HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB17-0314 Supporting Documents (Easement Agreement and Waivers).pdfwi~·2~:~!Gii'l'--· · -_ .. -.---.. 1~ ~de arid en~:er-~d ~ da~ of ~(~4.{,bF''ign7, by-and JoetW,.en lNC., a Colo"ado ""£puration, Lot k, lllock 5 ~. VI\H, VILLMlE FIFTH FHING, ~~.oording to t:o~ recor<lcd plat the"eof, "ubject to er.cu~br~nc~• of rcc-oc<l, recorde<l in Boo~ 193 ~I; Page 431 and in·Eook 193 at Page 435, reco~d" of E2glc County, colorado, ;,;m!liREM,·•Grantee-iS "-n-on-profit associatioll of the owners af condominium units luc"-ted on tho full.o~-tin9-aeScriJ,.,~ a<l:iac'OJll-vrupe~t.y oituatc in Eog)e Cowity. <!olorado: llegihnit.g at th~ southeaSt' '<'DJ:nel: Oc Lot -,;/ jJ ~hence southwcaterl~ alo<>~ the North lbe oJ: l-!~nson Rahdl;Mad'.a· M"t~nco of '35,00 fe~t to~ po)Jtt of-ctu:v~; Lhen<>e "along a cun>c to· the dght h<>:ving ~ ra<1ius' of 120.17 (eH, a canual angle or l"cw·~s", an nrc distance of ~S.8J'ft!<itJ thence on an the Eight of 79°49'50" a dist'ance ~ct) thence on.an.angl$ to tht! of 90°00,-00" a diOtan~e-·or 14.67 fcctr on an angl" 'tu' t~c l~t't'. cf 90°00. 00'' ' of oa.94''~eet;·:"thert~c on an anglG of 20°QO'OO" .. ,; distan"" of \5,·17 .to' il poin& on the U6rth Une o£ oaiO -, 'ti\enc~ ;;,; an anile to -th~ right of '~~::;,:•:na .alo,ng .said No~'th'--Une· ~ tc' t\ie:l@ft·-~a,;.;_,~ 0. cedtial'ahi,iie --~- ll; • ~nd ' '" , ·r -'-, That port;l.on of r.ot '<, Rlod 0-A, VAlL Vlr.LA.GE FH'!'E FJI.HIG, •ccordi.ng to Lha r~coxd<>d o~~t th8>o~ot, descd.ioed ~s ' follows, Begino.J.ng at the southweot cor~er of sa~d r.ot k; illo>n= Norlheasteri;- -along the west line or oai<l Lot k a ~iot~nc~ o~ 7(, feet; thencu m• an a'ngle 'to the dght of 45°00'00" a di.stanco of 23 f-eel; lhence en ~n ~ngle to the _rl-gl>t of 90°00'00" a diotanca ot BO teet, more ~-or' less, to a ?Oi-nt on the sOuth 1'-'0)<Irq.: lir.e of B•ili Lot k; thonc<>' southwesterly along-sai~ south prope'·~y Hne of L<>t k ~ dista.nce o<: sa .,;eet, <eore Occ lcisa, bo tl1e ·-so<ith"'"'"t-corni>r of •~id Lot k a>\d t~>e ,:Po~nt o£ beginni>'\J, ' \·:: _'-· "Parcel arantee a -' .·----·- -itruC:~ ion' o''f s~iu-~;;1,.