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Other units approval of railing design.pdf
From: Terri To: Michael Pukas Cc: Barry Permut(bpermut@sennlaw.com);John Nesbitt(johnenesbitt@gmail.com); Pat Nesbitt (patnesbitt@t100g.com);Jason Baggaley(jason baggaley@standardlife.com);Steven Gold Subject: Re: HBM Townhouses railing detail Date: Tuesday,January 24,2017 11:57:26 AM Looks fine to me. Terri Finley 4352 #2 Sent from my iPhone On Jan 24, 2017, at 10:31 AM, Michael Pukas <michael@mppdesignshop.com>wrote: Hello HBM Townhousesowners. I have a new request for you all. As part of the Town of Vail'sreview and approval of the Baggaley'sAddition project, the Code requiresa unified architectural treatment for multi-building developments. We have to replace the original railings with new railingsthat meet current building codes. This railing design will become the new standard for all otherunitsifand/orwhen any ownerdecidesto make a modification that would require a new exterior deck railing. Please read my correspondence with Steve below, and review the attached railing design. lhisisthe same design that waspresented to you when you reviewed the proposed design and signed the adjacent owner consent form. The Town only requiresan email response of approval, no formsneed to be signed. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you foryou cooperation again. mpp Michael Pukas President mpp design shop, inc. Fine Mountain Architecture PO Box 288 Gypsum, CO 81637 (970) 390-4931 michaelac nppdesignshop.com www.mppdesignshop.com From: Steven Gold [mailto:smgoldent@gmail.com] Sent:Tuesday,January 24, 2017 8:43 AM To: Michael Pukas<michael@mppdesignshop.com> Cc:Jason Baggaley (jason_baggaleyc standardlife.com) <jason_baggaley@standardlife.com> Subject: Re: HBM Townhouses railing detail Hi Michael, It looks good to me, please forward to all homeowners for their approval also Steve Gold On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Michael Pukas <michael@mppdesignshop.com>wrote: Steve, The Town Planner, Jonathan Spence, has been reviewing the DRB Submission for the Baggaley Addition to unit #5. He hastold me of a requirement in Town's Code fora unified architectural treatment on multi-building developments. The original railingsthat were constructed when the project wasbuilt do not comply with current building codes, so a new railing design must be provided. On the design documentsthat Iforwarded to you and the otherownersfor review and approval, a new railing design isshown. It maintainsa similar nature to the original railing. The design consistsof horizontal 2x4'swith a 4" space between each, a 2x6 railing cap, and 4x4 postsspaced approximately 6' apart. The colorwould be a dark brown solid body, semi-opaque stain to match existing as close as possible. The Town requiresthat when a non-conforming element isupgraded, the design of the new element becomesthe standard that all other unitsshall use if and when they upgrade/update. It isnot required that all ownersupgrade their unit's railingsat the same time the Baggaley'sconstruct their addition, only that if any other owner updates, changesorrevisestheirrailing, that the current design is used. Jonathan Spence'sonly req uiresforfurthering the Baggaley'sapproval isthat you, asthe HOA president, acknowledge and accept the railing design provided asthe new standard for HBM Townhouses. If this isan issue that needs to be discuaccd with the otherownerslet me know and I can send thisemail and attachment to them all. Thanks Steve. mpp Michael Pukas President mpp design shop, inc. Fine Mountain Architecture PO Box 288 Gypsum, CO 81637 (970) 390-4931 michael@rnppdesignshop.com www.mppdesignshop.com <A3.1.pdf> From: Steven Gold To: Michael Pukas Cc: Jason Baggaley(Jason baggaley(astandardlife.com) Subject: Re: HBM Townhouses railing detail Date: Tuesday,January 24,2017 8:43:00 AM Hi Michael, It looks good to me, please forward to all homeowners for their approval also Steve Gold On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Michael Pukas <michael@mppdesignshop.com>wrote: Steve, The Town Planner, Jonathan Spence, hasbeen reviewing the DRBSubmission forthe Baggaley Addition to unit#5. He hastold me of a requirement in Town'sCode fora unified architectural treatment on