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Evergreen Trees IR OF
USE ABBR BOTANIC NAME COMMON NAME SIZE HT SPREAD USE SM-1 High Altitude Grass Mix Drill seed at 80-100 PLS/per SF -
Elymus trachycaulus Slender Wheatgrass 18% _ & 4.
EVERGREEN TREES Bromus marginatus Mountain Brome 18% +. IllpIIIIIIII
Evergreen trees shall be balled and burlapped or spade dug with single leaders and full branching patterns to the ground. Festuca saximontana Rocky Mountain Fescue 18% I, *4•' • R 'T
AC Abies concolor White Fir 6'height 40-60' 20-30' M Bromus ciliatus Fringed Bromegrass 18% ` .i ,I, 4 i , ..
PA Pinus aristata Bristlecone Pine 6'height 20-40' varies M Poa ample Big Bluegrass 16% ...` -'*R Q, ;# K
PE Picea engelmannii Engleman Spruce 6'height 40-60' 20-30' Poa alpine Alpine Bluegrass 12% s IFj
PM Pseudotsuga menziesii v.glauca Douglas Fir 6'height 50-80' 15-25' -, ` 3 J�o�
PP Picea pungens varieties Colorado Blue Spruce 6'height 40-60' 20-30' SM-2 High Altitude Meadow Mix Drill seed at 80-100 PLS/per SF iw "`
Helianthella quinquenervis Aspen Sunflower 6% `"a., .r
DECIDUOUS TREES Linum perenne lewisii Blue Flax 5% " r°' +• T\
Deciduous trees shall be balled and burlapped with full heads,straight trunks,and single leaders unless otherwise noted. All shade trees(2-1/2" Penstemon strictus Rocky Mt Penstemon 5% -,•_ ` , ^� "'"
cal.)shall have their first branch 5'-7 above the top of the rootball. Lupinus argenteus Silver Lupine 2% '', t x,,;,.�. - � ' '^" •_
Al Acer ginnala Amur Maple 2.5"cal. 15-20' 15-20' M Agastache urticifolia Horsemint 2% -_ , �` > .,
W/O AG Acer glabrum Rocky Mountain Maple 2.5"cal. 10-20' 10-15' H Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan 4%
W AT Alnus tenuifolia Thinleaf Alder 2.5"cal. 15-30' 15-20' M Achilles millefolium Yarrow 2%
AL Amelanchieralnifolia Saskatoon Serviceberry 4-6' 4-6' Elymus trachycaulus Slender Wheatgrass 13% Deciduous Trees
Bromus marginatus Mountain Brome 13%
W BO Betula occidentalis River Birch 2.5"cal. 15-25' 10-15' H '''''''''':1:1::.
W BG Betula glandulosa Bog Birch 2.5"cal. 6-8' 10' H Festuca saximontana Rocky Mountain Fescue 13%
O PT Populus tremuloides Aspen 2.5"cal. 35' 15' M Bromus ciliatus Fringed Bromegrass 13% A," t`t
Poa ample Big Bluegrass 13% ``
DECIDUOUS AND EVERGREEN SHRUBS Poa alpine Alpine Bluegrass 110/0 - ,\"" , .9�
All shrubs shall be containerized stock(#5 container,unless otherwise noted). �• i "4A , '
SM-3 Mountain Wet Meadow Mix 4-8oz/1,000 SF;above 7,000 feet
o AA Amelanchieralnifolia'Regent' Saskatoon Serviceberry #5 cont 15-25' 15-20' M Elymus canadensis Canada Wildrye 14%
O AC Amelanchier canadensis Shadblow Serviceberry #5 cont 10-15' 10' M Poa palustris Fowl Bluegrass 14%
H CN Chrysothamnus nauseosus albicaulis Tall Blue Rabbitbrush #5 cont 4-6' 4-6' Glyceria grandis Giant Mannagrass 12% iltitK;,n 'i
W/O CS Comus sericea Red Osier Dogwood #5 cont 6-8' 5-8' M Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted Hairgrass 12% v. ` ! r..
