HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB16-0284.pdf Department of Community Development JuL 1 9 2016 75 South ave Road Vail,FrontCO 81657 TOWN On VA I L r J Tel: 970-479-2138 www.vailgov.com TOWN OF VAIL App"ication for Design Review Dead or Diseased Tree Removal General Information: This approval is granted for the removal of dead or diseased trees only. A separate application is required to request tree removal/replacement in the Town of Vail. This form must be signed by a Town of Vail authorized representative who has inspected the tree(s). Fee: Waived for dead tree (s) ✓ Single Family Duplex Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Request: Tree Removal — VINOWAL Tree Species (removal):Colorado Spruce Number of trees: 1 Tree Species (removal): iqumber of trees: Comments: Very near the house and declining rapidly Tipp Prec eS A'ilm4,3r of trees: Physical Address: 2863 Timber Creek Dr,Vail Colorado 81657 Akh Parcel Number: gI0.3 _ I Lf3 IS oo I . (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-325-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: Jim & Laura Marx Mailing Address: 730 Marim Denver 80218 r ,,,,„e: 303-808-9538 Owner's Signature:��y J�C(c2r a,:ty. Primary Contact/Owner Representative: Chris PoAer Mailing Address: I Phone: 970-904-0106 E-Mail: Fax: For Office Use Only: / Meeting Date: ' ''11.-11( DRB No.: b ( I 0 Pq)Lt Planner: Project No: Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot:_ Block:_ LA/ Subdivision: \J �)_- ct Ct t ri �l s Dec 2015