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4.0 °F 14 • rif IA /. Ecoloturf Lawn V g Landscape Notes Staking Perennial Plant List Vine Plant List Amended To soil Plant Schedule z Diagram p - rarcZ _.d 7;13.303 6 Campanula glomerata Delphinium Clematis Subgrade DECIDUOUS TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT CAL QTY llO 1. Install 6" depth of plant mix in perennial beds. Topsoil to be installed to a depth Campanula x 'Crystal' Nepeta Faassenii Humulus lupulus ►o ADRB PPROVED of 3" in all disturbed areas. All soil must be approved by Landscape Designer Agapanthus Patersonia sericea ` j► 12:00:007/18/2016 AM prior to installation. 1 S Malus x 'Radiant' / Radiant Crab Apple B & B 2" Cal 3 Plant So That Top Of Root Ball 4 ,, i� �!�l' �, �� ‘ " c, ilf Hemerocallis Paeonia ° ° Is Even With Or Slightly Higher Convallaria majalis Digitalis Bulb Plant List c >/ v/VA/X/X/ /X/X/ %V•2'• > \/ �y7 7 2. Tree and shrub wells to be back filled with 500/0 native soil and 50°/0 organic Than The Finished Grade. Lupine Papaveraceae //\\//\\//\\/ /\\//\\//\\//\\/ //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/\ \\ Tilik Malus x 'Spring Snow' /Spring Snow Crab Apple B & B 2° Cal 2 ® Q amendment. Iris sibirica - //\//\//\/ //\//\//\//\/ //\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\// ' {A1. Salvia C I eom e \ \\ \%\%\\/�\\ \\/\\\/ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \j� a Native Iris ✓. / / / / / / / / / 1 / /i, /%/%/%/ ` 1•`\•\ ,,\// // // W E Two Strands Of Twisted 16 Gauge Acalypha =� �I 111-111 i `I , ,��\•,�\� 3. Location of all trees shall be staked by Contractor and approved by the 0 EVERGREEN TREES BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME CONT CAL QTYz >. 00 O Landscape Designer prior to installation. Gal. Wire Attached To 12 Nylon Strap r13 I _ V _ V Hardwood 2x2 Stakes II1-1 II II1-1 I1-1 I1-1 I1-1 II I /4Thuja occidentalis/American Arborvitae 15 gal 3 M O 4. Rock mulch will be used as a ground cover treatment in designated areas with O O p (or Metal Depending On Conditions), 4, W �' Ecoloturf Lawn Detail Q _ 3 ao• 00 V weed barrier fabric. All shrub and tree planting beds shall receive medium Driven Firmly Into Subgrade (min 18") >11 U .o •o shredded wood mulch 3" deep over weed barrier fabric. All perennial beds shall 7C T - w c� EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREES BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME CONT CAL QTY 0 •00 Prior To Backfilling. Stake Above First C m > N D receive a minimum of 2" small nugget bark mulch. �^�, No Scale M ._ Branches Or As Necessary For Firm G 4,,, . _. 1� ' c _ z N H_ Support 1111 Existing Deciduous Tree Existing 1 © N a) O 0` p •O 5. All boulders over 1.5' in diameter uncovered during excavation will be stocked pp Form 3" High ° 3" Depth Mulch �� Q X c W on site for use as landscape boulders as shown per plan. Final boulder placement Continuous Soil Rim w € � p a) m m N C - to be approved by the Landscape Designer. `w #L` 1 ` €li , =III- I EXISTING EVERGREEN TREES BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME CONT CAL QTY z Q 0 > 0 X Mulch - - - Plant At Or Above 0 3 6. Locate all plant material to avoid snow shed, snow removal locations, sight 3tj;ss?t1��f #st Backfill - 50% Native I Finish Grade # #� =1 TIE - o i�i%i�•:'i�i X Existing Evergreen Tree Existing 1 +,r lines utilitylines fire hydrants, and easements. Form 3" High -'- - - - - Soil And 50°/0 Organic _ �i , � Y � - _ _ �' I I1=1 I I =1 I1=III=� g �, Continuous Soil Rim .HEI I I-III-I I I.