HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB17-0209_vailapp425_1496693880.pdf Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 TOWN OF VRlL Tel: 970-479-2139 www.vailgov.com WINDOW/DOOR REPLACEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (Permit fee = standard building fees and design review fee) Project Street dress: Type of Building: ['r1 DL Let (\� Single Family((VDuplex(In) Multi-Family(C (Number) (Street) (Suite#) Commercial ( ) Building/Complex Name: J'(' of\l)( C Submittal Requirements: Project inform on: • Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter(duplex or Owner Name: l.l� Lame`-ce__ multi-family HOA) Parcel# D\ ?j a I , }1,3 - on- • Two(2) plan sets indicating: (For Parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at(970)328-8640 or visit • Floor plans showing window/door location(s)and www.eaglecounty.uslpatie) elevations (window schedule may be substituted for elevations) Contractor Information • Size of windows/doors and openings • U-Value of windows Business Name: 1,:Lt 0: 1S C._Ci 6)04) - • Material, cut sheets and color of windows/doors Bus" ess Addressf SS 1.AD (6 (must match style and color of building) CO • Full view elevation photos of all sides of building City C\i'Cr— State: CO Zip: f �e`� 1 "Please note that any change in size of opening will require full Contact Name: C�� L-ADRB& Building Review. Contact Phone: -r "l—U, Contact E-Mail. _ntQA- (0 Detailed Scope and Location of Work: 1 i 3 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the 5-7-t 7,1C1 ttl;r41y4w 5 ui 1-1 OV J eivc; : information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infor- 1<+'F r r ' b Doves i o fktt- mation and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, 1-434:-6-- ��rnl�ries Raft- U O �/t "�i��l, 3 and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved,International uilding and Residential va JvLo v R t-2L 14-05- Codes and othe anc s of the Tow ppli able thereto. X (use additional sheet if necessary) /G'r 30 ) / 4..1.- tSe-rrGe- Owner/0 ner' Repre ntative Signature(Required) Applicant Information Valuation • Work included Plans Included of Work Applicant Name: 60t e 1-43741e661 1WINbsw_5 C4.1cP1 Applicant Phone: 363-9?.t.'-a i c Building ( Yes (ONo (®Yes (ONo Applicant E-Mail: ell Value of all work being performed: $ 1 t Lifo Additional Authorized ProjectDox Users (value based on IBC Section 109.3&IRC Section 108.3) Full Name: Date Received: E-Mail: Full Name: E-Mail: (use additional sheet if necessary) For Office Use Only: Project#: Fee Paid: Received From: Building Permit#: Cash Check# CC: Visa 1 MC Last 4 CC# Auth#: Lot#: Block# Subdivision: 2015-Dec 1 TOWN OF VA1L JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties such as duplex, condominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or similar written correspondence, must be com- pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's association in the case of a con- dominium or multi-tenant building.Al€completed forms must be submitted with the applicants completed application. • I, (print name) pow (1.140 WC e l 1 , a joint owner, or authority of the association, of property located at 1{(a j/� `1)C �/ e - I .rii- C"' 3 1 provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vali Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not- ed above. I understand that the proposed improve nts include: -e j (A) 1 14 (w I understand that modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations;and that it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to keep the joint property ow -, apprised ■. any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and appropriate. Submittal of an applicatio -•ults in the eppli=f t agreeing to this statement. —7{.7 Signat )1 R1/1-1 te t/o V/ C> 1.1) Ct a Print Name t `� �- TitielPosition Me authorize any and all changes submitted to the (Initials) 1/We waive all rights to notification and review of submitted chain ngesnce to the above mentioned project. i/We do not authorize any changes submitted to the Town in reference to the above mentioned project. (Initials) I/We wish to receive notifications and reviews of submitted changes. TOWN CF VA11. s4' JOINT PROPERTY OWNER .WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties such as duplex, condominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or similar written correspondence, must be com- pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's association in the case of a con- dominium or multi-tenant building.All completed forms must be submitted with the applicants completed application. I, (print name) ?NV( lC(\,kl C Vt f'l/iq?f a -C.1c14)�r. a Point owner, or authority of the association, of property located at C Vi C 1/11 C1711}< CIO 1€-F l j(f(j- provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated `i? (1-1 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not- ed above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: (ctCe" exf5hv;j I understand that modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations;and that it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to keep the joint property owner apprised of any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and appropriate. Submittal of an applicatitAn results in he applicant agreeing to this statement. p _ems (iif -1 Signature Date Print Name