HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB16-0224_A1.0_1478902833.pdf x^iet'114(%1 CIF 14 L'hi Ai..41 sil-jel SYMBOL LEGEND CROW RESIDENCE DRAWING LIST: AIOCOVER SHEET • SECTION N0. JJJ BUILDING SURVEY SECTION CUT L ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS NSHEET NO. 'i7 July 1st, 2016 A2.1 AREA Issue Date: A3.1LOWERALCS 0] DETAIL NO. A3.2 LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN �� ACT MAIN LEVEL FLOOR FLOOR PL DETAIL CUT REFERENCE GRID LINE 3.2 A3.3 UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLANN A3A ROOF PLAN VED SHEET NO. A4.1 ELEVATIONS A4.2 ELEVATIONS 6 12:00:00 A4.3 ELEVATIONS DETAIL CUT SPOT ELEVATION S' v sLsare A4.4 ELEVATIONS A4.8 VIEWS BERGLUND WSIM. errse,ev.-rrs.m /. A5,1 BUILDING SECTIONS A5.2 BUILDING SECTIONS ARCH ITEC7S,LLC. / -- A5.3 BUILDING SECTIONS A5.4 BUILDING SECTIONS EXTERIOR ELEVATION DRAWING REVISION /q^\ A5.5 BUILDING SECTIONS �� ! I vl ~ ISIII■L�- A5.6 BUILDING SECTIONS BUILDING SECTIONS { 11 I' •, A6.1A DETAILS • I US Mail Only:P.O.Box 23]8 ROOM NUMBER LIVING �e- A6.16 DETAILS Physical/Fedex:210 Edwards 100 INTERIOR ELEVATION 4 z z .. R ,yN•��' I� I .:..I A6.1C DETAILS Village Blvd,Bldg A Suite A103 Itet. A6.1E DETAILS Edwards.Colorado 81632-2378 A6.tE DETAILS (9]0)9264301 Fax.9264364 DOOR MARKf0WINDOW MARKO� YA8.0 WINDOW AND DOOR SCHEDULEetww.berolun srdratects.com ® A10.0 LOWER LEVEL RCP www.berglundarchitects.com ��' fes,"",' UlA10.3 MAINLEEVELRIr,~La--.�I : �I.:-- Ilalrl I ,! vii-ti .R - MATERIAL LEGEND ---___-_ ;�.� �J11�'' Fi�j+��r�-���(llll �lllll �#';;,s �' VEL RCP A103 UPPER LEVEL RCP __ _ oI. 1 . SECTION PLAN SECTION PLAN =- - _ _- i,f 1I ` -I UL CONCRETE . •-- . SOIL/COMPACTED FILL IIII I O Ili-Ili - I N b It. LU ci. • CONCRETE MASONRY ROCK/ }na'�.5. - - - - -''J �/�� NON-COMPACTED FILL ,....lip:J✓.; STONE [�/1J //////// SAND W y M O Vp/7i�1 PROJECT INFORMATION CODE INFORMATION in Q O J FRAME WALL - 8 FINISHED WOOD ✓_ CODE:2015 TOWN OF VAIL,OCCUPANCY TYPE:SINGLE FAMILY HOME //� f1� J • �� �1 ENERGY CONSERVATION:THE BUILDING COMPLIES WITH THE ENERGY CONSERVATION REQUIREMENT FROM CHAPTER 4 OF THE 2015 v�+ V� PROPOSED SPARE FOGTAGEANALSSIS' INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CODE PER ZONE 8B ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL,AND AS DEMONSTRATED BY PRESCRIPTIVE BUILDING THERMAL cc' os TILE ■ I ENVELOPE,AS FOLLOWS: N �/ ■ I ROUGH FRAMING OR � 1250 PTARMIGAN ROAD.VAIL,C0.81657 Ce ■i ( ■ I ROUGH SAWN TRIM The following is a summary for the climate zone 6B of Table 402.1.1 requirements of the IECC and as adopted by The Town of Vail,and an outline of the ■■� Q v/ ■ I zone Dlo Two-family Prinery/Sewnearo Residential(PS) proposed R values of the assemblies of the building which are defined in the Construction Document Drawings and Specifications: L I1 tel is..137 acres,equal to 19,0365E V GLAZING II II II WOOD BLOCKING Allowable GRFA Maximum Glazing U-Factor of.30 for new single family dwelling units per Town of Vail amendments,this can be a weighted average. CI_ 0 \j A6SF/1 SF of site area<10,000 SF of site area 10,000 x 0.46 equals 4,600 The Jeld-Wen windows and doors with dual glazed Low Eglazing(Low E on two surfaces)exceeds this requiremnt-Average U-Value=.28.See 8.5 z 11 LrV .3a SF per 1 SF ooff site area>10,000 SF of site area 5,000 x 0.38 equals 5250 sF window proposal from manufacture for summary of U-values. 