`i �i•`'I I-III-I I III-III-I 11- _ Root Ball Amendment =111=1 111=111=1 ?i�i�i``•i�: -111=1II =111=1I1= _ - - - - - _ Remove Container 7. Exact placement and shape of planting beds shall be reviewed by Landscape - ° 111=111 11E111E111 i'I 1=111=1I I11=1" - I I I I I - -i TREES TO BE REMOVED BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME QTY - Backfill50% Native Soil I i=i I i I-iii- %i;%, A:$$:09'1=111=111 =11 Undisturbed Subgrade - - Designer prior to installation of irrigation drip tubing. Shrubs, in their pots, shall be ° I I-111-111 '----- - - - -111=111 11 111- And 50°/0 Organic Amendments "''''�''' " _� �, placed for review by Landscape Designer. 11-III-III=III=111=III=111=111=111=111=111=111- -11 =III-I I III-III-III-III-III=111=III-III=1 I I ‘ P Aspen Trees To be Removed 3 Undisturbed Subgrade �I-1 11LEII =III=III=IIIIII=III=III=111- 2x 1-111=111=1111=111=111=111=111=111=11 E 1 Typical Shrub Planting 8. Plant quantities symbolically shown on plan take precedence over written 11 1 1=111=111-111=111-111=111=111=1 I- instructions. Align and place all trees and shrubs per these notes and drawings. •'11 111-1_11-„,_111-„,_111-„,_111-„,III-Iii-iii SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME SIZE QTY 2 X Ball Dia. No Scale 9. Edging to be 4" metal edging. Edging shall be tacked inplace with 1 foot Euonymus alatus Nordine / Burning Bush 5 gal 11 g� g g g- g g Typical Tree Planting Prune and Cut Back Existing Plant ,� edging straps at each 10' section and once in the middle. Distance between Material Where Needed straps shall not exceed 5'. No Scale Of' Picea pungens 'Globesa' / Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce 5 gal 27 Proposed Layer -*. Planting Bed Proposed Layer 10. Sod to be Ecolo-turf or equal fescue blend. Apply fertilizer (10-5-5) at the rate Planting Bed BULBS BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME SIZE QTY of 7lbs/1000 s.f. prior to the laying of sod. Proposed rn 11. It is the contractor's responsibility to furnish plant material free of pests or •1;;;.„:: , '' _ Ecoloturf Area `-� Bulb Flower/ Blub 4 pot 416 0 disease. Pre-selected, "tagged" material must be inspected bythe Landscape _ e►� �;1. `' ,SN, gg p p --�--� \k�41 �� # ... 1 \'� s +�� ♦ GRASSES BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME SIZE QTY Designer prior to installation. The Contractor must certify that all plant material is • ►,��! -;� t3o . 4.� \�h -� 1�I�r4o _1�_ .���,� . 1 _ t �4 «�� • l i /f�1 ,..,,4a• 04,04,-, 041, , 4 hoti. :;'p/�*%,�a� ,v joa\' `.iP.s11104� • - � \'1/," free of pests and disease. The Contractor must warranty all plant materials for \a, -i, �� A � �e►i �Qt+,� �,�� g 4� r'1 -�s.� �� s�� � q�Rr � � � , � •, •.