~~i,;g pa<,1, and f~r :Joint ovi'~iitioil, ' ' . ' ~ -•' rnnintenanee and_ uk the_reo t; by_ <lr_aDtor , riri<1_ Gl'a»tee -.~{:'{~·J::?';e';otpod ~~~t ' ·'-',,_ -------' ----'-'--' tiWbimin'f-po_oL--to .be c'onst,.ude<l },ave Men /-•,,,.," ., ·· ay,.ccd lijoon•'b1 'G~antor aJ\d (:r'antee, and thnt Com~any; , a~-· ·~,~,.,;~t owr><>r of Parcel B ds-od: i:OOd, above ', ' solely res,onoilJle !Mall labor and mnter).alo rei:-'th'e- oonelruct ion, "quipping an<'! furnishing o'(' s~ icl· 'swiln"'_i~g--,_. to )>e accompLi. shed Cree an~ ~l"ar' o'f all. ·mechanic's or maintenance of equ;pm_ent, poolaide _fm:-tlicttin9s -and . . <' aa'·r~quired, .'an<l g~r,oral npkeep of ~li~ ;_,;,~l-'area. andexpen,.,, ,hall be adVanc8d and-accounted fo>: l;y a ~ti'teo\e_ilt o'-i Gr<>ntcc 's por'Hon th~"<eo£ .,!:an be and Grant:= r~l~tS.ng th<! condoottiniw~ Prcj~ct and it~ ccm.T,on -p;,~;.'tx&pt to the terms oO the con~cminium "''""'"''m;;,11d5 'C ~]). ;; mutually satisfactory Rental l'Pn4gem~nt condominium unit own<>r Whoso prorated _shar<> oi P<>t>l cosf;s and ' ·. --'-' -.. llgr<>~"'-"nt g<>nerally p~oviditog £or-,:;,;;ta1 -, h> pe_rfo:C!<><>d, 'l>y GrantO:c 'fur .~~i<'l o•me,; :;, , indiVfOual ~ondoO<in; urr- -:-uhit .. " ;,; ' 4. --Th~'be'nefits Ag'lo<!<>ment-shall De appru:tenan-r. to th~ <ihovc ~~scnbed l•n<l, . .,,;'lend •. io •>nd shall bind th<> .FarUO!s lmd their r•fs:i»ctiv~ ••• of~k,kL-: 19_/L. , ' - as Praai~ent corpora t ;,nn. _.,- ' ' . COMMONWEALTH lAND Tin! INSURANCE COMPANY A Ro\,""' G1o;1,• Ho\f'"O' Co•v'">' SCIIUJULE 1\ 1. Etlodrve Juie: janu:.ry 8, 1990 c.t ll:OO 1\,,'.1. ~'. l"olicy or pollci<->s ·to bo issued: (Ill ALT/1 0\'lner'~ Polley-Proposed III5Urod: Ill) ALTA Loan l'ol icy -· l'ropo~od ]t,surod: TO llE DI:TCR'o\lf>.l[D """'~"~ 1)~1')\7 -~'SI'i 5uW~\CC~ 1::\ocS. Commi-l'llE>IIt ~lun>ber F2~700<J Amount P1·emrum \ \ I LOAN flt.\OUNT AND f-l~E~IIlN AR~ TO BE DETERI<IINED I 3. n,e estate or intore«·]· In ihe land dcscr I bed or ,-GfmreJ loin ihl:. cc;,lmitm~n+ ~n!l covered hcouln lo l'f_E Sll·lPLE ~n<i tr·i·Je ilwrnio h <1t the dtecllve date horeof ve5tod in: THE ~lfRIJAr1ET HILL 1-~M I TAL fRLISl, 1•/HOSF TRUSTEE IS MAAGAREl HUNT H ll L 4. The ]qiJd r-<)ferrod j·o 111 this ccmn•ltmonl Is desc.J·]becl <l~ follow&: LOT K, llLOCI< 