0 per 1 STEEL -'- = GLU-LAM WOOD (<(« (<((( Taal Allowed Gross RealaawlaIFImrMe(GRFA)fosite area>15,000 SF of site area r,esr.lot x 0.13 q�la T,O23 SF OcwpancyType:SingleFamily Q N J m (C((<(((<(C((<( C((C((<((C((C(( Proposetl Square Footage summa Hab�ble SF GRFA Building complies with the Energy Conservation requirement in Chapter 4 of the 2015 IECC per Zone RB as adopted by Town of Vail as follows: W >_ Move,Level SF 2.366' SF The following is a summary for the climate zone BB of Table 402.1.1 requirements of the IECC,as adopted by Town of Vail,and an outline of the provided R Ose To in Lev 2184 SSF F ea SF SF values of the assemblies of the building which are defined in the Construction Document Drawings and Specifications: ALUMINUM OR r PARTICLE BD.OR Garag area 1 i11 sF Oroa SF Garage area over 600 se 0 SHEET METAL WOOD FIBER BD. value over the Insulationp -Requirement of R-09 which is reduced to R-38 per 402.2.1 since the construction techniques provide a full R-38 insulation Total 5.96' SF r,e24 9F value the wall top plate. Total Allowable GRFA 7.025 9F Cg Typical Roof Condition-Provides minimum insulation value of R38 over the wall top plate per the sum of the existing cavity insulation and the new R- ` BATT INSULATION g-- I- RIGID INSULATION '----------- Total Remaining GRFA 1.651 SF 11.8 5 1/2"rigid foam insulation panels and 5/8'sheathing(for 61/8"total depth),over existing roof sheathing. / P.{!UA{.cid{U.�A{ '(See sheet A2.1 for Lower Level GRFA calculations) Exterior Walls Insulation-RequiresR-20:ProvidingR-20 the sum of the existing cavity minimum per g cavi y Tod siding and the new a nail base insulation panel Site Coverage (heaths g. sheathing,R-11.823I8'rigid foam Insulation panels)with exterior wall finish(stucco,wood siding,or stone veneer),over existing wall VICINITY MAP Allowable Site Coverage is 20%of the lot 3,607 SF sheathing. GYP.WALL BOARD/ Proposed Site Coverage rrt SF ACOUSTICAL CEILING R Proposed Site Coverage for Roofs beyroe a• STUCCO/PLASTER rwlPRemairinsiyrte Coerrererrage leer SF REVISION SCHEDULE Landscape Area # DESCRIPTION DATE CARPET ti6WIlllWgilllildilti 6U%LarMampeAreaRequirement ;';2` SF PROJECT DESCRIPTION PLYWOOD \\\ 9,036 SF /Drivew _Leaay _ of Outside changes include replacing all railroad-tie retaining walls with boulder walls,all new decking,proposed new deck sections,and adjusted grading to rs LL...-arcr llSTotal 3LaFootprint ndsmp.Ma 16,196 SF allow for lower window sills to meet code.The existing windows,roofing,deck surfaces,deck membranes and exterior finishes of the home are proposed Tl Hawser,Area Provided 11.2%) 177 SF to be replaced or repainted as necessary(existing stucco)as part of the remodel.Some windows may have increased head heights and lowered sill Tobi Sante,.Area Provided 13,019 SF heights,see drawings for locations and sizes. ABBREVIATIONS 20'fro k It is proposed that the lower level bedrooms will be reconfigured to maximize space via relocation of existing walls and doors.Lower level bathrooms will q from saes have added walls to support pocket doors.All vanities in the house will be replaced and/or relocated.The downstairs apartment will receive new sliding Gmr C-ee6 ' AAD Attic Access Door GALV Galvanized RW Roof Window doors in the closet,and a sliding barn door to the apartment from the foyer is proposed.Apartment living will receive a new window to match the other ADD Addendum GC General Contractor RO Rough Opening Patio can Mend to 1/2 the distance of the setback windows.The current washer/dryer location will be relocated within the same room,and the existing walls will be demolished.A proposed mechanical ,,,,ay ADJ Adjacent GL Glass SAN Sanitary Rom orarchitectural set tbaprojectona can emroacnd' room will take their place.Existing lockers in this room are to be demolished and rebuilt in the downstairs hall.Separate lockable closets are to be 3,1, AOR Area of Refuge GR Grade SECT Section Decks provided in each bedroom of the house.On the main floor,the master bathroom's existing walls will be demolished and rebuilt according to plan.A single AGG Aggregate GLB Laminated Wood Beam SEW Sewer Height vanity is to be relocated.A separate shower and tub are to be built.The door to this bathroom and the master bedroom will be moved outward to allow for An gnse Finished 'Stip mansard S aeO.ado exceed 3r a built-in on the master bedroom wall.The main living