� • „��,` � � , ,1� �, \� -�.. _ „•,- Calamagrostis x acutiflora Karl Foerster / Feather Reed Grass 5 gal 52 health and proper installation for a period of one year after installation per their �r••�.-_r ..�I �W ._ 41-11i••- .f; 'r�� :int,74. i� r ^„„zill Ilk ,,N -110 • ' �� contract. . r\►�,�• �� '4. • � •'�`>•�' �1�" '1111 � •_ �-- M1�_ • - F,��� lI�" ��. �� � - � s.�,��1 .� --� ..• ion.-tib 0 imi ,,���44psi SIL. k 'rte :e��e., 9�?� , 3ti -Ver. • .t ` il ` �` 'sy+ _:=4/107:-,1,-ii--14107,1:540,7t+� -•�� 03 Descham Sia ces itosa/Tufted Hair Grass 5 al 26 12. All new trees and shrubs shall be drip irrigated upon installation. All perennial . !% - "4+ • \ ♦ 0'101 •♦ OA♦ .� ••`••ttjfw :.-A � �' j < \ • ' areas shall be spray irrigated. A permanent irrigation system is required. . . . . . . - 1 �E� .;* �� p y g p g y q '� `1410, , ®� • • )�i •. _ • ko • �' �, '�`'I \��� iflalli_11W0--'y\II/� r Descham4psia cespitosa Northern Lights / Northern Lights Hair Grass 1 gal 236 .4 13. All tree and shrubsymbols used are reflective of !ant size in 10-12 ears. • '��° �� 0' rti" itN, .• ilj �f *Ill,,,f4tirti ��+ Alb* ► • /��' • �� �� 0 ir - Helictotrichon sempervirens/ Blue Oat Grass 1 gal 58a)14. This document information and desi n is ro rietar data and the exclusive %* . . -��4-�'���� i � � sc,,,,Attil,I` "l� • I property of Neils Lunceford, Inc. Reproduction or use of this document is ''1 '' .1�4.;., 0 k frt _ i. ., •�1> , . i.4/111` .moi ,IC.) prohibitedtio without written consent. Aril �.�^r � � Ita �� - two pm I , *.- , 4;II'',7 ,�, �; .• _ r -f _ ��" ;� .► �� �� ®�,,. AlkitelL41. iittpiliciirk -..�,_ Landsca e Le endillik, J _,.. Plant S acin A B C D - 1, . .,_ . . n,.., _ m**/ +`•', sed ��I�s�: �I d�� .�d�Ia.� `'� 1 IPPYVA1 METAL 6" 6" 6" 5" 6" ID 4.(e foo �.° ? +. ► a �r'�,0�` SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY ®��� - !III_ ^^,, 11 11 11 11 s \ .o `®���®� �_r �� -- ~' ��� ED-101 14" Metal Edger 357 If W12 12 ::: 710 12 A, ..444*, *4* 1 -A i I- Topiary73 18111811811 1511 1811 „44dY ���o� h�, s(A�4$4 �+,,04. _ .tea ElibY 11 11 11 11 11 .� ---: " ./'�� ., �,•�� ��. ����.�!'+�..{°��' '� , �- _� Accent •24 24 18 20 24 .- ` e®'i�ee 0.�e , a� �-- ,� • SILOAM 30" 30" 18" 26" 30" �� ����� • 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 • d 1 �I� ,, � w0 �� ���� Proposed Flower / SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY (/) 0 (0 < U 36" 36" 24" 31" 36" - •' ��• T T T T 4:.. t;;:.. • °° as ,4) 4 :, t.,74% " " i ► *# ~ Large Size Siloam n 2 r -I . . . . viii �� v Cut Garden 1111111111 48" 48" 24" 41" 48" ; •-`- -,,� 4 ��di `WOI' Sin a 0 a i P##### [I �/1 g �� •lo��*����-�°' a Removed 3 ,,,,��� a e S e S oa Stone (1) a) °0 ^ �elitc . ,,4 ,.#. *-:--.. �'b;`.`+�,��s�r �; 1 I Overgrown and Dead ttiti1,1,1,1, �!. 4 , ►440 `� V _J ��1 * ® Medium Size Siloam Stone 14 0 L��Ihe..aO- -, , v D I Aspen Trees l:""lily I 1 Proposed Custom � ��11 lij�lriliji_it C Existing p 0 ft I���4 ,?,� -0 L■L .■_■■■_■iii Groundcovers, Perennials Or Annuals : lii�:1L�l._ Deck Flower Baskets , -will Proposed Custom Proposed al r-�1!