5J\, VAIL VILlAGE, FIFTII C'ILING 1 COUNTY 01-Ei'GLE, STATE OF COLOf~ADO. l'ul·portod Sin.,fli' f,ddross: 1·'-'"?.d .1i: DENVER, COLOI<{II)O on: J~num·y 26, 1990 by'· !:ZOO E. 1-IA~IPD~N INSLRN·ICE CO~IPN-IY • Conrnitn~eni" Ntrmbsr· F237609 SCfiEDULE fH 'D>e following "'o to Do complied wifh: l'ayrne~t to or lor ·1 bo account of the gr~n-1-ey· or mor tgaaor--', ol' the full cor.si deration fo,- tlro o.si,d·oo or ln'Jeresi -h:.> '"' insured. Prop~·r itl5trurr,en-t(s) ne~-1-lng tho e5tai·o ,,.. lntor·ost to be Insured must be executed ~nd duly filed fo;-r·ecord, -r-o-wit: 1<. CEiriiFii:O COPY OF GONFIRi.JIITIO)I BY f, COLORADO P110BIIT~ COURT Of lliE PROBATE: OF THE ~STATE OF 1\.G. HILL AI\/\ Ill G. HILL LINOtR ''HOBATE HUI·!BER U0-2445··:" I~ DI1LLi1S OJUNfY, TEXAS. B. SIPPl.F.~IENTARY 1\FFI~AVIT, PURSUANT TO COLO. REI'. SlAT, 1973-36-31-102 J•/ITl-1 RESPECT TO 1\,G. HILL, DECEAJED, I'IHOSE NAI•IE APPEARS AS 1\L G. HILL, IN THE CERTIFIED COPY OF lHE LETT£!1S OF TESTAMEIHARY REl'DRDED JANL!o'tRY 6, 1989 IN 8001( 498 AT ?NJE J7. NOTE: SAID IIFTIDIIVIT ~1UST 8E MADE BY ONE Of LEGAL AOE Cli\VIfiG PERSONAL I<NOWL~DGl 01' T'1!': FACT'S; I•IUST IDENTIFY A.G. HILL AilD AL G, HILL AS OI•IE AfiD n-1[ SAl-IF. PERSON, MUS! STATE THII"I THE PER!;ON NAMED IN THE LCTTERS 01' 1ESTN·IENTAilY liAS AT THE TIME Of DEATH THf. OliNER OF ~LGJI'.CT I'RCPERTY AND I·IUST STATE TIIAT 1\FFifoNf fiAS NO RCCORD INTER~ST IN SLBJECT FROPlRTY. C. DI'ED OF TRUST FROM THE MMGARn HILL ~IMITAL TRUST, VIKOSC TRUSTEE IS 111\RGARH HUNT HILL 10 BE DEEKI•IINED TO THE PUBLIC ·mUSTEE OF Ef\BLE COUHTY FOP. THE USE OF A LENOCH TC DE DCTE~IINEO TO SECURE AN Ar.tOUI<T TO BE DULRJ"'INED. Cmmltmeni Humber f'2376()Y SCIIHJIJL[ 1>·2 TIH'l poI Icy "r poll ci es i·o l>e I e.sued wl I I cnn·r~ 1 n <':Xc"pi" I on to tho i"ol I o.·1lng unlocc~ the samn t11e <Jisposed of i"o tho '""';i,;factlon of iho Company, I. Rlgh"i5 or Gl~lms of peH"i"ies In t>O-';sesoion no1 ~hOI"/11 by the p(fhl ic record<'. l. Easmneon"l".o, or· clalm5 of O<ls<Jinenh, not shown by -the public 1·ecords. 3, Drc,cJ·op,nGies, ~onfllcts In boundm·y llnos, shori"flge" In are~, encroachnlen"l"s, and any faci"o l"lillch a CDITeci" sw·voy ~nd l~spectloll nf He pnxnl~e~ would dl.