O Cl Comus sericea'lsanti' Isanti Dogwood #5 cont 4-5' 4-7' M Beckmannia syzigachne American Sloughgrass 12% - '-;'4144,'Z::'..i?' V . .
H/W DF Dasiphora fruticosa Shrubby Cinquefoil #5 cont 4' 4' L Carex simulate Slender Sedge 8% • ! iY �J I
W/O LI Lonicera involucrata Twinberry Honeysuckle #5 cont 6-10' 6-10' M Eleocharis palustris Creeping Spikerush 5% ,y _<
O PS Physocarpus opulifolius'Summer Wine' Summer Wine Ninebark #5 cont 4-6' 4-6' Agrostis scabra Ticklegrass 4% L N"tow. , -
O PD Physocarpus opulifolius'Dart's Gold' Dart's Gold Ninebark #5 cont 4-5' 4-5' Carex rostrata Beaked Sedge 4% I ? .
PB Prunus besseyi'Pawnee Buttes' Creeping Sand Cherry #5 cont 15-18" 1-6' M Carex nebrascensis Nebraska Sedge 4%
H PV Prunus virginiana melanocarpa Native Chokecherry #5 cont 6-10' 6' L Juncus balticus Baltic Rush 3%
O RA Ribes alpinum Alpine Currant #5 cont 3-6' 3-6' Carex aquatilis Aquatic Sedge 2%
H RC Ribes cereum Squaw Currant #5 cont 2-5' 2-5' L Carex lanuginosa Wooly Sedge 2% Shrubs
RD Rubus deliciosus Boulder Raspberry #5 cont 6-8' 4-6'
Scirpus microca us Small Fruited Bulrush 2% --.
H RW Rosa woodsii Wood's Rose #5 cont 3-6' 3-6' L _
Juncus longistylis Meadow Rush 1% z� '7-..,12-7 .7:,• '
O RS Rosa'Sir Thomas Lipton' Sir Thomas Lipton Rose #5 cont 5-8' 4-7' o I z, I r
Juncus ensifolius Dagger Leaf Rush 1% W
O RH Rosa'Hansa' Hansa Rose #5 cont 4-5' 3-4' �- c,.. ,i !
W SD Salix drummondiana Drummond's Willow #5 cont 6-9' 6-9' H r
W SM Salix monticola Yellow Mountain Willow #5 cont 10-20' 10-20' H �x -• $ ,.e, '�.
W SP Salix purpurea 'Nana'Dwarf Arctic Willow #5 cont 3-5' 3-5' H ,,,.-• A
O SU Sambucus pubens Native Elder #5 cont 15-20' 10-15' M y� *'
O SC Sambucus canadensis Aurea' Golden Elder #5 cont 5-12' 3-10' M . ' :'.:r.:.:`ti
O SN Sambucus nigra Black Beauty Black BeautyElderberry #5 cont 8-12' 10-12' M I ' s'
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All shrubs shall be containerized stock(#5 container,unless otherwise noted).
H/O AU Arctostaphylosuva-ursi Kinnikinnick #2cont 4-6" 4-6' L-M Perennials and Ornamental Grasses
H AT Artemesia tridentate Tall Western Sage #5 cont 2-8' 2-8' VL
H BG Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grams Grass #5 cont 9-24" 18-24" L-M -1, a. r l t 1 �:' s. ^�, y.,g 4 <t ,�+
H MR Mahonia repens Creeping Colorado Holly #5 cont 12-18" 12-18" L ( r t y r .r.
H SO Symphoricarpos oreophilus Mountain Snowberry #5 cont 12-24" 48" M l S „,,,4`.,..,,,:4, -417F -
O SS Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem #5 cont 24-36” 12-24" l - ' qirr">. .-ige .
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Plant Palette January 23, 2017
1-70 E Vail Landscape and Water Quality Improvements RESPE MUNDUS BISHOP