�I•` p Shady ® Small Size Siloam Stone 12 Q MITI` C +� Flower Baskets t#### , "'°' Ground Cover Plants - _ 0 Curb, Edge Of Walk, Or Edger Proposed Custom Flower Baskets �Ill�l s c Proposed Custom , Flower Pots Topiary 0 0 0 0 0 0 �il,�, G. FLAGSTONE CD0 O O O "�T9im l I. i\ Accent p \ t \ SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY 0 0 0 0 mac::--•p�lll Wire Line Reusswig i� - �C < ■ 0 U Q 0 0 0 .._,.. _ll�� Residence Existing Flagstone m • '��-•r•-••• Ste ers 0 0 0 lii�■, AQExistin Ste in Stone 3 o 0 0 211 Mulch ileal)jmhlW it Hop Vine pp \ r., . ` ) 1 g Stepping Z O O O ,i„��i.-=III��t Siloam Seat / 2 Q -- Proposed Perennial itell 111111 Ili /f 111 v -�. �� p i CD M/ , SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY W Remove Containers, �IMel -� Stones Flower Bed ` J - (/) CD > Set Out And Space �' p A 4 / /- .ems I •::❖:❖:❖3:❖:.❖3:❖:•::❖:❖b:•A:::•3:❖:::•::❖:•3:•:::•3:❖:❖:❖.3❖:❖::❖:❖:•:: v .� Relocate Existing I ` , r Existing Water Feature 70 sf :�o: �g i ::°::° ::°e::°�° :::°�:* °* Plants As Specified In Proposed Spring Snow A k , \ / 611 ................................................................. OO Fire Pit ► i' � �l isi:�i�i�i:..::.:s`•i�iiii:`•iiiisii�i�i..:*>::'.:�i°�ii�i°�i�i�i�i�i�i�°iii°�i�i�i�i�sii'`•i�i�°i�i�i: P I a nt Le end. Rows °°P�� I ---- --c::.--.. (/) .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,,.,.,.,.,.•.,.,,.,.,.,..,.,,,,.,. g Crab Apple Tree ,'11 .--���,- : : :::: : : : :::ififiiiiii: ::::::::°::°:::::::::::°::::::::;w::::: S h ou I d Be Straight �., - ExpondPro osed Radiant ��� r ;� �a � � Custom Deck Railing Flower Baskets 61 sf ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::mammonmemmeisisisii;iiisisisi • sisi; ;iisi ;iii;iiii, ii p I Existin .. r- ..._ -- 0 0.,.........................,.............................. .. And Consistent. Sett �, Existing Patio 9 _. _- • - . ii 0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0•iiii iiiiiiiii•i•iiii��•iiiiiiiiii•i�iii• •-• r'.❖.•oo.•o.•000.❖.❖.❖.o❖.00❖. *;;;.o•.00•.00❖.❖.:+x+o•.00❖.**:o. Crab Apple Tree i Deck , •• -iwi .wo+ wswzwo,Op,•,•p,•p,•,•pOO.•,O•p,•O,•p,•,•,•,O•p,•Op.•.•,C..,.,.�p.,.�... Plants a nts 1" Higher Than $ .. O - \\ ,� • ��/ •• ,°sem - _ , ' -4111/ \� Existing Water Feature Expansion 45 sf Finish Grade. �;7 - III-III-II -II I-III-III-IIII III 1 •❖ _ _ c' _ ,-- IHII III III III III III III Prepare Planting Bed ,,1� � ' `� 4.4401S._-••_.. I; !_,,, 1 n / I �, "' !lig !k Custom Flower Pots 34 sf (D ' 11=111=111=111=111=111=111=111= .IA_, ���y I l _ �� �.■__:: �� 11.._ Air-- ti _ _ �• ••, = _ _ _ _ Acknowledgement ._■■■ r ^::'_.ry '" _ , III III I I Fl I I III III- Plant Mix g - _ Ilii. i �' , �0014 ,,� jil! �,,,,,. i=�°°'-;Iii:: -p_• . i ��OI���O� Shad Ground Cover Plants 448 sf Undisturbed Between Town and Owner _ ,, iii......6..._ o �� AWARE RE _4,, 12 / 1 ,�, �,, y Subgrade i l� .7. �� ♦ ,.posed Cust• ►nli;�:■._1 '-:�►:e��; , �' f - - - -� Expand Existing \, / u ' � a����d'O ��$ �� ���� ='�eilllJ / 1. Town of Vail will remove i �i D t•wer Baskets ► ,.----pi..,.., � - , Low Ground Cover Plants 271 sf Typical Perennial/Ornamental Grass Planting Water Feature O ExistiNg d 6. WIrw IIIII� 1111i1 w�• -------- .�-� - - / \� Christmas lights on trees on `�� Hot Tub Existing _ft:; ; _•� ��,,,,,,,,,,, vvv , ,,�,♦��.