•;close and which ao·o noi· shmm by j·he public roc;ol·ds. 4. !lny lion or riglrf too I ;en, {or· ~81"'Ji<:es, lobo1· o; rn~-1-Gr'lal herai"ufure or· h"r-o~tter furnished, lmpoc,od l>y IGw "nclnol shown l>y i·lw public rucords. 5. Defects, I iens, oncLJ~br·ances, ndver~" Glcrlms or u·,'hEII' matters, I r-Dny, croorl·eJ, i-lrst uppecwing In iho public records cw '1Huching ~loboeql!ent -;-o ·i·lw errectlvo d•ri·e iler-cof but po·lor io 1-he dute i"he propo~ed lns\wed Gcqulr<.".::. of rco:ord "lnr the vnlue the 8si"a-l-c or lni-erest or mor·tg"!J" i·h~l-ee>n covor·od by this Cuomri·ment. 6. ANY AND ALL UI1P,110 TAXES, ,',SS\:5SI>II:J11\ AND UMREDEf.Mf.D TAX SALES. '1. FlLSTI11lTIOilS APPE.ARING OF ~~WRD Il-l !lllUK 174 AT f'AGf, >53 A~ID Al~ll1lJElJ 1,'! 8001< 393 A-1 PAGE 492, AND AHY AND /ILL AI~~NIJt-tENlS THERETO. SAID RES"II~ICTIONS DO HOT COriTAIN A FORFEITIRE OR 1\SVERTER CLAUSE. U. E/ISE~-ILNT OVE~ THE \"r'ESTLRL'! 10 F-ltT OF SUIJJECT F'f{Cf'FRTY FUR UTILITY AND INCIDEHTiH. f'UWOS[S AS SHO'ilfl ON TI-lt-. f<EWRDED PLAT OF ~Uf>OIVlSIOfl "lfliO I·'QLLO\"IING fiAVC ~LLIHQUISIIEI) lHEIR RICf-1T IN AND TO SAID EliSEI<OIT: VAIL \"//ITER f1Nil SANITATION lJISTiliCI IN l)~EIJ f\ECOIWEll JULY 27, 19Ci7 Al FlCCEYTillti HLt-tliE/1 106293, HOIJNTAIN SI"AfES TELEI'I-IONE Mill "i~l.~GF\Af'H IN DUO REOJ~DED JULY 27, 1%"1 /1-i RECEPTION 106294, HOLLY 0110$~ ~LECTRIC A.'iSCCIATION 11•1 DEED REC0/1DED ,IULY 27, 1961 1\T ~ECG'TION flll(BER IOfi:;>g?, GAS fACILITIES, INC. IN CH.D r{EQJRUCD JULY 27, 1%7 liT RECF.I"TIO!l lll~IBER 1 OG~91. 9, PI;RPUUAL HON-EXCLU~iVE E/\S[~IEIH O'IEI\, U~:DE11 AHD ACfWSS r\ PORIIO" Of' SLBJECT Pfl(_:p[f(IY /IS ORNfTED TO VILLA 'li1U1f1LLA ASSOCIAliNI, I~IC., A COLORI,DO OORfQRATIO", fOil COCISTRLCTION, 1·-IAINTGJANCE, OI'ERI1TION AIID REI'AIR Of-A S'llll-ii·liHG POOL LOCI\T[D OH SlJ-JJECT f'iWf'EHT\' AND TER!-IS ANO WNOITIOHS OF CASi·iEIH D:":ED MlD AGRCHIENl DATED SEPTEI-IlJH1 28, 1967 AHD RUXJRDED llECEt,\BU\ 22, 1%7 IH BOOK ?.11 /IT 1-'liGE 713. !coni·.) The Owner·' s Po I i o:;y of 1·i i"i o i Fl~UI ,m~e GO.'onlii"i"ed for In f·l, is C'"""d·h"en·i, I f emy, ~hul I o:m·laln, In addl-1-i<"' to -1-hG 1-1""1% ~,,-~ (·or·,'l, In Sdwdule !l-2, -;·b<, foiiOI•!IIlg liems; C1 J The OcooJ of Tr u:oi, If uny, r uq\11 red undfl•-Sch<Jdul" 8 S<lc-i I on 1, li"BIIl B, (2) Unpdienl·"d ~n;nlng claim~; IW•<''rv.,·iiolrs lW oxc<;t>i"lono·, In pni~nts cw in Ac·lo ~Ld·horiLing -1-he ;,;'.