HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB17-0078_DRB RevisionsResponseTOVComments_1491344460.pdf Desc: PLAN001 TOV Staff Comment: Please explain how snow storage will be possible to south side of garage, west of driveway.This does not appear to be a functional location for snow storage. (CN) Design Comment:This snow storage area has been reduced to 2' beyond corner of garage. A benched area and a 2' gravel shoulder have been provided off the edge of the paved driveway.This location has been dedicated as "Secondary snow storage".The seasonal,gravel turnaround area has been dedicated as "Primary snow storage". Desc: PLAN002 TOV Staff Comment: Please provide elevations for Top of Wall and Bottom of Wall,for all proposed retaining walls. (CN) Design Comment:Top of Wall and Bottom of Wall elevations have been provided on the Grading Plan (Sheet C-103). Desc: PLAN003 TOV Staff Comment: Please explain how new trees will be planted without disturbing the soil. Site is limited to 60%disturbance. (CN) Design Comment: Holes for proposed trees will be hand dug to minimize disturbance to site. Machinery traffic will be limited to foundation excavation and driveway access areas to minimize disturbance to site. Desc: Limits of Disturbance TOV Staff Comment: Limits of disturbance on this page (C-101) do not match proposed grading cut back on sheet A-501.These two should match. (CN) Design Comment: Sheet A-501,A-502,AND A-503 have been revised to match limits of disturbance shown on Sheet C-101. Desc: Roof Ridge Elevations TOV Staff Comment: Please provide roof ridge and eave elevations overlay on grading plan.This is needed to measure building height. (CN) Design Comment: Roof ridge and eave elevations have been shown on the Grading Plan (Sheet C-103) and A-304 Roof) Desc: Error in basement GRFA TOV Staff Comment: Verify math, total for below grade should be 727 sq. ft. Percent deduction should be 43% (nased on 727/ 1688+43%) A-101 has been revised and uploaded. Desc: GRFA-Verify Math Tov Staff Comment: Please include mechanical room in basement wall exhibits. Verify below grade percent, and update Above Grade & Below Grade Ratio This will affect the GRFA. A-102 has been revised and uploaded. Desc: Landscape Species Symbols TOV Staff Comment: Please use different Symbols to indicate different species. Please add count of new plantings to chart. A-104 has been revised and uploaded. Desc: Roof Elevations TOV Staff Comment: Please show roof elevations is USGS.This is needed to verify building height. A-304 has been revised and uploaded. Desc: PW001 (C-101) TOV Staff Comment: Please show how snow storage area from driveway will be stored on a 2:1 slope without it going into the Town Right of Way. (LS) Design Comment:The snow storage area near the garage has been reduced to 2' beyond corner of garage.A benched area and two foot gravel shoulder has been provided off edge of the paved driveway. This location has been dedicated as "Secondary snow storage".The plans have been revised so that snow will not be placed on the 2:1 slope. Desc: PW002 (C-101) TOV Staff Comment: Provide a means of keeping a vehicle from going off the driveway. (LS) Design Comment: A 2' gravel shoulder has been provided off the south and west side of the paved driveway.This change of surface material will help inform the driver that he/she has left the pavement, and it will allow space for the driver to execute recovering maneuvers. Desc: PW003 (C-101) TOV Staff Comment: Boulders must be 5 to 10 feet off the edge of asphalt. Please Revise. (LS) Design Comment:The boulders lining the driveway have been removed from the plan, and the slope has been graded back in this area to accommodate this alteration. Desc: PW004 (C-101) TOV Staff Comment: Provide a limit of disturbance fence detail for disturbed area. (LS) Design Comment: A detail has been provided on the Civil Details Sheet (C-501).The fence is shown to 48" minimum height, orange plastic safety fence with 72" metal posts. Desc: PW001 (C-103) TOV Staff Comment: Drainage must tie in at flow line of ditch. (LS) Design Comment:The swale on the west side of the house and the 6" drain pipe on the east side have been extended to the flow line of the ditch. Riprap outlet protection has been provided at both locations. Desc: PW002 (C-103) TOV Staff Comment:Town engineer to comment on culvert issues. May need to be up sized, extended and/or removed. (LS) Design Comment:The roadside culvert has been revised to show an 18" equivalent elliptical culvert with flared end sections per TOV Engineer. Desc: PW001 (C-101) TOV Staff Comment: Is this intended to be a turnaround? Show turning movements work. (TK) Design Comment: After discussion with TOV Engineer, plans have been revised to show the turnaround area as a "seasonal amenity".The gravel surface of the turnaround area will be used as primary snow storage in the winter. Entry and Exit turning movements have been shown on Sheet C-105. Desc: PW001 (C-102) TOV Staff Comment: Minimum Culvert size is 18" with flared end sections. Provide details on how the flared end section will fit and be graded within the ditch, still accommodating a 2' shoulder and no steeper than a 2:1 slope to invert. (TK) Design Comment: After discussion with TOV Engineer, plans have been revised to show an 18" equivalent elliptical corrugated metal pipe with flared end sections. The ditch has been regraded to accommodate a 2:1 slope to the invert of the culvert (see Sheet C-103). Desc: PW001 (C-103) TOV Staff Comment: 1:1 slopes must be engineered, stabilized and approved by DRB per Town Code. (TK) Design Comment: After discussion with TOV Engineer, geotech supplemental letter stating 1:1 site slope stability has been provided. Also, erosion control blanket detail has been provided as all graded slopes will be stabilized with erosion control blanket as well as seed, mulch and fertilizer. Desc: PW002 (C-103) TOV Staff Comment: All walls will require engineered details and analysis per Town Code.This wall will be considered a combination wall. (TK) Design Comment: Engineered details have been provided (see structural plans for concrete retaining wall around turnaround, see Sheet C-503 for Boulder Wall details). Engineering analysis has been performed and will be provided. The 4' minimum bench has been provided for the combination wall per Town Code. Desc: PW003 (C-103) TOV Staff Comment:This retaining wall is 12'tall. Must be 6' or less or benched appropriately. (TK) Design Comment:This wall (near entry) has been revised to be 6' in height. Desc: PW004 (C-103) TOV Staff Comment: How will this exposed slope be protected from concentrated runoff from the swale to the south and snow storage melt off? (TK) Design Comment: Erosion control blankets will extend on swale slopes to outfall of swale. Riprap outlet protection has been shown at all drainage outfalls into existing roadside ditch. Desc:Trees Too dense and close to structure TOV Staff Comment:There are too many trees proposed and they are too close to the structure.Trees should be placed so ha the mature crown is 10 feet or further from the drip edge of the structure. In places where this is difficult, utilize deciduous trees such as the aspen that is denoted.Trees should be spaced so they have sufficient room to grow. Dense clumps of trees do not provide adequate room for growth and lead to unhealthy landscaping with wildfire and insect and disease issues. Either decrease the number of trees in the clump of spread them out to allow for more growing space. A-104 has been revised and uploaded addressing the above concern.