144 24 10,831 5,012 15,842 Zone 302 Bath 1 RH 116 94 Manifold 5 1/2"1 13 89 0.3 89 6.6 614 0 614 Zone 303 Laundry Room RH 215 115 Manifold 12 1/2"1 10 145 0.3 105 19.7 2,275 0 2,275 Zone 303 Second Level Hall RH, FC 432 243 Manifold 12 1/2"1 10 283 0.7 131 29 7,058 7,454 14,511 Zone 304 Bath 2 RH 111 92 Manifold 6 1/2"1 12 90 0.3 89 5.2 478 0 478 Zone 304 Bedroom / Closet 2 RH, FC 413 396 Manifold 6 1/2"2 12 403 1.2 127 19.3 7,647 554 8,201 Zone 305 Bath 3 RH, FC 154 127 Manifold 11 1/2"1 10 155 0.3 121 32.6 4,143 2,195 6,338 Zone 305 Office / Bedroom 3 RH, FC 319 311 Manifold 11 1/2"2 9 399 1.2 140 22 6,844 1,769 8,614 Zone 401 Master Bedroom RH, FC 405 386 Manifold 9 1/2"4 6 721 1.2 143 23.9 9,217 5,942 15,159 Zone 401 Master Closet 2 RH, FC 152 152 Manifold 9 1/2"2 6 290 1.2 143 27.4 4,159 1,648 5,807 Zone 402 Master Bath RH 195 167 Manifold 8 1/2"1 13 153 0.3 112 19.2 3,220 0 3,220 Zone 402 Master Closet 1 RH 81 81 Manifold 8 1/2"1 13 77 1.2 98 7.7 623 0 623 Zone 402 Upper Level Powder RH 48 36 Manifold 8 1/2"1 12 35 0.3 98 11.3 407 0 407 Zone 403 Dining & Living Areas RH, FC 731 711 Manifold 7 1/2"6 6 1,367 0.7 128 28.9 20,547 5,591 26,137 Zone 404 Kitchen, Breakfast, Informal Seating RH, FC 906 785 Manifold 10 1/2"6 6 1,486 0.5 123 31.7 24,919 4,663 29,582 (1) Circuits assigned to this room. Leaders from other rooms may not be counted. (2) Includes panel backloss. (3) Total load including panel backloss. Does not account for reclaimed loss within building envalope.(1) Circuits assigned to this room. Leaders from other rooms may not be counted. (2) Includes panel backloss. (3) Total load including panel backloss. Does not account for reclaimed loss within building envalope. Manifold Summary Manifold Name # Zones # Circuits Flowrate Head Loss¹Required Temp. Supplied Temp. Temp Drop Manifold Type Control Type # Actuators S/R Length² S/R Pipe Manifold 1 1 5 2.17 3.2 130 126 29 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 2 1 4 0.93 1.9 108 126 36 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 3 1 3 1.22 3.1 139 126 22 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Name:Gordon Mason Residence Project #:5185 Main Gore Drive Heating System Summary June 01, 2017 Created Using LoopCAD 2016 (6/7/2017) Version:16.0.0080 Length = ft Area = ft² Temperature = °F Flowrate = USGPM Heat Loss = Btu/hr Unit Heat Loss = Btu/hr·ft² Rv = hr·ft²·°F/btu Head Loss = ft water RH = Radiant Floor Heating BB = Baseboard FA = Forced Air OTH = Other Heating SM = Snowmelt N = Not Heated See end of report for important Notes and Disclaimers.Page 3 of 4 Name:Gordon Mason Residence Project #:5185 Main Gore Drive Heating System Summary June 01, 2017 Manifold 4 1 4 1.17 2.7 144 126 20 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 5 1 1 0.10 1.2 89 126 46 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 6 1 3 0.67 2.0 127 126 59 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 7 1 6 1.76 2.4 128 126 25 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 8 1 2 0.37 1.8 112 126 47 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 9 1 6 1.41 1.8 143 126 20 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 10 1 6 1.97 3.3 123 126 27 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 11 1 3 1.02 2.8 140 126 27 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Manifold 12 1 2 0.78 4.2 131 126 38 None Selected Manifold 0 -- Total 12 45 13.57 4.2 144 ----0 -- (1) Total Head loss includes manifold, circuits and supply/return piping if specified. (2) S/R Length = one way(1) Total Head loss includes manifold, circuits and supply/return piping if specified. (2) S/R Length = one way Disclaimers With the permission of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (“ACCA”), material is reproduced from Manual J Residential Load Calculation (8th Edition) which is copyrighted by ACCA. The program and data are provided "asis" without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. The entire risk as the quality and performance of the program and data is with you. In no event will ACCA be liable to you for any damages, including without limitation anylost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this program or the data. © 2015 Air Conditioning Contractors of America. All Rights Reserved. www.acca.org ACCA, Manual J and Powered by ACCA Manual J are registered trademarks of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America. All rights reserved. Cold weather humidification, or some lifestyles that produce excessive moisture, may cause condensation to occur if the absolute humidity of the indoor air is too high for the momentary circumstances. Condensation can occur on surfaces or concealed within the structure, and can lead to mold, mildew, frost damage, and moisture damage. The software does not perform calculations for the estimation or detection of possible condensation problems, and it is the designers (i.e. software users) responsibility to do so independently if required. For guidance and additional cautions refer to ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, including Section 1-11 and Section 27. The calculated values shown in this report are based on the data input by the user of the software. Inaccurate or erroneous data input will result in inaccurate or erroneous results. You are strongly advised to review all input data carefully, and to have the calculated results reviewed by an experienced heating professional to ensure reasonableness and suitability for your application. IN NO EVENT WILL AVENIR SOFTWARE INC. (“AVENIR”) OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE UNDER ANY CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT ORSPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION OR DATA AND THE LIKE), EVEN IF SUCH PARTYHAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. AVENIR’S CUMULATIVE LIABILITY FROM ANY CAUSE RELATED TO OR ARISING FROM THE USE THIS REPORT, AND REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF THE ACTION, SHALL BE LIMITEDTO NO GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT OF FEES PAID TO AVENIR UNDER THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. Created Using LoopCAD 2016 (6/7/2017) Version:16.0.0080 Length = ft Area = ft² Temperature = °F Flowrate = USGPM Heat Loss = Btu/hr Unit Heat Loss = Btu/hr·ft² Rv = hr·ft²·°F/btu Head Loss = ft water RH = Radiant Floor Heating BB = Baseboard FA = Forced Air OTH = Other Heating SM = Snowmelt N = Not Heated See end of report for important Notes and Disclaimers.Page 4 of 4