\Iiiii<;<) ·i·her•,ol. (3) Any c1ncl ~II L>npDiJ i·d;-;0$, 8•,c,s•>>lnAill5 driJ unrodoe~ed hJ;-; solo'i. • • • • COMMONWEALTH lAND TITLE INSUftAN([ COi'ii'ANY A R•l~ ~ < G'OI p "'"""' '-'""""' C.4SC ID HO. F?Y/609 EXC~PTIONS COI-JTIHUEO ••. 10. RES~RVATIOHS AS COflliiii·IED 101 Utj!TED S"IATES P1HENT, 1\S FDLL0\15: SLFIJEC-1 TO ANY VLSTEO MID /ICCi<UEO I\'ATER RIGfHS 1-0i~ MIHI'"G, i\Oi~ICUL'fURAL, MN,Ufi\CTURING m~ OTHER PURPOSES AND RIGII'I~ TO DI-ICIII;s Mm RESERVOI.~S USt.D IH CONfiECIION \'11-ni SLCH !•lATER "IGHIS f,S MAY BE R~COGI·IIZED AND ACkNOWLEQGfl) BY THE LOCAL LU~TOI~S, I.A'I/S AND DECISIQijS OF CO\JlTS AND ALSO SUBJECr '10 THE R I GilT i)f 1 HE PRW;< I ETOR OF A VEIN OH LODE TO EXTRACT AHD %'>10VL HIS ORE THEREFRCM, SHOUUJ HIE SAME BE FOUND JO PENETRATE: OR I~TEf:SECT THE HlE~IIS[S IIEREl!Y GRANTED, AS PHO'IIOEO BY LAII, Af!IJ IHERL IS RESEfWEiJ FH0\1 TilE LAHD IIEI<ffiY GRAN'I'Ell, A RIGfff OF t/AY rKOREOI-1 FOR 01 rcJ-Il~ OR CANALS OJI,STRUCTlD GY 'JHE AUTIIORITY OF THE UNITED STATtS. If. SLRVEY 8Y ENW: VALLEY ENGI~EERIHO JISCLl\SlS lHE I'OLLOWING: I .J SPLIT R.~IL FENCE OFF OF SltlJECT FflOPicRTY ON NORTI-1~/ESTC"LY AND SOLITHEASTERLY LOT LI~ES, ~.) rii•DER 11t\Ll OFF Of SUBJECT ~WER"iY 011 EASTERLY AND NOR'Tl-lf/!OSTERLY LOT lii•IES, 3,) RETAINING WALL OFF OF SUflJECT PHOI'ERTY ON 11ESTEI1LY AfiCl SOUTHE~STERLY LOT LIIKS. 4,) PAVE~1ENT OFF Of SUOJECT PRWERTY ON V/ESTEr1LY LOT LINE. 5.) ELECTRICAL TRAf1Sf0!1MEH BOX OFF Of Sl5JCCT PROPERTY Ofl SOUTHEI~LY LOT li~~E. • • • COMMONWEALTH lAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Comml-limon1-t1umbe1-f'Ll/60'! A "''" " C• '"'' ~"'"""' < "''"" 5CIIIcDIJLE El-2 Tho policy or rollci05 to ba 1,,5uc«J will con·l<!i!l exception -j·o il1e (·ollc•linG unleo-~ ·lhe .omoe Dre dlspostoc of to the satlsicctlon of ihe Con1puny. 1, Rlgirl,, or claims of p~r·i·les In possession no+ oho\m by ti"' public records, 3. Df•,crepancles, conflicts In boundary llnu~, ';hOI'hlges in arn<l, encrm1chmen1·~, nnd Mny t~c'l'•; ~>'hid)~ cor·r·ed SUI'Vt'Y Dnd inspection of "1'1 1e p•·emisc;s woul<l disclose and which ca-o noi-oh<llln by ihe public 1·ecords, ~-Any llfln or right ·i·o n lien, for services, 1,1bor· or """i-orl<;l her·etofore or h•wealtr,.