�� ��� ; _ - No Scale stream tract Proposed Perennial �VC� Deck ''t_tt1.A e;1=' it ...,*-_,A,..,►•,I, ♦� � ���Proposed Low �� � ., . fid ■� ���VVV"V.� '� PERENNIAL FLOWER 2. Town of Vail will treat scale Flower Bed ‘. Om �I� i �,��,,,, � ,, � "�� � / _. IIL� ,,-: ��, .�.,� loundcover Plants :*:%-__ SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY _•�•i nal ••� /j IlLt #4, ♦III�III ,A,rnkTera," insects on trees on stream Proposed Spring Snow `y•:_'1 �� :wirAAI #40% p p g - CI � :` ..� '�,�.� +, •••• ••• � •osed 00#4.414, ,� ■pn■---� -(1jl�j � ` Pro os-• / iii...___� tract .: ,,, _ s: + - •• - �' � p !�::_:� Perennial Flowers 12" O.C. 893 sf Crab Apple Tree fl• ��� _ � # ## Bulbs / �1�iii .._::. o ■■_■■ o .# IIIIIIII Bulbs ���IMinmill 3. Town of Vail will provide seed - 1 IIIA "' :.. �0 it---=-=:laa p Existing SII_ ��� �� r 1e-0P-1111111P910Ai. li'ItI*� ,I� # , I,, ,,,, ,+ ,*,4#.�OI�- / I / T for Neils Lunceford to install on u.a� ����,.r. ��{ VIA-ta&--7 ,pf� °°°^y�'i114"- lit m%t �•# #�`�I�i� /,:ll_`_ _..._ �� II Exis$ng „�� �Ir - IL. #r 3s+e# wis' 1 g 1�1':•="Ir► - r ds;; 1 b,\ • �;; 11 ?� ... all �' �' # , ire; w�+t►4`# � �Retainin WaIIS `o '1 '�z # ` ♦ # ## # ��#f O j � ANNUAL FLOWER ;' eobli stream tract Ih f1.. ::: il�jjl�;;;�; : ~a - ,fib= a■�,- + ♦I����I/ Retaining Walls ",.� ie ##.� f# h# �;� / SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY 4. Neils Lunceford or owner, to •= °°-IIL _ POI**#4 1I� "I \ _ , . :.;_■:: 'lira■. :■■ ■■: a■ ► trg: ��� �����I �*�I �I.+$044•0410,* ED 101 / � 0 ° : •MIN 11:11::;.;1 \`� +�... ��,,;�� „I � ` ����♦ Annual Flowers 12" O.C. 54 sf 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 install a small amount of �� ,;Mj,,;1;;;u Ilk - ' lei #,�5•��O ����;�,� J 1 / ������� DROUGHT TOLERANCEIII compost to the stream tract '1 . - - =:.:_u AA ilir Amp% • , 4e* 1f4f yitt*.*I O# O . / .� ,l;ll�a�p:: 11�- .\ �� # �/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIi1 ,� . I • ro ert and rake in b hand to «. ::��i:►,..-,, j�et+x I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,! \4/'. -----1 =COLO TURF DISEASE RESISTANCE p p Y Y _^ / v :� prepare for seeding s A�� e / ,• �� #� iSYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY WEAR RESISTANCE ° +- :AL # • • • • 1 O I • L / 5. Neils Lunceford or owner, will s�.` `-� _;u-'' 04,- `4 ' / ` : � '�'y • # ••••.04P#S _►•IIII - f • • . . : , ��SHADE TOLERANCE t •�treat scale insects on trees on \ , � � �� ,� 111�11:=::: ;; � " tiffrAVASP / Ecoloturf 1,661 sf ,oj I 11_..■ � #: .II 4 i$RECOVERY FROM MODERATE WEAR 91Lwa_■ ._ .e�# /Reusswig property \ai ��� ��� r '� �,;� 11i;# � I �°I 00 ��► ,� 1�, ,� # IIIIIIIIIIIII # ��� ei �s • WINTER COLOR 6. Neils Lunceford, or owner, will till '�M\;�?Z 1 i ='i° :� ���i�����O���I / L. - � ►�4� T;•: .• Ali_:,fir ` * �� .44;41�Oe44 HEAT TOLERANCE remove Ali. � ..4„......,........, :�-t«. t�,a1 _ �; ,,,,,,,,,�,,, * A. O• OI 4k, • • • \ ` ` / SAND SET BUFF FLAGSTONE dead/leaning/hazardous trees •jj� _ �... ►pi;;r a11A��•� ,w�.