HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB17-0043_Utility Verification_1487633400.pdfUi LilY APPROVAL &VERIFlCATl~N This fori~,~wes to verily that ti~e froposed Ir~pr9vernar~tB Wil!riot lfl1pact~ny ex~stfrlg Ør ~ppo~d riUIIIy ~rvICee,and to ver)ly aervice availability and iooatlap for new conetrudilon and st)outd be ueed Ir~conjuncflon with preparing your utility plan and ~c17eduIlng installallons A &te plan lri~iudlng grading pTan~floor plan,and elevations,BhBII ha aubr,iltt.d to Hie owfrig.uIll1tieuk~r ~ppro I qndverI11c~IIon.PLEASE ALLOW UP TO.2 WEEKS FORAPPROVAI.OR COM. MENT8 FROM ~rHE UTILITY COMPANIES Ifyou are unable t*obtain comments within that tlmelrame please cotda~l The TQwn ~i van...~z~ 8u~JaoI P(oparly fddroer 3c~cS~EC~e Cr~e fr.~C ~Lot.~f~Iook A5~SLd~dMSIon v~I ~,,41 ~ PjyConIaotI2wqerR~raaentaJIve ~LL 60 L~L1l).\(,,LLL Phone’~7t~~ ...:.:.P~ns Ddted:~: ~i~nary :contaotlowner Representative 8Iqnatu~e 910 a.02B2Ovp~aote:Ke.~Jy M~I~thGn~,qjdoiernon~cantur~4hik.com I AuthO~4zed SkinntUrm Sh4ri~ Cohiménti :nita -Pl~4se ci4 ~,~/4/Iy g1~Cl~rn ~r i14~ $e(~glcg 4”•I.(i~4O~dflZ$I XOIL IIIGH PH~8SURE.OAa .~.. e7o;40M7640&)GTo,40B:14G1:.(lak) onl~ot~R mlflöl6n ~*~r ?ä~obakár~xcn~.cpm ... HOLY ORQBB ENERO(97O$7~5425 cmi)910.945.4081 (fax)~JefrVrooIn~vxooni~h vomia corn xcI~y...~•......-..----,—..__.,.:~--970.282.4039 (tel)~7b.2B2AQ88 (ta*)c~’hMC~u!ra~.......... ~AtI~E HJVERWATER &~ANlTA11ON •~~‘D18T~lCt 970.471.~44P (~Oi)970.645~T21B (fax)C~t~oI~~811kb1d~ei~WdM~ coMcrnsrqArn.E -.--...-~.--...:.“8~Q~930.4Tl8 (tel).30~603 1004 (fax)~1~N~IjaetJohnsOnIMohaeilohna~n~csble~oamoast corn~.~..-..sIc,ca3A~a4(teI).Qootl.DRQU!&ii?1IñI~Ie~~~M5 NGrE5~ I Utfllt~P locations hiust be obt~Inec1 be(Qre dIg~lng 2,A RevOcable R~hI-of-Way Permit may be required for any Improvement5 witilin a street right-of way,Contact the public WorksDePa.t.ant foryerlflcátton 9~0.479.2W8....3 ~t ~s the tespon~IbIIIty of the utility eornpany~nd the applicant to reso(ve probtertis identified above a’).The PiImery Contact/Owner Represuntdt(ve Is r~ulred to ≤ubmlt dn~reVised drawIngs to the above agencies forre-.apfrov&&r~érIficatlOtill tue submtteØ pl~s 8re øIL~r~d in ~ny ~yaI~y Lh~aUthórl~d~I9ri~réd~ate, UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services,and also to verify servIce avaIlabIlity and locatIon for new construction and should be used In conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedulIng installations,A site plan,Including grading plan,floor plan,and elevations shall be submitted to the following utilitIes for approval end verifloaflon.PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM. ENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES.If you are unable to obtain Comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.hSubjectPropertyAddress:3~3 ~Cree Lt~i~~Lot..~L Block a~EubdMslon:\Ia.~I Prim ry Contact I2wqer R~prasentatlve:I’~ô LL.~.O ,4L1~I i~à C~)L LL Phone:~7~~1 ~ e_._r~jV1.~K~JJ)PlansDated:_ Primary C~ntact1Owner Representative Signature CENTURY 1,INK 970.328.6288 (tel)910.326.8282 (rex)Contact.:Kelly MoClerrion ~eVmrnon~centur~4LnKyom XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS970.406.1784 (tel)970.466.1401 (fax) Contact:Remington Baker‘~mIr~Iot~.baker~xceIanerav.com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.6426 ((SI)Date:970.945.4091 (fax)2016.01.14 Contact;Jeff Vroom 17:01 :201vroom~iiolvcross.eom -07’OO’ XCEL.Eñergy970.282.4039 (tel)970.262.4038 (Fax)Contacts:Pam McGulre ,arneIa,meaUIret~xceIepierov.oom EAGLE RIVER WATER &SANITATION -DISTRICT910.477.5449 (tel)970.545.7218 (rex) Confeot:Tu Slrk~— COMCAST CABLE —970.930.4713 (tel)303.803.1004 (fax)Contact:Michael Johnson .~m COOT (Only In COOT RIght-of-way)970.683.6264 (tel)Contact:Dan Rouailn ‘)ardeLrousaIntS~dQt~5I~te1co.us NOTES: 1.UtilIty locatIons must be obtained before dIgging. 