-furnished, iropo"ed by lcl;·/ dnd noi shown by th~ publiG rocorcJ~. 5. Pefeds, licms, cnclfllbl-anl>e:<, ildverse Glaims "'-oi·hel· mqHers, If any, cr-eatGd, firs·f appc;cwlng in iho pubiiG roconls or-~Hachlng ~IJbsequer..r to the cl-lodive dcte hereof but prior to iho cl;:l'i·e tho proposed Insur-ed acquires o'f record {or thB v~I•Je tho ed~i e or rn-ler e~i or mor·tgaga thBreon C\>v<>reJ by i his Ccorm It went. 6. ANY I\IID ALL UNPAID TAXES, ASSCSSMHITS AND li~IRfOa~ILD TAX SALES. 7. RESTRICTIONS t,PPEMIHG OF REtDFlD 111 OOOK 174 AT PAG~ 353 A~ID Ai-1UlDW IN llOOK ~93 AT PfoGE. 492, AND ANY I1ND iii_L i\I-'HIIJ~1F~ITS Tl-l[f(ETO. SAID llESTRICT!ON~ DO NOT CONTAII·I A FOR FE I Tlff~~ ()I-~ I'(~VERTER CLAUSE. 0, EASHIENT OVER THE 1'/CSTlRLY 10 t-~LT OF 5~E'Jt.UT PRCPtRTY f'(Jk UTILITY AND INCltJENTAL PURPOSES AS SHOiiN ON THE RI':COI{I)EIJ PLI\1 OF SUBDIVISION I'll[ I'OLLot/ING KAV~ RELI~IQIJISf-IEO lf-tl:IR RIGHT IN AHD To Sf1ID fASEH~NT: VAIL IJATER liND SIINITAliOI-1 UISTHICl IN DEW RlCOI(UEII JULY :n, 19!:>11\l fd0ClPTIOI1 i<U·m~H 106~9.:i, MOUNHIN STF-TES TCLEPHON~ AND TCLCGRAPH IN OCED RECORDED JLILV 27, 1967 liT REC[PliON 106294, HOLLY Cl<tlSS LOLEGTRiC ASSOCIP.TION IN DEED RECORDED JULY 27, 1967 AT RECEPTIO~I rllRn!'£R 106292, GAS f!ICILI11ES, INC. II~ CHO RECOi<DEO JULY 2'7, 1'Xi7 AT RECEPTION ~ILJ!BER 106291. 9, PEfi?ETIJAL ~1@--EXCLIJSI VE CAS[HEIH GVE11, UNDER AND 1\1}\0SS A POR liON Of SLOJECT PRlPERlY f<S GRA~ITED TO VILLA VALHALLA ASSOCI,~TIO~I, INC., A COLoRADO CDRfORATION, FOR CD~!STRiCTIOH, ~II'.INTEI<AI<CE, orErv~TIOh AjjD REP1\IR Of A S\'iii-1HI~IG POOL LOCATW ON SU3JECT PROPERTY N10 TERI·IS f1ND OJNDITIOi1S OF EASI·,IHIT DEED AND AGI:CE~-IEN'T DATED SEPTEI,·HOR 7U, 1967 AND RECOHDED DECtNBER 22, 1967 IN BOO]( 211 Ar f'IGE 773, (coni'.) TheOwner'sPollc~ynl 1'111e inburanceco'nnlli·te;d for irrlhl~. Comrnii·mon-t, lf@y, ~hall wntnln, In addition to ·JIJe llerrrs so·:-for71: In Schodulo B-2, He (-cllm·rlnrJ Hems: (1) Tlw D<>~d of Trr1st, If crny, r-oqulred under Sclwdulu '3 Sedlon 1, I torn B. (2) Unpqtewled rrrlnlnu cl<olill5; n,c,ervni·ions m· 8Xcep-iiollo In pQtents nr· In Ads allthoriz;n[l Hu ;,,,,~l"nc" ·l·io<S•·eof. (3) ,~n'l <1nrl <rll unpaid f'<1XGs, aH,;s;,sm-'nt" <lllU unrodf")f'ed tax s<rlo,, ' 'i"f"'iH!I! .. ~ lU, IIIII Ill: 'l'llJ3X I'IUZ!IIIIT'51 'bat,.. JlllU1D CATIS m.&I'8IIZ UD ~H pol(l>IJIT, • llolon~do UorvoraU011, Mrd>larto:r .. uod •tOIIJIIQ1" fllr &1>11 111 conoid.,.ot.i<m ot O,o Doll>.r (1.1.00) 111<1 <'tlllor ~04 and nlu.oblol -o:!As:'&U.... ih hml! ~·l.ol, tho .ooo!pt "h>roo! U hot"oby oor.Iooood 0>1d aei<»m<lod&od, .SO.o l,_b:r "'''"'"• rm.i"" &».! quUoJ_o.Jr, oll l.ho r1ljl~, tJ.tlo ond intoroot aequ'-""'1 in tho toll<!vlnr. doooribod ,.ropor\y, t< Vf~t 'I'M'''" OM foo; "lllity ..rul Or••...:• ,.,.,.,., <lo"" tho ""torly o;do or L<>t f:, """ tho ~on ()_,_1) <ooO Utili\)''"" Dro.loos• '""""on\ •l•nr too ::O.ot,dy •i<• or Lot J. >.otO'" IHook '~' V•il V\11•,:•, nnd """""T ""P"""lJ """'llltinR nnol rosonino to'"' C""P""Y• on;r '"' nl\ int.,..,ot:. otJtondoo OO<j\Oirod i11 odd propo"y, .,;oopt ao Ob0\'0 ,._,tno\, PI \m'lr£S:l '>fHE'REO,F, \tiO """!"'OJ' hoo COU"<i 'l\"0 "l"O<ent. j.o bo oxO<:\Itod by ito du]J' authorh•d o~rtooro tb.h ____ ,'""'----·-do.Y or_~"'L----0 i "· CrTY Allll COU!I'IT OF DUl\'Eil) ro;r,: ::cr:::A1:: ~"''.E.:~:m .um !f.LEir'A~Ht 1 ~ . "-' ,. i '"" . "-' mu D1!l!l.l ~· •do tbU tid doy ot _Jt/,1¥"'1"'---~· 196"'1, ·~~'''"'"'"" IKJLY CIIOSS ~IC ASIIOCIA'l'loa, Ill<:,, 0 Colort<lo <::o~tiQn {bou:Lna!h~ u~•rr*<l to u Gnntor), o<l<l tho P'"-•nt -U o! ncord, (l>oro1odtn r.tound to •• <lrantoet~), land tor utilitY purpoooo, which .. o...nt io no lon~r nood~ or ~•oo:l l>y Grantor, an<! Guntooo. !h• outerly l<> feat ot Lot j •nd tn" we~t~rly 10 r~ee of LOt <, aloe< 5-A, VAIL 'IILLAGR, •IFTH ~ILING, oecoe~inq to the recorM<l plot t.h.,reo{. TO RAVE A~ TO HOLD t~o oome, togothar w>th all and olngUlar the oppurhMnceo and pdvihqu Ohueunto ~•longin'l' or in •n¥'fiU tM p1:0p.r uo .. , bon .. fit •M t~hoot M th• 'lr•nhoo, th~i• ouccooooro ond ooo1~ .. •o•oov•r • . . '' . ' ...--. \. ' '' ' . ·' . i ...... -· .. " " . ' .. STAT~ or eoLORAoo co=n or a,.,,.,_w J : ... My COO.hsion bpi no '---""'~'''~~2'?.!