multi-building developments. The original railingsthat were constructed when the project was built do not comply with current building codes, so a new railing design must be provided. On the design documentsthat Iforwarded to you and the otherownersfor review and approval, a new railing design isshown. It maintainsa similar nature to the original railing. The design consistsof horizontal 2x4'swith a 4" space between each, a 2x6 railing cap, and 4x4 postsspaced approximately 6' apart. The colorwould be a dark brown solid body, semi- opaque stain to match existing asclose aspossible. The Town requiresthat when a non-conforming element isupgraded, the design of the new element becomesthe standard that all other unitsshall use if and when they upgrade/update. It isnot required that all ownersupgrade their unit'srailingsat the same time the Baggaley'sconstruct their addition, only that if any other owner updates, changesor revisestheir railing, that the current design is used. Jonathan Spence'sonly requiresforfurthering the Baggaley'sapproval isthat you, asthe HOA president, acknowledge and accept the railing design provided asthe new standard for HBM Townhouses. Ifthis isan issue that needsto be discuoccd with the other owners let me know and I can send thisemail and attachment to them all. Thanks Steve. mpp Michael Pukes Pre sid e n t mpp design shop, inc. Fine Mountain Architecture PO Box 288 Gypsum, CO 81637 (970) 390-4931 michael mppdesignshop.com www.mppdesignshop.com From: Barry Permut To: Michael Pukas Cc: jpermut@gmail.com;Jason Bacigaley(Jason baagaley(astandardlife.com);Jacqui Baqgaley (jacquibaggaley@blueyonder.co.uk);Steven Gold Subject: Re: HBM Townhouses railing detail Date: Thursday,February 02,2017 4:15:10 PM I meant to say we have no objection. If I mistyped... My apologies Sent from my iPhone On Feb 2, 2017, at 3:23 PM, Michael Pukas <michael@mppdesignshop.com>wrote: Barry and Judith, thank you for the reply. Snce you stated you have objection to the railing design, I need you to elaborate on exactly what your objection is. Do you have an alternate solution to propose for discussion? You approval isthe final item that it needed for our project to obtain Design Review Board approval with the Town of Vail. The other owners have reviewed and approved the railing design aspresented. I will work with you to come to an acceptable solution, and if there isa change to the design it will have to be presented to the Town and the otherownersforapproval. Yourtimely response is greatly appreciated. Thank you. mpp Michael Pukas President mpp design shop, inc. Fine Mountain Architecture PO Box 288 Gypsum, CO 81637 (970) 390-4931 michael a�nppdesignshop.com www.mppdesignshop.com From: Barry Permut [mailto:BPermut@sennlaw.com] Sent:Thursday, February 2, 2017 10:26 AM To: Michael Pukas<michael@mppdesignshop.com> Cc: 'jpermutPgmail.com' <jpermutPgmail.com> Subject: RE: HBM Townhouses railing detail We have objection to this. Please include Judy on all further requests Barry Permut Senn Visciano Canges P.C. 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 4500 Denver, CO 80203 Direct: (303)291-4063 Phone: (303)298-1122 Fax: (303)296-9101 bpermut@sennlaw.com www.sennlaw.com Barry Permut Senn Visciano Canges P.C. 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 4500 Denver, CO 80203 Direct: (303)291-4063 Phone: (303)298-1122 Fax: (303)296-9101 bpermut@sennlaw.com www.sennlaw.com From: Michael Pukas [mailto:michaeR mppdesignshop.com] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2017 10:11 AM To: Barry Permut Subject: FW: HBM Townhouses railing detail Hello Barry, I'm following up on our conversation yesterday about reviewing the railing design. Let me know if you have any questionsorconcems, and if not, please respond with yourapproval at yourearliest convenience. Yoursisthe last ownerapproval that I need to receive. Thanks much. mpp Michael Pukas Pre sid e n t mpp design shop, inc. Fine Mountain Architecture PO Box 288 Gypsum, CO 81637 (970) 390-4931 michaeldmppdesignshop.com www.mppdesignshop.com From: Michael Pukas Sent:Tuesday,January 24, 2017 10:32 AM To: Dan Finley (finleyritter@gmail.com) <finleyritter@gmail.com>; Barry Permut (bpermut@sennlaw.com) <bpermut@sennlaw.com>;John Nesbitt (johnenesbitt@gmail.com) <johnenesbitt@gmail.com>; Pat Nesbitt (patnesbitt@t100g.com) <patnesbitt@t100g.com> Cc:Jason Baggaley (Jason_baggaley@standardlife.com) <jason_baggaley@standardlife.com>; 'Steven Gold' <smgoldent@gmail.com> Subject: RE: HBM Townhouses railing detail Hello HBM Townhousesowners. I have a new request for you all. As part of the Town of Vail'sreview and approval of the Baggaley'sAddition project, the Code requiresa unified architectural treatment for multi-building developments. We have to replace the original railings with new railingsthat meet current building codes. This railing design will become the new standard for all otherunitsifand/orwhen any ownerdecidesto make a modification that would require a new exterior deck railing. Please read my correspondence with Steve below, and review the attached railing design. lhisisthe same design that waspresented to you when you reviewed the proposed design and signed the adjacent ownerconsent form. The Town only requiresan email response of approval, no formsneed to be signed. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you foryou cooperation again. mpp Michael Pukas President mpp design shop, inc. Fine Mountain Architecture PO Box 288 Gypsum, CO 81637 (970) 390-4931 michael a©-nppdesignshop.com www.mppdesignshop.com From: Steven Gold [mailto:smgoldent@gmail.com] Sent:Tuesday,January 24, 2017 8:43 AM To: Michael Pukas<michael@mppdesignshop.com> Cc:Jason Baggaley (Jasonbaggaley@standardlife.com) <jason_baggaley@standardlife.com> Subject: Re: HBM Townhouses railing detail Hi Michael, It looks good to me, please forward to all homeowners for their approval also Steve Gold On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Michael Pukas <michael@mppdesignshop.com>wrote: Steve, The Town Planner, Jonathan Spence, has been reviewing the DRBSubmission for the Baggaley Addition to unit#5. He hastold me of a requirement in Town's Code fora unified architectural treatment on multi-building developments. The original railingsthat were constructed when the project wasbuilt do not comply with current building codes, so a new railing design must be provided. On the design documentsthat (forwarded to you and the otherownersfor review and approval, a new railing design isshown. It maintainsa similar nature to the original railing. The design consistsof horizontal 2x4'swith a 4" space between each, a 2x6 railing cap, and 4x4 postsspaced approximately 6' apart. The colorwould be a dark brown solid body, semi-opaque stain to match existing as close as possible. The Town requiresthat when a non-conforming element isupgraded, the design of the new element becomesthe standard that all other unitsshall use if and when they upgrade/update. It isnot required that all ownersupgrade their unit's railingsat the same time the Baggaley'sconstruct their addition, only that if any other owner updates, changesorrevisestheirrailing, that the current design is used. Jonathan Spence'sonly req uiresforfurthering the Baggaley'sapproval isthat you, asthe HOA president, acknowledge and accept the railing design provided asthe new standard forHBM Townhouses. If this isan issue that needs to be discuocod with the otherownerslet me know and I can send thisemail and attachment to them all. Thanks Steve. mpp Michael Pukas President mpp design shop, inc. Fine Mountain Architecture PO Box 288 Gypsum, CO 81637 (970) 390-4931 michaelQnppdesignshop.com www.mppdesignshop.com SVC I SENN VISCIANO CANGES P.C. EMAIL NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this communication(including any attachments)is for the sole use of the intended recipient.It may contain proprietary,confidential or legally privileged information which may be exempt from disclosure under applicable law. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission.If the reader of this message is not an intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any unauthorized review,use,distribution,or copying of this communication,or any of its contents,is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please reply to the sender and destroy all copies of the message. From: John Nesbitt To: Michael Pukas Subject: Townhouse railing. Date: Thursday,January 26,2017 9:43:03 AM Railing looks fine with us. John and Pat Nesbitt Sent from my iPhone