2.A Revocable R{ght-of-Way Permit may be required for any Improvements within a street right-of-way.Contact the Pi.jblIc Works Department for verIfication 970.479.2198. 3.It Is the responsIbIlity oP the utilIty company and the applicant to resolve problems Identified above. 4.The Primary Contact/Owner RepresentatIve is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval &re-verification If the submitted plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date1 1’z~~r1 Oomment. UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION This form serves to verily that the proposed improvements will not Impact any existing or proposed utility services,and also to verily service availability and location for new construo~on and should be used In conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations.A site p1an~Including grading plan,floor plan,and elevations,shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification.PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM. MENT8 FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES.If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.v ‘1 IZ~~’i c~c~i~5 Subject Property Address:3~7L3 $c(e Cree ~~Lot.!~Lilock 5~SubdivIslon:V~1 ~!;/~~f7~T’~j~’(j Pri ry Contact!2w1?erR,presentatlve:1~OLL ~LLL Phone:~~~~-7c:~-(‘7_”17 ________________________________________________Plane Dated;___________Primary Contact(Owner Representative 8lgnature Authorized Slanature Oomments -_______ CENTURY LiNK 910.328.8288 (tel) 910.328.8282 (fax)Contacts:Kelly MoClernon kefly.modprnon~enturvfl,*.com XOEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.405.1784 (tel)970.488.1401 (laic) Contact;Remington Baker -.~“~~—‘~———mm~•••~~‘JJ~ HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5425 (tel)970.945.4081 (fax) Conlaot Jeff Vroom !~f9m~hoIvoc~Bs.com XCEL.Energy SI a plan reviewed and --Existing service Dne is not sufficient to acoom ;date new 970.282.4039 (tel)C ~iments by requested load.Xcel will need to cut-off and el stall new 970.262.4038 (lax)A y Lagace 1/20/16 service pipe at the main in Gore Creek rd.R q iring Contacts:~~~‘ ~a y.lagace@XCeleflergy.coiTi road cut (heated pavement area).Potential2 I holes in aspi ~AOLE RIVER WATERS SANITATION -r~eèded at main.Meter location may need to e DISTRICT brought out to front of wall.More detail need d o make deter i 970.477.5449 (tel)Application for Demo and new service will ne d o be submitte 970.545.7218 (fax) Contact:Tug Birk Xcei~s Builders call line. tbtrk~terwsd.o~ OOMCAST CABLE -- 970.930.4713 (tel)303.603.1004 (rex) Corilact Michael Johnson Michael iohnaont~oabIe.comcasLooni CDOT (Only in COOT Right-of-way) 970.883.6284 (tel) Contact:Dan Rouseln ‘)aniel.roussInt8idot.etate.co,u~ ation NOTES: 1,Utility locations must be obtaIned before digging. 2.A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any Improvements within a street right-of-way.Contact the Public Works Department for verIfication 970.479.2198. 3.It is the responsibIlity ofthe utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identifled above. 4.The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval &re-verification lithe submitted plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date. UTILI1Y APPROVAL &VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed t~UiIty services,arid also to verif~’seMce aveliablllt)i and tàcatlon for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility ptafl and scheduling Inetsiletlons.A site plan,Including grading plan,floor plan,and eley ton~,sI~a!i bes~bmftted to the foflowirig utilities for approval and verification PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR CON MENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPAI~flES.If you ~re unable to obtain comments within that tlrneframe please contect~ The Town of VaiL -V.‘t ~I Subject Property Address:&~‘3 S~t~Crk~t ~Lot look 5SubdMeIom Vail ~!W/~e ~~TIj~(~ Prim ~dcnt ~I’~OLL ~O 4L1~ji.~~,~Phone:~7C5 !~1C~t’z~i1sI ~Vi’I ~Plans Dated:________________ Primary Qofltãctlowfler Repre~enta~tlve 8ignäture ___________________________--.go .—~iti_.~siI CENTURY ~JNK 970.328.8298 (tel)970,328,8252 (lax)Oonj~ote:lçeliy Mccternonkél~mrnonntun~ilnkcorr~ ~CEL HIGH PRESSURE GASGTOAOM784(WI)970,468.1401 (lax) Contact:Remington Baker-Wrnlnaton,a.bakeI~Geienemv.coñi KO[~CRO8S ENERGY g7p.~47.6426 ((SI)970.945.4081 (fafl) Coñtaot JeffWoom Wvc~aé~öbai xcEl~:Energy —. 970.262.4039 (tel) 970.282.4038 (lax)Contacts:Pp Møcuke~IeIi~oom EAGLE RIVER WATER &SANItATIONDISTRICT ..ç jcJoi1Jj~. 910.477.5449 (tel).-‘,*.~‘97D,545.7218(f~x)~‘~JContacttu~8Irk~erg COMCAWrCABLE .—.-~--—..~-. 970,939.4713 (teL)303;603.1 004 ((an) C~~t~Mi~I.JohJi8ofl~qjd~iaei khñó~á~le.con~cnaI.coni cOOT (Oni~InCOQT Right-of-Way)-•910:983.6284 (tel) Coniact~Dan Rçusaln~iat~coØ NOTES’ 1.utiiity ioc4tionS must be obtained before digging. 2,A Revxab~e Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any Improvements within a street right-of-way.Contact the Public Work.s Department t~r ver fiqation.970.479.2198•. 3.It Is the resp isibITi~’OF t LitIlIty~ompanyand the applicant to resolve problems Identified above. 4..me Prirn~r~Cofltact~’OWnet’.Repre ..t(ve•Fs required t~submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval &i~värlficatlon If the submitted plans are altered in any way after the auttiorI~ed signature date~ UTIUTY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not Impact any exlstthg or proposed utility services,and also to verily service availabIlity and location for new cnstruction and should be used In conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations.A site plan,Including grading plan1 floor plan1 and elevations1 shall be al.~bñ,Itted to the following utilities for approval and verilloatlon.PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM MENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES If you are unable to Obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town ofVail.41 1 121~~v~~2 a-’ Subject Property ~ddress:~3~23 ~cre Cree k~c’t 1’~“~Lot..~L Block i2_Subdivision;~1 ~IWk~e h ~T (j~1 ( PyContact1~wqerR~presefltOtiVet~~LL ~$~,L_1I?àG,,ILL Phone:77~~I’Z.9C7 __________________________________________________Plans Dated:_____________ Primary Contact(Owner Representative 8lgnature AuthorizedSienature -Conimants Date CENTURY LINK970.328.8268 (tel) 9T0,328.6282 (fax)contacts:Kefly McGlerrion XC~L HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.406.1764 (tel)970.488.1401 (lax) Contact:Renhiflgton Baker re~if,ioton.o.ba~er@xceleneraV.COm ~1OLY CROSS ENERGY 910.947.5426 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact;Jolt Vroom Y~OOfl1t~flOiVCtOS9.COni XCEL.Energy 970.282.4039 (tel)970.282.4036 (fax)Contflcts:Pam Mc~uire,wnela.moautre~xceLerierov,oorn EAGLE RIVERWATERS SANITATIONDISTRICT 970.477.5449 (tel)970.845,7218 (fax)Contact:Tug Birktbldc~arwsd.Or9 OOMCAST CABLE — 970.930.4713 (tel) Contact:Michael Johnson A’!ithae~Jlohnsoi Approved by Comcast 1-1 5-1MichaelIohnson1S~oabIe.oomoasl.Oom CDOT (Only In QDQT Right-of-way)970.883.6264 (tel) Contact:Dan Roussin I)anlelJousSln(S~dOt.State.C0UC NOTESI 1.UtilIty locations must be obtained before digging. 2.A Revocabie Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any Improvebients wIthin a street right-of-way.Contact the Public Works Department for verIfication 970.479.2198. 3.It Is the responsibility of the utilIty comparty and the appIlcan~to resolve problems Identified above. 4.The Primary Contact/Owner Representative Is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies ror re-approval &re-verification If the submitted plans are eltered In any way after the authorized signature date,