-'i''-------- I Pf"'P!J' RIID l %7, bort-en VAlL IIA'l'lm " SJI!Uti\TIOII DIS'I'RlCT, o ':JO'Y<'<-ntcol out•U'<'l.ton o~ th• seoou <>t <':<>l<>r.,_o~oro\,..fhr r•hrrall to u teo!1'f..J-. Gunter}, .,.d. th<IJ><.,.•nth;Vn•~• of .o<l<d, (Mnina~U.r r<t!uroll! to •• lk<Oat-J, OOW 'l'!ll':~~roR~, for and in cono\d.ention o! th<l ou~ of ($10.00) Ten DollUo """ oth.<!< <Jm>d •nd vduoblo ~on•ld•xaHon pdd to Grantor l>y G<~nt.,.o, ~~· r•c~ipt of whkh iO h<lr•hy -~~oowlod<jO<l, <luntor do"" hereby ,_,.i .. , r<>l~u.,, ,.,11, convey •nd quit clai~ The oaot•rly 10 r .. et of LOt J •nd th<! wwotorly 10 teet ot Lot ~. at~~~ 5-A, VIII~ vx~o~. Y!V'l'H rX~INC, •ccordtng to the reo<>rd"" pl•t th•r~ot. TO HAVE Alill TO !!OLD tho oamo, tognther "ith •ll ond oinqulu tho t .... rount<> Opp•<tdning, aM aU the uUu, right, title, lnterut •1>11 clo~'" vh!ltoo•ver o! the <lrantor, o1thu in law or .oq~ity, to lll IIITIIJISS WH!<RZOF, Gnnt<>r h!lo Mnunto ••t ito Mnd {SAt.) ) flr>ot ·-• ""ttton. YAtL WA'!IIIl .li &UiiT~TlOii DlS'UlC'I' "'"'""'"' ,, kf?-~ W, E, Proehl.(¢h s .. ~uOary STATE [)~ COLORAI>O CCUIOr'/ 0~ 21\Q!.E l U, LHtl\ <fay of 1967, by '<oilh L. hnw<l 05 Pl-eshienl and Chairman W. E. Froehlich •• Secro\ of VAlL WATeR & SANlTATlON DISTRICT, I ' 'I'IIIII D!l!O ~· -~• thlo -'''"'''"'-- 1967, ~-~~ !lAS !'~CILI'l'l!S, XIIC., 0 Color..to l:e>rpOUt!OII (hoordB- attu "hru.t to u Gnntor). •~ tllo p~""•nt """"u ol t!O«>N, (horoinott.r re!er~~ to oo Grontaoo}. 10~ for ~tility purpo•••. wbi~h a•••·~~t lo no lonqor ooedod or O>ood lrf Grantor, ond Gnnt .... ($10.0!1) To~ Dollar• al"rl Othor qoocl ood vaLuobh conoid~rotion !>"i<l to Grantor by ~ronteeo, the uo.tl't o! whtcr. 1>' houby ad<nowloolq~. The uotnly )_0 toltt o~ Uot J ood the wooterl.y 10 f ... t ¢! l,.ot k, Blo~~ 5·A, VAn. VILU.UE, Pin!! tn.l~. ~ccording to the record..,., plot thllnof, tfloreunto apperuininq, and all the uhto, dqht, titlo, int .. ut and dot"' wtuotoo"""" o! tho Grantor, either in low or oqulty, ~ 5'1'A'l'£ OP OOLOAAD<:> Ccmtn' DP D~~VBR ~Otb ~ay of GAs PACILITUS, lit:, 1967, ~y l!orloy G Hiqbig Tr . ~ "' ~''''''''''-'"--"'~~------~ o~ CUIS MCILITlES, Illl:., ~ Colcudo I