` �',�! IIII1Iji +,; •,,,,,,,,I���� ���� :�� �5�� ,1 - \ / / SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY eel n' - < .4 t ice. # jak ----- MAINTENANCE GUIDE noted on plan on Reusswig °,° alit e.:�•-• ilIii! l� '��`'� ��%� .' • / Proposed Sand Set Buff Flagstone Patio 224 sf IL ._ 1�IjL��._ �►p:,:a,L �.�� ',���'��•�=►�.� '` Ili��# u2,,,,,,..-.-. ,,. i 1��,,,1'� .44`,1*� � ) 4'� ••• '• � / / � WATERING: For the first 20 days, water as needed to keepMOWING: Mow seven daysafter installation. Mow to a height Atji...___owiliaiarili. �`��[1► i �_ l! �' - de>� g property . rt�, . �\ > ''�jliiiwa ;►���,,,,,,,,� N I • • i1• •• • • // /the to soil moist to a 3-inch de th. After 20 da ' I \ • ►. •rp p ys, water of 2-1/2 to 3+inches.Weekly mowing is recommended.Never � ll ;:,_, \k,4� ����_� �,`,; ��+f- ��z.ti ` IA _lost�" 'a•0..' 40 > • / / PROJECT MANAGER. three or more times a week during warm weather. In cooler mow more than one-third of the blade at one time,it may injure 7. Neils Lunceford, or owner, will �.rtp�,��t�4f eft p ��L�#1# ���� �� �� � i '• • •Pro OSed LandSCa e !i� :,�.'�� 0 �:•a�� #� '�+- _ . • • �� r„ Existing Sand Set Buff Flagstone Patio 755 sf weather,water deep,once or twice a week. Sandy soil requires the plant. hand weed noxious weeds on p p 'w li��"►`'�� ,,: ���%� ��ji tt ��� �������� �� >>-'1i 1• • • ' 00°' 0• �" n S+more fre uent waterin than cla soil. Slo es and mounds ma S "� ((� 1� ;_■ �w4a�� ;; �� I r • • • ° Dan S q 9 Y P Y DISEASES: Ecoloturf is highly resistant to most common diseases Screening to Screen ��. k�'d � ll�. �r � � �� � ��1i• 1, • • • ��o• •/�� � °•s ' �g ►•+ �I ! '��\h ######,#### + -,,0s' ,1:�i- .040,4 + '11+• � _ ::5:•.:0.°6: a Q o O o O°• require more attention due to water run-off. Irrigation may be that might affect other turfgrass. stream tract adjacent to �1'�1 iiL_:�'�: �� � ►p1 111 iC:.}„ O,t �� • 30-35 percent less than Bluegrass and Tall fescue. applyUtilities �t`�� � i151 !:9•,_ • �* ##404141 0 041 4 ^�'of-,�4�' k' �j t/� �y_ °::5: °0.°6: °� C'E �� MULCH WEEDS AND INSECTS:After 4 weeks,if needed,one can a I \ \ _ ' ' \�/ '\ 1 # �4 I'►` 1r�1�/• �� , •o o G Reusswigproperty � �illl � ��' ' '� � .■ FERTILIZATION: 17 daysafter installation and about every p p Y � 0, !!i.■■■ILE-■■. A r #+� i 3C ,I ,lr...�s`"\� p -,,› APPY a herbicide for any broadleaf weeds.Contact a garden center if �4 iLliL■w;mr-1IIllIL.. • rØ #, \. 4` 4# ''�G`.�C=i�,,` a ► \ .e_:.- .. . : _,.Q.. �°_• 's' SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY two months duringthe growing season with a SLOW-release �-� - e. _�8. Neils Lunceford or will / '� _ • I ,•`•AN r-T4 le. rte, r� a , N 9 9 insects ever appear. , owner, yd■_...�'-': ._■■■_■■ (� •° fertilizer at full rate as indicated on the bag.Use a 20-10-5 with ` y'M •;1�-iiia,• ..-men , r ,h�4 #4* 0�v,,,,,,,,• ., r" .,jf `1 •' iV.,..•?-'. ..0-6°°:\--).13.'a a v.o a°°o, ° °4a QOO� \f 5%Iron.Reduced fertilizer applications assist the ecology) remove top 3-4 rows of rocks � �� ��IIILi■j,. �■�.:■_■„ �'' ���i�� � #t# , . �#,��'�'�r���"� �iedr,, ,� D• V �` ° •• 11..� yam```�` :. / 1"-3" Mexican Beach Pebbles 25.43 c +.. �� 41IhtiImo-TV '-111 �_r'•r�Qa s: �#,+# , 'I,,,,, h'SCl:� ® ..;�+' �:.1►'. O ° Y on small stacked flagstone wall •-••'-�•� •� • �:� .