area will receive new clerestory windows and a new window configuration of the existing windows. p,M GiC AFF Above Floor GYP Gypsum SET Sheet GiopYg roor rot tb exceetl 33' Two large built-ins are to be located on the north and south walls of the living area.The dining area and kitchen will be one single space as the walls ALT Attemate GWB Gypsum Wallboard SHLV Shelves separating them will be demolished.New and larger windows will replace the existing,and a new door added in the dining mom.The stairwell on the main .10,1,,P,fry 0, Garage ARCH Architectural HOW Hardware SIM Similar Garage sq. per unit.before area manta towards GRFA level will be enclosed with drywall.The upper level will receive minor changes including separate lockable closets,new swing doors,and new vanities. MowBM Beam HD Head SL Sliding BRG Bearing HVAC Heating,Ventilating, SM Sheet Metal astee Requreaper Chapter l0 +sol BET Between and Air Conditioning STC Sound-Transmission Class iellirgunrcagroasreaid M)))oor area is 5.500 square feet or more:5 spaces i""-•it BD Board HT Height SPEC Specification �� B5 Both Sides HWY Highway 50 Square v.I Uar v. raf0Pnentgk0 R6 BO Bottom Of HOR Horizontal STD Standard e0 BLDG Building ID Insole Diameter STL Steel _ CAB Cabinet INT Interior STRUCT Structure(al) Cpt Carpet JT Joint SUB Substitute 1- CL Centerline LAM Laminate SUPPL Supplement(all U. plain„."• CER Ceramic LAV Lavatory SUSP Suspend(ed) c CLOS Closet MFG Manufacturer TEL Telephone CMU Concrete Masonry Unit MO Masonry Opening TV Television COL Column MTL Material TEMP Tempered CONC Concrete MAX Maximum IE That Is CJ Construction Joint MC Medicine Cabinet THK Thick CONT Continuous MECH Mechanical TPH Toilet Paper Holder DP Dampmofing MIN Minimum T&G Tounge and Groove DET Detail MISC Miscellaneous TSB Top and Bottom DIA Diameter NIC Not In Contract TO Top Of DIM Dimension NA Not Applicable T Tread DW Dishwasher NTS Not to Scale TS Tube Steel DN Down XC On Center TYP Typical ■ FINAL DRB DR Drain OPG Opening UG Underground DS Downspout OPPOpposite U.N.O. Unless Noted Otherwise Issue Date DRWG Drawing OSB Oriented Strand Board UNFIN Unfinished PROJECT DIRECTORY July 1st,2016 EA Each OD Outside Diameter UBC Uniform Building Code Drawn by EL Elevation d Penny(nails,010.1 USG United States Gage EQ Equal PAF ower Actuated Fastened VAR Variable CLIENTS ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR LANDSCAPE STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL SOILS ENGINEER SURVEYOR Checked by EXIST Existing PERF erforated(d) VENT Ventilate EJ Expansion Joint PFSM refinished Sheet Metal VIF Verify In Field ARCHITECT ENGINEER ENGINEER Scale 1/4"=1r-0" EXT Exterior PL late VERT Vertical Trammell Crow BERGLUND ARCHITECTS,LLC Kissane Construction DESIGN BUILD KRM Consultants Inc. DESIGN BUILD HP Geotech Eagle Valley Surveying FE CABT Fire Extinguisher Cabinet PLWD lywood VAT Vinyl Asbestos Tile FOC Face Of Concrete PROD mduct V Voltage Contac:Tommy Bishop P.O.Box 2378 Contact Jeff Kissane Contact:Tim Hennum Contact Steve Pawlak Contact:Mike Post FOS Fats Of Stud PROP roparty WT Waterproof WC Water Closet FIN Finish PROP 3819 Maple Avenue 210 Edwards Village Blvd Phone:(970)3766184 P.O.Box 4572 5020 County Road 154 41199 hwy 6&24,Eagle Vail COVER FP Floor R adlrs or Riser WTIWeightiDallas,TX 75279 Edwards, Vail,CO 81658 Glenwood Springs,CO Avon,C081832 FL Floor REF afar WIN Window Edwards,C081632 jett©kissaneconstrudion.mm 81601 SHEET FD Floor Drain REFR efrigerat(d W/ With(comb.form) Phone:(214)4550791 OfficePU/c(7094-0839 Ph:(9:0)94-8454988 Phone:ee:( (970) m Phone:(9]0)6-4364 1 Fan:(9]0949-0839 Fax: 79456454 Fax:(9]0 4]9-0055 FOG Footing REINF squird(tl) W/0 Without tommybishopasid@gmailcom Fax:(9]0)926-0364 knnigknncensultants.com ) GA Foundation READ equired WD Wood Al■0 GA Gauge RHSMRoouonO Head Sheet Metal Screw hans@bergluntlarohitecls.cem mikepostQevsurvey.com