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11. After the heating element has been positioned, the pipes are pushed
onto the heating plate with a defined adjusting pressure.
12. After reaching the specified bead height (see tablet) the pressure is re-
duced. This process marks the beginning of the heating time. This time
is for heating up the pipe ends up to the right welding temperature.
Specified bead height: SdR 11 160 mm: 1,0 mm
13. When heating time has expired, divide the machine slide, remove hea-
ting element quickly and join the pipes (by putting both parts of the slide
14.The pipes are fused with the required welding pressure and cooled
down under pressure.
15.The welded connection can be unclamped - the welding process is
Additionally please follow the instructions given in the operating ma-
nual of the welding machine and observe guideline DVS 2207, part 11.
important note
1. The welding machines have to be suitable for the welding of pipes with
a diameter/wall thickness ratio of up to SDR 11.
aquatherm recommends the following manufacturers of welding machines
for butt welding:
Company Ritmo
Company Rothenberger
Company Widos
2. For hydraulically operated welding machines, the real manometer pres-
sure has to be calculated in consideration of the hydraulic piston area.
This value can be taken from the respective operating manuals.
bUTT-weLdinG oF PiPe diMenSion 160 mm
Positioning of heating element
Divide the machine slide, remove heating element
Join the pipes, cool down under pressure
Unclamp and work on...
welding defects during butt-welding
Cracks Grooves in the bead
Grooves and scratches
Tilting of the joining area
Misalignment of the joining area
Uneven welding bead
Lack of fusion at the joining area Pores, voids and inclusion of impurities
The misalignment cannot be more than 10 % of the wall thickness or max.
2 mm
Gap width up to 355 mm outer diameter = 0.5 mm
Gap width from 400 mm to 630 mm outer diameter = 1 mm
visual inspection of fusion seam - Misalignment and gap width for butt welding
Normally a bead around the entire circumference is formed at the edge of the socket during the welding process. This bead indicates the proper welding.
It is important to assure that the following welding defects are avoided:
correct butt welded seam
For perfect welding joints, both the welding areas and tools must be clean and free of grease.
Requirements for welding
9 The immediate welding area is to be protected against bad climatic conditions (e.g. wind, moisture and low temperatures).
If the pipes are heated unevenly as a result of sun exposure, temperature compensation by timely covering of the welding area is to be
created. Cooling down by draft during the welding process should be avoided.
The visual inspection may be only a first indication of the welding seam quality.
but it is not a replacement for the leak test, which has to be carried out after the completion of the installation.
weLdinG TeMPeRATURe: 210° c +/- 10° c
The calculated drag pressure is added to the adjustment and welding pressure (see description)
ATTenTion: When using other welding machines, the pressures P1, P2 and P3 must be adjusted.
note: A reduction of the cooling time up to 50%, i.e. release of the jointing pressure and removal of the welded part
from the welding machine is allowed under the following conditions:
• the join connection is manufactured under factory conditions and• the removal from the welding machine and the temporary storage cause only a slight load to the join connection
and• the joining parts have a wall thickness ≥ 15 mm
Further processing with full mechanical load on the joining connection may be effected only after complete cooling
down according to the table.
P1 P2 P3
t1 t2 t3 t4time (sec.)
pressure (bar)
excerpt from the dvS 2207 part 11
P1Adjustment pressure (bar)
Art.-No. 50163
Art.-No. 50165
Dimension (mm)Pipe series SDR Height of bead
160x14,6 11 11 11 1
Heating pressure (bar)
RothenbergerArt.-No. 50163 RitmoArt.-No. 50165
Dimension (mm)Pipe series SDR Heating time DVS 2207 (sec.)Max. changeover time (sec.)Max. pressurization time (sec.)
t1 t2 t3
160x14,6 11 1 1 277 8 13
Adjustment pressure (bar)
Art.-No. 50163
Art.-No. 50165
Dimension (mm)Pipe series SDR Cooling time (min.)
160x14,6 11 11 11 24