�- �°o° 25 RELEASE DATES: .�■_■■■_ e■_ ■sem +• /' \ g �tM ■i■■ . I ' �� •�, `_+•.,� - #.• �,. ,,, ,,,,, �•� Al� ��-.; 75% Small Cedar Wood Mulch �1,_.� ' Vie:_�- ll � �1lL��� !�. �,� :���,� , ;,:t`��� f�+4�R�+.•,�::- �,.�: :• 1111L1� °• j_::_� 4,.. *4+,######,, ♦ ..♦o , _ --.. 07.07.2016 and import topsoil to fill areaI�, • i �,�. #Y ��e ;,vvv TECHNICAL DATA ""--Ar II_iii!"■-E' ' GO _ ♦♦ / 4\ -- ••--::--• -1 1 t .♦♦&A*414�4*. Proposed Ornamental GRAVEL around flagstone steps and ::-..--1111Erib :•- a•• : �� ���°• le ,########,### ��������� .�♦ar �• Common Name: Ecoloturf jl_:IL=Eim I I �.'� - �� f I4 • ,,,,,, Species: Fine fescue/Biu rassMixlure ShadeToleronce: Hi hshadetolerance flagstone wall while leaving � ��jj hjjj�li' � �' �� z!-�t � jjj.r.� ##,+eie+��� ;4"111,vos\##vir41041040,..„.._. � Grasses SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY Ped eg 9 -�■ Asa. •. ll ■a ('�C,;'yGrowth Rale: Summer 3/4 to 1 inch per week Geographic Range: Plains to Mountain altBudes \ Mill ■■■a:::a• �� �••Root Depth: 3 to 4-1/2 feet deep depending on soil type STANDARDS AND MEASURES p g p ( ���I' '+�1 > �' �'' 11,E .''�•+` �� ♦iPro osedlantin sin lace Town wl N TE: R m v II i in I n 1 �it ���� � � �� � . 1 • s-- `��.�''. ,and water application. S100%TAN Weed Free O e o e a d seased, dy g, dead p a t /\ \ $ ° a• . • �IM- +- \ ,..,\♦��1i ,. :o .�o�o. y Proposed Crusher Fines 4.31 c ADAPTABILITY Size: 8 to 10 sq.ft.Per Piece cost share with client for this °.a,-,, :c3:,•.°e Soils Range: Fair to moderate saline soil conditions. Big Rolls:500 sq.ft. material. Prune all existing plant material on site > \ go0W.° "' �� •�. •- 'o a �♦k4t4',0"A -�r Crusher FinesSoil Amendment Soil Thickness 1/2 inch"-'1/8 inch+top growthortion of the work •�'` • .. +.'�•. ♦,♦♦�♦��J��432 to 540s ft. er list p ) a�.o°oo:o°o°o:o° o:o° °y�,t_ _..� Pro osedRecommendation: 4-S cu.Yd/1000Sgft, q' P where needed. Kee existin erennials and shrubs '1�4. _ - +� .���Weighs: 1500 to 2700 lbs.per pallet p g p / v •�-9o•. o• i ier, �_.y.c •�- p Proposed Radiant pH Range: 6.O to 8.5 Grown from Certified Sod Quality seed. 9. Neils Lunceford, or owner, will where Owner desires. - °�� °��• �•°o°�o .'-� o° '�� Bulbs Crab Apple Tree install plantings in the area of „\__):•.,...:•-:•,14:••:.. °G• °o• .••, z•o°a •••o s pp utility boxes and ,o:°• fi•°-. o°o.'o°. Proposed Low Proposed Custom steps/flagstone wall to buffer �* Groundcover Plants 6reenlaiwn Sod Co. Flower Pot � Inc. utilities as shown on the plan Proposed Radiant Proposed Annual Groundcover Plant List FRESNO,CA PALMDALE,CA RIVERSIDE,CA FORTCOLLINS,CO Proposed Ornamental Crab Apple Tree Flowers Thymus serpy (888)800-8483 (800)669-4763 (800)233-5254 (970)482-6574 um Veronica liwanensis HOLLISTER,CA INDIO/EL CENTRO,CA STOCKTON,CA IAS VEGAS,NV Grasses Proposed Cerastium tomentosum Lysimachia nummularia (800)735-7879 (760)398-0604 (800)588-6882 (702)897-1112 Crusher Fines Sedum Ae o od i u m podagraria Proposed Perennial www.agsod.com L 1 N Flower Bed Mahonia repens Ecoloturf SpecificationED Landscape Plan 4816SHEET SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 OF I